pray the rosary every day!
pray the rosary every day!
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 , 2013 TWENTY – EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SUNDAY, October 13 7:15 (English) Giuseppe & Felicia Fardella 8:30 Anthony Cirelli, Sr. 10:00 Andja & Kolja Marisenovic 11:30 Bienvenida Martinez 1:00 Angelo Pellicano MONDAY, October 14 – St. Callistus I 7:00 Pro – Populo 9:00 Jean & Theodore Bielaczy TUESDAY, October 15 – St. Teresa of Jesus 7:00 William Holland 9:00 Maria Lieu Thi Vu WEDNESDAY, October 16 – St. Hedwig / St. Margaret Mary Alacoque 7:00 Zosima Tallungan 9:00 Jose Diaz THURSDAY, October 17 – St. Ignatius of Antioch 7:00 Richard Ali [Living] 9:00 Jean Votrano FRIDAY, October 18 – St. Luke, Evangelist 7:00 Richard Ali [Living} 9:00 Cyril Ramsuchit SATURDAY, October 19 – St. John de Brébeuf 9:00 Maria,& Santolo & Speranza Scodes 5:00 William Ohrnberger SUNDAY, October 20 7:15 (Italian) Calogero Faso 8:30 Black Ministry Mass 10:00 Dominic Tai Due Dinh Sun 11:30 Umberto Conciatori 1:00 Liz & Vito Campanella LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR OCT. 19 / 20 5;00 8:30 11:30 T. Andres H. Cuesta Y. Armstrong 7:15 E. DiPaolo 10:00 Family Mass 1:00 N. Alejandro EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION 5:00 G. Douglas / M. Cortese … Host: M. A. Piti 7:15 C. Bele 8:30 B. Guzman / E. Anthony … Host: B. Diaz 10:00 C. & J. Testa/ M. Micalizzi … Host: H. Corbie 11:30 M. Alberty / J, Anyansi … Host: N. Hill 1:00 A. Corbie / M. Burke … Host: K. Reed ALTAR SERVERS 5:00 N. Noel 8:30 T. Le / A. & N. Nguyen 10:00 F. Lavezzari / N. Ohakam / R. Ynfante 11.30 V. Barreto / V. D’Alessandro / C. & C. Olewuenyi 1:00 C. & K. Anianwu / J. Nguyen HOLY ROSARY CHURCH IS HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE. ALL ARE WELCOME! PRAY THE ROSARY EVERY DAY! SUNDAY READINGS First Reading: 2 Kings 5: 14 – 17 Elisha cures Naaman of leprosy, which convinces Naaman that there is only one God. Naaman then asks to take some loads of soil from Israel, so that he can worship and make sacrifices to the one true God in his own land. Second Reading: 2 Timothy 2: 8 – 13 Paul reminds Timothy that Christ rose from the dead so that many people could be saved. Paul was being treated as a criminal and kept in chains but says. "There is no chaining the word of God!" Paul also says, "if we die in Christ, we will live in him. But if we deny him, he will deny us." Gospel: Luke 17: 11 – 19 Jesus cures ten lepers, but only one returns to express gratitude for being healed. Jesus is disappointed that only one gave thanks to God, but tells that one, "Your faith has been your salvation." ©2000 Bon Venture Services, Inc. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Rom 1: 1 – 7 / Lk. 11: 29 – 32 Rom 1: 16 – 25 / Lk 11: 37 – 41 Rom 2: 1 – 11 / Lk 11: 42 – 46 Rom 3: 21 – 30 / Lk 11: 47 – 54 2 Tm 4: 10 – 17b / Lk 10: 1 – 9 Rom 4: 13, 16 – 18 / Lk 12: 8 – 12 PLEASE PRAY FOR … Estrella & Myrna Alvarez, Salvatore Amedeo, Mary L. Ball, Francis Bele, Kim Benack, Linda Bravo, Olive Burke, Bernie Byrne, Phillip & Anthony Capano, Marianna Caruso, Salvatore Caruso, Niki Catechis, Joseph Cavazzini, Christina Celantano, Theresa Coutain, Anna Cristina, Audia DeJesus, Helen DeAlto, Rosemarie DeNegris, Cynthia Dukes, Rosa Echevarria, Laticia Elliot, Marie Ferrari, Domenica Frega, Beatrice Galeano de Maduro, Frank Gervasi, Leniore Griffith, Natalie Griffiths, Iris Grubler, Elsie Haberfelner, James Heame, Marilyn Iarossi, Mary Iorio, John Joseph, Singh Latchman, Theresa Lewis, Maurice Lisby, Connie Lorelli, Sal Magistro, Brunilda Mandozza, Ann & Ralph Martone, Anthony Masterangelo, Julia Merritt, Jim Messenger, Anthony Militello, Alisa Nicovic, Wendyann Ocasio, Jose Ortiz, Beth Pagan, Vincenza Petrone, Mary Pirro, Angelina Rader, Lucille Rahman, Michael Ramirez, Iris Rivera, Dorothy & Elvira Santomauro, Arthur Simmons, Valerie Stevens, Beverly Lynda Warner, Joan Wheeler, Anita Williams, Karen Williamson and all of our homebound and the residents of our local Nursing Homes. + PARISH MISSION STATEMENT + We, the people of Holy Rosary Parish, have been joined together into a family of faith since 1925. In our communal participation in the worship of the Lord, we are nourished in Word and Sacrament and we are sent forth to bring the Good News of Salvation to all. We endeavor to proclaim the Gospel by both word and deed. We welcome all who come to our