January 2011 Newsletter.pub - Pacific Northwest Mustang Club
January 2011 Newsletter.pub - Pacific Northwest Mustang Club
Hoofprint Next Meeting JANUARY 18, 2011 Round Table Pizza 1769 Leslie Road Richland, WA 2011 Officers: President Jim Compton (509) 946-4555 [email protected] V O L U ME 3 3, I SS U E 1 J AN U AR Y BRINGING BACK A LEGEND Vice President Claud Johnson (509) 307-6421 [email protected] Secretary Cathy McNiven (509) 628-1467 [email protected] Treasurer Kimberly Ziemer (509) 947-9014 [email protected] 2011 Committee Chairs: Membership Chairman Grant Culley (509) 628-9219 [email protected] Spring Show Chairman Chris Wollam (509) 627-0761 [email protected] Fall Show Chairmen Jim Compton (509) 946-4555 [email protected] Claud Johnson (509) 307-6421 [email protected] Newsletter / Webmaster Kimberly Ziemer (509) 947-9014 [email protected] Event Coordinator Nan Kuchan (509) 967-0479 [email protected] 2012 MUSTANG BOSS 302 2 011 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear Member: Welcome to 2011! I hope all of you had a great Christmas and New Year. I not only got to see a ton of relatives, I got to tour a car collection that was fabulous. An article and photos from that collection appear in this newsletter. It’s not normally open to the public, so I was extremely lucky to see it. This is going to be a good year for! We have a lot of work to do, but we can make it fun. The work has already started. Spring Show planning meetings began on January 11th, a day later than the original plan because we also like football. My thanks to Spring Show chairman Chris Wollam for resetting the date on that meeting. We’ll need a lot of help to make our 31st annual show a success. Join us, if you can, on Mondays at 6:30 at Round Table. Ask Chris or me which Mondays will not have meetings. The Events List is filling up with shows. The list of other Mustang clubs’ shows will be a little larger this year now that I’ve found out about the shows in Salem and Boise/Nampa. Once again, I challenge all of you to attend at least one new show during the year, preferably a show put on by one of the clubs whose members are here to support our shows. The shows are fun. The people who organize them are fun. You’ll enjoy seeing them and more of the other clubs’ Mustangs Not everyone will be able to do this for various good reasons, but please look at the list as it grows in the next couple of months. See if there’s one or more you can attend. I attended Roundup for the first time last summer. I’m already planning on attending the Mustang shows in Port Angeles, Missoula, and Hillsboro for the early season. For a new one, I might go to the International Show in Spokane on Labor Day Weekend if they’ll let in a Cougar. See you on the 18th at Round Table. We have only 19 weeks until the Spring Show and Shine. They’ll go quickly. Submitted by President Jim Compton DEAN WELLER’S OLD FORD GARAGE Many of you have probably received a recirculating e-mail at least once about a car collection in the small town of DeSoto, Kansas. The owner is Dean Weller and he keeps his collection in the old Ford dealership there. I have a cousin living on the outskirts of DeSoto and he’s also a Mustang fan. By sheer luck, he’s a friend of Dean. At our big family Christmas celebration this year, I asked my cousin if he knew about the car collection. Next thing I knew, he had arranged a quick tour of the dealership for me and him. DeSoto is only 20 miles east of Lawrence (where I grew up) and 15-20 miles southwest of downtown Kansas City. The building still has the old Ford dealership sign hanging in front. It’s on 83rd Street, which is the old route of Kansas Highway 10 before K-10 became a freeway that loops south of town. Dick and I went to the dealership on December 21st and Dean let us in. Dean is a very gracious and gregarious man who was very happy to let us see the collection. The building, though, is not generally open to the public. He does his work there in the dealership, so work in progress is right in front of you. Dean loves the Model A and he has several of them finished. He also has plenty of others. Luckily for me, most have signs stating what each car is. He has speedsters, roadsters, perfectly stock cars, some modified cars, a convertible pickup, and even a few more modern cars. The Model A engines are all the old flatheads of the era. Rather than fill the entire newsletter, here are more important other things to know: 1. He makes his own sheet metal parts in that building when he can’t find what he needs or when he’s trying to customize a car. He has his own paint booth. 