August 21 - St. Bede Catholic Church


August 21 - St. Bede Catholic Church
Catholic Church
3870 Atlanta Highway Montgomery, Alabama 36109
(334) 272-3463
Fax (334) 272-3492
August 21, 2016
Thank you to everyone who came and
helped in the Church & School grounds
Clean-up on Saturday, August 13th
S a v e t h e D a t e f or . . . . .
August 29 - RCIA class
6:00 pm Parish Hall
September 10-11 - Priest’s
Burse Club Weekend
all Masses - Church
September 11 - first day for RE
Classes (Registration required)
11:15am-12:15pm School
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Regular Mass Schedule
Horario De Misas
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm
Sunday: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Spanish), 5pm
Daily Mass: 6:30am & 8:30am Mon, Wed, Fri.
6:30am Tues, Thurs
8:30am Sat
Confessions: Saturday: 4-4:45pm; Sunday: 7:157:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:45-12:15, 4:15-4:45pm,
15 minutes before each daily Mass
Need a Priest?
Please do not hesitate to call and let us know
when you need us.
Fr. Alex & Fr. Zach
Rectory: (334) 279-9212
Office Phone: (334) 272-3463
Fr. Alex Valladares, Pastor
[email protected]
Fr. Zachary Greenwell, Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Kathy Dean, Office Manager
[email protected]
Elizabeth Segrest, Bookkeeper
[email protected]
Joan Cavan, Coordinator
Religious Education
[email protected]
Mara Maninang, Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
Andrea Nemesszeghy, Youth Coordinator
and Hispanic Liaison
[email protected] or [email protected]
Audra Starrett, Manager
Catholic Children’s Ministry @ St. Bede
[email protected]
Jo Ann Erhardt, St. Vincent de Paul Society
August 21, 2016
ext 203
ext 204
ext 205
ext 207
ext 208
ext 202
ext 209
Vigilia del sábado: 5:00 pm
Domingo: 8am, 10am, 12:30pm (Español), 5pm
Misas diarias: 6:30am & 8:30am lunes, miércoles,
viernes 6:30am martes, jueves
8:30am sábado
Confesiones: sábado: 4-4:45pm; domingo: 7:157:45, 9:15-9:45, 11:45-12:15, 4:15-4:45pm,
15 minutos antes de cada Misa diaria
E-mail Bulletin Announcements by Friday at Noon
(the week before) to [email protected].
Pho ne: (3 34) 27 2- 3 46 3 Fa x : ( 33 4) 2 7 2-3 4 92
O ffi ce H o urs : M - T h 8 am - 4 : 30p m F r i . 8am - 4 p m
Si tiene anuncios para el boletín, mande la información
por correo electrónico a mmaninang @s, lo
más tardar el mediodía del viernes de la semana antes que
quiera que aparezca.
Weekly Offering
Collection 08-07-16
Needed Weekly:
Tithing Year-to-Date:
Tithing Budget-to-Date:
This Year’s Budget:
$ 21,259.82
$ 17,980.77
$ 518,781.99
$ 575,384.62
$ 935,000.00
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
will begin Monday evening, August 29, at 6 pm
in the Parish Hall. RCIA is a journey through which
interested adults discover the depth and fullness of our
Catholic faith. Parishioners are also welcome to attend
as a means of renewing our own knowledge and
commitment to our faith. If you know anyone who is
interested or if would like a personal invitation extended, just
call the office at (334)272-3463.
Barry C. Waite, Grand Knight, KofC #893
[email protected]
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School
St. Bede K4-6: Laurie Gulley, Principal
[email protected]
Middle/High School 7-12: Justin Castanza,
Principal, [email protected] 272-7220
Hearing Assistance Devices: Available in the sacristy.
Deaf Ministry: 5pm Sunday Mass interpreted for the
Wheelchair: Three available in the sacristy for your use.
St. Bede the Venerable Gift Shop: Open Fridays 9-12
noon and Sundays after the 8am and 10am masses.
Keep Posted with all Youth Activities, join the blog
RE Classes: Students in Kindergarten thru 6th grade
meet Sunday morning from 11:15-12:15 in the school.
For Your Convenience
Religious Education (August - Easter)
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
August 21, 2016
From Death into New Life
With Our Lord
Just a few finishing touches
and the landscaping
between the church and
school should be done.
Rose Sanchez Vide
George Manegold
Patrick H. Tidwell
Robert Austin Berry
Aubrey Louis Regalo
Mary Crowe Killian
Sharon R. Neely
Thomas Darrington Hawkins, Sr.