house of worship as true sisters and brothers and we pledge ourselves to the service of those in need in our parish family, in our neighborhood, and in our greater community. MONDAY – THURSDAY: 8AM – 9PM FRIDAY: CLOSED SATURDAY: 9AM – 5PM WE WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, COLUMBUS DAY! THE PILGRIM STATUE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA will be with Elsa Osborne, October 13 – 19. * WE ARE JUST $2362 FROM OUR GOAL! * WILL YOU HELP US MAKE OUR GOAL? CARDINAL’S ANNUAL APPEAL GOAL: $69,500 PLEDGED TO DATE: $67,138 The Appeal is a vital source of funding for the programs and ministries that sustain the parishes across our Archdiocese. It is not too late to make your gift! Please be as generous as you can. Thank you for your kind support. Please fill out your pledge card and send it downtown. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Thank you. UNBOUNDED OCTOBER MONDAY EVENINGS MARIAN DEVOTIONS 7:30 – 8:30 PM EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, SCRIPTURAL ROSARY & BENEDICTION POTS SUNDAY – This Sunday, October 13th, is Pots Sunday. The menu calls for macaroni with chopped meat and sauce. Please bring your food donations in disposable pans, with lids if possible, to the rear lobby of Holy Rosary Church (by St. Michael Statue) between 9:30 AM & 10 AM. Thank you for your help! PASTOR’S STATE OF THE PARISH REPORT NEXT WEEKEND set free in Christ ! Applications for the 2013 – 2014 school year are available. Applications are accepted after an interview and entrance test th for those entering grades Pre-K through 8 . Contact the school 718.652.1838 or . Parish committees have been meeting as part of the Archdiocesan Making Alll Things New initiative and the Increased Giving Program. These are ways in which aw have begun to assess the current situation of the parishes in our section of the Bronx and measure how Holy Rosary matches up. Also, with an eye to the future, we have undertaken the Increased Giving Program, in order to try to increase our Sunday collection. Next weekend, at all Masses, Father Quarato will speak about the state of the parish and how well we are able to serve our community with ministries and services. Shortly, you will be receiving a letter from Father Quarato about our effort to increase our offertory. We are asking that every registered family prayerfully consider increasing their weekly gift to the parish. We are also asking everyone to consider registering and using our envelopes or ParishPay electronic giving. We need your help. This endeavor is for our parish and will be used to pay ever increasing bills. †HOLY ROSARY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION † CLASSES HAVE BEGUN! YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! ISN’T IT TIME TO GET INVOLVED? Men’s Retreat Deliverance, Freedom, Belonging th This Sat., October 19 8AM – 4:30PM Most Blessed Sacrament Friary th 375 13 Ave, Newark, NJ 07103 Free Will Donation Neal & Matt Lozano of Heart of the Father Ministries Franciscan Friars of the Renewal – Sponsors 973.622.6622 * HOLY ROSARY SCHOOL * Children who attend public school K - HS should be registered. These classes include preparation for the Sacraments. Sessions are held in the school building on Saturday mornings from 8:45 AM – 10:00 AM, September through May. Please call our Coordinator Mrs. Tedeschi at 718.654.9381. The fee is $75 for each child. Please bring the child’s Baptism Certificate to register. th CARD PARTY – St. Catharine Academy, Oct. 17 at 7PM at Maestro’s (1703 Bronxdale Ave.), $45. Call: 646.403.1751. BLOOD DRIVE RESULTS – UPDATED! 55 Registered / 42 Pints taken A note of thanks to the Holy Name Society for running the drive! THE HOLY FATHER’S PRAY INTENTIONS FOR OCTOBER 2013 General Intention - People in Despair That those feeling so crushed by life that they wish to end it may sense the nearness of God’s love. Mission Intention - World Mission Day That the celebration of World Mission Day may help all Christians realize that we are not only receivers but proclaimers of God’s word. EVANGELIZATION TEAM – The Team goes out to the streets of our parish one Saturday a month to meet and great and invite people back to church. If you would like to help, speak with Fr. Quarato. NURSING HOME MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS – Eucharistic Ministers and assistants are needed any day Tuesday – Friday. If you