August 2008


August 2008
The mission of
St. John’s
Lutheran Church
to draw people into
the body of Christ and
to nurture each other
with love and support
for service to Christ
and others
The Sunday Service is available on cassette or cd. If you know someone that is
unable to attend church or would like to use the tape as a witnessing tool you may
pick up a copy in the narthex of the church. They are in white envelopes with the
date of the service marked on the outside. Please let the office know if a tape or cd
player is needed.
We are looking for someone to help with the recording of the services. Please
contact Will Bartz if you are interested. You may be surprised by the number of
people that request the service on tape or cd!
August 15
If you are aware of anyone who might be interested in
playing the organ on Sundays during our 10:30 service,
please let us know and help us pass on this need to
those people who cross your paths! (They would play
on the Sunday’s that the praise band is not playing)
(This is beautiful in color-check it out on St.
John’s web-site)
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Well, the vacation was wonderful; we really enjoyed
the Niagara Falls area and all it had to offer. When you view a
natural wonder as beautiful as this it is hard to imagine anyone
believing that God does not exist. I couldn’t help but wonder
how that much water can continue to flow over the falls and
never run out. I know someone can provide me with the
scientific explanation as to how it all is accomplished. But, how
long and collectively did mankind have to work to determine
that answer for us, while God created it by simply saying, "Let
the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry
ground appear." And it was so. God called the dry ground
"land," and the gathered waters he called "seas." (Genesis 1:9
I also want to thank you for your prayers on my brother
John’s behalf. He did have his lung transplant, and the surgery
went well initially and he seemed to be recovering well. He has
since had some setbacks and continues to need our prayers, that
his body will not reject the new lung, and he will not succumb
to any infections while taking the anti-rejection drugs.
It certainly has been a busy time at St. John’s as your
leadership group struggled to get a budget for both the school
and the church put together amidst vacations and summer camps
in order to have it reviewed and ready for your approval before
the start of our new year on August 1, 2008. It was certainly a
roller coaster ride the last couple of days prior to the
congregational meeting as we weeded out some errors prior to
presentation. First it was bad news, then it was good news, then
it was bad news and good news, then good news followed by
bad news. In the end however, we ended up with relatively the
same bottom line as we had before we found the first error. I
couldn’t help but thinking, God must be toying with us. I can
just picture him upstairs giggling while our emotions moved to
and fro; as we would find something that drove us further in the
hole only to find something else that pulled us back out.
On a more serious note, we do have a faith walk ahead
of us. When we started our capital campaign we called it
“Stepping Out in Faith”, and it was a big step out. Ever since
then we have been walking with Him in faith. For the last
several years now we have been approving financial plans with
an income line dubbed “faith factor”. We call it that because we
have no earthly idea where that income will come from; so we
trust that God will provide for us from sources we are as yet
unaware of. This year we are asking God to provide for
$25,387. This line is driven primarily by an anticipated deficit in
the school budget of $48,964. This deficit is relatively the same
size as last year’s deficit. Our 3-year plan last year had projected
that this deficit would be decreasing by now, and over three
years moving to a positive cash flow. Some unexpected losses
in student enrollment in our lower grades have contributed to
this situation. Most of this is the result of students moving away
from the area, while some is driven by the current economic
situation. While the numbers may be different now, at budget
time we had enrolled for the coming year the same number of
students we ended the year with this past year, with some strong
potentials in the wings. Our current plan is more realistic on the
income side in relation to tuition income than last year’s plan, so
that is a good thing.
The other factor that is a concern for many is the shortterm loan money that was designed to hold us for the three-year
plan we laid out. Of the approximately $93,000 we borrowed to
cover the anticipated deficits, we have about $21,000 remaining
after a little over a year. This debt was established as an interest
only loan in conjunction with the $450,000 property mortgage
we are paying both principal and interest on. The short-term
loan is due to be paid back in May of 2011, as it was setup as a
four-year loan. By that time we will need to payoff the shortterm loan or refinance it.
