LOST.— On ify SH™s: sTnet
LOST.— On ify SH™s: sTnet
TheNew ZealndHr. 11.-No. 619.] yoi. I 'TRIESTE,' FOR SAN FRANCISCO.'• baKQUE "DASSKjfGjjRS must PAY BALANCE3 -Uat. 0 f Passage Money and bo oil Board bv 10*30 a-iii. THIS DAY. Vessel sails at Vessel must be rendered jj) Accounts ngainst this tJ tie AND FIRTH, 1 AUCKLAND, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1865. "WALTEE DUDLEY, and SHIPPING butchee famly (Nearly opposito tho Sotjtmebn Choss Ofllco), CUJPPLIES the PRIMEST PROVINCIALFED MEAT t BROWN, CAMPBELL CO. & . Proprietors—Messes. Danieis — [ f ° ~~ TENDERS & & & ' '. " & I & r|~\HE TENDERS & v & fl. M. JERVIS, No Bonnets allowed to be worn in tho Stalls Cloalc Room Free. Under tho distinguish?!! patronage of COL. MOT 7 !.!>, 0.8., AND THE OFFICERS OF this GARRISON. THREE-BUSHEL BAGS, WOOLPACKS, SEAMING TWINE, &c. PLATE and "WINDOW GLASS SADDLERY, and Cart Harness DRAPERY GOODS—Sundry assorted Invoices IRON BEDSTEADS GREY ROYAL, HAND, and DEMY PAPER THORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE and about £1,000 in Bank-Notes: This is to notify that his Excellency the Governor EAU DE COLOGNE—(J. M. Farina's) itc. &c., &c., will grant a Free Pardon to any person implicated in the robbery aforesaid, who shall givo such informaShortland Crescent, tion as Ehnll lead to the apprehension and conviction August 1, ISGS. of any one or more of the other offenders. HENRY SEWELL. CAPITAL INVESTMENT. £ 500 COMMODIOUS FAMILY RESIDENCE, REWARD! possessing overy domestic convenience, within WHEREAS on Mobday. tlie 4th September, 1865' ten minutes' walk- of tho Union Bank, Queen-Btreet; Mr. AYaimslet, of the Bank of New South Wales, healthily and pleasantly situated, and commanding was stuck-up and robbed, about 12 o'clock in a delightful view. the day, by four or five armed men, between No Apply to JAMES ENSOR, Officers' Mess, Albert Town and the Twelve-Mile, on the Grey-liiver Gold Barracks. Fields, in the Province cf Nelson, about 14 miles distant from the Grey Mouth, in the Province of CanFARM ON SHAKES. terbury, of 821 Ounces of Gold Dust, and about £1,000 in Bank Notes: WANTED— On an established Dairy This is to notify that a Reward of £200 will be Farm, yielding good returns from Milk Walk paid by tho Bank of New South Wales to any per- and Green Crops. To a person with small capital son or persons who ::ny give such information as will wishing to procure a fafo investment, or learn farmlead to the apprehension and conviction of tho said ing, this is a favourable opportunity. offender or offenders; and a further Reward of £300 B. TONKB, for recovery of the stolen property. Or of this latter Land Agent, Queen-street. amount a sum in proportion to the value of the propeity so recovered. FOR SALE, J. OSWALD GILCHRIST, "WAIKATO HOTEL," Port Waiknto, Inspector, now in tho occupation of W. B. Williams— Bank N. S. "Wales, New Zealand. doing a good business. Tcrmß very liberal. For full particulars apply to TO BUILDERS. W. J. YOUNG, Wellington, October 11, IS6S on Monday, tlie 4th dny of September, ISGS, Mr. Walmsley, of tho Bank of New South Wales, was attacked and robbed, about 12 o'clock in the day, by about four or five armed men, between No Town and tlie Twelve-Mile, on tlio Grey River G old Fields, in the Province of Nelson, about 14 mile 3 distant from the Grey Mouth, in the Province of Canterbury, of 821 ounces of Gold Dust E & E E T 0 S Agent. WHEREAS, POET WAIKATO AND RAGLAN. BEGULAR TRADER FROM THE MANUKAU. npHE Favourite p.s. 4 1 «PRINCE ALFRED,' the above ports from the Governnicnt Wharf, on TUESDAY, November Oth, at 9 p.m. Goods forwarded to all ftnti"ns on theWaikato at £6 2s. 6d. per ton from Auckland, including cartage lid shipping. For freight or passage apply to GEO. HODGE, V*j'\*vS *wi]l > fail for HAS repeated the celebratedEntertaiument entitled— Onehunga ; THOS. MACKY & - CO., Auckland. iIEAII TO WANGAREI AND COROMANDEL. iAjk rTIHE p.s. TABMANIAN MAT7T JL will leave the Queen-street Wharf for Coromandel every THURSDAY, and for "Wangarei •teasers fienr SATURDAY. For particulars and Time Table, apply to BUTT & ANDERSON, ' Agents. fast-sailing cutter rpHE -L Moehis, master, 'DANTE,' will sail from Onebungs, a regularly twice week. For freight /fflyOa rasw&or passage apply to SAMUEL FLEMING, ri MSSv Beach, Onehunga. . Albert-street. CAMERON' AND BURROWS, Architects. Shortland-street, Auckland. Oct. 26, 1860. FOR LONDON DIRECT. )ji|\ T™ good TO BE SOLD LOST. accommodation street. LOST. LOST— MEMORANDUM BOOK. —Anyone bringing it to Mb. Hissy Gimehd Wyndham-strect, will be liberally rewarded. for Freight or Passage apply to A Collecting NO. 3 THOMAS' MACHINE, 1 FIRST-CLASS witli nil tho latost improvements, adapted Jl and at Otahuhu TO BE LET.—A COTTAGE and about 7 acres of good LAND, about three miles from town, On Friday eremvg last, a GOLD threo acres in crop to bo taken at a valuation.— BRACELET, between Dcdwood and Town. Apply to R. Beamish, Epsom. AVlioeoevcr will bring tho eame to Mb. Hautiuve, jeweller, Queen-street, will be rewarded. LET—A Good Threo-stall STABLE.—AppIy General Cameron Hotel," Albertat tho NOTICE. street. DAVID NATHAN. LOST. re !t^glong"nVthl TO Also, " ° ' I ' ; TO - , , SHOP 'KsJjfx FURNISHED ~~ " '' HOMESTEADS ° Gold & " - i " " is hereby given that Goneral MEETNOTICE ING of Persons who have proved tlioir CLAIMS TO VOTE, will a bo held on TUESDAY, tho sovonth day of November noxt, at the hour of 3 o'clock in tho afternoon, at the Wheat Sheaf Inn, Queen-strot, Auckland, for the purpose of Levying a Rato, Electing Truslees, and transacting other business connected with tho said District. FRANCIS WHITE. Auckland, October 31, 1865. | STOLEN W DISTRICT OF WAITAKEREI EAST. I TO WANTED. MISS FANNY " TO JAMES BOYD AND ROBERT LOW, Late of Panmuro, Contractors. is hereby givon to the above-named parties, who have absconded, leaving unfinished tho Building contracted for by them to bo erected for tho undorsigned, tliat'unless they return within seven days from this dato to fufil their contract, tho samo will bo re-let to tender after that dato. PHILIP QUICK PEARSE. 4th Nor., IS6BI NOTICE. PLATE-LAYER; thoroughly understands WANTED his cation made to the Undersigned — A up who one business. to bo Appli- to SATUR- DAI, tho 28th instant. References of qualifications will be required.—Peteu Oeace, Wyndham-street. BOARDERS.—Comfortable BOARD LODGING be had at Mes. GebrAns* WANTED top of Hobson-street. Single Gentlemen 265. week. and can a WANTED— PUBLIC TO KNOW that OATS, MAJZE, BRAN, BEANS, Ac., as well ns Agricultural Seeds of aU kinds, can be obtained at G. H. Lavees & Co., Durham-street, (opposite Mr. A. Bucklnnd's Sale Yards.) THE "11T7"ANTED—THE PUBLIC TO KNOW that It Mr. Jaites is Houso, Land, and General Commission Agent, Rent and Debt Collector. Charges reasonable. Wellesley-street (Queen-Btreet end) , near Mr. Webb's Music Saloon, Aujkland. LODGE "ARA," No. 318, I.C. MONTHLY MEETING of tho above Lodgo TTjTASTED TO LET OR SELL —An 01d will bo held THIS (Monday) EVENING, Tl Established FARM, 113 acres. Nine-roomed House; rent, £G0 per year; 40 head Cattls to be 7 o'clock p.m. Bv order of tho W.M. taken at a valuation—22 miles from Auckland.— FRED. L. JONES, Apply at the Herald Office. iH ify UNITED SERVICE LODGE, No. 421, I.C. AN NGARUAWAHIA. WANTED to Purchase, A TOWN SECTION. Terms must be moderate. Address, A. Z., Hebald Office, stating number and piice. EMERGENCY MEETING of tho nbovo Lodgo will bo held at the Masonic Hotel, on and Highly Competent LADY, A TUESDAY next, 7tli November, at 7-30 p.m. sharp. J\. residing wish her family at the North Shore, Visiting lirethern are invited to attend. wishes to receive two or three YOUNG LADIES aa By order of tho W.M. RESIDENT PUPILS. The course of Education M. GREEN, will include English, French, Geiman, Music, SingSo cretary. ing,Drawing, &c. Every attention will be paid to those entrusted io her care, and the advantages of a AUCKLAND CITY MISSION AND good education will be combined with the comfort CHILDREN'S HOME. and refinement of an English home.—Letters addressed to A.D.," Herald Office, will be forwarded BAZAAR TO ASSIST IN LIQUIDATING THE DEBT. PERSON who will be disengaged in a fair days wishes for EMPLOYMENT in an Office who are willing to assist in getting np or Storo, and would make himself generally useftl. the proposed BAZAAR, are invited to attend the Can be recommended by his last; employer. Good "Working MEETING attlioMission House, Durhamreferences.—Address Z. 8., TTttmt.ti Office. street, over TUESDAY AFTERNOON, commencing Auckland, September 20, 1865. at half-past two o'clock. Contributions in money, or articles of any kind, —Respectablo Young MEN can be will be gratefully received by Mbs. CvNxmaiiAM, at accommodated with BOARD and LODGING the Mission. (washing included), October with the use of a choice Library, 31st. Auckland, by applying to Mns. Pascob, Union-street. Terms, one guinea per week. WESLEYAN MISSIONS. " A HOME. THE FOR ANNIVERSARY SERVICES of theWesSALE.—A substantial well-built PUNT, leyan Missionary Society for the Noithern carrying 14 tons Firewood." Apply to Messr*. District of New Zealand, will be held in tho Litf.wall & Rattray, Lower Queen-street. Wesloyim Church, High-street, THIS (Monday) EVENING-, 6tliinßtant at 7 p.m. TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. Chair to be taken by CAMERON AND BURROWS, ARCHIBALD CLARK, Esq. Architects, Surveyors, and Engineers, have a And tho Meeting addressed by several Ministers, VACANCY for an active YOUTH, of Good Educaand other gentlemen. tion, as PUPIL. MESRS. ; 200 bogs superior Tasmanian Oats 200 ditto New Zealand Maizo Best Chilian Flour, 18s. per 100 lbs. Superior Oaten Hay, Ohaff, Bran, Hay, and Bono Dust, always on hand. STONE BROTHERS & CO., Qucon-street Wharf. Novcmbor 4th, 18G5. i STRAYED. ' PRIME " foe Barque —A BAY FILLY, white faco, off hind LET, TO LET, TO LET—THREE SHOPS, GLENCOE,' foot white. The owner can have the same by gisler. This handy vesselhas in Yickery'ff Buildings, Albert-street, at 20s I 8 k rp and THORP, Wairoa, to applying paying ail MR. per week.—Apply f.t the Albert Foundry." rtS and WeU adaptedfor expenses. Wairoa, October 28th, 18G5. JOHN ROBERTON & CO. LET—A HOUSE, containing SixRooms (No. 6, Pitt Terrace), with Well, Tank, Cupboards, STRAYED, from tho neighbourmagnificent OR view of City and Harbour. Rent &c., A ?r T£D T0 CHARTER—THREE hood Onehunga, a BRIGHT BAY SADDLE moderate.—Apply to Mr. T. Scott, Pitt-street. VESSELS; one to caryy Savra. MARE, 4 of T ltnber old, tall and light in gait, rather high years from Helensville, Kaipara to in rump, head a little round, white hind foot, tail LET.—A five-roomed HOUSE at Glenburn. Squjfo rp. an g^ nni; the other two to carry and mane, a little Equared mane hanging to near sido, er A five-roomed house in Yincent-street-—Apply Kaipara to Melbourne and a little saddle galled on the off side. Any person Adelaide to W. Li-i'ine, Upper Queon-street; or at the returning her to J. Honsos , Three Kings, or Mr. Apply to Hf.bald Oflico. tT 3Hs - BROWN, CAMPBELL & A. Buckland, will receive £1 reward; any person CO, detaining her after this date, will bo dealt with acAND DWELLING TO BE LET.— • Auckland. i cording to law. Enquiro of Mil. IT. Fuqate, Red Boot," J. HODSOJT. Queen-street. For S AL E, November 2nd, 1865. A.. EW CUTTER, 'about 20 ton ß APARTMENTS for a Gentleman, A N register, or 35 tons burthen, cop- TpOUND—A CHEQUE, dated Auckland, 20th with attendance, in Grafton Road.—For partiOctober, Bank of Australasia; the owner can culars apply nt tho Herald Office. copper-fastened, well found in I r^pecf 01"3 and chain9' &C and COm have the same. Apply at tho Btitisii Hotkl. ''fmrttrmevery for SMALL CAPITALISTS. -^-.apPiyto DIGGERS' Money Belts, Gold Bags, —For tho unsold portion of EAST TAMAKI NICCOIi Knife Sheaths, Revolver Holsters, Pouches, FARMS, tho undersigned aro prepurod to treat Co., privately Waist Belts, Luggage Straps, Gaiters, Pack Saddlee. Quccn tre9t Octofcn 14, J. & A. WISEMAN. HUNTER & 00, , Tho undersigned havo on sale at their Stores NEW ZEALAND POTATOES, only 7s. por cwt. — TO FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. to tailors, harness makers, skoemakors, and carriago trimmers 1 No. 2 Ditto 1 No- 2 Singer's Mnehino, of tho first quality and fit for tailors, shoemakers, harness makers, and. carriage trimmers 1 Wheeler and Wileon'B Domestic Machine Ditto Ditto. 1 American POTATOES! POTATOES! POTATOES! LET—Tho WIIARF TIMBER YARD Waite's, TOknown Bridge. ADFKED BUGKLAND. as THE FRIENDS AT F. STREET'S, YORK-STREET, PARNELL. TO for Passengers. AT A GREAT REDUCTION ON ENGLISH COST. ONEHUNGA. ONEHUNGA. —On Saturday Ip.-t, between Queen-street and Cabbage Tree Kwamp, a PARCEL, conLET, —Sovoral Ttro-roomed COTTAGES, taining half-a-dozen sliirts, a quantity of flannel, one at Cs. per week.—Apply to Mr. Willway, pair corduroy trousers, <Jcc., addressed to Sir. MooitE. Princes-street. —Any one returning the same to Mr. Short, draper, Queen-street, will receive £ 1 Reward. OTAHUHU. ton 3 burthen. Has SEWING MACHINES. £1 REWARD. ' 1D A ZIE6IBR .' CipiADf Reynolds, 860 tons register, I|soo Secretary. TO » T Secretary. Shareholders can havo copies of tho Balance Sheet from the Secretary, on and after FRIDAY next, and llicy aro requested to coll or send for them on that day, or Saturdny. Now Shares £10 each, monthly payment 10s, per share, can bo taken on Monday night. . A. BOARDMAN, lET.—The SPACIOUS BUILDINGS, at •present occupied by tho undersigned, suitnblo for two general stores, private hotel, or wholosalo storo and warehouse, with never-failing supply of water; shed and stabling for 7 horses. GEORGE HODGE. to Purchase \U ANTED—Tho Ladies Crinolines, Public aro informed that the New Dramatic —An Activo Boy, one used to Season will commence on BUTCHERING.— Apply to Tucker and SATURDAY NEST, Wilson, Queen-street. November 3rd, ISGS. "WHEN The Dividend at llioratoof 10 per cent, per annum will be payable on MONDAY EVEN TN&, tho 13th instant, from 7 to 8 o'clock p.m., at tho same placo. Queen-street. TENDERS are invited from builders up to the 11 tli November, for the ERECTION of a Three-storey Stone and Brick WAREHOUSE, in to work a aud THE Buildings. THE FOR WAIUKU. Ballast MEN WANTED.-TWo Punt.—Apply Butt Axdebsoit. First-class STEWARD for the barquo Sir Gcorgo WANT.HD— References quired.—Apply board vessel .' ANNUAL MEETING of the "Auckland Pcrmnnont Building aud Investment Socicty" bo held will at 8 o'clock, THIS (Monday) EVENIN Gt at the 6th inßtant, nt tlio Society's Oflice, Canada PARTNER — <_ OF DIVIDEND. THE WANTED PURCHASERS of Stereoscopic Tr VIEWS and I'MG 17iCiiS, in great variety James Whyte, opposito the Old Court Houso. their Best tr.\DEiicioTTu:<o, &c., from Mrs. James, Milliner, Dressmaker, &c., WeUesley-stroet, Queen-street, Auckland. Places may bo securod at tho Theatre This Day, ANTED—GENTLEMEN TO KTA Tn TTTBVTP T%7" between 11 and 3. CLOTHING to Edgah and C0.'.0, GrevTT street, where they are Cleaned, Dyed, or Pivp?i>d in i., The flattering reception accorded to Sir. and Mrs. first class style, and at moderate ratfa. >inl Geohoe Case during their stay in Auckland, induces solicited. them to announco two extra and farewell performances on THURSDAY and FRIDAY next, Nov. XVf ANTED—THE LADIES TO CALL AND SEE our stylo of Cleaning, Dyeing, and Curl' 9tli and 10th, wheu they will most positively ing Feathers—any shade guaranteed; Green, conclude their successful engagement. Blue, Scarlet, Black, Brown, Mauve, Violet, Orange, Tavender, Straw, &e ,&c. Straw Hats Cleaned, . NOTICE. Dyed, Blocked, or Altered.—Edgab & Co-, Grey- "LATEST INTELLIGENCE" FROM ABROAD AND AT HOME! BUILDING SOCIETY. PAYMENT * ' THE A of HOLLOWAY'S W ANTED—PURCHASEES PILLS and OINTMENT, at Is 2d per box.— James Whyte, opposite tlio Old Court House. A (MBS. GEOItGE CASE) Grey*' reon the great pleasuro in announcing that lier Enterat the wharf. ' tainment on TO-MORROW EVENING (Tuesday), November 7th, will he under the kind YSX ANTED.—A respectablo YOUNG MAN to if assit in a Store, one who has a knowledge of patronage of COLONEL MOULD, C.8., and the OFFICERS of the GARRISON, on this occasion accounts preferred.—Apply between 9 and 10 this morning to Henjiy S. Meyers, Fort-street. (by desire), and positively the last time, will bo xju . I to GRACE YOUNG A RRANGEMENTS nro boing riintla to hold tho Will appear for a few nights, supported BAZAAR, in aid of tho Building Fund, toby all the ward tho end of the present month. Intending contributors nro respectfully requested OLD FAYOUKITES. to "end articles as early as couveniont to tho Committee of Ladies :— NOTICE. Sirs. Bookek Mrs. IIAMRIt LADIES and GENTLEMEN of tho Mrs. Macdonald DRAMATIC COMPANY aro informed that Mrs. Puojt REHEARSALS for tho ensuing Season will comMrs. A. Black, Jim. mence on TUESDAY, November 7th. geo cast and Tho Misses Kout call at tho Theatre. Mrs. Lawssn G. "W. DANIELS, Mrs. Jjaisiiley, Onehunga Manager. Mrs. Maniikn'O, Eoinuora. Scrym, for Papering Attorney-Gexkbal's Office, ' or the eye ot any person a? ress of . tl? 0 nbovQ MR. who bn'owa WIN lON, a favour will be conferred by"WILLIAM communiMR. AND MRS. GEORGE CASE'S cating the same to tho said K. Eose. "TKIP TO THE RHINE!" E. ROSE, Stationer, Invercargil!. And the occentric people they met there. GALLOWAY, WILLIAM' native of Aberdeen last board of in the Militia Force here: an TT This Entertainment is pronounced the most complete ef Mb. and Mrs. G\eorge Case's repertoire. important Letter awaitsyou at our office.—Bubra & combining the most elegant costumes with rapid de Hirscu, Wyndham-street. changes, and now and picturesque scenery. ANTED—PURCHASERS for the best Pole \\f TT Golden Leaf Tobacco, at ss. 6d. a pound; best Barrett s Tu'isfc, 63, j best Southern Cavendish, Stalls, sa. j Amphitheatre, 35.; Pit, 2s. 4s. 6d. a pound; best No. 2 Manilla Cigars. Is. a bundle, Doors open at half-past sevon, to commence at 8 —Jamesor £5 a 1,000 j t»*ox matches, Is. 2d. a dozen. Whytu, opposite the Old Court House. o'clock precisely. NIGHT & & y advantage should tins meet OF ' ' et (MONDAY) EVENING-, NOV. 6th. Scotland,ho will, upon application to K. Rose Esa Invercargil], hear of something to • his LAST A notice! notice. SH ™s: sTn ofh«Ve Wikton, farmer, Viewhill, kto Tr Ardersier, fpHIS TaoKFxox,' sin™, " Edwabm. & • t PRINCE OP "WALES THEATRE. George maurice o'rorke, Esq., Have on Sale, ADDRESS tlio Electors of tlio town of OneT>rvA^T)Y—in case and bulk Hennessy's, hunga, at (ho Institute, THIS EVENING (MonWnrtoU s Champagno, Vineyard Proprietors' day) , at half-past- 1 o'clock. AT THE {Ihrce-dagger aud Vincgrowors') Novombcr 6, 1865. LOWEST PRICES. RUM—Finest Jamaica, and West India Queen-street. &5V* Families waitod upon for orders, which will WHISKEY—iu case and bulk NORTHERN DIVISION ELECTION. bo sent toany part of Jorember 6,1565. the town, or Buburbs, freo of GIN—HOLLANDS, and OLD TOM expense. CURACOA of Electors of this Division will T-.-ip VEW PLYMOUTH, NELSON, PICTON, the Flagstaff Hotel, North Shore, SHIPPING SUPPLIED WlNES—Sherries, 'of various shippers, in butts, on WEDNESDAY WELLINGTON-, CANTERBURY, OTAGO, EVENING NEXT, the hhds., rjr.-casks, and bottle AT THE instant, at 7 o clock, for tho purposo of hearing Bth ASD SOCXHLAXD. tlio viows of tlio candidates for the above LOTOST KATE. division. AMONTILLADO, Manzanilla, &c. Tlio Candidates aro lioroby respectfully invited to With the Supplementary English Mail. PORTS—in pipes, hhds., and qr.-casks, and old attond. "WALTEE DUDLEY, bottled A. Alison.Tas. O'Nibll rnilE Panama, New Zealand, and a > CHAMPAGNE—Moet's, Jon.v Holmes BUTCHEE, Perrier, Jouet's, and J. Hammond X Australian Royal Mail ComT. OK lllakey other "well-known brands, in quarts and B. Woodiiam .'QTTEEN-STREET. T. pany pints Jonx Bond Olivee Mays. AIREDALE,' H. Harms, Comhorse-power, MOSELLE—HOCK, 100 Sparkling and Still 500 tons, mander, will bs despatched for tho above Ports, SAUTEUNE—BURGUNDY, RED POMAIID fron the Jlanukau, on W EDNESDAY, tho Sth of CIIAMBERTIN, and HERMITAGE Vovember, at noon. WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, agroe to CLOSE CLARETS—LaIittc, Leovil, &c. TT our rcspeetivo places >*0 carsjo will boreceived on board after Noon of business on THURSTENDERS FOR CARTING-. AUSTRALIA WlNES—Cawarra Hock, aud DAY, 9th instant, it being of itesday. tlio Anniversary of tho Freight or passage must be engaged at tho ComClaret, and White Irrawang Princo of Wales' Birthday, also tho occasionof laying City Board of Commissioners' Oflico, nasj's Office. CAPE PORTS and SHERRIES the Foundation Stono of tho Now Supromo Court Auckland, 30th October, 1865. F»i;ensers bo:kri through to Melbourne, via House. for CARTING Scoria .Ash, Road ORANGE BITTERS, &c., &c. 03£0, per mail steamer. DAVID GRAHAM & CO. ITctnl, &c., in terms of Specification to be seen H. M. JERYIS, CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO. at this Office, will bo recoived until MONDAY First, BULK Agent. HENDERSON MACFARLANJff. ALE—Pale and No. 3—London and the sixth day of November, 1865, at 3 o'clock p.m. & J. S. Colonial Company's Brand R. YATLE. Each party tendering must deposit along with his S. M. GREEN CO. Tender the sum of Twenty Pounds, which sum will BOTTLED BEER—Tennant's Alo CONNOR & lIARNICY. bo forfeited by the selected Contractor, in tho event Allsopp's Ale and Stout, bottled & SON. CHAS. STITCH BURY by Friend of his refusing to carry out his contract; and all J. A. 'WISEMAN. I" ar ;s , Byass's Ale and Stout monies fo deposited will remain in tho hands of tho BENJ. M'KERRAS. u, Board until the contract bond for tho works is signed. London and Colonial Company's THOMAS SCOTT. pints Victoria brand HOKITIKA. Tenders to be endorsed Tendor for Carting." LEWIS SAUNDERS. Whitbread's Stout, bottled by By order of tho Board. MAUNTSON. Richardson Co. JOHN OGILYIE, and S. HAGUE SMITH. Secretary. MALT and HOPS J. J. DICKEY. R. W. DIGSON. IRON TANKS PLUMMER FLETCHER. SUGARS—Mauritius Crystals, aud M. O. Manilla JOHN JENKINS. jOit XEIiSON, HOKITIKA, AND SYDNEY. COFFEE—Manilla HENRY FUG ATE. A. LEVY. TENDERS FOR PRINTING. CHICORY T. & H. COOKE. CHOCOLATE—Barry's & O. KENNEDY. W. City Board of Commissioners' Oflico, P. IJORNE. COCOA—Taylor's Auckland, 30th October, 1565. R, STEVENSON. H. Panama, New Zealand, and FOR PRINTING, in terms of Speci- TEAS—Superior Congous, ex ' Maury' and 'E. NEWMAN & EWEN. fication to be seen at this Oflico, will be roceived Shun' T. Us^ra^an Mail FOHGHAM. ■^■ -^°3* Company's until MONDAY first, tho sixth day of November, UPTON CO. ClCAßS—Havannah-shaped Manillas ISGS, at 3 o'clock p.m. LEWIS TURItELL. e;s3;!lip Tenders to bo endorsed "Tender for Printing." SOAP and CANDLES—London Soap, and Price's J. HALYDAY. By order of the Board, No. 1 Belmont Candles MORRIN & CO. ' AUCKLAND,' JOHN OGILVIE, SARDINES—in halves and quarters GEO. CHAPMAN. Secretary, WAYTE & BAGER. VlNEGA×Champion's No. 24, iu lialf-hhds. GRAHAM, City Mart. WALTER Goedox CORRUGATED Possoxby, Commander, GALVANIZED IRON >50 toES, 150 h.p., jiJR^ E. PORTER & CO. VARNISHES—NobIes' and Hoare's Coach, House WINKS HALL. 2 leave the Munukau for above port, on FRIDAY, Painters', aud Cabinet Makers' ARCHD. CLARK SON. nONEYMAN. HAY PAINTS—White Lead, Dryers, &c. i';= 10th Not., at noon. NOTICE. T. W. MARSH. Anti-corrosive Paint Peacock and Buchan's Patent Compositions PAEDON TO AN ACCOMPLICE. CANVAS—Navy, assorted numbers EBEE NEWTON CONGBEGATIONAL CHURCH. For freight or passa go apply to Y_ [DAILY. ONEHUNGA ELECTION'. Collections in aid of the Funds of the Society. A. O. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. & MANLKY, Oil and Color Merchants, have REMOVED to \V7ndham-Btreet, one door below the Hxbaxd Office. October 23,1865. /-"IILBERD P. \JT GRAND FORESTERS' PETE ILL take place in the DOMAIN on TiIURSDAY, 9th November, 1865, THE PRINCE OP WALES' BIRTHDAY. \\i YV To conclude with a GRAND BALL IN THE EVENING, VICTORIA SHAKESPEARE TAVERN, WYNDHAM STREET. AND MARINE ESTABLISHED 18 49. CAPITAL, £200,000. AT THE PARNELL DRAMATIC HALL. FOR PARTIOOLARS SEE PLACARDS. B. C. DORNWELL, Hon. Sec. EIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. VICTORIA LIFE AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY. CAPITAL, £2,000,000. Head Offices: 82, CoiiLINS-STEEET EaST, MELBOUBNE. Chairman : The Honoueame Henby Milleb, M.L.C. H. CLARKE, to inform the public of Auckland, that he marine, and life insurances. has completed his effected at thelowest current rates. NEW BOWLING- SALOON, Terms of proposal, and every other information, to • •< bo had at the office of the undersigned. which is how oriifßß, , HENDERSON HAOFARLANE, __ 21»t| ; AufTdst 1885 i BEGS Fire, „ " _ & _ THE NEW ZEALAND 2 WEDNESDAY, bg TUESDAY, NOVEMBER. 7. PARM, TEADE SALE. NOVEMBER 6, 1865. Sales bg %ttdmx. faction. FBIDAY, NOVEMBER 17. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. HOVEMBER 22. VALUABLE £steg $sles bg Qixdiatt, Saks b]j $ndxm. HERAU), AUCKLAND, MONDAY, WOOL SALES. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND EFFECTS, &0., &c, &c. DURHAM-STREET SALE YARDS. [DAII^, TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY WEST. /~1 ENTLEMEN,—I beg leavo to offer mysolfas one ENTLEMEN.-I respectfully \JT of your Representatives in the" forthcoming tha r lX of your votes to replacs merequest Provincial Council. as f >° Representatives in tlie Provincial Council Gontlemen, am, I Your obedient servant ' Your obodient servant, WILLIAM BWANSON. WM. n oL „, "IA It fIVSI "Sβ i': n THE ELECTORS OP ' HUNTER & CO. TO THE ELEOTORS OF AUCKLAND CITY TO DRAPERY, CLOTHING, BLANKETS, The Subscriber has recoived instructions from Cos. DENT IN AUCKLAND AND \ WOOL SALE on WEST. Chapman, who is about to leave Auckland, to sell hold their FIRST ELSEWBERj SERGE, CALICO, SHIETS, BLUE FRIDAY, the 17th November, and on tho bis Residonee, Parnell, (opposite Mr. Pike's at JONES & CO. rtBNTLEMEN-Recent occurrences HOSIERY, thiid FRIDAY in oach month during the season. /^IENTLEMEN,—In compliance with the decieion U the foot that the persons bavin storo), on Tuosday, November 7th, at 11 o'clock, yeloped \ on ho of the eloctors at the public mooting HaTe received instructions to sell by auction, at VT &c. Elec &c, (contrary iou, my &c, to expectation?! Storage froo of charge until day of eale. ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, £h instunt, I offer myself a* a candidate to become been led to expect), had at thethe ; Brunswiok Buildings, on Wednesday, tho 22nd M eleventh hour ono of your representatives in the forthcoming Pro&c, &0., &c, consisting of— my interests and left mo without . November, at 12 o'clock, necee, W my uso bos the packs for sale. Council, & SON Wool and elected shall if I vincial C. STICHBURY N gamzation to contest an Election: mv DRAWING ROOM. exertions to advance the general interests of the now almost be confined to mHE HOUSE AND FARM OF FIFTEEN tho Town. ,?"* above Goods on of tho we our own. I Sofa, Carpot (4G yards), by doing liold Trndo Salo Brusselle and best socuro Tablo, a so Mahogany Provinco, JL ACHES, froniing the Great South Road, and Will fore, I shall not be able personally to > Tuesday next, at cloven o'clock, Arm Chair (hair cushion), 4 Chairs, 2 nets CurtainI havo the honor to be, DURHAM-STEEET SALE YAEDS. now occupied by Mr. Charles BUBtou, Papatoitoi. the eamo favourable support I received solirit'nf on a f ing, with poles, &0., Table, 2 Rosewood Walnuts, i1-. . Gentlemen, The house contains eight rooms, is well finished, occasion. «ionaet 50 DOZ., HEAVY SCOTCH TWILL obedient Your servant, Fenders, Firo-irons, painted and papored. There are commodious outI consider it a public duty to reeist SHIKTS. & DIGNAN. this P. ■> &c, &c, brari, HUNTER 00. &c. houses, Btables, &c, and tho faim ie fenced and laid privilege, and the at tempt to exerciae an 1 ciiso, 30 doz., Rogotta Shirts October 31st, 1865. down in crops. influence over the Speaker's casting, vote in the 1 caso, 20 doz., do. do., superior now pattorns Have for private sale, DINING ROOM. and to carry the qucetion to the decision of «,»„,! Shirts Crimean 1 caeo 1 G Mahogany Chairs, mHREE HUNDRED WOO L PACKS Carpet Rug, Brußsells and far as the Klectors are concerned. 10 dozen Australian Jumpers ■ \ Also, TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY WEST. so On cushions), large Round Table, Spring-couch (hair a partial canvass of the Town of Shirts, Sorgo dozen Blue all wool 15 Onehun,,. The farm adjoining, fronting the Great South t Side-board, Engravings, large find reason to believe that only a portion Mahogany small Table, : 10 dozen Byzftiitino Shirts ofti Boad, containing about 60 acres, well watered, r*i ENTLEMEN,—At the request of a largo number Electors have been poisoned and misled Clock, Tea-caddio, Tablo-oovers, by thi 10 dozon Boys' and Youths' Sorgo Shirts, Window-curtains, divided into paddocks, now in hay and crops, "will \JT of old and influential Electors of your Ward, nicious doctrine, tending to the TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. &c, &c, &o. ' wool «!" all re-election subversion as l < purchasers. respectfully mysolf suit offer for be sold as a whole, or dividod to to I beg integrity of our dearoit inslitutione • and T .•,! ; 1 case Gente' White Shirte, euporior your representative in tho Provincial Council. confidently rely on your eupport and coalldeni pogtop Summer Tweed TEIANGLE. Trousors, 1 caso two THE The Furniture of of worthy balance a renew alof by promissory should think you If me Tbbms : —One-third, cash; trust I may be privileged to wait upon you 15 dozon Duck Trousers notes at 3 and 4 months. your confidence, I fan only promise you that I will hereafter to thank you for your BEDROOMS, ; 10 dozonBlue Sorgo Trounors aid in breaking ondeavour, as effectually as I can, to promote the su< h attempts in future to the Consisting Single of Double and November on next, Tuesday assortod Iron For ealo at two Bodstoade, 7tb, case Trousers, using corrupt infl™ Cheviot 1 interests, not only of your important electoraldistrict, to coerce the Chair from Hair Mattresses, Feather Pillows, Blankets Washo'clock, ? the 1 caeo Men's Tweed and Bluo Flannol Suits honourable imJ* and whole Province. discharge of its duties. THIS DAY. etands and Waro, Toilet Glaseos, Toilet Tables -| (\ HEAD STEERS AND WETHERS, but of tho I 5 pieces Bluo Sorgo, Indigo dyo am, Gentlemen, Carpets, Your obedient servmt 30 pieces Groy Calico, 3C and 72 inches Ex Genoral Cameron,' JLKJ E Your obediient Servant, <src, &o. &c, WM. Boys' Caps Men's and Bluo Cloth 1 case From tho Bay of Islands. HUGH COOLAHAN. I POWDuch HIDINGS & DOWDEN 25 gross Coloured and Fancy Paper Collars KITCHEN UTENSILS. 