p - Bernama


p - Bernama
- - ~A~IAMA.~
Dari Hati Ke Had
On Iy one word
Takut Dan Taqub
Special Encounter with the U. N. Session
Tahnjah Dan Takziah·
Watak Bulan Ini
Pengarang :
Hashim Hassan
,p enolong K.epado Pengarang: Sobre:y Joafar
;Pemberita Bulan Ini : ...Sukardj ~bch11 G hany
enyelaras: Norijab,Mohd .. Noor
dan setiap:harl TV MalaYsia dan Radio Malaysia menyeru orang.
ramoi supoya berhati-hati apabila memandu dijalanraya. Ser'Uan ini memang
sangot-sangat diperlukan memandangkan betapa banyoknya jiwa melayang
tiap-tiap hari dijalanraya akibat berbagei-bagoi jenis keeuaian dan kesalaOOn­
kesalahan yang lain oleh pemandu-pemandu kereta dan orang-orang berjalan
kaki jua. Menurutsatupenyiasata.n yang boleh dipereayai adalah lebih ramai
orang yang maut dalam naOOs jalanrayo daripada dalam naOOs udara tiap-Hap
Malangnya, seruan TVyong eukup lengkap dengan filem dan grafik dan seruan
radio )0 ng eukup lengkap dengan bunyi kereta berlanggar saolah-oloh tidak
berkesan kerana hari-hari ada sahaja berita kemalangan jalanraya dalam surat­
surat khabar. Apakah sebabnya moka ini boleh terjadi? Menurut pengalaman
dan pemerhatian soya sebab yang paling besar ialah kerona pemandu-pemandu
yang tedibat itu memandukereta mereka terlalu laju. Mereka ada menonton
TV, mendengar rod io dan membaea akhbar berkenaan dengan kema langan
jalanraya tetapi sebagaimana kebanyakan maanusia mereka fikir kemalangan
seperti itu hanya terjadi kepada orang lain, tidak kepada mereka. Dan apabila
sudah terjadi kepoda diri sendiri barulah mereka sedor betapa dahsya·tnya
kesongsaraan yang akan mereka tanggung. Kalau nasib tidak baik orang yang
dilanggar itu mati. Si pelanggar itu pula kedua-dua belah motanya menjadi
buta. Pode waktu itu sesal pun datang. Tetapi sudah terlambat. Segola yang
dikandung telah bereieiran dan yang dikejar pula tak dapot. Awak masih
muda lagi, tetapi dunia telah menjadi gelap .gelita dalam sekelip mota sahaja.
Kalau kaya raya sekalipun tidak ada gunanya kalau ITKlta sudah buta atau kaki
dan tangan sudah kudung. Apa guna dapot duit insyuren yang banyak kalau
awak sudah lumpuh dari pinggang kebawah.
Soya dramakan sedikit Peristiwa ini ialahkerana di zaman moden ini motorkar,
motorsikal dan kenderaan seumpamanya telah menjadi sebahagian daripcida
hidup kita terutama sekali kita yang tinggal di kawasan-kawasan bandar.
Motorkar dan motorsikal hendaklah menyenangkan hidup kita bukan memen­ derifakan hidup kita. Oleh itu gunakanlah jentera-jentera ini dengan penuh
waspoda keranajalanraya-jalanrayo ito bukan untuk kU'O sahaja mengQunakannya,
tetapi untuk pemandu-pemandu loin juga, termasuk penunggang basikal,
penjaja, orang berjalan kaki bohkan kerbau, lembu, kamblng, aniing dan
kueing yang gemar melintas poda ketika~etika yang tidak disangka.
Falasofah merrondu soya ialah: Kalau awak nak potong soya, potdnglah ~
Kalau awak potong soya, bukannya gaji awak akan noik don goji soya akan
turun I. Kalau awak potong soya, bukannya awak jadi hero don soya jadi
crook I. Boleh jadi awak yang akan jadi crook kerona patrol cor polis akan
(Pak Hashim Hassan)
An irritated soccer manager after the team's bad showing told the boys.
"You know why they made me manager? II the manager was heard asking
the boys. After receiving no answer, the man exploded, •••• "Because
I am one hell of a kicker. II
An overworked lecturer who hod just finished expounding a compJica,ted
formula to a packed closs was about to sit down when on over enthusiastic
student stood and asked him to explain something.
