ECISD Plan 2014-2017 - Ector County Independent School District


ECISD Plan 2014-2017 - Ector County Independent School District
Ector County
Independent School District
Professional Learning Plan
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Table of Contents
ECTOR COUNTY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT MISSION......................................................................................................... 4
DISTRICT BELIEFS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
DISTRICT OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
DISTRICT PARAMETERS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
DISTRICT STRATEGIES ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
ECTOR COUNTY INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT PROFESSIONAL LEARNING ......................................................................... 5
ECISD PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DEFINITION ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
ECISD CONTEXT FOR PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DESIGN........................................................................................................................................ 5
Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning ............................................................................................................................. 5
Adult Learning Theory .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
Job-Embedded Professional Learning ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Instructional Coaching.............................................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
ECISD MODES FOR OUTCOME-DRIVEN PROFESSIONAL LEARNING ....................................................................................................................... 7
ECISD PERSONALIZED PROFESSIONAL LEARNING.................................................................................................................................................... 8
Personalized Professional Learning Matrix ..................................................................................................................................................... 8
2014-2015 District-Level Professional Learning Sessions by Content .................................................................................................. 8
Professional Learning Support for Teachers New to ECISD ...................................................................................................................... 9
2014-2015 ECISD Continuum of Learning ........................................................................................................................................................ 9
ECISD LONG-TERM DISTRICT PROFESSIONAL LEARNING INITIATIVES .................................................................................................................... 9
Common Learning Framework (CLF) .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
PLANNING AND EVALUATING PROFESSIONAL LEARNING ......................................................................................................................................10
Needs Assessment for Professional Learning Planning ............................................................................................................................10
Evaluation of Professional Learning .................................................................................................................................................................10
Planning Professional Learning ..........................................................................................................................................................................12
Ector County ISD Professional Learning Facilitator Preparation ..........................................................................................................12
Professional Learning Monitoring .....................................................................................................................................................................12
ECISD PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DEPARTMENT ...................................................................................................................................................12
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING TRACKING SYSTEM .......................................................................................................................................................13
SCHOOL BOARD POLICY GOVERNING PROFESSIONAL LEARNING ..........................................................................................................................13
ECISD PROFESSIONAL LEARNING EXPECTATIONS..................................................................................................................................................13
STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION (SBEC) CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION (CPE) REQUIREMENTS........................................................13
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE ................................................................................................................................................14
ECISD PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PLAN 3-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION ....................................................................................................................14
REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
APPENDICES.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
APPENDIX B: ECISD CONTINUUM OF LEARNING ..................................................................................................................................................16
APPENDIX D: ECISD PROFESSIONAL LEARNING CREDIT EXPLANATION ...............................................................................................................20
APPENDIX E: CMSI CHARACTERISTICS OF A COMPREHENSIVE PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PLAN ........................................................................22
APPENDIX F: ECTOR COUNTY ISD PROFESSIONAL LEARNING DAYS 2014-2015 ...............................................................................................23
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Ector County Independent School District Mission
The mission of the ECISD Community, a passionate, unified, world class leader in education, is to develop
world ready, life-long learners who discover their unique gifts, achieve personal success, and fuel their
community by building unified, comprehensive community support and participation that fosters a standard
of excellence: serving as advocate and steward for all students; ensuring relevant teaching, engaged learning,
and dynamic innovation; and maximizing all available resources.
District Beliefs
 Each person has inherent worth and unique strengths.
 Curiosity and learning are natural and grow without limit given stimulation and nurturing.
 People are interdependent.
 Each individual has a responsibility to add value to self and community.
 Individuals are accountable for their choices and actions.
 Education creates opportunity and opportunity creates a better world.
 Progress improves and adds value to human life.
 Fear limits life’s potential; courage inspires living.
 There is a difference between right and wrong.
 Values learned at home affect a lifetime.
 Leadership is influence; everyone is a leader.
District Objectives
 All students will acquire academic and personal skills necessary for personal greatness.
 All students will understand and appreciate the value of learning.
 All students will invest their unique gifts in their community.
 All students will be confident, influential leaders who accept responsibility.
District Parameters
 We will not compromise excellence.
 We will model our beliefs.
 We will work as a team.
 We will base decisions on what is best for students.
 We will protect teaching and learning as our priority.
 We will recognize and reward success and learn from our mistakes.
 We will succeed regardless of any obstacle.
District Strategies
 We will ensure learning experiences are engaging, challenging, and meaningful.
 We will provide infrastructure to maximize the success of all students.
 We will identify, engage and equip our world class team to accomplish our mission.
 We will establish and sustain an interdependent partnership with parents.
 We will communicate effectively to serve our mission.
 We will model and market our new culture throughout our community to ensure support and
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Ector County Independent School District Professional Learning
In keeping with the mission, beliefs, objectives, parameters and strategies of the Ector County Independent
School District, this Professional Learning Plan will be the basis for designing and implementing a systematic
approach to professional learning that will build the individual and collective capacity of each ECISD team
member to directly or indirectly support each student in actualizing his or her personal talents and interests.
ECISD Professional Learning Definition
Professional learning is a continuous improvement process designed to increase student success by fostering
the individual and collective capacity of each ECISD team member. In ECISD:
 We believe that professional learning should be designed for a clear and compelling purpose which aligns
with the ECISD Strategic Plan and is evaluated based on changes in practice that enhance the educational
experiences of each student.
 We believe that professional learning should be personalized to build the capacity of each team member
to support each student in optimizing his or her potential.
 We believe that each team member thrives when he or she is able to collaborate with colleagues to improve
practice as part of a professional learning community.
 We believe that professional learning should be data-driven, job-embedded, ongoing, and relevant to each
team member’s role and needs.
 We believe that professional learning is most effective when it honors adult learning theory, incorporates
choice, and models engaging and relevant learning strategies.