would like to help, speak with Ben Diaz at 718.379.4432. REL ED TEACHERS AND AIDES - Teaching Religious Education to our children on Saturday mornings is a very important ministry. If you are interested in helping in any way, please talk to Mrs. Tedeschi at 718.654.9381. YOUTH GROUP NEEDS ADULT LEADERS – We are reorganizing our youth group and we need help! College age and Young adults are especially welcome! Speak with Fr. Quarato if interested. MISSION SUNDAY COLLECTION Next Weekend, th th October 19 – 20 . Please be generous Sign-up for the Blessed Mother and the Divine Mercy will take place next weekend. there? Do we take things as merely human accomplishment? These are God’s gifts to our generation. Let us use them wisely. Let us thank God in that greatest act of thanksgiving which we have received from the Lord Himself: the Holy Sacrifice of Mass. In the Scriptures today we hear of two medical cures seen as miracles. Because of their distance from us in time and space their relevance might be missed. This causes too many to call that era the age of miracles as if miraculous occurrences are unknown to us. Additionally, there is in the faith community even today a great misunderstanding as to the origin of miracles, how they occurred, and what resulted from them. At the outset let us be clear that these few paragraphs will not answer all questions even ones for which there are answers. Too often a person might pray in a bargaining process: “If you do this, then I will believe”. In order to receive this blessing, it must be remembered, there must be faith. The virtue does not flow from the miracle but vice versa. Do we not read in another passage of Sacred Scripture that Jesus could not perform many miracles in Nazareth for their lack of faith so grieved him? But on the other hand, faith is not the guarantee that we will receive what we think is in our best interests or of those of family or friends. Again, in the New Testament times we know there were many who followed Him and believed in His words. Some were blind, lame, and deaf and remained so for the rest of their lives. We must pray always in faith as Jesus Himself did: “Not my will but Your will be done”. We find, as human beings, difficult to accept a divine response that seems to deny us our heart’s desire. This is where our faith must be even stronger in the Lord’s providential care. What we have said above has one partial exception. In Mark’s gospel Jesus is moved by the faith of a crippled man’s friends. But when He says to him: “Your sins are forgiven” there is scoffing by some of the leaders. He then states: “Which is easier to say ‘Your sins are forgiven’ or ‘Rise get up and walk’. That you might believe that the Son of Man has the power to forgive sins, I say: ‘Get up and walk”. The second lesson that is taught by the Samaritan story is that intimately connected with thanksgiving is faith. We only express our gratitude to those we know have caused us to receive a gift. When we meditate on the times in which we live and the experiences we have had as individuals and as a society we must recognize that we have been the recipients of many miraculous occurrences. It must be said, however, that with Saint Paul “we walk by faith not by sight”. Over the past decades we have seen the eradication of many diseases once fatal. Polio was a scourge until Jonas Salk’s work yielded a vaccine. Human knowledge, but not without divine assistance, was in play. A Catholic surgeon once told an audience that before each operation he prayed that the Lord would guide his hands for the welfare of his patient. Tragic loss of life occurs when planes crash. We ask where is God? But we never say God was there guiding the pilot as he landed in the Hudson. We talk about his skill bringing about the wonderful result. It is true, but was not prayer also the cause of a modern miracle showing God’s providential care. All of us though see miracles coming about as we wake in the morning, witness a sunrise, and overcome adversity. We could not breathe without that intricate system of God’s anatomical creation. How many times have we seen our bodies and those of neighbors healing unexpectedly because of prayerful intercession of faith? How many of us look gratefully at the miracle of new life as a baby is born? And what about the miracle of conversion when we see the addict rise above the ashes of his or her existence to become