022015 VOL8 ISS9


022015 VOL8 ISS9
February 2015
FEB, 2015
This Month’s Word: Character
is when a
person acts on their
convictions and stands
up for his/her beliefs,
principles, and morals
even if others don’t
agree with what he/she
believes in and judges
them because of it. In
my opinion, I think
integrity is one of the
most important things
that build character.
Integrity is having the
quality of being honest
while sticking with your
principles and morals.
will always need
to have integrity, but I
think that the most
critical time to have
integrity in your life is
when you are younger,
especially because that’s
usually when others try
to influence you to think
or believe that one thing
is true and that’s what
you should believe in.
one person places
high value on making
sure that he/she treats
others equally even
though they may look,
differently than he/she
does. I think everyone
should be treated the
excluded from things,
but it is human nature
to judge people before
we really get a chance
to know them.
what race you are or
what your sexually
preference is; you are
deserve to be treated
just like everybody
else. Equality is what
shows people how you
really think and feel
about others.
the 40
Asset list from
Search Institute.
FEB, 2015
Knowing someone’s faults
and weaknesses and still
loving them
unconditionally, and
standing by them through
thick and thin.
Love= Being able to send
someone an extremely
unattractive snapchat of
yourself to him and feeling
no shame.
Caring about someone more
than you do yourself so much
that you look past their
faults and would do anything
for them.
Dylan Adams
Love is beautiful
Love is kind
Love will make you lose your mind
Love is new
Love is crazy
Love is great
Love can be our biggest mistake
Love is bright
Love is happiness
Love is the thing that makes life the
Love is beautiful
Love is kind
Love is war
Love is what we all need just to feel
Feb. 2015
What would you say has been the happiest day of your life?
“The day I married my wife
What are you most passionate
about in life?
“My faith. I am very strong in my
What would you say gives your life the most fulfillment?
“Helping others get better. That’s one of the main reasons I’m a
What do you wish you could spend more time on?
“I wish I could spend more time outside because I love nature but
it’s hard because of work.”
What is your idea of a perfect date?
“Taking my wife to her favorite restaurant, taking her shopping
then buying her chocolate.” (:
Kelsy Grant
How long have you and your wife been
“Ten years.”
Do you buy her a gift OR do you make her a gift?
“I always buy her FIVE roses (why 5?) 5 for luck, because it’s my
favorite number.”
How would you explain Valentine’s Day?
“It’s a good way to show your appreciation for your spouse or
significant other.”
Do you believe and handmade gift is more special than a bought
“Yes, but I usually buy one because I am not very crafty.”
FEB. 2015
FEB, 2015
The Super Bowl XLIX is over the
New England Patriots finished
the job with 20 seconds left in
the game, Although I thought
that the Seattle Seahawks
were going to win the coach
ran a horrible play. The one
yard line play you would think
would be simple give it to Marshawn lynch
and finish the game off then the Seattle Seahawks win
the Super Bowl two years straight. But they threw it to Malcolm
Butler.One amazing catch doesn’t mean he can do two. But the
teams played their hearts out all season long making it a great
season with both records 14-3. Tom Brady said that he wants to
give the M.V.P truck to Malcolm Butler for the “game winning
catch”. The Super Bowl XLIX is over and now we wait for the next
year’s Super Bowl.
Christopher Hettinger
on to perform during the halftime show for Super Bowl
XLIX on February 1st, Billboard reports. The multiplatinum pop star had been in the running alongside
Rihanna and Coldplay, according to The Wall Street
WSJ also reported that some artists were asked if they
would agree to a "pay to play" deal by making a financial
contribution to the NFL in exchange for the major national exposure granted from such a highprofile gig. But sources indicated that the proposition "got a chilly reception from the
candidates' representatives."
Perry joked about the Super Bowl negotiations this past Saturday during a recent appearance
on ESPN's College Game Day. "We have had some conversations, and I would be honored, of
course," she said. "But I have let them know that I'm not the kind of girl who would pay to play
the Super Bowl. The ball is in their field." A representative for Perry was not immediately
available for comment.
