
R e d L i n e M i lwa u k e e
· Join
us at Milwaukee’s
Urban Art Laboratory and
Community Print Shop.
Fa l l /
2 013
W w w . r e d l i n e a r t m k e . o r g
Contemporary is a rigorous program for 14-21 year olds that invites participants to collectively explore what art is. Contemporary artists come together once a month to look at, think about, and make
art in a program that has been developed by your peers.
As a Contemporary Artist you will build
confidence in the studio while learning job skills
such as time-management and teamwork while
working alongside professional artists for a hands
-on work experience.
Practice job skills like showing up on time,
completing paperwork, following
directions, etc.
Meet new people from all over the metro
Opportunity to work with international,
national and local artists: Nathaniel
Donnett, Nirmal Raja, Dara Larson, and
October 10: Join us for a silk screen
workshop exploring imagery from The
Human Touch.
November 14: Part 2 of silk screen printing
teaches you to use registration and color
RedLine is a 501(c) (3)nonprofit charitable
Monthly sessions:
Thursday, 5-7pm
September 12
October 10
November 14
December 12
January 9
February 13
March 13
Contempo is supported by the Greater Milwaukee
April 10
Foundation’s Mary Nohl Fund
May 8
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Cyanotypes have a distinctive blue color.
This process can be used to create a pale white image on a
blue background or a blue image on a white background.
Learn to use an alternative print process photosensitive
emulsion on fabric or watercolor paper. Bring a black and
white photo or ephemera for this direct contact print process
which can be transferred to a variety of media.
Instructor: Tori Tasch
Member price: $36.00
September 28, 2013
Screen Printing Studio
Beginner and novice-level screen printers are welcome
to attend RedLine's Screen Printing Studio offered once
a month. This session will include an introduction to
basic screen-printing, including the photo emulsion
process. Ink, screens, photo emulsion and side-by-side
instruction are provided for you to complete your
screen printing projects or to learn this exciting
printmaking medium that can be applied to many
surfaces including t-shirts, fabric, glass windows, paper
and more!
It is recommended that beginners take at least 3
sessions in order to be eligible for our open studio.
Price: $40.00
Third Thursday of Every Month
August 15, September 19, October
17, November 21, December 19
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R e d L i n e M i l wa u k e e
T h u r s d a y
1 0 - 7
F r i d a y
1 0 - 3
Paper marbling is fun, easy to do, and does not require any
previous art experience. In this class you will create fifteen one-ofa-kind contact prints by making patterns in acrylic paints that float on thickened water.
Through guided instruction, you will create some traditional combed and stone
patterns, and a few not-so-traditional patterns using paint additives and paper
movement. Papers can be framed or used in any number of arts and crafts projects,
including book arts, mixed-media and scrapbooking. All supplies are provided and
safe to use. See for more about paper marbling
and this class.
Price: $40.00 Saturday, October 5, 2013
12:00—3:00PM $16 for supplies
Intro to Papermaking, Training and Open Studio: October,
December, February, April, June, August
The first Saturday of every even month, 12-3:00PM
Hand papermaking is eco-friendly. Learn the basic techniques of pulp
preparation, sheet forming, pressing and drying-no experience necessary.
Participants will form their own sheets and explore the possibilities of
embellishing with stencils.
Price: $20.00
Training allows use of
Open studio.
Day of the Dead T-shirt making Workshop
Learn to screen print using a collaborative calaveras design created by Redline
artists. Make your t-shirt and wear it to the parade on November 2.
Price: $20.00
Saturday, October 19,
Pronto Prints: A simple way to print directly from your
drawings without complications, carving or chemicals.
Beginning level class. Will emphasize the simplicity of the process and
not be a litho wonk. Includes a simple introduction to the process, show
a few image making techniques and keep the plate size small. These
plates work the best with Damp paper, loose ink and brayers.
Price: $40.00
September 14
Instructor: Barry Carlson
Print shop orientations- the first Thursday of
every month at 6pm. Experienced printmakers
only please. Learn the ins and out of the Print
Shop and how you can get in during Open
Studio to work on your own printmaking projects. Orientations are free. Pre-registration is
not required but we very much appreciate an
email letting us know you plan to attend.
Open Studio is available to Print and Papermakers and Darkroom Artists who have
attended the orientation.
Open Studio blocks may be purchased using a
punch card system, or buy a 3 hour block for
Punch cards:
$80 for a 5 block punch card ($100 value)
$120 for a 10 block punch card ($200 value)
Included in the cost of open studio are the
Use of the facilities and equipment, cleaning
supplies, newsprint, photo emulsion, most
inks, screens available for check-out, papermaking chemistry and pulp, darkroom
chemistry and photo paper.
Not included are oil based inks, paper, plates.
Please contact [email protected]
for more information.
RedLine Hours:
Thursday: 10:00—7:00PM
Friday: 10:00—3:00PM
Saturday: 10:00—3:00PM
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One-on-One Instruction
Classes are created and led by professional artists
actively working in the Milwaukee print community.
RedLine has a listing of instructors that are well
versed in specific disciplines, including papermaking, relief, intaglio, screen-printing, monoprinting
and digital output. Sessions focus on teaching technical processes needed to make high quality work
and you can tailor your own studio schedule with
the instructor. Instructors can consult on projects
individuals would like to see realized. These sessions
are $35 per hour ($25 for instructor/$10 for RedLine). Please contact us for a list of instructors and
processes: [email protected]
R e d L i n e M i l wa u k e e
R egi s tra t io n
F or m
Class Description
Order total:
Membership info?
Method of Payment
Credit Card Payment: PayPal online at
R e d L i n e M i l wa u k e e
1422 N. 4th Street
Milwaukee, WI 53212
E-mail:[email protected]
Price: $40.00
Gallery Day
January 18, 2014
Indian Block Printing- Make a hand printed scarf
or work on paper with Nirmal Raja and Dara
Larson. Look at beautiful textile examples and
explore the potential of repeat and invented
patterns using hand carved Indian wood blocks.
Enjoy a short tour of the gallery exhibition
focusing on recent work about India created by
Raja and Larson..