The larger concern is, that we receive sufficient
income to cover the anticipated deficits for this year; however
God wants to provide it. I know I’ve said this before, but I have
learned that walking in faith requires trusting that God will
provide, and recognizing that quite often we are the source of
his provision. In addition I have learned that God rarely
provides before we absolutely need it. He is not nearly as
concerned about our comfort zone as he is about helping us
recognize that this is his mission and he is the solution provider,
not us. His word tells us we should not worry, but I can’t help
but struggle with that fine line between trusting in God and
fiduciary responsibility over what he has entrusted to our care.
To be sure, the school board will be faced with some
tough decisions in this coming year. It is difficult to make
decisions about class sizes and groupings in February when you
know the enrollment numbers might be drastically different by
May or June, but these are some of the dilemmas we are faced
The final area of concern I want touch on is the church
income. We planned for a 3% increase in our offerings this year,
over the budgeted offerings for last year. We do not yet know if
we met our predictions for last year, but I anticipate we will be
very close. While three percent may not seem like much, in light
of the increasing demands this economy is placing on each and
every one of us, I hope and pray it is not too optimistic. I ask
each of you to pray for wisdom and discernment in planning
how you will utilize what God has entrusted to your care this
coming year in order to provide for yourselves and for the
furtherance of his kingdom as we face the challenges of this
spiraling economy together. The economy will not only place
more demands on our income, but it is bound to increase the
needs for our outreach in the social ministry area as people
currently living on the edge are driven over it. Pray also that
God will use us to be a beacon of his light in these
circumstances. God continues to challenge us to be faithful, and
the rewards of his blessings lift us to new heights constantly.
Please join with me in extending our thanks and
appreciation to outgoing Mission Leadership Board members,
Linda Barlow (Vice President), John Gossman (Treasurer), and
Dottie Kringel (ELC Director). We thank them for their
commitment of time and service to the Board and the
congregation and most especially to our Lord. At the same time
we welcome new Board members, Marcy Catalino (Vice
President), Raymond Richter (Treasurer), and Kelly McColgan
(ELC Director). Thanks to each of them for stepping forward
and accepting these new responsibilities.
By the time you receive this edition of the Mast, I
look forward to joining a large contingent of St John’s
members in concert with members from all over the
Southeastern district at the “Tending the Flame” conference.
This year’s conference is based on ACTS 2:42 they
devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to
fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
The theme question is: Congregations or Disciple Making
Communities. It almost sounds identical to our school logo,
“Growing Disciples Building Community”.
I look forward to being uplifted and spiritually
refreshed as we gather to learn, to grow, to be tended –
nurtured by the Holy Spirit. If you did not make plans to join
us this year, please put it on your calendar for the first
weekend in August next year.
I could go on as I try to make up for my failure to
submit anything last month, but I will trust that others will fill
us in on the many happenings and blessings occurring in our
midst in His name. In the meantime I once again ask you to
devote yourselves in prayer, and to Pray boldly asking God
how he desires for you to serve him in this coming year, and
how he desires us to handle that which he has entrusted to our
care in furtherance of His kingdom. Listen for his answer. Act
on what he has revealed to you. Watch for the results of your
action. Rejoice with him in the fruit from his works.
“Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the lord
will do amazing things among you!” Joshua 3:5
God Bless You,
Rick Murphy
We hope you enjoyed our “Red, White, and Blue” July luncheon as much as we enjoyed
preparing for it. A special thanks goes to Elizabeth Stephens, her friends, and Rick Murphy for
setting up and decorating. It was a wonderful opportunity to share delicious food and get to know
one another better. I hope that you will consider joining us for one of these luncheons. It is
astounding how our Heavenly Father can use this time to bless us. He truly does work in many
and mysterious ways. Come see for yourself.
Our August luncheon will be held on Sunday the 17th. The hot summer days of August
seems like a great time to have another SUNDAE SUNDAY. It was a big hit last year.