 We believe that all team members deserve access to job-embedded coaching, mentoring, and peer support
throughout the cycle of learning.
 We believe that each team member has an individual responsibility to ensure personal growth towards
individual and organizational goals.
ECISD Context for Professional Learning Design
Professional learning in ECISD is designed in accordance with the Learning Forward Standards for Professional
Learning, based upon a theoretical framework for adult learning, and emphasizes the importance of jobembedded professional learning structures.
Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning
The Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning (Learning Forward, 2011) are:
1. Learning Communities: Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all
students occurs within learning communities committed to continuous improvement, collective
responsibility, and goal alignment.
2. Leadership: Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students
requires skillful leaders who develop capacity, advocate, and create support systems for professional
3. Resources: Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students
requires prioritizing, monitoring, and coordinating resources for educator learning.
4. Data: Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students uses a
variety of sources and types of student, educator, and system data to plan, assess, and evaluate
professional learning.
5. Learning Designs: Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students
integrates theories, research, and models of human learning to achieve its intended outcomes.
6. Implementation: Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students
applies research on change and sustains support for implementation of professional learning for longterm change.
7. Outcomes: Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness and results for all students aligns
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its outcomes with educator performance and student curriculum standards.
Adult Learning Theory
All Professional Learning in ECISD is grounded in research-based approaches to adult learning. Professional
Learning is chosen and designed to facilitate both individual development and district initiatives. Learning
opportunities are offered to support team members through each phase of the cycle of learning, resulting in
sustainable changes in practice.
All ECISD Professional learning reflects the following beliefs about adult learning which results in building the
capacity for individual expertise and organizational change:
 Adults commit to learning when the goals and activities of the learning are based upon a shared mission
and when there is a clear relevance between the learning and the shared objectives.
 Adults are most committed to learning when their existing knowledge and expertise are honored and
when they are given the opportunity to share their understandings and collaborate to produce common
insights and growth.
 Opportunities for professional learning must be varied and flexible to honor adult preferences for
 Professional learning is most valuable and effective when combined with practical job-embedded follow
up activities (e.g., coaching, mentoring, PLCs) that assist team members in integrating new learning into
existing practices.
 To create lasting and sustainable change in beliefs and practices, professional learning must include
opportunities for non-evaluative feedback and reflection.
 All Professional learning is designed to enhance student educational experiences (Zepeda, 2012)
Job-Embedded Professional Learning
In ECISD, we emphasize job-embedded professional learning (JEPL), which is the collaborative study of practical
elements related to the daily work of each team member. JEPL takes place in the job setting during the workday
to identify problems of practice and collectively analyze solutions to improve student learning (Learning
Forward, 2011). The conditions under which it takes place necessarily make it timely, relevant, practical, and
personalized. JEPL facilitates feedback and reflection, which foster the long-term adoption and transfer of new
skills and beliefs, resulting in continuous improvement of the educational process. Examples of JEPL include
professional learning communities, instructional coaching, mentoring, and collaborative assessment
Campus Curriculum Facilitators (CCF)
Campus Curriculum Facilitators are content facilitators who support professional learning by providing
assistance with various forms of JEPL, as well as working directly with teachers in their schools and classrooms
to assist with the application of new knowledge and skills necessary to improve the academic performance of
all students (Killion & Harrison, 2006). Coaches work with team members to achieve individual, campus, and
district goals by building capacity in team members through discussion, modeling, observation, and reflection.
According to Killion and Harrison (2006), campus based instructional coaches work closely with building
principals and teachers on a daily basis to support instructional improvement and therefore can and should
create a direct link between district curricular initiatives and timely feedback from the campuses regarding
implementation and fit of those initiatives.
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ECISD Modes for Outcome-Driven Professional Learning
In ECISD, Professional learning takes a variety of forms that are differentiated based upon preferences of adult
learners, role related needs, and the nature of the learning. These modes consist of:
 Action Research: Team members collaborating in a solution-oriented investigation in which members identify a sitebased concern, research improvement strategies, test solutions, evaluate impact, and make recommendations that
directly or indirectly improve the learning experience of students.
 Book Studies: The reading of an agreed upon book(s) that may offer insight into the improvement of education; provide
an opportunity to compare those practices that have been successful in other locations; and/or provide an opportunity
to keep abreast of the latest innovations that might prove effective. Reading is followed by discussion of content during
regularly scheduled sessions.
 College or University Coursework: A designated course of study for which university credit is offered. Each credit must
be a requirement of an approved degree plan, preferably in the field of education.
 Common Formative Assessment Development: Teams of teachers meet to examine data, design an assessment
blueprint, and collaboratively write an assessment that will be used to assess student mastery of unit goals. Scaffolded
instructional lessons and activities are planned to facilitate mastery necessary for success on the common formative
 Conferences: Local, state or national experiences selected to broaden knowledge and to assess adaptability of outside
 eCourse: Online or blended learning which utilities varied and flexible modes of innovative technologies for learning,
collaboration, and reflection. Examples include GT Update/Twice Exceptional Students, Simple K12 and flipped
professional learning.
 Instructional Coaching: Job-embedded professional learning aimed at building the capacity of individuals and teams
through facilitated planning, discussion, modeled instructional delivery, and observation in order to facilitate reflection
and growth.
 Job Shadowing: A process through which a team member spends one or more days observing an expert in a jobembedded environment
 Leadership Academies: Professional learning sessions that use a cohort model to build transformational leadership
capacity, develop teamwork, engage in action research, and incorporate job-embedded learning opportunities.
Examples include Aspiring Leaders Academy, Aspiring Coaches Academy, ECISD Visioning Institute, and Assistant
Principal Academy.
 Learning Institutes: Mini-conferences scheduled over one or more days offering a menu of sessions revolving around
integrated themes with expert presentations and opportunities for collegial discussion, networking and planning.
Examples include Administrators’ Symposium, and Job-Alike Professional Development.
