Our Lady of Lourdes Church and School
Our Lady of Lourdes Church and School
Our Lady of Lourdes Church and School 7344 Apperson Street, Tujunga CA 91042 Webpage: http://www.ollchurch.us / - 818.352.3218 - fax 818.352.2738 Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 18, 2016 Vigésimo quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario MASS SCHEDULE Monday—Thursday Friday Saturday Vigil for Sunday Sunday Sunday Spanish Sunday Evening Confessions every Saturday 7:45 am 8:30 am 5:00 pm 7:00, 10:30am 12:30 pm 8:30 am 6:00 pm 4:00—4:50pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament First Friday of the Month: after 8:30 Mass—until 11am Chapel: 11:00 am—5:30pm OFFICE HOURS Monday—Friday Saturday Sunday 8:30 am 2:00 pm 8:00 am 8:00 am - 1:00 pm - 5:30 pm - 12:00 pm - 12:00 pm Page Two Our Lady of Lourdes PASTORAL TEAM Pastor Fr. Rolly Astudillo 818-352-3218 x 103 frrollly 106 @gmail.com Priest in Residence Fr. Jiwan Kim [email protected] Deacon Couple Mar & Vivian Enriquez [email protected] Deacon Couple Ignatius & Helen Suh [email protected] Front Office Secretary Yolanda Enriquez 818-352-3218 x 100 [email protected] Parish Bulletin & Events Martha Peale (in office Monday & Tuesday) [email protected] Accounting Office Nelle Orsburn [email protected] Confirmation Coordinator Deacon Mar Enriquez 818-352-3218 [email protected] Religious Ed Coordinator Flor Zano 818-353-3053 [email protected] Religious Ed Office Manager Lona Barone 818-353-3053 Evangelization Coordinator Nelle Orsburn [email protected] Safeguarding the Children Soñya Marquez [email protected] Music Director Ania Balon 818-224-9363 [email protected] Wedding Coordinator Michelle Laforce 818-515-5068 School Principal Jennifer Reynaga 818-353-1106 [email protected] School Office Manager Cathy Ercek 818-353-1106 September 18, 2016 Pastor’s Corner Cast Into the Deep The Call to Stewardship Luke 12:48 – From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” There’s so much talk about “stewardship” but just a few understand what it means and there are those who practice being good stewards out of good will. Yet, understanding what stewardship is and how it applies to our lives can change the way we make decisions each day and thus would have an impact not only on ourselves but the world around us.. Stewardship is about being grateful and being responsible as well as accountable for the gifts we receive from God. The U.S. Catholic Bishops express this more clearly when they said, “As Christian stewards, we receive God's gifts gratefully, cultivate them responsibly, share them lovingly in justice with others, and return them with increase to the Lord (USCCB). The tradition of giving back to God and to the church comes from the Biblical practice of “tithing,” which means to give back a tenth of our earnings to God (Numbers 18:26). The Our Lady of Lourdes Parish and, indeed, the Catholic Church, see stewardship as more than simply contributing money to the church; it’s also about contributing time and talents, and volunteering for ministry and mission. It’s about reaching out to build relationships from a perspective of abundance instead of scarcity so that even from the richness of one’s poverty, the heart knows how to give. When I first came to OLL, Jim Stepanovich was one of the first persons I met. Almost every day, I would see him on the Church grounds attending to things that needed to be done, sweeping the grounds, tightening a screw here and there, even at one point, climbing the roof of the church to check on leaks. Name it and he does it. He probably knows every single nail in the Church’s plants and facilities. I thought at first that he was one of our employees but I soon learned that he was a volunteer, freely giving of his time, talent and treasure without fanfare — a man who never said anything about stewardship but just does it because of his strong feeling that he belongs to this parish; that he is in Our Lady of Lourdes Church community. Without even talking about it as stewardship we have progressed rapidly in giving of ourselves– our time, talent and treasure to God and His Church. Volunteers comprise all of our Formation, Service and Worship Programs; the Ministry Heads, the Finance and Parish Councils are all volunteers as well. Even the Accounting Office is run by volunteers skilled in the area of Financial Management and