June - Madison BMW Club
June - Madison BMW Club
The Mail Boxer June 2010 BMW MOA #7 The Prez Says By Todd Herbst Wow, another Great River Road Rally, emphasis on great. I think we had over 300 paid rally fees. Our web site, posters, advertising and the prereg. drawing for a night in McGregor really must be working. We had around 85 preregisters, which is great padding if we have a bad weather year. Hopefully we can keep them coming in at that rate. I got the go ahead form the boss a couple of days ago to get a new bike. I think I’m selling my R1100RS to get a good bike for commuting. It will be much less displacement, but still able to tour if needed. My R80 will still be my long haul trucker though...............I think. Now what could that bike be? I guess you’ll have to wait to see me on it. Now for Rally/Bike porn. BMWRA #5 Upcoming Events Friday - Sunday June 4-6, 2010: 34th Annual Hiawatha Rally Money Creek Haven Campground, Money Creek, MN Sunday, June 6: WINGS Benefit Ride A day of biking and poker! Enjoy a scenic 100 mile ride through northern Illinois and Wisconsin starting at JD Bootlegger’s in Antioch. Pre-register by May 7th to receive a free t-shirt and commemorative pin and to enter the early bird drawing for a custom cycle detailing! All proceeds will go to WINGS (Women in Need Growing Stronger). More details at www.wingsbenefitride.com. Thursday - Sunday June 10-13, 2010: 34th Annual Iowa Rally Middle Amana Park, Middle Amana, Iowa Date for the BMW Club Picnic is Aug 8th Bringham Park. Be there or be square. Friday - Sunday September 10-12, 2010: 40th Annual Dells Rally Chula Vista Resort, Wisconsin Dells, WI The Soldiers Grove Rally Site from an anonymous source Did everyone enjoy the rally? I sure did. We really lucked out with the weather. No snow, no rain, no plague of frogs, life is good. I want to thank all of our club members who worked so hard on the rally, especially the two Jims. These guys have worked tirelessly to provide the best rally experience for all our guests and members alike. XXXOOOXXX You both are hereby appointed as rally czars ad infinitum or at least until the men in the white jumpers take you away in those shirts with the really long arms. I've got to tell you that it's the rally that first brought me into the club. I attended my first GR3 (and my first rally) at Badger Camp. I just rode up the hill and found a grassy spot and set up camp. Come to think of it, I don't even think that I registered (Sorry John, I'll put a check in the mail!!!!). I wandered around the site and the first person I met was Bert, followed by TVH and JT. These guys had never seen me before and yet, after just a few minutes, I felt like I was a part of the club. Man, I was hooked. Mailed in my dues after I got home and never looked back. For me, the rally is one of the most important parts of being a club member. Meeting and riding with fellow rally goers, swapping lies, having a rally mug of beer, a good cigar and a little wine (alright, more that just a little--thanks Todd and Betty) and hanging out around a roaring campfire makes for a great time. I hope that next year we will see more of you in Soldiers Grove. Madison BMW Club P.O. Box 152 McFarland, WI 53558 President: Todd Herbst 608-831-4439 [email protected] Secretary: Linda Low 608-838-2690 [email protected] Membership: Jim Low 608-838-2690 [email protected] Treasurer: John Ong 608-222-6489 Newsletter Editor: Sam Garst 414-704-7767 [email protected] Rally Chairs Jim Harms 608-798-3645 Jim Low 608-838-2690 [email protected] Activities Directors: Tom Schirz 608-221-9682 Bert Hefty 608-862-3671 [email protected] Rally Rooster Speeding Lone Camper Sidecar National? Cruddy Musings Most of yawl are familiar with the Slimey Cruds Cafe Racer Run - it’s been a twice-ayear, Pine Bluff-and-Leland institution for some time. Two guys decided to make a documentary on the Run and the Cruds thereof - It was to premiere at the Sundance Cinema in Madison on May first. Well, that showing sold out very quickly, so they expanded the screening at Sundance. Well, THAT sold out. So, they added another theater (the Barrymore) to premiere at the same time. Got that?... Well, I finally did. Got tickets, that is. To the B’More showing. The street in front was bike-only, and it was full. A grand sight. Rob Himmelman's Puch twingle was a notable addition to the show. I ran into Atkinsons, J.T., Ernie Bell, Malys, Klopps, Rabideauxs, Harms, Huber, and others that I've just spaced out. My brother in law Doug tagged along with me. While not a rider, he did run a Montesa around Spain in his feckless youth. The movie was grand . A not-super-polished documentary on the Cruds. Lot of interviews with early members. They’d often mention some incident or character in passing and the theater would fill with chuckles because many of the audience knew who or what they were alluding to. The filmmakers interspersed interviews with the grey eminences together with segues of two guys trying to get two old beater bikes running and given the cafe-racer treatment for the next Crud run. This is kind of a tradition. I have a Yamaha 500 single that I call my Crud bike. I gave it a Brit cafe treatment, notsobadifIsaysomeself. If I bring my much-modded Ducati SS or the BMW sidecar rig, they don’t get near the attention/cameras/questions that the old Yam banger gets. ? ? ? The Barrymore was full before and after (they had a reception after) - Doug marveled at my knowing, as he put it, ‘every third person there!’ Well, we are a cult, as one amigo has said. The Crud run in Pine Bluff was (nice weather) crowded, a couple of thousand easily. Again, the Yam thumper got lots of face time, and I just schlepped around, ogled machinery, BSed/etc. TVH A Piece of Club History from Jeff Dean This is a photo of the Madison BMW Club in May of 1968. I am sitting on the bike to the far right. I cannot clearly identify the others. I am sure Dave Maly is in there, perhaps on the bike furthest left with the Wixom fairing. Can any of the members identify some of these characters? (ed). Madison BMW Club Membership Form First_________________________________________Last_________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________________________ City_________________________________________________________State______Zip________________ Home #_________________________Work #________________________Cell #_______________________ E-Mail Address____________________________________________________________________________ Are you a New Member Y / N or are you a Current Member Y / N MOA #_____________________________________BMWRA #_____________________________________ Bikes Owned_______________________________________________________________________________ Interests, comments, etc..._____________________________________________________________________ A one year membership is $20.00 Madison BMW Club, Ltd. P.O. Box 152 McFarland, WI 53558-0152 Please send the Mail Boxer via e-mail Y / N
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