General Assembly Information_04 - SICI The Standing International
General Assembly Information_04 - SICI The Standing International
Involving the uninvolved learners “Pupils at risk of underachieving” SICI General Assembly and the 210-th Anniversary Conference of the Netherlands’ Inspectorate of Education Amsterdam/Haarlem, September 27-29, 2011 INVITATION GENERAL ASSEMBLY INFORMATION Contents General Assembly Information 1. Program Overview 3 2. Thematic background information 9 3. Call for contributions 13 4. Practical information 16 2 1. Program Overview Monday September 26, 2011 SICI EC-MEETING Carlton Square Haarlem Time 09.30 17.00 17.15 Program EC-meeting End of meeting Registration (first opportunity) Location Conference room 19.30 Dinner EC Restaurant Haarlem Hotel lobby 3 Tuesday September 27, 2011 HISTORICAL EDUCATION VISIT Time 08.00 08.30 09.30 10.30 11.00 12.00 Program Registration (second opportunity) Departure by bus to Amsterdam Visit to Amsterdam’s Civic Orphanage, -Welcoming reception , -Lecture ‘Children at risk’ -Guided tour Walking tour in the historical centre of Amsterdam Departure to the VU University (Vrije Universiteit) Registration (third opportunity) Lunch Amsterdam Location Hotel lobby Hotel lobby Amsterdam Historical Museum (Burgerweeshuis) Amsterdam centre Amsterdam centre Lobby VU University Amsterdam 4 Conference: INVOLVING the UNINVOLVED LEARNERS Time 11.30 11.30 12.30 12.35 Program Registration Coffee and lunch Welcome by the Chairman, Mr. Jan Rijkers Welcome and Opening Statement 12.45 Ms. Annette Roeters, Senior Chief Inspector of the Netherlands’ Inspectorate of Education “How do we generate uninvolved students?” 13.15 13.25 13.45 14.15 15.00 VU University Amsterdam Location Congresdesk Foyer Aula Keynote speaker Professor Robert Slavin, Co-Director of the Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed at Risk at Johns Hopkins University and Chairman of the Success for All Foundation “Involving Uninvolved Learners” (part 1) Movie by Coldsun Productions “The disintegrative mechanisms in the human society and the animal kingdom” Mr. Midas Dekkers, famous Dutch Biologist and Writer “What we learned from years of working with less privileged girls and boys” Mr. Luc Opdebeeck, Director, artistic manager of ‘Formaat’, Workplace for Participatory Drama in Rotterdam, the Netherlands Break “Involving the Gifted Children in Education” Foyer Aula Professor Tessa Kieboom, Director of the CBO (Centre for the Research on the Gifted) in Antwerp, Belgium 5 Continuation conference: INVOLVING the UNINVOLVED LEARNERS Time 15.30 15.35 15.55 16.15 Program “Involving Uninvolved Learners” (part 2) Movie by Coldsun Productions “Five statements about the Inspection of the Uninvolved Learners in the Netherlands” Professor Graham Donaldson, President of SICI “Dealing with Differences, a history of continuing concern of the Education Inspectorate 1801-2011” 16.30 16.45 Ms. Annette Roeters, Senior Chief Inspector of the Netherlands’ Inspectorate of Education Informal gathering with drinks SICI GA DINNER 19.00 23.00 Location Aula Professor Hans Anand Pant, Director of the IQB (Institut zur Qualitätsentwicklung im Bildungswesen) in Berlin, Germany “Reaction on the statements of Professor Hans Anand Pant” Anthology by Professor Sjaak Braster, Erasmus University Rotterdam Final Remarks Time 18.00 VU University Amsterdam Program Departure from VU University Amsterdam Bus tour Official Dinner with intermezzo Arrival back at hotel Foyer Amsterdam Location Foyer Amsterdam Restaurant ENVY Carlton Square Haarlem 6 Wednesday September 28, 2011 SICI GA WORKSHOPS Time 09.00 Program Workshops SICI Carlton Square Haarlem Location Conference rooms 09.00 – 09.30: Introduction by professor Slavin 09.30 – 10.30: First workshop-session 10.30 – 11.00: Break, poster viewing 11.00 - 12.00: Second workshop-session 12.00 – 12.30: Short plenary session: feedback from professor Slavin, conclusions 12.30 Lunch Hotel Restaurant SICI GA SCHOOL VISITS Time 14.00 14.30 16.30 14:30 16.30 17.30 Program Departure for schoolvisits Schoolvisit 1: lower secondary vocational education (=VMBO): development of talents Schoolvisit 2: Gymnasium: special attention to highly skilled pupils Arrival back at the hotel 17.30 No official program; informal meeting of heads of inspectorates Carlton Square Haarlem Location Hotel lobby VMBO Calvijn Barlaeus Gymnasium Carlton Square Haarlem 7 Thursday September 29, 2011 SICI GA BUSINESS MEETING Time 09.00 10.40 11.00 13.00 14.00 Program SICI business meeting Coffee SICI business meeting Lunch End of conference/departure SICI EC-MEETING Time 14.00 16.00 Program EC-meeting End of meeting/departure Carlton Square Haarlem Location Conference room Lobby Conference room Hotel restaurant Carlton Square Haarlem Location Conference room 8 2. Thematic Background Information Introduction From Tuesday September 27th 2011 until Thursday September 29th 2011 the Standing International Conference of Inspectorates (SICI) will have the yearly General Assembly in the Netherlands. This General Assembly will coincide with the 210-th anniversary of the Netherlands Inspectorate of Education. The theme of the General Assembly is ‘Involving the uninvolved learners’. One part of the General Assembly, the conference meeting in the afternoon of Tuesday September 27th, will coincide with the anniversary conference of the Netherlands’ Inspectorate. The theme ‘Involving the uninvolved learners’ refers