There will be various flavors of ice cream and toppings to mix together. So mark you
calendars and plan to join us for a festive lunch, fellowship, and dessert “sundaes”. As
always, look for the sign-up sheet in the back of the church if you’d like to bring something
to share. You may also call me, Karen Murphy, at 678-9207 or e-mail me at
[email protected]. SEE YOU ON THE 17TH.
Each year in our area over 20,000 patients need blood transfusions. Blood is needed
every day for emergencies such as auto accidents, for planned surgeries, and for people
undergoing treatment for cancer and other diseases.
Please consider joining the Blood Bank group offered through St. Johns and Thrivent.
Blood Bank membership covers:
Unlimited blood replacement at any hospital in the United States.
Member, spouse and anyone who can be claimed as your tax dependent.
Benefits begin as soon as your enrollment form is received.
Anyone can join, even if you can’t give blood. The Blood Bank needs the support of
everyone in the community.
If you would like to become a group member, please contact Nancy Hazzard at (302) 6979661.
Financial Peace University is a life-changing program that teaches you how to make
the right decisions with your money. You'll be empowered with the practical skills and
confidence needed to achieve your financial goals and experience true financial peace!
Watch for dates and more information in the fall.
Will and Cindy Bartz have offered to present the video series on this life-changing
program. They have attended themselves and feel that it is well worth offering the
opportunity for their friends at St. John’s.
Orphan Grain Train News
Below is a portion of an update from Cliff Kraft the OGT Mid-Atlantic director. He and his wife took a U-Haul trailer full
of clothing to Caldwell, Ohio, on July 11. Cliff met with the Mary Woodward who is the manager of Lutheran Social Services in
Caldwell. The trip gave Cliff a first-hand look at the conditions in Caldwell as well as the program run by Ms. Caldwell. I pass it on
to you so you can see the needs of people you have generously supported with your donations. We ask for your continued support in
prayer, finances and material. Mary, a very energetic person, runs a multi-purpose organization involving five areas.
Outreach Ministries – offering spiritual, material and financial support to those in need.
Partnerships – provides dental health education, teaching adults and children dental hygiene and providing dental kits comprised of
a toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss.
Servant Events – in an effort to strengthen, and in some instances rebuild, Appalachian communities, Outreach Ministries (LSS)
coordinates community outreach efforts or servant events. Volunteers are encouraged to practice Christ’s unconditional love by
serving people in ways that enrich their lives and share their faith in practical ways.
Distribution Center – staff and volunteers provide case management services while meeting the needs of those served. These
services assist each person served to achieve self-sufficiency.
Disaster Response – provides disaster response coordination and disaster preparedness training in the state of Ohio and surrounding
areas. Lutheran Disaster Response (LDR) is a coalition of the ELCA and LCMS to provide consultation and financial support to
assure the needs of persons affected by disasters are addressed through LSS.
Mary hires and trains case workers to assist in the above areas. All persons who have a need must go thru a caseworker
whom gathers pertinent information prior to being assisted in their needs. This then offers better solutions for self-sufficiency.
Caldwell is a very small town nestled in the hills of southeastern Ohio and has very few of the amenities which we are used
In the future we can send almost any household item in good condition. People who have lost everything from flood or fire
are desperate to get back on their feet. Even knick-knacks are welcomed to make the house more like a home. Clothing is needed for
all seasons, especially winter. Bicycles, in good condition, are welcomed and are used for Christmas presents etc. Small appliances
are well received as well as dishes and pots and pans. All MUST be in good condition and clean. They have no method of cleaning
and repairing items.
Mary will give a short talk at the Auction on October 19th. At that time she will be available for questions.
In His name,
Roger Hazzard
Mark your calendars now for September
19-21 for Confirmation Retreat.
Fill’er up
Confirmation students are those students that are going into
5th grade through 7th grade. This is part of their Christian
Education and the direction for them to take to become
confirmed members of St. John’s Lutheran Church.
