- St. Joseph Catholic Church, Vancouver
- St. Joseph Catholic Church, Vancouver
SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER ~ APRIL 12, 2015 Saturday Sunday 5 PM Vigil 9 AM, 11:30 AM, 5 PM Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8 AM Tuesday 6 PM Holy Days and Holidays: please check the bulletin for Mass times. Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here and see my hands, and bring your hand and put it into my side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe.” Thomas answered and said to him, “My Lord and my God!” John 20:27-28 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 7:30 AM Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 AM Thursday 8:30 AM - 9:00 PM Tuesday 5:00 - 5:45 PM Saturday 3:00 - 4:30 PM Or by appointment Parents of children (birth to age 6) are asked to call and schedule a pre-baptism interview. Tracy Joy, (360) 823-2833 Please call a minimum of six months in advance to arrange marriage preparation and discuss requirements. Diane Boggs, (360) 823-2828 Contact Diane Boggs, (360) 823-2828 Mailing Address: 6600 Highland Drive, Vancouver, WA 98661 Phone: (360) 696-4407 Fax: (360) 696-3959 Mon - Fri: 8:30 AM - 12 Noon, 1:00 - 4:30 PM Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church Sunday, April 12 Mass: 9 am, 11:30 am, 5:00 pm Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy) Name Tag Sunday Weekend Monday, April 13 Mass: 8 am Tuesday, April 14 Reconciliation: 5 pm; Mass: 6 pm Wednesday, April 15 Mass: 8 am Thursday, April 16 Mass: 8 am Friday, April 17 Mass: 8 am, 10 am Saturday, April 18 Reconciliation: 3 pm; Mass: 5 pm Name Tag Sunday Weekend Sunday, April 19 Mass: 9 am, 11:30 am, 5:00 pm Name Tag Sunday Weekend 2 St. Luke will tell us that the disciples are “incredulous with joy” at the presence of the Risen Lord. He is Risen! Alleluia! Those words have been our cry all week this week. These days after Easter, called the “Octave”, are a way for us to celebrate every day as if it were Easter Day. You will notice for the prayers in today’s Mass that we say, “On this Easter Day.” It is our way of saying one day is not enough to celebrate this most amazing feast of life conquering death, once and for all time. On the Fourth Sunday of Easter we will go back into John’s Gospel, to an earlier image of Jesus as the good shepherd. This reflection is a way to further unpack who Jesus is. Indeed, he is the one who, like a good shepherd, “lays down his life for the sheep.” During these eight days (called an octave) we begin to unpack the tremendous turn of events that bring almost inexpressible joy to the disciples of Jesus, from the very first days of our Church, right down to our present day. On the Fifth Sunday of Easter another image dominates - Jesus as the true vine, and we as the branches. This image is reflected in the north hallway of our church, with a beautiful drawing of the vine and branches with pictures of those who have explored their God-given talents through our “Living Your Strengths” process. Last Monday, Pope Francis led a chant of the faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square. He asked the pilgrims gathered there to join him, chanting, “Christ is risen!” three times. The Pope went on to say, “In Him, through our Baptism, we are risen, we have passed from death to life, from the slavery of sin to the freedom of love.” He continued, “This is the Good News that we are called to carry to others in every environment, animated by the Holy Spirit.” On the Sixth Sunday of Easter, Jesus will remind us that that “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you.” Being chosen by Jesus is a tremendously affirming truth, that carries with it a responsibility to “bear fruit that will remain.” This is what Pope Francis is talking about when he invites us to allow the resurrection to illuminate the dark places of our lives and then to share that light with others. From St. Peter’s Square to St. Joseph in Vancouver, we are called to shout this good news and to live it in our lives. “We proclaim the resurrection of Christ when his light illuminates the dark moments of our existence, and we are able share it with others; when we know when to smile with those who smile, and weep with those who