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Untitled - Mining Press
Dear Distinguished Colleagues,
On behalf of Markets Group and the Infrastructure, Energy and Mining Projects Group, it is our pleasure to invite you to
participate in the 2nd Annual Peru Energy Summit, taking place at the Hilton Lima Miraflores in Lima, Peru.
Peru recently announced a pipeline of large-scale energy projects valued at over US$ 8 billion. The projects are meant to deliver
sustained, long-term growth for the economic sector. Strong economic conditions are continuing to attract international
investment in public works projects in the country, specifically within the energy sector.
Growing Peru’s Energy Capacity: Investment, Operations and Development
The Summit will feature:
2 – days of content centered on the financial, operational and developmental challenges and opportunities currently
present in the Peruvian energy sector.
Speaker faculty of 65+ composed of the most important local and international energy project developers, concessionaires,
investors, regulators and authorities.
Opportunities for more than 15 hours of networking with delegates and speakers from more than twenty countries
including Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Spain.
We have organized a program which takes into consideration the needs of energy developers, concessionaires, financiers, private
equity firms, investment banks, engineering, construction and procurement companies, consultants, legal service providers,
auditing service providers, operators and government actors and will continue to strive to provide the most updated topics in
energy investment & development.
Carolina Gomez-Lacazette
Project Manager, Energy, Infrastructure & Mining Group
Markets Group
Energy Summit Series
2nd Peru Energy Summit
2nd Colombia Energy Summit
2nd Mexico Energy Summit
CAC Energy Summit
March 9-10, 2015
May 13-14, 2015
September 10-11, 2015
November 10-11, 2015
Hilton Lima Miraflores
W Bogota Hotel
Four Seasons
Riu Hotel
Lima, Peru
Bogota, Colombia
Mexico City, Mexico DF
Panama City, Panama
Contact Information
Sponsorship & Registration
Production & Speaking Enquiries
Marketing & Press
Ken Bauco
Carolina Gomez-Lacazette
Vanessa Lima
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Aggreko is the global leader in the supply of temporary power solutions to companies in the Electric Utilities sectors Oil & Gas and Mining. With over 50 years of experience, more than 190 locations worldwide,
including 117 locations North, Central and South America, and the largest generator rental fleet, Aggreko
provides power solutions that are rapid, flexible, and highly reliable. Aggreko offers full-scale
multi-megawatt power applications that allow the installation of an entire interim power plant in a matter
of weeks based on specific customer requirements. From the initial assessment, engineering and design to
commissioning, operations and site maintenance, Aggreko provides complete turnkey solutions to
support power needs from start to finish. Aggreko has the equipment, expertise and 24/7/365 service
teams to offer a power solution that is cost-effective and tailored to keep operations moving anywhere in
the world.
AMERICATEL PERU es una TIC que inicia operaciones en Perú el 2002 con el lanzamiento del código 1977.
Posteriormente ha ido incrementado su cartera de productos, desarrollando servicios de Internet
Dedicado, Telefonía Fija, Transmisión de Datos, Americatel NGN, Enlaces Satelitales, soportados en tres
grandes redes de fibra óptica y satelitales interconectadas entre sí. En adición a nuestros servicios de
Telecomunicaciones, AMERICATEL PERU lanzó al mercado sus servicios TI (Junio 2010), soportados por
una de las más grandes redes de data center en Sudamérica, que en total suman 9000 mt2 de data center
con capacidades Tier I, II y III.
Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent es una compañía líder en la evolución y transformación de las redes de
telecomunicaciones para soportar aplicaciones en tiempo real y operaciones de misión critica, que apoyen
el control y la distribución más inteligente de los recursos energéticos. Alcatel-Lucent ofrece soluciones
end-to-end en tecnologías de telecomunicaciones y combina el conocimiento de la industria eléctrica con
la experiencia de desarrollos e innovación de los Laboratorio Bell.Con sus soluciones Alcatel-Lucent ayuda
a las compañías eléctricas a hacer más eficientes sus operaciones y a distribuir y controlar de forma
eficiente la energía eléctrica.