Joseph Peter George
Mary Elizabeth Bared
Mary Jane Farnham
Baby Van Antevey
Thomas H. Veitch
Nichle B. Riddle
Berta T. Segrest
El grupo de oración carismático catolica —
Seguidores de Cristo tiene la oración
los dias sábados de 7 pm hasta 8 pm
en la Iglesia de St. Bede.
Para más información, llame a
Teodardo Coloa Juarez (334) 543-1295
Mass Intentions for August 21 - 27
F u r t h e r i n g Yo u r F a i t h
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults):
Monday evenings in the Parish Hall at 6pm. If
you know anyone who is interested or if you
would like a personal Invitation extended, call
the Office at 272-3463 and ask for Joan Cavan, RE
Bible Study : Tuesdays at 7:00pm in the Parish Hall.
St. Bede Family Night: Dinner, Catechesis and
Fraternity. Every 3rd Wednesday of the month
from 6pm-7:30pm in the Family Life Center.
Catechesis & Adoration : 2 nd & 4 th Thursdays from
6:30pm-7:30pm in the Church.
Montgomery Area Perpetual Adoration
Chapel is open 24 hours, located behind Our Lady
Queen of Mercy Church, 4421 Narrow Lane Rd,
Montgomery AL 36116.Call Priscilla Berry for more
info: 334-288-3292
Pro-Life Rosary : Every Monday, Wednesday, and
Saturday after 8:30am Mass.
Prayer Network: For special prayers or to become
part of the Prayer Network call Joe Crowley at
264-7586 or Cecilia Beesley at 244-0950 .
Vigil 5:00pm
Is 66: 18-2 1; Ps 1 17:1, 2;
Heb 12:5-7, 1 1-1 3; Lk 13: 22-3 0
Special Intentions
In Loving Memory of Mary Osa Souriya
Special Intentions
Special Intentions
2 Thes 1:1-5, 11-12; Ps 96:1-5; Mt 23:13-22
Francis Heuerman
Dwaine Silve
2 Thes 2:1-3 a, 14-17 ; Ps 96 :10-13;
M t 23 :23-2 6
Larry Green (L)
Wednesday: Rv 21:9b-14; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18; Jn 1:45-51
Cary & Dottie Dean
Edward P. Clark
1 Cor 1:1-9; Ps 145:2-7; Mt 24:42-51
Sharon Eckelkamp (D) & Annette Clark (L)
1 C or 1 : 17- 2 5 ; Ps 33 : 1- 2 , 4- 5 , 10- 1 1 ;
M t 25 : 1- 1 3
Fr. C. J. Bogetto
Howard Walker
1 Cor 1:26-31; Ps 3 3: 1 2- 1 3 , 18- 2 1 ;
Mt 25:14-30
Onofrio & Mary Mangione
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
The Altar Flowers are
in Loving Memory of
August 21, 2016
el día 14 de agosto, 2016 a las 2:00 pm en
St. Bede celebrado por el Padre Alejandro
Valladares: Cristina Gomez Lopez hija de
Manuel Gomez Hernandez y Maria Lopez Coj;
Jarely Gomez Rubio hija de Santiago Javier
Gomez Hernandez y Joana Rubio Trejo; David
We love & miss you ,
Santiago Gomez hijo de Santiago Javier Gomez
Hernandez y Dusty Rhodes Bosworth; Alexis
T h e S o u r i y a Fa m i l y
Moreno Carranza hijo de Cutberto Moreno
Romero y Dio Celina Carranza Morelos; Diego
Jeremia Ortiz Ramirez hijo de Manuel Ortiz
Velasquez y Magdalena Ramirez Solis; Luis Ramos De la Cruz hijo de Tomas Ramos Alonzo
y Isabel De la Cruz Leon; Jeremy Antonio Reyes Mendoza hijo de Juan Antonio Reyes
Sanchez y Carmen Yolanda Mendoza Gomez; Byron Alessandro Torres Diaz hijo de Erwin
Martin Torres Lopez y Carmela Diaz Garcia
Mary Osa Souriya
Requirements for Baptism
Parents must be married in the Catholic Church.
If a couple is civilly married or unmarried, they must
make an appointment to meet with the Pastor before
they can have their children baptized.
3. Children age 6 and under will receive the sacrament of
Baptism. From 7 and above, they will receive all three
sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Communion, and
4. Parents must bring a copy of their marriage certificate
from the Church where they were married.
5. Godparents must be practicing Catholics. You may
have a proxy for a godparent/s who may be unable to
6. To have your child baptized, contact Joan at 272-3463
to schedule a Baptism Preparation Class.