We are continuing the tradition, to provide an opportunity for Circuit 1 SED churches and
confirmation students to fellowship with the body of Christ. This year’s Confirmation
Retreat “Fill’er Up” will be held at Camp Pecometh located on the Chester River near
Church Hill, MD. The date for this year’s retreat is September 19 – 21, 2008.
We have a few of requests:
• Pray for the confirmation students throughout the circuit.
• Pray for those who are involved in the planning of this retreat.
• Encourage your confirmation student/s to attend this year’s retreat.
Cost per participant will be $50. (St. John’s will cover the first $50 for youth) This
includes 2 nights, 3 days, 6 meals, confidence course, canoeing, lessons, fellowship,
bonfire, fishing and much more!
(Scholarship money is available– no child left behind)
If you have any questions, pleased don’t hesitate to call or email Sharon or Don.
We are looking forward to a Spirit filled weekend.
God Bless,
Don & Sharon Petersen
And the Youth Leadership Team:
Sue Aird
Will and Cindy Bartz
Kristy Cousens
Bill Cullen
John and Joyce Gossman
Kim Lanphear
Kelly McColgan
Donn and Betty Paulin
Eric and Elizabeth Stephens
Sunday School will begin on Sunday, September 7. It will be held on the 1st,
2nd, and 3rd Sundays of the month. Children ages 3 through first grade will
meet at Wild Hall at about 10:15 a.m. Sunday school will be held during the
Late Service, and the children will be brought over to the sanctuary for the
Children's Message. After the Children's Message, they will join their parents
for the remainder of the service.
Children in 2nd-5th grade are invited to the church basement for a lesson
during the sermon.
Marcy Catalino will lead the lesson for the older children. We are looking for
volunteers to help with the lessons and crafts for the younger children. The
crafts will be planned by the committee, so the volunteer would only need to
assist the the children in completing the craft!
If you are interested in volunteering for a Sunday, please contact Traci Stanley at 302-736-6487 or email her at
[email protected]
Our new Mission Leadership Board
Pastor Art
Richard Murphy, president
Marcy Catalino, Vice President
Kenneth Richter, Secretary
Raymond Richter, Treasurer
Mark Babione
Ronald Morella
John Strausbaugh
Kathy Walther
Robert Welch
Dina Vendetti, School Principal
Kelly McColgan, Early Learning Center Director
SOUND BOARD: A new mixing board has been
approved and purchased for the church. The unit
upstairs is old and had several channels that did not
even work. The new board will combine the needs of
both the regular service and the praise band. This
equipment along with other pieces will allow us to
record the service onto a computer and then attach it to
our web page for a webcast. (How cool is that?) The
cost of the board is $1000. If you would like to make
a donation please make your checks out to St. John’s
Lutheran Church, memo “Sound Board” and put it
in the basket in the back of the church. We thank
Will Bartz for putting his time efforts to bring St.
John’s up to date.
God’s Blessings from all of us here at the E.L.C.!
Summer Camp
Summer Camp is rolling along and the children are having a blast celebrating a different holiday each
week. Although it is a little strange to have an Easter Egg hunt and to hear voices singing “Rudolph the Red
Nosed Reindeer” in the middle of July, they are really having an awesome time. During Valentine’s Week the
children created their own Valentine’s for their parents and took a bus trip to the mailbox by the library to
send them home. Imagine the surprise of the parent’s when they received a Valentine’s card from their
children in the middle of July! During the last few weeks of camp we will celebrate Cinco de Mayo, Chinese
New Year and Earth Day.
School is just around the corner
The school year is fast approaching. We currently have 110 children enrolled. We have 12 spaces
available in our afternoon 4-year-old preschool class which meets from 12:45-3:45 Tuesday-WednesdayThursday. If you know anyone that is interested please have them contact me in the office at 734-1211. We
can also serve a few additional children in our aftercare program from 1:30 pm.-6:00 p.m. if the need arises.
New Teacher Welcome!