The NFL's "pay to play" plan hasn't gone over too well with agents, either. "Obviously it is a
marketing boon to play halftime for the Super Bowl," David T. Viecelli, agent for Arcade Fire,
Mumford & Sons and St. Vincent, told Rolling Stone. "But I hope that everybody tells them to
go get stuffed."
The league rarely pays artists who perform during the halftime show, though they do typically
cover travel and production expenses, which can reach as high as $1 million. In recent years,
the halftime show has continued to grow in popularity —last year's performance with Bruno
Mars and the Red Hot Chili Peppers brought in a record 115.3 million viewers, while only 112.2
million watched the actual game. –Rolling Stones Magazine
Cue the "Firework’s”: Katy Perry has officially signed
FEB, 2015
The G-Men are now 13-2 in
there season right now.
After the homecoming win
against New Richmond
they had to come back and
play a tough Amelia Barons
team on January 20th. Our
boys played hard and never
gave up but it just wasn't
good enough. Amelia was
just hitting that night and
we couldn't compare with
there size. It was a hard
fought game that our boys
came up short on with the
score of 61-51. Also during
that game Senior Jacob
Miller scored his 1,000
point for his high school
career. Jacob was the
player of the game that
game too with 14 points, 6
assists and 5 steals.This
game is the second loss for
the G-Men this season and
hopefully the last.
After that game our boys had
to go to Goshen High School
that Friday to play against a
scrappy Warriors team on the
23rd. Goshen hung around
with us during the first half
then after that our boys kept
going at them and they finally
gave up and our boys kept
on extending the lead till about
halfway through the 4th
quarter when the Warriors
started getting hot again and
cut the lead down to about 7
but we always came back
down on the other end and
answered with a bucket so our
boys came out with the win
with the score of 77-67.
Clinton McElroy was player of
the game.
On Tuesday the 27th our
boys traveled to western
brown to play the Broncos
in one of their non
conference games looking
for another easy win just
like they did in the holiday
tournament. During the first
half the Broncos came out
hot and stuck around with
us during the first and
second quarter. We were
only leading by 1. In the
second half we came out
hot and extended our lead
to about 15 and we ended
up winning with the score
of 71-62 and that puts the
G-Men's record to 13-2.
Feb, 2014
I have hope in the fact that
I will adopt my step sister
when I turn 18. She is the
only reason I keep fighting
to prosper in the things I
do. What do you have hope
Hope is the belief that
circumstances in the
future will be better.
It's not a wish that
things will get better,
but an actual belief,
even when there may
be no evidence that
anything will change.
Hope can sometimes
be the only thing that
keeps a person fighting
and going.
1. the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events
will turn out for the best:.
2. a particular instance of this feeling:
3. grounds for this feeling in a particular instance:
4. a person or thing in which expectations are centered:
5. something that is hoped for:
…Is seeing light in
the darkness.
FEB, 2015
Valentine’s Day Edition…
1. Lionel Richie- Endless Love
2. Boyz 2 Men- I’ll Make Love To You
3. Rihanna- We Found Love
4. Bee Gees- How Deep Is Your Love
5. Paul McCartney- Silly Love Songs
6. Whitney Houston- I Will Always Love You
7. Mario- Let Me Love You
8. Stevie B- Because I Love You (Postman
9. The Emotions- Best of My Love
10.Ray Charles- I Can’t Stop Loving You
“It’s not your brain that interprets
lyrics; it’s your heart”
I have always found music to affect the heart
in many different ways. It can help heal as
well as stimulate it. I always use music to get
my mind off things and relax as well as better
myself musically. I write my own music, and I
study different artists to better myself lyrically
as well as productively. I love music and it has
and always will be a big part of my life. Music
is in your heart.
FEB, 2015
What life lessons have you
learned through playing
When and why did
you start playing
“I’ve learned how to
“I started playing
What advice would you give
when I was young.
to young kids today who are
My dad introduced it
beginning to play basketball?
to me.”