7. Baptism in English is every 3rd Sunday of each month
after the 10am Mass.
Requisitos para Bautismo
Los padres deben estar casados por la Iglesia catolica.
Si la pareja está casada civilmente o no están casados,
ellos deben hacer una cita para reunirse con el Pastor
antes de bautizar a su hijo(s).
3. Niños de 6 años o menores van a recibir el scramento de
Bautismo. Niños de 7 años o mayores, recibirán los 3
sacramentos de Iniciación (Bautismo, Primera Comunión,
y Confirmación).
4. Los Padres deben traer una copia de su certificado de
matrimonio de la Iglesia donde se casaron.
5. Los padrinos deben ser Católicos practicantes puede
tener un ‘proxy’ o representante, si un padrino o los
padrinos no pueden estar presentes.
6. La clase de preparación para el bautismo es el primer
sábado de cada mes a las 11:00am en el Parish Hall con la
Srta. Andrea Nemesszeghy.
7. El Sacramento del Bautismo es celebrado el segundo
domingo de cada mes después de la Misa del 12:30pm.
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
St. Bede will take a
2nd collection this weekend, August 20 & 21, for
the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. This appeal
supports home mission dioceses in the United States
by funding essential ministries, including seminary
education and lay ministry training. Please be generous
in this appeal and share your resources to strengthen
the Church at home.
SEGUNDA COLECTA. St Bede va a tener una
segunda colecta el fin de semana del 20 y 21 de
agosto para EL llamado para las Misiones Católicas.
Esta colecta apoya las misiones de nuestras diócesis
aquí en Estados Unidos apoyando ministerios
esenciales, incluyendo educación de los seminaristas y
personas laicas. Por favor sea generoso en este
llamado y comparta sus recursos para fortalecer la
Iglesia en casa.
“A political society endures when it
seeks, as a vocation, to satisfy
common needs by stimulating the
Res pect Life
growth of all its members,
especially those in situations of greater vulnerability
or risk.” - Pope Francis, Address to the Joint Session of
the U.S. Congress September 24, 2015
We pray for our country. May the Lord, the giver
of life, grant that respect for each person shapes
our law and way of life.
C . A . P. P. R E T R A I N I N G.
It is time once again for all religious,
employees and those volunteers who
have substantial contact with children to
complete their Children and Adolescents
Protection Program (C.A.P.P.) retraining. This retraining
is required of all personnel who have already
completed their initial C.A.P.P. training and who
continue to be active in the ministries of the Archdiocese
of Mobile. Retraining can be completed online.
Log on to
The retraining articles will be found on the Office
of Child Protection page. After reading the
articles, take the quiz. You will receive immediate
feedback as to whether or not you pass the quiz.
The online database will be automatically updated
with the new retraining expiration date.
U p d a t e a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e.
If you are new to the parish and would like to
volunteer either at the parish or the school, you will
need to take the initial training. It is offered the
fourth Wednesday of the month which will be
September 28, at the MCPS High School campus at 7pm.
August 21, 2016
Pray for those who are Sick
Paige Barranco
Chuyen Van Nguyen
Paula Castanza
Tommy Nick
Elena Chavez
Louis Perez
Erica Coach
Matthew Cole Pritchard
Chuck Ernest
Pennie Rammelkamp
Jo & Paul Fussell
John Seidel
Avis Gunter
Joseph Shannon
John Hasselwander
Susan Schroering
James Hong
Doreen Skoneki
Tom Jaworowski
Evelyn Stroh
William Chapman Martin
Sis. Taff
Jackson McAlister
Joseph Vide
Susan McGaughy
Mildred Walden
Patricia Nichols
All our Shut-Ins
The Catholic Children’s Ministry
at St. Bede (CCM) is a wonderful
place for your child to learn and
thrive! Please check out our
to see what we do and for tuition
information. There are full and
half day options available for St. Bede families
that need a loving and safe environment for their
children to learn and socialize during the day.
Please contact Audra Starrett for more info at
[email protected] .
21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Join the Priests Burse Club
All it takes is a $12 annual due - no meetings. As a
member, you offer prayer for vocations and financial
assistance for the education of men for the priesthood.
In return, you & your loved ones are remembered in the
daily prayers of seminarians. Envelopes are in the vestibule
for pick-up and you may drop your filled envelopes in the
collection basket or in the Parish office anytime.
Ladies will also be at each Church door to collect dues
the weekend of September 10th & 11th.
I n t e r e s t e d i n C u rs illo ?
