IWCP Newsletter - Philadelphia - International Women`s Club of


IWCP Newsletter - Philadelphia - International Women`s Club of
IWCP Newsletter
Member Welcome Clubs International
I n t er na t i on al
W o m e n ‘ s C lu b o f
P h i la de l ph ia
Inside this issue:
December 2012-January-February 2013—Issue 2
Annual Holiday Celebration
At the Home of Renate Harshaw and Michael Gerhardt
Holiday Party
Prohibition Exhibit
3402 Horton Road, Newtown Square, PA
Happy Birthday!
Shoe Museum
‘Tis the season to wine and dine’. We will
share traditions from our native countries,
laughter and cheer in a special and warm atmosphere. A raffle will be held at the party.
All profits will benefit the Home of the Sparrow.
Potluck Luncheons
Welcome to our new 4
Calendar at a Glance:
December 8 (Saturday), 6:30 PM
Please bring a generous plate of appetizers,
main dish, or a dessert AND one bottle of
wine, champagne or other favorites per person, and if you wish, also a CD with holiday
music from your country. Friends and spouses
are invited as well.
Deadline: December 4
Reservations: Helga Neubert, 610-356-9725,
[email protected].
08 Holiday Party
Pease indicate what you will contribute and if
you will bring a guest.
03 French Coffee
I m p r e s s i o n s f r o m Vi s i t t o Wo o d A r t C e n t e r
10 German Coffee
16 Prohibition Exhibit
20 Potluck Dinner
23 Potluck Luncheon
24 Italian Coffee
07 French Coffee
12 Potluck Luncheon
14 German Coffee
This exhibit was beautiful and
exciting. It is wonderful to realize
that the artists recycled old wood to
make the most exquisite pieces, some
just fun, some fun and functional. We
had a lovely tour of the exhibit and
the permanent galleries and afterwards ate a delicious lunch at the
tiny cheese Bistro across the street.
We would recommend it to all
members of our club to stop by this
wonderful Art in Wood Gallery
when they happen to be in Old City!
20 Shoe Museum
21 Italian Coffee
Jacqueline Yates
IWCP Newsletter: December 2012-January-February 2013
Page 2
American Spirits: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition
January 16 (Wednesday), 10:00 AM—2:30 PM
The National Constitution Center, 525 Arch
Street, Philadelphia
Organized by Cindy Spurdle
“The first comprehensive exhibition about
America’s most colorful and complex
constitutional hiccup” is how the National
Constitution Center advertises this new
exhibit. It presents more than 100 rare
artifacts including flapper dresses, authentic
barware, temperance propaganda, and
original ratification copies of the 18th and
the 21st Amendments. Films, music and photos
document the era. We start our tour with a
360 degree projected multi media
presentation showing The Freedom Rising.
Then tour the Constitution Center Exhibits
followed by a tour of the Prohibition
“I like these cold, gray
winter days. Days like
these let you savor a bad
If the exhibit has created an appetite for a
glass of wine in you, then come and join us for
lunch at one of Stephen Starr’s restaurants on
Chestnut St. called Jones. Friends are
Deadline: January 2.
Reservations: Please send your check
payable to IWCP directly to Cindy Spurdle,
610-688-5825, 106 Valley Forge Terrace,
Wayne, PA 19087, [email protected] .
$17.50 Constitution Regular Rate
$16.00 Senior Rate
Parking: available at the underground lots
below the National Constitution Center, (enter
from Race Street), and at the Independence
Visitor Center, (enter from 5th or 6th Streets,
between Arch and Market Streets.
Carpooling recommended.
P r o h i b iti o n E ra i n A me ri c a
H a p py B i r t h d a y !