Distribuidora Cummins Perú S.A.C., es el distribuidor oficial de Cummins en el Perú, quien es líder global
en la industria energética y el fabricante más importante del mundo en motores diesel de más de 200HP y
grupos electrógenos. Presta sus servicios en más de 160 países a través de su red de 550 centros de
distribución independientes, de propiedad de la empresa y más de 5,000 sitios de distribución. Cummins
Perú ofrece soluciones con los más altos estándares internacionales en motores diesel y gas, generadores
eléctricos, filtros, repuestos, alquiler de equipos y soporte en campo a través de sus cinco sucursales en el
interior del país.
Promigas es una organización de reconocida trayectoria en sector gas natural, al tiempo que incursiona
en nuevos sectores productivos. Su portafolio de inversiones incluye empresas de transporte y
distribución de gas natural, LNG, soluciones integradas para la industria de productores de hidrocarburos,
generación de energía y distribución y comercialización de energía eléctrica, con presencia en Colombia y
Es una de las compañías transportadoras privadas de gas natural más antigua de América Latina y pionera
en la masificación del uso de este combustible en el país. Actualmente suministra 40% del gas natural en
Colombia y beneficia con este servicio a cerca de 10 millones de habitantes, 85% pertenecientes a los
estratos socioeconómicos más bajos.
RIMAC es la empresa líder del mercado asegurador peruano desde hace más de diez años consecutivos,
siendo la única que opera en todos los ramos de riesgos generales, salud y vida. Cuenta con una
participación mayor a 32%. Con 118 años de experiencia en el sector de seguros, pertenece a Breca, el
empresarial más representativo del Perú. En RIMAC trabajamos por un mundo con menos
preocupaciones, y buscamos ser una empresa socialmente responsable, centrada en nuestros clientes
internos y externos. Durante nuestra larga trayectoria hemos ganado la confianza del mayor número de
empresas en nuestro país ya que contamos con el mejor y más completo Programa de Aseguramiento de
Riesgos Generales y Humanos.
SunEdison is a global leader in transforming how energy is generated, distributed and owned. SunEdison
manufactures solar technology and develops, finances, installs and operates distributed solar power
plants, delivering predictably priced electricity and services to its residential, commercial, government and
utility customers. SunEdison also provides 24/7 asset management, monitoring and reporting services for
hundreds of solar systems worldwide via the company's Renewable Operation Center (ROC). SunEdison
has offices in North America, Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia. SunEdison's common stock is listed
on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "SUNE." For more information, please visit
SK Rental es una empresa filial del grupo chileno Sigdo Koppers, creada el año 1998, con la misión de
proveer un servicio de excelencia en el alquiler de equipos y maquinarias en distintos segmentos de la
Industrianacional. Desde el inicio de sus operaciones, SK Rental ha apoyado el desarrollo de sus clientes
con una amplia y diversificada flota, con equipos industriales para la construcción y el movimiento de
tierra, los cuales son renovados periódicamente y provenientes de las más prestigiosas marcas a nivel
mundial, con el fin de garantizar altos niveles de productividad.
Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets. By
emphasising technological innovation and total efficiency, Wärtsilä maximizes the environmental and
economic performance of the vessels and power plants of its customers.
Registration Opens
Host’s Welcome
Carolina Gomez-Lacazette, Energy Project Manager, Markets Group
Keynote Presentation: Energy as a Key Driver of Peru’s Competitiveness
Edwin Quintanilla, Viceministro de Energia y Minas, Ministerio de Energia y Minas Peru
Keynote Roundtable: The Impacts and Benefits of Structural Reforms in Peru
Proinversion, Osinergmin and the main energy companies in Peru evaluate their expectations and implementation
strategies in the Oil&Gas, Electric and Mining sector prospects for the diversification of the energy matrix.
Miguel Perez Navarro, Gerente General, Petroperu
Carlos Herrera, Executive Director, Proinversion
Jesus Francisco Tamayo Pacheco, Presidente Consejo Directivo, Osinergmin
¿How to maximize your assets? Proven applications of how the industry today is dealing with stranded gas to obtain
better operational returns and maximize productive assets of Oil & Gas companies.
Eduardo Cisneros, Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios de Peru y Bolivia, Aggreko
Networking Break
Part 1: Peru’s Oil & Gas Resources – Upstream, Midstream and Downstream New Projects & Investment
Roundtable: Peru Oil & Gas Outlook – Exploration and Production. Unconventional resources in the country.
