Market Study ICT Sector India. - Switzerland Global Enterprise
Market Study ICT Sector India. - Switzerland Global Enterprise
Market Study ICT Sector India. Edition October 2011. Cover picture UB City, Bengaluru - the IT hub of India Title Market Study – ICT Sector India. Language English Number of pages 82 Author Ms. Purnima Khandelwal, Director InI Consulting Pvt Ltd 400072 Mumbai / Maharashtra India Pulisher Swiss Business Hub India Osec Zurich Contact: Alberto Silini, +41 44 365 5151, [email protected] Edition October 2011 Copyright All copyright in this publication and related works is owned by Osec. The same may not be reproduced, wholly or in part in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication), modified or in any manner communicated to any third party except with the written approval of Osec. This publication is for information purposes only. While due care has been taken during the compilation of this publication to ensure that the information is accurate to the best of Osec’s knowledge and belief, the content is not to be construed in any manner whatsoever as a substitute for professional advice. Osec neither recommends nor endorses any specified products or services that may have been mentioned in this publication and nor does it assume any liability or responsibility for the outcome of decisions taken as a result of any reliance placed on this publication. Osec shall, in no way, be liable for any direct or indirect damages that may arise due to any act or omission on the part of the user due to any reliance placed or guidance taken from any portion of this publication. Content. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 SECTION I: OVERVIEW 2.8.2. E-Governance 51 2.8.3. Agriculture 53 2.8.4. Bio-informatics 54 1.1. India 4 1.2. ICT in India 5 SECTION III: OPPORTUNITIES FOR SWISS SMEs 1.3. Indian IT-ITES, BPO 6 3. 1.4. Electronics Hardware 9 1.5. Telecom 10 SECTION IV: ACCESSING INDIAN MARKET 58 1.6. ICT Research & Development 11 4.1. Investment Environment 58 1.7. ICT Penetration and Scope in India 12 4.2. Key Issues and Requirements 60 1.8. ICT Clusters in India 13 1.9. Growth Potential & Growth Drivers Opportunities for Swiss SMEs 55 SECTION V: CONCLUSIONS for ICT in India 14 1.10. Government Policies and Initiatives 15 1.11. Technology and Business priorities 5. Conclusions 62 SECTION VI: Annexure & References 64 for ICT in India 16 6.1. Network Readiness Index for India 64 1.12. ICT- Emerging Technologies 17 6.2. Country Data 66 1.12.1. Cloud Computing 18 6.3. Demographic Trends 67 1.12.2. Business Intelligence 19 6.4. Key Macro-level Risks 68 1.12.3. Mobility 20 6.5. Major challenges and concerns for 1.12.4. Social Media 21 1.13. Opportunities in Indian ICT Sector: Macro Outlook ICT in FI are: 6.6. E-governance projects initiated by government of India 70 6.7. Fairs and Events 71 6.8. Regulatory and Trade Bodies 72 22 SECTION II: SUB-SECTOR PROFILES 24 69 2.1. Health Care 23 6.9. Abbreviations 75 2.2. Animation and Gaming 26 7. List of Tables 80 2.2.1. Animation 27 8. List of Figures 81 2.2.2. Gaming 28 2.3. Education 29 2.4. Manufacturing 34 2.5. Telecom 36 2.6. Finance, Banking and Insurance 41 2.7. Security 44 2.7.1. Electronic Security and Surveillance 45 2.7.2. IT Security Solutions 46 2.8. Others 49 2.8.1. E-Commerce 49 |1 Executive Summary The Indian economy has grown at 7.5-8% per annum in recent years and is expected to grow by 8-9% in 2011. India’s economy has been fuelled by the growth in the technology sector in last two decades. A large part of this growth has been dependent on the “outsourcing” or “off shoring” of key business processes and software development (and related services) including system integration, IT consulting, application management, custom applications, infrastructure management, software testing and web development by large global corporations and governments. Transformation and growth of the economy has created opportunities not only in exporting software and services but increasingly in the domestic market also. The sector has JVU[YPI\[LK[VIL[[LYNV]LYUHUJLHUKLMÄJPLUJ`HUKHJ[LKHZH catalyst for growth of various sectors across the Indian economy. Switzerland also has strong ICT capabilities and offers ICT organizations multilingual, highly trained personnel with extensive experience in software development, telecom, Internet, logistics and industrial applications. Many IT specialists are employed in sectors such as banking, education, healthcare, logistics and transportation, automation and consulting. However, it is estimated that Switzerland would face a shortfall of 32,000 ZRPSSLK^VYRLYZPU[OLÄLSKI`1. India’s rapidly growing ICT sector presents a potentially lucrative market for Swiss SMEs. The Swiss ICT trade stood at USD 540 mn in 2010 which is a small percentage of the USD 73 bn business conducted by the Indian ICT sector worldwide in 20101. During the same year, India’s exports of software and IT-enabled services to Switzerland rose to USD 450 mn from level of 350 to TUYLJVYKLKPU[OLWYL]PV\ZÄUHUJPHS`LHY>OPSL[OL:^PZZ market is dominated by highly specialized niche operators, it is felt that there exists opportunities for SMEs from both countries to interact and match their competencies and create a platform to cater to the existing requirements of Swiss industry and tap the Indian emerging opportunities. Some of the Swiss ICT organisations with operations in India are: NAME OF COMPANY SECTORS ORIGIN ADASOFT AG Software Development / IT Solutions Switzerland PIT Solutions GmbH Software Development / IT Solutions Switzerland Schmid Telecom AG Telecom Switzerland Swiss Re Business Process Outsourcing Switzerland Omnisec AG ICT Solution Switzerland ITPC AG SAP Consulting Switzerland Swissnex India R&D Centre Switzerland Some of Indian ICT organisations with operations in Switzerland are: 1 NAME OF COMPANY SECTORS ORIGIN Sydaap Technologies Pvt. Ltd Hardware and Softwares India Astra Infotech Pvt Ltd Software India Aztec Software & Technology Services Ltd Software India Triumph India Software Services Pvt. Ltd. Software India Tata Consultancy Services Switzerland Ltd IT Solutions India Wipro Technologies Ltd IT Solutions India Hinditron Group of Companies Information Technology solutions, Hardware India MindTree IT Solutions, BPO India Swiss June 8, 2011 2| Ramco Systems Software Products and Services India Infosys IT Solutions, BPO India Ramsoft Technologies Software Development India Patni Computer Systems IT Solutions India HCL Technologies IT Solutions, BPO India Mahindra Systems IT Solutions, BPO India Evalueserve Knowledge Process Outsourcing India This report provides a synopsis of the Indian ICT industry, its constituents, growth drivers, factors driving its global competitiveness, key technology trends, standards and labels and the challenges/bottlenecks. It details out the opportunities offered by the various sectors of the Indian economy and also brings out the key issues and challenges that Swiss SMEs need to overcome to make their India Business a success. The Overview section provides the background information about the Indian economy, the impact of ICT on Indian economy and the key constituents of ICT industry viz. IT and ITES sectors, BPO, hardware and Research & Development. It also provides an overview of government policies, sectoral priorities, technological imperatives, key geographical clusters, key growth drivers and brief analysis of emerging technologies like Social Media, Mobility, Business Intelligence and Cloud Computing. Based on the growth potential and the capability of Swiss SMEs, following sectors were shortlisted and detailed out in the report: For each of these sectors, the report covers the status of industry, key ICT applications, opportunities and challenges. Finally a summary of the opportunities in each of these sectors have been provided for Swiss SME as well as important issues [VHJJLZZ[OL0UKPHUTHYRL[OH]LILLUPKLU[PÄLKPUJS\KPUNHIYPLM background of government policies (FDI/ taxation/ incentives etc) and practical business considerations. Healthcare Education Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Manufacturing Telecom Security and Surveillance Solutions Bio-informatics E-commerce Animation and Gaming E-governance Agriculture 0[ PZ L]PKLU[ [OH[ ZPNUPÄJHU[ VWWVY[\UP[` L_PZ[Z MVY :^PZZ :4,Z across various industry verticals both for utilizing India’s strength in ICT sector to provide international products and services or to tap the Indian domestic market. However, collaborations and partnerships would be the key to handle the uniqueness and complexities of Indian market arising out of its size, diversity, culture, and business practices. Organizations would need to have a long-term perspective. Execution capability, operational LMÄJPLUJ`HUKWYPJLJVTWL[P[P]LULZZ^V\SKKYP]L[OLZ\JJLZZVM their business in India. |3 SECTION I. Overview 1.1 India Country Facts India is the second largest country in the world, with an estimated population of more than 1.21 bn. The Indian economy is one of the fastest growing economies and is the 9th largest in terms of GDP. In terms of purchasing power parity, the Indian economy ranks fourth in the world. India is one of the fastest growing large economies, and the ICT ZLJ[VYPZHZPNUPÄJHU[JVU[YPI\[VY[V[OPZNYV^[O;OLJVU[YPI\[PVU of the Indian IT and ITeS segment to national GDP increased from 1.2%4 in 1997-98 to 5.8% in 2008-09, the Indian IT sector is the major exporting sector and it employs more than 2 million people. 0UKPHU 0*; ÄYTZ HYL OLSK PU OPNO YLW\[L ^VYSK^PKL ZLY]PJL suppliers offer high quality products and services with state-ofthe-art technology and the sector is a beacon for the country. ;OLWLYJHWP[HPUJVTLVM0UKPHPZ<:+PU[LYTZVM Purchasing Power Parity. ;OL0UKPHULJVUVT`PZLZ[PTH[LK[VNYV^I`PU and is expected to grow at steady rate of 8-8.5% till 20152. ECONOMIC STRUCTURE3 Main Economic Indicators Real GDP growth (%) 8.5a *VUZ\TLYWYPJLPUÅH[PVUH]LYHNL 9.22b Current-account balance (USD billion) -26.91 Exchange rate (average, INR : USD) 48.32c Population 2011 (billion) External debt (Year-end; USD billion) a b 1.21 238d 2010-11 July 2011 c Calendar Year 2010 d December Year 2010 OECD Forecast Government of India – Economic Survey 2009-10,, OECD (2009), OECD Economic Outlook, Number 85, June, OECD (2010b), OECD Economic Outlook, Number 87, May, OECD (2010a), OECD Information Technology Outlook 2010. 4 RBI Deputy Governor Speech 2 3 4| 1.2 ICT India ICT refers to an expanding assembly of technologies that are used to handle information and aid communication. These include hardware, software, media for collection, storage, processing, transmission and presentation of information in any format (i.e., voice, data, text and image), computers, the Internet, CD-ROMs, email, telephone, radio, television, video, digital cameras etc. The Indian ICT sector has evolved in three phases: 1947 ¶ HUK WVZ[ 0U [OL ÄYZ[ WOHZL \UKLY the closed economy, the state tried to run the industry which led to miniscule development in commercial sector. No great differentiation between software and hardware was seen in this phase. During the period 1984 and 1990, the government realized that software was a viable option for income generation and technological capability enhancement. Post 1991 after the opening of the economy, the software export industry grew tremendously and was promoted by both national and regional governments. However, the export-driven growth model ignored [OLOHYK^HYLZLJ[VYHUKKVTLZ[PJZLJ[VYKLZWP[LP[ZZPNUPÄJHU[ potential. & Over the last decade, India has entered in to a global leadership position by transforming a USD 3.5 bn5 sunrise industry into a USD 63 bn global IT-ITES-BPO powerhouse. Electronics /HYK^HYLOHZNYV^UHUKKV\ISLKPUSHZ[Ä]L`LHYZ As per NASSCOM, the Indian ICT industry contributes about 6.1% to the national GDP, which is about 5 times of its contribution about 10yrs ago. The export driven Software and Services Industry continues to contribute most to the growth of the sector. The Indian ICT sector is dominated by the larger WSH`LYZ^P[O[OL[VWÄYTZJVU[YPI\[PUNV]LYVM[OL[V[HS revenues. While the ICT sector has been is growing in all domains, the growth in the sector is predominantly driven by software services and telecom services. The ICT sector has been categorized as: 0;0;,:)76 ,SLJ[YVUPJ/HYK^HYL ;LSLJVTT\UPJH[PVU ;6;(3! ICT, which broadly comprises Information Technology *VTT\UPJH[PVUZJHUILJSHZZPÄLKPU[V[OLMVSSV^PUNZLJ[VYZ! - IT, ITES BPO (Software) - Electronic Hardware - Telecommunications 0;:LY]PJLZ 0;LZ)76 :VM[^HYL7YVK\J[Z,UNPULLYPUN:LY]PJLZ /HYK^HYL 5 Figure 1: Indian IT sector Revenues Nasscom Report |5 1.3. INDIAN IT-ITES, BPO 0UKPH»ZZ\JJLZZPU[OLÄLSKVMPUMVYTH[PVU[LJOUVSVN`SLKI\ZPULZZ process outsourcing over the past decade remains unparalleled. India is currently regarded as the premier destination for the global sourcing of IT, ITES & Business Process Outsourcing and these sectors have seen tremendous growth in the past decade. It is estimated that India has: Total export revenues earned by ITES-BPO sector have grown from USD 1.8 bn in 1997-98 to USD 49.7 bn in 2009-10, a CAGR of 35 %. The domestic IT-BPO sector is showing increased traction, too, with growth from USD 1.4 bn in 1997-98 to USD 14 bn in 2009-10, a CAGR of 22%6 ZOHYLVM<:+IU6 global technology services market (IT Services, Engineering Services and R&D) ZOHYLVM<:+IU6 Global Business Outsourcing Market 0;:LY]PJLZ 0;LZ)76 0;:LY]PJLZ :VM[^HYL7YVK\J[Z,UNPULLYPUN:LY]PJLZ 0;LZ)76 /HYK^HYL :VM[^HYL7YVK\J[Z,UNPULLYPUN:LY]PJLZ /HYK^HYL (Value in USD Billions) -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ SERVICE LINES 6 FY08 FY09 FY19 IT Services 22.2 25.8 27.3 BPO 9.9 11.7 12.4 Software products/ Engineering 8.3 9.6 10 Total 40.4 47.1 49.7 -@ Figure 2: Indian IT Sector Export Revenue 0;:LY]PJLZ 0;LZ)76 :VM[^HYL7YVK\J[Z,UNPULLYPUN:LY]PJLZ /HYK^HYL (Value in USD Billions) -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ Figure 3: Indian IT Market Domestic Market Revenue6 6 CII-PwC Report Changing Landscapes and emerging Trends, Indian IT, ITeS Industry 6| -@ SERVICE LINES 6 FY08 FY09 FY19 IT Services 7.9 8.3 8.9 BPO 1.6 1.9 2.3 Software products/ Engineering 2.2 2.7 2.8 Total 11.7 12.9 14 Key Markets USA with 60% share remains the largest export market for Indian IT-BPO services, incremental growth is being driven by the European market, with UK and Continental Europe and with NYV^PUN JVU[YPI\[PVUZ MYVT THYRL[Z HJYVZZ [OL (ZPH 7HJPÄJ Over 600 Multinational Companies have been sourcing product development and engineering services from their centers in India. Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) remains the largest vertical sector in the IT-ITeS and BPO domain accounting for over 40% of the Indian IT-ITeS exports in year 2009-10. Verticals like Hi-tech /Telecom, Manufacturing and Retail are increasingly gaining share. Major Export Destinations (share in %) Composition of Industry Verticals in Exports <UP[LK:[H[LZ )HURPUN-PUHUJPHS:LY]PJLZ0UZ\YHUJL /P;LJO;LSLJVT 4HU\MHJ[\YPUN ,\YVWL 6[OLYZ 6[OLYZ Figure 4: Composition of Industry Verticals in IT Exports Figure 5: Major IT Export Destination Market Structure: The Indian IT- BPO industry has organisations ranging from large Indian and multinational corporations to start-up and emerging companies. TYPES OF FIRMS NO. OF FIRMS EMPLOYEES MAJOR PLAYERS Large-sized players Seven, each with revenues more than USD 1 billion 40,000 and above 0UKPHU4\S[PUH[PVUHSÄYTZ Mid-size players 75-80, each with revenues in the range of USD 100 million - 1 billion 5000-40,000 4\S[PUH[PVUHSÄYTZ Emerging players 300-350, each with revenues of USD 10-100 million 100-5000 0UKPHUÄYTZ[OH[HYLJHW[P]LJLU[YLZVM multinationals Small/ Start-ups More than 3500, each with revenue less than USD 10 million less than 73 0UKPHUÄYTZ Table 1: Structure of Indian IT-BPO Industry |7 Key Growth Drivers The key factors that are driving the growth of the IT-BPO industry in India are: GLOBAL MEGATRENDS IMPLICATIONS FOR INDIA Macro-economic 0UKPH»ZZOHYLVMNSVIHS.+7PZSPRLS`[VYPZLMYVTPU[VPU 7LY*HWP[HPUJVTLVM0UKPHUZOHZKV\ISLKV]LY[OLSHZ[`LHYZ Social and Environmental ;LSLKLUZP[`PUJYLHZLKV]LYMVSKV]LY[OLSHZ[`LHYZMYVTSLZZ[OHUPU [VHYV\UK 24% by Dec 2007; likely to increase to 62% by 2013 0U[LYUL[JVUULJ[P]P[`PZHSZVSPRLS`[VPUJYLHZL^P[OH]HPSHIPSP[`VMZWLJ[Y\TMVY.HUK>P4H_ Business and Technology 0UJYLHZLK\ZLVM[LJOUVSVN`HUK)76V\[ZV\YJPUNPU0UKPHUJVTWHUPLZ ,TLYNLUJLVMPUUV]H[P]LI\ZPULZZHUKZLY]PJLKLSP]LY`TVKLSZLN:HH:JSV\KJVTW\[PUN 0UJYLHZLKPU]LZ[TLU[PU[LJOUVSVN`HUK)76I`JLU[YHSHUKZ[H[LNV]LYUTLU[Z Table 2: Key Trends for Growth of IT-BPO Industry in India While India holds a dominant share of the global offshore ITBPO sector, yet, at USD 49.7 bn in 2009-10, Indian IT-BPO exports account for less than 3 percent of the global spend on IT-BPO. There is tremendous possibility for growth in future. Over [OL UL_[ KLJHKL [OL PUK\Z[Y` PZ L_WLJ[LK [V IL PUÅ\LUJLK I` several global macro-economic, demographics, social, business and technological trends that would shape the face of global business. 7 Nasscom-Mckinsey Perspective 2020 8| Given the backdrop of large untapped demand potential and strong fundamentals, India is uniquely positioned to secure global leadership, grow its IT-BPO exports at an annual rate greater than 13 percent, and generate export revenues of USD 82 bn, and domestic revenues of USD 23 bn by 20147. 1.4 Electronics Hardware The electronics industry includes semiconductor design, hightech manufacturing, electronic components, EMS, and electronic systems design for consumer electronic products, telecom products and equipments, and IT systems and hardware. The revenue from Indian IT hardware segment increased from USD 8.5 bn in 2006-07 to USD 9.4 bn in 2009-10. Following table shows the breakup across the electronics hardware industry and their growth rates: ELECTRONICS HARDWARE SUB-SECTORS KEY SEGMENTS CAGR Industrial Electronics Products for various Sectors e.g. Energy, Transportation, Automation Systems etc. 11.6% Computers PCs & IT Products 10.5% Communication & Broadcast Equipment DTH, Communication Equipments, Broadband etc 53.7% Strategic Electronics Satellite based, surveillancesystem, internal security system and defense, aerospace and nuclear Sectors 22.7% Components Electronics Components for mobile, CRT TVs etc. 9.0% Table 3: Electronic Hardware Industry CAGR8 Growth Potential & Growth Drivers for Electronic Hardware The demand for electronics hardware is being fuelled by the relatively high growth rate of the Indian economy coupled with the large middle class in India with increasing disposable incomes. Supply is not keeping pace with demand in India, resulting in ever-increasing imports from China, Taiwan, South Korea etc. India is gradually building a hardware manufacturing base but the electronic hardware industry in India is still orientated towards the domestic market. The market is fragmented, lacks a component IHZL HUK OHZ PUMYHZ[Y\J[\YHS IHYYPLYZ ^P[O OPNO JVZ[ VM ÄUHUJL and high technological obsolescence. The electronics hardware industry is highly import-dependent. Given that consumption is PUJYLHZPUNYHWPKS`[OL[YHKLKLÄJP[PZZL[[VHJJLSLYH[L At the current pace, the demand supply gap is projected to increase from USD 25 bn in 2009 to USD 298 bn in 20209. Expected Domestic Demand for Electronics in India Expected Export of Electronics in India Source: Industry Estimates -@ -@ -@ Projected demand-supply gap in Electronic Industry -@ -@ -@ Figure 6: Demand Supply Gap and Projected Growth of Electronics Industry -@ -@ -@ The electronics industry has the potential to leapfrog India to next generation of technology adoption and holds immense transformational potential for various industry verticals. 8 Source: Industry Estimates ;V[HS+LTHUK +VTLZ[PJ7YVK\J[PVU[HYNL[ +VTLZ[PJ7YVK\J[PVUH[J\YYLU[*(.9 9 Annual Report 2009-10 Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, India Task Force Report Dec 2009-Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, India |9 1.5. TELECOM India is the world’s second-largest telecom market. The total subscriber base (including wire-line and wireless) reached 787.28 million10 in December 2010. The wireless segment has been registering monthly mobile additions of about 15 to 20 million subscribers. 11 The wireless subscriber base in India grew from FY00 through FY10 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 77.5% to reach 584.3 million subscribers in FY1011. This number reached 752.19 million subscribers December 2010.10 ;OL[LSLJVTTHYRL[JHUILIYVHKS`JSHZZPÄLKHZ! ò >PYLSLZZ ò 3HUKSPULVY>PYLSPUL ò 0U[LYUL[HUK)YVHKIHUK ò =HS\LHKKLK:LY]PJLZ=(: ò 03+53+!,U[LYWYPZLKH[H ò ;LSLJVTLX\PWTLU[HUKPUMYHZ[Y\J[\YL In FY10 telecom sector has been the major contributor to the services sector contributing nearly 3.6% of the total GDP. From FY05 through FY10, the number of internet and broadband subscribers has increased at a CAGR of 23.9% and 117.5% to reach 16.2 mn and 8.8 mn11 respectively in FY10. Gross Revenue - Indian Telecom Sector -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ Figure 7: Gross Revenue Indian Telecom Sector 10 11 TRAI Press Release February 2011 nnual Report 2009-10 Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, India EnY and FICCI Report 2011 10 | 1.6. ICT Research & Development The entry of R&D centers into India started in the mid-1980s I\[P[NHPULKTVTLU[\TVUS`PU[OLTPKZHM[LY0UKPHUÄYTZ successfully demonstrated that they could deliver large software projects. Over 600 Multinational Companies have been sourcing product development and engineering services from their centers in India. 4\S[PUH[PVUHS ÄYTZ KVTPUH[L PU [OL PUUV]H[PVU ZWHJL [OYV\NO [OLPY0UKPHU9+JLU[LYZ4VZ[VM[OLT\S[PUH[PVUHSÄYTZMVSSV^ the conventional outsourcing model: they enter India as a cost centre which then evolves into a technology centre. Large domestic players also provide ‘engineering services and R&D and software products’ wherein they undertake product development activities performed for external clients. These services contributed USD 8.6 bn and constituted around 13% of total industry revenues in 2008. Over 74% of engineering services and R&D and software products revenue is from exports12. THE R&D CENTERS OF IT MNES HAVE THE FOLLOWING SPLIT: ZLY]PUNHZJLU[LYMVYNSVIHS HZSVJHSMVYNSVIHS HYLLZ[HISPZOLKHZSVJHSMVYSVJHSZ <: ÄYTZ KVTPUH[L [OL 0UKPHU 0*; 9+ ZWHJL 0U]LZ[TLU[ MYVT European Union countries is very limited. The R&D centers run by MNCs are categorized as: 1. Centre for Global-Cater to the requirements of the global market. 