We are pleased to welcome Ms. Karen Spreha to our staff. Karen will be teaching one of the morning
4-year-old classes. Karen has three children one of which was enrolled in our school a few years back and
another that was enrolled this past year and again for this upcoming school year. Karen has as Associates in
Early Childhood Education and many years of experience working with young children. She has already met
with Ms. Debbie, the other 4-year-old teacher to start the planning process. We are blessed and excited to
have her join our staff!
Help Wanted!
Volunteers are needed in the upcoming weeks to assist
with painting, window washing, cleaning and general preparations
for the school year. Contact me in the office if you are
interested in helping, 734-1211.
Kelly McColgan,
Early Learning Center Director
St. John’s now has a prayer shawl ministry.
We are looking for yarn. If you have any unused yarn this new ministry could use
please drop it off in the back of the church or give it to Cindy Bartz.
If you would like to join this group, we would love to have you!
At this time we are trying to find a suitable time and place to meet.
(We have women that have picked up a new hobby and some have reignited an old.
If you even thought this is something you have wanted to learn– we have some
wonderful talented women to help you learn!)
St. John’s Annual Picnic will
be held on September 7th
following the late service.
More info and a sign up
sheet will be available when
the date gets closer.
JOHN’S YOUTH GROUP and given to Kristy
Caring Hearts Helping Hands Inc. is scheduling Heart
and Sole Days for Aug. 12, 16 and 19 for school-aged
children from approved client families to receive a
pair of new school shoes and a new book bag packed
with grade-appropriate school
‘The group is collecting• Spiral notebooks,
• Pens
• Pencils
• Pencil sharpeners
• Small packs of tissues
• Bottled and stick glue
• Crayons
• Wide and thin colored markers
• Composition/ essay notebooks
• 3-ring folders (with or without pockets)
• 3-ring notebooks and notebook paper
• Pencil cases and/or bags
• Scissors
• Small staplers
• Geometric compasses
• Protractors
• Index cards
• Highlighters
• Colored pencils
• Notebook dividers
• Gift card for children who do not find their shoe
Thank you for your support!
Eric Stephens takes in the view at A
Closer Walk in Wildwood, N.J.
One of the
catches of
the day at
the charter
fishing trip
in June.
From the Office of the Principal
August 2008
The gifts He gave were that some would be
apostles, some prophets, some evangelists,
some pastors and teachers, to equip the
saints for the work of ministry, for the
building up of the body of Christ, until all of
us come to the unity of the faith and the
knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to
the measure of the full stature of Christ.
Eph. 4:11 - 13
Did you ever notice that the motion of the
waves along the shoreline doesn’t seem to have a
“start” or “stop” position? As the surf cascades in
towards the shore and quickly rushes back to sea, it
is almost impossible to pinpoint the exact moment
when its direction changes from “coming in” to
“going out.” It almost looks like it operates in one
big cyclical motion, in and out, with no perceptible
change from one to the next. As the hours tick by,
the tide comes in and goes out as the waves
continue to dance in their own in and out patterns.
It seems that as the tide is coming in, the wave
pattern is more excited, more agitated, even more
aggressive. As the tide goes out, the waves relax
into a comfortable and peaceful pattern of easy to
and fro. These, of course, are the kinds of
observations that I can only make in the
summertime – on days when schedules aren’t so
pressing and rest is abundant, it’s fun to notice
what’s going on in the world around me!
Another observation that played in my
mind this summer had to do with the differing
appearances from day to day of the beach area. It
is amazing how different things can appear from
one day to the next along the coast. Each day, the
same elements are present: sand, water, sky, ghost
crabs, stones, shells, sea gulls, osprey, and even an
occasional dolphin – but from one day to the next,
the beach area can look completely different. The
sand forms different mounds and ditches, the sky
and water change colors, and the birds and other
critters create a variety of patterns by their
movements. It is the same beach, but it is
constantly moving and shaping and forming – no
two days are the same. The action of the waves
and the changing patterns of the sand all happen
under the direction of the conductor of the
universe, our Father in heaven, God Almighty. He
is the one waving the baton. He is the one
watching and listening and directing.
