we are living tony`s
we are living tony`s
13 no. 18 KANSAS CIT Y vol. PRSRT STD U.S POSTAGE PAID KCMO PERMIT NO. 990 PERIÓDICO BILINGÜE SEMANAL 25¢ www.kchispanicnews.com 2009 Was a Mixed Ride in KCK Debra DeCoster HISPANIC NEWS Joe Reardon was re-elected to his second term in office. Mark Holland questioned fellow commissioner Ann Murguia on ethical questions surrounding county funds for the nonprofit ANDA. John Mendez is once again serving the people of Wyandotte County residents as an elected official. Joe Reardon fue reelegido a un segundo periodo en su cargo. Mark Holland cuestionó a su compañera comisionada Ann Murguía sobre interrogantes de índole ética que rodean fondos del condado para la organización sin fines de lucro ANDA. John Méndez está nuevamente sirviéndole a la gente del Condado de Wyandotte en su calidad de oficial electo. John Mendez is back in the public spotlight doing a job he loves. He was voted as District 2 at-large Commissioner in April 2009. When he lost his District 3 Commissioner seat to Ann Murguia in April 2007, he never ended his involvement with Wyandotte County residents. Although his duties as a commissioner were over during that two-year period, he continued to reach out and help the community. He was the only bilingual commissioner on the board during his 2002-2007 tenure. When he returned to the Board of Commissioners this year, the Spanishspeaking community again had a voice in the Unified Government. He told Hispanic News last year that “being bilingual is an advantage. It is a means to help the community. I have always been there to help individuals, departments and government agencies to interpret and there is a lack of that.” His platform issues as the current Commissioner at-large are crime, police protection and resources, reduction in property taxes and the aging infrastructure. “I am proud of our crime fighting efforts. I think the police chief and his staff have done a good job of addressing crime,” Mendez said. 7 DE ENERO DEL 2010 “WE ARE LIVING TONY’S LEGACY,” S A ID HE R N A NDE Z joe arce and tony balandran • HISPANIC NEWS In life, Tony Aguirre promoted youth sports activity and encouraged everyone to participate, whether as a player, a fan or a coach. The athletic director of the Guadalupe Center for years, Aguirre was honored just before his passing when Kansas City officials bestowed his name on a Westside community center. In December, the Guadalupe Center Youth League, which gives children between age 4 and junior high school a chance to showcase their abilities, expanded to a new court — fittingly the Tony Aguirre Community Center at 2050 W. Pennway in Kansas City, Mo. “This was Tony’s dream to have the kids come here and play and have a nice facility,” Cris Medina, president and CEO of Guadalupe Centers Inc., told Hispanic News. “I know he is watching down on us, but it would be nice to have him here mingling with the kids and the families.” The Youth League at GCI had been playing its basketball games at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, which has one court. “The youth basketball program has grown in popularity, serving youths not only from the area neighborhood but also teens on the Missouri and Kansas sides and with the influx of new teams we needed more space,” Medina said. “The gym at Sacred Heart is not large enough to handle all the teams or the crowd that comes to watch them.” However, moving league games to the Aguirre Center allows access to two courts and a newer facility. “By playing one game an hour over there (at Sacred Heart), we were getting done pretty late. And these are little kids ages 4 through 7, so they would be up pretty late.” With the move, “we are done by 8:30 or 8:45 at night.” Medina said some GCI programs — such as the high school’s physical education program and after-school activities — already use the Aguirre Center, but it’s the first time the basketball league has entered its doors. THE AGUIRRE CENTER /PAGE KCK SAW CUTS /PAGE El 2009 Fue Un Viaje de Altos y Bajos en KCK: TRADUCE PATRICIO H. LAZEN HISPANIC NEWS John Méndez está de regreso en la escena pública haciendo el trabajo que adora. Él fue elegido como Comisionado General del Distrito 2 en abril del 2009. Cuando él perdió la posición de Comisionado del Distrito 3 a manos de Ann Murguía en abril del 2007, él nunca dejó de lado su participación con los residentes del Condado de Wyandotte. Aunque sus deberes como comisionado cesaron durante ese periodo de dos años, él continuó tratando de alanzar y de ayudar a la comunidad. Él fue el único comisionado bilingüe en la junta durante su mandato correspondiente a los años 2002-2007. Cuando él regresó a la Junta de Comisionados este año, la comunidad hispana tuvo nuevamente una voz en el Gobierno Unificado. El año pasado él le dijo a Hispanic News que “Ser bilingüe significa una ventaja. Eso significa ayudar a la comunidad. Yo siempre he estado allí para ayudar a las personas, departamentos y agencias gubernamentales para interpretar y allí existe una falta de eso”. Los temas de su plataforma como actual Comisionado Gen- eral son el crimen, la protección policial y recursos, la reducción en impuestos a bienes raíces y la infraestructura anticuada. “Estoy orgulloso de nuestros esfuerzos para combatir el crimen”, dijo Méndez. El Departamento de Policía de Kansas City, Kan., celebró la noticia que el crimen en la ciudad había experimentado una nueva disminución, estableciendo un récord que la ciudad no había visto en 22 años. Los crímenes violentos disminuyeron en un 20 por ciento y los crímenes a la propiedad lo hicieron en un 16 por ciento. KCK VIO CORTES/PÁGINA Park University Graduate Seeks School Board Seat joe arce and tony balandran • HISPANIC NEWS Crispín Rea Jr. cree que el momento es propicio para presentar su candidatura a una posición en la próxima elección de la Junta Escolar de KCMO. Él necesita juntar 500 firmas desde hoy y hasta el 19 de enero del 2019. Su meta es la de recolectar 1.000 firmas. Crispin Rea Jr. believes the time is right to toss his hat into the ring for a seat in the upcoming KCMO School Board election. He needs to gather 500 signatures between now and Jan. 19, 2010. His goal is to gather 1,000 signatures Crispin Rea Jr. thinks the Kansas City Missouri School District is in a crisis with declining enrollment and must improve so parents will send their children to its schools. Rea, 24, recently announced to Hispanic News his candidacy for an at-large seat on the nine-member school board. He now faces the task of gathering 500 signatures by Jan. 19 to qualify for the race. “The district is in need of bold and energetic leadership, and I am confident I can provide that,” Rea told Hispanic News. “The board needs to reflect the diversity of the district, and this is a very diverse district, and that goes beyond the Latino population.” Currently working as an as- sistant to Kansas City Mayor Mark Funkhouser, Rea said has the experience needed to perform effectively as a school board member. “I’ve learned a lot about how (political) things work. I’ve learned how the nonprofit world works. I’ve learned how our education system works and different levels of government.” A 2008 graduate of Park University and St. Mary’s High School in Independence, Rea has a degree political science public administration and plans to attend law school. He also was elected to serve as the 13th Ward Jackson County Democratic Committeeman. “But I learned more in my first year in the mayor’s office than I did in all my four years of undergraduate school.” For many of these young athletes, it will be the first time to dribble a basketball down a court at the Tony Aguirre Community Center. Over time, they will learn about the legacy of Aguirre and his dedication to youth sports in the Hispanic community. Para muchos de estos jóvenes atletas, será la primera vez en que ellos maniobren con una pelota de baloncesto en la cancha del Centro Comunitario Tony Aguirre. Con el tiempo, ellos aprenderán respecto al legado de Aguirre y a su dedicación para con los deportes juveniles en la comunidad hispana. “ESTAMOS VIVIENDO EL LEGADO DE TONY”, DICE HERNÁNDEZ joe arce and tony balandran • HISPANIC NEWS En vida, Tony Aguirre promovió actividades deportivas para jóvenes y exhortó a cada uno a participar, ya sea como jugadores, fanáticos o como entrenador. El director atlético del Guadalupe Center por años, Aguirre fue homenajeado poco antes de su fallecimiento cuando oficiales de Kansas City le pusieron su nombre al centro comunitario del Westside. En diciembre, la Liga Juvenil del Guadalupe Center, que le da a niños de entre las edades de 4 y a quienes cursan el tercer año de la secundaria una oportunidad de exhibir sus habilidades, expandidas a un nuevo recinto – apropiadamente el Centro Comunitario Tony Aguirre del 2050 W de Pennway en Kansas City, Mo. “El sueño de Tony fue el de hacer que los niños vinieran aquí y jugaran y contaran con un buen recinto”, le dijo a Hispanic News Cris Medina, presidente y ejecutivo de Guadalupe Centers Inc. “Yo sé que él nos está mirando desde arriba, pero sería bonito tenerlo aquí mezclándose con los muchachos y con las familias”. La Liga Juvenil de GCI había estado jugando sus juegos de