Kids did you NOSE
Kids did you NOSE
Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: The CAMPUS-What’s next for Two by Two? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-2 CHAPTER 2: Humane EDUCATION-Successful SECOND GRADERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-5 CHAPTER 3: Our DONORS-Purrs, Wags, and Giggles to YOU! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-8 CHAPTER 4: Our VOLUNTEERS-Passionate Board Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-10 CHAPTER 5: Did You NOSE? Singing About Safety Can Be Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 W elcome to the Spring Issue of The Adventures of Two by Two! As tulips peep above the soft green grass, Two by Two is beginning to blossom in many ways too. This issue will focus on the sprouting future of our campus and the heart of our mission…EDUCATION. We encourage you to find a comfortable sunny spot to relax, put your feet up, and soak in the many exciting happenings at Two by Two! As you peruse through the pages, we hope you enjoy: Learning about What’s NEXT for Two by Two? Learning about the successes Two by Two is having with second graders! CHAPTER 6: Until NEXT SEASON-A Few Words From Our Founder . . . . . . . . . .12 Chapter 1 The CAMPUS W H AT ’ S N E X T F O R T W O B Y T W O ? Goals... One of our goals is to serve as a model for others on how to help animals in a humane and educational environment. In order to change the paradigm of animal sheltering and humane education, we need to call upon the experts in the field and work with consultants to lead us in the right direction. This takes time. We encourage you to be patient with our plans, and trust that we are wagging our tails as fast as we can to make a better life for people and animals. In our summer issue, watch for a full update on… P H A S E 1 : T H E W E L C O M E A N D E D U C AT I O N LODGE AND OUTDOOR AMENITIES "The beginning is the most important part of the work." -PLATO Do you remember the old phrase, “Good things take time”? Two by Two Animal Campus definitely wants to be a good thing, therefore we are doing our homework to make sure our phases and plans match our goals and resources. Two by Two is currently working with ConsultEcon, Inc., an economic research and management consulting firm in Cambridge, MA. ConsultEcon specializes in providing advisory services on issues related to market support, business planning, visitation projections, facility pricing, operations, economic feasibility, and project economic impacts. One of their past successful clients has been the Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium in Dubuque, Iowa. We hope to learn best practices and emerging ideas from other similar facilities around the country. 1 Education... On the service end, Two by Two is happy to report that students and families are receiving top-notch humane/character education lessons that will make a life time impact for our furry friends! Please read on for exciting updates on EDUCATION! 2 Chapter 2 Humane EDUCATION SUCCESSFUL SECOND GRADERS p r i n g i n g into second grade classrooms has been very successful! Two by Two Kindhearted Kids instructors have made great strides teaching five, one hour lessons in many Dubuque public, parochial, and tri-state area second grade classrooms. The lessons cover the topics of responsibility, caring for your pet, making good decisions, pet safety tips, and pet overpopulation. To date, Two by Two has reached 460 students with each child receiving 5 hours of direct classroom instruction. This calculates to 2,300 hours of humane/character education curriculum being taught! Enjoy the following pictures and quality work from our successful students! S Our community is being impacted as we “plant the seed” of the importance of good character by teaching a strong and fundamental message stated by the National PTA in 1933: “This has been the best program in my 26 years of teaching!” - Mrs. MaryAnn Blackburn, Sageville School Teacher 3 “Children trained to extend justice, kindness, and mercy to animals become more just, kind and considerate in their relations with each other.” “I thought the program was excellent!! It was a great way to connect how to treat pets with how we treat people. Your enthusiasm is contagious!” - Ms. Michele Colbert, St. Columbkilles Teacher “My daughter has always loved animals and has been kind-natured and empathetic. But I have seen a new level of understanding the need of being responsible, not only to a pet, but for her actions and following through on commitments.” - Bryant School Parent Chapter 3 Our DONORS PURRS, WAGS, AND GIGGLES TO YOU! “On your mark, get set, GO!” Phrases you hear at a track meet? Echoes you hear in a heated swimming pool? No….it’s the feeling and excitement we received from our donors! In our Winter Issue of The Adventures of Two by Two, we made our first official “ask” for support of our organization and the work we are doing. We