reintegrated in family and society? These are just as miraculous as the expulsion of demons by Christ and the apostles or raising the dead to life. But is our thanksgiving MUSIC MINISTRY NEWS Join one of our Choirs! ADULT CHOIR (11:30PM Mass, October – June). There is no audition required and you do not have to be able to read music. A pleasant singing voice and the willingness to serve the parish community in this important Liturgical Ministry is all that is needed. CHILDREN’S CHOIR (10AM Mass, October- June) is open to children in grades 3-8. If you need any additional information regarding the Music Ministry, please stop by and speak with Ms. Sze after Mass or contact her at the Music Office. CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES th Xavier High School Sat., Oct, 19 1 – 4 PM th St. Raymond [Boys] Sun., Oct. 20 , 12 - 3:30 PM th Maria Regina [Girls] Sun., Oct. 20 , 1- 4 PM th IONA Prep [Boys] Sun., Oct 20 , 12 – 3 PM th Mt. St. Michael [Boys] Sun., Oct 27 , Noon – 3 PM 40 HOURS DEVOTION COMING SOON… th th October 27 through 29 More details in next week’s bulletin. SERRA CLUB OF THE BRONX AND WESTCHESTER PROMOTING VOCATIONS Chaplain: Fr. Robert A. Quarato FATHER LORENZO LABOY WILL BE GUEST SPEAKER AT OUR MONTHLY LUNCHEON MEETING rd ON WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 23 12 NOON AT EASTWOOD MANOR 3371 EASTCHESTER ROAD FOUR COURSE LUNCHEON! – ONLY $25 FOR INFO OR TO MAKE RESERVATIONS CALL JANICE AND SIDNEY BROWN AT 718.671.8915 st BY MONDAY - OCT. 21 . Consider coming and helping to promote Vocations to the Holy Priesthood and the Religious Life! REMEMBER TO PRAY THE ROSARY DAILY! COLUMBUS DAY PARADE MASS – Monday, October th 14 at 9:30 AM at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Come and celebrate Italian heritage! + PARISH MEETINGS + RCIA Session Pastoral Council Executive Committee Oct. 15 th 7:30 PM FWH-MSR th 7:00 PM Rectory Oct. 15 A NOTE TO OUR NON-CATHOLIC FRIENDS Although we warmly welcome you to our parish Liturgies, we cannot extend to you an invitation to receive Holy Communion. The reception of Holy Communion is a sign of Unity in Faith, and such unity does not exist between Catholics and those who belong to other Christian groups. That unity is something for which we are to pray. If you would like to explore becoming a Catholic, please speak to one of the Priests. You may find the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ GUIDELINES FOR THE RECEPTION OF COMMUNION helpful. This document is found printed on the inside cover of Today’s Missal in the pews. +++ +++ LOOKING FOR THAT RIGHT PERSON? A NOTE ABOUT BECOMING SPONSORS FOR BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION It is a great honor to be asked to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation. The role of a “godparent” is to be an “other parent” in matters of our holy Faith. That is why sponsors must be practicing Catholics, 16 yrs of age or older, having received Confirmation and currently living a good Christian moral life. If the sponsor is married, that person must be in a valid Church marriage. One sponsor is required for Confirmation. It is customary to have two for Baptism, in which case one must be male and the other female. A nominated sponsor is asked to get certification from his/her current parish. This is a declaration by a priest/deacon that the individual is qualified to be a sponsor according to Church Law. To be so certified, the individual must be a current parishioner of the particular parish where the certification is being sought, and be known to the priest/deacon as being a faithful practicing Catholic, attending Mass there regularly. Unfortunately, at times, family members or friends are chosen to be sponsors with good intentions, but are found to be ineligible according to Church Law. Also, more and more, people seem to think that they are still “parishioners” of their childhood parish, where they attended school or received sacraments years ago, while no longer living in the area or attending Mass there regularly. It is important for individuals to be active members of their local Catholic faith communities. The unfortunate fact is that some are neither practicing Catholics nor faithful members of a parish family and are thereby ineligible to become sponsors. Like all other things in life, individual choices bring consequences.
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