Click Me - Trinity Baptist Church


Click Me - Trinity Baptist Church
April 2014
Dr. Richard A. Farmer
Senior Pastor
Trinity Baptist Church
244 S. Main St.
Marion, OH 43302
[email protected]
Love is Patient……..
My mother used to say,
“Patience is a virtue”
….then she would remind
me that I needed to do my
homework – “Right this
The preacher used to say,
“Wait upon the Lord”……
then he’d give an altar call
reminding everyone in
the congregation that
this could be their last
day to accept the
side now”………then she’d
spend the entire time looking for the perfect place to
pee, prancing back and
forth in the yard, only to
settle on a spot that was no
different or no less special
than any spot she had
chosen before.
We have more teenage
In the April issue:
moms than any county in
In Addition to
Ohio. And we have a
higher divorce rate than any
Trinity News
county in Ohio and 11th in
the entire country. We do
Pastor’s Report
not wait to have sex. We do
not wait to have children.
Youth Pastor’s
And we do not wait to
move on from one partner
Cathy’s Corner
to another in the area
of wedded matrimony. Council Minutes
We simply do not like
to wait.
Financial Report
There are signs of impatience all around us.
The presidential candiAt stop lights we blow
date would say, “we
our horns when somecan’t take four more
years of this”……..then
one makes us wait. At
the grocers we go
he’d run for reelection
through the 15 or less
and tell everyone, “four
line with 23 items. When
years is just not enough to All living creatures must
get the job done.”
learn somehow to wait. All we want something badly,
we charge it rather than
living creatures hate to
save for it. We reach for
My son always says, “I’ll
wait. All living creatures
things like early retirement,
take my time driving home are very difficult to
power ball tickets, weight
tonight, Dad”……then he’d convince that waiting is a
loss pills, online degrees,
fall asleep at his friend’s
sign of love.
pampers, powerful dishhouse and hurry home the
washers, dryers and blow
next morning.
I live in a county in Ohio
dryers because every fabric
where people especially
of our being hates to wait.
My dog would love to say, seem to hate waiting. We
We don’t even like waiting
(if of course she could talk) have the highest teenage
“I’d kinda like to go outpregnancy rate in the state. on our waiters.
Continued on the next page...
Christmas Child
Gloria Ginn
Education &
Team Minutes
Operations Team 15
April Calendar
Continued from page 1
believe in that which you never
We pretend to wait. “I made him intended to do? I have very little
doubt that Abraham’s last thought
wait until the third date,” one
on many a night was simply this:
woman told me as if she had
accomplished something worthy “I should never have believed
of a Nobel Peace prize. I saw a you. I should never have trusted
man once stop to help a lady with you.”
her shopping cart on his way to
his car, then run a stop sign on the It is at these times we take things
into our own hands, do we not? I
way out of the parking lot. One
saw that parking place first, as we
friend I know can spend all day
waiting for a single deer to walk cut off a little old lady who did
by his eye sight, then comes home not have the reflexes to prevent
without finding a second to listen you from getting there first. I need
to his wife as she talks about her dinner right now, as we leave half
of it on our plate because they did
day. Cleveland
not cook it to our specifications. If
Brown fans have
I don’t get waited on right this
waited 8,000 years
second, I’m going to choose Wenfor a Super Bowl
without losing hope dy’s next time, while five people
scurry around the Burger King’s
but dismiss a quarterback after
two interceptions. WE pretend to kitchen just so we can “have it my
“Patience is a virtue,” my mouth
used to say. Virtue. Virtue.
Virtue? Did you ever wonder
what went through Abraham’s
mind as he lay on his pillow at
night, having spent yet another
day without a son. Day after day,
week after week, year after year,
decade after decade………
son. Where is your promise God?
How can you say you love me
when you create such joy and
hope for your child by making a
promise that I never asked you
for, only hoped for, then dangle
the words like before me like a
drink of water that is always out
of reach after years in the dessert
of my own barren dreams? You
see Sarah. She cries herself to
sleep every night. I have told her
of your promise. She trusted me.
She believed in me. There was
one month we tried every single
day, sometimes twice a day.
