Hibben Happenings - Hibben United Methodist Church
Hibben Happenings - Hibben United Methodist Church
TODAY’S VOLUNTEERS: Altar Steward: Pam Thesing Trustee: UMYF for ALL 7th-12th Graders TODAY: Sept. 11: NO UMYF celebrate Labor Day with your family AMPLIFY! 5-7 in the gym. Combined event with other Sept. 18: Sept. 25: area youth groups, Club 56 and The Praise Band UMYF, 6-8pm in the gym UMYF, 6-8pm in the gym Youth Praise Band Mike Simms Media Operators: 8:15 10:30 Marty Watson Marty Watson The Well Music Leader: 10:30 Heather Caffarel Children’s Church: Helpers: Linda Abbitt Ruth Mills Lay Readers: 8:15 10:30 Ushers: 8:15 Worship Paul Cross Mike Taylor Attention 5th-12th Graders If you play an instrument or can sing God’s praises, come join the Youth Praise Band! Directed by Heather Caffarel, the first Jam Session is Sunday, October 2 nd 9:30-10:15 (Faith Formation Hour) in the gym. Breakfast provided. Come listen, eat & hang out! Contact Cathy Musselwhite [email protected] or Heather Caffarel [email protected] 10:30 Worship Bryant Davis Shawn Dolan David Hand Heyward Knotts Bill Roberts Marty Watson 8:15 10:30 Crucifer: 8:15 10:30 The Praise Band, UMYF and CLUB 56 will welcome friends from churches around Charleston for AMPLIFY: Remembrance-A celebration of faith through music, prayer, and testimony. Come be encouraged and challenged as we AMPLIFY Christ by remembering the sacrifices of September 11th and honoring the sacrifices of Jesus. You don’t want to miss it! ATTENTION! 5 -12 Graders th th If you love to sing and be with your friends, then the Youth Choir is for YOU! Directed by Amy McCurley. [email protected]. 8:15 September 4, 2016 Tuesday, September 6 9:15 am Moms Connect 6:30 pm Nominations Committee 6:30 pm Young Adult Ministry 7:00 pm Boy Scouts Wednesday, September 7 9:00 am Morning Bible Study (Class 1) 10:30 am Morning Bible Study (Class 2) 6:00 pm Evening Bible Study 6:00 pm Wolves 6:15 pm Men’s Bible Study 6:15 pm Handbells 7:30 pm Chancel Choir Thursday, September 8 10:00 am OCC Planning Meeting 6:30 pm Luke Study Saturday, September 10 7:00 am BSF Leaders Meeting 11:00 am Table/Shelter 8:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous Belize Relief Special Offering M any of you have already heard that one of our friends at Galilee Baptist Church (our partner church in Belize) had her house severely damaged during the recent Hurricane Earl. She is now living in the church, without kitchen or shower, until another option becomes available. Sherlette Gladden is one of the most faithful and hard-working members that Galilee has. We are working with Galilee Baptist, as well as a UMC church in New Jersey, who also partners with Galilee, to try to make repairs to what is left of Sherlette’s house. Please consider giving to this special offering today. All checks are to be made payable to Hibben UMC (designated Belize Hurricane Relief Fund) and placed in the offering plate or left at the altar rail. Millar Elferdink Greeters: 5:00-7:00pm Church Office Closed No Scheduled Activities Jack Elferdink Rowan Irelan Hibben Happenings Monday, September 5 Friday, September 9 Acolytes: Sunday, September 11 THIS WEEK’S OPPORTUNITIES: Sunday, September 4 8:15 am Early Worship 9:15 am Faith Formation 10:30 am Morning Worship 10:30 am The Well 11:45 am Nurture Committee 6:00 pm UMYF Nancy Blocker Ed Westwood 10:30 Brenda Lynn Sandie Griffeth, Terri Suiter Kathy Huey Your Ministry Team Rev. Dr. Ray Litts Senior Pastor Rev. Walter Strawther Associate Pastor Amy McCurley Dir. Children’s Ministry Cathy Musselwhite Dir. Youth Ministry Heather Caffarel Well Worship Coord. Jennifer Roberts Connecting Coordinator Candace Dellinger Business Mgr. Cheryl Cummings Executive Assistant Nancie Willett PreSchool Co-Dir. Kim Dowd PreSchool Co-Dir. Rodney Pendell Organist Amy McCurley Director of Music Frankie Lewis Sexton Mercer Hunter Nursery Co-Dir. Sydney Grogg Nursery Co-Dir. Rev. Dr. Cecil Pottieger Retired Clergy Rev. Carl Johnson Retired Clergy Rev. David Lupo Clergy Rev. Daniel Flessas Clergy Stephen Ministers: Guerry Taylor Mary Ann Bolt Sheila Sparks Kimberlee Brown Bruce Harple Cheryl Boyle Sharon Thompson Contact: Nancy Baker (843) 670-1607 Attendance August 28, 2016 Faith Formation 8:15 Early Worship 10:30 Morning Worship The Well 125 52 170 56 Giving 2016 General Budget $905,370.00 Rec’d Toward Budget July 2016 67,606.00 Rec’d Year To Date 464,197.00 Special Offering Rec’d Last Week: Let’s Finish It 719.00 We are making our debt