2. His cars were featured in 2 movies. “Cross of Fire” uses 11 of his cars. That movie is set in the Roaring 20s and is, unfortunately, about the KKK. He said one scene for 1926 clearly shows his 1932 Buick, but you’d have to know that ahead of time to spot the time warp. The other movie is “Kansas City.” That movie used 6 of his cars mixed in with a bunch of others. 3. The bodywork of the really well ventilated “America’s Sweetheart” Model A in this article used ¼-inch steel rods for the lacework. He bent and rolled those rods cold by himself. They’re welded together on the inside surfaces and ground down smooth before painting. Look carefully at the photos of the car with this article. 1. 4. He made the 1903 Ford and Oldsmobile runabouts that Smiley Burnett used in his touring show. Dean and his brother also drove those cars to give kids rides while touring with Smiley one summer. For the young, Smiley Burnett was the sidekick of Gene Autrey, The Singing Cowboy, in the golden days of westerns. They made 6 of the cars. PAGE 2 HOOFPRINT DEAN WELLER’S OLD FORD GARAGE (continued) 5. The basement of the building has more cars, including a 1928 DeSoto, of course, plus his supply of spare parts. He has a stack of at least 6 Model A frames waiting for their bodies. He has body parts, hubcaps, wheels, tires … you name it – and they’re organized. 6. Dean started the hobby after he retired from building houses at the age of 52. He was a carpenter by trade. He had already accumulated some of the parts just by going to swap meets. He started off just building the cars he had always wanted as a kid. 7. He refuses to sell any of the cars. They’re like his children. Dean still loves his hobby. He refuses to call it “work” because he enjoys it too much. He still drives some of the cars in area parades. He’s driven several of them to national Model A events. Most of his collection still runs. You’d never believe he’s now 85. Article and Photographs provided by Jim Compton Dean’s Current Work in Progress Dean’s Current Work in Progress 1931 Model A Convertible America’s Sweetheart I America’s Sweetheart II Model A Convertible Pickup 1912 Mercer 1932 Buick 1903 Smiley Burnette VOLUME 33, ISSUE 1 PAGE 3 HORSING AROUND BIRTHDAYS Pete Nicacio Claud Johnson Julie Lingle Sharon Hodges Judy Oeder Mary Welch Allen Johnson Ruth Sanders ANNIVERSARIES 1/21 1/25 1/26 1/29 2/01 2/01 2/05 2/13 Pete and Terri Nicacio Steve & Audrey Halterman Gaylen & Lois Chilton Grant & Linda Culley 1/26 1/27 2/04 2/14 CLUB MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE DUE The renewal date for annual membership in the Pacific Northwest Mustang Club is the first regular meeting in January which is coming up on Tuesday, January 18, 2011. You may pay your $12.00 annual dues in person at the January meeting or, to avoid waiting in line, you can renew by mailing your check to: Pacific Northwest Mustang Club - P.O. Box 1693 - Richland, WA 99352 As a reminder, by paying your dues on time, you’ll continue to receive the Newsletter and be up to date on Club events, planning, and news about other members and their cars. In addition to the next twelve newsletters, you’ll receive your 2010 Membership Card that can be used for very generous discounts on parts, service and sales at Legacy Ford in Pasco Most importantly, paid membership entitles you to vote on motions at Club meetings. Grant Culley, Membership Chair PACIFIC NORTHWEST MUSTANG CLUB EVENTS LIST PNWMC EVENTS: Jan 18 Club Meeting, Round Table Pizza on Leslie at Gage, 7 pm (or earlier) Jan 22 Bowling! Details by January meeting. Feb 15 Club Meeting, Round Table Pizza on Leslie at Gage, 7 pm (or earlier) May 28-29 Spring Show ‘N’ Shine, Howard Amon Park, Richland Oct 2 Concours d’Elegance, Columbia Crest Winery, Paterson Any ideas for other club events? OTHER MUSTANG EVENTS: May 1 North Olympic Mustang Club, Port Angeles May 7 Bitterroot Classic Car Show, Missoula (406-626-4401) June 