hibben at worship - Hibben United Methodist Church
hibben at worship - Hibben United Methodist Church
TODAY’S VOLUNTEERS: Altar Steward: Ann Watson Trustee: UMYF for ALL Rising 7th-12th Graders TODAY: July 31: Aug. 7: Aug. 14: The performance of Music Man at Footlight Theater. Meet at the church at 4:00pm. Tickets have been preordered. Dinner in the gym afterwards. Operation LemonAID stand to benefit Operation Christmas Child. Setup 9:30-10:30am. Work remote location stand from 12:00-2:00pm. 4:00pm - Will Basco’s Eagle Scout Court of Honor in the sanctuary. UMYF 6-8pm in the gym. Boat Day – 9:00am-1:30pm Remley’s Point Boat Landing. Jody Muldrow Media Operators: 8:15 10:30 The Well Music Leader: 10:30 Heather Caffarel Guest Organist: Kathy Landing Children’s Church: Michelle Lomonaco Helpers: Jamey & Angie Bradham Lay Readers: 8:15 10:30 Ushers: 10:30 Worship Bob Barton Brad Kilpatrick Allan Morgan Roger Morrow Steve Price Craig Rhyne Worship on the Water Sunday, August 14 9:00am – 1:30pm Acolytes: 8:15 10:30 Monday, July 25 11:30 am 6:00 pm Morning Prayer Finance Tuesday, July 26 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Church Council Boy Scouts Wednesday, July 27 6:00 pm 6:15 pm 7:30 pm Evening Bible Study Men’s Bible Study Chancel Choir Thursday, July 28 6:00 pm Women’s Gathering/Vickery’s 8:15 Worship Paul Cross Cecil Mills YOUTH GROUP Remley’s Point Boat Landing Join us for worship, water skiing, tubing & fellowship Bring a Friend and RSVP to Cathy [email protected] or (843) 513-6827 Peter Fennell Peter Fennell THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES: Sunday, July 24 8:15 am Early Worship 9:15 am Faith Formation 10:30 am Morning Worship 10:30 am The Well 4:00 PM UMYF Friday, July 29 No Sched uled Activities Saturday, July 30 8:00 pm will meet on Sunday, July 31 from 4:30-6:00 in the CLLC. We will hear about the Charleston Port and Seafarer’s Society from Darrell Johnson, one of our Hibben members. Then, we will take a field trip to the Dollar Store to make gift boxes for the visiting sailors. Come learn what YOU can do to provide Christmas for these men, who travel the world supporting their families in their home countries. Stephen Ministers: Guerry Taylor Mary Ann Bolt Sheila Sparks Kimberlee Brown Bruce Harple Cheryl Boyle Sharon Thompson Contact: Nancy Baker (843) 670-1607 Samantha Garland CJ Hand Drew Elferdink 8:15 10:30 Laura Cowart 8:15 Paul & Janice Cross 10:30 Pat Cronk Jim & Joye Wells Greeters: Your Ministry Team BIBLE OLYMPICS Bible Olympics is winding down. This week, we’ll study about receiving the prize. Next week, we all meet in the sanctuary to hear all about Ms. Pam and Ms. Linda’s mission trip with Operation Christmas Child. Sunday, August 7th will be our closing ceremony and Promotion Sunday. All parents are invited to meet us in the sanctuary that morning at 9:15. Rev. Dr. Ray Litts Senior Pastor Rev. Walter Strawther Associate Pastor Amy McCurley Dir. Children’s Ministry Cathy Musselwhite Dir. Youth Ministry Heather Caffarel Well Worship Coord. Jennifer Roberts Connecting Coordinator Candace Dellinger Business Mgr. Cheryl Cummings Executive Assistant Nancie Willett PreSchool Co-Dir. Kim Dowd PreSchool Co-Dir. Amy McCurley Dir. Handbells/Musical Evang. Frankie Lewis Sexton Mercer Hunter Nursery Co-Dir. Sydney Grogg Nursery Co-Dir. Rev. Dr. Cecil Pottieger Retired Clergy Rev. Carl Johnson Retired Clergy Rev. David Lupo Clergy Rev. Daniel Flessas Clergy July 24, 2016 Two Services Next Sunday, July 31st Early Worship at 8:15 Combined Worship at 10:30 In the Sanctuary Alcoholics Anonymous Crucifer: CLUB 56 Hibben Happenings Operation LemonAID Cool off with some lemonade and baked goods next Sunday, July 