Nothing. Not even a hint of a
child. Why would you have me
Sometimes God exercises
patience that we have no patience
for. It seems to me that the Lord
had such a marvelous, loving plan
for Abraham that bringing about a
child in the ordinary way just
would not have put this quality of
love on display. I have no doubt
that Abraham would have written
the story very differently. He
would never have brought patience into the story. He would
have brought about the promised
seed long before He was ready for
the promised seed. He would
have made the entire thing easier
on himself, his spouse, and his
descendants to follow. He would
never have burdened a 90 year
old woman with
the pain of child
birth. And he
most certainly
would not have
created a situation where two brothers were up
for the same blessing. Abraham is
one of us. We are like him.
It is precisely because we are like
him that God does what He does.
Faith, true faith, can only grow in
the face of the test. We know as
parents that people and children
seldom learn from handouts. The
Giver learns and grows, but
seldom does the handout change
the life of the one who receives,
unless they are taught to also
become the giver along the way.
Abraham is being taught. The
blessings of God do not come all
at once, do not come easy, and
require the growth of our faith.
Love is patient precisely because
Love involves suffering over time
in order to receive and embrace
the things that really matter. So
God displays Love through a
promise, a promise that causes our
faith to trust and hope in a future
that we have yet to see, a blessing
we are yet to realize, and a child
we are yet to comprehend. Love is
patient precisely because the nature of Love is a slow, quiet, longsuffering phenomenon that can
only be shaped in us over time.
Love is patient.
During the past month I have been
engaged in the following activities:
♦ Regular times of personal Bible
study and prayer
♦ Specific prayer times for our families, the community, and the future
workers and ministries here at TriniCathy
♦ Meeting with Pastor Rick to explore children’s ministry
opportunities and development
♦ Preparing administrative materials for Tuesday Group
and Awana
♦ Snack preparation for Tuesday Group and Awana
♦ Communicating with parents with children in Tuesday
♦ Communicating with the volunteers for Awana
♦ Creating numerous forms for Awana
♦ Participation in Education Ministry meetings as contributor and note taker
♦ Attendance of Church Council meetings
♦ Copying and preparing new Jr. Church materials
♦ Calls with Gospel Light for VBS information
♦ Meeting with Wendy Petrie for VBS planning
♦ Preparing and leading a session for Overseer training
♦ Preparing and leading a session for the combined Sunday
School class on 5th Sunday
♦ Shared the Gospel with new friend in Ashland
♦ Evaluating personal and professional goals for the year to
be presented to during weekly staff time
Currently I have been reading the following books (along
with exegetical Bible study in the Hebrew language):
Pastoral Graces, Pastoral Care: Emergencies, Pastoral Care:
An Essential Guide, Strategic Pastoral Counseling, Messages: The Communication Skills Book, and Christian
In addition I have spent the past month as follows:
♦ Hosting a Tuesday night
♦ College/20’s group in my home
♦ Leading a weekly campus Bible study
♦ Meeting one-on-one with college
♦ Meeting monthly with my CCO Staff
♦ Support Raising to help meet my
monthly goals necessary for salary and
ministry expenses
♦ Weekly staff meetings
Running games at youth group Sunday nights
Managing and updating the church website
Running the sound board and sermon recordings on Sunday
Books I’ve Been Reading:
Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning
The Big Story: How the Bible Makes Sense Out of
Life by Justin Buzzard
The Return of the King by JRR Tolkien
Sticky Faith by Dr. Kara E. Powell & Dr. Chap
TO . . .