4 All-Ford Show (Mustang Wranglers), Hillsboro, OR June 18 Treasure Valley Mustang Club show at Lakeview Park, Nampa, ID July 24 Hot Wheels in Millwood (Inland Empire Mustang Club), Millwood, WA July 30 Mustang Stampede (Mustangs Unlimited), Vancouver, WA July 31 Kitsap Mustang Club show in Bremerton Aug 27 Capital Area Mustang Club All-Ford, Skyline Ford in Keizer, OR Sept 1-5 International Mustang Show, Spokane (Northern Quest Resort and Casino) NON-MUSTANG EVENTS: March 18-20 Portland Roadster Show at the Portland Expo Center (503-232-4567) March 19 St. Paddy’s Day Parade , Heppner (541-676-5536) April 23 Dogwood Festival, Lewiston (208-792-2605) April 23 KODL Classic, The Dalles (541-296-2101) April 30 Spring Opener Car and Bike Show, Benton City (509-947-7332) PAGE 4 HOOFPRINT MEETING MINUTES November 16, 2010 The PNWMC meeting was called to order by President Jim Compton at 7:00pm. Members introduced themselves and their cars. Minutes for October 19, 2010 were approved by the membership. OLD BUSINESS FALL SHOW—Thank you gifts were presented to Charlie McNiven and Claud Johnson for all of their work. CHRISTMAS PARTY—Jack and Mary Esther Lippold will be supplying the Carroll Shelby chili for our Christmas Party on December 14th at 6:00pm at Harland & Lydia Lippold’s Horse Heaven Mustang Restoration in Badger Canyon. We will also have an option gift exchange ($10.00 maximum). A signup sheet was circulated for others to sign up to bring other food items to share. PARADES & HOMECOMINGS—Jack Lippold thanked everyone for their support this year. NAME TAGS—An example will be provided at the January meeting. NEW BUSINESS 2011 SPRING SHOW & SHINE—First planning meeting will be on Monday, January 10th at 6:30pm at Round Table Pizza on Leslie. Our Spring Show will be on Sunday, May 28, 2011. CHRISTMAS CRUISE—Members expressed interest in doing a Christmas cruise to see either the luminaries in Pasco or just to look at Christmas lights. More information will be sent via e-mail. JANUARY EVENT—Bowling on January 22, 2011 at Atomic Bowl in Richland. More information will be sent at a later date. MUSTANG LOLLIPOPS—The club decided to donate the remaining mustang lollipops to VFW Post 5785 to distribute among their Christmas families. 2011 DUES—Reminder that member dues will be due in January. ANTENNA FLAGS—Club decided to not give the antenna flags to new members but to have them available for sale. TREASURER’S REPORT—Kimberly Ziemer read the Treasurer’s report. 50/50 WINNER—Jim Compton NEXT MEETING—Tuesday, January 18, 2011. The meeting was adjourned at 7:41 pm. Submitted by Dave Lemak FOR SALE Jasper 289. Purchased about 1991, never been started. Used the correct 260 for our restoration of our Sunbeam Tiger so this engine is not needed. Out of Jasper warranty, but no known problems. Refund if you have problems in first 30 days. 1965 block and heads, bored over size (not sure how much). Rebuilt with new pistons, rings, main bearings, rod bearings, rebuilt heads. Includes: long block (high quality, correct blue color.) 64 & 1/2 intake manifold; balancer; 64 & 1/2 timing cover (with oil fill tube and cap) $1,500. Pick-up in Missoula, Montana. Call Jim at 406.626.2514 or email @ [email protected]. 1966 Ford Mustang Coupe Description: Original A code 289 C.U. four barrel, AT “cruiseo-matic”, Factory AC, PS, 10 disc CD changer, Pony Interior, Bullet Style Mirrors, electronic ignition, Torque Thrust II rims, 4 wheel disc brakes, low miles, exc. Condition. Serious inquiries only. Contact after 6 p.m. at 582-1848. 2000 Ford Mustang Convertible. V-6, five speed, 57000 original miles, second owner car in excellent condition. Power top, seats, leather, Torch Red with custom wheels and Shelby lighted role-bar. $7,200 or best offer (see Tri-Cites Craig's List for more details and photos. Just search on "2000 Ford Mustang" and it will come up). Call Steve or Jean Peterson at 396-2843 if interested. Auto mechanic’s tool set. 40 year accumulation of tools for a professional mechanic. Please call Louie at (509) 525-3749 if you are interested. VOLUME 33, ISSUE 1 PAGE 5 HOOFPRINT Pacific Northwest Mustang Club P.O. Box 1693 Richland, WA 99352 We have a new website! www.pnwmustangclub.org
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