Who has inspired you? “Don’t let anyone- from fans
to teachers to family
“Jake Cropper
members to coaches- kill
inspires me.”
What is your favorite your passion for the game.”
What are your future plans for
memory of your
basketball career?
“I plan to play for the NBA.”
“The first time Coach
How have the fans impacted
Underwood chewed
your performance?
me out in practice
“Fans are a facade. My
because it shocked
family and my friends, the
people that genuinely care
What do you enjoy
about me, keep me going with
about basketball?
their never-ending support,
“I enjoy the entirety
encouragement, and
of the sport.”
What factors lead up to you
reaching 1,000 points?
“About 999 points led me to
scoring my 1,000th point.”
What’s the funniest thing
that’s ever happened to you
while playing basketball?
“I threw an alley-oop pass,
but I ended up making a
chest pass to the basket and
it went in.”
Do you have any pre-game
rituals or superstitions that
you participate in?
“I perform a minimeditation session during
the National Anthem.”
FEB, 2014
FEB, 2015
The Final
Senior night is coming up on 2/9/15. Come out and support your seniors, Kayla
Seigla, Morgan Gast, and Ally Dowd.
Lady G-Men vs. Bethel
Lady G-Men vs Williamsburg
The Lady G-Men were
defeated by Bethel earlier in
the year, but this game was
different. The Lady G-Men
came out of the locker room
ready to play and beat Bethel
by a score of 52-48
The Lady G-Men faced off against
Williamsburg on Monday, Jan. 26th.
The Ladies won by a score of 63-51.
Jonathan Staggs
Lady G-Men vs. Felicity
The Lady G-Men traveled to
Felicity on Jan 29th. It was a
back-and-forth game the entire
night. The Lady G-Men won by a
score of 42-40.
FEB, 2015
This is a really good Lego
game. One of the best
Lego games to this date.
It has a big selection of
characters from Iron
Man to Guardians of the
Mine craft is a simple yet
difficult game. you can
play in survival or creative
which ever you prefer.
Who doesn’t love Batman
right? You get to drive the
Bat mobile you get to play
with the different suits that
they offer in this game.
It was hard for me to get
into splinter cell. But the
game has turned out to
be one of best games
I’ve ever played.
This is probably the 2nd best
Spider Man game to ever hit
the shelves. The game has
some really cool costumes
that you can get by finding all
the hidden spiders around
This is my favorite game series
ever. This game right here is
the best out of 7 games to hit
the shelf.
This wouldn’t be Game Spot
without the best games to ever
be released on the ps2 and ps3.
Jak and Daxter was the essence
of my child hood. I will never get
tired of these games.
Who wouldn’t want to play as Daryl
Dixon right? This game explains what
happened to Daryl before the show.
FEB., 2015
History Of
Valentine’s Day
On February 14 we celebrate a very important thing. We celebrate love.
I have always wondered why we celebrate it on this day and why? I did
some research to answer this question and what I found is incredible.
We start with two men and their names are Valentine and Claudius II.
Claudius II was the Emperor of the Roman Empire in 268 A.D. - 270 A.D.
He is very important to our tale, but we’ll get to that later. Valentine, at the
time, was a holy priest in Rome under the rule of Emperor Claudius II.
Under the rule of Emperor Claudius II, he banned all marriages and
engagements in Rome. Claudius thought that a married man made a
poorer solider. Valentine didn’t like this idea, so he continued to marry
people, in secret of course. Claudius, however, found out about this and on
February 14, 270 A.D. he had Valentine beheaded.
So, in other words we celebrate love because a man was killed, but not
just that, we celebrate it because he had courage to do what he thought
was right. I never really liked this holiday, but when I saw this amazing
tale it made me love Valentine’s Day. Not for the death of a saint, oh no, not
that but for the courage he had to do what he did.
Love is a powerful thing. It can move mountains, cross oceans. It is the
only thing in the universe that, in my opinion, is pure. Not that sappy high
school fling that they call love, but true love, where you have no purpose
without that special person. Love is powerful.