Administration. Around the Parish As we continue our journey on this Jubilee Year of Mercy, Our Lady of Lourdes has planned a pilgrimage to our sister church, Our Lady of Holy Rosary in Sun Valley giving us the opportunity to "cross" the Holy Door of Mercy as designated by Pope Francis. To better plan we will have a registration Table after each Mass (including Saturday) October 1, 2016 7:00 am - 12:00 pm Transportation: We will meet OLL parking lot and car pool to Holy Rosary Church Limited bus transportation will also be provided. For additional information contact: Irma Velasquez 323-447-2290 Lupita Cueva 818-216-0154 DON’T MISS IT….. Our Lady of Lourdes is a registered charity on Amazon.com. You can set your preferences so that .5% of your qualified purchases come back to OLL. Just sign in to your account at smile.amazon.com and then go to "Your Account" and from there select "Change your Charity". In the box where it says "Or Pick your Own Charitable Organization", you just type in Our Lady of Lourdes, Tujunga, CA, click search and then click select and you are all set! CATHOLICISM The Pivotal Players HOT OFF THE PRESS!! IT HAS JUST BEEN RELEASED.. In a few weeks we will be able to bring to you a new formation series by Auxiliary Bishop Robert Barron. We will offer sessions in English and Spanish. Bishop Robert Baron's CATHOLICISM series, features the Catholic Church ,most influential people. It illumines a handful of saints, artists, mystics, and scholars who not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the course of civilization. The pivotal players include St. Irenaeus, St. Augustine, St. Benedict, St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Francis of Assisi, Michelangelo, St. Ignatius, St. Catherine of Siena, Bartolomé de Las Casas, G.K. Chesterton, and John Henry Neuman HALO, HALO After each mass TODAY Sunday September 18th It is the last one of the season ! popular Filipino dessert a mixture of shaved ice, evaporated milk, with assorted fruit and coconut. Saturday September 24th at 6:00 pm (school upper parking lot) Bring beach chairs, or a Blanket, Pack a picnic lunch. There will be a food truck if you don’t want to pack a picnic dinner. The 8th graders will be selling popcorn and candy. September 18, 2016 Our Lady of Lourdes MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday September 17th 5:00 pm Jonathan & Kristine Graf Wedding Anniversary Cecil Graf Sr. † Theodore Graf † Elba Lopez—B/day Thanksgiving Nate Naudet † Sunday September 18th 7:00 am Luke McEndarfer 8:30 am Zoila Ortiz † Socorro Aldama Macias † 10:30 am Veronica T. Brescher † Nelle Orsburn B/day Thanksgiving Robbie Velasquez Baptism Anniversary 12:30 pm Raymond Ballister † 6:00 pm Serapio Cacal † John Fiesta † Monday September 19th 7:45 am Katherine Bernice Banquerigo Birthday Blessings Fr. Paul Scanlon † Tuesday September 20th 7:45 am Anita Santana † B/day Remembrance Wednesday September 21st 7:45 am Kathy Barret –Bday Thanksgiving Thursday September 22nd 7:45 am Friday August 23rd SAFEGUARDING THE CHILDREN As we go back to school, parents should take an active role in getting to know the instructors that will be caring for and teaching their kids. Take advantage of backto-school night to meet teachers to learn about the school’s policies and procedures. For more back-toschool safety tips and complete article from VIRTUS® email: [email protected] or call 213-6377227. MERCIFUL LIKE THE FATHER Gently talk to family and friends who you see not following the Lord’s Commandments and give them examples Of how to sin less. Page Three Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: First Reading – Amos 8:4-7 Second Reading – 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Gospel Reading – Luke 16:1-13 I heard this story some time ago. It is said that one time, Mark Twain had an argument with a Mormon who had many wives. The Mormon said to Mark Twain, “Show me one place in the Bible where having more than one wife is not allowed.” “That’s easy,” said Mark Twain. Jesus said in the Bible: “No one can serve two masters.” Let me tell you, however, that when Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters,” he was not referring to two wives but he was referring to God and money or worldly riches. One cannot serve both God and mammon. The first reading shows us the prophet Amos accusing the leaders of his time, crushing