"U donlt know •••• donlt ask 100 ••• , II
he retorted adding ••• " because
itls just like reciting a, b, c, d all over again ~ •• II
A chi,ef told his men of the maxi m •••••
URuie No.1: the chief is always right,
he boomed.
"Rule No.2: when in doubt consult rule number one. II
- dee semut ••••
How to give insults: If you are a member of the Royalty, just dispatch a
not~ saying: We are not amused II to the object of your insult. That is, if
. you' are a constitutional monarch. If you are an absolute monarch, just
.dispatch him.
A President of a Republic, mindful of the electorate, may want to word it
slightly differently: "I do not think it is appropriate that a close relative
of the President should reveal, etcetra ••• " would strike just the right note.
Especially if your name also happens to be Carter.
However if you come nowhere near the two categories, you can dispense
with letterheads and freely trace the ancestry of your victim either according
to Darwin or Adam.
This depends a lot on your religious beliefs. But both are effective. If you
believe in evolution, refer him to the apes. Otherwise just tell him his
ancestors wore fig-leaves on their faces.
If all else fails, and there are thick-skinned brutes around who would just
grin at your insults, remind him that it is not too late for his parents to register
their marriage.
5 lightly adapted from various sources. Japanese motto: If you must copy
them, better them.
Some twenty journalists from developing countries, including myself, were in
New York from August 21 to September 6 for the special encounter with the
sepeial session of the United- Nations General Assembly. The session, attended
by about 115 ministers from developed and developing nations was to prepare
strategies for the next development decade and dgenda for the global round
negotiations expected to begin next year. Although the session was scheduled
for two weeks, it dragged on for another ten days without reaching agreement
on the agenda. A \I the journalists in the encounter group had however left
before the session ended. I had the distinction of being the youngest of the lot
and the most junior (the majority of them sports the Editor-in-Chief and Editor
name~tag. Mine was only Deputy News Editor as at the time of my nomination
. for. the encounter, I was not yet promoted to News Editor). 1W:Jny of them had
vast journalistic experience in economic reporting and several were really experts
in the field of finance and monetary matters. One Pakistani editor (incidently,
he was together with our Deputy Prime Minister DaNk Seri Dr • 1W:Jhathir at
Harvard on Henry Kissinger's Fellowship) was a member of his country's delegation
to the UNCTAD meeting in India a few years back, another Indian edi-tor was
• I
an economic lecturer and had once worked with the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) , while another Indian editor had even sat in one of the committee set up by
the Uni ted Nations. During the special encounter, the group had meetings with
the United Nations' Secretary-General Kurt Waldheim, group of 77chairman
Ambassador Mishra of Indio, Kuwait ambassador Bishara, spokesman for the oil­
",' rich Arab stdtes, ambassador Henry of the United States, Mr. Dadzie of Ghana
etc •. The gr~up was also taken to Washington for a full-day seminar with the
World Bank and a half...;oay seminar with the IMF. The encounter and the meetings
.'with World Bonk officials, including the World Bonk President Robert 1W:Jcnomara
,was on unforgetable experience and provide useful background on ecol'llomic
matters, money and finance. The discussions, meetings, briefings, press
conferences and the question~nd-answer sessions arranged for the grOJp was
definitely of immense benefit to me. It is without doubt, I have learned greatly
from the encounter. I will certainly recommend BERNANA to grab any further
offer to us to send senior journalists for such an encounter. Hopefully, Malaysia
is still a developing country to be eligible for the U.N. all-expenses-paid
invitation. My Indian colleagues like to point out to others during some of the
meetings that "Thisfellow's country does not need aid, but should instead be a
donor country Iike the other developed nations. II And one high ranking World
Bank official told me that Malaysia together with South Korea may soon "graduate"
from the list of developing countries. -- Hashim Makaruddin. .
Soon after Hitler's conquest of a large part of Europe during the early part
of the Second World War,the German leader invited heads of the conquered
.countries to visit Berlin. On arrival, he invited them to his chancellery,
escorted them around and showed them the various offices and conference
. rooms in the building.
On reaching one of the rooms - a secluded one - he gathered all the invitees
dround him and told them that the room was his personal radio station. IIlf
I press one of the buttons in the studio, I will interrupt the programmes of all
broadcasting stations anywhere in the world and everyone wi II be listening to
me, " decl(lred the Germdn dictator.