1. National Serpent Day.
2. Groundhog Day.
3. Elmo’s Birthday.
4. World Cancer Day.
5. World Nutella Day.
6. Wear Red Day.
7. Ice cream for Breakfast Day.
8. Boy Scout Day.
22. George Washington’s
23. National Banana Bread Day.
24. World Spay Day.
25. National Chocolate-Covered
Peanuts Day.
26. National For Pete’s Sake Day.
27. International Polar Bear Day.
28. Floral Design Day.
9. Read in the Bathtub Day.
10. National Cream Cheese
Brownie Day
Birthdays to Remember
11. National Make a Friend day.
February 3- Elmo’s Birthday.
12. Lincoln’s Birthday.
February 6, 1895- “Babe” Ruth’s Birthday.
13. Get a Different Name Day
14. Valentine’s Day
15. Susan B. Anthony Day.
16. President’s Day.
17. Random Acts of Kindness Day.
18. Ash Wednesday.
19. Iwo Jima Day.
February 7, 1812- Charles Dickens’ Birthday.
February 11, 1847- Thomas A. Edison’s
February 12, 1809- Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday.
February 15, 1820- Susan B. Anthony’s
20. National Hoodie Hoo Day.
February 22, 1732- George Washington’s
21. World Whale Day.
February 28, 1915- Zero Mostel’s Birthday.
February Holidays
FEB 2014
If you are thinking about making a
move be sure to create a good image
first. The more mysterious and
unfathomable you can appear the
more of chance you will have with
getting to the point you want
You badly want to tell someone
special just how you feel about them,
but at the same time your natural
sense of caution is preventing you
from doing so, and you may even be
tempted to do or say things just to
maintain some kind of defense but
just be honest and open because
there is nothing to fear but your own
negative thoughts
This is a great time to consider taking
the plunge with respect to a certain
relationship. It won't be a question of
immediately seizing your prey, and
there could be a bit of a problem, as
you both have somewhat different
agendas. But if you persist, you will
find that the differences between you
actually draw you closer together
This month is giving you a choice.
You and your partner could go either
of two ways, so feel the need to
discuss some things. However
anything you say may get you into
deeper trouble and won’t actually
help. As neither of you are actually
clear on what you want. It may be
better to have this conversation later
The energy of the day is creating an
opportunity for you to move in new
circles and make some different
friends, especially if you are looking
for romance. But you will need to be a
little more adventurous, and also stop
worrying that you may be making the
wrong impression. If you can focus
on your positive points, rather than
reinforcing the negative ones, you
will enjoy more success
Don’t try and force your hand in a
certain situation. The relationship that
you are trying to make work could
work a lot better if you could just stop
worrying so much. Sometimes too
much involvement complicates things
unnecessarily. Things would work
better if you let them happen
Austin Whittington
Try and be more sociable than usual
this month because this month is
bringing the opportunity to meet
some very interesting people and you
could miss that if you’re not looking
for it
Make an effort to listen and to really
hear what another person is saying
because it may bring you closer to a
special person so be prepared for
anything to happen
This is a great time to be with friends
If you are having issues then discuss
them with your nearest and dearest. If
you are trying to find romance then
just be yourself You don’t have to go
all out to find that special someone
Take some time for yourself this
month It may seem like a bad idea
and you may have some second
thoughts about taking a break from
people but it will be good for
everybody including you
This is a great time to get away for a
while. You have been very busy and
really need to have a break and
reconnect with your partner (current or
prospective). Whether this means
staying at home and cooking a
wonderful meal, or going somewhere
peaceful, the rest and tranquility will do
you both good
Although you may find yourself
confused on how to proceed this
month in respect to a certain
relationship and although it may
prove virtually impossible to do
anything about it all at the moment,
you will certainly know exactly what
steps to take when the time is right
For more interesting
horoscopes visit
Where was your first date?
