international - Beneath the Sea
international - Beneath the Sea
M E ADOWL AN DS EXPOSITION CE NTE R | SECAUCUS | N EW J E RSE Y | M ECEXPO.CO M BENEATH THE SEA ® PHOTO COURTESY OF SCOTT PORTELLI EXPO 40 4 0 t h A n n i v e r sa ry e x p osi t ion BE A PART OF OUR EXCLUSIVE MEET THE FISH N’ FAMOUS GALA EVENT AND DON’T MISS OUR ALL NEW INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ATTEND THE LARGEST DIVE, TRAVEL & INTERNATIONAL OCEANS EXPOSITION IN AMERICA APRIL 1, 2, 3, 2016 Only 1 0 M inutes From NYC with FRE E parkin g everywh ere ! REGISTER TODAY MEADOWLANDS EXPOSITION CENTER • SECAUCUS • NEW JERSEY GO TO BENEATHTHESEA.ORG NOW and Register Today! CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS ONLINE NOW! KICK OFF 2016 2015 BENEATH THE SEA ! ® ® Meet Celebrities! ATTEND SPECIAL EVENTS, RIVETING SEMINARS, IN-DEPTH WORKSHOPS AN ALL–NEW INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL AND SO MUCH MORE... D ON ’ T M IS S YO U R CHANCE TO B E A PART O F O U R EXCLUS IVE Meet “The Fish N’ Famous” Gala Event, Dinner and Silent Auction Benefit DATE: FRIDAY, APRIL 1ST AT 7:00 P.M. / LOCATION: LA QUINTA INN & SUITES 2016 S PECIAL EVENTS The Fish N’ Famous Gala, Dinner Reception, and Silent Auction Benefit is Beneath the Sea®’s fund raiser to support the two massive aquaria Beneath the Sea® was instrumental in creating in the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital at Westchester Medical Center. Such an attraction for children distracts them from their frightening illness and dramatically aids the healing process. On hand to support this benefit are the speakers from the Beneath the Sea® weekend, workshop and seminar presenters, and Divers of the Year, including; WABC-TV’s Meteorologist Bill Evans, Stan Waterman, Leandro Blanco, Andy Casagrande, Paul Wildman, Richie Kohler, Jonathan Bird, Ernie Brooks, David Doubilet, Jen Hayes, Michele and Howard Hall, Jack and Sue Drafahl, Members and New Inductees of the Women Divers Hall of Fame, Zale Parry, Diving Pioneer Captain Wayne Hasson, Divers of the Year; Wendy Benchley, Dr. Richard Lutz, Dr. Drew Richardson, Bill Ziefle, and Fabien Cousteau. CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS ONLINE NOW! Tech Wreck DIVERS Party FRIDAY, APRIL 1ST AT 9:00 P.M. LOCATION: LA QUINTA INN & SUITES Opening day at Beneath the Sea® is a big day for the Tech Wreck dive community with seminars throughout the day. The Beneath the Sea® exhibit hall opens officially at 6:00 p.m. then, when the show closes at 9:00 p.m., the party starts … a big Tech Wreck Divers party, complete with door prizes, food, and beer next door at the La Quinta Inn & Suites hotel. The Tech Wreck Divers Party is FREE when you purchase your entrance to the show – it is Beneath the Sea®, and our associated sponsors way of saying thank you for your support and for coming to help us celebrate our 40th Anniversary. Special thanks to our Associate Sponsor Blue Steel. 2 | Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 Friday CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE NOW! SPECIAL EVENTS KICK OFF 2016 BENEATH THE SEA® ! PUBLIC SAFETY DIVER’S CONFERENCE FRIDAY, APRIL 1ST, 8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. \ LOCATION: MEADOWLAND EXPO. CENTER If you are a team leader you know how difficult it is to eliminate risk for public safety dive teams. It is a dangerous job. However, new technology and new information can minimize your risk and keep you and your team safer. Find out how at this day long program exploring some of the timeliest topics focused on public safety diving. Each topic designed to help you be a sought after team leader, a leader known for keeping your team safe when working in the water. TICKETS AVAILABLE ONLINE NOW at Fee Includes: Friday Lunch, Exhibits, Technical Diving Seminars, and Tech Wreck Divers Party. DIVING SCIENCES SYMPOSIUM FRIDAY, APRIL 1ST, 9:30 A.M. - 4:00 P.M. / LOCATION: MEADOWLAND EXPO. CENTER Leading experts in the fields of Dive Safety, Dive Technology, and Dive Medicine will speak on key topics of interest to all divers. This information will improve your knowledge of the many issues divers face each and every time you put your fins in the water. Hear from our panel of experts what your instructor didn’t tell you. Experts such as: Jeff Bozanic, Ph.D., C.D.R. Joseph Dituri, USN (Ret.), Bernie Chowdhury, C.H.T., Nasreen S. Haque, Ph.D., Andrea Zaferes, David Charash, D.O., C.W.S., F.A.C.E.P., U.H.M. TECHNICAL DIVING CONFERENCE Speakers at the conference include divers from our local area, from across the United States, and from as far away as South Africa. If you are technical diver, you will want to be present at this important get together. Following this technical conference everyone will enjoy a party, including prize giveaways. MARINE CAREERS PROGRAM FRIDAY, APRIL 1ST, 9:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. / LOCATION: HOLIDAY INN Meet professionals representing a variety of marine careers, schools, businesses, government agencies and organizations that can help you achieve the marine career you desire. Gain expert insights from presentations by industry leaders and participate in hands-on learning experiences in scientific studies and commercial diving. FREE, BUT SPACE IS LIMITED SO reservations are required. REGISTER ONLINE NOW at Includes FREE ENTRY to Beneath The Sea®’s main exhibition hall at 6:00 P.M.! Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 | 3 2016 S PECIAL EVENTS FRIDAY, APRIL 1ST, 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. \ LOCATION: MEADOWLAND EXPO. CENTER CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS ONLINE NOW! Saturday & Sunday Special Events CELEBRATE OUR 2016 INDUSTRY LEGEND: PADI AT 50 “When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.” (“The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance”) Today, celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, PADI is a legend in the dive industry. Here at Beneath the Sea® it is our intention to honor the PADI organization and help this industry giant celebrate this memorable anniversary. The legend begins in 1966 in Illinois over a bottle of Johnny Walker scotch. John Cronin, U.S. Divers equipment salesman, and Ralph Erickson, educator and swimming instructor were sitting discussing the state of the diving industry and perceived unprofessionalism in the then certification industry. They decided it was time to start their own scuba training organization. Ralph wanted “Association of Diving Instructors.” John insisted it be professional. After a few more sips of scotch the Professional Association of Diving Instructors was agreed on, PADI was born, to become an Industry Legend fifty years later. OUR 2016 DIVING PIONEER: CAPTAIN WAYNE HASSON November 1984 and the first Cayman Aggressor