E&P Investment: challenges and opportunities to remain competitive within the Americas. Achieving contractual
flexibility to increase attractiveness for high-risk exploration.
Jose Antonio Coz Calderon, Gerente de Exploracion y Explotacion, Petroperu
Juan Ortiz Guevara, Director General de Hidrocarburos, Ministerio de Energia y Minas Peru
Cesar Ardiles, Exploration Manager, Karoon
Hugo Gustavo Pelliza, Vice President Exploration, Gran Tierra Energy Peru
Roundtable: Oil & Gas – Transportation, Pipelines and Refining
Peru’s historic natural gas project—$ 4 billion to build the 1,000-kilometer-long pipeline “Gasoducto del Sur Peruano.”
Developing the infrastructure to transport crude to other countries. Challenges in the upgrading and expanding
refineries. Opportunities for major and minor pipeline players. Talara Refinery Upgrade: The $2.7bn contract represents
the largest project awarded to a single contractor world-wide.
Rodney Carvalho, Presidente del Directorio del Gasoducto del Sur Peruano, Odebrecht
Ricardo Ferreiro, CEO, TGP
David San Frutos, Country Manager, Enagas
Ernesto Barreda Tamayo, Gerente del Proyecto de Modernizacion de Refineria Talara, Petroperu
Roundtable: Opportunities & Lessons Learned for Natural Gas
Gas Projects Portfolio “LPG Supply System for Lima and Callao” and “Distribution System of Natural Gas (through a pipeline grid) for 7 Andean Regions”. How the projects have transitioned from a challenge to an opportunity and economic
cornerstone for Peru. Challenges that Gas Projects present for Peru’s energy sector: Financial, technical, legal requirements, and incentives for Investors.
Ricardo Roa Barragan, Presidente, Empresa de Energia de Bogota
Ricardo Leon Nouel, Gerente General, Contugas
Luis Sanchez Torino, Project Manager—Gas and Power Projects, Proinversion
Networking lunch
Part 2: Petrochemicals
Roundtable: Investments & New Developments in Peru’s Petro-Chemical Industry
Promoting the development of the Petrochemical Pole making Peru the only source of ethane in the South American
pacific coast with enough capacity to supply petrochemical projects at an international competitive scale.
Jaime Quipusco, Gerente de Proyectos, Braskem
Gerardo Leon Castillo, Gerente de Refineria y Ductos, Petroperu
Part 3: Financing Energy Projects in Peru: An Overview of Improving Conditions to Invest in the Market
Roundtable: Existing and Emerging Financial Structures and Products that Enable Efficient Access to Funding in the
Local and International Markets
Prospective financing for the energy projects, where is the equity coming from? Project bonds vs. loans: weighing up the
opportunities for financing and re-financing projects.
Nestor Caceres Rosas, Asesor Finanzas Gerencia General, Petroperu
Enrique Rodriguez-Flores, Senior Regional Energy Specialist, Inter-American Development Bank, IDB
Olga Lucia de Narvaez, Oficial Lider de Inversiones , Corporacion Interamericana de Inversiones
Roberto Leigh, Business Development, IC Power
Part 4: Energy Risk Management and Navigating New Legislation
Roundtable: Managing Risk Through Effective Risk Mitigation Programs and Strategies
Risks associated with investing and operating in Peruvian energy sector. Legal provisions to promote sustainable energy,
creating a legal framework that aims to provide safety to investments in the sector.
Max de Freitas, Vicepresidente de Riesgos Generales, RIMAC
Jose Antonio Aranda Ramirez, Coordinador de Riesgos, Contingencias y Eficiencia Energetica, CNPC
Gabriel Quijandria Acosta, Viceministro de Desarrollo Estratégico de los Rec.Naturales, Ministerio del Ambiente del Perú
Arturo Vasquez Cordano, Chief Economist and Manager, Osinergmin
Renzo Viani, Gerente Legal, Transportadora de Gas del Peru
Closing Remarks:
Carolina Gomez-Lacazette, Energy Project Manager, Markets Group
End of Day One—Cocktail Reception
Registration Opens
Host’s Welcome:
Carolina Gomez-Lacazette, Energy Project Manager, Markets Group
Keynote Presentation
Pedro Gamio Ata, Director de Energias Renovables y Ex Viceministro de Energia, Ministerio de Energia y Minas
Part 5: Investment & Financing
Keynote CFO Roundtable: Peru’s Economic Strength, Financial Incentives for Energy sector growth
Strategic Planning: Cost and Risk Management. Joint Ventures: joining forces in order to share risk and pool resources.