10 pieces Black Cobourg TO ELECTORS THE 0? THE Have received instructions to sell by auction, This BUCKLAND. ELECTORat ALFEED 2 tales 9 and 10J Superior White Bl&nkots h TO THE ELECTORS OF NEWTON. Dinner Sorvico, Dish-covers, Glass Ware, Crockery, DISTRICT OF FRANKLIN. Day (Monday), on the premises of Mr. Lbb, Perambulator, stationer, Wakeßeld-stroet, next Fitzrov Hotel, &c, &c, Stock-in-Trade—Consisting of: &c, Also, thewhole of his ENTLEMEN,—I again solicit your suffrages at /I ENTLEMEN,—Having been requested k a TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. f~i \T large number of the electors ofTaum,,, 3 CASE3, containing— \JT the forthcoming election of members for the Maketu, Y FOWLS AND DUCKB. and tho East Coast Districts, to allow £* Provincial Council, and should yon. honor me with Choeeo Cloth, Window Blinds Books energies employed bo my will TEIANGLE. best to self to bo placed in nomination as a candidate L your confidence THE Crinolines, Brown Holland Brushware the Electoral District of Franklin in the Proving,! A GOOD HOUSE DOG. your the interests of and of the promote district, Holland Jackets, Cloth Mantles Perfumery Council, I have had great pleasure in acceding Linen and Cotton Tick For salo, on Tuesdaynext, November 7th, at 2 o'clock, whole Province. Fancy Goods your wishes. At the nomination on Thursday, I», HORSES. I am, Gentlemen, Toys Linon Sets, Sash Ribbons declared, on a show of hands being vory Your obdt. servant, HOG EAIIS, 1 Bay (Carriage Horso) G years old I* ;■! Straw and Fancy Tweed Hats Pipes tho minority, and my friends havingtakc-n/to ROWE. or W. quality. of choico demanded old, carry will a lady, 1 Bay Poney, 3 years Cigars Black and Whito Laco, aeeortcd my behalf, on now poll beg to I assure you tkt 30 head Grown Cattlo Auckland, Scp 27th, 1865. childron Glazed Linings, Bracee, Belts Berlin wool Ehall contest the election, believing that out cf I font Brook's, and Clark and Co.'s Cotton Also, members returned to the Provincial Council for He 1 Park Phtoton, with head, water-proof cur&e. at least should be brought District of &c., Franklin, one &c, BUCKLAND. ALFEED ELECTORS Off THE DISTRICT OF PARNELL. forward specially the residents of tains, and leathor apron, if not previously A quantity of instruments by Tauran»a asd disposed of. &o. &0., &c, Makotu. Terms at eal.o. have the honor to solicit a pt ENTLEMEN,—I I BhnlV therefore- leave myself in your hands, plsfo. Also, your renewal of and at tho confidence WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8. eupport \X ing myself, if returned (while attending eorae<t]v tg Terms—Cash. forthcoming Election for tho Provincial Council. ■ tho interests of the two abovementioned districts') to Harness, London-mado. I am, Gentlemon, yours obediently, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8. give an equal attention to the requirements of Us 1 41b. Racing Saddle, complete (by Whipping NOTICE. THOS. CHEESEMAN. Lady's (by Saddle Bridlo ■whole district and of the Province generally, 1 Saddle, 1 and October 2«h, 18G5. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8. Wilkinson and Kidd) W. FRASEE, FANCY SALE. YAEDS THE (by Peuto) Double-reinod Bridlo NEWMAEKET Capt. 11U 1 1 enafllo Bridle, 1 Colonial do. TO THE ELEOTORS OF THE DISTRICT OF Fiold Oflicor's Saddlo-cloth, 2 Sets HoraoSTATIONEET. on the Public Holiday to be held ONSEQPENT HARRIS & TURNER TJSION STEAM SAW, MOULDING, P on THURSDAY, tho Sale will take placo on PARNELL. SA3 H elothing, Kneo-caps, and Haltora \J AND DOOR COMPANY (LIMITED), ' 2 Fishing-rods, Reels, and Lines. Will hold. WEDNESDAY,November Bth, at the usual hour. lIEJIOYED to their NEW MILL, As an old colonist, and one who fMiSNTLEM'EN,— BIDINGS AND DOWDEN SALE OP FANCY GOODS on Wodnosday \JT takes an interest in Parnell, I beg respectfully llechauiea' Bay, where they are now prepared Tho Furnituro may bo soon aftor 12 o'clock on next, at II o'clock. ALFEED BUCKLAND. to request your votes and interest on my behalf at to supply the following Goods, of a quality aid at Monday. Will sell by auction, on Wodnesday, tho Bth instant, Election of Members for tho witJioiit precedent in the Colouies— the approaching District prices at 11 o'clock, Mouldings and Architraves, up to 12inehei of Parnell. ijgs- Particulars on Tuesday. STATIONEB Y,— SAMUEL COCHRANE, CASES Your obedient servant, by 4 incließ thick WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8. Consisting of A. H. HUNTER. Skirtings, in great variety Auctioneer. Matched and Square Jointed Flooring Drying paper and copying paper Ceiling and Pannel Boards, rough and planed THE NE"WMABKET YAEDS. Imperial drawing paper HARRIS & TURNER Doors. Sashee, and Joiners' Work of every THIB DAY. TO THE ELECTORS OF PARNELL. I/etter books OX SALE, description. HATE Account books For sale, on Wednesday noxt, November Bth, at Circular Uuttiugs, and Sweeps foi CabinetIndexes ENTLEMEN,—Having obtained so favourable a NEWJIA.UKET SALE YARDS. MUTTON 12 o'clock, fi makers Quill pens reception Vjf from you at the 'Meeting heldon the Beef Sealing wax tyf\ HEAD FAT CATTLE, 27th inst., I have the honor to solicit your support in Pork & CO. Also, HUNTEE , | ex 'Bengal Ferrett i to inches Ou the approaching Election fora seat in the Provincial Sawiug mid PlaniDg dono, Flooring prepared Steel pens 30 head Aiickland-fntted Cattle Council. Will 801 l at their yards, at Nowinarket, This Day, Damping brushes Timber of all descriptions and RougliLining, I have tho honor to be, Dairy Cows, Store Cattle for sale, che^p Blotters and blotting paper Your obedient servant, 200 Fat Wethers A£T HEAD PKOVINCIAL FATTENED WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8. Pncilsandred tape CATTLE 50 choico Fat Lambs 4D H. M. NATION. P aying cards 70 head Storo ditto Fnt and'Storo Pigs The Company respectfully solicit the support o.' Inkstands FINAL CLEARING-OUT S/VLE, ON THE 16 Dairy Cows Builders, Contractors, Shippers, and others; the very Envelopes superior Machinery they hu\o reccnUj 200 Fat Shcop and Laniba PREMISES; LONDON HOUSE, SHOETTO THE ELECTORS OF THE NORTHERN complete and ALFEED BUCKLAND. Brief paper Fat and Storo Pigs obtained from England enabling them to produce LAND-STEEET. DIVISION. Indianrubber first-class work, at the lowest possible price. Xog slates All purchases delivered, if wituin two miles of|tla /GENTLEMEN,—Having already had the honor At one o'clock. Oilpapor H. JOSEPH. \JT of BoViciting your suffrages for my Tcturn. once Factory. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17. Bristol Board by auction, on Wednesday next, offer your representatives in tho Provincial Will more as one of Copying books WANTED, Council, I bear to again remind you that I will feel Paper weights mHE BALANCE of tho STOCK OF CLOTHING, THIS DAY. much honored by your support, and also to assure An unlimited supply of Junk Timber, at en/ BY OEDEE OF THE COMMISSAEYElastic bands JL BOOTS, SHOES, &c, &e. you that no efforts of mine will be spared in advocatthickness up to 6 feet. Ebony rulera ing your interests. GENEEAL. Arnold's black ink. The Boots and Shoes, Clothing, &c, will be offered KEWMAEKET SALE YAEDS. Yeu will find me as heretofore giving steady and in Trade Lots. NOTICE watchful attention to every matter that concerns your HUNTEE & CO. For Bale, without reserve, at the Stables, Penrose, on large and important distriot. &c, io., &c. : r0 THE Notice—Buyers at tho former sales, are requested NOTICE INHABITANTS BETOJiB h have tho o'clock, be, I nor to Friday, Novembor 17, at 12 to clear their respoctivo Lots, or they will be sold OTAHUHTJ, OR THE GREAT SOUTH Will sell, at Newmarket, Gentlemen, 70 lIEAD OF HORSE STOCK, at their risk nnd expense ROAD. Your obedient servant, QA HEAD of YOUNG CATTLE, from principally Draught, and among thorn a number J. CADMAN. ! OVJ 30 head of theNorth Shore Further particulars on day of sale. BOOTS! BOOTS ol Mares of superior description. WALTER RUNCIMAN having retired young storo cattle. from tho Carting, the undersigned proposts to despatch Drays on TUESDAYS and IRIDATS, TO THE ELECTORS OF THE NORTHERN ALFRED BUCKL&ND. for 3laungataw"hiri Creek, ar.d trust by punctuality At One o'clock. DIVISION. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20. and attention to merit a share cf public patronage. RIDINGS & DOWDEN W. J. HURST & CO., ENTLEMEN,—Having been urgently requested Queen-etreet, to go into the Provincial Council as one of your DECEMBER \X FRIDAY, 1. THIS DAY. Late Agents for Walter Runciman, Will eell bj- auction, in a few days, Representatives, and believing it to be the duty of NO EE SERVE. give all the his every power man to assistance in to THE HAYMAEKET. nr\ TRUNKS AND CASES SEASONABLE extricato the Province from its present difficulties, NEW MARKET SALE YARDS. ON SALE, PER GLENCOE,, I beg to say that I shall bo willing to act, if elected "WOOL PACKS FOIL SALE. A C\(\f\ POSTS AND SAILS BOOT 3 AND SHOES. by you. HUNTER & CO. 32,000 5 ft. Box Palings rrAJUU I have tho honor to bo, CHOICE SMALL FAB MS FOR SALE 7 AMPLE STORAGE, WITHOUT ADDITIONAL 12,700 6 ft. do. do. Gentlemen, Will soil nt their jnrde, thrco hundred ehcep, ox ISO Felloes BY AUCTION. UNTIL OP SALE. CEAIIQE, DAY Tour most obdt. servant, Lord Aflhloy,' from Kapior. 52 pairs Shafts, 10, U, and 15 ft. Partiaulara in future advertisement. THOS. HENDERSON. 900 bushels Oats OArt SHEEP FROM NAPIER "T7IIRST WOOL SALE on Friday, December Ist, JOHN ROBERTON&CO. Jl and on Gut Friday in each Month during the TO THE ELECTORS OF THE NORTHERN E. & 11. ISAACS At Ono o'clock. Season. THIS DAY. ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, Aro instructed to sell by auction, on Monday, tho DIVISION. 20th. November, at 12 o'clock. QAA BARRELS PORTLAND CEMENT BTJCKLAND. FANCY PEEFUMERY, CUTLERY, ALFEED ZjUU THIS DAY. 100 ditto PLASTER OF PARK, ex ENTLEMEN,—I beg spectfully to offer myself GOODS, PLATE-GLASS CASES, FITFOLLOWING CHOICE PARCEL OF 'Eastward I!o!' as a CANDIDATE for the representation of \JT LAND, viz.:— 100,000 KAURI LATES. TINGS, &.C. your division in the Proviucial Council. TTtIANGLE. SALTS YAHHS. NEWMAKKET THE D. GOUGH.Jun., do you electing Should me the VvGnor of mo as one B A L M A I N, of your representatives, I shall use my best enT)EGULAR SALES of Cattle, Horses, and Sheep, deavours in carrying out such measures as will b;st C. AETHUE & SON SOLDIER'S HAY, NORTH SHOEE. JAj ou TUEBDAYS, at two o'clock. promote tho interests and welfare cf tho country HUNTEE & CO. Will sell by auction at 11 o'clock, a.m., at the shop THOMAS FOIIG-HAM, Villa Sitos, and Building Lots, settlements. of Mr. \Vi»otßki, Qacen-»treet, near the Odd Fel- 102 Small Farms, Will 801 l at thoirYards, Sixteen. Head of very euperior eituato in the nbovo healthy locality. ALFEED BUCKLAND. lows Hal), I have tho honor to remain, QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, Fat Cattlo, from Wangaroi. Gentlemen, They command on extensivo panoramic view of (Next Store to F. H. Lbwibsox, Jeweller), REMAINDER OF HIS STOCK-INnnd surrounding country. servant, City tho of Auckland OF Your obedient -tr* HEAD CATTLE. FAT TRADE, consisting of Cutlery, Perfumery, HAS FOE SALE, JOHN McLEOD. Tho forms are of a suitable size, well wooded with NOTICE OF EEMOYAL. Pipes, Cigars, Fancy Goods Stationery, &c., ic. Helonsville, Kaipara, running streams of beautiful water. The bush is ASSORTMENT of Ladies,' GentleAlso, two superior Plato-Glass Show Cases, CounAt One o'clock. principally Ti-treo of large tize, with occasional 30th October, 1565. men's, and Children's BOOTS and SHOUS, ter, Fittings, DRUG AND CHEMICAL ESTABLISHMENT, full size Kauri Trees—eomo Tory largo. Good of various shapes and quality, at Low Pricei—f« &c. &c, &0., lines of road havo been laid out through tho VICTOBIA-STBEET, AUCKLAND. Ready Money only. proporty, and it is bounded fis well by Government TO THE ELECTORS OF THE NORTHERN THIS DAY. roads leading to all parts of tho harbour. The Groat HILL respectfully intimates to his friends Alfo, DIVISTON. North Boad is only a few minutes' walk from it. and tho colonists of Now Zealand that ho TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. PAPER HAXGIKGS, in great variety and The Government reserve at Kauri Point also bounds REMOVED into New Premises of hia own on has ENTLEMEN,—Havingfiomthe commecement NEWMAEKET SALE YARDS. quality the property. the other side of tho street, just below his old shop. (12 years) represented |you in the Provincial Prime Oak Varnish T. B. H. takea this opportunity of gratefully UT 0,000 FEET TIMBER, DOORS, SASHES, the honor I have to solicit n renewal &cCouncil, again &c, &c, acknowledging hia obligations to his friends for tho of your confidence and support at FRAMES, &c. Terms—Very liberal, viz., Ono-third Cash ; Balance the foithcoming HUNTEE & CO. kind support ho has hithorto received. Anxious to Election. by Promissory Notes at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months, CONNOISSEURS TO PRIVATE FAMILIES AND obtain confidence and give satisfaction to hie cusbearing only 10 per cent intcrat. Will soil at their Yards at Newmarket, This Day, tomers, I am, Gentlemen, he commenced business with the determinaC. ARTHUR AND SON OP CHOICE WINES. Tours obediently, LOT OF FAT CATTLE from the Hot tion to gain a high character for his establishment AL.LAN O'NEILL. llato been favoured withinstructions from tlioUnion Tho plan of tho proporty is now it his unremitting personal attention, by to Springs. devoting ut tho office of tho ON SALE CHEAP BY THE TJXDEBSIGSXD, North Shore, Ist November, 1865. Steam Saw, Moulding, Sash, and Door Company by supply EVERY ARTICLE of tho utmost purity, Auctioneers, Frazer's Buildings, Queen-strcot. A CHOICE PARCEL of AUSTRALIAN HOCK in consequence of removal to their New and never to substitute an inferior article for the ijL At One o'clock. AND SAUTERNE, "ex 'Prince AIM, Factory in Mechanics' Bay, to eell by auction, on mere purpose of selling cheap, but to make it hie For full particulars apply to Messrs. Daw and Pinte and QuaiU. Apply to Tueeday next, at 11 o'clock in tho forenoon, constant study torender his establishment in every TO THE ELECTOBS OF THE NORTHERN Macfablane, Survoyors, Hardington'g Buildings; or . W. J. YOUNG, way worthy of the patronage which it has been STOOK OF TIM BEE, to Thos. Kevbn, Bootmakor, Shortland-atreet. DIVISION. Quesn-it., Anctiwhis privilege to enjoy, and on these grounds te at their Old Factory in Queen and GroyTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7. solicits a continuanco for the future. ttrecte, consisting of— Aleo for sale the sarno day, /"I ENTLEMEN,—I again solicit the honor of reBOOK BINDING Tongued and Grooved Flooring Boardi 4 Allotments at Mount St. Mary, and aevoral othor VT presenting your district in tho Provincial EVERY DESCRIPTION, NEATLY EX6 x J Tonguol and Grooved Lining do. O T A II U H TJ SALE, N.B. A quantity of second-hand Shelving, Council. Properties. ECUTED 9x 2, 9xl, 9x J, 9x Drnwore, Shop Bottles, Carboys, &c, and a new J Should you consider mo deserving of re-election, I T. WATTEB9. 6x3, 6x2, Gxl, 4x3 Englieh-mado Mahogany Counter for Sale. will endeavour (as I trust I have hitherto enFurther particular in futuro issue. Fort-strett' HUNTER & GO. 4x2, 4xl, 3x S, 3x lj November 4th, 1865. deavoured) honestly, and to the best of my-ability, Will hold thoir Weekly Sale, at Otahuhu, of to justify your confidence. Ruled Bill Heads on Fait). A quantity of Door*, Sashes, and Framoe, CATTLE, STORE CATTLE, DAIRY AUCKLAND STEAM COFFEE MILLS. Mouldings, and Cedar Boards MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13. I am, Gentlemen, COWS, Slieop, Pigs, nnd Hersee. Your obedient Servant, Crowbars, Nails, Hinges JOHJNT G-OODALL, WILLIAM GKEGG & CO., &c, 4c, THE LIBRARY OF LIEUTENANT WAR&o. DAVID SHEEHAN. AND MINING ENGINEER W COFFEE AND SPICE MERCHANTS, At Two o'clock. BURTON, R.E. LAND SURVEYOR, WraDHAM-6T. (opposite Hebald Office), Cl TO THE ELECTORS OF NEWTON. AKAIYSEE OP MIXEKALS, OIIES, SOUS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER Iβ. l The subscriber haa received instructions to sell by And at CHAMBERS, auction, at his rooms, Fort-stroet, on Monday, WYNDHAM PBINCESS-SIEEET, DuivEDlN, —Having been solicited ENILEMEN, a by largo f~i Novombcr 13th, at 11 o'clock, MAIZE! MAIZE! ON HAND and FOR SALE— PRELIMINARY NOTICE. and influential number of Electors'to represent \f\NDnAM-BTKEET. rriHE LIBRARY OF LIEUTENANT WARCoffees, raw, roaeted, and ground your interests in tho Provincial Council, I beg to say BDRTON, -1 R. E., consisting of about 400 Coffees ground, packod in tins ofall sizes I havo real pleasure in complying with your request, ('. DUEHAM-STEEET SALE FAEDS. ARTHUR & SON JOHN GWYNXJWB, Volumes ef Valuable "Worke. Pepper, whito and black, whole and ground and to assure you that, should I be honoured with EKGIXEE" Mace Clovos your confidence, my best efforts will be tiFod to pro- iprVTL ENGINEER, MINING Will sell at tlicir Mart, Queen-etreet, on Thursday, & HUKTEE CO. For particulars see Catalogues, obtainable at tho Cinnamon mote the interests of Newton and the Province in Chicory November 16,1865, at 12 o'clock noon, SURVEYOR, AND office of g Mustards Ginger general. Suva for Sale GrEKERAI, CO.NTRAOTOIt, VALVATOB, AXV AB3IISA WELL-SELECTED FREEHOLD . Curry Powder Cocoa I am, Gentlemen, SAMUEL COCHRANE, AN City, Onohunge, npWO tho HUNDBHD FIFTYBAGS BBOT Newton, Nutmeg Carraway Ee»de PROPERTIES in Tour» truly, ELDON OHAMDBRSp JL STDNEY MAIZI, AurMon«w, AUeplwt Chocolate tfokfKO, Jtoglwi, Pro?, Sins Trnw?, Ac, fc, P. HBEAPATH, esosjuirjC'itaiizT. : PAPATOITOI. WILL J I HIS ' ' ZLT3 ' "' ° i ft". IBALB, - intwSf , £ ■ ~ l ,* 7 ■ ; ' " STATIONEB t 4LONG-WOOLLED . * ° HAVE A 8 — POTATOES, MR. , , ABOUT ' ' ie THE THK AIiARGE TB. I i « A * THE — OF „. PAT CIVIL * HATE SEVEBAL I DAILY^ J. M. LENNOX, LAND AND COMMISSION AGENT, A- KLA> -p ANNUAL RACE MEETING. j.T KPI Axn o 3rd Jaxuabv, 1866. KENT AND DEBT COLLECTOR, &c, HIGH-STREET, CORNER OF YULCAN LANE. JOHN ROBERTON & CO. HAYE ON SAL OON3OU TEAS Co/Too, ground in tins JRE-OPENING OP HALYDAY'S UPHOLSTER r AND CABINET BUSINESS. SUPERIOR Barry's 3 THE NEW ZEALAJTO HERALD, AUCKLAISTDS MONDAY, NOYEMBER 6, 1865. EXCHANGE HOTEL, OF COBWEB QUEEN AND DtTBHAM BTBBETS, " Chicory Sugar, Company's, Mauritius, and cruehod (Four Doors Chocolate Jellies Jams Marraalado jjELD OK THE EPSOM RACE COURSE. NEW ZEALAND INSTJEANCE COMPANY. ITBE AND MARINE. OPPIOEB :—JEASIIE'a BTJUDIHeB, HEAD from (he Trincc of Wales Thcatre.J with mnnazßD iiabilitx Pbopeibtoe—R. iMOTOtSJ). CAPITAL, £250,000; H. COX. op thh bhabbholdhbs FOR IMPERATIVE SALE, DIRECTORS: Confectionery, Koiller'e" and WothorChaebjiah—James WhiMAMsok, Eeq., ESTABLISItED 1851. FIRST DAY. Deputy Chateuak—B; epoon'j finished Four-roomed House on the Bao-WHine. n sots., sweopof added Newton Crosso 100 to and Blackwell's assortod Oilmen's Road, ornamental garden in front, and Graham, COMMERCIAL UOOM David Thomab BTXBBBKi TiYFS PLATE, 1 weight for ago. Second small garden at back. Every room in this House riIHE Undersigned having now completed tho Stores G. B. Owex, o. J. Siohh. 7v .f! }ovs. carfi; out I £25 of the third is lined and Lea and Perriu's Sauco (ST/BSCEIFTIOH.) papered. Prico£2so. Worcester W. 0. Whsoh. \ to "nwive ■*- erection of a commodious BRICK BUILDING, Allotment off the Ponsonby-road, Hi years allowed Fancy Biscuits his stakes. tone to save pon tho sito ot hia old Estahlishmont, Shortland >Sardines nrtABIiES of Bates, Printed Forms of Proposal*, to pay tho Principal. H niiles. 58 acres at Great Oraah, .it £20, cash. Herrings Crescent (recently dostroyca by fire), has RESUMED the European (Englieh, Scotch, Trish, Welsh JL aad all other information may be obtained from Preserved Salmon ten to four daily, at the Office of the Company, or valuo sovs.; weight for Four of tho choicest Allotments in West Nowton Gorman, French, Italian, Austrian, Danish FPSOM TLA lE, BUSINESS to receive- and prepared and is Lobsters therein, Oystore and at a sacrifice. Estate, ft.—quarter Spanish, Kusamn,) American, Indian and Colonia from any of the Director. of each, h. Entrance, -t sovs. n a°?' Presorvod Moats GEOEO-B P. PIBEOB, to second horse; third 500 acres of Good Land at Great Oman; for jSIGO oxeeuto orders as formerly. Wales, New South Adelaide Australian, Victorian, to go stakes 0O f Bacon Manager. stake. —cash. Hobavt Town, Queensland, and New Zoaland His arrangements for the Importation of horse to save his Hams Squaro, City, vory cheap. Woll-hniltHous Market 1 mile. ENGLISH FURNITURE will enable him to Lard, in bladder Allotment in thoMount Eden Boad, £15. AUCKLAND Butter PLATE, of 10 sora. each, Allotment in Devon-etreot, Newton Road, for £20 presont a continuous supply of articlos of tho Best TOCKEY CLUB INSTTEANCE COMPANY. Pork, Irish, Hamburg, and Colonial, in sovs - added. The second horso Allotment in tho Mount Eden Road, 40 x 100. The Maritime Record." h ft with 150 in a Workmanship, stylo improving and suited to tho barrels 30 sots, o"*, °f no stakes ; third horse Allotmont in Liverpool-street, College Property, 33 x t Beef, primo mess FIRE AND MARINE. stakes. Weight for age. 110. domands of Auckland households. to save his ENGLISH. Adelaide- Flour miles. 3 J. M. LENNOX, London Times Corks, wino and soda-water (Incorporated under Act of the General Assembly.) Sperm Candles Housoand Land Agent, At niESEXT he has oh Hind— Illustrated ITo TV. TVXKEEPER'S PURSE (Handicap), valuo Homo Newa Sydney Soap High-street. Capitai., £150,000. DRAWING-ROOM SUITES, in Walnut and Now Entrance 5 sovs. each, h. ft. The Lloyd's Weekly Thumb Bluo quarter receive of valuo of to second horse horsfl to save his stakes. ZealandWoode Punch Havannnh, and Swiss Oigarg Auckland. Manilla, Head 031ca—Quoen-streofc, stakes; third Bell's Life "Raven" twist, Virginia lobacco DINING-ROOM ditto, Mahogany, Coder, &c. J. M. LENNOX 1;,- miles. Era Cavendish i. undertakes the Assuranoo of almost Company LIBRARY ditto, ditto, ditto Dispatch Vestas (Bell and Black) every speeies of Property in the Province of HAS FOR SAIE value 30 sova., for Ponies of PDN'Y HAIfDICAP, ditto, ditto, BED-ROOM ditto Standard under. 3 Porter Entrance, upon principles and Bottled Alo and Premium and Auckland at Bate 3 of 14 hands 2 incho;, T7IIRST-CLASS BUSINESS PREMISES, consiatSun Martoll's and Hennessy'e Brandy •which will bo found quite as advantageous to the &c, in the centre- of the Morning Advertiser Jt. ing of Shop, lelay Whiskey interests of the Assured as thoae offered by any 1 mile. City. Terms liberal. Navy Iron Bedsteads and Gazette Army Old Tom otber Company. Woll-built and neatly-fmished Four-roomed Houso in United Service Gazette Rum Children's Cots, in wood and iron Forma of Proposal, and every information needful SECOND DAT. Parnell, fowl-house, sXed, &c, commanding a brands) and bell anchor, (key, Geneva to effect Fire and MarineAssurances may be obtained h. it., Toilet and Chimney Glasses beautiful view, and having a vortindah back and TTTTRDLE lUCE (Handicap), of 5 sovs. each, in bottle Superior Sherry and Porb Wines, at the Oflice, Queen-street. PEENCH. top weight, 12st. 71b. ; sots, added; front. Allotment 40 x 100. Toilet Ware and cask Lβ Temps (Par s T tn DAVID NATHAN, Second horse to receive quarter of value of Four-roomed Cottage in Seafield View, Grafton-road, lughain'a" Marsala Chairman. Charivari Carpets, Matting garden back and front. Chambertin, Claret stakes. 2 miles. Hearth Rugs, Door Mats Five-roomed Houso in Sale-street, City, huilt upon INSURANCE! Jacquesson's, "Porrier'e" and Jaquot's' FIRE AND MARINE Q-EBMAN. an allotment 30'6 x 87. Charapagno hred in the Venetian Blinds COMPANY, OF SYDNEY. ViIDEN PRODUCE. —For all horses We9orzeitung sots. Entranco Two-roomed Cottage, in Cook-street, allotment 35 x Province of Auckland ; value Perambulators Bassinets, Augehurgh Zoitung S7. Saddlery, <ic. Capital, £300,000. The 2nd horse, to receive one6 sovs. each. National Zeitung Office Furnituro and Fittings The winner of the Maiden A neat well-finished House, with fowl-house, &c, in Curled Horso-linir fourth' of the stakes. O.st Deustche Zeitung Edinburgh-street, Newton. American Patent Roller Blocks DIRECTORS: extra. "lbs. Cabin ditto ditto to carrv I late A desirabloFive-roouied House, "Verandah back and Mast-hoops, Hanks, &c. ?. L. Montifiore, Esq., Chairman. HANDICAP, of SCOTCH. front, fowl-houses, &c, built upon a corner allotStockholm Tar Byrnes, Esq. The METROPOLITAN FREE A. B. Smith, Esq. . James I out ment, on the Whau Road. Designs and Estimates forwarded on application. Edinburgh Scotsman Henry Prince, Esq. Muntz Metal, 14 and 16, H.B. J. E. Young, Esq. | «00 ws. The second horse to receive £30 to save his states. Four semi-detached Four-roomed Cottages, ten Composition Nails Glasgow Journal of th» stakes ; the third horse after the of race at publication ofany £165 each. Queen-street, Surveyor Captain J. Casey winner minutes' walk from Felt Marine Auckland: in Sheathing The Half the purchase-money can remain on mortJAMES HALTDAT, Whito and Black Paint the -.reichts to carry 71b. extra—of two or more IRISH. three at ten above Company, years, Oval-pots, Saucepans, 101b. extra. for cent. the pel races, gage Clark's" Hollowaro, The undersigned Agents for Siinnder's (Dublin) Two substantially-built Houses, in tho heart of tho UPHOLSTERER, CABINET-MAKER &c, and Tea Kettles take 2 miles. Belfast Courier City. Terms liberal. Lyndon's" Patent Bright Spades, No. 0 RISKS MARINE Cork Examiner SuoiiTLAxn Crescent, Auckland. The LADIES PUESE (Handicap), of 3 sovs. each, A good Four-roomed Houso in Dublin-street, Newton, .-ind 1 On Vessels or Cargoes on favourable terms, with 30 sots, added ; welter weights. Gentlemen HARRIS & LAURIE. built upon an allotment 66ft. x 108ft, 6in. Patent Shcop Shears AMERICAN. riders. "Baylis's" Sydnoy-mado Town Drays, Two Seven-roomed Houses in tho Graflon Road, O ustom-houso-strcot, lj mile3. York Now Herald having an extensive view of the Harbour and Carts, and Spring Carts April 1, 1860. C. Frank Leslie's E. Q. Bone-dust, coarse and fino Flagstaff. There is a small garden attached to CONSOLATION HANDICAP, of 2 sots, each, Harper's English Stock Bricks these houses. "with £25 added. &C. Alta California &e., &c, A Well-built House in Cook-street, having four HOWARD'S AGMCULTUEAL PROPRIETORS of the ahovo well known Wide Weet 1 mile and a distance. rooms and every convenience. Establishment having completed their A Four-roomed House, with Yerandah, &c, m IMPLEMENTS. an commanding THIRD DAT. Somerset Placo, Home-street, INDIAN. EXTENSIVE ALTERATIONS, extensive view. Calcutta Englishman FUJBNITUKE QUEEN-STREET The OPEN STEEPLE CHASE (Handicap), of 5 Bombay Times sovi. added. Top SALE, sov3. Entrance h. ft., with FOE Beg to announco to their various supporters and tho Madras Courior weight, 12st. "lb. ■WAREHOUSE. J. M. LENNOX public that on and after MONDAY, the 21st instant, 3 miles. O(\ HOWARD'S PATENT IRON PLOUGHS, Ha 3 the following desirable Building Allotments AUSTRIAN. HOT & COLD LUNCHEONS for Sale (Handicap), sweepSTAKES Leading Journal GBAND STAND ■with Steel Breasts. stakes of 10 sovs. each, h. ft., with 25 sovs. A LLOTMENT corner of Cool and Albert-streets, will bo served at tho Bar at 12 o'clock noon, in tho & Patent Iron Moulding Ploughs, 6 Howard's his stakes. added. The second horse to save f\ 24 x 44. ITALIAN. sama stylo as at tho "Bay Teee" and other well U miles. Two ALLOT JIENTS in Cook-street East, 16 x 44. known London establishments. Exoo D'ltalie with Steel Breasts CABINET-MAKERS, UPHOLSTEEEES, ALLOTMENT in Liverpool-street, Wesley an College II Fischieto (Punch) HACK RACE, of 10 sots. Entrance, 1 sov. each G Sets Hotvard's Patent Diagonal Harrows Property. THE B A E &c., &c, Catch weights. &c, Two ALLOTMENTS in IRandolph-street, 15 years has been entirely Remodelled, Handsomely DecoSPANISH. 1 mile. 6 Sets Howard'sPatent Flexible Harrows allowed to pay the Principal. Epoca (Madrid) rated, nnd Fitted with all tho Latest Improvements (OrroSiTE tiie Old Cottbt House,) Three ALLOTMENTS in Drury East, G6 x 130. 1 Press Wheel Boiler tho of customers, for accommodation ani convenience paid being 2f.8. —Free Handicap race, 5 6ovs. ALLOTMENT in Frankly n-road, 33 x SO. and it havingalways been the endeavour of tho Proto call tho attention of their Friends and tho AUSTRALASIAS*. only for horses accepting, and 10 §ovs. for horses ALLOTMENT in Vincent-street, City. 1 Hay-making Machine prietors to supply none but First-clas3 Liquors, they Melbourne Argus startine- Horses to be entered on Ist December; ALLOTMENT in Franklyn Road, 33 i7O. Public gcnorally to their LARGE and trust that their efforts to keep paco with the times Australian s 80. 35 weights to be declared within seven days after en2 dozen Skim Coulters Ireland-street, ALLOTMENTS Two in and meet the wants of the public will secure a fuir VARIED STOCKS of HOUSEHOLD FURNIBell's Life trance : horses to accept within seven days after the ALLOTMENT in Spring-street, 33 x 80. support. share of ditto Cast-steel Skeiths Punch 1 twenty minutes in Newton, weights. of ALLOTMENTS Three TURE, including publication Maritime Record , The Auckland Jockey Club Rules will he strictly ■walk from the Uni-m Bb.uk. THOMAS SHIPHEED, Advertiser Bondigo 107. x Dublin-street, (with observed. 33 EOOM aide SUITES ALLOTMENT in entrance as WALNUT DRAWIXG EOOM In the DININGNewmarkot. Ballarat Times By order, ALLOTMENT corner of Glengarry-street,Freeman s before) IRON BEDSTEADS dney Herald H. HARDINGTON, Empire Hot. Sec. CHIMNEY and TOILET GLASSES ALLOTMENT fronting Albert-street, head of Queen- CHOPS AND STEAKS, HOT FEOM THE BeU's Life street, 33 x 112. FOE SALE, MARBLE-TOP WASHSTANDS and DRESSPunch GEIDIEON, ALLOTMENT corner of Napier and Hepbum-streets, Geelong Advertiser ING TABLES 65 6 x 112. RED LONG-WOOLLED PUEE-B Adelaide Register can be had at any hour in the day. This Room has J(\ ALLOTMENT in Victoria Quadrant, 26 x 112. FEATHER BEDS, BOLSTERS and PILHobarton Mercury 6 x 66. a Bar communication, and gentlemen from tho ALLOTMENT corner of Chancery-lane, in56PronpectLEICESTER BAMS business LOWS Courier to transact, will Brisbane country and others having Two Working Men's ALLOTMENTS and ovory attontion paid to find it quiet and MATTRESSES in Hair, Wool, Cocoa Fibro terrace. Pure-bred Leicester Ewe Long-wooled 60 TATTEANGA EACES. ALLOTMEENT in MountEden Road, 49 3 x 110. their wants. NEW ZEALAND. and Flax Otago Daily Times Hoggetts ALLOTMENT in Bussell-street, West Newton, 33 , Canterbury Press The six o'clock Dinner every day as usual. PALLIASSES 105. 10 Pure-bred Long-wooled Lincoln Earn* Wellington Advertisor mAUBAUGA RACES TO TAKE PLACE OK TVo ALLOTMENTS in Dcdwood-terrace, each 3 x CHAIRS, Stuffed or Cane-soatod ROOKING view. commanding 23kd a tea PEOIiMBER, 1865. beautiful Nelson Examiner 1 104, & S. JAMES SON. P. in lamb to DedwoOQ 50 Ewo Hoggetts, SOFAS and COUCHES Auckland Southern Cross Five ALLOTMENTS in Bayfield, beyond Ist Race. Herald 40 x 100. MATTINGBams COCOA and CHINA Leicester jßew-Zealandor . Maidex Plate, of 15 sovs. Entrance £1. li miles. ALLOTMENT at tho Whau. MormngTOILET WARE 1 Short-horn Bull, with good pedigree Weight for age for horses that have never iron Three of the choicest ALE OTMENTS in eide, fronting tho Great North Eoad, each 70 a public race. EXCHANGE HOTEL. GOOD NEWS BRASS COENIOES and CORNICE POLES x 210, at 10s. 6d per foot. 1 Yearling ditto ditto Easy. Allotment in Wellir.j'.on-utreet—Terms CANE-SEATED and FOLDING CHAIRS COMMERCIAL EOOM. 2nd Race. WHO CAN APPRECIATE GENUINE x 100. 