steamed into Georgetown Harbor, Cayman Islands. It was a moment that carried the realization of Captain Wayne Hasson’s dream: he had just pioneered the first luxury liveaboard concept. Today, Admiral Hasson commands an entire fleet of franchise luxury dive yacht operations worldwide. If you talk to Wayne, he will name many people who were a part of his life and who contributed to his success creating and building the Aggressor Fleet. While you may understand the collaborative effort of a modern world, also recognize it was the vision of one man that inspired that effort in the beginning, organized it, and drove it forward inspiring acolytes along the way, many who found their home in that dream. DIVER OF THE YEAR AWARDS RECEPTION & BANQUET SATURDAY, APRIL 2ND AT 5:00 P.M. / LOCATION: LA QUINTA INN & SUITES The Beneath the Sea® Diver of the Year Awards Banquet honors those men and women who have made significant and lasting contributions to the dive industry. By selecting for honor only those divers of eminence who rank in the top of their chosen field - Arts, Science, Service, Environment, Education - Beneath the Sea® has created a fraternity of men and women whose past, present, and future visions are firmly fixed on the field of diving, and whose wisdom, will, insight, and resolve is firmly tied to each other as fastly as it is to divers throughout the world. Tickets available online now! 2016 S PECIAL EVENTS BENEATH THE SEA® DECOMPRESSION PARTY SATURDAY, APRIL 2ND AT 11:00 P.M. / LOCATION: LA QUINTA INN & SUITES Food, terrific music, prizes, and all of it with the people you want to meet, dance with, dive with, party with, and take home. What more could anyone want? Door prizes too! Admission is included with your Film Festival ticket! OCEAN PALS YEAR IN REVIEW & AWARDS PRESENTATION SUNDAY, APRIL 3RD AT 12:00 P.M. / MEADOWLANDS EXPO CENTER The Sunday Ocean Pals Program is a fun filled day for the entire family with children friendly presentations by distinguished guests at the Ocean Pals Theater in the Meadowland Exposition Center. Following the presentations is the Ocean Pals Poster Contest Awards Ceremony, “Create An Ocean Critter” Craft Activity, and our Sea of Sweets Party! Children under 12 are admitted FREE when accompanied by a parent. 4 | Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 40th Anniversary International Underwater Film Festival Saturday, APRIL 2ND, 8:30 p.m. LA QUINTA INN & SUITES This year’s Saturday Night BILL EVANS International Film Festival will be hosted by BILL EVANS, popular DAVID DOUBILET & JEN HAYES local WABC-TV meteorologist, avid diver, and international reporter on ANDY CASAGRANDE diving! Bill will weave together visions from underwater PAUL WILDMAN photographers from around the world. It should prove an exciting, ERNIE BROOKS interesting, and informative evening. RICHIE KOHLER FILM FESTIVAL LINE-UP: David Doubilet, JEN HAYES, JACK & SUE DRAFAHL LEANDRO BLANCO Andy Casagrande, PAUL WILDMAN, Ernie Brooks, Richie Kohler, Jack & Sue MICHELE & HOWARD HALL Drafahl, Leandro Blanco, Michele and Howard Hall, JONATHAN BIRD Jonathan bird. CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS ONLINE NOW! D O N ’ T M I S S T H E G R E AT E S T I N T E R NAT I O NA L U N D E R WAT E R F I L M F E S T I VA L I N T H E U S A CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE NOW! WORKSHOPS KICK OFF 2016 BENEATH THE SEA® ! LEARN FROM DIVE INDUSTRY LEADERS! EXPAND YOUR SKILLS & KNOWLEDGE, ATTEND IN-DEPTH WORKSHOPS AND LEARN FROM THE BEST! Visit for INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES. WORKSHOPS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. FRIDAY WORKSHOPS – APRIL 1ST, 2016 BONUS wristband included with FRIDAY seminars which allows admittance to FRIDAY EXHIBITS, seminars, and the tech wreck party (a $35. VALUE) (W-1) PSI-PCI Visual Cylinder Inspection & Hazmat Training (VCI), Dale Fox & Mark Greshen, 8:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M., Holiday Inn, Teterboro Room Sponsor: PSI-PCI (Professional SCUBA Inspectors) PSI-PCI is recognized industry-wide as the gold standard for training and support in the visual inspection of high pressure cylinders. This course in the visual inspection of SCUBA, SCBA and other high pressure cylinders prepares and trains the graduate to professionally and thoroughly inspect breathing gas cylinders. PSI-PCI training is recognized by US courts as meeting the definition of someone who has been formally trained and PSI-PCI support for their inspectors is without parallel. Completion also satisfies the OSHA requirement for hazardous material (HAZMAT) training for all employees who fill, use or otherwise handle high pressure gas cylinders. FEE: $350. LIMIT: 27 (W-1R) PSI-PCI Visual Cylinder Inspector REFRESHER Course, Dale Fox & Mark Greshen, 8:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M., Holiday Inn, Teterboro Room Sponsor: PSI-PCI (Professional SCUBA Inspectors) In order to meet OSHA and DOT requirements for currency in training, PSI-PCI inspectors must be within three years of their previous training. This course is for those who are NOT within that three year period. Those previously trained PSI-PCI inspectors who have let their training lapse will need to take this course in order to regain compliant training status. The course will be conducted concurrently with Workshop W-1. Students MUST provide their PSI-PCI inspector number at the time of the class. FEE: $175. LIMIT: 27 SATURDAY WORKSHOPS – APRIL 2ND, 2016 2016 WO RKS H O PS BONUS wristband included with SATURDAY seminars which allows admittance TO SATURDAY EXHIBITS AND seminars (a $35. VALUE) (W-3) PSI-PCI Visual Cylinder Inspector UPDATE Seminar Dale Fox & Mark Greshen, 8:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M., Holiday Inn, Teterboro Room Sponsor: PSI-PCI (Professional SCUBA Inspectors). This seminar is exclusively for those PSI-PCI inspectors who are still current in their (within the previous three (3) years). The seminar informs inspectors on the latest developments in the industry and the latest changes in requirements. It meets OSHA and DOT requirements for recurrent training. If there is any doubt about whether or not the student is with-in the required 3-year window, contact Dale Fox in advance of registering to verify eligibility. Students should also provide their PSI-PCI inspector number at the time of the class. FEE: $175. LIMIT: 27 (W-4) PSI-PCI Valve Repair Technician Dale Fox & Mark Greshen, 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., Holiday Inn, Teterboro Room Sponsor: PSI-PCI (Professional SCUBA Inspectors). Valve manufacturers and the Compresses Gas Association recommend high pressure valves be properly maintained on an annual basis. This course provides an overview of valve types and training in valve repair