2. Local for Locals- Adapt their product to local needs like developing software in Indian languages or providing services to telecom players to exploit the Indian market by product adaptations to meet local needs in India. 3. Local for Global- Established as part of a strategic decision and complement the global technology development effort of the MNCs. These centers work on “mainstream research” by [OLWHYLU[ÄYTZ SOME OF THE NOTED R&D ORGANIZATIONS ARE: a. Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) of the Department of IT & Communications which carries out R&D in IT, Electronics and associated areas I4LKPH3HI(ZPHHUV[MVYWYVÄ[JVTWHU`VM[OL+LWHY[TLU[ is innovating for digital inclusion with an aim to bring the ILULÄ[ZVM0*;[VKHPS`SP]LZVMJVTTVUTHU c. C-MET, IITs, IISc, CSIR labs, IIITs, CEERI-Pilani, Jadavpur University – Kolkata, Anna University-Chennai are some of the prominent academic and research institutions taking up R&D work in ICT sector in India 12 Trends in Public and Private Investments in ICT R&D in India by JRC-IPTS, 2011 | 11 1.7. ICT Penetration & Scope in India Following three parameters indicate ICT penetration in India: 1. PC Penetration13 - PC penetration in India was at 4% of its population in 2009, compared with 20% in China, 89% in the US and 98% in Japan. Low PC penetration is primarily due to the issue of affordability. 3. Mobile Penetration- Mobile phone penetration stood at 63% with 752 million subscribers in December, 2010 according to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. About 15% of Internet users in India access the Web through their mobile handsets—“a trend likely to pick up with the increased takeoff in smartphones and the advent of 3G.” 2. Internet Penetration- India has low Internet penetration at less than 7% of its population. However, this is expected to change due to its fast-growing telecom industry. By the end of 2010, there were only 80 million Internet users and 11 million broadband users in the country. Low penetration of PC in India is a huge barrier to Internet penetration. It is estimated that every 10% increase in mobile penetration contributes as much as 0.6% to the country’s gross domestic product; an increase in Internet penetration makes a bigger contribution. India is rated 4.0 in the Network Readiness Index (NRI) by world economic forum and is ranked 48th among 138 countries. Networked Readiness Index (NRI) is an index designed by the World Economic Forum which measures the propensity for countries to exploit the opportunities offered by information and communications technology. The NRI is a composite of three components in which the individual countries are ranked upon: ò;OLV]LYHSSLU]PYVUTLU[Z\IPUKL_MVY0*;HUKPUUV]H[PVUVMMLYLK by a country includes market conditions, regulatory framework and infrastructure (both human and physical). India has a score of 3.9 in this sub-index with an overall rank of 58. ò;OLYLHKPULZZZ\IPUKL_VM[OLJV\U[Y`»ZRL`Z[HRLOVSKLYZ (individuals, businesses, and governments) which gauge the preparation and willingness of the three stakeholders to adapt and 13 Citi Investment Research and Analysis September 2010 report 12 | use ICT in their day-to-day activities. India scores 4.8 in this subindex with a World rank of 33. ò;OLL_[LU[VM\ZHNLVM0*;Z\IPUKL_YLÅLJ[Z[OLWLUL[YH[PVU usage of ICT amongst the economy’s chief stakeholders. This subindex progressively evolves towards capturing ICT impact in terms of inclusive society, business innovation, and better governance. India scores 3.3 in this sub-index ranking 67th in the world. The overall NRI of India in 2010-11 is 4.0 and India is ranked 48 among 138 countries. 1.8. ICT Clusters in India ;OLNYV^[OVM[OL0UKPHU0*;ZLJ[VYOHZILLUHJYVZZKPMMLYLU[JP[PLZVM[OLJV\U[Y`I\[JVUJLU[YH[LKPUZWLJPÄJYLNPVUZ The table below details out the different clusters: DIMENSION BANGALORE DELHI NCR CHENNAI HYDERABAD PUNE MUMBAI CLUSTER DENSITY Dense Dense Dense Dense Dense Dense CLUSTER BREADTH Broad (potential for ICT, Bio-IT) Broad Broad (potential for ICT) Broad (potential for ICT) Broad (potential for ICT, Bio-IT) Broad ACTIVITY BASE Activity-rich along the value chain in IT services, software, ITeSBPO, R&D, hardware Activity-rich along the value chain: BPO, IT services, software, R&D, hardware Activity rich, strong application and system software, strong hardware, ITeSBPO Activity-rich along the value chain in IT services, software, ITeS, strong in chips Very active in product development, R&D – intellectual proeperty hub, IT services presence Activity- tich along the calue chain in IT services, software, ITeS hardware ANCHOR COMAPANY COMPUTER HARDWARE Solectron (personal Internet device for AMD) MRO-Tek 2 (manufacturing plants for network/telecom) Flextronics (set top boxes for Glalxis) Wipro (PC and laptops), IMP/ Lenovo (Pc and laptops), TVSE (printers and peripherals) Semicom and AMD (projects for semi-condictor manufacturing) Not Available Kobian (motherboards and graphics boards) PCS (PC and laptops) ANCHOR COMPANY IT SERVICES, SOFTWARE AND R&D, ITES-BPO Infosys (HQ), Wipro (HQ), Digital Gloabal Soft (HQ) HCL (HQ), Hughes (HQ), Genpact, Samsung Polaris (HQ), NIIT (training – HQ) Mahindra Satyam (HQ) Compulink systems Pvt LTd (HQ), centres of Infosys, TCS, WNS, Honeywell etc TCS (HQ), iGate-Patni (HQ), Tata Infotechltd, Sglobal Telesystem INNOVATIVE CAPACITY High High High High High High Combination of foreign-owned and locally owned ÄYTZ :PNUPÄJHU[ share of local small and medium-sixed enterprixes, presence of mulitnational and Indian top companies Combination of foreign-owned and locally owned ÄYTZ Combination of foreign-owned and locally V^ULKÄYTZ :PNUPÄJHU[ZOHYL of local small and medium-sixed enterprixes, presence of mulitnational and Indian top companies Combination of foreign-owned and locally V^ULKÄYTZ OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE Sahara (Computer, PC and peripherals) Samsung (monitors) Table 4: Domestic ICT Clusters | 13 1.9. Growth Potential & Growth Drivers for ICT in India The key driving factors for India’s growth in ICT are cost effectiveness, quality assurance, supply of technical graduates, availability of an adequate telecommunication infrastructure and a favorable time zone relative to the United States and Europe. ;OLZWLJPÄJ[YLUKZWVPU[PUN[VNYV^[OVM0*;HYL! TRENDS IMPLICATIONS Macroeconomic and demographic trends Shifting centers of economic activity–GDP of Asia and Europe will converge working age population shrinking in key developed countries (e.g., Japan, Italy, US). Social and environmental trends Increased Internet and mobile connectivity would transform the way people live and interact. Business and technology trends Technology has been radically transforming the way traditional corporations and governments function. This will lead to new opportunities, in addition to the key focus areas, which has been largely untapped so far. While the core market for BFSI, telecom, retail, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing and travel will continue to grow over the next 10 to 15 years, driven by growth in the JVZ[IHZL[OLPUK\Z[Y`^PSSILYLKLÄULKHSVUNMV\YRL`KPTLUZPVUZ New services in core markets Beyond the cost-based growth there is still further growth potential in the core markets described above. Going forward, the industry can propose additional services to these core markets in three ways: - offer beyond-cost services, e.g., revenue enhancement, capital avoidance; - suggest integrated manufacturing and services solutions e.g., end-to-end development of new auto parts; and - redesign and transform processes, leveraging automation New verticals Several verticals in developed countries, which have previously not globally sourced services, are expected to do so in the next wave of growth. Driven by the megatrends, at least four new verticals are expected to emerge by 2020 (public sector, healthcare providers, media and utilities). For example, due to increased spending requirements on healthcare and pensions as a result of aging populations, the public sector and healthcare providers will increasingly depend on technology and services providers for solutions to reduce the cost to serve. Also, energy companies and utilities will look for solutions to monitor and optimize their carbon footprint in line with emission requirements. New customer segments Enabled by mega trends such as increased digital connectivity and the availability of new delivery WSH[MVYTZ[OLPUK\Z[Y`JHUL_WHUKP[ZPUÅ\LUJLIL`VUKSHYNLLU[LYWYPZLZ[V:4,Z;OLLTLYNLUJL of new service offerings and business models (such as SaaS) will also allow players to serve smaller LU[LYWYPZLZPUHU\UJVU]LU[PVUHSI\[WYVÄ[HISLTHUULY;OLPUK\Z[Y`JHUHSZVVMMLYKPYLJ[I\ZPULZZ [VJVUZ\TLYZLY]PJLZZ\JOHZÄUHUJPHSOLHS[OJHYLHUK[YH]LSZLY]PJLZ[V[OLLTLYNPUNJSHZZVM well-connected retail consumers. New geographies As economic growth expands into new markets, Asia will bypass Europe as the second largest target market, led by India and China. On the back of greater adoption of technology and outsourcing by enterprises, BRIC markets will become a sizeable target domestic outsourcing market, with India and China accounting for almost 50 per cent of the opportunity. ;HISL!:WLJPÄJ[YLUKZWVPU[PUN[VNYV^[OVM0*; 14 | 1.10 Government Policies & Initiatives By encouraging foreign participation in most sectors of the economy, policy makers in India have placed special emphasis VUP[ZPTWVY[HUJLHZIV[OHZV\YJLVMÄUHUJLHUKHMHJPSP[H[VYVM knowledge and technology transfer. Few of the noted initiatives by the government are: ò*VW`YPNO[WYV[LJ[PVUHUKJ`ILYSH^Z^LYLPUJS\KLKPU[OL comprehensive Information Technology (IT) Act introduced in 2000 ò*YLH[PVUVMZVM[^HYLWHYRZ:WLJPHS,JVUVTPJAVULZ:,AZ and knowledge sector industrial estates with relaxed regulatory and tax structures ò0U[YVK\J[PVUVM0UMVYTH[PVU;LJOUVSVN`0U]LZ[TLU[9LNPVUZ (ITIRs) schemes in 2008 under which each state in India can set up an integrated township for facilitating growth of IT / BPO, with provision of world-class infrastructure, supported by investor-friendly policies.14 STP’s – Business parks which are aimed at providing favourable business climates for software exports. The major features of STP’s are: - Immediate approvals - 100% Foreign Equity - Imports of Hardware & Software are duty free - Exempted from payment of corporate income tax for a duration Such STP’s contribute more than 70% of the revenue to the industry. 14 Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (2010), | 15 1.11. Technology & Business Priorities for ICT in India Growth of Indian IT sector has been possible due to the quality HZZ\YHUJL WYV]PKLK I` [OL ÄYTZ [OYV\NO NSVIHSS` YLJVNUPaLK X\HSP[` JLY[PÄJH[LZ SPRL [OL JHWHIPSP[` TH[\YP[` TVKLS *44 and ISO series. The transition from onsite to offshore shows [OL L]VS]PUN WYVQLJ[ THUHNLTLU[ JHWHIPSP[PLZ VM 0UKPHU ÄYTZ An increasing number of IT-BPO companies continue to adopt global standards such as ISO 9001 (for Quality Management) and ISO27000 (for Information Security). India-based centers IV[O 0UKPHU ÄYTZ HZ ^LSS HZ 45*V^ULK JHW[P]LZ HJJV\U[ MVY [OL SHYNLZ[ U\TILY VM X\HSP[` JLY[PÄJH[PVUZ HJOPL]LK I` HU` ZPUNSLJV\U[Y`*LY[PÄJH[PVUZSPRL[OL0:60U[LYUH[PVUHS:[HUKHYKZ Organization) and CMMi (Capability Maturity Model Integration), TQM, 6 Sigma Quality (for defect and cycle time reduction), eSCM (for continuous quality process enhancement), COPC, P-CMM (People Capability Maturity Model), etc., are some of the TVZ[ZV\NO[HM[LYX\HSP[`JLY[PÄJH[PVUZPU[OL0;0;,:ZLJ[VY V\[VM *44JLY[PÄLKÄYTZHYLSVJH[LKPU0UKPH -VSSV^PUNOH]LILLUPKLU[PÄLKHZ[OL[VWWYPVYP[PLZMVY0UKPHVU[OL)\ZPULZZHUK;LJOUVSVN`MYVU[PU[OL0*;ZLJ[VY! TOP 10 BUSINESS PRIORITIES RANKING RANKING Increasing enterprise growth 1 Cloud computing 1 Improving business continuity, risk and security 2 Mobile technologies 2 Reducing enterprise costs 3 Virtualization 3 Implementing and updating business applications 4 Enterprise resource planning (ERP) 4 Increased use of information/ analytics 5 Enterprise applications 5 Attracting a retaining new customers 6 Business Process Management (BPM) 6 Improving technical infrastructure 7 IT Management 7 Improving business processes 8 Networking, voice and data communications 8 Greater control and management of technology 9 Business intelligence (BI) 9 Expanding into new markets and geographies 10 Analytics 10 Table 6: Top 10 Business and Technology Trends for ICT in India15 15 TOP 10 TECHNOLOGY PRIORITIES Gartner 2011 16 | 1.12. ICT - Emerging Technologies The world economy is now characterized by sluggish growth in the West, a shift in power to the East, and value-driven customers and rising risks everywhere. At the same time, the downturn has hastened the adoption of key technologies—cloud computing, business intelligence, mobility and social media—that are transforming businesses and sparking a new wave of wealth creation, particularly in the emerging world. 17 | 1.12.1. Cloud Computing Cloud Computing is a concept newly developed in the IT domain and is growing at a very fast pace across the world. ;OPZ [LJOUVSVN` HSSV^Z MVY T\JO TVYL LMÄJPLU[ JVTW\[PUN I` centralizing storage, memory, processing and bandwidth. Under the cloud computing concept, services can be availed under three categories: 1. Software as a Service (SaaS) 2. Platform as a Service (PaaS) 3. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) It is estimated that the cloud computing market in India stands at USD 110 mn in 2010 with software-as-a-service (SaaS) accounting for USD 50 mn of revenue. The total market is expected to reach USD 1084 mn by 2015. As components of the overall cloud market, software-as-a-service (SaaS) is likely to reach a mark of USD650 mn by 2015, while platform-as-aservice (PaaS) and infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) markets’ cumulatively would touch USD 434 mn each by 2015.16 AVOV H <: IHZLK ÄYT OHZ ILLU WYV]PKPUN JSV\K JVTW\[PUN ZLY]PJLZ [V 0UKPHU JVTWHUPLZ ZWLJPÄJHSS` PU *94 HUK )\ZPULZZ suite services. AVOVHWWSPJH[PVUZHYLMYLL[V\ZLH[[OLLU[Y`SL]LSHUKYLX\PYLHMLL for more extensive or professional use. In India following trends are observed: .V]LYUTLU[THU\MHJ[\YPUNHUKLULYN`HYLMHZ[LZ[ growing verticals and have huge potential for cloud computing )-:0HUK[LSLJVTHYLTVZ[TH[\YLK0;^PZLHUKOH]L high propensity towards adoption of cloud Growth Drivers Cost of solution and brand of the technology provider are key parameters used for evaluation during the decision making process. The major demand drivers are: 7H`WLY\ZLTVKLSJSV\KZVS\[PVUZOLSWPUKLJYLHZPUN[OL upfront cost for procuring IT ;OLYLPZUVJVZ[HZZVJPH[LK^P[O\WNYHKLZHUKTHPU[LUHUJL 7YV]PKLZHIL[[LYJHZLMVYPUMVYTH[PVUÅV^^P[OPU the organization <UPMVYTP[`VMWYVJLZZHJYVZZ[OLVYNHUPZH[PVUZ Email, ERP and CRM are poised to be the top 3 workloads to TV]L[V*SV\KI`6[OLYPKLU[PÄLKZLY]PJLZHYL"Z[VYHNL security and collaboration suites. Challenges The major challenges that the cloud companies have to face in India are around data security and reliability, lack of customization, lack of training and support and poor market reach. The total cloud market is less than 0.5% of the total domestic IT spending which is expected to increase to around 5% of the total domestic IT spending.17 :WLUKVU\ZPUNJSV\KI`PUMVYTH[PVU[LJOUVSVN`HUKIHJRVMÄJL ÄYTZ[LSLJVZ)-:0IHURPUNÄUHUJPHSZLY]PJLZHUKPUZ\YHUJL manufacturing and government organisations is set to increase [VWLYJLU[V]LY[OLUL_[Ä]L`LHYZMYVTWLYJLU[PU17 16 CIOL News 2010 17 Adapted from Zinnov Study | 18 1.12.2. Business Intelligence India is the fastest growing Business Intelligence (BI) Platforms market in Asia. The market for business intelligence (BI) software in India is forecast to reach revenue of USD 65.4 mn in FY12, up 15.7 percent over 2010, according to Gartner, Inc. Organizations HYL[\YUPUN[V)0HZH]P[HS[VVSMVYZTHY[LYTVYLHNPSLHUKLMÄJPLU[ business, and they increase the current usage scenario from just an information delivery mechanism. Currently the market for providing high-impact business solutions is still very nascent and grossly under-exploited. In a booming economy, business intelligence offers value over and above the natural growth rate, and this is where a huge untapped market lies in India. Growth Drivers ò(KVW[PVUVM)\ZPULZZ(UHS`[PJZZVS\[PVUI`:THSSHUKTLKP\T enterprise (SME) ò.YV^[Oof sectors like Telecom- BFSI, Security, Heavy Engineering and technology-intensive manufacturing industries and e-Governance ò0TWSLTLU[H[PVUVMZVWOPZ[PJH[LKHUHS`[PJZMVY\UKLYZ[HUKPUN customer churn and making credit risk assessments in BFSI ò:[HUKHYKPaH[PVU9LN\SH[VY`*VTWSPHUJLHUKLUMVYJLTLU[VM new laws like the Right to Information Act ò*VTWHUPLZ^OPJOOH]LHKVW[LKZVS\[PVUZSPRL,97Z\WWS` chain management, or data warehouses, often face a situation where they have a huge amount of data and PUMVYTH[PVUI\[UVOLSWPUN[VVSVYJSLHYS`KLÄULKTHW^OPJO can be put to use for making strategic decisions. This growing segment would go towards BI to leverage data and achieve further competitive advantage. KEY PLAYERS Microsoft, SAP, Oracle, SAS Institute and IBM are top players providing )0 ZVS\[PVUZ ;OLYL HYL HSZV SVJHS ÄYTZ HSVUN ^P[O V[OLY MVYLPNU ÄYTZ providing BI solutions in India. Challenges >OPSL[OLTHYRL[WVZLZHO\NLVWWVY[\UP[`[OLSHJRVMHKLÄUP[PVU or agreement of what and how to measure/analyze the business will continue to inhibit successful deployments, discouraging organizations from further investing in BI. Additionally, right pricing, awareness and customization of BI Solutions especially for SMEs would be key challenges for solution providers. EARLY ADOPTERS OF BI UB Group UB Group, India decided deployed Business Intelligence tools from Microsoft for cost reduction initiatives within the organization. HDFC Bank /+-*)HUROHZ\ZLK[OL)0ZVS\[PVUZMYVT9L]LSL\ZVMPÅL_[VYLK\JLJVZ[ZI`VW[PTPaPUNP[ZJOHUULSZ0[OHZHSZVOLSWLKPU reduction of reaction time of the Bank to emerging market opportunities. 19 | 1.12.3. Mobility Enterprise mobility18 is the biggest single trend across the tech industry investment. The increasing importance of the space is YLÅLJ[LKPUYVI\Z[THYRL[[YHJ[PVUWYLKPJ[PVUZMVY0UKPHHZ^LSS According to Frost & Sullivan, the enterprise mobility market in India was worth USD 77 mn FY0919 and is estimated to reach USD 418 mn by FY16. Enterprise mobility market in India is set to witness a major boom in its adoption in the ensuing years. Rapid change in the business models of organizations and demand to engage a better and competent mobile workforce is primarily propelling adoption of LU[LYWYPZLTVIPSP[`PU[OLTHYRL[;OLTVZ[ZPNUPÄJHU[I\ZPULZZ application that is near ubiquitous in its mobility is email. A PC Quest survey of over 70 IT decision makers from large Indian companies noted that 46% of respondents had extended access to email. Around 18% had also enabled access to CRM and ERP on smartphones Growth Drivers -HJ[VYZ PUÅPJ[PUN NYV^[O PU [OL PUK\Z[Y` PUJS\KL HI\UKHU[ presence of handheld devices- smartphones, continual YLWSHJLTLU[VMVMÄJL7*Z^P[OSHW[VWZ;HISL[ZYVSSV\[VMOPNO speed connectivity (3G), low data access charges and declining hardware prices. Implementation of ICT-enabled mobility management systems in 2030 can offset emissions created by 12 million cars, travelling an average of 18,000 km per annum which is equivalent to 16,500 million litres of diesel or 17,200 million litres of petrol saved.20 Adoption of enterprise mobility applications in the intra-enterprise space is low but gaining momentum. India is still at a stage where only a few sectors like retail and BFSI are using mobility apps for conventional areas like sales force automation and transaction management. Other early adopter market segments include Pharma, Transportation and Logistics sectors. Field force automation, Mobile transaction management, Asset tracking and management, bill payments / receipts, ticketing, MIS Figure 8: Applications that are being ported to mobility platforms CRM, Remote Data Collection and management, Queue Buster Solutions, Location based services Challenges 4HQVY JOHSSLUNLZ PKLU[PÄLK MVY [OL PUK\Z[Y` PUJS\KL ZLJ\YP[` concerns, costs, Device compatibility, and limited ICT infrastructures and digitization with Small Medium Enterprises in 0UKPH^OPJOPZHZPNUPÄJHU[JVUZ[P[\LU[VM[OLV]LYHSSTHYRL[ MOBILITY PLATFORM Creating localized enterprise solutions for businesses (that take into account lower levels of digitization) as opposed to traditional application would be the key to succeed in India. Growth Path for Mobility CHARACTERISTICS CURRENT FUTURE (2 TO 3 YEARS) Build or buy Predominantly custom-built Predominantly packaged Platform 7SH[MVYTZWLJPÄJ Platform-independent Device form factors Smartphone, specialized devices, laptops Smartphone, tablets, new form factors Application footprint Device-resident Browser based Usage Scenarios Field and task workers Field, task, management, business travellers, knowledge workers Business process scope Sales and operations All corporate functions Table 7: Growth Path for mobile enterprise applications, 2011 18 19 20 Forrester NASSCOM EMERGE Newsletter Feb 2011 CII-DESC Report on ICT’s Contribution to India’s National Action Plan on Climate Change, 2010 | 20 1.12.4. Social Media Due to its direct reach to huge number of consumers, the social media marketing has seen a tremendous growth in the recent time with majority of companies adopting business models around social media, using the platform to market events, generate sales, introduce innovative concepts and even create a new market for their brands online. The estimated worldwide ad spends on social networks will be in excess of USD 4 bn21 in 2011 and the same will continue to grow. It is well established that these networks are capable of rewarding media companies with new avenues of revenue. TOP SECTORS WHICH ARE USING SOCIAL MEDIA IN INDIA ARE: - Job portals, - Film Industry, - Airlines, - Telecom - IT - Retail (in the recent times) With the emergence of e-commerce and e-governance, various options of integrating them with the social media are also gaining tremendous momentum. A survey by Nielsen found that 70% of social media users in India accessed a social networking site every day. It was also found that 89% of 15-20 year old users accessed a social