September - Daytona Beach HOG
September - Daytona Beach HOG
Daytona Beach Motorcyclists’ Club, Inc. d.b.a. Daytona Beach Chapter Harley Owners Group S ep t emb err 2011 DIRECTOR Don “Kickstand” Seeley The Swallows of HOG Inside this issue: Just like the annual migration from Goya, Argentina to San Juan, California the Swallows of Capistrano have something in common with the Daytona HOGs…the uncontrollable annual urge to travel, not to California but to Sturgis in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Our sojourn rivaled Richard Dreyfus’ determined compulsion with Devil’s Tower in “Close Encounters” sans the aliens. Director 1 Assistant Director 3 Treasurer 2 Safety & Head Road Captain 3 Membership 3 Secretary 4 Aug Calendar 6 Sept Calendar 7 I wish I had more time to share some of the adventures but we are riding our way home via Yellowknife, Northwest Territory, Canada. We hope to be back by this month’s meeting but we are easily blown off course. Until then, Birthdays 8 Ride and Have Fun New Members 8 Don Seeley aka Kickstand Director Over twenty (20) HOGs made the expedition to the land of Crazy Horse; we came by plane, motor coach and some rode their Iron Horses the 2,500 miles to share the sights, sounds, riding, and most of all the camaraderie of our fellow HOGs. We stayed in campers, tents, hotels and houses but met every morning for breakfast and to ride together on some of the most beautiful roads in the world. We also had the good fortune to have a tour guides amongst us, thanks Dan & Lisa. It would be wonderful if the numbers grow next year, I know I’ll be there. Footnote: I have just been informed by “Easy Writer” that he will begin to disclose the person behind the ghost writer articles that have been in our newsletter with a monthly clue as to his true identity. Check out his first clue, this is going to be a nail bitter. Stay tuned with the final disclosure to be made at the Christmas Party! Page 2 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L A S S I S TA N T D I R E C TO R Butch Kaddy Another Good Time A group of nearly 30 riders left the HD parking lot on Beach Street during the mid-morning of August 20th. Kickstands up, we all headed out for an overnight to Captain Hiram’s in Sebastian, Fl. It was a bit cloudy and hot for sure, but led by Bev as the Road Captain and tailed by Gail, we hoped for a little less heat and a brief sprinkle of rain. During that first hour of travel, we were lucky to stay dry because the clouds darkened just ahead of us as we continued south. When the rain hit, it hit hard and it hit fast as our visibility dropped to near zero so we were forced to pull over into a deserted restaurant parking lot. Of course we were too soaked to put on rain gear so the majority of riders just figured why bother. For protection from the wind and rain, all of us stood under an awning waiting for the downpour to stop. We stayed under the awning for about a ½ hour, then mounted our bikes to take off and go further south. Not far down the road, it began to rain again as hard as before so we continued on until the sunshine and heat returned just before reaching our final destination. I will comment that all of the extra caution used that day kept all of us safe. Good job Bev and Gail! Once we arrived at Captain Hiram’s, we were just happy to change into dry clothes and sit in a dry seat to cool down. There was a great band playing and the menu offered a large variety of beverage and food choices so we drank and ate for a couple of hours until we re-grouped pool side - only to have numerous clouds gather overhead. To our surprise, the Jones’ (mentioning no one in particular) had taken a recent trip to Key West. While there, a purchase of delicious yummy chocolate syrup was mad by them. Thanks to their generosity and big hearts, pouring a bit of this “on the rocks” helped to perk up our spirits. This kind of generosity will now become part of our future planning for overnight trips. The next person who contributes may have a difficult time … trying to keep up with the Jones’ (so to speak) as their Saint Thomas brand bottle set the standards quite high. Later in the evening most of the group met up in the dining area looking forward to another wonderful meal experience. Well everyone but Smitty that is! After a 2 ½ hour wait for her meal, she cancelled the order. Finally, many of us offered her tidbits and