 Mentoring: A multi-faceted system of support designed to encourage each team member to manage his or her own
learning in order to maximize potential, develop skills, and build capacity.
 Phase I Implementation: Core teams established to implement specific programs or strategies, collaboratively study
results, and make recommendations for future use.
 Professional Learning Community: A structure that allows for collaborative learning among team members who work
interdependently, interact regularly, share a common purpose, reflect on practice, and hold each other accountable
for continuous improvement.
 Professional Learning Session: A brief event designed to build awareness and provide basic information relevant to
team member’s role and responsibilities.
 Reflective Friends: A collaborative group of team members who use protocols to observe practice and reflect on
outcomes in order to envision possibilities for organizational change. The resulting formative data is left for the host
site to reflect upon in order to directly or indirectly improve the learning experience.
 Required Annual Trainings: Online professional learning developed in accordance with Texas Education Code and local
requirements that is required for all team members.
 Training-of-Trainer: A strand of concentrated study aimed at a limited number of team members who make a
commitment to support colleagues through job-embedded professional learning structures. Examples include
Latitude2Learn Trailblazers and tablet deployment trainers.
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Although valuable for other purposes, the following do not align with the ECISD definition for professional
 Meetings that do not include learning with a goal aligned to the ECISD Strategic Plan
 Practices or performances that are not organized with a clear learning goal aligned to the ECISD Strategic
ECISD Personalized Professional Learning
To meet the needs of each ECISD team member varied and flexible professional learning opportunities are
continuously developed, monitored and supported by the Professional Learning Department. Structures for
Professional learning differ based on the intended outcome. These structures include district-level, jobembedded, and individualized professional learning. Professional learning is also personalized based on the
career path of each team member. Professional learning cycles in future years will reflect specific expectations
for each team member. The matrix below provides an overview of how professional learning is personalized
based on structure and career path.
Personalized Professional Learning Matrix
Beginning: Team
member who is
new to a
Team member
who has gained
experience in
the current
assignment and
deepening skills.
Meeting: Team
member who
has gained a
deeper level of
experience in
the current
assignment and
specific skills.
Expert: Team member
who has gained the
highest level of
experience in current
assignment and is
viewed as a leader in the
District-Facilitated: PL
focused on increasing the
effectiveness of team
members through learning
opportunities that lead to
the achievement of the
ECISD Strategic Plan.
Job-embedded: PL to provide
specific opportunities for
school and department goals
that are aligned to the ECISD
Strategic Plan.
Individualized: PL to meet
each team member’s
personal needs and goals
that are aligned with the
ECISD Strategic Plan.
2014-2015 District-Level Professional Learning Sessions by Content
The 2014-2015 District-Level Professional learning list of session by content is available electronically at This plan is updated as necessary based on campus and district needs.
Team members may also use Eduphoria Workshop to register and search for courses.
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Professional Learning Support for Teachers New to ECISD
All teachers new to the District shall be assigned a mentor and shall successfully complete a District-sponsored
one-year induction program. Scheduled induction activities shall be conducted for teachers new to the District
including New Teacher Orientation, which is generally held one week prior to teacher in-service in the fall.
Attendance at these activities is mandatory and failure to attend could affect future employment in the District.
Ongoing professional learning is also designed to meet the unique needs of teachers who are new to ECISD.
2014-2015 ECISD Continuum of Learning
The continuum of learning by departments serves as a flexible document that allows for the development of
professional learning courses based on identified critical needs. This is a living document which will evolve with
significant input from campuses and departments as the Professional Learning Department becomes more
integrated with campuses and departments. See Appendix B for the ECISD Continuum of Learning for 20142015.
ECISD Long-Term District Professional Learning Initiatives
Common Learning Framework (CLF)
ECISD provides training in, and supports, a set of six instructional strategies, called the Common Learning
Framework (CLF), which is used by students and team members to create common vertical and cross-curricular
tools for learning. The six CLF strategies are:
Talking to learn creates the space for students to articulate their thinking and strengthen their voice. It can take
place in pairs, in collaborative group work and as a whole class. As students become accustomed
to talking in class, the teacher serves as a facilitator to engage students in higher levels of
discourse. Talking to learn opens the space for questioning, effective scaffolding, successful
collaborative group work and deeper thinking literacy groups.
Scaffolding helps a student connect prior knowledge and experience to new information. Teachers use this
strategy to connect students with previous learning in a content area as well as with previous
learning in an earlier grade. Scaffolding also helps facilitate thinking about a text by asking student
to draw on their subjective experience and prior learning to make connections to new materials
and ideas.
Literacy groups provide students with a collaborative structure for understanding a variety of texts/media and
engaging in a higher level of discourse. Group roles traditionally drive literacy groups by giving
each student a role to play and a defined purpose within the group. The specific roles or
discussion guidelines may vary for different content areas, length of material, or student level of
sophistication using this strategy, but the purpose of literacy groups is to raise student
engagement with content material by creating a structure within which they may do so.
Collaborative group work involves bringing students together in small groups for the common purpose of
engaging in learning. Effective collaborative group work is well planned and strategic. Students
are grouped intentionally with each individual held accountable for contributing to the group
activity. Each activity is designed so that participants with diverse skill and knowledge levels are
supported as well as challenged by their peers.
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Questioning challenges students and teachers to use good questions as a way to open conversations and further
intellectual inquiry. Effective questioning (by the teacher and by students) deepens classroom
conversations and the level of discourse students apply to their work. Teachers use this strategy
to create opportunities for students to investigate and analyze their thinking as well as the
thinking of their peers and the materials that are used in each of their classes.
Writing to learn is a strategy through which students can develop their ideas, their critical thinking ability and
their writing skills. Writing to learn enables students to experiment every day with written
language and increase their fluency and mastery of written conventions. Writing to learn can
also be used as formative assessment and as a way to scaffold mid- and high- stakes writing
assignments and tests.
