“the news” - Airstream Club BC Canada


“the news” - Airstream Club BC Canada
British Columbia Unit #121
President Tom Akam, 604.538.4149
[email protected]
1st VP
Janet Howell, 604.996.0953
[email protected]
2nd VP
Anne Henderson, 250.661.7661
[email protected]
Treasurer Jay Tuason, 604.583.5875
[email protected]
Recording & Corresponding Secretary
Arlene Matches, 604.535.4237
[email protected]
Past President
Doug McGill, 250.338.6813
[email protected]
Directors - One Year
Castel Tuason, 604.583.5875
[email protected]
Ron Wills, 250.248.6103 (summer)
480.671.2436 (winter)
[email protected]
Directors - Two Year
Ralph Vanderheide, 250.851.8520
[email protected]
Paul Wheeler, 604.209.7970
[email protected]
Committee Chairs
Audit Committee
Not necessary this year
Budget Committee
Tom Akam & the 2 VPs
Caravan Committee
To be appointed
Nominating Committee
Doug McGill with Janet Howell
and one other to be named
Community Service
Alex & Arlene Matches
Equipment Chairman
Ron McQuarrie
Hospitality & Sunshine
Arlene Matches
Membership & Mentoring
Alex Matches
Newsletter Editor
Arlene Matches
Roster & Handbook
Tom Akam
Safety Chairman
Barry Hook
Telephone Committee
Paul Wheeler & Janet Soucy
Unit Historian
Alex Matches
Monty Sheldan
50th Anniversary Committee
Headed by Marilyn Van Iderstine
“the news”
Editor: Arlene Matches
Home Phone: 604.535.4237
Cell Phone: 604.202.7229
Email: [email protected]
If you received this newsletter via e-mail, you will be aware that the deadline to register for the INSTALLATION
RALLY is August 31st. There will be no exceptions. Those of you who receive your newsletter by mail will have
been advised by telephone. So, if you are planning to attend the rally, you must act without delay!
Also included with your newsletter is a synopsis of the Minutes of a Board Meeting held August 19, 2015. This will
bring you up to date on matters the Board is working on. If you have questions regarding any of the topics, feel free
to contact a Board member for details. Under new business you will see that we are forming a committee to plan our
activities for next year. If you are interested in joining this committee, please contact Paul Wheeler. Paul is hoping
that some of our newer members will volunteer. The committee is particularly interested in what kind of activities are
of interest to you.
The ABBOTSFORD AIR SHOW RALLY was held earlier this month (August 6th to 10th) with the Matches and the
Moffats as hosts. My thanks to both for organizing another great rally (see pages 8 & 9). All-in-all, it was a laid back
weekend and we were able to enjoy most of the show from the comfort of our tents which we assembled in front of
our rigs. In keeping with our 50th anniversary theme, the Unit provided 50 bottles of beer.
Regretfully, it was necessary to cancel the GREAT CENTRAL LAKE RALLY because, when scouted, the campground could not accommodate us. My thanks to John & Jane Neilson for the suggestion and for checking out the
site. Next year we will start earlier to plan a weekend rally for those who live on Vancouver Island and the nearby
Mid-September I leave for Pendleton, Oregon to attend the 50th anniversary of Region 10’s PENDLETON ROUNDUP RALLY. En route I will stay overnight at Lacey and then travel with two couples from the Washington Unit that I
met when we caravanned to the International Rally. Unit members Brian & Lynn Jackson will meet me at the rally.
Next is the OKANAGAN WINE TOUR CARAVAN. So far, ten have committed and there is interest from a few more.
As well, those who live in the area may join us for a few nights at one or more of our stops. I am still in the planning
stage, but should have the itinerary finalized in the next week or so and will be in touch with those who have registered. This will be a numbered caravan.
The last event of my current term is the INSTALLATION RALLY October 1 to 4 (see page2). Bob Halliwell, chair of
the Nominating Committee, advises that we are still looking for volunteers to fill the positions of 2nd and 3rd Vice
President. The future of our Unit depends on those who volunteer to lead us in the years ahead. Neither position is
onerous and you have lots of time (and help) to prepare for your term as President.