On hearing this, on~ of them asked Hitler whether he could be allowed to say
something over the Qir like letting the people in his country know that their
leader was already in Berlin. Hitler said he could not grant the request but
changed his mind after the European leader concerned promised that he would
utter only one word and Hitler thought that one word could be lIexcellent" or
Iwonderful" or llfine". Very well, said the Fascist leader, only one word.
The man was then escorted to the announcing booth and was asked by. the
technician-in-charge to sit down before the microphone and to make himself
comfortable. The technician I/C said if he was ready he could at anytime
The leader from the conquered
press the button and say out his one word.
European state thanked the technician I/C and Hitler/loosened his tie~ cleared
his throat, straightened his chair, pressed the button and at the top of his
voice screamed out: "HELP 1.11. - - HH
Din ingin kahwin dengan Mah, anak gadis Pak To lib • Tapi Pak Talib hanyo
'mahu bermenantukan pemuda yang pandai cakap Arab.
Jodi pada s~atu pagi, suboh-suboh, Din telah mengajak teman ba'iknyo, Nan,
menjala ikon di sungai dekat rumoh Pak Talib. Sebelum itu Din telah mengajar
Ncin bercakap Arab olok-olok dengan tuiuan mendapatkan Pak Talib percaya
: bahwa dia pandai cakap Arab.
Sedang mereka menjala Pak Talib yang selalu bangun pagi telah sempat mendengar
perbualan Din dan Nan. Dalam bahasa Arab olok-olok. Malangnya Pak Talib
,tidak tahu membezakan antara yang olok-olok dengan yang bukan olok-olok.
Anta wa tebral zalla
(Anta tebarkanlah jala)
Wa iya laha
(Yo lah)
Tariqal, yo sahabah
(Tariklah, yo sahabat)
Sanku I qa iyu
(Sangkut kayu)
Laqsal salamuhu
(lekaslah selam)
Ana taqub buyo
(Ana takut buoya)
JOin dan Moh sekarang sudah ada empat orang anak. -- HH
Pasukanbolasepak Bernama yang memasuki pertandingan liga bolasepak
Wilayah Persekutuan tahun ini telah bermain permaioonn)lO )lOng pertama
dengan pasukan AlA. Pasukan Bernama tewas I - 2 dalam permainan itu
yang diadakan di padang bola JKR Cheraspada 8 pag; 14 haribulan September.
Walalipun kalah, para pemain tidak putus asa keraoo itu merupakali han)lO c",;
pertandingan pertama dan pasukan kita diperlukon bermain kira-kira 30
permainan lagi. Moga-maga mendapat keja)lOan dalam permalnori-perinainon
seterusnya ~
Kesemua pegawai dan pemain pasukan Bernatna mengambil kesempatan ini
untuk mengucapkon "Se lamat Pengantin Baru" kepad6 Pengurus Pasukan
Saudara Ornor Ahmad •
Govind, bagi pihak pemain.
Tahniah kepada saudari Noor Fishah Osman )lOng telah mendapat caha)lO mota
perempuan (8 Ib ~) di Hospital Besar pada 23 Ogos lalu. Putri diberinama
Noor Azlina. Kedua ibu dan aook dalam keadaan sihat.
Takziah kepada pemberita daerah di Muar, Abu Bakar Ariffin yang kehilangan
caha)lO mata lelaki pada 21 September lalu. Putranya, yang keempat meninggal
lima minit setelah dilahirkon. Isteri beliau, Hasni Ab. Manaf mengandung
selama lapan bulan.
Seorang wartawan Bernama yangboleh bercakap beber-apa bahaSCi )'Ong
dituturi oleh lebih kurang suku daripada jumlah penduduk dunia ini ?
Bahasalnggeris memang bahasa antarabangsa., Bahasa Melayu ialab bdhasa
kebangsaan. Bahasa Gujerati ialah bahasa ibundanya. Bahasa kebangsaon
India, Hindi Bun boieh dikuasainyo 0 Jl,Jga bahasa Urdu, bahaSCiJ. kebangsoan
Pakistan, dan lamil juga. Apa logi mahu?
Diiolah bekes seorang guru sementara. Kemudian Penolong Pegawai Penyelidik
~: Syarika Harrisons and Crosfiejd ~i Banting, di bawahpenyelidon (Datuk)
Mokhtar Hashim yang kini Menteri Kebudayaan, Belia dan Sukan. [)dn akhirnyo
wartawan Bernama.