Planning and Evaluating Professional Learning
Needs Assessment for Professional Learning Planning
Assessment of professional learning needs across the district will include, at a minimum, the following
informational feedback sources:
 Clarification of district expectations for effective organizational leadership, instructional leadership,
teaching that support educators in attainment of student learning success.
 Identification of professional learning needs and offerings will be based on consideration of
data/feedback from:
o A range of data sources that provide information about student learning
o ECISD Strategic Plan
o Evaluative feedback on prior offerings
o Team Member performance appraisals
o Self-assessment of job-specific and broader learning needs
o Information regarding innovation efforts and introduction of new expectations
o Legal and regulatory requirements
o Collaborative classroom observation tools
Evaluation of Professional Learning
In order for ECISD team members to receive credit for professional learning completed within the District, a
survey questionnaire of the professional learning event must be completed through Eduphoria! Results are
analyzed for improvement measures. The questions are:
1. Which of the following best describes the primary purpose of this training?
a. To communicate new ideas for me to consider using in my job
b. To provide an opportunity for me to learn from other professionals
c. To help me understand new content
d. To help me apply/implement new content in my job
e. Purpose not clear
f. Other comments about the primary purpose of this training:
2. Which of the following best describes the usefulness of this professional learning?
a. Good start
b. Good start, but I have questions
c. Good start and I look forward to using the new ideas
d. Provided everything I need to use the new ideas
e. Don’t think these ideas will work very well
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f. Too soon to tell
3. Indicate the extent to which this session met your professional learning needs.
a. Addressed my needs completely
b. Addressed some of my needs
c. Did not address my needs
d. Did not help much because I was already familiar with this topic
4. To what extent was this professional learning aligned with ECISD goals and beliefs for continuous
a. Closely aligned
b. Somewhat aligned
c. Not aligned
d. Don’t know
5. Which of the following best describes the likelihood that you will apply what you have learned in your
a. Currently use and it seems to work well
b. Looking forward to using in the next few weeks
c. Looking forward to using sometime later in this year
d. Would like to use, but do not have the necessary materials
e. Previously used but did not work well
f. Previously used but was not appropriate for my situation
6. Other comments:
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Planning Professional Learning
Of all of the professional learning decisions made, none is more important than the linkage of efforts to district
change. To justify time, energy, and money invested, professional learning activities offered in ECISD are
research based, proven in practice, and relevant to the district, campus, and department goals. Professional
learning events are designed in order that participants will understand the learning outcomes and the relevance
to other practices, strategies, policies or procedures that are currently in use or will be in use.
Employing a backwards design model, the ECISD Professional Learning Plan includes a planning framework to
guide all campuses and departments in planning quality professional learning for all team members. By utilizing
the planning framework a common language and planning sequence will be employed ensuring that a standard
process is in place. The process includes these concepts:
● Planning for professional learning will begin with end goals for student and teacher learning based on a
needs assessment.
● New practices or strategies are matched to the desired student achievement result.
consideration is given during the planning process to provide on-going support from district and campus
personnel as the new learning strengthens and becomes sustainable.
● Professional learning activities build on an existing knowledge base needed to ensure success with new
● Design of the professional learning activities match the best delivery approach with the intended
audience and the new skills that will be a result of the learning activity.
Ector County ISD Campus Curriculum Facilitator Preparation
Job-embedded Professional learning necessitates that members of the learning community be skilled facilitators
of Professional learning and collaborative study. To build the capacity of all professionals to lead and participate
in this work, ECISD offers the following preparation sessions:
 Learning Forward Coaching Academy
 Learning Forward Tips, Tools, and Techniques for professional learning
 Ginger Tucker mentoring professional learning
Professional Learning Monitoring
It is expected that all supervisors actively support their team members in their professional growth activities
through the collaborative development of annual growth targets, the ongoing monitoring of performance and
annual appraisal. All professional learning sessions in ECISD are required to follow a consistent process for
planning and evaluation. These requirements are in place to ensure that all professional learning is of the
highest quality and has a lasting impact on team member performance and ultimately results in improved
student achievement.
ECISD Title II and Professional Learning Department
The Professional Learning Department supports and facilitates professional learning sessions throughout the
district. The specific roles of the department are as follows:
• Support all district, campus, and department based professional learning to ensure alignment with ECISD
Strategic Plan
• Coordinate professional learning resources within the organization
• Assist individuals seeking support for their own identified professional or personal growth activities
• Guide implementation of ECISD Professional Learning Plan
• Facilitate the development and implementation of ECISD’s comprehensive instructional coaching model
• Assist in identification of appropriate resources for planned professional learning opportunities
• Publish a calendar of scheduled professional learning activities
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Use social media, email, web-site and other communication avenues to inform team members of
learning opportunities
Gather data on effectiveness of professional learning offered throughout the district
Prepare long range planning for district, school, and department learning plans
Professional Learning Tracking System
Eduphoria! Workshop is a professional learning management system that allows team members to enroll in
ECISD professional learning, submit out-of-district courses for credit, and track their own professional learning
in one centralized location. The Professional Learning Department utilizes Eduphoria! Workshop to:
• Standardize groups and categories in a concise manner to assist team members in their searches for
professional learning offerings
• Follow a naming standard for all courses
• Provide the required end of course evaluation feature
• Facilitate the transfer of professional learning hours via the import/export of portfolios
• Standardize the process for tracking professional learning
School Board Policy Governing Professional Learning
ECISD School Board Policy DMA (Legal) and (Local) outlines the mandated areas of professional learning. Policy
DMD (Local) outlines the parameters for professional meetings and conferences. Policy EG (Local) describes
expectations for teacher professional learning in curriculum and instruction. This expectation for teacher
professional learning supports the alignment of the written, taught and the tested curriculum. Board Policy
BQA (Local) requires that the District Planning Committee serve in an advisory role except that the committee
must approve professional learning of a District-wide nature. Finally, Board Policy BQB (Local) requires campus
committees to approve professional learning of a campus-wide nature.