weep; when we accompany those who are sad and at risk of losing hope; when we recount our experience of Faith to those who are searching for meaning and happiness,” Pope Francis said. “And there - with our attitude, with our witness, with our life - we say ‘Jesus is Risen,’ with our soul.” Here in our Archdiocese, Ascension Thursday is transferred to Sunday and replaces the Seventh Sunday of Easter. On May 17th, we will hear Jesus commission his disciples, and all of us, to “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” And then, the following Sunday, Pentecost Sunday, we will be assured of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in proclaiming that saving message of the Gospel. Let us journey with the whole Church during these days of the Easter season as we unpack together this mind-boggling truth that seems too good to be true. The message is a simple one, but it is the most profound message in the history of the world: death is defeated, life wins. This is the beautiful message that explodes from that tomb in Jerusalem and that spread throughout the Mediterranean to the ends of the earth. For the next fifty days of the Easter Season we will unpack the meaning of Christ’s resurrection in the life of the early Church and in our lives today. We will read from the Acts of the Apostles, the second volume of St. Luke’s work, that picks up where his Gospel leaves off and takes us through the Church’s development in the first century. In the face of that truth, what else can we do but shout over and over again, He is Risen! Alleluia! Happy Easter! Fr. Gary Lazzeroni In our Gospel passages we will hear of Jesus’ appearances, in his Risen body, to his followers. This Sunday we hear of the doubt, and then the beautiful confession of faith of St. Thomas. Next Sunday, 3 Parish Happenings Pastor: Rev. Gary F. Lazzeroni, [email protected], 360-696-4407 Deacon: Deacon Scott Aikin, [email protected], 360-696-4407 SALE TODAY! HOLY LAND OLIVEWOOD CRAFTS Holy Land Crafts will be visiting St. Joseph on April 11 & 12 after all Masses and offering quality religious handicrafts made from Holy Land olive wood. The sale will take place in the St. John Bosco room (Marian Hall after 5 pm Sunday Mass). There is something for every budget! Your purchases help improve the economic condition of the Christian communities in the Holy Land. Holy Land artists have remained faithful to their God and to this rich cultural heritage. They take great pride in this distinct and unique art form. Your generous consideration for the livelihood of the people of this area is greatly appreciated. Aid/Referral: Please contact the St. Vincent de Paul Society, 2456 Stapleton Road, 360-694-5388, Monday-Friday 9:00 AM-1:00 PM. Bulletin Additions: Submit your request to the Parish Office or to [email protected] by 4:00 PM ten (10) days prior to the weekend you would like it to appear. Please include your name and contact information. Note: Content may be subject to Pastor’s approval. Catholic Cemetery: Mother Joseph Catholic Cemetery of Vancouver, located at E 29th St. & N St., Vancouver, WA. For more information, please contact 360-693-3052. John Paul II Library 360-823-2821 [email protected] Hours — Monday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday: (after 8 AM Mass) 8:30-9:30 AM Saturday: (after 5 PM Mass) 6:00-7:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM-2:00 PM; (after 5:30 PM Mass) 6:30-7:00 PM New Parishioners Welcome! Please contact the Parish Office to register, 360-696-4407. Parish Office GOLDEN FELLOWSHIP MASS AND LUNCHEON Parishioners 55+ are invited to the monthly Mass and Luncheon on Wednesday, April 15, beginning at 11:00 am in the Church. Come and join us for spiritual renewal, good food and fellowship. Receptionist: Annie Josserand, [email protected], 360-696-4407 Executive Assistant: Deborah Goddard, [email protected], 360-823-2803 Administrative Assistant: Barbara Allen, [email protected], 360-823-2827 Nursery Coord./Special Projects: Sally Kunz, [email protected], 360-823-2831 Bookkeeper: Anne Nakagawa, [email protected], 360-823-2822 Accounting Assistant: Roxie King, [email protected], 360-823-2801 Parish Office Hours: ST. BERNADETTE’S BREAKFAST—APRIL 19 The Knights of Columbus will be featuring “Eggs Bernadette” at breakfast following Masses on April 19. All proceeds will go to fund our sister parish, St. Bernadette, in Kenya. Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-12 NOON & 1:00-4:30 PM Closed 12 NOON to 1:00 PM for Lunch Facilities and Grounds Supervisor: Stephen Brown, [email protected], 360-823-2846. Parish Hall/Events Coordinator: Jerry Herrera, [email protected] or [email protected], 360-823-2857. Sacraments: PARISH OFFICE CLOSING EARLY APRIL 21 The parish office will be closing at 3:30 pm on Tuesday, April 21. Parish staff will be attending an employee benefits meeting. For Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Communion to those homebound, or sacramental records requests, contact the Parish Office, 360-696-4407, or our website at www.stjoevan.org. Want to Become Catholic (RCIA)? Contact Diane Boggs, [email protected], 360-823-2828. Want to Return to the Church? BULK MAILING VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Do you have a few hours to spare to help prepare an upcoming mailing? Are you available Tuesday, April 21, 9:00 am-12 Noon? Call Barbara at the Parish Office, 360-696-4407 or email [email protected] to volunteer. Contact the Parish Office about Welcome Home, 360-696-4407. Pastoral Assistants Administration: Carrie Moschetti, [email protected], 360-823-2845 Faith Formation, Baptism/Sacramental Preparation: Pre-school-5th grade; adult faith formation; preparation for Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Communion, Tracy Joy, [email protected], 360-823-2833. SPRING STRENGTHS GATHERING All Living Your Strengths alumni are invited to the Spring Strengths Cocktail Party on Saturday, April 25th from 6-8 pm. Please bring an appetizer, salad or dessert to share for our gathering in the parish hall. Join us for a time of strengths-based fellowship and formation. Please RSVP to Larry at [email protected] or reply to the eVite. Liturgy and Outreach Ministries: Adult confirmation, Ministry to the sick, homebound, disabled, funerals, grieving, and ethnic ministry, Sr. Joelle Aflague, [email protected], 360-823-2832 Marriage Preparation, RCIA (How to Become Catholic): Diane Boggs, [email protected], 360-823-2828. Stewardship: Time, talent, treasure, hospitality, volunteers, Living Your Strengths, Annual Appeal, Larry Cadorniga, [email protected], 360-823-2829. Music Ministry: Sunday morning Choir Director and Accompanist: Karl Rohde, [email protected], 360- 823-2852. Youth Ministry: 360-823-2804 Youth Minister: Teri McMahon, [email protected], 360-823-2804 Assistant Youth Minister: Ryan Chase, [email protected], 360-823-2804 Middle school/high school youth, grades 6-12; preparation for Confirmation Youth Music Ministry: Greg Stone, [email protected], 360-823-2804 Youth Choir/Sunday evening Mass; music ministry for youth & young adult retreats A Trip Down Memory Lane #11. First Fight. This might not be a happy memory, but hopefully you are not still fighting over the same issue. Focus on one disagreement that you have resolved satisfactorily. May it give you insight for the future. -by Susan Vogt, www.SusanVogt.net St. Joseph Catholic School (Pre-K-8th grade) School Office: 6500 Highland Drive, Vancouver WA 98661 School: 360-696-2586 Fax: 360-696-0977 Web: www.stjoevanschool.org Principal: Lesley Harrison, [email protected], 360-696-2586 Secretary: Sheri Keller, [email protected], 360-696-2586 Secretary: Anne McDonagh, [email protected], 360-696-2586 4 NAME TAG SUNDAY During the Easter season, all parishioners, guests and visitors are invited to wear name tags at Mass and afterwards for Weekend Hospitality. Meet your fellow parishioners and learn one another’s names. Welcome the stranger among us and reach out to those visiting by providing a warm and authentic greeting. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY The Sunday after Easter is Divine Mercy Sunday, a day that celebrates the merciful love of God and trust in Him. LIVING YOUR STRENGTHS—EASTER SESSIONS Take time to explore and focus in-depth on your God-given talents. Take the Clifton StrengthsFinder, a reliable and validated online assessment, to identify your TOP 5 areas of greatest potential and learn how to utilize them in your faith, family and work lives. Three convenient times are offered this Easter season for the five-week sessions: LYS 1.0: Thursdays, April 16 - May 14; 6:30-8:30 pm (8 slots available) LYS 2.0: Tuesdays, April 14 - May 12; 1:00-2:55 pm (12 slots available) LYS 1.0: Sundays, April 19 - May 24; 10:00-11:30 am (10 slots available) For more information, contact Larry at 360-823-2829 or [email protected]. Register online at www.stjoevan.org/stewardship/living-your-strengths/ Come sing and pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet in the presence of the Eucharist on Sunday, April 12, at 3:00 pm in the church. Then join us for hospitality and fellowship immediately following. SUMMER 2015 VBS REGISTRATION IS OPEN Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power is the theme for this summer’s Vacation Bible School. Registration is now open for both participants and volunteers. VBS will be held 9 am-12:15 pm daily, July 13-17, in Marian Hall. Children ages 3 through entering the 6th grade in Fall 2015 are invited to participate. More than 100 volunteers are needed the week of VBS to assist with crews, music, skits, snacks, and Bible stories and 20 more are needed in the weeks leading up to VBS. To sign-up to participate or to volunteer for VBS, visit the parish website, www.stjoevan.org. PILGRIMAGE TO ROME AND THE AMALFI COAST. Join Fr. Gary for a pilgrimage to Italy, May 17-26, 2016 and experience Rome during the extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy! This promises to be a memorable trip to some of the most ancient and revered sites in Christianity. Our trip begins with a visits to Pompeii and Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary, and to Santa Sofia on the Island of Capri. After four days on the Amalfi coast, we transfer to Rome to explore and celebrate our Catholic heritage in one of the greatest cities in the world. Masses at the catacombs of St. Sebastian, St. Peter’s Basilica, and St. Mary Major are highlights. Private tours of the Vatican Museum and the Sistine Chapel are planned, as well as the “Scavi” tour underneath St. Peter’s Basilica. An information meeting will be held Tuesday, May 12, 7:00 pm, in the St. Francis/St. Teresa rooms. For more information, please see the brochure on our website at stjoevan.org, or contact Fr. Gary at [email protected], 360-696-4407 for a brochure. NEW BIBLE STUDIES BEGINNING SOON Two new Bible study opportunities will begin after Easter. The Thursday Women’s Bible Study of “Mary: A Biblical Walk with the Blessed Mother” will begin on April 16 at 2 pm. The Friday Morning Bible Study of “A Biblical Walk through the Mass” will begin on April 24 at 9 am. To register and receive materials for either study, go to www.evangelization.com. If you need assistance or do not have internet access, contact the parish office. CATHOLIC RADIO KBVM SPRING SHARATHON Catholic radio station, KBVM 88.3 FM, will broadcast its Spring Sharathon, April 20th-24th. The weeklong event will feature a variety of special guests, interesting conversations about the importance of our faith and an opportunity for listeners to support the region’s only Catholic radio station. For more information, call 503-285-5200. GET YOUR TICKETS NOW FOR MATTHEW KELLY! St. Joseph Parish is excited to host internationally known Catholic speaker Matthew Kelly here on Saturday, June 27, at 7 pm for an evening of “Living with Passion and Purpose”. Tickets are on sale at the parish office or online at dynamiccatholic.com/Vancouver. The cost is $39 per ticket which includes the presentation and event materials. Volunteers are also needed to assist with ticket sales, publicity, and event preparation. Call the parish office if interested in helping, 696-4407. BE THE HAND AND FEET OF JESUS Can you bring Jesus to those who are sick or homebound? Please contact Sr. Joelle at 360-8232832. Your help will be greatly appreciated! 