6 Short-horn. Yearling Heifers oacb 33 TO ALL Carleton Eoad, Two Allotments in MUSIC STOOLS Ie Papa Hurdle Racb, 20 sove., 2 sot. added. Threo Allotments in Regent-street, each 33 x 100. A ply to Sandwiches, Pork Pies, Bolla and Cheeeo, 2 miles ; weight for age. WINES AND SPIRITS, Allotment in Norfolk-street, Ponsonfey Eoad. T. & 0. SHIPHEED, DOOR MATS and RUGS &0., &c. All the Nio Naca of the season from Newmarket. &C, p.m. &o. a.m. till 3 AT 11 &C, 3ed Hack. j?AKMS. Taseaxga Plate, 25 sovs. 3 miles; entrance £3; 112 acres of BTTSH LAND, fifteen miles from .the EXTREMELY LOW PEICES EXCHANGE HOTEL. weight for age. town, beyond the Whau. COUNTRY ORDERS OAEEFULLY PACKED, NOTICE. 16 acres of LAND at the Wb.au. "s PIE IT S T 4th Racß. 48 OLDHAM, JAMES ENGLISH: ALB FINEST TO THE PUBLIC OF AUCKLAND, SiBEPiB CnAS2, 30 sovs. 3 miles. Entrance £3 42 High-Steeet, FINEST COLONIAL ALB 25 NOTICE OF REMOVAL. CAPTAINS OF VESSELS, AND LAEGE ■Weight for age; over a fair hunting country. WINES and Coromandcl CHOICEST 60 CONSUMEES OF BUTCHEES' MEAT. to inform his CUSTOMERS and the heavily-timbered Mangapa SPIRITS. Land, at 300 MECHANICS' FOUNDRY, BAY, Race. acres PHCESIX sth PUBLIC that, notwithstanding tho GREAT CO. take this opportunity of returning Pont Hubble Race, 10 sovs. Entrance £1; 2 miles; 40 acres at Wangaroa. Bay Foundry"). Mechanics' (Lato INCREASE in DUTY, ho is prepared to Sell at Liqueurs and Cordials. thanks for the very liberal support received for all horses under 14 hands 2ins. Weight for 120 acres atMahurangi. 200 acres at Oruawharo. during the short time they have been in business, and tho following Prices for CASH: inches—7lbs. per inch; top -weight—11 stone. MESSRS. FRAZER AND TINNE Fancy Drinks. 377 acres of LAND on the North Shore, having a beg to inform their numerous customers that their .. 245. doz. per CAPE WINES direct water communication with Auckland. to announco that they have commenced 6th Race. There is a first-class BRICK WORE upon the from Spirit. Pure'and Free and Commodious Works CASH PEICES operations in their New EXCHANGE HOTEL. MiiETc Stakes, 15 sovs. Entrance £1; 1J miles ; land. for the present week will bo— 26 3 . to 365. in Stanley-street, opposite the entrance of the PORTS AND'SHERRIES for all horses the bonafide property of Residents 80 acres heavily timbered Land at Wangarei. Domain. Government COMMERCIAL EOOM, of Maketu—of Native or European. Weight According to Brand and Ago. WHOLESALE: 230 acres in Papakura Valley, together with eightF. and T. have to offer their thanks to tho public for age. (StfBSCEIPTIOIf.) CHAMPAGNE 365. to 565. Prime Beef (provincial; from . .5d to Gd per lb. roomed hou3e, cow shed, piggeries, &c., &c. of tho provinco ol Auckland, and their friends and Bd to 6d Veal EAEEBITS every eTening According to Brand. 160 acres of choice Land on tho Ruatangata block, customers in tho other provinces of New Zealand, :; 7th Race. Wangarei. from 9 to 12 p.m. for tho extensivesupport they have hitherto received, CLARET, BURGUNDY, and Maom Bace, £7. 1 mile heats; catch weighte; to Farm of Forty Acres at Mahurangi, about six hours' and, having now completed tho arrangements in their other FRENCH WINES 265. to 425. be the loin fide property of, and ridden by to a sail from Auckland, having sixteen chains of good solicit continunew premises, aro in a position EXCHANGE HOTEL, EETAIL: RUM 16b. to 18s. per gal. Natives. water frontage, together with a Three-roomed ation of that patronage. M Beef (prime cute) NEXT DOOE TO House, Garden, Orchard, &c. —Terms Easy. BRAMDT, (Pale or Dark) .. 20s. to 245. Having largelyincreased thoir Plant by the addid nj Good Beef, from powerful tools, All entries to close on the loth December, with the new F. anc tion number of and of a fedto9d 3Gs.'to & Sss. BRANDY (in Cases) EIDINGS DOWDEITS AUCTION MAET. names of the horses and color of the riders. All Mutton any PROPERTY. extent that T. aro prepared to exocuto orders to LEASEHOLD and OLD 6d to 8d GENEVA, TOM, WHISKEY, Veal entries to be addressed to the Secretary, at Foley's may be required in tho following branches: 7dto9d attending sales at the above are p0rt Allotment corner of Wellesley and Albert-etreets, at equally Low Prices. Store, Tauranga. Engines and Railway Plant and Land «" Q^'' Mnrino they that obtain can every lamb".. The Aucldaad Jockey Olub Rules strictly adhered \JT respectfully apprised 51 x 71 14. BURTON ALB (very fine) 3a. 6d. per. gal. :111 . Boilcr-makiug to. kind ofRefreshment in tho Three-roomedHouse in the Kyber Pass Road. always to suit Customers. Saw Corned Beef In Mill oh hand, Quantities supply of A large JAMES FOLEY, Four-roomed House off Albert-street, City, 15 \ years COMMEECIAL EOOM Pumping Machinery ALE and STOUT . 11s. to 14s. per doz. guaranteed of the best quality, and perfectly eweet. Secretary. to run. Mining Machinery Gold years AND Tannroga, October 28lh, 1865. Good Four-roomed House in Albert-street, 15 Shipping supplied withall kinds ol provisions. HIS STOCK of TOBACCO, CIGAES TEA, Builderß , Work (Wrought rind Cast) to run. B A E Ship Smithing and Windlass Metal of all sizes, A well-built Houso in Hepburn-street, having\ four COFFEE, &c, &c, &c, aro well worth a trial; Composition and Eud &c. Bands, or Poultry of all kinds on hand. week; 255. 17 rental, per years rooms; present ASCRIPTION. and trusts to convince till thatit is their interest to LUNCHEOXS OP THE MOST HECHERCHB And o run. deal with Parnell, in Cottage Verardah Ornamental Iror. Work —Families waited upon for orders, and meat N.B. A good Four-roomed JAMES OLDHAM, EXCHANGE HOTEL. commanding a view of the harbour, 16 years to delivered in Town or Suburbs daily. QIX OASES of Infant's, Girl's, Maid's, and Ladies' SPIRIT for sale— MERCHANT, hand, They havo on run, for £120. USHER & CO., WINE AND Queen-street, A Three-roomed Verandah Cottage at Pamell, lb 1 10-horsopower Horizontal Engine, with upright T>AR LUNCHEONS from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. AND STRAW HATS, Corner ofDuiham-uttoot. years to run, for £100. boiler, requiring no brick-work, by Fawcett, IN ALL THE NEW SHAPES. MINEEAL WATEK MaNUFACTOBY, Three Four-roomed Cottages in Be'esford-strcet, and Co. Preston each cottage is fenced in and has a paesage EXCHANGE HOTEL. 1 8-horso power Horizontal Engine, with Cornish HIGH STREET, through tho centre. NOTICE OF EEMOVAL. boiler with Beresford-streot, A Four-roomed House in 1 G-horse power Horizontal Engine, with plain description, at the Bar of the above every AUCKLAND. about a quarter of an acre of land attached, 15* TERMINATION OF LEASE. boiler Hotel, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. years to run. 1 4-horso power Horizontal Engine, with multiBcresford-street. in Houses Four-roomed IN Two NOTICE. tubular boiler J. 1, . LBIGHTON, Allotment in Wellington-street, 37 x 100 1 Brick and Tile-making Machine rTUIE SUBSCRIBERS TO THE OILKS, Shawls, Mantles, Fancy Dress Fabrie3, Corner _ (with purchasing clause, if preferred). BookbhtdjsE) Papeb Rulee, ahd Account Book of J. of the intended departure consequence (wUh purchasing Made-up Dresses, Straw and Trimmed Hats, Allotments in Carleton Eoad Also, Manufaciubeb, BELL by the Ida Zeigler,, the undersigned BILLIA-B D EOOM . Parachutes, Ladies' Under-clothing, Hosiery, GUovee, clause), 66 x 100. 10 tons Best Galvanized Corrugated Iron, horsoa few request that all parties INDEiBTED to them to inform his Friends and the Publio &c. Two Level Allotments in Newton, within shoe Brand SETTLE their ACCOUNTS beforo the 25thinstant. 21 Are respectfully informed that it generally, that ho has REMOVED to hie new minutes' walk of the Court House, having &c. After that date all accounts unpaid will bo plaoad in &c, &c, and more commodious premises- in Upper Queene the hands of a Solicitor. Smith-stteot, Newton. next door to Mr. Kvitt's, Gunsmith, where he fronting street, OPENED NOW Three Allotments THE Estimates given for Screw and Paddle Steamers, IS Hepburn-street. intends to resume business as above. Six Allotments fronting Offers for tho following will be received until the Patent Slips, Culminativo Power Wool Press, Elecreserved ofl road, a '? fronting Allotments ■WITH Five Small ahove date:— tric Telegraphic Apparatus, Marine Cables, &c. FIBEWOOD! FIREWOOD! 20 Shares in the Dunedin Waterworks Comlot 5, section 52, City IN TINNE, TWO OF ALCOOK'S BEST TABLES. run. pany of Auckland, fifteen years to Undersigned aro now prepared to dispose of CLOTHING-, Shirts, Ties, 15 Shares in tho Bant of Otngo (Limited) Founders, Brass mHE Iron, and Boiler-makers, Engineers, best description at tna 12 Shares in tho Bank of Auckland I FIREWOOD of thoWharf Collars,"&c, &c, &c, Importers, &c, TO LET. by the ton, or at lowest rates, either at the 2 Draught Horses and Drays PHCENIX FOUNDRY, MECHANICS' BAY, AT Harbour, Farms. Great Barrier Island, Shops, Offices, Bush.Tryphona Houses, their CONDUCTED BY Auckland. by tho cargo. N.B. —The business will be carried on aa hereto& CO., JOHN JENKINS' J. 51. LENNOX, w, j, HURSTQue?n-it»»V fore. (UTE Agents for Messrs. Fawcett, PbeBTOK iVD Co. JENKINS AND SANFOEB), MESSRS. HAEHIS & ELLIS. BELL, BEOTHEE9, Land Agent, Engineers, Liverpool. Queen-etreet. QtTEBX-STBEET. High-etaeet (comer of Vulean Lane.) " " stakes; 1 NEATLY 'c ALL — NEWSPAPERS, " ' „ ieors „ „ „ „ THIS „ ~ ~ „ „ „ _ " " PACIFIC " — " " • THE — :— H. COOKE, T. BEG „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ ~ . ~ ~ SOUP, „ „ „ „ „ „ ~ ~ FINES BEQS FISHER " & — BEG .... .. WELSH * « .. .. " "■' — " * ■ . JUST OPENED! SOUP, SEASON'S FASHIONS! ' BSG3 i IN 'v LATEST NOYELTIES! NearSteThoK'original FRAZEeTaND " THE NEW 4 ZEAXAOT) 6, 1865. HEBALD, AUCKLAND, MONDAY, '.DAILY. Schooner "We are of course pleased to know that community is generally placed within reach occasionally read and lectures given the schooner Eclipse, from AucVland to Hokitika, with a the Waikato lands are at last handed over to of the public, wo have, as a community, And as the present elections show "BORGIA." considerable number of paseei-gers, pu.t into Nelson THE GLASGOW the Province, on certain conditions, which doubtless suffered very considerably from that men's minds arc made up that we ought on Sunday, for provisions, with her onsign flying to have a corporation, an-l' by consequence we do not think are at all unreasonable, the want of such institutions. The very unDE YISITES, ONE SHILLING EACH, Union down. Tho master mistook tho entrance and A.T considering all the difficulties connectedwith i settled state of this Province for some time a town hall and public oflices, we should be teeing the tide running over tho Boulder Bank, made for t\\o smooth, -water here, thinking to enter, and ran tl\o Bubjcct, and we havo no doubt that tho \ .past, has doubtless been, one great cause of glad to know that when such a buildup i a on with all sail sot and struck hard on tho bank. new Superintendent and the new Provincial the existence of this state of things. _ Both erected, provision is made for offering room much There was great confusion on bonrtl, and Council will put their shoulders to the wheel those who were well able to offer us a literary fora learned society, such as we have named alann. Mr. Cross, tho Harbor-master, and Mr. in good earnest to set the car of improve- repast, and those who would gladly have and for tho formation of a museum to in' Lowo, the Assistant Pilot, went out in tho pilot bout ment in motion in the Waikato. We are partaken thereof, have had to bestow their struct and amuse the present and future with tho cren- and succeeded iu taking oil' nil tho passengers and crow, although not without much glad that two of the most prominent time and attention to military drill and du- generations. trouble, and no little danger, for a heavy sea was Of the merits of the gallant and learned members, of the Ministry which endeavoured ties, rather than to the study and the leccrew boat's NELSON. running at tho timo; and one of the p'lot so much to get these lands confiscated and ture room. Latterly, however, there have Major's lecture we need not speak. It was was struck by a fieri nnd narrowly cse:i|io:l drowning. Flour—Nelson, £23 per ton; Adelaide, £23; the natural characterised hy very remarkable Tho cargo ivria all landed the sumo day. A survey Chilian, £22. Wheat, per bushel, 9s ; Barley, Gs ; settled will be in office connected with the not been wanting signs that clearness has been held on tho vessel, and it was recommended Oats, Gs Gd to 7s. Potatooa, per ton, £4 to £5. Province now that we havo that settle- craving for union among professional and and lucidity of explanation which could only resolved was on. in any proceed from a very thorough acquaintance when, congregated This hands. "Whitaker Mr. that sho should bo launched. intellectual men, por hlid., £6 j per dozen, 9s. ment in ouv owa Hay, £3. Boer, :E=J:;: EST. 1855. Mr. Qarrard has obtained the contract to launch her. Bricks, porthousand, £119s. Lime, por bushel, 3s as S:3 Superintendent, and Mr. Russell considerable numbers in one spot, exists with the subject. The Major spoke from It is stilted that somo persons on board told tho cap- 6d. Boards and Scantling—Whito Pino, per 100 a full mind," and, with the large of an Athenaeum and tain that he was in a wrong placo, and pointed out foot, Mβ; Bed Pine, 18s. Shingles—Totara, per in ("ho Council, will bo able to bring among us. The formation a large amount of information and experiin the early part of this year was an evi- respectable audience, we shall be glad to tho proper entrance, but ha said ho know hotter, and Examiner, October 28. ISs.— 1000, the esknow that he will speedily gratify the public held on for the Bouldor Bank. An inquiry into tho enco to bear on this important question, dence of this yearning as was also Shipping Intelligence. circumstances will be made by tho proper authority. and will receive no doubt the hearty co- tablishment of literary societies and discus- with another lecture, one of" the series CANTERBURY. operation of the new Council. No effort sion classes in different parts of the city and hinted at by him. In the meantime wa � grain Wehave to trudodull tho market report in JANE. ARRIVAL OF THE ANNR AND the woather caused a thin can be made too soon to educe order out of suburbs; and the birfh of the Surveyors' commend the hints we have thrown out to ; PORT OP AUCKLAND. Tlio good ship Anne and Jano, Capt. Smith, arrived to-day the inclemency of and busino.'s consequently was without chaos, in reference to the "Waitako, and Association, to whose existence we owe the the consideration of those interested in the in harbour oarly on Saturday morning last, from attendance, Weatheb.— November 4—Fine. Wind S.W. Somo parcels of oats .changed hands at 5s Newcast'o, N.S.\V., bringing 385 tons coal, 81 tons animation. to arrange that the immigrants brought out lecture of Major Heaphy, is the latest and subject with which they are connected. November s—Wind >'.E., with sultry weather. 6d for shipment to tho West Coast, and smaller lots shall have a fair chance of apparently the most vigorous exponent of bono dust, and 25 cwt. sulphuric acid, consigned to realised 6s for trade requirements. In whsat little 'i, as and settled there J. S. Macfarlano Messrs. Co. ablo to earn a livelihood. The immetho same'feeling. "We cannot but heartily being ARRIVALS. having, realised; exceptions, with few dono; holders Sho left Newcastle on tho 18th ultimo, had bnd NOTES FROM WELLINGTON. Ann nnd Jane, h.irque, from 2ft»vcastle, N.S.W. tho nominal prico is 7e. Flour just maintains our last diate construction of a railway would be of congratulate the gentlemen comprising the for tho first three (lays, light weather since then winds America, cutter, from Tairua. quotations, viz., £20, best Canterbury brands the greatest benefit. Surveyors' Association on their success on There lias been no new subject brought irp and calms. Clyde, schooner, from Wangapoa. market inactive. Bran is in requeet, and remains ouv last Wellington advices, although Reports speaking tho Rose of Australia, fromKowReferring to the speech appended to these the hcallhy vitality they havo shown, on the since has Fortune, schooner, from the East Coast. been a vast deal of work done in both there firm at full prices. Seed barley is still inquired for; c.istlo bound to California, off tho Tlirco Kings on we with which tho Governor progeneral plans of their society and on the fact Houses, Industry, schooner, from Tvurnnga via Omnh. quofo Gs for prime samples. Our hny nmriet is remarks, which have sat until 2 and 3 o'clock in ehe sailed in with tho Anne Monday last; company Heaphy as Major say Janet Gray, cutter, from Mercury Bay. tho need that have secured we rouged only they prices Parliament, last the pretty supplied j well week's at the morning, members beins wishful to rc£ and Jane, and wished to bo reportod. Kate "Waters, barque, from Queensland. tendency is upward, tho Gist quality boing in Lght that it followed tho usual type of such like their head, and that through their instruaway to-day, both to the North and South. Quetn, schooner, from Nelson via Motueka. stock ; of inferior, a considerable bulk yot remains in effusions. A few thanks and hopes form the mentality the public of Auckland will occaARRIVAL OP THE KATE WATERS. In the Upper House, on the 25th ultimo, a stock. Potatoes find a slow sulo at auction, aro DEPARTURE*. staple of which it is composed. The third sionally have the pleasure and advantage motion was brought ou for a uniform imerp're. Tho fine caltlo barquo Kato Waters, Capt. Cnldor, quitted »t extremely low rites for homo consumpLord Ashley, s.s., for the South. enlarge to arrired off tlio Tnmaki heads at on early hour yestersome use doubtless bo of to of to lectures calculated tation of the tariff, which was agreed to by tho will paragraph listening ; current Margaret, cutter, for Taurang i. prices, £2 to £3 per ton.— Times, day morning, bringing a cargo of cattlo from Gladstone, tion home readers, as it will show them that our their minds, increase their store of informa- Government. Xovelty, barque, for Sydney. October 25. Queensland. the The lion. Mr. Hall's resolutions respecfinr Tasmanian Maid, p s., for Coromandel. Parliament has had an earnest desire to extion, and, may be, drop the seed in Sho will go up tho Tainakiriver this morning to Tauranga, s.hooncr, for Tauranga. OTAGO. tend to the natives every Tight and privilege minds of many where it will germinate the Outlying Districts, were carried. discharge. A fair demand for miscellaneous goods continuos, In answer to a question put by thehon.Major fruit nnd though no very heavy operations in stap.'o goods which we as British subjects enjoy; and we and fructify, and in due time bear good PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Coote, the hoD. Col. Hussell replied that it was ARRIVAL OF TUB QUEEN nro taking place, a tolerable amount of businciie, both can only hopo that the natives will really in abundance. the intention of tho Government not Foa Newcastle.—Anne Melhuish, early. It is a frequent cause of complain^that any immediate action on the dispatches to tako The clipper schooner Queen, Capt. Soutor, arrived for local requirement and for export, has been done. be convinced that we simply want them to London.—Tda Ziegler, Ist January. received Tho (lour niurket is firm (it tho prices of the ilny, with pursue their own path in peace a-.ul quiet- there is a great paucity of means of rational in harbour yesterday morning from Nolsou via MoSax Fuaxcisco. —Triest", to morrow. from the Secretary of State by the present tucka, bringing a cargo of 45 tons potatoes. an upward tendency.— Times, October 25. the law, which will amusement and intellectual pleasures iu this mail. Kaipaba.—Sylph, early. and obedience to in ness, days She has been five on tho passago, having Nai'lek.—Sunbeam, e:irly. shelter both Maori andpakeha, and preserve city. "We have above indicated one or twoo A discussion arose as to whether the state. experienced nothing but light winds nnd calme SfoXGOsn. —Ivanboe, this day. GENERAL POST OFFICE. tho rights of both if properly administered. causes of this state of things, aud stated thee nient made by Mr. Pharazyn respecting the throughout. Kisskll. —General Cameron, this day. :— alter dissolution of the Parliament without voting tho Mails as foAlovra >r speaking barquo Bengal, close would be close these thathave been made to Capt. reports reright recently Souter It not to oiYorts A'ALrAKAiso.—Sir George Grey, early. For Mimgonui, per Iviinhoc, this dny, at 10a.m. henco bound to Newcastle, off tho North Capo on Any organization designed to bring to-3 the supplies, should be entered on the Journals marks without a word expressive of our it. Francisco, per I'riesfc, tin's tin}-, nt 10 a.m. of the House. l'ov San Friday last. VESSELS IN HARBOUB. high sense of the exertions of the represen- gether intellectual men, and to utilize theirr For On (lie 20(Ii the debate on the dissolution Tnniniiki nnd tho Southern Provinces, Australian n.M.s.s. Falcon, from a cruise. Colonics. Imlhi, Cliiiin, Continent of llurope, &c, mid tatives of Auckland at Wellington. They information and make it available to the question, the charge made against Mr. THE NOVELTY Stafford Aliquis, ship, from London. United Kingdom, pers.s. Auckland, to-morrow, atSp.m. have ever presented a compact phalanx. general public, deserves the best and most dipt. Austen, Novelty, threatening to dissolve before the supplies of linor took Newcastle, N.S.W. Tho circular-saw barque, Anne and Jane, from W. CORBErr, Cliief Postmaster. Old divisions have been put on one side. respectful consideration. In the motherir had been granted, was resumed in the Upper her departure on Saturday afternoon last, for Sydney, Hclla Marina, coal hulk. with a cargo of produce and tho following passengers: Clyde, schooner, from Wangapoa. Union lias been proved to be strength. The country aud in the chief cities of Europeie House, when it was resolved to address his —Mrs. Eastwood, Mrs. Eurbury, Mr. A Mrs. Carter, NOTICES OF SALES, MEETINGS, &c. Elizabeth Mary, schooner, from Tsirua. union, and the calm and dignified bearing of there is a saflicient body of men of distinct:t ExeellciiC3 on the subject. On the Council the Coast. A. W. J. Moss, Koss, Thornton, Voore, from J. Day. East Mr. 11. W. Fortune, schooner, them too resuming on Friday, the Speaker announced This Vcere, T. Pickerell, W. Quinlan, P. Sullivan, J. Craig, Sale of Stationery. Perfumery, Toys. Cigars, Instruments the Auckland members, their clever and tastes and acquirements to enable GrarU, brig, from Newcastle, N.S.W. \ he had received a reply fromhis Excellency eloquent statements of eur wrongs, their form themselves into societies having special that &c., on the prnnUcs ul" Mr. I.ee, stationer, \Yiikc!le\il-strect, Mr. and Mre. Mnson, J. Gutie, IT. Fovmer, Jame3, Glencoe, barque, from Kobart Town. to the address of the Council on this subject, weak of the points and John Woof, 11. ISird, J. Sweeney, J. Maher, V. by Mes-rs. KidiiiKs anil Hon-den, at 11 a m. objects, and designed to consider special stating exposure of the fatally General Cameron, schooner, from Russell. that it rested with his Responsible Sale of C.itilc. Shccii. Uiuibs, rigs, nt the Newmarket Sale policy of the late Government, had a very department's of literary and scientific enHuntress, p.s., from Opotiki. Walsh, S. Woolf, and 2 others. Advisers to make such statements 33 they yards, by .Messrs. JJunlcr and Co., nt 1 jun. Ida Zieglor, ship, from London. the Asiatic a Society, upon effect the fid Thus we have House, v> "might think proper on any subject which quiry. Sale of rcrfiimerv, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, &c, at -irr. powerful THE LORD ASHLEY. Ivanhoe, schooner, from Mongonui via Wangathe character of our the Geographical, the Society of Antiquaries, Wisitski's, (Jnecn-btrect, by Messrs. C. Arthur mid Son, at greatly raised might be brought before them. roa. 11 a.m. ahe P.N.Z. and A.R.M. Co.'s s.s. Lord Ashley, composedd members. it of each In will Engineers future sessions and so The same day the Premier expressed his opion, Industry, schooner, from Tfiuranga via Oniah. Capt. Worrp, suited at 2 p.m. on Saturday for the Monthly Sleeting of Lod.se Ara, No. 3JS, 1.e., at 7 p.m. Kttto Water?, barque, from Ruecnslaud. Southern Provinces. The following are additional Missionary Meeting iu tin; Wesleynn Church, High-street, at be felt that should Auckland representatives mainly of persons especially interested in orv nion in the House that the new Parliament should assemble as soon as possible after the Mapere, schooner, from Tairua. 7 p.m. present tho same attitude, whatever Minstry acquainted with the particular departmentt passengers since hor clearance : —Mr. and Mrs.Moflitt M;irion, coal hulk. 4 children and servant, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Thomas. Annual Meeting ot the Auckland llulldiiie nnd Investment is iu power cannot afford to treat them as taken cognizance of by the society to which\i electious, the present financial position of the Society, Ollice, Society's Buildings, p.m. in the Canada at 8 Nile. schoon;r, from Mercury Bay. snubbed and discourteously they belong. And the vast amount of in- colony requiring that the Government should � Prince of Wales Theatre: Mr. and Mrs. George- Case's alicus to be Queen, schooner, from Nelson via Motueka. be aided by the advice and sanction of the Koom Entertainment, Our Trip to the P.hino," treated as if they were weak and worthless fluence possessed by these learned societies,' Drawiiiß Kila, brig, from Sydney. Legislature POET OF ONEHTTNQ-α. Mr. Stafford trusted that in at 8 p.m. persons whom it was neither worth while to and the great amount of good done by them11 future the Government in office would summon Koie Ann, schoouc-r, from Napier via tho East Coast. nor oven treat with common attenARRIVALS. is matter of history. The Great ExhibitionP the House before the appropriations had run conciliate Susan, coulhulk. Lγ tion and civility. Let our new members of and its successors and imitators owed their out, a course followed in every other country, Prince Alfred, p.e., from Hokitikn. Sunbeam, barque, from London. THE HERALD'S Auckland, s.s., from Southern ports. in order (hat there might be no more unatithortho Council take a lesson from the action of existence to (he Society of Arts. Sir George Grey, barque, from Newcastle, N .S.W Fairy, schooner, from Waikato. expenditure. and sinkand Goised i. Wellington, politicians, at statesmen, Again Southern Cross, schooner, from the South Sea SUPPLE MENTAEY SU MM AltY our representatives Mr. Stafford brought forward the resolutions ing minor differences, cordially unite in vernors, whether monarchs or presidents, do0 Islands via Sydney. DEPARTURE. on the order paper by Mr. Sewell some time Trieste, barque, from Valparaiso. PER S.S. 'AUCKLAND,, working steadily and heartily for the public comparatively little in the real government,(. put Maori Chief, bteamor, for Waikato. ago, the disposal of the confiscated good, and the brightness that has already of nations. The far-seeing philosophers,and■1 landsrespecting Province of Auckland. Mr. Hussell WILL IIF. ririILISIIKD VESSELS EXPECTED. began to dawn will gradually increase in in- deep thinkers, aud the earnest, thoughtful movedina the PROJECTED DEPARTURES. series of amendments to them, which Alfred Ray, brig, from Chili. tensity and brilliancy till we see our way student s, who give tho result of their specu- '■ were adopted after the first clause of tlio For HoKiTlKi.—Margaret. Ballarat, barque, from London, (loading.) TO-MOIVROW (TUESDAY) MORNING, of lations and researches to the are tho world, 0 original resolutions had been passed. clearly to an extended degree prosperity For Waikato.—Favourite, early. ship, from London, (loading.) and a safe and sufficiently rapid progress. In the House of Representatives on the 27th men who really govern it. The fact, mayy Camilla, schooner, from Hobart Town. November Till, VESSELS EXPECTED. of the reEmma Preacott, brig, from Melbourne. The crowning work performed during the not become patent in their day. Theirir ult , Mr.(lieSewell moved the adoption select committee on (he postai serLittle Fred, from Taranaki. Freak, brij;, from Sydney. Containing all tho Nevri sinco tho issue of our late session was the displacement of Mr. famo and appreciation may he of a posthu- i. port of vice of the and discussion Fanny Snial", b irque, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Slary Thompson, from the South. a arose on its colony, AYeld and his colleagues from the Ministe- mous character, but it is no less powerful adoption. <3ala, ship, from L mdon, (loading.) Airediiie, s.s., from Hokifika. It was ultimately adopted. Monthly Sunimnry. rial benches, and the placing, thereon a and real. Statesmen aud politicians may', Hebe, brig, from Newcastle, X.S.ff, The Districts Boards Bill was ordered to to statesman whose honesty of purpose, whose guide the vessel of the State, but the current read that day six months. Highlander, brig, from Newcastle, N.S.W. VESSELS IN HARBOUH. Kauri, tehooner, from the Knet Coast. equable administration and even-handed which bears it along has been set iu motiona Prince Alfred, p.s , from Ilokitika, The resolution respecting confiscated lands Percy, ship, from London, (loading.) Auckland, s.b , from SouthernPorts. justice to eacli portion of the Colony will by the thinker and writer. Hence, it hasa agreed to the previous day in committee, were Siam, ship, from .London, 2 d.p., 819; sailed Julv Fairy, from Waikato. J to the narrow-minded been well said that Voltaire, by his writings,1, brought up to the House, and after clause 2 had afford contrast a great 28th. Harriet King, from Newcastle. policy of the late Ministry, while his vigor- was the real cause of the .French Revolution,1, been recast, they were adopted. Sarah Asn, barque, from Hobart Town. Margaret, from Wuikato. A long debate arose on Mr. Creighton's ous attempt to economise our funds in every and not the men who were immediately conSuccess, schooner, from tha Coast. Moa, coal hulk. SPECTEMUR THE New Zealand AGENDO. Herald. of the Venus, brig, from Chili. possible way instead of rushing into all sorts cerned in it; that Adam Smith, in hiss motion for the adoption of the Report Volunteor, coul hulk. (Jive every limn thine par, but few (by voice : "Will Watch, cutter, from Tahiti. Scottish Eetreat," and not Huskisson," Private Grievance Committee in the case of of needless expenses, will have a most beneW. C. Wentwortli, coal hulk. Take each mini's censure, but reserve tliv judgmont. the House Johnson,whohad Captain petitioned T/i/e above «ll,— To tlilne uwnsclfbe (ruo; Favourite, fromNelson. or Sir .Robert Peel in the House of Com- I for ficial efl'ect. ENTERED INT WARD3. And it must follow, as tlio nlslit the day, compensation for loss lie had sustained by Blue Nose, p.s., from Waikato. Thou canat not then be fulso to any nwn." mons, was the real originator of the free being kept out of possession of some land. The NOVEMBER SPEECH 4—Prince of Wales, 23 tons, Lawrence, from tho trade The Commerin system England. facts of the case are briefly these. Captain ENTERED INWARD3. AUCKLAND, MONDAY, NOV. 6, 1865. Barrier, with 28 tons firewood—2 passengers. Of His "Excellency Sir Georgo Grey, K.C.8., on cial Treaty made between Erauce and EngJohnson bought a piece of land from GovernNOVEMBER Proroguing tho Fifth Session of the Third Parlia- land, by the late Mr. Cobdeu, with all its ment some years ago, and at tlie request of the 4—Lark, 23 tons, Toke, from Poverty Bay, with 65 •I—Auckland, e.e., 533 tous, Ponsonby, from Southern bags maize, 4 pigs, 18 casks pork, 2 do. beef, 2 ment of New Zealand, 30th October, 18G3. Ports, with 1 ptircel, Bank of New'Zea'ind; 1 caao The Fifth Session of the Third Parliament similarly, iu Government surveyed it himself. He made an consequences, is vast cases lard, B'J bags grain, 1 ox Hide.