networking site every day and 60% of them spend at least half an hour on it daily. It was found that 37% of heavy social media users in India (who use it multiple times a day) fall in the age group of 21-30 years.22 0UJYLHZLPUTVIPSLWLUL[YH[PVU!PUJS\ZPVUVM[OLZVJPHS media apps ;VVSZ[VJHW[\YLHUKHUHS`aL[OLZOPM[PU[OLZVJPHSTLKPH marketing strategies ,TLYNLUJLVM[OL[OYLLRPUKZVMÄYTZPU[OLKVTHPUVM ZVJPHSTLKPH!;LJOUVSVN`(UHS`[PJZ:[YH[LN`*VUZ\S[PUNÄYTZ 6\[ZV\YJPUNÄYTZ As around the world top sites for social media in India are: Facebook, Orkut, Twitter, Blogger, Youtube and Wikipedia. There are also some Indian sites but with relatively small user base but are integrated strongly among the target audiences. Opportunity Social Media trends in India ;OLI\`PUN[YLUK!VUSPULHZ^LSSHZVMÅPULPZVUHYPZL!HWSH[MVYT for e-commerce +L]LSVWTLU[VMZVJPHSTLKPH[VVSZMVYSVJH[PVU^OPJO^V\SK SLHK[VSVJH[PVUZWLJPÄJKPZJV\U[ZHUKKLHSZ ;OLWLUL[YH[PVUVMZVJPHSNHTPUNPZVUYPZL)YHUKZHYL[HYNL[PUN it for the potential customer base 21 22 Deloitte Report: Technology, Media & Telecommunications Predictions 2011 Federation of American Scientist (FAS) Report 21 | The growth in the amount of time spent on social networks by users will steadily see an increase in the coming years as the KLTVNYHWOPJWYVÄSLVM0UKPHJOHUNLZ;OLH]LYHNL[PTLZWLU[ on such networks on a daily basis by an individual is now calculated in hours as opposed to minutes as was done a few years ago. A rough estimate of the increase in time spends on social networks in 2010 over the corresponding year could be anywhere in excess of 50%21. As fallout, constant and timely innovation in products, systems, processes – all software driven ^PSSOLSWJYLH[LZPNUPÄJHU[UL^VWWVY[\UP[PLZ 1.13. Opportunites in Indian ICT Sector: Macro Outlook As Indian consumers and corporations rapidly adopt mobile phones, and Internet access and broadband connectivity L_WHUK[OLYLPZSPRLS`[VILHZPNUPÄJHU[PUJYLHZLPUZWLUKVU0; hardware, software and services. Finally, the biggest domestic opportunity in most sectors (e.g., banking, insurance, retail, telecom and healthcare) lies in tapping the opportunity to serve the millions of underserved. India is likely to be the laboratory for disruptive innovations to serve these underserved segments at a WYPJLHUKWLYMVYTHUJLWYVÄSL[OH[Z\P[Z[OLZLJVUKP[PVUZ From a service line perspective, Indian domestic market is still heavily dominated by voice-based services. Most of the BPO work is around contact centre type of work catering to customer care and sales/marketing services. This would comprise almost 65-70 percent of the market. This is likely to expand into other ZLY]PJL SPULZ Z\JO HZ /9 WYVJLZZ V\[ZV\YJPUN ÄUHUJL HUK accounting, analytics and other niche services. BPO is in The growth trend for the industry is expected to propel the Indian IT-BPO exports market revenues to USD 175 billion by 2020, while domestic revenues is expected to grow to USD 50 billion in the same period the emerging stages. As adoption increases, and it becomes adolescent, the provider landscape would also change with much larger, sophisticated and specialist providers playing in the space. This would further drive the expansion of the service lines within BPO. 0*;LUHISLKZVS\[PVUZPUOLHS[OJHYLLK\JH[PVUÄUHUJPHSZLY]PJLZ and public services can drive socio-economic inclusion of 30 million citizens each year, faster, cheaper and more effectively than traditional models hence it’s an important focus area for Government. INDUSTRY VERTICAL PRESENT STATE FUTURE POTENTIAL Access No Connectivity Electromechanical Meters Wireless Smart meters (AMI) Financial Services Poor reach in rural areas Financial Inclsuion Smart Solutions Energy Incandescent lightings Energy Shortage LEDS .YLLULULYN`LULYN`LMÄJPLUJ` Healthcare Accessibilty and cost of healthcare Affordable devices/Telemedicine Education Limited Education Digital/Virtual classrooms Digitization Analog to digital Electronic sociuety/Unique ID/Digital TV, Radio Security Human dependence Integrated surveillance systems Others (like automobiles) High cost, High emission cars 3V^JVZ[ALYVLTPZZPVUJHYZ Table 8: Key Focus Areas for ICT | 22 :,*;06500:\I:LJ[VY7YVÄSLZ 2.1 Healthcare India’s healthcare industry is at USD 56 bn in 2010 accounting for 5.5% of India’s GDP. It has been growing24 at a CAGR of 12 percent for the period between 2001 and 2009. Health Care Industry is25 estimated to reach USD 75 bn by 2012 and USD 150 bn by 2017. The primary constituents of Indian healthcare sector are: 4LKPJHSJHYLWYV]PKLYZ!WO`ZPJPHUZZWLJPHSPZ[JSPUPJZU\YZPUN homes and hospitals +PHNUVZ[PJZLY]PJLJLU[YLZHUKWH[OVSVN`SHIVYH[VYPLZ 4LKPJHSLX\PWTLU[THU\MHJ[\YLYZ *VU[YHJ[YLZLHYJOVYNHUPaH[PVUZ*96»ZWOHYTHJL\[PJHS manufacturers; ;OPYKWHY[`Z\WWVY[ZLY]PJLWYV]PKLYZJH[LYPUNSH\UKY` 9LN\SH[VY`6YNHUPaH[PVUZ HEALTHCARE SECTOR STATUS Pharmaceuticals Currently growing at CAGR of 12% and is expected to be worth USD 20 bn by 2015 with 70 % of the demand is met by local manufacturing. Medical Tourism Market in nascent stage but is developing very rapidly. Expected to grow by 19% CAGR, expected to be USD 3bn industry by 2013. Medical Equipment and Devices Market worth USD 2.17 bn in 2008, growing at a CAGR of 15% with 70% of medical equipment for private hospitals being imported. Health Services Health Services outsourcing has the potential to grow to USD7.4 bn by 2012, from USD3.7 bn in 2006. Health Insurance With relaxation of FDI norms, the private health insurance sector has grown rapidly to become a USD 1 bn industry in 07-08, expected to double its revenues by 2012. Table 9: Healthcare Sector Status EnY Report 2008 Zinnov Study 25 “India Healthcare Trends 2008” Report by Technopak Advisors 26 Emerging Market Report: Health in India 2007 PricewaterhouseCoopers 27 Mckinsey Report-India Pharma 2015 23 24 23 | HEALTHCARE IN INDIA23 - 0.7 mn doctors - 1.1 mn hospital beds - 15,000 hospitals - 3,900 Nursing Colleges & 1.4 mn nurses - 303 Medical Colleges ~ 35,000 new medical graduates each year - 143 Pharmacy Colleges and 350,000 Chemists - 70% of hospitals are in tertiary care The current per capita healthcare spend is low at around USD 49 per annum. Primary care accounts for around 60% of total healthcare expenditure Only 11% of the population has any form of health insurance coverage. The market has been growing at a CAGR of 35% in last Ä]L`LHYZHUKPZL_WLJ[LK[VNYV^TVYL[OHUPUMVY[OJVTPUN years. 26 /VZWP[HS 7OHYTH 4LKPJHS0UZ\YHUJL 4LKPJHS,X\PWTLU[+L]PJLZ +PHNUVZ[PJZ Figure 9: Healthcare Market Breakup27 Based on the growth of the sector, healthcare industry’s spending28 on IT requirements is expected to grow at CAGR 25% from USD 191 mn in 2010 to USD 1.5 bn annually by 2020. In India, private healthcare accounts for nearly 80 per cent of the country‘s total healthcare expenditure, although it is more expensive than public healthcare services. ICT in Healthcare There exists a disparity between adoption of ICT in Public and Private Healthcare Sector. While the private sector has begun to implement IT solutions, the overall Indian healthcare spend on IT is miniscule compared to core sectors. Currently, usage of IT is restricted to hospitals with application across their key functional areas like: (KTPUPZ[YH[P]L!7H`YVSSWYVJLZZPUN0U]LU[VY`4HUHNLTLU[ *SPUPJHS!4HPU[HPUPUN7H[PLU[YLJVYKZ -PUHUJLHUK9L]LU\L!)PSSPUN9L]LU\L4HUHNLTLU[ E-healthcare in India has been limited to medical transcription, health awareness through portals, telemedicine, hospital and laboratory management systems, and some forms of customer service through internet for the medical insurance sector. There is negligible basis of e-healthcare systems in the government health services in India. This is seen as an opportunity and has triggered off private sector investment, especially in the tier 1 (state capitals) and tier 2 (other large) cities. The software products available in India include some proven systems from international companies as well as a few locallydeveloped products. Large IT service providers including CDAC, TCS, Wipro and Siemens Information’s Systems Ltd are the key players. These companies offer end-to-end solutions such as Hospital Information Systems, Picture Archival Communication Systems and Telemedicine. 0; JHU OLSW KLSP]LY H SV[ VM LMÄJPLUJ` HUK YLTV]L \UULJLZZHY` costs from public and private healthcare system in India. IT Z`Z[LTZ JHU OLSW [V KYP]L \W LMÄJPLUJ` VM OLHS[OJHYL KLSP]LY` PUMYHZ[Y\J[\YL THUHNPUN \UL]LU WH[PLU[ ÅV^Z MVY PUWH[PLU[ procedures, cost management and business intelligence. Cloud-based services will offer an alternative to on-premises IT infrastructures and transition to virtualized server infrastructures drives shared-disk storage. Virtualization will also have a lot of relevance in the years to come as it brings advantages such as reduction of power, cost and space, which optimization of server infrastructure add to the positives. Report by Zinnov, 2011 Adapted from Zinnov Study FICCI-Ernst & Young (E&Y) Report 31 28 29 Key Drivers of ICT in Healthcare The ICT in healthcare delivery market in India is at a nascent stage with high demand and growth potential. By 2020, the Indian healthcare industry is estimated to be worth USD 275 bn30 ^P[OZPNUPÄJHU[ZOHYLVM[OL0*;:VTLVM[OLRL`KYP]LYZMVY[OL growth of healthcare sector and ICT in it are: .YV^PUN7VW\SH[PVU!0UKPHULLKZH[SLHZ[L_[YHILKZ to meet the demand for inpatient treatment by 2012 ,_WHUKPUN4PKKSL*SHZZ!9PZLVM3PMLZ[`SL+PZLHZLZ .YV^[OPUH^HYLULZZHIV\[/LHS[O0UZ\YHUJL )VVTPUN7\ISPJ,_WLUKP[\YLHUK9PZPUN-+07YP]H[L Investment 0UKPHULLKZH[SLHZ[TUTVYLX\HSPÄLKU\YZLZHUK more doctors by 2012.31 0U]LZ[TLU[[V[OL[\ULVM<:+IUPZULLKLKI` Government and international agencies will be able to gear up only a part of the total investment that is required and the rest of investment has to come from private sector. ICT innovation can play big role by increasing the reach of healthcare and strengthening preventive healthcare so that the infrastructure requirement doesn’t arise at existing pace. ICT SOLUTION-E-SWASTHYA Piramal e-Swasthya focuses on improving healthcare access in rural areas;70% of India’s population lives in rural areas Model to develop No-Doctor Villages with tele-clinic facility and treatment using e-diagnosis system Reduced cost and improved quality of treatment for Rural Poor Cloud computing is expected to comprise 40 per cent (or USD 600 mn) of the total annual healthcare IT spending by 2020. 29 IT giant Dell is providing cloud services to Max Healthcare in India. Dell Services has converted the Information Technology infrastructure of all eight Max Healthcare facilities into a private MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching) cloud running remotely from Dell Services Data Centre in Noida. This has resulted in Max Healthcare becoming one of the most technologically advanced Healthcare chains in India. HCL Infosystems offered cloud as a solution to integrate data spread across various hospitals of the Fortis chain. Under the cloud ZVS\[PVUWH[PLU[ZHYLWYV]PKLKH\UPX\LPKLU[PÄJH[PVUU\TILY^OPJO enables Fortis hospitals across geographies to access patient data and patients don’t need to carry their medical records as they move from one Fortis hospital to another - provides a uniform and pleasant patient experience. Cloud also enables Fortis to provide telemedicine to remote locations. 30 | 24 There is a dynamic shift in the healthcare system in India with therapies-to-service models, from niche-to-mass markets, from globally integrated businesses to locally connected businesses. This demands a paradigm shift in the way the organization operates v/s their current business models and business strategies. To focus on this shift, organizations are building new competencies, integrating processes, outsourcing non-core operations and moving towards virtualization. Key opportunities for ICT in healthcare /VZWP[HSPUMVYTH[PVU:`Z[LTZPUJS\KPUN,SLJ[YVUPJ4LKPJHS Records for patient management, Claims Management, Critical Procedures Administration, TPA Communication and Data-management Systems. *`ILYZ\YNLY` ;LSLTLKPJPULPUJS\KPUN[LSLYHKPVSVN` 4LKPJHS[YHUZJYPW[PVUZLY]PJLZ (WWSPJH[PVU:VM[^HYL:`Z[LTZ0U[LNYH[PVUZ\JOHZ[OVZLMVY EMR/EHR, CPOE, PACS and DSS requirements ;LJOUVSVN`*VUZ\S[PUNMVY/VZWP[HSZPUJS\KPUNPKLU[PÄJH[PVU adaptation, security assessment and maintenance of various wireless technologies such as PSTN, RFID, WiFi and DECT Key Challenges for ICT in Healthcare 3HJRVM\UKLYZ[HUKPUNVM[OLYVSL0*;JHUWSH`OV^[VTH_PTPaL the existing IT investments and make future investment 7VVYOLHS[OJHYLPUMVYTH[PVU[LJOUVSVN`SHJRVMUH[PVUHS standards for interoperability and connectivity *VUULJ[PUNWLVWSL[V[OLYPNO[[LJOUVSVN`HUKPU[LNYH[PUN[OH[ [LJOUVSVN`PU[V[OLPY^VYRÅV^Z :WLUKPUNPU[OLW\ISPJZLJ[VYPZSPTP[LK ,UZ\YPUNHMMVYKHISLOLHS[OJHYL[VTHZZLZ^OPSLHKVW[PUN0*; in healthcare The key opportunities in the Healthcare value-chain can be summarized as: LIFE SCIENCES Healthcare Provider LIFE SCIENCES R&D HIS Solutions Rating & Underwriting Billing & Collection Manufacturing & SCM EHR/NHIN/HIE Solutions Claims Management Sales & Manufacturing Telemedicine Solutions Corporate Governance 25 | Core Policy Administration Benefit Validation Customer Enrollment 2.2. Animation & Gaming The Indian Animation and Gaming industry stands at USD 0.7 bn in 2010 having a CAGR of 25.6% p.a. for past 3 years. However the industry size in India continues to be a miniscule 0.6% of the global industry, which gives a large growth potential. It is expected to reach a USD 1.84 bn32 by 2015. The revenue generation in the animation and gaming industry is from both the sources: domestic and outsourcing work with outsourcing being the major contributor of revenue. The share of the domestic animation market was 30% in 2009. With the success of the Indian IT/ITES industry and the inherent advantages of outsourcing it was expected that the India would be a preferred outsourcing destination to production houses and game developers across the world. However India’s share of the outsourced work in the animation and gaming industry is very low. Major Asian countries like Philippines, Taiwan, South Korea and China are the preferred outsourcing destinations for 2D Animation, Canada and UK are the leaders in 3D Animation. For gaming, China is the most preferred destination followed by other Asian destinations. It is estimated that the Indian animation and gaming industry is expected to grow at 21.4% p.a. during 2010-2015, thus reaching a market size of USD 1.84 bn by 2015 Market Structure The four key segments of the Indian Animation and Gaming industry are: Animation Entertainment, Entertainment VFX, Custom Content Development and Gaming. ;PSS UV^ [OL V\[ZV\YJPUN ^VYR PU 0UKPH ^HZ JVUÄULK [V [OL production and post-production activities, with Content Development and pre-production activities being nascent, both for the domestic and the outsourcing market. However, these activities are seen to be emerging as Indian companies move up the value chain. 70% of the revenues of the Indian Animation Industry are from the outsourcing work done for the overseas clients | 26 2.2.1. Animation The animation market in India was at USD 0.5 bn in 2010 and is expected to grow at a rate of around 20% p.a. to reach USD 1.27 bn by 201332. The animation industry in India has three key segments: *\Z[VT*VU[LU[+L]LSVWTLU[THQVYP[`THYRL[ZOHYLVM (UPTH[PVU,U[LY[HPUTLU[ ,U[LY[HPUTLU[=PZ\HS,MMLJ[Z=-? The Animation Entertainment is further segmented under: 4V]PLZ ;LSL]PZPVU)YVHKJHZ[ ;LSL]PZPVU(K]LY[PZPUN +PYLJ[[V+=+ The entertainment animation market is highly fragmented in India with top 10 players contributing only 20% of the industry revenue33. 2L` KYP]LYZ L_WLJ[LK [V PUÅ\LUJL [OL growth of Animation Industry in India 0UJYLHZLK6\[ZV\YJPUNI`6]LYZLHZ7SH`LYZ!;OLYLJLU[ economic slowdown has forced the organizations to increase focus on cost reduction leading to greater outsourcing to Asian countries, .YLH[LYV\[ZV\YJPUNZOHYLMVY0UKPHUWSH`LYZ!0UKPHUJVTWHUPLZ are being recognized for providing timely and quality work ,]VS\[PVUVM0UKPHUJVTWHUPLZ!0UKPHUJVTWHUPLZOH]LTV]LK up the value chain by developing animation content end-to-end. *VTWHUPLZHKVW[PUN[OLº*V7YVK\J[PVU»TVKLS (Revenue-Sharing) which opens high revenue opportunities 0UJYLHZPUN\ZHNLVM=PZ\HS,MMLJ[ZPU0UKPHU-PST0UK\Z[Y` (Bollywood) is expected to give a boost to the industry 0UJYLHZPUNHKVW[PVUVML3LHYUPUNI`JVYWVYH[LZLJ[VYHUK OPNOLYLK\JH[PVUPUZ[P[\[PVUZPU0UKPHPZHZPNUPÄJHU[VWWVY[\UP[` 32 33 PwC Report: India Entertainment and Media Outlook 2011 Italian Trade Commission Report 2010 on Indian Gaming and Animation Industry 27 | TV broadcast segment has the largest market share among the four ~50% KEY PLAYERS IN CUSTOM CONTENT DEVELOPMENT: - TATA Interactive Systems - Educomp - Everonn - Learning Mate - NIIT Ltd. KEY PLAYERS IN ANIMATION ENTERTAINMENT AND ANIMATION VFX ARE: - DQ Entertainment - UTV - Crest Animation Studios - Prime Focus - Toonz Animation - TATA Elxsi - Pixion - Prana Opportunities in Animation segment: ,K\JH[PVUHSPUZ[P[\[LZ!:JOVVSZ2/PNOLY,K\JH[PVU Institutes for their e-Learning requirements *VYWVYH[LMVY[OLPYLTWSV`LL[YHPUPUNPU[LYUHSJVTT\UPJH[PVU / web-site designing services/marketing collateral 0UK\Z[YPLZZ\JOHZ(]PH[PVU+LMLUJLMVYZWLJPHS[YHPUPUN requirements are customers of this segment 0UJYLHZLPU[OLVUSPULTHYRL[PUN 2.2.2. Gaming The Indian Gaming market stood at USD 0.18 bn in 2010 and is expected to register a growth rate of 24.9% p.a. to reach USD 0.56 bn by 201532. This includes the revenues both from the consumer market and the services market. The gaming industry comprises four segments: Console, Mobile, PC and Online. Console gaming has the highest share of 42% followed by mobile with 28%33. The Gaming consumer market in India comprises of PC Gaming, Mobile gaming, Console Gaming and Online Gaming. Gaming services market in India comprises: 6\[ZV\YJPUNKL]LSVWTLU[ZLY]PJLZ (UJPSSHY`ZLY]PJLZZ\JOHZ]VPJLHUKLTHPS)76Z\WWVY[[V MMOG (Massive Multiplayer Online Games) gamers worldwide, porting, testing, etc. Console Gaming: The console gaming segment had the highest market share of 42% in 200933. The console gaming segment is dominated by the foreign players. Mobile Gaming: The mobile gaming market in India has tremendous potential given that the mobile platform has the highest reach in India. It is estimated that over 3 mn users are engaged in mobile gaming every month. With falling mobile prices, presence of almost all the international players, introduction of 3G services, the mobile consumer base in India is increasing at 60% per annum33 which is expected to push demand for mobile games as well as its services manifolds. PC Gaming: ;OL ZPNUPÄJHU[ YL]LU\L PU [OL 7* NHTPUN KEY PLAYERS IN GAMING INDUSTRY: - Indiagames - Trine Entertainment - Lakshya Digital - Jamdat - The Porting Lab - Dhruva Interactive - FX labs 9A.HTLZ - Milestone eExpress, I-Energizer the trend of Massive Multi-Player Online Role Playing Games (MMORG) picking up. This is expected to lead to more development, testing and porting work for Indian players. .HTPUNLZWLJPHSS`TVIPSLNHTPUNPU0UKPHPZL_WLJ[LK[VNV up on account of increasing mobile and internet penetration coupled with increased affordability due to falling prices of games. Key Challenges in Animation and Gaming Industry The Indian Animation and Gaming industry holds a large potential. However, it faces numerous challenges in realizing the potential: /\NL[HSLU[JY\UJOILJH\ZLVMSPTP[LK[YHPUPUNPUZ[P[\[PVUZUVU standardized curriculum and lower awareness among students for animation and gaming *\S[\YHS*VUZ[YHPU[Z!(UPTH[PVUHUKNHTPUNPU0UKPHHZHU entertainment genre is restricted to kids. 3HJRVM.V]LYUTLU[Z\WWVY[PU[LYTZVMZ\IZPKPLZNYHU[Z rebates or tax treaties: This limits the cost advantage that Indian players offer compared to other outsourcing destinations 3HJRVMZ[YPUNLU[HU[PWPYHJ`SH^ZHUK079WYV[LJ[PVUPU0UKPH consumer market is shared by the foreign players with low margins. Online Gaming: Currently, advertising forms the major chunk (85%) of the revenues from online games market in India. However, as penetration of the internet in India and consumption of online games increases, this percentage is expected to change favourably towards subscription. Key growth drivers for the Indian Gaming Industry 0UJYLHZLK6\[ZV\YJPUN!.HTPUNWSH`LYZV]LYZLHZHYL increasingly focusing on cost reduction leading to greater outsourcing. 0UJYLHZLKZOHYLMVY0UKPHU*VTWHUPLZ!^P[O[OLZRPSSZL[ZVM[OL Indian companies, outsourcing share is expected to go up. 0UJYLHZLKKLTHUKMVY.HTPUN.SVIHS+VTLZ[PJ!.SVIHSS` gaming is expected to continue its growth especially with | 28 2.3. Education Education Sector is by far the largest capitalized space in India with USD 30 bn of government spend (3.7% of GDP), and a Network of ~1 million schools and 18,000 higher education PUZ[P[\[LZ @L[ [OL W\ISPJ LK\JH[PVU Z`Z[LT PZ ºPUZ\MÄJPLU[» HUK ºPULMÄJPLU[»SLHKPUN[VZWLUKZVM<:+IUVUWYP]H[LLK\JH[PVU 40% enrolled population attends 75000 private schools (7% of total schools). India’s current spend on education is at 5% of average household (HH) income and is growing at a CAGR of 8.6% versus consumption growth of 3.2% over 1995-2005. Due to rise in paying capacity and higher aspiration for education, spends on Private education is expected to increase to USD 80 bn by 2012. Indians spend over USD 13 bn annually on higher education in the overseas markets. The country’s literacy rate has improved from 64.8% during 2001 to 74% as per the Census 2011. Indian Education Sector (IES) - Structure (VALUES IN MN USD) REVENUES34 (2008) % SHARE OF TOTAL REVENUES (2012 E) CAGR (%) Formal IES 40000 80 65250 13 K12 (Kindergarten to 12th Standard) 20000 40 33779 14 Higher Education 20000 40 31470 12 Non-formal IES 10110 20 19608 18 Preschool 300 0.60 1026 36 Multimedia in private schools 70 0.14 459 60 ICT in govt schools 90 0.18 752 70 Coaching classes 6400 12.77 11194 15 Books 1500 2.99 3662 25 Table 10: Indian Education Sector Structure34 ICT in Education ICT in education sector consists of the implementation of various IT tools and applications which help facilitate imparting of better HUKLMÄJPLU[LK\JH[PVUHSZLY]PJLZ;OLTHYRL[ZPaLPZLZ[PTH[LK to be valued at USD 0.53 bn in 2010. 0*; HKVW[PVU PU ,K\JH[PVU PZ L_WLJ[LK [V NYV^ ZPNUPÄJHU[S` due to Government’s initiatives on PPPs and private sector investment in various high growth categories such as Multimedia and ICT applications in Schools despite the slow growth of IT/ ITES training segment. 