baloncesto en el Hall de la parroquia de la Sagrada Familia, el cual tiene una cancha. “El programa juvenil de baloncesto ha crecido en popularidad, atendiendo no tan solo a jóvenes del vecindario del área, sino que también a adolescentes de las lados de Kansas y Missouri y con el flujo de nuevos equipos necesitábamos más espacio”, dijo Medina. “El gimnasio del Sagrado Corazón no es lo suficientemente grande como para albergar a todos los equipos o a las multitudes que vienen a verlos”. Sin embargo, el mudar los jue- gos de la liga al Centro Aguirre les permite tener acceso a dos canchas y a un recinto más nuevo. “Al jugar un juego por hora allá (En el Sagrado Corazón), estábamos acabando bastante tarde,” explico Medina. “Y esos son niños pequeños de entre las edades de 4 y 7, por lo que tenían que estar en pie hasta bastante tarde”. Con la movida, “nosotros acabamos a las 8:30 ó a las 8:45 de la noche. Medina dijo que algunos programas de GCI – tales como el programa de educación física de escuela secundaria y actividades para después de la escuela – ya utilizan el Centro Aguirre, pero ésta es la primera vez que la liga de baloncesto cruza sus puertas. “Estamos viviendo el legado de Tony”, dijo él. “Esto es algo que él nos inculcó y ahora nosotros estamos manteniendo esa tradición que él comenzó para el centro”. EL CENTRO AGUIRRE/PÁGINA REA FIRST GOAL /PAGE Graduado de la Universidad Park Busca Posición en la Junta Escolar joe arce and tony balandran • HISPANIC NEWS Crispín Rea Jr. cree que el Distrito Escolar de Kansas City Missouri se encuentra en una crisis con la disminución en las inscripciones o matrículas y debe mejorar para que así los padres envíen sus hijos a sus escuelas. Rea, de 24 años, le anunció recientemente a Hispanic News su candidatura a una posición de tipo general en la junta escolar compuesta de nueve miembros. Él ahora enfrentará la tarea de reunir 500 firmas para el 19 de enero para poder calificar a la contienda. “El distrito está necesitado de un liderazgo audaz y enérgico y yo tengo confianza de que puedo ofrecer eso”, Rea le dijo a Hispanic News. “La junta necesita reflejar la diversidad del distrito y éste es un distrito muy diverso y eso EL PRIMER OBJETIVO /PÁGINA Manuel “Rabbit” Hernandez, athletic director for GCI, was excited for these kids playing basketball at the Tony Aguirre Community Center. Hernandez said it is a dream come true for him and an honor to the legacy of Tony Aguirre. Manuel “Rabbit” Hernández, director atlético de GCI, se mostró entusiasmado por estos muchachos jugando baloncesto en el Centro Comunitario Tony Aguirre. Hernández dijo que un sueño se hizo realidad para él y un honor para el legado de Tony Aguirre. Missouri Governor Jay Nixon tours DST Output Co. on Kansas City’s Westside and announces Missouri First, an initiative to retool economic incentives to help longstanding Missouri businesses to grow and create new jobs. See page 2. • 2918 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64108 • PHONE:(816)472.KCHN • FAX: (816) 931.NEWS • E-MAIL: [email protected] VOL.13 NO.17 7 DE ENERO DEL 2010 www.kchispanicnews.com Nixon’s Initiative Aims For New Jobs At a new conference at DST Output, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon announces his Missouri First program, an initiative that will retool the state economic incentives to help existing Missouri businesses expand and create jobs. Missouri State Rep. Tim Flook, 34th district, a Republican, said the Missouri First program shows longterm businesses that the state supports and appreciates their loyalty. Missouri State Rep. Mike Talboy, 37th district, a Democrat, said, “It’s time to get people back to work and time to make sure our economy moves forward.” joe arce and tony balandran • HISPANIC NEWS company that has been here for generations.” At the same time, longtime employers may be eligible for larger incentives offered by other states trying to lure them away from Missouri. “That simply isn’t right,” Nixon said. “It’s time to balance the playing field and be more aggressive in helping current Missouri businesses grow. That is what the Missouri First initiative is all about.” Under current law, businesses are eligible to apply for a variety of state economic incentives if they plan to either expand operations within Missouri or relocate from another state. These incentives are subject to a specific cap per business per year, with no distinction between existing Missouri employers and out-of-state businesses. Also, some out-of-state businesses could be eligible for larger overall incentives than existing Missouri businesses because of additional economic tools that are available to help companies relocate to the state. Such additional incentives often help defray the costs of constructing roads and other major infrastruc- terprise Zone, as well the New Job Training, Retained Job Training, and Customized Training programs. While the initiative provides additional resources to existing Missouri businesses, it will not increase the overall size of any economic incentive programs. Steve Hooley, president and chief operating officer of DST Output, said the company, which employs more than 5,000 workers, was proud to be one of the backdrops in the state for Nixon’s new program. State Rep. Tim Flook, a Republican representing the 34th district, said Nixon’s initiative addresses an important issue — keeping loyal businesses in Missouri when other states are trying to lure them away. “The incentive packages are going to focus much or more on them (loyal businesses) as they are on the new businesses we are bringing in.” State Rep. Mike Talboy, a Democrat representing the 37th district, thanked Nixon during the announcement for his leadership. “It’s time to get people back to work and time to make sure our economy moves forward.” Longstanding Missouri businesses are the pillar to the state’s economy and a key to the region’s recovery, said Gov. Jay Nixon. “From building the first capsules that took Americans into space to designing the batteries that powered the first international space station to pioneering the seeds that grow the crops that feed our nation and the world,” Nixon said, such longterm businesses dedicated to operating in the state are examples of Missouri’s history of innovation and entrepreneurship that span decades. To reward such loyalty to the state and strengthen the area’s rebound from the recession, Nixon introduced a new initiative — Missouri First — that retools the state’s economic incentive programs to provide a boost to companies that already are in Missouri and employ workers and are considering expansion. Nixon toured companies in Kansas City’s Westside and in Springfield on Tuesday before announcing the new program. “When you tour one of Missouri’s proud companies, you see so much more than a place where people go to work,” Nixon said after touring DST Output Co., 2600 Southwest Blvd. “You see a place where the hard-working, sharp-thinking and dedicated men and women are making their lives, their communities and our state stronger and more prosperous.” He said DST Output, which has been in Kansas City for about 40 years, is part of that tradition of companies loyal to the state and to generations of Missourians by providing solid, stable employment. However, Nixon said, the problem is that the state’s incentive programs treat both types of businesses — the most loyal companies and those out-of-state businesses that are thinking of moving to Missouri — the same. “We don’t give folks who have been here for generations any extra consideration for their loyalty, their dedication or their impact our community,” Nixon said. “In other words, you get extra credit for being an outof-state company for simply thinking about relocating while you don’t get any special consideration for being a Missouri KCK Saw Cuts and Growth CONT./PAGE The Kansas City, Kan., police department celebrated the news that crime in the city had dropped to a new low, setting a record that the city had not seen in 22 years. Violent crimes dropped 20 percent and property crimes dropped 16 percent. “The strategies that were implemented by the police department in 2006 have proven once again to be effective in the reduction of violent crime in our community. These strategies focus on drug enforcement, quality-of-life issues, and remaining flexible as crime patterns change,” said Police Chief Samuel Breshears. Breshears attributes the city’s reduction in crime stats to several factors. He said the police department’s relationship with the community remains strong, the input from community partners is a cornerstone to the city’s success, and police officers and commanders have worked hard to remove violent offenders from the streets. In 2009, Mayor Joe Reardon was re-elected and began his new term with the recession hitting hard in his hometown. Workers at the General Motors plant were facing layoffs and uncertainty about whether they would continue production in Kansas City, Kan. Families in the city have had to tighten their budgets and face rising gas prices and food costs at the grocery store. Workers have either been laid off or have seen their work hours reduced, and the mayor’s office has had to tighten