the needy and reducing the poor to nothing. And there were the businessmen, too, who bought agricultural products from the poor and sold them at very high and almost impossible prices to others who were even poorer and thus, were stealing from the poor. And so at the end of our first reading, we hear God saying, “Never will I forget anything they have done.” In the second reading, Paul is giving instructions to Timothy to pray with the Christian communities urging “petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be offered for all men, especially for kings and those in authority…” They are the ones who are responsible for the well-being of society and if they do not deliver well, we are not “able to lead undisturbed and tranquil lives in perfect piety and dignity.” Yet we have in the gospel reading the story of Jesus which seems to favor a man who was dishonest with the money of his rich superior. In this story of Jesus, a steward is accused by his master of bad administration, of squandering his goods. The master sends for his steward, dismisses him immediately without giving him the chance to defend himself. Knowing himself to be in a tight corner but knowing that his master is owed a lot by his debtors, he calls his master’s debtors, listens to them, cancels their debts and gains their friendship. Before going any further, let it be said that to praise the dishonesty of a person is not to approve also of what the person does. For instance, what can we say of a thief who escaped from prison by opening all the doors with a simple cigarette lighter? Although we disapprove of his having escaped from prison, one can be amazed by his creativity and capability. In the story of Jesus, the servant was so creative in giving up some of his master’s assets to find friends. If evil can be so creative to be destructive, cannot we be more creative to bring about higher good? Jesus warns us to make use of our time, talent and treasure wisely and not let them become our master, especially money. Money is something we have to use but, at the same time, watch, in case it controls us and destroys us by becoming our god. September 18, 2016 Vol 1 No 14 Holy Year of Mercy Admonish the Sinner “Judge not lest ye be judged” (Matthew 7:1). How often have we heard this line and yet the third spiritual work of mercy tells us to admonish the sinner? Does this mean that I am judging? If all Works of Mercy are expressions of the love that we should have for one another, how can calling out the faults of another be love? For this reason, this spiritual work of mercy is one that we hesitate to engage in because it is often misunderstood. Have you ever looked at a mirror only to see a piece of lettuce stuck between your teeth after you have spent an afternoon smiling and talking with people and, worse yet, posed for photos? How you wished a friend would have told you about the offending lettuce. Or if you notice your friend’s shirt label sticking out from his collar, you promptly tuck it in. If we rush to love our friend in taking care of the physical needs, how much more then should we care for their spiritual needs. The greatest gift of love we can share is to help one another in our journey towards eternal life, the salvation of our souls. “… whoever brings back a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.” (James 5:20) To admonish the sinner is something delicate. It can cause anger or resentment or even bring about a spiritual crisis in the recipient if it is not done well. First and foremost, charity begins at home, i.e. we need to correct the fault that we see in the other in ourselves first. In this way, we would understand how difficult it is to correct the fault and we can “admonish the sinner” with greater compassion and empathy, with an attitude of humility and love. Secondly, admonishing the sinner is aimed at helping the other person improve, to become a saint. Therefore, it should be done not because we want to get something off our chest, or because we are annoyed or even because of a self-righteous attitude, but out of pure love for them, for their spiritual and moral wellbeing. In fact, Pope Francis told the US Bishops when he visited the U.S. last year, “Harsh and divisive language does not befit the tongue of a pastor; it has no place in his heart; although it may momentarily seem to win the day, only the enduring