morsels of our meal to add to her side salad. THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN TO YOU AGAIN SMITTY, THE CLUB IS GOING TO PURCHASE FROZEN DINNERS TO TAKE ON THE ROAD FROM HERE ON IN. Page 3 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L H E A D ROA D C A P TA I N / S A F E T Y Greg Sieger I’d like to suggest that everyone take a minute and read this. It has some good info about group riding. I think it covers both Head Road Captain and Safety Officer. Motorcycle Etiquette — The Quick & Short List Standard staggered formation. You should be 1 to 1.5 seconds behind the staggered bike, which would put you 2 to 3 seconds behind the bike directly in front of you. If you like to ride slow or are new to group riding get up front. Those who like to ride fast should ride in the back. New riders may think they want to ride in the back, but the reality is just the opposite, they need to be near the front. Spread out a little around tight corners. Most will need a little extra space. We don’t want anyone riding off into the ditch. No wheelies, stoppies, etc. People should also not slow way down from the group, then zoom back up to the group. While it may be fun to goof around with your bike when you’re alone, it can create problems with the safety of the group. To read the rest of this important article, see: Ride Safe Greg MEMBERSHIP No Article this month. Beverly Lawrence Page 4 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L TREASURER Bill Lawrence Yes, overnighters are to die for. Where else can you plan a weekend and combine good friends, good riding, good locations and a ton of fun? Nothing else but one of our scheduled overnight rides of course. We’ve made a commitment at least try to schedule these bimonthly. I must say these are the favorites of our scheduled rides. Don’t get me wrong, I also like our local stuff but to get away for the weekend is something I relish the excuse to participate. This was our second annual Capt. Hiram’s http:// overnighter. We started at our traditional Beach Street kick off. The weather was great and we all were looking for a spectacular morning ride south following our trusty road captain Bev. Unfortunately, things turned for the worse when the summer rain kicked into high gear around Cocoa. We stopped to wait out the rain at an old abandoned warehouse. I didn’t see any no-trespassing signs; did you? Well, as normal Florida rain showers go, this too was short lived. It wasn’t long before we were back on the road heading south again. We made the trip without incident. Checked in, ate lunch at the Tiki Bar and spent a lazy afternoon at the pool. If you haven’t been to Capt. Hiram’s yet, it has an island flavor, close enough but just far enough to make a great ride. Maybe we can plan this for a third year and if so: see if you can join us. You’ll enjoy a wonderful weekend too. Photo below: A Sunday morning sunrise overlooking the Capt. Hiram’s marina! Compliments of photographer Linda.. See you all at the next ride or monthly meeting or better yet, our next overnighter! ‘RIDE AND HAVE FUN’ Page 5 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L Secretar y/L.O.H Gail Kaddy ONCE IN A LIFETIME We have all heard it said that some experiences happen only once in life that cannot be repeated again. Well on August 6th there were nearly 20 of us who spent a few hours visiting with the kids at Camp Boggy Creek. There had never been an experience like it for me before, or for the others who came along. It is more than just “getting a feel” for the camp that exists as a vacation spot for some very special children. It heightens your awareness of the good things that take place in our world and it makes you want to be a better person. From the moment we arrived, there was laughter and happiness being felt throughout the entire camp. We toured the theater, the sleeping quarters, the craft and wood-working cabin, as well as the pool and livestock barn with Jackie Boykin, our now BFF. Jackie spoke so eloquently on behalf of the kids and volunteers that most of the time it left us speechless. She left no stone unturned as she unraveled the anonymity that persisted in our minds about what does everyone do at camp and how long is everyone’s stay, right down to who get’s to experience what a “normal” life is like for others. As the invited guests at the camp, we became part of a week-long role