34 IDFC-SSKI India Research 2009 29 | KEY ICT PLAYERS IN EDUCATION SECTOR ARE: Educomp Everonn NIIT Compucomm Public Providers Capacity Building School Teacher Content Development Curriculum Framework Classroom Student Monitoring and Evaluation Institutional Mechanism POLICY PLUS +L[HPSLK0TWSLTLU[H[PVU7SHUZ and Operational Strategies to support Policy Statements -PUHUJPHSHSSVJH[PVUZ[VYLHSPaL policy objectives 0UZ[P[\[PVUHS*HWHJP[` & Political and Administrative Will *VTT\UP[`KLTHUKMVY0*; Private Providers Figure 10: ICT for Education Ecosystem Non formal education opportunity 6YNHUPaLKWYLZJOVVSTHYRL[<:+TU"*(.9[PSS, 4\S[PTLKPHMVYWYP]H[LZJOVVSZ<:+Te*(.9[PSS,VMMLYZ]HS\LJYLH[PVUWV[LU[PHSZPUJLP[PZOPNOS` under penetrated and a technology-driven model. SEGMENT34 Multimedia in private schools Providing technology as an aid to chalk & talk in K12 under the BOOT model REVENUES (MN USD) 2008 2012 E 70 500 CAGR 60% GROWTH DRIVERS KEY RISKS 5% of private unaided schools have been covered – a highly unpenetrated market Large upfront investment Market potential in excess of USD1.5 bn Duplication of content Existing model set to witness high NYV^[OK\L[VPUÄUP[LYL[\YUVU investment for schools KEY PLAYERS Educomp –Smart Class Everonn – Vitels NIIT – Eguru ILFS – Kyan Plans to foray – Navneet Ebook An annuity model Table 11: Drivers, Risk and Key Players in ICT in non-formal Education Sector ICT in Government Schools Opportunity *\YYLU[S`<:+ TUTHYRL[^P[OWLUL[YH[PVUVMSLZZ[OHUPZL_WLJ[LK[VKV\ISLPUZPaLI` The Government is increasingly opting for Public Private Partnerships (PPP). | 30 SEGMENT34 ICT in public schools REVENUES (MN USD) 2008 2012 E 90 750 GROWTH DRIVERS KEY RISKS Underpenetrated market with 9% of Large upfront the government schools covered investment PPP in education Government to increase spends (allocation for SSA increased 4X in 11th Plan) L1 bidding leading to commoditization and low margins Providing IT infrastructure & training 29000 schools up for bidding in FY09 Long receivable cycles Funded bycentre/ states under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) KEY PLAYERS Educompp Everonn NIIT Compucomm Core Projects Various Regional Players Table 12: ICT in Government Schools Opportunity Vocational Training Market *\YYLU[S`H[<:+IU^P[OH*(.9VMHJJV\U[ZMVYVM[OLUVUMVYTHS0,:ZLNTLU[+VTLZ[PJ0;0;,:;YHPUPUNPZVUL third of the Vocational training market. SEGMENT34 Vocational Training Caters to Age group >14 years REVENUES (MN USD) 2008 2012 E 1500 3660 CAGR 25% (USD 550 mn for domestic IT training; USD 1 bn for vocational training such as retail, avaiation, English and FMT) GROWTH DRIVERS KEY RISKS KEY PLAYERS New opportunities apart from IT – retail, BFSI, English and Life skills trainings Slowdown in IT and other services sector Employers demand productivity from day one. Corporate training revenues have low margins; revenue lumpy in nature NIIT Aptech – IT and Aviation (Avalon) Jetking CMS ICA K10 Russell English Training -YHURÄUU India’s demographic dividend – surplus of 47mn working age population while shortage of 56mn for ROW by 2020E Table 13: Vocational Training Market Segment e-Learning35 With the advances in digital electronics, e-learning has become an effective tool to enrich the courseware content with multimedia features like audio, video, graphics and 3D-animation. reach to more and more learners and spread e-Learning from teaching of IT related subjects to other subjects in the school curricula. MICROSOFT – ‘PROJECT SHIKSHA’ ,3LHYUPUNPZVULVM[OL[OY\Z[HYLHZPKLU[PÄLKI`[OL/\THU 9LZV\YJL+L]LSVWTLU[+LWHY[TLU[VM[OL<UPVU.V]LYUTLU[ The thrust of the e-Learning programme is to effectively integrate e-Learning methodology and approach with the JVU]LU[PVUHS JSHZZYVVT Z`Z[LT [V TH_PTPaL [OL ILULÄ[Z ÅV^PUNMYVT[OL[YHKP[PVUHSLK\JH[PVUZ`Z[LTPUJYLHZLP[Z 35 31 | Instils ICT skills required to enhance the teaching learning process INTEL TECH PROGRAM Provides in-service and pre-service teacher training to help teachers integrate technology in the class room Major ICT Initiatives in Education in India36 1. Teacher Training Teacher training activities to date focus mainly on computer literacy instead of enabling teachers to integrate ICT in their day-to-day teaching activities and master the use of ICT as an effective tool to improve teaching and learning. 2. ICT Infrastructure in Schools ICT as a subject in the curriculum and the corresponding establishment of computer laboratories is a key focus in the policy framework in India. As a result most of the initiatives taken by the government involve providing computer laboratories to schools particularly secondary and higher secondary schools. Many private and non government organizations, either independently or in collaboration with the government, have also been providing computer to schools. Apart from computers, some other ICT facilities such as satellite broadcasting, video-conferencing and multi-media storage technology (CD-ROMS & DVDs) can be seen in schools. 3. ICT for Non-Formal Education (NFE) Non Formal Education (NFE) has been encouraged to provide mass education to the large majority who were outside the ambit of the formal school system. ICT could be a useful tool to reach out to such people. 4. Open & Distance Learning (ODL) 0U0UKPH[OLILULÄ[ZVMHU6+3Z`Z[LTOH]LILLUL_[LUKLKH[ the school level. The imperative of developing an ODL system more or less came from recognition of the need to promote mass education. Historically, the ODL institutes were using traditional print supplemented with video and audio based programmes. However, more recently with the development of innovative and modern technology, these institutes have begun integrating video conferencing and other multimedia tools. Government Initiatives ;OL WVSPJ` MYHTL^VYR ÄUHUJPHS Z\WWVY[ HUK N\PKLSPULZ [V ensure a national standard of education are provided by the Government of India through the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). The implementation of the policies and guidelines is primarily done at the state level. Some of the key initiatives to use ICT in Education are as follows: .V]LYUTLU[»Z::(,K\JH[PVUMVY(SSPUP[PH[P]LSH\UJOLKPU LUJV\YHNLZZ[H[LZ[V\ZL[OL0*;HUKZH[LSSP[L,+<:(; (Education Satellite) to provide distance education. ;OL0*;H[:JOVVSZ^HZSH\UJOLKPU^P[OH]PL^[V 36 provide opportunities to students to develop their ICT skills as well as use ICTs to aid the teaching learning process. <UKLY[OPZZJOLTLZ\WWVY[PZWYV]PKLKMVYWYVJ\YLTLU[VM computers, peripherals, software, connectivity, and so on. ;OL5H[PVUHS4PZZPVUVU,K\JH[PVU[OYV\NO0*;SH\UJOLK in 2009, aims to leverage ICTs for enhancing the teaching learning experience of learners. The Mission focuses on content generation and providing connectivity. 4VYLYLJLU[PUP[PH[P]LZPUJS\KL\WNYHKLZ[V[OL,K\JH[PVU and Research Network (ERNET) connecting various universities and regional engineering colleges (RECs), SV^LYPUNJ\Z[VTZK\[PLZVU0;WYVK\J[ZHSSV^PUN foreign investment and passing the Information Technology Act, 2000. Key Drivers of ICT in Education The experience with the open education system so far has convinced policy-makers in the government that use of ICT in education has great potential to supplement the formal education system and to provide quality education to large segments of population through cost-effective, open, and ÅL_PISL THUULY 6WLU LK\JH[PVU Z`Z[LTZ HYL PUP[PH[LK PU TVZ[VM[OLZ[H[LZ"OV^L]LY[OLPYKL]LSVWTLU[PZH[KPMMLYLU[ levels. Encouraging Government initiatives to build capacity and ensure higher rural education penetration, Private Sector Investment through PPPs, high requirement of physical infrastructure for Education to keep pace with requirement due to population growth and improved aspirations, and need for better and high quality educational services are boosting the ICT usage in education. INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Provides a two year diploma course in primary education by using print material supplemented with radio and television program SARVA SHIKSHA ABHIYAAN (SSA) SSA in collaboration with IL&FS Education and Technology service limited is in the process of establishing computer labs in 200 schools in Bihar EduSat – Education Satellite EduSat facilities are being used by schools across the nation to provide high speed internet connectivity EduComp Solutions Ltd. EduComp partnered with state government to provide infrastructural support and content to over 14000 government schools Survey of ICTs for education in India & South Asia, 2010 infoDev & PwC | 32 Key Challenges India faces a number of unresolved issues and challenges for the adoption of ICT in the education sector: 3V^3P[LYHJ`3L]LS!3P[LYHJ`SL]LSZPU0UKPHHYLSV^L]LU those deemed to be literate are perhaps not competent enough to receive IT education. ;LJOUVWOVIPH!;VPUJYLHZLKPNP[HSSP[LYHJ`SL]LSZHTVUN students and teachers, steps will need to be taken to overcome their technophobia. Teachers are typically wary of technology. 4VUP[VYPUNHUK,]HS\H[PVU!;OLWLUL[YH[PVUVMOHYK^HYL PZMHPYS`OPNOPUTVZ[ZJOVVSZ"OV^L]LY[OLSL]LSVM\ZHNL is debatable since there is no auditing or monitoring to see whether students are actually using these computers. .\PKLSPULZMVY7YVJ\YPUN*VU[LU[!;OLYLHYLHSZVUVJSLHY guidelines available for procuring quality content. Identifying quality content is a common constraint for schools looking to use ICT-enabled teaching learning practices. 33 | 0UZ[P[\[PVUHSMYHNTLU[H[PVU!*\YYPJ\S\TKLJPZPVUZ infrastructure decisions, content decisions, policy making, and policy implementation are all taken up by different bodies at different levels. 7VVY0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YL!9\YHS0UKPHMHJLZV[OLYPUMYHZ[Y\J[\YL PZZ\LZSPRLSL]LSVMPU[LYUL[WLUL[YH[PVUHUKSV^LSLJ[YPÄJH[PVU 6[OLYJVUZ[YHPU[ZMHJLKI`0UKPHPUJS\KLSPUN\PZ[PJKP]LYZP[` and income disparity. 2.4. Manufacturing The manufacturing sector is estimated at market capitalisation of USD 520 bn by 2014-1537. Over last two decades, a large number of MNCs across different verticals have set up their manufacturing units in India. The major reasons are the availability of educated and cheap workforce as well as to tap the large Indian market. These MNCs bring their own set of ICT solutions, for manufacturing, with them which is at par with the global standards. The manufacturing sector of India comprises approximately 53 lakh units. These units are spread across various verticals with highest contribution from Food and Beverages followed by Textile, Fabricated Metal Products, etc. However the majority of players (99% of manufacturing units) in India qualify under the Micro, Small and Medium ,U[LYWYPZL4:4,JH[LNVY`HUK[OLZLÄYTZSHJRL]LU[OL basic ICT services. The IT spending in the manufacturing sector as a percentage of revenue in FY09 and FY10 are 0.6% and 0.8% respectively38. To remain competitive in the global scenario it has become PTWLYH[P]LMVY[OLZLÄYTZ[VHKVW[0*;MVY[OLPYZ`Z[LT Status of Technology The contribution of the manufacturing sector in the GDP of 0UKPHOHZILLUJVUZ[HU[H[HYV\UKV]LY[OLWHZ[KLJHKL India’s manufacturing strength lies within the micro, small and medium enterprises with close to 99 per cent of the total units falling under the same Opportunities MSMEs in India have very different business practices and are ÄUKPUNP[]LY`KPMÄJ\S[[VJVTWL[LPU[OLNSVIHSZJLUHYPV(SZV[OL MSMEs in India are new to the idea of keeping a budget for ICT and they avail the services when the requirement arises. There is an increasing trend of MSMEs adopting the ICT solutions but a lot of hesitation has been observed due to lack of success stories. Opportunities exist in the MSME domain for ICT companies if they can address the issues of: 4HWWPUN[OLI\ZPULZZWYVJLZZLZ^P[O^VYRÅV^ZMVYJ\Z[VTPZPUN software applications to smoothen the adoption system :`Z[LTZMVYZ[YLHTSPUPUN[OLÄUHUJLZ )L[[LYPU]LU[VY`JVU[YVS 0KLU[PM`PUN[OLYLX\PYLTLU[VM[OLPUK\Z[Y`HUKWYV]PKPUNÄYT ZWLJPÄJ0*;ZVS\[PVUZ :PTWSPM`PUNJVTWSL_HKVW[PVUZ`Z[LT 7YV]PKPUN[OL[YHPUPUNHUKHM[LYZHSLZZLY]PJLZHM[LYPTWSLTLU[PUN the solutions There is awareness about basic ICT solutions (communication, JVSSHIVYH[PVU ÄUHUJL HJJV\U[PUN HUK WH`YVSS /9 management). ICT solutions for core manufacturing processes ÄUKH^HYLULZZTVZ[S`HTVUNTLKP\TSL]LSTHU\MHJ[\YPUNÄYTZ Adoption of ERP is at a very nascent stage with only 7 per cent adoption among the manufacturing units. One of the major barriers in its adoption is the lack of reliable and trustworthy system integrators, especially in smaller cities. Core ICT solutions for manufacturing such as ERP and DMSS HYL Z[Y\NNSPUN [V THRL [OLPY ^H` HTVUN THU\MHJ[\YPUN ÄYTZ 3V^LY\ZHNLSL]LSOHZILLUVIZLY]LKPUÄYTZ[OH[KVUV[PU]LZ[ in training at the time of ICT deployment. It is observed that the verticals with comparatively high technological maturity seem to be ahead of the others in the 0*;HKVW[PVU"L_HTWSLZHYLH\[VJVTWVULU[ZJOLTPJHSZHUK electrical machinery. For instance in the auto industry, the automobile original equipments manufacturers in the country use advanced technology and are large in size and they have high level of ICT adoption. This has resulted in a top-down push towards Tier I suppliers who are auto component manufacturers. Demand Drivers The demand drivers in the sectors are requirement of the manufacturer for better business process systems for PTWYV]LTLU[PU[OLLMÄJPLUJ`;OLMVSSV^PUNHYL[OLRL`ILULÄ[Z manufacturers seek and drive the manufacturer for adopting ICT: 7YVJLZZÅV^HUKIL[[LYPU]LU[VY`JVU[YVS ,_[LYUHSMHJ[VYZZ\JOHZJSPLU[YLX\PYLTLU[ZJVTWSPHUJLHUK to tackle competition in the market -HZ[LYJVTT\UPJH[PVU^OPJOSLHKZ[VPUMVYTLKKLJPZPVUTHRPUN -PUHUJLHUKHJJV\U[PUNM\UJ[PVUZOLSWÄYTZJVTWS`^P[O[OL accounting standards )\ZPULZZKL]LSVWTLU[HJ[P]P[PLZ ;OLPKLU[PÄLK0*;ZVS\[PVUZMVY[OLTHU\MHJ[\YPUNZLJ[VYHYL \UKLY[OLKVTHPUZVM!JVSSHIVYH[PVUJVTT\UPJH[PVUÄUHUJPUN & accounting, payroll & HR management, procurement, order processing, product lifecycle, quality management, centralised system (ERP), decision support system 37 38 Study by Confederation of Indian Industry and the Boston Consulting Group Adapted from Zinnov Study | 34 Major Challenges The challenges faced by the technology service provider can be IYVHKS`JSHZZPÄLK\UKLYOHYK^HYLZVM[^HYLHUKZLY]PJLZ ;OLZVM[^HYLJOHSSLUNLPZ[VHKKYLZZ[OLPTWSLTLU[H[PVU piracy and local language issue /HYK^HYLZLJ[PVUPZWSHN\LK^P[OOPNOJVZ[HZZVJPH[LK^P[O infrastructure and taxes ;OLZLY]PJLZLJ[PVUJOHSSLUNLSPLZPUWYV]PKPUNX\HSPÄLKHUK trained service providers for various services such as system implementation, support and maintenance At the customer level, awareness is the biggest challenge that hinders the growth of ICT adoption among Indian manufacturing ÄYTZ(Z[OL0*;ZVS\[PVUZHYLJSHZZPÄLK\UKLYIHZPJHUK core ICT solutions, the basic ICT services have high awareness among the MSMEs which is attributed to its free and low cost availability. Core ICT solutions are able to maintain awareness only among medium sized manufacturers. Other challenges H[ [OL ÄYT SL]LS HYL! (IZLUJL VM WYVWLY ZVS\[PVUZ (IZLUJL VM experts, Complex adoption system and Budgets. 35 | 2.5. Telecom India is the world’s second-largest telecom market. The total subscriber base (including landline and wireless) reached 787.28 million10 in December 2010. It is an important contributor to India’s GDP with a total market worth USD 33 bn; and has grown at a CAGR of 10.53% (by revenue) and 34.66% (by no of subscribers). It has been one of the high growth areas over the last decade and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10.1% by subscribers (2010 to 2015)39. Teledensity in Wireless and Landline Teledensity % ;V[HS >PYLSLZZ 3HUKSPUL -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ -@ :LW Figure 11: Teledensity in Wireless and Landline Urban subscribers account for more than 65% of the total subscribers. About 24% (by revenues) of the market is occupied by the public sector. The easy access to mobile services is the outcome of positive regulatory changes, intense competition among multiple VWLYH[VYZ SV^WYPJLK OHUKZL[Z SV^ [HYPMMZ HUK ZPNUPÄJHU[ investments in telecom infrastructure and networks. Wireless Mobile Market The growth of the Telecom Industry has been largely driven by the growth seen in the wireless telecom sector. This segment has seen grown at CAGR of 77.5% from 2000 to 2010, it is expected to grow at an overall CAGR of 10.1% from 2011 to 2020 with rural and low income groups being the major drivers. The sector is dominated largely by private players. On the technology front, GSM is more popular than CDMA in India. .VPUN MVY^HYK ÄUHUJPHS WYLZZ\YLZ HUK ZOYPURPUN WYVÄ[ THYNPUZ due to competition and low Average Revenue per User (ARPU) HYPZPUNV\[VMZPNUPÄJHU[PUHJ[P]LHUKT\S[PWSL\ZLYZPZL_WLJ[LK to lead to consolidation in the sector. 39 <YIHU 9\YHS Figure 12: Telecom Urban – Rural Divide Indian Wireless Market 39 Second largest market after China Total subscriber of 584.3 mn in FY10 ;LSLKLUZP[`VMPU:LW[ EnY Report – Enabling next wave of Telecom growth in India, 2011 | 36 Wireless Subscriber’s Forecast Wireless Technology GSM vs. CDMA 0UTPSSPVUZ - - - - - - .:4 Figure 13: Wireless Subscribers Forecast and GSM – CDMA Divide *+4( +H[HHZVM:LW[ $TU Wireline The wireline market has grown at a meagre CAGR of 3.3% from 2000 to 2010. It is expected to grow at CAGR of 4%, to reach 29 million by 2015. The wireline market is dominated by the government controlled Public sector organizations who also offer wireless services. A ML^WYP]H[LWSH`LYZOH]LHSZV]LU[\YLKPU[V[OLÄ_LKSPULTHYRL[ offering services like Value Added Services such as high-speed internet access, video on demand and videoconferencing. While the landline market has not grown as extensively compared to the growth in wireless infrastructure, there is opportunity for growth in data services. Emergence of new technologies such as ÄILY[V[OLOVTLPZL_WLJ[LK[VKYP]L[OLNYV^[OVM[OL^PYLSPUL market in India. WIRELINE MARKET39 Wireline Market39 Subscriber of 37 mn in FY10 ;LSLKLUZP[`VMPU:LW[ Z\IZJYPILYZPU<YIHUHYLHZ (ZVM:LW[OLYL^LYLTUW\ISPJJHSSVMÄJLZHUK village public telephones Internet and Broadband The market for Internet and Broadband in India has grown at a CAGR of 24% and 117% to reach 16 mn and 9 mn, respectively in 2010. In terms of revenue the total market is worth USD 1.9 bn in FY201040. The growth is primarily due to increased presence of the private players, emergence of new technologies and upgradation of telecom infrastructure. 0U[LYUL[ )YVHKIHUK Figure 14: Internet and Broadband Subscribers 39 40 -@ -@ -@ -@ EnY Report – Enabling next wave of Telecom growth in India, 2011 37 | -@ -@ :LW The growth of broadband is expected to increase with uptake of 3G and BWA services and is expected to reach 150 million by 2020. 5VVMOV\ZLOVSKZPUTPSSPVUZ 5VVMIYVHKIHUKJVUULJ[PVUZPUTPSSPVUZ Figure 15: Broadband subscribers Forecast Value Added Services (VAS) Broadband penetration in India is currently concentrated in urban areas driven by affordability and availability. Expansion of internet and broadband services opens up host of opportunities for education, governance, entrepreneurship and services sector. The opportunities hold a much larger promise for India’s large low-income population and a growing economy. TYPE OF VAS MARKET SHARE The VAS market in India has been growing at a CAGR of over 50% during 2006–10. Following is the structure of the VAS market: Share of m-commerce is expected to grow with the growth of e-commerce EXAMPLES Entertainment VAS 57% SMS Jokes, Callertunes, Music Downloads Information VAS 39% News, Weather reports, Stock updates m-commerce 4% Mobile Ticketing, Mobile as debit cards, money transfer etc Table 14: Value Added Services (VAS) Market Share Increasing subscriber base, competition forcing operators to differentiate, pressure on earnings through basic telephony services and the rollout of 3G services is expected to drive the mobile VAS market in the future, creating opportunities for both telecom operators and companies engaged in VAS. KEY PLAYERS IN VAS SEGMENT The key players in this sector are: all mobile operators, Onmobile, Webaroo, Bharti Telesoft etc. Market Size of VAS 0U<:+IPSSPVUZ Figure 16: VAS Market Size Source: EnY Report - Enabling next wave of Telecom growth in India, 2011 - | 38 Enterprise Data NLD (National Long Distance) and ILD (International Long Distance) are two segments of the enterprise data market in India. NLD & ILD’s Market revenue in FY10 was USD 3.64 bn & USD 3.91 bn respectively. Overall the enterprise data market in India is growing at a CAGR of 10% and is expected to touch the USD 10 bn mark in the next 5 years. The growing demand for connectivity is coming primarily from the IT and IT-enabled ZLY]PJLZ ZLJ[VY 0;L: [OL ÄUHUJPHS ZLY]PJLZ ZLJ[VY HUK [OL government. Most large global players have set up operations in India to cater to the connectivity needs of their customers. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is considered a key enterprise application for lowering operating costs. It has spurred the demand for IP-based virtual private network (IP-VPN) services in India. The other services relevant to this segment are international private leased circuits, internet connectivity; multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) based IP-VPN services, and national and international data connectivity. Telecom Infrastructure Today, there are an estimated 425,455 telecom towers in India. ;OL[LSLJVTPUMYHZ[Y\J[\YLPUK\Z[Y`MHJLZSV^WYVÄ[HIPSP[`HUKOHZ a pre-tax margin of 7%–8%. Overall, the industry has invested about USD 22 bn and is expected to invest another USD 11 bn over the next two years. Other Key Opportunities: The wireless telecom and internet & broadband markets would continue to grow in double digits for some years to come, and thus present very good opportunity overall. Some of the key areas where markets are expected to be very lucrative: 3-G Services: It is expected to account for 20% of market share (more than USD 10 bn by some estimates) by 2020. )>((Broadband Wireless Access): It is expected that this technology would have transformational change on the broadband penetration in India. The whole ecosystem still needs to develop though. 4HK]LY[PZPUN: This market is expected to take off once the 3G deployments are complete with videos adding another avenue of advertising. 