—Owen and glass, Lazarus; 1 cask ale, Field; 1 hhd. do., of New Zealand was prorogued on the 30th Honourable Legislative Councillors and Gentlemen of reality, due to the great Scotch writer. error in his survey, and took in 200 acres of Graham, agents. of October his Sir 1 Excellency George Hurley Byan lleprcscntalirex,— Silcock cask, the Jlonte of ; 1 case, ; ; 1 by 4—Mapere, 30 tons, White, from Tairua, with 20,000 And the tendency of these later days is land belonging to the natives. The natives parcel, Bank of New Zetland ; and sundry cargo Grey. It has io a certain extent been an I mil lutppy 'to be ahlo to relcaso you from your would not allow him possession of this land, feet sawn timber.—T. W. Brown, agent. to assert more and more strongly the pre- and (sliort landod). for Taranaki and ITokitika PasParliament. eventful one, and some of the measures further attendance in the Government ultimately purchased 4—Peter Craeroft, 20 tons, Dunstan,°from Cabbage sengers—Mr. Buckland, junr., Mr. Guvin, Air. A. zeal and diligenco which the Legislature has eminence of mind and intellect, and to show those 200 The acres from the natives and Bay, with 10,000 foet sawn timber—3 passengers. J. Kaphacl, Uon. Mr. Bartby, M.OA., Mr. passed will doubtless be found very useful, displayed in the performance of the duties which have that the power of the pen is far greater than handed them over to Captain Johnson. 4 -Four bisters, 17 tons, McOalley, from the Wade, been proposed, and not devolved upon it during tho present Session, cannot that of the and some that have Buckland, M.G.A., Mr. John Williamson, M.G. with 6500 feet timber, 15,000 shingles, 9 bags gum, He was kept out of the occupation of that sword. Mr. James Williamson, M.G.A., Mr. O'Ror e, passed, would havo been mischievous in the fail to ho attended with permanent advantago to tho 1box butter, 1 do. eggs, 1 do. gooseberries, and land for 10 or 15 months, and he has now Munro, M.a.A., Mr. G. Graham, highest degree had they been Hence then it is matter of MG-.A., Mr. a some mocountry. among placed sundries—6 passengers.—J. Cadinan, agent. for compensation for the loss he sustained M.G.A., Mr. Creighton, M.G.A., Mr. Chun. the Statutes of New Zealand. We need Tho measures you have passed affecting ITer Mament that efforts arc being made amongst prayed 4—Agnes, 23 tons, Joseph, from the Kawau, with 4-5 not jesty's subjects of the through of the land. The Williamson, Mr. Wilkins, Mr. Montague, Messrs. nativo race, arc evidence of your us to unite our literary and scientific men. claim had noii-oocupancy tons firewood. been previously submitted to arbitraStowart, Buikc, Maries, Capt. Marks, Kev. Mr. mention the whole of tho latter, but siinply earnest desiro to jextend to them, to the full, all the 4—Martha, 8 tons, Ghetaldi, from CabbagoBay, with and us give to from time to time public op- tion aud an award made of £600. It was finally Whiteloy, Mrs. Whiteley and cliild, Mrs. Bates and refer to the Militia Bill a a originally brought rights and privileges onjoved and prizod by British 30 bags oysters. 2 children, Mr. Hammond, Mrs. Muloch and 2 in, to the Press Gagging Bill, and to tho subjects. By such measures, wisely administered, portunities of listening to them as they pour agreed that a respectful address be presented to 4—Rita, brig, 178 tons, Eobertson, from Sydney.— children, Messrs. Roberts, Roberts, Clarlr, Shcpout before their of his Excellency, praying him to give effect to that will beus (hero knowledge. they believe stores every is reason to Provinces of Bill, as illustrations J. S. Macfarlano, agent. pard, Cardwell, Saunders, Baily, Van Pict, Fanor, Native come steadfastly assured that their interoels will be This is an undoubted great public and social the recommendation' of the select committee on 4L —Wanderer, 23 tons, Mirk, from Coromande!, with Donald, Dinin, Nelson, Lyall, Bowden, Arsley, what we mean. Among tho more important zealously guarded by the Legislature, on whom they private grievance in the case of Captain Johnson, 10,000 feet timber—3 passengew. Griflllhs, Bryant, Hogan, Wilson, Piviety, Madd'i- of tho Acts passed, a full list of which we can roly to secure, by every means in its power, good. The solitary student, iu a business by recommending that the amounts be placed on community like ours, and CLEARED OUTWARDS. Farley, Sutherland, Belty, Wright, give elsewhere, we may mention the Native happiness and prosperity to those amongst them who commercial Bon, Lano, Leibiz, Bludon, Steele, Austin, Waiku, 1 native, Lands Act, which will hasten the time when aro peaceably inclined, while those who may unforwith little time to devote to his favorite the estimates as a colonial charge. NOVEMBER The House then went into committee of 4—Princo of Wale3, 23 tone, Lnuronco, for tho Bar1 soldier and wife.—l.C.R.M. Co., agents. tho Maoris will seek and obtain titles to tunately be led into crime, will assuredly discover stiuty, is cheered and invigorated by the oc- supply, and Mr. Stafford made a short finanrier, with sundries—6 passengers. a certain punislimout awaits them. that casional companionship oi"men their based rather like minded on our own land than cial statement. 4—Cordelia, 20 tons, Delaine, for the Wade, with The steamer Fairy arrived from Waikato on It afford* 1110 much gratification to express my And the youthful student is The unauthorised expenditure was passed. on their system. The Representation Act senso of tho energy and gallantry of Ller Majesty's with himself. sundries, Saturday morning. Tho Panama Uo.'s s.s. Auckland, Gordon Ponson- caused a good deal of discussion at tho Colonial and Native Forces so signally displayed in often greatly encouraged by such commuThe items for the Executive Government, 4—Glance, 18 tone, Dickson, for Matakana, with by, arrived at Onehunga from Southern ports at 10 manifest partiality displayed in sundries—s passengers. sucecsses recent lyjachievcd by them on tho nion, while others arc often induced to beamounting to £fi,9SO. were passed ; also Legislait, and at tho eminent 4—Peter Craeroft, 20 tons, Duustan, for Cabbago a.m. on Saturday. She left the Bluff on tho 22nd at last £1,400 ; Registration, East Co ;3t. come more or less anxious to improve their tive, £lf,SOO; the passed lag at end of the session with Bay, in ballast. 2 p m., with a strong breeze from S.W.; proceeded minds and enlarge their information by £1,900. A nine months' vote was passed for G.-ntlehien of the. House of Representatives,— 4—Wanderer, 23 tons, Mirk, for Coromandel, with under easy steam to Port Chalmers, whero she ar- some alterations. The Distillation Prohibithe Customs I thank you for tlie supples you have voted for tho means of these public department. The item of £99,500 sundries—3 passengers. lectures. rived at 5 o'clock next morning; left on the 26th at tion Ordinance Amendment Act is of some for Postal Service was passed, and then tho Service. You may rest assured that they will 4—Agnes, 23 tons, Joseph, for the Eawau, in bal- 7 p.m., experienced fresh breeze from tho westward importance, inasmuch as it makes legal ar- Public But is there one connection point in with House adjourned. bo administered with a regard for that strict last —2 passengers. throughout the pascage to Lyttelton, arriving thero subject that wo wish especially to menMr. Carleton's bill for the Land Claims fur4—Martha, 8 tone, Ghelaldi, for Cabbage Bay, in on the 27th at 2 p.m.; left again at G-30 pm. the rangements in connexion with a branch of economy which is imperatively required in tho ex- tho public moneys, of tlio and which small ther settlemeut was thrown out on a division, 11 will in our gradually may penditure! business that iucrcase tion. Have we, in community, tho same day, and arrived at Wellington on the 28th at ballast. unit}' colony. the tho of mainly tend to preserve sufficient material to found a vaiyety "of against -1. 4—Margaratta, 22 tons, Nicholas, for Tauranga, 2 p.m. was detained there till 3 p.m. on tho 30th, Colony. Tho measures you havo passed for improving the societies devoted to special branches of Our readers will recollect that a day or two with 20 tons Oommis3ariat stores, and sundries.— in order to bring on the niombera of tho Tlio Debtors and Creditors Act provides General of NewZealand securities, and for relieving Assembly, and made the passago to Picton in 5 1 that there shall be an official inspection of character ? Edmunds & Jakins, agents. To keep in_pxist- before a statement was read in both Houses, science or literature which have for time affected tlio embarrassments some i —Taurauga, CI tons, Sellare, for Tauranga, with hours. Left Picton on tho 31st at 3 u. m and ar- the proceedings of sequestrators in connec- tho Province of Southland, will maintain and improve cuce any such society requires funds! To made by Mr. Pharazyn, respecting an interview 100 tone stores and Commissariat goods—3 paa- rived at Nelson eamo duy at 3 p.m.; left on the2nd had had with Mr". Stafford on this subject. enable it to proseeuto its labours as it he tion with insolvent estates, and is a step in tho financial credit of the country. eongers.—T. Macky This statement was acknowledged by Mr. Stafat 7 p.m., encountered head winds to Taranaki, arCo., agents. I have gladly assented to the Bill for effectually ought, it should neither have 4—Beautiful Star, β-s., 125 ton3, Morwick, for riving there at 3 p.m. on tho 3rd; left the same the right direction, preparatory no doubt to to meet in ford in the lowev House, and it caused much the expenditure of tlio public moneys Napier, with 100 tens general merchandize.— evening at seven o'clock, and arrived hero as a thorough revision of the law of insolvency. preventing authority hotels or in rooms secured only from week anxiety and discussion in both Houses. Tho of law. without the Henderson & Macfarlane, agents. above. And while referring to that, we may note to week. fixed and A respectable habitation debate was udjonrued. I am happy to he able to congratulate you 011 the 4—Lord Ashley, s.s., 295 tons, Worsp, for the South, The p.s. Princo Alfred, Capt. Farqiilmr, left the that Tho Beport of the Postal Committee was an Act has been passed with the hope steady increase in the Kevenuo, which is likely to bo is required ; a vagabond life is not suited to with sundry merchandize. Passengers Mr. Manakau on Thursday, tho 19th ult. for Hokitika. development of by still augmented rapid of further the such rescuing Southland from her institutions. And the strength or use- brought up by Mr. Russell ou Wednesday. Smith, Sirs. Hynes and child, Messrs. Jacobs, Experienced a heavy gale of wind en the night of insolvent the Gold-fields on the West Coast. fulness of the literary or scientific body is Mr. Sewell took exception to the wording of tho the 20tli, which compelled her to put in at Baker, and Broom.—H. M. Jerris, agent. Totaranui. position. clause, and after a slight discussion, the reLay thero in comr any with the Wonga Wonga and Honourable Gentlemen anil Gentlemen, to a considerable extent wasted by minute 2nd While en tte one hand Mr. Fitzgerald was port was ordered to bo considered on next Tho ISill for increasing tho Representation of the The schoonerEmma Eliza, hence hound to Hokitika, other vossels until the following Tuesday. Left on unable to his the division. The bring body, on bill for whole situated will means dividing Parliament the of fuller ensuro a Saturday. People in was at Nelson on the 31st ult., short of provisions. that day, but was compelled to put 'back in consewe are, should be united. Wo Mr. Macandrew withdrew his motion respectThe Victoria, Advance, and Albatross, bound to quenco of foul weather. Left again on Thursday, Province of Auckland and forming several expression of public opinion in the Districts to which as venture to think that if the gentle- ing the administration of Government, as the Hokitika, were all Ijing wind bound at Totaranui the 26th, and arrived at Nelson on th« 27th. Took purely native provinces ; so, on the other, it relates. It is my intention to dissolvo this Parliament, and men interested in the subject would House had not time to consider the subject this Bay on Moneay last. At the aamo tlino there werein coals, and left on the 28tb, and experienced a there was a decided stand against dividing to call another without unnecessary delay. I oarn- meet and calmly view it iu all its bearings session. -19 sailing vessels and 3 steamers at anchor in the strong S.W. wind all tho way to ITokitika, whero sho any further existing Provinces inhabited hy cstly trust that tho exercise by the several ConstituBay, all bound to Hokitika. arrived on Tuesday, the 31st. Landed her passengers Europeans. On the same day Mr. Sewell made a long and really large society might bo formed iu It that may bo well to name By our last advices from Wellington we learn that on the Ist inst., and left on tiio same day for tho eucies of the high Amotions which will devolveupon a bitter attack on the financial scheme of tho the cutler Ringdovo, Capt. Turner from this port for Manakau, where she arrived on Saturday at 10 a.m. the Post Office Savings Bank Act has them will result in promoting tho welfare and happi- Auckland having for the purposes of adthe question being put that Government, Hokitika, had put in there short of provisions. become law. It is based on the Act of Mr. ness of all classes of her Majesty's subjects in the ministration distinct branches. "Wo should the House doonresolve itself into Committee of The p.s. Tasmanian Maid, Capt. Jackson, loft for like to see a federation, in fact. There Gladstone, which lias worked very bene- colony. nud Supply, concluded by moving that tlio now, in her Majesty's name and on her Majesty's might be one general bond of "Wangarei on Saturday night last, taking with her a I Commercial. The ficially in England. object is to make behalf, declare this t'arliament to stand prorogued to union between House hud no confidence in the financialprolarge cargo, 2 horses, and several passengers, amongst would certainpost-officesinto posals those who devote themof principally Governmental branch Tuesday, the 26th day of December next. And it is the present Government. This motion AUCKLAND. whom was Mr. Munro, M.G. A. She will return again selves to literature, to geology, or other was negatived. savings banks. The money is paid by a heroby prorogued. to-morrow night. New Zealand Hehald Office, The remainder of the estimates were then to the book is branches of The a depositor post-office, given surveyors, The cutter America, Captain Paulgrain, arrived science. the enSaturday evening. yesterday -from Tairua, with a full cargo of sawn gineers, the architects, the medical and legal passed. Ihe Customs Receipts taken to-day amounted to with tho amounts entered, all sums reMr. Scwell's motion for the insertion of the timber. £281 Is 2d, aud that from tho Ist to tho 4th instant, ceived are sent to the head office, a small There are many reasons which induce us to professions, might all havo one common arrived Black, The schooner Fortune, Captain £1883 6a 1,1. Tho total amount collected for the rate of interest is given, and the Government take especial notice of the excellent Lecture bond, and yet might each form special following clause in the Public Expenditure Cona bringing cargo of trol Coast, from the East week was £2591 2b 3d. was carried ou a divison. Ayes, 15. yesterday securit)' guarantees the depositor from fraud, given by Major Heaphy, on the Geology of branches carrying out distinct objects. By Noes,Bill 2CO bags maize and 11 pigs. She brings no news, 13. he with if complies all the at Mechanics' be Institute, might probably having left Tβ Kaha tho same day at tho ps. conditions. the on this means a room Auckland, WELLINGTON. JobIf any person, being a member of the ExecuSpeaking of money, tho Act introduced "Wednesday night. Intellectual treats of tnined, open to members throughout the tive Council, shall, during Huntress. a session of the. General (From the Advertiser, October 31.) Tho schooners Clyde, from Wangapoa, Industry Mr. Stafford to prevent the Ministry this character are not often afforded to the cday. A select library of works aud periodi- Afiseniuly, adv so the Governor to prorogue or disby Our markets present very littlo appearance of and Janet Grey, from Wangapoa, all arrived ia harthe spending required Colonial income as they Auckland public. Literary and Scientific cals specially valuable to our literary, scien- solve such Assembly without tlie activity, but little business has been done during the from bour yesterday, with s iwn timber. choose with or without proper authority is Institutions do not abound among us, aud ttific, aud professional men might be formed, for the public service for the current financialperiod, Tho following have sailed since our" last:—Beauti- eweek. having been first voted by the House, of RepresentaTho and glad organisations by Margaret, shearing and has a most we are to these are the means of and of Tauranga parts one, commenced in many of tho necessary see as under the auspices such a society as tives, or having been otherwiso appropriated by law, ful Btar, e..5.-, for Napier'j ProTince.. Tho first arrival of wool coa'etwiee WE? on that it has passed,.. for Tanrangu. which the literary and scientific wealth of a we suggest, very valuable papers might be or shall throat«n or declare to any momber of the the 2lßt, from ITlaxbourno, where tho shearing will bo completed by tho end of this month. Also tho first dray from Wairarapa, with the first of this season's clip, canio in this morning. Tho various arrivals of Chilian flour during tho week has caused tlio market to bo in. an unsettled atato. Adelaido is still quoted at £24. The cntiro cargo of tho brigantino Pioneer has changod hands. Tho terms havo not transpirod. Two cargoes of timber Jiuro arrived from Quoen Charlotte's Sound, in all 40,000 feet. Amount of Customs rovenuo collected for tho week ending October 26, £2030 3s. 2d. 1 Eclipse.—Tho CARTE mum 3 I PKITCHAKD,, Stranding ov AUCKLAND.^^ CS^^^^S " I j ; & — j . i x 1 T " " —_____ / " 1 5 > . ~ " " " " . " " ~ i " & " i . 1 ' ] , ■ ' ~ . , ;. . i ., . • & — \ 1 1 1 ] 1 | — c a v ° r °rv - 'me Vts ' resolution ■■— expressing any opinion That this Htfuee desirability of retaining the Imwhatever upon th?t!le colony, desires to record its periil troiJi'S in opinion that iraJn tho circumstances stated by his printed papers laid before the >xc.'HtMu-y in tiie Eseeilency exercised a sound discretion House, adapted in retaining the Imperial in the course he fore;* in the month of May List, on the occasion when they vCW propos.-d to bo removed by the Genera! Although Mr. Sewell, as the leader of the exposition, saw thai this was a fairand moderate resolution, yet occasion was taken by the opposition to open a political debate on the question of lift removal of the troops, more especially by Mr. Fitzherbert. who took the opportunity o"f attackin;: the eo-jihiet ot ihe Auckland people iu getting tin :i demonstration in favor ot" the General to whom lie saiil a bag of money would have been more aeeepuble than a sword. "Ur. John "Williamson defended the people of Auckland and after a long discussion the resolution was amended, and took the following form :— Tint without r.-fi-rence to the general polisy of naming the Imperial troops in the Colony, "and without admitting any pecuniary liability to the Mother Country on account of such retention, and especially hivi'ug regard to tho inaction of tho Iniperiaftroops in the immediate neighbourhood of t!;:- \Vvp:to:i I 1:' previous to its capture ; this House desires to record its opinion that u:ulcr the circura stunci.'j sute>l by Hi.- Excellency in the printed before tho House, his "Excellency pipers hid exercised a s"'Uii-l discretion in the month of May List in protesting apiinst the removal of n certain nusilvr of Impcri-ii troops from the Co!onv a? prop:s-.d by th= General. The only oilier eiretimstanee of note that took ptaee was the expunging from the Public Expenditure Control Uiil. of the clause (;:s published above). inserted by Mr. Sewell on the previous day. The Dill was then pasjed. AYejletaN" Missions.—The usual Weslevan Missionary Anniversary Sermons were delivered in the High-street Chapel yesterday—in the morning an able discourse by the licv. J. Wal&. of Onelmnga. from the words Jlany shall come from the cast, and from the west, and from the north, and from tho south, and shall sit down in the kingdom of God;" in the - " the Her. A. 3teid, of Tarnnaki, took for his text How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed 'i and how •ball they believe in him of whom they hare and how shall they' hear not heard.' without a preacher r and how shall they preach except they be sent." He eloquently pleaded the noble cause of Missions, and the neee=>iiy of Christians recognizing the duty of evauijvliziu£i the world as peculiarly belonging to them, a work for which science and education lion? wore totally inadequate ; seventy-five per cent ot* the world's population -were still unevancclized, and owing to the law of deterioration which is characteristic of heathenism, a worse type of idolatry existed now than at any previous period of the world's history; these the rev. gentleman urged as facts which called for inerMjed effort on the part of the Christian ;>!i!>!ii\ eiVorts which he earnestly exhorted them not to bo backward in supplying. Collections were made on both occasions. This (Monday) evening, the annual Missionary Meeting will be held in the same place of worship. A. Clark, Esq., lately returned from England, trill be in the chair. Otahuhu Prune Hall.—A very handsome building has been constructed at Otakuhu within the last twoir.onths, the result of the joint action of a few gentlemen who, with a great public spirit, had determined to provide a place of assembly and amusement for the people of the district." The building, is 79 feet long, by 34 feet wide. The design is by Mr. Keals, of \ ittoria-street, and reflects the greatest credit upon his skill and ingenuity. The arrangement of the interior consists of a hall, platform, and ante-room. The ground was given by Mr. J. Hall, subject to usual limitation. The construction of the hall amounted in round numbers to evening | I I ! J I i J I I i " I 1 I I I \ \ I I I i I I I [ t<m. Prune Holiday.—The 9th instant, Thurs- day, being the Prince of Wales' birthday, there will be a general holiday in Auckland. In our advertising columns will be seen a list of busi'.ass 'inns which notify that their premises will be closed. Division, .—A meeting of the ""-lectors of this division will be held on Wednpsday evening next, at the Flagstafi" Hotel, -N'ortli Shore, when intending candidates are invited to attend and meet the electors. Cricket.—A match between eleven of the pupils of the Grammar School, and elevenof the -r-ast Auckland Club, came oil' on Saturday, in the Domain, in which the Grammar school boys ivere victorious. We will give a full report in our next. A soijiee in connection frith the Military l Total Abstinance Society of Auckland, was * held in the School-room, Albert Barracks, on evening last. Although this society was II Friday loraied only last June, with about a dozen members, it has made considerable progress, I Mα now musters a considerable number of the soldiers 1 at present in garrison, and it is to be iwped will daily add to its numbers. AthalfB B P as t six o'clock, about sixty of both sexes sat g down to tea, the married men of the society brought their families with them, and I having ma^e UP a very happy and pleasant parry. Ijg m!Ihee-' room was very tastefully decorated with m a ;fs and emblems—-the flags having been kindly for eilt ' tlio occasion, by Mr. Haniley, Military I ■tore Department, After the tables were cleared n |f . a '!dress was delivered by Sergeant Sorrell, g the Librarian of the Garrison, who explained the objects of the society, and made some very observations on the excellence of Total I just f uainenee, and the degrading consequences of '"temperance. The address was followed by seI Tcral glees and duets, sung by the Glee Club, | all members ot the society. A lecture I no areElectricity," was deliveredby Mr. Guun, I£ ii'iistrated with several amusing and instructing I Mperimcnls : but the greatest treat of the was an address by Mr. Jenkins, which if °r humour and practical good sense could IP ™treal be surpassed. Several excellent songs here U 1" by Messrs. Maxwell, Jones, and others of ""cniembera, and after a very pleasant evening, w»ith, we trust, will be only the commencement °'a series, the company separated at ele/en the Glee Club up the programme with God Save finishing the Qneen." foe the West Coast Digcehs.—The ..-ueat U fon papers quote largely from the remarks . tinned in the New Zealaxd Heeat.d of late \'es, relative to the monopolising tendency of proclamations of the Canterbury and Kelson IA prohibiting the introduction of ■a-Venntendents «le from Australia and certain IS ew Zealand p into those of Nelson and Canterbury. ifoviiices *J? C eirect of this agitation has been the removal "Ms obnoxious restrictions against the importcattle. The Kelson 'Kvaminer, of the ™™.of nst, says: was issued on T.i. i withdrawingAallV'-W-te iJ «% resolutions against the [ I " I g * & » °" ". ■ " 18 ZEAIAND HERALD, AUCKLAND, MONDAY, NOTEMBER 6, 1865. of cattle from Australia, so that WELLINGTON. there nothing now to prevent fat stock beinc had allowed them they could have captured tTioUf«o"v.- millC n gopkcCd rOlUrnS' inas aa y onconsidering mur[I'KOM tho Wo£t derers of Koreti! We forbear comment on this subshipped to the Grey, provided the cattle COIIKESI'OXDENT.] is ni? landed on the north side of the river. Wo slinll be glad to find that this step has increased tUo supply of meat and cheapened the cost of living on the -old-fields of this Province. The LTOveriiment has taken means to make the fact ot the removal of the restrictions known in Australia. It is a pity, we think, that the ports of the 1 rovmecs were not opened at the same time to importations from Otago and Southland." His .Excellency the Governor.—We understand, on good authority (says the Wetlim/lon M(verlisei-), that his Excellency will leave Wellington iii 11.M.5.5. Ksk this week for the kawau. It is not known how long ho will bo absent, or whether he contemplated visitingh v Auckland. Olkver Caituhe.—On Saturday morning last between 12 and 1 o'clock, our active Commissioner of Police was going his nightly rounds when he was accosted by a gentleman in Quecnstrect. who informed him that he had been robbed of a gold watch and chain in Symondsstreet, by a man, apparently a soldier. Mr. Commissioner JNTaughton at once despatched constables to such parts of the outskirts as a soldier would be likely to resort to, and a police constable to the guard-room at the Albert Barracks. The sergeant of the guard called the check-roll and it was found that a number of men on pass had come in late. The beds were searched, and the watch and chain found under the pillow of a man named Creneliain, belonging to the Military Train. lie was taken to'the Police Court on Saturday and remanded. l'msci: oi; Wales Theatre.—Mr. and Mrs. Case performed on Saturday evening to a full house, and were received with the most hearty applause. The entertainment commenced with Our Trip to the khine," a notice of which performance lias already appeared in these columns. In the later portion of the performance Mrs. Case sang .Roy's Wife of Aldivallah," with all her usual piquency, and afterwards danced the Highland iling. The concertina playing of Mr. Case was very much admired. Tin: Legislative Council.—An Act we see, and not before it was needed, has been passed, limiting the number of the Upper Rouse to forty members. Halmain.—We would remind our readers that the sale of the Ealmain estate takes place to-day, when Messrs E. and 11. Isaacs will offer for sale 102 small farms, villa sites, and building lots upon the Waitemata. Micssits. 0. AirrnuK and Sox will sell today, at the shop of Mr. Wisotski, the remainder of his stock-in-trade, consisting of cutlery, perfumery, fancy goods, stationery", &e. Mkssiis. ffuNTF.u and Co. will sell to-day, at their yards, -Newmarket, -15 head Provincial fatted cattle, 70 head store ditto, 30 head store cattle, and 30 head of young cattle from the North Shore. 15 dairy cows, 200 fat sheep and lambs, 300 sheep from Napier, 1U head fat cattle from Wangarei, and a lot of fat cattle from the Hot Springs. Aiessrs. IJipixcs iXD Dowden will sell to-day a quantity of stationery, on the premises of Mr. Lee, stationer, Wakciield-street, consisting of books, brushes, perfumer}-, fancy goods, &<.•-. " '• PROVINCIAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS. ~" A heavy blow and great discouragement, 3 that which has fallen on tho Empire/ City. Thei fall of tho Weld Ministry is not kindly taken, a thrust unkindest cut of all, not withstanding that it made Wellington the Scat of Government unci port of call for tho Panama etenmm, from power, phieo, and pay, bv the lukewarm support of Wellington members. " Indignation meetings luivo been held in Wellington, tho Ilutt, and tho Wairarapa—and tin) otlondorsiiavo severally expressed their regret that tho Ministry should have felt it Vogel's motion—and necessary thoir to go out on Mr. to givo Mr. i'ntontion Weld and his colleagues a more, thorough-going support, if again in power. But meantime the uvilhas been done, and tho opportunity of proving their sincerity is by no means imminent; for Mr. Stallbrd recently pointed out the evils which liamrally followed a yearly chango of Ministry, nnd by implication, ins desire and determination to snvo l,ho colony from them in future; so that, unless terminated by tho separation of tho two islands, wo may sue, for the iirst timo in Now Zealand, tho sumo Ministry in power at the eloso of the next Parliament which was in power nt its commencement. Besi tea the lukowarninoss of thoir supporters, other two theories have been in circulation as to tho vo-iguation of the Wl-UI Ministry. Tho first is, that the lvfus.il of the Homo Government to guarantee (lie three-million loan n.ado it impossihlo for them to curry out the- policy of which lliuy had boatted so much, and that they gladly availed themselves of tho Ih-ot decent pretext to get out of tho ditliuulty. lho .