Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries
Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries
Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries 2012, Aztec Pyramids, Antikythera & Other Ancient Calendar Clocks By Herbert R. Stollorz Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries 2012, Aztec Pyramids, Antikythera & Other Ancient Calendar Clocks By Herbert R. Stollorz Use of Scripture All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise noted, are from the HOLY BIBLE: NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked nrsv are from the NEW REVISED STANDARD VERSION BIBLE. Copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked nasb are from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from the King James Version of the HOLY BIBLE . © 2007 Copyright by Faith in the Future Foundation. All rights reserved. The contents of these books may be downloaded and/or copied for private and/or small group study. No commercial for-profit or income-producing application beyond the cost of copying is permitted without permission. Contact: [email protected] or write: Faith in the Future Foundation P O Box 6384 Minneapolis, MN 55406 ISBN: 1-4196-7400-5 Printed on demand in the USA by BOOKSURGE LLC, North Charleston, SC Page ii Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Preface Preface Ancient calendars from civilizations found around the world are designed to end one point in time. They communicate an urgent warning to every person alive today! Complex bronze and gold clocks with multiple dials or faces are found in museums around the world. Why they have such advanced intricacy has stumped scientists for hundreds of years! In this book, you will learn why the ancients built so many pyramids, observatories as well as those complex gold and bronze clocks with more than one dial. It surprised me greatly to discover that many ancient calendars converge on 21 December 2012 in one way or another. It amazes me that ancient cultures separated by thousands of miles of geography and thousands of years in chronology agree so precisely in the cyclical nature of time, history and prophecy, which is history written in advance. The most famous example is the Mayan-Aztec calendar, which ends its 25,626-year cycle on that momentous date. Some researchers have also found 21 December 2012 in what is called, the Bible Code. Using very different research methods, I independently discovered it in the Bible’s book of Revelation and Daniel’s prophecies. It is one of the most important dates in the plan of God for all humanity! You can read about them in my earlier Babushka books, Apocalypse Prophesied and Mystery of Tammuz 17. What I learned in researching those first two books led me to discover mysterious bronze and gold clocks exhibited in various museums around the world with multiple dials marked with strange patterns that cannot be compared to anything we use today. Scientists were not able to guess their purpose. Some think these clocks were mere calculators for tracking the present paths of the sun, moon, planets and some stars, but these mystery clocks do not fit our present set of zodiac constellations or what has been observable in the sky during recent history. Some of these ancient mechanisms were made from solid gold too heavy for one man to even carry! This fact raises the question of what Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page iii Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries was so important to cause the ancients to spend a fortune on calendar clocks. Furthermore, their complex design functionally demands a rational explanation beyond our present astronomical context. Clearly, keeping track of the changes in the sky was not simple, but also very important to the ancients. All clock-like mechanisms show very complex design features, which amazingly also correlate with ancient pyramids and outdoor observatories found around the globe that are similar to the famous Stonehenge in England. The immense expense and advanced technology invested in these valuable mechanisms and observatory-temples indicate their importance to past civilizations. These amazing artifacts and structures from antiquity have stumped scientists for hundreds of years. Even using today’s modern computing equipment does not produce commonsense explanations because modern scientific research is based on the false premises of uniformitarianism. Furthermore, most scientists selectively reject any ancient documentation that does not fit their theories. In this book, you will learn how these clocks work and why the ancients built so many pyramids and observatories as well as why those complex gold and bronze clocks needed more than one dial. Bible Clues Do you know the ordinances of the heavens, or fix their rule over the earth? (Job 38:33) He established the earth upon its foundations, so that it will not totter forever and ever. You covered it with the deep as with a garment; the waters were standing above the mountains. (Psalms 104:5-6) Page iv Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Preface The Bible gives us reliable observations about the past that supplement what science can tell us. Scientists extrapolate backwards in time assuming that the manner of the earth’s movement through space during antiquity was like it is today. The Bible points out that we do not really know how it was and gives us vital clues that can be combined with science to provide a more stable, two-rail track system for the railroad train of understanding to travel. In these verses, the Bible states that at one time the earth “tottered” or wobbled like a drunken man in its orbit. This verse is positioned just before the description of the Genesis Flood waters reaching over the mountain tops. Forget the list of details like how the mountains were probably lower in height back then, focus on the main message. What caused the tottering? What does that have to do with the Flood? In short, I believe that an asteroid strike initiated the 40 days of heavy rains and earthquakes to “break up the fountains of the deep” that produced the great waters of the Flood. I give more details later. The point is that how the earth rotated on its axis changed as a result of that asteroid strike, and I have found the evidence in ancient clocks calendars found around the world by established scholars who put the clocks in museums and had the monuments declared protected sites. What I propose is controversial. You will not find it explained in schoolbooks or libraries, university research departments or anywhere else because modern science hypothesis and postulates that the earth’s orbital movements around the sun have not changed for billions of years. That faulty belief system keeps these ancient clocks undeciphered. It is common knowledge today that the earth moves through space on two axes: 1) its 365.24-day orbit around the sun; and 2) its 23½° angle of 24hour day rotation on its axis. Of course, both numbers are approximates. This book presents evidence that a major asteroid impact took place on 5 February 2287 BC that changed how people counted time in calendars by measuring an earth wobble. It affected the length of counting solstice years and the solar rotation angle variables that determine the earth’s seasons. An asteroid strike caused a wobble in the earth’s spin-through-space axes that even triggered the sun to rise in the west at times! My hypothesis states that there was a third axis in the past that spun the earth on its plane of solar orbit much the same, horizontal way a top spins on a smooth, flat surface when it slows down from spinning upright on its point. I am not trained as an astrophysicist, geologist, archaeologist or theologian. I am a proficient applied scientist and prolific inventor of high-tech products. I am capable of taking a rational look at scientific evidence exposed for all to see. I hope that my ideas will be evaluated by trained professionals in these fields. I have limited my researched information to keep it short. At my advanced age, I do not have the time or resources to do the supplemental scholarly research required to test my thesis. Meanwhile, I share my ideas with the public for you to consider and perhaps pressure the acaCopyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page v Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries demic world to come around with a better explanation for the data than the conclusions presented in this book. My chronological proposal is not based on the theory of evolution which cannot solve the paradox presented by the many embedded geological and archeological facts that seem to contradict modern ideas about the past. I wanted to find answers to mystery clocks and calendars and determine why the ancients invested so much time and expense in pyramids, big observatories like Stonehenge and building complex mystery clocks. It all points to a relatively recent asteroid impact never reported in history books in conflict with an atheistic fairytale evolution theory religion that changed how the earth moved through space around the sun. My research has convinced me that an asteroid struck the earth on 5 February 2287 BC. This strike caused the earth’s center of gravity and magnetic fields to shift resulting in the present tilt of the earth’s axis at 23½˚. Genesis describes similar events in Noah’s time. That’s how I got started on this study. I never thought that Jesus was so precisely accurate when He said that the future Apocalypse would be like Noah’s day, but when I counted back one month and 17 days from the beginning of the 40 days of rain, I came to the solstice date of 21 December 2288 BC. It matched the solstice date of 2012 determined by separate calculations presented in my books Apocalypse Prophesied and Mystery of Tammuz 17. What a coincidence! I concur with scientists who believe that an asteroid strike close to the equator in the Gulf of Mexico caused a massive extinction of dinosaurs, but I disagree with their date of 60 million years ago. Other scientists have wondered about the magnetic abnormalities around that area and some link it to a magnetic black hole within what is popularly known as the Bermuda Triangle. This magnetic vortex has been the subject of dozens of TV programs about ships and airplanes unexplainable disappearing while passing through. It is not too difficult to imagine a big asteroid strike from space strong enough to make the earth wobble like a storm-battered boat with its ballast disturbed. The after effects of such a strike would last for centuries. In fact, they did and to a small degree, still impact how the earth moves through space. How the Ancients Counted Time Aztec calendar cycles and records found in Genesis indicate that the earth’s rotational axis moved in pendulum-like wobbles even as it roughly continued in its same annual orbit around the sun. Ancient calendars were designed and maintained by priests. They marked time by counting a four-step sequence of solstice, equinox, solstice and equinox to determine a year. Each of these events marked some change in the seasons. The asteroid strike messed up what had been an orderly process that marked years of 52 days with about 7 “years” passing for each orbit of the earth around the sun. If a year was 52 days, a season was 13 days, Page vi Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Preface so seasons were not as meteorologically extreme as they became after the asteroid strike. Before the asteroid, the whole earth was like a tropical paradise. Afterwards, it became critical to know when and what to plant in order to produce food. The earth’s unpredictable wobble is the ancient reason why archaeologists find so many early observatories made of megaliths. More advanced societies followed pyramids and stone observatories with metallic mystery clocks designed with three dials. They had to measure movements in the sky and changes of climate that had become difficult to calculate due an unwinding third spin axis (the mysterious X-axis). The wobble set off by the asteroid strike gradually reduced from residual, prehistoric spin of 2.82 to .546 until it ended with today’s fixed 23½° daily rotational tilt (the present Y-axis). I have constructed a spin-axis table to track this history of perturbations or wobbles. Admittedly, it strains our present-based conceptions to consider that the sun sometimes moved from west-to-east across the heavens in antiquity. I believe that it in fact reversed itself two times and a half time over a range of 1,800 years until it ended with what we can observe today. This means that the length of daylight varied from 16 to 28 hours in a manner similar to the movements of the sun at midsummer’s midnight sun as seen from northern Norway. I will describe how Chinese and Persian Astrolabe clocks prove this part of my theory. These dramatic changes in the natural order inspired tremendous human efforts to mark the passing of time nearly impossible to track as five pyramids on top of each other prove in the outdoor museum Mexico City. It was the age of building pyramids around the globe like Stonehenge and other giant calendar stone monuments. My proposed earth wobble caused the ancients to built intricate mystery clocks made of bronze and gold to measure a different spin axis positions as solstice-to-solstice cycles were at times impossible to measure in a moving or vertical earth axis. Museums spotlight these wondrous Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page vii Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries artifacts, but their curators do not understand that they measure zodiac and sun cycles that switch depending on the pendulum direction mentioned above the earth still orbiting within a 365.24 day for a year around the sun (a relatively stable Z-axis). But for me the greatest discovery is how all of these diverse testimonies of artifact calendars, monuments and clocks relate to the documented Aztec precession of the equinoxes in the starry sky. My theory is totally new. The Aztec calendar records a frozen-in-time precession of 5,125 cycles after the asteroid impact that I relate to the beginning of Noah’s Flood. The Hebrew calendar evidences the same calendar cycles when it gives life spans of 900+ years to those who lived before the Flood. Since it is biologically impossible for people to live this long, I concluded these “years” were pre-Flood calendar cycles seven times must be shorter than today’s. In other words, it took 7 preFlood cycles to make one of our present year cycles around the sun. I concluded that a third spin axis (X) testified by ancient astronomical notations that describe the earth’s progression through 24 zodiac constellations instead of today’s 12 monthly signs. This is why ancient clocks had three dials like the Antikythera bronze mechanism. They needed those three dials to track the three spin axes instead of the single clock face we now know. The mystery clocks of antiquity estimated that the pendulum wobble of the earth’s axis would end its parabolic time journey in 2012 because the speed of light is not constant according to advanced scientific theories. This fact alone was only recently discovered by physicists and connects Einstein’s theories of relativity to the Second Law of Thermodynamics known as entropy. The theory of intelligent design together with recent GMO and DNA technologies expose an atheistic evolutionary theory as being unscientific unless you make it into a religion. My conclusions clash with present red shift theories based on the assumption of an expanding universe, which is not very logical when compared with my hypothesis, which scientifically supports a shrinking universe that is getting colder. That fact is verified in other ancient literature rejected by the academic priesthoods of modern universities, who oppose any facts that strongly point to a Creator being responsible for and in control of the earth’s destiny. You be the judge. Page viii Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Preface In this book, I also refer to a new discovery, the Hebrew Alphabet Number System [HANS]. It is a Hebrew code connected with the biblical Rosetta Stone that reveals God’s plan for humanity with preset clock cycles. I described them in detail with many other analytic tools in my two books Apocalypse Prophesied and Mystery of Tammuz 17. I encourage you to read these books because they reveal many dates for important future events that will affect you personally. Check out my new discoveries in this book. You will never hear them at universities or preached in church! What is Faith in the Future Foundation? The ideas, teachings, implied theology and biblical exegesis presented on these pages represent the beliefs and opinions of Herbert R. Stollorz, the author. They do not knowingly represent the positions of any organized church, ministry or spiritual movement. Neither do they represent in full the teachings or objectives of any political organization or social movement known to us. Obviously, there may be aspects or portions of our material that parallel or even derive from the teachings and beliefs of others. We do not live in a vacuum and believe our fundamental faith in and understanding of the Bible to fall within the broad parameters of evangelical Christian context. Faith in the Future Foundation’s official Statement of Faith simply focuses on the essentials: • The Bible is God’s Word, the divine revelation of His will and purpose for life. • Jesus Christ is the only way of salvation by faith. • Faith in the Future Foundation considers itself a delivery service for the good news of God’s coming kingdom without respect to persons or organizations. Faith in the Future Foundation teaches that a believer's "citizenship is in heaven." The directors do not endorse or work for any national or international political party or government, military operation, or specific religious denomination. We do not support or undertake any type of forced conversion or change of religious and/or philosophical beliefs. Jesus Christ alone can rightly judge the mortal heart and determine a person's spiritual condition and future in eternity. Faith in the Future Foundation does not initiate, support or encourage anyone to participate in any activity that seeks to bring biblical prophecies to pass in this world and time. God is Almighty and able to bring about His prophecies without dependence on human imagination or activity. Our recommended course of life is to obey God above all and so far as it depends on us, to live in peace with all persons. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page ix Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Page x Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Preface Table of Contents Prologue - A Snapshot of the Spin-Axis Hypothesis ...... 1 A Third Spin-Axis for Earth Explains Ancient Clocks ....................2 An Overview of Human History in Ancient Clocks ................................3 Why did I write another book? ......................................................7 Chapter 1 - The X-Y Spin-Axis Hypothesis ................. 9 Unknown Concepts in a Nutshell ................................................. 15 My Personal Conclusion ............................................................. 19 A World Full of Ancient Mysteries ................................................20 Excessive Flood Water?............................................................... 21 Flash Frozen at -273 Degrees Fahrenheit?..................................22 Tropical Climate at the North Pole?..............................................23 A Contest with God Story ............................................................28 Chapter 2 - 3 Spin-Axes from an Aztec Precession Overlay and Geomagnetism ....................................... 29 The Testimony of Antiquity ...........................................................30 A Third Axis to the Earth’s Spin ...................................................32 A Bicycle Wheel Model for the 3 Spin-Axes Calendar .................35 Relativity and X-Y Axis Theory .....................................................39 Two Dimensions Story ..................................................................40 The Not so Constant Speed of Light ............................................42 The Red Shift Story ......................................................................43 Graduation 2006...........................................................................45 Infinite Time Chart ........................................................................46 Calendar Concepts of Time .........................................................49 Measuring Time in Antiquity ......................................................... 51 X-Y Axis Wobble that Stretches Imagination................................53 Precession of the Equinoxes ........................................................56 Chapter 3 - 3 Spin-Axes Imbedded in Genesis ........ 63 Spin-axis Observations ................................................................64 Ages in Genesis Reveal Pre-Flood Calendar ...........................68 A Different Rotation Axis-Angle of our Earth? ............................. 71 Historical Data Supporting the X-Y Spin-axis Hypothesis .......... 74 The Diminishing Exponential Curve of the X-axis ........................75 Oil Tanker Story ............................................................................76 Explaining the 2.82427 Crossover on the Y-Axis .........................78 Explaining the 1.31264 Crossover on the Y-Axis .........................79 The .8333 Spin Crossover on the Y-Axis ..................................... 81 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page xi Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Explaining the Last X-Axis Event – Isaiah ..................................82 Comments on our Modern Calendar ............................................85 A Pendulum Wobble Explained ....................................................87 Pope Gregory’s 1582 Calendar Correction ..................................90 Using the X-Axis to Find the Date of Asteroid Impact ..................94 Global Warming, Unusual Spin-Axis Application .........................96 Another Asteroid Coming? ...........................................................98 Summing up the Spin-axis Hypothesis ...................................... 101 Chapter 4 - Mystery Clocks and the X-Y Spin-Axis Hypothesis ..................................................................103 Ancient Clock Designs ...............................................................104 A Mechanical Ball-Resolver Calculator for an X-Y-Z Axis..........106 The Mayan Tzolkin Count ...........................................................108 Two Dial Clocks ..........................................................................109 An Inventor’s Perspective ........................................................... 111 The Aztec Clock in 1900 BC ...................................................... 114 Deciphering the Aztec Clock ...................................................... 117 Religious Interpretation of the Aztec Four Squares ................... 122 120 Skull Calendar Mystery ....................................................... 127 Geomagnetism ........................................................................... 131 Chapter 5 - Persian Astrolabe Clock ........................135 Chapter 6 - Mystery of 2000 BC Chinese Feng Shui Compass Revealed ....................................................141 Chinese Yin-Yang Calendar ....................................................... 142 Bronze Chinese Clock with Three Disks as Dials ........................... 146 A Slide-Rule System Analogy .................................................... 147 Dating the Chinese Bronze Clock .............................................. 149 Chapter 7 - A Bronze World Clock from the Greek Island Antikythera .................................................................151 Why Scholars do Not Understand Ancient Clocks .....................153 Teaching Faulty Thinking in Schools ..........................................154 A Military Rocket Instrument – the Ball-resolver ........................155 Hourglass Analogy to Explain Three Dials................................. 157 Teeter-totter Principle .................................................................158 The Y-axis Dial (Backside) ......................................................... 161 A 64-Tooth Gear .........................................................................163 A 127-Tooth Gear........................................................................165 The X-axis and Y-axis Dial .........................................................166 Mystery of the 59-Tooth Gear (Right Dial) ................................ 167 The Mystery of the 48-Tooth Gear (Left Dial) ............................169 Page xii Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Preface Antikythera’s Two Axes, Two Dial System ................................. 170 Estimating the Clock’s Age ......................................................... 173 A Closer Look at 48-Window Dial .............................................. 173 Dark Hours at Jesus’ Crucifixion ................................................ 175 Reviewing Highpoints of a Difficult Concept .............................. 176 How Does the Antikythera Clock Work? ....................................180 Closing Thoughts ....................................................................... 182 Daniel’s Calendar & the Aztec-Antikythera Clock......................184 Chapter 8 - Observatory Clocks in India .................191 Jantar Mantar in Jaipur ............................................................... 191 Chapter 9 - The Prague Astronomical Clock ...........195 The Prague Orloj ........................................................................195 Conclusion of Mystery Clocks ....................................................200 A Spin-Axis Clock Capsule ........................................................204 Chapter 10 - History Trail of the Aztec Culture....... 205 A Proposed Migration Trail from Babylon...................................205 The Key of Noah’s Flood ...........................................................206 Reflections on the First Generation after 4004 BC .................... 210 Environmental Changes after the Flood 2287 BC ..................... 211 Geological Changes after the Asteroid Impact of 2287 BC ....... 217 Forests are Good Indicators of Spin-axis Climate Changes ...... 217 From Iran to Mexico.................................................................... 218 A Migration Route of Noah’s People after 2287 BC ................... 219 History Matches a Chinese Mystery Clock ................................ 219 The Mayan Culture .....................................................................223 Different Dating of Mexican Pyramids ........................................226 Chapter 11 - Pyramids Found Around the World ... 229 Is the Ezekiel 40s Temple a Pyramid? ...................................... 231 How Long was a Cubit in Ancient Times? (Ezekiel 40:5) ..........234 Pyramids and Prophecy .............................................................235 Satan’s PreFlood GMOs............................................................. 241 Mexican City’s 7 Pyramids in an Outdoor Museum ...................242 Two Pyramids in Teotihuacan ................................................... 247 South side of the Great Pyramid Teotihuacan ........................... 251 Calculating the Age of Mexico City, 2000 BC ............................254 The Truth About Mexico .............................................................256 Interpretation of a Wall Picture in Teotihuacan Palace of Tepantitla Near Mexico City ........................................................................258 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page xiii Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Chapter 12 - Hebrew Concepts & Aztec Cycles ..... 269 Rapture Theory Debunked .........................................................270 Origin of the Secret Rapture Theory ........................................ 274 “No one knows the hour...” .........................................................276 Noah’s Flood “Apocalypse” and the Second Apocalypse ..........280 Recap of the 2.8 X-Axis Correlations .........................................280 1.3 X-Axis ...................................................................................280 Aztec Long and Short Cycles Overlay ....................................... 281 9 Cycles of Jesus’ Genealogy ...................................................284 The 9th Cycle - an Aztec Overlay ..............................................287 A 69-Week Daniel Parallel .........................................................288 A Chinese Correlation ...............................................................289 Spin-Axes’ Relationship to the Hebrew Rosetta Stone..............290 When did God Start Life on Earth? 4488 BC .............................292 The Strange Aztec 52,000 “Year” Cycle ...................................296 Mystery of 2012 Revealed ..........................................................302 Dual Rail Bonbons ......................................................................303 The Dates of Satan’s Expulsion and Execution .........................305 GMOs and Noah’s Flood ............................................................308 Chapter 13 - The X-666 Clock and Endnotes ...........313 666 Connected with Hell-Paradise............................................. 313 God’s Wrath Against Man’s Godlessness .................................. 313 Outer Darkness, Purgatory, Fegefeuer ...................................... 315 Rewards for the Righteous ......................................................... 316 How Do Condemned Souls Pay for their Deeds? ........................... 317 The Number 666 ........................................................................320 666 or 888? ................................................................................322 Is Your Name in the Book? .........................................................324 Magazine References: ..............................................................324 The “Himmelsscheibe” .............................................331 Bronze Age Date ........................................................................332 Overview.....................................................................................335 Cornerstone Interpretations of the Bronze Plate........................338 First Quadrant Bible Story ..........................................................339 Second Quadrant Bible Story.....................................................340 Third Quadrant of Bible Story - Prophecy ..................................342 Fourth Quadrant Bible Story ......................................................343 Proposed Purpose for the Sword ...............................................344 ......................... 348 Page xiv Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Prologue Prologue A Snapshot of the Spin-Axis Hypothesis This book explores an unknown spin-axis of our earth connected with unidentified mystery clocks exhibited in museums around the world. Because of society’s present religious confusion, I found it necessary to separate technical scientific information from its religious implications even though they are linked together inexplicably – especially in reference to Bible prophecy. Therefore, I have divided my research into three sections. These sections work together like my previous two books. Many scientists may not be interested in how I apply my discoveries to a biblically based restoration of history and prophecy because it conflicts with the evolutionary theory enforced in most universities. I developed my spin-axis hypothesis as I researched historical and prophetic verses in the Bible. This research opened up something never really investigated by science. I would hope that my suggested explanations about the ancient clocks and calendars would just be read through completely as presented and then judged at the end of the book. This book will deal with the scientific facts the way I discovered them in no particular order. From them I have come up with new scientific explanations for some unsolved mysteries as viewed from the perspective of ancient history and the Bible. In the first section, I write about how my spin-axis hypothesis explains why ancient clocks were built the way they were. My worldview is analogous to a dual railroad, which is better balanced as a system. Looking at our world from the two perspectives of religion and science, I have discovered probable answers to some hidden mysteries. Automatically avoiding religion is like throwing out 50% of books in any library, and it is a shame that our universities developed such an unbalanced education system. Some theologians may be equally upset when I reference Bible interpretations contrary to their belief system. If my reader wants to remain a monorail scientist or theologian, I respect that choice as I am not in the business of converting anybody to the Christian religion. That is God’s job as I am only a messenger with new evidence about ancient mysteries. For my own belief system, I choose a dual rail perspective as both rails are needed to balance scientific investigation. This has been my approach to problem solving for many years as an inventor of numerous products. I love to pursue a better understanding of scientific phenomena and therefore will always take a two-rail perspective in research. I believe that man is also a spiritual being. For those who are interested, I continue on a historic journey in geology, ancient cultures like Aztec, Chinese, Hebrew and Christian backgrounds towards the end of this book while overlaying ancient mysteries embedded in prehistoric clocks pointing to a future timetable. As a previous clockmaker, I Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 1 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries recognize how gears work and in God’s clock for humanity I recently discovered how they relate to the year 2012 as the time draws near for the end of civilization according to Revelation and an Aztec calendar we see a lot about on TV since 9/11. This journey through history is unlike anything I know of and ends with biblical truths revealed in the newly discovered numeric ratios found in Daniel that I call the Bible’s Rosetta Stone. It is also an important key to understanding the Hebrew Alphabet Number System. As a foreigner, please forgive my written English, which is not very good. Some are talented writers, which I am not. I prefer to sit in a corner with a scratch pad and work on another invention, which will always be my first love. It cost me a great deal to edit and translate my first books into German, Spanish and Arabic as well as their original English. Being retired, I cannot afford a thorough editing job, so I will leave it to others to write a better book on these subjects. You will find many concepts mentioned that need to be more completely investigated and presented in a much bigger book if you have the time and talent. Therefore, this book is laid out in three crammed sections each dealing with a different aspect of science married with religion, which cannot be separated if you want to have a balanced philosophy or check out a portrait of humanity with a two-rail perspective or better knowledge system. To investigate mysteries using only one rail limits one’s understanding since it lacks a balanced perspective. A Third Spin-Axis for Earth Explains Ancient Clocks The contents of this book are divided into: Section 1: X-Y Theory & Ancient Calendar Ideas Section 2: Ancient Mystery Clocks Section 3: A Multi-Cultural Journey of Ancient History & Religious Overlay imbedded in X-Y spin-axis theory and ancient clocks This book will introduce you to my spin-axis theory, which is linked with 3,000-year old ancient mystery clocks. Many of the ancient clocks I researched are exhibited in museums around the world. Their designs present mysteries unsolved. Scientists have not explained how they work, but I believe I have found a key that will decipher them. Various ancient mystery clocks come from four ancient cultures: Aztec, Hebrew, Chinese, and India. They expose a three-axis spin phenomenon of our earth with far-reaching consequences that unlock overlapping mysteries of history, science and religion. During my investigations, I discovered that two more asteroids are coming on a preset collision course with the earth. Additional information is in my previous books, which may be read free on the Internet1 in four languages. I refer you especially to chapter 11 of the first book, Apocalypse Prophesied. In it you will find a summary of the cuckoo 1 Page 2 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Prologue clock cycles dealing with a plan for humanity from God’s perspective. This plan covers 7,000 years of human history and prophecy. In this book, I will only cover some of the better-known mystery calendars taken from various cultures. I will summarize their history and bring it all together into a new scientific concept that makes sense. Only when we see it from the balanced perspective of a dual track railroad will the mysteries of these clocks be deciphered. An Overview of Human History in Ancient Clocks Consolidated calendar mathematics behaves just like clock cycles, and my new spin-axis hypothesis leads to specific dates, which many scientists educated in evolutionary theory will have a problem with. But as a Christian scientist, I am persuaded to accept a date of around 4488 BC for the start of human history as confirmed by the newly discovered ancient Aztec calendar cycles. The Aztec calendar highlights 7 Hebrew creation cycles of 70 years each for each creation day mentioned in Genesis, which means that one Biblical day is equal to 70 of our present (Gregorian) calendar years. This conclusion will make some American theologians uncomfortable since most were taught faulty doctrines lacking in an understanding of Hebrew culture. Secular scientists, on the other hand, will cringe at that statement because it runs against the grain of their biased, unscientific theories of evolution that ignore the built-in intelligence embedded in the DNA, cell structures and in the biological and physical laws, like those of thermodynamics. My 52,000-cycle Aztec spin-axis calendar hypothesis also matches calendars found in ancient Chinese and prehistoric Indian cultures. Together they present a factual, consolidated declaration that Adam and Eve were created in 4068 BC. The next calendar event mentioned in biblical clock cycles was when God shut the doors of Noah’s ark from the outside. This event can be dated today by playing a planetarium sky backwards to 21 December 2288 BC. I call the Flood of Noah’s day the First Apocalypse. According to Genesis, on the second month, 17th day following that solstice in 2288 BC, the first asteroid hit the Earth on February 5, 2287 BC. That asteroid strike caused great upheavals and the Genesis Flood, which is verified in Aztec paintings found on temples in Mexico City. These ancient civilizations and the Bible predict two more asteroid strikes. A second, smaller asteroid [prophesied but still in space] will strike the earth on 17 September 2015, which coincides with Bible predictions recorded in Revelation. The synchronized dates for the Second Apocalypse are 21 December 2008 to 21 December 2015. This coincides with the 7-year period of the last days prophesied by Daniel in the Old Testament and by John in Revelation. The Bible dates connect this second asteroid’s path as an event linked with the end of the Mayan-Aztec calendar’s 52,000-year cycle (end of an age?) in 2012. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 3 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Recently, I read in a technical magazine that a 52-kilometer diameter asteroid already in an 820-day orbit around the sun is on a collision course with the earth. That makes my dating projection from ancient calendars very believable. My newly discovered three-spin-axis calendar indicates that some asteroid will arrive exactly as scheduled, so it will pay off if you become familiar with mystery clocks. My books previously published describe human history as overlaid with Bible prophecy uncovered the chronological gears of a prophetic cuckoo clock. It now matches the HebrewChinese and Aztec calendars to a day over a 4,000 year range by using Gregorian adjusted time scale. Revelation, the last book of the Bible, predicts that a third asteroid will fall on this earth after AD 3018. That will mark the end of our solar system or Daleth dimension, according to Bible prophecy outlined in my book, Mystery of Tammuz 17. A summary of the clock perspective from the Hebrew oracles is found in Chapter 11’s description of the World Cuckoo Clock, which covers a range of 7,000 years of history and prophecy for humanity. We can also link it with a new discovery of a Hebrew Rosetta Stone in Daniel’s prophecy, which will open up further understanding of ancient data. The many mathematical similarities of the mystery clocks demonstrate the same Hebrew and Chinese calendar cycles that align with the long-count Aztec spin-axis theory. Taken all together, these many “coincidences” prove the dates presented in my books as reliable. Scientists do not know that a recent asteroid impact caused a change in the spin of the earth’s axis of rotation as ancient clocks and geology strata testify. This disturbed spin wobbled to a stop at about 518 BC, with today’s rotation axis angle of 23½˚, going around the sun in a fixed elliptical orbit of 365.24 days. The subject of asteroids is now frequently mentioned on TV programs. We are informed of many ancient encounters, but those programs are always colored by an indefinite evolutionary time scale grossly exaggerated and not matching facts. When we use unbiased information and compare it with the recorded history of eyewitnesses, a different picture emerges. Mixing theoretical speculation with what we actually find embedded in archeology and geological evidence will always be biased by a personal perception of our worldview. Everybody is educated to a personal worldview model, which defines his or her perceptions of reality. Every worldview contains four axes dealing with: origin, meaning, destiny and after death existence. Variations in those areas cloud the reconstruction of ancient history and calendar cycles because we align many facts differently according to our belief systems about antiquity according to our learned traditions. However, by using a thesis properly assembled from a dual railroad perspective (science & religion), we can reassemble a better world picture puzzle hopefully with more logical sense lacking in many churches and universities. Page 4 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Prologue In this book you will hear about my personal worldview from a dual rail aspect mixing science and religion, which will acquaint you with Aztec, Persian, Chinese, Greek, Indian and Hebrew calendar clocks. They all have a different counting system and must be interpreted or converted into our familiar Gregorian calendar clock to understand them more fully. This is especially true for prophetic timetables. They must conform to a reconstructed world calendar if we want to project credible future dates. For example, around 3200 BC, the Sumerians devised their numerical notation system, giving special graphical symbols to the units 1, 10, 60, 600, 3,600. That is to say, we find that the Sumerians did not count in tens, hundreds and thousands, but rather adopted a base 60, grouping things into sixties, and multiplying by powers of sixty2. Our own civilization utilizes vestiges of base 60 in the ways we count time in hours, minutes and seconds and in the degrees of the circle. It taxes our memory because it necessitates knowing 60 different signs (words) that stand for the numbers from 1 to 60. The Sumerians handled this by using 10 as an intermediary between the different hexadecimal orders of magnitude: 1, 60, 602, 603, etc. The word for 60, geš, is the same as the word for unity. The number 60 represented a certain level, above which, multiples of 60 up to 600 were expressed by using 60 as a new unit. When they reached 600, the next level was treated as still another unit, with multiples up to 3,000. The number 3,600, or sixty sixties, was given a new name: šàr, and this, in turn, became yet another new unit. So, the mystery remains: why did the Sumerians enshrine the number 60 - and its multiple 60x60 in their numbering system? Revelation mentioned a number 666 and could therefore be connected with this system. The Aztec calendar of 52 cycles is a different system with a mysterious 260 days in a year that perplexes scientists. Why it matches the Hebrew prime number system of seven cycles is very difficult to understand. Only cross-referenced with mathematics will make sense. Consolidating various calendar clocks not encipher by science in many museums I can now put a dating calendar proposals of our earth together, which will prove to be factual as I compare the ancient cycles to cuckoo clock gears that must mesh. As a German-trained instrument and clock maker, I have learned to understand the dynamics of mystery clocks. These clocks make predictions of future events much like a cuckoo clock bird will show up on the hour dial, in like manner would support a second asteroid impact to be absolutely certain by comparing theories with facts just like clock gears must mesh. I invite you be the judge what is scientifically presented and preserved in ancient clock records and the Bible. In addition, other sources around the world reveal various structures that disclose secrets and connect with realistic stories of ancient history. They highlight the creation plan for humanity and its purpose in relation to the universe. Many religious questions you’ve had since childhood can now be answered scientifi2 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 5 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries cally. These answers are not taught in universities that reject a fourthousand-year-old book called the Bible. Another observation I like to mention is the discovery of a Hebrew Rosetta Stone that reveals a 7:5 ratio structure mirrored in the 7 royal numbers and 5 mathematical equations used in the design of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. That ratio is also found in a number of mystery clocks around the world. These clocks will finally let go of their secrets as our civilization ends, according to the gears of clocks. Likewise, the Rosetta Stone ratio not only correlates to mystery clocks but also contains imbedded architectural theories of extraterrestrial world concepts, revealed and can be summarized in the following outline: The X-Y spin-axis is imbedded in ancient mystery clocks, and we will start with the introduction of a Persia clock. The Persian Astrolabe clock was invented to calibrate other clocks back to 2287 BC. It connects with an Aztec Stone Clock dated 2200 BC, which reveals a three-axis spin relationship of our earth that nobody seems to have ever heard about. Five unfinished pyramids in a Mexico City’s outdoor museum and a number of paintings on ancient Aztec palace walls now unlock its purpose and connect it with a civilization that existed before the Genesis Flood. The Chinese Bronze Yin-Yang Clock dated to about 2000 BC also indicates a three spin-axis calendar that ends in 2012. Science postulates that the three bronze disks reflect a yin-yang philosophy, but I find a modern binary computer system of the earliest Chinese culture that coincides with Genesis being similar to modern binary code used to program computers. The 80 BC Greek Antikythera Clock is one of the biggest mysteries not yet deciphered. It was discovered near a Greek island in 1900. I think it is much older as it was designed to measure exactly a third spinaxis of the earth that ends in 2012. The last engraved date identified is 2006, which proves my theory. India’s Outdoor Museum Clock, dated to 1355 BC, is the biggest clock in the world being the size of a four-story building. It also verifies my X-Y spin-axis theory. Page 6 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Prologue The Prague Astronomical Clock, dated to the 14th Century shows an XY spin-axis in the design of its oversized tower dial that proves clocks built in relatively recent history still show the pattern of three axes. The rest of this book deals with the spin-axis hypothesis as connected to the magnetic field and poles of our earth, a moon-cycle hypothesis and a history trail through various cultures of early man starting from Noah’s Flood in 2288 BC with many proofs taken from geology, archeology and other sciences, including the secrets of pyramids. I collected many magazine articles to highlight recent science discoveries you can check it out on the last page. The story ends with a new perception of God’s plan for humanity as seen from a 7,000-year Hebrew calendar cycle perspective linked with the Aztec calendar. It also gives the reason why God will destroy our civilization by AD 2015. Why did I write another book? My previous books, Apocalypse Prophesied and Mystery of Tammuz 17, describe our civilization’s end in AD 2015 according to the Hebrew Alphabet Number System. These books will not be popular. Most living today will reject them like Noah’s friends discarded his message and did not make it to the other side of a disappearing Atlantis. Only one family believing in God’s warnings left us some traces in the Bible. Most ignored the warning and perished. They should have watched Methuselah. His name translated into English means, “when he dies it will happen.” What would happen? We know now that an asteroid was the cause. He died on 21 December 2288 BC, and 46 days later, according to Genesis, the Flood started with a collapsed atmosphere violently shattered by a large asteroid strike. Forty days of rain and snow followed piling up ice a mile deep at the polar regions. This age of glaciers is well documented in geology. Huge stone and brick buildings structured like pyramids and observatory temples are found after that time around the equator, which is the cradle of the second civilization science cannot deny. The polar ice reached as far as the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. This understanding of geology would explain climate change, which is a popular hot button today, but my hypothesis differs significantly from what former Vice-president Al Gore presents. Therefore, this book is also a last warning to scientists to check out what I discovered in mystery clocks and calendars. They need to get another worldview not taught in university institutions. Even scientific articles printed in popular magazines tell about another asteroid soon to come. When it does, it will cause another major tectonic change in our earth. Just follow my logical trail of archaeology mathematically overlaid with prophecy. The next asteroid projected to strike our planet will end our world political system like the previous Atlantis civilization and is connected with an Aztec date 2012, which is central within the Hebrew 7,000-year clock system designed by a Creator. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 7 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries We are here on this planet for a purpose and not by chance. God’s plan for the saints gives us a reason for a 7-year apocalypse, the destruction of the world’s political, scientific, and religious systems as the transition to the birth of the kingdom of God. It follows a 6,000-year old biblical chronological pattern that works like the gears of a gigantic clock. Beyond the apocalypse, the future of earth is exceedingly bright. It will have a restored environment with planned communities like the one in the photograph below, which is an aerial view of a modern Israeli moshav (settlement). I hope you will enjoy my unusual book from a world perspective not found in bookstores. I hope that you will consider reading it time well spent. Page 8 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 1 Chapter 1 The X-Y Spin-Axis Hypothesis1 10 September AD 2015? An archeologist uses a fine brush to remove debris and dirt in his search for artifacts. He must be patient until all is exposed, or he can easily damage relics that have survived centuries – perhaps longer. His interpretation of those remains depends a great deal on how he was educated. Each of us has learned from different schools. What we sometimes perceive to be truth may even be in conflict with our personal worldview especially when science forms an interpretive partnership with old religious documents. So be forewarned that what you read in these pages comes from a creation bias that may conflict with the majority opinion found on most university campuses. I hope that any strongly opinioned academics who read these books will not make the same mistake that the pope did with Galileo. I encourage you to have an open mind and judge what is presented for yourself. It might expand your bias horizons to understand the world a little better. My spin-axis hypothesis provides the most comprehensive and integrative explanation of the designs used in ancient calendars, clocks and astronomical aids or observatories found around our globe. I hope that this imperfect effort will stimulate further scientific research by the experts to test my ideas. I can only present a hypothesis that rationally explains a great deal of data that most consider mysterious. I will develop these concepts as if we were going on a journey together. I usually reiterate important principles many times in order to show my methods of thinking about these mysterious and ancient outdoor observatories built of stone and pyramids as well as the handcrafted clocks and priestly calendars that go along with them. I want you to understand my logic and become familiar with the key historic facts. That will take some time due to number of scientific principles at work as well as due to the fact that my ideas often clash with accepted scientific and religious belief systems. I hope you will enjoy this voyage into antiquity and learn about many mysteries that have fascinated humanity for centuries. Some of them are found in the Bible, too. It is one of the oldest books on earth. In its 1 Picture taken from Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 9 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries pages, you can excavate information about ancient times in a way like old bones or tools can be dug out of the ground. As a retired scientist, I use many analogies we all can identify with to explain unfamiliar and difficult concepts. One of my favorites is the dual rail, railroad track system. It has two rails for a balance. If you go into any library around the world, you would find that most books could be evenly divided between science and religion. Reject religious sources, and you eliminate 50% of human knowledge, which is not very smart. Riding exclusively on one rail of information knowledge gives only a one sided perspective. My hope is that scientists and theologians will leave their unbalanced, monorail belief systems for a while and take a ride with me on a dual rail track. Think of it symbolically as a bridge connecting the various scientific observations of our universe with divine knowledge. One side represents the revelation and work of an eternal Creator and the other materialistic scientific facts and theories. So take a ride on this dual railroad up the California coast. On this train, your perception of the world around us depends on the window you look through and the direction you choose to look. From a moving California train one may see only mountains on one side and only the ocean on the other side. It all depends on where you are seated. Therefore, I hope we will at least temporarily set aside your bias handicap, which is simply a state of mind. Science tells us that most people use only about 5% of their brains, so let’s stretch our horizons a bit and enjoy the ride looking through the windows on both sides of the rail car in our journey to decipher mystery clocks and ancient calendars. I believe you will come to understand why I think that there once was a third axis to our earth’s ancient movements in orbit around the sun. Many astrological clocks in museums are misdated because researchers do not realize that our modern calendar is screwed up when applied to ancient times due to a wobble in the earth’s spin. There are many mysterious clocks exhibited in museums around the world and no one knows how they work or if they represent a clock or calculator. Some exhibit a common 64-tooth gear, mostly with three dials. Scientists are puzzled. They do not understand the purpose for the specific designs used in ancient time monuments or clocks. In 1900, one complex clock was found in a shipwreck located 155 feet deep in the ocean by a diver near a Greek island Antikythera. It was dated to before 85 BC. That discovery connected an X-Y axis hypothesis I started to develop while touring Mexican pyramids and studying an Aztec clock. When I searched the Internet, more mystery clocks in museums showed up, and all seem to connect having a number of features in common. Analyzing those clocks reveal a design structure that can only be explained with an unknown spin-axis of our earth never before discussed. This new discovery proposes that the earth spin must have been different in ancient times, which took awhile for me to understand because there is nothing about it in history or technical science books. For an inventor who made a living in high technology, that discovery challenged Page 10 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 1 my intellect. It naturally compelled me to be the first to figure it. I went about it like a hunting dog finding a hot scent until I finally solved the mystery at the end of the trail. I have picked just five clocks of many more in museums waiting to be correctly deciphered. I have also included one Hebrew clock with a range of 7,000 years, which is quite unusual because it has two dials like the Aztec clock. The Hebrew clock not only tells of past events but also future prophecy for Israel and the rest of humanity that has not yet happened. Two years ago, I interpreted a gold-bronze plate found in Germany by connecting it with Aztec cultural data that connects with Genesis in the Bible. For this plate, there are two interpretations like looking out the windows on both sides of my California train. A good clockmaker understands the clock gears that predict the movement of the hands and when the chimes ring or the cuckoo bird appears. When it shows up at the estimated time, he knows that the clock is functioning accurately. I apply gear technology to the mystery clocks whose functioning reveals the unknown spin-axis of our earth I call X. It also strangely connects with many prophecies in the Bible still shrouded for many. However, I am not a good writer, but I present in this dissertation because I could not find these ideas anywhere else. As a clockmaker, allow me to familiarize you a bit with clock systems. I want to describe how they work and how to apply their functional operations to philosophy and the Bible. It may require a little mental exercise and may conflict with your personal opinions, but please grant me the opportunity to try. For me, the question that got me started was why most old calendars ranged from about 2287 BC and ended at 2012. Determining a 2287 BC date connected with an asteroid impact catastrophe reported in Genesis also took me by surprise. Why were all of these calendars and mechanical clocks designed to end in my time? It is somewhat scary when it gets that close to home. The real risks of future asteroid strikes have even been reported in popular scientific magazines recently.2 Were the ancients telling us about another asteroid projected to hit our earth again? Did they knowingly build mechanical instruments to help them calculate the future date of that impact at about 2012? Building complicated expensive gold and bronze clocks is not trivial. It was obvious to me that they were very intelligent though living 2,000 to 4,000 years ago. Trained as an inventor and clockmaker forced me to ask the question, “Did the ancient star gazers or astronomers know something life threatening to our modern world (their future time) and try to warn us?” TV occasionally has stories about the beginnings of humankind, including some about Atlantis sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Some of them start to make a lot more sense as I dug deeper into my research. Even looking at geological cliff edges in my neighborhood and examin2 Gregory Mone, “Incoming,” Popular Science Magazine, September 2003 (an asteroid prediction). “Killer Asteroid, Its Coming our Way,” Popular Mechanics, December 2006. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 11 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries ing tilted strata along the California coast and many other places I visited, now presents a different picture from what is taught in school. Could the scientists be wrong again? The ancient clocks now deciphered will make a lot more sense when compared with the remains and artifacts dated to the beginning of civilization. Many books will become obsolete. In Noah’s time, an asteroid event was recorded in the Bible. It destroyed an old, advanced civilization like we hear about in the Atlantis stories. We read about it in Genesis, a 4,000-year old book that describes a catastrophe that only a huge asteroid impact could have produced. Some three-dial mystery clocks coming later in time seemed to track three axes of our earth around the sun after that event indicating a different spin wobble that finally stopped at the 23½ degrees we measure today. It strongly points to a historic asteroid, and we see the result imbedded in geology, too. That idea is scientifically possible, and it made increasing sense to me as I further investigated the other clocks around the world that were precisely designed to measure an unknown factor in our earth’s movement as reflected in changing astronomical observations. In my visit to various Mexican museums, I was exposed to the Mayan-Aztec cultures, which gave me more clues to search. Further investigation led to even more questions. Looking closer at ancient Hebrew, Chinese and Aztec cultures seemed to tell me something pointed to future worldwide asteroid catastrophe, which aligned with what I had read in Popular Science and Popular Mechanics. Astronomers are already watching an asteroid on an 820-day orbit around the sun. Another article discussed a newly discovered asteroid 52 km in diameter that is on a possible collision rendezvous with the earth at about 2020. Bible prophecy is organized by the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS), which I discuss in my previous books. When properly understood with the help of Hebrew research tools like HANS, the book of Revelation in the Bible predicts that the next asteroid strike will take place on 10 September 2015, which will end our present civilization on 17 September 2015. A third asteroid will hit the earth in 3018, which occurs at the end of time, as we know it. An article published in the Popular Mechanics (December 2006) postulates that the timing of the next asteroid’s collision course could be shortened because of the Yarkovsky Effect. Briefly, an asteroid’s orbital path is affected by a steady force from the sun’s radiating heat on first one side and then the other as it loops around the sun. When it moves away from the sun, the heat accumulated on one side is shed into space, giving a slight push in the other direction that could cause it to change its present path a bit. That information reinforces the calculated predictions of the Bible. Looking through our modern information window, could scientists be wrong again? Are they misleading our educational system by enforcing unproven opinions about human prehistory taught as “facts” even though there is no solid evidence? Page 12 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 1 Were the ancients better informed than our modern scholars are? I have never read anything like my spin-axis hypothesis, which postulates that the earth wobbled like a pendulum before coming to rest at its present angle of rotation. When I read about or see ancient calculators built to track fixed zodiac constellations against an ancient flexible calendar, I must ask questions. Why do the clocks end in 2012? How is it that many ancient calendars indicate that another asteroid is already on its way to strike the earth? The prophecies of Daniel and John (the book of Revelation) in the Bible also confirm and add to my suspicions. When I compared this data with my discovery of the Hebrew Alphabet Number System, they all have something in common. At the outdoor museum in the center of Mexico City, I saw five unfinished pyramids – one on top of the other. So I wondered why would the ancients rebuild a pyramid five times over a relatively short number of years and waste millions in their ancient currency? Could it be that some changes in the sky caused their calendar to become screwed up? That would make them change the buildings to adjust to the changes in the sky and keep their star readings accurate. The Aztec clock/calendar displayed in the museum does not measure time according to the cycles we use today. In fact, our scientists do not understand the significance of most ancient clocks’ structure and methods for marking time, yet they will probably have a very difficult time accepting my new hypothesis because it is also connected with the Bible. My newly formulated spin-axis hypothesis is the only one that can connect the various ancient mystery monuments, calendars and clocks found around the world. It makes sense that only real changes in the sky would be noticed around the world and thus similarly inspire elaborate, highly accurate mathematical adjustments to calendar systems. These various ancient designs were inspired by a common set of real observations. As I visited Aztec temples, I wondered at the meaning of the many pictures painted on walls. Strangely, from what I have learned about ancient clocks I could identify what was portrayed on walls. The Aztecs’ story in pictures aligns with the Hebrews’ Genesis account. That raised more questions. How can stories painted on Aztec temple walls that date to over 500 years before Moses match what is in the Bible unless they share a common core of truth? Besides being separated by hundreds of years in history, they are also geographically located on the other side of our globe from each other! Both testify of an asteroid catastrophe and a flood. I hope you get the picture about what I mean when I write that I am using a dual railroad track perspective. I actively combine both mountainside and ocean-side scenery. This approach produces a balanced method to solving ancient mysteries. It avoids the errors of opinionated interpretations produced by the incomplete and biased monorail perspectives of the diehard evolutionists. I believe that the ancients have tried to warn us of the future dangers to befall humankind. They passed on the stories about their civilizations’ total destruction by an asteroid. They also knew that two more asterCopyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 13 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries oids would eventually strike the earth as well as their timing based on the cycles of orbital motion. These two asteroid strikes are also prophesied in the Bible. How did they know about these asteroids? It is only recently that astronomers have really focused on the dangers posed by asteroids. I have referenced science articles about such dangers. I have tried to imagine such a scenario and ask how could the ancients transfer warnings of another asteroid to future generations? They did not have our modern conveniences of electricity, paper or pen, or metal tools for printing. Remember, they had lost all accumulated technical knowledgeable in a worldwide flood. All libraries full of what had been learned about the world disappeared. A giant cataclysm took it away so that it vanished without a trace just like the Atlantis stories. Even the existence of the Bible as a witness of the age before the Flood is a miracle! Imagine how it must have been for one family to survive - three brothers and their wives in an ark built suitable for survival. If God was not in control, even that information would have been lost forever. I imagine that poor Noah must have been the butt of every joke in his community for 17 years as He faithfully acted according to revealed knowledge to provide a means of survival for his family.3 He did not depend on government handouts or listen to his teasing friends, but believed God to save his family. What Noah suffered at the hands of a hostile and doubting public gives us an example to live by in our times. Now we learn about another asteroid coming our way to destroy our civilization. We should be wise enough to listen to what the ancient oracles testified. We should listen humbly to what is imbedded in Bible prophecy and read about the coming Apocalypse and the destructive impact of the next asteroid.4 Isn’t it better to be forewarned rather than joke about it in ignorance? All what was left after that first asteroid catastrophe was preserved by one family’s memory. In it, one can read the recollections of a very complex and advanced civilization with a knowledgeable of genetics equal to that of modern science labs. Could we write a story of what happened if we had to reinvent paper or figure out how to make metal tools to build another civilization? Relating that makes me appreciate having a Bible preserved from ancient and not reject it because it reminds us of our failures and sinful behavior. In this book, you will be exposed to many science magazine references to increase your horizon of perception as many false theories are taught in universities based on opinions rather facts. Some of these references mention events connected with asteroids that I believe caused an XY spin-axis change in the earth’s movements through space as well as other related subjects. These articles will help to give a panoramic view in history, religion, philosophy and geology. 3 Notice that 120 years convert into Gregorian 17 years as the Bible counts Aztec calendar cycles before 2288 BC. That makes ancient dating appear 7 times longer; therefore, all dates before Noah’s time must be divided by 7. Thus, Methuselah was only 138 years old in modern Gregorian years as 52,000 Aztec cycles equal 7,428 Gregorian years. 4 Page 14 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 1 Many stories relate overlapping facts, which raise the level of my hypothesis’ logical probability higher. For example, Discover Magazine’s “Top 100 Science Stories of 20065” mention that Pharaoh Tutankhamen’s crown has a jewel was formed out of melted sand by the heat of an asteroid that exploded above the Sahara. Sand is usually a form of quartz, which is a glassy substance requiring over 3000 degrees to melt it. Some fragments are still found in the desert. These and other inconsequential looking events from science hopefully will expand our horizon to prevent our minds from getting stuck in outdated theories still taught in our universities. Now we are ready to begin to appreciate and understand the ancient cultures of man in a new way. Some talented ancient people designed strange clocks that imbedded data about asteroids and a different spin to the earth’s axis than presently exists. I believe they did so in part to warn us who now live in what was their future. Let’s heed their warning and learn about what happened to our earth. You will not find this story in either your church or in the university lecture halls! Unknown Concepts in a Nutshell I picked five mystery clock-calculators of dozens in museums that reveal a spin-axis change of our earth and most indicate a future date 2012. Amazingly, they also connect with the Hebrew-Christian prophecies and give answers to many difficult questions buried deep in our conciseness. This book will present issues belonging to our physical world of science and at the end deal with spiritual realities we cannot avoid. Many scientists and theologians are educated to a one-side perspective unsuited to find balanced answers to vital life-threatening questions such as the future of life on earth and what happens when I die. Looking at ancient 3,500-year old palace walls I visited in Mexico City, I saw pictures of people that look no different from people today. Checking out artifacts and pyramids started me on a journey of closure to my previous two books on a future Apocalypse when our world political and scientific system will again collapse – also by an asteroid! That is right! Our modern world will end just as Atlantis did in ancient times. Interpreting ancient clocks, artifacts, five pyramids on top of each other in the Mexico City’s outdoor museum took place at almost the same time that I became aware of the many mystery clocks not deciphered by science. It is very difficult to write about in just few pages. However, I was able to form a good scientific hypothesis about them from my viewpoint as a clock maker. Clocks have gears, which must mesh. If we use that analogy and apply it to our life situation and religious faith, we can overlay it with what the Bible states to get some answers about life from the religious perspective. Some of these answers can be crosschecked with scientific observations and physical laws. Spiritual belief systems may be validated by their internal logic. If correct, their principles mesh like the gears of a clock. Reading the Bible 5 Discover Magazine, Top 100 science Stories of 2006 #81: Geology, Tut Jewel Formed by Asteroid Impact,. by Michael Abrams. E-mail: [email protected]. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 15 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries with a logical scientific mindset will never disappoint, but a monorail science built on evolutionary fairy tales will handicap a researcher with ignorance on many issues. By looking through two windows of a Pullman rail car that accepts that God exists will unlock a special gift He promised us called wisdom. Wisdom cannot be defined by physical laws. Wisdom balances a railroad car on two rails. Denying the existence of a Creator results in a culture devoid of common sense and that becomes deeply embroiled in internal social conflicts and wars. Looking at newspaper articles and TV programs evidences the curses and blessings our society experiences today as proclaimed in the Bible. Disobedience to the laws of God results in social bankruptcy and collapse. My spin-axis hypothesis reveals a pre-Flood Aztec religion that connects with comparable ancient Hebrew stories in the Bible’s Genesis account. Then I asked why would they be confirmed by the new discoveries of an ancient Chinese civilization made by Australian researchers as reported in a scientific journal a continent away? In addition, why does the Bible recorded in Moses time show up 500 years earlier on in Mexico another continent without the benefit of airplanes not to mention the language problems of a vastly different culture, base of knowledge and writing? Where is the connection to the other ancient clocks that were found from other countries? As I discovered the links between these mostly unexplained phenomena, a picture emerged that led me to theorize of a different axis to the earth’s movement around the sun. This new axis only existed before the Food of 2288 BC, but the effects of its change would have unwound over hundreds of years as the earth wobbled to its current relative stability. To my surprise, many facts have surfaced to line up with this new hypothesis, which seems to pop up everywhere, and I don’t know why nobody has ever investigated it before. Writing about the Bible does not make me a theologian, neither am I a college-educated professional with access to the many hi-tech tools found in university science departments. My spin-axis hypothesis correlates with evidence in the fields of geology, astrophysics, and NASA space travel, so there are many areas of related study. What helped me to put it all together was that I started out in life learning the clock making trade in Germany many years ago. When I investigated the mystery clocks in museums around the world, understanding clocks from the perspective of their design, construction and function has been very helpful. Thinking about a possible ancient change of earth axis has many ramifications, and I hope that it will generate a lot of interest in scientific circles. Quoting the Bible as a historic source material may make me a black sheep in some circles but not believing in the theory of evolutionary did not prevent me from becoming a scientist either. My proof is not in a degree but in the many products I invented that are still used today, even after many years. For example, checkout your laptop computer. It still uses a disk drive based on my original design Page 16 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 1 idea that is not yet obsolete but now greatly miniaturized. The first disk drive I worked on as an engineer required a forklift to move, but today’s drives are 50,000 times smaller (You can hold it in your hand.) and stores much more data! Let me give you a quick overview of my new spin-axis hypothesis that solves many inconsistencies found in history, science and the Bible. For instance, it would solve the problem with the unbelievably long age of Methuselah of 969 years, which is not medically possible based on modern genetic research. However, when those 969 “years” are recalculated from an Aztec calendar perspective, we find that the oldest man recorded attained reasonable age of “only” 138 Gregorian years. Bible scholars are not aware that the pre-Flood biblical years followed an Aztec calendar count rather than our current Gregorian solar year. Something similar to the Aztec system must have been known by the ancient Hebrews as they all came from the same culture before the Flood. Even 2000 years later, the Hebrew calendar shows traces of that pre-Flood calendar system. One way is how the genealogies of Jesus were organized according to Aztec groupings of 14 all the way past the asteroid event to Adam, It is recorded in gospel account reported by Matthew. Most Christians believe that Noah took 120 years to build the ark; however, those 120 years should be recalculated to 17 of our present Gregorian years. I could argue scientifically that when wood exposed to subtropical misty-moist weather rots too quickly for Noah to take 120 365-day years to build the ark. It is technically impossible for the organic resin glue to seal the wood so that it could last 120 modern years. In another place, the Bible quotes God to say that people would only live 120 years, but 537 years later Abraham and his son Isaac lived to be about 175-180 years (2287-537=1750 BC). Did God lie? Is he fallible like mortals? That’s a question for theologians. The Bible and history record more events of unique movements in the skies. In Hezekiah’s time, the sun went backwards 10 degrees, and then it stood still for another day in Joshua’s time. Theologians have no answers and the scientists only show a little Schadenfreude6 for their own lack of understanding. Scientists are no better off. They cannot figure out the many mystery clocks in their museums either. I will explain later how many Bible events can only be understood from a three spin-axis pattern. Strangely, the designed calendar range of most ancient bronze metal clocks will only go as far as 2012 into the future, and I ask the question, “Why?” For those who love ancient history, my book ends with a different interpretation present as it we are going on an Aztec journey from Iran to China and then to Mexico City. I will bring in evidence from geology and other scientific investigations. My application of a dual rail viewpoint will decipher the mystery of why we have five pyramids on top of each other in the outdoor museum at the center of Mexico City. We will start out to explain how the three-axis hypothesis works and give you enough data to initiate your own investigative trail. 6 A German word meaning “being happy about others’ misfortune.” Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 17 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries I will present many ideas that conflict with theologians, scientists and politicians who do not look out the windows on both sides of a California coastal train. I hope no one will complain about not having enough food for thought on the plate. I guarantee that reading this report will be time well spent and may even change your outlook on life. I also hope that it will motivate you to read additional books I recommend that can be found on the Internet for free and found in some book stores. They give answers on the other side of life that is still shrouded for many of us but are now revealed for the first time. One question answered is why the future Apocalypse, which I date (using a newly discovered code, the Hebrew Alphabet Number System) to begin on 21 December 2008 and end on the same day in 2015 dated connects with the Aztec calendar date, 21. December 2288 BC. And, why does a possible nuclear destruction of New York City on 9 February 2009 connect with a Hebrew Genesis account of the 2nd month on the 17th day? Why does a Chinese Bronze Yin–Yang clock dated 2000 BC work like the Aztec clock? Why does the Antikythera Bronze Mechanism found in 1900 from a shipwreck dated 80 BC relate to this story? Does this wondrous ancient clock provide partially deciphered answers that open up an explanation after 100 years failure for scientific to find any rationalization for its use? Did Julius Caesar send for this mechanical bronze calculator clock as a part of his calendar revision in 54 BC? We know he succeeded in giving civilization a better calendar that lasted for hundreds of years known as the Julian calendar. Lastly, why would a German Bronze Gold plated disk “Die Himmelsscheibe” discovered by a farmer some time ago still escape scientific description? It is now deciphered by my articles on line, and it fits into the overall concept of the Aztec calendar spin-axis discovery, too. For monorail politician something to reckon with and answer another question; “Why must God destroy our earth and civilization again?” I can answer that question as a scientist and clockmaker. There is only one reason: the out of control GMO technology kindles God’s wrath to do so again. Most people do not know that GMO technology could cause most vegetation seeds to become extinct over the next 10 years. This also includes the fish we like to eat. You, my friend, will see that most fish life will disappear forever and become extinct. Corrupted corporate scientists have imbedded Frankenstein-like terminator genes in food seeds. They also mix and match vegetable and animal genes indiscriminately in an uncontrolled manner that even the FDA can keep track of. Rejecting God’s word for humanity, these greedy scientists do not know that their genetic manipulations violate God’s covenantal contract to keep species distinct and separate. It was originally made with Adam and Eve and later modified with Noah. Once before God destroyed an entire society for that very same reason. Perhaps you have heard about Atlantis disappearing and how genetically pure domestic animals were saved from extinction on a boat called an ark. But modern greed-driven scientists refuse to keep our side of Page 18 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 1 God’s contract with humanity as they reject the Bible’s warning from ancient times. Therefore, this modern civilization will incur the same judgment as the past one for breaking God’s covenant laws. Bible prophecy tells of a future asteroid strike that is now collaborated by mystery clocks imbedded with a date. Articles in science magazines confirm the basic information presented ages ago so that now we are without an excuse. Even my previous two other books analogous to a dual-track railroad that introduced Biblical information. Most people are of the opinion that scientists and politicians cannot prevent a nuclear exchange, which leaves only God left to intervene to prevent the destruction of this planet. I learned through my investigations that God determined the clock cycles of when, were and what according to his purpose for human existence that was laid before creation. I have merely discovered an existing design structure built into the universal movement of the earth and cycle of seasons. But I let you be the judge and decide if it is valid. My next chapters in this book will definitely give you the data that changed my own world perceptions and even strengthened my Biblical faith. My hope for you is to look out on both sides of your railroad window and follow the journey, it may change your perception of reality and makes a ride on the coastal train looking out on both window sides much more enjoyable, too. My Personal Conclusion An ancient wobble of our earth caused by an asteroid impact triggered a flexible calendar for 1,800 years duration from 2288 BC, which stopped at a 23½-degrees tilt about 518 BC. Since the pendulum wobble sometimes is counterclockwise, it made it very difficult to measure a full year around the sun, which has remained at about 365 days count. In addition, since the ancients counted time by observable sky phenomena like phases of the moon and the solar solstice-equinox-solstice-equinox sequence, their years did not always equal 365 days until the earth’s wobble settled down. The bronze Chinese calendar made a day/night cycle to appear 16 hours long shortened by an opposing spin or wobble of the earth. The Aztec calendar compensated their calendar of missing days with stone skulls exhibited at the outdoor museum in Mexico City. The Bible reveals a calendar mystery captured in ancient clocks not deciphered by scientists that describes a scientifically unknown spin-axis hypothesis. It gives a rational explanation for the medically impossible 900+ years-long ages of Methuselah and the other pre-Flood patriarchs, the sun standing still for 12 hours in the sky in Joshua’s day, the sun going backwards 10 degrees for King Hezekiah and the abnormal ages for Abraham and his children. Those many proofs are difficult to understand for monorail theologians and scientists who have problems accepting biblical facts out of sync with their opinions. Most mystery clocks I describe were designed with common sense when viewed through the eyes of a spin-axis hypothesis. I still do not understand why 21 December 2288 BC, date of the first Apocalypse or Flood, should have a mirror image of second asteroid striking the earth based on an identical date of 21 December 2012, though the actual strike Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 19 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries will take place 46 days after the 25 July 2015 destruction of the Third Temple on 10 September 2015. This asteroid strike will set off a tremendous earthquake of Biblical proportions to totally end our civilization on 17 September 20157. The 7-year apocalypse was predicted by Daniel in 588 BC and John in Revelation AD 96. Why are they imbedded in ancient clocks that all end in the critical year of 2012 AD? My two books written two years prior to this publication give us the answers to the questions left open. This book is written for those not fitting the mold of popular evolutionary theory as it expresses scientific data rejected by the science establishment priesthood. Any unproven science hypothesis like the evolution of species eventually becomes a religion like the Aztecs demonstrated in ancient times. Follow the path of new discovery and make up your own mind. True science can be brought alongside the biblical information and should be equally considered, but unfortunately, humankind follows an atheistic track of open rebellion against the Creator and denies the possibility of his coming wrath as promised similar to what happened in the first Apocalypse (Flood) of 2288 BC. God again will intervene in his creation as the earth is in danger to be destroyed by uncontrolled atheistic scientists of gigantic corporations who are screwing up every seed by mixing animal genes with plant genes. Their research only accelerates the coming end time and may result in the extinction of many species during this generation. When this genetic manipulation is combined with the power of nuclear destruction and the horrible poisons of chemical-bacterial-virus weapons unleashed could permanently destroy this planet. God intervenes as you can read about and get informed at: A World Full of Ancient Mysteries My biggest challenge is to counter an ingrained evolutionary bias that will not permit rational discussion of different viewpoints in an open scientific forum. I could line up hundreds of examples of scientific evidence for the climatic conditions on earth before the Flood of Noah in 2288 BC were very different. Why? Let’s have a few hors d’oeuvre examples from a biblical and scientific perspective. Later I will present more data from the standpoint of the other window along with looking into ancient sky records. To understand my spin-axis hypothesis, let us first examine some evidence in geology. I discovered that the density and composition of the atmosphere in pre-Flood world was very different. Scientific evidence 7 The Hebrew overlay must be a Tammuz date. The first Tammuz was 21 December 2288 BC. The destruction of the Atlantis civilization happened 46 days later [second month 17th day, Genesis 6]. The last Tammuz in the Hebrew clock cycles [5 total=Heh] falls on 9 Av 5776, which is 25 July 2015 when the rebuilt Third Temple in Jerusalem will be destroyed. Both previous temples were destroyed on the 9th of Av. From the first Tammuz 21 December 2288 BC solstice, 46 days passed to the day that the asteroid hit the earth. Also, the 7-day earthquake duration fits well with the 7th Trumpet in Revelation, aligning with one 52-day spin-axis of an Aztec calendar. Why? I see Aztec and Hebrew cycles everywhere matching like a marriage. Page 20 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 1 point to twice the amount of oxygen in the air as measured in air bubbles from various samples of Bernstein amber dated from that age. Archeological digs and coal deposits reveal bigger bones of animals and larger forms of plant life than we have today. These fossils exhibit super, big cell structures that are consistent with the hypothesis of a dense atmosphere rich in oxygen. Jacques Cousteau, an underwater scientist, found out that injuries and open wounds of the body heal much faster when the injured person is placed in an oxygen-rich pressure chamber. Under pressure, oxygen causes the healing replacement cells to multiply quickly speeding up the healing process. I deduce from Cousteau’s experience that cells grow larger in an oxygen-rich, higher-pressure atmosphere and that explains the profusion of coal deposits and hydrocarbon found in oil. I also extrapolate from this that the dinosaurs’ bone structure and the ancient plants imbedded in rocks or muck deposits should also demonstrate larger cell structures for the same reason. Investigating other fossilized skeletons, I estimate that the large flying dinosaurs required 15 atmospheres of air pressure in order to get off the ground. I do not think they could fly in our present air pressure of one atmosphere as shown in many Hollywood nature movies. Excessive Flood Water? How did the 40 days and nights of rain recorded by eyewitnesses in the Bible produce so much water? Although, the “fountains of the deep” broke open to release most of the floodwaters from under the earth’s crust, much water was dislocated from the Polar Regions by an axis shift. Such a shift would cause gigantic waves to move across the surface of the earth without necessarily covering the entire surface to the depth of mountain heights all at once. However, I do believe that the rain was excessively heavy. It is quite possible that the pre-Flood high-pressure air atmosphere was enriched with hydrogen left over from the creation of the oceans. Hydrogen by itself does not burn and is lighter than air hence would be found and not interfere on the upper region of our atmosphere. It needs the oxygen to combine with, and the result of that combustible combination is water. The superabundant plant life of the pre-Flood world must have produced oxygen very quickly and in much greater quantities than today. Gigantic trees, where Bernstein resins come from, existed in a profusion of dense virgin forests as indicated in solidified muck and coal deposits testify geologically of their existence. Eventually there came a time when only a match was needed to ignite the excess oxygen with leftover surplus hydrogen to form 40 days of rain as the Bible records. A large asteroid entering and disintegrating in a heavily pressurized atmosphere would have burned and provided the planetary-sized spark needed to set off the hydrogen-oxygen chain reaction of explosive downpours. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 21 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries The asteroid impact caused an earth wobble, which would consequently upset tectonic plates shifting mountains and oceans and producing massive dislocated air turbulence. The resulting megatons of rainwater froze a mile deep at the Polar Regions creating a mini ice age. This is verified by the post-Flood appearance of urban human civilizations only located within a narrow band around the equator. Flash Frozen at -273 Degrees Fahrenheit? Some time ago, I remembered reading about a world exhibition in the 1920s at St. Petersburg, Russia. During this exhibition, the Russian scientists showed a perfectly preserved, frozen solid, prehistoric, long haired mammoth dug up in the Siberian Tundra. They set up this huge frozen elephant during winter. The most interesting fact I read about this frozen mammoth was that the cell structure was not damaged. Scientifically, a 15 ton, warm-blooded mammoth would need to be instantly flash frozen to prevent the cells of its flesh from bursting as the water within them swells during the natural freezing processes that take place in subzero Siberia. Only liquid air or liquid nitrogen can produce the low temperatures required for flash freezing. It is hard enough for frozen dinners or entrees, but a whole animal of 15 tons? For example, exposure to space itself (at -273 degrees) could freeze an animal of such size in such a short time needed for thousand of years preservation. Just that one exhibition in St. Petersburg is almost enough to prove that the earth suffered a violent shift in its rotational axis. Even the buttercup flowers found in the mouth of the elephant were found freshly frozen. The mammoth did not even have time to swallow them. Furthermore, buttercups only grow in a mild temperate climate, which indicates that the mammoth was not living in a permafrost tundra zone at the time of its freezing. These facts make the flash-quick freezing even more remarkable. Back in the 1940s Dr. Frank C. Hibben, Prof. of Archeology at the University of New Mexico led an expedition to Alaska to look for human remains. He didn’t find human remains; he found miles and miles of icy muck just packed with mammoths, mastodons, and several kinds of bison, horses, wolves, bears and lions. Just north of Fairbanks, Alaska, the members of the expedition watched in horror as bulldozers pushed the half-melted muck into sluice boxes for the extraction of gold. Animal tusks and bones rolled up in front of the blades “like shavings before a giant plane.” The carcasses were found in all attitudes of death, most of them “pulled apart by some unexplainable prehistoric catastrophic disturbance.”8 Great earth and climate change were also registered in the oceans preserved in ice. Boring through various levels of glacial ice, scientists noticed a variation in the oxygen 18 isotope caused by the rise in sea-salt, indicated by the elevated levels of Cl and NaCl. There is also an extreme spike in SO4 and H readings suggesting widespread volcanic activity. 8 Hibben, Frank, The Lost Americans. New York, Thomas & Crowell Co., 1946. Page 22 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 1 Tropical Climate at the North Pole? The permafrost plains of Siberia show many wide cracks filled with deposits of frozen animals. Some of them, like tigers, only live in tropical zones today, which is another witness of a mild temperate climate. Strangely, most of the animals deposited in these cracks show broken bones. What caused the bones to break? When the asteroid hit the earth and ignited the lighter than air hydrogen–oxygen mixture atmosphere at the North Pole, it resulted in an explosive depressurization that released huge amounts of water that collapsed to the surface. This wall of water set off by the hydrogen-oxygen explosion caused the surface air to be blown or pulled toward the equator by the wobble of our earth. Think of a gigantic, dislocated global water-mass pump. It would take centuries for the earth’s shuddering to settle down. The moment of impact would set off many earthquakes and tidal waves. I visualize the oceans bulging like an egg sideways at the equator. This bulging mass of water around the equatorial regions would account for the waters to be as high as the mountaintops as mention in the Bible. At the same time, the cold of space on the arctic circle must have penetrated momentarily through the thinned out atmosphere to flashfreeze everything on the earth’s surface in the Polar Regions. We must remember that our air atmosphere is only a very thin covering layer when compared to the size of the planet. When the turbulent stormy air masses returned to fill the catastrophically created vacuum, they would seek to equalize air pressure globally, which would release tremendous winds from high to low pressure waves that blew the flash frozen animals and plants left on the earth’s surface into the cracks of the earth like desert tumbleweeds. Animal bodies brittle and glass hardened by extreme frost broke up in pieces, which rolled over the open tundra and filled the cracks as we find them now deposited in Siberia. Notice too that oil deposits are mostly found in pockets, which is an accumulation of previously decomposed living matter. The scientific evidence testifies here that the earth encountered a temperate climate change in its polar regions some thousands of years ago. It was certainly not like today. The Bible describes what the pre-Flood authors saw and experienced which for us are solid eyewitnesses to confirm scientific geological data. There is plenty of available data in those brief records from that prehistoric Atlantis age if you know where and how to look for it. If you want to scientifically apply our observation methods to the ancient spin-axis before the flood and compare it with the Aztec clock calendar and what is reported in Genesis, than we can easily verify that the preFlood world never got cold, nor did it get too hot. It never rained for lack of cloud formation in shorter cycles; instead, a misty fog rose up to water the earth and the northern region bear out this fact and that means around the world without ice caps. A rain bow could never form which is consistent what the Bible reports if you checkout my bicycle axis spin-axis explained in the next chapter which will make it more Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 23 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries clearer or checking out the Aztec clock cycles now discovered will confirm that hypothesis of pre-Flood climate. These few examples should encourage us further to investigate on your own instead of just believing my innovative thesis or those offered by the famous university research scientists who insist on preaching about unproved opinionated theories as if they were facts. These same professors do not have any rational explanation for even the few items I have just mentioned here. Enough said. Searching for answers of a spin-axis hypothesis solved many question for me such as, “Did the ancients really live to be 969 years as we count time?” Is it genetically possible? Are the many events recorded before the Flood in Genesis scientifically probable? These questions found some answers for me on a trip to Mexico a couple years ago. I learned a great deal about the Aztec or Mesoamerican calendars when I visited the Mexican Pyramids and the outdoor museum in Mexico City. What I learned raised more questions. Why are the pre-Flood people recorded in Genesis also painted on the walls of ancient palaces in Mexico? That country is not historically identified with biblical events. Furthermore, the Aztec calendar started over 5,000 years ago. Comparing the Aztec people painted on the wall with Bible people in Genesis, I still was bothered by the consequences of my observations. To me, it seemed biologically unnatural that someone could live nearly thousand years like Methuselah. I read a lot of science magazines, and somewhere I remember reading that human genes only support cell division to a potential life expectancy of about 120 years. Now it is amazing enough that this scientific discovery confirms the accuracy of the Bible! In Genesis 6:3 when God announces that mans maximum age after the flood shall be 120 years and no more: Then the LORD said, “My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” This statement of God seems to be a paradox for Christians. God said that people’s maximum age from then on would be 120 years. However, about 537 years later (1750 BC) the age recorded for Abraham was 175, Isaac lived to 180 years and there is another prophet Ezekiel 135 years. Did God change his mind? Is there something wrong with recording those longer ages again? When God speaks to man in the Bible it is recorded by scribes and becomes an unchanging law written in stones like the 10 commandment. Here again we have theological paradox like long ages which can only be solved with a different X-Y axis calendar unless you must think the unthinkable God lies too. Theologians are still baffled and have no explanation, as I like to advise them to look at two rails of God’s railroad system. The answer to these questions began to churn in my mind during my visiting Mexico City and its fascinating museums. In the process, I began to learn about the Aztec culture and its predecessors. Previously, I had done some reading about their calendar. In particular, I focused on Page 24 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 1 the date of 21 December 2012, which I had seen frequently mentioned on different TV programs. It now seemed to coincide with the biblical prophesied Apocalypse; I naturally focused more closely on what I was looking at. To resolve my conflict I discovered that the ancient Aztec calendar showed different age-cycle lengths and that indeed related to the Genesis record of the pre-Flood world matching the wall picture of the Teotihuacan Palace in Tepantitla I puzzled over. I found out later in my hotel that the Mesoamerican-Aztec calendar agrees precisely with my dating of the biblical Flood of Noah in 2287 BC, if recalculated to Gregorian years. Genesis documents a terrible geological destruction of the earth from a flood caused by an asteroid strike, and the Mesoamerican-Aztec calendar tells the same story on walls of the Teotihuacan Palace in Tepantitla we cannot deny. My understanding of the Hebrew Alphabet Number System, described in my earlier books, provided me with a fresh perspective on these ancient cultures and calendars. It really is not too difficult for me to interpret some of the strange images from the ancient monuments and sculptures printed in the Mexican books sold at excavation stores once you get familiar with the Hebrew Alphabet Number System. I share some of them with you at the end of this book. Check out the 10th chapter of my previous book Apocalypse Prophesied, which describes a 7000 year World Cuckoo Clock from the Hebrew perspective with two dials since it fits within the context of writing about clocks in this book. I believe that this double dial system in my previous books not knowing that other clocks existed, perfectly parallels a stone clock of an Aztec calendar for some unknown reason, which also has two dials. A quick Internet search will bring up articles of Aztec calendars discussing long count and short count cycles a little too convoluted for me to understand. The most important clue for me in unraveling this mystery was that the Flood in 2287 BC functions as a dividing line for both the biblical and Aztec calendars. Eventually the Aztec long/short cycles made some sense but not the way secular scientist postulated in their books. In this report, we will learn a story of mystery clocks from ancient times before BC never figured out by scientist, because nobody ever heard of a three-axis spin hypothesis before. Therefore, these clocks would remain scientific mysteries to this very date unless you compared it with the discovery of a new spin-axis hypothesis. This link between the flood period and mystery clocks indicates that time was marked very differently before Flood than after it. Remember to set aside your evolutionary bias for a while as you evaluate my catastrophic hypothesis observed everywhere around the globe with an open mind. Once you understand it, and then by all means, test it against any other hypothesis trying to explain the facts in the ground. For me, the Flood narrative and other familiar Bible stories have unlocked an otherwise unknown Aztec culture as I am now able now to interpret logically many wall paintings found in ancient palaces. Understanding about an ancient flood embedded in Genesis found everywhere in geology is fundamental in research of ancient times. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 25 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Ancient records describe an old civilization with a new one which came after. Not much is know about Atlantis disappearing with its people and achievements, but a Flood story is found in every culture. Depending which window we are looking out of on a California train, one scientist may see a vast ocean disappearing in the coastal fog while those looking out of the other side of the train will see evidence of a civilization with mountains, orchards, cities and people. Some may come to a different conclusion than I have when studying the monumental and geologic voices from the past. For me, it was like reading about clock cycles as I watched the telephone poles pass by. So let’s look out on both sides of the train in order to get a better, more balanced perspective. Since we are all mortal and since we are all on the same train of life, permit me to share what I can see were we came from and compare it with our present generation. I like to educate us further experiencing a dual rail ride, which can help us to understand better the world we live in from God’s perspective. And he is the one who built and designed the railroad system! Europe and America presently exhibit huge graphic displays of evolutionary fantasies painted on walls everywhere. Museums present the familiar picture series depicting the development of life from a onecelled worm to monkey-man paintings insulting and denying a Creator. Today’s educated elite believes in children’s fairy tales postulating that a frog can turn into a prince. In other words, that the genome of a lower animal can eventually change into one for a handsome, sophisticated person with brains and status. All it requires is to be kissed by a university professor expressing unscientific opinions. In spite of being surrounded with the fossil evidence of thousands of extinct species, not even one evolved complete trans-specie series can be found in geology’s fossil record. The Second Law of Thermodynamics (entropy) presents the theory of evolution with an uphill battle against physical laws that it cannot win. Ignorant atheistic professors, and many theologians, deny the energy conversion laws that prohibit the possibility of evolutionary development beyond the bounds of the genetic complexity and physics that separates major families of creatures and plants. I am not surprised to notice that all life in the oceans was never really attempted to be classified in species, as there exist probably ten times more creatures below the surface that are too complex to categorize easily. Let me give you a simple example that even children will understand. Look at the simplest, one-cell microbe. It has a very complex, highly intelligent microcode that enables its exact reproduction where by it replicates itself and not something else. It will always reproduce exactly according to the original imprint imbedded since creation. It will never ever reach an energy conversion over 100% and become more complex according to the First Law of Thermodynamics. It must follow the Second Law that if the intelligence misfired or became stupid and will become less than 100%. And that, my scientifically inclined friend, is proven physics we cannot fudge about. I can tell you as a designer of your disk drive in your laptop that a virus will always crash your existing program and never evolve into a better Page 26 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 1 program. Any disk drive in a computer demonstrates that a 100% full disk drive cannot ever store more software; therefore, it can never add extra data or codes beyond the capacity for which it was designed! Mutations due to environmental causes die quickly due to an inability to function. They may be eaten up by the next higher level of the food chain or simply fail to reproduce. God designed sophisticated predators, which are only 10% of the food chain to make sure genetically distinct healthy perfect species are carried forward thousand of years unblemished 100%. With this built-in control system any genetically defective life forms are destroyed and prevented from reproducing into inefficient subspecies. For example, dogs can be bred from the original wolf by intelligent people but cannot survive in the wild as seen on a recent TV program. Aberrations only exist sideways, which does not violate the First Law of Thermodynamics. Still, it is impossible to evolve into a higher level or invent and cancel it out with another law no mater how many PhD degrees you may have collected. Physics will not permit genetics to go beyond 100% as we can only screw up DNA codes and not create them. We know that physical human body replaces each cell every seven years, but through environmental changes, contaminated food and abusive wrong living, the interdependence of healthy cells is disturbed. The result is that some complex information code (genes and chromosomes) will become stupid. The cell will then reproduce that imperfection mixed up with the original code and the human body eventually ages and dies, proving the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Scientists and you who do not believe in God are prone to ignore the basic laws of physics like entropy, therefore notice who is dressed up in modern clothing in the next picture. I think it is an evolved scientist kissed by university-educated maiden found only in painted images on the many museum walls. He is looking very civilized with shirt, tie, and holding a pen pondering its implication. How did a monkey evolve and become so sophisticated and cultured to attain writing skills so that he holds his pen so proudly? I could not find it explained in any books. How did he acquire this knowledge without speech? Why can’t he see the same colors as humans do? The last great interior frontier to be explored is the human brain. Science does not yet understand why it is physically divided along an axis into two halves. One side recognizes written text and the other side processes mathematical concepts. Evolutionary dogma taught as a religion for over 100 years cannot explain the human urge to seek spiritual answers when facing certain death. When was the God idea invented? Why does humanity have so many religions? Where is it in the fossil record? On the other hand, I can imagine very well God giving Adam the intelligence to fellowship with him during his evening visits at a garden house in the cool of the evening. Did he want to play chess with someone who could think on a somewhat equal basis? Someone mentally creative like himself to have fun with? However, God no longer visits face-to-face and that is why I believe that people today only use 5% of Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 27 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries their mental capacity. Since evolutionary theory has won the exclusive right to be taught in public schools, the scholastic achievements of students have gone steadily downhill worldwide. Therefore, the “prince” is obeying physics like the Second Law of dissipating entropy. A Contest with God Story On the lighter side, someone send me a little story on the Internet. There was a group of scientists who were all sitting around discussing which one of them was going to go to God and tell Him that they didn’t need him anymore. One of the scientists volunteered and went to go tell God he was no longer needed. The scientist said to God, “God, you know a bunch of us have been thinking, and I’ve come to tell you that we really don’t need you anymore. I mean, we’ve been coming up with great evolution theories and ideas. We’ve cloned sheep, and we’re on the verge of cloning humans. So as you can see, we really don’t need you.” God nods understandingly and says, “I see. Well, no hard feelings, but before you go, let’s have a contest. What do you think?” The scientist says, “Sure. What kind of contest?” God replies, “A manmaking contest.” The scientist, “Sure! No problem”. The scientist bends down and picks up a handful of dirt and says, “Okay, I’m ready!” God replies, “No, no, no... You go get your own dirt.” I hope you will some day visit the Mexican pyramids. Perhaps my biblical Rosetta Stone discoveries will become the keys to unlocking some Aztec mysteries for you. They might someday inspire a different perspective of scientific opinions published and could help us to better understand some of those puzzling images and artifacts found in museums. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, And the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. Mankind’s answer: Presenting the ultimate Achievement of Humankind9 ! 9 By permission, “The Monkey,” owned by Dr. Laurence Forester, Ukiah, California. Page 28 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 Chapter 2 3 Spin-Axes from an Aztec Precession Overlay and Geomagnetism Einstein’s Theory Applied to Historical Mysteries and Bible Prophecy The modern clocks and calendars only have two essential variables to work with: 1. The time it takes for the earth to rotate around the sun is almost a fixed 23.5 degree axis, and 2. The time it takes for our planet to journey once around the sun in 365.24 days. Admittedly, a number of religious calendars also track the changes of the moon’s phases in order to define the passage of months and fix the dates of religious observations and holidays. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 29 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Mysteriously, many ancient clocks and calendars dated from before 500 BC measure more than two variables. Why do cultures around the world separated by thousands of miles, and sometimes hundreds of years, develop similar and unique methods of measuring a third variable in the calculation of time? What is this third variable and what does it have to do with Einstein’s Theories of Relativity? To deal with the many misconceptions about how the physical laws of science relate to the Bible, I felt the need to start with a few stories to make you think. I hope it will broaden your perceptions, as a dual track railroad is more balanced as a system. This will make it easier to understand the reasoning behind my spin-axis hypothesis and how it relates to mystery clocks and ancient calendars. An ingrained monorail opinion, whether scientific or religious, needs the other rail to get a balanced worldview. Even Professor Albert Einstein taught the scientific world that time is not what it seems; therefore, the Speed of Light may not be constant either. Both time and the speed of light seem to be differently affected by gravity. Just as the moon’s gravity pulls on the earth’s oceans to make tides, so the gravity of galaxies, stars, planets and other stellar phenomena pull, bend and even consume light and time. That idea is now more to discussion. The primary lesson for modern scientific observation is that the geological dogma of uniformitarianism is only useful within a delimited context of time when viewed from a monorail perspective. We have at best only a couple of hundred years of documented observations. From them most scientists extrapolate “billions of years” opinions forward or backward through time. But Einstein taught us that, when it comes to the passage of time, what we may perceive to be taking place is distorted by our point of reference. Because we are a participating part of the system, we cannot be experientially objective: we cannot observe or measure time objectively. We need a third, external point of reference for that purpose. Understanding the spin-axis hypothesis and three-dial mystery clocks will then reveal that how we measure time today may not have been the way it was done by ancient cultures because their astronomical observations were different from what we can see in the sky today. The Testimony of Antiquity Clearly, ancient civilizations went to a great deal of expense and effort to measure the passage of time and the seasons. Stargazing and naming the stars, grouping them into Zodiac constellations with a story, is universally one of the oldest sciences found in every technologically advanced human culture. Just look at the numerous ancient pyramids and stone circles built around the world. News reports frequently announce some new discovery of such monumental time-measuring architecture. Thus, figuring out what was happening in the skies was vitally important to the ancients. It consumed their attention and wealth in a way that is incomprehensible given our present stable, easily predictable cycles of seasons. Perhaps the change of seasons was not always so easy to Page 30 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 predict? If so, then it is easier to understand why the ancients devoted so much of their resources to calendars: there was a very practical reason for it. To simply attribute religious beliefs as the prime motivators for such projects is insufficient. I propose that the seasons were sequential but much less predictable in there lengths than what we experience on the earth today. I believe that these diverse ancient cultures each were observing phenomena in the skies that differs from what we can see today. Perception is from the location of the observers, and the records of antiquity record those perceptions accurately. Modern scientists have difficulty in explaining what archaeologists and historians uncover because they have limited themselves by their uniformitarian bias: they try to solve these ancient clock and calendar mysteries within the narrow confines of present astronomical observation typical of a mono rail perspective. They do not consider the possibility that the earth has not always moved around the sun exactly as it does today – granted the slight adjustments that the wonderful instruments of modern science have permitted us to measure. My point is that even with the extrapolation of current astronomical variation, the experts cannot explain a number of ancient mysteries, such as the Mayan and Aztec calendars or the Antikythera “clock” and many others. In this short work, I will propose an astounding hypothesis that resolves the mysteries of ancient calendar clocks from around the world! My hypothesis is based on the premise that the earth’s movements around the sun were significantly different before 500 BC basing it on dual track railroad knowledge. The two variables I will introduce are as follows: 1. Antique clocks indicate a third axis of spin for the earth’s movements in addition to its daily rotation around the poles and its (present) 365.24 day journey (orbit) around the sun. 2. The extra spin axis was caused by an impact of a large asteroid that took place over 4,000 years ago, which jolted the earth enough to cause that third axis of spin to unwind in an exponential curve to the present fixed 23.5 degree axis. (5 February 2287 BC) Consequently, the ancients spent a great deal of mental and material resources in trying to figure out and measure the gradual unwinding of this third axis of earth movement over a period of about 1800 years. In other words, what they saw in the skies 3,000 and more years ago was not what we can see today. They accurately recorded what they did see in the monuments, calendars and clocks they created from their astrological observations. Remember, the ancient science of stargazing was an integral, inseparable part of astrology. To help you to grasp the nature of my hypothesis, let me explain one of the great mysteries of science and antiquity: the Aztec Precessions of Equinoxes. How did the Aztecs and Mayans discover the 25,625-year precession, or cycle of the earth’s axis pointing north, from Polaris, Alderabin, Taw, Herculis, Vega and Thubor? Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 31 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries That means that it takes 5,125 years for the identity of the “North Star” to move sequentially between each of the five stars in the list. In other words, how could these ancient astronomers observe or calculate the very, very slow and gradual circular movement of the earth’s axis, which is observed as being a changing north star? They did not have our modern telescopes or computers to help them. My hypothesis would explain the above as stating that they did not need our huge and accurate telescopes, nor did they need our modern computers. The ancient American Indians were able to observe this precession visually with the naked eye. In fact at one point the earth movements across the skies was faster going through the whole five star cycles about twice a year. By 3,500 years ago or so, this precession had slowed down exponentially to what we have today. I have it charted later on. Thus, today’s 25,625-year precession is the residual echo of what was once an axial wobble much greater and more mobile to a situation very close to our present, relatively fixed 23.5 degree axis of daily rotation. A Third Axis to the Earth’s Spin When I originally became interested in these ancient calendars, I knew that I needed a reliable and external point of perspective in order to understand what was going on in the earth’s ancient skies. I found it in the Bible, which talks about people living hundreds of years long during an age of nearly uniform climate without rain. This age came to a violently end by a Great Flood, which had sprung forth from the earth’s “fountains of the deep.” This is where most of the water came from, but something had to release them. For a number of reasons, I concluded that an asteroid strike was what I see imbedded in geology. I do not believe that uniformitarianism explains all of the earth’s past; however, as a successful technical inventor I do believe in proven science. I also believe in the Bible, but not necessarily as theologians preach about it. I think that the asteroid recorded here may have been the one that science has found a potential asteroid impact at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. Many say that it ended the age of dinosaurs, which I would equate to the age before the Flood of Noah. We only differ in the time aspect with plenty of evidence that it was recent collaborated by human eyewitnesses. When this asteroid struck, the ancient single land mass broke up into today’s continents releasing the floodwaters. I write more about this event in later chapters in this book. No one can read the accounts of the pre-Flood world in the Bible without concluding that things were very different from today or that the Bible is just a book of ancient myths. For a number of other reasons, I did not believe the latter option, so I started to address some of the scientific inconsistencies of the Genesis account. One of the first that intrigued me was the long lives of the pre-Flood patriarchs. How could anyone live genetically impossible to over 900 years, even if the environment was pure and the oxygen levels about two times what we have today? This did not make sense. At the same time, I was making some trips to Mexico and learning more about the Aztecs culture and their calendar. Out of this research was born my hypothesis for a third spin axis to the earth examining an Aztec calPage 32 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 endar clock. The net result of this third axis was to divide our 365-day solar year into 7 “years” or cycles of 52 days, as measured by the cycle of solstice, equinox, solstice, and equinox like four quadrants. That would mean that the “years” (Hebrew shanot or “cycle of [seasonal] changes”) measured by the pre-Flood peoples as recorded in the Bible (and other ancient chronicles) were only 1/7th the length of our modern, Gregoriansecular, years. Thus, Methuselah did not live 968 of our years but only 138! Now that made genetically speaking more sense. This concept would also explain a major contributing factor to an even climate with no rain. By spinning the earth horizontal (7) seven cycles within on solar orbit of 365 days, the surface of the earth would be evenly heated providing a uniformly moderate climate were snow and ice was unknown and a relative lack of temperature differentiation in the air masses – a major factor in the generation or precipitation. Then I noticed that the ages of the patriarchs after the Flood were much less than the 900 years before but still way beyond today’s expectations. However, as the generations passed the longevity of biblical characters gradually declined. When I plotted them on a graph, I got a curve. This observation led me to believe that there was some universal cause to account for this curve of death ages that was rooted in the pre-Flood world and continued to lesser extant afterwards. That cause was a “year” composed of fewer days than the earth’s solar orbit of 365 days. And yes, the ancient composed calendars that often kept track of both by placing a smaller dial/disk within a larger one on many clocks we see later. Let me give you a couple of analogies to help explain my proposed theory of three spin axes for the earth. We live now in the 21st century and have thousands of museums around the world. Living in an information age, we get exposed to unusual art objects, catalogues, newspaper pictures and I would now suggest keeping an eye to track down an imbedded 3-spin axis phenomena since you now have heard about it. I accidentally discovered unknown clocks in museums around the globe which scientist could not figure out how they work. When friends started to response to my books on the internet announcing the Apocalypse1 they send along information of unresolved mystery calendar clocks or calculators laying in museums waiting for some one to figure out what it is. Being alerted, I kept on looking for further information and came across a bronze sculpture, which tells visually what I am trying to capture in a spin-axis hypothesis that no scientist has ever postulated. When a new story is expanding, it is like ascending a pyramid each step progressing to a higher level of understanding. At various levels, we stop to catch our breath, and we look around and see an expanded viewpoint that gets bigger as we climb higher. Only when we have arrived on top can we see an ancient building landscape below us in a unifying concept. Yes, it took work to climb, but the effort was worth it. What I write about has never been preached in church nor has it been heard in the halls of universities, so it will take some time to put to together. For some reason, God appointed me to be like a Jonah who 1 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 33 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries announces the Hebrew clock cycles of a future Apocalypse 2008-2015, which is now published as two books on the Internet and also found in some bookstores. This third effort looks like an extension of this discovery with five more unknown mystery clocks, which can only be explained by my proposed spin-axis hypothesis. I hope that some scientists will help as I cannot find anything in scientific literature about it, nor do I have the time or education to validate it. I leave it up to you who may be more educated. I am like the farmer in Germany who discovered an ancient bronze gold plated disk and left it up for the experts to fight over. You can read my opinion about this new discovery on the same web site. Perhaps it, too, will inspire a flurry of investigation and persuade some to agree with the Bible. To explain my proposed three-axis hypothesis in a way that the average person can relate to it is not easy. It is a big undertaking for me, as I am not gifted to write even in my own native German language. When we add five more mystery clocks found in various museums, the challenge grows greater. By looking to the Bible to solve these mysteries, I expect that most scientists will automatically reject my thoughtful proposals. Coming home from a recent trip to a pile of junk mail, I found an expensive looking magazine with an art object made of brass advertised for sale in it, so I bought it. This sculpture is pictured at the beginning of this chapter. It does a fair job of visualizing my hypothesis. If you are connected to a university with access to computer models that would help, but being retired I am looking for cheaper ways to explain my ideas. You will notice that there is a large circle within three thicker circles around a ball in the center, which represents our globe with an arrow through it pointing north like a tilted axis. It is obvious to me that the whole encompassing circular structure within a circle represents a 360degree circumference of a system. The arrow-pointing north represents the now existing 23-½ degree Y-tilt axis. Then there are three circular bands representing orbits, right plus one left at an angle and one in the middle. These could indicate satellite positions, but in my use of it to illustrate my thought, they represent an axis wobble arrangement, which you will soon become familiar with. If the present earth tilt would wobble on a spin-axis then the angle would be twice the present 23½ degrees or 47º. Incidentally, this would be similar to the mean average angle of 47 degrees converging at the top of ancient Egyptian pyramids. So this art presentation is connecting with imbedded pyramid knowledge and could fit the same time frame as one of the last five unfinished pyramids found at the center of Mexico City’s outdoor museum. I date this pyramid to around Moses’ time at 1406 BC. Looking at my sculpture, a thought comes to me that in our modern time, no one ever told me of a tilt axis theory but the collective knowledge of common folk hidden among us sometimes breaks out here and there in art. What I call folk-art-knowledge behaves like an invisible, recessive gene we may not know about. Page 34 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 For example, a mother sometimes wonders when a baby is born in a family with red hair. Immediately a search is made in the past family tree with the mother to find somebody who had red hair, too. As I became alerted to a 3-spin axis not supported yet by science, my consternation resulted in finding increasingly more evidence to support my basic research conclusions. Some of them are admittedly extraordinary. I cannot write about the changing spin-axis of the earth without also investigating Genesis, the first book of the Bible. Genesis is the oldest history book in the world, and it seems to connect with five unfinished pyramids in Mexico City. That led me to ask, “Where did the Aztecs come? Is there a connection to ancient Chinese culture?” Then I learned about five ancient bronze clocks or calculators, which will end in a story that brings together ancient history through my interpretation of palace pictures near the temple buildings in Mexico City. The story concludes with the reason of why those five pyramids in the center of Mexico City were built on top of each other. Talking about an ancient spin-axis of our earth, a question is immediately asked, “What caused our earth axis to rest at today’s angle of 23½ degrees? Was it always at that angle? Could the huge mass of our earth ever be disturbed enough by an asteroid to shift our present axis of spin? We are surrounded in space with many geological evidences of asteroid strikes. Some are even found in the records of early civilizations. To understand what happens when a mass like the earth’s is disturbed, let’s make a little experiment with a glass of water with crushed ice. Place the glass on the table and hold it with your thumb and the middle finger. Then give the glass a rapid twist as much as your finger can turn the glass very quickly. Notice that the crashed ice sits undisturbed for about two or three seconds like nothing happened, but then it will turn the same amount you twisted the glass. The energy of the impact takes time to be transferred to the inner mass as witnessed by the delayed motion reaction. While the glass in your hands is not moving, now only the ice will move. This movement is a delayed internal body velocity until all the energy is dissipated. Looking at a spin-axis theory next, you will see later an exponential calendar curve tying in with the five mystery bronze clocks, which will be better understood if you remember this illustration. Using concepts like this, I discovered how the Aztec calendar clock works. I will illustrate it with a simple model, which is fun to think about because it will open up many scientific and biblical puzzles. A Bicycle Wheel Model for the 3 Spin-Axes Calendar Now let me give you an illustration of the dynamics how the earth used to spin on its three axes before the asteroid recorded in Genesis hit our globe and caused a flood in Noah’s time (2288 BC). It will show how my hypothesis explains the Aztec calendar. This all came about when I discovered how the Aztec clock works with its strange cycles. Going through museums in Mexico City and observing Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 35 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries a foreign culture, I began to connect it with my recent books and reading some science journals alerted me to a new concept I had not read about. To understand the earth would move using three axes of spin, we can use a small bicycle’s front wheel to represent our earth or with a paperplastic globe that can spin at its poles. Hold the wheel axis horizontally, level in both hands, and let the wheel spin. Now rotate around to the left on your own axis making a full turn with your spinning wheel. Your one complete turn of your body represents one Aztec year: this completed turn of your body is my proposed unknown X-axis. Notice something else happens that at each 90 degree position by your turning body follows a familiar pattern of a solstice or an equinox cycles we will understand later. So far, we have demonstrated one Aztec year as it was counted before the Flood in 2288 BC. To indicate the Z-axis, we turn our body seven times and at the same time walk around the room in a full grand cycle of 360 degrees. Walking around the room coincides with the earth going one time around the sun (365 days). My discovery is that our bicycle wheel turns 7 times on an X-axis for each Z-axis journey around the sun. This model aligns perfectly with the Aztec calendar to indicate a year of 365+/- days with 7 winter solstices, of which one was a grand solstice corresponding to today’s 21 December of our Gregorian calendar. To sum up this strange X-axis analogy, you walk in a grand circle (Z-axis) and turn around seven times (X-axis) while holding your wheel spinning at an angle (Y-axis). I will explain it again a little slower. First Aztec Quadrant Cycle (equinox) of the Horizontal Y-axis To understand how the Aztec clock system works, I will describe what happens in each quadrant as we walk our big circle (axis Z) around the “sun.” Imagine that you are standing in the middle of a parking lot near a lamp when it is dark. The lamp represents the sun. You are facing the lamp and holding the horizontally spinning bicycle wheel in front of you. The axle turning in your right hand represents the North Pole, and the one in your left hand is the South Pole. In this position, your bicycle wheel (earth) gets the full light of the lamp broadside along the spinning wheel’s tire tread or equator. The parts of the wheel being held in your right or left hands (the Polar Regions of the earth) receive very little light from the lamp. We call this position the First Quadrant and it becomes the first equinox. An equinox always gives the equator the maximum exposure to the sun’s rays. In this model, your wheel is rotating in the direction toward the lamp or sun. Second Aztec Quadrant Cycle (solstice) Turn your body left 90 degrees. Now your right side faces the parking lot lamp as you continue to hold the spinning bicycle wheel in your hands. You will notice that now your right hand axle, representing the North Pole of the rotating earth, faces the lamp. This solstice position is called the Second or winter Quadrant. To be able to count annual cycles by the solstice accurately, the observer must have an observation Page 36 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 platform marked where the sun reaches its furthest point of progress. At this point, the pole experiences its most direct exposure to the sun. Ancient pyramids and temples were constructed as observation platforms for these purposes. You can see their remains today in Mexico and in other places around the world. Third Aztec Quadrant Cycle (equinox) Make one more quarter turn to the left. Your back is now to the lamp, and you look away from the light. For our purposes, you will consider your body transparent, thus the full light of the lamp will once again shine broadside along the bicycle wheel tread. This equinox differs from the first in that your wheel now turns away from the lamp (sun). Stretch your imagination a bit. If you were a person living on this bicycle wheel earth, the sun would seem to go in the opposite direction across the sky from what you saw during the first summer equinox. Applying this model to our lives on earth today, it would mean that the sun would sometimes rise in the West and set in the East, and then return to rise in the East and set in the West. When I took a summer cruise into the northern regions of Norway, I noticed that the sun did not go down in the West but hovered above the horizon all night. It did not sink beneath the ocean’s horizon. Then, after so many hours, the sun rose again for another day in a way that made it seem like it had reversed its direction of motion as viewed from the moving ship. I thought about this experience during times of the summer equinox in Norway, the days of the “midnight sun,” when I reflected on how the Aztec calendar worked. The sun used to move forward for 26 days and then backward for 26 days as centered on each solstice. Fourth Aztec Quadrant Cycle (solstice) Now turn 90 degrees left again with your spinning wheel. Notice that your left arm now receives the full lamp light or sunlight. Now the South Pole receives its maximum exposure, a full blast of sunlight for the Summer Quadrant of an Aztec year, as reckoned from the solstice Southern Hemisphere. To sum up what we did with our spinning bicycle-earth model wheel: Your full-circle walk around the lamppost represents the Z-axis of 365+/- days. As you walked the big circle of the Z-axis, you also turned your body around seven times imitating the X-axis. Each full turn of the X-axis was counted as 1 “year” (Hebrew, shanah) in calendars used before the Flood. There were 7 spins of the X-axis in one turn of the Z-axis. The Mesoamerican- Mayan- Aztec calendars “remember” these X-axis years in its structure of 7 cycles of 52 days. After the Flood, the X-axis gradually disappeared: it resolved in wobbling from the asteroid strike by merging into the Y-axis. The bicycle wheel turned 13 times (days) four times each quarter turn or quadrant (which is the Y-axis) and turned seven times the other way to illustrate the X-axis. Each 13-day quadrant would have seemed more like the month to us because of its short length. Even more astounding is that Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 37 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries each of these 13-day months is an astronomical season by definition because it begins with an equinox and ends with a solstice, or vice versa. Imagine you are on earth before 2288 BC. Looking at the sun, you will notice that in the First Quadrant the sun rises in the east and sets in the west 13 Y-axis days until we reach the summer equinox for this X-axis spin. As we pass the equinox, the days still become longer. Not like today when days get shorter. This X-axis summer position will keep the days getting longer until the half “year” of Aztec 26 days has arrived at the southern solstice position. At the point of the southern solstice, the sun will seemingly reverse its motion to rise in the west and set in the east for the next 26 days until it arrives at the northern solstice position where the daylight portion of a Y-axis spin has the shortest duration. In other words, when it arrives at the point of the southern solstice, the sun’s movement will seem to rise in the west and set in the east for 26 Y-axis days and then repeat the cycle. If you are wondering why the earth made these 7 X-axis cycles in the course of a year, then you are in the same boat I am. Perhaps the earth and the moon originally orbited around each other like a binary planet. The moon’s mass may be big enough, and astronomers know that its orbit could not have been the same as it is today. When you use a computer to reverse time, the moon merges with the earth’s surface theoretical about 2 billion years ago. Even given the questions about absolute chronologies of this length, this does not make sense because the earth and the moon are both believed by some scientist to be 4.5 billion years old.2 When we talk about billions years, to me it is pure speculation and makes no common sense scientifically. Recent scientific measurement of the sun’s diameter shows that it loses a bit of girth each year as its burns off energy. If we postulate billions years multiplied with that yearly sun reduction we measure today, we get a sun so big, that it would eat up our earth long time ago and life would not be possible. Consequently, conjecture about long ages of our earth is pure fantasy comparing it with life as we know it on earth. Seeing that only shorter creation cycles makes more sense and that is what I see imbedded in geology and eyewitness tell me about in the Bible which is an ancient history book only ignorant people believing in unscientific outmoded evolution opinions reject it. If the earth and the moon orbited around some common center even as they orbited around each other, this could possibly explain my X-axis. Here is where I need an astrophysicist and his computer models to test out my thinking. Meanwhile, consider that the asteroid strike starting the Flood could have affected the moon, too. Perhaps some fragments as they always come in pairs could have struck the moon too which shows the evidence with our bare eyes during a full moon cycle. Somehow, when it had all settle down, the moon could have launched into its present slow escape from the earth’s gravity. The moon’s gravitational shift in such an event would have influence and contributed to the massive changes in the earth’s surface described elsewhere. 2 Steel, Duncan, Marking Time, the Epic Quest to Invent the Perfect Calendar. John Wiley & sons, 2000. See chapter 22 and especially page 352. Page 38 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 When I write about correlations with the Bible that also connect with science, then I am using a balanced worldview of a dual track railroad system. We can be either a narrow-minded monorail theologian or scientist. Today it seems that man’s knowledge is expanding exponentially at an ever faster pace without limits. But it will stop. Guaranteed. Now you have been exposed to a little fun with a bicycle wheel as you walked around a streetlight in a parking lot. I hope no one was around and called the police. If you really tried it, I do not doubt that it may have created some negative emotions within typical of monorail specialists. But for me discovering new things is always exiting and I like to share it without asking for benefit. The thoughts I expressed in writing two years ago were made without knowing anything about the five (5) mystery clocks I write about in this book. Together, these discoveries have convinced me that the Bible is totally scientific. In closing this opening chapter, I want to summarize what all unidentified mystery clocks have in common. If you are a computer-nerd, it would be fun to generate a three-axis computer program and let it go from 2288 BC until one axis merges with the present axis nearly stopped at 23½ degrees at about 518 BC and fully resting at that angle at the transition from BC to AD. Relativity and X-Y Axis Theory When science postulates a wrong assumption it can never lead into right conclusion. In my report, I will question many science theories religiously believed without any proof. Wrong scientific evaluations can be observed and rechecked in the test tube and popular theories can be found later to be in error. If a wrong theory becomes the basis for other theories, it becomes like a house built on the foundation of a wrong assumption. It could all collapse without warning. It is just a matter of time until a different wind blows and knocks it down. For example, Dr. Albert Einstein came along and pointed out the discrepancies in the speed of light that indicated a number of wrong assumptions. He was careful not to offend the establishment and only went half way. I do not have that problem as I am not famous with any reputation to protect, but nevertheless I confront strange concepts and try to apply logic to disprove them. So test my ideas fairly. For now, lay aside what I feel are wrong science assumptions and journey with me to decipher mystery clocks. If I am shot down before making my argument, then the clocks will remain mystery. The erroneous scientific biases will never decode them. Let’s cover some cause-and-effect stories to highlight where science has gone in the wrong direction. This will help you to better understand my spin-axis hypothesis. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 39 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Two Dimensions Story The X-Y spin-axis hypothesis has many ramifications but no other reference books. Most people do not understand the theories of relativity, and when we speak of ancient mystery clocks or calculators measuring time then even the definition of time is even more difficult to grasp. We always expect that our clock would tell us 24 hours a day and cannot imagine that it could have been different in ancient times. To stretch our imaginations a bit, remember that our units of time come from the travel of our earth around the sun. To grasp philosophically that time could have been different at the dawn of civilization, modern science asked Dr. Einstein to express “time” quantitatively and explain the universe with mathematics. Eventually we can expand on his line of thinking and apply it to our lives and perhaps understand a new spinaxis theory from a different viewpoint. Perception follows some rules too. For instance, when we examining geological facts and ancient records we can ask, “Is it true?” We heard of relative truth and absolute truth and delineate between what appears to be within physical laws used by scientists to categorize the phenomena of this world. Even so, sometimes they go outside conventional scientific methods. There exists another dimension interacting with our everyday consciousness, which belongs to the area of indirect perception like measuring the effects of relativity, time, and space that Dr. Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton wanted to define. Besides physical laws, the spiritual realm of the Bible deals with the metaphysical, like morals, ethics, love, eternal life and ultimately God the Creator. Spiritual laws conform to physical laws like the two rails of a balanced railroad track. To deny the existence of one rail would eliminate half of the books ever written around the world. Many of my hi-tech inventions came about by intuition, but defining how it works belongs to the realm of perception. Scientists still failing to understand the beginnings of life and where we come from will have difficulty comprehending my spin-axis story. Writing such a story is easier for common people, but those deeply educated in questionable theories do not take a very logical or balanced approach to understanding the unknown that cannot be directly observed or tested. It is an uphill battle for me, and it takes a little more time. To communicate concepts against the background of fairy tales dressed up in scientific cloth with convoluted uniformly long age theories that mutually support each other though never proven. The problem is if the first assumption or hypothesis is wrong, then all the others will be, too. Wrong theories collapse like a house of cards if the foundational assumption is faulty. For example, science believes in the evolution of species requiring long ages, but the fact remains we can only document extinction in the fossil records and that points to a creation model and not the other way. I just do not see even one cross species’ fossilized bones in the thousands of extinctions uncovered. Not surprising, this data conforms to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Then there is the recent work in documentPage 40 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 ing the extremely complex and barely understood genetics project. An unbiased evaluation of these scientific advances puts a lot of fear into the university establishment who may yet be shown to be utterly incompetent due to their monorail blindness. Deciphering mystery clocks connected with a third spin-axis for the earth presents big problems for traditional evolutionists. Many scientists function as priests in an atheistic religion called public education. It is label secular truth, but it is functionally a mystery religion preached in our “secular” universities. A freethinking scientist who understands the laws of entropy knows that evolution is impossible. The First Law of thermodynamics states that you can never generate, obtain or observe an energy conversion over 100%. A one-celled worm has imbedded within it the coded intelligence to replicate itself as it is. Even given billions of years, it can never become a frog kissed by a beautiful prince and further develop into a monkey. Billions of cells cannot transform themselves into a more complex intelligence code. Similarly, a laptop computer is not designed to compete with an IBM supercomputer. Even putting a thousand laptops in top of each other will not replicate the function of a supercomputer unless you make it into a religion. The Second Law demonstrates devolution as energy degrades or seeps from a higher level to lower levels of energy. It never occurs in the other direction, and that is the reason I am getting older and my body shrivels. We find plenty of proof that the laws work by looking at the geological history embedded in our earth. I only see thousands of extinctions and never any trans-specie examples going higher up the evolution scale. That is why you only see artists’ paintings on museum walls and not photos of complete skeletons demonstrating the millions of micro-changes that would need to take place for evolution to be proven from fossils. Artists draw imaginary creatures ending in man next to small bits of extinct skeletons that you can touch to be convinced. However, different artists invariably come up with different pictures based on the sketchy remains they have to work with. Fossilized human footprints are found in Texas that are unmistakably imprinted in former muck changed into stone with those of dinosaurs. Most museums will not permit them to be exhibited and will not even permit photographs to be displayed so as to educate our children with facts in conflict with a children frog-prince fairy tale story. I am glad that somehow the sequence of the evolution theory still follows the Biblical creation narration starting with small seeds of vegetation to end in man rather teaching along the entropy model, which is more possible – that is, humanity’s devolution to monkeys and then down to the one cell. I previously mentioned that the inconsistencies of science as popularly preached to make you think a little, but I have written enough on that, so let’s get back to the story. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 41 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries The Not so Constant Speed of Light To understand an X-Y axis phenomenon we must dabble a little in theory of relativity. Set aside your preset opinions temporarily and consider that hidden truth could exist on the other side of time’s limitations. The Big Bang Theory was invented in 1930. It states that the universe was created by a big explosion billions of years ago. The thought that billions of years is required conflicts with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Science has recently demonstrated that the speed of light is not constant, which will raise most eyebrows in our universities. Some science magazine articles have demonstrated that light is slowing down over the passage of time, which is in conformity to the Second Law of Thermodynamics that allows no exceptions. Scientists collected all of the measurements made of the speed of light from the last 400 years and programmed it in a computer for analysis. Surprisingly, the computer spit out an exponential down hill curve of a slowing speed instead of the expected linear straight line for a constant speed of light. Analyzing the data, they had to conclude that light has been slowing down or throw out thousands measurements as questionable. This discovery agrees with Dr. Albert Einstein’s theories of relativity, which postulated that light is bent by gravity and therefore must slow down. Astronomers have confirmed this point, so Einstein’s rationally developed theory using indirect evidence has been upheld again by scientific work completed decades after his death. A scientist at the University of Sydney in Australia3 conducted an experiment that slowed down the speed of light 16%. This accomplishment is the first step toward an all-optical Internet that will be a thousand times time faster than today’s Web. The optical circuits work best when light travels slower than its normal speed of 186,000 miles per second. So here is another witness to testify to truth that lends support to my spin-axis hypothesis that most scientists will certainly say is “not possible.” To decipher ancient mystery clocks that do not match our present cycles of time keeping requires us to stretch our minds a little more. This includes accepting for the moment some basic philosophical reference points and religious records like the Bible. How these various old documents balance out to the same spin-axis conclusion will make logical sense if you just give it a test ride. The Bible is the oldest book on earth and was inspired with what I call extraterrestrial information. It connects with your spirit within that I call the sixth sense, which cannot be defined by purely physical laws. Unfortunately, modern education immediately rejects any idea that cannot be explained with accepted conventional theories. It is hostile to religious traditions and remains scientifically ignorant because it rejects these ancient eyewitness testimonies out of hand. You may ask, “How can you be so sure of your ideas and the Bible?” To make a clock that keeps accurate time, a clockmaker, such as myself, must calculate gear ratios for many gears before machining the parts. 3 Headlines: Shine on you Crazy Internet, by Jebediah Reed, Popular Science, March 2007. Page 42 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 First, a theoretically design must be established, which can be calculated and checked out against a concept. After I have fabricated the parts and all is assembled, I test the clock’s accuracy to see if it performs according to design. If it is consistently late 15 minutes, then I am upset and try to adjust it. If the adjustment features do not do the trick, then I conclude that my blueprint is screwed up, and I reject that design. I use mathematics to analyze the failed design, make corrections to the calculations and then try again. God’s plan for humanity in the Bible has embedded many design features with cycles similar to clock gears that can be checked out against conventional science. Any biblical chronology or calendar system can be verified with mathematics and logical principles. If we discover some hidden spectral lines in the seven rainbow colors or learn that light is not constant, then it is foolish to simply dismiss a disturbing discovery. We should just check it out further even if it is in conflict with a pet theory taught in the highest university level. The Red Shift Story The red shift principle hypothesizes an expansion of the universe brought about by the Big Bang. It states that light from an object that shifts to the red side of the spectrum is moving away. I believe that the opposite of that theory is true. A red shift tells me that light is slowing down rather than moving away. It is a matter of perception - the window you choose to look through in a moving California coastal train. I think that the universe is fizzing out and everything is getting colder using up energy. It is imploding rather than expanding, like a 4th July fireworks soon collapses with less energy according to the entropy laws. I noticed that it also conforms to the Hebrew Alphabet Number System described in my earlier books, which gives you another perspective from a different train window. The Hebrew Alphabet Number System comes up with a future asteroid strike of unimaginable size that will take place about AD 3018. This future strike is even portrayed in Aztec temple paintings in Mexico City as well as in the Apostle Peter’s letter in the Bible prophesying that the elements will melt in atomic fusion. (II Peter 3:10-13) In contrast, the monorail perspective of today’s universities preaches a different gospel: there is no end and the origin of the universe and our earth took place billions of years ago. The spin-axis hypothesis uses much, much smaller time cycles to coincide with human existence on earth as recorded in the Hebrew Bible’s chronological system of about 7,000 years. This shorter time frame is verified by putting human genetic reproduction cycles backwards in a computer to reverse population growth to a time of beginning – about 8,000 years! This figure was calculated by scientists, which is pretty close to the biblical period for Adam and Eve, the first couple. I found a date of creation 4488 BC in the Aztec calendar that I converted to our Gregorian calendar, which is about 7,500 years ago. This also verifies a biblical date for the creation stories. How did the Aztecs come up with such a date? Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 43 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Keep reading, and I will give you the answer to that question, and it is no fairy tale story of a frog kissed by a maiden to become a prince! Geology confirms short creation cycles as long ages cannot be proven with a false carbon dating method that is no longer working since 1948 as the entire earth has become permanently contaminated with nuclear fallout. Later on when we understand the spin-axis idea a little better, it will logically fit together. In fact, I have plotted the time changes in an exponential diagram that I developed. For now, the graph brings the ancient variables to an apparent rest appropriate to a historical time frame of 7,000 years. I then transpose the exponential curves to a linear calendar of clock cycles to make it easier to understand. The recorded Aztec observations of a specific astronomical precession is the key to understanding what happened, but it must be cross-referenced with the other rail of the Hebrew thinking. Only then can we solve the mysteries communicated by the design of these fabulous ancient clocks sitting in museums around the world waiting to be deciphered. A number of space scientists and physicists recently conclude that the universe could be mostly composed of dark matter and therefore invisible. This idea started out with a red shift caused by the Big Bang but further theories open ended expanding the model to make it fit. It was then extended to include black holes but that just made dark matter and energy more difficult to understand. Previously, many galaxies were measured with reflected visible light are now checked out with infrared and higher frequency filters on specialized instruments in satellites that are giving us new discoveries. Interpreting those images brings me right back to my belief in a Creator. A friend recently told me that he was an atheist. I tried to explain that language has underlying meanings. For example, when we say “dark” energy, we think of contrasting “light” because that is what we experience. If everybody were blind, then light would have no meaning. Likewise, our minds and consciousness work on two planes. If you contrast God with a mortal, then you get pairs of words: infinite-finite, light-darkness, good-evil and life-death. Therefore, for someone to be an atheist, then the root meaning of the word declares the existence of God as a prerequisite, or such a word would not exist. Words used daily cannot always be proven in their essence in the laboratory, but we define them by experiencing their meanings. Our experience makes them real. Let me illustrate with a story. Imagine a person going on a weekend camping trip with the kids in the woods. The father gets out of the car to scout around for a good place to bed down and makes a circle around some woody bushes. All in the sudden he falls into a 20-foot deep pit that is pitch dark. Getting up from his fall, he realized that no bones are broken and wondered what the ... am I. No answer came to his loud screams for help – not even an echo or any other noise. He reached his arms out as he walked forward in the pitch darkness. He was conscientious only of an impenetrable dark emptiness that seems to be ahead. He tried to find something he could touch Page 44 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 and relate to. Dark thoughts came to mind as he remembered Jesus’ teaching about an “outer darkness” and wondered if he was in Hell. Then his hands touched something. Shaking hands examined what seemed to be a wall. His heart raced a little faster as he examined it inch-by-inch, feeling for an exit. Hours and hours past, and he worried about his wife and kids. He desperately wanted to find a light switch. Eventually he came to realize that there was “no exit.” His hope collapsed in despair. This story pictures humanity in the last century. A civilization that made tremendous strides in technology and tried to establish a just government for the masses through revolution, wars and ethnic cleansing only to confess there is no “Exit” door for humanity. Today, optimism is out as our universities reject any notion dealing with the spiritual side of man. Being 76 years old after growing up under Hitler in Germany, I have heard so many propaganda promises promoted by tons of books written to embellished Karl Marx, Engels, Voltaire and others. All were tried and failed. That long list includes socialism, nationalism, bolshevism, fundamentalism, conservatism, rightist and leftist, democrat, republican, etc. Millions and millions were killed in the last century by a godless system. There is no end in sight. If you look at business, economics, or global politics – they all seem to be off the hinges like a boat lost in the storm. Around the world, nations and governments are perplexed, unable to stem the tide. All desperately deny the obvious as they have now become Gods themselves without an “exit” and without a compass for direction. If the eternal God does not exist, then you must be God. Let’s find out were the world is going. Before I discuss the spin-axis hypothesis, one more story would not hurt to let you know how we can measure the pulse of our American society. Consider whether we have a healthy dispossession to learn new technology in the future. Graduation 2006 Rejecting the Bible as unscientific out of hand only demonstrates uneducated ignorance. It is a behavior no different from when Galileo was threatened by a controlling religious priesthood uncertain about what to do with unusual discoveries. Today, a prevailing atheistic priesthood manipulates our universities and wants to control the mindset of humanity just like the Catholic Church did in the 15th century. For example, high school graduation ceremonies do not permit a student to mention a historic person, Jesus Christ, during an address to the student body and families assembled. Each year several brilliant students run the risk of jail sentences because they do not cave in to the threats from public school administrators who deny the students’ constitutionally guaranteed freedom of speech. One student suffered the loss of the public address system, which was turned off in the middle of her speech. Even though family and friends were present, school officials chose to behave as Gestapo terrorists vioCopyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 45 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries lating basic American freedoms. Not much has changed since Galileo’s time, though history proves that oppressive power will not prevail. It is shameful when a teacher is unwilling to learn from the students. Schools should encourage responsible free speech, or we will never stem the growing worldwide tide of tyrannical dictatorships. Instead, public schools teach oppression by their example of denying basic human rights to students. Why are school professors so afraid to hear a young person’s opinion? We should have learned by now that religious intolerance breeds persecution. The unconstitutional denial of students’ freedom of speech, when it comes to Jesus Christ and the Bible, proves that intolerant, socalled “secular” education is very religious at heart and not objective. When it comes to freedom of speech denied, I wonder what is the difference between our “land of liberty” and an Islamic nation that forbids secular living and encourages hatred of Christians and Jews? In either situation, you have a society exercising fear-ridden, irrational contempt based on ignorance. Yet, we send young troops to die for our supposed freedoms in a battle against “Muslim intolerance.” Infinite Time Chart Now let’s have a look at the Infinite Time chart, which attempts to define “time” a little differently from what you may have ever seen before. I constructed it this way to analyze what the mystery clocks and calendars were measuring. This chart provides important context to the spin-axis hypothesis. I use the expression “time” in comparison with the 7,000-year history cycles of humanity. I had noticed that the monthly progression of cycles or years of ancient calendars behave as if they possess relative values compared to the absolute and fixed system of the modern Gregorian calendar. This observation is very important as it demonstrates the possibility for a different monthly count within a year of the earth’s orbit of the sun during the ages of earliest human history. The Bible states that Jesus appeared at the fullness of time; therefore we measure our Gregorian calendars on either side of his birth, which is where the BC/AD line is drawn. It is the apex of human existence from a Christian biblical perspective. The chart itself displays a set of logarithmic parabolic curves. It begins at an infinite left side and curves to an infinite future on the right. The apex of the parabola touches a horizontal line at BC/AD. Afterwards, two options open up. One may travel into infinite along the line of Eternal Life into the Jod Dimension, or one can travel the downward curve to the White Throne Judgment ending material time and space that the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS) identifies as the Daleth Dimension, which end is symbolized with Taw, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet. As a clockmaker, I attempted to straighten out this exponential curve along a horizontal line to better depict the passage of human history from the BC to AD perspective. Page 46 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 This special crossover point in time measures or divides our calendar with Jesus Christ. He is the fulcrum of our existence connecting us with the past infinite time to an infinite future time. If you are interested in “God’s plan for humanity” from another perspective never preached in church or just curious about a new Biblical Rosetta Stone discovery, check out my book on the Internet4. You can read it for free there. It may yet surprise some that the Bible is imbedded with a Hebrew Alphabet Number System. From it, future dates of Bible prophecy may be calculated from the Torah and Jewish holidays cycles explained in a second book also free on the Internet.5 My recent development of this spin-axis hypothesis could be considered a sequel to those two books. I recommend that you become familiar with the Hebrew Alphabet Number System if you are a serious about not fitting into the traditional religious mold. I need to comment why it is proper to measure BC/AD from the current dividing point in the historical timeline. I believe God invented it as YHWH or Jehovah (Jesus in Greek) is the fulcrum of our time existence, but that is not enough to persuade me. I needed some science to prove it. Historians measure our time as starting in AD 525 as no one before that time assumed and knew it was 525. Why? Once there was a monk named Dionysus Exiguous who lived in a part of the world called Scythia, which is just north of the Black Sea in Asia. This monk made a pilgrimage to Rome the center of the western civili4 5 Mystery of Tammuz 17 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 47 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries zation. In his day, all roads literally ended in Rome. There he witnessed many pagan festivals still being celebrated such as the solstice related 25 December, which represents the sun god reborn. He got upset and subsequently proposed changing these pagan festivals into Christian ones, hence the birth of Christmas. All the previous Roman pagan customs, dates and symbols remained in place not to create a stir, but he called it the birthday of the Lord. That cleverly camouflaged the switch from the observance of the despicable Jewish Holidays rightly associated with Jesus’ life. The Jews were hated and persecuted so eliminating Jewish holidays was welcomed by the Popes. The Pope permitted people to keep their pagan holiday Solstice Day in the winter time with a green tree and candles to honor their sun-god as others can celebrate Christmas and making it in the year of our Lord the 525th birthday. Year in Latin means “anno,” and “our Lord” means domino. That became a worldwide contribution to our measuring time. But since that time many scholars disputed his dating method and today I am confronted with zero, 2 BC, 4 BC and 6 BC and more for the birth year of Jesus. Who is right? If we ask Hebrew scholars for the year that the Solomon Temple was destroyed by the Babylonians, we would probably hear 586 BC. However, my calendar created from the Hebrew Alphabet Number system dates it to 588 BC. We differ by two years, which means that my 7,000-year clock cycles are either wrong and my books in error to announce a future date for the apocalypse of 21 December 2008 – 21 December 2012 – 21 December 2015. Whom should we trust? Time will tell in just a few years. Science should not rest on opinion or reputation of the researcher. It should be determined by the facts and methods used to determine those facts, so I make my story longer than it needs to be to simply tell you what happened, when. In the meantime, I point to a scientific clock system to arbitrate between scholars. Gears must mesh, as we cannot have half a tooth in the system. They either mesh, or the clock is worthless. No opinion of anyone will change or massage the outcome. The Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS) is really an independent reference check. It points out aberrations, slight missing on the edges and even reorganized Revelation in the Bible as the chronological order is mixed up. Re-ordering Revelation upsets theologians because it points out false doctrines preached in church. Like Solomon ordered to divide a baby to determine the real mother, HANS will point out the truth. The monk Dionysus Exiguous was right in his dating according to HANS - Zero BC/AD is correct! If you study the 7,000-Year Table in the Appendix, you will notice that all calendar Hebrew dates end with a number 8. In Hebrew, that number eight has the meaning of a confined fenced-in place or a new cycle starting. It is therefore a double check if you want to date anything in history. It has imbedded the dual message of the material Daleth dimension and spiritual Heh dimension depending in which direction you look. Cycles operate in either a past or a future direction, depending on your perspective. Page 48 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 Go back to my California coastal train analogy, if you look out one window you see unending oceans, while the windows on the other side of the train have a view of mountains and cities. In a moving train, one could have a different perspective depending on the seating, so the measurement of time depends on observations but must also conform to a train schedule of the system. Knowing a little about that train’s schedule will change your expectations and correlation of what you see to the whole of history. We are learning about mystery clocks and need to look at the total time divided in our latest version of a Gregorian calendar. We need to agree among ourselves to accept the facts presented in order to explore their significance. Calendar Concepts of Time The Aztec method of crossing over at seven times with a two-hand clock system ending on a number 8 is found in the calendar cycles of ancient Mesoamerica and China, which will be explained elsewhere in my book. In this system of measuring time, the crossover of the two hands was the important event and not the number on the dial. This is how I discovered the spin-axis. Look at your kitchen clock. Notice that the first crossover is about one’ clock as the small hand moves. It takes seven crossovers or seven Aztec spins to reach 8 on the dial. (7+1=8) Looking at the incremental 490year long Hebrew cycles and various other gear sizes embedded in this astronomical world clock, it became obvious that all given date cycles must mesh within an assumed 24 hours to a day across 7,000 years of Hebrew calendar cycles. Notice again that most major dates in the 7,000-year table end with the number (8) eight. Our week has 7 days and the seven is divinely built into our system of measuring time. The biblical Rosetta stone is a 7:5 ratio (or 12) imbedded in many time measurements. There are 12 hours on one clock dial, 12 months in a year, 12 disciples, and 12 tribes of Israel, 12 zodiac constellations and more. Understanding the importance of 8 in clock cycles is only a check in mathematics because the real unit of importance was the prime number 7. The 7 of an ancient spin-axis is buried in the system we will soon understand. So the 7,000-year calendar and cycles with major dates ending in 8 only verifies the calculated dynamics of a calendar based on 7s. HANS mathematics is essential to understand if one is to analyze these ancient calendars that conform to prime numbers. The math is very difficult using different methods of accounting. I got a lot of fractions over long periods of time. To hit any date within a day and conform to the prime numbers 5, 7, 13, 483, as the ancient clocks did, is a miracle. I believe my discoveries must be divinely inspired, as the chances of such consistent accuracy are very remote. I have no other system to compare it with, so we need some proof. I did not have access to programming a computer to calculate the cycles, so I used 8 as a crosscheck to make sure that I had the right calendar number. I just looked to see if it ended with the number 8. That is what Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 49 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries told me that my calculations were right, that I was not looking out the wrong window.... We usually only think of time incrementally like a train stopping at railroad stations, or when we look out the window of a moving train, we see telephone poles passing by. Sometimes we measure time in hours at other times in miles or light years. Looking out the window from an airplane at 35,000 feet and seeing another airplane fly by, I wondered how fast that time period I viewed really was expressed in miles. To get relative truth converted into absolute truth requires an inquiry with the pilot of both airplanes. Consequently, converting relative to absolute truth requires the other rail of extraterrestrial information not accepted by most scientists. Understanding history from a mystery clock’s perspective requires us to consider information outside our daily journey. If science does not have the answer, I look to extraterrestrial information and regularly find it in the Bible. That information is as reliable as many events can be proven with science. As an inventor of many commercial products, I could testify to it but a skeptical scientist always needs more proof. Getting that proof is complicated by his ingrained biases from unproven theories that cloud his thinking. My assurance as a successful inventor comes from looking at hundreds of prophecies in the Bible that were written thousands years ago and yet happened on time in the course of God’s plan for humanity. When seriously checked out of its possibility, I have no trouble to accept biblical information as facts against the background of secular history. I found reliable factual data, which I can acknowledge as true to me, hence led my perception as a scientist to agree with prophecy as absolute true. Although I may not understand the mechanism, I do not immediately reject it. For example, I do not yet understand how light bends time as expressed in parabolic exponential curves. In reviewing other cultures around the globe, I find evidence in history that the ancient used different calendar counting methods. Our calendar is so easy, so why do we find the ancient Aztec with a calendar of 260 days? Why do others like the Chinese, Hebrew, Islamic, Western calendars, all attempt to measure time through various unknown practices? We know something about how the Babylonians originally counted 360 days per year. Their systems were taken over by the Persians, followed by Greeks and Romans. We will later explain a Persian clock that evidences a transition of calendar counting methods with a flexible XY spin-axis. Again, we have a perceived measuring of time by ancient calculators not deciphered. It is time to create a model of an absolute calendar to advance a better understanding of dating the antiquity. The X-Y spin-axis hypothesis could be the mediator to bring it all together. I discovered that BC/AD is truly the center of history for our human race. It agrees with the biblical Rosetta Stone ratio in Daniels prophesy, and it shows up in the mystery clocks. My previous research revealed 7,000 clock cycles for humanity. Thinking linearly, we measure our calendar division along the lines of years, months and hours backwards and write before Christ so many years. Page 50 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 Aztec records describe constellation movements in 52,000-year cycles, and our scientists talk about precessions of the equinoxes of 5,625 years, which is just another viewpoint of the same thing. The Hebrew calendar divides time into 490 cycles, which seems to fit historical cycles how two civilizations developed. When I recalculated it in Gregorian year’s time frame they all matched exactly to within a narrow target of 24 hours of solstice and equinox days. I use the analogy that gears must mesh within a clock to be useful. If we make historical projection to test a theory, we cannot have half a tooth in a clock calendar system. That is why Biblical prophecy convinced me to be absolute truth using mathematics. Measuring Time in Antiquity I briefly mentioning it, but I come to conclude that time was measured differently in ancient cultures. An asteroid colliding with earth changed the rhythms of our globe and humanity wanted to figure it out ever since. Huge pyramids were built everywhere around the world at a bout the same point in history. They were followed by elaborate clocks invented to mark time in a manner that makes no sense to us today until it finally settled down with a clock dial of 12 hours. So looking back in time in increments of years we are stopped about 2288 BC and nobody seems to have an eyewitness record from that time except the Bible. It is like the Atlantis civilization disappeared with all the records of humanity. Many theories abound. Many ancient cultures tell of great crises in antiquity. When I spliced it together with biblical records, a new, 4,000-year old picture emerged indicating the reason why. Let me express a few ideas I discovered examining ancient calendar cycles and hopeful we can bring it together to understand it in our time frame. From the Bible, I learned which is verified by the discovery of the Aztec clock that time was measured differently before 2288 BC. Yearly cycles seemed to be 7 times longer. We measure our time by a 23½ degrees fixed axis position of our earth, which gives us a nice 12hour clock that gives every year a solstice on the 21st of December. We have no idea what it meant for Noah’s family of 8 people to survive an asteroid impact and then notice that their calendar no longer worked. To tell their children born after and future generations about life before the Flood without books to pass on of any collective knowledge humanity previously stored in many libraries would be difficult. All had been totally lost except for what was on the ark. Knowledge now depended on what a shipbuilding family remembered. On top that, soon afterwards the one human language was divided into many at a place called Babel, which means confusion. Right away it stopped a large building project while feuding which each other for lack of understanding what they said to each other. The rest of that history you can read in Genesis. Indirectly, the Bible gives us some details how they managed to tell time, which pointed to that years behaved differently after the asteroid impact. Looking around museums we can find many examples like Mexico’s City outdoor museum with five pyramids on top of each other and buried next was found a huge 20-ton stone Aztec calendar clock. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 51 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Other places like outdoor monument astronomical building complex in India or Stonehenge circle in England’s with two rows of thirteen pillars and of course many Bronze and pure Gold clocks around the globe not deciphered. I noticed during my investigation they connected with a spin-axis phenomenon of different monthly progressions, some period of solstice years were shorter, and there are periods were no spin-axis movement existed at all and even restarting the sky star picture backwards making recording of calendar changes impossible. I then asked the question, why would the zodiac constellations’ movement disappear and reappear hundreds years later again? Eventually the people after the Flood stopped building pyramids, as the heavens seem to have run amok. The Bible testifies of one time when the sun stood still for two days on the horizon and of the sun’s shadow going backwards 10 degrees. It was very difficult for humanity to measure solstice periods. It could only managed it by inventing metal clocks with three dials. If you are a true scientist, you should always ask what could be the scientific causes when seeing the many impossible effects recorded which theologian or science have no answers or seeing three dials on mystery clocks. Many scientists are prevented of finding answers deciphering mystery clocks being educated in questionable opinions taught as facts and must just wait for someone else from outside the system to come up postulating some impossible but plausible theories. Discovering true science is fun for some as many of our famous scientists were Christians educated by outside terrestrial information. Myself as an inventor it was a new challenge to investigate Biblical theological problems connected with science. Let me sum up what you cannot find in your schoolbooks. When the asteroid hit the earth on 5 February 2287 BC, the night’s sky changed forever because the earth’s orbital path around the sun changed in some manner. The sun is either our time reference point or a starry sky with constellations. My spin-axis hypothesis indicates that it was not so in ancient times; consequently, the ancients built three-dial clocks to track an active three axis spin-wobble of our earth. To encipher ancient two or three dial clocks like the Antikythera clock in Greek Anthem museum can only be explained with a three spin-axis hypothesis. The clocks in museums continually will remain mysteries unless we accept that there was a dramatic change in the earth’s movement around the sun that gradually settled down to the present situation after the passage of many hundreds of years. The Bible has imbedded information of a pre-Flood time, which is substantiated in geology with accompanying climate changes. Thanks to a friar in the 16th century collecting information in Mexico of the Aztec clock shows cycles, which do not match our global calendar now, but made sense applying it to pre-Flood situation. The Aztec calendar has a long and short count system imbedded in it that many scholars have tried to explain. I look at other evidences like mystery clocks and calculators to find clues to the answers. I also reexamined traditional dating methods published in museum books. New theories gain credence when they provide better explanations. My spin-axis hypothesis does just that. Page 52 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 X-Y Axis Wobble that Stretches Imagination If we use our measuring techniques to calculate a 12-month for one-year duration or present system of marking time, and compare it to a Aztec calendar system from right after the Flood, the year seemed to be only about 4 months long. There were 4 months between winter solstices. That length of time was also indicated in the Aztecs’ records of nightly observations of the stars, including 24 zodiac houses or constellations. After 350 years from the Flood, Noah and his children saw many more stars than today. What they saw reached well below the equator, being caused by a rotating sky wobble of about 94 degrees (2x47 = 94), which still rotated with almost two leftover pre-Flood spin-axis turns that sometimes went opposite the direction of day count in a year [2.82]6. Remember, prior to 2288 BC half the time the sun goes up from the East and then reverts half the time to rising in the West in each spin cycle according to the Aztec clock calendar horizontal spin explained later. Depending at what cycle the asteroid impacted, that spin direction would be carried over in the age after the Flood and keep spinning in that direction for awhile until it stopped rotating to merge into a Yaxis. To us that would be like looking up at a Northern sky that turned backwards two times around an axis plus so many months within one 365-day count for a year. This phenomena show up in the Bible’s longer ages for some people like Abraham 175, Isaac 180 and the prophet Ezekiel 135 years old because the calendars were still counted from solstice to solstice according to the old fashioned, pre-Flood, Aztec calendar preserved 52-day count. If you had 2 winter solstices within the earth’s 365-day “year” around the sun, you would count two very short “years” of about 180 days each due to the appearance of two real solstices due to the opposing movements of the residual wobble. The Aztecs previously counted solstice spins of 52-day cycles not knowing that after Flood the new earth wobble changed everything. They did not notice right away that the previous spin of the earth has diminished from 7 to 2 solstices during one grand, 365-day orbit around the sun. That is why they built five pyramids, one on top of the other in Mexico City. The Bible records that the ages of individuals recorded after the Flood and prior to the Tower of Babel exceeded the 120 years God had set as the maximum. Theologians are now confronted with a question, “Did God lie if Abraham and his sons have ages older than 120 year some 5657 years after the Flood? How is it that we have large ages recorded again?” However, if you divide Abraham’s recorded age into the leftover spin-axis positions (7/847 = x/175) as plotted on my spin-axis graph (x=1.44627), the answer provides a corrected Gregorian calendar equivalent age that is not over 120 years. This is the case for all of the seemingly too old ages. To recap, after 2287 BC people’s recorded ages start out in excess of 120 years, but the excess diminishes directly proportionate to the slowing of the residual spin left over from the asteroid impact. This process is plotted on the graph, which gives calibration factors that permit us to calculate the recorded ages into Gregorian years. 6 Explained in Figure A, found in chapter 3. 7 Measured back from 2287 BC [1722 BC]. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 53 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries As history approaches the present, no one’s recorded age exceeds 120 Gregorian years because the wobble is stabilizing towards the earth’s present axis of rotation. Similarly, the correction factor becomes become exponentially smaller until it merges into the present system. If we divide Abraham’s age by the spin-axis graph conversion factor, we get 120 years for Abraham’s true age (175/1.44627 = 121). So God’s decision to limit human life to 120 Gregorian calendar years is not violated. The ancients kept their calendars by accurate observations on what they saw in the sky. Also, my spin-axis graph is roughly worked out by hand so Abraham really lived less than 121 Gregorian years. The spin-axis hypothesis postulates after Moses time that previous 24 zodiac constellation seen on the horizon seem to slow down and eventually will disappear over many centuries and getting fewer in count like 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13 and then stopped altogether at 12 star constellation. As the wobble is reduced, the night sky vision is also reduced, and the ancients had to pick Zodiac stars a little higher up from a changing horizon in the starry night circle. It ended about 47 degrees and the original 24 constellations around the horizon periphery became 12 as the wobble moved to half of what it was to within one 365-day count. There was a time when the constellations seemed to be resting for 90 years and inexplicably stopped, no longer moving. Again, the X-Y spin-axis hypothesis postulates that the backward spin slowed down to equal the velocity around the 365-day earth orbit and cancelled out. Therefore, no movement could be seen viewing the sky. Historically, I noticed that there is a void in counting methods past Moses’ time causing much disunity in scientific circles in dating Egyptian dynasties, which differ by 250 years. Our theological calendar projections stated in most reference Bibles do not go beyond Moses’ time at all. Why? However, the Bible records an interesting event with a sun standing still on the horizon, expanding a sunset to 36 hours caused by an accommodating violent earthquake, which in my book redistributed the earth’s inner mass to a final spin-axis movements going forward to earth’s present axis of daily rotation. Contrast it to a previous pre-Flood cycles as revealed by the old MayanAztec calendar that measured four quadrant cycles, but now seems to have only two quadrants in a year and not seven times?8 My spin-axis hypothesis solves these problems and demonstrates the previous quadrants as understood by the ancients. As a model, my hypothesis works. The night sky was fixed with no constellation movement at all, and this really got the Aztecs upset and confused. That is why they stopped building one pyramid to erect another on top of it: they needed to correct the orientation of the structure to the changed calendar calculations required by what they saw in the sky at that time. The constellations changed, and the priests sacrificed a thousand victims to their 20 gods. This happened five times because the stars moved. At times, the sky seemed to rotate backwards. As they observed their reference constellations, they increased the zodiac houses gradu8 Between 2.82 and 1.31 as shown in Figure A, chapter 3. Page 54 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 ally from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.....12 during Grand Solstice Cycle equivalent to an earth orbit of 365 days. It stopped once more, like previous 12 Zodiac constellations, but now going backwards from their observation in another spin direction called precession of the equinoxes which was recorded by a Spanish friar in the 15th century. Only this new spin-axis hypothesis can give us an explanation of an Aztec calendar before the Flood time. You may go back to my spin-axis bicycle example or hold a paper globe in your hand and let it wobble in your hands, if you did not follow my train. To understand what happened when the earth rotates horizontal, let’s check it out with science. NASA tells me that our planetary solar system is located at the ideal spot in our galaxy to see stars. The earth is positioned underneath our connecting spirals and from here we have a fantastic view in the night sky above. If our globe and sun would be positioned a little inside the Milky Way, we could not see anything like being in a fog of dense debris and hydrogen clouds. However, if we imagine the earth globe with a horizontal spin-axis and on the shadow side facing away from the sun while we looked up in the sky, we would see different cycles of a night sky with stars. The visible stars would disappear alternately viewing the stars and then nothing because our earth spin rotated horizontally like one time seeing underneath our starry galaxy and at other times as the earth rotates seeing empty space below the galaxy no stars. Recent astrology postulated that our universe is arranged like a wavy carpet with nothing above or under. Observing a night sky before the flood disappearing and appearing like moon cycles became the Aztec four cycles we see imbedded in their clock. So if our earth is below on the edge of that carpet universe then the quadrants expressed in Aztec stone calendars are not necessary winter-summer four seasons like we have, but night vision cycles seeing the star-carpet or not regulated by a seven spins. Understanding Aztec clocks later will now make perfect sense to me as we continue explaining an unknown spin-axis later more completely. Repeating it again for clarification, after 2287 BC came a time when the sky was totally different and continued to change, as witnessed by what the Aztecs recorded. After the Flood, the cycles seem to get smaller until they stopped altogether. At that point, the same stars no longer moved in the sky and stood in the same location. The ancients must have understood the principle of the spin-axis hypothesis and stopped building anymore pyramids to measure time for solstice positions. It was useless to spend any more money for observation towers when the constellations stopped moving and the monthly progression could only be obtained by using moon cycles as the Hebrew calendar did. They could not even measure quadrants cycles any more. Then hundreds of years later, sky began to move again, rotating like previous monthly cycle changing into 2,3,4,5, but going in another direction and finally stopping at 12 zodiacs dividing the sky circle. To explain what happened in the sky, the Aztecs told the Spanish friar who collected it from the survivors left over from 100 million people killed Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 55 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries by genocide ordered by a Pope in Rome to collect the gold accumulated in thousand years of Bronze Age civilizations stored in pyramids, temples and palaces. Not blaming the pope for all the massive deaths among natives, which was mostly caused by diseases the white men brought along as they looted and burned thousands of cities and communities. The horrible crimes perpetrated by the Vatican are not covered in as much detail as they should in your history books. Now we come to a period where the new sky movements of an emerging calendar needed to be explained, which the ancients tried to do with mystery clocks not deciphered in our museums. As civilization became more sophisticated and invented metal once more, we find their inventions in form of calendar bronze disks and mystery bronze clocks with unfamiliar designs not matching our clocks. So I asked like so many scientists, what do they measure? I also wondered how was it genetically possible for Methuselah to live 969 years as stated in the Bible. That led to more checking out other information that ended up in this X-Y axis hypothesis. It answers a lot of question in history, geology and science and seems very logical, which is a requirement for me as an inventor. My faith has never interfered with my scientific discoveries. Rather, it has helped me to do better science than most of my colleagues. Precession of the Equinoxes Looking through the lens of university approved books9, I did learn (to my surprise) that a scientist has mentioned a spin-axis embedded in Aztec calendars, which is valid even today. But that spin-axis takes place in accordance with what is termed the Mayan-Toltec Count of 25,625.862 years as one cycle, so my assertion that the calendars evidence a spin-axis is very scientific. The only difference is that what takes almost 26,000 years today took much less time in antiquity. Today’s long cycle is the very, very small wobble left over from the asteroid strike at the Flood. Right after the Flood, the axis of the earth moved rapidly through the precession pointing its tip through the same constellations but within the length of a human life or later, a couple generations, which is why the ancients could observe and record such a long (today) cycle that requires advanced instrumentation and computers to measure and plot. Ancient drawings show five star constellations in the night sky pointing to where our 23½-degree axis of our earth points. Today’s cosmic wobble of one turn takes about 26,000 years. It moves through stars currently named Polaris, Alderabim, Vega, Tau Herculis, and Thuban. That spin-axis is infinitely very slow compared to a life cycle of mortal person at 25,625.862 years. Later, I raise the question of global warming and reduce this earth wobble of 26,000 years to 400 years as there are two invisible axes embedded in parallel and one could twist. That immediately raises objections with a lot of scientists who would rather believe data from an obscure Aztec religion calendar than inves9 The Aztec Calendar Handbook, by Randall C. Jimenez, Richard B. Graeber, Historic Science Publishing Saratoga, Ca. 95070, Page 56 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 tigate a Bible, which also mentioned a spin-axis movement caused by an asteroid in Noah’s time. A one Gregorian day in 400-year cycle adjustment believed to be at rest could be due to an x-axis twist causing global weather changes that fluctuate between very cold cycles to very hot. This could explain our global warming cycles, as I will give details with more facts later. It is possible that science never noticed it, and I am sure failed to measure it. I am only raising an opinion cross-referenced with ancient cultures not considered relevant to most modern scientists. The great 25,625.862-year wobble of the earth’s rotation as it orbits around the sun was called in the Aztec Mayan culture the “Great Year” or Teoxiuhitl. The Egyptian and Sumerians knew about the northern sky path wobble traverse that is now 72º-360º (AD 2000). The Greek Bronze Antikythera mechanism, has 2006 written on its base plate and could therefore be connected with this date, which then tells me that the designer of that clock knew about the Aztec calendar 26,000year axis that their clock was based upon. Therefore, when we reason and allegedly observe a stationary rotation tilt of 23½ degrees and notice that there is still movement measured over thousands of years, then my hypothesis of dating the cause of that motion is in line with logic. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 57 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries A cause always leads to an effect as we define natural laws scientifically. We are only augmenting a time frame by looking at the evidence in geology and ancient records or eyewitness describing asteroid impact events, which could have caused the earth to spin differently. The dated spin-axis hypothesis rejected by science is in my favor postulating dates of 2288 BC. The Aztec and Mayan culture all emerged after the asteroid impact and therefore their knowledge about changing calendar cycles and spin-axis movements were developed after that. On the other hand, science seems to be grossly in error dating geological cycles due to their theory of evolution which was never proven. Repeating a theory a thousand times does not make it factual most scientists have forgotten as they have not found any proof yet after 150 years not even one. When I compare a date given by scientist of the beginning of Mexico City allegedly founded by Tenoch in AD 1323, I have a big problem with its logic. When I describe what I saw on my visit to Mexico City, you see some big mistakes in most of the books sold in the tourist stores. When you look at the sky constellations of this long cycle earth wobble, it goes backwards compared to a kitchen clock. Remember, they are not Gregorian calendar projections for those five stars between Tau Herculis and Vega are dated 15,000 BC. My spin-axis hypothesis teaches that we must divide before 2288 BC dates into (7) seven periods. This would correct it to our Gregorian calendar and connect with the Aztec calendar cycles scientists not familiar with. In other words, do not mix up and make it into rubber band calendar data theologians are famous for using when they interpret the Bible. It is like comparing oranges with apples. Secular scientists do the same thing when they ignore ancient data coming from the Bible and always expand a timeframe to make their unproven evolution billion-year theory look plausible. So, when we read about 3114 BC as the Mayan “Beginning of Time” it should be projected from a Gregorian calendar count and must be converted from the Aztec cycles to get real cosmic years that we are familiar with. If you want to be accurate, then we must enter the asteroid spin-axis event as measured from 2288 BC, which would change any calendar counting system. Let’s have another look at the religious Aztec calendar construction the monks in the 1500 AD verbally extracted from the Aztec peasants’ priest to prove my point. The scholar says that the Aztec–Mayan axis measured from Polaris at AD 2000 for a 72-degree cycle for every 5,125 years five times. The sky projection focuses on the North star-Polaris, which was different 500 years ago in the 1500s. Going backwards in time we will have Tau Herculis. Tau comes also from the Hebrew and means 400 the last letter of the Alphabet. In Hebrew, it means the end of a dimension or cycle. The Bible starts with the Waw dimension for the creation of humanity and the spin-axis retranslated from our calendar counting is 4488 BC10 situated between Thuban and Tau-Herculis. 10 Hebrew calendar dates are better explained in the book published on the Internet, Mystery of Tammuz 17. Page 58 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 Consequently they agree with the Aztec and Gregorian counting system with Taw a new beginning. When we deduct AD 2012 the Aztec cycle end (Polaris), we come to 3114 BC Thuban star (5125-2012 = 3114 BC) that starts the Aztec calendar count. However, we have learned that an Asteroid destroyed that previous calendar count before the Flood, and we must therefore adjust the calendar earlier before 2288 BC. So 5,125 Aztec years minus 4,300 Gregorian years is 826 Aztec years leftover (AD 2012 + 2288 BC = 4,300) [5,125-4,300 = 825]. Converting to Gregorian years, the difference of 825 years divided by 7 (X-axis) and we get 118 Gregorian years (825/7 = 118). Now added to the 4,300 plus 118 years we get a total of 4,418 years (4,300+118 = 4,418) Gregorian adjusted to be equal for a total complete 5,125 Aztec years cycle which equals 72 degrees. There are five star constellations for one spin-axis movement (25,625.862 year great cycle), which is where we get the 5,125 year count from. If we reason a spin-axis change and use knowledge from the Aztec-Mayan report as recorded by the Spanish monks, then we should think about another timeframe before the asteroid 2288 BC event within those five star constellations. I would insert my spin-axis hypothesis and exchange the Aztec cycles with Hebrew clock cycles, which are more accurate because they include the asteroid event. Consequently 6,500 Gregorian Hebrew clock cycles (4488 BC+AD 2012 = 6,500) should be 72 degrees from Polaris to Thuban as the Hebrew cycles included the asteroid event found in the Bible converted to Gregorian years. From AD 2012 to the exact Polaris closest to the earth estimated is AD 2000 as the picture shows. Some scientist postulated a long count difference of a 145-year slack that could be smaller than AD 2012. If we take the slack of 145 years and convert them into an X-axis spin correction, than we will have 29 Gregorian years (145/7 = 29). Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 59 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries I cannot verify modern scientific data, but using the converted 29 slack years distributed over of 26,000 years and deducting it from the Polaris date of AD 2000 as the picture shows, we get to AD 197111 (AD 2000-29 = 1971) for a 72 degree and fraction, which makes me crazy as my 10 dollar calculator just quits. So I need to add one more year if you read my previous footnote, which comes to AD 197212. Thus, from AD 2012 minus 1972 = 40 years is the difference of slack, or 29 adjusted slack plus 12 = 41 (AD 2012 - AD 2000 = 12) minus one year for BC/AD conversion equals 40. The previously adjusted Aztec years 4,418 now converted to Gregorian years which gets a little smaller by 40 years slack = 4,378 (4,418-40 = 4,378) as some scientists say that there could be 145 years slack correction, which we converted. Now let’s find the section within the 72 degrees that belongs on the other side of the asteroid impact. (72/6500 x 4,378 = 48.5) which is 48.5 degree. To check again the number 4,378 in the above equation (4,300+118-40 = 4,378). Now we use one Hebrew cycle of 72 degrees minus 48.5 = 23½ we arrive to our present degrees of spin-axis (72-48.5 = 23.5), which proves our spin-axis hypothesis as being very accurately calculated from the Hebrew overlay converting from Aztec-Mayan data. The previous spin when we started counting Hebrew time base 4488 BC was disturbed and counting back in time from Tau Herculis/ Thuban to the Polaris position AD 2000, which is a 72-degree angle cut short by 48½ degrees due to an asteroid. This leaves a remainder of 23½ degrees using the Gregorian conversion factor. I am trying to educate my reader to glance through all of this material from a different perspective and not take what scholars say as absolute truth – especially when distorted by their terribly biased evolutionary million year calendar cycles. Scholars should realize the unfinished Aztec pyramids found in Mexico City are, like our scientific calendars theories, also unfinished. As proof, we will visit the many mystery clocks still awaiting good explanations of how and why they measured ancient time that does not match with our modern calendars. Before we go into dating and analyzing the spin cycle hypothesis in the next chapter, I like to mention a good project for a mathematics professor. We know the weight of the earth and its velocity as well as its direction of spin. We also know that the earth was slowed down 5.24 days as the ancient calendars indicate that the earth once took only 360 days to complete its orbit around the sun. Not surprisingly, energy has been lost due to mass transferred. Understanding again we see the same .0143 fraction number we just talked about (5.24/365.24 = 0.0143) for an X-axis and estimating various posi11 This date is inscribed on the Antikythera mechanism explained in Chapter 7, which makes this calculation very accurate. The people before BC did not know about BC-AD calendar change and hand inscribed 1974 after, which is 2 years different but can be accounted for by BC/AD crossover and counting backwards will add as one year extra. A fraction is a nightmare for the clockmaker as he must decide to add or subtract an extra tooth, which involves accuracy trade-offs. 12 These dates do not appear random as they represent historic clock cycles. Fractions require deciding on the next number before or after and compare which one connects with some historic events. That is how prophecy becomes fact, and we can predict the future by seeing a clock pattern. Israel has a historic date of 1972, and we should find out why it fits with clock cycles. Page 60 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 2 tions to cause an axis change we can quickly conclude that there exist very few places on earth which could influence a tilt axis change if the earth was spinning horizontally. From this very limited impact possibility a crater on earth could be found and we can calculate the asteroid mass and speed at impact. This will lead us to find out the size of that first asteroid when the first civilization vanished. I calculated over my thumb using 325 degree measured on the X-axis I describe in the next chapter and found a crater on my paper model globe. Checking out my globe I see only one possible impact hole large enough and at the right place to produce a tilt axis change. Look at the map I find the Mexican Golf–Yucatan Peninsula. This theory was recently verified and was surprised to find an article of Popular Mechanics December 2006 “Killer Asteroid, it’s coming our way.” Of course, evolution people are not happy unless they see quoted 65 million years. They estimated that the asteroid was 6 miles wide and a 110 miles impact crater buried in water and caused the dinosaurs and 75% of all species to become extinct in the phony invented Cretaceous Period to impress you with their intelligence. Noah’s ark does however fit in this story only a little more recent. Calculating the impact energy then think along the line if you would stop the earth rotation for a while and watch the loose continent earth mass on top of a very hard surface sliding and buckle up. I will explain later a German scientist explaining those two layers like an egg covering the earth with two layers one very soft on top compared to one underlying very hard. We can than visualize the impact area as we do see a folding - buckling up occurrence creating a global continued mountain range from South America crossing over to the Rocky Mountain in the USA and in the middle a huge crater filled with water which shows from space a deeper groove about 30 degree from Equator Cordiant. Since we have an angular impact, I guess it affected globally like the European Alps moving toward the polar region. This would all be consistent with my model. Let’s have some fun reading strange concepts and at the end you monorail experts who dislike the Hebrew-Christian religion can pick up some stones and write to the Reader’s Forum your opinion. There is so many “whys” to answer, and I hope to hear a better idea. I attempted to have an explanation, but it takes both rails to have a balanced understanding. Let me sum up an issue where evolution science is pitted against the Bible. In Don Hernon Cortes’ time of AD 1519, it will have devastating consequences for human and political failures as we could have learned from the past. Our leaders have twisted the constitution to achieve their aim of greed like former popes and following the same path of self-destruction massaged with lies, which they believe would be an exception of what the history of humanity teaches and failed to analyze the demise of many civilizations on earth. Only ignorant fools would deny ancient history as we are now become witness of a global destruction of gigantic proportion which possibilities could kill billions of people as knowledge controlled by greed outstrips controlling it. Watch therefore God’s answer imbedded in clock cycle I discovered “AD 2012” which Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 61 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries is 21 Aztec year-months cycles to go. Check out the Chinese-Aztec-Hebrew Calendar clock cycles to find out WHY! Several biblical documents written before the Flood are included at the beginning of Moses’ Genesis. These incredible eyewitnesses of the preFlood world describe a climate change and civilization very different from what we see around us today. Some of these mysteries may be scientifically explained because of an inventor’s recent discovery that the conservative structure of the ancient Mesoamerican calendars (MayanAztec) numeric subdivisions or cycles preserves mathematical clues to the earth’s ancient pattern of rotation around the sun. These ancient Mesoamerican calendars reveal that the earth once spun on a double axis during its 365-day journey around the sun. This double axis wobble inversed the ancients’ marking of calendar time: instead of today’s 52 weeks for one year around the sun, they recorded 7 cycleyears of 52 days for every orbit of the earth around the sun. That is why the Bible records the age of many ancient people to be hundreds of years old, when they really were only centenarians plus. For example, Genesis gives Methuselah’s a genetically impossible age of 969 years, but those “years” were only 52-day-long Aztec years still counting solstice observable cycles. How can that be possible? In our modern years, Methuselah would have died at the age of 138.4, which scientifically I have no trouble accepting considering that he was the oldest man recorded and a different climate existed before the flood. The Bible reveals the genealogy of Jesus Christ in groups of 14 Aztec clock cycles as recorded by Matthew. Many more discoveries of geological, historical facts will be looked at in this book never scientifically explained and I let the reader make their own conclusion about them. The spiritual world connects with the physical world. Both exist but can only be proven when overlaid side by side like my analogy of a dual track railroad. They only make logical sense as a system observing both rails. A monorail observation perspective is not balanced. Many scientists and theologians therefore should validate each other’s opinions toward a common understanding of the world around us. Page 62 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 Chapter 3 3 Spin-Axes Imbedded in Genesis Here is a brief summary of mathematical facts discovered in the Bible for my proposed Aztec spin-axis hypothesis of how the earth traveled around the sun before the biblical Flood 2288 BC of Noah’s day. Presently there are many ancient mystery clocks found in various places and exhibited in museums for the past one hundred years that scholars have not figured out how they work. I suspect that there could be more as I discovered two more clocks just writing this little book. When this spin-axis hypothesis is applied to these mystery clocks, they make now sense for the first time. I hope that scientist will now reevaluate these clocks and compare it with my theoretical discovery and recommendations. Without applying the spinaxis hypothesis to these clock calculators will remain unsolved mystery because they where precisely designed to track axis positions which changed from centuries to centuries. If we where faced with similar problems today we too would design three axis clocks to simultaneously see what is happening in a changing earth wobble pattern. Just because I accept biblical records should not be the reason to be censored and denigrated as religious unacceptable to the science priesthood. Global warming could be solved when we go back to the records from the biblical timeframe as our scientific opinions is grossly biased and will never solve icecaps melting with outmoded long age opinions. Looking at ancient history can solve our problems we are facing to make logical decisions not based on dreamed up evolutionary opinions that never worked. The ancient Mesoamerican calendars reveal that the earth once possessed a double spin-axis. This pre-Flood configuration is imbedded into the structure of several ancient calendars. By comparing the mathematical relationships between how the ancient priests recorded the days, months and seasons with our modern astronomical knowledge, I have discovered an inverse relationship between the two within the context of our earth’s orbit of about 365 days around the sun. Instead of today’s 52 weeks of 7 days, the pre-Flood calendars had 7 cycles of 52 days measured from solstice to solstice observations. How is that possible? The historical changes in the Mesoamerican-Aztec calendars reflect the transition from the earth’s pre-Flood orbital patterns to what we know today. Anciently, one 365-day earth orbit around the sun had four (4) seasons (7x4x13 = 3641) and we must not assume that they are seasons like winter-spring-summer-fall as they were only 13 days long, instead of our present four yearly seasons times 13-month cycles. The ancients counted from solstice to solstice markers looking at the sun, which were divided into four of these 13-day seasons as one 52-day “year,” which is really a 52-day cycle (4x13 = 52) from our modern perspective. Only a different spin-axis can explain these phenomena’s. 1 Later we will learn about a 59-tooth gear in the Greek clock that has the same 7x4 pattern. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 63 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries The Hebrew word for “year” is shanah, which at its root means a “change” or “repetition.” Thus, any complete cycle could be called a shanah. The pre-Flood calendars such as the Hebrew and Mesoamerican recorded “years” (Hebrew, shanot) of 52 days instead of 365+/- days. This would clarify that the biologically impossible long ages of many Genesis patriarchs are actually shorter and therefore conform to natural science. Thus, “all the days” of Methuselah were 969 solstice countable 52-day year/cycles on a horizontal axis, which equates to about 138.4 (969/7 = 138.4) of our modern Gregorian Calendar years which also count from solstice to solstice markers. (Genesis 5:27) Spin-axis Observations It is evidenced in geology and now postulated in my Spin-axis hypothesis that on 5 February 2287 BC a great asteroid struck the earth that is the 17th day of the second month recorded in the Bible and counting with the Gregorian Calendar from a 21 December 2288 BC solstice date when the door on the ark closed. (Genesis 7:11) This massive asteroid strike broke open “the fountains of the deep” creating massive turbulence on the surface of the earth, enormous tsunamis and earth quakes even as the force of the strike altered the earth’s rotation patterns and angle of axis inclination. It took centuries for our planet to stabilize at its present rotational tilt axis and orbit making any calendar tracking nearly impossible. The unwinding of earth’s rotational wobble from the asteroid impact following a Flood in 2287 BC lasted until 518 BC zeroing out at BC/AD. A plot of the slowing wobbles provides possible and rational, scientific reasons for certain Bible events that many consider to be mysteries of faith or miracles. [Figure A] These events include: 1. The sun stood still for two full days long in one geographic location for Joshua. (Joshua 10:12) 2. The shadow of the sun moving backwards 10 hours (steps) as a sign to King Hezekiah. (Isaiah 38:8) I postulate that the original wobble of the earth after 2287 BC had a spin of 92˚ (2x47) and diminished about Joshua’s time to about one residual Aztec X-axis spin having a 47 degree wobble about Hezekiah’s time. This can be verified in magnetized muck deposits. I deduct from two Bible eyewitnesses of events that happened between 1400 BC - 700 BC. To understand what people saw, I must relate it to advanced knowledge we now have. As I postulate a hypothesis, logic tells me possibilities like a spin-axis pendulum wobble movement left over tilting the earth axis backwards and forwards and will eventually keep on slowing down and synchronize with the earth day spin we have today. This caused an observation to be recorded in the Bible where the sun is standing still on the horizon for one day longer or 24 hours [the earth axis perpendicular meaning no tilt angle] and the other a shadow goPage 64 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 ing backwards unexpected never seen before [the pendulum earth axis swinging backwards]. When the Bible says backwards, do not automatically conclude that the sun is going from east to west. It could just be reversed as now the axis pendulum wobble moves a little slower in the same direction as the earth moves. To think along slow moving pendulum motion we must also account tectonic plate pressure building up. We know that the seven tectonic plates around the globe move and suddenly have erupted many times to equalize the build up stress with an earthquake altering the topography of its surrounding area. So small movements accumulated of perhaps centuries will produce big changes looking back in recorded history and facts embedded in geology. The early Bible scribes accurately recorded such a correction and recorded simultaneously bombardments of volcanic eruption following a gigantic correction jerk seeing the sun standing still an extra 12 hours. Let’s not forget that these eyewitnesses lived on top of the deepest crack of two tectonic plates colliding on earth which is today across the Dead Sea the lowest water level on earth. To understand that principle could eventually reveal mystery clocks exhibited in museums designed to track spin-axis and hence a flexible calendar useful for agriculture. I postulate that when the counterclockwise tilt axis wobble velocity became less, then the velocity of the earth’s one-day cycle synchronized in about Hezekiah’s life resulting in the shadow on the wall of his sun clock going backwards. Backwards as described in the Bible is really in the direction we see today the earth spinning. Remember in my previous chapter explaining a spin-axis hypothesis the original Aztec spin axes before 2288 BC the earth was hit by an asteroid at the second equinox in the first cycle of the X-axis. In the first equinox cycle the sun goes up in the east and down in the west half a Aztec year 26-day cycle, then it reverses and the second Aztec year cycle then the sun will go up in the west and settles in the east reversing the spin. When the asteroid hit the earth on 5 February 2287 BC, which is 17 September equivalent measured against an Aztec seven times spin cycle, and that is a fall equinox 2nd cycle so the direction of spin was carried forward, like an internal gyro’s residual spin exhibits a diminishing velocity, coming to rest at 518 BC. So the sun before Hezekiah’s time was going up in the west and sun set would have been east. This is the first time you hear about it as we have no modern schoolbooks to tell us otherwise. From Hezekiah’s time perspective on an X-axis spin going past the one day turn velocity of the earth now a little slower had the effect of a shadow going backwards which is really in line with our today’s daytime velocity. Hezekiah was not knowledgeable the way we see our calendar position and never could imagine that in the future the sun would raise in the east and go down in the west. He only saw the sun appearing in his time to come up from the west the old Aztec-Egyptian calendar predicated and moved across the zenith to disappear in the east. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 65 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries When the axis velocity changed in one century, it was considered a miracle because it was foretold by the prophet to go backwards. A prophet knowledgeable in X-Y axis technology went to the king to encourage him to hold on to his ancient Hebrew beliefs. The ancient Jewish faith had been corrupted by many of his fellow citizens within his own kingdom believing Baal, which is Dagan Philistine cult. They used the bull and eagle symbols of a sun goddess worshipped in his time and now even celebrated in later times within the Vatican as Mithras Solis Invictus. (Mithras is the unconquered sun.) Cultic practices never-to-rarely change as they are just absorbed into another culture with different names. For example, the Pope on high mass every Christmas and Easter in the Vatican Church still symbolically practices a Babylonian-Greek-Roams cult from the Roman Emperor Constantine’s age. Notice that during the holy sacrament ceremony he will show a 2-3 inch round wafer disc by turning to the congregation holding it up high for everybody to see, which in ancient times symbolized sun disk. The meaning of the symbol was changed by Constantine to mean the body of Christ for 50% of the population. In contrast, Jesus started the practice to break bread to indicate that his body will be broken and the Catholic Churched changed it in a sun disk worshiped by the other 50% of the population in Constantine’s time to honor their cult. Using symbolism from Roman cults and mixing it with a fish Christianity concept, the emperor Constantine believed that it would unify the empire, as it would stop religious unrest and century old conflicts. If you want to learn more about the history of cults in Western Civilization, I recommend an inexpensive book you will enjoy2. Leaning about cults during the spring season when the Mithraists sacrificed a Taurus (bull) to the sun crossing the celestial equator and was to become the Zodiac sign Taurus so that crossing became the symbol for a pagan cult incorporated as a symbol in Christianity which previously to Constantine, the Christians had a fish to recognize each other. The cross therefore came later around the world as the symbol of the sun, par exellance. The word we have inherited from Jerome’s Latin translation include cross, crucifixion, and crosier. A “cross” is Latinism. In one of its Babylonian forms, it was a tilted crux with an arrow point at high end pointing to Taurus the bull or tilt axis phenomena of a changing calendar. We still see today a tilted cross tombstone walking around a cemetery. Getting back to our time, I notice the cross in the sky from my outdoor hot tub regular used. I look up in the night sky nearly every day and noticed in one year that the Milky Way changes crosswise its direction. Maybe that was never witnessed before in King Hezekiah’s time. Another important cult observation worshiped was a Goddess Ishtar, which became Ashtoreth, Asherah, Astarte, Eostre, and Eastre now festivals called Easter. The pagan Sun-day was the name of an Earth Mother’s Sun resurrection for the rebirth of the sun. In a Catholic Peruvian church and many Mexican Churches too, we can see a “Monstrance” 2 Fossilized Customs –The Pagan Source of Popular Customs, Lew White,; Strawberry Island Publishers, 2303 Watterson Trail PMB 26, LOUISVILLE, KY 40299. Page 66 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 image of the sun, which I tie together with Hezekiah’s Axis crossing over. In addition, Egyptian symbols worshiping the sun by one specific pharaoh come from that X-Y axis period for the earth to synchronize with a Y-axis and nearly dead X-axis. The natural science of God’s realm is not understood by humans. It usually appears to us as miracles because we cannot explain it with physical laws. Later when humanity found out that the sun now goes up in the east, it became a religious cult worshipping a Sun God who prevailed, being victorious against the heavenly battle fighting the giants we can hear about in the Greek and Roman culture. I would place the victorious sun worship during only one Pharaoh’s life, which was changed after his death to former cult practices. You have now come across why one Pharaoh in history would change a thousand year old Egyptian religion and worshiping the sun? Most religions in the world now adapted the sun god for similar reason just like the Aztec left us with paintings on temple walls. Temples and other religious buildings are now positioned facing east seeing it with a spin-axis perspective. Another observation when Hezekiah looked in the sky there was no rotation of a starry sky like Polaris we have today. The sky view was stationary and would from there on in small increments move again about equal to two zodiac signs per hundred years. In Julius Caesar’s time, it had acquired 12 zodiac signs that no longer changed from then on becoming fixed again. Julius corrected the calendar when he found a bronze clock telling him he was 2 months behind the correct time. Also, from the Aztec perspective the precession of equinoxes observed two times in a year stopped and the Aztec priest connected it with their religion held on to the religious structure of 260 days to worship 20 gods and past it on to the Spanish friars which recorded it for us. Using this newly discovered hypothesis reveals that the ancient five pyramids on top of each other located in Mexico City outdoor museum can now be dated and their purpose exposed with the surrounding palace wall pictures deciphered: The resulting conclusion makes it obvious that: • The Aztec, Chinese and Hebrew calendars are derived from the same original source, which together identify a pre-Flood calendar. • The doors of the Ark were shut on 21 December 2288 BC, which started the First Apocalypse in Noah’s age. • 47 days later, an asteroid struck the earth on 5 February 2287 BC unleashing the floodwaters from both above the heaven and deep below the earth crust with consequent tectonic upheavals. It also resulted in a major change of the earth’s rotational axis and orbital path around the sun. The original spin-axis position at the time the asteroid hit the earth before Noah’s flood can be calculated to be about 325 degrees on a horizontal axis. The resulting earth axis shifted and slowed down, finally stopped at about 23½ degrees present time. The shift from original 325˚ Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 67 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries X-Axis (35˚ western thinking) to about 23½ Y-Axis degrees is reflected in the changes made to the ancient calendars as well as in the sequence of five Aztec pyramids that are built one on top of the other located in the outdoor museum at the center of Mexico City. The original 360-day grand solstice calendar cycle around the earth changed and slowed down our earth to our Gregorian Calendar final Z-Axis cycle to 365.24 day. In addition, comparing our present tilt angle of 23½˚ and reevaluating the mechanics of the spin-axis hypothesis with ancient theoretical pyramid knowledge and the Gregorian Calendar system’s 400-year cycles, could explain or global climate warming dilemma scientist and governments are presently very divided over. In conclusion, the spin-axis hypothesis was applied to museum objects looking like ancient calculators which revealed an ancient mystery3 clock and another Chinese clock4 never figured out by scientists. Rapping it up from different perspective, I conclude that the spin-axis is realty. Scientists of course must balance the factual evidence and hopefully not connect it with the billions of years postulated by an obsolete theory of evolution. Ages in Genesis Reveal Pre-Flood Calendar Ancient Eyewitnesses of a strange calendar expose that before a massive asteroid collision in 2287 BC hit the earth, the Aztec calendar seasons were just 13 days long instead of 13 weeks. Looking at the asteroid distribution picture showing thousands of asteroids5 surrounding the earth it is no wonder that one got through doing some severe damage seen in geology everywhere. We only differ in the dating, and I am the only one having a rational answer as science can only postulate imaginary billions of indefinite years. 3 4 Architectural Digest –The International Magazine of Interior Design [August 2004 page 153], 5 Picture is from Page 68 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 Understanding an earth axis shift that is different from today caused also a different climate. The unusual short but frequent sun exposure turning on a horizontal axis, still created seasonal cycles of a lush climate with mild temperature changes during the pre-Flood world of Genesis as recorded in many geological records of the earth. This does give us now reason to explain the profusion of coal and oil deposits. Looking further into the Genesis account for answers I notice that there are nine (9) people mentioned before the Flood and nine (9) people after the Flood. Why nine? And why is Noah in the middle at number ten? Another question, why does the biblical record use a format giving their birth, their age at the birth of their firstborn boy and their age at death? What could be the motive to mention it? Certainly, it aids in putting together a chronology. However, is there something else we can learn from this? Trained as an engineer, let’s do together some very basic mathematical analysis and calculate the mean averages of people’s ages from the biblical data. When I compared the mean average ages of the pre-Flood patriarchs and with the post-Flood patriarchs, I noticed a large reduction within one year in their mean average ages as well as in their ages at the birth of their firstborn sons. We can either deduct from this that a pattern of age reduction must have a biological reason or reflect a different method of calculating years – perhaps even could relate to a different total number of 24-hour days in a “year.” Let’s analyze the data from before the Flood 2288 BC6 (Genesis 5) we will notice in the next table. Possessing a scientific bias, I favor a change in the calculation of a year over various possible biological explanations to justify a life span of almost a thousand normal 365-day years. I tested a few possibilities and discovered that if I divided the mean average ages of pre-Flood people by 7 cycles, we could probable arrive at reasonable biological ages from the perspective of what science tells us today about the genetic possibilities in human longevity. I refer to this factor of 7 spins around an unknown X-axis. Then I discovered that the Aztec clock calendar is built around 52 cycles. Its two-dial system is set up with 13 cycles on the first dial and 4 season cycles on the second, which makes a product (13x4) of 52. The second dial of 4 quadrants/seasons is further divided into 5 parts creating a total of 20 days or units. When we multiply 13x4x5 we get 260 days/units for the Aztec “year.” So what is the connection between the Aztec calendar and my data analysis of the ages given for the Bible’s pre-Flood patriarchs? Sometimes we forget that mathematics is a language, too. Built into the ancient Hebrew language is a number system, and built into the presentation of numeric information are mathematical sentences or statements of relationship such as one uses in physics or chemistry. Divide 365 days by 7 and you get our familiar 52 weeks plus for a year. You will soon see how the numbers 7, 13 and 52 provide meaningful clues for unraveling the mysteries mentioned at the start of this book. 6 The Nelson Study Bible NKJV, 1982. Ages of Patriarchs, page 14. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 69 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Remember, I started out with the premise that the biblical record is absolute truth. It reveals God’s Word to humanity. Properly understood and interpreted in context, the Bible is accurate truth. Any problem between the Bible and science lies with our understanding of either one. I accept the Bible as faithfully recorded and preserved eyewitness accounts of various events in the history of humanity. I take its ancient information as factual even though it raises a lot of questions. The Bible records the good and bad about what happened in civilization because the authors and scribes answered to a divine God who insisted on holiness and truth. In other words, I believe that the original pre-Flood document that Moses used to compile Genesis accurately recorded 969 solstice’s cycles for Methuselah – along with all of the other facts. One bit of information that you need at this point so that you can follow the rest of this discussion is how ancient priests measured the passing of a year. The key determinants are the solstices and equinoxes. Various cultures advanced the year count with a different equinox or solstice, but all of them marked the complete set of four seasons. The ancients would have called any sequence of two solstices separated by their two equinoxes as a “year” because it was a completed cycle (Hebrew, shanah). Some more recent historical calendars, like the Islamic calendar, only mark the passing of 12 New Moons in a year. Islamic authorities do not synchronize their calendar of 354/355 days with the solar year of 365.24 mean, 24-hour days. Others, like the Gregorian or Jewish calendars, periodically add intercalary months and/or days so that their years on mean average correct to the solar year of 365.24 days. My next challenge was to properly understand the ancients’ reckonings of solstice-counted years as those intelligent specialists, the priests, observed them and then make sense of those observations within the context of present scientific principles and facts. When one has invented as many useful products as I have, one learns to just keep digging until everything logically fits or works. The numeric structure of 9 pre-Flood patriarchs before Noah and 9 post-Flood patriarchs after Noah further emphasizes the value and accuracy of the ages and names given. Noah is like the Roman Janus: he lived on both sides of a major event and could in particular speak with authority on what had been and what was after. Noah is the fulcrum, the tenth patriarch whose life spans both civilizations. So I questioned, “Why record precisely nine people before Noah and repeat nine after him?” I concluded that we are being told to pay attention to the mathematical information being given. So after my analysis above, my first thoughts were that the earth must have moved around the sun 7 times faster than at present in order to account for the more frequent number of solstice-years as reflected in the extreme length of the pre-Flood lives. (About 900 – especially when we take into consideration that Enoch was taken early, as a special case, and Lamech died in the Flood years before his natural life would have ended.)7 7 But a faster orbit around the sun would require a longer trajectory radius causing greater centrifugal force, which would consequently make life as we know it impossible to exist on our planet. Our earth’s distance from the sun was divinely determined during the fourth cycle of creation and precisely placed for life to exist. Accordingly, I had to rule out this possibility. Page 70 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 A Different Rotation Axis-Angle of our Earth? With some additional pondering, a hypothesis emerged to explain the 7 cycles of two solstices and two equinoxes within a single orbit around the sun of about 365 days. The first part of my hypothesis states that the earth’s rotational axis was originally frozen at about 325 degrees X-axis tilt angle at the moment the asteroid(s) hit the earth. This was the original horizontal rotational axis before the earth was hit by the large asteroid(s) that shattered the upper firmament and broke up the fountains of the deep as recorded in Genesis 7:11. At that position, we may not have had a rotational tilt at all. I obtained this proposed tilt angle by calculating planetary data backwards. It is like hitting reverse on video movie. After the asteroid(s) struck the earth, the rotational horizontal axis of our globe changed. That change occurred in two phases. First, there was a big jolt that moved the angle of rotation significantly – but not all of the ways - towards our modern axis tilt to rest ultimately about 23½ degrees. This jolt from the asteroid strike shocked the stable gyroscopic rotations of the earth into spinning like a wobbling top, which took hundreds of years for the earth’s wobble to gradually settle down. The orbital relationship between the earth and moon may have also been affected. To understand this principle read my glass of ice water analogy chapter 2 again. (A Bicycle Wheel Model for the 3 Spin-Axes Calendar.) The second part of this hypothesis states that our earth originally had three spin axes to define its 365+/- day orbit around the sun. I call them spin axes X, Y and Z. After the asteroid hit the earth, the X-axis was horizontal and moved toward the Y-axis, which was more vertical, until they merged into one to become today’s final Y-axis tilt 23½ degree. Consequently, all calendars before the Flood became obsolete, and we can expect to find a number of corrections to the calendars of advanced civilizations through antiquity. I will explain this in detail shortly. For now, understand that the X-axis was responsible for the insertion of 7 four-season cycles within the earth’s 365+/- day solar orbit. Its stability was shattered by the asteroid, and its wobbling finally disappeared about 518 BC when it was absorbed into the Y-axis of our present 23½ degree rotational tilt which is now the remaining Z-axis. My uniformitarianism, evolution-believing friends will of course be very upset with this hypothesis. Their dating differs a great deal from what I am proposing here. The reason can be explains by going back in time past 500 BC there is a real disconnect between carbon-14 dating and the historical records. Carbon dating should no longer be used since the 1940s atomic bombs polluted our earth with radiation that will give incorrect readings forever. However, all scientists agree that the Aztec-Mayan or Mesoamerican priests could measure the movements of the heavenly bodies well enough to create one of the most functionally accurate calendars the world has ever seen. Archaeologists generally treat the Aztec calendars as a continuation of the earlier Mesoamerican-Mayan systems. By comparing these ancient observations with the history of our widely-used Gregorian Calendar, Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 71 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries I believe that the Mayan calendars should be dated before the Roman calendar corrections made by Julius Caesar in 46 BC and not in the AD range. The Mayan culture allegedly flourished in the AD 300-900 timeframe, but its cultural roots are traced back to 1500 BC. I have concluded that the Mayan calendars indeed go back to about Moses’ life at about 1400 BC. Thus, the Bible’s witness of the 900+/- “year- old” pre-Flood people sparked my curiosity to look deeper into understanding how that could be. In other words, how could a book that is always true seemingly conflict with what science postulates about human longevity. This mystery led me to develop a hypothetical but logical scientific explanation that seems to fit both history and the Bible. Remember, I do not believe that there is a conflict between the Bible and science. There is only our lack of understanding them both properly. The X-axis age is divided into 52 Aztec year = 7.02 which equals one spin. Also, the Bible is not the only ancient document to record long ages for the early kings or patriarchs. For example, the Sumerian kings had incredibly long lives, too. I learned early in my life as an inventor to consider all available data and not exclude some, because they are not popular with some opinionated scientists in high places. My hypothesis proposes an extra spin-axis of the earth’s rotating movement around the sun. I call it the X-axis. This is a new concept that, to my knowledge, has never been mentioned before. If true, this hypothesis explains much about the original structure of the Mesoamerican calendar and its changes through antiquity. It explains the climate of the pre-Flood world, and how the asteroid strike created a vast Flood, flash-froze mammoths in Siberia, initiated the ice ages and resulted in the extinction of many creatures including most dinosaurs. It can no longer be refuted that dinosaurs foot prints has human footprints in fossilized mud imbedded as scientist still denying the obvious in conflict with a pet theory. It also provides a rational scientific context or explanation for a number of other biblical stories that have mystified ages such as why Joshua’s long day lasted twice as long as normal and how it was that the sun’s progress reversed itself ten steps (degrees?) in the days of Hezekiah. As I develop this material, you will come to understand why I am increasingly convinced that my hypothesis should be dated in recent times for the three axes of X, Y and Z represents the ancient reality and not pushed back millions of years. Lately, I came across five ancient clocks up to 3,000-years old that are displayed in museums. Science has no idea what they are, but I can explain them with this new hypothesis. Many will be surprised to hear after 100 years of scholarly investigation that somebody has finally come up with a reasonable idea. This discovery following my disclosure will compare to a spin-axis design to decipher those clocks, and in time could make headliners by itself big time. In general, the changes in the earth’s axes correlate not only with radical changes in climate but calendar clocks the way we understand them. The hundreds of years of wobbling rotational uncerPage 72 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 tainty that it took for the X and Y axes to merge may explain why many pagan societies worshipped the sun. Perhaps the ancients thought that the sun god was angry with them. If they could not predict his comings and goings, they could not risk planting their precious seed. Since the mighty sun could not be depended upon to show up on time, the priests sought to appease its behavior with sacrifices – too often even human sacrifices. When an ancient Aztec nation became so totally corrupt as to ritually sacrifice thousands of humans on a frequent basis, God destroyed that culture, as both the Bible and history testify. The Bible remains an integral eternal witness for the Creator, whether one believes it or not. The Bible makes clear that our private, and often proudly held, opinions will no longer matter when the dust of our bodies is no longer traceable and our spirits stand before God to be judged at the last day. The Aztecs left a testimony of their failures in stones of five unfinished pyramids in Mexico City. What will we leave is my next question? Check out our scientific GMO disasters of food seed extinctions in this generation. Genesis Patriarchs Table 10 X-Axis Adam Seth Enosh Kenan Mahal Jared Enoch Methus. Lamech Mean Average YEARS AFTER AGE AT DEATH 130 105 90 70 65 162 65 187 182 800 807 815 840 830 800 300 782 595 930 912 905 910 895 962 365 969 777 117 729 847 NOAH - 350 Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 AGE FIRST BORN 600 Years - Before 2288 BC Y-Axis After 2287 BC 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Shem Arpach. Shelah Eber Peleg Reu Serug Nahor Terah Mean Average AGE FIRST BORN YEARS AFTER AGE AT DEATH 100 35 30 34 30 32 30 29 70 500 403 403 430 209 207 200 119 205 600 438 433 464 239 239 230 148 275 43 297 340 In our time, God will not idly watch an evil generation to destroy His creation. He is being forced by our corruption to once again intervene drastically in human affairs because our society has violated the everlasting creation covenant by improperly using our genetic knowledge for perverted gain. He will intervene and will make an end of it - just like He did with an Atlantis civilization before the Flood. Perhaps our collective failure as a modern society will be discerned from the junkfilled dumps left behind as the Eternal Creator eradicates modern science’s greed-driven GMO genetically modified organisms and chemical-biological poisons or destructive nuclear power unleashed in the near future. God will not allow humanity to go beyond the permissible boundaries to safeguard His world He created for us. Since God is all knowing, He has set a short period aside for judgment. I identified that the Chet age date will start on 2008 and ending on 2015 and not because I am a prophet. A good cuckoo clock maker can tell you when the bird will announce its presents by just looking at the gear position. The Aztec clock ends in the center of that date 2012 which is also similarly imbedded in Hebrew and Chinese calendar cycles as Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 73 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries discussed in my two earlier books. You will not find this information presented in a Christian church or discussed in a scientific symposium. Maybe you probably heard it on TV with numerous programs speculating like a da Vinci code. Yet there is hope. After the destructive time of the prophesied apocalypse and nullifying mankind’s hazardous technology on the earth to genetically survive extinctions of many food seeds, humanity will start a new civilization cycle over again. God will restore the earth to its pristine potential in order to fulfill His own purposes. During the future Apocalypse, He will purge the human race from evil and protect a righteous remnant of humanity just like He did in Noah’s time in order to start human society once more again for thousand years of doing it this time around God’s way. Jesus came the first time to settle the issues of individual sin, repentance and salvation. He comes the second time to settle the issues of societal corruption, political conflict and injustice, economic oppression and religious confusion. That truth you will find only revealed observing both rails of a railroad system. The ancient Hebrew-Chinese and Aztec calendars – three very different cultures positioned thousands of miles apart – have become three witnesses to establish truth. There is much more you will discover by reading my books. God means business. He will bring about what is prophesied in the Bible. My previous two books tell you what our angry and awesome God will do. In the end, no one will have an excuse as we have adequate information to make a choice. The Apocalypse is certain as it, too, is imbedded in cycles of the ancient Aztec, Chinese and Hebrew calendars. You be the judge as I only can tell my discovery. Historical Data Supporting the X-Y Spin-axis Hypothesis The mean average age of the 9 pre-Flood patriarchs divided by the 7 cycles of the X-axis for some unknown reason illustrates a Rosetta Stone relationship, which I elaborated on in my first two books. For those who have not read my books, the following formula commonly appears in Bible prophecy such as the book of Revelation. The Hebrew Rosetta Stone ratio 7 + 5 = 12 or (5/12) = .41% reveals the same. Adult Age diminishing X-axis pre-Flood ratio to a post-Flood time cycles is 340.6666 years adult death age of the Y-axis divided into mean average 847.2222 cycles of the X-axis (340/847 = 40) equals .4020 or 40%8. (See Genesis Patriarchs Table.) If we multiply .40209 with a spin-axis turn 7.02 we get 2.8242734 our first maker on an exponential graph. First son birth diminishing X-axis pre-Flood ratio to a post-Flood time cycles is 43 years adult death age of the Y-axis divided into mean average 117 cycles of the X-axis (43/117 = 36) equals 36%9. (See Genesis Patriarchs Table.) 8 This will become the second Pyramid in Mexico City. 9 That ratio will become instrumental in dating for the first Pyramid of five on top of each other in Mexico City outdoor museum. Page 74 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 Let’s enter that data on my graph [Figure A] converted into a spin-axis points explained below in more detail. Only my application of a scientific perspective to the ancient documents preserved in Genesis creates a rational scenario of antiquity from the limited historical details given. These mathematical data points of ancient calendars, the Bible, various archaeological remains and the geological evidence together strongly indicate that an asteroid from outer space hit the earth at super speed during Noah’s time. The size of the impact, which broke open the “fountains of the deep,” dramatically changed how our earth travels around the sun over the course of a 365+/- day orbit. It also slowed down the orbit of the earth around the sun by 5.24 days from 360 to 365.24 days. The adjustment of the earth’s axis was not clean and simple. There was tremendous pendulum wobbling multiple times. Many geological strata imbedded in rocks can be used to support this hypothesis. My data model shows that a Y-axis spin moving to today’s 23½-degree tilt would take centuries to complete and stabilize and become fixed to our present orbital patterns. The Diminishing Exponential Curve of the X-axis The biblical testimony concerning the ages of the pre- and post-Flood patriarchs does not make sense with what we know about the human body and its potential longevity. There is no reason why the ancient scribes would have recorded those facts and events in the way that they did if they were not true. It is more scientifically explainable to postulate that the earth was hit by an asteroid large enough to cause catastrophic Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 75 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries flooding, perhaps the separation of continents, and certainly a major adjustment to the earth’s orbital pattern and angle of rotational axis. The x-y axis graph of the previous diagram [Figure A] plots some of the mathematical relationships between the various spin axes within various centuries. The vertical axis on the left is X. It is divided into 7 equal rows indicating the 7 spin cycles turned around its own center as it travels around the sun in an orbit (Z-axis) of about 365 days duration. In other words, the X-axis spins seven times producing 7 “winter” solstice positions and even the South Pole is pointed directly, full face at the sun because the earth’s rotational tilt was original, almost horizontal instead of today’s about 23½ degrees off vertical. Anciently, all of the 7 (X-axis) winter solstices would equate 7 times with today’s 21 December - the great solstice of the Z-axis for one Gregorian year. My graph is a little distorted for reason that I wanted to overemphasize an exponential curve, which becomes nearly linear at the second half of the curve ending about BC/AD and changing from a horizontal to a vertical position which is difficult to draw on my word processor. In the diagram, I divided the time on my graph representing the horizontal Y-axis from 2288 BC to the future prophesied Apocalypse time 2008-2015 with 9 Hebrew cycles as I discovered that they also relate to Hebrew cycles of 490 years explained in my previous books. The exponential curve is arrived when we look at historical and archaeological events, which pretty much follow the Aztec/Mayan culture. Even the Bible has recorded relationship from the old spin X-axis changing into the new Y-axis of the earth. Oil Tanker Story Think of the principal physical laws involved with manipulated an oil tanker or container ship. When a tugboat gives such a huge, floating mass a push in the water, it takes awhile for the boat to react. Once it starts to move, its mass wants to keep moving, which is analogous to what would happen if a large asteroid hit the earth. When the initial energy is dissipated, it stops. Hopefully, the tugboat pushes the oil tanker just enough so that it moves into position along the pier so that nothing is damaged. That is why tugboat captains are highly paid individuals. Only one more force is acting and that would be gravity in space therefore we should see a slightly modified curve, which is exponential. I had trouble making a graph to show scaled axis positions using Microsoft Word processor, nevertheless notice a table good enough for the expert to examine. The main points were plotted by intuition not acceptable to monorail scientist as I am not good in mathematics and can only approximate it. Later we will put my intuition facts to test that will prove it mathematically for the skeptic. I reference also some other events and needed the point intersecting in the middle and include them now in this table. Refining the boat analogy, our modern calendar arrived at the pier and became stable following 518 BC with 14-day leftover to rest permanentPage 76 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 ly at BC/AD. We have historical documentation of numerous efforts to do so by the Egyptians, Greeks and others. Most notably for Western Civilization there were the reforms of Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory XIII. From 518 BC to the present, the earth’s stably balanced rotation around the sun did not require any more corrections and dramatic changes to calendars such as the Mesoamericans recorded in their pyramid reconstructions10. Some of the other objections often raised about Noah’s Flood covering all the mountains of the earth with water become scientifically resolved with this spin-axis hypothesis. For example, a violently wobbling earth would experience naturally bulging masses of ocean waters at the equator. Tsunamis would be child’s play compared to the masses of water moving across the globe – certainly enough to cover the highest mountain because the waters were not at rest. For any man to survive such a catastrophe is only possible by boat. God gave the boat design to Noah to withstand forces of tsunamis as he believed God and was selected from the human gene pool still being genetically pure and a practical carpenter to accomplish God’s will. From the scientific perspective according to centrifugal laws of physics, the rush of water from the poles would gather at the Equator like a bulging donut or egg sideways. The atmosphere itself was pushed away from the North-South Polar Regions, displaced by collapsing air mass. Analogue, look at an egg lying sideways with the equator bulging and its polar region flattened out. The moving and displaced air mass from the Polar Regions acts like a vacuum pump and would have been quickly and violently moved, like soup is stirred in a boiling pot, the earth slowly recovering to its original shape relaxing after it has been hit. This scenario would definitely account for momentary covering the highest mountains with water as the Bible tells in the equatorial region and explain why Siberia’s prehistoric mammoths froze instantly with temperature of below 273 degrees Fahrenheit or 4˚ Kelvin when the atmosphere collapsed and thinned out on its polar regions. Another point can be made as my spin-axis hypothesis would open the earth and moon up to greater risk of an asteroid strike than exists today. Currently, all the planets of our solar system mostly move in one planetary plane around the sun so that it looks like a dinner plate. Our earth circles the third orbit from the sun as shown in the previous asteroids belt picture. That means that today the other 7 planets and the moon are between us and the source of most asteroids from outer space. This means we have seven planets and the moon as shields protecting the earth from asteroid “bullets” coming at us from outside our solar system as they are drawn toward the sun by its massive gravity. NASA has shown pictures from the other side of the moon and photographed many craters to testify what has come to pass in the past to our partner in the 3rd orbit as seen the asteroid belt picture. On TV I recently 10 Zondervan Study Bible states the lifespan of Abraham 2166-1991, Moses 1406 BC-1526 BC, which is problematic for me. The 9th post-Flood patriarch, Terah, is Abraham’s father. All birthdays of 9 people added from Noah 2287 are 390. Terah was 70 when Abraham was born, which is 2287 BC-390 = 1897 BC for Abraham’s birthday, a 269 years difference? (2166-1897 BC) Add 175 years, which is Abraham’s death, and it equals 1722 BC. Scholars vary with many opinions due to excess wobble of the earth, which would make any calendar sequence very difficult. The Aztec spin-axis hypothesis makes it clearer and more accurate. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 77 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries saw an asteroid impact Jupiter as viewed by the Hubble space telescope and than verified by a space vehicle transmitting back to earth the very event of the impact as it happened. Also, if an asteroid would strike the earth from the direction of its poles, it could not easily affect our rotational axis (Y). According to my hypothesis, the X-axis is horizontally open to being broadsided as it spun seven times around in a year. That means that the earth before the Flood had a probability of asteroid strike 64 times greater than today. Although our risk exposure is less today, I am not secure in my expectations for future asteroid strikes. Explaining the 2.82427 Crossover on the Y-Axis The record of the Bible is fantastic when you start to dig deeper into it respectively. Many archaeologists know this – even if they do not belief in biblical perfection. It is the same with other sciences, so let’s do the math on the 9 generations born before and after the Flood. Refer back to Adam to Tera tables on the previous pages of this chapter. The mean age at death for the pre-Flood patriarchs is 847.2 years. After the Flood, the mean average of death drops to 340 years. This is a 60% reduction in the mean age of death for the first few hundred years after the Flood. The mean average age at death of the 9 post-Flood patriarchs divided by that of the pre-Flood patriarchs (340.66/847.22 = .40209) gives us a ratio of .40. Converted to the pre-Flood calendar with its 7.02384 X-axis rotations (.40209x7.02 = 2.8242734), this 60% reduction indicates a remnant X-axis spin factor of 2.8242. I plotted 2.82 on my graph based on Abraham’s birth according to a graph plotting a line from BC-AD .83 to .998 [Moses] 1.3-2.8. For some reason the line very accurately ended up with Abraham’s life and death crossover points projected over the other points in the middle. In 2287 BC, the earth axis had made a relatively quick, significant shift towards a much more vertical rotational axis. But like a gyroscope knocked by an external force, it was taking some time to stabilize. In fact it wobbled for about 1307 years until attaining the present rotational tilt of approximately 23½ degrees in 588 BC. The curve ending at 518 BC, which is the middle of my 7,000-year history of humanity table used in my two books developed from Daniel’s prophecies and the book of Revelation as organized by the Hebrew Alphabet Number System. When I took the age of the patriarchs at the time of their first son’s birth, the mean average ratio was 2.58 (7.02/117x43 = 2.58). This ratio shows the next generation born still with the consequences of the X-axis shift from the previous 7 “years” of 52 days, horizontally planed rotation. This is what I mean by the X-axis merging with the Y-axis to end up with today’s rotational tilt and a year of four seasons of about 13 weeks and a year of 52x7-day weeks (364 days plus 1 and a fraction). Remember those age changes happened in one year. If you do not accept my logic, then please tell me the meaning of the Bible on your turn11. 11 readers forum. Page 78 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 In a western court of law, you need two witnesses to establish truth or facts. The two sets of ages and their means establish a consistent pattern of change. It also provides us with a chronological range within which the sky would be changing so as to cause the Aztecs to rebuild their calendar pyramid five times – one on top of another - in Mexico City. This principle of two witnesses appears throughout the Bible because God wants to make sure of the extraterrestrial information that is contained in it, which is not always verifiable by the natural laws of our physical universe. Within a couple hundred years after the Flood, the ancients realized that the calendar that had worked so well in the pre-Flood world no longer marked the seasons properly as the earth seems to wobble. Struggling with the gradual slowing of the earth’s rotational wobble over 2287 years, most of the scattered tribes of survivors changed from a monotheistic religion of a Supreme God in heaven to worshipping the sun, moon and stars and fixed mystical zodiac constellations considered gods and needed to be pacified. For the Aztecs, this meant a system of 20 gods and thousand human sacrifices. Pyramids that had originally been built to tell time became the symbols of religious power. The calendar itself became a tool in the hands of the ruling-priestly establishment to control people and force them to believe whatever religious doctrine and rituals that the priests came up with. The later Mesoamerican pyramids and calendar of religious festivals reflect the imbedded structure of the pre-Flood calendar, but the chronological system had changed in style and purpose. Elsewhere, I will describe and interpret what I saw on wall pictures found in palaces next to Mexican pyramids. This artwork clearly depicts the cultural transition from a rational, monotheistic religion to the horribly cruel, polytheistic system of oppression, fear and death that so typified the last stages of the Aztec Empire before it was conquered by the Spanish in AD 1526. We see the same polarization trend of world dominance of our society today before asteroids will again impact the earth in our time. Explaining the 1.31264 Crossover on the Y-Axis Moving forward in history and further down the Y-axis, our table comes to Abraham-175, Isaac-180, and Moses-120 years old. Their mean average age at death is 158 years (175+180+120 = 475/3 = 158.33333). Abraham is the 10th generation from Noah. If we relate mean average of 158 years from Abraham to Moses [Exodus 2:2], and reference the mean average ages of (9) nine people before the Flood, we then set up an equation; 7.02384 [spins] / 847.2222 x 158.3333 = 1.31264 we get 1.31 for the Figure A (an 81% changeover to the Y-axis), meaning 365.24+/- days equals 1.3 turns around the sun of the old outdated 260 Aztec X-axis calendar cycles (365/1.4 = 260 Aztec days), which is the next point on the exponential curve in Figure A. Notice that the Aztec 260-day calendar is vastly differently interpreted than what you read in museum books. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 79 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries The counter wobble going opposite the earth axis twist shortens a year to 260 days solstice to solstice yearend measurements [21 December] with a corresponding longer day cycles to make up 365 days in a year time frame like the midnight sun in Norway. Therefore, we can learn from Julius Caesar’s period that a year historically recorded previously only had 10 month per year. But in the 260-day cycle we would have 3 months missing (3x30.5 = 91.5 days) plus 13.5 extra days. [365-260 = 105], [105-91.5 = 13.5]. To get the crossover point of 1.3 on the Figure A graph I used Abraham’s death 1722 BC-37 = 1685 BC. Please note that our secular dates are different, as nobody ever knew a changing wobbling calendar. I count years from 2287 and use the Bible age which gives me a good curve to get a relative point for the graph you can reproduce and check my hypothesis which should be later corrected in Gregorian years. So at Moses’ age the earth changed to one spin and a fraction of Xaxis around the sun. The line has straightened out heading towards its intersection at 588 BC at 23½ degrees. Thus, the old Aztec calendars align and continue to be explained with the biblical age patterns through Moses timeframe. So when the Bible records again over 120 years the ages of people, like Abraham 175, we must consider the X-axis calendar counting and adjust it our Gregorian Calendar thinking. Then Abraham’s age conforms to God’s edict not over 120 years as the limit for humankind’s genetic age. Do the math and find out Abraham’s real age compared to our calendar. (7.02/847.2 x 175 = 1.45), (175/1.45 = 121 Gregorian years). I will plot one more point to test the line of the emerging Y-axis. Altogether, it is building to an incredible proof of my hypothesis that the Aztec and biblical testimonies are parallel, being chronologically linked like clocks using many of the same gears. We could put one more plot on the chart, which is 1.00 if we only considered one man’s age. Take Moses at 120/847x7.02 = 0.9948 meaning one turn left on the X-axis and still slightly slowing down and coming to rest at a fraction of that last turn 23½ degrees. When Moses reaches the middle of his life, the earth’s axis had traveled the complete Aztec precession cycle. The crossover at .998 is 1284 BC. Notice just like 260-day count for an Aztec clock aligning perfectly with my spin-axis hypothesis the curve from BC-AD over .83 to 2.8 intersects at 1284 BC with Moses’ life and is therefore different from university dating given in secular books. The Bible accounts 400 years in Egypt plus 38 years gets us to Moses’ time (1722-438=1284). Some museums show elaborate models, as seen on a recent National Geographic program, how the Aztec calendar must have function with 7-13-20 cycles. Looking from my perspective I am amused at where inventive imagination can lead us when starting from a wrong assumption not based on facts. An hour program telling of mysteries ended with nothing concrete said. Page 80 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 The .8333 Spin Crossover on the Y-Axis This seems to be the last one and more difficult to understand. There are two references according to the Bible (Joshua 10:12 & Isaiah 38:8) where something happened. To my knowledge, no one has ever presented a scientific explanation for these events. These two Bible stories are very complicated to imagine using my hypothesis of a collapsing X-axis. Think of a tapered toy gyro. We put a string on it several turns. Then we pull on the string very fast, which turns the gyro. As the gyro slows down, some children hit it with a whip on a stick to keep it turning. For the children it was the fun to see how long they could get their toy spinning. Eventually, it wobbles as it loses speed until it falls over. That toy gyro is a fair model for the earth. Of course, the gyro turns in the opposite direction from how the Z-axis earth is turning. This is in a simplified example, what happened to the earth during the days of Joshua and Hezekiah. At certain tilt angles above the equator (as viewed from Israel in this case) and at a certain times, the earth’s rotational velocity and the opposing wobble pendulum speed of the unraveling X-axis gyro canceled each other out. In Joshua’s case, it appeared as if the sun no longer moved. In his day, the residual speed differential of the earth’s X-axis wobble is not fast enough to seemingly neutralize the earth’s opposite rotational movement making its velocity seem to cancel out and appear to stand still in the sky. Between Joshua’s time to Isaiah’s lifetime the X-axis counter spin-wobble had slowed more so that in Isaiah’s time the sun shadow appears to be going backwards rotating from an Aztec calendar cycles for 10 hours, very consistent with my hypothesis. Let’s not forget our boat ballast offset 23½ degree analogy and do not assume that a pendulum wobbles is smooth cannot account that some stones in the boat ballast dislocated by a storm will remain quite and will not reposition from thereon. Being lopsided and now off- centered always represents a danger for the earth axis to be put out of joint again at the slightest little change in the tectonic plates under stresses. Recent outbreak of volcanic eruptions and tsunami prove my hypothesis. Let’s hope that the next asteroid will be more kind then the first. Otherwise bets are off and returning to another ice-time with very few people on earth surviving. Read my prophetic Hebrew clock cycles. Let’s read the sun standing “still” for 12 hours in Joshua’s Time. As they fled before Israel, while they were going down the slope of Beth-horon, the LORD threw down huge stones from heaven on them as far as Azekah, and they died; there were more who died because of the hailstones than the Israelites killed with the sword. On the day when the LORD gave the Amorites over to the Israelites, Joshua spoke to the LORD; and he said in the sight of Israel, “Sun, stand still at Gibeon, and Moon, in the valley of Aijalon.” And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stopped Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 81 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries in mid-heaven, and did not hurry to set for about a whole day. There has been no day like it before or since, when the LORD heeded a human voice; for the LORD fought for Israel. (Joshua 10:12 NSRV) These verses record that the sun and the moon12 stood still for at least 12 hours or longer in the sky. Learning about merging X and Y spin-axes from our model, we should expect one leftover X-axis spin in Joshua’s day, hundreds years after the Flood as our exponential curve indicates. Remember the bicycle wheel illustration previously indicated 7 minisolstice dates generated from the X-axis with one of them being a Grand Solstice for each complete Z-axis journey around the sun. In Joshua’s time, the scribes did not understand calendar science but just wrote down what they observed and connected it with extraterrestrial help to win the battle. But God uses natural laws to direct the outcome of history according to His plan. The Bible is an accurate record keeper: the eyewitnesses recorded what they saw without understanding it. I had a similar experience when I visited Norway on a cruise ship. I had expected the sun to go down in the West and disappear under the sea horizon, but it stayed above the horizon until morning time when it began to go up again and start another day. The sun’s position relative to the horizon relates to the angular position of the earth at a particular point in history. We can understand this kind of phenomenon in Norway, but how can it happen in Israel, near the equator? I do not think that you can come up with a better explanation than my spin-axis hypothesis. Whenever the sun would seem to stand still or hesitate in the sky, earthquakes would be set off due to the gravitational imbalance such an event would produce. The Bible tells of fiery stones falling on Israel’s enemies. My guess would be that these came from a volcanic eruption of some kind caused by an unbalanced wobble of the earth with a correcting and merging spin-axis. That also could explain why five pyramids in Mexico City lays buried to the top with another city emerging to our present time. Could a nearby volcanic eruption have helped to heap up 200 feet of dirt on top of five pyramids? I noticed on another Geographic TV series that we have 7 major tectonic plates on our earth interacting with each other. The stresses build up by the constant moon pull on the oceans some scientist in the Silicon Bay area geological government bureau seen on TV 2006 used it to project future earthquakes following the moon cycle very consistent with Bible geology. He was right most of the time to foretell earthquakes to the consternation of the establishment elite educated in evolution fairy tales, which would not give him credit. Explaining the Last X-Axis Event – Isaiah “This is the sign to you from the LORD that the LORD will do this thing that he has promised: 12 Later we will learn about the Greek clock 13.368267 astronomical ratio in which the moon has indeed changed its position, meaning its synchronization with the earth was upset at that event. It can be reasoned that the moon continues on its path, but not so the earth. Page 82 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 See, I will make the shadow cast by the declining sun on the dial of Ahaz turn back ten steps.” So the sun turned back on the dial the ten steps by which it had declined. (Isaiah 38:8) The last historical event in connection with a spin-axis phenomenon took place during the reign of the Jewish King Hezekiah as recorded by his prophet, Isaiah. There again we have an eyewitness account describing the shadow of the King’s clock to go backwards 10 hours or degrees? Scientists are quick to say this is impossible by natural laws, and I would agree with them before my discovery. What I see in this event is like a mini-solstice as explained by my 3 spin-axes hypothesis. I wish that some computer nerd would pick up from here and demonstrate how it happened on a computer model. He should also try to interpret its impact on the weather. My theoretical model indicates two ice ages within Noah’s and Moses’ time frame of about 125 years duration, which would account for ice and snow formation on the poles to be a miles deep. Luckily, people reemerging after the flood lived only around the equator at that time as the ice would have penetrated very close along the 30degree Cancer–Capricorn line about 2000 BC. The proof can be noticed that pyramids were built on a narrow bandwidth around the globe and all in the same timeframe. Why? Again, God knows about natural events beforehand. He uses them to strengthen the faithful to trust God rather than scientific speculation. Later on, when we discus the India outdoor clock a huge building project with a giant dial from 2000 BC timeframe we will recognize its position within the 30-degree longitude belt proving my opinion for reason of nearby snow region at that time. No structure anywhere around the world including pyramids going north from Tropic of Cancer is found anywhere around 2000 BC. Exponential Y-Axis Curve Data from 2287 BC 1897 BC 1772 BC 1284 BC 1071 BC 588 BC 518 BC BC-AD AD 70 AD 2015 2.82 1.31 .994 .833 .457 0 -.457 10 - 17 February 72º Abraham born Abraham died 47º Moses Isaiah 23.5º Temple destroyed End of X-Y curve Jesus 2nd Temple destroyed All clocks end (2nd Asteroid) Now let’s find the last point on my Figure A. Joshua’s life would be 1464 BC and Isaiah at 710 BC. So between those dates I calculated a mean average point on my chart when I took the middle of both historic persons. The middle between these persons is 1071 BC ([1464+678]/2 = 1071). To find the X-axis ration point to intersect, I take the 12 hours extra daytime from Joshua’s time a summer solstice and the last one recorded in the Bible 10 hours, but this time the hours are going back Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 83 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries wards in Isaiah time. That ratio is therefore 10/12=.833333 marked on the x-axis remnant, the last one on the straight x-axis line. Coming back to the .8333 point is the last plot on my graph Figure A. The unwinding X-axis curve is only from 1898 due to the extreme wobble of the earth being severely hit by the asteroid(s). Then, it turns quickly becoming on either end pretty much linear until it intersects and merges with the Y-axis at about BC-AD. The impact and reaction is similar to the oil tanker being pushed by a tug boat mentioned earlier or remember my ice water analogy in chapter one. That big mass will than move in one direction and stop when all the energy is absorbed. Now that you have traveled this far with me in history, I want to point out one more interesting aspect of the pre-Flood (3) three spin-axes calendar. The pre-Flood calendar measured 7 cycles in one Gregorian year, but because the spin of the X–axis moved in opposition to the earth’s rotation, the calendar count lost almost one day for each of the seven Xaxis cycles. At the asteroid strike, this principle played out as the X-axis immediately lost its stable pattern of seven cycles per solar year and then wobbled to merge with the Y-axis over 2287 years. Since the Flood most of the days “lost” due to the counter-rotation were regained. If it was exactly one day for each of the 7 cycles, then seven days would be added to the solar calendar year on a later time. Rationally, the “lost” day would have been a bit less than a full day. The mathematics on an exponential curve are too complex for me to be exact, but we do know from history that many ancient calendars were originally constructed on 360 days year basis and simply because there are 360 degrees in a circle! This implies that the earth passage around the sun original was 360 days and mathematics adapted a circle with 360 degree to be equivalent. Perhaps the pre-Flood calendar was built on 360 days too. The ancients carried that length forward, but later observation taught them to correct for 365 days fairly quickly. Dealing with the remaining 5.24+/- day has taken many more years perhaps century to realize it. Some cultures still today simply ignore the issue by relying on visual observation and adding leap days as needed or in the Chinese calendar, historically they merely had a five-day New Years party not counting it in the calendar. To sum it up, the asteroid strike changed the day count on the Z-axis from 360 to 365.24+/- days as measured from solstice to solstice. It is possible that the velocity of earth’s journey around the sun may have been slightly slowed too in the process, but not by much. The last Aztec calendar system inherited from the pre-Flood times seems to be built on 13 x 4 x 5 = 260 days plus adding stone skulls to the pile, according to the second of the fifth pyramid in Mexico City center [explained later]. As they tried to deal with this 260-day feature of their calendar, they would add one stone skull head for each missing day noted for every 7 cycles or “years.” Eventually, they ended up with 105 stone skulls (7x15) as shown in Mexico City outdoor museum, which corrects it to (260+105 =) 365 days. Also, when we add all the exponential points together on Graph [Figure A] we notice 5.905. Five spin-axis means 5 days lost plus a fraction we will examining it closer later. One Aztec stone skull = 14.3 years (1716/120 = 14.3). Page 84 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 Comments on our Modern Calendar Both the birth and death ratio of ancient people, the X-axis curve fade out to a 2.82427 rotation, 1.31264 and .8333 after the Flood compared with a 7.02 spin-cycle or mean average age before the Flood. The Rosetta Stone ratio indicates the same for a spin-axis average axis change (.41 x 7 = 2.8) from the Hebrew culture connected with Genesis of the Bible. The X-axis merged with the Y-axis on BC-AD. From that point in time, the Aztec calendar would operate according to the same astronomical laws as our modern calendar. The last .833333 calculations are very sensitive to fractions because they multiply 4,300 [years] times (2288 BC-2012 AD), and I should not ignore them. You probably noticed that secular scholars disagree with each other over the dating of Egyptian dynasties by as much as 250 years. Christian Scholars cannot date anything beyond Abraham either, check out your study Bible and cannot interpret time events of genetic impossible ages of people. Postulating about Genesis literal One-Day creation which do not make sense or ideas about biological death of every plant and animals caused by Adam’s sin hypothesized by outmoded 19th century Christian theological belief system, requires a lot more Bible study compared with science to convince ingrained false doctrines still taught in many churches to be corrected. Listening to TV preachers spilling out their ignorance makes me cringe every time as I wondered they have the money to be educated, so why playback an old unscientific groove and scare educated scientist away and spoil it for them to conclude that the Bible is intellectual stupid to read not worthy of consideration. I said in my books that we must use both rails of the railroad system to have a balanced viewpoint. For example, Professor Edward Hull created a brilliant time chart of world history as published by Barnes Noble in 1988. He gives a number of possible dates for the Flood, but he mostly uses the Authorized Version of the English Bible in his charts. This interpretation is off by about 60 years from the Hebrew dates given. Both rails need to be used in examining the data and do not only rely on publishers of a Bible; some grossly mistranslates of what has been written when we consider dates of a flexible calendar. We must realize that before the Flood everyone spoke ancient Hebrew and should give priority to Hebrew dating. This factor should always be in our mind and put into any equation for determining dates. I believe my spin-axis hypothesis is more accurate dating ancient events, even if the earth wobbles a lot like a drunken sailor on a Friday night in old San Francisco. Let’s look at the hypothesis from the last point on my chart. The data plot of .833333 is below “one” turn of the X-axis as the remaining spin-axis is now essentially a Y-axis, although not settled down yet. It means that over (6) six X-axis spins have been lost. This date roughly coincides with Moses birth-death average (ratio Pre-Flood age 847/120 Moses age equals 7, meaning 7 divided into 7 spins equals 1, and “one” means less than one X-axis spin left over. Joshua immediately succeeded Moses in leading the Israelites and I use him connected with Isaiah. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 85 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries We can cross check if we have the right data. When we mean average Isaiah’s age with Joshua’s the middle becomes 1073 BC which connects with .83333 meaning that on a 360 degree circle, there are ¾ cycles left over to count to get to about a 23½˚ stabilized Y-axis rotation. So if we convert from degrees to days, we use 360x.833333 = 299.99 degrees. Fractions again will make a few days difference +/-. Since we are going backwards in time we use the complementary angle of (360-300 =) 60 degrees plus 23.5 to get the final Y-axis at rest. (60+23.5 = 83.5 degrees) which in a 360˚ circle represents days multiplied by a correction factor 1.0145 (83.5x1.0145) = 84.7 or rounded off 85 days We notice that in Julius Caesar’s calendar reform, they added 2x31 = 62 days. With the Gregorian reform, they added 14 days. If we add the 5+ days adjusted from the original 360 day year to the present 365.24+/-, then all together we arrive back to the (62+14+5 =) 81 days as a check on the corrected calendar as the final spin of the X-axis stabilizes at zero. However, we need another correction. The Gregorian Calendar must be corrected by one day every 400 years. The missing days from Julius Caesar 46 BC to 2012 Apocalypse = 2058/400=5 days added together gets us 86 days, minus one day for the crossover BC/AD proving to the remaining spin-axis “Y” 23½˚ from another angle converting degree into days = 85 days . Precise calculations will take a little time to figure it out because we have a three dimensional pendulum wobble to think about. Go back to the toy gyro and think of the 23½ degree earth axis spinning, which makes the inside angle double = 47 degrees. Or from Moses time to Gregorian time in the 15th century the axis moved ever so slowly another 85 degrees to stop at 23½ degrees. Looking from another perspective before the 23½-degree axis was frozen, it moved in a concentric circle of elliptical pattern 2 x 23½ = 47 inside angle from a previous 72-degree Aztec precession cycles. The inside angle of the pyramid’s top before the Flood is mean averaged for three Egyptian pyramids at 51 degrees. After the Flood, three pyramids averaged 43 degrees. The mean average of these two sets is ([51 + 43]/2=) 47 degrees, which matches the inside angle of the rotational tilt of our earth after it came to rest. What could explain this precise mathematical relationship between the pyramids built before and after the deluge? The pre-Flood Great Pyramid of Giza’s angle is 51˚51’, which is 51’ more than the other three pre-Flood pyramids’ mean average of 51˚. The difference between 51˚51’ and (the inside elliptical pattern of 23½ degrees =) 47˚ is 4.84˚, multiplied by a factor of 1.0145 converts the degrees to days - 5 days. These are the 5 days added to the 360-day pre-Flood year that had to be added after the Flood to make the calendar conform to the pyramid mathematics used in astronomy. That is a second witness to establish truth. According to Du Halde, Chinese astronomers observed an eclipse of the sun in 2155 BC, which is the year I equate with the earliest pyramid in Mexico City. Why an unusual sun eclipse? Page 86 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 Notice in a pendulum wobble that at some point no tilt axis angle exists, and the sun will not rise and set every day but stay high on the horizon and go through half cycles increasing and decreasing like the moon cycle. That will really get your thinking going to understand a strange sky in ancient days. Check out the sunrise changes until they stabilized and try to explain it more fully. A Pendulum Wobble Explained To understand the earth’s pendulum wobble, we need another analogy. Take a color ink marker like the yellow one to underline text. On the side is something printed which is good for us to identify a principle. Hold the pen vertical and rotate it around its axis. Keep rotating, its fun to learn something and show it to your kids. Then slowly tilt it 45 degrees sideways and watch the printing on its side appearing and disappearing and notice which direction it is going still rotating. Keep turning and now tilt it to the left and then to right still rotating the same way like a pendulum but rotating. Now notice the printing of the marker will have changed direction as it is rotating toward you and tilting the pen it will rotate opposite direction away from you. Do that over and over and notice how the print marks changes direction. Why? After you have sought about it for a while, we can apply it to our earth tilt spin-axis explanation of a sunset change. Remember, in the preFlood Aztec days the sun rose in the east 26 days and than reversed 26 days to rise in the west. Or, yellow print on our pen indicates the direction change of a rising sun. Your eyeball looking at the yellow pen has not changed like you are the sun, but the marker direction changes at you keep rotating your pen while flipping side’s ways like a pendulum. Eventually all pendulum motion will stop according to physical laws and the ship now rests lopsided 23½ degree after a storm as the inside ballast is no longer in the center. The Aztec built five pyramids on top of each other because they desperately wanted to measure correctly a pendulum wobble, but they did not succeed. Frustrated believing that some of their God’s are angered at them, killed and sacrifice thousand of victims to appease the 20 gods they worshiped. They stopped eventually building pyramids as the pendulum wobble stopped. The sunrise from the west to change into the sun rising toward the east changed several times during the 1800 (120 stone skull cycles) year range wobble. It stopped when the sunrise happened to be at the east and stayed there ever since. This sunrise stop in the east became the beginning of sun worship in many cults as it was believed the sun won finally the war against the heavenly giants. We will tell more about it shortly. Later you will see a table with dark and light windows indicating the rise of the suns direction in a particular timeframe in history. Then you will understand mystery clocks with dark and light windows like the Greek Antikythera clock in Athens museum we explain later Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 87 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries which needed to be adjusted first to sunrise cycles. Remember that illustration of the pendulum wobble when we get to understand other mystery clock gears a little later. Another observation you should notice the earth is going counterclockwise and when you tilt pendulum wobble into the counterclockwise direction, then the days on earth will be longer and when you tilt opposite the earth direction, the days will be shorted. When we get to the Chinese calendar, you will notice 2x8 cycles in a day? Could it mean the days are only 16 hours long and not 24 hours like we have in Norway I visited the midnight sun? Check it out later and look into mystery clocks not deciphered by scientists. Also in a certain century when the tilt axis was perfect vertical the sun would not rise from east to west but rather stay high on the horizon day and night but change into a sickle half cycle like the moon increasing and decreasing all in one day. It is just another unusual observation of a pendulum wobble phenomena to think about. When the sky wobble moved again going in the other pendulum direction, the sun on the high zenith ever so slowly would show sunrise and sunset again and increase until it would disappear under the horizon like we have today. You cannot have a sunset if the axis is vertical. The proof of such an unusual vertical axis change can be found in the Chinese culture. The earliest Chinese calendars marked days, not years, because there were no zodiac cycles. The original evidence of this is found on oracle bones13 in Shang Dynasty14 dated about 1350 BC. The Chinese still use this system of dating in their secular and astrological calendars. A parallel dating system emerged later that used a stem-branch or sexagenarian cycle15. That system is based on two forms of counting: a cycle of 10 Heavenly Stems and a cycle of 12 Earthly Branches. Each year is named by the sequential pairing of a stem with a branch, called a Stem-Branch (gânzhî). The Heavenly Stems are associated with Yin-Yang16 and the Five Elements17. Recent 10-year periods began in 1984, 1994, and 2004. Although a stem-branch system, which came later, cannot be used to deduce the actual day in historical events, it can assist in converting Chinese dates to other calendars more accurately. The Earthly Branches are associated with the twelve signs of the modern Zodiac. Remember, Zodiac cycles were not moving; therefore, even the solstice position was impossible to detect. Each Earthly Branch is also associated with an animal known as the Twelve Animals18. Recent 12year periods began in 1984 and 1996. You can read more check it out19. As the last Zhou king ceded his territory to Qin in 256 BC, a new calendar (the Qin calendar) began to be used. It followed the same principles as the Sifen calendar, except the year began one month before (the second new moon before the winter solstice, which now fell in the second 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Page 88 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 month of the year). The Qin calendar was used during the Qin dynasty, and in the beginning of the Western Han dynasty. Notice this 1-month calendar correction corresponds to Julius Caesar’s 2-month correction according to a declining X-axis coming to rest at 23½˚. Stonehenge Dated20 Mysterious Stonehenge calendar in England too can now be dated as it demonstrates two circles, indicating two axes. The inner circle represents the leftover “X” axis as the outer circle represents the “Y” axis analogue like the Aztec exponential curve merges into our present spin-axis. Just counting stones on the two circles and relating them to each other could give us the date of spin-axis merging. Understanding the Hebrew cycles of the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS) would help as it overlays the various calendars, I am confident we can than crack its Stonehenge secrets and dating too. Do not be surprised when it differs to what has been published. I saw recently a picture of Stonehenge, which had 13 pillars on one side and 13 pillars on the outer side in a concentric circle. This is obviously connected with Aztec count system as half represents an Aztec X-axis spin of 26 days. If you want to read up on the latest archeological digs check out the magazine referenced. Of course, the carbon dating given is 1400 years off as the spin-axis postulates an ice time and climate in England would we too frozen to permit a habitation as early as 2400 BC. 518 BC Y-Axis Crossover Point What amazes me is to find out the timeframe when the X-axis is closely merged with the Y-axis at 518 BC. That is exactly the middle of time when Daniel was told another 3,500 years would follow. This developed my table of 7,000 years of human history, which is found in my published books. The fact that the X-axis spin terminated at the center of time according to Daniel’s prophecies is yet another proof that the Aztec prophesied 21 December 2012 date is the middle of the Apocalypse, thus confirming my earlier works in another way. Gaius Julius Caesar’s 46 BC Corrections Gaius Julius Caesar of Rome (46 BC) ordered a dramatic calendar change to replace their traditional calendar, which had been formulated before the X-axis spin had come to rest. I can imagine that the Generals must have complained to Caesar that they cannot conduct a successful war campaign when the supplies show up late for the army because the Roman calendar was out of sync with the local calendars. Julius used the Hebrew priests to investigate and adjust the Roman calendar to a 12-month cycle very similar to our modern calendar. Since they could not change the equinox or solstice date positions, he inserted the two missing months. For his efforts July is named after him as August is named after his successor, Augustus Caesar. That is why our year ends with a tenth month, October, which name means 8th, November 9th (not 11th) and December (10th) instead of 12th. Do not think that the people in Julius’ time were dim-witted. Remember, their calendar 20 Suburb of Stonehenge, Ritual village found near famed rock site, by B. Bower, Science News February 3, 2007 Vol.171, No 5 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 89 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries reflected a continued process of adjustment to the consequences of what happened in 2287 BC. Another reason for Caesar to change the calendar is when they showed him an ancient bronze clock, which we will describe later in this report.21 When I checked out the time between the five buried pyramids in Mexico City, I calculated a gap of 214 years between every rebuild. Also, for every new pyramid 15 stone skull head corrections of 15 years for each stone head were made, (15x14.3 = 214) which is one whole layer of 15 stone heads on top of the stonewall in Mexico’s outdoor museum. That means the X-axis is disappearing one day in 14.3 years so the Aztecs removed one stone skull from the pile every 15 years starting out with a total of 120. We will later explain it in more detail. Julius Caesar added 62 days to the calendar we can now compare them with Aztec stone skulls. One stone skull is equal to 15 years and 62 days then becomes 4.13 stone skulls. (62/14.3 = 4.3) Originally, in the outdoor museum in Mexico City we see a wall of 120 stone skulls, so therefore we deduct from 120 the 4.3 skulls, which is 115.7. (120-4.3 = 115.7) 115.7 multiplied by 14.3 represents a period of 1,654 years. (115.7x14.3 = 1,654) Now we deduct from 2287 Flood year going toward our time we reach 663 BC. (2287-1654 = 663 BC) This is very close to the time (518 BC) when the X-axis comes to rest being merged with the Y-axis as shown on my table. This tells me that the Roman calendar was unchanged from Moses’ age. Without advanced tools of observation, perhaps no one noticed that the earth axis had shifted ever so slightly. Pyramid observatories to keep up with calendar changes were no longer necessary, so they stopped being built. The initial, pushing energy from the first asteroid strike had finally come to rest after many centuries. Pope Gregory’s 1582 Calendar Correction As history books commonly report, Pope Gregory XIII corrected the Julian calendar by 2 weeks in October of 1582 due to a miscalculation of the leap years. But the real credit was stolen by the church and should have been given in 1581 to a Calabrian doctor named Aloysius Lilius. This decision split the ranks of the mighty as one remarked that it was only a ploy to collect additional taxes by adding two weeks. Many Protestants refused to accept the pope’s changing of times an seasons – especially the English, which is why early American dates (like Washington’s Birthday) all need to be calibrated. The eastern orthodox bishops never followed the pope’s lead and retained the Julian calendar. Today, we use an atomic clock introduced by NASA to measure time in the smallest fractions of a second. It is an absolute standard of time derived from radioactive decay. Corrections in increments of seconds do not make world news, yet they are made as needed and the entire world holds its breath a bit in order to stay in synch. It seems that we can settle down with a dependable calendar. The earth has finally come to rest with a seemingly constant velocity and almost stable angle of spin-axis. The final answer is still in the making as scientists debate a timely issue. 