playing mystery as being the folks who in pretense were the “Secret Agents” who were keeping the secret of Camp Boggy Creek safe! Many of us took our role playing very seriously as police badges became exposed and sunglasses were put on faces. There was, of course, plenty of black to go around not to mention the overwhelming amount of leather. Did I mention how hot it was? You know what, it didn’t matter because you cannot find a complaint in the world when you meet these courageous little champions. On tour, we met doctors, nurses, counselors and other professionals who for some strange reason looked up to us as being their hero’s. Medical procedures that are sometimes necessary were explained and the medical “sick” room was observed as we noted beautifully soothing art work all around in calming colors and well-known cartoon-type characters were displayed wall to wall. If any of you are wondering if this experience could ever be repeated, I would have to say NO. Without a doubt in my mind, each and every visit to Camp Boggy Creek is a once in a lifetime opportunity. With the exception of Jackie, who is there pretty much 24/7, everything else would change. Different kids, different families and different volunteers, different feel. If you haven’t been involved on some level with Camp Boggy Creek, I cannot urge you enough to do something good and get involved. I can promise you that the efforts from many of us next year will be “untouchable” as we plan to work harder than the 3 years before our visit to the camp. If you are seeking a “feel good about yourself” kind of day, get in touch with any Daytona Beach Chapter member and find out how we plan to do our fundraiser really big during next year. Page 6 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L Page 7 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L September 2011 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 Sat 3 No Rides during Holiday Wkend 4 5 6 No Rides during Holiday Wkend No Rides during Holiday Wkend 8am Breakfast Ride to Sterlings in Astor RC Tom McNair PU Astor 7 8 9 o/n HOG Trip to GA State Rally 8 AM HOGs to GA State Rally PU Destination Frank and Teresa 10AM Lunch Ride Boorn Picnic in GA to Tony’s Pizza in Deland RC Mike Gilbo GA 11 12 13 14 15 STATE 16 RA LLY 17 Traveling HOG in N.S.B. GA STATE RALLY 19 11 AM Lunch Ride to Lake Beresford Yacht Club RC Dave Sullivan No PU 25 HOG 10AM HOG Dog Ride to Palm Coast RC Dan Vassallo PU Destination HOGs back fr GA State Rally 18 10 20 21 11 AM Lunch Ride to Hurricane Pattys Flagler Beach RC Tom McNair 6:30 PM Road Captain and Officers Mtg at Houligans 22 23 24 9:30 AM Social 10 AM Meeting After Mtg Ride to Hooters in Daytona RC Greg Seiger 26 27 28 29 30 11 AM Lunch Ride to Pub 44 RC Linda Seeley No PU ALL rides begin at Beach Street unless otherwise noted! Page 8 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L October 2011 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 10:00am Daytona HOG Annual Picnic to Bings Landing PU Destination RC Linda S 2 3 4 5 Rossmeyer Ride to Jacksonville Jaguar Game Info TBA 9 10 11 12 6 7 11:00am Lunch Ride to Linda’s Landing in Bunnell PU Destination RC Tom McNair 6:30pm Drill Team Memorial Ride Practice (Beach St) For Neal Scharzenbacher Info TBA 13 14 Annual Rossmeyer Camp Boggy Creek Ride for Children 8 15 Daytona Biketoberfest HOG Dog Stand and Swap Meet at DD 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 6:30pm Drill Team Practice (Beach St) Biketoberfest o/n HOG Trip to FL State Rally in Destin 23 24 26 11:00am Lunch Ride to Highjackers at Flagler Airport RC Tom McNair FL State Rally 30 25 27 28 29 6:30pm Drill Team 9:30 Meet & Greet Practice (Beach St) 10:00 HOG Mtg 11am After Mtg Lunch at Houligans 31 Halloween ALL rides begin at Beach Street unless otherwise noted! Page 9 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L H A P P Y B I R T H D AY WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Al R. Lisa H. Carl C. Alan C. Sam F. Lori H. David I. Beverly L. Eric Mc. Sam Easterbrook Charles Mc. John Hall Richard M. James Hendrick Karen N. Lori Hunt Lisa N. Nancy W. Wayne Z. Lee Z. Peter L. 2011 Meeting Schedule for Officers and Road Captains 6:30 P.M @ Houligans Private Room September 21, 2011 November 16, 2011 Page 10 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L Don Seeley Director 2 Gail Kaddy Ladies of Harley Bev Lawrence Membership