-ecund is that when Mi-.'WeM reco-n---luciided his Kxcelh-noy to so;ul for Mr. Stallonl ; it was believed by at-least somo of his colleagues that Mr. otali'.uvt would bo unable to form u"Ministry, and an Alnaschar-liko visiou roso b-.fure them of flw Governor mid tho House iu a day or two bcin" obliged to recall them, and nnpbrirg them to rosumo ciflieo and unvo tho country ; which, of course, after a becoming show of reluctance, with no desire ior oflice, but from pure patriotism, arid on condition w.is accepted intact, they would that tho Stamp Bill again i.ndcrtake. it this ];i-t was their plan—and irrespective of (ho to ihe theory bv the bitter opposition of Messrs. Fitr.herbert/Sewell, and Kichmond since Mr. Stallbid l-ok ollioe, it looks like a bimtling of the late Colonial Xieasiuer's brain—it has signally failed. Xliev have repeatedly ll.jmisli.nl the threat of resignation in thn face of the House dining tho piesent fes.-ioii with encouraging they Uiivo done tho same thing move than «i:e;'cs3; once to tho Uowrnoi-:; hut both his Kxoolloney nnd tho House had got tired of such threats—and when the threat beenmo a l-ici, it waj miicfly accepted—Mr. StiiObrd did Ibim a Ministry, and the Weld Ministry wan "out." One of the oxedUncics which the lato Premier claimed lor his Ministry, was th:it it had a Colonial, ii,it a rrovinci.il policy. The:e is little doubt that Mr. Weld him-elf beiijvod this and that a number oi" t)io«e w!io iu gener.d supported him, entertained the fame opinion; Li:t it would be too i:i';eh to suppose that the clients ~f the electors of Wellington, tho Unit, and Wair.inip were directed entirely or mostly to maintain u Colonial Ministry in oillec —it d the simple truth to say, that those eu'oiU were the re-nit of a conviction that U<o Weld Ministiy win caicntially a m-llinytoa Ministry. Tho We"lliiigto: : iaus, of course, arc not to be bl imed fjr suppenimr a Ministry whkh had done so much for tlieir town and Province; only, judged by the light of the /celinp; evinced hero on its resignation, the Weld Ministry has as little claim to bo regarded as in its highest signification the Colonial Ministry, as any one which prci-cded :".t. _ Of tho Premier, Mr. Stiiilbril, I have heard men-of ell shades of opinion speak with adi.iiratioii, as the man nbove nil others üblc to carry tho c.'lony triumphantly through tho ditlieulties and dangtr/tUiit beset it. Mr. rutcrron, the'new Postmiu-ter-Gcneral, and Colonel ii.'iultnin, tlie Defence Minister, wen> spoken of in tho Uoiise by (politically) no friendly critic, as countenance lent i KEWTON. electors of Newton was held on at Mr. Dewav's Schoolroom, Karangahape-road. It had b-;en announced that Honesty, ami Gallantry personified. As spca!;urs it Mr. l\owe woukl address the mooting, and a largo mu-t bo odmitted that they aro simply pis?iiblo ; but number of electors were present. if the country iinds that Gullnntry docs owrvthing Mr. Gke was voted to the chair. that can be done for the saAtr of tho colonic" Sir. IJowe, having been culled upon, came forward, and was received with loud che.rs. He said nnd that Uouesty is determined that as far as pos.ible thut he would not make a long speech, but there iiT-guhirity shall be avoided, and nuglijicneo nearly were certain topics upon which he was expected to uuknon-n in the transaction of the postal business of speak. First was the question of Separation, upon the colony—then, it will doubtless reconcile iisvlfto In the Legislative which all termed to be agreed. There were other the want of eloquent spc.-ehes. questions which were open to discussion, and upon Council it was at fir«t only represented by C.■•lunel which a great deal hid to be said. Whatever might liuHsell, who looks a ham iihal of an I!!n»lish gentlcbe snid of tlio gentleman (Mr. Curlcion) who mnn—and is said to be nil ho looks. I'lio Atfornov represented them in (lie Provincial Council Grenernl, Mr. Prendergabt, wag to lmvo filled the now under the Weld Ministry; tlio previous session, he (Mr. Howe) thought oilice ofcirjlii.-itor-Gfincriil, littlo tlmt here ws thut it wa3 only fair to give thut gentleman there can, the-efore, be the doubt right place." Mr. the right man in wlvit was due to him. Mr. Carlcton had always been have anxious to consult the interests of the people of Crosbio Ward vrns spoken of as Xrea-iurcr j it docs eeom to ho sUtk-d yet,-however. Perhaps, with Newton. There were several question.-* that would not come before the Provincial Council, tlio solution of his Btro. gly expressed "viewe on separation, ho did to ;i accept position which would very much depend upon circumstances. not feel at liberty 'J hese questions mainly affected the development of which would preclude him from doing anything to tho resources of the country, and were referable to bring about their accomplishment; this nmy also acfor the absence of one or two other gentlemen experience rather than to opinion. There had been count from Cabinet that the public would naturally coal-fields found in the Bay of Island?, but in his expecttho to lind there. mind SO acres was too small a space for lease of such The grOiil difference between (he present Ministry property. He could only say, that if the electors and the Into one seems to be summed up in tho wo.-d chose to return him, ho would their interi'f t.-i fo the best of his ability, and in doing so ho retrenchment, commencing with tliu number of They were twitted by the opposition with would do pretty as much as he had heretofore done. Ministers. Whilst he felt, as every man should feel, a sense being a mere executive, having no special duties or l>; r. Stafford's plans did not admit responsibilities. of the compliment which it was proposed to pay to of that nice sub-division of labour which was rarried him, he claimed rut ire freedom of action. The only Ministry out the Weld in ; but doul>l!ess by tho time thing that he ecu -1 assert was, that he would watch nicety again such distribution of duty will over the interests of Newton, and to the best of his the House (alien place as will secure have perfect Parliamentary ability advocate every measure calculated to pron.ote responsibility. As regards defence, Ministers apits prosperity. (Cheers.) Several questions were put to Mr. 8.0W.K, which he parently do not intend to take any steps to prevent tho removal of tho troops ; but if Knglnnd, soeing it answered wrii'tiw. Other inhabitants of the district, Mr. Gkipfik and lias refused to guarantee the thren million loan, on considering Iho circumstances of tho colony, fiens it others, addressed the meeting. to further ami hasten its thorough pacificaXho proceedings terminated with a voteof thanks to necessary tion by the presence, imd if necossrry, the service of tho Chairman. English troops, Ibc-n Ility will not. in an absurd (it of The nomination for Newton takes place this day. self-r.'liimce, refuse that assistance which the colony might look for nnd lioiiourablv accept at (lie hand of the mother country. Bills have also been introduced ACTS OF GENERAL ASSEMBLY. to enable tho Government to reward sorvice iu the The following are tho Acts passed by the General volunteers and militia with land-grants; but from Assembly, and which have received his Excellency's the studied avoidance of the word militin in the Precontent: mier's ministerial elatcmont, it would almoet seom The Wellington "Waste Lands Regulation Act. that he regards it as a dernier resort. The Native Lands Act. The Native Policy was described as one of conciliaThe Representation Act. tion, and firmness, ani economy, and an endeavour The Loan Allocation Act. will be made to maintain the peace by a small move'Jhe Southhnds Debt Act. able force, with the co-opi-ration of friendly natives. The SaluralisutionAct. Thesounri tho appointment of a cornuiiaaion to report Ohe New Zealand Settlements Continuance Act. on the civil service, and on tho propriety of an inCrown Lands Nelson Leasing Act. come-tux, were the principal subjects alluded to. It Deeds and Titles Bcgistration till. was admitted to bo in many respects so lilitt the policy New Plymouth Kxchange Commission Act. of their predecessor.*, that they were taunted with Law Practitioners Amendment Act. piracy. But there is ono littlo "bill, the AppropriaProvincial Constabularly Act. tion Bill, showing a saving of nearly £200,000 Electric Teh-graph Act. that will bo likely, in the eye of the country, to show Distillation J'rohibilion Ordinance Amendment the difference between Mr. Weld and that of tho Act lßfi2. piveent premier. Goia-FieMa Act. Pcttv Sessions Act. A meetiso of the Saturday evening, " — — Mi'i'tia Act. Volunteer Force Act. Intestate Estates Act. Protection of Certain Animals Act. Debentures Act Amendment Act. Southland Waste £an«h Act. Taranaki Naval and Military Settlers Act. Miners Hepresentation Act Amendment Act. Wellington Supreme Court Site, Act. Provincial Law Suits Explanatory Act. Hawke3 Bay Military and Colonial Force Amendment Act. lost Licenses and Lease; Act. Provincial Corporations Act. Master and Apprentices Act. Debtors and Creditors Act Amendment Act, Canterbury "Waste Lands Act. Bailor's Sheep and Catt e Protection Act. Kaw Zealand Loan Act. Otago Municipl Corporation Empowering Controlling Act. Pucks Nest Mill Dam Bill. Picton and Blenheim Act. Lincoln Uoads Act. " T October 30. Act WEST COAST GOLD-FIELDS. THE GREY. (From tho IMilikaLcmhr, Oct. 27.) Groymouth, Oct. 21. MijflN'G affairs hero continue very satisfactory, and the accounts from the Arnold, Bed Jacket, Nobbier, and Twelve-mile are very encouraging. During llio past week business has been brisk, Iho up-country storekeepers having purchased supplies freely, anl thoro seoms to bo little scarcity of the needful. While writing you, news has just arrived that a first-rate claim on the Arnold, about three miles from the old diggings, lias been opened and attracted a rush ; also u ru-h this morning to about four miles beyond Red Jack's, which I feel ccnlident will bo right, as tho parties who have boon there some timo and getting their supplies gradually, camo dowu yos- tcrdny and purchased largely. The rush to tho norlh attracted a thousand or two who visited the placo, but nono wero so fortuuut" hitherto as the prospector-, who certainly have got a golden claim. In the wiishdirt which they showed me, and which was taken indiscriminately, the precious metal was glittering; (hoy (diroo of them) were taking about seventy-eight ounces a day, usin;' mercury, as the gold is exceedingly lino. Parti- s who are experienced in the matter, and who havo been further up the coast, s.iy that gold exists and payable from the (irey to tho Buller, and that tho country only wants opening up. Should such provo to bo the case, it will bo fortunate, as supplies are PUBLIC HOLIDAY. To the Editor of (ho New Zealand Hehaid. Sib, —Having observed in your cotemporary's issue of the JSril inst, a paragraph to the efl'oct that the 9th inst. would be set apart as a general holiday, being tho anniversary of the Prince of Wales' birthday. I beg to ask you if the same is correct, having seen nothing to that effect in tho llbuald. lam sure the Aucklandera would all bo very of a easily obtained, the diggings being contiguous to tho holiday, and would feel obliged to you for using your sea beach. influence to obtain the clay for its. The new diggings southof tho Grey, whore the EifqVIKEJI, celebrated ono-hnndred weight was ob'tuined, aro ' ' November 4th.' ' ■• right j and the parties hott engaged there are doiug - f Coast: A ? 1U ° 5 ' " 3 (ho 0(Ml General Assembly of New Zealand. ° action General Waddv will in the tako in it. Unless, we rr.ista'co flic decisive character PKI C -'?l0niil1 W.mi'l l''iekers aro making b"; httlo of that bravo old eoldic-r, we maysafoly leave the l-m b their p.lo" in n vory u wo comfoHaUo matter in his hands, nntl lie may as safely rely upon -In local matters there is nothing of importance to the facts U3 abovo elated being those given by the communicate, except tho "encral emu-actor sties of tho guides. townslnp and tho township of Cobden, As of which the Government has offered £1000 reward for I will speiii. my next communication. the apprehension of tho3e murderers, porhaps it would be ns well if tho native guides would muster a e angeablo, and heavy freshets have been in the few of their friends, go out quietly, and do a little in or, during ono of which on Saturday, Messrs. business on their own account. Wo would havo no ■"»«»• and C>. scs.ilbjf.t3, which had been kmlimr objection to join the party.— Wanyanui Tin.es, Oc'it tlio pits, capsized, and tho four men who wero tober 27. nanageing hor wuro but fortunately no was ot Ufu ensued; the immersed, boat was afterwards recovered Uinving nearly drifted to tlio EXECUTION OF CAPTAIN JARVEY. river) by s onio of the. ierrjmen, who, mouth of the [Br Electmc Telegeai-h.] with great difficulty and the a.d ot a lino from OHO of tllo vessels i intr nt Duncdin, Oct. 24, 2.10 a m. anchor m tho river, brought hor to shore. At a quarter after cloven this forenoon, William lho linprovomcnta goiug on hero aro most encourJarvey Andrew was hanged withisi the Duncdin aginn., and show neither a want of spirit or capital Q-aol, feir the" murder of hi 3 wife, Catherine on the part of tho residents of tbo Grey. Lavo and Jarvey. extensive- stores aro rapidly rising, and though comThe convict died without confession. parisim may bo invidious, they aro not excelled by The scaffold was erected in tho small yard of tho he older township of Hokitika. The amusements female division of the gaol, and, including the offi hero aro scanty, and wero it not for a spirited «ontle- cials, abmit twenty persona witnessed the execution. man, the proprietor of the Union (Mr. Ki]«-our) The Eev. B. Connebee, in fulfilment of his prothcro would bo nothing to ailbrd tho relaxation which one enjoys in tho evening aftor a day's toil, mise, wan at the gaol early this morning, and he and Mr. Smith remained constantly in tho cell, lioth liero he has (Heeled a largo hall similar to tho Co.inUnau llii.l in IloUitikn, where Miss Annio Beaumont, tho ministers, together and separately, moro than once referred to the awful question, Arc you guilty lroressor 1 arkor, and a talented company are drawor not guilty but in no enso would ho listen. ing crowded ai;dienco~. When the last question was approached I may mention that all the land at present tho Eev. cleared Mr. Connebeo, the convict repliod to by tins effect: by the Government, extending from tho Maori township to the bridge, leading to Blakctown, has beon "Do not persist with that subject. I wish vou not." taken up, and every foot of ground in (ho Maori would When the sheriff and tho governor of tho gaol t 'wnship has been sold. There certainly aro a few thorn solves at the cell door, and the clergy"Hutments in tho hands of speculators, "who intend ptosented having a profit, and I think thov will get their price man entered the day-room, the sheriff mado tho formal demand of tho body of Willium Andrew Jarvey bolbro tho week is past. for execution, but (ho convict requested that he might On tho Cobdon stfo n wharf ii in course of erection, which will bo a great convenience to tha steamers once more soo Mr. Connebee. That gentleman and Ktorcjaiid public-houses avo being put up ject untjl we seo what '< . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. (FROM Ofll BrECIAL EETGRTEH.) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25m. '" " ? " Mr. Cabletok took tho r wT°"S.y onl nl chair at five o'clock. UEI-OIIT. iKON bought up the report of £ M,n C m ,lt?° "PPointed to enqniro into the A p case of A. 0. btrode, which was ordered to be considered on next sitting day. Mr. Russell brought up the report of the Commitlee which was appainted to enquire into the Portal arrangements of tho Colony. The report was received and read. Mr. Russell moved that tho report he printed Mr. SiWEix took exception to one part report which stated that the Lite Government had entered into a new contract with the Inter-provincial Company for the Mail Servico which could not be terminated until Juno next. He said an arrangement had been entered into, by which the Company should carry on the Mail Servico until January.Subsequently it was found that tho Panama Servico could not very well be commenced until March or April. Hβ wai then made a sort of go-between between Mr J. Vine Hull and tho Committee, and shewed the proposal* of the Inter-Provincial line to Dr. Monro, the Chairman of the Postal Committee, who approved of them, and that was tho reason that the service was to be ' 1 THEJTEW importation - Council or House of Representatives his T Matin? • .\,n =0 to advise the Governor, with a view to in , ? the General Assembly from exercising couof tho Public Revenue, or '"T ' erviewtbetoExpenditure induce such member of the Legislative Ua to vote- or abstain Representatives of House or Question in such Assembly, velin" "F 011 nnv f of tlio Executive Council shall s'lch'niemb"" ml - v P erson who shall sue for the fV-mi PaT'oft0£2,000, to be recovered with full the sum Supremo Court of the Colony, oi suit, in tno upon conviction of such V.vTv «ncli personandshall,shall be disqualified from offence cease to be, of tho Legisiativc Council or J,.;™ a Member either for the space of full three HouW KepreSLMiiatives sue' i conv ict >on. rears from l'lt! :ltt > A ftcr some formal business the House adjourned till Saturday, the 2Stli. On the imvtini; ot the House on Saturday ;\lr. SciiTonl brought forward the following j DAILYJ of'the continued until Juno. Mr. lit S3ELL said that that wae a different course to what had been explained to the committee. The report was ortlored to be printed, and taken into consideration next sitting day. ADMIXISTIUTIOX OP 03YEBXMENT. Mr. Macandeew moved the following resolutions in older to the moro economical administration of the Government, and the preservation of tho unity of the colony, it is expedient:—[Here follow thesetotroBolutions already published in the Hebald.] Ho said that, swing that so many of the member* wero absent, he thought that it would not be right; to pres3 forward a motion of so importanta nature when at least one-third of the members wore absent, lie then nglicd leave to withdraw his motiou. Motion withdrawn accordingly. thu chaplain returned to tho cell. Again tho voice loading their supplies of coal. Tho miuistsra prayed From tho numerous arrivals of both steamers and of prayer was to bo heard. first; then tho convict ;■■■■./ed briefly, but with Biiihng vo.-scl-J, along with their several departures, seeming :. sincerity. Or. Wi-o Die benediction was and the crossing nver of almost every one who could pronounced, mid then i.ij convict walked into tho all'ord timo to visit the new rush up the coast (about a mile and a half from tho mouth of tho Grey), this day ■morn. He wore tho suit of black clothes in which ho appeared during the trial, and his hands placo presented really a livo appearance, and one were He looked pa'.o, but only slightly so ; calculated to impress a new arrival with every feeling thoro gloved. was not a sign of nervousness 'or agitation of confidence; nnd which, so far us rcjjardsj'my own NATLEALIZATIb.V JtIXC. him. ifo advanced fo tho gaoler, shook hands opinion, after mature inquiry, would not bo mis- about him, saying, with Bless you, sir ;" he also shook On the motion of Mr. Stafford, it was ordered thai placed. hands with the sherifi", also with some of tho officers tho Naturalization Bill bo read a second time. of the gaol, with n brief Good bye." EMI'LOTJIEXT 01' TROOP3. HOKITIKA. The hangman had new entered ; light shabby Mr. Sewell moved that a respectful address be The steamers Airedale and Egmont ariivcd from friiv.o coat, a slouched whito hat, and a amulller for his presented to his KxceUency paying- for the producIlokitika, but they have brought verv littlo news disguise. Tho pinioning was commenced, tho contion, in continuation of previous papers, in continuaIhe Into westerly weather had kept*back all tho vict standing firmly erect, and sliifliug position tion of a'l minutes, memoranda, and correspondence coasfir.g- craft which had l< ft our port during the to facilitate the hangman's work —nay, ho his directed it, between the Governor and Ministers relative to the preceding week, not one of which had arrived when speaking to thin effect—" Don't bin l"me too to tight; employment of Imperial troops on the "West Coast; these steamers lf-ft. A small paddlo wheel steamer, there, that will do, let me go a little more free ; loosen and all other minutes, memoranda, and corresponsnppnfo.l to bo the Prince /.lfrod, was seen oil' Cnpo (hat turn n little ; let it go down liy the side, so (he Governor and Ministers relative I'ouiwind, and the lilcanor was :it imchor under tho that they may bo straight." The sheriff made an dence between saiiu-pit. A clmnge \ v \s now taken place iivtho observation, anil tho convict added—" Uh, this will to fie employment of Imperial troops generally in tho colony. Also for the production of all letters, weather, ruid-.>e may look for tho return of several do, sir, so that r.hey eomo straight." While the hangminutes, and memoranda relative to t'.o oxmndirure of these vessels immediately. liy this delay, all tho man wail knotting the rojie at tho back, the convict Chest on ace i: ■ f the banks have been disappointed in not Retting their remarked with slight impatience, There, that will from tho Commirs:iriut Ho said that his obj ■ -,t;i» gold up from both tho Grey and Ifokitikii, for ship- do now, you have done enough ; yon are a long time Colonial Government. to show the policy of the late Government that they ment liy tho Otugo to Sydney yesterday, thou"h we about it; luck that end in ; lie will null me back pretroops, but that, did not wish to the employ Impiriiil lind that tho Bank of New Scu'h Wales sent 3,500 sently, if ho pulls in that way; they are quite undertaken, they were to ounces on hoard tho Claud Hamilton, when lying off tight enough, Mr. Sheriff —niako them straight if any operations wero be undertaken by tho colonial forces solely. Holutika, in tho 27th tilt. down across the firing, sir. I tell you The hon. Mr. Stapi'oiid snid tho Government ■■ " " " Another lifo has boon l:st through attempting to tliey aro quito tight enough." Tho pinioning produce llio niemoranwould have no objection beach a boatafc Uolcitikn. A pleasure cutter,brought was completed, and the convict made two steps for to bo found. Ho had seen no memodown in the barque OoMon Age, from Melbourno, ward, as if to walk at once to tho scuQ'old. Ho was dum, if it wero been with a crew of threo hand.-i, unable to cross tho bar, directed to wait. Tho hangman then produced a randum on the subject, although he had been sent an attempt '.v.is made to run her on shore nearwhero whito linen cap, on seeing which the convict exclaimed informed that such a memorandum hud .Excellency. to his Montpzuma tho wan slraiuletl, but she broached to Now, tliero is time enough for that when I am out Mr. Sewell said ho could speak from his own in the surf, was capsized, and the owner of the boat there; it is always dono outride." But the cup was knowlcdgo that there was such a memorandum a fow drowned, the two men who accompanied him reachput upon his head, and lie, 6tooping, was enabled to days beforo tho resignation of the lato Ministry; ing the shore with great dilliculty. raiso hie :right hand to take it off. Tho sheriff said, ho hud had a conversation with his Excellency on The election of two members to represent tho You must submit, Mr. Jarvoy; it must bo put on ; very Wett-.rn districtin tho Canterbury Provincial Coiini.il, do not tike it off again." Tho convict EubmitlcJ, and thisThe hoii.subject. Mr. Staffohd β-utl he had been to his was occupying attcntior. Tho election cornea oil'on tho cap was replaced. liy this time the convict's Excellency this afternoon, but h:id not boon able to an early day. face was pallid, but ho spoke firmly still. "Does see him, on this eubjeot. cxpo'rt of gold for the mouth has boon 35.9GG any ono want to shuko lumda with me?" he asked, The The question was then put and passed. ounces, hut thevo mutt he a considerable quantity mid tho clergyman and oQicials did shako hands with CONFISCATED IAND3. both at-tho Grey nnd at ICokitika awaiting shipment, him. Then ho turned to tho door of the cell and adas wo have hud no communication from the former vanced. The Kev. 3tr. Connobce supported him, The hon. Mr. Stafford (Premier) moved that the port for u fortnight.— Sd>on Examiner, Nov. 2. though ho evidently did not need support: and, Houao go into Committee on certain resolutions. with a firm, even, springing stop, ho walked Mr. Heweix said he thought the hon. gentlemen Ihe short distanco between tho day-room and the ought to postpone the consideration of this question doorway which opened out at once upon tho upper until after tho Colony had given its voice in the matWANGANUI. landing of tho scallbld. Ho was still firm_ as he ter. No doubt the hon. gentleman would say that (From tho Chronicle, Oct. 25.) mounted the few steps, and with equal firmness ho these resolutions concerned intimately the Province to " " L'ibi:.—Tho townsfolk wcrealaimed late on Sun- da) - evening by (ho brciilciiig,out of n fire in a small house lately erected on tho York tlockado hill by a soldier now at Pipiriki. Two soldiers' wives and some children were in tho house at the time, but owing to the prompt asi-isfiince of (he neigbours nnd military, (hoy wore :ill safely rc-cuej, ae was also much of tlie other contents of tho house. Tho lire, owing to the strong wind, raged furiously, and it was fortunate, that the rain during the day had saturated tho roofs all around, and thus prevented further mischief from the ppnrks and flukes of lire, some of which wore curried as far aa the Roman Catholic Church. The Native Guides.—Tho guides mentioned in placed himself directly under tho beam. Mr. Connoheo, as soon ns tho day-room had been quitted, commenced reciting the burial service : lam tho —" resurrection and the life, &c." The rev. gentleman continued while tho rope and cap were adjusted. was ghastly pale as the cap was drawn over Ifo his face. The instant before thin was douo he softy called fo Mr. Connobce, who stood at The reverend ono corner of the scaffold. gentleman advanced, and tho convict spolce two or three wi'rds ; they wore, we believe, his laet farewell. Certainly they were not a confession, nor an indication of any yielding towards ono. Half a minute elapsed, and then with an indescriour last as missing, relumed on Monday, so that (ho bable clank the bolt was drawn, and the body of the fears entertained of their having deserted wero needmurderer disappeared from the few spectators who less. Tho idea seems to have originated at Iho stood in tho yard. The fall was terrific. The twang Native Magistrate's office, from some enquiries made of the ropo was a sound not easily to bo forgotten. by tho military authorities respecting the guides' days Aftor a few seconds had passed, tho hands wero after they had left town, and was of twice slightly raised with a sharp, convulsivo movestrengthened by their having applied for and obtained ment ; then there were several movements of tho tho duplicate arms. throat and cluet, and, later, a tremor ran through Tub Oi'EiiATiojfs ox thk Coast.—Tho military the body. That was the last visible sign of life in expeditions recently organised scom to havo re- (ho human frame of Win. Andrew Jarvey.—Lyttelsulted in very little, though from wet weather to'i Times. . and the rugged nature of the ground, thoy must havo been very arduous fo tho troop 3 engaged. ASSEMBLY PAPERS. At Palca, the pa at which Mr. Broughton was murdered was visited and destroyed, as well as an apparently now stockade a littlo further inland. No POSTAL ARRANGEMENTS OP THE natives were seen, though a quantity of potatoee and COLONY. kumcras wore found, and as wo learn from tho interis Iho report brought up by the Postal preters' journal Iho crowing of a cock wus heard. The following relativo to tho postal arrangements of tho The only (race of Jlr. Broughton was tho body of hie Conimitlco hor.se, which was found Homo distance from tho pa, colony. order of reference to tho committee remitted The the poor beast having apparently been spoared. At tho whole of tho postal arrangeanother pri inland of Manutahi, visited a day or two to their consideration The committee have not had tho colony. of ments later, a freshly-cooked dinner was found, but tho it desirable to tho opportunity, nor did they deem company for whom it had beon prepaied had ovuinto such large questions ns those raised by porutccl. This pa wns, of course, also destroyed. enter period of tho but after session, tin's order at so late a Two shots wero lired after the troops as (hoy retired having taken a considerable amount of evidenco upon by unseen natives. At Waitotara. the operations recolony, the tho committee service of sulted in the burning oTaoino wharesand tho capture tho steam postal report as follows: of Hohcpa, a nativn who was sent to Whitotara wilh be"1. toThat tho opinion of tho committee, the in Mr. baring, letter and by White, returned, a never tho colony is at present paying, and is under it was said, been detained by the Uauhnus. After amount to pay for steam subsidies, is more than being captured ho was allowed to return into tho engagement be devoted to those objects. to ou"ht bush to gefc somo of his things, aud we believe 2. That tho Committee find that tho late Governhas not yet come in, though (lie natives expect ment haro renewed tho contract for all the services he will "do so, us they brought in his wifo and tit present performed by tho Inter-Colonial Company, child. vuth or nnd that thoso services cannot be dispensed Bodies Form>.—Two bodies of drowned men altered until after Ist June, 18G6, without the conhavo recently been found. Tho one was discovered Company. Contracts have Inter-Colonial sent of the on tho beach about a milo southwards of th<3 heads also been entered into with the New Zealand Steam on Sunday week. It wim quite unrecognisable, and Navigation Company for the continuance until Ist had on it no clothing or oilier moans of identifying- February, 1866, of tho Inter-ProvincialServices now it, except, possibly, tho loss of two front teeth. performed by that Company. The other was that of a carpenter, who fell over tho 3. That tho committee cannot under theso circumriver bank in front of the Colonial Hospital ono stances soo how any immediate reduction can be made night lust July, and was found in front of Putiki in tho amount payable for steam service, but recomlast Friday by somo natives, to whom it is duo to that the Government should tako the earliest mention that a rulo and a sum of £22 found mend in this item opportunity to effect a reduction in (ho deceased's pockets wore delivered to the discontinuance of the present inter-colonial without polico along with the body.— Chronicle, Oct. 21. 4. Tin; committee would also direct the attention to (ho proposal made by tho WANGANUI.