Parentmail 17/06/2016 - Cowbridge Comprehensive School
Parentmail 17/06/2016 - Cowbridge Comprehensive School
Cowbridge Comprehensive School Ysgol Gyfun Y Bont Faen 17/06/16 Parentmail Bulletin Diary Dates JUNE 20 Year 10 GCSE Physics Exam 21 Year 8 Parents’ Evening 24 - 27 STAFF INSET DAYS - School Closed for Pupils Dear Parent/Guardian We would like to remind all parents that personal possessions e.g. mobile phones are brought to school at pupils' own risk. Any damage to personal expensive equipment cannot be the responsibility of the school. In the event of any such damage, school is not in a position to seek financial compensation from other parents. Thank you for your co-operation. Miss H Evans Assistant Headteacher Dear Parent/Pupil As we near the end of term it has been noticed that there has been a decline in the standard of uniform worn by some pupils. This includes the wearing of skin tight trousers, canvas type shoes and trainers. As it is around this time that many families purchase uniform in readiness for the next academic year, we would ask that the school rules on uniform are followed and the correct items worn in September. Please refer to the guidance below which is also available on the school website. Please be aware certain shops may promote items as suitable school wear but it does not meet our school specifications. A supplier of the specified Cowbridge Comprehensive Uniform is The Pencil Case, 50 Eastgate, Cowbridge. Thank you. Dear Parents/Guardians, Please visit the link below which is in relation to the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s consultation on an amended draft school transport policy: Welsh English The council welcome feedback from parents/carers and pupils. Mainstream School Transport – September 2016 Pupils from Reception to Year 11 are automatically assessed for free mainstream school transport. Pupils of primary school age qualify for free school transport if they live over 2 miles from their catchment area school, next nearest if catchment is full. Pupils of secondary school age qualify for free school transport if they live over 3 miles from their catchment school, next nearest if catchment is full. No forms are required to be completed and signed and letters/passes will be sent directly to home addresses no later than Friday 19th August 2016. Only pupils who were late enrolments, have recently moved address or will be Post 16 in September (Year 12 and 13) will need to complete and Application Form New Intake - Reception & Year 7 All the Reception and Year 7 pupils have been assessed and the entitled children will be sent a letter/bus pass to their home address by Friday 19th August 2016 so if there any problems we have plenty of time to make adjustments over the summer holidays. If you have not received your bus pass or letter by Friday 19 th August 2016 please contact the school transport team. A list of entitled children will be sent to the new school before the end of the current academic year. Year 1 to Year 11 All existing pupils that have had free school transport this year will automatically receive a letter/bus pass which will be sent to the parent/guardian home address (please contact us if you have moved recently) along with the Policy summary, Travel Behaviour code, Route timetable. If you have not received your bus pass/letter by Friday 19th August 2016 please contact the school transport team. Post 16 Pupils (Year 12-Year 13) Pupils who are entering Year 12 and 13 will need to complete a Post 16 Application Form for free school transport. Those wishing to continue their studies from September 2016 will need to complete the form, signed and dated and return to the School Transport Team no later than Monday 26th August 2016 in order to receive their pass for the beginning of September. Bus Passes will then be sent to home address over the summer holidays. Non entitled children Purchase a bus pass on a contracted school service Those pupils who do not qualify for free school transport but wish to purchase a spare seat on a contracted school bus can complete and send in an application from 21st July 2016 (forms will be available on the Council website).They are treated on a first come first served basis. However, as we have to allocate post 16 pupils who may not decide to re-attend school/college until after results day in late August we cannot allocate any purchasers until the third week of September, at the earliest. The cost of a pass will be £300 from September 2016 (£100 per term). Fare paying Services Details regarding fare paying services can be found on the School Transport web page. From September 2016 fares will be £1 for a single journey, £2 for a return journey and £300 for a yearly season ticket (£100 per term). All matters relating to school transport can be found on council web page Those pupils who qualify for free school transport agree to adhere to the Vale of Glamorgan Council Schools transport policy and Welsh Government Travel behaviour code. Regards The Vale of Glamorgan Council Passenger Transport Team Please find below a copy of the internal assessment calendar for the Year 10 examinations 2016. These assessments will take place from Thursday 7 July to Tuesday 12 July. Note this is a change from the original calendared dates. These examinations are important to students for a number of reasons. They provide a formal examination experience for students and enable teachers to monitor and evaluate their progress. They will also help identify any strengths and weaknesses in those subjects where an external GCSE examination has not been taken this year. Please note that where students have already had an external examination (Welsh, E&P, Science, Sociology and ICT), there will not be a further internal examination. Points to note Thursday 7 July Friday 8 July Monday 11 July Tuesday 12 July English 08:45–10:45 Sports Hall Mathematics (Non - Calculator) 08:45-10:30 Sports Hall Music Theory 08:45–10:45 Main Hall Mathematics (Calculator) 08:45-10:30 Sports Hall There will be no study leave during these exams Art 11:15-13:15 Art Block Most sessions will take place in the Sports Hall. Sessions on Monday will take place in the Main Hall. Break Business Studies 11:15-13:15 Sports Hall Child Development 11:15-13:15 Drama 11:15-13:15 Main Hall Graphics, Food, Resistant Materials, Textiles 11:15-13:15 Clash Subjects Sports Hall Geology 11:15-12:15 Sports Hall Lunch History 13:45-15:00 Sports Hall Geography 14:00-15:00 Sports Hall PE video 13:45-15:00 Main Hall French/German 14:00-15:00 Sports Hall Please pay attention to the start time of all exams. Students will be expected to attend school as normal all week as there is no study leave. If they do not have an examination then they must attend lessons as usual. If they attend Military Prep then these examinations take priority and we will inform the College. Please note the start time for each examination as well as the venue. Please see the subject teacher if extra information is required about a particular examination. If students have any clashes see either Mr Ling or Mr Lewis. Finally, it is important to prepare thoroughly for these examinations as they are used to form an overall impression of how students have performed over the year and how they may perform in the future. They may also be used to determine the tier of entry at GCSE. May we also remind students about the importance of good behaviour and correct examination conduct over the course of these assessments. The results of the internal examinations will be confirmed in the form of equivalent GCSE grades on 9 September via an interim report, and will act as a focus for Year 11. Mr Ling/Mr Lewis Year 10 Mathematics - Numeracy All pupils currently in year 10 will be sitting the Mathematics-Numeracy GCSE in November 2016. We will be using the results from the internal exams in July in order to decide upon the most appropriate tier of entry for your child. With this in mind we would like to ensure that all pupils are fully prepared for their internal exams and have provided revision material via email for pupils to complete during half term. PCLO day 2016 29th June 2016 Calling all year 7 instrumentalists who would like to be involved in helping our incoming primary school pupils with their musical progress, performance and mini concert on the above date. Please contact Mrs J Williams for a Registration Form The Annual Cowbridge Comprehensive School Sports Presentation Evening has been organised for Wednesday, September 14th 2016 at 6:30pm. Any athletes or sportsmen and women who have represented their county and/or country, please keep this date and time free in your diaries. Members of any successful school sports teams will also be invited and awarded at the ceremony. Network Rail apprenticeships up for grabs as record investment in Britain’s railway continues. The Network Rail Advanced Apprenticeship scheme is open to anyone who is 18 by 1st October 2016. Further details on the scheme, including cases studies of current and former apprentices talking about their own experiences, can be found on our website:
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