John DeVito & Roger White Parking Lot Practice ( PLP) L.A. Marston & Bob Brown Photographers Terri & Virgil Jones Quartermaster Mike Smerdon Sergeant-atArms John Conte Editor Linda “Smitty” Berthiaume Welcoming 0 1 Butch Kaddy Assistant Director 1 D A Gail Kaddy Secretary Y T O Bill Lawrence Treasurer N A Betsy Morrison Activities H O G Linda Seeley Webmaster O F Greg Sieger Head Road Captain F I C Dennis Muench Pastor E R S Page 11 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L Pig in a Poke $207 Member, D. Norman, was not at the meeting so the pot rolls to next month. Eligibility requires the member to be an active, paid member and present to win. Members who have not renewed their membership, will be removed from the drawing. Motorcycle Related Items for Sale Free for Members This section is for members and a free service. Just send me motorcycle related items and I will set the ad up for You. Ads will run for 3 months. It couldn’t be much easier. How do they do it? My e-mail address is [email protected] Your editor - John Conte FOR SALE FOR SALE : How Do They Do It ??? 2010 used Crocs low mileage with racing slicks. One Owner. Beige color with decorative holes. Crocs operate with the fully functional heel strap in the up or more relaxed down position. Needs new rubber for city or stairway travel. Will deliver within 200 mile of Daytona Beach. Best offer and all proceeds go to Camp Boggy Creek . Contact [email protected] FOR SALE: NEW Corbin heated dual touring saddle (part # HD-FLH-9-07-E-2). Fits all FLH 2009-2012. Corbin’s price: $749. Selling for only $500. Call Mike Gilbo @ 904-613-9188 FOR SALE: NEW Corbin trunk rest (part # HD-PAK-ARM). Fits all FLH 2009-2012. Corbin’s price: $299. Selling for only $200. Call Mike Gilbo @ 904-613-9188 FOR SALE: NEW Corbin back rest (part # 297-SB). Fits all FLH 2009-2012. Corbin’s price: $279. Selling for only $154. Call Mike Gilbo @ 904-613-9188 Page 12 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L July 28th HOG Rib Night at the Pig Stand at Destination This is too easy. Soooo I won’t. Looks like everyone had a good time at the trough. I just couldn’t help it. Sorry!!! Page 13 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L WHAT’S YOUR TRADE???? This section is reserved for “Members Only” to advertise their trade. A Business Card size ad will cost $40.00 for 1 year. Don and Linda Seeley Daytona Beach H.O.G. Members _____________________________________ Riding and Having Fun! ——————————————————- Bill and Bev Lawrence Daytona Beach H.O.G.s Butch and Gail Kaddy H.O.G. Members We Love Florida Screw it; Let’s Ride! And Riding with our H.O.G. Friends Page 14 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L A NOTE FROM YOUR EDITOR The Deadline for articles is the Wednesday before the meetings at Houligans. This enables me to get all articles and pictures assembled and laid out in the Newsletter for the printer. This is not magic and takes time for proof reading, corrections and rewrites. Please keep this in mind so I can get the Newsletter out in a timely manner. For submissions, send to [email protected]. Tell me about your best ride, worst ride, ride from Hell, etc. Thank you, Your Editor Page 15 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L ADVERTISING RATES Size Business card 3 5/8 x 2 1/8 Oversized business card 3 5/8 x 3 ½ One Quarter (1/4) page One Half (1/2) page Full Page Six (6) months 12 months $ 75.00 $ 140.00 $ 90.00 $ 165.00 $150.00 $300.00 $ 275.00 $ 570.00 $600.00 $1150.00 Full page insert only: $100.00 month Advertiser: Address: Phone: Size of ad: Month(s): Amount due: Remit to: Daytona Beach HOG, PO Box 1441, Daytona Beach, Florida 32115-1441 CONTACT BILL LAWRENCE (386) 527-3362. Thank you for placing your ad with us and helping sponsor our newsletter. The Harley Owners Group HOG Call is published each month, emailed and mailed to over 500 members, available at the Daytona, Ormond and New Smyrna Beach HD dealerships and at Please include any artwork you may have for your ad, or we can create it for you. Daytona Harley Davidson announces plans for the original Bruce Rossmeyer Harley Davidson Museum Store on target to open for Biketoberfest 2011. Guests can expect to see exclusive collections of motorcycles provided by private motorcycle enthusiasts and memorabilia items for purchase from collectors from across Florida. Page 16 