—EXPLANATION REQUIRED. of the Government Government, that tho Panama steamers Tahitian Tun fournativos who wore detailed to tho Waitotara on should call at Tahiti, and tho committee deem i tho 22nd instant as guides to the troops who were their duty to express their opinion in favor of the ordered to capture tho murderers of Keriti, report proposal, and to recommond it to the consideration tlmt they captured Hohepa and his wilb, ljut that of the Government. whilst engaged with tho Hauhas in actual combat, 5. The Committee beg to annex a Memorandum they wero separated, and Jlohcpn escaped. They supplied by Captain Tine Hall, relativo to the propositively assert that after having discovered where nosed timo tables for the Panama Service, and they tho Hiiuhaus wero—at Okotuku—they requested the deem it their duty to direct tho attention of the GoColonel in command of her Majesty's troops to ac- vernment to the fact that the time table cannot be company them thither and capture tho murderers, arranged so an to give New Zealand and New South bii' tho Colonel refused to do so. That the Uauliaue Wales the advantage of an intermediate servico with came to Wanahuia, and the soldiers were fired at that now in operation by way of Suez, unless an alfrom Perekcnia. Thiit on the 19th instant they, with terationcan be effected in tho timo of the arrival of 200 of the troops, w.ait lo Araiahi where they found the Koyal West India- Mail Company's boats at t'>e village deserted. Three of tho guides crossed tho Colon, and the Committee -would request the attenWaitot'ir/i, burnt the whnres, and cut down the Bacred tion of tho Government to this importantpoint beforo pole from which thoy took tho top swivelandpresented arranging any permanent timo table for tho Panama it as atrophy to their captain. AftcrrecrosHHf; tho river Service. they were fired upon by tho Hauhaus ; they returned T. TtossELL, Chairman. tho fire, but "the fire ceased by the order of tlo Colonel." They positively assert that "if they had Captain' Cellem. —Wo understand that this not been prevented by tho Colonel they would havo gentlemiin, who for some time past has commanded captured the murderers of Kereti." Wo are decidedly of opinio"n that this matter the s.s. Queen, has resigned his appointment, and should bo enquired into. It u generally understood will now take the oflice of Harbour Muster at Napier. ]n Captain Cellem the M.Z.S.N. Company will 1000 that General Chute's orders wero explicit and peremptory r.s to tho capture of those murderers, and the eervioos of a most efficient officer.—Xteio Zealand yet the guides asasrfc that if tho Colonel in command Advirtisir, Oct. 30. . — ..•..-. of Auckland, and the Houso would very likely be to givo (ho fullest atlention to the question, but he must plead for the Colony at large and Bay prepare:! lhat although tho late Government were prepared to theso rvsolutio.is, yet they were not pro(o say that they wero the fair result of their deliberations and a part of their policy. They would have bowed to the decision of tho House in whatever the House Imi decided on, with regard to tho Province of Auckland. They had already passed an Act dealing with the confiscated lands uf Auckland, then whv should they re-open- tho question. If he eaid that the exigency of the Province required the consideration of these resolutions ho would givo his best recommend pared support to them. Ho believed something ought to be dono at once for that Province to enableit to "•o on with it? public works. The Hon. Mr. Stafford said it was not only for tho interest of Auckland hut for the interest of the colo:iy at large that these resolutions should be pti3sed. Ho believed that these wero the best terms The colony bad thut could be got for tho colony. an enormous expenditure goiug on, and it could not get rid of that liability without eomo such arrangement aa that proposed in theso resolutions. He would not go at length i"to tho question now, bu would discussit at length in committee. The Houbb then resolved itself into committee to consider the following resolutions : (L) That it is expedient that tho confiscatedlands in the Province of Auckland should, with certain exceptions and subject to certain conditions, bo transferred to Provincial administration in that Province, for the purpose of colonization. (2.) That the General Government cannot properly divest itself of the duty of settling those natives who may desire to return to tho districts comprised in such lands, and to accept tho Queen's authority, and to takn grants from tho Crown. That therefore this duty should be retained in the hands of tho General Government, and that it is incumbent on such Qo* vernraent to deal with the matter promptly and definitely, before transferring the rest of the lande to Provinr.iul management. (3.) That after this liability is disposed of, the remaining confiscated lands in the Province of Auckland bo transferred to Provincial administration subject to tho undermentioned charges and condi— 1. Such lands to bo liable for all sums expended Tho New Zealand Settlements Act" for the permanent, benefit of the Province, including any charges which may still come in course of payment under that head. Tho amount of such liability to be Assembly—_ defined in Act or Acts of the General 2. Such lands to bo liable for any compensation to natives, whother in money or land, aa awarded The New Zeaby the Compensation Court under under " " land Settlements Act." 3. Such lands to be liable for the completion of all engagements with Militery and other settlers, except pay and rations to Military settlers. 4. Such lands to be liable for compensation to settlers in the Province of Auckland, for losses incurred in the war, as awarded by proper authority. 5. A sum of two shillings and sixpence per acre for all lands eo handed over to the Province of Auckland, to be paid to the General Government from time to time as the lands are sold or otherwise disposed of by the Province. C. Regulations for the disposal of linds to be made an Order of Council, as provided lor by "The New Zealand Settlements Act," upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and Provincial Council, but subject to revocation and alteration in default of the Provincial Government in any stipulation of their part. (4.) That the General Governmentretain the right of excluding from the arrangement any lauds, such as, a part of those at Taurang.i, to which tho title is doubtful, aud which cannot be settled without creating fresh difficulty; but that such lands should be handed over as eoon us the difficulty attaching to them isremoved. (5.) That tho ordinary power of making such reserves, as contained in tho "Waste Lands Act, 1865, be also retained by the General Government. (6.) That in anticipation of tho above arrangement and in order to provido tho Provincial Government of Auckland vfeh immediate means for employment on the of the immigrants and the military settlers the General Government Waikato, introduced by of ten. advance Auckland, an into the Province of on lotthousand pounds fc£10,000) is to 9 exps&ididthe, by tfre b Wing terms i-Ihe Eoney authorisedl THfc NEW 6 MOITOAY, HOYEMBER 6, 1865. HEBAU3, ZEAiAOT) IBAIIY. (fl.) Keirulationß for the disposal of the lands to be ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, J. & A. WISEMAN by the made by Order in Council, au provided for Ex late Arrivals, New Zealand Settlements Act, upon the recommenHAVE OPENED IN THEEEt NEW Provincial and PREMISES dation oi? the Superintendent United VineyardProprietors Company's A LAEGE VARIETY Council. i;n qr.-casks and cases Dark, Pale and ensure, and confidence as (7 ) In ordor to restore OF Ditto, common, in cases far as possible, the suocess of the Military ColonizaSUPEEIOE SADDLEEY, Rum, fine old Jamaicain cases tion and Waikato Immigration schemes hitherto unBurnett's Tom, Old Consisting of dortakon by the General Government, the Province Geneva, various brands after recouping actual cash payments, to engage to ENGLISH SADDLEB, HTOTINq Whisky QUPERIOR confiscated derived from tho proceeds orpend the Committee could into the whole £' go affirmed then Ginger Cordial, in cases should be paid. AND STEEPLE-CHASE (Peat's utyle) lands in colonizing and otherwise for tho general method in which that resolution should he carried moved that nothing Cinnamon, ditto ditto Mr. BussELt, to meot the views of the committee, advantage of the coruscated districts. "Victorian style, ditto out. Ginger instead of his casks provious Wine, in amondmont, empowered proposed anothor Governmentbo That theProvincial (8.) Mr. John Wiugiamson seconded the motion. and Sherry Wine, superior Pale, in qr.-«wke Quilted all-over saddles soon as the Provincial GoMr. Thomas Russell moved a series of resolutions one, (o tho effect that as the Te Papa property eubject to— octaves Auckland shall, by tho proceeds of tho bringing a charge against tho lato Govern- to take1. Compensation to Church Missionary Society saddles, with leaping heads and Ladies' as amendments to thosebefore the House. Ho said vernment of Victoria lnnde, havo discharged the liabiliDitto ditto ditto ditto, in cases and their tenants, the amount to he setthe Province of Auckland was willing to assumo the sale of conCecated The statement made in. this clause shoes by those resolutions, ment.porfectly Ditto common, in qr.-casks and cases by by the facts of tled arbitration. out rejponsibility of paying £320,000 which was charged ties now charged on those lands and borne was correct subsequent salos, on oil in qr.-casks, octaves, and case* of 2s. 6d. Port Wino Girls' ditto ditto pay sum settlers, military it shall tho to town allotments . Giving late t tho caae. Tho Committeo said that tho Governon the lands, £100,000 of which was to bo paid imaway under tho AuckClaret Bridles, whips, spurs mediately by the Province'for compensation to provided that all lands giron ratod at 53. ment ronewed tho contract in February last. This tho whole quantity not to exceed 350 Burgundy Waste Lands Act shall bo acres. was according to fact, and was borne out by the settlers awarded by Mr. Beckham, tho whole of which land and GbeiOHTON Felt and kereey cloths remarks from Hocks Mr. After a few February 10th last. The was to be awarded in money as to givo land to many printod agreement , dated THS PBTITIOK OF AiPRBD BDMOND3. Champagne, first quality, in quarte and pints Atkinson, the question was put, that tho And, mot, and a part of tho instructions mado of them would bo of no use whatever. What thoy Major Committoo questho of out part sparkling bo left stand and still Moselle, words proposod to The report of tho Private Grievance Committee on A LAEGE ASSORTMENT OF GOOD3 wanted was money to buy furniture nud itock to tion. to that Committeo was to Beo if they could effect a sum Edmonds, payLiqueurs Alfred that the the of potition Thoy wero prevented carry on their business which had been destroyed decrease in tho expenditure. Stable requisites 195., was Chorry Brandy Tho House divided, and tho numbers were through the war. They had given the best of tlie from doing this, at least until tho commencement of able to the said Alfrod Edmonds be £180 Syrups, various Ayes, 13. lands to the Military settlers, and they had also given tho Panama contract. Captain Vino Hall was sum- agreed to. Curtis J. & A. W.I S E M AN Bunny good land to the friendly natives. Aftor taking theso Brandon moned to appear before the Committee, but instead ====================== Bitters Vermouth Jollio Haultain landi out of the blocks, and then taken out the hills Fitzherbert of his appearing tho Government entered into an HAVE Off HAND Absyntho Richmond, A. Stafford Reynolds agreemont with him on the 11th of October. That and swamps, there would be very littlo left to dispose BUCHOLZ & CO., Thompson A LARGE ASSORTItENT OP OABT AND Taylor agreement was to tho effoct that tho Panima service of. It would be difficult te find a block of 20,000 Sowell Fort-street. -c*ehargo Wayno anothor eervices commence good present of land. There also that tho PLOUGH Juno, acres was was to in HARNESS on tho land. There wero claims being constantly wero to bo continued until tho Ist Juno, and that an Nobs, 18. made on theso lands by natives, who although those abatement was to bo made of £2,000 on tho wholo HAVE ON SALE UNDEESIGNED THE Buckland PLUMBEE, Burns HOUSE SHIP AND AND Atkinson T>TTGGY GIG service, to be deducted from the last subsidy. Hβ tribes might havo been in rebellion had not boon at Oroighton Carleton Colenso (Mr. Russell) thon wrote to Mr. Vino Hall asking Express and dog-cart ditto CASES i-lb. AROMATIC TOSACCO, Chamwar themselves. Tho amount set down for those Mantell Macandrew Honderson pion's him tho following queitione:—"Did the lato Governclaims was £15,000, but he was afraid thatto that sum G A S-FI TTE E, BEL L-H ANGER, Pact saddles, complete Bonall Pharnzyn Munro purchase was not sufficient. In fact he would liko ment renew tho contract, and if bo, under what inG ditto ditto, Sweet Calawbra Wells Khodes Russoll Cheap saddlesand bridles Cigars (Actividad) Havannah strument was that contract mado P and, 2ndly, when the whole of the block for that eum. 3 Genuine ZINC WOEKEE, &0., Williamson, Jno. Williamson.Js. Wilson will that contract terminate 3 To which Mr. Hall do. do. do. (Cabanae) Mr. John Williamson said tv at it was contemJ. & A. WISEMAN. The amendment was then put and passed. renewed were rethat, lot, plated to confiscate large tracts of country at Oporeplied the contracts now Trabucco 2 CHAPEL-STREET, AUCKLAND, Hon. Mr. Stafford then moved that the wholo of nowed by tho Government on 10th February last; tiki, and that it was of vast importance to tho colony 5 Swiss Cigars Paper bo at large that all the harbors on tho East Coast should tho remaining resolutions on the Ordor 1 and, 2ndly, under existing arrangements, the said H.S. Manillas TO HOUSEHOLDERS, MECHANICS AKD be taken possession of by the Europeans. If the struck out, and tho amendments of Mr. Russell ho contracts would terminate on tho Ist of Juno, 1866. 5 Vestas, 250*8, tine sincerely tendering his beat thanks to tho Gentry THE GENER4L PUBLIC. work of co'onization were romittod to the prorinca adopted with a slight amendment. These answers were almost the same as the wording 6 Bound Plaids Besolution No. 5 was withdrawn. Tho remainder of tho report, and therefore it was not incorrect. Hβ and Inhabitant* of Auckland and hia Friends of Auckland, it woUd be done thoroughly. Ho BUOHOLZ & CO., G P MYE ES, . had been surprised to hear a proposition from the of tho amendments wero agreed to and reported to tho movod that tho Chairman do leave the chair. Fort-street. generally, through whosekind patronage ho has been Q,UEEN-S"BEET, hon. member for Taranaki to compensnto tho sufferer! Houso, and the report was ordered to bo considored Mr. Sbwell said he accepted the statement of the by the war with land. It would be a calamity to the to-morrow. gentleman. The arrangoment that was mado enabled largely to increase his business, begs to to inform the public of Auckland and hon. OTAOO WASTE LANDS JJILL. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ON SALE, colony if tho people were not compensated in money. was merely a minuto which Mr. Hall had accepted inform them that he ia in a position to supply the Country Settlers, that he has JUST OPENED complete, Government, They had land, and all thoy wanted was money to subject approval this tho of tho TherePUMPINXJ-ENGINE, to PACKAGES, consisting of the following Goocb, moTed tho socond of DONKEY 120 roading Mr. EursoLDS reinstate them in that smiling prosperity that they foro it was not so far tho action of tho late Govern- following articles of euporior quality at extremely 6-inch lift, b-inch stroke now offered at bill. had so long onjoyed. He was sorry such a schemo Hydraulic of boOne Press arrangement to ment as to having objections place the the tho whole tho hill, Somo moderate prices, viz.:— GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. had been proposed as to givo land as compensation. question members One Large Copying Press yond the roach of the present ono. The report would put and a division was called. Kerosene Lamps, Lamp Glasses, Lamp Chimneys Tho hon. Colonel Hauxtain (Adjutant-General) Pumps of all descriptions hove been moro full and accurate had ho included was—Ayes. 15. Noes, 13. Tho result ; Kerosine, and Wicks Colza, Sperm and Linjeed to as much misapprehension thought that there was in the atatemont tho circumstanced connected with EX 'WINTEETHDE. The bill was therefore read a second time. Load Pipe and Sheet Lead, all sizoi Oils. Brushware of every description. Table the value of these confiscated lands in tho minds of the saving of £2,000. His only anxiety was that it ANVIL, Knives STEAM and HAMMER Forke, One 3J-cwt and Kickle Silver Spoons, Forka, &c, UILI.. total LOANS CONSOLIDATION designs about PBOTrXCIAL acreage was hon. members. The should be understood that the late Government had Gas Fittings of all descriptions, newest complete Tea and Coffee Pots, Tin Baking Dishes and Milk 1,200 000 acres. In Waikato thero was set apirt Tho report of tho oommittce ou this bill was mado tho best bargain it could for tho colony. Cutting and BellFurniture One Patent Screw LATHE Pans, Belle Galvanised Iron Tubs Buckets and Home than locate more 316,000 acres which could not adopted. The bill was then read a third time and Mr. Tatlob dissented from tho report. At proPails. American Brooms, Tubs, Buckets, and Cane 1,500 men when the swampy land was deducted. passed. OG and half-round Galvanized Iron and Zino •ont thero was a eorvice between Auckland and Chairs; drawings particulars apply Cooking Stovei, For and full to and Wood-seat American required for the There was 400,000 acres more Sydney at a cost of £14,000 a year, which might be The House adjourned at a quarter past 12. Spouting Colonial Ovens. Hardware of every description. remainder of the military settlers, 50,000 for other BUOHOLZ & CO., dono away with by Bonding l:ho mails via Nelson. Frying Boilers, Pans, Camp Saucepans, settlers; 250,000 for natives; so that there was only Fort-etreet. Thoy wore paying that sum for a mercantilo service Bound Piping of all sizes THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26th. Ovens, Iron Pots, Pocket Cutlery, Charcoal Boi about 400,000 acres left for sale. Taking the value of Auckland and Sydney, and in his opinion between Tubing chair o'clock. Covers, at 3 Brass Iron Irons, give Wriogcn would value Cablbtou took tho and Wire Meat Patent Clothes a Mr. these lands at 10a. an acre, that WOOLPACKS. WOOLPACKS. tho subsidies wore only paid for mail services, conand Knive Cleaners, Clothes Lines, Earlour Bells, of £200,000. From this would have to bo deducted TUB COIXEOIION' OF CUSTOM3. Jenning's Patent Water Closet* sequently this might bo saved and tho services well CounterScales,Steelyards, Spiiug awards for Bellows, Ballancen, a sum of £75,000 under Mr. Beckham's On sale by the Undersigned, Mr. Cvhtis moved, that in the. opinion of the performed by sending tho mails by way of Nelson. (for house use) Door Mats, Folding Bedsteadi, LanUrinals and Labatoriee, &c, complete, and on compensation, £15,000 for natives, and £35,000 for House positive arrangements should bo made by the Mr. CreIOHTOK said, from the enquiries made in the BALES DUNDEE WOOLPACKS terns, Travelling Trunks end Bags, Drinking Flails, cost of settlement, and that would lpave a nett sum of Government to make the collection of Customs committeo, it appeared that tho saving would bo tho latest and best principles ditto 2 Seaming Twino Twine, Rope, Dog Chains, Bird Cages and Glu&m, £75,000 to be handed over to tho Province of Auckinter-provincial service. Tho £14,000 made in the duties tho samo at eachport of tho colony. Horse and Cattle Bells; Pain Killer, Pilk and all Glass Globes and Chimneys BUCHOLZ & CO., land, to stand against the charges to be made Mr. Thomson 6econded the motion, as ho thought did not represent tho sum paid for the Auckland Patent Medicines. Carpenters' Tools of every d»Fort-etreet. against it. there were several anomalies in the imposition of boat, and that hon. gentleman must hare known that Pewter Measures, with glasa bottoms cription. Xetteng Twine and Cork, for nets alwajs Mr. Betkolbs asked the mover of theamendments duties on several articles at tho time ho made tho statement. x on Venetian 3.6 hand. Tents and Mining Requisites. Blinds, to accept another clause which should hinder oihej 7 ON 13ALE UNDERSIGNED, BY THE Mr. ChbiGHTo.v said if the motion wero carried in Mr. Colexso supported the statement of the hon. Provinces from claiming the eame indulgence in the its present state, it vrould bo inoperative. If the in- member for Auckland City East. P. G. M Y E E S, (preserved and potted) "J TjIISH future. tention of the hon. gentleman were, that tho GovernMr. Curtis gave his assent to the report as ho did * Qtjee;:-struet, Mr. T. HrssElx said that a largo colonisation tgg" The Trade liberally dealt with. **n <«"« & Co.' ment shouid issue instructions to assimilate the duties, not think it was a censuro on the late Government. scheme had been undertaken and wfiß liable to fail he would be very gkd to support thn motion. He Had he thought it would bo so construed, he would Opposite Thornton & Co.'s Mill, and near the 'VThirf. Soups J for want of money to carry it on, and it was for this would advise tho hon. gentleman to amendhis motion have moved its amendment by tho introduction of Red Herrings, Methrim reason that theso resolutions were put, and they had in the above terms. TO ASEIVE. A First-close American Swinging Plough, for Sale. certain explanatory words. Tea not been arrived at without crave consideration havMr. HtissELi. eaid, ho had expressed his pleasure at Mr. Macavdbew spoke in the samo strain as the Chicory, Brotetrio'e Engines, Beer all eizes ing been given to them from all the members of that Stacker's Patect tho Govornmenthaving faved £2000,butheconsidered hon. gentlemnn who had just sat down. Chocolate and Milk Province. QUEEN-STREET WHAEF, Bpirit Fountains, &c, &c, and every requisite Mr. Cr/BTI3 asked leave to amend his motion by that tho Govornmont had mado a very bad bargain Cocoa and Milk It now being eight o'clock, the Chairman reported leaving out the wards Collection of Customs in February lust, and ho wns only glad that now tho Soap, Steel's double-crown for Fitting-up tho Bars of First-class progress. E. MOOEE, Duties," and inserting thowords Interpretation of Government had made such a very good one. Perfumery, Rimmel's The Pebmieh then moved tho suspension of the Mr. John Williamson said, that the hon. membor Tariff" in place thereof. Hotels Vinegar, in casks and cases WINE, SPIRIT, AND BEER MERCHANT Standing Orders, in order to allow the debate to be the object could for Wellington not to tho first clause in Leave granted. Biscuits, Mackie's Dessert AND IMPORTER. continued. Zinc and Corrugated Iron, all sizes. The hon. Colonel Hattltain said this question had the report. Harper Twelvetreos' Washing Powder Major Atkinson- objected to the debate being gone alrondy been brought under the notice of tho Governwithdrew bis motion that tho Mr. Kussell then Harper Twelvetreea' Blue The Public and Shipping supplied vith Winei on with. He would prefer leaving the matter enment in anothor place, and the Government were chairman do leavo tho chair. Harper Twelvetrees, Ink and Blacking and Spirits of first quality. tirely in tho hands of the Government. moved that tho report of tho «„* W. J. M. employe none but Eirst-class Workmen giving it the utmost attention. Macaxdkew Mr. Stores Oilman's The question was then put, and tho dobato was The hon. Mr. Staffobd said it seemed to bo a select committeo bo adopted. Testae, Bell & Black's. PALE AND BROWN BRANDY resumed. Tayloii moved that all the words after th Mr. general opinion that Government could interpret tho Campbeltown Scotch Whiskey BUCHOLZ CO., Mr. Sewzll said the interests of tho Province of laws as they liked. Now this was a false th word item in tho third clause bo Btruck out. Fort-etreet. Old Irish Whiskey Fine Auckland were of as much importance as any other impression. A merchant could interpret tho Tariff as On the question being put that the words proposed Browning's Celebrated Old Tom portion of the Colony, Here was a pressing well as tho Government could, and if tho Government to be left out stand part of the question tho Houso Geneva Gin Ex LANDING, emergency to bn provided for. They were asked wero to fix a certain interpretation on tho Tariff all NOW SUNBEAM. ivided :—Ayes, 15 ; .Noes, 12. TO THE PUBLIC OP AUCKLAND Fine Old Bum, 33 o.p. to hand over the confiscated lands of the Prothey could do would bo to instruct their agents in 'I'ho paragraph was passed in its entirety, and tho C)pff\ CASES Dietzen and Schroeder's celebrated Curacoa vince to that Province on certain terms. Had their views. of tho report was then put and agreed to. remainder £O\J German Ale Maraschino tho hon. gentleman come down Eind said he After a few remarks in reply from Mr. Cubtis, the Tho resolutions wero then reported to the Ho u 50 cases Champagne, first quality Cherry Cordial ITS VICINITY. was going to bring down these resolutions as a minisAND wbs put and passed. 100 cases U. V. P. Brandy agreed to. motion and Cherry Brandy terial question, he would have looked upon them BUCHOLZ & CO., DISTRICT BOABDe HILL. Orange Bitters more favourably, but when the resolutions were COIUIBSFOXDEhTH. Havghton reading moved tho second of this Fort-etreet. Orange BoTen Mr. thrown down on the floorof tho House, to be deOh the motion of Mr. Maxteix it was ordered German Bitters cided by the House, he thought they should not be that the papers laid on tho tablo of this House at the bill. tho bill be read a Wine "Vinegar for Pickling Ketnoldb moved that White Mr. pressed forward. He waa quite willing to vote a sum commencement of this session, as a roturn to at Walker's English Ginger Wine of money for the Province of Auckland, as that was order of last seesion relative to certain cor' second lime that day six months. BOOT. RED support BcoKLAKD would the amondmont. old Madeira, Mr. W. what was wanted by that Province. If they supplied respondence on a charge for an express messen ei Sparkling Hock Tho amendment was carried on a division 14 it with means for colonising lands in the Waikato, if between the Bosident Magistrate of Manawatu and against 9. Champagne, pints and quarts, Jacquesson's they gave £10,000 to Auckland, and left it open for tho Government, be printed, together with, anj Seal Haranna Cigars XATTJHAXISATION BILL. following to consideration next session how the money should be further correspondence on the same subject. their attention the to call h bill, The House into committee this U ft went on w H F A T E repaid, then they would be doing what was right. TITE FnTAXCES. BURTON PALE ALE, lla. PES DOZEN was roported to the House without amendments, road He could not he a party to any action being taken in PORTER, 3s. 9d. PER GALLON ■WHOLESALE AND BKTAIIi LIST OF PEICES OF this matter, of- handing over the confiscated lands On the motion of Mr. Tnosirsov, it was orderoc a third timo and passed. to the Province without payment, and if tho that Mr. Speaker do direct tho Auditor of Public Ac WELLINGTON WASTE LAUDS BBOULATION DILI/. IN BOTTLE, 9s. 6d. PEE DOZEff House intended doing so he would walk out of the counts to furnish a certificate of tie correctness ofth< BOOT AND SHOE WAEEHOUSE, The JJouso wont into committeo on this bill, which House. FINE ROD ATENT SACRADONAL WINE. Colonial Treasurer's statement of accounts for tin was reported to tho Houso with amendments, and Mr. Cameion said if tho Province of Auckland financial year ended 30th Juno, 1864, and that Mr ordered to bo read a third time on next sitting day. QUEEN-STEEET, The Trade supplied with hogsheads and qr.