ECISD Professional Learning Expectations
ECISD team members are expected to earn 240 professional learning hours every five years (See DMA Local).
Educators with a standard certificate are subject to mandatory professional learning requirements and must
provide evidence of their earned hours to the Texas Education Agency every 5 years. See State Board of
Education (SBEC) Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Frequently Asked Questions at See Appendix D, ECISD professional learning credit, for professional learning
maximum hours per activity.
State Board of Education (SBEC) Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Requirements
All educators should model the philosophy of life-long learning and participate in professional learning activities
that focus on the need to continually update knowledge in content, best practice, research, and technology that
is relevant to the individual’s role as an educator. Each individual who holds a Standard Certificate is responsible
for renewing the certificate. The rules adopted by the Board for renewing certificates are codified at Title 19,
Part VII, Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 232, Subchapter A, and are available through the Texas Education
Agency (TEA) web site ( CPE requirements for each class of certificate are as follows:
 classroom teachers must complete 150 clock hours every five years;
 dyslexia CPE training is required for educators who teach students with dyslexia and must include new
research and practices in educating students with dyslexia.
 counselors, media specialists, educational diagnosticians, educational diagnosticians, superintendents,
principals, and assistant principals must complete 200 clock hours every five years.
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Request to Attend Professional Development
The following Operating Guideline shall dictate the process for the selection and approval of all professional
development sessions/providers for the Ector County I.S.D. These guidelines should be followed to obtain
approval for all professional development opportunities that directly impact classroom instruction (funded by
campus, district budgets or sponsored or donated services from a booster club or non-District entity).
Exceptions to these guidelines may include professional development related to athletics, fine arts, or other
district-related technical operations. Any action outside of this operating guideline is a violation of this
guideline and ECISD (referred to herein as “the district”) Regulations. The effective date for the DNDPDA-OG is
The Director of Title II will provide notification regarding the District PD Approval Committee
deliberations/decisions within 24 hours of the conclusion of each of the meetings. Notification will also be
forwarded to Henri Lewis, Albert Valencia, Julia Clay, and Sylvia Villarreal to inform them of incoming
processing and/or travel arrangements. (Note) If the approved PD is funded via federal or state (such as Title
I, or SCE), please refer to those guidelines for obtaining funds once approval for the professional development
has been received from the committee.
Professional Learning Advisory Committee
The District shall maintain a professional learning committee to advise the Superintendent or designee in the
planning of the professional learning calendar and opportunities for growth. Each campus shall designate a
professional learning contact person who shall meet biannually to communicate with the Superintendent or
designee and the District Education Improvement Committee (DEIC). The DEIC shall annually approve the
District’s professional learning plan. See DMA (Local) and BQA (Local).
ECISD Professional Learning Plan 3-Year Implementation
The time span of the ECISD Professional Learning Plan is three years, with annual review and adjustment as
needed to address emerging needs or other changes impacting priorities for these services. Each
current/immediate year’s plan will contain explicit and complete information for each group of team members.
The future two years will contain a general informational framework that will be developed in detail as data and
other feedback lead to specific contents and contexts for the professional learning offerings. As a year of
learning is completed, the subsequent plans will be modified as needed and the third year projected and added
to the plan. The plan is based on the Curriculum Management Systems, Inc. (CMSi) characteristics of a
comprehensive professional learning plan, research-based best practices in adult learning theory, and standards
for professional learning. See Appendix E for CMSi characteristics of a comprehensive Professional Learning
Killion, J., & Harrison, C. (2006). Taking the Lead: New roles for teachers and school-based coaches. Oxford:
National Staff Deveopment Council.
Learning Forward. (2011). Standards for professional learning. Oxford, OH: Learning Forward.
Zepeda, S. (2012). Professional development: What works. Larchmont, NY: Eye On Education.
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Appendix A: ECISD Continuum of Learning
Advanced Academics
Year 1
Year 2 and on-going
Teachers: 30 hours of training that includes nature
and needs of gifted/ talented students, assessment
of student needs, and curriculum and instruction
for gifted students.
Administrators/Counselors: 6 hours that includes
nature and needs of GT students and program
6 hour update in gifted education annually. World
Café of Strategies
Orientation to software and procedures
Data Disaggregation; AWARE Basics by roles;
Assessment Updates; Data Analysis; Local
Assessments Procedures; State Testing:
Accommodations, TELPAS, STAAR Alt; Campus Test
Coordinator’s Training; State Required Training for
Campus Test Coordinators; TELPAS Workshop;
State Testing Procedures; Post Testing Protocols
and Procedures
Teachers- Introduction to appropriate academic
and behavioral interventions. Training on RtI, Laser
Focus, And the SST process.
Administrators- Annual Training based on
legislative updates, policy changes, and district
needs. Introduction to conducting SST meetings
and implementing the RtI process with fidelity.
Understanding how to document using Laser
Teachers- review of interventions, RtI process.
Administrators- Annual Training based on
legislative updates, policy changes, and district
needs. Review of conducting and implementing RtI
and documentation in Eduphoria.
At Risk (includes
teachers and campus
at risk administrators)
AVID Summer Institute (3 days)
AVID Elementary Teacher Foundations
Training (for non-trained 4th-6th)
Monthly Secondary AVID Coordinator
Meetings for Updates
Monthly Elementary AVID Coordinator
meetings for updates
AVID CRT (Culturally Relevant Teaching) Path
AVID Tutor Training Part 1 & Part 2 (two days)
Orientation for all Bilingual/ESL teachers;
Orientation for international teachers; Legal;
Instructional professional learning; parental
AVID Summer Institute (3 days)
AVID Elementary Teacher Foundation Training (for
non-trained 4th-6th gr)
Monthly Secondary AVID Coordinator meetings for
Monthly Elementary AVID Coordinator meetings
for updates
Fall and Spring Regional AVID Elective Teacher
AVID Tutor Training Part 1 & Part 2 (two days)
LPAC session for new administrators
3 LPAC Update Sessions (BOY, MOY, EOY); -Pre-Las
and Las Links on Line Training
Summer School PK-K PD
Sheltered Instruction (SIOP) Training for new
Sheltered SIOP webinars for teachers.