I have spent this past month as follows:
• Spent time visiting and talking with 13 new people in
our church
• Spending time with 6 families during crisis times
• Teaching a Sunday School Class on Genesis with
Pastor Rick
• Visiting shut-ins (8)
• Book writing and blog writing
• Participation in Dr. Marks Tuesday night Recovery Class
• Benevolence meetings (9)
• Spent three days at home sick with the flu
• Four marriage mentoring meetings
• One on one times with 10-20 members
• Weekly mentoring times (4)
• Shopping 3 times with some in need of groceries
• Reading these books – Transformation of the Mind, Jesus Among
Other Gods, Unconditional, God in the Wasteland, No Place for
Truth, The Reason for God, A Reason to Rejoice, God the Evidence, Several Commentaries on Ephesians, Several Commentaries on Acts, Love Within Limits, Various Articles on the topic of
Faith, Hard Sayings of the Old Testament, More Hard Sayings of
the New Testament, Apologetic Preaching, The Power of Praying,
The Untold Story of the New Testament Church, The Passion of the
Western Mind, The Case for Biblical Christianity, The Great
House of God, The Hard Sayings of Jesus, The Gospel According
to Jesus, Science Creation and the Bible, Timely Homilies, The
Jesus I Never Knew, Life of Christ, Jesus The King, The Cosmos
• Sermons from the book of Acts and the Church
• Attending several games involving our youth
• Personal prayer and study time in mornings
• Wednesday morning Coffee and Crumbs on the book of Acts
• Small group from the Tuesday night crew on Tuesday afternoons
• 14 hospital calls for prayer with the sick
• Phone calls with Visitors to our church
• Reading and answering a variety of emails
• Shared the gospel with people 6 times
• Weekly Staff meetings and individual staff times
• Weekly meetings with Cathy Hughes, and Matt Stratton, Stephen
Thomas, and Monica Anspaugh
S u n d ay M ay 4 th , 2
0 1 4
Y o u th P aren t M eeti
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5 :3 0 P M
C h ristian C en ter
S at u r d ay A p r i l 12
E ast er
S u n d ay
S u n d ay A p r i l
t h E ast er
S u n d ay, A p r i l 20
Saturday, May 10th
Mothers Day Lunch
o u
d o
s to c
If y
re a
La n
B aptist,
Thank you for yo
m inistry last m on gift for our
th! The Lord is
using you to bu
ild H is kingdom
here in G erm an
y and even in
other parts of W
estern Europe.
W e greatly appr
eciate your partnership.
W e pray that G
od w ill supply al
your needs as yo
u continue to be
salt & light in an
d around M arion
W arm
The next
movie night
will be in May.
T h a n k y o u fo r th e
E d u c a tio n T e a m
fo r th e c o mb in e d
S u n d a y S c h o o lo n
M a rc h 3 0 th .
R ic h a rd C a ld w e ll
D ear F riends at
greetings from G
~ D uane & M arth m anya C onrad
Sunday, April 20th
u s e p a p e r s u p p lie s
th e c h u rc h fo r a n y
n , p le a s e le t S a n d y
n k n o w . H e r g o a l is
k e e p th e s u p p lie s
k e d b u tn e e d s y o u r
h e lp .
Sunday, April 13th
But he was pierced for our transgressions.
Isaiah 53:5
Sunday, April 20th
D r. R i c h a r d F a r m er
Trinity is blessed with a wonderful group of staff (excluding the pastor of course). Matthew Stratton
is about to finish his third full year with us. Matthew is a bright, deeply committed and servant oriented minister of the gospel within our church and on our campuses. I learned in my own Campus
Ministry days that it sometimes takes a while to begin seeing the fruit of our labors. This has also
born true with Matt. This past year he has seen the consequences of his tireless labor on campus.
One of the measures of this has been the involvement of five of his students in our AWANA program. Cathy often tells us how appreciative she is for these students as they minister to children every Tuesday night. Matt’s presence on campus is over flowing into the life of the ministries of Trinity. He also celebrated this past February as he traveled with 16 students for the Jubilee Conference,
around a fourfold increase from the two previous years. Christ has a real and thriving presence on
campus because of our commitment to him as a church. This is without even mentioning his gifts
and talents he brings in terms of our web page, the sound board responsibilities, and his loving service to our youth over the past two years. In addition, Matt has become one with Katrina, who is
such a breath of fresh air and an exciting presence in our church. We are very blessed and fortunate
to have them with us.
As the three year contract comes to a close, and understanding that there is really no other significant organized presence for Christ on the campuses of OSU Marion and Marion Technical College,
we are presently in the process of developing a Campus Ministry Board made up of other churches
in Marion. Every Tuesday night 20 to 30 college age students gather at 644 Indiana Ave. representing at least 12 churches in our area. Matt is already training the future church leadership of Marion,
Ohio. At this point we have commitments from Grace Brethren, Cornerstone Missionary Alliance,
First Church of the Nazarene, and Trinity Baptist Church. They will be the first churches to enter
into this joint venture. We have been asking all of these churches to share in the leadership and financial responsibility of funding Matt and continued campus ministry in Marion, Ohio, given the
very obvious truth that he is already serving their students on a weekly basis.