Johanna Jacobs 6
Atsuko Keller 11
Rosalie Weibel 21
Maria Calvo 12
Gilda Schwab 15
Peggy Goutman 22
Annette Meertz 31
Bill Watterson
Foreign-Language Speakers Morning Coffees at 10:30 AM or 11:30 AM
German-Speakers Coffees
French Speakers Coffees
Italian-Speakers Coffees
2nd Thursday of the month at
10:30 AM
1st Thursday of the month at
11:30 AM
Last Thursday of the month at
11:30 AM
January 10
January 3
January 24
Charlotte Andrews
[email protected]
Nicole Lewis
[email protected]
Meltem Gonnella
[email protected]
February 14
Annette Meertz
February 7
Jacqueline Yates
[email protected]
February 21
Anca Constantinescu
[email protected]
[email protected]
For any language
coffee, you do not need
to be a native or fluent
speaker, only interested
in speaking the language.
Issue 2 2012/2013
Page 3
The Shoe Museum
February 20 (Wednesday), 10:30 AM
Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine,
810 Race St, Philadelphia
Organized by Jacqueline Yates
Unknown even to many Philadelphians, this unusual little museum is
housed on the sixth floor of the Temple University School of Podiatric
Medicine. Not only do the exhibits examine why people wear what
they do on their feet, they also tell the story of footwear through
many cultures and ages. Shown are for example tiny “lily shoes”
from China, a circus giant’s shoes, Eskimo boots and modern teen
fashion from Europe. Admission is free. After the visit to the exhibition we will sit down for a special lunch at the lovely small family
owned Chinese Ray’s Café and Tea House nearby.
Deadline and limitations: Feb 10, Tour is limited to 10 people
Reservations: Jacqueline Yates, 610-623-039,
[email protected]
Cost: Free admission, lunch is paid individually ($15 plus tax and
Parking: E-Z Parking Lot at 9th & Race/Vine Street (211 N. 9th St)
Po t l u c k Lu n c h e o n s
Since very popular, attendance is limited to 25, unless specified otherwise. Please call hostess
well in advance, and decide what kind of dish to bring: appetizer, salad, entrée, or dessert.
January 23, 12 noon
February 12, 12 noon
Hostess: Ingrid Brown
8408 Hull Drive
Wyndmoor, PA 19038
[email protected]
Hostess: Annegret Voparil
852 Skyline Drive
Erdenheim, PA 19038
[email protected]
Expat. Potluck Dinners (with or without a friend)
January 20, 6 pm
Hostess: Michele Haines
210 Locust Street
Apt. 19 F
[email protected]
Note: Please bring new, unused, unopened, clean hotel toiletry articles collected
on trips, to be used for gifts to the Home of
the Sparrow shelter sponsored by the club.
I nt er n a t i o na l Wo m en’s Cl ub o f
Phi l a d el p hi a
Email: [email protected]
( WC I )
Newsletter: Please send information to Ursula Hoika, who writes the
newsletter and edits the information:
209 Trowbridge Lane
Downingtown, PA 19335,
610-594-1735, [email protected].
Newsletters for 3-month periods are published Sept. 1, Dec.1, March
1, June 1. To be included, information must be received at least 10
days earlier, i.e., by the 20th of the month preceding the month of
Visit us on the web at
Website Info: For your convenience, you also can find the most recent
newsletter on our website:
Welcome to our
Newest Members
Membership Chair: Ingrid Brown,
Annette Palmer-Garland (USA)
226 W. Rittenhouse Sq. Dorchester, Unit 1701
Philadelphia, PA 19103
[email protected]
Maria G. Traub (USA)
2217 Pine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
[email protected]
What is WCI?
Welcome Clubs International
(WCI), our umbrella organization,
was founded in 1986. It unites
individual women’s clubs throughout the world. WCI coordinates
and facilitates the exchange of
information and activities of its
clubs and their members.
Its mission is to promote friendship
and understanding among women
of all nations without regard to
political, cultural and religious differences.
It is non-religious, apolitical. It does
not fundraise, or promote any
charity although some of its Sister
Clubs have charitable clauses. WCI
is an all volunteer non- profit organization consisting of over 25
clubs having 12,500 members.
The objective of IWCP is to welcome women of all cultures to the Philadelphia area and to promote friendship, cooperation and understanding.