5 Ca O ilton m a o•H S P CAM mps a C y l Fami • e e amak n a N • R E MM SU 2015 C Y O th u o Y c tholi ion t a z i rgan sc o Don B Give your child the gift of CYO Summer Camp and they will make memories that will last a lifetime! Each day is a new adventure as campers of all levels of faith and ability are welcomed, supported and inspired through challenge activities and powerful prayer experiences. CYO campers experience incredible fun, personal growth, deepened faith and amazing friendships! Let this be the summer you join the tradition of Catholic camping that has been creating sacred memories in since 1950! Camp Don Bosco Carnation, Wa Day Camp at Camp Don Bosco | Grades K-8 Grab your swimsuit and backpack and get ready for fun-filled days at Camp Don Bosco! Our day campers take part in all the FUN, FAITH and ADVENTURE of summer camp and head home each evening to share their experiences with their families, rest up in their own bed and return the next day for new adventures! Specialty Day Camps include horse camps, Legos, laser tag, and much more! Resident Camp at Camp Don Bosco | Grades K-9 During their days and nights, resident campers will swim in the pool, make s’mores on an overnight hike, hit the mark with a bow & arrow, and experience prayer, community and sacrament in a whole new way. Specialty camp options include Lego engineering, laser tag, horse camps and a 3 day mini-camp for younger campers. Jr. High Camp at Camp Hamilton | Grades 6-9 Nestled in the remote wilderness of the Cascade foothills, the beauty of God’s creation abounds at Camp Hamilton. Whether it’s boating & swimming on the lake, climbing one of the high ropes challenge courses, playing paintball or stringing a bow and arrow, campers at Hamilton will laugh, sing, pray and experience God as they make new friends and grow into a community of faith! Camp Hamilton Monroe, Wa High School Camps with CYO | Grades 9-12 Whether you’re 40’ off the ground at our high ropes course at Camp Hamilton, kayaking the Puget Sound on a Nanakakee adventure trip or developing leadership skills as a Counselor in Training, you will have the time of your life as your experience God calling you deeper at our CYO High School Camps! Family Camps at Hamilton & Don Bosco | Families of all ages & size welcome! Don’t miss this opportunity to build sacred memories together at CYO Family Camp! Spend the weekend together as a family, unplugged from routines and plugged into fun, adventure and time together with God in the beauty of His creation! You’ll never regret an investment in your family! Extended families welcome! Program Details & Videos • Scholarship Information • Online Registration at: www.seattlearchdiocese.org/camping planting raking spring cleaning painting hauling barking pulling weeds cleaning windows Saturday April 25 9 am – 3 pm Meet in Front of Parish Hall at 9:00 am. Bring work clothes, gloves, wheelbarrows, rakes, shovels. Lunch is provided. Older children welcome to work with parents. School Families earn share hours! Contact Stephen to Volunteer: 823-2846 [email protected] 7 COUNTDOWN TO KINDERGARTEN—FALL 2015 ST JOSEPH SCHOOL SUMMER CAMP 2015 St. Joseph School is offering a summer camp program and would like to extend an invitation to the children of parishioners who will be entering kindergarten through 6th grade to join in the fun. The first camp session starts June 15th and will continue through early August. Camps are offered on a weekly basis. Each week has a different theme such as “Wacky Water Week”, “Fun with Physics”, “Adventure week” and “Time Travel”, to name a few. Our camps are planned with structured activities that include art, science, games and, of course, fun! The St. Joseph Religious Education program will be coordinating Vacation Bible School during the week of July 12th. Summer camp will not be available that week, but we will offer afternoon care for the VBS K-6 students who may need it. To register for VBS please call 360-823-2843 or email [email protected]. Information about VBS will be available on the parish website in April at www.stjoevan.org. Is your child ready for kindergarten or do you know someone looking into kindergarten programs for the 2015-16 school year? St. Joseph School has an excellent full-day kindergarten program. Aside from our school-wide emphasis in faith, academics and service, additional kindergarten program features and highlights: Check the school’s website, www.stjoevanschool.org in April for information and registration form. Building a foundation for academic success Faith formation integrated throughout the day and in all subject areas Each class is supported