techniques and valve care. It was developed in close association with the valve manufacturers. Previous PSI-PCI training in visual cylinder inspection is NOT required for participation in the Valve Repair Technician course. FEE: $175. LIMIT: 27 (CONTINUED) 6 | Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 SATURDAY, APRIL 2ND, 2016 – WORKSHOPS CONTINUED CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE NOW! (W-5) PSI-PCI Oxygen Cylinder Cleaning Technician Dale Fox & Mark Greshen, 1:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M., Holiday Inn, Teterboro Room Sponsor: PSI-PCI (Professional SCUBA Inspectors). EVERY nitrox cylinder needs to be cleaned for oxygen service and formal training to do so is required. This is not a difficult procedure but it does require diligent application of prescribed procedures and close attention to safety precautions. This course is in compliance with cleaning requirements of the Compressed Gas Association, U.S. government agencies and manufacturers’ policies. Attendance is restricted to PSI-PCI Visual Cylinder Inspectors. Students MUST provide their PSI-PCI instructor number at the time of the class. FEE: $175. LIMIT: 27 (W-6) PSI-PCI EDDY CURRENT TECHNICIAN Dale Fox & Mark Greshen, Holiday Inn, Teterboro Room, 3:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Sponsor: PSI-PCI (Professional SCUBA Inspectors)Eddy current testing is designed to detect cracks and grain separation in the neck area of certain aluminum cylinders. Improper use of the testing devices can result in false readings and needless cylinder condemnation. This workshop provides manufacture-approved training in operation of the eddy current test equipment from Visual Eddy and Visual Plus. This course is restricted to PSIPCI trained Visual Cylinder Inspectors who are current (within three (3) years) in their training. Students MUST provide their PSI-PCI inspector number at the time of the class. While it is not necessary, it is recommended that, if possible, attendees bring and train on their own eddy current instruments. FEE: $175. LIMIT: 27 (W-7) Using LED lights for both Still and Video Photography Jack & Sue Drafahl, 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., Holiday Inn, Holitech Room Using LED lights for still and videography is the new direction in underwater photography. The core of this seminar will include: understanding exposure modes, ISO settings, shooting techniques, lumen power, depthof-field, white balance, minimizing water column, and tips on stability. We will also include tips for editing LED images & video. FEE $75. LIMIT: 30 (W-8) Mapping Shipwrecks Dan Lieb, 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M., Holiday Inn, Holitech Room The participant will map a model of a shipwreck as a member of a team. They will record measurements taken and then create a site plan (drawing) of the wreck based upon those measurements working together with a lead investigator (the workshop instructor). FEE $75. LIMIT: 30 (W-10) Go Pro: Getting the Most out of your GoPro Camera Peter Bucknell, 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M., Embassy Suites, Meadowlands Room Join Pete as he reveals the secrets of mastering film making with a GoPro. He’ll cover settings, shooting techniques, lighting, the basics of editing and organization. Learn a professional standard of workflow that will make your life easier. Equipment, lights, filters, accessories, ‘products to avoid’ and ‘must-haves’. FEE $75. LIMIT: 30 (CONTINUED) Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 | 7 2016 WO RKS H O PS (W-9) Knot tying and rigging for divers Walter “Butch” Hendrick, 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., Embassy Suites, Meadowlands Room If you’re on, near, or underwater these knots can save your life or at least make you look very cool. Just knowing how to properly tie line to a boat/dock cleat is useful. Now learn how to do it in a few wrist flicks from a standing position. The divers on the boats will be giving you the boat crew tips. Learn knots and rigging useful for rescue, advanced diving, site set-ups and more. No matter what your level from only being able to be tie up your tongue to being a master-knotter you will learn and have fun during this workshop. Workshop includes your own knot tying rope, handout material, and a wall certification of completion. FEE $60. LIMIT: 30 CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE NOW! Saturday and sunday WORKSHOPS CONTINUED (W-11) Ear Injury Workshop (Otic Barotrauma) Dr. David Charash, 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., Embassy Suites, Bergen Room Hands on workshop: Goals: 1) Each participant will receive a DAN Otoscope. 2) Over view of otic barotrauma. A video otoscope will be used to demonstrate the proper use of the hand held otoscope. 3) Hands on workshop. Each participant will learn the proper use of the otoscope. Each attendee will keep the DAN otoscope as part of completing the workshop. FEE $75. LIMIT: 30 (W-12) Ultimate Underwater Movement Andrea Zaferes & Walter “Butch” Hendrick, 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M., Embassy Suites, Bergen Rm. Learn how to rotate 360 degrees in any direction, change your posture, and change your position in the water column with nearly invisible actions such as simply tensing and relaxing different muscle groups, a twitch of a fin, gently tapping your tank, or gently using a forearm to shift the location of air in your BCD. Watch most divers scramble through the water and then watch fish. Which would you rather look like? This talk presents how you can move as effortlessly and gracefully as marine animals. Learn how to use your foot fins as fish use their pectoral fins to move water across their bodies in order to move sideways, backwards and any direction in still or moving water. Workshop includes handout material, a Underwater Movement Training DVD, and a wall certificate. FEE $75. LIMIT: 30 SUNDAY WORKSHOPS – APRIL 3RD, 2016 BONUS wristband included with SUNDAY seminars which allows admittance TO SUNDAY EXHIBITS AND seminars (a $35. VALUE) 2016 WO RKS H O PS (W-13) Getting a Good Start In Underwater Photography Danielle Alary & Michel Gilbert, 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., Holiday Inn, Teterboro Room From beginners to advanced enthusiasts, this workshop offers key concepts and practical advice to produce great images. Point and shoot digicam, DSLR or GoPro, all produce pleasing results. Award-winning photographers/authors Danielle Alary and Michel Gilbert will share their experience and simple approach to the specialty. Learn and improve to make more satisfying images. Making great images can be simple. This is a no-nonsense approach that is an investment. FEE: $75 LIMIT: 30 (W-14) From Snapshots