disappear! Our current loan balance as of 07/31/16 is $227,834. Please use the pink envelope marked “Let’s Finish It” to make your offering toward debt reduction. “Music this week was selected to complement the sacred rite of Holy Communion. The Organ voluntary is the Prelude in E-flat, Op. 41, #1, of Alexandre Guilmant. Guilmant was one of the great French organists whose output of symphonic organ music is equally situated among the works of C.M. Widor and Caesar Franck. His E-flat Prelude beautifully prepares us for our time of Communion, and also leads directly into our opening hymn. The Postlude is the famous “Tube Tune” of Craig Sellar Lang. It is a joyous piece which requires the organist to play the tuba line at times in the right hand, at others the left hand, and do so in a manner that is invisible to the listener. This happy piece brings a joyous end to our solemn time of divine worship this Lord’s Day.” Hibben United Methodist Church 690 Coleman Boulevard Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 (843) 884-9761 www.hibbenumc.org Youth Meal Challenge Is Back! Concerns & Opportunities Sympathy The Hibben congregation surrounds Debi Hand and her family with love and prayer following the death of her father, Jerry Idle. A resident of Dayton, Ohio, Mr. Idle died August 24 th after a courageous battle with cancer. We entrust this family to God’s care and comfort during this time of grief. Luke on Social Justice Thursday Evenings 6:30-7:45 September 8 – October 13 The class on Social Justice, facilitated by Rev. Walter, is filling quickly. There’s still time for you to join us. Contact Jennifer Roberts (843) 270-1161 or [email protected]. Be Be A Mentor! Join us for an informational luncheon Sunday, September 11 th at 12:15 in the Christian Life & Learning Center. Come see how you can change the life of a child. Everyone interested in mentoring a child once a week for an hour is welcome. There’s always a need for new mentors. For more information, contact Suzanne Johnston at [email protected]. Seekers Class Begins New Study Starting in September, the Seekers Life Group will begin the study of "Half Truths: God Helps Those Who Help Themselves and Other Things the Bible Doesn't Say" , by Adam Hamilton. He looks critically at several phrases like "love the sinner, hate the sin" and "God said it, I believe it, that settles it" and other half-truths, asking us to consider whether these truths are as Christian or as true as we suppose. Examination of these half-truths leads to the greater truths we find in Jesus Christ. Acolyte Training DATE CHANGE!! The next acolyte training will be held next Sunday, SEPTEMBER 11 th immediately following the 10:30 worship service. Any child 3 rd grade or older is welcome to participate in the training. We are especially in need of acolytes/crucifers to serve during the 8:15 service. Would you be willing to serve Hibben in this important worship ministry? DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS concerning the M ethod i st Chu rc h? Are you curious about what Hibben has to offer or our approach to worship? Then, join us Next Sunday at 9:30am for “Coffee with the Pastors.” This is a great opportunity to learn more about our church and the Methodist faith in general. Find us in the Conference Room located down the Apostles’ Walk (hallway leading from the vestibule). Want to support the youth in a fun way? Sign your group up to provide a delicious meal for UMYF on Sunday nights! Beginning September 18, the youth will start judging the meals provided. In November, the meal that is voted the tastiest by the youth will get to keep the YOUTH MEAL CHAMPION trophy until February. Individuals, families or small groups are encouraged to sign up. A signup sheet is located on the youth bulletin board outside the church office. Or conta ct Cathy cmu ssel [email protected] or 843- 513-6827. Good food keeps the youth coming back!! Spreading the Light OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Hibben’s goal this year - 800 shoeboxes! Just think – if each of our 650 active worshipers were to pack just one shoebox, we would already be well on the way to reaching our goal. Plans are underway for Hibben’s annual packing party to be held in November. Interested in helping with those plans? Come to our meeting Thursday, September 8th at 10:00am in the Conference Room. All are welcome! Faith Formation Teacher Recognition th Sunday, September 11 10:30 Sanctuary Service We will be honoring our 2015-2016 