by a full-day aide 25 student per class maximum Specialist subjects two times per week for a full class period in: Art, Computers, Music, Physical Education and Spanish Field trips and seasonal activities Hot lunch program available Before and after school care available The fee per week is $125 with a $35 registration fee and camp hours are 9:00 am to 3:30 pm. Aftercare is available upon request. If you have any questions, please contact Bobbi Harrington at [email protected] Family Bingo Night For more information about the program, for registration information or to schedule a tour contact Anne McDonagh [email protected] 360-6962586 and visit our website, www.stjoevanschool.org. Friday, April 24th 5:30-8:00 pm, Marian Hall Texas BBQ Buffet That Man Is You of St. Joseph Parish, is hosting a Texas BBQ Buffet for Families as part of Mother’s Day Weekend. Please join us: Saturday, May 9, Marian Hall, 11:30 am-2 pm. $25 per Family, $10 per Person. Tickets on sale after all Masses (except Easter), at the TMIY booth. $1 game cards/daubers sold Concessions Kids welcome! 8 ADAPTED MASS FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES, FRIENDS AND FAMILIES Please join us at Holy Redeemer Church, 17010 NE 9th St., on Saturday, April 18, 10:30 am, to celebrate an adapted liturgy with Fr. Woody, from Our Lady of Lourdes, presiding. There is ample opportunity for spiritual and emotional support during hospitality time following the Mass. For further information, please contact Mary Sutter at 360-892-0951, or email [email protected]. Saturday, May 2, 2015 Pro-Life Conference The Diabolical System of Imposing Death Proto-Cathedral of St. James the Greater Vancouver, WA www.thelifeguardianfoundation.org FUNERALS—THE GIFT OF ADVANCED PLANNING Preplanning funerals with the parish can be a real gift to your family in a time of sorrow. In addition to funeral home arrangements, Catholics have decisions to make regarding their funeral liturgy. Keep your eye on the bulletin for an announcement about an upcoming funeral preplanning session to be led by Sr. Joelle. SCHOOL OF HEALING PRAYER Are you interested in becoming a prayer minister and/or developing a prayer ministry? The School of Healing Prayer Level 1 course offers a scriptural basis for God’s gift of healing prayer and teaches the student how to be an effective prayer minister. Limited space is available—the course will be taking place at Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church in Kelso, WA, beginning in May. Cost is $30 for the book and $30 for the class fee. For more information, contact Lucille Hadden at 360-2328299. MEGA SALE DONATIONS You might have missed our last drop-off day, but don’t despair—we have others planned! Start cleaning out your closets now for our next drop-off on April 19! Bring your donations of clean, usable items to the Booster Shed at the west end of the parking lot from 10:00 am-2:00 pm that day. You can also contact Teri in the Parish Office if you need an appointment. HABITS OF A VERY LOVING MARRIAGE RETREAT Join Fr. Pat Freitag for the weekend of May 15-17 at the Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center, 4700 SW Dash Point Road, Federal Way, WA. The Habits of a Very Loving Marriage seminar is based on Stephen R. Covey’s No. 1 bestsellers The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and The 8th Habit. This marriage workshop offers a framework for applying a universal, self-discovery approach that enables couples to communicate successfully. For more information, call 206-748-7991. $330 per couple. ANNULMENTS If you have a prior marriage which has ended in divorce, you may want to begin the annulment process. For more information, or to request the informational flier which includes a list of our Advocates (someone who walks you through the process), please contact Diane Boggs at the parish office, 823-2828, or email at [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE Next year’s annual Serra Vocations Dinner has been scheduled for January 23, 2016. The Archbishop will preside at Mass, followed by dinner in Marian Hall. Mark your calendars now for this inspiring event! STAY IN TOUCH THROUGHOUT THE WEEK Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/stjoevan Please support the