its financial belt. The Unified Government of Wyandotte County also wielded its budget axe, making cuts in programs and approving a 2010 budget that included employee furloughs, hiring and pay freezes, suspensions in public work projects and 10-percent trim in services and programs. The drastic budget cut was required to meet a revenue shortfall of almost $12 million. According to a statement by the Unified Government, “the dismal budget is painted by a drop in property values, declining sales tax receipts and sharp cuts in promised state funding.” In October 2009, Kansas City, Kan., police officers voted to accept a pay freeze in 2010 to avoid the layoff of 16 officers and help the Unified Government manage a budget crisis. As the police officers accepted the pay freeze, they have joined thousands of other Unified Government workers affected by the revenue shortfall. More than 1,000 non-union employees are facing a two-year freeze on pay raises and 15 unpaid furlough days. Hundreds of union Unified Government workers also are accepting pay freezes and furlough days. Public safety personnel are protected from the 15-day unpaid furloughs imposed on other employees. Despite the recession in 2009, Village West has continued to grow with the addition of new stores. Wal-Mart and Best Buy are open at the Plaza at the Speedway complex and currently under construction is a Taco Bell restaurant at the same site. Future projects in the Village West complex are the CernerKansas City Wizards development and a Hollywood Casino, which was approved by the Kansas Lottery Gaming board. The first phase of Schlitterbahn Water Park opened in July 2009. The local Carpenters District Council of Kansas City organized a union protest outside the water park during the summer. More than 100 union workers stood outside the park letting officials know that they were upset that local jobs were awarded to outof-state workers. Construction at the park will continue through 2011 as the company builds lodging, shops, restaurants and other attractions along the river walk. When the park is complete it will offer 750,000 square feet of retail space and 1,100 lodging units. Local union leaders continue to protest the project and have urged the Unified Government to push Schlitterbahn officials to hire local workers on the project and that they uphold their minority hiring agreement. As businesses on the western edge of the city opened their doors, the Argentine neighborhood in KCK has watched another business close its doors. The Sonic Drive in closed in 2009, leaving another empty storefront on Strong Avenue. The small Argentine community lost its grocery store several years ago and has not been able to attract another into the community. But there may be hope on the horizon for Argentine. Schier Products has expressed interest in building at the former site of Structural Steel. Mike Ismert, owner of Schier Products, conducted a town hall meeting to discuss his plans for the site. Community residents say they are open to the new business moving onto the former steel site, but have expressed a concern about semi-truck traffic traveling close to Vega Park and the children that play soccer there. In 2009, the Argentine community honored one of their citizens by renaming the Argentine Community Center as the Joseph E. Amayo Sr. Center. Also in 2009, new homes were built in the community under the supervision of the Argentine Neighborhood Development Association (ANDA). Ann Murguia, executive director of ANDA and District 3 Commissioner for the Unified Government, was the focus of ethics questions from Commissioner Mark Holland, who asked about ANDA’s request for federal stimulus dollars that were designated for Wyandotte County. Two ethical questions were raised and neither had simple answers. The questions were: Should a commissioner being paid by the local city government who is also serving as a paid executive director of a not-for-profit organization be able to receive federal stimulus money for his or her agency? The second question asked whether this same commissioner should be able to receive local government funding for his or her not-for-profit agency. When these questions were raised, Commissioner Mark Holland asked that the Code of Ethics be reviewed and updated. He asked that Section 2-269 of the Code of Ethics to be updated with the following new wording, “an ordinance and resolution prohibiting Unified Government elected officials from serving as an employee, legal officer, trustee, director or legal representative of a CDC (Community Development Corporation) or CHDO (Community Housing Development Organization) that receives financial resources directly from the Unified Government or from federal or state agencies or programs administered through the Unified Government.” The revised Code of Ethics was approved at the regular meeting of the Ethics Commission. www.kchispanicnews.com your latino connection since 1996 ture items that are necessary to prepare property for a business’ relocation. Missouri First would change the law regulating certain incentives to authorize the Department of Economic Development to provide additional resources to existing businesses that are considering expansions in the state. Specifically, the department would be allowed to increase the incentive cap for businesses that have had a presence in Missouri for at least five years. The department would be able to increase the cap by up to 2 percent of the total incentive amount for each five-year increment the company has been located in Missouri — up to 10 percent of the total incentive for companies that have been in Missouri for 25 years or more. “That is a real benefit to our most loyal employees,” Nixon said, “a reward that says thankyou for your longstanding investment in the state and a reward that we think will help jumpstart our economy.” Missouri First would apply to a number of state economic incentive programs, including Quality Jobs and Enhanced En- Missouri First is the third major component of Nixon’s jobs package for 2010. The package also includes the Missouri Science and Research Investment Act (MOSIRA), which will create a dedicated fund to help attract and grow high-tech businesses in the state, and Training for Tomorrow, an initiative that will invest $12 million in educating Missourians for in-demand careers at Missouri’s community colleges. When asked what impact Kansas City’s earnings tax, which is deducted from employees’ paychecks, had on state incentives, Nixon told Hispanic News, “That’s a local issue and we would certainly listen to what the locals have to say about that.” He said the earnings tax is a significant portion of Kansas City’s revenue and that an alternative source of money would have to continue supporting services if the tax were eliminated. Talboy said he has never heard that the earnings tax had a negative impact on job growth. He said he would have to examine at all angles of the tax before taking any stance on it. KCK Vio Cortes y Crecimiento CONT./PÁGINA “Las estrategias que fueron implementadas por el departamento de policía en el 2006 han probado una vez más ser efectivas en la reducción de los crímenes violentos en nuestra comunidad. Estas estrategias se enfocan en reforzamiento de las leyes en contra de las drogas, en problemas de calidad de vida y permanecen flexibles como cambios de padrones en los crímenes”, dijo el Jefe de la Policía Samuel Breshears. Breshears atribuye la reducción en las estadísticas del crimen de la ciudad a varios factores. Él dijo que la relación del departamento de policía con la comunidad permanece fuerte, las opiniones de socios comunitarios es una piedra angular en el sucedo de la ciudad y los agentes y comandantes de la policía han trabajado con ahínco para remover a perpetradores violentos de las calles. En 2009, el Alcalde Joe Reardon fue reelecto a un nuevo periodo al momento en que la recesión golpeaba duro a su ciudad. Trabajadores de la Planta General Motors estaban enfrentando despidos e incertidumbre respecto a si continuarían producción en Kansas City, Kan. Familias en la ciudad han tenido que restringir sus presupuestos y enfrentar crecientes precios en la gasolina y los costos de comestibles en la tienda de abarrotes. Algunos trabajadores han sido despedidos o han visto una reducción en sus horas, y la oficina del alcalde ha tenido que apretar el cinturón financiero. El Gobierno Unificado del Condado de Wyandotte County también blandió su hacha presupuestaria, haciendo recortes en programas y aprobando un presupuesto para el 2010 que incluye alejamiento del trabajo sin recibir paga para los empleados, contratos y congelamiento de salarios, suspensión de proyectos de trabajos públicos y un recorte de un 10 por ciento en servicios y programas. El drástico recorte presupuestario fue requerido para cumplir con una reducción de ingresos de casi $12 millones. Según unan declaración emitida por el Gobierno Unificado, “el deprimido presupuesto está pintado por una baja en los valores de las propiedades, una disminución en los recibos de impuestos a la venta y agudos recortes en promesas de fondos del estado”. En octubre del 2009, agentes de la policía de Kansas City, Kan., votaron para