b. These leave cards must have integrated the monetized Jeaves by
b. These leave cards must have integrated the monetized Jeaves by
Republic of the Philippines DeparhnentofEducation Region02 SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NUEVA VIZCAYA Bayombong DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 428, s. 2016 To: OSDS (BALITA) Chiefs, CID and SGOD Public Schools District Supervisors/DICs Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools All Others Concerned From: SAMUEL R. SOLIVEN, Ph.D. OIC-Schools Division Superintendent Date: August 4, 2016 Subject: UPDATING LEAVE CARDS OF IMPLEMENTING UNITS ~- 1. This is to inform all employees ofthe attached letter ofCOA Auditor Robert C. Rosal, Jr. dated May 19, 2016 regarding COA observations under Audit Observation Memorandum (AOM) No. 14-009 dated March 28, 2014 on the following: a. deficiencies of the monetization of/eave credits of implementing high schools b. some high school's record keeper/officer did not post the monetized leave credits in the employee leave card resulting to overstated and unreliable balances in the leave cards 2. In order to address the AOM, the school head of each of the implementing units is required to submit this August 2016 copies of the updated leave cards of its employees to the HRMO of the SDO for internal auditing. a. These leave cards should not be computerized. b. These leave cards must have integrated the monetized Jeaves by attaching approved monetization. •!• It is reiterated that the monetization of school heads must be approved by the Schools Division Superintendent. •!• It is informed that a maximum of thirty (30) days may be monetized in a given year. 3. For wide dissemination, information, guidance and compliance. Republic of the P.hllippines COMMISSION ON AUDIT DepEd Division Office Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya May 19,2016 Samuel R. Soliven, Ph.D. OIC-School Division Superintendent Department of Education Division of Nueva Vizcaya Bayombon~. Nueva Vizcaya Dear Sir: Attached herewith is a copy of Audit Observation Memorandum (AOM) No. 14-009 dated March 28, 2014 which stated our observation on the deficiencies of the monetization of leave credits of implementing high schools. Aside from the deficiency noted in the said AOM. we also noted that some high school's record keeper/officer did not post the monetized leave credits of the school officers and employees in the employee leave card. In effect, the balances of leave cards are overstated and unreliable. Since it is the Personnel Division of DepEd Division Office who is in-charged in auditing internally the employees leave card of all employees, may we recommend that it should be done regularly and have a file copy of implementing unit's leave card. Any unposted monetization of leave credits should be deducted. Staff-in-charge in posting monetization shall submit justifi~~ti<>n on faij~ t() post the mo~ti~ti<>n and why should not be charged administrntively. Thank -y eu. P.ftJJ~~£1!,4 Jlt State 1\.uditor ill OIC-Audit Team Leader P~b!k of me Pru1ippim:s COMMISSION ON Ab'DIT DepEd Div!skm Office Bay<:l~""Dg. Nl!e'\1-a Vizcay'li AOM'No. !4~ Dare : W;mch l&, 20Hl For: Benj~mD.P~P~D~CESOV Sclmols Divi.OOn Snpern'I<remi..""'nt Division afNtre''r:a 1.lizcay:~ ~-mn~ Nue"li v~ Att'f;ation: Ofdm ...~ Flm-es HRMO \'\te Blr«'e ~ucr.ed an audit on the mon...."'ti.7Jiition of le:a.\;'e cnOOitR of the impl~g high schools and 6hsen"'d the fulrowing dctieiem-ies: ls ~ Larwe ,~piiQ1hln Form (CS F~rm. Nrl. 6) f~n· m~tm of~-ooi H~ ~"' 'I!Wt ~~ed byt.h:~~m: S:ap-~ ~ Sek~ H~ ~ n9~~ staff e>t~ ihe w.;~aliimnm mfuirty ~} d.tll.ys ~~ ~ l.>'! ~Broil·~ mr~;m~ wear.~ 3. &I~ S<..i!i:oo~ ~ ~ &on-t~mmg mif lilvmied them~~ .G'if 'hawe ~i~ melr!e z.. m~n '6ed~W~~·~ '\"Di"~ 4.. B~u R~ ~-mt Offieer' ~;HR..4\ID} ws nttlt .~ Wfith a mpy frf ~~.m fGTieav~~S.Ll\l'~i~}. Se "£he Hll~O liilU n.ot ~with a mpy M' ~·ea. leave e&Yd by ae -~~ kigb s9&n!s 'far ~It~~ Based. <ll£11 Civil Senice .ac"ld DBM rules .l'll1d r-e:gmati-ons, -c;fi:"icirus and employees m me ~~ :anrl non.-ca:r€'er :se..""\ice,. whf.>til!Er ~t. ~ni~Z'Y~ casual or ~nm.,. ~iro ~e ~~ fifteen (15,) &}~5 .o<f ~Goo. ka1/e" ~its shaJj be .~1\'ed to m.o:neti:ze a l.l!.imrn1lm ilften ~5. ~ide:d tha:t at lea.~ !We (5}days is~ .mer mo~ and ~"tidad .fm.'tner 'Wm: a rr~'t!m eftlllii1}- (10) days ma~r be mot1et:ized m a given:;~. Trre w~on af~¥·e cred~ts shaii he a~\·mroo "'f t>~ly aoce a year. om reasons Monett~ of ~.4 or more of~~ iea:ve credits may be ~m .foc \'lriliil and _itt'i>ti~e _ _,._ L.-Lil... . •·• " ~ ;;..~-!,..~I - --...l- .-JC' .o.L.-. ......!.,.., ·- - ..3 ·• ~ .-E."' .~ 1..! ~,;; as .n1.::uMn. ~em. ana !m..~~ ~ u.t u.~ emp·nsyre ~ ttre IRmiF"~e me;moors 01 u1S fumiiJ~ 'flllmlCml aid and assistance brought about by cahunrties., typhoons and. other natmm ctiami~ erluCS!OOmi re:::...~..is .of the empkJvee and his m-~e fm:mly m...~1her&.. p&"~ of lnG~ges: and. lomt:S. among c~- Tlris ~pe of m.~on shaH be u.pct<!l the faxornb~ ~~~~tm ot1he ~·bead (D=-pEd Schools D1¥isicm S~~n m1rl subject to ll"4'ailabilit~· of ftmds. G~m- No~ :2012~001 rlated .hme l4~ :.l'fi12 ptt'f>;iik~ 1he documenta..ry' reqnin~tMents of Teu.~linal l.1?-Et~-e B~~ ~ inemde ~toyees Lea1.1:;e C~ "'1-L.;.."fl; ~. be~~ bv :the PenlOmle] COA Divi:s.WEi. and Cze~ficare C¥f L.~·e C~ \iltilkh sha!I be ~d by Adrni.,.~/Humm Reso~ Mmagem-~1 Office (im.!-'!0}. According £o th~ 1i'R..Vt0,. thf;,f were rrol: fi.7fltisbed l'¥i~ a copp of ~ia~ of m<metization of lell:n'e credits and emp~Oj~ lea.'l"\e· card tim,. re~""nCe al"'.d file_ ~ia} we ha"-e ·)'~ .cammenm on ~~£ me keal!';f; fSLf\ri. )~ ' f~mg a:udit o~·mi£'18'5 W>itmn tlft~':N ( i5 da"'s} &om *' .v
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