ELPS Instructional Tool Modules training.
On-going professional development for new
bilingual teachers (Balanced Literacy)
Reading, Math and Science intervention on line
trainings (Pasaporte, Time for Kids, Targeted Math,
Exploring Math, Scientific Minds)
16 | Page
Year 1
Year 2 and on-going
-Secondary Reading teachers monthly training
-Summer School 6th grade training
-ESL Adoption program PD for new teachers
- World Café of Strategies
-Bilingual/ESL peer observation training
-Bilingual/ESL Teacher Instructional Focus Group
-Parenting Partner Family Leadership Training
-The Latino Literacy Project Training
-ESL classes for parents
-Spanish classes for ECISD staff
Orientation; Travel Process Training (other training
with all team members)
Annual Updates and Training: Purchasing Process
and Requisition Entry; Munis; Kronos SuperUser
Training; Workers Compensation & Leave Training;
Accounts Payable Process Training; Travel Process
Training; Activity Fund Training; Purchasing
Technology Supplies and Equipment; Budget
Career and Technical
Orientation; Curriculum Preview and Lesson
Planning with Mentor; Review CTE Policy and
Safety and State Updates; Course specific
curriculum review and lesson planning; Specialty
trainings PLTW, GTT, Robotics, Synergistics, Career
Training; Travel and Budget updates; conferences;
Special Pops in CTE, CTE HB5 Updates; Dual Credit
in CTE; College & Career Readiness; (From August)
Team building; Differentiating Instruction; Teaching
Strategies; Effective Classroom Management for
CTE; Parental Input and Communication with
Families; CTE Initiative Updates from National;
Child Nutrition
2 times @ month – safe food handling practices,
updates and new mandates
At least every 3 years: Training related to the
distinction between a discipline management
technique used at the principal’s discretion and the
discretionary authority of a teacher to remove a
disruptive student (Ed Code Ch. 37, Subch.G)
Administrators’ Symposium
Elementary ELA; Math;
Social Studies
Curriculum Preview
Course 1 – based on grade level and content
Curriculum Update, Preview, and Review; Balanced
Literacy, Guided Math, Intervention Training;
Social Studies and Writing Across the Curriculum
Curriculum Preview, Assessments, STAAR, Animal
Certification Training Parts A and B; Science
Notebooks 101; Integrating Technology; Inquiry
and Engineering, Course 1
Curriculum Review, STAAR, Science Notebooks
with Inquiry; Integrating Technology; Inquiry and
Engineering; Do it! Talk it! Write it!; Expository
Science Writing/ Targeting the Tough TEKS; 5E
Model Inquiry Science 101; Science Vertical Team;
Curriculum Review Team; Science Summer
Custodians (including subs): Weekly updates: All
Washed Up; Back Belts; Hand Safety; Hazardous
Com Overview; Hazardous Labels; MSDS; Hearing
Protection; ABC Fire Extinguishers; Job Hazard
Analysis; Ladder Safety; Personal Protective
Business Services
Elementary Science
17 | Page
Year 1
Year 2 and on-going
Equipment; Shortcut to Disaster; Step Ladders;
Carpet Care; Restrooms/Lockers/Summer Plans;
Slippin/Trippin; Local, State, and National
Maintenance and Grounds: Weekly updates: All
Washed up; Slag Injury; Tag You’re It; Trenching
Safety; Back Belts; Hand Safety; Hazardous Com
Overview; Hazardous Labels; MSDS; ABC Fire
Extinguishers; Horsing Around; Job Hazard
Analysis; Ladder Safety; Personal Protective
Equipment; Shortcut to Disaster; Slippin/Trippin;
Tractor Safety; local, state, national mandates
Fine Arts
Orientation; TEK Integration; Event Planning;
Fundraising; Ethics; Inventory; UIL Code of
Conduct; Budget; Lesson Plan Design and
Development; Marching Band Directors must also
have AED
Curriculum Review; Upcoming Event Planning and
Review; Lesson Plan Design and Development;
Curriculum Refinement and Updating; Exhibitions
and Competitions; Auditions, Concerts; Events;
Integrating Technology; Content-specific
Curriculum Preview; CPR-First Aid/AED Training;
Sportsmanship Training
Curriculum Review; CPR-First Aid/AED Training; PE
Activities; Specific Skill Training and Lesson
Planning; Rules Clinic; Leadership in Coaching
Human Resources
HR Series: Making the Grade: Documentation A-Z;
Understand Me, Don’t Manage Me: Supervising
Gen Y Mindset; Interviewing for Success
Technology Overview
Student Logins, Lab Management, Networking,
Printing, Email; Online Resources, WebMail;
Eduphoria (Profile, Workshop, HelpDesk,
Forethought, Aware); Google Account Set Up of
Campus pages. Website
Software - MS Office - Campus & Content specific;
Hardware Overview - Campus & Content specific;
Interactive devices, projectors, Document
Cameras; Tablets
Technology Updates: District Vision, District
Software, and Tablets; Campus-based training
based on campus needs; Digital Citizenship;
Netiquette, Communication; Social Media;
curriculum integration; Eduphoria Suite; Google
Languages Other than
English (LOTE)
Curriculum Preview; Meaningful Writing
Instruction in an Age of Testing; Springboard
Curriculum Review and Lesson Planning; Omega
Collaboration; STAAR Curriculum Connection and
Planning; Campus Team Planning; Online Book
Review; Course Lead Training; Balanced Literacy
Training for Intermediate Teachers; Benchmark
Writing Scoring; Summer School and STAAR
Academy Training
Mentoring on the
Meet your Mentor/Buddy; Roles and Expectations;
weekly/bi-weekly/monthly meetings as needed
Available based on identified needs
Based on role: Orientation; Kronos; Sungard;
Budget Software; Eduphoria Workshop and
Forethought; MS Office; SIS; TEAMS
Updates based on role: Kronos; Sungard; Budget
Software; Eduphoria Workshop and Forethought;
MS Office; SIS; Instructional and Administrative
Tools; End of Year Procedure Training
18 | Page
Project Based Learning
Required State and
Federal Training
Required ECISD
Employee Documents
Year 1
Year 2 and on-going
Sexual Harassment
Bullying Awareness
Blood-borne Pathogens
Promoting Digital Citizenship
Sexual Abuse Prevention Training
Recognition of Maltreatment of Children and
Children Abuse Reporting Training
 Working with Students with Disabilities for nonspecial ed staff
Employee Handbook
Responsible Use Guidelines for Technology
Employee Code of Conduct
Instructional Grading and Reporting Procedures
Conflict of Interest
Supplemental Employment
Job Description
Suicide Prevention
Annual Training based on legislative updates,
policy changes, and district needs.