teachers and commissioning those who will be teaching for the current school year. Please join us in celebrating these leaders. ~ PRIMETIMERS ~ Summer’s over and it’s time for the Primetimers’ fall kick-off! Mark your calendars now for Tuesday, September 20th as we get off to a great start. Bring your favorite dish to share and join us in the CLLC beginning at 12:00 noon. Come join us! In The Works at The Well Thank you to everyone for your enthusiastic support of our new sanctuary lighting. Two additional small fixtures have been ordered for the side seating areas of our sanctuary. This will bring all seating areas up to the minimum industry standards for lighting. We are hoping to have these installed by the end of September, depending on our ability to raise the necessary funds by that time. We need your continued financial support for this worthwhile project. Please consider an extra gift to the lighting project to help Hibben spread the light! PUMPKINS COMING! September 28 @ 4:00pm MANY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED TO UNLOAD PUMPKINS It’s a great workout, and there’s pizza afterward! What more could you ask for? It’s a great way to hang out with cool Hibben people and help our mission efforts. Oh, did we mention it’s really a whole lot of fun? We can’t do it without VOLUNTEERS! Signup to work two hour shifts begins TODAY at the Welcome Center. Questions? Call or text Debi Hand at (843) 810-0245. Sr. High (grades 9-12) Join us this Sunday 10:30 am in the CLLC Beach Sweep/Cleanup Sermon: Heart to Heart to Heart Philemon 1:1-21 Details in Next Week’s Happenings Saturday, September 24th Hibben United Methodist Church 690 Coleman Boulevard Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 (843) 884-9761 *HYMN OF PREPARATION Love Divine, All Loves Excelling No. 384 SERMON TEXT Haggai 2:7 Leader: People: http://www.hibbenumc.org The word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God. SERMON HIBBEN AT WORSHIP Dr. Ray Litts Help Us Now September 4, 2016 *HYMN OF DEDICATION Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Please refer to the overhead screen for responsive readings and unison prayers. *BENEDICTION No. 196 Dr. Ray Litts *POSTLUDE C.S. Lang Tuba Tune GATHERING AND WELCOME CHORAL CALL TO WORSHIP Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place (10:30) PRAYER OF CONFESSION Unison OPENING VOLUNTARY A. Guilmant Prelude in E-flat *HYMN OF PRAISE No. 618 Let Us Break Bread Together SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION *If able, please stand ~ Sanctuary Flowers ~ The flowers have been placed on the altar today by Liz Whalen to the glory of God and in honor of her daughter, Sarah, as she celebrates her 14th birthday. No. 15 The Great Thanksgiving The Lord’s Prayer Giving of the Bread and Cup Th is W e ek’ s Pr ay er Lis t The elements are served by intinction. You will be given the wafer and offered the cup. Please dip the wafer into the juice and receive both elements together. CHILDREN’S MOMENT (10:30) Hand/Idle Family Peter Fennell Maggie Sumner (niece/The Sumners) Nora Baker (sister/Pat Floyd) Val Fogel Blondell Davison Marilyn Phillips Val Zalewski (sister/Pam Cato) Allie Larkin Judy Cole Peggy McQuown Sheila & Children Joe Alexander (father/Jody Muldrow) LeRoy Cummings Jean Padgett Peggy Mitchum OFFERING Most wonderful God, please give to us that generous spirit that places all that we have at your disposal. Then let it be multiplied in ways we cannot measure or control. ANTHEM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please add to the Hibben Prayer List: (8:15) No. 393 Spirit of the Living God Joyful Noise (Congregation joins 3rd time) (10:30) Wesley/arr. Innes Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus Chancel Choir *DOXOLOGY Name: ___________________________________________________________ If this person is not a Hibben member, please give the relationship (“mother of _____” or “friend of _____.”) Prayer requests will remain on our list three weeks. Names may be resubmitted after that time. No. 94 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow May the Holy Spirit grant peace and healing as you are lifted in prayer by the Hibben family.
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hibben at worship - Hibben United Methodist Church
Rev. Walter Strawther
Associate Pastor
Amy McCurley
Dir. Children’s Ministry
Cathy Musselwhite
Dir. Youth Ministry
Heather Caffarel
Well Worship Coord.
Jennifer Roberts Connecting Coordinator