aceptar un congelamiento de salarios en el 2010 para evitar el despido de 16 agentes y ayudar al Gobierno Unificado a administrar la crisis presupuestaria. Al aceptar el congelamiento de salarios, los agentes de la policía se han unido a miles de otros trabajadores del Gobierno Unificado afectados por la disminución de los ingresos. Más de 1.000 empleados no pertenecientes a sindicatos están enfrentando un congelamiento de dos años en sus pagas y 15 días de alejamiento del trabajo sin recibir paga impuesta a otros empleados. A pesar de la recesión en el 2009, Village West ha continuado creciendo con la adición de nuevas tiendas. Wal-Mart y Best Buy tienen sus puertas abiertas en la Plaza en el complejo de la Pista de Velocidad y actualmente se encuentra bajo construcción un restaurante de la cadena Taco Bell en el mismo lugar. Entre los futuros proyectos del complejo Village West se encuentran el desarrollo Cerner-Kansas City Wizards y un Casino Hollywood, el cual fue aprobado por la junta de la Lotería y los Juegos de Azar de Kansas. La primera fase del Parque Acuático Schlitterbahn abrió sus puertas en julio del 2009. El Concilio local del Distrito de Carpinteros de Kansas City, organizó una protesta sindical afuera del parque acuático durante el verano. Más de cien trabajadores del sindicato estuvieron en frente del parque dándole a entender a oficiales que se encontraban molestos que trabajos locales fueran otorgados a trabajadores de fuera del estado. La construcción en el parque continuará a través del 2011 mientras la compañía construye alojamientos, tiendas, restaurantes y otras atracciones junto a la vereda que va junto al río. Cuando el parque sea completado ofrecerá 750.000 pies cuadrados de espacios para tiendas al detalle y 1.100 unidades para alojamiento. Líderes sindicales locales continúan protestando contra el proyecto y han urgido al Gobierno Unificado que ejerza presión sobre los oficiales de Schlitterbahn para que contraten a trabajadores locales en el proyecto y que respeten sus acuerdos pata contratar minorías. Mientras negocios en el límite oeste de la ciudad abren sus puertas, el vecindario de Argentine en KCK ha visto a otros negocios cerrar sus puertas. El Sonic Drive In cerró en el 2009, dejando vacío otro local comercial en la Avenida Strong. La pequeña comunidad de Argentine perdió su tienda de abarrotes o almacén hace varios años y no ha podido atraer otro a la comunidad. Pero allí pudieran vislumbrase esperanzas en el horizonte para Argentine. Productos Schier ha expresado interés en construir en el ex sitio de Acero Estructural. Mike Ismert, propietario de Productos Schier, realizó una reunión tipo ayuntamiento para discutir sus planes para el sitio. Residentes de la comunidad dijeron estar abiertos a que se muden nuevos negocios al ex sitio del acero, pero han expresado preocupación sobre el tráfico de camiones remolque viajando cercanos al Parque Vega y los niños que juegan fútbol allí. En 2009, la comunidad de Argentine le rindió homenaje a uno de sus ciudadanos al renombrar el Centro Comunitario de Argentine con el nombre de Joseph E. Amayo Sr. Center. También en el 2009, se construyeron nuevas casas en la comunidad bajo la supervisión de la Asociación de Desarrollo Vecinal de Argentine (ANDA, por sus siglas en ingles). Ann Murguía, directora ejecutiva de ANDA y Comisionada por el Distrito 3 del Gobierno Unificado, fue el foco de preguntas de índole ético de parte del Comisionado Mark Holland, quien preguntó respecto al pedido por parte de ANDA de dólares provenientes del estímulo federal que fueron diseñados para el Condado de Wyandotte. Dos preguntas de índole ético fueron formuladas y ninguna de ellas tuvo una simple respuesta. Las preguntas fueron: Debería un Comisionado que recibir sueldo del gobierno citadino local quien también es directora ejecutiva de su agencia sin fines de lucro. Cuando estas preguntas fueron formuladas, el Comisionado Mark Holland pidió que el Código de Éticas fuera revisado y puesto al corriente. Él pidió que la sección 2-269 del Código de Éticas fuera puesto al corriente con nuevas palabras, “una ordenanza y resolución prohibiendo que oficiales electos del Gobierno Unificado se desempeñen como empleados, oficiales legales, miembros de juntas, directores o representantes legales de un CDC (Corporación de Desarrollo Comunitario) o CHDO (Organización Comunal De Desarrollo de Viviendas) que reciben recursos financieros directamente del Gobierno Unificado o de agencias estatales o federales o de programas administrados a través del Gobierno Unificado”. El revisado Código de Éticas fue aprobado en la reunión regular de la Comisión de Éticas. www.kchispanicnews.com SPORTS Chiefs new era? Same results “Head coach Todd Haley is searching for answers to a tough first season.” JOHN SILVA cern among fans yearning for a Hispanic News more experienced hand to guide As we look forward to 2010 there is still time to reflect on 2009. There were some things that brought passion and excitement in sports - Missouri’s run to the elite eight in the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament and Arrowhead’s hosting of an exhibition game between Mexico’s two biggest soccer clubs, Chivas and America. Then there was the same old, same old that were the Kansas City Royals. In spite of a revamped stadium they managed to field a team that kept them in the doldrums of the majors. The biggest story undoubtedly revolved around the Chiefs. A year ago Scott Pioli was hired by Clark Hunt to run the football side of the Chiefs operation while Denny Thum was elevated to team president. Pioli’s first big decision involved hiring a head coach. Some thought his top choice was New England offensive coordinator Josh McDaniels. Before Pioli could talk to McDaniels, the young coach was snatched up by rival Denver to replace Mike Shanahan. Shanahan was a popular choice to come to KC but Pioli landed on Arizona offensive coordinator Todd Haley. Considered a hot property Haley had no head coaching experience but was thought to have excellent personnel instincts as well as a highly evolved offensive acumen. Haley’s temperament was a con- the club. They were given a reason to chirp quickly as an explosive article detailed a conversation between Haley and locker room leader Brian Waters. The Pro Bowl guard was reportedly told by Haley he could win two games bringing in 22 players off the street. It would take Haley ten weeks to surpass that plateau and the remark kept being a focus to fan’s displeasure until the Chiefs got the third win. In August, Haley took an unprecedented step in team history firing offensive coordinator Chan Gaily midway through the exhibition schedule and took over the play calling reigns himself. The team showed grit against Baltimore in week one on the road keeping things close until the fourth quarter. It was week two when the new regime’s honeymoon officially ended. Facing the gauntlet of all four NFC East teams following the home opener, fans would’ve accepted going 1-5 as long as KC could beat Oakland at Arrowhead. A 13-10 loss led many to question Haley’s competency after facing a putrid performance by Raiders QB Jamarcus Russell who still managed a last minute drive to win. The high water mark for the season occurred two weeks after the bye. The Chiefs’ victory over Oakland set the stage for a match with the world champion Pittsburgh Steelers. Todd Haley grew up in Pittsburgh where his father Dick was the personnel guru for the 70’s dynasty. With Dad in town, the Chiefs played an emotional game beating the Steelers in a 27-24 overtime thriller. Those two wins coincided with two personnel moves which benefited the offense in the second half of the season. The team released running back Larry Johnson after tweeting negative comments towards Haley and fans alike. That allowed Jamaal Charles to be unleashed. The second-year Texas back gained more yards in the second half of the season than anyone else save NFL rushing leader Chris Johnson. Pioli also picked up the contract of Chris Chambers after the Chargers released the receiver. In three consecutive weeks Chambers came up with big plays in the fourth quarter giving the Chiefs a chance to win while Dwayne Bowe served a four-game, league-mandated suspension. Perhaps the biggest story of the year is the team’s lack of progress from last year. The club is laying the foundation for the future for the second time in three years and for the first time since 1990 the fans stayed home to the point where a game was blacked out on local television. Changes are expected at Arrowhead after having the third worst record in the NFL for the second consecutive year. Defensive coordinator Clancy Pendergast’s 3-4 defensive schemes yielded little more results than the futility seen nearing a decade of poor defensive performances. The offensive line is still in a shambles after plugging in lowly regarded acquisitions and demands attention during the off-season. Chiefs’ fans knew it would be a long season and thankfully for them it’s over. They’ve paid their dues and hopefully for them the patience will begin to pay off next year. In loving Memory • Albert Lascon, Sr. Albert Lascon, Sr, 91 of Kansas City, MO, passed away Saturday, January 