allure of goodness and love remains truly convincing.” These words are not just for pastors to heed but certainly for all of us. It also holds true for persons in authority. Sometimes parents discipline children to spare themselves the embarrassment of unruly kids or so that their homes may remain immaculate. Instead, even with our children we need to correct them so that they may improve and may benefit from the correction in the present as well as later in life. In the workplace, supervisors are required to evaluate and correct their employees. Even in this instance, a supervisor does not need to correct the employee so that the operations can run more smoothly or the company can make more money. Instead, he may do so altruistically, so that the employee can improve and have better skills in the present and in some other future employment. This would then be a work of mercy. Finally, before you stop to “admonish a sinner”, be sure that you have a relationship based on love. If the recipient knows that the correction is delivered in the spirit of love, then it would be an easier pill to swallow and he or she would be more likely to accept it. “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone.” (Matthew 18: 15) Jesus specified “brother” not just anyone therefore implying that there should be a relationship of fraternal love. Furthermore, He said that it should be told “between you and him alone” thereby instructing us to “admonish the sinner” in private. I think we can safely say that to admonish sinners requires reflection, deliberation and discernment to make sure that our only motive is love. Needless to say, we can ask God for the grace to correct in charity and to find the right time and the right words. We can also pray for the recipient of our fraternal correction that they may feel our love and accept it in the spirit it is given. For we do not go to God by ourselves. Indeed when we get to the pearly gates, He will ask us where our brother is. We are our brother’s keeper after all. v 18 de Septiembre, 2016 Vol 1 Num 14 Año Santo de la Misericordia Amonestar al Pecador “No juzguen a nadie, para que nadie los juzgue a ustedes” (Mateo 7:1). ¿Cuántas veces hemos escuchado esta frase, pero esta obra de misericordia nos dice amonestar al pecador? ¿Debo juzgar? Si todas las obras de misericordia son expresión del amor que nos debemos tener, ¿es amor amonestar a los demás? Por esta razón, esta obra espiritual de misericordia es una que vacilamos en cumplir porque a menudo se malinterpreta. ¿Alguna vez se ha visto en el espejo solo para darse cuenta que tenía lechuga en los dientes y que así estuvo toda la tarde sonriendo y hablando con la gente, y lo peor es que le tomaron fotos? Usted hubiera deseado que alguien le avisara. Usted ayudó a su amigo cuando se dio cuenta que traía la etiqueta de la camisa de fuera, usted se la dobló. Si nos apresuramos a querer a nuestro amigo y lo ayudamos cuando lo necesita físicamente, cuando más lo debemos hacer en sus necesidades espirituales. El regalo más grande de amor que podemos compartir es ayudarnos en nuestro caminar hacia la vida eterna, la salvación de nuestras almas. “… sepa que el que hace volver a un pecador del error de su camino salvará su alma de muerte y cubrirá multitud de pecados.” (Santiago 5:20) Amonestar al pecador es algo delicado. Puede causar coraje o resentimiento y si no lo hacemos bien le podemos causar una crisis espiritual a alguien. Primero y ante todo, la caridad comienza en casa, i.e. nosotros nos debemos corregir primero. Así, entenderemos que difícil es corregirnos las faltas y podremos “amonestar al pecador” con mayor compasión y empatía, con una actitud de humildad y amor. Segundo, el objetivo de amonestar al pecador es ayudar a la persona a mejorar, a ser santa. Por lo tanto, al hacerlo no debe ser porque se lo hemos guardado, o porque nos han caído mal o por una actitud autosuficiente, pero que sea por un amor puro para ellos y por su bien espiritual y bien moral. De hecho, el Papa Francisco le dijo a los obispos americanos cuando visitó E.U. el año pasado, “El lenguaje duro y divisivo no es propio de la lengua de un pastor; no debe haber lugar en su corazón; aunque por momentos parezca así, solo a través de la bondad y el amor que deben permanecer podremos ser convincentes.” Estas palabras no son sólo para los pastores sino para todos. Toda