couldn’t have been more pleased with your incredible, fast, response! You were all out of the starting blocks before the whistle went off! Our community and furry friends will truly benefit from your kindhearted donations. THANK YOU! “In today's classrooms, it is essential that instructional time be protected and utilized in a way to maximized student achievement. At first, I was hesitant that the Two by Two program might take from our instructional program. After participating, I can attest the opposite was true. The Two by Two program added to and enriched our instructional program. This interactive program provided our students with highly engaging and motivating activities which served as common experiences that were the springboard to enhanced reading and writing activities. The parents and students loved the experience, and the high motivation was evident in the quality of work that the students produced!” - Ms. Chris McCarrron, Prescott School Principal 5 for supporting the beginning efforts of 6 LIBRARY LEVELS OF GIVING Since education is the core of our mission, our levels of giving are set up like a library. The following are a list of book titles for the different categories of donations. A special thank you to Coleen Hein and her son, Trevor, and his good friend Austin Frith for making up the creative book titles! Poems of Purring: $0 - $49 Amanda Cottrell Kathleen and Thomas Determan Austin Frith T.J. Frith Girl Scout Troop #174 Jane and Daryl Haugen Ruth Hutchison Kay and Roger Leitzen Paula Martens Stephanie and Nate Montgomery Dennis and Cathy Pregler Gary and Kathy Reid Jessica and Jonathan Schreyer Jody Schuster Nancy Lee Skaife Sheri and Kelly Stewart Miriam and Bob Thayer Sara and Jeff Wiesner Andrew and Katrina Wilberding Rachel Woodward Stacey Zeitlin In Kind Big Apple Bagels Businesses Durrant Group Inc. TRICOR Insurance Youth Groups 4-H Asbury Juliens Endowment Fund Tom and Judy Edmonds Fiction Book of Fetching: $50 - $99 Natalie Bianchi Terry and Ann Boyle Margaret Buhr Jim and Fran Kennedy Leroy and Cheryl Kraske Bruce and Carleen Rehmke Jeff and Cynthia Reid Jim and Polly White Foundations Schoen Family Charitable Trust Novel of Nosiness: $500 - $999 Anonymous Rick and Deb Even Melvin and Beverly Graves William and Barb Kruse Businesses TRICOR Insurance Employees The World Book of Wagging: $10,000 and Up Endowment Fund Jeff and Lisa Ruppel Bridget Donovan’s Birthday Friends Gifts of Love In Memory of Pets Lesley Stephens Bryant Staff Linus and Lucy Susie Butler Kristin Woodward William and Barb Kruse Jessica Bushmann and Polly Hauser Anonymous Andrea Miller’s Birthday Stephanie and Nate Montgomery A SPECIAL NOTE: The Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque can help you with all of your planned giving needs. For more information about planned giving, please contact: Pepper Paula Martens In Kind Kevin Ernst Shelisa’s Lon Clara and Don Burchett Schools Bryant School Staff Biography of Barking: $1,000 - $4,999 Bruce Bickley Tom and Charlice Woodward Foundations Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque In Memory of People The Community Foundation of Greater Dubuque (563) 588-2700 [email protected] Aaron Cornwell Sheri and Kelly Stewart Virgil J. Denlinger Norma Denlinger OR CONTACT: Robert Wallis Price Jane Wallis In Kind Eide Bailly, LLP Mission Creative Pixie Stix Union Hoermann Press Dictionary of Drooling: $250 - $499 Susie Butler Dave and Liz Cushman Rob and Leann McDonald Charwick and Cyndy Nactman Keith and Nancy Vickery Jane Wallis In Honor of People Magic Rich and Amy Nelson Businesses Dubuque Bank & Trust Coloring Book of Cuddling: $100 - $249 Clara and Don Burchett Bill and Libby Burkhart Pam Comer Norma Denlinger Bridget Donovan Tom and Judy Edmonds Marlene and Lowell Ewing Carl and Laura Halen Susan Linker David and Andrea Miller Gordon and Carol Mills Rich and Amy Nelson Michael Podkulski Musical Book of Meowing: $5,000 - $9,999 In Kind Durrant Group Inc. Two by Two Animal Campus (563)451-6202 [email protected] Sam Ruppel David and Andrea Miller Sam Ruppel Cyndy Nactman Sam Ruppel Jeff and Cynthia Reid UNION-HOERMANN P R E S S 7 Jerry Silverberg Jane Wallis 8 Chapter 4 Our VOLUNTEERS A BOARD OF PASSION “Who’s on the Two by Two board?” Answer: “A small group of passionate people that get things done!” We don’t have many hands that make light work, but we do have productive hands that put in countless volunteer hours. A BIG thank you from the president of the board! - Kristin Woodward - President Tom Woodward - Director Becca Johnson - Secretary Vice President of WCI Elementary Teacher Can you say class clown! Okay, okay…he makes us laugh, BUT THINK! • Flashes red laser beams of light on people’s foreheads during board meetings! • Has a successful business mind with many board of director experiences. • Keeps us focused on the business aspects of a nonprofit. Led us on Dubuque Chamber of Commerce trips to Washington DC to educate