She said: “A scary Movie”
She thought he would say: “Movies”
He said: “Movies”
He thought she would say: “Movies”
What color are his/her eyes?
She said: “Blue”
She thought he would say: “Brown”
He said: “Brown”
He thought she would say: “Blue”
Who wears the pants?
She said: “Herself”
She thought he would say: “Himself”
He said: “Himself”
He thought she would say: “Him”
What has been the most awkward moment
between you both?
She said: “Our first kiss”
She thought he would say: “There’s a lot”
He said: “Hasn’t been one”
He thought she would say: “I’m sure she’ll think
of one”
When and how did you guys first start dating?
What is the one thing he/she does that
She said: “We saw each other at a volleyball game
bothers you?
and started talking. He asked me on November 11th
She said: “When he gets mad he won’t talk” with a note left in my car.”
She thought he would say: “I Complain”
She thought he would say: “November 11, 2013”
He said: “Chews with her mouth open”
He said: “November 11, 2013 after her practice I left a
note with Chocolate, roses and a teddy bear.”
He thought she would say: “ A lot of things”
He thought she would say: “November 11, 2013 after
her practice.”
If you didn’t go to homecoming with
Gage/Kayla who would you go with?
She said: “I don’t know
She thought he would say: Alexa”
He said: “Kassidy”
He thought she would say: “No clue”
What is his/her biggest fear?
She said: “tearing his ACL”
She thought he would say: “Scary Movies”
He said: “Scary Movies”
He thought she would say: “losing her”
What is his/her favorite thing to do?
She said: “Play his PS4”
She thought he would say: “play softball”
He said: “Play softball”
He thought she would say: “Play basketball”
If you had to choose between your best
friend or your Boyfriend/Girlfriend hanging from a
cliff, who would you save?
She said: “Gage”
She thought he would say: “Clinton”
He said: “Clinton”
He thought she would say: “Morgan”
Where was your first date?
She said: “Horseback riding into the sunset”
She thought he would say: “I don’t know his
imagination is large”
He said: “the pier as we took a long romantic walk.”
He thought she would say: Butterbee’s
What color are his/her eyes?
She said: “Green”
She thought he would say: “Brown”
He said: “I get lost in them so often I don’t know the
He thought she would say: “Blue”
Who wears the pants?
She said: “Me”
She thought he would say: “Himself”
He said: “Both of us”
He thought she would say: “Herself”
What has been the most awkward moment
between you both?
She said: “When we sat in the room for an hour and
didn’t say a word or make eye contact.”
She thought he would say: “Whenever I speak”
He said: “All the time”
He thought she would say: “Living”
When and how did you guys first start
She said: ”At the stroke of midnight on New
She thought he would say: ”Midnight of
New Year’s”
He said: “Midnight on New Year’s”
He thought she would say: “Same thing”
What is the one thing he/she does that bothers
She said: “Puts his ear buds in during a conversation.”
She thought he would say: “Whenever I’m more
He said: “Talks”
He thought she would say: “When I tell her to touch
her tongue and she will stop yawning”
What is his/her favorite thing to do?
She said: “Jacob Shannon”
She said: “Going to Everybody Record and a used
book store”
She thought he would say: “Jessie”
She thought he would say: “Old Milford”
He said: “Anyone because I’m Jacob Miller”
He said: “Anything Reba”
He thought she would say: “Norman”
He thought she would say: “Be a hipster”
She said: “Dying”
If you had to choose between your best
friend or your Boyfriend/Girlfriend hanging from a
cliff, who would you save?
She thought he would say: “Being near him”
She said: “Sydney”
He said: “The sledge hammer”
She thought he would say: “Jon”
He thought she would say: “Dying”
He said: “Jon”
What is his/her biggest fear?
He thought she would say: “Sydney”
If you didn’t go to homecoming with
Jacob/Morgan who would you go with?
-When and how did you guys start dating?
She said: “October 1st, and over text.”
She thought he would say: “October 1st and through a text.”
He said: “I texted her, and October 1st.”
He thought she would say: “October 1st, and through a text.”