Annual Training based on legislative updates,
policy changes, and district needs
Orientations, Preview Curriculum and write lesson
plans; CPR-First Aid/AED Training
Specific Curriculum Development and Refinement;
CPR-First Aid/AED Training
Safe and Secure
District police
Crossing Guards – 6 two hour meetings to update
Parking Lot Monitors – 4 two hour meetings to
update expectations
Campus Employees – Weekly meetings at home
-District Employees
Crossing Guards – 6 two hour meetings to update
Parking Lot Monitors – 4 two hour meetings to
update expectations
Campus Employees – Weekly meetings at home
School Nurse
Orientation; CPR-First Aid/AED
CPR-First Aid/AED
At least every 3 years: Training related to the
distinction between a discipline management
technique used at the principal’s discretion and the
discretionary authority of a teacher to remove a
disruptive student (Ed Code Ch. 37, Subch.G)
Administrators’ Symposium
Curriculum Preview; Meaningful Writing
Instruction in an Age of Testing; Springboard
Curriculum Review and Lesson Planning; Omega
Collaboration; STAAR Curriculum Connection and
Planning; Campus Team Planning; Online Book
Review; Course Lead Training; Balanced Literacy
Training for Intermediate Teachers; Benchmark
Writing Scoring; Summer School and STAAR
Academy Training
Curriculum Preview; Write 3 weeks of lesson plans
collaboratively; Common Assessments
Curriculum Review and Lesson Planning; Writing
Common Assessments; Instructional Strategies;
Data Disaggregation to assess weaknesses, plan
and create activities; Curriculum Writing; Math
Trailblazer Training; Vertical Alignment Cadre;
Content planning
Secondary ELA
Secondary Math
19 | Page
Secondary Science
Secondary Social
Year 1
Required Safety Training; Curriculum Preview and
lesson plan writing; Science Notebooks; 5E; Special
Education and Science
Social Studies Best Practices, Curriculum Preview,
Formative Assessment
Year 2 and on-going
Curriculum Review and lesson planning;
Assessments; Argumentation, Inquiry, STAAR;
Course level planning; Data Disaggregation and
collaborative team planning; Benchmark Data and
Blitzing; Science Engineering Fair of Houston;
Science Fair
Course Specific Collaboration; Omega
Collaboration; STAAR/EOC Data Analysis &
Targeted Re-teaching, Reading and Writing in
Social Studies, Pre-AP Strategies, Technology
Integration, Course Lead Training
Special Education
Orientation; Team Meeting
Specialty training (SLP, AA, SD, Pass, Resource, DH;
LSSP; Diag.; SLL; Homebound; OT; PT; Assistive
Tech Support Team); CPI: Non-violent Crisis
Intervention Training; Cohort Instructional Team
Leaders; STAAR Alternate Modules; Assessments;
Job Coach; Processes and Procedures; Agency
Forum and Inclusion Resource Workshop; Agency
Forum for Moderate to Severe Disabilities; Team
Leadership; ABA Boot Camp; Introduction to Co:
Writer and Write: Out Loud; Boardmaker
Advanced; OT/PT The Role of Related Services in
the School System; Reviewing the RTI Process;
Classroom-based Strategies for the General Ed
Setting; District Updates; Review of Sensory
Interventions from Response to Intervention to
Direct Service; Quick Fixes for Adaptive Seating;
Clas-Role in ESY Paperwork and Staffings;
Transition Programs in ECISD; End of Year Planning;
eSPED Training for Campus Admin; Dyslexia Brown
Bag Lunches; 504 eSPED for Campus Admin;
Inclusion TOT; Inclusion Para Training
UIL Sponsors/Coaches/
Trainers/ Cheerleader
Orientation; AED; Extracurricular Activity Safety
Athletic Coaches: Steroids; Concussions
Updates: AED; Extracurricular Activity Safety
Athletic Coaches: Steroids; Concussions (every
other year)
National Board
Orientation and Information session (Do not meet
the qualifications unless have taught 3 or more
Support meetings throughout the school year
New Teacher
ECISD Orientation; Benefits; PDAS; Curriculum
(prior to start of contract); Campus meeting with
lead mentor, mentor, buddy, and other new
teachers; Ginger Tucker training for campus Lead
Adult Education
6 hours pre-service training
12 hours annually if Texas teacher; 24 hours for
non-Texas teachers until they have 6 hours of adult
education college credits or have 2 years of
Appendix D: ECISD Professional Learning Credit Explanation
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(Hour for hour)
(National, State or Regional affiliated conferences: all hours qualify for Standard Certificate Renewal.) Certificates from training outside
ECISD should be uploaded into your Eduphoria Portfolio and submitted for approval. Credit for ECISD professional learning is earned when
you complete the district survey based on your workshop. District and campus presenters will upload and attach the written or electronic
sheets to each workshop in Eduphoria Workshop.