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L MEMBERSHIP: Local memberships expire December of each year, as well as for Life Members. You may NOT purchase multiple years. Complete the form online to renew, or email Membership and they’ll send you the form. Include an envelope if you won’t be picking up your card at a meeting. THERE IS A FORM! Notify Membership of email address and address changes so you’ll receive your updates and your newsletter. INFO FROM OUR WEBMASTER: The website is in compliance the National H.O.G. web standards and has a certified rating. This gives our site a link from the National H.O.G. SITE: The chapter news is in a secure directory. When you select it, you are asked for a login and password; these are given out at the monthly meeting or you may contact an officer for that information. TO OUR READERS AND GUESTS: To join the local Harley Owners Group Chapter, you must be a National member. To join National, you (or your better half) must own a Harley. You can join National by calling 1-800 CLUBHOG ACTIVE ROAD CAPTAINS: Greg Sieger (Head Road Captain), Ken Fox, Don Seeley, Linda Seeley, Bret Hollenbeck, Rudy Castillo, Bill Lawrence, Butch Kaddy, Virgil Jones, Bev Lawrence, Tom McNair, Jeff Simek, Rick Gager, Dusty Johnson, John DeVito, Carmine Casale, Mike Gilbo, Jay Ward, Carl Costa, Pam Mills, Don Remington, Lou Nardi, Dave Sullivan, Dan Vassallo and Trainers Roger White & John DeVito. To Be A Road Captain You Must: * Attend a Road Captain Training course at least every 2 two years. * Ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle * Lead or Tail at least 2 rides a year * Attend two Road Captain meetings per year * Active paid member of Daytona Beach HOG * Must wear a helmet and vest when taking a ride All Road Captains serve at the pleasure of the Head Road Captain Rockers will be earned when the above is completed * FLASH * BULLETIN * * NEWS ALERT * IMPORTANT STUFF * Our Parking Lot Practice (PLP) is on hiatus until September 2011. Times and dates to be announced. Practice is held in an area behind the HD dealership on Beach Street. PLP is a great tool to improve your riding skills at NO COST to you. How can they do that! Page 17 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L Easy Writer: Happy Anniversary V-Rod – Show Me Some Love! Where do the years ago? It seems like it was only yesterday when in the fall of 2001, Willie G drove to center stage at the annual Harley Dealer’s meeting on what looked like the motorcycle equivalent of the “Back to the Future” DeLorean and shouted to the cheers of those assembled: “V-ROD!!!!” It was supposed to be a victory cheer. The V-Rod had it all – a sleek frame that cradled a Porsche-designed, water-cooled V-Twin power plant that churned out 120 horsepower and hit 60 miles an hour in less than 4 seconds. It represented Harley’s bridge between the rumbling air-breathing past and the smooth water-cooled vision of the future. It was also intended to entice a new generation of riders – extending a hand to the rice-burner crotch-rocketeers. But the fanfare quickly fizzled. The vision was a mirage. It was almost as if Lawrence Welk made a cameo appearance at a Pearl Jam concert – it just confused and annoyed everybody. Traditional Harley riders wanted nothing to do with a sport bike, and the kids couldn’t figure out why they’d pay a 50 percent premium for something that still wouldn’t keep up with a Hyabusa. Not that The Motor Company didn’t try. The V-Rod soon came in all colors and flavors, they extended the line with the Street Rod, the Screaming Eagle, various versions of the Night Rod and, more recently the Muscle -- and now the 10th anniversary edition, a throwback to the original. But who’s nostalgic for a bike that has become one of Harley’s biggest flops? Not so fast. Easy Writer is, perhaps, the V-Rod’s biggest fan. Mrs. Easy and I own four of ‘em! The truth is that most riders who say they don’t like the V-Rod, simply haven’t ridden one. Smooth and sleek, with a low center of gravity and low seat height, for Mrs. Easy they’re the perfect fit. And while I love my touring bike for the long haul, the V-Rod is just a whole lot of fun and, unlike a Sporty, you really can go all day! Yes, in the early years the tiny gas tank didn’t outrun even a weak bladder. The tiny saddlebags barely carry a decent lunch, you’re replacing tires every 5,000 miles and the gas gauge is no more accurate