Call Rob Barranco at (334) 233-1944 or
email [email protected]
St. Bede
Catholic Church is seeking a director for the traditional
choir. This part-time position requires applicants to
have experience in vocal development and conducting,
be a practicing Catholic, and be available for the 8am
Sunday Mass and choir practice one night a week,
preferably Thursday. Duties include planning the
liturgy, previewing and purchasing music, and directing
the choir.
Interested persons should contact Fr. Alex at (334) 272-3463.
Traditional Latin Mass:
Sunday, August 28th
at 12:30 p.m. Fr. Den Irwin will be celebrating a Missa
Cantata in the Extraordinary Form at St. Martin of Tours
Catholic Church, 725 Highway 87 (and Hwy167) Troy,
AL 36079 (334)-566-2630
From Hwy 231, we are located ½ mile south on Hwy
87/167 (turn toward the Walgreens & Wells Fargo
Bank). The church is on the left side of the road.
Everyone is welcome.
Good for your marriage….
Good for your health ! Natural Family
Planning is offered as a way of living out the
Church’s beautiful teaching on married life.
The next NFP series is scheduled for August 28,
September 25 at 2pm in the St. Bede Family
Life Center. You can register online at and search for classes in zip code
36109. For more information, call Brian and
Vicki Petters at 356-5357 .
August 21, 2016
will meet in the Parish Hall on
Monday, September 12, 2016.
For this month only: Jarrow will meet
at 10:30am and lunch with St. Ann’s at
11:30am. St. Ann’s will have their
meeting at 12noon.
Hostesses are Noelle Potter, Joan Treadaway,
Pat Klein and Linda Brown. Hope everyone had
a great summer and look forward to seeing
everyone on September 12th.
St. Bede Youth Groups Kick-off Meeting. Junior High 7th & 8th
and Senior High 9th-12th will be on Wednesday, August 24th at the
Family Life Center (FLC) from 6:30pm until 8:00pm
We will be playing different games; water balloon dodgeball, whiffle
ball, going down the slip-n-slide, etc…
Bring a change of clothes and a towel.
You can wear your bathing suit if you want BUT everybody needs to
be wearing a T-shirt and shorts AT ALL TIMES.
We will be serving a meal.
Bring your permission forms with you.
Be ready to meet new people and have fun!
“Listen to Water Cooler Catechism featuring Fr. Pat
Driscoll from Holy Spirit Parish and Tom Riello from
Montgomery Catholic Prep on WMGY AM 800
at8am Sunday Mornings and online at and the Archangel Radio app.”
FULL TIME SECRETARY who will perform
receptionist and clerical duties and reports to the
Office Director. Qualifications: High School Diploma
required; excellent oral & written communication skills;
proficient in Microsoft Office software. Successful
candidate will have excellent interpersonal skills, be
well organized, be able to multi-task and will conduct
her/himself in a manner that is reflective of the
Christian philosophy of CSS, must have a valid AL
driver’s license. Send resumes to:
[email protected]. or call 288-8890 ext. 208
for more information. Deadline: August 31, 2016
On August 9th, work on the ground between the Church
and the school began (left), preparing it for landscaping
on Monday, August 15th (above).
"Castilian Roses” will
meet on Friday, September 9
in the Family Life Center
Meeting Room at 9:30am.
Children are welcome. Please bring a
child friendly snack to share.
For questions, please call
Maria Fuentes at 334.303.3953.
We need your help at the chapel, located at
Our Lady, Queen of Mercy Church on Narrow
Lane Road, to remain open around the clock,
giving honor and glory to Jesus in the Blessed
Sacrament. Give Jesus one hour a week and He will pour
out grace upon grace for you and your family and for the
entire world!
HOURS MOST NEEDED: Sun - 12 am, 10am, 2pm &
3pm; Tue 2pm, 6pm; Wed - 8am, 9am, 10am; Fri - 1 pm.
These hours are in immediate need and would be most
appreciated, but we also welcome you to choose any hour
during the week that will work for you.
We also need Prayer Partners for the following: Sundays
5-6pm; Mondays 9-10am, 9-10pm; Tuesdays 4-5pm, 7-8pm,
10-11pm; Thursdays 4-5pm; Fridays 9-10am, 1-2pm, 7-8pm;
Saturdays 9-10pm.
Please call Priscilla Berry at 288-3292 or Beth Russo @
244-7866 to sign up.
St. Bede the Venerable #100450
3870 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, AL 36109
334 272-3463 #0
Mara Maninang
MSPublisher 2013
Adobe Acrobat X
Windows 7
HP laserjet 1320
EMAIL: [email protected]
Monday 3:00pm
August 21, 2016
1 through 8

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