2, 2010 at North Kansas City Hospital. Mass of Christian Burial will be 9:00 a.m. Thursday, January 7, 2010 at Redemptorist Fathers Catholic Church. Burial will be in Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Visitation was Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at the McGilley Midtown Chapel, where a rosary was prayed. Al was born August 26, 1918 in Brownsville, TX and will be greatly missed by family and neighbors. Al grew up in Richmond, MO and met the ‘Love of His Life’, Marie Perez in Hampton, IA. Marie preceded him in death in 1972. He was a devoted husband and greatly missed her. Al was a proud veteran of WWII and member of the 84th Infantry known as the Rail Splitters. His memories of the War and those he served with will be missed. Al worked in the coal mines of Minnesota and Missouri and farmed in Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota after the war, before settling in the Kansas City area. He retired after 37 years as a welder and foreman for Standard Steel of North Kansas City. He sometimes worked 2 jobs (the other at Columbia Steel) to raise and support their seven children. His proud work ethic will always be remembered and appreciated. When someone in the Open 6 days a week Tuesday-Friday 8:00 am till 6:00 pm Saturday 7:00 am to 4:00 pm Sunday 7:00 am to 3:00 pm old neighborhood needed something fixed, from cars to appliances, Al was always willing to help. In addition to his wife and parents, Al was preceded in death by three sons, Robert, Michael and John; five siblings, Ignacio Lascon, Chima Lascon, Josephine Lascon, Esperanza Lascon and Jesus Lascon. His survivors include his oldest son, Albert Lascon, Jr. and his wife Sherry of Kansas City, KS, his daughters Josie Lascon of Overland Park, KS and Mary Velasquez of North Kansas City and son Joseph Lascon and his wife Susan of Lee’s Summit, MO; 15 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren; and numerous extended family and friends. Al’s family would like to thank his neighbors who helped him many times during his latter years. A special thanks to a young man named Josh and neighbors Sharon, Allen and Bud. 7 DE ENERO DEL 2010 Low inflation leaves tax deductions mostly unchanged By Jason Alderman When it comes to inflation, 2009 was a good news/bad news kind of year — with a few mixed messages thrown in for good measure. According to one widely used inflation measurement, the Department of Labor’s Consumer Price Index for urban consumers (CPI-U), the rate of inflation actually fell for the quarter ending Sept. 30, 2009, compared to the same period a year earlier. (Remember, gasoline prices, which spiked during 2008 and impacted numerous other expenses, subsided considerably in 2009.) Those whose bills have continued to rise probably would debate whether it was actually cheaper to live in 2009 than in 2008. Regardless, this is an important statistic because the IRS uses the third-quarter CPIU to determine whether dozens of tax-related numbers such as income tax bracket limits and maximum retirement savings plan contributions will stay the same or increase in the following tax year. The good news is that although many savers feared that retirement plan contribution limits might actually drop for the first time ever, the IRS determined that provisions in the Social Security Act prohibit such reductions. The bad news, for those who would have liked to increase such contributions next year, is that they cannot do so. Even worse, because inflation was so low, for the first time in decades, Social Security beneficiaries will not receive a cost-ofliving benefit increase in 2010, even though Medicare Part D (prescription drug coverage) premiums are expected to rise. On the mixed news front, the IRS left unchanged most tax deductions that are subject to annual inflation adjustments, although a few did creep up slightly. Here’s a summary of some common tax benchmarks: • Federal personal tax exemptions remain constant at $3,650 per individual. • The standard tax deduction for heads of households increases by just $50 to $8,400. It remains unchanged at $11,400 for married couples filing jointly and $5,700 for singles and those who are married but file separately. • Various tax bracket thresholds will increase slightly – for example, the threshold between the 15 percent and 25 percent tax brackets for married couples filing jointly increases by $100 to $68,000. • The annual gift tax exclusion remains unchanged at $13,000. • The Social Security taxable wage base (upper income limit subject to Social Security taxes) remains unchanged at $106,800. • The maximum annual contribution to 401(k), 403(b) and 457 plans remains unchanged at $16,500 (plus an additional $5,500 for those over age 50). The annual limit for combined employee and employer contributions to such plans remains at $49,000. • The maximum contribution to a regular or Roth IRA remains unchanged at $5,000 (those aged 50 and older can contribute an additional $1,000). • Married couples filing jointly will see the amount they can contribute to a Roth IRA gradually phased out if their adjusted gross income exceeds $167,000 – a $1,000 increase over 2009’s level; the phase-out limitation floor for others remains unchanged at $105,000. • Check www.irs.gov for other 2010 tax changes. Bottom line: In 2010, inflation pays a very minor role in terms of tax threshold changes compared to previous years. Jason Alderman directs Visas financial education programs. Sign up for his free monthly e-Newsletter at www.practicalmoneyskills.com/newsletter. La baja inflación deja las deducciones de impuestos en su mayoría sin cambios por: Jason Alderman Cuando se trata de la inflación, 2009 es en cierto modo un año de buenas y malas noticias, con varios mensajes diversos añadidos para completar la cosa. De acuerdo con una medición de la inflación ampliamente utilizada, el Indice de Precios al Consumidor del Departamento de Trabajo para consumidores metropolitanos (CPI-U), la tasa de inflación en realidad disminuyó para el trimestre que terminó el 30 de septiembre, 2009, comparado con el mismo periodo del año anterior. (Recuerde que los precios de la gasolina, que se dispararon durante el 2008 e impactaron otros numerosos gastos, cedieron considerablemente en 2009). Aquellos cuyas cuentas han continuado aumentando probablemente discutirán si en realidad fue más barato vivir en 2009 que en 2008. Independientemente, este es una importante estadística porque el IRS utiliza el CIP-U del tercer trimestre para determinar si docenas de números relacionados con los impuestos tales como el límite de la clasificación del impuesto sobre la renta y las máximas contribuciones del plan de ahorro para el retiro permanecerán de la misma forma o incrementarán el próximo año fiscal. La buena noticia es que aunque muchos ahorradores temen que los límites de contribuciones del plan de retiro pueden en realidad caer por primera vez, el IRS determina que las disposiciones de la Ley del Seguro Social prohíben tales reducciones. La mala noticia, para aquellos a los que les hubiera gustado aumentar tales contribuciones el próximo año, es que no pueden hacer ésto. Aún peor, debido a que la inflación fue tan baja, por primera vez en décadas, los beneficiarios del Seguro Social no recibirán incrementos de beneficio de costo de la vida en 2010, a pesar de Medicare Part D (cobertura de medicamentos de prescripción), se espera que las primas se incrementen. Ante noticias mixtas, el IRS dejó sin cambios la mayoría de las deducciones fiscales que están sujetas a ajuste por inflación anual, aunque algunas aumentaron ligeramente. Aquí un resumen de algunos de los puntos de referencia fiscal comunes: • Las exenciones de impuestos federales personales permanecen constantes en $3,650 por persona. • La deducción estándar de impuestos por jefe de hogar aumenta por sólo $50 a $8,400. Permanece sin cambio en $11,400 para parejas casadas que presentan impuestos conjuntamente y $5,700 para personas solteras y aquellos que están casados pero que presentan impuestos separadamente. • Varios umbrales de categorías tributarias aumentarán ligeramente, por ejemplo, el umbral entre el 15 por ciento y 25 porciento de clasificación fiscal para parejas casadas que presentan declaración de impuestos de forma conjunta aumenta de $100 a $68,000. • La exclusión del impuesto anual sobre donaciones permanece sin cambio en $13,000. • La base de salario gravable del Seguro Social (límite superior de ingresos sujeto a impuestos del Seguro Social) permanece sin cambio en $106,800 • La contribución máxima anual a los planes 401(k), 403(b) y 457 permanecen sin cambio en $16,500 (más $5,500 adicionales para aquellos mayores de 50). El límite anual para contribuciones combinadas de empleado y empleador a tales planes permanece en $49,000. • La contribución máxima a un Roth IRA regular permanece sin cambio en $5,000 (aquellos mayores de 50 o más pueden contribuir con $1,000 adicionales). • Parejas casadas que presentan impuestos en conjunto verán la cantidad que ellos pueden contribuir a Roth IRA reducida gradualmente si su ingreso bruto ajustado excede los $167,000 - un incremento de $1,000 sobre el nivel del 2009, de reducción progresiva