-caska •wero to touch this matter at all, let it be put into Speaker bo authorised to countersign the samo. CONFISCATED LANDS Off THE rBOVINCE OP AUCKLAND. their hande, and let them know their fate at once, and LAND CLAIMS Bill. (opposite the ©dd fellows' hall). NOVEMBKB. MONTH OF not be left in doubt until next session. Tho SuperTho resolutions agreed to in committee of tho JOB THB R.M. has on Sa'e a small quantity of OLD POET of intendent of Auckland had managed this matter On the motionof Mr. O'Borkh, it was ordored tha whole House on the last sitting day woro read a the finest quality that can be had in London. before, as tbe agent for tho Government, and ho the Land Claims Bill bo ordered to bo committed oi second time. " therefore would not be bribed into doing what next sitting day. Tho question was then put that these resolutions GALVANISED WIRE FOR FENCING, B. d. TT FUGATE begu to inform the public of bo ogTeed to. the late Government wished. Aβ a member of the ON SALE. LADIES KID ELASTIC SIDE MILt MESSAGE FROM THE QOTBIIIiOB. Province of Auckland, and in the name of that ProQueen-street, Auckland. The hon. Mr. Stafporu wished to move an amend80 Auckland, and the inhabitants of surrounding disTho Speaker announced that he had roceived TARY HEELS ment to expunge clause 2 with the view of inserting vince, he scouted the idea of being bribed. another clause to the following effect: That the LADIES' CLOTH ELASTIC SIDE Mr Thompson said he would vote for these resolu- message from his Excellency transmitting tho est AND CO., tricts that ho has always on hand the Largest and HAIIITOH DOUBLE-SOLED, TOP-PIECE, tions, as he thought the carrying of them would ba mates of expenditure for the year ending Juno 30th Goneral Government cannot properly divest itself of on her Majesty's behalf recommeding th 1866, nnd ntONFOUNDEHS, AND duty of securing to tho loyal natives those lands for the benefit of the colony, and he would not make Houao the 8 6 ENGINEERS, HEELED to make provision for the samo. Best Selected Assortment of Boots and Shoes in this matter a party question. to which thoy are entitled, and of settling those na- LADIES' BEST FRENCH CASHMERE SMITHS, On tho motion of the hon. Mr. Stappobd, th tires who may desiro to return to the Mr. Fr'ZHJjBBZBT said he had always been an ad- message comdistricts lEqNWORKS, HERCULES was ordered to bo considered presently h 7 6 Auckland, where a far superior ELASTIC SIDE prised in euch lands, and to accept the Queen's auvocate for handing over these local affairs to the manarticle for durability L O N D • ST 4 6 thority, and to take grants for tho crown, that there- LADIES' SIDE-LACE CASHMERE agement of the Province of Auckland, as the General committee of supply. duty Government was not the proper authority to deal fore and strength can be had at as reasonable a price as this should be retained in the hands of the LADIES' INDIA RUBBER OVERMESSAGE raOM LEGISLATIVE CO^KOIL. AND PORTABLE ENGINES, QTATIONARY with them. As an example he might instance the General Government, provided always that bo much O agricultural implements, eteam-ploughe, tree 2 6 The Speakeh announced thatho hadreceived a mes land be rotained as will SHOES disgraceful expenditure of monoy in the Waikato on meet tho claims of military any House in town. tion engines. from tho sage Legislative stating Council that tbo' BOOTS, LEAWOMEN'S LEATHER the surveys alone. Tho manner in which these had settlers." ad passed an Act for Regulation of the Yoluntee been conductedwould cauee difficulty hereafter in the 9 0 Mr. Sewell called tho attention of the hon. genAs H. F. importsall his goods direct from the first IMPROVED WOOD CUTTING- MACffINBBS , THER LINED Force, and am e dments therein; also the Pott; matter of boundaries. "With regard to the confiscatleman to this fact, that nothing was said in the ro- WOMEN'S MEMEL LEATHER BOOTS 7 amendments, and requesting th.' eaw-benches, timber frames, planing, ted land the lato Government had made certain pro- Sessions Bill, of-with solutions fulfilment of tho engagements respecting the London Houses, of the best quality and most fashion- Band B&W3, tho Kepreßontativoe concurrence House of to th pceale connected with them, but it had been eaid that military settlers. moulding, tenoning-machinet, &c. 3 with theEussell no ono could predicate what would bo realized by same. said that those resolutions wore Mr. able styles, which enables him (o complete any orders Portable Gas Tho amendments ivero ordered, to bo considered oi framed Apparatus, for farms and mainf«< the Bale of those lands, and that remark had been with tho express intention that any engage- MEN'S STRONG NAIL NAPOLEONS 17 6 concurred in by the present head of the Govern- next Bitting day. toriea. ments mado with tho Military settlors, with regard to with which he bo 0 may BEST NAPOLEONS 25 favoured with PATENT promptitude MEN'S ment, yet bow he adopted the resolutions of the land, should bo carriod out fully. PETITION OP A. C. STEODE. FIBESTRONG GRAIN STEAM HAND-WORKED WATERAND late Government. The hon. member then proceeded At this stage the House wont into Committeo. MEN'S Mr. Wttaoif moved that the report of tho selec and despatch. ENGINES, FIRE-ESOAPES, to argue in favour of the payment of2s. 6d. for every committee on the The amendmont proposed by Mr. Stafford was TIGHTS 16 6 A. 0. Strode bi petition of &c Fire-cocks, buckets, aero. It wouldbo better for the Province of Auckhose, then agreed to, and the were then repor- McGUIRE'S CELEBRATED NUGGET adopted. Has now on view a groat variety of Ladies' land to pay that sum, than wait until anotherLoan Mr. Kusseli said that should vote against thi ted to the House, and agreed to. . BOOTS 20 0 Cranes, crabs, lifting-jacks,pulley blocks, chain eablfi Allocation Act was passed, because the province could adoption of the report, ashothat report Tho resolutions, as amended, aro as follows :— was made ou 15 0 Gentlemen's, and Children's Boots and Shoes. ma.iago these local affairs better and more cheaply chain rigging, shackles, hooks, thimblat, anchor^ (I.) That it is expediont tViat the confiscated lands MEN'S CALF WELLINGTONS . without one jot of evidence being taken by the com than any General Government could do. In con- mittee. Hβ would also vote against screw bolts, &c. the Piovinco of Auckland ehould with certain MEN'S CALF ELASTIC SIDES 12 6 it because th j in clusion the hon. member pressed on the House the petitioner was not a servant of tho General exceptions, and subject to certaiu conditions, be 10 6 Govern transferred to provincial MSN'S STRONG NAIL BLUCHERS necessity ofhaving confiscated lands properly settled. ment, STORES. TELEGRAPH administration in that Pro- MEN'S CALF BLUCHERS and therefore Lad no claim upon it; ani 3 U 6 6 I If B A N 0 B. Mr. Rubseix said that if all tho charges on tho land another reason vince for the purposes of colonisation. was that the General Governmen . were taken into consideration, it would be found that sho'ild not be made responsible for MEN'S PATENT ELASTIC SIDES 15 0 (2.) That the Gonoral Government cannot proLooomotircß, railway plant, bridges and tittOt all tho blunder and others ordering Goods from the land would cost 10s. an acre, if not more. The made by 8 6 officials either of the Government or of an perly divest itself of the duty of securing to the BOYS' STRONG NAIL LACE BOOTS England or the Colonies should direct their Province of Auckland had always hitherto kept its other department. loyal natives those lands to which they aro entitled, GIRLS' and CHILDREN'S BOOTS and Weigh, bridges and weighing machines. correspondents to insure with the NEW ZEALAND expenditure within its revenue, and it was to carry Mr. Retnulds said he perhaps knew more on thi and of settling those natives who may desire to roSHOES, in great variety, from on this principle that the Province would object to eubject than 2 0 INSURANCE COMPANY, who underwrite, Punching and shearing machines, mortar »Uli< Mrn turn to the districts comprised in Buch lands, and to other member of the House, am any through the medium of their Agents, Merchandise the payment of 2s. 6d. per acre. The hon. member yet he felt that he must rote against it, Perhaps accept the Queen's authority, and to take grants mills, steam and hand pumps, turbinen, stone to all New Zealand and Australian then proceeded to allude to what had fallen from Ports, at the from the Crown, that therefore this duty should be breaking machines, horse milli. however, the House might entertain the questioi lowest premium. rates of Mr. Sewell. retained in tho hands of the Goneral Government, noxt session. Claims and paid either in London or the Mr. Skwell eaid that he had elated that he ■would Mr. Sewell said thnt the committee, of which he provided always, that so much land be retained as A liberal Discount to Wholesale Buyers and Country Calonies, atsettled IRON BUILDING-S. the Insurer's option. Dealors. take no part in those resolutions, as they had been was a member, duty in tho matter, and will meet the claims of military settlers. Stores, churches, schools, dwellings, cettle eh*o' flung on the floor of the House, by the present Go- had ascertainedhad done itsbearinge A«ESTB : (3.) The province) to be liable for all sums oxof the case as far fittings, hurdles, iron railings, gWen the whole stable stables, vernment, which was ready to accept any decision as tho materials supplied to the committee under tho New Zealand Settlements Act, for London (74 Cornhill)—Bowley & Bristow, columns, verandahs, hot-houees, vineries, would pended the House would come to at a time vrhen the mem- allow of. The question was whether n. gentleman tho permanent advantage of tho province, including Sydney—Robert Giiailan. and every description of bers of the Middle Island, the natural protectora of who had done his duty as far as lay in his power, charges which may still come in course of payment, & McKechney. Ifgf Please note the Addrees: Melbourne—Fallenstein OAST AND WROUGHT IRON WOBK the Colony, were many of them absent. and who had unintentionally erred, whether he under thathead for the completion of engagemonte GEORGE P. PIERCE, required by colonists. The hon. Mr. Stafford said thatho was not going should be indemnified for loss ho had sustained with military and other settlers (except pay and Manager. CHAxILES MARKS, *c to accept any decision the House might come to, and through that unintiontial error. It was not accord- rationß to military settlers), the amount of euch liawrought Cast and iron tanks, troughs, &&) > that the members for the Northern Provincee were ing to fact that the committee lmd taken no evidonce. hility to ho settled by commission, and denned in act BOOT AND SHOE MAKE outnumbered two to oneat the present time in the They had all the evidence that it was possible to get or acts of the General Assembly. TIMBEE! TIMBER!! For further information, in writing, apply (4.) That a3 soon ae the Provincial Government of House. He would not accept the responsibility of on tho subject. QUEEN STREET, ROE is prepared to Supply and Deliver BRAMAH FRAZI, C.E., Hebaid Office, Aucttad. handing over these lands for nothing and without Mr. Wilson said, it was true thnt the hon. gentle- the Province of Aucklandshall from the proceeds of man had dissented from the report and his was the the sale of confiseatnd land havo discharged tho some money payment. a at Market Prices, every description of liabilities now chargeable on such land under these BUILDING- TIMBER, mcluding P. I. and G Mr. Sevtellj pointed out th&t that expression was only dissentient voice. No witness was sent for ex(opposite the "southern, cboss" offiob. UNDERSIGNED have ON SALB:payment shall bo made to the General FLOORING and PARTITIONING, Dressed 30 doz. Heymes's long-handled ahovele very indefinite, and probably that the hon. member cept Hr. Sprang, but there were certain caeee in resolutions, a out subsequent of the of all proceeds CeUinge which Government persons morally Linings, mental reservation. certainof and &o.—Offices and TimberYard, was making some were 40 iega Navy bißcuita facts without sales confiscated land of after the rate of 2s. 6d. per 2 cases saddles Onehunga. Mr. Bvckland supported the amendment at Bomo having recourse to witnesses. [Tho hon- genileman acre. any Provided that lande which may here detail tho bo die40 boxes McDouga! Tβ pipes gave a case.] He hoped that hon. of length. posed of under the Auckland Waste Lands Regula- N.B.—Maxwell's Braes and Steel Spurt, and Patent gontlemon would not think that; the committee also, Macandbew the amendment 10 hhda and 10 qr-caske pale and dark brtW supported had Mr. TIMBER I TIMBEE !! TIMBER !!! a money payment shall, for the purat.their decision without having investigated tions without Boxes on Sale. 6 hhdarum pointing out how great a relief it would be to the arrived estimating the amount realised for such land; of pose the facts. port and sherry of these lands taken Cape management have the colony to THOMAS CBAI3Mr. Johs "Williamson mored as an amendment be reckoned at the rate of 6s. per acre. Conatantia ont of the hands of the colony. (5.) The Province to provide for any compensation that tho queetion bo referred to the Brandy Ship Government. leave to inform House CarBuilders, in cases Mr. Sewblisaid ho desired to deal fairly with ell ALMATSAC, 1866. The amendment was then put and carried. to natives, whether in money or land, aa awardod by penters, and the Public in general, that he is Bacen and cheese parties; he also pointed out how much tho Southern Compensation tho Court under the New Zealand Dried fruit THE now a position supply any to orders entrusted to in POSTAL SEBVIOE. North, and argued island had spent already on the wag Settlements Act, and for compensation to settlers in niHE New Zealand Insurance Company's BOOK hit care. &o. &c, &c, as rea»onablc a Mr. SzWBTX moved the adoption of tho report of the Proviace of Auckland for l««»eg ia«urreal is ike J. ALMANAC, for 18Q8, will be re«d/ in a, f»w ii cm that that tho sum of 2i. 6d. BUEEA * I>B HIRSCH, ft* Ceuunittee «m titii tubjattj uad oidltd tk«att«u- •war. Offi«« tad Timb«r Yard, Ctatom Houie-strwt, Fert-i , , tion of the House to a slight inaccuracy in the report, stated that the Panama Service was arranged to begin in' June next, and that tho existing arrangements should be carried on until the now arrangements were begun, and this arrangement had met with the approval of the members of tho Committee; but this arrangement had only boon mado with Mr. Vino Hall by himself, and had not boon actually conflrmod by tho late Government, thia was tho inaccuracy he oomplained of. The House then resolved itself into Committoo to consider the report. Mr. Russell eaid tho accuracy of tho report had been impugnedas far as concornod tho second clause. Suoh a thing nevor entered his head as On the question being put, the first resolution, Government, but a right of control to be relative to the handing over of the lands, was reserved to the General Government. This advance agreed to. to be to be made in 8 per cent debentures at par, and The resolution, naming the price as 2b. 6d., was reimbursed out of the sale of confiscated lands; failins then put, to which an arrangement of tho kind referred to in the foreMr. ■Russell moved an amendmonl; to this effect going resolutions, this advance is chargoable againit provided that earn were devoted to purposes of tho revenues of the Province of Auckland. The hon. Mr. Stapfobd moved the adoption of the coloniflation." tno Mr. Sewhhd suggested that it would come to first resolution. He said if that resolution was eame thing, and be simpler if an amendmont was Provincial and —" , . - . " BRANDY, ' WILLIAM J. MABKS, 5 HAR~Nk7S -*-* „ ~ ? „ ~ I „ „ IN „ „ „ . BEGS 1 | ; , I 4 ; " " . , MARTELL'S & " " ' MARKS BEGS . , i ' C. , ■ ; BOOTS AND SHOES, , L i ... ' ! 1 ' " ... -1 . . - [ ' , J i 1 * ; .... . . ' . . . j , . [. ... i L ( [ L f , , MERCHANTS . *° MH. " THE , BEGS !*** THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, AUCKLAND, MONDAY, NOTEMBER 6, 1865. ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, ATINE BOXES TUKKEY AND HONEYCOMB CAMERON & BUREOWS, PEACOCK, OI'TICIAN, T FURNITURE BAZAAR, NAUTICAL riTHFJIATICAL AND D'STKUMENT MAKER, L AN D STBEHT. gH 0 k T .jYj; m hwd a LARGE J\. f n i A*■ " TVMI-'i'i , MR. T. B. CAMERON beps to announeo to STOCK of Convex Glass his ,, ENGLISH FURNITURE EVER IMPORTED INTO AUCKLAN Tolosfopo Levels, Circumfbrcntcrs, Surveying requisito; Soxtants, Compasses, Barometers, Charts, V every (v'l'nr.tJ, ,V'.'", 0 ,H ! 1 ! Glengary Caps, Turbans, KEESING, DOITSII, NOTICE. OF IiAIiRIEII COMPANY, OBEAT ! POE THE SEASON, & ACCOU9N ,, NOW EXHIBITING at CANADA BUILDINGS, Comprising tho Fineet Specimens of tho ' •. LYONS, SPITALFIELDS, NOTTINGHAM,' *•' MANCHESTER, : r >: &c, ° » &c, &o. SPANISH LACE SHAWLS, MANITILAS AND BEENOUS, Fancy Jupons Ladies' Underclothing Dress and Mantle Trimmings Artificial Flowers, Or-. pes, &c. • A3 TTOItN DT ' HARRIS'S, & ELECTRO FOUE CASES &c, by Populae Autuoji9, offered very cheap,"in quantities of 1 doz. and UP fail to ifg- If you are hound for Hokitika, don't PEICE TEN SHILLINGS. call for Novels at HAEBIS'S, AND GEOLOGICAL ATLAS OP NEW ZEALAND. — and Hot Springs Map of Harbour of Aotea and Kawhia Map ofProvince of Nelson. Single 2i CAVENDISH ». QCEEK-STREET, AvUSUIST), And all Booksellers. SHOETLAND-CRESCEIfT. CABANAS KAnAnSEAL OUeUUU HAYANNAH CIGARS THE LAW OF INSOLVENCY;" A LETTER addressed to John Ajtdeeson -ci- GiLPttLAjr, Esq., M.L.C, and Chairman of the Auckland Chamber of Commerce, Tobacco Choicest EuJara Twist, May Apple, Mazeppa, and Pocket Pieces Aromatio Tobacco Choicest Tobacco, cut by Patent Machinery "Waymotjth, at the "H*baij>" Office.—Prico Sixpence J. TO PASSENGERS PER SHIP JACKSON. 'ANDREW , Elaborate, Accurate, and Interesting Account AN of this VesEel's Passage from London to Auckland (by Passenger), at the Herald a ON SALE Office, and at Chai-man's, Stationer, Queen-street. noe la. AT H A E BROWN, CAMPBELL at R I S ' S, CAVENDISH HOUSE, Shortland-cresccnt and Parnoll Road, Auckland. CASES GOODS, BERLIN FANCY AND rpOTS Perforated Curd FIVE WOOL, all shades of Beads, Dolls, Ducks, Goats Boards, Crochet Needle, Walking (dressed and J- newly - SAW MILLS. \ MK, « -, NOTICE OF REMOVAL. COOK, SURGEON DENTIST, has REM°V£D to PKINCEB STBEE'T. neat to CASES comprising Farourite STATIONERY, Lined Note Paper, assorted <*ade — f> *• - „ BONNETS, HATS AND JUST OPENED ! ! And suitable in Prico to meet tho wants ! of all classes. Tho Shapes compriso, in Trimmed and Untrimmed LADIES, , GIRLS,' ' BOYS,' Burn, 9s. . Irish Melodies, with Symphonies and Accompaniments by Sir John Stevenson and Sir Henry . Biehop, 20s. China, its Scenery, Architecture, Social Habits, illustrated, 2 vols-, 2Ss. WHOLESALE WAEEHOUSEMEN. Enclyelopedia of Arts, Manufactures, and Machinery, by Peter Barlow, 30s. Office ant> Warehouse in Vulcan Lane. # Hawker's Daily Portion, 9s. Description of SILK, WOOLLEN, The Wilkio Gallery, with Biographical and Critical Notices, 603. LINEN, and COTTON on sale by tho Great Expectations,by Chae. Dickens, ss. Invoice or Package. A Talo of Two Cities, by Chas. Dickens, ss. carefully executed and forwarded Assorted Goods Lady Leo's Widowhood, by Lieut.-Col. Hamley, Bs. Gaskill, to order. My Lady Ludlow, and other Tales, by Mrs. D. GEAHAM & CO., IMPOETERS, GENERAL MERCHANTS, IN ALL THE LATEST SHAPES, CHILDREN'S, Bs. D. QBAHAM Basil, by Wilkie Collins, Ba. North and South, by tbeauthor f CO., & Ellesmere Vondome Malvorn Athens Louis Windsor Laum Burlington Corso Rizat's Palo and Dark, in hhds., qr:-casks, and Frogmoro Ulrie Paragon Marseilles Rydo Floronce Reddelliera's, and a variety of other foreign brands Prince m Mary Barton, & Ellswater Egmont " Bs. GENEEAL MEECHANTS, Famale Life in Prison, by a Prison Matron, Bs. Lady Audley's Secret, by M. E. Braddon, Bs. HAVE FOB SALE, Aurora Floyd, by SI. E. Braddon, Bs. Eleanor's Victory, by M. E. Braddoa, Bs. T> RANDIES St. Agnes' Bay, by Thos. Sutton, ss. Kartell's Pale nnd Dark, in hhde., qr.-casks, Recommended to Mercy, by tho author of Taken on IMPOETEES Groenock Fancy Surbiton Pckin Moore's EVERY AND INFANTS' HATS, :— George " and cases Trust," Bs. Hennessy's Pale and Dark, in hhds., qr.-casks, The Irish Minstrel, a selection from the Vocal Meloand caees dies of Ireland, by tho pianoforte, by R. A. Smith, Gs. series of Tho Landscape Painters of England, m notes by Steel Eogravings, by L. Maroy, with cases Thackeray, 10s. Dreamland, by Jessie McLeod, 15s. WHISKEY Tom Brown nt Oxford, by the author of "Tom. Egbert Alfred Carlisle Groenlees and Colvillo's Hazloburn, in punBrown's School Days," Bs. cheons, qr.-casks, and cases, 10 o.p. The Rocollections of Geoffrey Hamlyn, by Henry Caledonia. and qr.-caske Stewart and Co.'b, in Kingsley, Sβ. James cases Westward Ho! by Chas. Kingsley, Bs. Irish Kinnahan's L.Ii.D. No Name, by Wilkie Collins, Bs. Maudo Talbot, by Holmo Lee, 7a. 6d. A Dark Night's Work, by Mrs. Gaskill, 6e. LADIES' STEAW AND OTHER HAT Hooper's celebrated, in puncheons, hhds., and Boswell's Life of Johnson, 2 vols., 16s. qr.-casks, 10 o.p. Dictionary of Contemporary Biography, 10s. TEIMMINGS, Extraordinary Men, their Boyhood and Early Life, by Wm. Russell, 4s. OLD TOM Browning's, in qr.-casks and cases Extraordinary Women, their Girlhood and Early Consisting of Straw Girdlce, Ornaments, Wreathe, Booth's, in ditto Life, by Wm. Russell, 4s. Momoir and Romains of the Rev. R. M. McCheyne, Field, Son, and Co.'s, in ditto Vulture, Ostrich, and Chenillo Plumes, all in Bs. Great Missionaries, by Rev. A. Thomson, D.D., ' GENEVA:tho Newest Seasonable Dosigns. ss. 6d. Key and Anchor brands, in large and small Mignet's Life of Mary, Queen of Scots, Bs. cases Life ofEdward Irving, by Mrs. Oliphant, Bs. of Mrs. Judson, 6r. Life LADIES' NEW DEESS FABRICS FOE Carry Marshman and Ward, by J. O. Hooper's, Brass and Son's, and Silva and The Story of , Marshman, ss. <tt>, <«><ft>, <*>-<tt>^l> Coson's FASHIONS, SPEING AND BUMMEE Annals of Industry and Genius, by C. L. Bnghtwell, <$>. <J>- ■<(>- Port, in pipes, hhde. qr. 6s. -<t> casks, and cases Merchant Enterprise, or History of Commero* from Including tho now Baroge and Llamas, Chene, Coßcn's Hooper's <>, <B> <>, <> the Earliest Timoa, 6s. 6d. -3f>, OS and SLRA Art and Nature under an Italian Sky, by M. J. M. V; Grenadinoe, &o. Sherry, in butts, hhde., qr.-casks, and cases J. Crabbio and Co.'s Ginger Wino An Analytical Digest of the Laws of New Zealand, Bishop and Son'a oxtra fortified ditto by Honry Smithies, 10a. Claret, of first-class brands] Cooper's Tables of Discounts and Net Proceeds, from THE NEW GAEABALDI JACKET, Id. to £3,000, price ss. 6d. BEER:— . Science, Mechanic!, Tho Imperial Journal of Art, Worthington and Co. e Ale, m bhdß. Trimmed. Beautifully Materials, Muelinand other In and Engineering, 3 vols., £5. Jeffrey's Edinbrough Ale, ditto Cyclopaedia of the Natural Sciences, by WjlUam Tennant's Ale, in bottle Baird, 15b. Blood's Stout, ditto And otherbrands SHAPED, GEOEGE SUN SHADES, DOME BOOKSELLER STATIONER, or Pic-nic. Race for tho A Companion &c. BARNES, Linod, ALFRED Auckland. (Successor to S. J. Williams), HY&I E N E CUSTOM-HOUSE, SHIPPING, GENEEAL Champagne, brand, a crown' Do., Tod Heatly Co. Brandy, Vioux Cognac Do., brand, a "crown" " " " Old Tom A supply of the aboTo now landing, ox Rob Roy' ' L. B. HAEEIS, "HAMILTON HOTEL," WAIKATO. visiting Waikato will find in this House • all the COMFORTS of an English Hotel. Nothing hut first-class Wince, Beers, and Spirits PERSONS kept. Chargee moderate. :— :— ~ NOTICE. & IN THE ESTATE OP THE LATE In the New Light JAMES GILBEED. partiee INDEBTED to the above estate, are requested to PAY the amount of their accounts •without further delay to the undersigned, or logal Shades, for Accountant. Princes-Btrcet, Auckland, October 4th, 1865. "WALT EH . AND FOEWAEDING AGENT, &c. COMMISSION Spring and Summer THE BEACH, Wear. BUILDING SOCIETY. HOT CARTED GOODS and Shipped per address. continue in the Wamku as SHAWLS FOR THE SEASON, Embroidered Ecosbb, Indianuas, Striped Cashmere, at Barege, &c, &c.—All new goods. IN attention. SEASONABLE Hosiery, Haberdashery, &o. in _ The cutter 'Betsey' will week, weather permitting. trade, and run twice a above, or in Auckland Orders left at the store as & Dale's, will receive prompt Messrs. GBAHAM.E, FOBT-bT3EET, ONEHUNOA. Shower, Vapour, Aromatic, and Medicinal BATHING-, Sharing, Shampooing and Haircutting at J. Webb's Establishment, opposite the Herald Office, No. 4, Wyndham-streit. daily to and from Auckland ALL proceedings will bo taken to recover the same. ~, tTIhAPMAN, LADIES'AND GENTLEMEN'S GENUINE JOSEPHINE FEENCH KTD GLOVES, mHE AUCKLAND PERMANENT BUILDING 1 AND INVESTMENT SOCIETY offers special sate advantages to thoso who desire a perfectly money Cream and Blue investment, and good intercut for their A. Overland and Commercial Letter Paper Secretary, Every information afforded by the Sa-jr MM Envelopes, all eizesand descriptions Bdabdman, Agent to the Greut Barrier Pocket Ledgers. Note Books, Letter and Day Oorapanr, Canada Bnildiaga Queea-et? Linear Overland Note Paper, do. do. Quadrille Overland Note Paper Laid Note Paper Mclntosh, 50s. ICASE Commodious Storos to SEVEN Children's Felo and Straw Hats Infants' Hoods Kidderminster CarpeU Hearth Ruga Leather Reticules, &c. GEORGE TURRELL, Ellis' Buildings, Quoen-street. - MB- lowest market rate. Wide Boards cut in a very superior manner by toe large Band Saw, ij-om 2-inch thick to 60 inches wide. Customhouse-atreet Wharf. October 18th, 1865. " trated with 170 engravings (now edifice), 25». Epitome of Navigation, by Mrs. Taylor, 20s. Treatise on Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, by Uiddle (new edition, with complete tables), 20b. Works of Jcsephus, including dissertations, Be. Book of the Garden—Practical Gardening, by Chai. Straw TUI- -i>. discovered and justly celebrated GENTS' CLOTHING Sheep, large Wax and China Dolls Toys m Has on hnnd for sale, in quantities to suit cusundre sed). Horses and Carts, Donkeys, tomers, FABEICS, THOMAS W. BROWN, Agent for the Boxes, Games, Alphabet Blocks, Houses to Bn,ld, Balls, T}EST NO. 1 GOVAN PIG IRON Tairua Saw Mill Company, can now supply Building Bricks, India-mbbcr and Cloth &n. Wheelbarrows, every Description s>AWN TIMBER of all sizes Auckland-inado New Goods of Colors, Fancy And and any quantity at the let. TAIRTJA Bs. Modern Domestic Medicine, by T. G. Graham, M.D. & Do., red seal Queen of Hearts and Sweet Catawba CaTendish BY To be had AGENTS AucklaAND nd: CO. Sherry, yellow seal 10,000 La Luista choice Havannah Cigars 40,000 Havannah Manilla Cigars 30,000 Genuine Ormond's Swiss Cigars " lln, HOUSE, tho Earth and Man, by Richard Cope (new edition, enlarged), 425 engraving!, ... SAEB AX HARRIS'S, DEiTaTTEE, L. Fancy Soap. Brushes, Combs. Nail "Scissors, and Ladies' real Tortoißholl Combs, Largo Assortment Pon and Pocket Rnivcß, Sciasors, Maps. Waikato Kew Zealand James,) Do., red senl Port, black seal Claret, capsuled Vinegars, Sponges, Tooth, Hair, ON CO. & lfis. Natural History of , CASES PERFUMES, FIVE & AD EL PHI, LONDON. TO? OF SHORTLAND-CRESCENT. OF NEW ZEALAND MAP Map of Isthmus of Auckland Pomades and Map and Southern parta of the RIMMBI'S Toilet and Kail Province Auckland of the Waikato of Map of Rotomahana, (Late Il.Todd NOVELS, HOCHSTETTER'S TOPOGEAPHICAL COXTENTB: TOD, HEATLY, — Robinson Crusae, profusely illustrated, 12g. Works of Oliver Goldsmith, illustrated, 12a. Agriculture, being the result of past HAIR AND TOOTH BRUSHES Experimental and suggestions for future experiments in Agriof Colour. Shades 2 cases Scissors, Pon Knive?, and Table Cutlery culture, by Profcs3or Johnson. 12b. Surveying and Railway Engineering, by William Gas Cooking Stoves, "Bower's" Galbraith, 12e. GEORGE TURRELL, Surveying nnd Levelling, by Brees, Cs. FJlfa' Buildings, Queen-street. LADIES' MANTLE 3 AND PALETOTS, Shakespeare's Dramatic Works, with introductory essay and notes, 10s. CHAMPAGNE. Colony of Victoria: its History, Commercq, and Gold In Silk and Light Soasonablo Fabrics, trimmed in Mining ; its Scciiil aud Political Institutone, by Qjr OASES CHAMPAGNE, "PIPER'S" William Westgarth, 255. tho Extreme of Fashion, and particularly noticoable iiO '20 eases Superior Champagne Dictionary of tho Bible, by Kev. John Brown, 10s. 6d. Moselle ■20 History of tUo Russian War, by Nolan, >1». elegance design. thoir chaate of from 10 hhds. Geneva, JDKZ (illustrated), GOs. 100 cases Claret Complete Concordance to the Hoiy New and GEORGE TURRELL, Scriptures, on the basis of Cruden, by John Ellis' Buildings, Queen-street. Eadie, D.D., Bs. 6d. Cyclopaedia UNTRIMMED of Biography, edited by Elihu Rich, 12s. LADIES' AND GIRLS' Or* TRUNKS BOOTS AND SHOES (Assorted) The Scottish Annual, edited by O. R. Brown, Sβ. TURRELL, Literary by George GilfiUau, 10a. GEORGE Portraits, OO AND BEAUTIFULLY TRIMMED Ellis' Buildings, Queen-streot. A History of the Earth and Animated Nature, by Oliver Goldsmith, 2 vols., 365. Handbook of the Mechanical Arts, by Robt. S. In tho » accounts settled, „ SUPERB GLACE GROS, * at current rates. Orders will be received, and through Mr. A. Bcckland. Worcester, ISs. nf Dates, or Universal Reference, by Joseph Haydn (new edition), 255. Knowles' Improved Pronouncing Dictionary, Comprising Walker and Sheridan -with. 50,000 additional words, 12s. Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary, Enlarged Edition, with Key, 7s. Gd. Works of Flavins Josephus, by William Whitioa (pictorial edition), 2 vols., 30s. Graham on tho Diseases of Women (nsw edition) Dictionary (new edition), 255. Duncan's Ainsworth's Latin Dictionary, 12s. The Hoise in the Stableand the Field: Hβ Varieties, Management in Health and Disease, Anatomy, Physiology, &c, &c; by Stonehenge," illus- Ladies' Felt Hut- i..wmed HER MAJESTY. STORAGE ME. ' ~ GW. beg 3 to - &c. » \ >~" As an opportunity is now afforded of obtaining eomo of the most popular Works of the Day, in Literatures, Scionce, and Art, an early application is necessary— The Works of Shakespsare, with notes and illustrations—edited by Howard Staunton, 3 vols., 70s. Shakespeare, with notes and life, from the text of _ Johnson, Stovens, and Beed, 10s. Universal Pronouncing and Defining Dictionary of tho English Language, by Webster (new edition), 12s. Criminal Law Consolidation and Amendment AcU, by 0. S. Greavea, Q.C. (new edition), 21s. Pilgrim's Progress (illustrated edition), 12s. Book of the ?"arm, by Henry Stephens (new edition). 2 vols.. 70s. Universal Critical and Pronouncing English Dictionary, including scientific forms, by Webster and Ladios' Stripod and Cotton Hoso White and Brown do. Children's Hosiery Ladioa' and Children's Kid and Lislo _ Thread Glovos Knitted Boots and Gaiters Ladieb' Silk Belts, Gilt and Plated Buckles White, Scarlet, and Magenta Skirts Skeleton and Morino do. Children's Knickerbocker do. Ladiee, Linen Collars and Cuffe Silk riii] Velvet Ribbons Cashmere and Paisley Shawls Black Silk Mantles nnd Jackets :_- of Colony. Bolts and Braces Manufactures of to call the to a one of the largest consignments of STANDARD WORKS, NEW BOOKS,And New Editions, ever before imported into the Bind and Coloured Alpacas Black and Coloured Coburg3 Knickerbocker WinEoys French Merinos White and Coloured Flaunel Rolled Skirting Huckaback Towele White and Brown Turkish Towels Buseinii Crash lOOin. Linen Sheeting White Cambric Handkerchiefs Coloured Bordered do. Speight's Patent Linen Collars Paper and West End do. Neck Ties, in every variety KEESING'S & LATEST NOVELTIES BOAEDMAH, A. AGENT TO TIIE T3ESPECTFULLY INTIMATES that ho has W. 11. would 'call particular attention to tho IX COMMENCED BUSINESS which, finish, stylo liinecular Field find Marine undermentioned for and Goods, i T A N T . (V Thermometers, Hydrometers, Sali- cannot bo surpassed, and having been bought on Mii'roscopos, simplo and comenabled offer them r are to terms, advantageous they Books posted and balanced, Partnorship Accounts ri rocli/t Compasses, with Sun Dial adjusted, Arbitration Cases, and every description of T "hi? latitude of Auckland, &c, &c., &c. AT TTXV3UALLV LOW 1-BICE3. Accountant's Work attendod to with economy and Vuitieal, nnd every kind of Scientific THE DRAWINQ-EOOM EURNITURE despatch. Surv-.-y.-jj,• A. B. hns had many years' experience as Ac. Altered, and Adjuitcd on the Consists ot li-itr.-.r-.0r.. I ■ countant to tir-t-eluss firms of varied business, and Auditor to public companies, and is therefore conWalnut Settoes, Couches versant with every kind of Mercantile Book-kocping v,n- 7oi'and Coast; all the numbers now Easy Chairs, Small Chairs Chart! of V*'--' iastoct . and accounts. Occasional Chairs Offico : Canada Buildings. Walnut Carved Loo Oval and Shaped Tables a rn* assortment of plain and open<--i 3 Jiat u"P ''"V^;0 Aneroid Barometers. Walnut Inlaid Work Tables. GEOEGE W. FOWLER, Davenports and Music Stooss AOENX TO THE Stock, powerful compound ow in ; y Whatnots, great lVi in Canterbury and Eugenio U /j£4, size magnifying from 500 to THAMES SAW-MILL COMPANY. variety .-T'-V- e,\ M Z e from -1000 to 40,000j £10, Carved Walnut Cheffonicrs, with marblo tops, 22.01.0 t—•'■■ inform Builders and Carpenters F. 2W >00 UmM glass backs, and doors we feß l^ , that he has been appointed Agont to the Gilt and Rosewood Chimney Glasses abovo Company, and that any order ho may bo favoured with will bo executed promptly, having dc BI'CH.V>"AX i STEWAKT THE DINING-ROOM FTJRXITTJEE assorted stock of timber on the Custom-house-street !lAVE O>' SALE Wharf. Consists of TEA oS GOU N.B.