4JVTTLYJL!In India a large chunk of population is unbanked HUKTJVTTLYJL^PSSWSH`HTHQVYYVSLPUÄUHUJPHSPUJS\ZPVU 4OLHS[O! M-health applications enable real-time collection of health data, delivery of health care information to practitioners, researchers and patients and real-time monitoring of patients. 0[OHZZPNUPÄJHU[WV[LU[PHS[V[YHUZMVYT[OLOLHS[OJHYLKLSP]LY` in India 39 | KEY PLAYERS IN ENTEPRISE DATA SERVICES The key players in this sector are Tulip, Tata communications, Reliance Communications etc KEY PLAYERS IN TELECOM INFRASTRUCTURE The key players in this sector are Bharti Infratel, Indus Towers, Reliance Infratel, BSNL, MTNL etc Key Challenges 0UJYLHZLK*VTWL[P[PVUHUK+PTPUPZOPUN Revenue Streams: With new players entering the market, telecommunications companies are competing strongly and selling products and services beyond their core offerings and at much cheaper prices. This is resulting in less revenue from traditional sources, TVYLWYLZZ\YLVUWYVÄ[THYNPUZHUKHU\YNLUJ`[VÄUKUL^ revenue streams by investing in new technologies such as VoIP VYÄ_LKTVIPSLJVU]LYNLUJL /PNOJHWP[HSPU]LZ[TLU[Z^LSSLZ[HISPZOLKWSH`LYZ^OV have a nationwide network, license fee, continuously evolving technology and lowest tariffs in the world are key challenges for new players :[HNUH[PVUVMNYV^[OPU[OLSHUKSPULTHYRL[PZHJOHSSLUNLMVY Industry for holistic growth 0UHKLX\H[LPUMYHZ[Y\J[\YLHIZLUJLVMSV^JVZ[KL]PJLZ inadequate content and applications in regional languages are some of the challenges for broadband penetration, a key parameter which is accepted as a measure of a country’s ability to compete as an economic power. ;OLH]HPSHIPSP[`VMZWLJ[Y\TMVYJVTTLYJPHSZLY]PJLZPU0UKPH is below the required levels. In the absence of a long-term plan to meet future requirements, the advent of new technologies is L_WLJ[LK[VJYLH[LJVUÅPJ[ZMVYZWLJ[Y\T ;OLPUK\Z[Y`Z\MMLYZMYVTHO\NLYLN\SH[VY`YPZRK\L[V uncertainty in licensing and spectrum policy, lack of domestic THU\MHJ[\YPUNHUKSVZ[VWWVY[\UP[PLZPUM\SÄSSPUN[OL\UP]LYZHS service obligation. 7VVYNV]LYUHUJLVM[LUSLHKPUN[VUVU[YHUZWHYLU[HUK controversial implementation of policies (2G Scam) Key Drivers *\YYLU[S`TVYL[OHUVMIPSSPVU0UKPHUYLZPKLPUY\YHS areas where the teledensity is 28.4 % (as of Sept, 2010). The total broadband density in India is at 0.7%. The GoI’s aim to reach rural teledensity of 40% by 2014 from the current levels and achieve broadband coverage of all 250,000 village panchayats under the Bharat Nirman Program. 9LK\JPUN;HYPMMHUKH]HPSHIPSP[`VMJOLHWOHUKZL[THRPUNTVIPSL telephony affordable for masses 4VIPSP[`HUK*VUULJ[P]P[`!;OLNYV^PUNULLKVMOPNOTVIPSP[` and staying connected is the prime driver for the entire category. 0[PZL_WLJ[LK[OH[[OLZOHYLVM.Z\IZJYPILYZJ\YYLU[S`H[ about 3% would increase to about 20% by 2020 and data services would increasingly account for a higher chunk of revenues. ;OLZOHYLVM^PYLSLZZ[LJOUVSVN`PUIYVHKIHUKKH[HJHYKZ etc) continues to be negligible (1.6%) and remains to be fully exploited, especially in the case of broadband services. ;LJOUVSVN`KL]LSVWTLU[HUKOPNOLYHKVW[PVUVMV[OLY enterprise data services (like ILD, NLD) is expected to drive the growth. | 40 2.6. Finance, Banking & Insurance Indian Financial Intermediation market comprises of range of players like Public Sector Banks, Private Banks, Foreign Banks, Cooperative banks, Regional Rural Banks (RRB’s), Non Banking Financial Companies (NBFC’s), Housing Finance Companies /-*»Z 7VZ[ VMÄJLZ 4PJYVÄUHUJL 0UZ[P[\[PVUZ 4-0»Z HUK neighbourhood money lenders. Over the last decade, the size of the banking industry has grown by 7.5 times. The business per employee has increased from <:+ TU PU -@ [V TU PU -@ ^OPSL [OL WYVÄ[ WLY employee increased from USD 2000 in FY06 to USD 8700 in FY1041. ICT in Banking and Financial Services ICT has been instrumental in the global expansion of banks. It has helped banks put in place alternate delivery channels such as internet and phone. Mobile banking and ATMs are rapidly becoming the prime delivery channels. Key areas where the ICT has direct application in banking sector are: ,)HURPUN! Using alternative delivery channels such as Phone, (;44VIPSL0U[LYUL[HUKJYLH[PVUVMUL^ÄUHUJPHSZLY]PJLZ & products such as DMAT, utility bill payment, Electronic fund transfer, Payment gateway etc. *VYL)HURPUN:LY]PJLZ!Basic business of a bank or a ÄUHUJPHSPUZ[P[\[PVU0[PZ[HRPUNKLWVZP[ZMYVTJ\Z[VTLYZHUK lending to customers ,SLJ[YVUPJ*SLHYPUN:LY]PJL,*:! Mode of electronic fund transfer in quick manner across branches of one bank to any other bank through a central gateway -\UK[YHUZMLYWYV[VJVSZ used by the banks 4\S[PHWWSPJH[PVU:THY[*HYKZ! Payment system based on the inter-operable systems and technological components of the entire system ,SLJ[YVUPJ+H[H;YHUZMLY!Sharing of various electronic document 4VIPSL)HURPUN!Banking transactions using mobile phones by bank customers 6[OLY0;ZWLJPÄJHYLHZ! In addition e-CRM, e-insurance and various other softwares are used for accounting and other functional requirements of the Insurance Company. Mobile Banking: Mobile banking is set to revolutionize the way banking is done in India. Currently, 5% of mobile phone subscribers of reported 700 mn are registered for the service. Even among the registered users, only a small fraction uses it regularly. Approximately 680,000 transactions worth USD 13.55 mn is conducted every month. Mobile banking in India is set to generate a fee-based PUJVTLVM<:+IUV]LY[OLUL_[Ä]L`LHYZTHPUS`KYP]LUI` lower transaction costs, favourable regulatory environment and the UID project. SUCCESS FACTORS FOR MOBILE BANKING SOLUTIONS: - Mass Reach - Security Levels - Convenient and easy - Service provider agnostic - Low set-up costs and time / no additional infrastructure - Competitive pricing with existing methods By 2015, USD 350 bn in payment and banking transactions JV\SKÅV^[OYV\NOTVIPSLWOVULZJVTWHYLK^P[OHIV\[<:+ 235 bn of total credit-and debit-card transactions today. Key development in M-Banking: 047:0U[LYIHUR4VIPSL7H`TLU[Z:LY]PJLHTVIPSLIHURPUN service, offers an instant, 24X7, interbank electronic fund transfer service through mobile phones. It is one of the fastest growing subsectors under the mobile banking. 7YLWHPK>HSSL[ZHUK4VIPSL76:!:[VYLK]HS\LWYLWHPK^HSSL[Z are being experimented in a large way in India and it is believed [OH[WYLWHPKIHZLKTVIPSL^HSSL[ZJHUKYP]LÄUHUJPHSPUJS\ZPVU ICT in Insurance Electronic Payments The key areas of ICT applications in insurance sector are: ,*94! Insurance industry is a data-rich industry, and thus, there is a need to use the data for trend analysis and personalization. E-CRM helps in reducing the cost of marketing ^OPJOPUJYLHZLZ[OLWYVÄ[VMI\ZPULZZ ,0UZ\YHUJL! This provides convenience to the customer to have all information at the click of a button like on-line status of balance premium, maturity date, dues and outstanding, payments and payments etc. In 2010, India’s electronic payments were USD 17 trillion. There OHZILLUZPNUPÄJHU[NYV^[OPU[OLLSLJ[YVUPJWH`TLU[ZMYVT below 5% of the total value in FY05 to 88% in FY10, largely K\L[V[OLLSLJ[YVUPÄJH[PVUVMI\ZPULZZ[VI\ZPULZZWH`TLU[Z 41 IDRBT Report 41 | With over USD 133 bn payments from bank accounts via ECS and NEFT, electronic fund transfers have emerged as the muchpreferred option for transactions, with an increasing orientation toward cashless and even cheque-less payments in India. Payment Flows as Times of GDP 0UJVYWVYH[PVUVMHUHS`[PJZHZKVTPUHU[[LJOUVSVN`SLHKPUN[V increase in cross sales *94MVYPUUV]H[PVU *94^P[O[OLHK]LU[VM>,) THE GROWTH TREND Peak volume of RTGS transactions, increased to 248000 transactions in 2010, compared to 128000 transactions in 2009 <: 0;(3@ )9(A03 05+0( NEFT volume of transactions processed has increased to 13.5 mn in 7H`TLU[-SV^Z[PTLZVM.+7 February 2011 Figure 17: Payment Flow as times of GDP41 IT Implementation and Management Key trends and development in Electronic Payments segment: ,SLJ[YVUPJVUSPULTVKLVMWH`TLU[ZMVY[OLW\YJOHZLVM goods and services 4HRPUNWH`TLU[Z[VW\ISPJ\[PSP[`JVTWHUPLZ 0TWSLTLU[H[PVUVM[OLUL_[NLULYH[PVUYLHS[PTLNYVZZ settlement (NG-RTGS) system 7YLWHPKJHYKZPUJHYKIHZLKWHWLYIHZLKHUKV[OLYLSLJ[YVUPJ formats, including virtual/mobile wallets The RBI has set the guidelines for technological requirements VUJVYLIHURPUNZVS\[PVUZ*):MVYHSS[OLIHURPUNHUKÄUHUJPHS services companies. The major areas of focus for the banks in the IT implementation are: ;LJOUVSVN`ZVS\[PVUZ0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YLTHUHNLTLU[:`Z[LTZ management 0;PUMVYTH[PVUZLJ\YP[`PUZ[HSSH[PVUVMÄYL^HSSZUL[^VYRIHZLK intrusion prevention system (NIPS) and host-based intrusion prevention system (HIPS) as well as the installation of antispam and anti-virus) 0;NV]LYUHUJLYPZRHUKJVTWSPHUJL.9* 0;HZ:[YH[LNPJ,UHISLY[V9LK\JL*VZ[ZVY0UJYLHZL9L]LU\LZ )HJR\WHUK+PZHZ[LY4HUHNLTLU[7SHU ,ULYN`4HUHNLTLU[ CRM Initiatives CRM has been in India for a long time now, but its penetration, LZWLJPHSS` PU [OL ÄUHUJPHS ZLY]PJLZ THYRL[ OHZ ILLU YH[OLY limited. A higher penetration can be achieved only when banks have a robust CRM system running across the entire organization seamlessly across channels providing customers with the right product at the right time through the right channel. Following are the key areas on which the banks are focusing upon to enhance their CRM capabilities: *\Z[VTLYLK\JH[PVU .YPL]HUJLZOHUKSPUN *\Z[VTLYZLY]PJLKLSP]LY`JOHUULS *YVZZJOHUULSPU[LNYH[PVU KEY IT INITIATIVES OF BANKS FOR INTERNAL EFFECTIVENESS +H[HJVSSLJ[PVUWHJRHNLMVY[OL]HYPV\Z)HUJHZZ\YHUJLWYVK\J[ZVM[OLIHUR *LU[YHSPaLK^LIIHZLKPUZWLJ[PVUPUMVYTH[PVUZ`Z[LT *SHPTPUNYLPTI\YZLTLU[VM-0;-\UKZPU[YHUZP[(;4JHZO[OYV\NO9(*:9LJVUJPSPH[PVUHJJV\U[PUNHUKJHZOZL[[SLTLU[ 9L]PL^HUKYLUL^HSVMZ[Y\J[\YLKSVHUWYVK\J[Z (\[VTH[LKZVS\[PVU[VTV]LHJJV\U[Z\UKLYZ\I]LU[PVUWYVK\J[Z[VUVUZ\I]LU[PVUWYVK\J[ZVU[OLZWLJPÄLKKH[L (subvention end date) 0UW\[KH[HLU[Y`ZJYLLU[VLU[LYKH[HYLSH[LK[V[OL(;4HJJLZZ 6USPUL[H_HJJV\U[PUNZ`Z[LT63;(:LSLJ[YVUPJHJJV\U[PUNZ`Z[LTPUL_JPZLHUKZLY]PJL[H_,(:0,:;PTWSLTLU[LKPUHSS designated branches 0U[LNYH[LK[YLHZ\Y`ZVM[^HYLMVYKVTLZ[PJHUKMVYL_[YLHZ\Y`VWLYH[PVUZPTWSLTLU[LK /94ZVM[^HYL[VH\[VTH[L/9YLSH[LKHJ[P]P[PLZPTWSLTLU[LK"JLU[YHSPaLKWYVJLZZPUNVMZHSHY`WLUZPVUKLWVZP[WYVJLZZPUN clearing operations for both inward and outward clearing (\[VTH[LKWLYMVYTHUJLHWWYHPZHSZ`Z[LTZ | 42 Financial Inclusion (FI): -0 LU[HPSZ KLSP]LYPUN VM ÄUHUJPHS ZLY]PJLZ H[ HMMVYKHISL JVZ[Z to disadvantaged and low income segments of society. It is addressing the last mile issue through various technology alternatives like mobile banking, conventional cards, smart cards, Common Service Centres, low cost ATMs, hand held devices etc. Key facts: TUMHYTLYOV\ZLOVSKZPU[OLJV\U[Y`V\[VMH total of 89.3 mn43 households do not access credit, either from institutional or non-institutional sources +LZWP[L[OL]HZ[UL[^VYRVMIHURIYHUJOLZVUS`VM[V[HS farm households are indebted to formal sources (of which onethird also borrow from informal sources The primary models, which include the key stakeholders, adopted by banks to establish a linkage with the excluded populace are: )\ZPULZZJVYYLZWVUKLU[Z)*Z :LSMOLSWNYV\WSPURHNL )YHUJOSLZZIHURPUN·TVIPSL]HUZ )\SRSLUKPUN[V4-0Z 4VIPSLIHZLK·47HPZHHUK047: 4VZ[IHURZOH]LHZL[\WHZLWHYH[L0;PUMYHZ[Y\J[\YLMVYÄUHUJPHS inclusion. There are systems geared for low-value high-volume transactions with implementations varying from 500 to 1,500 transactions per second. ;OL[LJOUVSVNPLZKLWSV`LKMVYÄUHUJPHSPUJS\ZPVUHYL! )PVTL[YPJZTHY[JHYK /HUKOLSKIPVTL[YPJ76:KL]PJL^P[OSVJHSSHUN\HNL incorporation functionality) for authentication and transaction .79:LUHISLKTVIPSLWOVULZ *VYLIHURPUNZVS\[PVU 6[OLY0*;[VVSZ\ZLKMVYÄUHUJPHSPUJS\ZPVUHYL!7*206:2 Finger printing devices, Point of transaction terminal (POT) Following are few pointers towards the future trends: 0UJYLHZLKLMMVY[MYVTIHURZ[VJV]LY[OL\UIHURLKWVW\SH[PVU through the BC and SHG route 0ZZ\LVMHZTHY[JHYK[V[OLMHYTLYVU^OPJOHSSOPZ[YHUZHJ[PVUZ are recorded, a hand-held terminal with the BC (Business Correspondents) at the village level and a Central Processor Unit (CPU) linking the smart cards and BC terminals with the banks has emerged as the most apt solution ,_[LUZPVUVMIHURPUNV\[WVZ[Z[VYLTV[LSVJH[PVUZ^P[OV\[ having to open bank branches in the area due to recent developments in banking technology and expansion of telecommunication network in the hinterlands of the country 0UJYLHZLPU4VIPSLYLTP[[HUJLHUK[YHUZMLYZMYVT[OLTPNYH[VY` labour 43 42 <5+7^VYRZOVW)HJRNYV\UK5V[L Rangrajan Committee Report 43 | Farm house-holds not accessing credit from formal sources as HWYVWVY[PVU[V[V[HSMHYTOV\ZLOVSKZPZZPNUPÄJHU[S`OPNOPU[OL North Eastern, Eastern and Central parts of the country42. Thus, apart from the fact that exclusion in general is large, it also varies widely across regions, social groups and asset holdings. The poorer the group, the greater is the exclusion. ;OLNVHS[VWYV]PKLÄUHUJPHSZLY]PJLZ[VWLYJLU[TPSSPVUVM the excluded rural cultivar and non-cultivator households across different states by the year 2012 and 100% coverage (112 mn) by year 2017 has been stipulated by the RBI. THE MAIN TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS OF VARIOUS COMMERCIAL BANKS WHICH ARE PROVIDING THE ICT SOLUTIONS FOR FI ARE: A Little World FINO EKO TCS N-logue Communications Pvt. Ltd. NCDEX Integra Micro Systems Key Challenges for ICT in Banking: While technology-focused possibilities of IT for banking may be unlimited due to their application and adoption in India, to reengineering of existing practices and procedures to capitalize effectively on IT, a conscious approach is recommended. Following are some key challenges for IT in banking sector: :LJ\YP[`-YH\K!;OLLSPTPUH[PVUVMTHU\HSYLJVYKZ^P[O[OL introduction of electronic funds transfers and ATMs. This PUJS\KLZPZZ\LZYLSH[LK[V[OLJVUÄKLU[PHSP[`VMPUMVYTH[PVU prevention of data corruption and cyber crime. *VZ[Z!0;PUP[PH[P]LZ\Z\HSS`JVUZ\TLHSV[VMJHWP[HSL_WLUKP[\YL MVYIHURZHUK[OLILULÄ[ZHYLYLHSPaLKV]LYHWLYPVKVMTHU` years to come. 9LZPZ[HUJL[VJOHUNLI`LTWSV`LLZ!0[OHZILLUVIZLY]LK that large technology initiatives usually face a lot of resistance to change and low acceptance by the employees and therefore become the main reason for the failure of such implementation. 2.7. Security Security has long been a hot point of debate among enterprises, SMEs and consumers. From physical security to Web 2.0 security, there are alarms and concerns raised by one and all. Web 2.0 in particular has suffered major losses in the past due to security issues. Since the boom of social networking, there has been a sharp increase in online attacks. In recent times, India has featured consistently on the top of list of the countries, where activities/incidences related to security breach are high. ;OLZLJ\YP[`PUK\Z[Y`JHUILJSHZZPÄLKHZ! 1. Electronic Security and Surveillance Solutions 2. IT Security | 44 2.7.1. Electronic Security & Surveillance Surveillance and Security solutions have become of paramount importance because of insurgency and terrorism becoming a global phenomenon. With the traditional security platforms being inadequate to address these new challenges, there is an emerging need to move to intelligent electronic security solutions. India’s electronic security market has grown from USD 135 mn44 in 2006 to USD 350 mn45 in 2010. Currently the domestic market for electronic security products and services is estimated at USD 400-450 mn.46 As per industry sources, the market is expected to grow at 25-30%47, higher than many other developed countries, in coming years. The Indian market is largely import driven. Large numbers of Indian companies have collaborated with foreign manufacturers for marketing foreign products in India. Security equipment is being imported primarily from USA, UK, Germany, Singapore, Italy, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, Korea, China, and Taiwan. Electronic Security Market in India can broadly be divided into Ä]LJH[LNVYPLZ 1. CCTV/video surveillance systems 2. Access control systems 3. Intrusion Detection systems 4. Electronic article surveillance 5. Fire detection and alarm systems The largest amongst these is the CCTV segment, commanding some 55% of the entire market with annual growth rate of around 45 %. Fire detection is also growing at good pace due to YHWPK YLZPKLU[PHS JVUZ[Y\J[PVU YLX\PYPUN ÄYL KL[LJ[PVU HUK HSHYT equipment. Access Control systems (e.g. Biometric Reader) which recognize, authenticate and authorize entry to the premise thereby ensuring ultimate protection for premise, staff and assets account for about 30% of the Indian Electronic Security market share. While access regulation is desirable, the cost factor is restricting the installation of good access controls systems to only large organizations. Intrusion Detection Systems unlike the rest of the world has not found a very good market in India presumably due to lack of awareness as well as education. The majority of installations are purely residential. The market is expected to increase with the increase in nuclear families. Honeywell Security Security Today ADT Security, 2011 47 RNCOS Industry Research Solutions 44 45 46 45 | Other equipment like Metal Detectors, X-Ray scanners and baggage scanners command about 11% of the market share. With growing security measures by Government, this segment is expected to grow by about 30% annually. The market is highly fragmented and organized players comprise only 20% of the market but account for 80% of the revenues Growth Drivers The growth outlook for the electronic security industry in India is very promising driven by: ;LYYVYPZ[HUK0U[LYUHS:LJ\YP[`;OYLH[!0UJYLHZLKKLTHUKMYVT Government and sectors like Aviation, Power, Infrastructure, Transport, Government and Oil & Gas 9HWPKKL]LSVWTLU[PUPUMYHZ[Y\J[\YL .YV^PUNKLTHUKMYVT*VTTLYJPHSJLU[YLZZ\JOHZOV[LSZ shopping malls, multiplexes and Booming Retail sector -HSSPUNVMWYPJLZVMLSLJ[YVUPJZ`Z[LTZ 3V^0TWVY[+\[`*VTWHYLK[V[OLWYVOPIP[P]L0TWVY[ Customs Duty of the 80’s, the current rate of 35% is also considered as growth driver for the industry. .V]LYUTLU[»ZPUJYLHZLKL_WLUKP[\YLVU:LJ\YP[` Challenges The key challenges faced by the industry are: *VTWL[P[PVUMYVTJOLHWLYWYVK\J[ZMYVTJV\U[YPLZSPRL;HP^HU China and other countries in the South-East Asia 7YV]PKPUN*VZ[LMMLJ[P]LHUKHMMVYKHISLOVTLI\ZPULZZZLJ\YP[` solutions would be important to capture Indian Market which is price sensitive *\Z[VTPaPUNNSVIHS[LJOUVSVN`WSH[MVYTZ[VZ\P[0UKPHU conditions and requirements (IZLUJLVMHUH[PVUHSZLJ\YP[`Z[YH[LN` (^HYLULZZYLNHYKPUNH]HPSHISL;LJOUVSVN`:VS\[PVUZ With the rapid growth of ICT sector in India in last decade, security solutions industry has also evolved to address security concerns faced by industry. Security management is becoming the biggest challenge considering that the threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated. KEY PLAYERS APJVT /VUL`^LSS :PLTLUZ 3[K /P[HJOP .VKYLQ :LJ\YP[` :VS\[PVUZ ADT-Tyco Security, Digitals India Security Products 2.7.2. IT Security Solutions The Indian IT security market in 2006-2007 was USD 46.8 mn48, and by 2010 end, it surged to USD 464.4 mn on account of increased demand from business sector and continuous IT development in infrastructure. The continuing BPO boom and rising emphasis on compliance with IS guidelines and regulations such as HIPAA and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act by Western clients are other key factors supporting growth in the Indian security software solutions market. Security Market is dominated by few large players. Symantec, McAfee and Checkpoint happened to be the top three security solution vendors in India in 200949. 2008-09 (USD MN) 374 2009-10 (USD MN) 388 Table 15: Indian Security Market Data Quest Estimate, 2010 IT and BPO, BFSI and Government have been early adopters of security solutions in India, boosting growth in the country’s IT security industry. Indian Security Services Market Security services market is growing at a faster rate and is expected to increase its contribution to IT security market next few years. Large enterprises contribute more than 80% to the overall security services market in India as compared to the contribution by SMEs. According to Gartner, it is being seen that core MSS (managed security services) provider offerings is ILJVTPUNZ[HUKHYKPaLKHJYVZZ[OL(ZPH7HJPÄJYLNPVU^OPSLSVJHS market conditions in this region continued to drive specialized solutions and packaging. Security Services Market 2009-2010 The overall information security market50 is split into security products and security services. +H[HJYHM[ >0WYV0UMV[LJO Indian Security Products Market Security Product market accounts for 80% of the security market PU0UKPH>OPSL[OLWYVK\J[JSHZZPÄJH[PVULUJVTWHZZLZUL[^VYR content, end point, data and wireless security, the network security market can be further segmented into categories such as Firewall/IPSec UTM, VPN; SSL VPN; and IDS IPS. Data security segment has huge growth potential. With 3G and WiMax technology setting in, telecom operators now need to handle voice and data security threats from hackers, viruses, trojans, etc. FY09 (USD MN) 84 FY10 (USD MN) 91 :PM` 7HSHKPVU /*3 6[OLYZ Security Product Market 2009-2010 Figure 19: Indian Security Services Market: Share of Companies FY09 (USD MN) 1304 FY10 (USD MN) 1340 *VU[LU[ :LJ\YP[` 5L[^VYR :LJ\YP[` Figure 18: Security Product Market in FY10 48 49 50 Report-Global IT Security Market Forecast to 2012 IDC Frost & Sullivan report Data Quest Estimate, 2010 In recent times, India has featured consistently on the top of list of the countries, where activities/incidences related to security breach are high. LEADING VENDOR IN NETWORK SECURITY - Cisco - Check Point - Juniper - Sonic Wall - Fortinet - McAfee - Tipping Point - Elitecore (Cyberoam) | 46 Growth Driver & Potential India features among the countries where malware, spam, or anything that comes with a virus or Trojan attachment is the most common. 