We begin our 2015-2016 year with a HALLOWEEN RALLY the weekend of October 30 to November 1. Be sure to
note this date on your calendar. And, of course, leave winterizing your rig until after that date!
As the site is yet to be determined, look for more detail in next month’s newsletter.
Another date to note on your calendar is Sunday, December 6th which is our annual
CHRISTMAS BRUNCH at the Delta Town & Country Inn.
Once again, Michel Bourassa has written a series of articles, this time on their travels to
Mexico. Michel has an engaging writing style and I am sure that you will enjoy his column (see
page 6). This time it comes with pictures!
It was so sad to hear of the passing of our
past-member, Shannon Leslie on July 21st.
We only learned of it recently (thanks to Rita
Richardson who keeps me up-to-date on
many happenings). Our condolences to
Larry and the rest of Shannon’s family.
BC Unit Installation Rally
October 1-4, 2015
We are pleased to hear Carol Storoshenko
is out of hospital after a 2-month stay (she
contracted an infection after surgery which
necessitated this l-o-n-g hospital visit..!!)
Audie Finley responded well to her recent
pace-maker surgery! Way to go, Audie…
And Norm is recovering from cataract surgery and is thankful Audie is in such good
health now so she can help with his recovery!
26920 52nd Avenue
Aldergrove, BC, V4W 1N6
You MUST make your own reservations at this
popular resort at 604-856-6674 (or do it online)
prior to August 31st and then please notify
Tom Akam at 604-538-4149 or email him at
[email protected] that you are
Come prepared to:
Hey everybody: Keep saving
those pop tabs—keep your
eyes open and on the lookout
for pop top tabs and bring them
to your next luncheon or rally
and we will, in turn, give them
to the coordinator.
Also, our friends in the North Cascade
Washington Unit collect all Campbell
Soup labels (any variety) so
save those too. We will collect
them and take to the next rally
they hold. They (the NCW Unit)
are great at collecting pop tabs
for us so, let’s reciprocate and
start saving the labels off
Campbell Soup cans for them.
Firstly, have a really good time!
Reunite with old—and meet new—members
Meet the Region 10 Officers who will install our 2016
BC Unit executive
Pay your Unit and International Dues for 2016
Contribute to a pot luck dinner (details forthcoming)
Enjoy light breakfasts provided for you
Buy tickets and take your chances on the 50/50
Be there for a chance to win the $50 draw (the last
one as the 50th Anniversary year comes to a close)
Enjoy the ‘installation wine & cheese party’ prior to
our historic pizza night
Enjoy a cribbage tournament and other games
Arlene will provide a full itinerary and it will be
forwarded to those who are coming and have booked at
the RV resort. This itinerary will be sent well before
October 1st and details of the pot luck will also be
advised at that time.
We look forward to seeing you there!
For your generosity we…
2014—2015 Airstream Activities
British Columbia (BC) and
North Cascade Washington (NCW) Units
Region 10 Pendleton Round-Up Rally
NCW Installation Rally at Lynden
BC Unit Caravan—Okanagan Wine Tour
BC Unit Installation Rally
Hallowe’en Rally (venue TBD)
BC Unit Christmas Luncheon
September 16-19
September 17-20
September 25-30
October 1-4
October 29-November 1
December 6
Region 10 officers
Sams / Peebles
Tom Akam
Hosts needed
Hosts needed
Paul Wheeler & Janet Soucy
Island Holiday Caravan
Reported by Marilyn Van Iderstine
The Island Holiday Caravan rendezvoused at West Bay Marine RV Park in Victoria. There were three trailers
from two different California Units and 5 trailers from BC. BC members on the caravan included Wayne and
Jeannie Jeffrey, Barry Hook, Don and Susie Jensen and Gene and Marilyn Van Iderstine. We were happy to
have Krista Carle and Michael Roth from Sooke (recent BC members) join us. Also, glad to welcome John
Henderson to happy hour during our stay. After four days in Victoria,
the caravan moved north to Salmon Point, near Campbell River. John
and Jane Neilson joined the caravan in Campbell River.