All of this sort of reminds me of our school
ministry and our lives as children of God. In the
summer, the school tide seems low and the action
is certainly happening at a different pace. As
August comes to a close, the school tide comes
racing in and its energy heightens as the wave
patterns continue to ebb and flow. Our transition
or cycling from one year to the next happens, like
the wave action, with no perception end and
beginning – when exactly does the work of one
year end and the work of a new year begin? And
like the beautiful activity along the shoreline, our
school ministry’s ebbs and flows all happen under
the watchful eye of the Master Teacher himself,
who not only watches and listens, leads and guides,
but who also teaches us to observe and learn from
the beauty of His creation.
A new school year is about to race in and
the wave action is becoming more excited and
agitated – the shape and form of our ministry is
changing as we grow into ourselves a bit – and we
are anticipating an exciting time here at Walker
Road this year! We are excited about what God
has planned for us in this coming school year – and
we are excited about sharing in those plans with
each of you! Thank you, as always, for your
continued support, prayers, and encouragement.
Get ready – we’re starting academic year #9! How
cool is that?!
Continued on next page
The first day of school is August 26th! This will be
the start of academic year #9 at the Best
School in the Universe! We are all looking
forward to what God has in store for us this
year. We have a lot of kids coming and we are
working hard to grow into the changes that are
in store for us this year. Please keep us in
your prayers as we continue to work together
to “grow disciples and build community! “
Enrollment is looking good! There a few classes
that are experiencing significant growth –
there are also a few that are not as large as
they were before (more of that ebbing and
flowing stuff!), but overall, enrollment is up!
Here’s how is breaks down right now:
Pre K: 13
3: 16
K: 24
4: 10
1: 12
5 & 6: 10
2: 9
TOTAL: 94 (There are still a few
applications pending that are not included
in this count).
Summer camp has gone well. We are very
grateful for the leadership and service of
Cindy Brown, Adam Hawley, and Debbie
Messenger who worked so hard to make the
camp experience a success!
We are excited to announce a new program at St.
John’s this year! All of our students in Grades
2 – 6 will be learning Chinese! In the past, all
of our students have had the opportunity to
learn some Spanish – that will continue in Pre
K, Kindergarten, and First Grade, but starting
with Second Grade, we will be changing to
Chinese. Chinese is fast becoming a very
popular language internationally, especially in
the world of business. Vision 2015,the new
education legislation that will eventually take
over when “No Child Left Behind” is over,
has suggested that schools should be offering
Chinese. We have a school parent who is
fluent in Chinese and who will be taking on
the role of Chinese teacher for the upcoming
school year. We are all very excited about this
new program and are anxious to see where it
PRAYER REQUESTS: Prayers for energy and
wisdom and a renewed sense of mission as we begin
another school year, prayers of thanks for the amazing
staff that God has assembled at our school, prayers of
thanks for continued growth in our enrollment
numbers, prayers of thanks for Mrs. Schwander
(second grade assistant) and her family as they
anticipate the birth of a new baby, prayers that God
will continue to use us to touch lives of people with
His love, and thanks for our many blessings.
Janelle Kringel
ponders what
life will be like
in the Navy.
A Stephen Ministry Story:
Barnabas and Mark
Not much is happening right now, so let me share a
Stephen Ministry lesson from my files.
impact on Mark’s self-image and future as an apostle.
We later learn that Barnabas’ confidence in Mark was
justified, because Mark even earned his way back into
Paul’s favor (2 Timothy 4:11).
What would have happened to Mark had Barnabas not
stood by his side despite an earlier failing? We can only
guess. What we do know is that because Barnabas had
faith that a young man could overcome an earlier
mistake or misjudgment, the young church was blessed
with two missionary journeys instead of one – and we
have the Gospel of Mark.