To Memorable Images Danielle Alary & Michel Gilbert 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M., Holiday Inn, Teterboro Room Learn how to improve your skills and produce images that will gather “WOW” commentaries. Blending technique with imaging language, Michel Gilbert and Danielle Alary will explain, in an accessible language, how to work with light, use the right tools and a proper approach to produce different types of images. Learn how to use what you have to make images that will be memorable. They will teach you a nononsense approach that is an investment. FEE: $75 LIMIT: 30 PHOTO: Alary-Gilbert/SUB-IMAGES PHOTO: Alary-Gilbert/SUB-IMAGES (CONTINUED) 8 | Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 SUNDAY, April 3rd, 2016 - WORKSHOPS CONCLUDED CLICK HERE TO REGISTER ONLINE NOW! (W-15) Diving Accident Investigations Andrea Zaferes, 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., Holiday Inn, Holitech Room Homicides staged as drowning accidents are some of the most initially misdiagnosed cause and manner of death determinations. Diving fatality/injury investigations too often miss the cascading series of events that caused the incident. This workshop will present aspects of underwater forensics such as evidence recovery, post mortem physiology, what happens to bodies in water, what to document on aquatic scenes. You will also learn what to do in regards to preservation of evidence, how to make court-ready documentation, and what procedures to follow when a dive injury or death has occurred. FEE: $75 LIMIT: 30 (W-17) Go Pro: Getting the Most out of your GoPro Camera Peter Bucknell, 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., Embassy Suites, Meadowlands Room Join Pete as he reveals the secrets of mastering film making with a GoPro. He’ll cover settings, shooting techniques, lighting, the basics of editing and organization. Learn a professional standard of workflow that will make your life easier. Equipment, lights, filters, accessories, ‘products to avoid’ and ‘must-haves’. FEE $75. LIMIT: 30 (W-18) Editing Underwater Photos Jennifer Idol, 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M., Holiday Inn, Embassy Room Learn how to enhance your underwater photography with simple photo editing principles. Using Lightroom and Photoshop for Mac, we’ll review file management and workflow techniques. Bring 3 photos for editing, laptop, and camera or just take notes in this in-depth workshop. Enroll before March 25 for a customized course packet. Jennifer Idol is the first woman to dive 50 states. She’s earned more than 26 certifications and has been diving for 20 years. A technical diver and underwater photographer, she’s published in publications including DIVER and Sport Diver. The Lake Murray Wildlife Museum features her work in a permanent installation. FEE: $80 LIMIT: 30 (W-19) Underwater Shooting Nathalie Lasselin, 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M., Embassy Suites, Bergen Room Learn how to make appealing videos by changing your mindset. Don’t film your dive, but dive to film. Multi award winning cinematographer Nathalie Lasselin will take you on a workshop that will change how you perceive not only your underwater shoot itself but the story telling. In this 3 hour workshop, Nathalie will share information and techniques for a more satisfying experience of underwater shooting. No matter if you use a GoPro or a bigger set-up, no matter if you are a recreational diver or a cave diver, your videos are going to tell more than just following your buddies underwater. Nathalie Lasselin is an internationally award winning underwater cinematographer and producer. As a cave and technical instructor, she travels the world to document and share her love of the underwater and underground world. Her films has been seen on TV in 10 countries and sold on DVD in 25 countries. FEE: $80 LIMIT: 30 VISIT BENEATHTHESEA.ORG FOR INSTRUCTOR BIOGRAPHIES, THE LATEST UP-TO-DATE SHOW INFORMATION, AND REGISTER TODAY! [ WORKSHOPS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE ] Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 | 9 2016 WORKS HOPS (W-20) Editing your underwater video: Story Telling Nathalie Lasselin, 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M., Embassy Suites, Bergen Room Editing is the key for any professional or amateur filmmaker. So many divers never share their video because of how badly time consuming editing seems to be. But it is in the editing room that you know if you’ve got the rushes needed to put together a great video or film. Award winning filmmaker Nathalie Lasselin will tell you how to enjoy editing and take the most out of your filming. By sharing tips and tricks, You’ll get efficient and happily put together amazing videos telling a story. This workshop is the perfect supplement to the Underwater shooting workshop. FEE: $80 LIMIT: 30 CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS ONLINE NOW! SEMINARS KICK OFF 2016 BENEATH THE SEA® ! SPEND THE DAY WITH FAMOUS DIVING INDUSTRY LEADERS LEARNING, EXPLORING AND SHARING THEIR EXPERIENCES IN THESE RIVETING SEMINARS! FRIDAY – APRIL 1ST, 2016 VISIT BENEATHTHESEA.ORG FOR THE LATEST UP-TO-DATE SHOW INFORMATION AND REGISTER TODAY! SEMINARS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. SESSION #1 MEADOWLANDS EXPO CENTER – ROOMS A & B 6:00Gas Narcosis In Deep Diving .............................................................................................Nuno Gomes 7:00Update On The Deep Flooded Mine Project ............................................Dan Wright, John Eells 8:00A Decade Of Exploration On The Britannic ................................................................Richie Kohler SESSION #2 MEADOWLANDS EXPO CENTER – OCEAN PALS THEATER 6:00 Tech Instructor Panel .........................................Jeffrey Bozanic, Bernie Chowdhury, Joe Dituri 7:00 Ketosis In Diving ..........................................................................................................................Joe Dituri 8:00100 Caves / 100 Countries ..............................................................................................Jeffrey Bozanic SATURDAY – APRIL 2ND, 2016 SESSION #1 MEADOWLANDS EXPO CENTER – OCEAN PALS THEATER – ROOMS C & D 9:30Diving And Photographing Predators: Polar Bears, Crocodiles, Great White Sharks, And Leopard Seals.......................................................................................................................Amos Nachoum 10:30 TBA...............................................................................................................................................Richie Kohler 11:30 TBA..............................................................................................................................Jean-Michel