Rebuilding Labor`s Power
Rebuilding Labor`s Power
Labor Notes 7435 Michigan Avenue Detroit, MI 48210 Join a thousand activists from unions, worker centers, and grassroots movements for the conference that’s putting the movement back in the labor movement! Non-Profit U.S. POSTAGE PAID Detroit ALLIED MAILING Permit # 1939 & PRINTING Rebuilding Labor’s Power Labor Notes Conference April 11-13, 2008 Dearborn, Michigan Conference Details: Schedule: Early workshops and special interest meetings begin 1 p.m. Friday, April 11, with the opening main session at 7 p.m. Events continue until 3 p.m. Sunday, April 13. Registration: $115 ($120 Cdn). Get $35 OFF if registered by February 15! Includes Saturday banquet. Some scholarships available. Please support the scholarship fund by registering as a sustainer or making a contribution. Location: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Dearborn, Michigan: a union hotel near the Detroit Metro Airport. Room Rates: Single/double $111, triple $131, quad $151. You must mention “Labor Notes Conference” for these rates. To reserve, call 313-593-1234 or book online at Air Travel: Fly Northwest Airlines and get 7% off if you book your ticket by March 8 (5% discount after March 8). To book online go to and select the “NWA Discount Travel E-Cert Redemption” link on the flight search page. When prompted for “E-Cert Fare, electronic voucher or meeting agreement” select “Meeting Agreement/ WorldFile Number” and enter the promotion code NMDCZ. Northwest provides reservation assistance at 1-800328-1111. Labor Notes will periodically send information on other discounted flights from major U.S. cities over our email list. Go to to sign up. Childcare: Available for a fee for children over 1 year. Request by March 1. For More Info: Call Labor Notes at 313-842-6262 • [email protected] • Register Now! Get the Early Registration Discount ($35) before February 15. Name _________________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City/State/Zip _________________________________________ Union/Organization _________________________________________ Phone _________________________________________ Email _________________________________________ £ Enclosed is the registration fee of $115 ($120 Cdn) or $80 ($85 Cdn) if registered before February 15. Checks payable to Labor Notes. £ Enclosed is the sustainers registration fee of $150 ($160 Cdn). £ I would like to sponsor a low-wage worker to attend the conference. Enclosed is my donation of $__________. £ Charge my: £ Visa £ MasterCard £ AmEx £ Discover $__________ Card Number_______-_______-_______-_______ Expiration Date (Month/Year) _________ Security Code _______ £ The registration rate includes the Saturday night banquet. I prefer a £ vegetarian or £ vegan meal. £ Please send me ____ brochures to recruit others. £ I want help recruiting others in my area. Please contact me. £ I will need childcare for ___ children, ages ____________. (A fee will apply. Must register by March 1.) Only partial refunds will be made after March 30. Return to Labor Notes, 7435 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI 48210 or register online at Conference themes include: • The Workplace: What does organizing on the shop floor have to do with rebuilding labor’s power? • Fighting Concessions: With companies everywhere crying broke we will discuss what we can do to fight back rather than give back. • Organizing: Organizing strategies that work to increase our numbers. • Health Care Now: How can labor respond to the problem of our broken health care system? • Grassroots Solidarity: How do we build lasting connections between unions, workers centers, and other labor activists? • Immigrant Rights: How can the labor movement deepen our alliances with workers fighting for a right to live and work free of government harassment and employer intimidation? • International Solidarity vs. Competition: Overcoming the race to the bottom by building solidarity across borders. It’s energy like this that keeps labor activists coming back to the Labor Notes Conference, year after year. This is our chance to celebrate our victories, take stock of our setbacks, and prepare for the future. Over 40 workshops including: • Labor History • Flyers and Newsletters • Assertive Grievance Handling • Internal Organizing: Key to a Strong Union • Getting Ahead of Globalization • Taking Control of the Workplace: A "Continuous Bargaining" Approach • Contract Campaigns • Fighting “Blame the Worker” Health and Safety Programs • Running for Local Union Office • Dealing with the Media • Strategic Planning: Building a Strong Local • Creative Tactics • Pension Crisis 101 • Strike Strategy Rebuilding Labor’s Power Participants