July 27, 2014 - StMarysOswego
July 27, 2014 - StMarysOswego
The Catholic Community of St. Mary of the Assumption 103 W. Seventh St. Oswego, NY 13126 website: www.stmarysoswego.org Parish Mission: Parish Office: 315-343-3953 email: [email protected] Our Lady of the Rosary 923 Cayuga St., Hannibal, NY 564-5201 Mass: Sunday 9:15 am ALL ARE WELCOMED TO OUR PARISH! We are so pleased that you chose to celebrate with us this weekend. We warmly invite you to active participation in our liturgical celebration. No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church, your current family or marital situation, your past or present religious affiliation; no matter what your personal history, age, background, sexual orientation, gender, race or color; no matter what your self-image or self-esteem; YOU are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved, and respected at St. Mary of the Assumption Church in Oswego, New York. St. Mary’s Pastoral Ministry Pastor Deacon Parish Administrator Director of Faith Formation Music Ministry Maintenance Sacristan RCIA Pastoral Care Outreach Coordinator Public Policy Rep. Bereavement Ministry Trustees Parish Historian Parish Pastoral Council Rev. John F. Hogan Jr. F. Phillip Kehoe Thomas Roman Jr. Sara Kehoe Trinity Catholic School Liaison Patrick O’Brien Diocesan Pastoral Council Anne Delles Facilitator Appointed Members Assistant Facilitator Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Rev. John F. Hogan Jr. F. Phillip Kehoe Michelle A. Brown Deanne Hall Suzanne Branshaw Kathleen Flaherty Michael Bateman Mac McKinstry F. Phillip Kehoe, Deacon Frances Lanigan, Patrick O’Brien, Dawn Thompson Frank & Carolyn Begani Dawn Janey Kathy Mantaro Eileen Sprague Thomas Roman Jr. Sara Kehoe Justin White Ex-Offico Pastor Deacon Trustees Building & Grounds Outreach Selected Members July 27, 2014 Frank Begani Dawn Janey Dianne Clark James McCarthy Denise Pritchard Kent Wallace Jacqueline Babcock Robert Beach Jr. John DeRousie Parish Finance Committee Sara Kehoe Paul Snyder Shane Stepien Mary Beth Docos Daniel Capella Sr. Thomas Roman Jr. St. Mary of the Assumption Office Hours Monday ~ Friday 8:30 am ~ 4:30 pm Office closed for lunch 12:00 ~ 1:00 pm MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm Sunday: 7:45 am & 10:45 am Holy Days: TBA Morning Masses held in the Sisters of St. Joseph Carondelet Center Chapel Monday, Thursday & Friday: 7:00 am Wednesday & Saturday: 8:00 am Confession: Saturdays 3:00 ~ 3:45 pm St. Mary’s Faith Formation: 315-343-7210 website: stmarysff.weebly.com email: [email protected] Trinity Catholic School 315-343-6700 TCS website: oswegotrinitycatholic.org Prayer Requests 415-5735 (Confidential) email: [email protected] Vatican News: www.news.va/en Follow Pope Francis on Twitter ~ @Pontifex3 Follow the Syracuse Diocese on Twitter ~ @DioceseofSyracu Pastoral Care of the Sick & Homebound Please call the parish office if you know a parishioner who is hospitalized, homebound or in a nursing facility that would like a visit and to receive Holy Communion. Safe Environment All of our children are important to us. To keep them safe at all times, please do not let them wander alone through the church. If they need to use the restroom, please be sure they are accompanied by an adult. Thank you AED & First Aid Kit Located in Vesting Room. Parish Office Hours Monday, July 28th ~ Friday, August 1st Noon ~ 4:30 pm Masses & Parish Events Week of July 27, 2014 Sat, July 26 ~ Sts Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 am Dianne Germano Curran / Mr & Mrs Stanley Nalle 4:00 pm Joseph Stone (Birthday) / Bob & Jean Stone Sunday, July 27~ Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:45 am L. William Dilts / Joe & Joan Knoop 10:45 am Helen Kelly / a friend Monday, July 28 7:00 am Floyd “Weno” Ponzi / Corine Bateman Tuesday, July 29 ~ Saint Martha 3:00 pm Legion of Mary in the Rectory Wednesday, July 30 ~ Saint Peter Chrysologus 8:00 am James Castaldo / wife, Louise Thursday, July 31 ~ Saint Ignatius of Loyola 7:00 am Hank Dixon / Jean & Greg Dufore Friday, August 1 ~ Saint Alphonsus Liguori 7:00 am Pro Populo Saturday, August 2 ~ Sts Eusebius of Vercelli & Peter Julian Eymard 8:00 am George “Bunzy” LeRoy / Shirley & Perry WInterhalt 4:00 pm Joan Fragale / Louise Castaldo Sunday, August 3 ~ Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:45 am Carmella Barbarino / Barbarino family 10:45 am Tom Musico / Bill Clare Please note: If a Mass is scheduled for a family member or friend & you wish to bring up the gifts, please let an usher know before Mass. