lnundated AIor Setar airport remains closed
lnundated AIor Setar airport remains closed
I bY MANJIT KAUR,.EMBUNMAJID, SIRA HABIBU, KAREN CHAPMAN ANdREENA NATHAN I REPOTTS .- -. . *. .;;i: s T@*$*'3**,.-{idb$ I r{: !"4ry,ri , ' tr io$ *,i:i.l i N.,._ i{ . i\': :i. \: nt 3#i-i::.-.::sr:.r :t : Water, water everywhere: The SultanAbdul Halim Airport remainsclosed until further notice as the runway is flooded. lnundated AIorSetarairport remainsclosed PETALINGJAYA:The SultanAbdul Halim HillaryRodham Clintonat Subang Airporthere Airportin Alor Setarremainsclosedbecause yesterday. the runwaysare flooded,and for now,only Kongsaidthatonlyhelicopter services were areavailable in.Kedah. helicopterservices available in Kedah. TransportMinisterDatukSeril(ongChoHa Healsosaidthat iherewereno plansto resaidall flightswerecancelled from yesterday routetheAIorSetar-bound flightsto Langkawi astheairportwasin 20cmof water, andPenang for now. "Theairportwill remaincloseduntil further "However;thoseaffected,can opt to take notice,"saidKongat a pressconference after flightsfromor to the nearestairports. slnding off UnitedStatesSecretaryof State MASmanaging directorDatukTengku fumil ZahruddinRajaAbdultuiz saidaffectedpassengers hadtheoptionto reschedule flightsor makearrangements to fly fromeitherPenang or Langkawi. 'Theycanalsoopt for groundor seatransportation," hesaid. On the affectedpilgrimsscheduled to perform the hcj in Mecca,Azmilsaidtheywould makearrangements with TabungHaji to reschedule theflights.