August 21, 2016 - St. Francis de Sales Church
August 21, 2016 - St. Francis de Sales Church
St. Francis de Sales Church MASS SCHEDULE Sundays (September ~ June) Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 AM Summer Weekend Mass Schedule June 18th thru and including Labor Day: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 AM Monday—Friday 8:30 AM Wednesday 8:30 Communion Service Saturday 8:30 AM (September through May) Holy Day Vigil 5:00 PM Holy Days 6:30 AM and 7:00 PM Confessions are Saturday at 4:30 PM and anytime by request. “Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.” — St. Francis de Sales Refer and Reflect OUR WEEKLY OFFERING RECTORY 610.459.2203 35 New Road, Box 97, Lenni, PA 19052 Website— [email protected] AUGUST 14TH, 2016 Sunday Collection = $5716.00 E-Giving = $981.00 Total Sunday = $6697.00 Reverend Alan J. Okon, Pastor Deacon Paul A. Quinn Parish Improvement = $1500.00 Sr. Betty Kirk Parish Services Director Thank You for your kindness and generosity! 610.459.0554 Mrs. Marie McGonigal 610.459.2203 Administrative Assistant Tammy McDonald 610.459.2203 Communications Secretary Scripture readings for: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Art Kahn, Business Manager Sirach 3:17-18 Hebrews 12:18-19, 22-24a Luke 14:1, 7-14 CONVENT 610.459.2501 28 New Road, Aston, PA 19014 SCHOOL 610.459.0799 39 New Road, Aston, PA 19014 Mrs. Maryrose Hall, Principal Directory of Parish Organizations Adult Choir Adult Education/RCIA Altar Society PREP/CCD Church Environment CYO Eucharistic Ministers Finance Committee Home & School Assn. HOPE Ladies' Club Lectors Liturgy Committee Pastoral Council Web Master Welcome Committee Women's Prayer Group Nancy Brown Sr. Betty Kirk Marion Bennett Phil D'Orazio Sr. Betty Kirk Barbara Jones Paula Bonsall Tracy Boyle Fr. Okon Adrienne DelVacchio Cathy Hawes Belle Miller Joanne Sunick Sr. Betty Kirk Steve DeLozier Arlene Petragnani R. DiFebo Sr. Betty Kirk Page 2 - 105 St. Francis de Sales 610.358.3112 610.459.0554 610.459.0554 610.459.0635 610.459.0554 610.566.4149 610.517.6136 610.566.8453 610.459.2203 610.494.5620 610.627.0874 610.513.2920 610.459.1996 610.459.0554 484.574.4425 610.558.0588 610.459.8971 610.459.0554 AUGUST 21st, 2016 AUGUST 21st, 2016 TWENTY FIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SATURDAY 5:00 PM AUGUST 20 Angela DeGregorio SUNDAY 7:00 AM 9:00 AM AUGUST 21 Steven Weikel Anna L. Manuel 14th Anniversary Sister Marcus Streibig OSF 11:00 AM MONDAY 8:30 AM August 22 Steven Weikel TUESDAY 8:30 AM August 23 Communion Service WEDNESDAY 8:30 AM August 24 Communion Service THURSDAY 8:30 AM August 25 Communion Service FRIDAY 8:30 AM August 26 Communion Service SATURDAY 5:00 PM August 27 Peter Wargo SUNDAY 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM August 28 Steven Weikel Sam Weikell Roy Acker Summer Weekend Mass Schedule June 18 & 19th, thru and including Labor Day: Saturday 5:00 PM. Sunday 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 AM. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. One fine day this past June, I spotted my neighbor energetically digging a narrow bow-shaped trench on her front lawn. She and her husband later added a layer of good topsoil in the dig in preparation for planting a beautiful array of flowers. I complimented them on their new garden, and then the lady of the house volunteered that whenever her family visited some one of them always remarked: “Everything’s too green here. You should add some color.” Family members can sometimes be too outspoken to the point of being hurtful. As I thought about this weekend’s Scripture Readings that incident came to mind. I got to thinking about another place where we need color. I refer to skin color and the composition of our holy Church. As James Joyce wrote in “Finnegan’s Wake”: “Catholic means here comes everybody.” The main point of our First Reading and the Gospel (usually thematically joined) is that no one is to be excluded from God’s kingdom. All people–all–are called to “proclaim the praises of the Lord and confess His holy name.” Putting it another way, no ethnic or religious group has exclusive right to the kingdom. For some of us, that is a hard saying. How dare we disagree with God? For that is exactly what happens when a Catholic shows prejudice of any kind. He or she is indirectly accusing God of having made a mistake in creating the human race. Why ever do some of us hold on to such thinking when deep down in our gut we know we are wrong? We forget that such prejudice is bound to be on the agenda of our appointment with God on our private judgment day. Why act for the prosecution? Research, books, plays and movies have dealt with racial prejudice. In the United States, the same thinking about slavery, for example, as that of ancient societies. In other countries prejudice is rooted in a caste system. All of it must sadden our Holy Redeemer. Yet He is our main source of strength in ridding ourselves of racial prejudice. He knows that no Christian is strong enough to carry a cross and a prejudice at the same time. Reflection by, Rev. Leonard N. Peterson All you have made will praise you, O LORD. PSALM 145:9-10 Page 3 - 105 St. Francis