Matt has already been serving students from each of these churches, so we are asking them to share
in the responsibility of finances and leadership. It has taken three years for Matt to begin seeing the
fruit of his labors. It would be a tragedy to see this ministry come to an end when God has been
blessing so generously this past year and a half.
Matthew and Katrina plan on continuing to be active members within the life of Trinity Baptist
Church as long as they continue to be residents of Marion, OH. They will be visiting, reporting and
worshipping with these other partnering churches at least once a month.
Youth Report
April 2014
Pastor Stephen Thomas
Camp is important to Trinity. It’s important because there is a long history of positive,
emotional experiences tied to camping ministries, whether at Judson Hills or elsewhere. It’s
easy to see and easy notice. You like camp, you enjoy being involved in camp, and you want
to see others share and embrace those same experiences.
My fondest memories of my own youth group experience growing up can all be pinpointed
to weekend retreats at Judson Hills. I lived for those Sr. High and Jr. High retreats, and I
would bring every friend I had to them. Those weekends meant the world to me. So much so
that I would find myself serving as summer staff at a camp!
Whether it’s for a week or a whole weekend, camp has the ability to change people’s lives,
whether you’re a student or an adult. It’s no wonder that so many people at Trinity care
about camping ministries (and if you don’t, just pretend that you do for a moment, for the
sake of the article).
On Sunday April 13, Randy Brookes will be visiting from Camp Koinonia to share in both
morning services about the opportunities that are available to Trinity students, parents, and
adults. One of the many benefits in working with Camp Koinonia is that any student from
Trinity who wishes to attend over the summer is eligible for scholarship money from ABC
To further connect our Sr. and Jr. High students with Camp Koinonia, the youth will be
taking an overnight trip out to Koinonia on Friday May 16th and will return Saturday evening
on May 17th. While there, students will have the opportunity to not only see and experience
different aspects of the camp but also to serve and help prepare the camp for summer
ministries. If you’re too old for youth group, and this seems like an opportunity that would
interest you, then please let me know!
If you spend any time at all around young children, it
doesn’t take long at all to hear this favorite word. Often
this particular word is one that parents and teachers wish
were spoken less by their children, but for me this question was actually an answer to prayer in a recent Awana
Each week I lead an opening ceremony, and one particular night I had asked the Lord in a personal prayer for an
opportunity to talk with the kids about Communion since the table was still set up from Sunday’s service.
Perfectly on cue Jaylynn Wilson asked the very direct question, “Miss Cathy, why are there flowers up there (on
the platform steps)?” That was all that was necessary to guide the kids through an exercise in observation and awareness of the layout of the platform. I asked Jay why she thought we might have
flowers on the platform. She shared that it might be because they were pretty and the weather is
getting nicer. I then led the kids to consider where they had seen the flowers before. Will
McDonald and others provided all kinds of wonderful observations about the big table where the
flowers usually rest. They mentioned that there is usually a BIG Bible on the table. I asked why it
wasn’t there and what might have taken its place. Richie McDonald and Hayden Faust shared that
there had been gold plates and cup holders from Sunday up on the table.
Their observations led to a beautiful discussion of what elements were on the gold plates and
what was in the little cups. My questions walked the kids through a beautiful time of having
the kids tell me the Gospel message. They explained with simple accuracy what the bread
and wine represent as well as their significance to Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.
Tomorrow I will begin a new quarter of classes at Ashland Theological Seminary. My previous quarter was a
favorite of mine. The class I took on prayer began with the simple invitation to become more attentive in our
lives, to be in step with what the Father is doing by increasing our awareness of everything around us. Jaylynn
Wilson demonstrated so beautifully the essence of what Jesus shared with His disciples
when he said, “Don’t push these children away. Don’t ever get between them and me.