31st, immediately following 10:30 worship. Stands will be located at the front of the church and outside the church office. Another stand will be set up from 12:00pm–2:00pm at Renaissance South Construction, 220 Coleman Boulevard – next to Okra Grill. All proceeds go to pay shipping costs of Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. SPREAD THE WORD! Baked goods and lemonade donations needed! Contact Cathy at [email protected] or (843) 513-6827. Women’s Gathering Attendance July 17, 2016 Faith Formation 8:15 Early Worship 10:30 Morning Worship The Well 103 31 203 35 Giving 2016 General Budget $905,370.00 Rec’d Toward Budget June 2016 61,156.00 Rec’d Year To Date 396,591.00 Special Offering Rec’d Last Week: Let’s Finish It 348.00 We are making our debt disappear! Our current loan balance as of 06/30/16 is $233,046. Please use the pink envelope marked “Let’s Finish It” to make your offering toward debt reduction. Thursday, July 28 6:00pm at Vickery’s Hibben United Methodist Church 690 Coleman Boulevard Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 (843) 884-9761 www.hibbenumc.net Concerns & Opportunities Condolences The congregation lifts Bruce Harple and his family in prayer following the death of his mother, Nancy Harple. A resident of Ocala, Florida, Mrs. Harple died July 11th. Funeral services were held at Countryside Presbyterian Church on July 15th. May God surround this family with His peaceful presence. Say “Cheese” Were you unable to have your picture made for our new pictorial directory? Did you know we have the capability of downloading your picture into Hibben’s online directory? Want to be included? It’s simple! Just send a picture of you and/or your family to [email protected]. Would you like to have access to the online directory? That’s simple too! Just include your request with your picture. You’ll be given a link to download the directory to your cellphone. For those who had their pictures taken, don’t forget there is a free directory waiting for you at the Welcome Center located in the Narthex. Be sure to stop by on your way out this morning. Batter Up! CHANGE OF VENUE for Hibben’s Co-Ed Team on Tuesday, July 26th. Game begins at 6:30pm at PARK WEST Field #2. Men’s Team is up to bat on Thursday, th July 28 , 9:00pm, also at PARK WEST Field #2. In The Works at The Well Join us this Sunday 10:30 am in the CLLC Sermon: Children of the Living God Hosea 1:1-10 A new sermon series begins for the month of August “Cloud of Witness” with readings from Hebrews 11 & 12 The Holy Spirit Unleashed in You Do you know what it means to “walk by the Spirit?” Now you can know firsthand who the Holy Spirit is, to whom the gift of the Spirit is given, and how he fulfills His marvelous purpose. The book of Acts is a gold mine of invaluable truths about living and walking by the Spirit. The Wednesday morning Bible Study group will begin study Wednesday, September 7th. Interested in participating? Contact Sandie Griffeth at [email protected] or (843) 971-1266. Thank You! Backpack Blessings August 7th 10:30 Worship All of our Hibben children are encouraged to bring their backpacks to the worship service. Pastor Ray will have a special blessing over the packs and each student will receive a Hibben backpack tag. Meet Ms. Amy in the Narthex after the service for a special treat . . . milk (or lemonade) and cookies! If you have earned your superhero for the Apostles’ Creed, we need YOU to help lead the Creed on Sunday, August 7th at the 10:30 worship service. Please contact Ms. Amy if you would like to be one of the leaders. Scott and Pam Brunson would like to thank the people of Hibben for all their support, kind words, and generous “sendoff” last