0U0UKPHZLJ\YP[`ZWLUKPZZPNUPÄJHU[S`ZTHSSHWWYV_PTH[LS` % of total IT budget in comparison to the worldwide, corporate spend between 2.5%51 to 8 % of their total IT budget. This illustrates a tremendous potential to make executives securityaware and help them build their security infrastructure. Some of the trends driving growth of IT security Industry in India are as follows: 9HWPKS`NYV^PUNIYVHKIHUKWVW\SH[PVUZHUKYLSH[P]LS`UL^ and expanding Internet infrastructures has an increased risk of malicious activity and hence security protocols and measures would be required. Currently India leads52 the Asian market in terms of spams 0UJYLHZLKVUSPUL[LYYVYPZTHUK[OYLH[ZPZMVYJPUNNV]LYUTLU[Z to have security as the most important aspect of governance 7YLZLU[S`:4,ZJVU[YPI\[L[VHYV\UKVUL[OPYKVM[OLUL[^VYR security market; this contribution is expected to rise over the UL_[ML^`LHYZ^P[OPUJYLHZLPUMVJ\ZVUÄYZ[SH`LYWLYPTL[LY defence53. ,4HPS:LJ\YP[`)V\UKHY`HUK:LJ\YL>LI.H[L^H`^PSSZ[PSS be the highest growing sub segments among SMEs. The SMEs segment is projected to spend around 44-48% of the total IT spending in the country from 2010-2012. ,U[LYWYPZLZHYLYLHSPaPUN[OLULLKMVYZLJ\YP[`[VNVIL`VUK single point solutions such as anti-virus, anti-spam and content ÄS[LYPUN[VTVYLOVSPZ[PJZ\P[LZVS\[PVUZZ\JOHZKH[HLUJY`W[PVU endpoint security and data loss prevention (DLP). +\L[V[OLPUJYLHZLPUVUSPULLJVTTLYJL[YHUZHJ[PVUZ increasing data thefts, and maturing attacks, security solutions are turning up as a “need of the hour.” +LTHUKMYVT]HYPV\ZPUK\Z[Y`]LY[PJHSZZ\JOHZ)-:0[LSLJVT healthcare automotive, manufacturing, and defence is expected to further fuel the growth of the ICT Security industry. 9LN\SH[VY`HUKJVTWSPHUJLUVYTZHSZVZLLT[VILKYP]PUN[OL heightened adoption of security solution. Challenges *VTWSL_UL[^VYRTHRLPTWSLTLU[H[PVUKPMÄJ\S[ 3V^LYHKVW[PVUPU:4,ZK\L[VLJVUVTPJHUKI\KNL[ constraints. SMEs typically view security more as a cost centre rather than as an investment 3V^WLUL[YH[PVUVM0;PUMYHZ[Y\J[\YLPU:4,Z 3HJRVMH^HYLULZZHUKYLMLYHISLJSPLU[Z 3HJRVMH^HYLULZZVMWYVK\J[H]HPSHIPSP[`HUKSV^[OYLH[ perception on consequences of data loss 3HJRVMHU`RPUKVMTHUKH[LZPU[LYTZVMYLN\SH[VY`JVTWSPHUJL and legal framework is a major barrier for the next phase of growth to take off. 51 52 53 MIEL e-Security Pvt. Ltd. McAfee Threats Report Frost & Sullivan, ICT Practice, South Asia and Middle East 47 | 05+0( 9<::0( ;/(03(5+ ;<92,@ =0,;5(4 Figure 20: Global Spam Scenario RBI prescribed guidelines to Banks on Data security is driving higher adoption of security solutions such as encryption, two factor authentication and Data loss prevention (DLP). Government Initiative ;OL0UMVYTH[PVU;LJOUVSVN`(J[WYV]PKLZSLNHSYLJVNUP[PVU for electronic data interchange and other means of electronic communication. *,9;0U0UKPHU*VTW\[LY,TLYNLUJ`9LZWVUZL;LHT operational since 2004, is national nodal agency for responding to computer security concerns. In recent Information Technology Amendment Act 2008, it has been designated to serve as national agency to perform the following in the area of cyber security: - Collection, analysis and dissemination of information, forecasts and alerts about cyber incidents - Taking emergency measures and do coordination among various stakeholders Despite the slow growth, due to economic slowdown last year, the Indian IT security market is forecast to grow at CAGR of more than 20 percent in 2010-13. The growth momentum is likely to remain inclined towards the service side, where most of the solution providers will target managed services. ;OL+LWHY[TLU[VM0UMVYTH[PVU;LJOUVSVN`.V]LYUTLU[VM India has issued a discussion draft on National Cyber Security Policy54 on 26th March 2011 and is in the process to enact IT security policy in India. ;OLYLJLU[NV]LYUTLU[OHZ[HRLUHUPUP[PH[P]LMVYJYLH[PUNH YVV[JLY[PÄJH[PVUH\[OVYP[`^OPJO^PSSPZZ\LKPNP[HSJLY[PÄJH[LZ that would ensure secure commercial transactions. 54 INDUSTRY INITIATIVE Data Security Council of India (DSCI) has been set up by NASSCOM to meet IT security concerns in Indian context. DSCI is envisaged as a credible and committed body to uphold a high level of data privacy and security standards. ^^^TP[NV]PUZP[LZ\WSVHKFÄSLZKP[ÄSLZUJZWFWKM | 48 2.8. Others 2.8.1. E-Commerce E-commerce or Electronic Commerce market in India is in a nascent, but experiencing high rate of growth. Indian market is expected to grow in double digits over the next few years. The Indian E-commerce industry is expected to be USD 10 bn55 in 2011, having a grown at a CAGR of 41.1% over the past 5 years. E-Commerce Market in India In USD millions - Source: Industry Estimates Figure 21: E-commerce Market in India55 E-Market Sectoral Share, 2010 The E-commerce business is largely dominated by online travel industry, followed by E-Tailing (online retail of electronics) and ÄUHUJPHS ZLY]PJLZ >OPSL [OL PUK\Z[Y` OHZ NYV^U H[ H *(.9 VM more than 40%, it is estimated that the retail segment itself has grown 3 times as fast56. The industry is expected to register over 100% growth for the next few years. KEY PLAYERS +PNP[HS +V^USVHKZ 6[OLYZ -PUHUJPHS :LY]PJLZ ,;YHPSPUN Some major players are,,, `H[YHJVT ZUHWKLHSJVT ÅPWRHY[JVT SL[ZI\`JVT ZOHHKPJVT,,, 99acres. com,,, etc 6USPUL;YH]LS 55 56 Figure 22: E-market Sectoral Share | 49 Growth Drivers ;OL [YLUK VM VYKLYPUN WYVK\J[Z VUSPUL PZ KLÄUP[LS` NHPUPUN momentum because of the following factors: .YV^PUN4PKKSL*SHZZ¶;OLYPZLVM0UKPHHZHULJVUVTPJ powerhouse has given rise to a very large empowered middle class which is not averse to trying new technologies and ideas. *VU]LUPLUJL-HJ[VY¶,JVTTLYJLLZWLJPHSS`PU[YH]LS bookings saves time, reduces transaction cost and leads to better decision making by offering more choices - thus radically altering the booking/shopping experience. 3V^LYPUNJVZ[HUKPUJYLHZPUNWLUL[YH[PVUVM7*»ZHUK broadband services 0UJYLHZPUN7LUL[YH[PVUVM*YLKP[+LIP[*HYKZ0U[LYUL[)HURPUN – Credit/debit cards and internet banking are single biggest facilitators in increasing the reach of E-commerce. Moreover, the penetration of credit cards itself has increase tremendously over the years, and is predicted to maintain this momentum. Major Challenges A developed ecosystem for e-commerce does not exist as is the case in other international markets. Most companies are reinventing their processes and business model at every stage, rather than adopting successful models from the west, and thus the environment remains quite challenging. The most prominent challenges are: )HJR^HYK+LSP]LY`Z`Z[LTZ3VNPZ[PJZ0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YLHUKWVVY customer service )\PSKPUN;Y\Z[PU[OL*H\[PV\Z0UKPHU)\`LY! 7YPTP[P]L7H`TLU[NH[L^H`ZZ`Z[LTZ 3HJRVMHWWYVWYPH[LIHJRLUKTHUHNLTLU[Z`Z[LTZ^HYLOV\ZL management. ERP etc) which can be customised for operations in India 50 | NEW CATEGORIES The product categories on e-commerce are expanding and now several sites are offering apparels, accessories for men and women, health and beauty products, vehicles, Software, consumer electronics as product categories. Flipkart, a popular e-commerce site started off with only book, but later expanded to all the popular categories now even offers health care and home appliances as product categories. It received venture funding of USD 10 mn in 2010 2.8.2. E-Governance Total Expenditure USD 3.38 bn Governments across all the levels in the country- central, state and local bodies- have been inducting Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to provide citizens and organizations with faster, accurate and convenient access to government information and services. E-Governance is a viewed as a strategic tool for transforming the standards of governance and improving the quality of services provided by the government to its people. To attain these goals, the Government of India has launched the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) in 2006 with a budget of USD 2.6 bn in 200957. The total public sector expenditure on IT was around USD 3.38 bn in 2009. Half of this spending was on hardware, followed by IT Services (30 per cent) and software (20 per cent).57 Growth Trend The Government started seriously focusing on interacting and delivering public services to the general public using e-Governance only after 2003. The E-Governance spending in India has increased from USD 0.5 bn in 200358 to USD 8 bn i.e. 3% of annual budget in FY11. The overall e-government market potential in India is expected to worth USD 26.043 bn.59 Market Structure The NeGP comprises of 27 Mission Mode Projects (MMPs). (U 447 PZ WYVQLJ[ PKLU[PÄLK I` [OL NV]LYUTLU[ ^P[O JSLHY objectives and scope with measurable outcomes and timelines. An MMP can be headed by any Ministry of the Central or State government or by the Planning Commission.61 A comprehensive list of MMP’s can be found in the appendix. Apart from the MMP’s government is taking up projects of capacity building for e-governance and for increasing the penetration of Computers and broadband62. Demand Drivers Traditionally, the public services and delivery systems in India OH]L ILLU PULMÄJPLU[ VWHX\L HUK WYVUL [V THZZP]L SLHRHNLZ In a democratic system, this has lead people to aspire for governments that can provide better systems. The governments OH]L YLZWVUKLK I` [HRPUN ZL]LYHS PUP[PH[P]LZ PU [OL ÄLSK VM e-governance. The public pressure for transparency and the emergence of private sector in India (global IT hub) have been the biggest driver for E-governance reforms. The government designs its socialist programmes with an aim to attain inclusive development and reaching out to the marginal sections of the society is critical for the success of these programmes. /HYK^HYL 0;LZ :VM[^HYL Figure 23: Public Sector Spending on IT KEY PLAYERS Amongst the leading service providers in India, IBM, HP, Microsoft, TCS, Wipro, HCL, 3i InfoTech, Patni systems, Infosys60 and Mahindra Satyam are active in e-government programmes.59 The use of ICT enhances the reach of government and is one of the key drivers for the governments to adopt ICT solutions. Major Challenges While there is a clear government urge and dedication to e-governance schemes, there are several challenges, which are required to overcome: 0UKPHOHZHWVW\SH[PVUVMIPSSPVU9VSSPUNV\[UL^ZLY]PJLZVY upgrading old services for such a large user base is the biggest challenge. ;OLWLUL[YH[PVUVMWLYZVUHSJVTW\[LYZWLYWLVWSL and internet (6.9 per 100 people) is low in India63. The situation is even worse in rural areas where around 70 % of the population resides 4\S[P¶7HY[`+LTVJYHJ`HUKTVYL[OHUSVJHSIVKPLZ lead to different systems across the country. The multiplicity in Z`Z[LTZTHRLZP[KPMÄJ\S[[VZ[HUKHYKPZLSHYNLWYVQLJ[Z 3V^LYSL]LSZVMSP[LYHJ`HUKJVTW\[LYZH]]PULZZZL]LYLS` restricts effectiveness of e-government projects | 51 Key Initiatives 2VSRH[HIHZLKOVZWP[HSSL]LYHNLZLNV]LYUHUJLMVY[YVWPJHS medicine. The hospital employs tele-medicine to assist doctors PUY\YHSHYLHZHZ[OL`HUHS`aLHUK[YLH[YLZPKLU[ZMYVTMHYÅ\UN districts. ;OL2HYUH[HRHNV]LYUTLU[»Zº)OVVTP»WYVQLJ[OHZSLK[V[OL computerization of centuries old system of handwritten rural SHUKYLJVYKZ;OLWYVQLJ[PZL_WLJ[LK[VILULÄ[ZL]LUTPSSPVU villagers in 30,000 villages. 0U.\QHYH[[OLYLHYL^LIZP[LZ^OLYLJP[PaLUZJHUSVNVUHUKNL[ access to concerned government department on issues such as land, water and taxes 0U/`KLYHIHK[OYV\NOL:L]HJP[PaLUZJHU]PL^HUKWH` bills for water, electricity and telephones, besides municipal [H_LZ;OL`JHUHSZVH]HPSIPY[OKLH[OJLY[PÄJH[LZWHZZWVY[ applications, permits / licenses, transport department services, reservations among other things. GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES FOR I IN AGRICULTURE AGRISNET AgRIS AGMARKNET DACNET DAIC ARISNET E-Sagu Commodity Portals E-Networking of labs <2;YHKL0U]LZ[TLU[:LJ[VYIYPLÄUN!0*;6WWVY[\UP[PLZPU0UKPH 60 61 62 63 Survey of ICT for Education in India and South Asia, Extended Summary by PwC 57 58 59 52 | ICT 2.8.3. Agriculture Agriculture is the main occupation of the majority of rural households in India, a bulk of which comprise tiny land holdings. Though 58.4%64 of the population of India depends on agriculture, the contribution of agriculture to the GDP of India was only about 14.6%65 in FY10 (at 2004-05 prices) and in the past several decades the sector has grown slowly. Farming in India is being undertaken by a large section of population under extremely diverse conditions. Most of these farmers are small and marginal who do not have access to relevant and timely information that could reverse the adverse affect on agricultural growth and productivity. ICTs play a key role in improving the availability of agricultural production and market information in developing countries. ICTs can help smallholder farmers maximize the return, by providing them timely and relevant information in the following areas: 1. Access to experts in real time for Agri and Crop Advisory 2. Weather Forecasts and Alerts 3. Pest Information, Alerts and remedy 4. Market Price information in real time 5. Information on farm credit and subsidies 6. Information on Global Best Practices There are ICT options in Agriculture each having its own pros and cons: ò Computer-based information systems require Internet connectivity and hence heavy infrastructure. ò SMS-based information systems are easy to implement and work on all mobile phone models. ò Voice-based information systems are easily accessed by mobile phones and they work above the constraints of illiteracy and local language support as faced by SMS solutions. Tele-services-Kisan Sanchar Limited (IKSL), a subsidiary of Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative Limited (IFFCO), along with Bharti Airtel-India’s leading mobile network operator- provides mobile tele-services to the rural farmers. ICT OPTIONS IN AGRICULTURE - Touch Screen Kiosk - Computer based Information Systems - Smart-phone based Applications - Radio based broadcasts - Voice based mobile solutions &IVRS - SMS based mobile messaging systems - Community Video Programs - Tablets based Information Systems Challenges for ICT implementation in Agriculture in India ;OLWYVISLTZLUJV\U[LYLK^OPSLZL[[PUN\WHUKTHUHNPUN these ICT initiatives such as ‘e-Choupals’ are primarily of infrastructural inadequacies, including power supply, internet connectivity in rural areas etc. ;OLYLPZHSZVJOHSSLUNLVMPTWHY[PUNZRPSSZ[V[OLÄYZ[[PTLPU[LYUL[ users in remote and inaccessible areas of rural India. 0SSP[LYHJ`PZHUVIZ[HJSLPUZ\JJLZZVM0*;ZVS\[PVUZZ\JOHZ:4: based solutions *YLH[PUNZVS\[PVUZPUSVJHSSHUN\HNLPZHSZVHJOHSSLUNL 3HJRVMZ[HUKHYKPaH[PVUHUKUVUH]HPSHIPSP[`VMYLSL]HU[JVU[LU[ ICT Initiatives in India mKrishi - Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)’s mKrishi is a proprietary mobile agro-advisory system that allows farmers to send queries to agricultural experts in their local languages through a mobile phone and receive personalized advice or relevant information in the local language. eChoupal66 - ITC’s eChoupal initiative enables rural Indian MHYTLYZ [V LUOHUJL [OLPY LMÄJPLUJ` [OYV\NO WYPJL [YHUZWHYLUJ` over the Internet. Launched in June 2000, ‘e-Choupal’, has already become the largest initiative among all Internet-based interventions in rural India. Solution has been scaled up to reach 40,000 villages, covering 4 million farmers in 10 states. It has RPVZRZ^P[OLHJORPVZRZLY]PUNÄ]LVYZP_]PSSHNLZ 64 68 66 GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES FOR ICT IN AGRICULTURE AGRISNET AgRIS AGMARKNET DACNET DAIC ARISNET E-Sagu Commodity Portals E-Networking of labs National Portal of India, 2010 Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India ITC Website | 53 2.8.4. Bio-Informatics Bioinformatics is the application of computer science and PUMVYTH[PVU [LJOUVSVN` [V [OL ÄLSK VM IPVSVN` HUK TLKPJPUL Computers are used to gather, store, analyze and integrate biological and genetic information which can then be applied to gene-based drug discovery and development. Data management tools based on bioinformatics have helped pharmaceutical companies in easing the task of R&D analysis, thereby enhancing their productivity by way of identifying new biomarkers for toxicity HUK KY\N LMÄJHJ` KPHNUVZ[PJ IPVTHYRLYZ HZ ^LSS HZ UL^ KY\N targets. The Indian bioinformatics market67 in India derives large part of its revenue from outsourcing activities. Driven by the lower wage DOMESTIC PURE PLAY DOMESTIC IT costs for skilled manpower, and lower infrastructure costs, the Indian bioinformatics outsourcing services is estimated to grow at 25% and has reached USD 62 mn in 2010. Based on the current market outlook, the Indian bioinformatics market is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of around 10%68 between FY 11 and FY13. The Indian bioinformatics industry comprises of vendors with origins in the life sciences domain or the IT domain. Bioinformatics market is segmented into Analysis Software & Services Market, Content Market, and IT Infrastructure & Other Services Market. It can also been segmented on the basis of applications into Genomics, Proteomics, Pharmacogenomics, and Drug Discovery market. DOMESTIC LIFE SCIENCES MULTINATIONAL IT MULTINATIONAL PURE PLAY Data Mining/Analysis High High High High Low Data Visualisation High Medium Medium Low Nil Data Integration Low Medium Low Nil Nil Data Creation Low Medium High Low Nil Cheminformatics Medium Low Medium Nil Nil Consulting Low Low Low Nil Low Customised Software Development Medium Low Medium Low High Customisation of Products Low Nil Low Nil Low LIMS Low Medium Low Medium Low Clinical Trial Informatics Nil Medium Nil High Nil Table 16: Bioinformatics Vendor capabilities by category in India While Pure play companies, Ocimum Biosolutions and Strand Life Sciences have the highest level of specialization and focus on bioinformatics, Indian and multinational IT companies such as IBM, Mphasis, TCS, HCL Technologies, and Infosys are less focused on the life sciences vertical. Avesthagen and Jubilant Biosys are CRAMS companies’ also offering bioinformatics services. Their level of specialization and focus is higher than (domestic and multinational) IT companies but their core business is contract research and/or manufacturing. 67 68 While Non-Standardization of Service Platforms & Modular Systems, varying data formats used by Life science companies are the challenges, focus on select niche areas could prove to be ILULÄJPHSMVYWSH`LYZ ValueNotes / KnowGenix report Dec,07- “Bioinformatics Outsourcing for Life Sciences – India Opportunity” Report “Global Bioinformatics Market Outlook”2011 by RNCOS 54 | SECTION III. Opportunities for Swiss SMES SECTORS KEY OPPORTUNITY RELEVANCE FOR SWISS SMES OBSERVATIONS Animation & Gaming *\Z[VTJVU[LU[KL]LSVWTLU[ 4\S[PTLKPH^LIKLZPNU (UPTH[PVULU[LY[HPUTLU[ (UPTH[PVULK\JH[PVU =-? :VM[^HYLMVY4VIPSL.HTPUN ;OPZPZYLSH[P]LS`ZTHSSPUK\Z[Y` in Switzerland. 6\[ZV\YJPUNVWWVY[\UP[`[V0UKPH L_PZ[ZMVY:^PZZÄYTZ[VILJVTL more cost competitive. 3HJRVMZ[YPUNLU[HU[PWPYHJ`SH^Z and IPR protection in India would be a key challenge in this segment while outsourcing to India. Automation >PYLSLZZ:`Z[LTZ 0UK\Z[YPHS(\[VTH[PVU )\PSKPUN:VS\[PVUZ /VTL:HML[`:LJ\YP[` 6MÄJL(\[VTH[PVU :JHUUPUN4VIPSP[` 9VIV[PJZ*VU[YVSSLYZ and Software /PNOS`KL]LSVWLK:^PZZ:LJ[VY which refers to the production of physical and electronic parts making up a computer system and the interaction between users and computers by interfaces. It encompasses fast-developing technologies Z\JOHZHY[PÄJPHSPU[LSSPNLUJL enhanced reality and the creation of intelligent interfaces. ;OLZLHYLNYV^PUNZLNTLU[ZPU 0UKPHHUKOH]LZPNUPÄJHU[WV[LU[PHS if positioned well. Swiss companies’ strong presence in high technology niche segments such as micro and nanotechnologies, nuclear [LJOUVSVN`JV\SKILZPNUPÄJHU[ value addition for Big Indian IT players. ;OLYLPZHSZVZPNUPÄJHU[VWWVY[\UP[` of Technology Transfer / *VSSHIVYH[PVU^P[O0UKPHUÄYTZ Bioinformatics )PVPUMVYTH[PJZJVUZ\S[PUN proteomics data¬base and analysis tools, software systems in the functional genomics area etc. 6\[ZV\YJPUNIPVPUMVYTH[PJZ services to India :^P[aLYSHUKOHZHYPJO bioinformatics cluster fueled by universities researchers, informatics specialists, Govt. Support and thriving pharmaceutical industry. Computational Genomics, mass spectrometry characterization of proteins and small molecules, proteome imaging, 3D visualizations and simulations of Life Sciences Nanobiotechnology are strengths of Swiss Firms (K]HUJLKYLZLHYJOHWWSPJH[PVUZ in Bioinformatics could add value to Indian Biotech/Pharma sector. 6WWVY[\UP[PLZ[VLU[LY0UKPHU Market in niche segments such as Data Visualization & Cheminformatics :^PZZ:4,ZHYL.VVK(JX\PZP[PVU opportunities for Big Indian IT players interested in entering Bioinformatics segment e-Governance (Education & Others) +PZ[HUJL3LHYUPUN )\PSKPUN0*;0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YL <UPX\L0KLU[PÄJH[PVU5\TILY 6[OLY.V]LYUTLU[M\UKLK ICT Projects :^P[aLYSHUKOHZZ\JJLZZM\SS` implemented Governance projects such as e-connection of schools in 2007 and 3LHYUPUNJV\SKILOLSWM\SMVY implementing India’s ICT initiative in Education. JV with an LZ[HISPZOLK0UKPHUÄYT^V\SK be a good way to venture in to Government Projects in India. | 55 Finance, Banking >LHS[O4HUHNLTLU[L7VY[MVSPV :^P[aLYSHUKOHZLZ[HISPZOLK)-:0 3H\UJOVM.YLJLU[S`PZWYV]PKPUN and Insurance :VM[^HYLMVYIHURPUNZLJ\YP[`" ICT sector and can offer higher data transfer rate; adding secure data transfer; Fraud products/ services required in to its quick-win solutions through Detection; risk management; Indian BFSI sector for its next mobile application is expected lending and mortgage phase of growth targeting Public to bring potential growth in mobile management etc Sector Banks/ Rural Banking/ banking and insurance industry in 0*;Z`Z[LTZMVYYL[HPS Small and medium Banks, India. banking – core systems and Financial Institutions. *VSSHIVYH[PVU^P[O0;ÄYTZPU0UKPH channels; e-Banking; customer :^PZZÄYTZJV\SKIYPUN could be a way to access BFSI management innovative technology solutions opportunity. :4(9;JHYKHUK,-;76: in the domain of mobile banking, / point of sale equipment and smart card, banking data systems security, rural connectivity. 0UZ\YHUJL7YVK\J[ZWVSPJ`HUK claims servicing )\ZPULZZWYVJLZZTHUHNLTLU[ (BPM) Healthcare ;LSLTLKPJPUL+L]PJLZ 4LKPJHS,X\PWTLU[+L]PJLZ /VZWP[HS0UMVYTH[PVU:`Z[LT /LHS[O0UZ\YHUJL *SV\K)HZLK:LY]PJLZ ,/LHS[O /LHS[OJHYLPZHULZ[HISPZOLK industry in Switzerland hence ICT products/ services are already tested 9+*VSSHIVYH[PVUPUHK]HUJLK research areas-Stem Cell, Nanotechnology /\NL.YV^[O7YVZWLJ[ZPU0UKPH due to possibility of Rural Penetration 7YPJPUNVM7YVK\J[VYZLY]PJL^V\SK be key for capturing Indian SMEs attention 3VJHS*\Z[VTPaH[PVUVML_PZ[PUN solution would be a challenge Manufacturing (Automotive/ Electrical etc) :VM[^HYLHWWSPJH[PVULN*(+ CAM) for designing automobiles, components and equipment. (WWSPJH[PVUZMVY497 ERP systems, supply-chain, management 0;(UHS`[PJZMVYPTWYV]LK business performance (BI) Swiss IT service Providers provide the services +LZPNU+L]LSVWTLU[ 6WLYH[PVU 7HJRHNLKZVM[^HYL 0*;:`Z[LTZ5L[^VYRZ 0*;HWWSPJH[PVUHTVUN0UKPHU Manufacturing SMEs is increasing WYPTHYPS`K\L[VIYPUNLMÄJPLUJ`HUK meet global standards. SME needs however may be based on local market requirement hence suggested way, to capture this market, is by having a local partner. RFID (Radio Frequency 0KLU[PÄJH[PVU 0TWSLTLU[H[PVUVM9-0+PU Various Industry Segments )LZWVRL*VZ[JVTWL[P[P]L solutions to SMEs in India :PNUPÄJHU[SVJHSL_WLYPLUJLVM Swiss Companies in RFID software applications. Solutions provided in following areas: 0U[LNYH[LKJPYJ\P[KLZPNU +L]PJLKL]LSVWTLU[ :VM[^HYLPU[LNYH[PVU -PLSKPUZ[HSSH[PVU (NYV^PUNVWWVY[\UP[`PU0UKPH primarily to track, manage and optimize manpower or product movement. 