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Holy Day of Obligation Mass Schedule Memorials Week of July 27, 2014 Bread & Wine given in Honor of: Katherine Kelly (birthday) requested by her children Sanctuary Lamp is burning in Loving Memory of: Sally Dehm Saia requested by Joan Knoop Light of the Living is burning in Loving Memory of: Deceased Members of St. John’s & St. Mary’s Consecration Candles are burning in Loving Memory of: Jane James requested by Don & Delores Mary Dehm requested by Joan Knoop Fred Thurston requested by Don & Delores Looking Back With Love Looking Ahead With Hope Goal ~ $200,000. Pledged to Date ~ $ 84,460. 180 Donors SAVE THE DATE: St. Mary’s Annual Parish Picnic Thursday, August 14th 5:30 pm at Breitbeck Park Vigil Mass Bring a dish to pass. Burgers, Hotdogs & Drinks will be provided 5:30 pm ~ St. Joseph’s Team Catechists wanted for all grade levels. Holy Day Masses Youth won’t know their faith if there is no one there to teach them. Please consider sharing your journey with others. Thursday, August 14th Friday, August 15th 7:00 am ~ St. Stephen’s 9:00 am ~ St. Paul’s 12:10 pm ~ St. Mary’s 6:00 pm ~ Our Lady of the Rosary Please Pray for our Sick, Hospitalized & Recuperating Sandra Baker Marilyn Clyne John Eason Don Fitzgerald Carol Griggs Darlene Jarvis Marlene Johnson Cheryl Knopp James LaTulip Grace Muldoon Dawn Norris Mary Olin Ann Peterson Lori Petrie Michael Pettinelli Ann Prusch Adeline Reitz Helen Schilling Tom Smith Katherine Smegelsky Pat Theiser Justin White Jeffrey Weed Jan Weed Sadie Wilson & for our parishioners in Nursing Care Facilities. Please note: Names will stay on the sick list for 3 weeks. If you would like a name to remain longer, or wish to add someone to the list, please call the parish office. Prayer for Our Troops Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need, and give us peace. I ask this in the name of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen. Please Pray for our Military CPO Stephen Begani (USN) PO2 Gregory Bradshaw (USN) PVT Kristopher Darling (USA) SGT Christopher Elmer (USA) SGT Ben Greeney (USA) MAJ Jared R. Harris (USAF) OS3 Michael J. Kelly (USN) SPC Milo Moore (USAR) PVT Stephen Weber (USA) PFC Benjamin Bradford (USA) PFC Johnthan Burchim (USA) HN3 Derek Dillabough (USN) CPT Chad C. Evans (USAF) CPT Ryan J. Harris (USAF) MAJ Adam Johns (USMC) SSGT Christopher Matthews (USA) CPT Brian Scardella (USA) If you have a family member or friend in our Armed Forces, and would like them added to the military prayer list, please contact the parish office. August 2nd & 3rd St. Mary’s Welcomes Fr. Daniel Mulhauser Fr. Dan Mulhauser, S.J. served the Jesuit mission in Micronesia from 1980~2002. He directed a Jesuit sponsored diocesan seminary in Guam for ten of those years; he was also the master of novices at the mission novitiate in Palau. For many years he served as professor and counselor at the University of Guam. Before his missionary assignment in the Pacific Islands, Fr. Dan taught theology and was chaplain at Le Moyne College (1962 ~ 1974). From then until 1980 he was the Director of Vocations for the Jesuit New York Province. He returned from the Pacific mission to Le Moyne in 2002 and has served there as chaplain to the alumni. Fr. Dan is a native of Syracuse and is a veteran of World War II. 2014 Annual HOPE Appeal GOAL: $ 39,655. Pledged to Date: $ 22,470. 