Cousteau 12:30TBA...........................................................................................................................Howard & Michele Hall 1:30TBA......................................................................................................................................................................... 2:30 TBA......................................................................................................................................................................... 3:30 TBA......................................................................................................................................................................... 2016 S EMI NARS SESSION #2 MEADOWLANDS EXPO CENTER – ROOMS A & B 9:30Identifying The Logwood Wreck ...............................................................................................Dan Lieb 10:30Get Wrecked: Diving Shipwrecks Of The Egyptian Red Sea ...........................Barbara Buchanan 11:303,000 Years Under The Sea ................................................................................................Stan Waterman 12:30Ghost Ships Of The Great Lakes ............................Becky Kagan Schott, Captain Jitka Hanakova 1:30Shipwreck Exploration In Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary ...................................... .............................................................................................................Heather Knowles & David Caldwell 2:30 The Last Voyage Of The Steamship Atlantic ......................................................Captain Bill Palmer 3:30From War Destruction Blooms Life In Truk Lagoon ...Deb Greenhalgh-Lubas & Steve Lubas SESSION #3 HOLIDAY INN – HUNTERDON ROOM 9:30The Wonders Of Raja Ampat .......................................................................................Andrew Martinez 10:30 Night Of Terror: The Larchmont .............................................................................Captain Bill Palmer 11:30 With Respects: RMS Rhone ........................................................................................Paul Cater Deaton 12:30Deep Sea Diving: Wrecks And Coelacanths ...................................................................Nuno Gomes 1:30 Operation Oahu “Wreck Week” ............................................................................................Tony Gramer 2:30Norway: Diving In The Land Of The Vikings ......................................................................................... ...........................................................................................Michael Salvarezza & Christopher P. Weaver 3:30The F.W. Abrams: A Case Study In Evaluating Historical Significance ........................................ ..................................................................................................................................Joyce Holmes Steinmetz (CONTINUED) 10 | Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 SATURDAY, APRIL 2ND, 2016 – SEMINARS CONTINUED CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS ONLINE NOW! SESSION #4 HOLIDAY INN – ESSEX ROOM 9:30 Bonaire Bonanza ..................................................................................................................George Buckley 10:30Baja For Dummies ............................................................................Michel Labrecque & Julie Ouimet 11:30Dumaguete: From Nudibranchs To Whale Sharks .................Michel Gilbert & Danielle Alary 12:30Bethlehem In The Bohol Sea .......................................................................................Paul Cater Deaton 1:30 Cuba: Island Nation Lost In Time ..........................................................Larry Cohen & Olga Torrey 2:30Puerto Galera: 100 Hours Below The Surface ..........................Michel Gilbert & Danielle Alary 3:30 Diving Six Islands In The Philippines ........................................John Ares & Dr. Anita George-Ares SESSION #5 HOLIDAY INN – WARREN ROOM 9:30 First Year Rebreathing: Lessons Learned, And New Expectations ...........................Todd Kelly 10:30 Helium: The Most Noble Of Diving Gases ........................................Tim O’Leary & Bruce Wienke 11:30 In Water Recompression (IWR) ...........................................................................................Joseph Dituri 12:30RGBM Risk Analysis .................................................................................Tim O’Leary & Bruce Wienke 1:30Rethinking Decompression Sickness (DCS) ....................................................................Joseph Dituri 2:30The Mantas Of Kona ............................................................................................................Jonathan Bird 3:30 From Garibaldi To Whales ............….................................................................................Jeffrey Bozanic SESSION #6 HOLIDAY INN – BERGEN ROOM 9:30 Cold Water Diving: Icebergs, Whales, And WWII Shipwrecks .................................Rick Stanley 10:30 Update: Warm Up To Northeast Diving ............Herb Segars, Dan Lieb, Captain Tony Donetz 11:30Moving From A Point And Shoot To An Advanced Camera System .............................................. .............................................................................................................................Larry Cohen & Olga Torrey 12:30 Digital Evolution In Photo Editing ......................................................................................Jennifer Idol 1:30Photographing Shipwrecks .............................................................................................Peter Venoutsos 2:30Increase Your Diving Pleasure And Get The Money Shots: Animal Behavior ............................ .................................................................................................................................................Jim & Pat Stayer 3:30 Big Animal Encounters: Some Do’s And Don’ts ......................................Richard & Laura Howard SESSION #7 HOLIDAY INN – SUSSEX ROOM 9:30 Be A Dive Professional: Career Development In The Industry ..................................David Ochs 10:30Ask The Dive Lawyer: What Kind Of Protection Does A Scuba Liability Waiver Provide? ...... ...................................................................................................................................................Charles George 11:30Update: Diving For Cures ....................................Bernie Chowdhury & Nasreen S. Haque, Ph.D. 12:30Incredible Critters Of Verde Passage ..........................................................................Jim & Pat Stayer 1:30 Passport To Paradise .....................................................................................................Patricia A. Jordan 2:30Ambon - Muck Diving Paradise ..................................................................................Andrew Martinez 3:30Tasmania: Exploring The Land Below The Land Down Under .................................Faith Ortins Beneath The Sea is handicapped accessible. If you require special aids or services please contact us at (914) 664-4310 or (914) 552 - 0734, 9 A.M. - 9 P.M., EST. (CONTINUED) Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 | 11 2016 S EMI NARS SESSION #8 HOLIDAY INN – EXHIBITORS THEATER – A DAY OF DAN 9:30What Dive Leaders Need To Know About Maring Life Toxinology ....Matias Nochetto, M.D. 10:30The Science Of The Underwater Hunt ...