9L[HPS3VNPZ[PJZ:\WWS` Chain, Healthcare, Security and Government are expected to give this an impetus in India. 56 | Security 0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YL:LJ\YP[`(PYWVY[ Rail, Maritime) 7LYPTL[LY0U[Y\ZPVU+L[LJ[PVU 0UK\Z[YPHS:LJ\YP[` 0U[LNYH[LKZ\Y]LPSSHUJLZ`Z[LTZ 7\ISPJ,]LU[Z .V]LYUTLU[ +H[H:LJ\YP[` ,UJY`W[PVUZ`Z[LTZ (\[VTH[LK[OYLH[KL[LJ[PVU :PNUPÄJHU[:^PZZL_WLY[PZL in Technologies devoted to the security of persons, goods and data, management of PKLU[PÄJH[PVUZ`Z[LTZ ÄUNLYWYPU[ZPYPZ9-0+HZ ^LSSHZ[OLZLJ\YP[`VMÄUHUJPHS transactions. 0U[LNYH[LK:VS\[PVUZHYL developed using acoustic, seismic, infrared imaging, video imaging, radar sensors and other technologies. >P[O[OLHK]LU[VM[LJOUVSVN`HUK rise in level of terrorist attacks, the traditional methods of surveillance and security are inadequate, and hence the rising need to adapt advanced technology- in India. 4G wireless technology for security installations is the next big opportunity in India. Telecom =HS\L(KKLK:LY]PJLZT commerce) )YVHKIHUK.YV^[O .>P4(?[LJOUVSVNPLZ .YLLU,ULYN`MVY;LSLJVT0UMYH 4VIPSL)HURPUN7H`TLU[ Solutions 4VIPSLTLKPH +PNP[HS+V^USVHK :^PZZJVTWHUPLZOH]LH developed and saturated telecom segment. Growth is driven by M commerce and Mobile media 2L`(YLHZ:LJ\YP[`ZVS\[PVUZPU m - commerce, data transportation through mobile, application of cloud computing, mobile multimedia solutions >OPSLP[^V\SKILKPMÄJ\S[[VLU[LY mobile telephony market due to stiff competition, opportunities could be exploited by creating innovative solutions/products for telecom vendors in India. Table 17: Opportunities foe Swiss SMEs | 57 SECTION IV. Accessing Indian Market 4.1. Investment Environment India has successfully reformed all the constituents of the Information Technology, Internet and Communication Industry. Being a signatory to the Information Technology Agreement of the World Trade Organization, the customs duty on all the ZWLJPÄLKP[LTZOHZILLULSPTPUH[LKMYVT4HYJO Technology Agreement items to Domestic Tariff Areas (DTA) provided the realization is in free foreign exchange. The import of second hand computers including personal computers and laptops fall under the restricted import category. Industrial Approval Policy Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Schemes Industrial Licensing has been virtually abolished in the Electronics and Information Technology sector except for manufacturing electronic aerospace and defence equipment. There is no reservation for public sector enterprises and private sector investment is allowed in almost all sectors. Electronics and Information Technology industry can be set up anywhere in the country, subject to clearance from the authorities responsible for control of environmental pollution and local zoning and land use regulations. :WLJPHS,JVUVTPJAVUL:,APZHZWLJPÄJHSS`KLSPULH[LKK\[`MYLL enclave and is deemed to be foreign territory for the purposes VM[YHKLVWLYH[PVUZHUKK\[PLZHUK[HYPMMZ:,A\UP[TH`PTWVY[ procure from the DTA without payment of duty all types of goods and services, including capital goods, whether new or second hand, required by it for its activities or in connection therewith, provided they are not prohibited items of imports. Foreign Investment Policy A foreign company can start operations in India by registration of its company under the Indian Companies Act 1956. Foreign equity in such Indian companies can be up to 100 per cent. At the time of registration it is necessary to have project details, local partner (if any), structure of the company, its management structure and shareholding pattern. Approval of foreign investments is through either automatic route or Government approval. Foreign technology induction is encouraged both through FDI and through foreign technology collaboration agreement. The agreements can be approved either through the automatic route under powers delegated to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) or otherwise by the Government. Foreign Trade Policy In general, all Electronics and IT products are freely importable, with the exception of some defence related items. All Electronics and IT products, in general, are freely exportable, with the exception of a small negative list which includes items such as high power microwave tubes, high end super computer and data processing security equipment. Export Promotion Capital Goods scheme (EPCG) allows import of capital goods at lower custom duty. The export obligation under ,7*.:JOLTLJHUHSZVILM\SÄSSLKI`[OLZ\WWS`VM0UMVYTH[PVU 58 | The units are also permitted to import goods required for the approved activity, including capital goods, free of cost or on SVHUMYVTJSPLU[Z:,A\UP[TH`VU[OLIHZPZVMHÄYTJVU[YHJ[ between the parties, source the capital goods from a domestic/ foreign leasing company. Export Promotion Schemes Special schemes are available for setting up Export Oriented Units for the Electronics/IT Sector. Various incentives and concessions are available under these schemes. The schemes are: ,_WVY[6YPLU[LK<UP[,6< ,SLJ[YVUPJZ/HYK^HYL;LJOUVSVN`7HYR,/;7 :VM[^HYL;LJOUVSVN`7HYR:;7 EOU/EHTP/STP units undertaking to export their entire production of goods and services, except permissible sales in the Domestic Tariff Area (DTA), may be set up under the EOU, EHTP or STP Scheme for manufacture of goods, including repair, re-making, reconditioning, re-engineering and rendering of services. Trading units, however, are not covered under these schemes. 100% FDI is permitted through automatic route for the units set up under these schemes. These units may import and/or procure from the DTA or bonded warehouses in DTA, without payment of duty, all types of goods, including capital goods, required for its activities, provided they are not prohibited items of import in the ITC (HS). The units shall also be permitted to import goods including capital goods required for the approved activity, free of cost or on loan/lease from clients. Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) STPE scheme has played a pivotal role in catalyzing the growth of this sector and supporting its rapid proliferation across the country. The tax holiday has helped attract much needed investments (MNC and Indian) in the sector and the virtual TVKLS OHZ HSSV^LK ÄYTZ [V H]HPS ILULÄ[Z ^P[OV\[ JVUZ[YHPU[Z on their choice of location – encouraging entrepreneurship and integrated growth. The Central Government has also provided many tax and other incentives to boost investment in the IT outsourcing industry in 0UKPH:VTLVM[OLILULÄ[ZHJJY\PUN[V0;ÄYTZHYL! `LHY[H_OVSPKH`MVYJVTWHUPLZPU]VS]LKPUJVUZ[Y\J[PVUHUK or maintenance/operation of an infrastructure complex `LHY[H_OVSPKH`[VÄYT[OH[NLULYH[LHUKVYKPZ[YPI\[LWV^LY `LHY[H_OVSPKH`[V[LSLJVTÄYTZWYV]PKPUNPU[LYUL[HUK broadband services `LHY[H_OVSPKH`[V0;ÄYTZZL[[PUN\W]LU[\YLPUUV[PÄLK0; WHYRZHUK:WLJPHS,JVUVTPJAVULZ:,A `LHY[H_OVSPKH`MVY0;HUKV[OLYÄYTZZL[[PUN\WHWYVQLJ[PU backward districts and states 0;V\[ZV\YJPUNHUKV[OLYÄYTZHSZVNL[[H_PUJLU[P]LZVU L_WVY[ZHZ[H_PZKLK\J[LKVUWYVÄ[MVYL_WVY[LYZZL[[PUN \UP[ZVU:,A»Z,SLJ[YVUPJ7YVJLZZPUNAVULZ,7A:VM[^HYL Technology Parks (STP) ([[YHJ[P]L[H_PUJLU[P]LZHYLH]HPSHISLVUL_WLUKP[\YLMVY research and development including deduction of 150% on ZJPLU[PÄJYLZLHYJOHUK`LHY[H_OVSPKH`MVYZJPLU[PÄJHUK industrial research R&D companies. | 59 4.2. Key Issues & Requirements 0[OHZILLUZLLUPU[OLWYL]PV\ZZLJ[PVU[OH[0UKPHWYLZLU[ZZPNUPÄJHU[VWWVY[\UP[`PU[OL0*;KVTHPUHJYVZZ]HYPV\ZPUK\Z[Y`]LY[PJHSZ However, the uniqueness of Indian market arising out of its size, diversity, culture and business practices offers its own sets of challenges. It is therefore important for organizations evaluating the India opportunity to understand the critical success parameters. ;OL[HISLILSV^OPNOSPNO[Z[OLRL`PZZ\LZHUK[OLHZZVJPH[LKYLX\PYLTLU[Z[OH[ÄYTZZOV\SK[HRLPU[VJVUZPKLYH[PVU^OPSLKLJPKPUNVU their India Business Strategy. ISSUE FACTS/ DESCRIPTION IMPLICATIONS Building Scale/Managing Growth India is a large country with over 1.2 Billion people, 16 national languages and 28 states/ 7 Union Territories Managing cultural diversities, logistics network, overcoming language barriers and divergent business practices make building scale in India (for domestic market) an onerous task. Operational/ Execution Skills are of paramount importance. Organizations focusing on tapping domestic market opportunity would preferably want local partners to manage these complexities. This also makes hiring local top management an important decision parameter. Focus should be to start operations in one or few regions and then gradually expand into other territories ICT is dominated by large Indian MNCs While top 7 companies account for the majority of revenue by the industry, India has a vibrant ICT SME sector with over ÄYTZOH]PUNSLZZ[OHU<:+4PSSPVU revenue Excellent opportunity and eco-system for :^PZZ:4,[VÄUK[OLPYL_WLY[PZLUPJOL or initiate local operations with acquisition/ partnership Product vs. Services Capabilities The growth of Indian software and ICT businesses have been on service model – therefore most innovations are in processes and not on products Serious gaps in skills to build products/ brands across the industry. Product focused Swiss SMEs can utilize these gaps. Talent Management ICT sector is dominated by high attrition rate The Talent Management requires tactical and (upto 20%), supernormal salary growth rates local practices to be followed. Standard HR (10-50% per annum) and uncertainties of practices do not work. people joining (even after acceptance of offer) Regulatory The permissions/ licenses etc to start operating in India are generally streamlined. While entry processes have been streamlined, it might take 15- 30 days to register a company Direct and Indirect Taxes, Incentives and legal compliances are governed by complicated Local advice and support is required for daymesh of different departments in India. to-day operations. 60 | Government sector opportunity management Competitive Advantage Various sub-sectors like e-governance, healthcare, education etc are dominated by government and semi-government sector where bureaucracy dominates the decision making process The red-tapism and process delays are still ZPNUPÄJHU[PU0UKPHHUKSVJHSWHY[ULYPZHT\Z[ to secure these opportunities. The standard competitive advantages of [LJOUVSVNPJHSZ\WLYPVYP[`HUKVYÄUHUJPHS strengths are no guarantee for success in India Execution capabilities and price competitiveness are critical to tap Indian market. (SZVZPNUPÄJHU[WH[PLUJLHUKWLYZL]LYHUJLPZ required in building these businesses (contract awards may take 12-18 months). Long term investment perspective is a prerequisite. Table 18: Key Requirement for Entering India Market | 61 SECTION V. Conclusions The objective of this report has been to provide a consolidated background on the Indian ICT industry and opportunities for Swiss SMEs in various industry verticals in ICT solutions. The strength of Indian ICT industry and its global competitiveness has been the biggest success story of India over the last 2 decades. India has not only become a dominant IT player in world but also the success has led to stupendous economic growth and created rich and successful middle class exposed to international standards. However, this has been almost entirely focused on services for L_WVY[Z THYRL[ ;OPZ PZ SPRLS` [V JOHUNL ZPNUPÄJHU[S` PU M\[\YL India’s deep penetration of mobile phones (aided with the lowest cost mobile telephony costs), increased need for convenience for the urban middle class consumer and focus on increasing competitiveness of Indian manufacturing industry is opening up the domestic market. Following are the Growth Drivers of Indian ICT Industry: +LTVNYHWOPJZOPM[Z^PSSM\LS[OLNYV^[OVMUL^ZLJ[VYZ (healthcare, education, security), markets (BRIC, Japan, Germany) and service lines (process transformation for productivity improvement) ,JVUVTPJZVJPHSLU]PYVUTLU[HSHUK[LJOUVSVN`[YLUKZ^PSS create hitherto unseen opportunities (e.g., climate change, servicing SMEs) 0UJYLHZLK0;HKVW[PVUPUUV[VUS`PU[OLSHYNLTPKZPaLK companies, but also in the 35 mn strong small and medium business (SMB) segments is expected to drive growth in the future. .V]LYUTLU[»ZPUP[PH[P]LMVYPUJS\ZP]LNYV^[O+L]LSVWTLU[ in India Swiss SMEs would need to identify the need of their association with India which we believe could be one of the following: ;HW[OLKVTLZ[PJTHYRL[MVYP[ZWYVK\J[ZHUKZLY]PJLZ This would require good understanding of the Indian market, the concerned sector and cost effective solutions 4HRL0UKPHHZ[OLPYKL]LSVWTLU[9+JLU[LY This has been a time tested Indian strength and typically the process followed is initiation through outsourcing/ developing an Indian partner and then starting own/ in-house center ,_WVY[WYVK\J[ZZLY]PJLZKL]LSVWLKPU0UKPH Swiss SMEs can use their international market understanding HUKWYVK\J[IYHUKI\PSKPUNJHWHIPSP[PLZ^OPSLZPNUPÄJHU[S` reducing development costs by utilizing India’s strengths in solutions development 6\[ZV\YJL)760;,::LY]PJLZ276 Swiss SMEs can increase their competitiveness by ensuring cost effective solutions for various business operations (STVZ[HSSZLJ[VYZVM:^PZZ,JVUVT`^V\SKÄUKHK]HU[HNLZPU \[PSPaPUN0UKPH»Z0*;Z[YLUN[OVYÄUKHWWSPJH[PVUZMVY0UKPHUTHYRL[ 0UKPHU THYRL[ VMMLYZ ZPNUPÄJHU[ ZJHSL ILULÄ[Z /V^L]LY ZVTL of the key sectors that inherent Swiss strengths could provided added advantages are BFSI (Banking. Financial Services and Insurance), Automation, E-commerce (E.g. tourism), Security and Surveillance, and technology dominated manufacturing industries. SECTORS KEY OPPORTUNITY Animation & Gaming *\Z[VTJVU[LU[KL]LSVWTLU[ 4\S[PTLKPH^LIKLZPNU (UPTH[PVULU[LY[HPUTLU[ (UPTH[PVULK\JH[PVU =-? :VM[^HYLMVY4VIPSL.HTPUN Automation >PYLSLZZ:`Z[LTZ 0UK\Z[YPHS(\[VTH[PVU )\PSKPUN:VS\[PVUZ /VTL:HML[`:LJ\YP[` 6MÄJL(\[VTH[PVU :JHUUPUN4VIPSP[` 9VIV[PJZ*VU[YVSSLYZHUK:VM[^HYL 62 | Bioinformatics )PVPUMVYTH[PJZJVUZ\S[PUNWYV[LVTPJZKH[H¨IHZLHUKHUHS`ZPZ[VVSZZVM[^HYLZ`Z[LTZPU[OL functional genomics area etc. 6\[ZV\YJPUNIPVPUMVYTH[PJZZLY]PJLZ[V0UKPH e-Governance (Education & Others) +PZ[HUJL3LHYUPUN )\PSKPUN0*;0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YL <UPX\L0KLU[PÄJH[PVU5\TILY 6[OLY.V]LYUTLU[M\UKLK0*;7YVQLJ[Z Finance, Banking and Insurance >LHS[O4HUHNLTLU[L7VY[MVSPV :VM[^HYLMVYIHURPUNZLJ\YP[`"ZLJ\YLKH[H[YHUZMLY"-YH\K+L[LJ[PVU"YPZRTHUHNLTLU[" lending and mortgage management etc 0*;Z`Z[LTZMVYYL[HPSIHURPUN¶JVYLZ`Z[LTZHUKJOHUULSZ"L)HURPUN"J\Z[VTLY management :4(9;JHYKHUK,-;76:WVPU[VMZHSLLX\PWTLU[HUKZ`Z[LTZ 0UZ\YHUJL7YVK\J[ZWVSPJ`HUKJSHPTZZLY]PJPUN )\ZPULZZWYVJLZZTHUHNLTLU[)74 Healthcare ;LSLTLKPJPUL+L]PJLZ 4LKPJHS,X\PWTLU[+L]PJLZ /VZWP[HS0UMVYTH[PVU:`Z[LT /LHS[O0UZ\YHUJL *SV\K)HZLK:LY]PJLZ ,/LHS[O Manufacturing (Automotive/ Electrical etc) :VM[^HYLHWWSPJH[PVULN*(+*(4MVYKLZPNUPUNH\[VTVIPSLZJVTWVULU[ZHUK equipment. (WWSPJH[PVUZMVY497,97Z`Z[LTZZ\WWS`JOHPUTHUHNLTLU[ 0;(UHS`[PJZMVYPTWYV]LKI\ZPULZZWLYMVYTHUJL)0 Table 19: Sector-wise Key Opportunities in Indian ICT Sector At the same time, the challenges unique to Indian economy and J\S[\YLYLTHPUZPNUPÄJHU[;OLKPMÄJ\S[`PUZJHSPUN\WI\ZPULZZLZ ^HYMVY[HSLU[VWLYH[PUNPULMÄJPLUJPLZHUKI\YLH\JYHJ`YLX\PYLZ patience, perseverance and local cultural understanding to be successful for foreign enterprises. Over the years, the process to start a business in India has been Z[YLHTSPULK ZPNUPÄJHU[S` ;OL PUMYHZ[Y\J[\YHS IV[[SLULJRZ OH]L been resolved in key clusters and continue to improve in semi- urban and rural areas. The economic reforms continue to be on ÄYTMVV[PUNHUK[OL0*;ZLJ[VYOHZTPUPTHSPZ[PJYLZ[YPJ[PVUZ;OL governments at all levels (Union, State and Municipalities) are proactive in supporting ICT enabled solutions and organizations. 0UKPH PZ H JVTWLSSPUN Z[VY` HUK WYV]PKLZ ZPNUPÄJHU[ NYV^[O opportunities for both international and domestic market. Swiss SMEs would do well to evaluate and participate in this growth. | 63 SECTION VI. Annexure & References 6.1. Network Readiness Index for India69 Networked Readiness Index Edition (No. of economies) Score Rank 2010-2011 (138)…………………………4.0………48 2009-2010 (133)…………………………4.1………43 2008-2009 (134)…………………………4.0………54 2007-2008 (127)…………………………4.1………50 2006-2007 (122)…………………………4.1………44 Infrastructure environment 3.1 81 Phone lines/100 pop 3.1 110 Mobile network coverage, % pop. Covered 83 104 Secure Internet serves/million pop 1.6 104 Int’l Internet bandwidth, Mb/s per 10,000 pop 2.2 95 Environment component 3.9 58 Electricity production, kWh/capita 714.3 104 Market environment 4.4 41 Tertiary education enrollment rate, % 13.5 101 Venture capital availability* 3.2 31 4.7 30 Financial market sophistication* 5.2 35 8\HSP[`ZJPLU[PÄJYLZLHYJO[YHPUPUN services* Availability of latest technologies* 5.6 41 Availability of scientists & engineers* 5.2 15 State of cluster development* 4.2 29 Availability research & training services* 4.4 5.1 Burden of government regulation* 3.0 94 Accessibility of digital content* 4.5 93 Extent & effect of taxation* 3.0 36 ;V[HS[H_YH[LWYVÄ[Z 63.3. 119 Readiness component 4.8 33 No. days to start a business 29 94 Individual readiness 5.5 21 No. procedures to start a business 12 116 Quality of math & science education* 4.7 38 Freedom of the press 6.1 25 Quality of educational system* 4.3 39 Political and regulatory environment 4.3 5.2 Adult literacy rate, % 62.8 120 Effectiveness of low-making bodies* 4.3 36 Residential phone installation (PPP $) 17.9 12 Laws relating to ICT* 4.5 39 Residential monthly phone subscription (PPP $) 7.2 44 Judicial independence* 4.8 40 Fixed phone tariffs (PPP $) 0.06 36 ,MÄJPLUJ`VMSLNHSZ`Z[LTPUZL[[SPUN disputes* 4.1 46 Mobile cellular tariffs (PPS $) 0.06 4 ,MÄJPLUJ`VMSLNHSZ`Z[LTPUJOHSSLUNPUN regs* 4.2 37 Fixed broadband Internet tariffs (PPP $) 14.9 6 Buyer sophistication* 3.8 4.3 Property rights* 4.5 60 Business readiness 4.5 33 Intellectual property protection* 3.6 65 Extent of staff training* 4.1 58 Software piracy rate, % software installed 65 58 Quality of management schools* 5.1 23 No. procedures to enforce a contract 46 121 Company spending an R&D* 3.6 37 No. days to enforce a contract 1420 133 University- industry collaboration in R&D* 3.7 58 Internet & telephony competition, 0-6 (best) 6 1 Business phone installation (PPP $) 17.9 5 64 | Business monthly phone subscription (PPP $) 7.2 21 Internet access in schools* 3.8 70 Local supplier quality* 4.6 60 Use of virtual social networks 4.8 89 Computer, communication & other services imports, % services imports 34.6 55 Impact of ICT on access to basic services 4.9 42 Business Usage 3.8 47 Government readiness 4.5 47 Gov’t success in ICT promotion 5.2 22 Gov’t prioritization of ICT* 5.3 35 0*;\ZLNV]»[LMÄJPLUJ` 4.7 41 Gov’t procurement of advanced tech.* 3.5 75 Government Online Service Index, 0-1 (best) 0.37 53 Importance of ICT to gov’t vision* 4.6 32 E-Participation Index, 0-1 (best) 0.20 56 Business phone installation (PPP $) 17.9 5 Usage component 3.3 67 Business monthly phone subscription (PPP $) 7.2 21 Individual usage 2.8 98 Local supplier quality* 4.6 60 Mobile phone subscription/100 pop 43.8 119 34.6 55 Cellular subscriptions w/data, % total n/a n/a Computer, communication & other services imports, % services imports Households’ w/personal computer, % 4.4 118 Government readiness 4.5 47 Broadband Internet subscribers/100 pop 0.6 100 Gov’t prioritization of ICT* 5.3 35 Internet user/100 pop 5.1 118 Gov’t procurement of advanced tech.* 3.5 75 Importance of ICT to gov’t vision* 4.6 32 Table 20: Network Readiness Index India 69 World Economic Forum Report | 65 6.2. Country Data BASIC DATA70 Land area 3,287,240 sq km (including Indian-administered Kashmir); 57% is agricultural land and 16% forest area Population 1.03 Billion (2001 Census), 1.18 Billion (est. April 2010) Main towns Population in millions, 2001 census Mumbai (Bombay) Kolkata (Calcutta) Delhi Chennai (Madras) Bangalore Hyderabad 70 71 16.4 13.2 12.8 6.4 5.7 5.5 Climate Varied; humid subtropical in Ganges basin, semi-arid in north west, tropical humid in northeast and most of peninsula, all areas receive rain from the south-west monsoon in JuneSeptember; the south is also served by the north-east monsoon in January-March Languages Hindi is the national language and primary tongue of 30% of the population. There are 16 V[OLYVMÄJPHSSHUN\HNLZ!)LUNHSP;LS\N\4HYH[OP;HTPS<YK\.\QHYH[P4HSH`HSHT2HUUHKH Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese, Kashmiri, Sindhi and Sanskrit, English is widespread in business and as second language Religion 2001 Census: Hindu (80.5%); Muslim (13.4%); Christian (2.3%); Sikh (1.9%) Buddhist (0.8%); Jain (0.4%) Measures Metric system. Numbers are often written in Lakh (100,000) and Crores (10 Million) Currency Average exchange rate in 2010: INR 45.65 = USD 171 Exchange rate on 30 September 2011: INR 49.05 = USD 1 Fiscal year April 1st- March 31st Time 5 hours 30 minutes ahead of GMT,,,, 66 | 6.3. Demographic Trends According to the 2001 census, India’s population stood at 1.027bn. Even under fairly optimistic assumptions about the pace of future fertility decline, India’s population is likely reach 1.4bn by 2025. The number of females per 1,000 males was 933; the difference is due to female infanticide, the neglect of female children and, lately and the abortion of female foetuses. Population growth averaged 1.9% per year in 1991-2001, down from an average of 2.1% in 198191 and 2.3% in the 1960s. India’s Middle Class India’s Demographic Pyramid 6]LYVM[OLWVW\SH[PVU^PSSILJVUZPKLYLKTPKKSLJSHZZI` 0UKPH»Z`V\[OI\SNL^PSSMSH[[LUPUJVTPUN`LHYZ (UU\HSOV\ZLOVSK 0UJVTL9Z[OV\ZHUKZ .SVIHSZ% :[YP]LYZ 4PKKSL *SHZZ :OHYLVMWVW\SH[PVU :LLRLYZ 4HSL -LTHSL (ZWPYLYZ +LWYP]LK# JVUZ[HU[`LHYY\WLLZ , - - Source: McKinsey Global Institute 7VW\SH[PVUTPSSPVUZ Source: US Census Bureau, International Database KEY GROWTH FACTORS Following are the key factors that have led to the transformation of Indian economy and are helping it to become a destination for all the global majors: 9PZPUNJVUZ\TLYZWLUKPUNHUKSHYNLKVTLZ[PJTHYRL[ .YV^[OVM:LY]PJLZ 0UKPHUTHU\MHJ[\YPUNLZ[HISPZOPUNP[ZLSMPU[OLNSVIHSHYLUH 7LY]HZP]LJVTT\UPJH[PVU!ZH[LSSP[LHUKJHISL;=TVIPSL[LSLWOVU`ÄILYVW[PJIYVHKIHUK 0UMYHZ[Y\J[\YLNYV^[O/PNO^H`7VY[ZHUK<YIHU;YHUZWVY[ +LTVJYH[PJHUKTH[\YLWVSP[PJHSZL[\W^P[OKL]LSVWTLU[HUKWYVPU]LZ[VYYLMVYTZHZP[ZJVYLHNLUKH 3HYNLWVVSVM`V\UN,UNSPZOZWLHRPUNHUKZRPSSLK^VYRMVYJL The critical bottlenecks however are inadequate supply of infrastructure (especially power), There is a large and growing middle class of more than 50 mn Indians with disposable income ranging from 200,000 to 1,000,000 Rupees per year (USD 4,444 to 22,222). 