to those pupils who are at risk of underachieving. They run the risk of ‘missing the boat’ in the mainstream education system, or they have already missed it. ‘Uninvolved learners’ is thus meant to include all pupils whom the mainstream system is unable to adequately accommodate, either because of cognitive or other limitations or because they are highly talented. It is important to stress that the conference is not about special needs education, but about pupils in mainstream education who deviate substantially from the average learner. Referring to ‘uninvolved learners’ - pupils who are at risk of underachieving - three groups immediately come to mind: • pupils who are at risk of underachieving as a result of psychological or physical handicaps; • pupils who are at risk of underachieving because of their socio-economic background or a lack of social and cultural background; • pupils who are specifically gifted, but whose needs are not met by mainstream education. During the Assembly we will explore the theme in several ways: • We will visit schools and other organizations related to the theme of the General Assembly. • We kindly request all SICI-members to prepare a poster on the theme. Guidelines for preparation can be found in the program under the heading: Call for contributions. • Some SICI-members will be invited to prepare a presentation for the workshops on Wednesday. 9 Content of the program Tuesday, September 27th 2011 Tuesday morning program: historical education visit In the morning, we will visit the Civic Orphanage in Amsterdam. From 1580 until 1960 orphans were living in this building, which is now a museum. After a word of welcome by a representative of the municipality of Amsterdam, there will be a lecture about the way children at risk were treated in the past. Next, we will visit the museum and take a walk to the historical center of Amsterdam. Tuesday afternoon program: Conference ‘Involving the uninvolved learners’ in the building of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam The Senior chief inspector of Education Annette Roeters will open the conference and introduce the theme of the conference: pupils at risk of underachieving - how do we accomodate students with additional needs in our schools? The first question posed is: does the education system provide enough challenges or does it increase the risks for students with additional needs? Is the problem becoming too large? Professor Robert Slavin will reflect on this question, after which it will be addressed from various other angles.. Next, the conference will focus on the role of schoolinspection and the inspectorate. How can school inspection contribute to higher involvement of learners at risk of underachieving? Professor Pant was invited to participate and to observe schoolvisits by the Netherlands’ inspectorate. He will share his conclusions with the conference participants and the president of SICI, professor Graham Donaldson, will give a reaction. Finally, since we are celebrating the 210th anniversary of the Netherlands’ Inspectorate of Education, Professor Braster will look at the conference-theme from a historical perspective. Tuesday evening Official dinner 10 Wednesday, September 28th 2011 On Wednesday September 28th, we will elaborate further upon the theme of pupils at risk of underachieving. This will be done in two ways: • All SICI members are kindly requested to make a poster on the theme Of the conference. The posters will be displayed in the conference room of the hotel. See for further explanation of the posters: the call for contributions. • In the workshops, several SICI-members will give a brief presentation about the following questions: o How is the issue of ‘pupils at risk of underachieving’ included in the frameworks used by the inspectorate? o How is this issue treated? And which norms does the inspectorate use to judge whether or not schools perform up to standards with respect to this issue? o In case the inspectorate encounters an unacceptable situation with respect to pupils at risk of underachieving, which type of action is it expected to take? o In which ways does the inspectorate report at system-level (annual report, for example) about pupils at risk of underachieving? Wednesday afternoon program: Visits to educational institutions There will be two possibilities to visit a school. Either you visit a school for lower secondary vocational education, or you visit a Gymnasium. The choice is up to you, although at a certain stage the maximum number of participants for a visit may have been reached. The name of the school for lower secondary vocational education (=vmbo) is vmbo Calvijn. This school will show us how pupils at the age of 12 – 15 years develop their talents by learning jobs. All of these pupils have substantial learning and behavior problems. In the other school , the Barlaeus Gymnasium, highly skilled pupils at the age of 12 18 years develop their talents in different ways. These students need to be challenged, so the school makes them strongly responsible for their own way of learning. Wednesday evening No official program (informal dinner for heads of inspectorates). 11 Thursday, September 29th 2011 Thursday morning program SICI business-meeting (only for SICI members). The General Assembly ends with lunch. There will be a short EC meeting for the new Executive Committee after lunch. 