179 out of 533 register families Thank you to our generous parishioners who have made a pledge to the Annual HOPE Appeal. If you have not yet responded to the HOPE Appeal, we ask that you prayerfully consider making a pledge to help support the needs of our diocese. For years, your gifts to the HOPE Appeal have helped thousands of people through the programs and ministries funded by the HOPE Appeal. Pledge cards are in every pew. Please fill one out & drop in the collection basket. Thank you. July 19 & 20 No Second Collection this weekend. Envelopes $ 4,414. Loose 522. Maintenance 1,250. School 20. Fuel 110. Total $ 6,316. 205 Envelopes Thank You 2nd collection next weekend: Catholic Education St. Mary’s Outreach & the Stuff-A-Bus Campaign As Summer winds down we begin to think of the 2014/2015 school year ahead. Many Oswego children go to school without the necessary school supplies. They need our help! Donations of school supplies are now being accepted and may be brought to the parish office or placed in the baskets at the entrances of church. Thank you St. Stephen the King Parish Festival Sunday, August 10th Noon ~ 7:00 pm (Rain or Shine) 140 Niagara Street, Oswego Polish Foods: Golabki, Pierogi, Kielbasa & Kapusta along with Hamburgers & Hot Dogs Games of Skill & Chance, Activities for Children, Cake Booth, Grocery Booth, Basket Booth & Raffles Music: Bob Hageny: Noon ~ 2:00 pm and The New Direction Band: 2:00 pm ~ 6:00 pm The Diocese of Syracuse is proud to offer Project Rachel, a post abortion-healing ministry which recognizes that unresolved issues following abortions are both spiritual and psychological/ emotional. To comprehensively and professionally address these needs, Project Rachel provides an integrated approach to healing, involving referrals to priests and licensed mental health professionals. Project Rachel Ministry in the Syracuse Diocese serves Onondaga, Oneida, Oswego, Cortland, Broome and Chenango counties. Please call the Project Rachel line at 1-855-364-0076. Hope and healing begin here. A Family Perspective from the Family Life Education Office (a Hope Appeal Agency) The man in today’s gospel “sold all he had” for the treasure he found. Family relationships are “treasures” and demand our total personal investment. Invest yourself in the “treasure” of your family. Please come and greet Majok Marier, a Lost Boy and author from Atlanta, Georgia at St. Vincent’s Church, 342 Vine St., Syracuse on Wednesday, July 23rd at 7:00 pm in the church basement. Majok with Estelle Ford-Williams wrote “Seed of South Sudan: Memoir of a “Lost Boy” Refugee.” Majok was 7 yrs old when war came to his village in southern Sudan. Tens of thousands of boys like Majok fled from the Sudanese Army that was trying to kill them. Surviving on grasses, grains, and help from villagers he walked nearly 1000 miles to a refugee camp in Ethiopia. SECURE ONLINE GIVING www.stmarysoswego.org click on WeShare Save the Date: August 9th, the CNY Marian Center will be sponsoring a bus tour to the Rosa Mystica House of Prayer. It is located in Edmeston (near Cooperstown). There will be a number of things to see/do that day, including hearing an individual speak who was healed through the prayers of St. Padre Pio. For information and signup, call Daun Symborski at 342-4963 Liturgical Ministers ~August 2 & 3 Mass Reader Minister of Minister of the Host Altar Servers 4:00 pm J. Alejandro M. Collins A. Rupert J. Schwitter M. Wills E. Manwaring Amanda Nettles Hunter Mazuroski 7:45 am G. Hoffman K. Fenlon R. Lupa D. Hall V. Hill F. Lanigan Desiree Zappala Madison LeRoy 10:45 am M. Sullivan C. Flack A. Delles P. O’Brien D. Delles R. Reitano Paul & Mario Santore Emily & Matthew Oldenburg JP Jewelers 136 W. Bridge St., Oswego 342-4653 www.jpwholesalejewelers.com
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Sisters of St. Joseph Carondelet Center Chapel
Mon, Thu & Fri: 7:00 am
Wed & Sat: 8:00 am
Confession: Saturdays 3:00 ~ 3:45 pm
St. Mary’s Faith Formation 315-343-7210