These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this: Unless you accept
God’s kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you’ll never get in” (Mark 10:14-15 The Message). That beautiful simplicity of a child is such a joy. May we all grow in our observation and awareness as we attend to what God is doing. May we be eager to ask as Jay did,
In other children’s’ ministry news, we do have a few teens who are willing to help with the
pre-school junior church time which is such a blessing. Thank you, Matt Caldwell and
Kathryn Poling! Thanks also to Barb Gorby for her teaching.
As Awana comes to a close at the end of the month, we will be asking again for volunteers
from the congregation to help with the ministry which continues to the children of the Tuesday Recovery Group every Tuesday through the summer. If you are interested, please contact me.
As for our other children’s programs, we always have room for more volunteers, especially for Sunday School
and Junior Church teachers. If you are interested, please contact me, Richard Caldwell or Sheila Klenzman.
Thank you all so much for loving and praying for our kids and the kids of the community and their families!
March 6th, 2014
Moderator, Keith Griffith, opened the meeting with prayer. Cathy Hughes presented a devotional, “Resting
in God”. Motion by John Klenzman to accept Minutes of the previous meeting as written; seconded by Fritz
Winegarner and approved by voice vote. Motion by Fritz to accept the financial report; seconded by Mac
Meginness and approved by voice vote.
All meeting reports are submitted for the Tidings. Highlights:
Ministry – Todd Petrie
• Options for the Seniors Breakfast are under review.
• Two month trial for traditional first worship service without the Praise Team ends in March; the
congregation is encouraged to voice their preference to Keith or Steve Ward, Member at Large.
Second service will continue as a contemporary worship experience.
Education – Cathy Hughes for Richard Caldwell
• Sunday school evaluation for adult classes is ready.
• Combined Sunday school on March 30 (5 Sunday) will feature multi-generational activities.
Operations – Mac Meginness
• The elevator has been repaired, with cost taken from the general fund ($2600).
• A capital campaign committee will be initiated for the purpose of raising funds for maintenance
and repairs of the buildings.
• Mac encouraged all overseers to study their line items and make every effort to stay within the
Programming – Colleen McCartney
• Will need volunteers to help with the Easter Extravaganza on April 12 , 1-3 pm.
Cathy Hughes
• VBS planning has begun.
• Adjustments are being made to Junior Church curriculum. Barb Gorby is welcomed as a new volunteer.
• Information on Child Evangelism Fellowship luncheon and auction at Cornerstone – see Cathy for
Pastor Rick Farmer
• Encouragement for the ministries of Stephen Thomas and Matt Stratton.
• Seeking to partner with Marion churches to continue financial support of the campus ministry.
• Leadership training for all Elders and Overseers begins March 15 , 9-12 – BE THERE! Coordinators and Staff are also welcome.
Youth – Stephen Thomas
• Good response for the Junior High Retreat and the parents meeting. Randy Brookes will be here
April 13th speaking to the youth about Camp Koinonia and promoting the camping program.
• Dodgeball tournament April 27 .
Elder Board – Fritz Winegarner
• Will begin to discuss and define responsibilities for the Elders.
• Prayers for Fritz and his family in these coming days.
The meeting was closed with prayer and singing of the Doxology. The next meeting of the Church Council
is Thursday, April 3rd at 7:30 pm in the ChrisPresent: Keith Griffith, Jane Bender, Cathy Hughes, Fred Price,
tian Center.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pastor Rick Farmer, Fritz Winegarner, Todd Petrie, Colleen
McCartney, John Klenzman, Mac Meginness, Stephen Thomas, Mark
Piacentini. Absent were Richard Caldwell and Mark Poling. Also
present: Jerry Gorby, Steve Ward, Sharon Davis, Herb Klingel.
Jane Bender, Clerk
March Income
March Expense
$ 27,996.19 $ 25,805.62 ($ 2,190.57)
$ 29,129.26 $ 25,805.62 ($ 3,323.64)
( $ 1,133.07)
$ 1,133.07
Year-to-date Income
Year-to-date Expense
$ 73,172.15 $ 77,416.86 $ 4,244.71
$ 96,758.83 $ 77,416.86 ($19,341.97)
($ 23,586.68)
All Income/Expense
March Income
March Expense
$ 30,515.19
$ 30,435.02
All Income/Expense
YTD Income $ 81,505.36
YTD Expense $107,304.94
Difference ($ 25,799.58)
Cash on Hand $ 17,242.00
CCO—Marion $
Total Cash
$ 17,742.00
Approved Yearly Budget
Easter Extravaganza
April 12th
1—3 PM
$ 309,666.00
Joyce Meyer Conference
Thursday, April 24th through
Saturday, April 26th
In Cleveland, OH
Accommodations will be at the
Hilton Garden Inn
See Amanda Joyce for
financial information.