—Timber cut to order in any length to 32 (j YonssHysonTeas Mahogany Sideboards feet. Pekoe Telescope and other Dining Tables Coffpmv-s 1 Sugar OLD ESTABLISHED Mahogany Carved Loo and Coffco Tables Afaiirif'us Snsrar , ns Mahogany Easy Chairs, Sofas, and Couches, in CONFECTIONERY ESTABLISHMENT ~C*Z<?, in llb "> G^- > Cocoa :ind Chocol:ite leather, hair-cloth, and damask EE-OPENED IN SHORTLAND-STREET, Mahogany Dining-room Chairs Confectionery NEW ETJILDINGS, Mahogany Pedestal Writing Tables PrieJ .Ai'i'lM (SITE OF TIIE LATE FIRE.) Cuwnts BED-ROOM. R:iL<ir.s /CHARLES CANNING, Confectioner, Bread and Iron, Brass, and Wood Arabian and French \J Biscuit Manufacturer, would respectfully intiOnir.je and Lemon Peel Bedsteads mnte to his numerous friends and former customers ■Walnuts that ho is now prepared to execute any orders with Wardrobes Fruita Bj'-tlod which they may kindly favour him. Mahogany Washstands and Dressing Tables, Pickles C. C. would also intimate that, us heretofore, ho is with marble tops—somo slightly damaged prepared to simply BRTITE3CAKES of tho newest gshd Oil Assorted Sauces and most approved designs, aho WEDDING selling off nt a great sacrifices Bacon BREAKFASTS, BALL SUPPER3, PIC-NICS, Mahogany Commodes, with patent pans &c, &c, with punctuality and despatch, Dressing Glasses Colonial Cheese D r!riirh and tgf Wniters and service provided when required. of Drawers and Toilet Services Herrings Chests Red New Buildings, Sardines Feather Beds, Bolsters, and Pillows Shortland-streot. Loiter and Salmon Flax and Cocoa Fibre Hair, Wool, Potted Meats Preserved Beef and Mutton, in 61b. tins HENRT P. HATWAED, MATTRESSES. Sperm Candles UPHOLSTERER AND MATTRESS MAKER, Candles Cornices anil Poles Brass Tallow (Late of Siioktland-stheet), YestM, in plaids, 250's and 500's Damasks, Gimps, and Curtains Cavendish and Kegrohe.id Tobacco TSriTU deference* begs to intimalo to (he TnhabiBorders, Loops, and Tassels \ \ tants o Auckland nnd surrounding district, Bullion Fringes and Hangers Blanket J, 9x4,10x4, 11x4 that he has RE-COMMENCED BUSINESS in Single and Double Perambulators Victoria-street, two doors from Q.ueen-street, and White rind Coloured Flannels Winceys adjoining HAitntKGTOu's Bazaar. Knickerbocker Wineey3 BAKER'S OKROYER AND Plaida Gain STOEAGE! STOEAGE!! Clan Pcplins PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES Black and Coloured Cobourgs NOTICE. all the new and Black and Coloured Lustres and Alpacas celebrated Machines combine These Frenrh Merinoes useful improvements in Sewinp Machinery, and for GOODS STOKE. manageof Drusset Skirts case TREE construction, rapidity, simplicity of Women's Striped Hose ment, beauty and regularity of stitch, ara not equalled FKEE GOODS Women's Cotton Hobo FOB in the world, machinery of in any other make Apply to Woollen Scarfs and Shawls Fkoh £12. Leather Bags S. MOSS & CO., CustomhoußO-stroet, i£§° Instructions given to Purchasers. Cambric Handkerchiefs Men's Tweed Suits Lato iu occupation of the and YeeU Black Doe Trousers Provincial Government. WINKS & HALL, Tweed Trousers and Testa Serge Suits, Pilot Jackets SHORTLAND-STREET. COAL AND FIREWOOD DEPOT, Crimean Shirts White and Regatta Shirts A. & A. T A I T, EOUE CASES Scotch Twill Shirts "Wakefield-stbee'j. Flannel Shirts pRICKETING GOODS, comprising— Military Peak Caps UNCUT, delivered, 13s per ton Clapshaw's men's TTUREWOOD Duke's, Dark's, Belts and , v> Page's, Collars, Ties, Braces, Cut, ditto, IGb per ton Cotton and Military Half-hose best Bats. X Ditto Iβ. Coals, ditto £2 12s 6d per ton from Household Bats, Boy's and Dark's Best Boys' and Youths' Clothing Page's, Duke's, Best ditto ditto, from Yard, 2s Gd Pago'*, Duke's, and Martin's best Seamed Cricket China Matting Wickets, Gloves, Wicket Perfumery and Fancy Soaps Balls, Boys' Cricket Balls, Saddlery Leg Guards, Gauntlets, Batting Gloves, Walking mnE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON SALE MtlSticke, &c, J. LHt A>-D RiCiiakds' Hard Metal Typo and ON SALE, Printing Material. JUST OPENED AND ON SALE AT 10 hags Raw Coffee "WniOHT and Manx's lockstitch Sewing Ma5 tons Patna Rice chines, with tho Latest, Improvements. 7 toM Pilot Biscuit, in cases Patent Harness, Copper-fastonecl. BUCHANAN STEWAB.T. HOUSE, CAVENDISH Fino Palo English Malt. SHOBTLAJfD-CEESCE.VT. M. T. CLAYTON. TAMAKI BRICK AND TILE WORKS. Office—Over the P.N.Z. Koynl Mail Company's THEEE CASES SPENCER wishes to inform gentlemen interested in the Drainage of Land, that he has GOODS Office PLATED Queon-street, opened the above works, and can now execute any Tea Sets, Spoons, Cruet Stands (best descrip Auckland. orders for drain pipes, from 2in. to 7in. diamater, de- tion), AT TEH? LOW PRICES. livered at any of the landing places on the Tamaki, r SPRING FASHIONS T. CHAPMAN most Whito and Rogatta Shirta Crimean and Witney do. Flannel and Merino Undor Snirts Cotton Half-hose Military do. Tweed and Serge Suits Black and Coloured Suits Blue Sergo Shirta Eoft and Stiff Felt Fats -*-*- LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK GEORGE respectfully attention Library Committees aud the Public generally BEGS tho following list of few Books (just opened), of i> BATHING SPONGE friends and tho public that for tho purposo of enabling him to dovofo moro (imo fo tho superrision WINKS & HALL of all works entrusted to him, ho Ins takon into Mr. A. W. BURROWS, and thobusiness TTAYE JUST RECEIVED, per 'Lancashire partnership iu f 'turo will bo carried on as Architects, Survoyors, Witch* and otlicr Into arrivals, nnd is now and \Jivil Engineers, in Eldon Chambers (Mr. Ratready for inspection, the tray's New Buildings), Shortland-street. Spectacles, Hand Spectacles, and r'or.o.ve or Brazilian Pebblos, and g e~t n AECHITECTS, SUEYEYOES, AND CIVIL ENGINEEBS, ELDON CHAMBERS, SIIORTLASD STREET. SIIOBTLANP STREET. 7 , DAILY-- Drapery, ARMY AND NAVY HOTEL. TO Cold, ECONOMY IN FUEL. meet the requirements of tho increasing popu« ation of Freeman's Bay jrad vioinity, tho undersigned have opened a Coal Yard, adjoining the Mill and are supplying the best Coals at reasonable prices, in any quantity to suit purchasers, delivered in bage or otherwise, to any part of town or suburbs. Orders left at heuee, Hohson-atreet, near Victoriastreet, will receive attention, or at Freeman's Bay Yard. JA3. G-RAY SOPPET & SON. JUNCTION. ftT jEBN-STREET visiting AUCKLAND trill find EN AOOOMMOD ATION SU iYLEs N WOR GENTLEMEN " FURNITURE ! FURNITURE !! WANT 10BUY CHEAPEUROTTURE GO TO F YOU MILLS' CASH. STORES, VICTOBLi-BTEBET &9<«-Fur&iture bought, tachaagtdi CAEEIAGES FOE EVENING PIETIES. TO BE HAD AT THE EAZAAB TAED9, CARRIAGES for Dinner Pardee Balls. xr To nnd from Dinner Party in tho City, *w* BrU, 20b. ifulv gad 1805i THIRST-CLASS or X _~ THE HmW ZEAXAOT> HEftAIJX ATTCKLAJStt), MOltfbAY, KOTEMBER 6, 1865. 8 WAREHOUSEMEN, ABNARD AND ALLEN, ARCHITECTS AND SURVEYORS (over Cochrano'e Land SMALL PEOFITS Mart). Fort-atrcet, Auckland. OWEN QUICK KETUBNS. & SPRING WHOLESALE RETATL LEATHER AND GRINDERY WARET> HOUSEMAN, Wyndham-streot (opposite the Nk\f AND PLETCH:EK, received a lafgo assortment of N.B. Eyery article for Zbala.nd HnRAT,n" OtFiee). Boot and Shoemakers' uso. Clothing tho present season, havo markod off overythmg at such low prices us must effect a epcody clearance. Bd. New Buff STAFFORDSHIRE POTTERIE3 DEPOT Queon-strcct, Auckland. Importer of Glass, China, and Earthenware. DCROMBIE, • DEWOLF, AUCTIONEERS, COSIJU MISSION AGENTS, AND GENERAL PROVISION DEALERS, Queon-street Wharf, Auckland. & FISK, AUCTIONEER k COMMISAGRNT for tho SALE AND PUR- CHASE OF LIVE STOCK, HOUSES AND LANDED PROPERTY, Wanganui. Shipping and Custom-house Apent. /~1 EORGE WEBSTER, IMPORT R, SHIP \JT AND COMMISSION AGENT, Queon-stroet Wharf. HP. . approved security. HENRY WHITE, Jrxn. (Late Conveyancing Clerfc nt Messrs. Whitaker and Russell'e,), LAW STATIONER, HOUSK AND LAND AGENT. Office over Mr. GitW Warehouse, Wyndhnui-street, Auc»land. .'• CATF/R, TAMES .MAKEP, Wyndlmm-stnvt, and a PEG supplied. AND "BOOT good article. Glaco Lustre, 3Jd. to 2a. New Gonnppos, Iβ. Sd. Plain and Check Llama, Is. 5d., Is. 9d. Coloured Coburgs and French Twill, IOJd., Is. 3d., Is. Gd. Black Cobourgs, Alpaccns, and Fronoh Twdlc, Is. 3d., Is- Od-, Is. 10d. Black French Merinos, 3s. 9d., 4s. 3d. Prints, fast colours, Bid., 10id., Is. 9ACrinolines, very cheap, full u>.o, is. 6d., s#. 6d., 9s. Gd., 12s. 6d. Stnys and Corsots, 3s. 6d., ss. 6d., 7s. fid. Ladies' White Petticoats and Under-clothing Parasols, 3s. lid., ss. 6d., Bs. fid. Ditto, extra largo size, 10s. 6d., worth 12s. 6d. Silk Umbrellas, 135.( Cd , 165., 21s. WHOLESALE SHIPMENT OP SPRING GOODS. VELIOWs' HALL, THIS FIXAL SHIPMENT COMPEISKS COMPLETE ASSOIITMEOT IMPORTATIONS, OF D. BOWDEN, MILITARr JC.Shorthnd-strcct, Auckland. ALL THE THE „ T. TKU-TS~~BROTIIEHi] NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. "VTICCOL fc CO., SniP Qucon-str«>ct, Auckland. MEN'S & The Ladies arc respectfully invited to Blue Serge do. Worsted and Bedford ■pay a visit of inspection. LCSK, IMPORTER, AND AGENT THE AND CHEAPEST A CHOICE ASSORTMENT „ ov \ rp H. HALL, GENERAL MEBOHANT AND CARTER, t» IMPORTER, Queen-Btrcot, Agent for tho BRICKMAKER AND SALESMAN, Otigo Firo and Marine Insurance Co.; I. J. G. Scott, Lead ■WEXXINOTOJI-STBKKT, Paint Manufacturers; Smith WelUtood, Patent Cooking Stove Manufacturer*; OFKICE-I-OWEU QUEEX-STKEET. near TnE Wharf Clode <£ Baier, Wi:ie ilerchantj, Oporto, and London. Odlco or the Aratapu SivrmiU, Kaipora. HORSES AND DRAYS FOR HIRE. lIIOK3, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELO. having a largonumber ofliorses and drays, LER, Vulain-luno. Clocks Watches, and is in a position to perform satisfactorily orery ■Jewellery of all descriptions fur Sale and Repaired. description of CARTERS' WORK. In soliciting the of MorcJmnts, Builders, Contractors ;ind TKT C. HILL, GENERAL MERCHANT, patronapo the Public, feeU confident thut his churgee for IMPORTER AND TT COMMISSION Carting to and from the Wharf—freight, merchanAGENT, High-street, Auckland. dise, stone bulliwt, sawn timber, bricks, and evary TKT PIIILLIPPSifcON, Wj-ndham-street, Auck- other «cnption of goods,—will merit support. TT land, OIL, COLOUR, AND GLASS MERCHANTS, Importers of and Dealers in ON SALE, overy ilesiTijition of Paint?, Oils, Turpentine, Colours, lilllCKb, LIME, SAND, VIUKWOOD AND COALS VarnwJjes, Vrenvh Polish, Gold Leaf, Brashes, aud Paper Huiigini-) ; British and Solo Agont for tho sale of the Auckland Gae Continental Plate, hneet, Crown, and Ornamental Glass ; Clock and Company's COKE. t«mpass Glasses. Glass cut to anv sizo nnd careJully pacK-cd. Window Lcud, Gliizod Sashes, Doors, &.c. & ENGLISH, COLONIAL, Scissors & SADDLEEY— Gente' and Ladies' Saddles Bridles with Snafflo and Pelham Bits Martingales, Girths fttirrup Leathers, Spurs Gig Harness in Sots SV. NELSON TWEEDS, • . PIANOS! PRICE • <; A „ „ TEN GUINEA 8. " Syjtonds-steeet. 1001b?, , 22e. sot, I' Tho Timor Pony dasr p r to ar, a bay, with black points, eire of Mr. E. Waters, and Mr. T. Smith's Dandic?, and of many of the best ponies in the province, well known as Ligar'a breed. ! Terms for cither, two guineas per mare. All payto ba made on or before the 10th January, ments 1566. A. CUNNINGHAM, JNTenrn:arbet Holel. N.B.— Any special orders respecting either of thfl above horses* etui be gu en to the Grooms, Kikloch and Fooks, in attendance daily. DRUGS AjStD CHEMICALS. & R ' Batches D A P E E, « PAI BS CLOTH BOOTS £00 *J \J V 800 paiTß Kid Boots, 1 Os. o BISCUITS. , , - OJS T SALE, . . High-street. BISCUITS, per BESTPilotCABIN n Iffiv, ditto, O. - WEBB'S MUSIC SALOON, Welleßley-Btreet, one door from Queon-street tt. EETAH PRICES. ■ The above is a perfect dray horse in miniature, and for power and symmetry unequalled. . BISCUIT' MANUFACTOKY, STEAM BLACK, by Cupid, late the property of AJKT llamley, Ksq and the handsomest pony J. yet introduced to the province. „ " I PARTINGTON'S E. HORNE. PIANO.. CLOCK MAKER, JEWELLER -ry-ATCH TT Queon-street Auckland, next to Sayings HARMONIUMS! y D.esc/l on .of Jewellery Mounted io O 1 ; and/£ Order Repaired. Pi\ Musical Boxes and Barometers In every variety, by tho best makers, from 10 Guineas up to 70 Guineas. Bopaired. Fon Sale on Him:. & „ PIANOS! THE WELSH PONY CUPID. milE Subscribers will execute INDENTS (on the L most favourable terms) for every description of SALE BY THE UNDEBSIGNED, DRUGS and CHEMICALS from the well-known & SPIEITS— highly respectable firm of llessvs. Geobgi and TTfINES Co., Cullum-street, London. Cvr.LiNG F F Port in liogsiicads, qr.-casVe, and bottles S. M. & Co. hiivc received an invoice, ex 'BaliSherry, do. do. klava,' of their Goods, put up with particular care W. 1. Eum, in hogeheads and attention, in packages of small amounts, so as to Brandy, Kartell's, in bulk and bottle suit the convenience of Wholesale and Kefail 3 dagger, in bottle Druggists, and is well worth the attention of Medical Central Vineyard Co, Practitioners. Vienx Cojnao s. moss & co., Whiskey, Campletown and Kirkliston emergences Custom-house' street. in bulk and bottl G'in, Key Brand, in cases aa half-cases Kolloicay's PiUs are the best remedy STOKES, Old Tom,Lowndes', in cases hiswn in BONDED NEW world for the following diseases:— BottW Beer, Nieholl's & Co. ALBERT-STREET. U0 IrreguFemale Scrofula. fS Asthma frtAURITiUS SUGABS lariHoe King', White Crystals Mhouß Com- Fevers of all Stone Evil f EWIS BROTHERS , NEW BONDED LJ STORES are now OPEN to receive Qoods at Light Yellow Crystals plaints kinds Gravel current rates. Fine Light Sugars on the Gout Secondary August 26, lSr.5. Yellow Crystals bA m Headache Svinptoms lEA— -Bowel Com- Indigestion Tic-Douloureux Very Superior Congou Teas, in chest, half.chests plaints Inflammation Tumours "THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD." and boxes Colics Jaundice Ulcers A Largo Assortment of GROOEBIES, comprising Constipahon of \ Liver TERMS OF ADVEETISEMXXTS. Com-j Venereal Affec Eice tho Bowels ; plaints Iβ. Cd. Three linos I\ tioi.s Is. ed. Sperm Candles Consumption Four lines oi j Lumbapo Worms r 6iEight lines Debility Pickles piie3 Kj^ig j additional lino. And 2<V. for each Dropsy Jlfustard, Colmon's, in tine and Jib. bottles Eheuniatisra j Weakness from I SUBSCRIPTION Dysentery Candied Lemon, Orange and Citron Peel Retention of whatever cause Erysipelas Corn Flour, Brown Poleon'eJJ 10s. per Quarter single copies 3d. each Urine &c, &e. Patent Groats i Sore Throats ea-AdvertiEomonfs nil! bo received at the Offlco, WjnJSydney Soap must bo clcarlf Sardines Sold at tho Establishment of PEOFESSOE street, and the uuinberof insertions requiredbo inserted unti cow, otherwise they will lied Herrings' HOLLOWAY, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar,) ■written o\\ fho nnd chuvgcA accordingly. Homes' Cocoa London; also by all respectable Druggists and couatcrmnndeOl North Wilts Cheoat Dealers in Medicines throughout tho civilized world. CarbonateSodn *** There is considerable saving by taking tho Auckland, Xbtt Zkalandi—Printed and Published dally M Tartaric* Aoid largest eizes. W. CWilsoSi proprietor, athU General Bte*m Piin'lr* Cream ofTartar N.B.—Directions for guidance tho of pitijate io Establishment, Trj-ndii&m-Elrstti (s ft? eeon from Qa'™ gsJftd Oil erfij disorder ore tfßxed to eaoh bos. ON ROSEWOOD PICCOLO 18 G» Superior Piano, in Walnut, full compass, only 32 Elegant ditto, quito new 40 Others, from 45 lo 739 '' Fob Sale on Hiee. Q RICHARD HECK, FBOM OPENED. Females of ail Ages and Glasses Tho fame of these extraordinary Pills is partly based upon the beneficial effects they have upon the constitutions of females. Obstructions of any kind, either in young persons or thoso between forty and gfty years of age—the most critical period of life— niay be radically removed by using these Pills according to tho printed directions which accompany each box. Young persons with sickly and sallow complexions, nnd even mothers of a" eimilar unhealthy appearance, may have the blocs, of health restored to their cheeks by this wor.Qt,ilal corrective, which purifies the blood and cjptis all gross and impure humours from the system- Bewaro.lhen of the critical ago from forty u, fifty, it sends so many thousand mothers to a premature grave,—these Pills should be taken at that period of life two or three tunes a week, and by so doing there is little to fear. CIIILT>BEX ASD TIIEIR AILMESTS. The uieasles, the small-pox, the hooping-eoug.i, and the many complaints to which children are heirs, should be treated n3 follows .-—Let mothers when they see such disease approaching bruise two or three of tho Pills, necording to the age of tho child, givin-» Hiem night and morning in a. little water in the form of a powder; this invigorating mediciuo will remove and cure all complaints incidental to childhood. Want of Strength and Ekeuoy. Persons of sedentary habits, or trouble in inind, or working in factories or coal pita, or such others who cannot obtain that amount of fresh ah- and exercise which nature requires, suffer from weakness and debility, lowness oi spirits, and want of appetite. All such should fate a doss or two of these Pills every three or four days, as they act gently and effectuual on the system, imparting vigor and energy to the body, which is always followed by a good appetite sound and refreshing sleep, with a high flow of spirits. Every family and traveller should keep v box of these invaluable Pills by them agans and I TE, ACCOUNTANT, LANr, HOUSE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT, PPcr <? u enr Etr<, t ' Auckland. Books Balanced and Accounts Collected. JUST SHOES— Grain Hide and Enamel Napoleon Sea Boota A mnrienn Kugget Boots Balmoriils and Shooting Boots Boys' nnd Youths' Bluchers Men's Bluchers OWEN & GKAHAM. BOOTS AND • *< liauncelot, out of Abaft, by Sheet Anchor—Lady TLmmelmoby Y. Vhantom—Orville Mare. Sweetmeat by Gladiator out of Lollypop, 1)7 Starch or Voltaire —Belinda by Blacklock— Wagtail by Prime Minister, Lauucelot (brother (o Touclistom:} fey Camel out pole. of Banter by Master ITenry—Boadiceaby Alexander Geneeax Disorders of the Liveb and Stoiiaoh. —Brunette by Amaraukus—Mayfly by Macliem— The average duration of iiuinan 2ife might be Starling. almost doubled by giving careful attention to what Aneasfer Rattan was bred by Mr. Bridge in 18-58; imported wo eat and driuk, but a3 few will exercise this New South. Wales, where lie was purchased and to caution we must have at hand an effectual remedy sent to Canterbury by JUr. G. Duppa. for restoring thoso great organs, the liver and stomach, to healthy notion. Such as indulge at Trims : —Four guineas per marc, and ss. groomtable, either in eating or drinking, should take about ago. All payments to be made on or before the 10lU ten of these famous Pills at bedtime, from which will result a clear head and a good stomach the following January, 1566. morning. Thousands of Ladies are alwaye complaining of eick headaches, want of appetite, want of energy and a want of strength ; to correct all these evils, thrco or four of these Pills should be taken twice a week, when they would enjoy the health and appetite of a ploughman. ' % & • mainsprings of life, Etimulnting and restoring them to a healthy action. It is the greatest purifier of tha blood ever known; has the largest sale of |any modiin the world; and ia advertised'in every cine j language, and is used by all classes from po/e to «co- „ ?: TA. NEWMARKET HOTEL STABLES. disease. Tue Heart, Lungs, Lives, Stohach, Kiditets akd mHB ENGLISH THOROUGH-BRED Bowel?. i RATTAN This medicine acts immediately upon all these a dark brown, got by Sweetmeat, dam Coquette, by Inverness Capes DEPAKTMENT. irOHSE. AT TJIE powerfully upon the Wood can never exterminate Wjtney and Beavor Overcoats Blue Serge Coata Suits Bkck Cloth Sacs Blue Dingonal Twill Sacs Waterproof Coats Oiled Coats and Tronsors Sou'-Westers Felt Hats French Peak Cape HABKROASUKBY. FANCY DRAPERY— Eibbons Hair Nets Cambric Handkerchiefs, 5-Bths, 8-4ths, 7-Bths Ladies' Belts Black Laco Foils Muelin Collars and Sots Ladies' Plush Hate Trimmed Straw Hate SUNDRIES— Horn's Oil Bimmcl's Essences Himnicl'* Pomades aad Fancy Soap Playing Carde Looking Glasses Combs Pocket Knives Butchors' do. Table do. TAILORING STUD rooted „ CuNDUCTIVG COMMERCIAL NKGOTUTTONH. AUCKLAND: P.N.Z. and EVER OFFERED IN AUCKLAND. A.R.M. Company's Building?, Queen-street. Meww. Cox and liaber's Store. CriRISTOnUHCII: DUNEDIV: Jfc .r<. Pick and FlcminR 's Chambers, Pnnees-strvet. Indent- executed on favourable terms in mndry branchei of British Manufacture?, &c, The Premises being let, tho timo of tho Sale is 81iortland-»trcct. necessarily limited. Q), ST. GREEN CO.,& Wholesale and Retail BOOT, SHOE, CLOTHING- WAREHOUSE, VAir.E'eßpiLDi.vo3, QtrEEK-BTBHEr, Auckland. SAMUEL Y. COLLINS, &. As the vital fluid when in a healthy state sustains and renovates every part of the system, it is abundantly manifest that any medicine wliieh does not act Cord do. TWEED AND DOE YRSXa, COATS Pilot Coats Slonkoy Jacket* Sealskin do. BOYS' CLOTHING, LARGEST Pure Blood. TEOUSEBS— Mole Trowßors Duck do. Tweed do. Blß.ck ond Fancy Doaskin do. Blue Pilot do. WHICH WILL HE FOUND street. H~ii SECURE GOOD HEALTH TTOLLOWAY'S PILLS. „ Imitation Crimean Bhitte Qcuts' Collars MADE TO ORDER FOR THIS MARKET, pICHARD KEALd, AHCttIISCT, Victoria- Windmill, h'onl Stallion 3 than „ „ ~ Special attentionie called to ths Stock of Lower Byzantine „ & the S. MOWBRAY having enlarged his obtained LICENSE MR. attention Inhabitants Auctioneer, begs call Crimean Shirta ~ MACKIE , & CO., WHOLESALE RETAIL "Yf ORRIS WINE AND SPIRIT MER\'l GROCERS, CHANTS, COMKI33IOS AOESTS ASD GEN"BItAI iJrpoRTEU.?, Queen-street, Auckland. „ „ SHO R T T HARRIS, STATIONER, BOOKSELLER, *} m AND TOBACCONIST, Importer of Toys, nbovo Ships, n large iancy Goodj, Src, Fine HaTannah Cigars, Choice Cut TTAYING received, by tho and Uncut Tobacco, Shortland Crescent. and Choico Stock of I\tPf)RTF.R3 OF SPRIXCr AND SUMMER D"RAPERY X lUUTI3IT AND FOREIGN MERCHANDISE, Qu-vn-jtre-t Wharf. C'OXTIM'ES lIH i?.\l.r., AT THE 3AME BROTHERS, COACH BUILDERS, &<\, Wollesley-strrct. LOW HATE OF PKICES. Springs and all kinds of Iron Work mndo to Order. Adjoining . „ TAILOR, • © JS ° „ BY LEIGHTON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONER BOOKBINDER, 'ROB HOY, , 'ANDREW JACKSON,, 'JOHN PAfF.R KUL"ER AND ACCOUNT BOOK TEMPERLEY,, AND ' KING OF ITALY. , MANUFACTURES, Shortlaa-J-atrect. Established 1555. £ Sfen^r , :~ F. \ AND I red office, •;. LEPI W TT AUCTIONEER. upon „ . "QOBF.RT l\ FOR STOEEKEEPEE, COMMISSION AGENT, ™,M 3 & BUSINESS. A RETIRING PROM H. BURNSrDE AND CO., IMPORTERS, *) WHOLESALE DRAPERS. AND WAREHOUSEMEN. Qucen-strect Wharf. Auckland. N.Z. -L\j stands 1C substance; whilst for symmetry and power activity h ,16'' Wlth fin WOULD T^LETOHER, • -1.1 is a"belu7ifui aged 5 MATCHLESS hands inchesBrown, high, rerS ably short legs, possessing immense , SAD- T T Two of the Finest over Imported into the Proving 9 of Auckland. hiulolf IS NOW OPENING OUT HIS FIRST QUEEN-STREET. MAKERS, Qucen- T casey, snrr broker, f* Quc-en-street Wharf. STREET/ QUEEN FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON PURCHA.SK3 OVER ONE POUND. ings, Queen-street. & DEAPEE, READY MONEY—NO ABATEMENT. - E. S. MOfBEAT, PEIzE HORSES. eettinJ SHOTS SEXT DOOB TO THE ODD THE His eire, that fat-fcmed old horse Matchless ft. E. propertyof Mr. Daek, of Lincolnshire, which a as Premises, and e Blro mOrO (he to of an y koiw i ? En nd Fancy Winceye oE Pott Waikato and ita vicinity, and to solicit their Grandßiro Active, the Champion of England h, French Merinos patronage. having won 17 agricultural prizes. ' 6-4 Colored Coburgs, MR. MOWBRAY trusts that, by strict attention Matchless's dam, splendid bay Blaci Alpacas and Coburge mare, by to business, lie may still retain the favours hitherto Eno noted brown a s h-rso Honest Tom, which Mr Wincey i-Skirts accorded him, and for which he takes the present allowed to he the best that travelled in his da - w« opportunity of returning his sincere thanks, 5 It will be seen from this pedigree that Matchless!, MANTLE CLOTHS, SEALSKINS, &o Port Waikato, October 10, 1665. deacended, on both tides, from the very beat breed nf cart-horses in England, and cannot fail in PRINTS— IMPORTANT horses of the highest value for agricultural TO Fancy Prints and dm? "v Navy Blue do. COASTING VEBSEL9 & SHTPFER9 O^CATTLE purposes. Matchless was sliownaUhoPeterhorougli Afrricni Chintz Furniture do. ON THE EAST COAST TO AUCKLAND. tural Show when a ycailinj,, and obtainedtSe fint prize, heating five others; he also was shown SHAWLS— Mil. ALFRED BVCKLAND "OESPECTFULLY informs hia FRIENDS thßt Peterborough Entire IToma Show, and obtained the 8-4, 16-4 Shepherd Shawls Peterborough, 1862, he took S*i CATTLE can be LANDED on the East prize. Again,sixat others; 8-4, 9-4, 16-4 Fancy Wool do. the and again, at Peterborough Bank of the Tamaki, about one mile from the Heads prize,heating in October, 1863, he took the first prize of £20 batHOSIERY— OVER THE VESSEL'S SIDE WITHOUT TH£ ing a large field of his class—thus proving Men's Brown Cotton Half-hoae USE OF A BOAT, AND AT ALL TIMES to bo one of (he best horses that England can Men's Fancy Striped do OF THE TIDE, thereby saving the risk and injury to the Cattle of produce. Men's Brown Union Military a second time putting them in slings, as -well as the Men's Grey do. do. Matchless will at the following Station!Men's Groy and ShetlandWool, hose and 4-hoee additional cost of Boating, with the farther advantage —Monday, at Mr. Sickctfs Stables, Otahuta- Tue-'. Men's Grey Worsted, hose and J-hose of being at once in a Girln' and Women's Fancy Striped do., Cashmere GOOD PADDOCK WITHOUT ANY DRIVING day, at the Grange, Otahuhu; Wednesday and at Newmarket Hotel; Friday and Saturand Merino Vessels uet drawing more than nino feet of water Thursday, day, Brown Cotton Vests and Pants can enter and leave at all times with half-tide, and at Johnat the GreatNorthern Hotel, Whau Hotel ' Mr' McLeod's Henderson's Mills. White Merino do. do. full tides Vessels drawing fourteen feet of water can Shetland do. enter eafely. White Lambs' Wool Charts of the rirer, kindly furnished by Captain THE SPLEXDID DRAUGHT HOBSE Bitbgess, can be obtained at the Haymarket. SholJand and Fancy Striped CttAMPIOX HERO. Kewey Pants and Drawers Aesistance, if necessary, can at all times be obMori's and 0.8. Wolflb. Flannel Vesta tained on the spot. HERO stands 17 hands high on pHAMPIOy Elaiitic braces Stock forwarded at once to the market or grazed at VJ short legs, 13 a beautiful black, very active, full Leather Belts Gxed rates until Bold. ofbone, with great muscular power. Gloves Champion lfero was got by Mr. Lister's Young Tancy "WooV Scarfs anl Comfottete ' HiTOSTiST SOTICE. He-ro, ttam ion o? Engtand. His dam, a American Leather Cloths, in all colours mare, was got by Xoung Active, the property of ilr. Crimean Flannels HUNTEE &' CO., Thacker, of Canwick; his sire the property of the Fancy Colorand Scarlet do. STOCK AND STATION SALESMEN same, which took the prize at the Eoyal Agricultural AVclsh and Lancashire) do. Show at Cambridge, and nt a great many others. attention of perrespectfully direct the Saxony do. Champion Hero wa3 bred in Englhnd, and was sons sending Stock for sale at their Regular 27 and 54 Blue Serge allowed by competent judges to be the best two-yearWeekly Salce at old colt shown at the- renowned fair, HorncaEtle. NEWMARKET, OTAHUHU, AND DUECALICOES LINENS— He was carefully selected, at enormous expense, HAM-STKEET SALE YAEDS, 30, 33, 36, 72, Gray Calicoes especially for the Antipodes, and cap.he safely recomthey hat hare made arrangements George with Long and Cloths Croydons Howard, Esq., for receiving Shipments of Stock con- mended as a sure and valuable stock-getter. Brown Hollands Champion Hero has been travelling in Australia signed to them at his Farm on the weft bank of the Gras3 Cloths Tatnaki, where thero are good Grass Paddocks -well (through Windsor, Richmond, and the neighbour*, Bluo DenUims watered, within aquarter of amile of the landing place. r.ood), and it is a fact worthy of note that his stock Dungaroo The advantages of this landing place are that it is are making more money than anv other in the colony Forfars and Kussia Duoke within six miles of the market and twenty miles of ]STew South Wales. Linen Drills Champion Hero will STAND at the following nearer the market than the cast bank of the Ttinaki, Irish Linen Mondays and Tuesdays, Mr. Mcllanus'e thereby saving a long drive t« Fat Cattle. There is stations French Frontings stables, at Panmure: on Wednesdays, at the Grange; bar no to cross, and good draft of water for large BHIBTS— Thurfdajs, Mr. Rickett'e, Otahuhu; Fridays and vessels at all times of the tide The landing place ilon'e, Boys', and Youths Bine Sorge Skirts is opposite Brown's Island, immediately round the Saturdays, at Newmarket. Scotch Twill nt Head, Beacon the West Tamaki and within oao "White Long Cloth Good Gra«s Paddocks, at Otahuhu and Newmarket hundred yards of the shore. Regattas for the reception of mares. Men's White Shirts, Eogatta Fronts PUEIFY £LOOD~! T E. HOENE, Braces, Belts, Caps, &c. PLTJMMBR CHAMPION HEEO. « 6d. Crimean Shirts, mndo expressly for Hokitika, 93. 6.1., 13*. fid., ISs Gd. Scotch Twill Shirts, 2s. lid., Is. 6d. Blue Serge Shirts, all wool, Ss. Gd., 9s. Gd. Cotton, Merino and Worsted Socka TONES & CO.. AUOTIONEER3 & COMMIBSION AGENTS, &c, &c, Brunswick Build- . .„ match: l:ess NOTICE. „• Black Trousers, 165., ISs., 225. Black and Coloured Vests Moleskin Trousers Bedford Cord Trousers, 17s. 9d., 223. Gd. Worsted, Union Cord, Us. lid. Crimean Shirts, 4s. lid., ss. 9d., 6s. lid., 9s. Auckland. N.B. Country dealers TOHN BLACK, WHOLESALE SADDLER rt AND SADDLERS, IRONMONGER, Durlmmftrccl, Auckland. A. WI3KMAN, T& DLERS HARNESS Irrci. _ &o. & FANCY DRESSES— 0-4, 7-4, All Wool Tartan Plaidu 6-4, 7-4, Union do. Poplinotts, in. all the now colors in Tartana Camlets, Chocks, and Tartana, Alpacas 3-4 and 6-4 Knickerbocker Winceys 3-4 and 6-4 Wincoys, in plain colors A Largo Assortment of Men's and Boys' Chip and Straw Hats, from Is. 3d. A few Panama Hats, a job, os. Felt Hats, 3s. lid., ss. Gd., 7s. 6d. SOX, MILLERS, Auck- land. Freeman's Bar Mill, and Henderson and Maefarlane's Store. Low priccj COUNTERPANES— Colored Counterpanes, 10-4, 11-4, 12-4 White Terry and Marcella do. Toilet Quilts FASHIONS! CLOTHING. Tweed Suits, 45s , 555., 70s. Tweed Trousers, Bs. 6d., 13s. 6d., 183. 6d. Slack Satara Suits, 70s. STARK, ESTATE, HOUSE, LAND AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENT Offico, corner of Vulcan Lane, Queen-street, Auckland. ram! of money to bo advanced on & Sei.lskin do. Iβ. , £7IDMOSD3 AND JAKINS, MERCHANTS, .ill SHIPPING, & COMMISSION AGENTS, ■Oueen-3tn;et Wharf, Auckland. SOPPET Scarlet and Gentians A few Fancy Dress Goods, slightly damaged, 3£d., 10id., Is. 3d. Plain Fancy and Chono MoV\a\M, Iβ., Is. ±10.., Iβ. hcuse, Queea-stroot, Auckland. TAME 3 G. and Straw Goods, &c, 100 casks Prime Now Zealand Pork 50 casks Fine Sydney Beef Coarse and Fine Salt and Bag Salt Paper Bugs and Wrapping PapcT American Ploughs Fairbank's Weighing Machines Ncgrohead and Cavendish Tobacco Virginia Bird's Eye Tobacco Bone Dust, fine and course OWEN GRAHAM. Magenta and Fancy Colors Mohnir Ruga & just HAVING General Drapery, for r-tAMBRTDGH: HOUSE.—F. L. PRLME \J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FAMILY GROCER, China, Earthenware, and Glass Waro- fIEOHOE IT STON SUMMER GOODS. PLUMMER &c, I GITTO3, >» GEAHA.M, S— 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, U-4, 12-4, White 10-4, 11-4,12-4 SPEING - Jib.bottles Miller's Britieh BaTring Powder BEBest Bath Ribbon Bound, A N E ET CHOICE ASSORTMENT & Capers BY & LDAILY. A , , 4s. 6d J. ROUT. WHITEHEAD'S DRAUGHT STOUT. .SMALL SHIPMENT of Vrhitbroad's noted Prnvght Stout,}uat to handper ' Kinijof Italy' & QWEEN-STBEET , , BURRA ■ AND DE HIRSCH, BROKERS, SHIPPING AND CUSTOM HOUSE AGENTS, Fort-etreot, Auckland. ON SALE EXCELSIOR HODSE. I & | OLARK SON, Shortland-strcet. AEOH. Table Vinegar Black Pepper, in < itrest.) rt f