We are all familiar with the four Gospels written by
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, but who was Barnabas
and why was he so important? Barnabas was someone
who boldly proclaimed God’s Word throughout the
Roman Empire at the same time that the apostle Paul
did. Though he appears in the New Testament a number Have you had a Barnabas in your life? Did someone
of times, we know much less about Barnabas than we do encourage and show faith in you when all others
doubted? How can you be a Barnabas to someone this
about Paul.
week, believing in him or her despite earlier
What we do know is that he was an encourager. In fact, misjudgments or mistakes?
his name means “the son of encouragement.” He had all
Stephen Ministry is a ministry of encouragement. A
the characteristics of a Stephen Minister: full of faith,
Stephen Minister, like Barnabas, maintains faith and
mercy, patience, encouragement, and compassion. He
confidence that someone can overcome adversity and
was probably the ideal companion to travel with on a
reach their God-given potential. The payoff for such
long missionary journey in a potentially hostile land.
confidence can be astounding. If you can use a
Barnabas in your life right now, or you know of
Barnabas’ biggest contribution to the Christian church,
someone who could, why don’t you let us know?
however, isn’t a sermon he preached or an epistle he
Whether you are going through a life crisis or some
wrote. It may simply have been his role as an
change in your life, why not call for a Stephen Minister?
encourager and as a “Stephen Minister” to his young
A Stephen Minister is trained to be a confidential
cousin Mark.
Call Pastor (302-734-7078), Dottie (302-736-0744)
Acts 15:36-41 recounts the planning of Paul’s second
Helen today. You’ll be glad that you did.
missionary journey. It begins with a sharp disagreement
between Paul and Barnabas over whether to take Mark
on the journey. Paul is strongly against it, citing an
earlier journey in which Mark for some reason had
abandoned them (Acts 13:13). The details are sketchy,
but it apparently was enough for Paul to lose trust in
Mark as a faithful, dependable missionary companion.
But Barnabas assertively stood up for Mark. He looked
past Mark’s flaws and had confidence that Mark was a
man he could trust on such an important mission. Paul
and Barnabas resolved the incident by going on separate
missionary journeys: Paul went with Silas and Barnabas
went with Mark. Barnabas’ encouragement for and
patience with Mark probably had a significant positive
Fill’er up
planning meeting
Thursday, July10;
7:00 p.m.
Mark your calendars now for September
19-21 for Confirmation Retreat.
All confirmation students are encouraged to attend!
This fall the retreat will be held at Camp Pecometh.
The theme for the weekend is
Fill’er Up
A Closer Walk Christian Youth Event; Wildwood N.J.
July 17, 18, 19, 2008
"Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you." James 4:8
A Closer Walk is a dynamic Christian youth event designed to help young people strengthen their relationship with
Jesus Christ. Nearing its seventh year, A Closer Walk continues to reach out to thousands of young Christians,
WOW! What an AWESOME weekend!
It is hard to put into words just how blessed everyone was at this summer’s event. I personally was blessed to watch the young
adults of St. John’s minister not only to one another but also to the adults!
Friday mornings devotion was lead by Teresa Sparks. She shared with us the times in her life that she has felt abandoned, only to
have found out that God never abandoned her. She shared the special relationship she has had with her Grandmother Cleo and the
love for all that she passed on to all she met. On the Sunday after returning from A Closer Walk Cleo was called to her heavenly
home. Our prayers are with the Sparks family as they begin to walk with Cleo in their hearts.
The speakers for the weekend spoke about our children needing fathers, and mothers. That everyone needs at least one person that
will care and nurture them spiritually. We were challenged to choose a person to pray for and to minister to for one year. To be a
spiritual mentor. To expand God’s kingdom. To be a messenger for one that would have otherwise not have heard the good news!
We all walked away ABLAZED and eager to share the good news! To open our hearts and to be sure that we don’t keep Jesus
locked up in a tidy wrapped box in our hearts. To let him out and to reach out to others with the same kind of love that Christ has for
In service to Christ,
Sharon Petersen
A few of
our “youth”
enjoy some
together at a
Come and join us for FLAG
(families-learning-about God)
St. John’s offers an exciting way for your family to be
enriched by God’s word.