(3 Hours for 1 hour of presenting)
(Maximum 15 hours in a 5- year cycle toward the renewal of a Standard Certificate.)
(National, State or Regional affiliated conferences: all hours qualify.) Certificates from training outside ECISD should be uploaded into your
Eduphoria Portfolio and submitted for approval. Credit for ECISD professional learning is earned when you complete the district survey
based on your workshop. District and campus presenters will upload and attach the written or electronic sign-in sheets to each workshop in
Eduphoria Workshop.
(Hour for hour)
(District approval needed by Curriculum Coordinator. In some cases, you may be paid AND receive PL credit. Coordinator will create course
in Eduphoria so you may earn the credit after completing the survey.)
(45 hours maximum for each 5- year cycle toward the renewal of a Standard Certificate)
You MUST be an approved Mentor, Buddy or Lead Mentor. Mentoring staff will create session in Eduphoria so you may earn the credit upon
completion of Mentor Program and district survey.
(i.e. Professional Book Study, etc.)
(30 hour maximum for each 5- year cycle toward the renewal of a Standard Certificate.)
This may be with Department, Grade Level, Campus, or District team members. Upon completion, the facilitator will create course in
Eduphoria so you may earn the credit after completing the survey.
(1 college hour = 15 hours of professional development credit.)
A college transcript is required and courses must be completed on own time.
(Transcripts must be turned in to HR, but also keep a file for yourself. You should enter the courses into your Eduphoria Portfolio to earn
professional learning credit. It will be approved after you have submitted your official transcript to HR. See DMC exhibit A for information
on reimbursement of credits earned toward a signed degree plan.)
(50 Hours Independent Study + Collaborative Sessions in Eduphoria)
(Informational sessions, Portfolio development, workshops, etc)
(90 PL Hours in a 5- year cycle toward the renewal of a Standard Certificate.)
(NBTC: MUST keep certificate for file, submit a copy of your certificate to HR to receive the district stipend, and add the certificate to your
Eduphoria Portfolio as an outside workshop to earn credit.)
(Based on the hours identified in the course description.)
ECISD eCourses will automatically award credit upon successful completion of the course and survey. If using a non-ECISD eCourse, upload
your completion certificate to your Eduphoria Portfolio and request credit as an outside workshop.
(i.e. grading procedures, or textbook)
(Hour for hour; Textbook committee members will earn 30 hours of PL credit)
(This type of PL is not applicable to Standard Certificate renewal.)
Credit for these activities is earned when you complete the district survey based on the activity. District and campus administrators will
upload and attach the written or electronic sign-in sheets to each workshop in Eduphoria Workshop.
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Appendix E: CMSi Characteristics of a Comprehensive Professional Learning Plan Appendix E: CMSi
Characteristics of a Comprehensive Professional Learning Plan
1. Has policy that directs staff development efforts.
2. Fosters an expectation for professional growth.
3. Is for all employees.
Planning and Design
4. Is based on a careful analysis of data and is data-driven.
5. Provides for system-wide coordination and has a clearinghouse function in
6. Provides the necessary funding to carry out professional learning goals.
7. Has a current plan that provides a framework for integrating innovations
related to mission.
8. Has a professional learning mission in place.
9. Is built using a long-range planning approach.
10. Provides for organizational, unit, and individual learning in a systemic
11. Focuses on organizational change—staff learning efforts are aligned to
district goals.
12. Is based on proven research-based approaches that have been shown to
increase productivity.
13. Provides for three phases of the change process: initiation,
implementation, and institutionalization. (this requires the most long-term
work to achieve)
14. Is based on human learning and learning and adult learning.
15. Uses a variety of professional learning approaches.
16. Provides for follow-up and on-the-job application necessary to ensure
17. Expects each supervisor to be a staff developer of staff supervised.
18. Requires an evaluation of process that is ongoing, includes multiple
sources of information, focuses on all levels of the organization, and is
based on actual change in behavior.
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Appendix F: Ector County ISD Professional Learning Days 2014-2015
Professional Learning
Presenter or Speaker
School Year Dates for Professional Learning
District/Campus Professional Learning Early Release
Sept 19, 2014
Campus-Focused Professional Learning
Principals and Course Leads
District/Campus Professional Learning Early Release
Feb 13, 2014
Campus-Focused Professional Learning
Principals and Teacher Leaders
District/Campus Professional Learning Early Release
April 17, 2014
Campus-Focused Professional Learning
Principals and Teacher Leaders
District/Campus Professional Learning Early Release
May 22, 2014
Campus-Focused Professional Learning
Principals and Teacher Leaders
District Staff Development Day
Oct 31, 2014
District Job-Alike Professional Learning
Curriculum and Instruction
District Staff Development Day
March 6, 2015
District Job-Alike Professional Learning
*Secondary coaches will attend the West Texas Relays instead of District-wide Development.
Curriculum and Instruction
District Staff Development Day
June 8, 2015
District Job-Alike Professional Learning
Curriculum and Instruction
District Staff Development Day
June 9, 2015
District Job-Alike Professional Learning
Curriculum and Instruction
District Staff Development Day
Jan 5, 2015
District Job-Alike Professional Learning
½ day Records Day and ½ Day Staff Development
One hour of staff development will be a review of Ethics/Sexual Harassment training.
Curriculum and Instruction
District Staff Development Day
June 5, 2015
District Job-Alike Professional Learning
One hour of staff development will be a review of Ethics/Sexual Harassment training.
½ day Records Day and ½ Day Staff Development
Curriculum and Instruction
Updated October 13, 2014
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