We were all suited up for a tour of the Walcan Fish Packing Plant on
Quadra Island.
At right: Gene Van Iderstine and Tom Van Iderstine, who arranged the
tour, and Barry Hook in the
We all enjoyed a tour of
Mussels and More Pottery Studio and Gallery.
A tour of Shelter Point Distillery as well as the Buffalo Farm
kept everyone busy. We were pleased to welcome Murray
Clarke to
happy hour at
Salmon Point.
Some of the caravan visited Shelter Point Distillery where
we learned ...
“If there is no yeast, there is no sugar
If there is no sugar, there is no alcohol,
If there is no alcohol, there is no point!”
Below, pancake breakfast by chef “Johnny Little
Creek” (Yes, there is a story behind the name.) Be sure to
ask John Neilson about it!
Ron and Carolyn Wills and
Murray Clarke joined us for Happy Hour at Park Sands RV Resort in Parksville
The group is getting
smaller as people
start to leave for
home. We are sorry
to say good bye to
such a fun group.
Safe travels until we
meet again.
Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.
Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.
Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.
A bumblebee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.
Words that soak into your ears are whispered…not yelled.
Meanness don’t jes’ happen overnight.
Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.
Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.
It don’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.
You cannot unsay a cruel word.
Every path has a few puddles.
When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Most of the stuff people worry about ain’t never gonna happen anyway.
Don’t judge folks by their relatives.
Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
Live a good, honorable life… Then when you get older and think back, you’ll enjoy it a second time.
Don‘t interfere with somethin’ that ain’t bothering you none.
Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a Rain dance.
If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.
Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.
The biggest troublemaker you’ll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin’.
Always drink upstream from the herd.
Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.
Lettin’ the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin’ it back in.
If you get to thinkin’ you’re a person of some influence, try orderin’ somebody else’s dog around…
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Don’t pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just kill you.
“Most times, it just gets down to common sense.”
~ Michael Traveler
Alex & Arlene Matches are selling their 2 little
fold-up travel bikes (one 3-speed; one 5speed). These 2 bikes are older but in pretty
good condition (see photos). Each needs a new
seat and a little TLC. $100 firm for the pair.
Also included in this fantastic price are 2
horns, 2 bike helmets and
one handlebar basket.
Call us at 604-535-4237
or email us at
[email protected].
Such a deal…!!!
Michel & Ellen Bourassa
To Mexico and Back
Ellen and I have travelled to Mexico many times over the years: by sailboat, air and now RVing in our Airstream 23’ International. In fact, over the last 5 years we have put over 40,000 km on the Airstream just in Mexico. We have been south along the
entire east coast to Yucatan and the Belize border and driven most of the Pacific west coast and the central interior including Mexico
City, and the Baja peninsula. This time (Jan–April 2015) our trip was organized by Caravans de México, a company owned and
operated by a Mexican with extensive experience in the tour industry. The 10 rigs comprising the caravan left Arizona and crossed
into Mexico at Nogales and headed for the Copper Canyon. Following that we drove to and visited through the major colonial cities
in the central core of the country and then to the beaches and villages along the west coast and then north and home.
Our trip was three months long. It involved 14,000 km, 5 Mexican states, countless towns and cities and the only “danger”
we ran into was the look on the face of a security guy as he glared
at me for driving along a pedestrian walkway leading away from a
marina. (We got lost in the parking lot!)
In all of our travels to Mexico, this Caravan included, we
have never, ever had any “trouble” (with the above exception!).
To the contrary, we have been greeted and welcomed by generous,
friendly helpful people who were delighted that we were visiting
their country and proud to show it to us.
And what a country it is! Geographically: immensely
varied with deserts, jungles, lush agriculture, forests, lakes, hot
springs and mountains; fantastic mountains everywhere having
had no ice age to grind them down. Culturally, one must remember that the country has had high levels of culture and civilization
for over 2,500 years: Teotihuacános, Zapotecs, Maya, Mixtec,
Tenocha, Chichimeca, Olmec … on and on. Their cultural history
and legacy is a marvel and is still there to explore.
