beyond - FrontLine Service
beyond - FrontLine Service
OUR MISSION Reaching out to adults and children in Northeast Ohio to end homelessness, prevent suicide, resolve behavioral health crises and overcome trauma. FrontLine Service, formerly Mental Health Services (MHS), is a first responder to individuals and families in our community who are struggling with homelessness, crises and trauma. Founded in 1988, our continuum of services now includes outreach, emergency shelter, transitional and permanent housing for those who are homeless; crisis services for those contemplating suicide; and support for families and children who have witnessed violence in their home and community. We are a provider of choice in Cuyahoga County for over 20,000 individuals and families each year. PLEASE R.S.V.P. BY APRIL 21, 2014 FrontLine Service invites you to attend a Unique Art Exhibit BEYOND THE STORM The ArtofHealing Corrie Taylor 216.274.3492 or [email protected] Artwork: Christopher Finney, Artist, FrontLine Client 1744 Payne Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44114 216.623.6555 MOBILE CRISIS HOTLINE: 216.623.6888 MAIN OFFICE: MAIN: 8_Invitation.indd 2-3 2/24/14 8:46 PM BEYOND THE STORM The Artof Healing THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS Dave’s Markets FIT Technologies The Sara Williams Parish Foundation Friday, May 2, 2014 6:00 – 8:30 pm Josaphat Arts Hall 1433 East 33rd Street KeyBank McGohan Brabender Rich and Kate Robins Cleveland, OH 44114 Brouse McDowell Frantz Ward LLP Dept. of Psychiatry, University Hospitals Case Medical Center JP Morgan Chase & Co. Enterprise Community Partners, Inc. Tammy Westerman BOARD OF DIRECTORS Julie Rittenhouse, Chair Mark Lammon, Vice Chair & QI Chair Lisa Morrison, Treasurer Jeanne Romanoff, Development Chair* Jacquelyn Baker, MSN, MHA, RN* Jim Cook Vince Domenico Patricia Fine Fran Hogg* Suzanne Rivera, Ph.D.* Richard Robins, Ph.D. (Past Chair)* Burt Saltzman* Danielle Serino Tammy Westerman (Past Chair) *Event Committee A special thank you to the Event Committee & Host Committee Members: William M. Denihan Bill and Harriet Gould Jeanine Nemecek Sara Parish Barbara Pennington David Schweighoefer, Legal Counsel Susan Neth, MS, LSW, Executive Director 8_Invitation.indd 4-5 (North of Superior Avenue) Beer, wine, heavy hors d’oeuvres, soft drinks, raffle and auction opportunities, music and the stories of those we serve as told through their art Business Casual • Complimentary Valet Parking Please complete the enclosed Response Card and return by April 21. BEYOND THE STORM is a fundraising event featuring artwork created by men, women and children who have experienced the storms of homelessness, trauma and crises. Artwork makes it possible to express ourselves to others without words. A stroke of color can tell the story of who we are, where we have been, or where we want to be. And there is often great relief and healing in simply the creation of art. The pieces in this collection reflect the life-threatening obstacles which the artists have worked to overcome, their tremendous resiliency and, for many, their hopes for tomorrow. 2/24/14 8:46 PM BEYOND THE STORM The ArtofHealing ____ Yes! I would like to support Beyond The Storm, The Art of Healing. R.S.V.P. by April 21, 2014. ____ General Ticket(s) @ $75 (Please fill out list of attendees on back of this card.) ____ I cannot attend but would like to make a donation of $___________. ____ My check is enclosed. ____ I will pay online at ____ Visa ____ MC ____ AMEX ____ Discover Credit Card Number______________________________________________________ Expiration Date__________________ Security Code CVV___________________ Signature_______________________________________________________________ Name____________________________________________________________________ Company (if applicable)___________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip____________________________________________________________ Phone__________________________ Email________________________________ Please make checks payable to FrontLine Service. Reservations held at the door. For more information, please call Corrie Taylor 216.274.3492 or email [email protected] 2_ResponseCard.indd 1 2/10/14 9:51 AM BEYOND THE STORM The ArtofHealing Please list names of attendees: 1. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________________________________ 7. _____________________________________________________________________ 8. _____________________________________________________________________ 9. _____________________________________________________________________ 10. _____________________________________________________________________ 2_ResponseCard.indd 2 2/10/14 9:51 AM
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beyond - FrontLine Service
worked to overcome, their tremendous resiliency and, for many,
their hopes for tomorrow.