include*: Leonard Riley, ILA Local Local 1422; 1422; Elena Elena Herrada, Herrada,Centro CentroObrero Obrero Detroit; Christine Newman-Ortiz, Newman-Ortiz, Voces Voces de de lalaFrontera; Frontera;Patricia Patricia Campbell, Independent Independent Workers Workers Union, Union, Ireland; Ireland;Ashaki AshakiBinta, Binta, United Electrical Worker Worker Local Local 150/International 150/InternationalWorkers Workers Justice Campaign; Todd Todd Jordan, Jordan, UAW UAW Local Local 292; 292;Ed EdMichaels, Michaels, Rail Workers United; United; Louis Louis Rocha, Rocha, CWA CWA Local Local9423; 9423;Ellen Ellen David Friedman, Vermont Vermont Progressive Progressive Party/Vermont Party/VermontWorkers Workers Center; Anton Marcus, Marcus, Free Free Trade Trade Zone Zone and and General GeneralServices Services Employees Union, Sri Centers Sri Lanka; Lanka; José José Oliva, Oliva, Workers’ Chicago Interfaith Network Interfaith Worker Justice;Jr., BillCenter Fletcher Center Workers' for Rights Center; Bill Fletcher for Jr., Labor for Labor Rose Renewal; Ann California DeMoro, California Nurses Renewal; AnnRose DeMoro, Nurses Association; Association; York University/retired assistant to Sam Gindin,Sam YorkGindin, University/retired assistant to CAW President; CAW President; Baldemar Farm Labor Organizing Baldemar Velásquez, FarmVelásquez, Labor Organizing Committee; Peter Committee; Peter Rachleff,at Labor Education at Macalester Rachleff, Labor Education Macalester College; Beatriz Maya, College; Beatriz Maya, Farm Labor Organizing Committee; Farm Labor Organizing Committee; Amirul Haque Amin, Amirul Amin, National GarmentBangladesh; Workers Federation, NationalHaque Garment Workers Federation, Lakesha Bangladesh; LakeshaLocal Harrison, Local 3299; Chrisfor Harrison, AFSCME 3299;AFSCME Chris Ramsaroop, Justice Ramsaroop, JusticeMark for Migrant Workers; Mark Dimondstein, Migrant Workers; Dimondstein, American Postal Workers American Postal Union Local 771; International Yanira Merino, Union Local 771;Workers Yanira Merino, Laborers' Union Laborers’ International Union of North America; of North America; Phyllis Walker, AFSCME LocalPhyllis 3800...Walker, join us AFSCME and other activists and and and other Local union 3800... activistsjoin andusleaders fromunion the U.S., Canada leaders the U.S., Canada and all over the world! all over from the world! * Affiliation only Affiliationfor foridentification identificationpurposes purposes only Members to attend from: Teamsters for a Democratic Union; New Orleans Worker Center for Racial Justice; Jobs with Justice; Rail Workers United; CILAS/Labor Research Center, Mexico; Association for Union Democracy; Black Workers for Justice; Transnationals Information Exchange; Coalition of Immokalee Workers; Justice@Smithfield Campaign; Student Labor Action Project; TEL/Labor Studies Center, Argentina; Longshore Workers Coalition; United Workers, Baltimore... and many more! Meet and strategize by union, industry, or interest: Meeting of auto workers, Teamsters, longshore workers, worker centers, Canadian labor activists, young workers, teachers, telecom workers, public sector workers, non-majority unions, airline workers, cross-union building trades activists, laborcommunity alliances and many more. Labor Notes Conference • April 11-13, 2008 Rose Ann DeMoro • Executive Director, California Nurses Association “Labor must be in the forefront of the broad social movement we need to win single-payer health care reform. For unions, it is the only solution to the escalating employer demands for health care takeaways and cost shifting, and the best way to fight outsourcing of jobs to other countries. The California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee is a longtime critic of corporate, insurance-based medical care and incremental reforms. We look forward to working with other labor activists at the Labor Notes Conference on this fundamental campaign.” José Oliva •Workers’ Centers Network for Interfaith Worker Justice “You bet I’ll be at the 2008 Labor Notes Conference! Since the mad media looks at immigrants as scapegoats and unions as greedy and ineffective, it’s a great opportunity for workers centers to build ties with low-wage workers and union activists to stop this continued onslaught. Labor Notes is where the best ideas I’ve heard come from and where I am reminded why we’re still fighting!” Todd Jordan • Member, UAW Local 292 “I’ll be at the Labor Notes Conference because after this year’s contract talks with the Big 3 auto companies, it’s more important than ever that auto workers, particularly newer members, have a chance to meet one another and strategize about how we can work together for better contracts.”