de la limitación hasta el fondo para otros permanece sin cambio en $105,000 • Vaya a www.irs.gov para otros cambios fiscales para el 2010. Conclusión: En 2010, la inflación juega un papel menor en términos de cambios en el umbral de los impuestos comparado con años anteriores. For news it’s Jason Alderman dirige los programas de educación financiera de Visa. Para inscribirse y recibir un Boletín de Noticias Electrónico financiero personal gratuito mensualmente, vaya a www.practicalmoneyskills. com/newsletter. your latino connection since 1996 7 DE ENERO DEL 2010 Rea First Goal: 500 Signatures by Jan. 19 Movies • Peliculas Sherlock Holmes’ Wild Return By Molly Yarnevich Sherlock Holmes, the 19th century detective character, is the brilliant brainchild of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes, the 2009 movie, is the frenetically fun brainchild of director Guy Ritchie. The film stars Robert Downey, Jr. as our hero and Jude Law as his cohort, Dr. Watson. Downey is effervescent. He imbues Holmes with a playfulness and spark that plays very well on the big screen. Downey is one of those rare actors who play characters effortlessly. Like Robert DeNiro and Philip Seymour Hoffman, I would be happy in a theatre observing them watch paint dry. I am not so enthralled with Jude Law. He is pleasant enough, but I don’t consider him a heavy-hitter. He’s not spectacular here, but he does a nice job tapping into the subdued tone of Watson. And it works, as intended, to direct the spotlight to Downey who comes alive in it. The action centers on a villain who has returned from the dead, after being hanged for murder, to resume his killing spree. Lord Blackwood (played adequately by Mark Strong) employs a dash of the occult in his work. And he looks like Andy Garcia playing Count Dracula - a bit silly for me and a bit distracting. He is hell bent on killing any members of Parliament who will not stand with him in his quest to take over the world. Hokey? Yes. Another character I wasn’t impressed with is Irene Adler, Sherlock’s muse, played by Rachel McAdams. She is lovely enough and meant to be a vixen not above pick-pocketing, but she fails to entice me or Sherlock. McAdams does not play her with enough sex appeal. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t looking for an extended sex scene to interrupt all the good crime/mystery action, but I expected more vamp from the only woman who could turn Sherlock’s head as well as get inside it. My favorite thing about this film, apart from Downey is the pace. It is fast and fantastic. The dialogue is clever and I think Michael Robert Johnson, Anthony Peckham (also credited with “Invictus”) and Simon Kinberg did excellent work here bringing the spirit of Sherlock Holmes to us. From what I know of Sherlock Holmes, he is much of what we experience in this film. From his penchant for disguises and his brotherly love for Watson to his bohemian lifestyle and sharp tongue, he is great fun to watch jump about the streets of Londontown. I want to note too, that Guy Ritchie did a good turn here by staying out of the way of this movie. Much like “Snatch,” he let the actors run with the script and make the movie. I recommend this movie as pure escape, much as I suspect Sir Conan Doyle intended his novels to be. I very much enjoyed watching the inner workings of Holmes’ mind as he details his complex actions before he performs them for us, not to mention his dissection of the small details of a scene that unravel the larger mystery. It’s great fun to see. Rated PG-13 Running time128 min Released by Lin Pictures www.kchispanicnews.com REWARD~RECOMPENSA CONT./PAGE Rea said he was raised by civic-active parents — the late Marie Rea and Crispin Rea Sr. — who instilled in him a calling to volunteerism, which includes his work in the Police Athletic League summer program, as an assistant coach for flag football at McCoy Elementary and as a little league soccer coach. His goals as a school board member include working to regain the public’s confidence. “We have to tap into the wisdom of the people who live in the district,” he said, so the district can create a network of support for its students. “My goal in my first term is to serve on a school board Up to $2,700 REWARD For Information Leading to the arrest of persons Responsible for the death of Mauro Brito Pacheco Recompensa de mas $2,700 por información que nos conduzca al arresto des las personas 816-474-TIPS 816-474-8477 your latino connection since 1996 Su identidad se mantendrá anónima of a fully accredited district.” Kansas City currently is provisionally accredited and its programs will be reviewed again by 2014. A key to that accreditation is re-engaging all the stakeholders of the district, from parents to business leaders to civic leaders, who will help support and educate the district’s students. He said the student population is less than 50 percent of what it was in 1998. The number has dropped from 35,000 to about 17,000, a sign that parents are looking for other ways to educate their children. “We have to make the district attractive for families. It can’t be a motivating force for families not to move to Kansas City or to choose an alternative to send their children to a private school or to a charter school.” Another part of his platform, Rea said, is supporting term limits for school board members. “Philosophically, the political science student in me doesn’t like term limits. At a higher level of public office, when you have a good elected official that has the support of the people, then that person should be allowed to serve (without term limits),” he said. “But the school district is a special case. There is a democratic process that not very many people participate in so I like term limits can serve as a buffer … sort of a security barrier.” El Primer Objetivo de Rea: 500 Firmas para el 19 de enero CONT./PÁGINA va más allá de la población latina”. En la actualidad trabajando como una asistente para el Alcalde de Kansas City Mark Funkhouser, Rea dice que tiene la experiencia necesaria para desempeñarse efectivamente como miembro de la junta. “Yo he aprendido mucho cómo las cosas (Políticas) funcionan. Yo he aprendido cómo el mundo de las entidades sin fines de lucro funciona. He aprendido cómo funciona nuestro sistema educacional y los diferentes niveles de gobierno”. Un graduado en el 2008 de la Universidad Park y de la Escuela Secundaria St. Mary’s en Independence, Rea tiene un título en Ciencias Políticas, Administración Pública y planea asistir a la escuela de derecho. Él también fue electo para servir como Miembro del Comité Demócrata del Condado de Jackson en el Precinto 13. “Pero he aprendido más en mi primer año en la oficina del alcalde que en todos mis cuatro años en la escuela de pre graduados”. Rea dijo haber sido criado por padres que eran activistas cívicos – la difunta Marie Rea y Crispín Rea Sr. – quienes le inculcaron un llamado al voluntariado, lo que incluye su trabajo en el programa de verano de la Liga Atlética de la Policía, como asistente del entrenador en el juego de flag football en la Escuela Elemental McCoy y como entrenador de fútbol de las pequeñas ligas. Sus objetivos como miembro de la junta escolar incluyen trabajar para recuperar la confianza del público. “Tenemos que sacar provecho de la sabiduría de la gente que vive en el distrito”, dijo él, por lo que el distrito puede crear una red de apoyo para sus estudiantes. “Mi meta en mi primer periodo es la de servir en la junta escolar de un distrito completamente acreditado”. Kansas City está en la actualidad provisionalmente acreditado y sus programas serán revisados nuevamente en el 2014. Una clave para esa acreditación es la de volver a hacer participar a todos los accionistas del distrito, desde los padres hasta los líderes de los negocios hasta los líderes cívicos, quienes ayudarán a apoyar y educar a los estudiantes del distrito. Él dice que la población estudiantil es menos de un 50 por ciento de lo que era en 1998. La cantidad ha disminuido desde 35.000 hasta cerca de 17.000, una señal de que los padres están buscando otras maneras de educar a sus hijos. “Tenemos que hacer que el distrito sea atractivo para las familias. No puede ser una fuerza motivadora para que las familias no se muden a Kansas City o escojan una alternativa de enviar a sus hijos a escuelas privadas o escuelas charter”. Otra parte de su plataforma, Rea dijo, es la de apoyar límites a los periodos de los miembros de la junta escolar. “Filosóficamente, el estudiante de ciencias políticas en mi no gusta del término límites. A un nivel más alto en un cargo público, cuando uno tiene a un buen oficial electo que tiene el apoyo de la gente, entonces a esa persona se le debería permitir servir (Sin límites de periodos)”, dijo él. “Pero el distrito escolar es un caso especial. Allí existe un proceso democrático en el que no muchas personas participan, por lo que me gustan los límites a los periodos para servir como una barrera… un tipo de barrera de seguridad”. Adolescents Perceive Greater Risk to Using Tobacco Products Than Illicit Drugs or Binge Drinking Perceptions of lower risk may influence decisions to experiment with drugs All tips are annonymous www.kchispanicnews.com