than Bret Favre’s aging throwing arm. But nothing’s perfect and the bike has become more refined over the years – larger fuel tank, bigger motor, Brembo brakes, ABS, and a macho 240mm rear tire. And we’ve taken it a step or two farther – doing what Harley wouldn’t or couldn’t. We’ve added after-market bat-wing fairings, fourspeaker stereos and floorboards, taming the two-wheeler for touring duty. Heck, I’ve even figured out how to bolt-on a CB! Perhaps it’s too little and too late. Over the past couple of years, the guys in Milwaukee have been paring down the V-Rod line-up. You actually have to search for them in the dealership and the long-rumored plan to put that water-cooled motor in the baggers simply hasn’t materialized – at least not yet. The bike’s made it to 10, but I wouldn’t bet the ranch on whether it matures into a teenager. And that’s unfortunate – because it’s a great ride. I’ve driven virtually everything in the Harley line-up from the spirited Sporty to the massive 900-pound dressers but, dollar for dollar, (Continued on page 26) Page 18 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L Page 19 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L Don Remmington’s Birthday Breakfast Ride July 28th , 2011 Page 20 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L Betsy Morrison Activities Director Daytona HOG Weekend and Overnight Upcoming Events for September - Dec ,2011 To book any of these locations - please tell them that you are with Daytona Harley Owners Group Thanks. SEPTEMBER Georgia State Rally in Hiawassee, GA - September 8 - 11, 2011 Website: Hotel: Best Western Milton Inn - 222 Hwy 515 Blairsville, Georgia 30512-3809 Website: Telephone: 706.745.6995 **Make sure you tell them Daytona HOG for the best rates! If anyone has not been able to find a room for Georgia Rally - please contact Betsy @ [email protected], we have other space available if Best Western is full. Please book as soon as possible to get a room. OCTOBER Florida State Hog Rally in Destin, FL October 19 - 22, 2011 The Florida State HOG Rally Pre-Registration link is now OPEN and available for members to go ahead and pre-register online. Click here to see a little taste of what’s to come!! #p/a/u/1/gcLL7LPWKkI Click here to REGISTER NOW!!!!!! Cancelled Stone Crab Festival in Crystal River, FL scheduled for October 22 - 23 , 2011 NOVEMBER After Thanksgiving Ride to Savannah, Georgia on November 25 - 27, 2011 Hotel: Best Western 412 W Bay St, Savannah, GA 31401 Telephone: (912) 233-1011 Rates: $89.00 – again! Great price for HOG members DECEMBER Daytona HOG Christmas Party on December 17, 2011 at the Speedway Not an overnighter, but we do have a morning after. Page 21 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L Page 22 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L - Sturgis 2011 - Page 23 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L HOG Member Article by Doc Allsop We did 2 laps around the Daytona International Speedway August 16, 2011 led by HOG member John Pickard. It was a great time. Talk about cool, I could only imagine how many diehard NASCAR FANS would have loved to do what we did. I think we had about 25 or so bikes.... It was a picture perfect Florida morning weather-wise... We couldn't have asked for a better day. Nice and Warm and Sunny, just the way I like it. We did 2 laps around the track. The Daytona Speedway even provided us with our own PACE CAR. Now that was cool! As a new member, I don't know any of the names of the guys that were there, however, I did invite a very good friend of mine, Joe Driscol, to join us on the ride. He is the director of the St Augustine H.O.G. He absolutely loved it. He is also a "move-down" from Boston, like me. All and all, it was a great experience.... That's another "check-off" from my 'bucket list'. lol Oh, did I mention how much I love Florida, and the Daytona Bach Chapter of H.O.G.... I am very glad I joined.... D.J. Doc Page 24 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L Super Hog Standings Points are earned for riding only 1 Point = any regularly scheduled Daytona Chapter ride 2 Points = any Inter-Chapter Primary Ride 3 Points = Traveling HOG Ride Point Rewards 20 Points = $ 25.00 Gift Card Additionally, we have added a new “Super Duper” HOG reward level for you real iron-butts. 