Flashback to November 2013 when we went shopping to fill
shoeboxes. Well, I received a call from an area representative who
had figures for last year’s collection. Thought you might be
interested too, as I was.
International collection, which includes many countries plus the
United States, total given was almost 9.9 million shoeboxes!!
United States collected 7 1/2 million in 2013, 6 1/2 the year before.
Our Great Lakes region of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and West
Virginia collected 800,000 in 2013; 700,000 in 2012. Trinity’s part
in this was 79 boxes given, bless you!
The international goal for 2014 has been set at 8.3 million. Sounds
lofty, but Lord willing, that many more children will receive a
Christmas box that will open their hearts to Jesus.
Keep this project in your hearts,
pick up some appropriate items as
you shop, we’ll have more information for you in the fall.
Jean Freshour
Dear Trinity Family,
A few weeks ago Pastor Rick told
me that he wanted me here on
Sundays in case he needed something. A few days later the operations team gave me a new contract. There was one issue in the
contract that troubled me, I have
to start working Sundays 8 to 5. I
viewed this as a door closed on me
for preaching. I started to panic
and felt hurt, that they would have
me work on Sundays. I vented to
get the hurt out. In doing so I
blamed Pastor Rick and the operations team together. I signed the
contract on the 13th of March so it
was a done deal, working on Sundays 8 to 5. I believed the door has
been shut on preaching. This letter
is kind of two fold, first to say I
apologize to Pastor Rick because
he was not consulted in regards to
my present contract. Second just
in case I have missed some one
that I have vented to I am sorry
for venting as I did. As for the
door being shut on preaching there
are snags in trying too figure it out.
I have promised Pastor Bill Snyder
that I will fill in for him using vacation days to preach and that I will
do this till he no longer needs me
or he retires. After this, we will see
where God leads. My primary job is
here at Trinity which I am good at
and will continue to serve you as
best I can.
Custodian Sam
Samuel D. Newell
March 31st 2014
January / February 2014
The new year began well with our church plant reviewing our Vision Statement and then writing various things
that we’ve been thankful for this past year. Everyone could write things on a sticky note and then put them up for
all to see. I really appreciate our group and how God puts together so many gifted people to do so many different
things. What a blessing to be able to work with so many wonderful people.
If you’d like to see our web page, you can go to
http://www/ If you’d like to
read it in English, you can choose the English version with the British flag. It’s not perfect English since it’s just a
Google translate version, but you get the main gist of things.
Just about everyone in our group is involved in one or more ministry activities,
so we are interacting with many people all the time. Mondays we have
TEENglish (English with teenagers). We started last fall and have two tiny
groups with beginners and intermediate English lessons. Here is our team with
Marek & Verca & Beth [on the right]. Next you have our team at our team
planning meeting. Also in Monday evenings, Magda leads the music group
practice sessions for our church plant. They use keyboard, drum, guitar and
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday I teach English for little
tykes 3-6 years old. There are 3 classes with about 18 kids
and lots of activity. Now they are familiar with many of the things we’ve been doing since last
fall, so it’s fun to see their recognition grow. One cute little girl now likes to quiz me outside of
class and asks me “Show me your eyes?” “Show me your mouth” “Show me your head…”
Tuesdays Martin & Tom lead a Men’s group every other week.
Wednesdays & Thursdays Wendi & Emma Young teach 3rd & 4th graders English in the afternoons. In the evening, our English Evenings group meets with our team of Hoha, Radek, Mike, Katka, Sudeepth,
Bara, Sarka & me. We have 3 classes of English discussion & 3 classes of Bible study.
Thursdays Mike & Jiri lead archery classes. Every other Thursday Darina & I lead the women’s small group for
Fridays Jiri, Tom & Zdenek head up the Fathers and kids gym night, and every other week we have prayer at
various people’s home for our K12 family. Friday mornings Martina, Helena & Darina lead the mom’s club.