Adolescents across all age groups perceive a greater risk to smoking cigarettes than the use of alcohol and other substances including cocaine and LSD, according to a new report based on a national survey sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). An individual’s perception of risk about a substance can be a key factor whether they decide to refrain from using. “We are on the right track with cigarette smoking and need to keep raising awareness among teens about the dangers of other substances,” said SAMHSA Administrator Pamela S. Hyde, J.D. “Understanding that perception of harm is a strong predictor of potential substance use among young people can help guide the development of substance prevention messages.” The survey found that although the perception of risk in terms of cigarette smoking remained relatively constant among all adolescent groups, the perception of risk associated with other types of substances varied considerably by gender and age. Key findings from the NSDUH (National Survey on Drug Use and Health) survey include: • Nearly 70 percent of adolescents aged 12-17 perceived great risk from smoking one or more packs of cigarettes per day. This rate was stable across age groups. • Only 40 percent of adolescents perceived great risk from binge drinking (having five or more drinks of alcohol once or twice a week), and just over one third (34.2 percent) perceived great risk from smoking marijuana once a month. About half perceived great risk in using cocaine once a month (49.7 percent) or LSD once or twice (50.9 percent). • Females were more likely than males to perceive great risk from smoking one or more packs of cigarettes per day, from having five or more drinks of alcohol once or twice a week, and from smoking marijuana once a month; males were more likely than females to perceive great risk from trying heroin once or twice. Perceptions of Risk from Substance Abuse among Adolescents is based on the responses of 44,979 adolescents aged 12-17 participating in the 2007 and 2008 SAMHSA National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH). The full report is available online at: http://oas. samhsa.gov/2k9/158/ 158RiskPerceptions. cfm. It may also be obtained by calling the SAMHSA Health Information Network at 1-877-SAMHSA-7 (1877-726-4727) or at: http:// ncadistore.samhsa.gov/ catalog/productDetails. aspx?ProductID=18235. 7 DE ENERO DEL 2010 www.kchispanicnews.com 7 DE www.kchispanicnews.com ENERO DEL 2010 CLASSIFIEDS & PUBLIC NOTICE • CLASIFICADOS & ANUNCIOS PÚBLICOS PATROL OFFICER KANSAS CITY, KANSAS POLICE DEPARTMENT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE PROPOSED FIFTH AMENDMENT TO THE NORTH OAK TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN The Unified Government of Wyandotte County/Kansas City, Kansas Police Department is currently accepting applications for Patrol Officer. For more information regarding qualifications and instructions on how to apply, please visit our websites at www.wycokck. org or www.kckpd.org. You may also contact our Recruiting Office at 913-573-JOIN or Human Resources at 913-573-5660. Deadline: February 10, 2010. EOE MBE/WBE Invitation PACKAGE : to Bid: BP #33 FOUNDERS You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held by the Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri, commencing at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, January 13, 2010, at the Town Pavilion Conference Center, 1100 Walnut, 4th Floor, Kansas City, Missouri, regarding the proposed Fifth Amendment (the “Amendment”) to the North Oak Tax Increment Financing Plan (the “Plan”). The proposed Fifth Amendment, if approved, would allow for modifications to the Redevelopment Project Costs. SUITE Turner Construction Company is soliciting bids for the Founders Suite Package, on the Kansas City Chiefs Football Club, Inc., Arrowhead Stadium Expansion project in Kansas City, MO. Drawings will be available for review at Turner’s main office, The Builder’s Association, FW Dodge, Reed Construction Data, ISQFT, NAWIC, Mid America Minority Business Development Council, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Greater KC, Hispanic Organization for Justice and Equality and Minority Contractors Association. They also can be purchased at KC Blueprint & Plan Room. Plans will be available January 6, 2010. Bids are due January 26, 2010 at 2:00 PM, CDST. A Pre-bid Conference will be held January 13, 2010 at 10:00 AM, CDST at the Chiefs/Konrath on-site Office Trailer, 1 Dubiner Circle, Kansas City, MO. 64129. (Truman Sports Complex). Sealed bids are due by 2:00 PM, CDST on January 26, 2010. Questions regarding this project should be directed to Nick Findley, Turner Construction Co., 1 Dubiner Circle, Kansas City, MO. 64129. Phone 816-924-7600. EOE Opportunities Hobby Lobby is a leader in the Arts & Crafts industry with nearly 425 stores located in 33 states. Candidates must have previous retail store management experience in one of the following: Supermarket chain, Craft chain, Mass merchant, Drug chain Building supply chain Must be willing to relocate. Benefits include: •All Stores Closed on Sunday! •Competitive Salaries •Paid Vacations •401K Plan •Medical/Dental •Life Insurance •Merchandise Discount •Flex Spending Plan Qualified Candidates with Retail Management experience as listed above must apply on-line. www.hobbylobby.com Anticipated Fall 2010 Full-Time Faculty Positions Biology Instructor Counselor English Instructor Geology/GIS Instructor History Instructor Mathematics Instructor Philosophy Instructor Spanish Instructor The Redevelopment Area includes two noncontiguous areas which are generally bounded by: (1) NE 43rd Street on the north, property line of the old Farmland Building (3301 North Oak Trafficway) on the south and property line of commercial properties facing North Oak Traffic way and (2) southern boundary of the existing Baptist Seminary buildings on the north, Vivion Road on the south, western boundary of a tract commonly known as the President’s house on the east and North Oak Trafficway on the west (the “Redevelopment Area”) in Kansas City, Clay County, Missouri. The Plan, as revised, may be reviewed by any interested party on or after Wednesday, January 6, 2010 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the offices of the Tax Increment Financing Commission, 1100 Walnut, Suite 1700, Kansas City, Missouri. According to Section 99.830.3 all interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard at the public hearing. Joe Gonzales Director Tax Increment Financing Commission of Kansas City, Missouri 1100 Walnut, Suite 1700 Kansas City, Missouri 64106 816-221-063 Spanish Lessons Native Spaniard teaching Conversational Spanish for beginners & advanced. Classes starting now. 816-836-8606 Drivers: Local. CDL-A w/ Hazmat Salary + Hostle Pay. 866-374-8487 Driver Trainees Needed! WERNER is hiring- No CDL, No Problem! Training avail w/ Roadmaster! Call Now! 866-467-8084 Surgical Technology Instructor MCC's Board of Trustees affirms the value of racial, ethnic, and gender diversity among our faculty and confirms its commitment to employing a faculty whose composition reflects the diverse population served by MCC and whose diverse perspective promotes student learning. For more information or to apply online, please visit us at: http://www.mcckcjobs.com EOE Publication: Size: Deadline: Issue: Kansas City Hispanic News 2 (3.80") x 4" 01-04-10 01-07-10 Academic Advisor– For more info:www.mcckcjobs.com EOE/AA Service Coordination Supervisor Developmental Disabilities Services of Jackson County – EITAS is seeking supervisor for a team of service coordinators, ensuring high quality support for persons with DD. Requires BA in Psych, Rehab, SW, or closely related field (MA preferred); 4+ yrs exper. as svc. coor. for persons with DD; 2+ yrs exper. directly supervising svc. coor.; and familiarity with person centered planning and implementation. Generous company-paid benefits; salary based on experience. E-mail resume WITH COVER LETTER AND SALARY HISTORY to [email protected], or fax to 816-363-1755, attn. Human Resources. No phone calls please. EOE JACKSON COUNTY MISSOURI PURCHASING DEPARTMENT REQUEST FOR BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Purchasing Department, Jackson County Courthouse, Room G1, 415 E. 12th St., Kansas City, MO 64106. Bid documents and specifications may be obtained at this office. Bid closes at 2:00 pm on the date indicated below and will be publicly opened at that time. Bid closes 1/26/10 the bid is as follows BB200951* Traffic Signs and Supplies. Bids indicated by asterisk must be accessed via the internet at www.sicomm.net. If you have questions, contact the Purchasing Department at (816) 881-3267 your latino connection since 1996 MBE/WBE/DBE INVITATION TO BID Ball Kelly, LLC d/b/a Taylor Kelly, LLC seeks qualified MBE/DBE/WBE contractors/suppliers to submit bid proposals for the KC Chiefs Founder’s Suite located at Arrowhead Stadium. Bid documents are available for review at our digital plan room, on CD or at local Kansas City Plan Rooms. FAX bids to 816-444-8700 no later than 1:00 p.m. 1/26/10. Call Jeff or Travis w/questions at 816-444-8000. Ball Kelly