12 3. Call for Contributions 1. Poster-presentation All SICI-members are kindly requested to make a poster presentation about the theme ‘Involving the uninvolved learners’ and the role of their inspectorate with respect to this issue. The posters will be displayed in the conference room in the hotel. Practical guidelines with respect to the poster: 1. The posters will be printed by the Netherlands’ Inspectorate on A2 size paper (594 x 420 mm / 33.1 x 23.4 inches). 2. If you use Word to create your poster, please use Word 2007, since the latest version of Word (with extension docx) will not produce good results on our printers. Please send your poster (in pdf as well as Word ar any other program you may have used for the original version) by August 28th, 2011 at the latest to [email protected] (Mineke Laman). 13 2. Presentations in the workshops: questions and guidelines Six SICI-members will present their approach of the theme of the conference in one of three parallel workshop-sessions. In each session, two countries will make a brief presentation. The three parallel workshop-sessions will be run twice, in order for each participant to be able to listen to at least four out of six country-presentations. Every presenter is requested to address the following questions: 1. How is the issue of ‘pupils at risk of underachieving’ included in the frameworks used by the inspectorate? 2. How is this issue treated? And which norms does the inspectorate use to judge whether or not schools perform up to standards with respect to this issue? 3. In case the inspectorate encounters an unacceptable situation with respect to pupils at risk of underachieving, which type of action is it expected to take? 4. In which ways does the inspectorate report at system-level (annual report, for example) about pupils at risk of underachieving? The maximum time for a presentation is 15 minutes and the expected maximum volume of a powerpointpresentation is 10 slides. Each presentation ends with two questions for discussion with the participants in the workshops. If you want to make a presentation, please contact [email protected] (Mineke Laman). 14 4. Practical Information Time and Location The SICI General Assembly, including the 210-th Anniversary Conference, the historical education visits, the workshops and business meeting will take place from Tuesday 27 September, 2011, 9.00 am till Thursday 29 September, 14.00 pm The conference venue will be in the buildings of the Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam. The school and institution visits will take place in and around Amsterdam. The SICI workshops and the General Assembly Business meeting will be based at the Carlton Square Hotel Haarlem. The hotel is situated in the centre of the historical city of Haarlem. Conference Venue Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam De Boelelaan 1105 1081 HV AMSTERDAM General Assembly Venue Carlton Square Hotel Haarlem Baan 7 2012 DB Haarlem The Netherlands +31 (0)23 5319091 Language The working language of the General Assembly will be English. On Tuesday afternoon, during the celebration conference, the working language will be Dutch. Simultaneous translation (English) will be available. Transport Travel from Schiphol Airport to the Carlton Square Hotel/General Assembly venue in Haarlem takes about half an hour by public transport. We advise you to take the sprinter bus ‘Zuid Tangent’, nr 300, which will stop at about 50 meters from the hotel. Transport from Schiphol airport to the buildings of the Vrije Universiteit van Amsterdam (for those who arrive late): we advise you to take the train to Station Amsterdam Zuid. From this station you can either: - take the express tram 51 (1 minute), direction Amstelveen Westwijk or - tram 5 (1 minute), direction Amstelveen Binnenhof or - take a 10 minute walk to the Vrije Universiteit from Station Amsterdam Zuid. 15 Accommodation Accommodation is arranged at the Carlton Square Hotel Haarlem. Hotel rooms are available to the delegates at a special rate of €145,=/€150,= including breakfast for single occupancy and €15,- extra for double occupancy. Availability and the special rate for the hotel rooms can only be guaranteed if you book your hotel before June 30th. You can book your hotel through the General Assembly Registration Form (see the URL below). Please note that by filling out this part of the form you have made a formal reservation for a hotelroom and have committed yourself to the payment of the hotelroom. Meals All lunches are included. The Netherlands’ Inspectorate of Education invites all SICI delegates and guests for the official dinner in the centre of Amsterdam on Tuesday evening, September 27th. Please note that on Tuesday September 27th, the program does not allow for visiting your hotel room between the end of the conference and the start of the official dinner. For the evening of the 28th an initiative was taken to organise an informal dinner for Heads of Inspectorates. A separate invitation will be sent by the president of SICI, mr Graham Donaldson. How to register? To attend the 2011 SICI General Assembly and the Netherlands’ Inspectorates 210th Anniversary Celebration, we kindly ask you to fill out the registration form below before June 30th, 2011 REGISTRATION FORM The final program details along with the last practical information will be sent to you by the end of August. For any questions regarding your registration, please contact, Mrs Marije Bos, e-mail: [email protected], +31 (0)88-6696039 16