Sunday. Soli Deo Gloria! Be Be A Mentor! WE ALSO NEED 4 ushers and a Call to Worship leader. Please contact Amy if you’re in town and available to help. Join us for an informational luncheon Sunday, September 11 th at 12:15 in the Christian Life & Learning Center. Come see how you can change the life of a child. Everyone interested in mentoring a child once a week for an hour is welcome. There’s always a need for new mentors. For more information, contact Suzanne Johnston at [email protected]. SAVE THE DATE Hibben UMC Blood Drive Tuesday, August 30th 3:00-8:00pm Acolyte Training The next acolyte training will be held Sunday, August 28th immediately following the 10:30 worship service. Any child 3rd grade or older is welcome to participate in the training. We are especially in need of acolytes/crucifers to serve during the 8:15 service. Would you be willing to serve Hibben in this important worship ministry? Hibben Women’s Retreat Epworth By The Sea - St. Simons Island September 16-18 Cost includes lodging and meals Friday evening to Sunday lunch Double room 2 nights . . . $190.00/per person Single room 2 nights . . . . $270.00/per person $25 non-refundable deposit due Sunday, August 14 Full registration fee due September 1 Questions? Contact Jennifer Roberts@ 270-1161 Registration forms available in the Church Office and at hibbenumc.org Hibben United Methodist Church 690 Coleman Boulevard Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 (843) 884-9761 HYMN OF PREPARATION (8:15) He Leadeth Me Melinda Ayer SERMON Dr. Ray Litts Half Way Terah http://www .hibbenumc.org PASTORAL PRAYER AND LORD’S PRAYER HIBBEN AT WORSHIP *HYMN OF SENDING No. 593 Here I Am, Lord July 24, 2016 *BENEDICTION Please refer to the overhead screen for responsive readings and unison prayers. Dr. Ray Litts *POSTLUDE Paradies Toccata PRELUDE Franck *If able, please stand Prelude GATHERING AND WELCOME ~ Sanctuary Flowers ~ CALL TO WORSHIP Responsively *OPENING HYMN No. 103 The flowers have been placed on the altar today by Brian and Mary Anne Larkin to the glory of God and in celebration of their 33rd wedding anniversary. Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise *AFFIRMATION OF GRATITUDE Unison *GLORIA PATRI No. 71 Glory Be to the Father ANTHEM (8:15) More Love to Thee, O Christ Lou Anderson, Bonnie Bruins, Marjorie Thompson (10:30) arr. Scott Gracious Spirit, Dwell With Me Chancel Choir CHILDREN’S MOMENT Thi s W ee k ’s P raye r Li st Cox Family Martha Rhea Doug Rachford Michael Mary Fraser (sister/Sue Myers) Jo Anne Foxworth Jean Padgett Harple Family Margaret Norcott Paul Harrison Sam Radcliffe (brthr/J. Radcliffe) Kristy Wise (dghtr/Radcliffes) Peggy Mitchum Esther Eager (mthr/B. Radcliffe) Margaret Wall Jerry Idle (father/Debi Hand) Betty Epperson (mthr/Amy McCurley) (10:30) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFERING All things come from you, O God, and with praise and thanksgiving we return to you what is yours. OFFERTORY Please add to the Hibben Prayer List: Bach Aria *DOXOLOGY No. 95 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow *HYMN OF PRAISE No. 2129 (FWS) I Have Decided to Follow Jesus SERMON TEXT Genesis 11 Name: ___________________________________________________________ If this person is not a Hibben member, please give the relationship (“mother of _____” or “friend of _____.”) Prayer requests will remain on our list three weeks. Names may be resubmitted after that time. May the Holy Spirit grant peace and heal ing as you are lifted in prayer by the Hibben f amily.
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Hibben Happenings - Hibben United Methodist Church
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