67 | 6.4. Key Macro-Level Risks The associated risks are categorized into four sections as: 1. Economic Risks 2. Energy Risks 3. National Risks Economic Risks Following are the important trends which were observed: ,JVUVTPJ\UJLY[HPU[`! The integration of India with the global economy has been steady – the economy has shown correlation with the global sentiment. 0UÅH[PVU! ;OLPUÅH[PVUOHZILLUOPNOH[PU[OLSHZ[`LHYZ *\YYLUJ`! ;OL0UKPHU9\WLLJVU[PU\LZ[VIL]VSH[PSL:PNUPÄJHU[Å\J[\H[PVUZ ranging from INR 39/USD to INR 50/USD have created uncertainties for import-export oriented businesses. 9LNPVUHSZV\YJLZVMPUZ[HIPSP[`! The situation in the state of Jammu Kashmir and relationship of India with the neighbour Pakistan is one of the major sources of instability in the region. The continuous instability in Afghanistan and along its border with Pakistan remains an additional source VMPUZ[HIPSP[`PU[OLYLNPVU;OPZOHZSLK[VT\S[PWSLJVUÅPJ[ZHUK increased defence budgets in South Asia. India Advantage: India is expected to continue in its superior growth trajectory over the next decade. The growth of domestic demand backed I` NYV^PUN 4PKKSL *SHZZ HSVUN ^P[O ZPNUPÄJHU[ PTWYV]LTLU[Z in infrastructure and business environment since the economic liberalization has made India a preferred market for Western companies. On the downside however, there is volatile currency, YPZPUN PUÅH[PVU PULMÄJPLU[ WV^LY KPZ[YPI\[PVU ]\SULYHIPSP[` [V global crude oil price risks and a threat from terrorism Land and Infrastructure: The rapid economic growth of the last few years has put heavy stress on India’s infrastructural facilities. The projections of further expansion in key areas will have a further impact on the strained lines of transportation. The key problems include power KLTHUKZOVY[MHSSWVY[[YHMÄJJHWHJP[`TPZTH[JOHUKWVVYYVHK conditions. Infrastructure projects are necessary to improve rural-urban communications and facilitate inter and intra-state ÅV^ZVMJVTTVKP[PLZHUKZLY]PJLZ 0UJYLHZLKU\TILYVM[LYYVYPZ[PUJPKLU[Z! In the recent time there have been several fatal attacks carried out in several cities including Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Over 4,800 people were killed in terrorist attacks between 2004 and mid-2008. Energy Risks 0ULMÄJPLU[7V^LY! More than 40% of India’s population (over 400 mn people), live in the rural areas and they lack the access to electricity. ,ULYN`LMÄJPLUJ`PZHRL`JVTWVULU[VM[OLUH[PVUHSKL]LSVWTLU[ strategy. 0TWVY[KLWLUKLUJ`! The production of crude oil has been stagnant which has led to the dependency on crude oil imports with India importing more than 70% of its oil. Increase in consumption pattern and rise in VPSWYPJLZ^V\SKHKKTVYLWYLZZ\YL[V[OLJ\YYLU[HJJV\U[KLÄJP[ National Risks 7VSP[PJHSZ[HIPSP[`! India is the largest democracy in the world and has multiple party systems with predominance of regional political parties. The parties differ in their political ideology which in turn depends upon the region to which the party belongs to. In past several decades no single party has been able to gain the majority of seats in general elections and therefore coalition governments have ruled the nation. However, excellent political consensus has emerged within the country with respect to economic reforms and progressive business regulation over last two decades providing the stability required for growth. | 68 6.5. Major Challenges & Concerns for ICT in Flare: CHALLENGES DESCRIPTION Portability Reduce effort required to support applications across heterogeneous platforms, programming languages & variety of compilers Flexibility :\WWVY[HNYV^PUNYHUNLVMT\S[PTLKPHKH[H[`WLZ[YHMÄJWH[[LYUZHUKLUK[VLUK quality of service requirements Extensibility Support successions of quick updates and additions to take advantage of new requirements and emerging markets 7YLKPJ[HIPSP[`,MÄJPLUJ` Provide low latency to delay-sensitive real-time applications & high performance to bandwidth intensive ones Reliability Ensure that applications are robust, fault tolerant, and highly available Quality Ensure performance Speed Enable quick development and delivery of business critical applications Scalability Ensure that the system is scalable at state and national level of initiatives Security ,UZ\YLZHMLÄUHUJPHS[YHUZHJ[PVUZ Financial Viability 0M[OL[LJOUVSVN`THRLZ[OLI\ZPULZZÄUHUJPHSS`]PHISL Organizational Capability If the organization have adequate skills to handle the technology spread Simplicity and Usability The applications must be user friendly with little or no learning curve to the customer. The customer must also be able to personalize the application to suit his or her convenience Universality Payment service must provide for transactions between one customer to another customer (C2C), or from a business to a customer (B2C) or between businesses (B2B). The coverage should include domestic, regional and global environments. Payments must be possible in terms of both low value micro-payments and high value macro-payments Interoperability Development should be based on standards and open technologies that allow one implemented system to interact with other systems Security, Privacy and Trust A customer must be able to trust a service provider that his or her credit or debit card information may not be misused. Secondly, when these transactions become recorded customer privacy should not be lost in the sense that the credit histories and spending patterns of the customer should not be openly available for public scrutiny. Digital payments have to be as anonymous as cash transactions. Third, the system should be foolproof, resistant to attacks from hackers and terrorists. This may be provided using public key infrastructure security, biometrics and passwords integrated into the mobile payment solution architectures Cost ;OL[LJOUVSVN`LUHISLKJOHUULSZMVYHJJLZZPUNÄUHUJPHSZLY]PJLZPUJS\KPUNWH`TLU[ZHUK remittances should not be costlier than the existing payment mechanisms to the extent WVZZPISL([LJOUVSVN`LUHISLKÄUHUJPHSZLY]PJLHS[LYUH[P]LZOV\SKJVTWL[L^P[OV[OLYTVKLZ of payment in terms of cost and convenience Speed ;OLZWLLKH[^OPJOÄUHUJPHS[YHUZHJ[PVUZHYLL_LJ\[LKT\Z[ILHJJLW[HISL[VJ\Z[VTLYZHUK merchants Table 21: Challenges for ICT solutions for Financial Inclusion 69 | 6.6. E-Governance Projects Initiated by Government of India SR. NO. AREA OF MMP TYPE OF MMP URL 1 Banking Central MMP 2 Central Excise & Customs Central MMP 3. Income Tax (IT) Central MMP 4. Insurance Central MMP 5 MCA21 Central MMP 6 National Citizen Database Central MMP 7 Passport Central MMP 8 Immigration, Visa and Foreigners Registration& Tracking Central MMP 9 Pension Central MMP 10 L6MÄJL Central MMP O[[W!TP[NV]PUJVU[LU[LVMÄJL 12 Agriculture State MMP 13 Commercial Taxes State MMP 14 Lò+PZ[YPJ[ State MMP 15 Employment Exchange State MMP 16 Land Records State MMP 17 Municipalities State MMP 18 Gram Panchayats State MMP 19 Police State MMP 20 Road Transport State MMP 21 Treasuries State MMP 22 CSC Integrated MMP 23 e-Biz Integrated MMP 24 e-Courts Integrated MMP 25 e-Procurement Integrated MMP 26 EDI For eTrade Integrated MMP 27 National e-governance Service Delivery Gateway Integrated MMP Table 22: List of MMPs (e-governance projects) | 70 6.7. Fairs & Events SOME IMPORTANT EVENTS FOR 2012 NAME LOCATION WEBSITE DATE ET-Asia ITEX Mumbai 07-Oct-11 Cloud Computing World Forum Mumbai 12-Oct-11 International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Information Technology – CIIT 2011 Pune 07-Nov-11 International Conference on Data Management ICDM2011 Ghaziabad 17-Nov-11 International Trade fair and Seminar for Banking Technology, Equipment and Services Mumbai 1-Dec-11 Indian Telecom New Delhi 7-Dec-11 IBEX India 2011 New Delhi 08-Dec-11 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT 2011) Mumbai 11-Dec-11 E-commerce & Payments World India 2011 Mumbai 05-Jan-12 Frontier Global Issues and Challenges in the New Millennium on Emerging Economy, Accounting, Finance, Information & Communication Technology, Business & Management Jaipur pdf 05-Jan-12 National Conference on Business Analytics and Business Intelligence Hyderabad 6-Jan-12 2012 4th International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering “ICCAE 2012” Mumbai 15-Jan-12 Indian Digital Summit & Indian Digital Awards New Delhi International Conference on Cloud Computing Bangalore 29-Jan-12 Internet Retail Expo New Delhi 02-Feb-12 ET-Asia ITEX New Delhi 12-Feb-12 IT INDIA FAIR 2012 New Delhi 12-Mar-12 Convergence India New Delhi 21-Mar-12 71 | 18-Jan-12 6.8. Regulatory & Trade Bodies TYPE OF ASSOCIATION NAME WEBSITE Regulatory Department of Telecommunications(under Ministry of IT and Communications) Trade Association Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council (ESC) (External website that opens in a new window) Trade Association Software Technology Park of India Trade Association Nasscom Trade Association CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) Trade Association Manufacture Association of Information Technology Trade Association FICCI (Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry) ^^^ÄJJPJVT Trade Association All India Association of Computer Centres & IT Professionals Trade Association Trade Association of Information Technology (TAIT) ^^^[HP[T\TIHPJVTWYVÄSLO[TS Trade Association Indian Chamber of Commerce Trade Association The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry in India Regulatory Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) Trade Association CMAI Association of India Trade Association COAI (Cellular Operators Association in India) Trade Association Telecom Equipment Manufacturers Association of India Trade Association India-tech foundation Trade Association 7HJPÄJ;LSLJVTT\UPJH[PVUZ*V\UJPS0UKPH Foundation Trade Association IAMAI (Internet and Mobile Association of India) Trade Association (ZZVJPH[PVUVM<UPÄLK;LSLJVT:LY]PJLWYV]PKLYZ of India (AUSPI) IT/ITES Telecom INTERNET AND BROADBAND Regulatory Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) Trade Association Internet Service Providers of India, Trade Association IAMAI (Internet and Mobile Association of India) Medical Council of India HEALTHCARE Regulatory | 72 Regulatory Central Drugs Standard Control Organization Regulatory Ministry of health and family welfare Regulatory Voluntary Healthcare Association of India Trade Association Indian Association of Medical Informatics GAMING AND ANIMATION Trade Association iGITA (Indian Games Industry and Trade Association) Trade Association Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) 5V[MVY7YVÄ[6YNHUPaH[PVU Indian Documentary Producers’ Association(IDPA) Regulatory University Grants Commission Regulatory National Council for Educational Research and Training Trade Association All India Association for Educational Research Trade Association Indian Adult Education Association Trade Association CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) Trade Association IMTMA (Indian Machine Tools Manufacturers’ Association) Trade Association Indian Paper Manufacturers Association (IPMA) Trade Association Society of Indian Automobiles Manufacturer (SIAM) Trade Association Cements Manufacturers’ Association (CMA) Trade Associations Indian Electrical & Electronics Manufacturers Association Trade Associations All India Association of Industries Regulatory Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) Regulatory Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Regulatory Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Regulatory Forward Market Commission Trade Associations Indian Banks organisation Trade Associations Insurance Bankers Association of India Trade Associations General Insurance Council Fairs/Symposium International Banking Technology Conference, Expo & Award Regulatory Department of IT and Communications Regulatory Indian Computer Emergency Response Team Education MANUFACTURING BANKING AND INSURANCE SECURITY 73 | Trade Associations Data Security Council of India IAMAI (Internet and Mobile Association of India) Government/Promotion Body National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) Government/Promotion Body e-agriculture E-COMMERCE Trade Association AGRICULTURE BIOINFORMATICS Education/promotion Body All India Biotech Association Education/promotion Body Bioinformatics Association of India (BAI) Education/promotion Body Bioinformatics Institute of India (BII) Education/promotion Body Institute of Bioinformatics | 74 6.9. Abbreviations ABBREVIATION FULL FORM 2D Two Dimensions 3D Three Dimensions 3G Third Generation AAAI Advertising Agencies Association of India AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure ARPU Average Revenue per User ATM Automated Teller Machine AUSPI (ZZVJPH[PVUVM<UPÄLK;LSLJVT:LY]PJLWYV]PKLYZVM0UKPH B2B Business to Business B2C Business to Consumer BAI Bioinformatics Association of India BC Business correspondents BFSI Banking, Financial Services and Insurance BI Business intelligence BII Bioinformatics Institute of India bn Billion BOOT Build Own Operate Transfer BPM Business Process Management BPO Business Process Outsourcing BRIC Brazil, Russia, India, China BWA Broadband Wireless Access C2C Consumer to Consumer CAD Computer Aided Design CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing CAT Customer-Activated Terminal CBS Core Banking Solutions C-DAC Centre for Development of Advanced Computing CDMA Code Division Multiple Access CD-ROMs Compaq Disc – Read only memory CEERI Central Electronics Engineering Research Institute (CEERI), Pilani CERT-In Indian Computer Emergency Response Team CII Confederation of Indian Industry CIIT Computational Intelligence and Information Technology C-MET Center for Materials for Electronics Technology 75 | CMA Cement Manufacturers Association CMM Capability Maturity Model COAI Cellular Operators Association in India CPOE Computerised Physician Order Entry CPU Central Processor Unit CRAMS Contract Research and Manufacturing Services CRM Customer Relationship Management CRO Contract research organizations CSC Common Services Centres CSIR labs *V\UJPSVM:JPLU[PÄJHUK0UK\Z[YPHS9LZLHYJO DECT Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications DLP Data Loss Prevention DMSS Distribution Marketing Sales and Services DSCI Data Security Council of India DSS Decision Support System DTA Domestic Tariff Areas DVD Digital Versatile Disk E- Governance Electronic Governance EASIEST Electronic Accounting System in Excise and Service Tax E-commerce Electronic Commerce ECS Electronic Clearing Service EDI Electronic Data Interchange EFTPOS Electronic Fund Transfer at Point of Sale EHR Electronic Health Record EHTP Electronics Hardware Technology Park EMR Electronic Medical Record EMS Electronic Management System EOU Export Oriented Unit EPCG Export Promotion Capital Goods scheme ,7A ,SLJ[YVUPJ7YVJLZZPUNAVULZ ERNET Education and Research Network ERP Enterprise resource planning ESC Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council ET Economic Times EU European Union FDI Foreign Direct Investment FI Financial Inclusion FICCI Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry | 76 FIT Funds in transit FMT Financial Management Trainings FY Financial Year GDP Gross Domestic Product GPRS General Packet Radio Service GRC Governance, Risk and Compliance GSM Global System for Mobile Communication HFC Housing Finance Companies HH Household HIE Health Information Exchange HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPS Host-based Intrusion Prevention System HIS Healthcare Information System HR Human Relations HRM Human Resources Management IaaS Infrastructure as a Service IAMAI Internet and Mobile Association of India ICCAE International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering ICDM International Conference on Data Management ICT Information & Communication Technology IDS Intrusion Detection System IES Indian Education Sector iGITA Indian Games Industry and Trade Association IIITs Indian Institute of Information Technology IISc Indian Institute of Science IITs Indian Institute of Technology ILD International Long Distance IMPS Interbank Mobile Payments Service IMTMA Indian Machine Tools Manufacturers Association INR Indian National Rupee IP Intellectual Property IPMA Indian Papers Manufacturers India IPR Intellectual Property Rights IPS Intrusion Protection System IPsec Internet Protocol Security IP-VPN IP-based virtual private network IRDA Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority ISO Indian Standards Organisation 77 | IT Information Technology ITC (HS) 0UKPHU;YHKL*SHZZPÄJH[PVU/HYTVUPZLK:`Z[LT ITeS Information Technology enabled Services ITIRs Information Technology Investment Regions IVRS Interactive Voice Response System K 12 Primary and Secondary School KPO Knowledge Process Outsourcing LED Light Emitting Diode LIMS Laboratory Information Management System MCA21 Ministry of Corporate Affairs MFI 4PJYVÄUHUJL0UZ[P[\[PVUZ MHRD Ministry of Human Resource Development MMOG Massive Multiplayer Online Games MMP Mission Mode Projects mn Million MNC Multinational National Corporation MNE Multinational Enterprise MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Switching MRP Material Requirement Planning MSME Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise MSS Managed Security Services NAIP National Agricultural Innovation Project NBFC Non Banking Financial Companies NEFT National Electronic Funds Transfer NeGP National e-Governance Plan NFE Non-Formal Education NG-RTGS Next Generation Real Time Gross Settlement NHIN National Health Information Network NIPS Network-based Intrusion Prevention System NLD National Long Distance NRI Network Readiness Index ODL Open & Distance Learning OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development OLTAS Online tax accounting system PaaS Platform as a Service PACS Picture Archiving and Communication System PC Personal Computers PCO 7\ISPJ*HSS6MÄJLZ | 78 POS Point of Sale POT Point of Transaction Terminal PPP Public Private Partnership PSTN Public Switched Network Telephone R&D Research and Development RACS Reconciliation Accounting and Cash Settlement RBI Reserve Bank of India REC Regional Engineering Colleges RFID 9HKPV-YLX\LUJ`0KLU[PÄJH[PVU RRB Regional Rural Banks RTGS Real Time Gross Settlement SaaS Software as a Service SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India :,A :WLJPHS,JVUVTPJAVULZ SHG Self Help Groups SIAM Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers SMB Small and Medium Businesses SME Small & Medium Enterprises SMS Short Messaging Service SSA Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan SSL Secure Socket Layer STP Software Technology Park Telecom Telecommunication TAIT Trade Association of Information Technology TPA Third Party Auditor TRAI Telecom Regulatory Authority of India UIDAI <UPX\L0KLU[PÄJH[PVU(\[OVYP[`VM0UKPH UK United Kingdom USA United States of America USD United States Dollar UTM <UPÄLK;OYLH[4HUHNLTLU[ VAS Value Added Services VFX Visual Effects VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol VPT Village Public Telephones WICT World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies WiMAX Worldwide Interoperability of Microwave Access Table 23: Abbreviations 79 | 7. List of Tables Table 1: Structure of Indian IT-BPO Industry Table 2: Key Trends for Growth of IT-BPO Industry in India Table 3: Electronic Hardware Industry CAGR Table 4: Domestic ICT Clusters ;HISL!:WLJPÄJ[YLUKZWVPU[PUN[VNYV^[OVM0*; Table 6: Top 10 Business and Technology Trends for ICT in India Table 7: Growth Path for mobile enterprise applications, 2011 Table 8: Key Focus Areas for ICT Table 9: Healthcare Sector Status Table 10: Indian Education Sector Structure34 Table 11: Drivers, Risk and Key Players in ICT in non-formal Education Sector Table 12: ICT in Government Schools Opportunity Table 13: Vocational Training Market Segment Table 14: Value Added Services (VAS) Market Share Table 15: Indian Security Market Table 16: Bioinformatics Vendor capabilities by category in India Table 17: Opportunities foe Swiss SMEs Table 18: Key Requirement for Entering India Market Table 19: Sector-wise Key Opportunities in Indian ICT Sector Table 20: Network Readiness Index India Table 21: Challenges for ICT solutions for Financial Inclusion Table 22: List of MMPs (e-governance projects) Table 23: Abbreviations 7 8 9 13 16 20 22 23 29 30 31 31 38 46 54 57 61 63 65 69 70 75 | 80 8. List of Figures Figure 1: Indian IT sector Revenues Figure 2: Indian IT Sector Export Revenue Figure 3: Indian IT Market Domestic Market Revenue Figure 4: Composition of Industry Verticals in IT Exports Figure 5: Major IT Export Destination Figure 6: Demand Supply Gap and Projected Growth of Electronics Industry Figure 7: Gross Revenue Indian Telecom Sector Figure 8: Applications that are being ported to mobility platforms 5 6 6 7 7 9 10 20 Figure 9: Healthcare Market Breakup Figure 10: ICT for Education Ecosystem Figure 11: Teledensity in Wireless and Landline Figure 12: Telecom Urban – Rural Divide Figure 13: Wireless Subscribers Forecast and GSM – CDMA Divide Figure 14: Internet and Broadband Subscribers Figure 15: Broadband subscribers Forecast Figure 16: VAS Market Size Figure 17: Payment Flow as times of GDP Figure 18: Security Product Market in FY10 Figure 19: Indian Security Services Market: Share of Companies Figure 20: Global Spam Scenario Figure 21: E-commerce Market in India Figure 22: E-market Sectoral Share Figure 23: Public Sector Spending on IT 23 30 36 36 37 37 38 38 42 46 46 47 49 49 51 | 81 Osec Stampfenbachstrasse 85 CH-8006 Zürich Telefon +41 44 365 51 51 Osec ExportHelp. 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