Impact of capital project on stock price.
Cesar Sambra Diaz Ufano, Vicepresidente de Negocios Corporativos, RIMAC
Marko Harasic, CFO, Odebrecht Latinvest
Tomas Delgado Farizo, CFO, Transportadora de Gas del Peru
Jose Ivan Jaramillo Vallejo, CFO, Red de Energia del Peru
Alfonso Morante, CFO, Maple Gas
Networking Break
Part 6: Electric Power: Generation, Transmission and Distribution
COES Presentation: Peruvian Electricity Market Outlook for the Long Term
Cesar Butron Fernandez, Presidente, COES-SINAC
Roundtable: Hydroelectric and Thermal Potential and Current Key Projects
Peru plans to award a 30-year concession to build and operate a 1,200 MW hydroelectric plan in the first quarter of 2015.
Investment into new power generation and transmission facilities. Legal, regulatory and economic provisions for
development. New market demands; sustainability and growth.
Henry Manuel Guzman Paredes, Gerente B.U. Energia, Distribuidora Cummins Peru
Manuel Suarez, Jefe de Proyecto Suministro de Energia de Nuevas Centrales Hidroelectricas, Proinversion
Juan Rozas, Country Manager, Statkraft Peru
Renzo Javier Salazar Vallejo, Asesor Legal en Energia e Infraestructuras, Grupo Cobra
Cesar Vega Medina, Director Regional de Operaciones Peru y Ecuador, Duke Energy Peru
Roundtable: Transmission & Distribution Grid
Regulatory and financial obstacles and incentives to the cross-border transmission systems. Integration with neighboring
countries. The role of Smart Grid and LTE technologies in the Utilities.
Guillermo Jimenez, CTO, Alcatel-Lucent
Alfonso de Sas, Country Manager, Isolux Corsan
Carlos Mario Caro Sanchez, Gerente General, Red de Energia del Peru S.A.
Luis Velasco, Gerente General, Red Electrica del Sur
Networking Lunch
Part 7: Energy & Environment
Roundtable: Improving Environmental Management in Peru
Legislation and regulatory authorities. Social and Environmental challenges facing energy projects. Improving the
country’s environmental framework will promote investment in the country.
Paul Rocca Gastelo, Conciliador de Analisis y Resolucion Social, Universidad Pontificia Catolica del Peru
Hugo Gomez, Presidente, OEFA
Fernando Castillo Torres, Director de la Oficina de Gestion Social, Ministerio de Energia y Minas
Networking Break
Part 8: Energy & Mining
SunEdison Presentation
Alejandro Erazo, Business Development Director, SunEdison Chile & Peru
Roundtable: Meeting the Demand of Energy Supply to the Peruvian Mining industry
Peru’s mining industry needs an additional 4.000 MW in power to supply new mines and expansions over the next
decade. The mining industry accounts for one third of the country’s demand. $60bn in investments, require more in
additional generating capacity.
Eduardo Cisneros, Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios de Peru y Bolivia, Aggreko
Edgardo Alba, Director General de Mineria, Ministerio de Energia y Minas Peru
Julio Gallardo, Presidente, Camara Minera del Peru
Jose Estela, Gerente de Energia, Volcan Compania Minera S.A.A.
Part 9: Renewables
Roundtable: Peru’s Renewable Future
Peru is aiming to set a benchmark in the clean energy sector that can be a reference point in the Latin America region.
Specific experiences of international and national companies in the Renewable Sector. Developing new incentives to
promote renewable energy development: Long-term PPA.
Guillermo Jimenez, CTO, Alcatel-Lucent
Jean Phillippe Bellavia, Country Representative, Enel Green Power Peru
Patricia Alarcon, Country Manager, ContourGlobal
Jose Osuna Lopez, Jefe de Proyectos, Grupo Cobra
Closing Remarks
Carolina Gomez-Lacazette, Energy Project Manager, Markets Group
End of Summit