is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Body Shop Openings Looking for experienced Body and Painter Individual. Minimum experience 5 years. Excellent Pay. Great shift Monday-Friday. Call Today - Job opening won’t last Ask for Chris 816-726-2639 Shop on S.W. Blvd in KCMO your latino connection since 1996 7 DE ENERO DEL 2010 The Aguiree Center Offers More Convenience “This is a dream come true for the kids and this was Tony’s dream for us to play here,” Hernandez said. “What we want at Guadalupe is to make sure they (the youths) get something out of the game. It’s not about winning, it’s about learning basketball.” Through the game, the young players learn discipline and sportsmanlike conduct, he said. Mike Ruiz Jr., a nephew of Tony Aguirre, said he thinks the move was a good idea, bringing the game to a well-maintained facility. He said he appreciates what Sacred Heart Hall offered, but the Aguirre Center provides more convenience. Olivia Lopez, whose two grandchildren are in the basketball program, said the need for a bigger facility means “more people are coming into our community, that is great.” Lopez said she enjoys visiting others in the crowd. “It’s exciting, it’s definitely bigger than Sacred Heart.” Keep your family safe. El Centro Aguirre Ofrece más Conveniencia H1N1 c in Keep your family safe. e Vac CONT./PÁGINA 1 e Info Mantenga su familia sana y salva. Love Love youryour family? So may H1N1. Children and family? So may H1N1. Children andyoung young adultsadults are at riskrisk for for thethe H1N1 fluflu virus. arehigher at higher H1N1 virus. 1- -4 Vac H1N1 1 -F 7 14 H1N1 family87from the flu and a new toll-free number. 1 c e in 24-7 e Info ¿Ama usted a su familia? Así también lo hace el toll-free i For information call: ne Info H1N1. Los niños y los adultos jóvenes se encuentran toll-free, 24 hours a day (877-358-4141) You más arealto not entre quienes tienen el riesgo deimmune. contraer el Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Love your family?ACTION So EMPLOYER may H1N1. Children and young AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE Services provided on a nondiscriminatory basis. virus del H1N1. Lin La mayoría de estos muchachos podrían no notar el piso en que está escrito el nombre del Tony Aguirre, un legendario Tony Aguirre. Pero Manuel (Rabbit) Hernández (Al centro) podrá compartir las anécdotas de un hombre que dio tanto a los juegos deportivos. There’s a new vaccine to help protect you and your 7-FLU-41 87 your4 a new vaccine to help protectnumber. you and familyThere’s from the flu and a new toll-free LU 1- Most of these kids may not notice the floor that bears the name of Tony Aguirre, a legend Tony Aguirre. But Manuel (Rabbit) Hernandez (center) will be able to share the stories of a man that gave so much to the game of sports. Vac 1-877-FLU-4141 Keep your family safe. c Manuel “Rabbit” Hernández es el actual director atlético de GCI, un ex jugador de Aguirre y entrenador de baloncesto ahora. Él dijo que la movida permite que ocurran dos juegos al mismo tiempo y permite más espacio para espectadores para que así no repleten los costados de la cancha de baloncesto. “Este es un sueño hecho realidad para los muchachos y el sueño de Tony fue que nosotros jugáramos aquí”, dijo Hernández. “Lo que queremos en el Guadalupe Center es asegurarnos que ellos (Los jóvenes) obtengan algo del juego. No se trata de ganar, no se trata de aprender baloncesto”. Mediante el juego, los jugadores jóvenes aprenden disciplina y conducta deportiva”, dijo él. Mike Ruiz Jr., un sobrino de Tony Aguirre, cree que la movida fue una buena idea, llevar el juego a un recinto bien mantenido. Él apreciaba lo que ofreció el Hall del Sagrado Corazón, pero el Centro Aguirre ofrece más conveniencia. Olivia López, cuyos dos nietos están en el programa de baloncesto, dijo que la necesidad de contar con un recinto más grande significa que “más personas están viniendo a nuestra comunidad, eso es bueno”. López dice que disfruta juntarse con otras personas entre los espectadores. “Es fascinante, es definitivamente más grande que el sagrado Corazón”. 1 1- 7-FLU-414 87 Lin “We are living Tony’s legacy,” he said. “This is something he instilled in us, and now we are keeping that tradition going that he started for the center. Manual “Rabbit” Hernandez is the current athletic director for GCI, a former player for Aguirre and now a basketball coach. He said the move allows two games to occur at the same time and allows more room for spectators so they don’t crowd the edges of the basketball court. e CONT./PAGE 1 www.kchispanicnews.com Lin Funding provided by a federal grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Butare you couldrisk be.forYoung adults are at adults at higher the H1N1 flu virus. Existe una nueva vacuna para ayudar a protegerle higher risk for a usted y a su familia en the contra de la influenza y. There’s a new vaccine to help protect you and your también There’s existe una número telefónico gratuito. new vaccine to help protect you. H1N1 flu virus family from the flu and a new toll-free number. FOR INFORMATION CALL ForCall information call: toll-free: TOLL-FREE, 24 HOURS A DAY 1-877-FLU-4141 1-877-FLU-4141 (877-358-4141) PARA INFORMACION LLAME As the boys and girls run down the court at the Tony Aguirre Community Center many of their parents seated in the stands remember the passion that Tony Aguirre felt about working with kids. Many of them like the idea of playing the basketball games at the center. Mientras los niños y las niñas corren en la cancha del Centro Comunitario Tony Aguirre, muchos de sus padres se sientan en las gradas recordando la pasión que Tony Aguirre sintió respecto a trabajar con muchachos. A muchos de ellos les gusta la idea de jugar juegos de baloncesto en el centro. toll-free, 24 hours a day GRATIS, 24 HORASS DEL DIA (877-358-4141) Missouri Department Health and Senior Services Missouriof Department ofSenior Health and Senior Services Missouri Department of Health and Services AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Services EMPLOYER Services provided on a nondiscriminatory AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION Servicesprovided provided a nondiscriminatory basis. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER EMPLOYER on on a nondiscriminatory basis. basis. Funding provided by a federal grant from the Centers for Disease Control Prevention. Funding provided by abyfederal grant the Centers Disease Control and and Prevention. Funding provided a federal grantfrom from the Centers forfor Disease Control and Prevention. Departamento de la Salud y Servicios para Adultos Mayores de Missouri UN EMPLEADOR DE OPORTUNIDADES EQUITATIVAS/ACCIÓN AFIRMATIVA Servicios ofrecidos basándose en prácticas no discriminatorias. Financiamiento proveído por un subsidio federal de parte de los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades. F.Y.I • Museum a New Haven for Latino Writers Collective in 2010 Writers to share, polish written works the third Saturdays of each month at Museum The Kansas City Museum is excited to be working with the Latino Writer’s Collective of Kansas City in 2010. The Collective is a group of Latino writers living and working in the Kansas City metropolitan area, helping each other hone and polish their works for publication. It’s mission is to foster an environment where the voices of Latino students, blue collar workers, professionals and homemakers can be heard, contributing their experience and vision to the larger Kansas City community. They will meet the third Saturdays of every month at 6 p.m. inside the Museum’s StoryTarium, starting January 16th. The cost is free to attend All year round, the Museum is celebrating the centennial of its famous home, Corinthian Hall, and 70 years of being Kansas City’s museum of history. Special events and activities are planned throughout the year to celebrate this milestone! About the Kansas City Museum: Kansas City Museum is housed in Corinthian Hall, the former Robert A. Long residence. The 1910 Beaux-Arts mansion is currently closed for restoration. The Museum’s Visitor Center, the StoryTarium, a former planetarium that has been renovated into a historical video programming center, and a special exhibit installed on the estate grounds about the Long family and their famous home, are still open to the public. Kansas City Museum is operated by Union Station Kansas City, Inc. A public tax levy, ticketing, grants and private donations fund the Museum. Admission to the Museum is free during the entire restoration period. On-Street parking is available and visitors are encouraged to follow directional signs and use the North Gate to enter. PART-TIME OPENINGS As part of our expansion program,our company is looking for part time Work from home Account Manager and sales representatives, it pays 10% of what the client send to you monthly plus benefits and takes only little of your time. Please contact us for more details. Requirements - Should be a computer Literate. 2-3 hours access to the internet weekly. Must be over 20yrs of age. Must be Efficient and Dedicated. If you are interested and need more information,Contact Patrick Jordan([email protected] your latino connection since 1996