A consistent thread throughout those ages is the most explosive dramatic and expressive art we have ever seen and their
artistic expression is found everywhere. The streets, countryside, buildings, pastures, cars and trucks are all enhanced with some
form of artistic expression. I think “Art” must be spelled M-e-x-i-c-o for it stands hand-in-hand with everything you see.
As far as we are concerned, Mexico is safe. We had no trouble of the kind the media hypes time and time again. We met
travelers including lone individuals as well as couples, travelling and camping in a variety of RVs none of whom had experienced
any “trouble”. While we travelled in a small caravan (10 units) on this trip, more often than not, after setting up camp, we headed
out to small neighboring villages and explored the country side eschewing the large cities. We visited small villages, one with a
small home leather operation , another equally small home candy maker, a spur-maker for fighting cocks, bakers, copper forges,
local food stores, ordinary shops, the most unique spa you can imagine, remote beaches, canyons, rivers … The list could go on and
on. Throughout, we only met people who readily smiled and were always willing to help.
Even in the large cities we visited: Zacatecas, Guadalajara. Leon and others, we were welcomed as visitors.
I think Mexicans look for one simple thing
in return―respect. Respect demonstrated by a willingness, or at least an effort, to speak Spanish; politeness and deference to their way of doing things
(which is often much different than ours--not better / not worse, just different); patience and tolerance. Don’t be judgmental.
If you don’t do drugs, don’t hang out in
bars or compete in business with a local, no problema! Go!
In the next few editions of our Newsletter,
I will describe what we saw and where we went and
perhaps if after all is said and done, you may be
encouraged to go and see and experience this country for yourself. You will not regret it!
Please add new members:
Judy Flipping and Marlene Rogers
118—340 Hastings Avenue
Penticton, BC, V2A 9B9
Details for Judy:
[email protected]
Details for Marlene:
[email protected]
Trailer: 2014 27-foot
Please correct Ron & Kay McQuarrie’s phone number in the roster to read 604-327-2532
Also, please note new email addresses for John & Jane Neilson as shown below:
[email protected]
[email protected]
President Tom Akam requests new and affiliate members to please forward their info (photo and bio) for inclusion on the BC
Unit website. We also encourage our regular members who haven’t done so to add a picture and update their biographies as
well. The affiliate names will be on the website in due course. Soon there will be a printable list of the membership available
from the website. Please contact our Web Master, Monty Sheldan, with regard to accessing the website (if you haven’t already
done so). The email address for Monty is: [email protected]).
Also, Tom now has a printable and up-to-date version of our Unit Roster which he will email upon request. Tom’s new email
address is: [email protected].
NOTES FROM DOUG & DEB McGILL (on trip across Canada)
At present we are sitting in
Terra Nova National Campground and it is a very easy
chore. Our boat ride to some
outer Islands was cancelled
today because of wind but is
rescheduled for tomorrow, it
has all to do with seeing Puffins! We spent a few minutes
picking berries and within
minutes a very delicious pie
came from the Airstream
kitchen. Kitchen parties are
big here and they have migrated to the campgrounds.
Very fun loving people here.
Photos show the wine specially produced & labelled for this rally by cohosts Dick & Sharon Moffat (below).
The Snowbirds in formation over the
President’s flags.
Our canopies gave us some welcome
shade in the front row to watch the
show during this warm, and often hot,
See Sharon’s
Air Show Rally
synopsis on
next page...
Report written by Sharon Moffat
It was a warm but cloudy day when we arrived at noon on Thursday August 6 th at the airport to begin the Abbotsford Airshow Buddy Rally. By 3pm many of the units had arrived and everyone was setting up getting ready for four
days of boon-docking on the temporary campground set up at the end of the runway. We had a clear view of the airfield and after erecting our three canopies were able to either stay in camp protected from the sun (or rain), or take the
shuttle over to the main grounds for a closer view of the events. The Airshow began at 3:30 pm Friday under clear blue
skies and ended with a spectacular fireworks display.