-Where was your first date?
She said: “The U.S.S Nightmare.”
She thought he would say: “I don’t know.”
He said: “Newport, The U.S.S Nightmare.”
He thought she would say: “The U.S.S Nightmare.”
-What color are his/her eyes?
She said: “Green.”
She thought he would say: “Blue.”
He said: “Blue.”
He thought she would say: “Green.”
-Who wears the pants in the relationship?
She said: “I do.”
She thought he would say: “Madison.”
He said: “Madison.”
He thought she would say: “That she does.”
-If you had to choose between your best friend or boyfriend/girlfriend hanging from a cliff who
would you save?
She said: “Karrington.”
She thought he would say: “Austin.”
He said: “Austin.”
He thought she would say: “Best friend.”
-What has been the most awkward moment between you two?
She said:” When we first talked in person.”
She thought he would say: “Nothing’s awkward.”
He said: “First talked in person.”
He thought she would say: “When we first talked in person.”
-What’s one thing that she/he does that bothers you?
She said: “One word responses.”
She thought he would say: “When I say “k.””
He said: “When she gets mad at me.”
He thought she would say: “Not invite her to go places.”
-If you didn’t go to homecoming with Madison/Logan who would you go
She said: “I wouldn’t go.”
She thought he would say: “He wouldn’t go.”
He said: “I wouldn’t go.”
He thought she would say: “She wouldn’t go.”
-What is his/hers biggest fear?
She said: “Getting burned by fire.”
She thought he would say: “Falling into a volcano.”
He said: “Falling into a volcano.”
He thought she would say: “Getting burned by fire.”
-What’s his/hers favorite thing to do?
She said: “Hanging out with Logan.”
She thought he would say:” Playing basketball.”
He said: “Hanging out with Madison.”
He thought she would say: “Playing basketball.”
-When and how did you guys start dating?
She said: “At a track meet and he asked me on the bus.”
She thought he would say: “At the track meet.”
He said: “At a track meet and I just asked her.”
He thought she would say: “At the track meet and on the bus.”
-Where was your first date?
She said: “To the movies to see Mockingjay.”
She thought he would say: “Movies to see Mockingjay.”
He said: “To the movies to see Mockingjay”
He thought she would say: “To the movies.”
-If you had to choose between your best friend or boyfriend/girlfriend hanging from a cliff who would you
She said: “Tanner.”
She thought he would say: “Zack.”
He said: “Zack.”
He thought she would say: “Tanner.”
-What color are his/her eyes?
She said: “Hazel.”
She thought he would say: “Blue.”
He said: “Blue.”
He thought she would say: “Hazel.”
-Who wears the pants in the relationship?
She said: “I do.”
She thought he would say: “Both of us.”
He said: “Both.”
He thought she would say: “Her.”
-What has been the most awkward moment between you two?
She said: “When I met his parents.”
She thought he would say: “When I met his dad.”
He said: “When she came over for the first time.”
He thought she would say: “When she met my parents.”
-What’s one thing that she/he does that bothers you?
She said: “Plays with his hair.”
She thought he would say: “My nagging.”
He said: “When she wines.”
He thought she would say: “When he complains.”
-If you didn’t go to homecoming with Stephanie/Tanner who would you go with?
She said: “Jacob Miller.”
She thought he would say: “Ashley Brandaburg.”
He said: “Ashley Brandaburg”
He thought she would say: “Jacob Miller”
-What is his/hers biggest fear?
She said: “Spiders”
She thought he would say: “Clowns.”
He said: “Clowns.”
He thought she would say: “Spiders”
-What’s his/hers favorite thing to do?
She said: “Hangout with me and play soccer.”
She thought he would say: “Hanging out with me.”
He said: “Plays on her phone.”
He thought she would say: “Spend time with Stephanie and play soccer.”
If given the choice…
Mr. Oliver
High School - Math Teacher
To win a state championship again, drive
cross country with his wife, or eat
Doritos… Mr. Oliver would choose
Doritos all day every day!

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