In February I had a chance to go to Budapest to visit my brother’s family. I got to see my niece play the championship basketball tournament and then was able to stay for about a week while Dave & Shari attended the funeral of
the son of long time friend.
The Czech Church Planter Training that our team has been attending put together a video presentation that is now
on the internet, if you’d like to take a peak at it. You can find it at M4 Church planting
Your fellow servant,
Gloria Ginn
March 2014
While the US has been having unusually cold winter, in Europe we’ve been having the warmest weather I’ve ever
seen. The lilacs usually don’t bloom until May, but the leaves are already starting out and the forsythia is already in
full bloom. I am praying this will not just be a nature event, but that sprint will bloom early in many hearts this year
too, and the Holy Spirit will be working in & through us to reach those around us.
Thank you so much for your prayers. God, as always, is at work. One very encouraging event this month was our
conversation at English Evenings. We are studying People of Faith and Katka brought the story of Nick Vujici.
htt://www/ If you haven’t heard his story, I think you’d really enjoy it. It’s
only about 4 minutes long and is about a man born without arms and legs. What changed his life was when he
heard about the man born blind and how God wanted to show his glory through this man. Now Nick shares his
faith around the world and God is using him to reach hearts everywhere. After watching the video, we asked questions about what motivates people in life and what motivates Nick.
My class has many non-believers in it and as we talked several thought that Nick had learned how to encourage
himself and deal with his disabilities and that others should learn to as well. However, I pointed out that he was depressed and even tried to commit suicide at a very young age. It wasn’t something that he did himself, it was something that changed in his life when he accepted Jesus. Jesus gave him purpose and has a plan for him as He does for
each of us. Then, young Jana, the new Christian shared how God truly does change lives and that what motivates
Nick is something beyond self motivation. God brings more into your life. As she explained, she had tears in her
eyes and you could see how God has changed her life too. It was a wonderful example of how God uses His people
to touch the hearts of others. Please pray for those in the Intermediate class at English Evenings. We have been
having some very good conversations. If you’ve got a moment now, could you stop and pray?
This month we’ve had special events of Fridays and Saturdays, including Martina leading Crocheting with women
and reading a short story by a Christian as everyone was working, Lucka & Jane leading Cooking with Kids as they
made muffin balls & palacinky.
Our own Professor Tom Tyc, on our K12 team, led the Physics Show again this year. He’s
Professor of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics at Masaryk University in Brno. He also
does research on the theory of invisibility & quantum optics. He is brilliant in physics but
also able to explain things for all ages and make it exciting. For instance, he is now on Czech
Television with a weekly program for Kids called I want to be Einstein. You can see some
of the episodes in Czech at this web site… hyyp:// He’s also been interviewed on Czech television. He used more simple experiments for the families in Medlanky, for example, freezing a fresh tulip and showing how it
turns brittle and breaks into pieces, different frequencies of sound can affect the height and
form that flames make from a tube with propane gas, etc.
We’ve also had special events for out TEENglish group, including game night and Mexican fiesta night. Our English Evenings group also had Pizza & game night.
This month we have one more special event, our family English Camp at Pusta Rybna. There will be quite a few
returning students and many that we have contact with in other groups. If you’ve got a minute right now, could you
pray for the students and the clear presentation of the Gospel in a way the students can relate to.
Your fellow servant,
Gloria Ginn
The Education Ministry Team Minutes
The Education Ministry Team met Monday, March 24, 2014.
Members present were: Nancy Betker, Cathy Hughes, Sheila Klenzman, and
Stephen Thomas
Cathy opened the meeting with prayer.
Sunday School Report –
◊ The majority of the meeting time was spent planning the
combined Sunday School for the upcoming 5th Sunday.
Jr. Church Report –
◊ Helpers are on the rise.
◊ Promotion Sundays and 3 graders were given Bibles in the past, and discussion was made
concerning revisiting this tradition.
Youth –
◊ Stephen is involved now with planning a local mission trip.
Nursery – In Becky’s absence no report was given.
Cathy’s Report –
◊ Cathy will meet to discuss VBS with Wendy this week.