As our weekend fee included four additional passes, many of us had family and friends visit and enjoy the
show. We visited the airfield, walked through the multitude of airplanes and exhibits, enjoyed centre field where announcements and performances were focused, and had lots of fun at “The Kid Zone”. There were so many different
presentations to enjoy including the Breitling Jet Team, The USAF F22 Raptor Jet, CF18 Hornet, Hurricane and Spitfire
Warbird Flypast, Wingwalkers, the dropping of artificial bombs from vintage warplanes, a Smoke-n-Thunder Jet Car
Race and, of course, our Canadian Forces Snowbirds which opened and closed the shows.
The Saturday and Sunday continental breakfasts of muffins with homemade jams, fresh Okanagan peaches,
fruit cups and juices, were enjoyed by all. Saturday night began with happy hour and then our Brats and Chilliwack
Corn Fest. Ron and Kay McQuarrie arrived for the evening surprising us with cupcakes for dessert. There were small
planes and gifts for the kids, and ‘Moffaducci’ wine for the adults. So much fun was being had that we didn’t get to take
advantage of the great plane throwing target Alex made for the event. I’m sure we will all get to try our skill another
time. The 50/50 winner was Arlene Matches, and
$50 WBCCI 50th Anniversary Draw winner was
Sharon Moffat.
Airstreamers attending were Tom Akam,
Marilyn & Gene Van Iderstine, Lee, Carter & Trent
Van Iderstine, Alex & Arlene Matches, and Sharon &
Dick Moffat. Buddies Don Rosie & his family, and
RoseMarie & Terry Thompson and family. Another
couple also attended (friends of Marilyn & Gene Van
Iderstine) however, a medical incident precluded
them from enjoying any of our activities.
Whether you were an avid airplane buff and
airshow enthusiast, or like many of us enjoying a
new adventure, I believe we would all agree the
Rally was a fun time sharing the amazing shows and
visiting with friends.
Always Wear Underwear…
Always wear underwear in public, especially when working under your vehicle. From the local paper comes this story
of a Brisbane couple who drove their car to the shopping centre, only to have their car break down in the car park. The
man told his wife to carry on with the shopping while he fixed the car.
The wife returned later to see a small group of people near the car. On closer inspection, she saw a pair of hairy legs
protruding from under the chassis.
Unfortunately, although the man was in shorts, his lack of underpants turned his private
parts into glaringly public ones. Unable to stand the embarrassment, she dutifully
stepped forward and quickly put her hand up his shorts, and tucked everything back
into place.
On regaining her feet, she looked across the bonnet and found herself staring at her husband who was standing idly by watching.
The mechanic however, had to have three stitches in his forehead.
Here’s an email from Jacquie Mason (dated August 11th)
Hello Airstreamers:
Just a quick note to let you all know that Stu and I have moved to Princeton, BC and are currently living in our
Airstream until we build our garage first and house second. In the meantime we have been busy making a mini
RV park out back for ourselves and any Airstreamers who wish to stop by and camp for a while. We do have a
well out back but as it’s hard water you would need a filter. We just had electrical installed so you can recharge batteries. Also I have WIFI and we have a satellite dish getting installed on Thursday. Stu has been
busy shovelling two dump truck loads of gravel to park on and he laid out 2500 square feet of sod we hope
takes. We will gradually build a covered area and mini bar and maybe fence it off so we can plant a few fruit
trees and have a barrel type vegetable garden next year.
If you’re just passing through or want to semi boondock for a bit give us a call and we will give you directions
as we are about 5 minutes from Princeton. Please feel free to pass on the info to other Airstream members as I
do not have their contacts.
Our new address is:
PO BOX 1592
Princeton BC, V0X 1W0
280 Bonlin Road
Jacquie Mason and Stuie Biggan
[email protected]
Jacquie’s Cell: 604 838-6221 (best one to use because I keep mine on and with me.)
Stu’s Cell: 778 846-6221
Stu & Jacquie’s little piece of heaven outside Princeton