50 Points = $ 50.00 Gift Card Below picture is of Lou Nardi waterskiing at the cottage in Michigan. Not bad for a 65 year old man. You go Lou ! Members with 20+ points Dave Sullivan Butch Kaddy Virgil Jones Don Seeley Carl Costa Louis Nardi Bill Lawrence Robin Nardi Tony Ricci Ken Fox Jeff Simek Don Remington Gloria Castillo Rudy Castillo Lin Seeley Sharon Fox Cathy Ward Jay Ward Herb Ahlers Mike Piers Cathy Remington Greg Sieger Dan Lassallo John Williams Carmine Casale Grace Gaser Rick Gaser Mike Gilbo Sandy Gilbo Bev Lawrence Tom McNair Teri Jones Robert Mrosky 53 42 48 37 41 35 33 31 26 29 24 29 30 30 23 25 21 21 23 20 22 24 26 23 24 24 24 27 26 20 21 20 20 Page 25 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L Capt Hiram’s Overnighter to Sebastian – From my point of view… By Jim Hermann We were to meet at the gas station in Edgewater for our overnighter trip to Capt Hiram’s Resort in Sebastian. Our morning had started out nicely. The weather was clear; we were packed and ready to have a weekend of fun with our friends. On the way, I realized I hadn’t bothered to pay close enough attention as to which gas station we were supposed to meet up with the group. Edgewater is an odd community with businesses sparsely scattered about. As you drive the tree lined road of US-1, they suddenly appear in a clearing, and an abrupt stop is necessary to ensure you don’t pass it by. Well, eventually, we did find the right gas station, but that is only because I saw another rider waiting off to the side. Relief! Not long after, the ground started to shake, the sound of motors rumbling and a caravan of bikes came about into the clearing. There must have been 20 motorcycles and their payload. After the usual chit chat and get this and that from the store, we were off. Our plan was to head down US-1 and then cut over to A-1-A, but the weather looked less than promising, so we stayed the course on US-1. That proved to be the bike wash route, and a washing we did get. Now, most of us have rain gear stowed, but at what point does one stop and put it on? Well, certainly not when it is dry even though we can see the rain ahead. And not when it starts to rain slightly. No, we forge on. Soon it’s raining buckets, everybody is not just wet, but completely soaked, yet we ride on. Finally, we stopped at an abandoned business that had a veranda overgrown with vines, no trespassing signs and a waterfall cascading off the roof directly in the center of the ramp leading to sanctuary. We couldn’t have gotten any wetter than we were, but we stayed there until the rain stopped. Like most Florida rains, it didn’t take long for it to pass and on our way we went. After arriving at Capt Hirams we hurried to check in for the purpose of getting to the room to change. The plan was lunch. Theresa and I sat in the Sand Bar at a table overlooking the marina. We watched the charter boats arrive and unload then display their bounty of fish on a display board for all to see the successes had during the day’s fishing. I was impressed. My catch came from the menu where I caught the Maryland Style crab cake sandwich made with “only fresh crabmeat”. It was the best crab cake I have had since I was in the Navy in Virginia Beach and ate at some little eatery down under a bridge alongside a marina filled with fishing boats. I remember it well and have always compared any crab cake to that experience. Now I have a new best, and it is closer! After lunch, it was time to take a tour of the resort. We walked out on the pier and back, looked fro fudge in the store and wandered about until we came upon the group settled around and in the pool. Theresa swam from the pools edge and I in the water. Although it did prove difficult for swimming with one hand free and a drink was in the other hand. You see, us Harley bikers are truly rebels. The sign clearly stated, “No drinks in the pool”, but there we were just daring them to come around and kick us out. Sufficiently pruned, from being in the water of course, it was now time to get ready for dinner. Our dinner experience had many of us swatting mosquitos and another wondering just where her meal was. There seemed to be a slight bit of confusion with the wait staff’s ability to perform their jobs to the satisfaction of all of the customers, but overall, my experience was good. Theresa had the best filet mignon she had ever had, and the taste I got was wonderful. After dinner it was on to the drinking arena at the Sand Bar. Although