◊ Colleen asked that our team help with the Extravaganza. The team brainstormed ways to
Stephen closed the meeting in prayer.
The next meeting will be Monday April 28th 7:30.
Respectfully submitted by Cathy Hughes.
Saturday, May 10th
Saturday, April 12th
1 to 3 PM
Time to be announced
The Men’s Fellowship
group will be cooking
the dinner and providing transportation to
those who don’t like to
drive at night.
Needed: 5 cases
of water
volunteers to assist
from 1
2:30 to 3 PM
Please RSVP to the church office by April
15th so the men can cook enough food.
Operation Team Minutes 3-3-14
Opening prayer – Jim Betker
Financial Report – Fred Price
An interest in a more thorough understanding of the report was expressed.
Herb reported the memorials for Valeska Harbolt should be applied to the update of the organ.
A discussion to discontinue the use of credit cards was voiced by Herb.
There was not a consensus or motion to enact.
The contracts for employees Sam and Sheryl were reviewed, approved and agreed to be presented this
Chuck feels he needs $100,000 to do his job of maintaining the church property. A general agreement to
investigate and promote a Capitol Campaign was discussed. The next step in the process is to establish a
committee to undertake the large project.
A question of how much does it cost to maintain the Rural Metro building. Fred will give Chuck the cost
of utilities and any upkeep to-date.
A motion by Jim Betker, seconded by Herb Klingel, to authorize Chuck to order the repair of Boiler #2
(new pump) and have the heating unit in the Rural Metro put in order was passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Fred Price
But encourage one another daily,
as long as it is called Today, so that
none of you may be hardened by
sin’s deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13
Bob Whitmeyer
109 W. Kilbourne
Bucyrus OH 44820
Elaine Berry
303 T. Executive Dr.
Marion OH 43302
CCO Ministry at the
Mrs. Martha Dasher
Malcolm Wright
C/O Primrose
1550 Wellness Dr.
Marion OH 43302
Awana 6:30PM
Recovery Group
Traditional Worship 8:30
Sunday School 9:45
Contemporary Worship
11 AM
Congregational Meeting
Youth Group Movie
Night & Parent Meeting
Traditional Worship
Sunday School
Worship 11 AM
Youth Group —Randy
Brooks 6PM
Traditional Worship
8:30 AM
Sunday School
9:45 AM
Worship 11 AM
Youth Group 6PM
Traditional Worship
8:30 AM
Sunday School
9:45 AM
Worship 11 AM
Youth Dodgeball
Tournament 6PM
Operations Team
Meeting 6PM
Prayer Meeting 7PM
Prayer Meeting 7PM
Ministry Team
Meeting 7PM
Prayer Meeting 7PM
Prayer Meeting 7PM
Education Team
Meeting 7:30 PM
Holy Tearers
Awana 6:30 PM
Recovery Group
6:50 PM
Coffee & Crumbs
10 AM
Praise Team Practice
6 PM
Bible Study 7:15 PM
Coffee & Crumbs 10
Praise Team Practice
6 PM
Bible Study 7:15 PM
Martha Circle
Awana 6:30 PM
Recovery Group
6:50 PM
Awana 6:30 PM
Recovery Group
6:50 PM
Awana Closing
Program 5:30 PM
Last Awana until
Fall 6:30 PM
Recovery Group
6:50 PM
Council Meeting
7:30 PM
Elder Meeting 8:30
Men’s Fellowship
Dinner 6 PM
Men’s Bible Study
Choir 10 AM
Soup Kitchen
11:30 AM
Senior Adult
All Occasions
10 AM
Men’s Bible Study
Choir 10 AM
Men’s Bible Study
Choir 10 AM
Caldwell’s 50th
Reception 1-4PM
Coffee & Crumbs
10 AM
Praise Team
Practice 6 PM
Bible Study 7:15
Sheryl’s vacation May 1, 2 and 5
Men’s Bible Study
Choir 10 AM
Easter Extravaganza
Maunday Thursday
Service 6 PM
Noren Circle
1:30 PM
ABW meeting
Coffee & Crumbs
10 AM
Praise Team
Practice 6 PM
Bible Study 7:15
Programming Team
New Member
Banquet 6:30—
All Occasions