FLAG night will offer a bible study with
current topics for parents as well as activities for
children ages 3-10.
(Older children and youth are welcome and can assist
with crafts and activities.)
The nursery will be available for babies
through age two.
Flag nights are held during the school
calendar year and are on the second Sunday night of
the month beginning in September.
Children’s Message List
If you are unable to lead the Sunday that you are scheduled, please check with others on the list to switch. Please inform
Pastor Art or Sharon Petersen of any changes. Thanks, Kelly
Reminder, and are great sights for assistance with your lessons.
Aug 3 - Joyce Gossman (Early & Late)
Aug 10 - Ray Richter (Early & Late)
Aug 17 - Marcy Catalino (Early & Late)
Aug 24 - Dottie Kringel (Early & Late)
Aug 31 - Christie Moore (Early) Kim Lanphear (Late)
August 3
12th Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 55:1-5
Romans 9:1-5
Matthew 14:13-21
Heather Reid
Kyle Bartz
Wayne Rogers
Robert Ford
Chloe Mabus
Lois Driftmyer
Elizabeth Stephens
Nancy Paulin
Adrianna Hayes
Bryan Haynes
Lisa Jensen
August 10
13th Sunday after Pentecost
1 Kings 19:9-18
Romans 10:5-15
Matthew 14:22-33
August 24
15th Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 51:1-6
Romans 12:1-8
Matthew 16:13-20
August 17
14th Sunday after Pentecost
Isaiah 56:1, 6-8
Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32
Matthew 15:[10-20] 21-28
August 31
16th Sunday after Pentecost
Jeremiah 15:15-21
Romans 12:9-21
Matthew 16:21-28
Traci Lynn Stanley
Shirlene Crouse
Shaun Tetzner
Rob Hawkins
Ethan Reid
Amanda Hawkins
Katy Jarrell
Rhonda Hartz
Tim Shepperson
Dorothy Overmiller
Danielle Breitkreitz
Anne Schults
John Sheridan
Laura Richter
John Goriup
Beth Hesterman
Kenneth Richter
T. Nobel and Christine Jarrell
Dominick and Kristy Matarrese
Bailey and Ardis Kahl
Perry and Julie Sammons
John and Pam Strausbaugh
Raymond and Jane Richter
Emil and Denise Tetzner
Timothy and Karen Kaden
This Month’s Services
8:00 a.m.– Worship Service
10:30 a.m.—Worship Service
Early Service
Choir Practice
“J” Night 6:30-8:30
(5th-8th grade)
(following early service)
Family Outreach
9:00 am
Praise Band
Practice 9:30
“J” Night 6:30-8:30
(9th-12 grade)
meeting (am)
High School
girls sleep over
at the
Petersen's 6:00
6:30 pm
Early Service
Choir Practice
School Board
Meeting 7:00 pm
(following early service)
Praise Band
Practice 9:30
“J” Night 6:30-8:30
(5th-8th grade)
Early Service
Choir Practice
6:30 pm
(following early service)
Praise Band
Practice 9:30
Rodney High
First Day
Early Service
Choir Practice
Social Concerns
2:30 pm
Dover High
Freshman Begin
(No “J” night tonight)
begin school
Dover High
All classes for
Polytech begin
St. John’s Lutheran Church
The ship is the symbol of St. John’s Lutheran Church. The symbol of the
ship with a cross on the sail represents the church. The word “nave” is
derived from the Latin word meaning ship. As all in the ark of Noah
were saved from the flood, so the ship of the church carries men to
salvation in Christ (1 Peter 3: 18-21).
The eagle on the bow of the ship is symbolic of St. John the Evangelist
St. John’s Lutheran Church
113 Lotus St.
Dover DE 19901
Arthur D. Kringel, Pastor
Email: [email protected]
Office Phone: (302) 734-7078
Parsonage Phone: (302) 736-0744