Berusia 33 tahun, dilahirkan di Kuala Ralah. Dibesarkan diBanting. Pendidikan
akhir tingkatan e~am di Victoria Lnstitutiorrdalam tahun 1966.
Hobi membaca dan menulisnya melahirkan beberapa buah rencana. Salah
satu darinya mengenai pembang\.!li\animorib sebagoi tempat pel'ancongan mendapat
'by Iine l (per~ma kali) dalam akhbar Malay Mail dalam tahun 1970.
Riang tidak terperi. Semangat datang bertubi. Hingga honorarium untuk hasH
tersebut tidak pernah dituntut sehingga kini. HasH itu juga akhirnya mengubah
kareernya sehingga had ini.
Biarpun banyak hasil usahanya mendapat tempat dalam akhbar the New Straits
Times dan Malay Mail, dia mendapat tempat di Ber:nama dala,m bulan Ogos 1971
ketika kekosongan terdapat. .
.;- 0
Katanya teman sejawat yang masul( bersamaHya
dan Syed Imran. Editornya ialah Musa.
Norijah, Zailani, Jamal
Tidak lama selepas i~ dia dihantar bertugas di Purau Pinang selama dua tahun
hingga tahun 1974.° Dan sempat pula dia men~a~bil kUrsus kewartawanan di
USM secora sambilan selama setahun.
Pulang ke Kuala Lumpur, dia berkhidmat di beberapa tempat lain sebagai
pengganti. Akhirnya dia pun berkahwin 'dua ' •
Dr. Nafisah yang berkhidmat d i-Kementerian Kesihatan ialah isteri pertaman)"O.
Dan BERNAMA ialah isteri keduanya, katan)"O ·Iagi •
Dia, anak bungsu dad satu keluarga ahli perniagaan, kini mempunyai dua
orang anak lelaki berusia enam dan tiga tahun.
Pengalaman yang paling berkesan dalam kareernya? Ketika dipanggil meniadi
saksi dalam mahkamoh dalam satu Kes tribunal akibat dari penulisannya sendiri
mengenai perkara itu.
Ingatan? Berhati-hatilah dalam menu lis sebarong berita. Sendiri buat sendiri
tanggung ~
Dia, )"Ong mengambil tanggung jawab penuh pengkhususan dalam bidang buruh
dan kesatuan sekerja,. adalah diantara beberapa orang wartawan yang telah
berjaya dalam kareernya mempunyai hubungan langsung dari perfngkat bawah
sampailah atasan.
.; Dan dia ialah Sajad Hussein bi'n Haji Komar Ally. -- Oi •
•••••• ...
Saudarl Doing Zaidah dan Saudara Azmuddin telah dikurniakan seorang
cahaya mota perempuan di Universiti Hospital peda 2 Oktober pukul 11.45
pagi. Ini adaloh anak yan9. kedua bagi mereka. Yang perl'Oma pun
p~rempuon •.••
Bersama kite doakan supa)"O Abang Majid (Driver) yang dimasukkan ke
hospitol besar untuk pe~erik;aan beberape heri lalu akan lekas keluar ••••••
lb' "\1
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1,1 e
2 •
News agency of a sUgJ,r­
exporting country.
4. Angolan news agency.
5. \ News agency for Islamic
countries •
6. Guyana news agency
10. Turkish news agency
II. This animal is found in the
country whose news agency
is Hsin Hua.
12. These people come from oilrich countries served by agencies
such as Wafa, Wam and Pane.
14. News agency of countries in
West Asia, with Hs headquarters
in Cairo.
15. Acronym for broadcastin~ stations
in two continents.
80 '1;nd • rodjz i
I ~Acronym for news agency of Canada.
3. One of Argentina's news agencies.
6. ' Thisspec:ies of animal is the native of the country in which Samachar is a news
7. News agency of a Muslim country now engaged in warfare.
8. AP and UP I are news agencies of this country •
9. This news agency ;s Down Under.
II. A news agency in the United Kingdom.
12. Associated Press
13. News agency of /W:J Ii.
15. Agenda Nacional Presidencia du Republica Brasi I.
16. East German News Agency.
17. This acronym stands for a leading broadcasting station in the world.
18. Kyodo and Jiji belong to this country.
19. Acronym for Danish News Agency.