August 2015 newsletter CC


August 2015 newsletter CC
Splash Child Care
August Newsletter
August Issue 1
August 1, 2015
Executive Director’s Thoughts
“Ah, summer, what power you
have to make us suffer and like
Russell Baker
Special Days of Interest
 August 3 Closed for
Labour Day
 August 12 Food Bank
 August 21 Parent Fees
 August 26 Food Bank
Birthdays for August
Holidays for August
As we go into the dog days
of summer we are all wondering where the heck did
summer go?!! We are having a great summer learning about different countries; their cultures, traditions and foods. Our gardens are growing like crazy
and the children are outside every day. August
started with the school age
centre hosting our own
Folklorama. We presented
Japan to Aleph-bet and
Garden Grove Child Care
Centres. It was an amazing
event. Thanks to Fubuki
Daiko for the fabulous
performance to round off
a perfect day. In August we
will be going on more field
trips and we will be hosting more events. We will
be doing more acts of
kindness in the community
and having funky fantastic
Fridays! Look for improvements to our small
play area outside and the
environment inside the
Enrichment Centre and a
new more efficient office
at the School Age Centre.
We’ve been lucky enough
to have grants to help us
out, volunteers to enhance
our service and great summer students and staff to
enhance our ratio. All
have added their special
flare to our program.
Thank you to Les Wien’s
crew at Investor’s Group
for financially supporting
our summer program and
Berna and Monica Klassen
for their continued support
both financially and in doing programs for the
school age centre.
Enjoy the rest of what
summer gives you.
Lesley Massey
We Want To Give You A Big Thank You!
A big ‘Thank You’ goes out
to Scott Hardman and
Marco Desamero for all
their hard work this summer.
Our summer program is
running smoothly due to the
their dedication to the children and the program.
Best wishes
for your
future endeavours.
Folklorama 2015
This year the children and
staff at the centre will be
presenting Japan as our
Folklorama pavilion. Two
other child care centres;
Garden Grove Child Care
and Aleph bet Child Care,
will be our honoured
The whirl wind pavilion
includes a food station
where our children and
their guests will sample
common food, including
sushi, miso soup, green tea
ice cream and tea as a beverage. They will learn about
the amazing culture of the
The second station includes a children`s activity
where the children engage
in a `take home craft. We
made ‘koinobori’, carp
shaped flags hung outside
the home on Children’s
Day. Our last station was a
performance by a Winnipeg-based taiko drumming
group, Fubuki Daiko. The
performance included active participation by the
children. They absolutely
loved it.
Taiko is an ancient form of
Japanese percussion using
large drums. One of taiko’s
defining aspects is it’s loud,
hard, and fast playing style.
Too soon Fall will be here...
Fall and the start of school
are coming quickly. It is now
time that warm ups will be
accepted during lunch hours.
Still, we are a PLASTIC
BAG FREE centre. Please
send your lunches in either
paper lunch bags or reusable
lunch bags.
Lunch hour is short so please
keep heatables to a reasonable length of time. Based on
child numbers 1-2 minutes is
an acceptable length of time.
Five minutes for a frozen
dinner is not a reasonable
length of time.
The start of another year...
While summer is coming to
an end we can look forward
to a new school year. An
exciting year of learning
new and interesting things.
ing to the daycare you must
provide a 2 week written
notice that is signed and
Going back to school
brings many changes for
you and us as well.
Parents enrolling their children in kindergarten must
be enrolled in morning classes at Strathcona School.
If your child is not return-
Warm ups and soup supple-
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ments start on the first day
of school, September 8,
Breakfast program at
Strathcona School begins at
8:15 am. All children are
welcome to take part.
August Newsletter
Splash Child Care Inc.
233 McKenzie Street
Winnipeg, MB R2W
Phone: (204) 582-3959
We are on the web!!
Parent fee payments are due
August 21, 2015.
Fall Fundraising Event 2015
Splash is able to supplement
it’s funding for our programs
and enhance our enrichment
activities for our children by
hosting fundraising events.
Coming up in September we
will be hosting our fall Meat
Fundraiser event. Please
watch for future information.
Books of tickets will be availa-
ble to all parents and staff.
Sell! Sell! Sell! The prize consists of…meat and a BBQ
donated by MaMawi.
cational experience with us.
Sincerely, Splash.
We want to give you our utmost sincere thanks for your
continuing financial support
of our children at Splash.
Your contributions have
helped fund your child’s edu-
Many thanks...
Summer is an exciting time for
all of us. There are many activities, field trips, and much
fun. But, it can be a confusing
time as well.
We do appreciate the support
from you, the parents. We can
not thank you enough for takAugust Issue 1
ing the time to drop off forgotten shoes and sandals,
lunches, and the dreaded permission slips. Thank you for
supporting the ideas and field
trips we run.
And, thank you for helping
the summer run smoothly.
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August Newsletter