de Sales ST. FRANCIS DESALES Hospitality Sunday Sunday August,28th After Every Mass, 7 am, 9 am, & 11 am. Father Walsh Center St Francis de Sales Church Come and mingle with Father Okon and your fellow parishioners. All are welcome to join us. Father Okon, enjoying a little fellowship with the little fellows, during Hospitality Sunday. If you are interested in Baking or bringing a light refreshment to our next Hospitality Morning, (Sunday Aug. 28th) call Marie or Tammy at the Rectory. Thank You! Abbey Fest: Faith, Music, Family Festival located at; 220 Valley Road, Paoli, PA Ticket Info; 484-320-7879 Date; September 24,2016 11:00 am—9:30 pm. Theme: Mercy in the Family Any SFDS Youth or Young Adult that wants to attend the Abbeyfest should leave their names and contact information. At the rectory. SFDS Acme & Giant Gift Cards The Gift Card Program will remain in place, as we transition to a new Catholic School Education model. Cards are available after the Vigil and Sunday Masses and at the Rectory during the week. If no one is selling cards, please stop in the Sacristy and Mr. Bradley will help with your card request. This program will continue to support the needs of our parish. Thank you for your support. Page 4 - 105 St. Francis de Sales SYNOD “ Friends Helping Friends” Boscov’s Shopping Passes are here. SFDS Social/Fellowship Committee & volunteers are participating in selling the $5.00 Shopping Pass. Please continue to pray for these work groups and the volunteers who have offered to help guide our parish into the future. Thank you! Synod Committee Updates Boscov’s Shopping Day Tuesday, October 18th, 2016 9am—11pm All shopping Pass proceeds benefit our Parish. The more we sell ~ The more we benefit! Passes are available in the Rectory Call Tammy McDonald for information on passes & volunteering to help us sell the passes. 610-459-2203 ~ 610-818-8223 Your Synod Committees have been hard at work the past several months meeting and planning on and for future events, activities and improvements to parish life. We are delighted that so many parishioners have participated in these meetings and welcome you to attend any of the upcoming meetings listed below: Youth and Young Adult Committee Social and Fellowship Committee Outreach Committee Mass Attendance Committee Registration for the CCD, LITTLE PEOPLE Classes is taking place now! If you are interested in registering your child /children, ages 3/4, in our Sunday CCD Class or our Kindergarten Class call Sister Betty Kirk at 610-459-0554. Aug.21st 7pm Sept 13th at 7pm Aug 23rd at 7pm Sept 20th at 7pm We continue to ask for your prayers as we move through the process. All meetings are scheduled in the Father Walsh Center. Any changes will be posted in the bulletin, as well as the parish website, under HOME/ Synod Update at “They’ve Got The Whole World In their Hands” Outreach Ministry of SFDS Invites the entire Parish to participate Phillies Game Day BOGO Buy one get one for SFDS!!!! Citizens Bank Park September 18th, 1:00 Game Time Breakfast Bag Collection Clear plastic, sealable gallon bags Miniature cold cereal box or oatmeal packet Tea bag or instant coffee packet 100% juice box Fruit ( box of raisins or fruit cup) One of the following: cereal bar/granola bar/ cheese crackers Homemade cards for the shut-ins or seniors Bring to the Fr. Walsh Center by Oct 2nd Fill the bags October 8th at 9:15 Cathy Hawes—610-627-0874 Phillies ~ vs ~ Marlins Section 416, rows 2,3,4. Tickets—$26.00 Tickets must be purchased ASAP. Checks can be made out to St Francis and can be dropped off in the collection baskets or the rectory. Contact Kathleen Parsons if you have any questions at 610-459-1642 Sponsored by SFDS Social/Fellowship Committee Page 5 - 105 St. Francis de Sales Help Wanted Renovation of the Sacristies Renovation of our Sacristies continue to proceed forward without any unexpected problems. The demolition work has been completed; the electrician completed his initial work for the new wiring & outlets; insulation has been added to the exterior walls; and dry wall has been installed. Below you can see a couple of pictures that I have taken as the work has progresses. You can see that Fr. Walsh signed the wall during the previous renovation on Dec. 10, 1976. Thank you for all you do to support our great Parish. One of the goals of the recently concluded Parish Synod is to encourage greater participation at Mass. Men and women volunteers are wanted-age 16 or older– to act as Ushers during Sunday Masses If you are interested please contact : John Kolicius - 610-357-3352—[email protected] Jack McKeown—[email protected] 610-358-1453 HELP WANTED—Youth Minister position St Chrysostom We seek someone with a warm, enthusiastic spirit who loves youths and is passionate about social justice. This is a part-time position that averages 10 hours a week, primarily developing and leading youth activities that promote faith, fun and service. For more information, please contact Mary Chollet: 610-874-3418 ext.106, [email protected] Fr. Joseph Walsh’s signature dated 12/10/1976 Fr. Joseph Walsh’s signature dated 12/10/1976 St Robert’s All Class Reunion, Saturday, October 22, 2016. Tours of the school begin