…...........................................................Brittany Trout, B.S. 11:30Hidden Hazards For The Epicurean Diver ....................................................Matias Nochetto, M.D. 12:30DAN Instructor / Trainer Update .............................................................Patty Seery, M.H.S., D.M.T 1:30Does Sex Matter In Diving? .....................................................................................Brittany Trout, B.S. 2:30Seafood Harvesting Divers .................................................................................Matias Nochetto, M.D. 3:30From Incident To Fatality: Diving Into DAN Data ...........................................Brittany Trout, B.S. CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS ONLINE NOW! SUNDAY, APRIL 3RD, 2016 – WORKSHOPS CONTINUED SUNDAY SEMINARS – APRIL 3RD, 2016 SESSION #1 MEADOWLANDS EXPO CENTER – OCEAN PALS THEATER – ROOMS C & D 10:00 Operational Gas Toxicities ..............................................................................…Matias Nochetto, M.D. 11:00 Happy Trails: Tips For Safe Enjoyable Travel ......................................................................Betty Orr 12:00Ocean Pals Awards Year In Review & Awards Presentation ........................................................... 1:00 Ocean Pals Sea Of Sweets Party / Art’s & Craft Activity .............................Diana & Mike Dove SESSION #2 MEADOWLANDS EXPO CENTER – ROOMS A & B 10:00 Last Voyage Of The Steamship Metis ...................................................................Captain Bill Palmer 11:00 The Battle Of Jutland: The 100 Year Anniversary .........................................................Mike Boring 12:00U.S.S. Algol ......................................................................................................Maureen & Steve Langevin 1:00Victory In The Skies: U.S. Planes That Once Ruled The Skies During WWII ............................... .............................................................................................................................................Barbara Buchanan 2:00 Underwater Canada ...........................................................................................................Peter Venoutsos 3:00 Update: New Jersey Offers All This Diving? ...............................................................Michael Lavitt SESSION #3 HOLIDAY INN – HUNTERDON ROOM 10:00 Rockin’ Reykjavik .........................................................Michael Salvarezza & Christopher P. Weaver 11:00RMS REPUBLIC - Saturation Diving Back In Time - The 1986 Expedition A True Story Of The Billion Dollar Wreck Salvage ........................................................................................Glenn Butler 12:00The Cave Speaks To Me: How I have Learned To Listen And Further My Exploration .......... ...................................................................................................................................................Cristina Zenato 1:00Deep Cave Diving: Living Stromatolites And Dinosaur Bones .................................Nuno Gomes 2:00How Cave Diving Shaped Technical Diving As We Know It Today ........................Lamar Hires 3:00 The Crystal Caves Of Abaco .............................................................................................Jonathan Bird 2016 S EMI NARS SESSION #4 HOLIDAY INN – ESSEX ROOM 10:00 The Philippines: The Apex Of The Coral Triangle .................................................Lynn Funkhouser 11:00 Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader? How About A Cephalopod? ...............Jim & Pat Stayer 12:00 The Philippines Expedition 2015 ‘Lak-Bay Pilipinas’ .....................................................Tony Gramer 1:00 10 Incredible Snorkeling Destinations .................................................................Becky Kagan Schott 2:00Diving Adventure, Joy, And Beauty During Photography In Extreme Cold Wilderness ............ ..................................................................................................................................................Amos Nachoum 3:00 Dawn Of The Muck Monsters .....................................................................................Paul Cater Deaton SESSION #5 HOLIDAY INN – WARREN ROOM 10:00Florida Revisited: Sharks, Mantas, Critters & More .............Michel Labrecque & Julie Ouimet 11:00Special Considerations In Cold Water Photography ...........................................Michael Rothschild 12:00 Capturing Shipwrecks .......................................................................................................Peter Venoutsos 1:00Underwater Photographic Creativity: Lightroom And Photoshop Techniques To Make Your Images Dazzle .................................................................................................................................John Ares 2:00Convincing You To Dive With A Camera .........................Deb Greenhalgh-Lubas & Steve Lubas 3:00 Black Water Diving: Discovering Aliens Of The Deep ..........................................Susan Meldonian SESSION #6 HOLIDAY INN – BERGEN ROOM 10:00 Searching For Moby Dick ...................................................................................................Richard Morris 11:00Ask The Dive Lawyer: What Are The Legal Liabilities If Something Goes Wrong When Buddy Diving? ......................................................................................................................Charles George 12:00 Scuba Diving Safety: Risk Versus Reward ..............................................................................Dan Orr 1:00Diving With N.A.S.A. ...........................................................................................................Jonathan Bird 2:00Project Poseidon ...................................................................................................................Jeffrey Bozanic 3:00 Downwind Run To Success: Effective Selling For Scuba Professionals .................David