our legislators about Two by Two Animal Campus. A teacher of 34 years who makes us KISS our BRAINS! • A positive model for all teachers; huge asset to our education committee. • Traveled across the country to visit MANY first-class animal welfare facilities. • Has a file in her brain that can ALWAYS recapitulate the wealth of information we learned, especially the educational components. Margi Buhr - Director Bev Graves - Vice President Mel Graves - Treasurer Lisa Ruppel - Director Dubuque Art Museum Retired Elementary Teacher Brissey Realty Former Event Planner Margi is our ray of sunshine who has a way with words. • Writes numerous articles about pet care for Two by Two published in new magazine called SEASONS. • Fabulous grant writer. • Uses her artistic talents to help teach correlating art projects with the Kindhearted Kids Program. Bev is the heart of our education program. • Spent innumerable hours researching and writing our top-notch humane /character education curriculum. • Lead teacher for the Kindhearted Kids Pilot Program. • Volunteered over 373 hours in 2006! AND she says she’s a retired teacher? Like a calculator, or should I say like a computer? • Our efficient treasurer and fantastic researcher. • Need to know the latest trends in humane education or housing for homeless animals? Ask Mel! Finds the most current facts and FAST! • Holds us to our vision and mission. AKA: Re-focuser! (Is that a word?!) Lisa is our believer. Our definition of PASSION. • Heart of gold with desire to make the world a better place for people and furry friends. • Former special events coordinator (even at Disney World!); natural pick for our Special Events Committee Chair. • Put your MICKEY ears on and get ready for exciting, unique, and first-class Two by Two events! Ann Boyle - Director Tricor Insurance When you say cheerleader, I think of Ann! • Completed animal welfare training at BEST FRIENDS Animal Society in Kanab, UT; kennel management experience. • Heading our Spay/Neuter Committee. • Lives in Potosi, WI and introduces us to many friendly people in the area! 9 “The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” -Gandhi 10 Chapter 6 Chapter 5 Did You NOSE? SINGING ABOUT SAFETY CAN BE Until NEXT SEASON FUN! Parents did you NOSE... Learning is retained 52% more when facts are taught in a rhyming scheme or song than if verbally stated.* So teach your child how to be safe around strange dogs by singing “The No Bite Song.” Kids did you NOSE... there is a song about how to avoid dog bites that is sung to the tune of “Wheels on the Bus?” Enjoy singing this song while you soak up the sun this spring. Have FUN! u, sniffing you. you, sniffing yo g in iff sn is g do If a you do. u, here’s what yo g in iff sn is g If a do like a tree. ee, like a tree, tr a e lik e B . ill Stand st what you do. e a tree. That’s lik e B . ill st d an St u. you, chasing yo g you, chasing in as ch is g . do do If a what you ing you, here’s If a dog is chas like a tree. ee, like a tree, tr a e lik e B . ill Stand st what you do. e a tree. That’s Stand still. Be lik sh you down. sh you down, pu pu n, w do u yo push what you do. If a dog should u down, here’s yo sh pu ld ou sh If a dog like a log. a log, like a log, e lik st ju , ill st Lie t you do. a log. That’s wha Lie still, just like - George The Dog Puppet A FEW WORDS FROM OUR FOUNDER Dear Two by Two Friends, C HANGE. Nobody likes change. It’s hard, mind boggling, and a lot of work. OPPORTUNITY. Everyone likes opportunities. It usually means new beginnings, making a difference, and changing things for the better. Two by Two is striving to be a catalyst for change in how we care for all living things. By flipping the animal welfare model upside down,Two by Two is putting education at the top. Why, you may ask? Let me explain by using a simple analogy: Think of building your home. The most important part is your foundation. Once you have established a strong, reliable foundation the rest of your house will be a breeze to build. If your foundation is weak, many problems may occur…floors crack, cold air seeps in your windows, and your ceilings may leak. If Two by Two starts with reliable education programs as their foundation, we will build a strong community with the knowledge of how to change in order to make a better place for people and animals. No cracks in our character, no adoptable animal seeps through the system just because there are too many, and no leaks in the way we communicate when teaching the importance of humane/character education. Bottom line…we have a wonderful opportunity to help people, be better people through the eyes of our furry friends. It is support from members of our community like you that allows us to lead by example and help animals by developing a community with character. We are forever grateful for your continued support of Two by Two Animal Campus. Purrs and Wags, Kristin Woodward Educator and Founder of Two by Two 12 * Resource: