St Denis Parish Fr Peter No such word as ‘Can’t’…


St Denis Parish Fr Peter No such word as ‘Can’t’…
No such word as ‘Can’t’…
St Denis Parish
Jessica Cox, 25, a girl born without arms, stands inside an aircraft. The girl from
Tucson, Arizona got the Sport Pilot certificate lately and became the first pilot
licensed to fly using only her feet. Jessica Cox of Tucson was born without arms,
but that has only stopped her from doing one thing: using the word "can't."
Her latest flight into the seemingly impossible is becoming the first pilot licensed
to fly using only her feet.
With one foot manning the controls and the other delicately guiding the steering
column, Cox, 25, soared to achieve a Sport Pilot certificate. Her certificate
qualifies her to fly a light-sport aircraft to altitudes of 10,000 feet.
11 - 12 October 2014
Parish Priest
Fr Peter
Under the pastoral care of the
Friar Servants of Mary
Micah 6.8
Hear then,
what your God asks of you: To Act Justly, To Love Tenderly and to walk Humbly with Your God
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
Parish Office
60 Osborne St, Joondanna, W.A. 6060
Tel: 9242 2812
Fax: 9242 2010
Web Site:
Email: [email protected]
Bulletin notices must be received by 9am Thursday and emailed to
[email protected]
Weekend Mass Times
Week Day Mass Times
Saturday: Vigil Mass
6:30 pm
Mon: No service
Sunday: Mass
7:30 am
Tue - Fri: Mass
8:00 am *
9:00 am
Sat: Mass
8:30 am
6:00 pm
* Public Holidays 8:30 am
Other Services
Benediction and Holy Hour: Friday 8:30 am
Rosary: Daily before each weekday mass.
Peregrine Healing Mass: Third Saturday of each month. 8:30am
Reconciliation: Saturday
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Prayers of The Faithful
Please keep the following in your prayers and thoughts throughout the coming week:
We pray for the leaders of our Church, that they are able to find meaning in the seasons of the church,
whether in feast or famine, droughts and floods, glory or persecution and tend their flocks in ways that
these times strengthen and deepen their faith.
Readings for Next Week (29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A):
1st: ISAIAH 45:1. 4-6
2nd: 1 THESSALONIANS 1:1-5
Gospel: MATTHEW 22:15-21
Joke of the Week
A child was mis-behaving in church. Her father picked her up to take her outside.
As they headed for the doorm the little girl called out to the congregation, “Pray for me!”
We pray for leaders of our communities that they be good stewards of the environment entrusted to
them. That in keeping their natural resources healthy they will be able to pass along good livelihoods to
future generations.
We pray for a greater respect for the traditions and teachings that the apostles have given to us through
the ages, that we seek to gain deeper and greater understanding of this wisdom and to be bold in its
We pray for an increased awareness that Jesus’ invitation is to everyone, not just those gathered here.
Help us to rise above the temptation to keep Him to ourselves.
B. J. Hickey Biblical Foundation Scholarship
Interested in studying the Bible in the Holy Land, or in Rome, or here in Perth, or elsewhere?
Applications are now open for scholarships for biblical studies.
The scholarships are offered to lay people residing in the Archdiocese of Perth who have a
desire to know the Bible better and to help others with that knowledge.
For more details visit
Mass Intentions
Sat 11 Oct
6:30 pm
Sun 12 Oct
7:30 am
Adult Faith Formation
Are you searching for faith enrichment and
spiritual renewal?
9:00 am
6:00 pm Holy Souls
Mon 13 Oct
Holy Souls
Tue 14 Oct
8:00 am No Communion Service
8:00 am Addolorato Spina (+)
Wed 15 Oct
8:00 am Evelyn - Healing
Thu 16 Oct
8:00 am Holy Souls
Fri 17 Oct
8:00 am Special Intention for Vanessa
Sat 18 Oct
8:30 am Patrick Somers (+)
6:30 pm
Sun 19 Oct
---- Closing 29th October 2014
Enrol in a Term Four course at the
Maranatha Centre for Adult Faith
Courses are very affordable, range in length
from 3 weeks to 8 weeks, and are offered
during the day, at twilight, during evenings
and on weekends.
For more information, visit
or call 9241 5221.
7:30 am Sydney Moutia (+)
9:00 am Stan Harasymow (+)
6:00 pm Holy Souls
PLEASE NOTE: A contact telephone number is required
on the Mass Intentions envelope in order to advise you
if the day you requested is previously taken.
Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima
The Statue is available for any
parishioner to have in their home.
Please telephone the Parish Office on
9242 2812 or email (see bulletin cover).
Although encouraged, it is your choice if
you would like to invite visitors to join
you in praying the Rosary.
Our Lady’s Statue will be at the home of Liliana and
Guido Pirone.
Our Sacrificial Offering (4/5 Oct)
Parish Collection:
Collection to support the
Parish Priest:
SUNDAY >>> St Denis Feast Day <<< SUNDAY
Sunday is St Denis Feast Day. Join us for lunch at
12 noon in the Parish Centre courtyard.
Bring a plate to share and invite
your neighbour along too.
See you all there!
Catholic Man Breakfast Series
The next breakfast will be on Thursday 16th October from 7:00 - 9:00am sharp, hosted by
Bishop Don Sproxton, Auxiliary Bishop of Perth, with keynote speaker James McMahon,
the current Commissioner for the Department of Corrective Services in Western Australia
and Deputy Chairman of the West Coast Eagles.
The breakfast will take place at the Duxton Hotel, 1 St. Georges Tce, Perth.
Further info: Kim Metcalf M) 0414 537 023, E) [email protected]
Around the Archdiocese
Schoenstatt 100 Years
Please join us in celebrating the major event
of our Centenary next Sunday October 19;
2.00pm outdoor Solemn Holy Mass with
Archbishop Emeritus Barry J Hickey.
9 Talus Drive, Mt Richon.
The Schoenstatt Sisters & Schoenstatt
Movement members
Local News Items
1. St Denis Feast Day: This weekend.
Join us for lunch at 12 noon. Bring a
plate to share.
2. BEC Lunch With Father Peter: On
October 19 in the Parish Courtyard.
Medjugorje evening of prayer 7pm at St Lawrence and Mary Immaculate Parish, 394 Albert Street,
Balcatta. It is reported Our Blessed Mother has been appearing daily in Medjugorje. In thanksgiving
our prayer group meet monthly at a different parish within our diocese. All warmly invited.
Newsflash Pilgrimage May 2015 Fatima, Garabandal, Lourdes, Rome and Medjugorje - bargain
price. Enq: Eileen on 0407471256 or [email protected].
Human face to asylum seekers – a community awareness session. Come and hear Afsoun
Mohammadkhani share first- hand, personal experience of what it entails to seek asylum followed
by an information session with MercyCare presenters Sandra Bartlett and Brenda Lee. This takes
place on Thursday 23rd October between 2:00– 4:30pm at South Perth Library Function Room, Cnr
Sandgate St/South Terrace, South Perth.
Further info and to RSVP by 16th October: Brenda P) 9442 3415 (Thursdays & Fridays) and E)
[email protected].
Four day retreat for seniors. Presenter Sr Anna Warlow sgs invites you to come and rest a while by
the sea between Friday 24th - Monday 27th October to consider the spirituality of ageing. This is
limited to 12 retreatants at the cost of $240 each.
Further info: Sr Kathleen Dawe P) 9527 2517 or E) [email protected].