Ochs (CONTINUED) 12 | Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 SUNDAY, APRIL 3RD, 2016 – SEMINARS CONCLUDED CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS ONLINE NOW! DON’T MISS THE BEST DIVE, TRAVEL & INTERNATIONAL OCEANS EXPOSITION IN AMERICA – APRIL 1 - 3, 2016 SESSION #8 HOLIDAY INN – EXHIBITORS THEATER 10:00TBA......................................................................................................................................................................... 11:00The Fantastic Diving And Photography In The Galapagos ...................................Amos Nachoum 12:00Polar Diving In The Arctic And Antarctic .....................................................................Henrik Enckell 1:00TBA......................................................................................................................................................................... 2:00TBA......................................................................................................................................................................... 3:00 TBA......................................................................................................................................................................... Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 | 13 2016 S EMI NARS SESSION #7 HOLIDAY INN – SUSSEX ROOM 10:00 Forgotten Island Of Indonesia ........................................................................................Rudy Whitworth 11:00Diving Different Configurations ...............................................................Larry Cohen & Olga Torrey 12:00Safely Advancing Your Diving ............................Bernie Chowdhury & Nasreen S. Haque, Ph.D. 1:00Surprising Québec: Unlikely Lair Of The Greenland Shark ............................................................... ...............................................................................................................Michel Labrecque & Julie Ouimet 2:00Touching Megalodon: Searching For Fossil Shark Teeth In Florida ............................................... ...........................................................................................Michael Salvarezza & Christopher P. Weaver 3:00 Shark Wisdom: What They Have Taught Me .............................................................Cristina Zenato CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS ONLINE NOW! EXHIBITORS KICK OFF 2016 BENEATH THE SEA® ! ALMOST 400 BOOTHS FEATURING THE LATEST PRODUCTS, SERVICES AND TRAVEL DESTINATIONS WORLDWIDE FROM EXHIBITORS LIKE THESE... 2016 PARTIAL LIST O F E XH I BITO RS PARTIAL LIST OF 2016 BENEATH THE SEA® EXHIBITORS Academy of Underwater Arts & Sciences Add Helium African and Oriental LTD Aggressor Fleet / Dancer Fleet Air Sea Land Productions American Diving Supply Anthony’s Key Resort / Bahia Tours Inc. Aqua Cat & Blackbeard Cruises Aqua Lung America Aqua Lung Military & Professional Aquanauts Grenada Arenui The Boutique Live Aboard Atlantis Philippines Dive Resorts & Liveaboards Backscatter Barry University Belize Hotel Association Beneath The Surface Beqa Lagoon Resort Best of Papua New Guinea Bigblue Dive Lights Blue Magazine Blue Steel / Kaplan Scuba Bluewater Photo & Video Bonnier Dive Group / Sport Diver Breathe EZ Scuba British Virgin Islands Tourism Buddy Dive Resorts Cane Bay Dive Shop Captain Slate’s Scuba Adventures Caradonna Dive Adventures Casa del Mar Cozumel / Marine World Cave Training Mexico CDA Technical Institute & NASE Worldwide City Of Pompano Beach COARE CoCo View Resort Cressi Deep Blue Adventures Dewi-Nusantara Dive Buddy Originals Dive Damai Dive Experience Dive House / Secrets Aura Dive Paradise / Hotel Cozumel Dive Provo Dive Right In Scuba Inc. Dive Saba - Statia Dive Tech Training Centre Diveheart Foundation DivEncounters Alliance Divetech Ltd. / Cobalt Coast Divi Resorts Diving Unlimited Int’l (DUI) Dutch Springs Eastern Dive Boat Assoc. Explorer Ventures Liveaboard Fleet Fantasea Line Florida Keys & Key West Tourism Fourth Element Handicapped Scuba Diver Association Head / Mares / SSI Historical Diving Society Hollis Iceland Dive Expeditions Ikelite Underwater Systems Indepth Watersports Ltd. Indigo Safaris InnerSpace Systems Corp. JJ-CCR USA Just Gotta Dive Kids Sea Camp Komodo Resort Lavacore Life Support Technologies Group Liveaboard Adventures / Papua New Guinea Long Island Divers Assoc. Manta Industries / Highseas Millwork Manthiri Liveaboard / Maldives Marco Vincent Dive Resort Mobby’s USA National Association For Cave Diving Inc. NAUI Worldwide Nautilus Explorer & Belle Amie New Jersey Council of Diving Clubs New Jersey Historical Diving Association New York Aquarium New York State Divers Association Nuvair Ocean Encounters Curacao Ocean Geographic Ocean Management Systems Ocean Reef Inc. Ocean Technology Systems Oceanic Oceanwide Expeditions Odyssey Adventures Off Shore Systems Drysuits Olympus Dive Center Pacific Dive and Travel PADI Worldwide Palau Dive Adventures Pascal Lecocq Painter Philippine Department of Tourism Phocea Mexico Pindito Piranha Dive Mfg. Plaza Beach Resort Bonaire Poseidon Dive Adventures Prescription Dive Masks Princeton Tec Pristine Azul Dive Club Pro Dive Mexico Provo Turtle Divers Puerto Rico Tourism Co. Quest Dive Adventures Red Sail Sports Cayman Reef & Rainforest Reef Divers Reef Environmental Education Foundation Reef Photo & Video rEvo Rebreathers Roatan U/W Photography Rocio Del Mar Liveaboard Rutgers University SailDives Saildives.Com Saint Lucia Tourist Board / Anse Chastanet Scuba Club Cozumel Scuba Du / Presidente Intercontinental Scuba Planners Scuba Travel Ventures ScubaDoRag ScubaPro / SubGear Sea Experience Sea Shepherd Conservation Society SEAC USA, Corp. Sealife Cameras Seasoft Scuba Shark Crafts Shearwater Research Sherwood Scuba Siren Fleet / Master Liveaboard South Pacific Island Travel Southern Cross Club Splash Dive Center St. Croix Ultimate Bluewater Adventures Stuart Cove’s Dive Inc. SubGravity / HammerHead CCR Sunset House Grand Cayman The Scuba Sports Club Tourism Fiji Travel Masters Trident Diving Equipment Triton Diving Equipment Mfr. TUSA U.S. Coast Guard Aux. Ultimate Dive Travel Ultimate Getaway Ultralight Control Systems Underwater Society of America UNEXSO Volivoli Beach Resort W.C.S.D.O. Inc. Waidroka Bay Resort Wakatobi Dive Resort Watershed Drybags Women Divers Hall of Fame Wreck Diving Magazine X-ray Magazine 14 | Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS ONLINE NOW! WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL OF OUR GENEROUS SPONSORS AND VOLUNTEERS FOR HELPING TO MAKE THIS AMAZING DIVE, TRAVEL AND OCEANS EXPOSITION POSSIBLE! SPONSORS KICK OFF 2016 BENEATH THE SEA® ! or BENEATH THE SEA® INTERNATIONAL – 40TH ANNIVERSARY OCEANS EXPOSITION | APRIL 1ST, 2ND AND 3RD, 2016 | 15 2016 S PO N SO RS Visit for the most up-to-date listing of our exhibitors and sponsors. Like us on CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS ONLINE NOW! SCHEDULE OF EVENTS KICK OFF 2016 BENEATH THE SEA® ! DON’T MISS A SINGLE EVENT WITH OUR EASY WEEKEND AT A GLANCE SHOW PLANNER! 