at 2;30: Mass at 4:00 with St James’ Blue & Gray Voices signing. A Beef & Beer will follow at 6:00 pm. At the Mirenda Center, Lifelines Crisis Pregnancy Hotline 610.626.4006 Priests’ Sacristy 610.789.LIFE Delaware County Pregnancy Center A Baby’s Breath I have contacted Bishop McIntyre’s Office to invite him to visit SFDS to bless our new altar and ambo. I am happy to announce that Bishop McIntyre has agreed to visit our parish on Sunday, October 30th to celebrate the 10:00am Mass, at which he will bless our new altar and ambo. All are invited to join in this joyous celebration. The new altar and ambo is scheduled to be completed and installed in mid-September. Fr. Okon 610.583.HOME Pro-Life Union of Delaware County New Altar and Ambo Mother’s Home 484.580.6436 Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries 24hr hotline 1.877.HOPE4ME 484.571.5540 (Post-abortion healing) Page 6 - 105 St. Francis de Sales Parish Registration Welcome to our family of St. Francis de Sales. We are happy to welcome new members in to our community. We invite you to be a vital part of our family and hope you will support your parish with your prayers, your presence and your talents. Please contact the Parish Office at 610.459.2203 to make arrangements for registration. If you move out of our parish, or have changed your phone number, please contact the Parish Office so we can update our data base. Sacrament of Baptism Congratulations on the birth of your child. The Sacrament of Baptism is normally administered after the 11:30 AM Mass on Sunday. Pre-Jordan class for the parents is required prior to the scheduling of the Baptism. Parents can attend the class before the baby is born. Pre-Jordan class is held on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Please contact the Parish Office at 610.459.2203 to register for the PreJordan class. To schedule a Baptism, please have already obtained the certificates of eligibility and then contact the Parish Office at least two weeks in advance. Certificates of Eligibility Congratulations on being asked to be a sponsor at either a Baptism or a Confirmation. You have been asked to be a witness to, and role model of, your Catholic faith. A sponsor is a Roman Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation, is an active registered member of his or her parish, at least 16 years of age, and if married is in a Sacramental Marriage. Please contact the Parish Office at 610.459.2203 to request a certificate. Sacrament of Reconciliation The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated each Saturday afternoon from 4:30 to 5:00, or by appointment. Parish Office Hours The Parish Office is open for business Monday through Thursday 8:30AM to 4:30PM, Friday’s 8:30AM to 1:00PM. Weeknights and Saturdays are by appointment only. Please refer elsewhere in the bulletin for holiday hours. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Holy Communion Please call the Parish Office at 610.459.2203 to schedule an appointment for the Anointing of the Sick. Every effort will be made to celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick within 48 hours of it being requested. Please call the Parish Office to request a visit from an Extra Ordinary Minister of Holy Communion to receive the Holy Eucharist on Sunday mornings. Funeral Arrangements We are very sorry for the loss of your loved one. To make funeral arrangements, please first meet with your Funeral Director to discuss your wishes and their availability. The Funeral Director will contact our Parish Office to coordinate the date and time of the funeral. Once the funeral has been scheduled, Fr. Okon will call you to schedule a time to meet and plan the Liturgy. Page 7 - 105 St. Francis de Sales MINSHALL - SHROPSHIRE - BLEYLER FUNERAL HOME, LTD. Rte. 352 & Knowlton Rds. Middletown Twp., Media PA 19063 610-876-4213 Norman C. Shropshire, Supervisor Michael Aaron Okon, Funeral Director Carmella Imburgia, Funeral Director Delaware County’s Oldest Established Funeral Home ATTORNEY AT LAW 1187 W. Baltimore Pike Lima, PA 19037 Wills • Estates Employment • Real Estate Business Transactions (610) 566-6320 Eric Carlson Gunnar Carlson COME OVER TO OUR BANK! 3333 Concord Rd. Aston-610-497-1800 3 State Rd. 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Birthright “It is the right of every pregnant woman to give birth, and the right of every child to be born.” Birthright Charter 112 S. High Street West Chester, PA 19382 610-384-3020 Free & Confidential Pregnancy Services 24 Hour Hotline: 1-800-550-4900 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Lou’s Auto Service, Inc. WE BUY USED CARS IN ANY FORM OR SHAPE -LATE MODEL PARTS4TH & PRICE STREETS 3507 W. 9TH ST. White-Luttrell 610-436-0773 Check out our reviews on: Member of the Parish • Traditional in ground, mausoleum & cremation options available at most cemeteries 529 E. 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We are currently taking registrations for the 2016-2017 year. Financial Aid is available. Contact the Admissions office for more information 610-259-0280 ext 3225 or [email protected]. 105 St. Francis de Sales, Lenni (E) John Patrick Publishing Company 1-800-333-3166