persona con cierta autoridad. A veces los padres disciplinan a sus hijos para que no los hagan pasar un momento penoso, o para que no ensucien la casa que debe estar inmaculada. Por eso, incluso con los niños debemos ser justos y corregirlos de forma constructiva para que mejoren y puedan superarse en el presente y en el futuro. En el trabajo, a los supervisores se les pide evaluar a los empleados. Aún en este caso, el supervisor no debe corregir al empleado para que sea más eficiente y la compañía gane más dinero. Mejor que sea caritativo, para que el trabajador se supere y tenga más habilidades en su trabajo presente y para otro empleo en el futuro. Finalmente, antes de “amonestar al pecador”, asegúrese que tiene una relación cimentada firmemente en el amor. Si la persona se percata de que la corrección proviene de un espíritu de amor, entonces será más fácil digerirlo y él o ella lo aceptará de mejor manera. “Por tanto, si tu hermano peca contra ti, ve y repréndele estando tú y él solos; si te oyere, has ganado a tu hermano.” (Mateo 18: 15) Jesús especificó "hermano" no cualquiera; por lo tanto, implica que debe existir una relación fraternal de amor. Es más, Él nos dice que debe ser “estando tú y él solos” de este modo nos instruye a “amonestar al pecador” en privado. Yo creo que podemos decir sin temor a equivocarnos que amonestar al pecador requiere reflexión, cuidado y discernimiento para asegurarnos que nuestro único motivo es el amor. No hace falta decir, que debemos pedirle a Dios la gracia de corregir con caridad para hacerlo en el momento adecuado y con las palabras justas. También podemos orar por la otra persona, para que puedan percibir nuestro amor al corregirlos y aceptarlo conforme el Espíritu le mueva. No vamos hacia Dios solos. Cuando lleguemos a las puertas del Cielo, Él nos va a preguntar por nuestro hermano. Somos los guardianes de nuestros hermanos. Page Seven Our Lady of Lourdes Church Ministerios Hispanos Acolitos & Ujieres Rosa Cisneros 818-951-3527 Clases PreBautismales Cecilia Rico 818-359-9610 Comunidad Hispana Irma Velasquez 323-447-2290 Coro Hispano Rosalia Maldonado 818-642-9600 Cursillos Blanca Nava 818-858-7991 Eucaristia Alicia Villaseñor 818-433-9635 Grupo de Oración Yolanda Oliva 818-793-9683 Lectores Andrea Mata 818*601-2805 RICA Blanca Nava 818-858-7991 September 18, 2016 PEREGRINACIÓN Con motivo del Año Extraordinario de la Misericordia, nuestra parroquia ha planeado una peregrinación a nuestra iglesia Hermana, Nuestra Señora del Santo Rosario en Sun Valley, para darnos la oportunidad de "cruzar" la Puerta Santa que allí ha sido designada. No perdamos la oportunidad de obtener las bendiciones y gracias que recibimos al cruzarla, especialmente la indulgencia plenaria por nuestras culpas. Habrá Misa bilingüe oficiada por el padre Rolly. Cuando: el 1ro de octubre (2016) Hora: 7 a.m. a 12 p.m. Medio de transportación: se proveerá transportación gratis en autobús. Más informes: Irma Velasquez (323) 447-2290 Lupita Cueva: (818) 216-0154 FERIA DE SALUD G R A T I S! Patrocinado por OLL Ministerio de salud la detección de azúcar en sangre Examen de presión arterial examen de colesterol & mucho más…... 25 de de septiembre de 9:00 am—2:00 pm Auditorio La protección de los niños Regreso a la escuela: conozca a los profesores Los muchachos van de regreso a la escuela, y parte de cada lista de los padres de familia debe ser conocer a los profesores que estarán trabajando con sus hijos por el resto del año. Tome ventaja de “la noche de regreso a la escuela” para conocer a los profesores y aprender acerca de las políticas y procedimientos de la escuela. Para más información y una copia del artículo de VIRTUS® envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llame al (213) 637-7508. Es preferible anotarse con anterioridad para poder planear el # de autobuses necesarios! Vengan ¡Bailar la noche entera! Música en vivo.. Comida deliciosa Cena/Baile Patrocinado por la Comunidad hispana sábado 29 de de octubre de Salón parroquial Adultos: $ 25.00 Los niños menores de 12 años $ 7.00 Cena: 6:00-8:00 Baile: 8:00 - medianoche Adultos: $ 5.00 Los niños menores de 12 años $7.00 Los esperamos! ADS LASER-COM COVER SHEET Our Lady of Lourdes—513958 03-29-2015 Martha 818-352-3218 Sunday’s Date - August 7, 2016 Special Requests or Comments: Please place ads as page 8 (Back Page) of bulletin with pages 1-7 as text.