I tried to get into the swing of the evening, I just didn’t have the party animal in me, and Theresa and I soon departed for our room. We had a room in the main hotel on the third floor that over-looked the pool and provided a view of the Indian River. The room had a lanai where we took a few minutes to enjoy the scenery. But soon enough, we were tired and needed to get a good night’s sleep. At the crack of 0900 we awoke to another beautiful Florida morning just in time to almost see the sunrise. Downstairs there were waffles and coffee to be had, and we didn’t miss out on any of it. I think they served one of the best continental breakfasts I have had in years. The staff was on-hand to make and serve the waffles and ensure the staples were fresh and fully-stocked for new arrivals to the breakfast table. We learned part of our group was leaving at 1000 for the ride home, and we decided to leave with them. The ride home took us to A1A and up along the coast. Our road captain led us down a few scenic bypasses that entertained our visual senses. I found the Canaveral bypass to be the best part of the ride. Even the rain was refreshing, although it rained hard at times; it didn’t seem as difficult as the rain on the way to Capt Hiram’s. It ended quickly and the rest of the ride home was uneventful but pleasant. I really enjoy the rides I take with the Hog group. I feel a sense of belonging. I still struggle to remember names. My ’98 Ultra hit a milestone by turning 40,000 miles on the odometer. Not bad since when I bought it 9 years ago it had 17,500 miles on it. Can a Harley rider be any more hard core? Watch out Frank, I’m catching up! Page 26 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L the V-Rod is a lot of entertainment value. If you haven’t done so yet, toss a leg over the V-Rod during the Harley demos at Biketoberfest and hang on! Even if you don’t buy one… or two… or a fleet, like we have, it’ll snap your neck and put a big smile on your face. Happy Anniversary, V-Rod!! Harley wouldn't or couldn't build it. So I did. V-rod with fairing, fourspeaker stereo and floorboards. Not exactly an Ultra, but not a bar bike, either. This is your first clue in identifying who Easy Rider is. Picture is of Easy Rider with Mrs. Easy. Page 27 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L News from North by Northwest….. Riding north thru the 1,000 miles of the Canadian Province of Alberta is incredible. If you haven’t ever visited Banff and Jasper National Parks in the Canadian Rockies, please put it on your bucket list. You will ride 200 miles thru these two back-to-back parks in the valley of razor-backed mountains with snow-capped peaks, glistening glaciers, pristine waters and sweeping vistas. This was the second time making this trip and we were vigilante looking out for wildlife, in particular moose (remember last year). Well, we finally made it to our goal, the small town of Yellowknife in Canada’s Northwest Territory (that’s 6,000 miles on the tripometer). We rode past moose (none were “on the attack”), deer, black bear, fox, North American Bison and swarms of these tiny flying insects (“on the attack”) called sun flies. They reminded me of the annoying Florida Love Bugs; you just couldn’t get away from them unless you were moving faster than 10 mph so if you were walking, look out. Roads were better than I was expecting until the last 65 miles to Yellowknife, than it got pretty rough. I have to report that this wife is really enjoying the trip. NOTE: see picture of their unique license plate below. So now we are on the backside of our summer trip, making our way south, then east, then south (you get the picture) to Daytona. We won’t be back until just before the September H.O.G. meeting and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone. I may have a story or two to tell. Ride Safe and Have Fun, Linda Seeley The Arctic Circle is 200 miles north of the 60th parallel. Page 28 D AY TO N A HOGC AL L 2011 MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS Houligan’s 1643 North US Highway 1, Ormond Beach 4th Saturday of each month (Note changes in red) September 24 October 22 November 19 none in December Meetings begin at 10:00 a.m. with a “Meet & Greet” beginning at 9:30 Visitors and guests welcome! WILL ROSSMEYER VICE-PRESIDENT DIRECT (386) 671-7119 FAX (386) 671-7090
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