2016 SCH ED U LE O F EVENTS SCHEDULE OF EVENTS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. VISIT BENEATHTHESEA.ORG FOR THE LATEST INFO. TIME THURSDAY, MARCH 31ST, 2016 PLACE 9:00 - 5:00 U/W Society of America Annual Meetings Embassy Suites TIME FRIDAY, APRIL 1ST, 2016 PLACE 8:00 - 5:30 Workshops & Conferences Holiday Inn & MEC 8:00 - 5:00 Exhibitor Load-In MEC Rear 8:30 - 5:00 Public Safety Divers Conference MEC A & B 9:00 - 5:00 Marine Careers ProgramHoliday Inn 9:30 - 3:00 Diving Sciences SymposiumMEC C & D 11:00 - 3:00 Women Divers Hall of Fame Board MeetingMEC 4:00 - 5:30 Exhibitors ReceptionMEC 2:00 - 4:00AUAS Board MeetingMEC 2nd Floor 5:00 - 7:00 Legends of the Sea Reception - Invitation Only La Quinta Inn & Suites 5:30 - 9:00 Public Registration: Exhibits/Tech’ Seminars/TWD Party MEC Lobby 6:00 - 9:00 Exhibits Open To PublicMEC 6:00 - 9:00 Technical Diving SeminarsMEC A-B, C-D 7:00 - 11:00 Meet “The Fish N’ Famous” Gala / Dinner/Auction La Quinta Inn & Suites 9:00 - 12:00 Public Tech Wreck Divers (TWD) PartyLa Quinta Inn & Suites TIME SATURDAY, APRIL 2ND, 2016 PLACE 8:00 - 4:00 Public Registration Open (Exhibits/Seminars)MEC Lobby 8:00 - 5:00 WorkshopsEmbassy Suites, Holiday Inn 9:00 - 5:00 Exhibits Open To PublicMEC 9:30 - 3:00 SeminarsHoliday Inn & MEC 9:30 - 3:30 Day Of DANHoliday Inn 11:00 - 1:30 WDHOF Membership Meeting MEC 2nd Floor 2:00 - 4:00 U/W Society of America NE Regional Meeting MEC 2nd Floor 5:00 - 8:00 Diver of the Year Awards Reception & Banquet La Quinta Inn & Suites 7:30 - 8:30 International U/W Film Festival RegistrationLa Quinta Inn & Suites 8:30 - 11:00 International U/W Film FestivalLa Quinta Inn & Suites 11:00 -1:00 Decompression PartyLa Quinta Inn & Suites TIME SUNDAY, APRIL 3RD, 2016 PLACE 8:30 - 3:00 Public Registration Open (Exhibits/Seminars) MEC Lobby 9:00 - 4:30 Exhibits Open To Public MEC 9:00 - 4:00 WorkshopsEmbassy Suites, Holiday Inn 9:30 - 2:00 Women Divers Hall of Fame Brunch La Quinta Inn & Suites 10:00 - 3:00 SeminarsHoliday Inn & MEC 10:00 - 12:00 DEMA 20-20 Vision Meeting (Members & Retailers)MEC 2nd Floor 12:00 - 2:00 BTS® Members MeetingMEC 2nd Floor 12:00 - 1:00 Ocean Pals Year In Review & Awards PresentationsMEC Ocean Pals Theater 1:00 - 3:00 Ocean Pals Sea of Sweets Party / Craft Activity MEC Ocean Pals Theater 3:00 Box Office, Registration CloseMEC 4:30 End BTS 2014 - Exhibits CloseMEC NEXT BENEATH THE SEA® EXPO MARCH 24, 25, 26, 2017 DON’T MISS IT! 16 | Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 DISCOUNT HOTEL, TRAVEL & GENERAL INFORMATION PLAN AN EXCITING WEEKEND AT OUR 2016 HOST HOTEL LA QUINTA INN & SUITES! (201) 863 - 8700 350 Lighting Way, Secaucus, NJ 07094 (Breakfast, Pool, Free Wi-Fi, and Shuttle Provided) Beneath The Sea® Discount Rate: $162 web: HOSTING: “Meet The Fish & Famous”, Women Divers Hall of Fame, VIP Awards Banquet, The International Film Festival and Decompression Party COURTYARD MARRIOTT (201) 617 - 8888 455 Harmon Meadow Blvd., Secaucus, NJ 07094 • Rate: $172 • web: EMBASSY SUITES (201) 864 - 7300 455 Plaza Dr., Secaucus, NJ 07094 • Rate: $205 - $215 (Full Breakfast, Fitness Room, Pool) web: HOLIDAY INN (201) 348 - 2000 300 Plaza Dr., Secaucus, NJ 07094 • Rate: $165 • web: HYATT PLACE (201) 422 - 9480 575 Park Plaza Dr., Secaucus, NJ 07094 • Rate: $162 (Breakfast, Free Wi-Fi, Fitness Center) web: RESIDENCE INN SECAUCUS | BY MARRIOTT (201) 223 - 9901 800 Plaza Dr., Secaucus, NJ 07094 • Rate: $199 • web: Beneath The Sea® has arranged special discounts with Airlines via Newark Liberty Airport, NJ. Contact UNITED AIRLINES on-line at: , Agreement Code 921367, Z Code ZVJU. (Valid from 03/29/2016 - 04/06/2016) The Worldwide Discount (AWD) Number is J901027. Please refer to the Avis Worldwide Discount Number when calling Avis at 1-800-331-1600 TRAVEL TRAVEL THE MEADOWLANDS RIVER INN (201) 867 - 4400 250 Harmon Meadow Blvd., Secaucus, NJ 07094 • Rate: $149 (Breakfast, Free Wi-Fi, Fitness Ctr.) web: GENERAL EXPO CENTER & TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION THE MEADOWLANDS EXPOSITION CENTER (MEC) : • Located at 355 Plaza Drive | Secaucus, NJ 07094 | (201) 330 - 7773 | • 5 - Hotels on Campus and 25 - Restaurants with FREE PARKING EVERYWHERE! • A 4 - mile drive to Manhattan. Visit the Statue of Liberty, Broadway, Times Square, the United Nations, wonderful museums, night clubs – all the great famous New York attractions. Need a pick up or • New Jersey – Visit the Liberty Science Center, Ellis Island, Meadowlands Sports return trip to the airport? Complex, Manhattan Island Cruises, Secaucus Factory Outlets and much more... Call Maryam Transportation TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION: Service at 800-380-4767 •N ewark Liberty Airport is the nearest Major Airport. Approximately 20 or 973 - 334 - 2659 minutes from the Meadowlands Exposition Center. •C ar Rental/Taxi Service to New York City: available by fax upon request Be sure to mention • To mid-town Manhattan by bus - the bus stop is in front of the MEC. Beneath The Sea® to receive • NJ Transit: board at NYC Port Authority to MEC: Route 320 your special discount! • NJ Transit Information: (973) 275 - 5555 CLICK HERE TO get directions to the meadowlands exposition center online Beneath The Sea® International – 40th ANNIVERSARY Oceans Exposition | APRIL 1ST, 2ND and 3RD, 2016 | 17 2016 DISCOUNT HOTEL, TRAVEL & GENERAL INFORMATION When calling, you must refer to “BENEATH THE SEA®” to receive the special discount hotel room rates! Hotels will fill up rapidly, reserve early! All hotel DISCOUNTS END MARCH 1ST, 2016. Prices shown do not include tax. If you have any questions please call Beneath The Sea® at 914 - 664 - 4310. CLICK HERE TO ORDER TICKETS ONLINE NOW! S tay At y o u r c h o i c e o f : Atlantis Dive Resorts Dumaguete or Puerto Galer a BENEATH THE SEA PRESENTS THE 2016 SHOW GRAND PRIZE! ® GRAND PRIZE TRIP! To the Philippines SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS ENTER TO WIN Beneath The Sea’s® GRAND PRIZE! Seven-nights of deluxe accommodation for two persons at a choice of either of these Philippines premier dive resorts: Atlantis Dive Resort Dumaguete or Atlantis Dive Resort Puerto Galera. Your trip to include all meals, unlimited scheduled diving (up to 5 boat dives a day per person, including night dives), unlimited Internet access, valid for travel through October 31, 2017. Prize to include two coach tickets on Philippines airlines from New York to Manila. Special thanks to Caradonna Dive Adventures (Booth #714)