businesses that help to make the printing of this bulletin free to the parish. This week’s Advertiser of the Week is: Mountainview House A Place for Seniors to Thrive 360-834-3988 9 Sharing Our Time, Talent & Treasure ST. VINCENT DE PAUL NEEDS VOLUNTEER HELP The Vancouver Conference of St. Vincent de Paul continues to operate Clark County’s single largest food bank, serving an average of over 100 individuals per day. A majority of these individuals have families, which means that many more than 100 individuals are receiving food. Local generous grocers donate breads, bagels, desserts, and more to SVDP each week, though somebody needs to go pick it up. Our volunteer drivers donate 1-2 hours per week in this process. Can you help? Please call Gary Wright at 360-694-5388 for details. Please pray for all who are sick. Tim Gilberg Please pray for our beloved dead. Irene Adams, Jasmine McCrow, Gary Krueger, Fr. Robert Kenny PARISH SUNDAY SUPPER Join us in Marian Hall on Sundays after 5:00 pm Mass for food and fellowship. $5 per person, $25 for family (5 or more) April 12 Teriyaki Chicken, Steamed Jasmine Rice, Steamed Corn, Garden Salad, Cake April 19 Rosemary Pork Loin, Brown Gravy, Baby Red Mashed Potatoes, Steamed Green Beans, Garden Salad, Cake April 26 Beef Enchiladas, Mexican Rice, Garden Salad, Chocolate Cake HOPE AND HEALING AFTER ABORTION “For God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but so that through him the world might be saved.” - John 3:17 Discover His abundant love for you and allow Him to save you from your despair. Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat with us, May 29-31, 2015. Call Valerie at 1-800-822-HOPE (4673). MARRIED COUPLES RETREAT Does gardening give you a sense of wonder and fulfillment? On your wedding day, you lovingly planted the seeds of a lifelong relationship. A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend will give you the “gardening tools” you need to help your marriage grow and blossom. For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line at www.rediscoverthespark.org. Upcoming dates: April 24-26 at Powell Butte Retreat Center in Central Oregon; May 22-25 at Our Lady of Peace Retreat House in Beaverton, Oregon. OFFERTORY GIFT BEARERS Everyone is invited to participate in the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses by bringing the Offertory Gifts to our Lord's altar. At least three Gift Bearers are required at each Mass and can be individuals, spouses, a family or friends. Those interested should contact the Head Usher or the Head EMHC about 15 minutes before Mass begins. ONLINE GIVING—OFFERTORY CARDS Many parishioners currently give of their Stewardship of Treasure via electronic giving. Laminated Offertory Cards are now available in the narthex and in the Church chairs/pews to be used as a visible sign of your participation at Offertory during the Presentation of the Gifts. Feel free to use these cards as the collection baskets are passed. If you are interested in fulfilling your pledge via electronic giving, please contact Larry Cadorniga at 360-823-2829, [email protected], or www.stjoevan.org/giving to set up your Online Giving account today. FAVORITE BUSINESS OR SERVICE PROVIDER? Your parish family wants to know about these great businesses too! Please let your favorite business owners know that advertising in the Church bulletin is affordable, reliable and helps to provide the bulletin at no charge to the parish. For more info, call Catholic Printery, at 800-867-0660. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing. Psalm 100:2 For the week ending April 5, 2015 Offertory Received Year to Date Needed Year to Date Received Year to Date Shortfall $ 53,355 $ 1,416,038 $ 1,397,867 ($ 18,171) Practice is on Wednesday evenings, 7:30-9:00 pm, in the music room on the east side of the church building. Interested? Contact Karl Rohde, Choir Director, at [email protected] or 360-823-2852. Above is the Offertory received so far this fiscal year (July-June). Thank you for your faithful stewardship and for sharing with us a portion of the financial gifts God has given you! If you have any questions, please contact Carrie Moschetti, Pastoral Assistant for Administration, 360-823-2845 or [email protected]. 10 11