21 Page 90 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 Researchers say that glitches in correcting seconds in the world computer could throw everything off, perhaps in international banking, business deals, locations that are targeted for missile strikes, or perhaps a hiccup in the phasing of North America’s interlocking power grids that could result in devastating blackouts costing millions. A fluctuation in rotational speed by only seconds is still a problem as the earth is still sensitive to changes caused by relocation of water melting in polar ice caps, which influences gravity and causes a change in time. Any group of institutions, like banks, armies and governments that depend on close coordination could quickly become a dysfunctional family if a computer fails because it is out of sync only one second. The inextricable link between gravity and time become increasingly apparent as atomic clocks become more and more precise. But even that becomes tricky because gravitational hypothesis dictates that the altitude isn’t measured relative to average sea level, but to the geoid, a hypothetical surface that approximates the shape and size of the earth. The geoids’ size fluctuates in respond to ocean tides and the redistribution of water due to climate changes. Enough said on this subject I learned from an article in the Science News22. I hope to have resolved the ancient mystery of impossibly old ages in Genesis and other difficult to understand Bible verses, but there is more to come. Since science still does not have the answer of five clocks they found from the Bronze Age, I guarantee you will be interested in following along on the journey of the Aztec history and trail of a three spin-axis hypothesis. We will end up explaining mystery clocks no scholar has figured out. Determining the Date for Noah’s Asteroid 5 February 2287 BC (Gregorian Calendar) The incredible coexistence of the Aztec calendar with the Hebrew cycles climaxes in the dating of the asteroid plunging into earth to start the Flood and destroy previous calendar systems based on precession observations on an accuracy not granted by modern man to be taught in universities. No sane person ever claimed it, and none ever announced a date. You are the judge. Do the following coincidences presented as I expand on the spin-axis hypothesis mean what I think they mean – a coming apocalypse? Prophetically, the start of the Flood may chronologically align with the destruction of New York on 9 February, 2009, as developed in my first two books from the last book of the Bible, Revelation. What I have written here has much more buried below the surface, like an iceberg only shows 10% above the water. I am finding more connecting and overlaying events and come to conclude that only extra terrestrial intelligence can come up with such a complex system like that. My books are published now and this Aztec calendar spin-axis hypothesis came about one year later. All the Hebrew concepts explained in my books are now supported by this Aztec spin-axis hypothesis and brings it together into one powerful logical concept that the apocalypse 22 To leap or not to leap (scientist debate a timely issue), by Ron Cowen, Science News, April 22, 2006, Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 91 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries prophesied for 2008-2015 will happen, and New York better watch out as the ancients predicted another asteroid. The Aztec-Hebrew-Chinese roots of history make it clear that God addresses our intellect to take Him seriously. He has imbedded into calendar cycles a system that can only be rationally explained with mathematics of the 7:5 ratio found in the Great Pyramid and correlated with a Rosetta Stone ratio 7:5 in the Bible. Finding unknown clocks aligned with ancient architectural designed with cosmic observations that also conform to the same ratio is God’s way to explain mysteries analogous to a two-rail road system to decipher these ancient clocks. Let’s find out how I found the date of the first Apocalypse in Noah’s time stated in the Genesis chapter 5 where it says, “in the second month 17th day which means one month (30 days) + 16 days = 46 days). Genesis records that at that time, the foundation of the earth was broken up as seen in geological strata. Worldwide, the continents shift with accompanying uplifting of mountains, relocations of oceans and the collapse of the higher pressured oxygen enriched atmosphere to our present one atmosphere at sea level. Our earth no longer had an even-cycled spin-axis movement like during the age before the Flood. Hundreds of years after the asteroid strike, the earth gradually came to rest at 23½˚ angle of rotation. From that angle, we can mathematically go back in sky time like playing back or rewinding the clock in a planetarium. We do have information of a declining exponential curve calculated from the ages of people to indicate a calendar shift that became linear and stopped at about 518 BC. The plot of these ages represents earth axis movements in one continue motion going back to very first big bang. We have 360 degrees in a circle and so we can start with 23½ degrees. Since the Aztec and Hebrew clocks run counterclockwise, we will now add all the velocity change points from Figure A together and see what happens. My idea was that the original seven spins per year slowed down and stopped at 23½˚. As a result counting degrees backwards, we should arrive when the earth was drastically changed with a consequential calendar change. Counting backwards 23½˚ (counterclockwise) from a 360˚ circle at zero degrees, we get the complementary angle of 336.5˚. So let’s find out how many degrees represents a velocity spin on my Y-axis plot in Figure A. 360-23.5 = 336.5000 0.833333 x 360 = 299.9988 1.312646 x 360 = 472.5525 2.824273 x 360 = 1016.7382 Total added = 2125.7874/360 = 5.9049 continued turns, which is 5 turns and a fraction of one turn .904x360 = 325˚ CCW, 360325 = 35˚ clockwise of a circle. Thus, the “X-axis will show 35˚ (Western thinking) at time of impact. To find the impact date and using the 35˚, start 35˚ from a 360˚ zero position (like 12 o’clock on a clock) and make it equivalent on a calendar Page 92 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 dial to 1st January. If we count 35˚ to the right from 1st January (31 days, plus 4 days = 35) we come to the next month. 5 February 2287 (Gregorian Calendar) That is probable the date when the Asteroid hit the earth. In Genesis we have it recorded that Noah entered the ark and had to wait one month (30 Hebrew days) plus 17 days (the second month) and than the asteroid hit the earth to cause it to rain. So one month 30 days and 16 days are 46 days total. Counting backwards from 5th February 2287 BC (from 35˚ CCW minus 46 days) gets us a calendar date of 21 December 2288 BC (a solstice date). This official date is the first Apocalypse of Noah’s Flood recorded in Genesis. For mysterious reasons it contrasts with a second prophesied Apocalypse in the future on the same solstice date to start on 21 December 2008, climax on 21 December 2012 and end on 21 December 2015. I discovered that they connect with a 9-cycle system of 490 Hebrew years or solstice cycles. These extraordinary relationships and many other events will be explained later. Another way in looking at a 35˚ impact date is that this represents a portion of a 365.24-day Gregorian year cycle. We can express it by counting by the Gregorian Calendar. Our calendar must be corrected by one day every 400 years. Adding the years between the two Apocalypse dates together AD 2012 + 2288 BC = 4,300 years dividing it by 400 years = 11 days, which must be added to the 35 days/degrees, (35 + 11 = 46 days) to have a Gregorian Calendar count back to the impact date. So counting from 21 December 2288 plus 46 days we get the same big bang date of the asteroid plunging into the earth on 5 February 2287 BC. This is the second calculated coincidence but differently measured over a range of 4,300 years. It connects with a future apocalypse Jesus mentioned but from two uniquely different perspectives. When we count 46 days back from 4th-5th February, it is equivalent to one month plus the 17th day mentioned in Genesis for the rain to start and the foundations of the earth to burst as mentioned in the Bible. Theologians, scholars and normal people collectively could not imagination of the severity, noise and shaking an asteroid impact might have had on earth, as the scientist estimate that it would cause water to shoot up high in the sky to a flying airplane, if the asteroid was to fall in the ocean. Just the noise generated with Hydrogen combining with Oxygen creating enormous thunders that could blow out anybody’s eardrums with unimaginable exploding thunderbolts. Imagine you where there to see mountains being lifted up and others disappeared into the ocean, skyscraper high waves rolling over the country side burring even the highest sky scraper in coastal regions, which must have been a frightening experience for Noah’s family as Hollywood has already made a movie to scare us. It’s a good thing the boat was designed in heaven and without windows and would have frightened the survivors to death seeing hell around Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 93 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries them. Only divine intervention made it possible even to survive in a boat and only God could have designed such a piece of equipment to pass through such chaos as He gave the plans to Noah to build it in 17 years (120 Aztec/7). When Jesus said that the prophesied Apocalypse would be like in Noah’s days I had no idea he meant it literally by the day. Noah and his children with four wives were the only living witnesses to testify to this event as recorded in the Bible. All of our mathematical calculations point and testify to exactly one date as described in my books with 12 proofs, thus it would also make my Aztec spin-axis hypothesis prediction absolute certain that the Apocalypse will be on time in 20082015. You be the judge of my historical and prophetic clock cycles. Using the X-Axis to Find the Date of Asteroid Impact Pre-Flood movements of the earth conformed to a (7) seven X-axis spin cycles which had (4) four quadrants. They are also divided in two solstice and two equinox positions. If we start in a 360-degree circle with the date 21 December at the zero (12 o’clock), then at 51.42 degrees (one seventh of 360) we have another 21 December Aztec cycle year, or the first X-axis turn at 102.85 degrees. There is another 21 December the second, and around the circle completing with 154, 206, 257, 308, and back at the 360-degree position seven times. As a result, from 21 December to another solstice 21 December, we divide one spin cycle into four quadrants with two equinoxes that become a mini-replica of one year seasonal cycles like winter-spring-summer-fall for one “X” axis spin, but compare it what we are familiar with. When we look at the 35 Degree impact data and compare it with the equivalent of 7 times Christmas in one year Aztec cycles, we will notice that 35 degree fits into the first Spinaxis of seven mini year cycles. So we now divide the first mini year spin-axis Aztec cycle into four quadrants of 52 days which looks like a full year around the sun we are familiar like a 365day, 4 seasons per year and two solstice positions. Remember we look at the X-axis spin scale overlay that too has solstice cycle for each spin. (51.42˚ x 1.0145 equals 52.16 days and 52/4=13 days for each quadrant-season). Discern that the end of a season quadrants in one spin falls on 13-26-40-5223 day. Accordingly, the 40th day of a 52-day Aztec cycle is the end of the 3rd quadrant an equinox position too, or equivalent to 22 September the third quadrant in a 365-day years overlaid to our calendar, 35˚ converted to days. Now there are 5 days short of 40 to the ending the of 3rd quadrant position (40-5 = 35). Counting back 5 days from the equinox of 22 September position therefore becomes equiva23 Fraction in calculations is like quicksand. Look at the broader viewpoint as we do not know on which site of the earth prophecy starts for counting purpose. So all dates should automatically have a range of at lease +/- one day for accuracy. Page 94 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 lent 17 September (Gregorian Calendar) on the X-axis scale for the first spin overlay. If you have read my book Mystery of Tammuz 17, then you would find this same date given again in the future connected with the 2nd asteroid on its way as it prophetically coincides with the ending of the Apocalypse 2015. The Bible said that God cuts short that cycle to save more people and the Hebrew cycle calendar picks that same date 17 September what a coincidences! Mini-Apocalypse Ends 17 September 2015 So a second witness can establish truth. Another divine projection for an asteroid impact date is 17 September connected with a second coming asteroid prophesied by John in Revelation and is also overlaid with the Hebrew clock cycles of HANS (Hebrew Alphabet Number System), even science informs us of a 52 km space rock already in a 820-day orbit. The next day is a joyous Jewish holy day, 18 September, which overlays with clock cycles you should find out reading my second book Mystery of Tammuz 1724 free on the internet in four languages. It ends the Daniel 1,335 days’ prophecy and indicates “blessings.” Why the coincidence on the 17 September asteroid X-axis overlay with the Hebrew prediction date of another coming asteroid at the end of the Apocalypse 17 September 2015 Y-axis? Which by the way connects with another Aztec palace wall picture in Mexico City painted after the Flood about the future apocalypse prophesied with an Aztec short count measured to end on a solstice date 21 December 2012, noted by a secular university science perspective. Truly, it becomes a second witness to establish prophetic facts. To have correlation like two rail road track analogy for better balance to an absolute concrete date and coinciding with cosmic solstice dates in the future 4,300 years later cannot be anybody’s invention. Consider the writer of this story. I am certainly nobody could have dreamed up all those cycles matching. Why? What would be its purpose and spend time and my retirement money on fantasies? In retrospect if we just change one digit of the fraction in my adding the exponential cross over data points in this chapter expressed on the Figure A and to not get exactly .904, we would never get the date 5 February 2287 BC. When you check out 23.50000, +.83333, +1.312646, +2.824273 and shorten the fraction, it will never work. The mathematical probability is enormous that I found that date without massive NASA computer time. If you want to figure out about probabilities, check out my reference of a great mathematician Peter W Stoner25 who wrote a book about probabilities of 324 Bible prophecies. Just analyzing only 8 events of Jesus’ life like expressed in my mathematical example resulted in a number 100,000,000,000,000,000. That number is too big for me to comprehend. Look at the combination with long fraction and they all must add up to come together at only 24 25 Science Speaks, by Peter W. Stoner Chicago Moody Press, pp 100-107. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 95 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries one date 21 December tying together two apocalypses 4,300 years apart to the same exact day is humanly impossible to invent. How did I find those combinations of six digit fraction after the point not having access to a monster computer? I do not have a computer to run millions of equation to come up with only one date that makes the prophecy story fit. Inspiration is the only scientific explanation for me as I discovered this relationship at the end of finishing my graph. [Figure A] When I recalculated and wanted it to make it look simple with shorter fractions, I found out it does not work and the bull’s eye is all over but not in the center with a solstice date correlating with the apocalypse projected 21 December 2008-2015 to show a relationship with 21 December 2288 date by a different methods. If you do not believe in God, than please tell me a logical explanation that those numbers with so many fraction just appeared by chance since the probability run beyond the capability of my cheap electronic calculator, a number so large it quit. Global Warming, Unusual Spin-Axis Application Most scientists assume that the 23½˚ (Y-axis) is now fixed and does no longer move. This may not be the case for the following reason. I mentioned in my published books that the pop astronomy zodiac priesthood of many major magazines telling their readers when the stars align themselves in a favorable position for love, business or making difficulty life decisions is facing now a problem. The twelve ancient zodiac signs are no longer 12 but a new one emerged in the night sky which is the thirteen’s sign. This divided the pop-priesthood in those who would recalculate everything into 13 zodiac groups and the others who will have none off it. The bottom line spells out for me there is a positive change in the sky, which therefore must translate for me in a slight spin-axis movement of the earth. Let’s recall that the earth has an elliptical orbit around the sun. That would mean the side of earth closer to the sun will have a different climate when the globe is further away, like summer-winter. Presently we can hear about heated debates in congress which on one side is championed by the past vice-president Mr. Al Gore for man-made climatic changes, as the other 50% scientist are not persuaded and believe in natural causes. This political football has far reaching consequences as many governments around the world wants to spend billions of dollars to flow in somebody’s deep pocked not necessarily connected with climate changes. So I like to throw my glove in the ring too but do not expect to end up with cash and lucrative UN consulting contracts. I mentioned an unusual hypothesis that seems to grow the more I look at it from different angles, which now makes me an unbeliever of a fixed Y-axis. I remember that we must add one day every 400 years and it usually assumed that is part or a fraction of the Z-axis turning 365.24 days. Page 96 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 But could it be a little left over X-axis? This would have far-reaching implications and scientifically explain global climate changes. We have not really looked at what happened since Galileo came across the scientific discovery table to observe the sun and earth relationship. After 400 years, a 23½-degree angle may have shifted in relation to the elliptical orbit pattern around the sun. The mean average pyramid angle on top of the Egyptian pyramids is twice the 23½ also 47 degree and overlaid could reveal an applicable philosophy as many laws of nature are mirrored not necessarily the same but relate. The pyramid has four equal quadrants sides and is a cosmic illustration to explain the final wobbling of our earth. If you spin the 23½-degree axis one turn around its own axis in 400 years you gain one day. So every hundred years, like one quadrant, the axis around the sun would therefore be 90 degrees different facing the sun in an elliptical wobble pattern but still pointing 23½ degrees. It is like you lying on the beach and turn around when one sides gets a little read to expose more of the body on the other side. Your body is analogous to a tilt X-axis rotating one turn in 400 years that is an additional day. This translates that our climate will go through increasing/degreasing very dry spells lasting 200 years a part (4x90˚) and conversely every 400 years we will notice a mini ice age where population will reverse for lack of available food. The four times different position are analogue to four quadrants of the Aztec calendar or sides of the pyramid. So we cannot get away from ancient symbolism. Looking back on history, we can observe such a pattern. My books are all about patterns and cycles, and it is for us to investigate to learn from them. I remember that 1942/43 was the worst winter in Europe and was instrumental in defeating the German army in Russia. From thereon the climate got warmer and if my hypothesis proves correct, we will have another 40 years of global warming to climax with one quadrant equal to one hundred years. Thereafter it will move toward increasing icing up again building back the glaciers we lost. Another thought comes to my mind that gives more weight to my argument. If our present Y-axis indeed moves one turn in 400 years than that would spell out ice time climate changes in history terrible for humanity to experience, causing worldwide starvation. If the earth axis twisted only one day since Galileo, who lived on both sides of 1600, and count back from 1942 a 400-year cycle, we should expect an ice time with consequence of severe famine in Europe. If we assume that 1942 was the coldest apex of that climate cycle than four hundred years ago, we should experience a severe famine in Europe. Around between 1750 and 1350, I need someone to prove that for me as history tells me 1/3 of the population in Europe died of starvation and diseases that are blamed on a mini-ice age (1550). I explained weather patterns across 4,000 years with trigonometry –sin/cosine function plotting various biological plant life like diminishing forest around Jerusalem turning into grass landscape now totally barren mentioned in the Bible and needed to be adjusted when we calculate 400 year cycles in our time frame. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 97 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Another Asteroid Coming? The Bible and Aztec religion foretells a second asteroid impact that will reduce the earth’s population so much that civilization will need to start over again. Once more, we have a situation like Noah’s days. The first asteroid parallels the incoming second asteroid already in an 820-day orbit around the sun as stated in science magazines the Aztecs must have known about. It will strike the earth as prophesied or projected by in Bible cycles and substantiated by other cultures. Both asteroids, as a pair, were on their way thousands of years ago: one was and one is in future. The prophets knew about this when they wrote the Bible especially John in Revelation describes the effects in detail. What you do with that information is your business and I believe is of no consequence as God’s Plan for Humanity, which is embedded in a world clock with two dials either looking from the Hebrew side or Aztec. As a clockmaker, I only noticed the gears that make the system work. Check out the clock on the internet for free and notice how late it is to make adjustment in your schedule. Guaranteed looking from a tworail road perspective the train will arrive as scheduled. Lately the TV History channel advised its viewer to correct the world clock from 5 minutes to 2 minutes before the twelve o’clock cuckoo clock position to indicate the end of our civilization. Watch therefore my clock gears pointing to 21 December 2008 and count 46 days later on the second month 17th day to overlay with the Hebrew clock in Genesis 6 and look toward New York. Recently, I read in a science journal that there is already an asteroid about 52 km in diameter that has penetrated past our (7) seven planetary protective shields. It is going around the sun in an orbit of about 820 days. Only the moon is left to shield us from it. Scientists project that this asteroid might hit the earth after 2020. They notify us that it would probably strike the ocean and raise waves as high as 30,000 feet. I will tell about more later. Since the direction of the asteroid’s orbit is along our same orbital plane, it could alter the tilt of the earth’s rotational axis once again. The Bible predicts such an event in the book of Revelation, and I predict that it will take place about 10 September 2015 using Hebrew cycles, second month 17th day after the 9th of Av, 5776, which coincides with the destruction of the Third Temple (25 July 2015). Bible prophecy has always been 100% accurate. It is our interpretation of it that is potentially at fault – even my own may need some adjustment. Looking at my paper model globe to identify the first asteroid impact and apply an entry path of to the second asteroid possibility, I was facing my paper globe looking down on the North Pole, while turning it around and focusing on the equator. Just above the equator I should see somewhere a round big crater which could cause an axis shift. It became obvious when you look for it that the Mexican Yucatan Peninsula across the Gulf of Mexico looks like the only circular spot of the proper size for an asteroid crater for a suitable impact possibility. That possibility is now printed in a Popular Science magazine December 2006 check it out. Page 98 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 Observing a projected angle can be theorized for the next impact and narrow it down to what country it will be affected the most. My guess the impact would be the Mediterranean Sea causing Jerusalem as prophesied in Revelation to be separated into a wide valley with on half side to rise to a high mountain. The second and third asteroids are usually in line of the first as they follow a trajectory path spaced apart a certain distance. In our case 2287 BC – AD 2015 – AD 3018 according to Hebrew 7,000-year clock cycles. So my “prediction” sums up many clock cycle projections found along the 30th parallel of the first asteroid impact. They all point to the Mediterranean Sea that will coincide with the destruction of a 200 million army gathered at Armageddon we have all heard about. God’s plan for humanity, recorded in many Bible verses, reveals a beautiful climate of abundance and blessings in the future after the apocalypse. God may even restore the ancient angle of the earth’s rotational axis as a way to fulfill His promise to return to the fantastic climate like the Garden of Eden. Vegetation again would grow in profusion without snow and ice. The animals on land and the fish in the waters could recover and increase again at a tremendous rate. Moreover, all nations will live in peace with one another, and war shall be no more, as every family will have its own productive garden plot. Maybe soon after 2018! Read my first book, which interprets Bible stories of a future society after 2018 with concepts of a Golden Age for humanity not heard in your Sunday school. One more interesting article in the Discover Magazine, March 200726 you should read if you are interested to know what the future earth will look like after it was hit again by an asteroid. I combine science data with the Bible and thereby get a two-rail additional perspective matching prophecy. The magazine article has two beautiful cover-page pictures of our earth from space and describes a new discovery made possible by satellite technology using some advanced instruments. The first picture shows the familiar continents from space but now mapped with a special satellite instruments (GRACE) from the perspective of gravity. That picture gave oceanographers, geologists and climatologist a lot more information to update their geologic models of our planet. Scientists can now look thousands of feet under water or through ice sheets to see the evidences for tectonic movements previously unknown. Along with continental drift, the LAGEOS technology also detected a very gradual change in the gravity field over Canada and northern Europe as the crust continues to rebound from the weight of massive glaciers that pinned it down during the last ice age. I write about a much more recent ice age from an ancient spin-axis-clock perspective and can draw another analogy for a future asteroid on its 26 Discover Magazine, March 2007, GRACE’S GRAVITY MAPS, What the Earth Really Looks Like, by Sam Flamsteed, Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 99 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries way using science data. Gravity and deep fault rifts along tectonic plates will greatly alter our globe if hit again with an asteroid in the future. What I see in those gravity-generated pictures are imprints of possible relocations for oceans in a re-contouring of the landmasses. If I overlay them with a future asteroid impact target of the Mediterranean Sea at the conclusion of the apocalypse, it is analogous to tectonic stresses built up over centuries that collapse. Perhaps this asteroid will restore the earth’s movement to resemble its original spin-axis pattern. That is what I see in those gravity colored pictures in the discovery magazine. Check it out. America will look totally different with oceans covering most of the Midwest and part of California, the hotbed of GMO27 destined for destruction as the gravity pictures indicate from space. Later we will check out how five ancient clocks work, as scientists have not figured it out. I wondered why they all terminated at AD 2012. What is so important about that date that it becomes the fulcrum of the Bible’s 7-year prophecy of the apocalypse? Could there be a scientific explanation, not just religious speculation, that mystery clocks dovetail to one future date? I did not invent these calendar and clock cycles, but they align with a predicted asteroid strike almost no one is paying attention to! I have learned that there is a 13th zodiac constellation on the horizon, which upsets the pop astrologers because they will need to rewrite their script. Al Gore’s science group is struggling to explain global climatic changes, and now ancient clock dials terminate on one future date? The answer comes from the clock perspective, and you can read about the connection between the two in my next book, GMO Mysteries Revealed, The Fourth Babushka Mini-Egg. The ancients who designed these clocks must have known of another asteroid coming and figured out by tracking the X-axis when the wobble of the earth would finally come to rest and all Aztec, Chinese and Hebrew living in different continents concluded and projected that the future clock date to take notice would be 2012. Going back to our spin-axis hypothesis, historically there were probably a number of instances that were not recorded or unrecognized because historians were not looking for them. Only a computer model could give us some idea of what might have happened. I do not have access to that technology, so I am glad for the faithful scribes in the Bible who worked diligently to record these events and facts. Reading more about a coming Apocalypse you can check out in four languages for free on the internet for downloading or pay some money for the book at cost if you don’t want to bother. You will find facts from the Bible never preached in church for reason that many theologians are monorail specialist not a good balanced system. .27 GMO was a gross violation of a contract with God during Noah’s age, which caused the total destruction of that civilization. We do the same again and thereby incur God’s wrath to end our civilization in 2015. Read about the dangers GMO is causing from a global perspective following massive extinction violating God’s plan for humankind at the end of this book. Page 100 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 3 Summing up the Spin-axis Hypothesis Let’s remind us again of the cause and effect laws which work. Our earth is tilted now 23½˚. Why? Let look at a sailboat. In the bottom of the hull, we have a ballast of stones that will always keep the boat upright no mater how close horizontal the mast will come moved big waves or wind. If the wind stops, it will right itself because of gravity the center of the earth. I have seen ships, which look tilted just coming out from a storm. This indicated that the ballast is moved from the center and is now off-center. So the earth is tilted with the ballast in its center displaced because we have not a tilt axis 23½˚. What caused the earth to be tilted? I believe it was the asteroid from Noah’s time 2287 BC and a horrendous cosmic storm. The Bible records and the Aztec calendar tell us that the earth rotation was different before that and caused a prolific climate without snow and ice with animal life a thousand times more numerous as we can see 75% extinction happened very suddenly. The asteroid changed the ballast center of gravity, which consequently changed how the earth pointed towards the sun’s direction so that it now orbits lopsided around the sun. Right after the ballast shift, the earth went to a number of pendulum wobble cycles as we can witness in a boat during a storm. In Figure A, you will notice 2.82, which means the pendulum earth tilt axis moved to the right and left 72˚ like a pendulum wobbles while it is still traveling around the sun and turning 365 days in the direction of the old X-axis before it was hit. The earth did not stop rotating as it would have destroyed all life but kept going with the ballast tilted no longer in the center like boat after a storm. What amazed me to discover was that the wobbles of the spin-axis hypothesis overlay the 7,000-Year Table of Human History and Prophecy published three years ago. Like two different temperature scales coming together in one point [-40˚ = AD 2012] all cycle divisions match going from one scale to the other provided we adjust for our final Gregorian Calendar as the basis for our assumption. The Hebrew laid out the plan for humanity from the Heh dimension [the other side–spirit aspect] that is mirrored in the Daleth dimension [this world-in this time] in 12 x 490 cycles. I discovered in the Aztec calendar the last 13th cycle of 490 years as their timetable has at its base the number 13. When I converted the Aztec precessions of 5125 at 72˚ [AD 2012] into Gregorian years, they matched the Hebrew calendar scale to exactly 24-hour/day with an added 490year cycle, which is the 13th from the Aztec culture. Daniel and John’s prophetic cycles are viewed from the Heh side as the Aztec clock and spin-axis hypothesis is connected with a serpent I consider it to be the Daleth side. At the junction of two different calendar scales I found that the first prophecy given to Adam and Eve in the Bible now converges with an Aztec calendar cycles to end in identical future date adjusted to Gregorian fine-tuned calendar with a date = 17 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 101 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries September 2015. That prophesied date announces Satan’s head will be crushed by a future Messiah to return. The corrected dates crossover at the day of Jesus’ victorious First Resurrection of the Saints. At the same time, Satan is evicted from heaven indicated in Hebrew as Heh dimension, Aztec and Chinese calendar cycles also concluding, has his head crushed on earth - the Daleth dimension and is imprisoned in the lower domain of the underworld as a lone survivor awaiting his execution the next day (for God 1,000 years is as one day) in our Daleth calendar cycles after 1,000 years. All other demon fallen angels in heaven [Heh] or earth [Daleth] where previously executed by four Death Angel on the “Third Woe” incident in Revelation now dated 17 September 2015 using two ancient calendars crossover points including the Chinese a triple alignment provided we use adjusted Gregorian calibration. Therefore, when we see mystery clocks next we must keep in mind that a Gregorian adjusted calendar did not exist before Christ which makes a wobble of an earth axis very clear. Many ancient Egyptian dates are still disputed by as much as 250 years, which can now be calibrated better with a spin-axis restructured calendar. To date ancient clocks, I overlay their time structure with the Hebrew system, but I also invite a professional with a big computer to run a scenario from 2287 BC to AD 1582 [Gregorian time base] with a Y-axis at rest. The tilt of the earth’s rotational axis was only known in Galileo’s time, but I discovered the BC/AD crossover point of an infinite parabolic time matching the Hebrew when I made a graphic curve to get some order in my thinking. I too had to rewrite my book five times like the Aztecs built five pyramids due to proof reading my text. The exponential curve is not simple as some scientists may differ and postulate that clocks in museums should be dated more recently, yet still conform to the spin-axis hypothesis. That would shift a projection to your opinions about faith a little but not match as other cultural events embedded must mesh with gear cycles. Now we come to the chapters where we will investigate ancient mystery clocks nobody has deciphered its clock system. Scientists even after 100 years and equipped with computer weighing tons are still baffled what those contraptions mean, how do they work, and what was the design purpose originally intended? Let’s continue on our spin-axis journey as it gets more interesting. Before you read about the mystery clocks, STOP AND THINK. If the earth’s axis is vertical with no tilt, what would you see in the sky? This mystery you will have to discover yourself, and then you will understand the mystery clocks with two or three dials. Page 102 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Mystery Clocks and the X-Y Spin-Axis Hypothesis I have picked a few ancient clocks out of the many found in museums that are not deciphered by science. To design a clock, we first need to decide what kind. Only two types exist. Each will have some feature the other may not possess because it would become too complex for common use. • Aztec Clock, Bronze Age? • Persian Astrolabe • Chinese Bronze Clock, 2000 BC? • Antikythera Clock, 80 BC? • Indian Clock, 2000 BC? • Prague Astronomical Clock One familiar clock is the cuckoo clock. It tells me when I need to go to work. It wakes me up with an alarm or cuckoo bird counting the early morning hours to get me out of bed. If you have an expensive cuckoo clock, it will tell you the moon cycles even on a rainy day, or it may have a zodiac dial cross-referenced in my morning newspaper. Then there are the clocks high up in towers that sometimes show constellations. Rather that wake people up for work, making this kind of clock gives work to some favored people who are paid more than watchmakers. To justify their higher salaries, these clocks are called Astronomical. Perhaps that refers to the astronomical salaries paid by a prestigious university to impress common people. That gets the tourists flying in to see it so that the airlines make a profit. None of the tourists usually understands the dial contraptions that connect to bells and hidden wheels of wooden saints. The saints appearing in windows are interesting, but tourists primarily go to see the main feature, which is a fantastic bird worth spending $300 a night in a hotel to hear him. Each cry at the appointed hour reminds us it is time for lunch or to go shopping in the stores nearby. At the souvenir stores, you can find models of the famous clock made of pure gold to dangle around your belly to show off your wealth or to impress your relatives when coming home. I refer here to the oldest clock in Europe, which is found in Prague. It is the subject of my last chapter. Farmers buy Almanac calendars because they need to deal with the nature. Then there are mystery clocks found on the back shelves in obscure museums collecting dust. One more thing we should know to differentiate between the kinds of clocks we find in museums. In general, if it has a small circle offset Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 103 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries within a big dial circle then it has some features that are best explained by the X-Y-Z spin-axis hypothesis. Some features may only be rationally understood by this explanation. These old clocks and calendars were all designed between 2287 BC and 518 BC. If a clock has two dials, one on top of the other, then it dates to before 2288 BC. They are often made of stone like the Aztecs. If it has one dial, that is a clock after AD like hanging in my kitchen made of plastic. If it has no dial, then it could be like my digital watch connected with another ballgame. Therefore, the number of dials and the material help to determine a clock’s age. To design an ancient mystery clock for the Nobel Prize, we must consider the parameters explained next. First, hear about a new, top secret instrument made for the military to measure an X-Y-Z axis. Ancient Clock Designs Anything an engineer invents must have purpose and fit within design parameters to justify the expense. My kitchen clock is a simple batterydriven clock that cost less than 5 bucks and made in China. I feel sorry for the Aztecs who built million dollar clock pyramids that became obsolete as soon as they were finished, if not before. That is the price one must pay for living in the wrong century. To save money, they built them one on top of the other. Even that did not work though many of pyramids I inspected there usually tried that solution. It seems that the Mexico City Aztec priests were not too bright: they built 5 on top of each other – perhaps because they had more money. I suppose their astronomical clocks commanded astronomical salaries, too. When the Spaniards arrived, the game was over. What we know about the leftover Aztec technology mostly comes from what a Spanish friar collected to understand their calendar and religion. I use that information, but I differ in interpretation. I do not follow history as portrayed in museum books tainted with an illogical evolution theory. The Aztecs are usually dated about 600 AD plus or minus a few centuries. Seeing 200 feet of debris heaped up around five pyramids in the outdoor museum at the center of Mexico City, I wondered how long it took to pile up dirt 200 feet high by 30 miles wide to build a city on top of five pyramids. To build the lowest pyramid would have taken a long time without iron tools as they used river stones typical of the Bronze Age. Centuries later, they built the second one on top of the first. This was repeated five times, which must have taken a long time – more than the 300 years indicated in the tourist books. Some other records indicate that this city was first built on a lake bottom, and the scientists say that 300 years later they built four more pyramids for the fun of it? Anyone coming up with this kind of logic probably never walked outside the university to check out Mexico City or apply common sense to decipher a two-dial clock made from stone that weighs 20 tons. What I Page 104 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 do not understand is that Mexican people believe the stories that came to them from our northern universities. Their books sold in tourist stores tell the same story. I suspect that many just copy each other to avoid being fired from their jobs if they offered any ideas different from the humanistic religion enforced in every American school. Let’s nail down some parameters to design and decipher these mystery clocks found around the world. I hope some bright computer expert will test my theory within the following parameters. On the next clock picture, we see expressed two dials that represent the small diameter the X-axis and the large diameter the Y-axis. Here are some guidelines to design an ancient clock: 1. The X-axis is getting smaller as the Y-axis grows incrementally larger always to have the sum of 365.24 days in a year. 2. Converted monthly cycles appear shorter in an opposing spin axis–wobble phenomenon dated about 350 years later from the flood 2287 BC (Graphic chart [Fig. A], 2.82 ratio). A 2.82 ratio means the Aztec Spin X-axis is equivalent 4 Gregorian months long and the remaining 8 Gregorian equivalent months counter rotate on a Y-axis wobble for a 365-day count, which is the Zaxis. Theoretically, we can think of Christmas coming around twice plus some more months in one Gregorian year; however, each one of them must still follow a winter solstice. That means that Christmases with two solstices, or 24 months plus some more months within 365 days. After Noah’s death (350 years later) the X-axis is shrinking and therefore we observe solstice winter to summer days getting shorter, which makes very difficult circumstances to keep track. The ancients counted age according to passing solstice days. If there are two of them within a 365-day year, it means that people’s recorded ages will be greater than 120 years. Sometimes people celebrated two birthdays within one year like the two Christmases in one Gregorian year. It is similar if you are 40 years old in Gregorian calendar and using Figure A’s 2.0, which is before Moses’ time, would mean two times Christmas in one year; therefore, you would count 80 for your age in solstice cycles. I hope you can begin to understand the counter-clockwise pendulum wobble parameter. The 12 zodiac periods for instance is not sufficient to mark calendar positions when we have a wider wobble, so some ancient calendars have 24 star constellations embedded in them for the Zodiac like the Chinese YinYang calendar chart. According to the spin-axis hypothesis, the wobble becomes decreasingly smaller. The sky’s viewing periphery will become correspondingly narrower, too. Previously, the ancients picked zodiac stars close to the horizon that eventually disappeared below the horizon as the wobble changed. Then new stars higher up in the wobbling sky had to be chosen. The last fixed sky view is now centered on Polaris Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 105 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries with a fixed, non-wobbling 23½º spin axis with the 12 monthly constellations of the present Zodiac1 . 3. My spin-axis graph shows a residual wobble ending on 518 BC with a spin axis ratio of .457 at 23½º fixed spin. After that time, we have very few changes over the centuries until coming to rest at BC/AD. 4. The last, seventh spin-axis movement seen on my chart froze at 23½ at 518 BC as all the asteroid energy was used up, but there was still a two month delay corrected by Julius Caesar. 5. Then came the establishment of Aztec Precession of the Equinoxes theory loved by scientists believing in long ages. But they do not understand the Aztec calendar cycles of 260 days around the sun, which screwed up our history books dating ancient times. Not understanding 260-day cycles, 20 Aztec gods were blamed with scientific theories too convoluted for me to understand. 6. To sum it up, the visible Zodiac sky area was twice as large in the years just after 2287 BC because a wider wobble angle showed as many as 24 Zodiac constellations in ancient clocks. Polaris became the fixed star when the spin stopped at 23½º. You must have a fixed axis to notice that the sky is turning. If both the target axis point and the circumference of the horizon turn, try to measure star movements! That is why ancient calendars did not exist at certain times as it was impossible to figure out how the two ever-changing axes interplayed in observing the stars in the sky. After the spin-axis wobbled rested, different stars close to the horizon where picked for reference for monthly cycles. That is why man invented clocks with two or three dials depending in which century they lived. 7. The 12 Zodiac constellations we know came after 518 BC. 8. Conversion from Zodiac to monthly progression appeared in Julius Caesar’s calendar in 54 BC. When the generals got upset because the provisions for the army did not arrive on time marked by differing local calendars, Caesar changed it to the 12 months we recognize. I hope I did not go over this too quickly for you to follow. I will give it another try below. Recently, I discovered a clock picture that clearly shows the Precession of the Equinoxes, and it demonstrates my dual dial principle borrowed from the Aztec clock. Nobody has come up with a better idea yet. A Mechanical Ball-Resolver Calculator for an X-Y-Z Axis As a technician in 1965, I built the first mechanical calculator ball-resolver2 with a three-shaft axis control system to guide a rocket in space that had to track three dimensions simultaneously. Before the hey-day 1 Check out my Prague clock dial in the next chapters. 2 Patent GB1074294, SPERRY GYSROSCOPE CO., Feb.4, 1966. Inventor Richard Frank Towner, Page 106 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 of electronics, the accuracy of that mechanical guidance mechanism was quite impressive. It succeeded in guiding a rocket through space using a three-axis variable that automatically adjusted for the correct angle as it tracked from earth to a certain target on the moon within about 100 feet. I assembled it working for Sperry Gyroscope, Inc. in Canada. The device was mass-produced in the US under contract at San Diego’s military base if you want to check it out. Come to think that this mechanical Ball-resolver calculator with three output axis shafts would be a perfect clock design analogous to the Antikythera calculator clock in the Athens museum. It would perfectly simulate if you know the Z-axis wobble you could read out the other X-and Y-axis relationship on its output shafts. That might have been the reason why I was able to find out how the ancient mystery clocks work. Understanding that little rocket guidance device provides insights on how ancient clocks were designed, so I want to describe its design to you. Think of a little aluminum block 1.5 x 1.5 x 2.5 inches in size. Bore it out with a 1.06-inch diameter hole on its long axis. On each of its 6 sides, like a cube, we have a ball bearing shaft attached. Inside the bore center, we assemble a one-inch steel ball, perfectly round and polished like a large ball bearing. The steel ball is suspended, free to rotate in the center with six rotating ball bearings as pressure points to hold the ball frictionless in the center. Then we extend on the side a single pressure ball bearing with a shaft and at 90 degrees to the other side, another one. We still have the oneinch steel ball suspended in the middle, but if you turned one shaft 90 degrees, the shaft would drive the first ball and transfer rotation to the other. In our case the other would not turn yet as it is mounted exactly 90 degrees from the other roller shaft like the North Pole turns around its axis; therefore, there is no rotation of that second shaft. If we mount another 45 degree pressure ball bearing against the one inch steel ball on the bottom shaft above and turn it, then the ball would turn the other output shaft on each side half the speed as they are connected at 45 degrees and are driven by a roller from the bottom. Now all we have to outfit the bottom roller to move freely around 360-degree axis, which would turn the ball in various directions depending which angle the bottom roller faces. The two output shafts on the side behave mathematically like sine-cosines, as one would run a little faster as the other would slow down - all in relationship driven by a ball in the center moved from the bottom roller, which could turn around in a circular motion and set to a specific angle of 360 degrees. On each output shaft side of our ball-resolver contraption, we could attach a clock hand against a dial of 12 hours and read the difference according to trigonometry principles. The bottom base roller is the driver and each side shaft would tell us how much it gets portioned depending the angle adjusted. Remember the two output shafts always will total the bottom shaft rotation, like the X-axis added to Y-axis totals the 360-degree Z-axis. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 107 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Translated to our spin-axis hypothesis, the bottom pressure roller would be set or adjusted every year to a certain tilt axis wobble angle always totaling the 365-day Z-axis in one year within a 360-degree circle. Depending on a declining tilt axis, it would transfer a definite angle wobble and split that motion into two according to sine-cosine calculations summed up always a total of 365 days in a year by two output rollers with a ball transferring motion. For example, before Julius Caesar’s time, history records that we have 10 months in one year on one output shaft and on the other out put shaft will show 2 months on our imaginary dial mounted with hands against a 12-hour dial. The bottom angle driveshaft is set depending on the earth wobble angle to indicate a calendar position on this ball-resolver instrument. Another way to solve is from knowing the 10-month cycle that would give us the other roller’s 2-month position. The bottom roller would therefore tell us the tilt angle if you mounted a 360-degree dial on its shaft. Keep that design system in mind when we look next unknown clocks, which are designed along the same principles. We can now understand how the ancient three-dial Antikythera clock works. The 2 x 12 section back dial represents the Z-axis earth angle wobble like the bottom roller position. The other two rollers on each side above indicate a 48 and 59 window dial. We will all explain it later. The Mayan Tzolkin Count3 Looking at the Tzolkin picture, we see three dials. Do not bother to read what the scholars came up to explain it, but just visualize that we see three wheels. We will find them again later when we explain the Chinese clock and the Antikythera clock. Please do not forget this picture when we get to the next very important clock. The big circle on the right should have 365 teeth and is driving two gears, one smaller gear on the inside and next on the outside a medium sized gear or wheel. Imagine that as the big wheel moves, each of the other wheels also move. The left wheel is proportional to the inside wheel, whose total number of teeth equals the periphery of the big wheel to the right or middle. The smaller inside wheel represents the 3 The Aztec Calendar Handbook, Randall C. Jimenez and Richard B. Graeber, Historical Science Publishing Saratoga, CA. 95070. Page 108 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 X-axis and the outside wheel on the left side represents the Y-axis, with the big wheel rim in the center represents 365 years of the Z-axis. That clock system can be dated to the second Aztec pyramid with one wheel having 260-day teeth on the left side and the other having 105day teeth on the right, making one full turn in the center of 365-day teeth. Spinning it one turn you get a ratio for my Figure A in which is indicated the year of the Lord in BC on a suitable table. Divide 18 of the left wheel into 13 of the inside wheel we get 1.38 and check out the Figure A very close to 1.36 on the graph indicating Abraham’s lifetime. (18/13 = 1.36) If we want to know the range of this calendar, we use the 20-gear and compare them with the 18 and 13-gear. We get a calendar X-Y range by dividing 20 by 18 and get 1257 BC or (20/18 =) 1.11 in Figure A; 1257 and (20 by 13 =) 1.53, which is 1733 BC (20/13=1.53). So the range for this Mayan Tzolkin clock is 1257 BC - 1733 BC or 466 years. Thus translated, it matches with the ages of the 2nd and 3rd pyramids in Mexico City’s outdoor museum. Two Dial Clocks4 Examining other clocks further on will open up more evidence of an X-Y axis theory and perhaps someone will help me to find out how it really works. I only can give some approximate ideas as I usually look for key features. In this next expensive gold calculator, I see numbers on its outer periphery like other clocks but with 72 symbols. I could connect it with the 72-degree Precession of the equinoxes or with an in-between wobble of 72 degrees in a moving X-Y axis toward its final rest at 23½ degrees, or it could be both. I examined four more picture clocks with smaller dials on the inside and measured from the photographs the inner and outer diameter of the two circles. Their diameter ratio was #1=1.53 #2=1.47; #3=1.40; #4=1.47; and the result I relate and interpret it to be the inside tilt angle for the wobble of our earth. At 23½˚, the wobble would be 47˚ (2x23.5 = 47) If we multiply that ratio with 47 we get X-Y axis change like the exponential curve graph Figure A as shown in Chapter 2 describing the X-Y axis; therefore, we can date all of these clocks. For example, most clocks’ mean average in this chapter is 1.46. Figure A shows a calendar range on the exponential curve with a slowing down X-axis and gives me a date where those clocks would apply and fit and in this picture between Abraham-Moses lifetimes. Remember, the cycles of our wobble are getting smaller and will stop at about 518 BC where the precession of equinoxes has a circumference of a 47˚ wobble equal to the fifth (72˚) of the big circle Aztec years 25625.258. In other words, when the X-Y ratio is one on my Figure A, then we have a 47˚ wobble. If the ratio is 1.53 as on the first clock, then the wobble is 72˚ (1.53x47=72). Measuring the two diameters’ ratio tells us the X-Y relationship used in the clock’s design. For example, clock number #1 has an inside circle 4 Pictures taken from: © 2005 Museum of the History of Science. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 109 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries to outside circle ratio of 1.53. Imagine the small diameter circle turning clockwise and down a little on the right corner, then the bar comes across like a teeter-totter. It shifts and turns the big circle clockwise and up, as seen on the left side index bar hook. The outer dial’s circumference show 72 fields around its periphery and counting field’s therefore one field at a time represent a portion of the 72˚ for on full wobble turn like looking at the precession of equinox picture in the pervious chapter. The small dial circle on right bottom has a nose pointing to one of the 72 fields connected to five constellations for one turn = 47˚ wobble on the axis: Polaris, Aldebaran, Vega, Tau Herculis and Thuban. One degree equals 72 years, which here equals 72 field numbers. Knowing the total range divided into the five stars can tell an astronomer where it will match his clock. Notice the vertical lines of longitude and horizontal curved lines of latitude on its back plate. Page 110 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 The clock hand is the micro adjustment knob, which moves the sliding bar to the right or left in very small increments with transferring rotational motion of the small dial. We see that feature in other clocks. The next clock is named “Persia Astrolabe” also has 72˚ on the outer rim, but it can only be adjusted by two degrees on either side because of a fixed bar arrangement in contrast with the first clock that has a movable bar a small gear turning around an inner rim of the big gear. In the Persia Astrolabe clock, it would mean a preset range of +/- 144 years or a total range of 288 years. Later we will see a picture of an Aztec clock and other methods to measure an X-Y relationship in Mexican stone skull balls exhibited in the Mexico City outdoor museum that has a range of 8x14.3 for one layer between pyramids built on top of each other or 214 years. Another analogy explaining how that the two circles behave is like a teeter-totter. If we have a big fat adult person on one side with a child on the other, than we must shift the center point to make it equal to be horizontal or equally balanced like the first clock shows. As the big circle becomes smaller, the center point must shift with a movable bar like a teeter-totter. That shift point is what you want to measure or indicate your month in the calendar to plant seed. The Persian clock design is similar and shifts on two wheels and the hooks placed at an appropriate place to tell you the X-Y axis differential calculated with pi of a circumference through Polaris, Aldebaran, Vega, Tau Herculis, and Thuban. Later clock designs use gears more accurately with three dials like my modern ball-resolver design to include the Z-axis, but they still have the same underlying principles. Fully explaining these five clocks would take five books. Instead, I will only cherry pick one feature at a time and go to the next as they have overlapping attributes. I can only use them like hors d’oeuvres for other scientists to follow. An Inventor’s Perspective After chance or serendipity, taking a perspective is the most important tool in the world of scientific discovery. As high-tech inventor solving technological advanced problems, I use unconventional approaches that have always worked well for me. In fact I have a number of patents because of it. I am about to give you a brand new perspective on ancient Aztec calendars, the Bible and how life was experienced on planet earth during the early history of humanity. Modern media suppress the religious faith and spirituality of many great scientists, such as Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and many others. While I do not place myself in their league, I am no exception when it comes to perceiving God’s divine hand in His creation, His manual to humanity, the Bible as applied to the current affairs of this material world of space and time. In this short exposition, I will share some cultural links between several ancient cultures, describe some remarkable pyramids and relate it all to Bible history and prophecy. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 111 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries In this paper I explain how the Aztec calendar and its forerunners provide vital witnesses to the earth’s ancient rotational paths and angle of rotational axis. In essence, their mathematical structure demands an innovative yet possible scientific explanation related to the earth’s path around the sun. There are a number of different human calendars, but they all relate to marking the amount and angle of sunshine, moon phases, seasons and days. Their testimony reveals God’s purpose for us here on earth as well as what lies ahead in the future. I hope that my discussion in these pages will start you on a path of exciting discovery full of the fun that comes from mixing science and religion to the discomfort of the biased overeducated. My proposed explanations are uniquely my own. They are unconventional and contrary to popular scientific suppositions based on the theory of geologic uniformitarianism: in other words, I challenge the assumption that the earth’s presently observable geological forces operated uniformly from the origin of the earth to the present, a set of processes requiring millions and billions of years to produce the geological record. Uniformitarianism states that what we can see taking place within and upon the earth and in space today are the only acceptable explanations for the evidence of great geologic events in antiquity. Lately, some accommodations for the potential of asteroid impacts to alter the earth’s environment and climate have been proposed, but usually the events identified by acceptable scholars are placed so far back in antiquity as to be meaningless to human history. I disagree. Asteroid impacts have greatly affected the past history of the earth and will affect it in the future, too. Watch the Hebrew Aztec Chinese cycles 2012 colliding. What I propose below will be controversial to present scientific opinions because it describes radical changes to the earth’s axis and orbit around the sun due to a major asteroid impact in 2288-2287 BC. My hypothesis also supports a biblical worldview within a 7,000-year chronological system of cycles, which is the grandest of all clocks I call the Hebrew cuckoo clock. Right here at the start, I declare that I am not trained as an astrophysicist, a geologist or an archaeologist and I am not a theologian just because I believe the Bible. In my life, I became a successful inventor and as an applied scientist trained to make inquiring observations while seeking rational explanation evidenced in nature to expose my findings for all to see. In fact I hope that the new ideas I share in this paper will be evaluated by professionals in these fields and tested as a new theory should be – both from within the context of new perspective I propose as well as from the harsh reality of what has been found in the ground. I admit that I have only limited information available to me and not enough time for a thorough scholarly research required to adequately test my thesis. In the meantime, you are the judge of whether the presented facts make sense to you or not, as I need a lot of help from my fellow scientist. I use the Bible as a historically accurate reference book that demands proper scientific context in order to be comprehensively understood. By applying scientific analysis similar to what I used to successfully invent a number of hi-tech devices, I have discovered many new bibliPage 112 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 cal insights. Most dramatically, many of these insights relate to God’s master plan for humanity as laid out in Bible history and prophecy. Like Heinrich Schliemann, my country fellowman who lived in the late 19th century, believe that the ancient records are reliable and true when understood from the perspective and biases of the authors. Schliemann discovered the site of the city of Troy based on his interpretations of the Bible and applied it on Homer’s writings. Likewise I do the same thing with the Bible because I believe that it can be trusted. Again, you be the judge. Many think that the Bible is just a storybook because our secular scholars are embroiled in their profit-making ego-building and unproven theories rather acknowledging the underlying principles of ancient literature priceless masterpieces preserved for us from antiquity. The history of the Aztecs and their ancestors contrary to scientific opinions reveals many connections with the ancient Chinese and Egyptian-Hebrew cultures, which includes their calendars, basic religious practices and history. Their joint story features massive pyramids and the mathematical clues imbedded into their structures. Many eminent scholars have written about the Great Pyramid in particular. Almost all of them find intellectual genius beyond explanation in these pyramids. I am not alone in maintaining that they are evidence for divine intervention in the affairs of ancient humanity. In fact the pyramids provide many mathematical keys regarding the nature of science, of physics, time, the natural order and prophecy. My hypothesis about a different, pre-Flood orbital path of the earth around the sun powerfully confirms the important dates for the Apocalypse that I presented in my books Apocalypse Prophesied and Mystery of Tammuz 17, which are available on the Internet5 to read and/or download for free. They may also be purchased or ordered from your local bookstore translated in German, Spanish and Arabic. My studies of the Bible, the Aztec calendar and Chinese zodiac calendars set the date when the doors of the Ark were closed at 21 December 2288 BC, which begins the chronology of Noah’s Flood, the First Apocalypse to strike the earth. The flood waters began in earnest with the asteroid impact on the 5th of February 2287. This Flood date connects with the Hebrew analysis of a beginning, midpoint and endpoint of the biblical Apocalypse 2008-2015 prophesied by Jesus. When Jesus said that the next Apocalypse will be like Noah’s days, I never thought that he meant it literally the same day as we will find out later. Taken from another scientific source the Mayan and Aztec calendars also date the end of this world to 21 December 2012, which I have identified as the climatic midpoint of the seven-year long Great Apocalypse. All three ancient cultures Aztec-Chinese-Hebrew intersect at two of the dates I discovered. You will learn a great deal from my books besides dates and cycles, and if I am correct about them, then you, my friend, will be way ahead of most in preparation for the coming Apocalypse. The “coincidences” overwhelmed me to the point that I could not be silent, although I knew that many would ridicule my discoveries. Go online and read my books which are free, because it made no sense to me charging profit and losing it thereafter in a few years’ with world banks collapsing 5 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 113 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries in a prophesied apocalypse as I believe my dating hypothesis. After all, you are responsible with your life testing my information. If you look at the Aztec clock sold in many tourist stores, we cannot readily see that they represent one moving dial on top of each other. I only want to give you some ideas as the theory gets quite involved with a different spin axis of our earth never heard about, which I explained in detail in the previously chapter. Here we want to recognize just enough obvious features to gain some understanding what all five mystery clocks share in common. The other bronze clocks explained later will show that they have similar features and comparing them with each other could finally encipher all the secrets they contain in one unifying theory. So I would suggest reading it all through even if some does not make sense the first time around. As we build up our knowledge of different ancient clocks, it will than make more sense and as a whole will complete the puzzle picture properly assembled. The Aztec Clock in 1900 BC A 20-ton stone with Aztec symbols on it was found in Mexico. It belongs to the Bronze Age before Christ. Scholars figured out that it was a calendar system difficult to fit with our modern calendar, but it has become a major tourist attraction. Page 114 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 I did not realize how it would capture my imagination when I discovered a connecting trail to other cultures like Hebrew, Chinese and even a gold plated bronze disk found in Germany, which seem to connect with each other. The Aztec worshiped the sun god like the Egyptian and many ancient cults that are painted on many palace walls and chambers of important buildings. The sun god Huitzilopochtli was Lord of all created things and the Lord of the Almighty. But in the evolutionary development of cultures we can see transition from neighboring influences and therefore we cannot generalize when most books refer to a sun religion what time frame it belongs. When I studied the palace wall picture in the very heart of Aztec culture I noticed a transition of a religion as I will elaborate more after I explained the clocks. For now, I want to mention that in the very center of Mexico City is the Teotihuacan Temple of the Sun. We later will follow the trail of a horrible religion of human sacrifices that totally developed opposite of the original religion not portrait in tourist books for obvious reason, as it would relate to a Bible we in the West reject. Legends have it that the Aztec calendar ends in the fourth quadrant 21 December 20126. All other bronze clocks in museums we will later examine have the same range ending AD 2012, and we may not know why unless we read what I have to say? The Aztecs say that ancient ages were founded in darkness but must follow a fifth sun cycle of light and will pursue a new World Order, which will emerge from the ruins of Teotihuacan. So have a look at my Cuckoo clock diagram at the end of this chapter and notice similarities of our present Dark Age kingdom belonging to a serpent and the Kingdom of light thereafter. That comes right out of Aztec history books I never knew before but I now become familiar with. My calendar interpretation will be very unusual from what you can read in tourist books therefore it is not copied and are original. Even comparing holidays of Aztec religious cycles, like five unholy days were added to the mathematical count per year, which could be compared with five Hebrew unhappy holidays in the Hebrew religion you can read in Mystery of Tammuz 177. We will see many parallel in other cultures and you will have to form your own opinion about it. My dating and explaining the Aztec clock is unique. I come from studying five unfinished pyramids at the very center of Mexico City’s outdoor Museum. These five pyramids were built according to five different Aztec calendars, obviously at different times. One of it has a 260-count and that is what our entire scientists base a calendar sequence poles apart to our Gregorian calendar. Why? Is the ancient Aztec not as smart as we count solstice cycles? Are we superior to have a simpler calendar? Why invent such a complex calendar not tracking the moon or earth cycles in a simple way to end with a 260-day cycle? Our calendar makes so much more sense just counting one solstice to solstice and divides it into 12 months? Why would a Julius Caesar about 54 BC have 10-month cycle because he liked the Roman numerical or 6 The Mayan day-keeper date of 5,125-year, long count cycles (5,200 tun) is AD December 21, 2012. (Scofield,1991). 7 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 115 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries was it a remnant of an Aztec calendar from the last pyramid calendar build measuring a different track spin of our earth? So let’s find out never published in books I know of. The answer to this question is complex, as we must first look into history when the first explorer Don Hernando Cortes, Marques del Valle from Europe 1519 contacted a strange existing civilization with big cities and one hundred million people living in Mexico. Then history records that the Spaniards killed off an entire culture and destroyed a land existing for thousands of years, which is one of the darkest historic events ever recorded. As they burned down town after town with thousand year library buildings, ancient records and pillaged the countryside looking for gold everywhere, it becomes difficult to collect remains left over. Melting down priceless golden objects of art in a frenzy of church sanction looting is one of the greatest crimes perpetrated by the Catholic Church. The only record many scientists’ quotes come from a Catholic Friar Duran. He collected and wrote down some of the strange religion with calendar regulated festivals rooted in an Aztec calendar of 260 days and cosmic calendar counts unknown to the European. What is left for us recorded was a complex religion of 20 gods and festival cycles intervened with the Aztec religion. Through it like a mirror reflection we can reconstruct an ancient calendar. My opinion is that the dating system presented by most scholars was carelessly put together from mistranslations that are not cross-referenced with other ancient records like the Bible. Our earth has many nations, which gives us a mosaic of various ancient cultures that have common roots. If you want to understand the Aztec religion and their holy day cycles, there are excellent books available I recommend one book I discovered in a Los Angeles Mexican store8. Since I describe spin-axis phenomena and not a religious calendar cycles, it was not much use for me except some important observations I still would recommend buying their books if you are interested to further study an Aztec religion. Checking out what other people write about an Aztec calendar I come to conclude that scientists do not differentiate between religious cycles and real calendar cycles. We have the same thing in the Hebrew calendar, which has their religious holy day not following every year the same month. It is like our Easter celebration is different from year to year. Scientists tracked down an Aztec religious calendar of 260-day cycle which thousands of years before BC would have made sense. But now when Cortes showed up in the Americas, the original calendar was no longer used where those religious cycles came from, as no longer pyramids where built either. A Catholic Friar witnessing burned out village after village talked to some survivors and verbally wrote down from them what some festivals meant and it became the only assembled picture for us to know something about the Aztecs clock. 8 The Aztec Calendar Handbook, by Randall C. Jimenez and Richard B. Graeber, Historic Science Publishing Saratoga, Ca. 95070. Page 116 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 The monk described a religious calendar that came from ancient calendar cycles that no longer had any resemblance of what it was at the period of 1500 AD. The last unfinished pyramid made from river stones in the center of Mexico City dated 1500 BC years prior proves it, as now appear bronze calendars in other countries with a spin-axis Y and X. Now we are ready on a discovery path much different you read in Aztec tourist books. We must place clock or calendar cycles in historic perspective where they make sense. A 260-day cycle does no longer make sense in our time and it is a waste of time to massage a theory to make it plausible. Elaborate cycles within cycles where invented and books copied from each other, but nobody ever came out with something original. Only when we place it in a historical context with other cultures can we get closer to the mystery. Deciphering the Aztec Clock I compare the Stone Aztec clock with the Hebrew clock that has two dials. The very center of the Aztec shows a disk with an old fashion stone arrow pointing north. The disk was designed to turn like a clock hand. On each side of the arrow we notice two squares quadrants, total four with outlines connected together surrounding a tiger head on either side. The tiger head represents the equinox position with plenty food available to separate four-season winter-spring and summer-fall. The arrow points to 20 squares in one circle. Then we have for (4) section of seven (7) also found in the Antikythera clock. The next circle on the dial has four (4) letters like an “A” with legs curled up and four (4) pyramid shaped letters to a total of eight (8), indicating an unknown “X” axis spin of our earth. When we check out later the Chinese three dial Clock and its digital pattern revealed that the 8 position translate into seven turns of an unknown earth axis spin I have explained it in the previous chapters. Also, notice the outer dial of the Yin Yang Chinese clock has 24 symbols, which correlate to the Aztec clock. It ends with 11-window section connected with God picture in the 12 o’clock position and the bottom the feather eagle head. To understand an Aztec clock for an example we can compare it to a Kitchen clock dial with two hands. Moving the big hand over the small hand and counting 13 crossovers, we have 12 clock positions very similar to yearly 13 moon cycles in a 12-month progression. Assume you never have seen a clock in your life that measures day and night cycles. All that we see are sunrises from east to west. We also would notice that the days getting longer and than shorter again. Counting them in prehistoric times, we would become aware that it takes 26 days for the North Pole full front to face the sun. Then we observe that the sunrise reverts 26 days and rises from the west going east for 26 days, as now the South Pole would face the sun for complete cycle a total 52 days. That represented a year in pre-Aztec time solstice to solstice. Therefore, the Aztec year was then divided into four sections like we do and call them equinox and solstice positions two for each. Then there is another relationship to consider and that is the moon cycles. Ancient Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 117 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries tribes used the moon cycles still today looking at the Hebrew and Islam calendar. But the moon does not synchronize with the earth turning as he just follows the earth attracted by gravity against the moons desire rather like to leave and go into the universe. Between these forced is a like a game of luck and give none really winning. Moon cycles affect the earth’s tidal cycles and other disturbances like earthquakes not very well yet defined. This little change of cycles would affect a calendar if you count more than 1000 years; therefore, the moon-earth relationship was tracked by the priests. When we do not have familiar clocks then we must have system to generate some tables and calculate from a given perspective. Repetitive cycles made sense on a wheel and in no time, we have a primitive clock. Pointers or disk mounted on a center would measure crossovers of spin-axis cycles. Only later, when we had stability do we see numbers around a dial. Counting crossovers rather than numbers on a dial is a screwy relationship. Seeing 20 cycles or 260 days in year does not make much sense unless we find out what the ancients tried to measure. Crossover is still used today when we consider 12 months imbedded with 13 moon cycles for one Gregorian year. The Aztec clock found in Mexico City measures time after the asteroid impact. Even though the spin-axis had changed, they kept the old counting system going for a while until better clocks were invented. Now looking at the face of the stone Aztec clock, I noticed a hieroglyph letter that looks like a little “pyramid” “٨” and a letter “A” four each in a star formation. We know that imbedded must be a seven spin around the Z-axis of 365 days. In addition, we start counting when the North Pole is facing the sun, which we call solstice. So how does a number 4, 8, 7, 11 12, 13, 24 fit in a clock system including solstice and equinoxes which would make sense. A clock system that will measure both calendars before and after the asteroid impact is analogous to our outdoor thermometer with two different scales [Fahrenheit-Celsius] that come together in minus 40 degrees or at a future time. A clock is similar as we can determine time cycles that must mesh at certain points to correlate. The stone clock system must be built with a scale of 7 cycles and fit 12. Take a pencil and paper and make a horizontal line across a page to generate two time cycle scales. On top, divide 2 x 7 =1 4 equal spaces. Then underneath, divide the same space into 2 x 12 = 24 spaces. Now Page 118 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 we have created a calendar clock like a temperature scale that will explain the Aztec clock. I put a half moon over each cycle and put a number in it from 1-14 and on the bottom 1-24 to indicate graphically a range for each cycle. They are all connected on the same horizontal pencil line. Now draw a vertical line in the middle between 7 and 8 making it two equal parts at the 14 cycle scale. Notice that we have seven equal halfcircle spaces two times. This represents 7 spins around 365 Z-axis turns. Now mark a little “N” or “S” on top of each half circle to indicate North or South Pole solstice (14 times). Next, draw another vertical line through the apex or middle of the 4th half circle and a vertical line through the 8th half circle apex circle indicating 2nd cycle of 7 spins. This one we name a little pyramid “Λ” hieroglyph from 1-4 and the other is the letter “A” hieroglyph from 4-8 again two equal length which will represent your front dial of the stone Aztec clock. Notice also that the 4th half circle South Pole apex vertical line intersects on the bottom [24 spaces] between 6 and 7 half moon cycles. It means 6½ we can become familiar later with the Antikythera clock back dial just remember when we get there. Therefore 12 cycles on the bottom scale equals on 7 spins on the top scale for one year comparing one scale with the other. The apex with a letter S indicating South Pole solstice of the 8th vertical line should intersect with the completed 13th bottom of 24 cycles. Consequently 13 moon cycles equals 8 quadrants [above count 8 letters ending with a letter S] pointing toward the sun as indicated with a hieroglyph pyramid “Λ” letter alternating with the letter “A” on the front face of the Aztec stone clock. The reason we must have two year [365 days] total 14 Aztec cycles in a 7 spin system is that the North Pole rotating from solstice to solstice is a prime number, but 2 times 7 is not. The North Pole alternates the first time around in relationship to the 13 moon cycles and starts the next cycle at the South Pole. The 13th cycle makes the system not even like 12 because it is offset by one-half spin cycle. Starting from the North Pole position and ending on the 13th will be the South Pole solstice facing the sun. Continuing, we come back to an even number after the second cycle with the North Pole solstice to start again facing the sun that yet needs 2 x 365 day cycles to match moon cycles. The Aztec dial has eight front hieroglyphic symbols from which divides into two times four (4) sections and incorporate 13 moon cycles within a 7spin axis solstice-to-solstice relationship. The 12 monthly cycles has imbedded 7-spin cycles and need two years because of the North-South polarity. Aztec Sky Vision - 4 Quadrants “٨” In the previous chapter, I mentioned how the quadrants before the Flood must have looked for the Aztec to formulate their calendar. Because we are not accustomed to think in that dimension, I will reiterate it a little differently. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 119 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Before the asteroid impact at Noah’s time 2288 BC the earth axis was turning horizontal with a 7 time spin of 52 equivalent Gregorian days for one times around the sun (360 days). If we looked up in the sky and saw the days go by, what did the sky look like and the stars in pre-Flood times? Scientists tell us today that the earth is placed on the best location to view the heavens to see an expanding universe. If we where located in the middle of a galaxy than we would see not much, like being in a fog of dust or dense space debris obstructing vision. We know that the sun is on the end outside the Milky Way and from that vantage point we have a fantastic view to see the stars when the sun is not blinding us on the other side of our earth. Now let’s think a little if the earth axis is horizontal still going around the sun what would we see? In a horizontal axis seven times spinning in a full turn around the sun viewing the sky would be a little different. What is behind you? If you are on the bottom than behind you is nothing, no galaxies. In one year (a 7-cycle world), we would see the sky 100% vision of the stars one time. Another time we would see no stars 100% of the time as the earth is so that there is nothing to see behind us. In between these two cycles, we see a sky partially filled with stars like the moon gets bigger or receding, but in our case it is the nightly sky star vision. My description of seeing nothing is exaggerated. It is relatively nothing. I am sure that the southern exposure does have some stars but much less than the northern. So, we have 4 quadrants of star vision, which we could recognize in our time as the Aztec calendar before the deluge had 4 quadrants. Measuring a year’s passage would be a cycle analogous to where we would see the starry skies 100%, than receding 50%, than no sky, ascending 50% to full star sky again during the night cycle. To measure a full year I would pick the biggest star constellation when the sky came around and call it 12 o’clock and that would be for me, Christmas. But it gets a little more complicated because the earth has a spin seven times when the North Pole will see the sun full face seven times in a year. So therefore the ancient had seven times more Christmas or we should call it Solstice day #1, Solstice day #2, etc. to Solstice day #7, ending full turn on Christmas again the biggest solstice day, which was probably a holiday. It is the same principle when the sun is in front of us. There is no sky vision, and when the sun is behind us then we see the stars again. In preFlood times, the stars where only observed during half the quadrants similar to moon phases. Let’s not forget that even then, the earth still turned in daily night and day cycles going around the sun like today. In those days, there were 26 cycles when the sun rose in the East, and 26 cycles where sun reversed and rose in the West. If you are confused, check out my bicycle analogy in chapter 2 again. Now something very big happened as recorded in the Bible, the oldest book on earth. This book is unique, written by 40 very credible eyewitnesses who are very intelligent when I read their stories. Page 120 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 Genesis reported an asteroid, which changed the rotation of our earth. It caused millions of people to vanish in a flood of water, and only eight survived because they built a boat. The date of the asteroid hitting the earth was 5 February 2287 BC. What did the overhead sky look like after the impact of 2287 BC? I described previously that the first impact changed the tilt axis from a horizontal rotating position to a more vertical position by 60%. That created a wobble now of 72º or earth spin and is now 23½º fixed no longer a spinning wobble. As we have learned previously a mass once disturbed will eventually absorb the energy and come to rest. That expresses itself in a 60% spin reduction at the first impact, and then after that the earth will see a wobble reduction of 12.5 degree as the impact energy is fizzed out according to physics for the remainders 40% energy spend. So at 2287 BC the earth ended up with a wobble of 72 degree twice the 36 two times from the center of rotation. From there on the wobble becomes smaller as energy is dissipated and subtracting 12½ two times from 72 degree we arrive at a wobble of 47 (half of 72=36-12½ = 23½) which is now a 23½ degree fixed, no more wobble at BC/AD. If we looked up at the sky with Noah’s children after the deluge, we would have been perplexed as the sky looked a lot different. There were star constellations that looked the same but moved in a different direction. Now the sky could be seen through out the year cycles, no more quadrants. In addition, the vision range of the sky seems to be much smaller, fewer constellations where now noticed. Counting times was now impossible only day-count seemed to work going nowhere and did not gave information when to plant seeds bordering an unknown substance called ice and snow where vegetables would not grow, never experienced before. Sometimes there would be a colorful light bow in the sky (rainbow) connected with buckets full of water torrential rain never experienced. Different houses had to be built for shelters and warm clothing never used before now became absolutely necessary to keep warm. Wood had to be gathered for a long snowy season and vegetable stored to survive. All without tools and metal no one remembered from Noah’s family how metal was made as they where only carpenters and not iron smith. As a matter of fact, it seems that four quadrant cycles were replaced with four cycles of very cold freezing period and one very warm period with two in the middle in longer cycles and could not understand why those four cycles have so much changed never experienced before. They looked similar but very different. We now can identify it with calendar possibilities. The Aztec–pre-Flood had 52 days (called year-month) turning 7 times in a year as we today count seven days (week) turning 52 times. Previous cycles allowed a perfect climatic weather conditions with lush semi tropical huge plant growth. After the Flood, everything was different. The previous calendar no longer working even have five days more around the sun found out later. The sky with the stars now in full vision every night no longer show Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 121 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries quadrants the old-fashioned way, besides hundred changes found in the Bible and geology you could fill enough pages to write another book. How did a new calendar emerge telling time especially needed when to plant vegetable so close to an ice border with new seasons like winter-spring-summer and fall and as the earth experiencing now for the first time an ice period with smaller ones to following looking into the future now history? The Aztec culture tells us how they coped with their new environment. They original kept their calendar count method as they did not know any better. Eventual it caused a big headache building various pyramids to measure new constellations in the sky that seemed to change for mystery reason. We are now in an X-Y axis change environment where not only a complete sky view becomes narrower moving into fixed pattern, but whole constellations disappearing or diminishing. Every time they picked a series of constellations to fix a year, a hundred years later it changed, and the priests needed another reference point in the sky. The biggest were climatic changes which opened more land for cultivation and with it came a dissimilar sky vision for different locations expanding further North or South. It took centuries to figure it out. The proof is found in Mexico City where you will find five pyramids on top of each other buried in 200 feet deep debris and other pyramids build within a narrow equator corridor around the globe. Many pyramids we see in other continents all needed to measure time cycles starting from ground zero. In time calendar clock systems were invented which were cheaper than pyramids. A sun clock became handy when the sun shined. This gave way to other methods like water or sand clocks, eventually wheels connecting with wheels like the Antikythera clock contraption nobody has figured it out. It ends with a five Dollar watch on my wrist, which evolved over millions of years if you believe what is taught in our hi-tech world university. It seems we are no better off like the Aztecs still embroiled in controversy of measuring historic time by building five pyramids on top of each other. Religious Interpretation of the Aztec Four Squares When we look at the stone-faced Aztec clock we can cross reference what other scholars wrote. They too seemed to have the opinion that the clock represents four (4) movements or four epochs connected with religion. Even today 50% of our libraries contain religious information ignored by our education establishment. Gathering more information in my previous published book I refer from the Toltec times and believe now it connects with before the Aztec time as they too express four sun-periods that will cover the range of human history. Their religion says that every man born in a certain cycle will be influenced by that cosmic star position and conform to it like being bound or wrapped up where future events cannot be controlled by the individual but it is his fate. Page 122 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 Many ancient societies had cycles embedded in their calendars that mark the end the world with destruction as well as their rebirth in a new cycle. Checking out those four cycles from the Aztec perspective, I was dumbfounded to recognize that they agreed with Genesis. Let’s compare it with the Bible: NAHUI ETHECATL: Four winds The first epoch is named NAHUI ETHECATL, and it describes the darkness becoming light, creation of trees, rocks and earth. (Genesis 1:3-25) NAHUI OCELOTL: Four Ocelots The second epoch is NAHUI OCELOTL – giant created by god. (Genesis 6:4) NAHUI ATL: Four Waters The third NAHUI ATL the earth was plunged into darkness by a catastrophe, terrific storms, rain of a great flood covering the earth and waves reaching to the highest mountain peak. (Genesis 7:17) NAHUI QUIAUHUITL: Four Fire-Rains The forth epoch NAHUI QUIAUHUITL “Four Fire Rain” describes the third age building pyramids, temples and cities but at the end it will rain fire from the sky, the earth split open, spewing red hot lava and red hot stones annihilating everything. From the Mayan sacred book Popol-Vuh “it was ruin and destruction.” People were drowned in a sticky substance raining from he sky...the face of the earth grew dark and the gloomy rain endured days and night ... there was a great din of fire above their heads.” (Revelation 16:1-21) Dear reader, I did not make that up but copied it from the last Aztec book I read. Please be informed that what you read from ancient Mayan religion I described exactly in my second book Mystery of Tammuz 17 coming from the Hebrew culture imbedded from the Bible. Check it out on the Internet and discover a fantastic overlay matching Daniel’s and John’s prophecies. Identical events were told by the Aztec people in their ancient myths as recorded by a Catholic friar in 1558. The five pyramids on top of each other indicate five different ages. Consequently, we would expect five different clocks – one for each unknown spin-axis relationship. But only one clock was found. The first Aztec clock dials turn to indicate one 13 squares ending up on top representing “Good” and than we have reversed 13 square cycles on the bottom showing a featherhead “evil”. This reveals that there are cycles of 26 times the sun going from East to West and than we have a cycle where the sun goes up from the West and down in the East. This was a major discovery, which can only be explained with an unknown spin X-axis. The top looks like a square similar to Chinese symbol of “Garden” could represent God the creator of the universe in the Garden of Adam and Eve, and the bottom Satan with a feather headdress. These two polarities indicating solstice positions are religiously explained on palace wall pictures in Mexico City later make clear. The mechanism is quite elaborate and requires that we learn about other Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 123 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries axis relationship previously described, but for now I do not want to confuse you and rather explain a modified Hebrew clock which is very similar and simpler. We must remember that the Aztec clock sold in tourist stores reflects only one out of five usable clocks for every 214 year time cycles. Therefore, four other clocks are missing. When found, they will be useful in measuring calendar changes until the unknown X-axis is fading out in about 518 BC. So dating this Aztec clock after Christ as most tourist books show is way off the page as they connect with river stone build pyramids obviously placed in the Bronze time. For each pyramid built on top of each other, a different time clock was required; hence we should look for four more Aztec clocks each from a different time period. The one calendar clock found matches the 2nd pyramid. This is as I copied it above. I created in my previous books a Hebrew cuckoo clock with two dials to indicate 7,000 year time cycles for mankind. It developed when I deciphered the Hebrew Alphabet Number System, which can be simply adapted with a few additions from the Hebrew cuckoo clock published on the Internet9 The clock has two dials just like the Aztec clock. Let’s start out with a straightforward usable clock representing Aztec calendar cycles from before the Flood, which had a different earth axis spin we find out later. It should not be so complex that only scholars would argue about it. Briefly, the Aztec calendar must track two spin axes which later merged into one frozen at 23½ degrees we observe today. One of the earth axes from pole to pole was rotating in a horizontal position and this spin-axis I call X. The other is going around the sun 365 days that I call Z. When an asteroid hit the earth on 5 February 2287, the calendar changed forever resulting in axis wobble I call Y, which eventually is the one we got stuck with today. I found it replicated in the 25,625 Tzolkin Count spin-axis wobble when it came to rest at 23½ degrees. As one original axis got smaller, the other grew bigger until they merged together into one. That took some time, and humanity had to change calendars quite frequently, as history will bear out. To show two axis changes we should have two dials so that on one we tell time from the X-axis and the other Y-axis like we have two hands. In this case, we have different hour indicated so consequently is better to show it on two dials. The Chinese and Greek clocks later showed a calendar position on three dials, which than included all three xyz axes. If you look at my published cuckoo clock, you will notice a clock circles representing two dials. It has an inner dial on top of the outer dial that reveals the Hebrew calendar with seven letters like the Daleth and Heh dimension with the Hebrew letter Waw-Zayin–Chet–Teth–Jod corresponding to five time cycles in one quadrant and each indicating the ages of humanity on earth. This clock has a range of 7,000 years. The two dials can be converted to be an Aztec clock by just adding 13-hour cycle markings on its outer periph9 Page 124 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 ery indicating day count. On the inner circle we just add seven main markings subdivided by 4 quadrants times cycles (seven times) indicating the four seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall - (4 x 7 = 28) 28 hour markings. The clock therefore indicates four season times 13 (13 x 4 = 52) we get 52 Gregorian days, which is one, turn of a spin-axis X. As the outer dial keeps turning its 13-day cycles equivalent to a month, the second dial than indicates seven cycles of 52 days which becomes a full turn around the sun the Z-axis. Going 7 times around is called the X-axis and has seven winter solstices and seven summer solstices that can be counted looking at the sun. If you are lost, please go back to chapter 2 to my bicycle wheel description explained before. Our present calendar has only the “Y” axis left which turned differently before the flood. It evolved from the “X” axis, which turned the earth in a different direction. Before the Flood, the sun moved from east to west 26 days, which is half the cycles of 52 and then reverses its direction half the other way. Check out again my bicycle wheel illustration. Since we have seven-turn crossover of the “X” axis to make one normal year, the inner dial therefore needs to have seven divisions to indicate one year passage of time. The big pointer consequently indicates the 13 days needs to go four notches indicating very short seasons, whereas the smaller point moves around the inner dial with seven divisions divided into four quadrants or 28-hour markings. It is a good clock just like ours today, but there will be two axes to check out later because it was the clock before 2288 BC. When we observe shorter season like 13 days for each equinox, this would account for a very pleasant even climate where snow is not known, not even rain, very consistent what the Bible reports. Now let’s look at the second pyramid the Aztec build in Mexico City. Five times the Aztec got upset with their calendar not realizing that the X-axis is getting smaller and merging into a Y and still could not have a calendar matching reality. They must have wondered why their calendar counting is getting worse, which used to work perfectly, costing millions of Peso Dollars in their currency. In our Aztec clock model all we have to do exchange the inner dial with five markings times four subdivisions for seasons to indicate the slowed down X-axis. That is what so many of the last pyramids might have indicated. So for the 2nd Pyramid on top of five in Mexico City and staying with the old counting cycles of 13 outer dial-days which advance one notch on the inner dial still having four quadrants again but now is subdivided with five markings in each quadrant totaled up 20 cycles to make the calendar work again. That means we see now 20 cycles and not 28 previously, which 13 outer dial cycles times four season times five equals 52 cycles of 260 days in one year seeing solsticeto-solstice positions. This is difficult for us to understand as we have a pendulum wobble going backwards making up the apparent missing days still 365 for a grand cycle around the sun. In time again it became obvious that this clock representing a pyramid system from before flood condition is getting worse and completely useless measuring solstice to solstice, beCopyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 125 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries cause it requires adding one day every 15 years for corrections as the X axis merges with the Y-axis. And on top of it after 260 day count with the old system they had to add a few more days to make up for the mayor solstice full year cycle of 365 days measured against a mayor solstice 21 December date. Spending millions Aztec dollars some came up with a simpler method, which can be seen on top of the pyramid in the outdoor museum Mexico City. There is a wall where they piled up skull stones in rows of 8 x 15 layers =120 total. In temple walls further down in history we can see pictures from a latter period like a Chinese calculator three ball rows of 11 three times next to each other (99) indicating 21 skulls less (120-99 = 21). That calendar counting now is more advanced and became smaller indoor calculus just like we do one invention on top of another. Pyramids now changed in purpose as also iron tools imported from Europe can fashion stone to built palaces and steeper pyramids more prominent to reflect power and prestige of the elite. Looking at five pyramids on top of each other I ask why they not stopped before it got so bad. The answer lies in their religion which changed from a monotheist believe of one God from the Hebrew tradition which now has 20 gods which must be ritual served by a complex high priestly religious system. That religion was rigorous controlled by scientifically enforced calendar cycles from the 2nd pyramid build in Mexico City and embossed in an Aztec calendar stone, which was found and interpreted by our scientist not very knowledgeable in other cultures. When monorail science of our time, like an unbalanced system becomes a religion, it therefore becomes corrupt ending in the death of a civilization. America should learn from the Aztecs and notice in which direction we are going as a nation. We too have now a controlling evolution Page 126 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 theory, which is like an intolerant religion destroying a 200-year-old American monotheistic, Christian culture. 120 Skull Calendar Mystery How do you keep track of an X-axis you cannot see because it is going backwards or counter clock and what is the meaning to pile up 8 skulls in a row 15 times? Let’s calculate to get some answers and focus on 8x15=120 skulls relating to 120 days wobble reversals during one Z-axis cycle. Notice that in the picture we have 7x15 = 105 skulls. Those skulls came 214 years after the first pyramid was built, and they represent an improved technology for a new calendar system applied during the second stage of another pyramid built on top of the old one. Originally, they started with 120 skulls but invented a mathematical system once they understood more of the wobble spin axis. We know that after the asteroid impact, the year changed from a 360day cycle to 365 days around the sun, which is the Z-axis. Since the earth sometimes has a pendulum wobble opposite the movement to a counterclockwise rotation, we find that people on earth only see day and night cycles 245 days from winter solstice to winter solstice at the time they invented the skulls, which measures only an eight (8) month long year Gregorian years period (365-120 = 245) after 2287 BC. The missing four (4) month is counting an X-axis wobble rotating opposite to a total of 120 days. Reflect that in Julius Caesar’s time he corrected for four skulls left over from the pile 62 days (62/14.3 = 4.33) if he could have visited Mexico City. Later in the Chinese clock, we will find the 2x8 mystery number. That, of course, will change when we eventually have a 24-hour/day clock, or 2x12, because we do no longer have a c.w. wobble, the axis becomes fixed at 23½˚. However, the Aztecs also got confused, and it was very expensive for them to build five pyramids that did not fix a diminishing axis scenario. Humankind started counting from 2286 BC one year later from the impact of the asteroid, which is the official ancient date when Noah left the boat. We find that date in the Toltec culture measured from Adam and Eve 2004 BC which is 33x52 cycles = 1,716 short count Aztec years (4004-1,716 = 2287)10. It matches the Hebrew cuckoo clock. Then the ancients started to tally time backwards in a new calendar system from Shem’s first boy Arphachshad born after two years of the flood as mentioned in Genesis. So counting the years 2286 BC back to 573 BC (1,716 @ .457), we will use up those 120 skulls one at the time for one stone skulls per 14.3 years and add them to the Y-axis difference marking the wobble declining. So it will take 2286-573 = 1,716 years for the X-axis wobble to disappear or 33 cycles of 52 short count Aztec (33x52 = 1,716) explain in the 10 chapters. That means every 14.3 years the Aztec take one-skull off the pile. At any time they can count how many skulls are left on the pile and will than know what year it is or the X-Y axis relationship. 10 Counting from the beginning of 4004 BC and not from the end of the year. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 127 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Let’s have an example: The second pyramid calendar shows 5x52=260 days solstice to solstice our scientist are familiar with. If we add 105 days from the X-axis, we get a full menu of 365 days. The difference from 120-105 is 15 skulls. One line of skulls of 15 have a 214 year range (15x14.3 = 214) and eight horizontal lines with 15 skulls will cover 1,716 years (8x214 = 1,716) fraction we should ignore. The skull pile is 8 high and we have eaten up 2 rows of 15 skulls from the top for two pyramids built. The date for that Clock dial position is 2x214.5 = 428 years. Consequently 2288-428 = 1860 BC. The first row of skulls ends about Terra’s birth for the first pyramid built 2073 BC and the second skull row ends about Abraham’s time for the second Pyramid 1858 BC. There will be more pyramids built later still correcting a diminishing X-axis. We can double check about the 120 skulls and calculate it from a different way. On my Exponential Graph Figure A, I show the fraction of the X-axis starting 2.8 and ending with .457 for a 23½˚ spin. If you deduct the ending from the beginning, we get (2.8-.457 = 2.343) a range difference as an X-axis spin totally eaten up. The left over .457 corresponds to the residual 23½˚ tilt axis. We know that 360/7 = 52.42 are one turn on the X-axis as in Figure A, indicating a leftover X-axis spin. Now we multiply it together we get (2.343 x 51.42 = 120.47) not bad to be so close to 120 skulls. Fractions will always show up after thousand years. To repeat, it takes 120 X-axis skull-days to decline from 2287 BC every 14.3 years to remove one skull from the pile until we have no more and that ends the X-axis about 571 BC. We have previously found out that from 2287 BC to 4004 BC we have 1,716 years (33x52), when Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden, which starts the calendar count for humanity. For some reason, there is an identical 1,716-year cycle to end an axis wobble? The total of 1715 years is also a Hebrew Cycle measured from one year before the Flood 21 December 2288. The spin axis at 23½˚ has only two weeks more and some days to come to rest at BC-AD using seven 490-year cycles from 2288 BC, which projects a future apocalypse date by examining more facts later in other culture calendar cycles. Building 5 pyramids on top of each other, the Aztec needed to correct their calendar over and over again due to the diminishing “X” axis. They built these very expensive adjustments because they feared that their various sun gods must be very angry and could only be appeased or paid off with more human sacrifices. Its culture ended when they killed and sacrificed an entire generation, enforcing an Aztec 260-cycle religious system only the high priest understood coming from the Second Pyramid period, which no longer worked. The picture shows the flood on an Aztec temple walls dated from that time period explained later. Afterward the Mayan culture would appear and today we find a mixture of many ancient people who survived the deceases of the European / Spanish immigrants brought along to build up a common immune system as we see their descendents today in Mexico to continue on earth with a European calendar. The Aztec culture ultimately ended, as history teaches and only a Bible documents its reason. Bible history teaches that a number of nation in ancient times were going down the same path of extinction, being totally destroyed by God for gross vioPage 128 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 lation sacrificing human beings. Their perversion of human sacrifice turned into a horrible lifestyle of fear and death and paid the ultimate price of annihilation caused by God. The Bible recorded similar events of other nations in ancient times that became extinct for reason of human scarifies just remember the Canaanites, Hittites, Philistines and perverted Sodom and Gomorrah society totally corrupt, and lets not forget the reason of Noah’s flood his family the only survivor of a pre-Flood society that was totally corrupt. If it was not for the Spanish invasion none would have survived, as one tribe was in war with another and I am not going to be the judge not having lived 500 years ago and our universities do not have a good track record to trust their opinions although it could be argued the other way. Cortes cleverly exploited this local instability of sowing lies, distrust and confusion on each side and watching on the sideline how they weakened each other in war, lastly to be consumed by the Spanish destroying both of them. That method worked later with the English and French wars in Canada with Indians the original owner dispossessed and decimated. From the Biblical perspective God wanted to preserve some Aztec people from ancient times regardless how bad its society has become, which are now the descendants in Mexico reflecting a mosaic of cultural diversity as God of the Bible redirected their worship again to a monotheistic God in the Catholic tradition which still teaches the fundamentals of Christianity. He used a cruel pitiless Catholic Church system of greed and murder to burn the remnants of a corrupt satanic religious priesthood as we can see imbedded in stone and walls of ancient Aztec culture and will not even allow having their hieroglyph messages to be interpreted for all the evil it perpetrated. On the other hand, I must not be too harsh in judging the Aztec-Mayans for holding onto an old calendar system. Even so, they still had imbedded a 25,625-year cycle of a spin-axis movement called Tzolkin count in the Great Year cycle of Teoxiuhitl still alive for us to recognize and not dead at 23½˚ tilt. Like a dog chasing a trail, I will not rest until all of the mysteries not explained by science is discovered and laid out in a spin-axis hypothesis of the other clocks collecting dust. Coming back the Aztec clock shows pre-Flood cycles of the earth. We know a society becomes doomed when they cannot come up with new invention required for freedom of thought. We in America have murdered 40 million babies of great potential. We must now compete with the poorest countries with the lowest standards of living since the Middle Ages. If you study the statistics of those nations who historically have believed in the Bible, you will notice that most of them are very wealthy. If the freedom of the Protestant values had not been born in Europe, science would not be at a level we enjoy today. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 129 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Without electricity, our lives would be unthinkable, but with knowledge and the gift of freedom comes responsibility. If you lose that precious gift, we become entangled in religious dictatorships, terror and ignorance. Many wars were fought to attain our liberties only to be squandered in the next generation. Check out our American culture a let me no how late is it on the world cuckoo clock11. Watch therefore New York and then read my books how the world system will end. Magnetic Spin-Axis Observation12 and the Ancient Aztec Culture The ancients who lived closer to the asteroid event have left us with what they were taught. They built clocks to mark the changing seasons without modern scientific instruments to verify their assumptions and observations. My attempt to understand those relationships is beyond my education, but hopefully, some other person can pick up and follow the trail. The location of the earth’s magnetic north pole is not identical to the earth’s axis of spin. This fact should raise the question why. Cause and effect thinking directs us that there must have been an event to disturb that relationship as it would be more logical to have both axis coincide. My experience repairing aircraft gyroscopes taught me the lesson that once a gyro is going in a direction, it will always stay on that course. When an airplane deviates from that course, the outside pointer of instrument housing will tell you the size of that deviation. I have been told that the inner earth is full of iron-nickel and some rare earth material highly compressed and magnetic and could compare to my gyro. The inner dense core is floating surrounded with liquid fluid hot as the sun that makes it suspended steady like a gyro inside a moving airplane. Let’s look at an ancient compass made by floating a magnetic needle on water. The water removes the friction so that the needle will point along magnetic lines to the magnetic pole. 11 In January 2007, the world doomsday clock was set to indicate 2 minutes before 12 o’clock. 12 Natural Resources Canada /Magnetic North Pole. Page 130 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 It is just like a gyro indicating invisible forces and following an imprint of its original setting. This is analogous to a floating inner core surrounded with an insulating cooled outer layer like a very hard eggshell, which is the instrument housing. On the very top of the eggshell crust we find lighter material like froth slag floating on hard layer to separate the liquid magna. The froth will move along a very hard surface. We see the same thing in steel manufacturing. On top of an open furnace, the froth feels like hard cement, when it is cool enough to touch it, or like the rocks of various consistencies from sandstone to granite. A German scientist told me about continental drift. He compared our mountains to the froth sliding on a polished surface beneath it. There is no requirement of billions of years for these mountains to be moved. Geology will prove his opinion if you are not enamored with evolutionary dating. Checking out our earth seven tectonic plates of previous interconnecting landmasses now rendered apart is like a festering open wound of the earth still boiling with fire forming new skins to heal below the oceans to prove the theory and warming the oceans. The earth’s magnetism has a different axis than the earth’s axis of rotation. This might tell us to look for changes during historic time. I postulate a major change took place about 2287 BC. Others might say billions years ago. Both can only express their opinions, but those opinions should be in the realm of reasonable possibility. The ground rules for our discussions should try to eliminate baseless speculations not found in nature. They should only allow observable events that can be confirmed by third parties. That’s all the cards we should have to play with. Geomagnetism If you go on the Internet and check out geomagnetism, you will be confronted with a number conflicting theories. I learned that the magnetic north pole is not aligned with our earth’s current, stable spin-axis. It moves around in a predated orbit of embedded field reversals. Thus, one axis is frozen as the other moves in a predictable pattern. Typical to evolutionary mindset, it has been fantasized that the documented reversals date is as far back 330 millions years ago. The word “documented”13 is a joke. Geologists have estimated 400 reversals over all those years - roughly one for every 700,000 years. Then our universi13 Natural Resources Canada, Earth Science Sector, geological survey Canada. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 131 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries ty professors postulate that rocks have obvious imbedded information about the direction of magnetic fields, which is imprinted in fossilized muck. But then their story ended with the admission that there may have been other mechanisms influencing the magnetic events found in the muck, such as meteor impacts. Most doubt that magnetic reversal would take place within 5,000 years, which is in conflict with a magnetic field decay rate of 15,000 years. That means, any preserved in rock magnetic field decays to zero in 15,000 years – not millions to billions! On rare occasion the thermodynamics, fluid motion and magnetic fields evolve in a compatible theory that allows for original field freed completely from the inner core so that a new bipolarity can be established as a reversed field. This assumes, of course, that the core is stable like our spin-axis is frozen and does not move, or we would need another assumption. As one assumption leads to another like a dog chasing its tail, other authors express that the dipole field will go to zero in roughly 1,500 years. I was glad when someone sent an expedition to the North Pole to measure the changing magnetic north pole to settle their disputes. In the process, they may discover that the inner core magnetism is moving in certain direction and calculate its speed. My five-cent wisdom around that discussion table: why have there been any magnetic reversals at all? If the outside instrument turns around the gyro, it will always have unchanged magnetic properties on the inside, as my toy magnet demonstrates. Canadian and French scientists have measured the north magnetic pole every year for 20 years. They noticed changes: 1947’s longitude of 73.9 degrees moved incrementally to 82.7 degrees in 2005. That means a 40 km per year average drift in the direction to Siberia that could end there in 50 years later. These are recent measurements of a slow drift across the Arctic Circle conducted by the Canadians and the French14. Then I checked out the diameter of our earth, which is 40,076 km. If I assume that the original magnetic gyro inside the earth core is unchanged from prehistoric times, then I can predict events on the outside of the earth analogous to the airplane movements recorded on the instrument dial. If I divide the 40 km velocity movements into the circumference of our earth, then I get about 1,000 years for two imaginary +/- reversals polarity (40,076/40 = 1,019). From Noah’s Flood 2228 BC, we would have 8 to 9 magnetic reversals, or if there was no reversal, then we would just measure where the north magnetic pole is on earth in a particular century. (2288 BC + 2012 = 4300/1,019 = 4.22 turns). Some other scholars postulated that an estimate of 1,000 to 8,000 years was possible for the magnetic pole to move. I disagree with the million year opinions as I depend upon what can be measured today and apply it to the past. You be the judge. Who has a better model? If I reverse the current direction that the magnetic pole is heading and go backwards along those coordinates, my plot crosses over the Mexico Gulf. Earlier I said that the Gulf of Mexico is the likely impact area for the asteroid in Noah’s time. Why? 14 North Magnetic Pole Position 2001: 81.3º N 110.8º W – speed 40 km/year. Page 132 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 4 Look at the picture of the earth with the magnetic poles sidewise around the equator with the spin axis turning at 23½ degrees on its daily cycle. Would the floating iron core gyro inside the earth indicate a position of an Aztec spin-axis before the Flood if it kept on turning with the same spins as before 2288 BC? Check the math from AD 2012 back 4¼ cycles (4300 years: 1000=4.3) to offset today’s measured migration of the magnetic North Pole. It goes towards the equator 4.3 times and ends exactly in the Gulf of Mexico in 2287 BC. Or visualize the magnetic pole movement counterclockwise 4.3 times around the globe. It ends at the equator with approximately 250 years for each quadrant from today’s magnetic North Pole. Does that also indicate that the original spin-axis is still turning in relation to the inside core? Like the airplane instrument shows the gyro position from the inside, we can interpolate it into years. (90 degrees = 10,000 miles/40 = 25015). First Pyramid in Mexico City Built Over the Magnetic North Pole after 2200 BC Does my theory have merit? Using recent, verifiable data available to anyone on the Internet and using gyroscopic laws to base it on, one thousand Gregorian years equates to one turn of magnetic pole around the earth and equals a 52,000-year Aztec cycle before Noah’s time. Did the Aztecs know about the internal iron core gyroscope to connect it with a 52,000 number cycles for their calendar and built their very first pyramid after the Flood at the exact location on the apex of magnetic pole in Mexico City? Was the magnetic North Pole at Mexico City when they built that 2nd Pyramid? How did they measure it and position a pyramid in the middle of a lake. There had to be an important reason to justify all of the work involved with raising a platform of dirt to build it on. This became a religious center and then developed into a capital city with five more pyramids – one on top of the other as seen today in Mexico City’s outdoor museum. My X-Y spin-axis hypothesis acquires more proof. These ancient events are now connected like pearls on a bracelet. If you fashion magnetic iron fragments from space into an elongated metal piece and mount it on a light bamboo float placed in water, then we would have a primitive compass. The little boat would eventually turn to align with a magnetic axis especially when close to a magnetic north pole where it is strongest. When the Aztecs placed that magnetic boat compass on the edge of their lake in Mexico City, they discovered that it pointed to the middle of the lake. They must have concluded that this phenomenon of always pointing to the center of the lake was a mysterious power connected with the spirit world. That motivated them to build their first pyramid in that very center of the lake. 15 One turn around the earth is 40,000 km in 1,000 years, therefore ¼ turn is 10,000 km periphery = 250 years. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 133 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries I imagine that it would take a lot of rocks and dirt to raise an island connected with a causeway. The Spanish told about the early Mexico City beginnings. You can see some pictures of it in museums. Now you know the reasons why they would build pyramids in the middle of a lake. NASA has movies of the northern lights. These are awesome displays of magnetic lines visible as a panorama across the night sky of light from charged particles, fueled by radiation from the sun colliding with the magnetism of the earth. Just think what the Aztec must have thought when they saw that spectacle of moving light over the center of their lake. No wonder a new religion emerged that was different from Noah’s family. Scientists investigating the fossilized muck, now hardened as stone, have measured imbedded magnetic charges. They do not find in-line magnetic particles like tracing the magnetic pole around the periphery across earth as we can assume today, but see imbedded crossover silt particles consistent with an earth axis wobble. Remember, the inner gyro is still going when God set that original iron core at creation date 4488 BC in the Aztec/Hebrew calendar cycles, which is frozen in muck like floating silt not settled. Why was this area of our planet not settled? Was it because of an earth wobble? Page 134 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Persian Astrolabe Clock1 Looking on the Internet, I cannot find any interpretation for this ancient object with a small dial within a larger one, but its features seem to fit the X-Y spin-axis hypothesis. One chapter is not enough to try to explain these mystery clocks. It takes a bit of time getting used to the new ideas from ancient records that survived an asteroid impact destroying humanity’s earliest and great civilization mentioned in the Bible and many ancient myths. By comparing this clock with other clocks and connecting with their historical cultural settings, we can come up with a sensible explanation for all of these elaborate calendars and clock mechanisms. One thing must be kept in mind: before 588 BC the number of months in a year, as measured from solstice to solstice, was not always 12. It was often shorter in ancient times due to the backward residual spin of the earth’s wobble left over from the asteroid strike, which I call the X-axis. 1 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 135 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries After the asteroid impact on 5 February 2287 BC the momentum of the pre-Flood X-axis carried forward in time and sometimes moved in a direction opposite of the pendulum Y-axis wobble, which made the zodiac constellations before 1400 BC appear 1 to 4 months less in Aztec times as compared to today’s predictable 12 months. The Z-axis revolution around the sun of 365 days still worked, but counting monthly cycles was different because the priests could not count on a dependable 12 months for each year. That is why a fixed order of zodiac constellations took the place of simply counting monthly cycles as the diminishing X-axis slowly merged with the Y-axis. For example, most of us can remember that the old Roman calendar had only 10 months in the year as measured from an X-axis remnant before Julius Caesar. The missing two months moved backwards due to the pendulum-like wobble, although the 365-day Z-axis had not changed. December is derived from the Roman name for 10 and not 12, yet it is the last month in a one-year cycle. This problem is analogous to climbing up a steep mountain only to slide backwards a little after making some progress up. In ancient Aztec Mexico, the priests kept track of time using pyramids. The pyramids provided good observation platforms to count each year from one solstice to the next, but you had to know where your changing calendar was in relation to the fixed zodiac constellations in the sky to calculate the accurate calendar date. That is why the Aztecs invented stone skull head markers that you can see piled up against a wall. They used them to keep track of lost months. I explain it later. Many bronze clocks were built but calibrating them was a problem if you lost your tables for some reason. This Persian gold- looking contraption could recalibrate any clock back to the start of a 25,625 Precession of the Equinox cycles, which means 2287 BC. Consequently, we might expect two different calendar cycles, one before and one after the asteroid strike - like two dials on a clock. Previously, I mentioned the Aztec cycles and connected them to an adjusted Hebrew cycle of 6,500 Gregorian years, that gave us a date of 4488 BC as the beginning of biblical history. This calendar allows for shorter Aztec 52 day-year cycles in which we need to add seven X-axis spins to go once around the sun, which was the 360-day Z-axis Babylonian year. Scholars date this Persian gold calculator to the 18th century AD. Regardless of when it was made, the design fits 1800 BC much better. That would put it into Bronze Age alongside the Aztec calendar used to track the pendulum-like earth axis wobble in marking the seasons to keep accurate time. The Aztec calendar-system had to solve the same problems in marking time as those living on the other side of the world. Every culture experienced the same difficulty in adjusting its pre-Flood calendar, which only got worse as the centuries rolled along. What is known about the Indian clock shines some light on this subject for a balanced perspective. New clocks appeared around the world from time to time, and I am sure they needed to be calibrated to a standard on occasion. What you see in the Persia Astrolabe picture does the Page 136 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 5 same thing but from another country and perspective similar to the 120 Aztec skull heads stacked up against the temple wall. If you go on the Internet, you can get a better and larger image of this clock so that you can see how detailed it is. This Persia Astrolabe calculator measures Precessions of Equinoxes and relates them to the zodiac constellations over a period of 1,700 years (2288 BC – 588 BC = 1,700). After that, it would no longer be needed. It could help to adjust astronomical clocks like the astrological Prague clock covered later, but there were other ways to do that. Many astrological clocks exist, but they all end up with an axis position of 23½˚. Why? In ancient times, this was not the fact as there was another axis interfering with a calendar. This solid gold calculator projects a portion of the full turn wobble of our earth in the sky. The Aztecs followed five stars in order of progression: Polaris, Aldebaran, Taw Herculis, Vegas and Thubor. At AD 2000 the earth’s axis spin is centered on Polaris. Consequently, one full wobble turn is 25,625 Aztec years. The asteroid strike on 5 February 2287 BC changed everything causing many problems with dating history and understanding ancient calendars. These five stars divide into five equal 72˚ segments from star to star to complete a 360˚ circle. That would make one cycle 5,125 Aztec years long, but I figured out how to calibrate the biblical chronology to Gregorian time and with that converted Aztec years into Gregorian years. We must decrease the projected 23½˚ end to the axis wobble by five constellations, if we want to align the Aztec calendar with other ancient clocks. They all started their calendar count from a fixed constellation in the sky at the point of the asteroid impact. The adjusted time measured from the biblical eyewitnesses recorded in Genesis can be converted to our Gregorian count by mathematical reasoning, which results in equating 6,500 Gregorian years to 72˚. This spin-axis hypothesis is very important, as scientists have no idea it exists. They do not yet recognize how an asteroid strike could have affected calendar changes. They make it harder for themselves by rejecting Biblical data as unacceptable religious teaching not to be considered. Hopefully, we can differentiate between religion and what is scientific data connected to a 4,000-year old religious book we call the Bible. Back to my analogy of the two-rail track railroad being more balanced. Most educators do not include biblical truth and therefore can only lead to an unbalanced monorail perspective. Notice that the picture of the Persian calculator has 72 little fields around its periphery. Each field has five little dots spaced on it, perhaps reminding us of the five precession stars in the Aztec system. The 72 fields represent the circumference of a 47˚ wobble, so there is a little subdivision of five dots for each degree. Most Aztec clocks and temple pictures show the five-dot system, which has a mathematical base of 25,625/5 = 5,125 for one section of 72 degrees termed the precession of the equinoxes. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 137 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Counting the section on the outer periphery, I find 72˚, or 72 times one degree spread over newly adjusted 6,500 Gregorian years. On the bottom, you will notice a curved bowl with a center knob. On either side, there is a space to move the big dial either left or right. The space on either side is like two fields, each being five dot-fields wide, meaning a range of plus-minus adjustment of two degrees. Now we need to find out how much one degree is in years. In chapter 2, we learned that 6,500 Gregorian years is equal to 72˚ of the Aztec precession and arrived at 23½ degrees tilt axis. Now we divide 6,500 into 72 and we get 90 years for one degree. (6500/72=90) accordingly the calibration range is +/- 2 degrees or 180 years on either side. Each degree has a number or name engraved around its periphery. It looks like it can be moved to indicate a coordinate engraved on the bottom plate by pointed hooks. On top you will notice a five-dot wide tongue in the 12 o’clock position like a clock hand where you start, and I believe set your date like we count years from a AD 2012 Polaris position or use the 2287 BC. The outer 72 notches therefore represent a particular century counted from 2287 BC. When I looked at the inscribed circles, it appears there is a North Pole line-scribed globe. I found that the center of the circle is off by a five-dot width perhaps simulating the 23½-degree tilt axis. That means there is an offset of one degree, or 90 years is the adjustment range for finding the appropriate zodiac position in the sky in any particular century. I overlaid the photograph with a plastic pencil circle guide that draftsmen use. I placed the faintly marked largest globe line circle over it and noticed that it will touch the center knob and the outer inside rim to find a ratio of the inner to the outer dial. I also realized that there are seven hook-tip positions within the penciled or North Pole circle. This represents the old X-axis positions before the asteroid hit the earth in Noah’s time before 2288 BC, being connected to Thuban-Taw Herculis. The smaller golden circle has 13 hooks positioned to align with moon cycles, and the large circle has 12 hooks typical of an Aztec calendar system. The hook-tip points to an engraved line on the bottom tablet, which correlates to a table calendar and star constellations. So the smaller circle is divided by an off-centered horizontal bar that is the center of the big circle. This functions like dividing years before the asteroid (before 2287 BC) to calendar dates after. Above the horizontal line, we have 7 hook-tips pointing to circular North Pole mapped out calendar spin X-axis according to the Aztec pattern. Below the horizontal line, we have 6 mounted hook-tips to indicate the Y-axis spin merging with the X-axis at about 518 BC. This would translate time cycles after 2287 BC with six 300-year periods each for a total range of 1,800 years to arrive at about 518 BC. The 300 years is the adjustment range I previously mentioned. It is like 2 times 90 years on each side, or a little more than two rows of stone skull heads from the pile of 120 in the Aztec system I describe later. When we want to align a hook tip over a fine line, we need a little more room on the right and left. That is the reason we have 180-year adjustPage 138 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 5 ment range, which is more than is needed. The machined metal bar is long enough for 180 years of adjustment, but we only need 150 years (+/- six times or +/- 10 skulls x 15 years), ending eventually at the 23½degree rotational axis tilt in 588 BC. The five unfinished pyramids in Mexico City have a 215-year interval range to adjust their calendars after the Flood. This is very similar data. Notice the discrepancy between my 180-year adjustment range versus the 2 degrees x 72 = 144 years, which is very close to 10 Aztec stone skulls = 143 years (10x14.3). The Spanish friar recorded Aztec precessions that came after the Flood. I try to start my reference before the Flood in order to include the event of the X-Y axis change. It is just a matter of a different perspective and does not matter when calculating dates. The small inner circle and horizontal bar divides calendar time at 2287 BC when the earth had a different rotational pattern and consequently a different calendar, although its orbit around the sun may have changed a little from 360 to 365 days on the Z-axis. The outer big circle connects to the inner circle at a specific X-Y ratio like an offset teeter-totter balance. Therefore, it marks 12 zodiac positions like modern methods after the 2287 BC date with 12 hook-tips. Remember, the twice the size wobble sees more reference stars on the periphery, which must be translated into a spin-axis turn referenced to the 360 degree Z-axis. In the beginning, the precessions turned twice in a year and stopped at one turn during Moses’ life. That is how the Aztecs could measure 5,125 cycles once the sky stopped. When both the sky is moving and the axis is moving, any calendar calculation becomes very difficult. They solved the problem by using two circles that interacted to find relative positions to the Z-axis that kept track of the seasons, something so very essential when you plant your vegetables close to snow line. Two dials, one smaller indicating the X-axis and a larger dial indicating the Y-axis would be needed to determine specific dates in a declining pendulum wobble. Translated into Zodiac star positions, must have a calibration point of one star that the sky rotates around, which in our timeframe is Polaris. In ancient times, it was a series starting from Tau Herculis-Thuban moving in the direction of Polaris. Then the wobble turned in tighter and tighter circles until it stopped at 23½ degrees. A slight adjustment of the bottom knob plus-minus 2 degrees would get your hook switched over to the next line, which has a name for identification engraved to adjust or start counting your constellation in the sky using a flexible X-Y axis calendar to determine a particular date in the future or past that you wanted to know. If you read about the Bronze Himmelsscheibe on the Internet, you will again see the 13 moon cycles and 12-month year relationship imprinted on a gold sickle connected with 40 Aztec (Hebrew) holes on the periphery. Subsequently here too we have 13 hooks indicate 13 moon cycle crossovers within a 12 Zodiac cycles. I wish I could see the backside of this Persian clock, which I am told, has more lines crossing. The back might give me the exact date when it was Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 139 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries made, but the design features only apply to sky conditions from before 588 BC. Thus, the smaller circle represents the X-axis and the large circle is the Y-axis, which engage like gears with relationship determined by a factor of Greek letter π (pi) required for working mathematically with circles. Let’s learn about other unknown clocks and come back to this calculator again. I am sure we will find additional features we cannot see clearly yet. My first educated guess at all this may be a little off, but that is how good stuff gets invented. One must experiment with ideas back and forth. Notice the next pictures which have the same pattern of 72 sections around its periphery, but seems to be identical to the Chinese Bronze plate clock we will see later. Different continents present the same X-Y axis solutions because the astronomical phenomena of the unwinding axis wobble were the same worldwide. Astrolabe, by Muhammad Amin ibn Amirza Khan an-Nakha’i, Persian, 1587/8 (Inv. 52399) 2 2 Pictures taken from Museum of the History of Science. Page 140 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Mystery of 2000 BC Chinese Feng Shui Compass Revealed Before I give you my interpretation of two Chinese clocks, it would be interesting for the reader to get first familiar what other people think this mystery Chinese clock means. Comparing perspectives from different people and ages will help to probe its mystery. 1 The earliest written reference found on Bagua was from Xia period, about 2100-1600 BC. However, the actual formation of Gua was believed to exist long before that. Although it is popularly referred as ‘Xia dynasty’, in the period of Xia, people lived as tribes, not kingdoms or countries. During Xia period, there were the formations of structure in a matriarchy society. Thus, came the need for order. The ancient wise people used the most original and basic binary form of “Yin” and “Yang” to record the events of the world around them. There are many theories about the reason Yin, the female symbol is written like: and Yang, the male symbol, is written like: It was generally believed that the three Yao (either Yin or Yang) formation of one Gua is the earliest indication that the ancient Chinese people realized the difference of the celestial objects, earth and human. The Yin, Yang and their combination existed for thousands of years before there was a wisest of all named FuXi introduced Bagua. (FuXi can 1 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 141 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries be pronounced as “ph-she,” or if you are not a perfectionist, just say, “who? she?”) Each Gua consists of three Yao symbols. The Yao symbol can be either Yin or Yang.2 Although the legend uses “’he, him, his’ when they refer to FuXi (phshe) or as ‘father of...’, ‘king of....’ , the archaeologists and historians believe FuXi was a group of women. These of women were advisers to the matriarchal leader of an ancient tribe that lived in FuXi, located in the northwest of modern China. Each Bagua is a collection of Gua. Each Gua was assigned a specific direction according to the character of the individual direction as the ancient people saw it. The symbols were associated with the natural world around us in a tangible and practical way. However, the direction of the FuXi Bagua is not always the same as the Bagua used today. Chinese Yin-Yang Calendar In this ancient calendar, we see again many features of the spin-axis hypothesis present in its structure – just as in the Aztec calendar, bronze Greek Antikythera mechanism, and Hebrew calendar described. I will only point out a few features. As a scientist, what astounded me is that these yin-yang symbols look like our latest hi-tech computer languages. The yins and yangs represent “zeros and ones” in an 8-bit binary system of one Byte. That scientific structure strengthens my faith in the Bible’s stories about the destruction of the first civilization of humanity. The Greeks wrote of Atlantis disappearing, and many other ancient people kept some record of those early times. By piecing together these facts from around the world, some obvious facts begin to emerge from the still shrouded in mysteries of these undeciphered clocks. As I came to understand a particular feature on one clock, it opened the doors of understanding to other features found on other clocks. Eventually, it all came back to the first discovery. Through this process, I believe that all attributes of the mystery clocks will eventually be known to us. To test my spin-axis hypothesis, give it a chance to explain these mystery clocks. For now, just accept that I see an Aztec pattern of an X-axis spin in this Chinese Yin-Yang Clock. Like the Aztec system the Chinese clock must be turned counterclockwise, which is a little difficult for those of us educated in Western thinking. If you do not understand yet, do not worry. You are on a discovery path to understand five mystery clocks that totally baffle modern scholars. We must start out somewhere, and we will not travel to discovery by following a sequential order. Each clock reveals some one feature more obviously than another does. By comparing different obvious features particular to one of the clocks, we will work out the entire clock design puzzle. I cannot possible give you the whole concept all at once because no one has ever written about it before, so it is too new to relate to something you already know. 2 Page 142 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 6 Let’s divide the Chinese Clock in half with a vertical pencil mark from north to south and put numbers on starting from 12 o’clock position, which also divides the outer 24 window section in half. Then let’s start what we can recognize from the center circles going outward. I do not know the meaning for the Chinese symbols, but gears do not need to be named when we look at the tooth design. Here they are: 1. Center 2 symbols of Yin-Yang (fish) 2. Four quadrants 3. Small inner circle 12 section with symbols 4. Third circle of 24 sections (each section has 12 Yin and 12 Yang symbols in a double window 5. Outer circle with 24 different symbols. Here is where we have patterns similar to the other clocks. Remember the analogy of the dual temperature scales as applied to the Aztec calendar cycles from that chapter: 1. Center – 2 Symbols of Yin-Yang The center indicates two spin axes. The black fish indicates night. In Genesis (the Hebrew Bible clock) it says, “And there was evening and morning the first day.” The white is day. Two cycles we can identify. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 143 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries The Aztec calendar has long and short count cycles and X-Y axis, The Hebrew clock has Heh-Daleth cycles. 2. Four quadrants Four quadrants plot the seasons: winter, spring, summer and fall. At the two ends of a quadrant, there are paired solstice-equinox and equinox-solstice astronomical events. The sun travels through the sky in one direction for 26 days from east to west and then travels 26 days from west to east. The two dots inside the center indicate a solstice position and align with our pencil mark. Notice the white Yin fish center eye points to the third circle and has a number pencil mark, and the seventh black fish eye Yang points to #1. So your pencil mark divides the 4 quadrants in two halves 1-2, and 2-4 similar to your previous pencil diagram of the two Aztec clock pyramid hieroglyph Λ – Д signs with two seven-spins, expressed here with the third circle. Remember we must look at crossover and not necessarily the numbers on the dial. 3. Inner Circle: 12 Sections / Symbols Mark every field turning counterclockwise with a number starting at the 12 o’clock position with one with next comes two, three, etc. - just like we have hours on our kitchen clock. At the six o’clock position, we immediately notice a number 7. When we go around and come to 12, which is offset. To continue counting, we must go to 13, but it is in the number 1 position. We will continue and put #13 on the bottom of this #1 field. As we continue another round like the European clock shows after 12 comes 13, 14, the afternoon cycle, which is the Yang cycle. Thus first time around the 12 hours we have Yin night cycles, and the second time around, we have 12 hours Yang day cycles. As a result, at the 12 o’clock position the counting crosses over to the number 13 instead of returning to 1. If we consider thirteen a crossover of clock hands, then we come to the 2 o’clock position, which is the number fourteen (2x7) meaning seven spinaxis cycles two times. Crossovers are explained in the Aztec clock chapter. The Aztec calendar has 13 days in one quadrant time that must turn 4 times (4 x 13 = 52 days) for one Aztec cycle. This Chinese clock table looks similar from that perspective to the others, thus indicating a spin-axis. If we multiply 4 quadrants [second circle] with the next twelve cycles (4x12) we get 48. The Greek clock has 48 sections 4 times in its middle dial. As I said, switching back and forth between different clocks will crack the puzzle for all the clocks, one at a time. 4. Middle Circle: 24 Sections (Each section has 12 yin and 12 different symbols.) Notice that 12 symbols are the same, and 12 symbols are different. The Persian Clock’s 72-degree window is also divided into alternating sections, like a binary system. One shows a symbol next to the same repeated 72 times symbol just like we see in this Chinese 24 alternating Page 144 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 6 window sections. This could be analogous to when we write our calendar as January 2006, February 2006, and March 2006, which is the same year number for each monthly cycle. When we consider an age when the X-axis is 2.8 ratios and getting smaller, meaning Christmas comes around two times with two solstice positions in one year of 365 days. That means we could see 12 zodiac symbols two times in one year or 24 zodiac signs like the back dial of 2 x 12 windows in the Antikythera clock. To differentiate the second from the first cycle, the clock designer would only need to indicate the first with a zodiac symbol and the second turn with just a dot like a small zero. That is what I have seen on other clocks, but here a Chinese symbol that alternates 12 times is used. This characteristic is typical of calendars dated to times before Moses. One quadrant of a season (second circle from the inside) ends with an equinox pointing on the inner circle. On the outer periphery (like a tire of a bicycle wheel), five round dots are placed for each symbol section, meaning that January space is divided into five time cycles for the year 2006 repeated 12 times. For example, the Chinese calendar has five different orders of dragons in a hierarchy: each takes 12 years to appear for a total grand cycle of 60 years. The Chinese dragons connect with the fire dragon of the Aztecs. The water dragon overlays the first apocalypse of water, the Flood of 2287 BC. Another water dragon aligns with the next apocalypse of 2012, which will end in fire. Of course, when I write “January” here it is an analog for a Chinese expression I don’t know. I must ask a Chinese person if they recognize this symbols which I will do, time permitting. Outer Circle: 24 Symbols Symbols for 24 Zodiac constellations make up the outer dial. Of the two axes, the X-axis was getting smaller and Y-axis was getting bigger. We must differentiate between them to explain the larger movement at the horizon that revealed more constellations normally below the equator. Section lines in the first, inner circle line up with the third, outer circle, indicating solstice positions. The outer band or dial of 24 symbols is offset to line up with the 12 symbols of the inner band. This could be the X-axis as the other field matches with the inner circle. Each field circle is a bridge connecting two dials. In a flexible calendar, we must always get reference points from the sky. Ancient sailors did that on the ocean to plot their journeys. A calendar chart would be useful for seafarers going from China to Mexico, and I am sure the priest with many tables had a full time job in ancient times. This is no different today as NASA employs highly paid specialists. This dial discovery is also found in other clocks, but with differences – perhaps significant. This explanation is just one step in the right direction on our journey to make us alert and think a little differently. It is like a great puzzle, and I am sure in reading about the features of the other clocks you will get a clearer picture. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 145 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Bronze Chinese Clock with Three Disks as Dials When I saw the pictures of a Chinese clock with three disks in an architectural magazine, it caught my interest, reminding me of another ancient Greek clock. Not knowing anything about Chinese symbols, I noticed that these three Chinese bronze disks have the same Yin-Yang pattern in its center as the Chinese clock discussed at the beginning of this chapter. The magazine article said that the bronze disks are dated to 2000 BC and that no one knows what they mean. Some have suggested they are a compass of Yin Yang philosophy. When I looked at them from a German cuckoo clock maker’s perspective, it did not take long to imagine a clock system even though I didn’t know the meaning of the Chinese symbols. To me, they represent the three axes of the Aztec spin-axis calendar: X, Y, and Z. This same calendar predates and explains the bronze Antikythera mechanism. It must have had at least two base plates sandwiched between the three transfer axes. It was driven by a simple leather belt connected to wheels on which the three bronze disks were mounted. A thin rope was probably strung on the outside from one side to the other across the three dials to align information so that it could be read across all three. One dial set up a position, when then turned the others to provide changing relationships between them that provided calendar information. The smallest bronze disk should be in the middle. It reminded me of the Aztec calendar but with Chinese signs. The system gives an Xaxis starter wheel correlating to 12 zodiac signs. The bigger plates could be mounted next just the way the picture shows them side by side. I hope that you can see the similarities in structure. Look at the Antikythera clock dial arrangement with fixed gears and remember my ballresolver design to help you to decipher this clock. Page 146 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 6 A Slide-Rule System Analogy To figure out this ancient bronze, three-disk clock, let me explain to those who may not have seen or know about the mechanical devices we used to rely on in daily life. Forty years ago, every engineer used a slide rule instead of a computer or hand calculator. Some of us had a pocket slide rules in form of a double disk, which was a little smaller to use and fit in your pocket. The round slide ruler consisted of two disks, the smaller one spun on top of the larger from the same center. It had lines and numbers similar to the 10-inch (25 cm) long slipstick slide rule. “Circular slide rules are mechanically more rugged, smoother-moving and more precise than linear slide rules, because they depend on a single central bearing.”3 The transparent plastic cursor moved around its axis like a third disk, which is similar to the three-space hairline glass slider on top of the long slide rule used to calibrate mathematical positions by pilots and others. I think that the ancient Chinese three-disk mystery clock functioned like the circular slide rule’s three movable components. What really amazes me is that the Chinese invented our 8-bit “zeros” and “ones” computer language in 2000 BC. At the beginning of this chapter, you saw a picture of a Yin-Yang. They are replicated on the center of each bronze disk in a circle found in a different archeological dig. No scholar has ever related them to one another, but they have identical calibration/alignment symbols. You could also think of this yin-yang system as working like Morse Code with its dots and dashes, or the early IBM punch card with its holes and no holes. That concept was borrowed from a wooden weaving system with its punched hole belt technology. In addition, another mystery was solved for me in the Aztec calendar checking out its computer bit likeness, “Why is there everywhere the number 8 and quadrants?” When I lined up an 8 pattern of three dashes and dots as shown in the inner circle of the Chinese disk close to the center-hole, I noticed that the three-dash pattern was opposite the three double-dots pattern. That translated like a three 8-hour shift time cycles for one 24-hour day, maybe going around 1½ times to two times, which equals 24 hours. We divide the day into 12 equal parts – Am and PM for one day, but the Chinese clock on these bronze dials may have divided the day into three 8-hour parts. To do it that way gives added information. We know that the sunlight days in summer are longer and the days in winter shorter. At equinoxes, they are the same length. The ancient Chinese figured this out like the Aztecs. They both counted 8-hour time cycles around a clock three times for a 24-hour day. We normally sleep 8 hours. We work 8 hours, and we are left with 8 hours for everything else. Not too farfetched to realize that our present life patterns might mirror an ancient clock system with three disks similar to a circular slide rule. 3 Slide rule – Circular slide rules, Wikipedia, retrieved 6-5-207 from wiki/Slide_rule. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 147 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Another concept that comes to mind is that the present day cycles are shorter when compare it to Moses’ time by 1.4 on the graph due to the wobble going backwards. [Fig. A] We must think backwards and forwards until more is revealed from other clocks. Other circles of Chinese symbols appear to be analogous to my cuckoo clock indicating time, sun solstice, moon phases and year cycles. Check out the 8-bit computer symbols on the inner circle on all three bronze disks. They are the same, which suggests that the mystery clock probably used a synchronized belt system to indicate a three axes’ calendar positions. To start the Zodiac clock, all of the triple dash/dot positions must be lined up first if we want to find out relative day-month-year-zodiac-moon-sun positions. It is no different from my old-fashioned slide-rule that has the same number symbols in the fixed and on the sliding tongue part of the slide-rule. They all must be lined up to read zero when starting to calculate something. If you ever had bought an expensive German Cuckoo clock, it needed similar alignment before the pendulum ever would properly indicate the solstice, zodiac, moon and sun cycles. The Bronze Three-dial Chinese Mystery Clock The middle disk has three main circles 12 of an 8-bit Yin-Yang pattern. The smaller disk also has 12 with an additional 16 (2x8) and 24 (3x8) sections around the circle. The smaller disk represents the X-axis spin from the Aztec system (7 turns of 52 days for 360 days around the sun before 2288 BC), but the remainder of a spin-axis turn was designed in an 8-bit binary system as shown in my Figure A, which still had the old system as a starting point. I wish some computer nerd would program a computer to show these axis changes to better illustrate a changing X-axis into an emerging Y-axis. We must remember that our calendar using the spin-axis hypothesis has a declining X-axis and an increasing Y-axis. Both always total 364 days in the BC years. Therefore, it was necessary to include the old Aztec clock system. In China, they are not connected to Aztec history but still linked to the same spin-axes changes observed in a common sky. That is why we can decipher all five mystery clocks and with one concept. Let’s ignore the final adjustment, which came during Gregorian times. On my previous graphic illustration, the exponential curve around Moses’ time shows six disappeared turns of the X-axis and a fraction left over. We must look at that fraction and find out how it is measured in relation to the old Aztec system as remembered from antiquity. The fraction leftover to make a full 364-day year is the second dial or middle disk, which connects with the small dial measuring from the beginning of the asteroid disturbance on 5 February 2287. The bigger dial would end in our present calendar system. Notice that the middle disk has 8 times [dash, dash, dash]. Then the next is a pattern of 8 times [dot-dot, dash, dash]. This continues until a complete set of 8-time pattern of the same inner center grouping eight times around one circle, which gives us 64 (8x8) special cycles in a higher order measured from the small disk of 8 that gives us start cycle count of an X-axis position. Page 148 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 6 The Greek Antikythera clock has a 64-tooth gear, which would tie in with the Chinese clock. In a flexible spin-axis calendar that changes from year to year, we must have an instrument designed to go back in time to when the calendar started to enable a recalibration if something happened to the clock or the belt driving the disks. During the 19th century, all machines were driven by leather belts that needed frequent replacement. Leather will not last 4,000 years. We only have three bronze disks from that time but a clockmaker’s eyes see the system connected. In ancient times, it was a fulltime job for priests to track solstice-zodiac relationships. That is why they built pyramids: the priests had to track three (XYZ) axis positions. The three dials was a cheaper version of the pyramid. Dating the Chinese Bronze Clock Let’s have an example how I imagine the clock must have worked. To indicate all those zodiac and solstice cycles, the rest of the dial was marked on various circles to collaborate a specific point in time expressed in a 64-item pattern related to the X-Y wobble of our earth’s axis of spin in a 364-day year. The 64-item cycle could be construed as leftover from one axis. Subtracting 64 days [8 patterns of dash/dots on the middle disk] from 365.24 days equals 301 days left over in a year for one axis. (365.24 – 64 = 301) Let’s take an example from the Aztec calendar. The second of five Aztec Pyramids constructed on top of each other in Mexico City indicates 260 days or 2 turns on the X-axis leftover, (365-260 = 105) (105/52 = 2.019 spin), meaning Christmas twice in one year as my graph Figure A indicates and lines up with Terra-Abraham around 2073 BC. Now we do the same and take (365-301= 64) converted to left over Xaxis [64/52 = 1.23] spin ratio. Looking at my exponential X-Y chart, the 64-day (8x8) leftover 1.23 spin ratio would fit before Moses (1468 BC). Stated again, it coincides with a 301-day Y-axis plus 64 days from a leftover X-axis, which totals 365 days on the Z-axis. The Aztec calendar expresses it as 120 Aztec skulls minus 64 being 56 skulls left over. Then 56x14.3 years for each skull for a 800-year range, which is 2287-800 = 1486 BC. The Mexican schools teach that the Aztecs historically came from the Chinese. I connect the Chinese to the Genesis account, about the 5th generation after the Flood from Shem. Genesis 10:25 says that the world was divided during that generation, which was Peleg’s lifetime, when the original human language was confused by God. From 2285 BC, we add the biblical ages given of the four firstborn boys, which are from Shem 2 years after the Flood for Arphaxad. He in turn has a boy at 35, Shelah + 30, Eber + 34 years to a total 101 years. Then we add middle aged Peleg with 100 years and we come to 2285-201= 2084 BC. The first small bronze disk has 8 divisions, the second disk has 8x8 divisions and the third disk has 8 divisions. Added together we get [8x8x8x8] = 4096 years for this Chinese calendar’s range. Since our Gregorian calendar is divided into BC/AD we take 4096-2084 BC = AD 2012. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 149 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries This date coincides with the same calendar range of an Aztec calendar projection with their calendar ending 2012. To me it is obvious that for my spin-axis hypothesis to be true there must exist a demonstrable relationship between these two cultures, geographically and culturally separated but connected with a tilt axis knowledge. I date this Chinese clock 8 x 64 = 512 (two disk cycles) years minus 2084 BC = 1771 BC. Scholars estimate 2000 BC, which is close when one realizes that many theologians and scientists differ on Bible and/or Egyptian chronology – even by 230 years sometimes. The ancient Chinese people are no different from us today. They were influenced by tradition, religion and science. Buying a house, getting married or doing a business deal drives them to first ask the favor of the heavens and consult forces outside our being. Chinese today still consult and ask a person to come to the house to make sure that even certain furniture in rooms is placed according to Yin-Yang principle. It is like if you are Catholic the priest will come and bless the house a young married couple will live. One more reason to celebrate. As we live in an orderly world, it is best to conform where we live according to natural balance found in many yin-yang principles. We are connected with the spirit world that makes us different from the animals. It does not matter if my friendly scientist next door to me is ignorant of the spirit world and says otherwise. In my books, I introduce the reader to the Hebrew Heh side of the spirit world. I am not Jewish but pray to Jesus: the invisible God who became visible to guide us by example on our life’s journey. Some who do not know Jesus check out zodiac signs. Others make unconscious decisions based on knowledge accumulated from the past. Some inquire of the past by reading books like the Bible. The ancient Chinese put their knowledge from the past on bronze disks. They wanted to make sure that if one turned the crank to his or her birthday position, he could learn if the stars were favorable. To live a life agreeable with the cosmos or God is and was always very basic to human nature. On a city street some offer to tell your future for a fee using cards, but it is not much different from what was done in 2000 BC. The larger dial connects with numerous prophecies associated to a 2012 date. The bronze Chinese disks for a calendar-calculator come from people that share the same pre-Flood Hebrew roots. The bronze disks stored the data of collective human experience like the Bible. It connected that data with a calendar and zodiac signs to make it legitimate. Check out the next chapters where I tell you about recent discoveries from an Australian team of scholars who find a monotheist religion like Genesis records in ancient Chinese history. The Aztec religion also came from monotheist beliefs as testified in their pictures painted on Tepantitla palace walls in Mexico City. Later priests transformed their ancient monotheism into 20 gods when they could not figure out why their calendar changed so much. It had once been so accurate, and the fact that the sun moved erratically and the seasons were unpredictable led them into worshipping the sun god and many others. Why? It is for you to find out. Page 150 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 Chapter 7 A Bronze World Clock from the Greek Island Antikythera The Antikythera Mechanism or mechanical computing clock device is the most complex instrument of antiquity.1 After 100 years of academic quandary, this device forces us to admit that our knowledge of ancient science and technology is limited. Some time ago, I received an email from a German professor asking me to check out a contraption that no scientist has been able to figure out. It was a quest worth missing my hot tub session with a glass of wine! The Antikythera bronze mechanism was found by a sponge diver in the sea around the Greek island of Antikythera in 1900. Due to its many gears, this box looks like a clock or calculator and is dated to 80 BC. I spent some time looking at the picture and became convinced that it is a three-tilt-axis calculator/calendar just like the Chinese three bronze disks dated 2000 BC photographed in an architectural magazine2. (see Chapter 6) Nobody has been able to figure that one either. I will describe some of the features in detail, as it was challenge and fun to decipher its secrets. My original hunch was that it might be similar to a cuckoo clock, which gave me a reason to visit the Schwarz Wald in Germany and drink some beer. I asked the locals to explain their cuckoo clocks in more detail with the thought of buying one to take home. The Antikythera clock defies any known comparison and has no equal in the ancient world to compare it with. Even allowing for the passage of two-thousand years, the Antikythera mechanism evidences calendar 1,, 2 Architectural Digest, The International Magazine of Interior Design, August 2004, page 153. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 151 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries cycles obviously different from those used today. It provides dramatic testimony that the earth’s ancient pattern of motion through space was not the same in the past as it is today. Think about it. If the earth’s axes of rotation were the same anciently as today, then scholars would have already deciphered its intricate gearing because computer models could match all of those gears’ possibilities against present astronomical knowledge. Today, the earth moves through space on two axes: 1) its 365.24-day orbit around the sun; and 2) its 23½° angle of 24-hour day rotation on its axis. Of course, both numbers are approximates. My hypothesis states that there was a third axis in the past that spun the earth on its plane of solar orbit much the same, horizontal way a top spins on a smooth, flat surface when it slows down from spinning upright on its point. What follows is based upon a clear understanding of the facts covered in that proposed explanation for the very different structure of ancient calendars. Anyone interested in reading about my new interpretation for this and other ancient clocks should first read about the 3 spin-axes hypothesis for our earth described in my earlier chapters. I believe most astrological clock ranges begin from a starting point before the Flood of Noah at 21 December 2288 BC. From there, they go forward to AD 2012. I recently discovered a Hebrew code in the biblical book of Daniel. His prophecies provide numeric relationships that are analogous to the famous Rosetta Stone that permitted the deciphering of the Egyptian hieroglyphs. The Rosetta Stone of Bible prophecy predicts an apocalypse to begin in 2008, climax in 2012 and end in 2015. The Antikythera clock collecting dust in an Athens museum has the same dates imbedded in it. Needless to say, it shook me up. It has been identified as a mechanical calculator, perhaps given to Julius Caesar in 46 BC. He caused the ancient calendar to be changed to what is known as the Julian calendar. Julius adjusted the Roman calendar that had probably not changed since Moses’ time. The main reason may have been due to his generals’ complaints that provisions for their troops never seemed to correlate with local calendars. He added sixty-two days to the calendar year. An engraving on the Antikythera clock mechanism of current BC/AD time measurements causes conflicts with the carbon dating of objects prior to 80 BC. I believe that carbon dating methods are obsolete since the 1940s because of the worldwide radiation caused by America’s atomic bomb experiments in the Pacific have permanently polluted the earth, hence any C-14 readings are faulty and no longer make sense. I noticed calibration dates are engraved on the outside base plate with important dates to indicate minor adjustments. It is a genius device capable of calibrating any clock in the world to the solar system in order to tell accurate time. Every clock has a range to determine how long it will run like the length of a cuckoo clock chain, but astrological clocks are dependant on the sky for accurate use. For instance, there are twelve zodiac signs or constellations. If one picks the constellation of Draco mentioned in the Great Pyramid and align it with the clock, then it is possible to determine Page 152 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 what time it is on our own calendar. Once you grasp this concept, you will understand my spin-axis hypothesis. It makes perfect sense, and this ancient calculator will prove my theory beyond a doubt. Current calendar clocks measure time from a fixed spin-axis position of 23½˚. They are designed around seasonal quarter years marked by equinox-solstice cycles in equal hour-month progressions with holidays near on solstice dates like Christmas or the 4th of July appearing in predictable intervals. In ancient times, calendar clocks were different and worked like a shrinking rubber band that changed the clock gear cycles every hundred years with the “hours” getting smaller until it came to the almost rest of 23½˚ a little over 2,000 years ago. So think of a clock that begins with an hour of 60 minutes but will automatically lose 1 minute that year to begin the second year with 59-minute hours. It will begin the 10th year with hours of only 50 minutes. Ten years later the hours only have 40 minutes, so that Christmas comes a little earlier every year and very noticeably so after twenty years. Why Scholars do Not Understand Ancient Clocks When ancient calendars could not predict the time of the solstices, the only option for the ancients was direct observation. The Aztecs went crazy building pyramids in Mexico City in order to watch a changing sky. The changing calendar cycles’ unpredictability inspired the religious sacrifice of thousands of people to appease the gods in the heavens who screwed up their expensive, million-dollar pyramid clocks Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 153 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries that no longer harmonizing with the planting seasons. This is why the priests had 100,000 slaves construct a new pyramid on top of the other five times – once every hundred years. When technology in Western Europe advanced enough to make gears out of bronze, some engineering genius designed a rubber band clock that could make the adjustments without the need to put thousands of people to work on pyramids for calendar observation purposes. The building projects continued, but the purpose shifted to glorifying the powerful in charge. Eventually pyramid building gave way to other elaborate structures like temples, coliseums, cathedrals and even today’s skyscrapers. Mankind’s basic urge to build larger and bigger buildings seems to be apart of human nature. The Bible records that the first thing men wanted to build after leaving Noah’s boat was a tower to reach the heavens. Nothing seems to have changed. Why? The complexity of the multi-geared Antikythera calculator demands an explanation beyond what scholars have given. There must have been an important reason beyond what scientists can observe today that motivated its designer. Today’s scientists are blinded by the unverifiable religious stories of evolution’s mythology. It is impossible for them to understand that the Aztecs missed the fact that the great asteroid strike changed the earth’s rotation patterns and timing. That asteroid impact of 2287 BC caused the earth to wobble like an unwinding top. It messed up all of the calendar systems existing at that age around the globe. Scholars have not asked the right “cause and affect” questions, and their closed-minded biases about the past have also prevented them from reading the geology and fossil records properly. Most throw out what eyewitness records of the Flood and related events as not being relevant because they are religious. This faulty thinking keeps the museums’ solid bronze and gold clocks shrouded in mystery. Teaching Faulty Thinking in Schools When our Western universities purged the Bible from every school library as not being relevant to science, they behaved like the Nazis in Germany who burned and removed the ancient historic records of humanity like the Bible. Modern schools have replaced a creation belief system thousands of years old with a new one invented 150 years ago. Evolution is the secular state’s religion to replace the old one. Today’s students are taught to believe in atheistic evolutionary fairy tales. Universities teach children stories converted and dressed up into science. It is as if a frog kissed by a maiden could evolve into a beautiful monkey ancestor of mankind if given millions of years. Some fossil fragments called “Lucy” exist, but they are no proof as we do not have a single complete fossil of a theorized intermediate species among the thousands of bones collected in museums. This is why scientists use strong-arm coercion tactics like the Aztecs seen in stone pictures. It seems that our modern religion of contemporary science does not want you to understand the Bible as clearly explained by Sir Isaac Newton. Scholars have tried to keep his writings on the Bible hidden from the public in a Jerusalem university’s basement. Page 154 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 So why has science become so unbalanced? Why do the experts ignore so many facts that could convince us that simple life forms do not evolve into a more complex systems, which is contrary to the physical laws of entropy operating in nature? Modern research is on the threshold of discovering new information about genetics and DNA that conflicts with the existing evolutionary dogmas. These discoveries will eventually bring down the evolutionary house of cards according to physical law. That is why the new intelligent design theories are not permitted in public schools. The theorists in power want to keep the public in the dark a little longer. They still believe against the odds that simple things evolve into bigger, more complex ones. I have difficulty in following a logic that says something like airplanes were manufactured before they were invented. This faulty reasoning has prevented real investigation into ancient clocks connected with biblical information; therefore, the real reasons for these clocks may remain a mystery for another 100 years. Since I still believe what the Bible teaches, let’s crosscheck biblical data with our new technology. Hopefully, it will make sense to you and start the process towards a better understanding of the inner workings of DNA cellular intelligence or a mystery clock from Antikythera now deciphered in this book. A Military Rocket Instrument – the Ball-resolver I previously worked as an instrument maker for the military industry. In those years, I came across a rocket instrument called the ball-resolver designed in the 1960s described in Chapter 4, which could be compared with the Antikythera clock in order to better understand its ancient gear system. This mechanical rocket guidance instrument was designed for a threeaxis spin and could be put alongside our ancient Antikythera-mechanism clock as both work the same way. It is difficult to explain the technical features of any instrument when the purposes for why it was built are unknown. The same may be said about ancient calendars and clocks. To properly understand their structure, I had to postulate that the earth once moved along three axes and not just the two known today. One concept depends on the other. In this case, the ancient relationship between the earth’s changing tilt axis and mystery bronze-gold clocks is still unknown to researchers blinded by uniformitarianism. I believe that the Antikythera Clock can be set and aligned in any century between 2287 BC to 518 BC and must be adjusted to a particular cycle of a solstice-equinox position coinciding perhaps with the Great Pyramid’s Draco constellation as a reference point. One needs only to remember what year is generated on a table3. We are counting from our time (2006) back toward the beginning of time - Adam and Eve at 4068 BC using the Hebrew calendar or even further (4488 BC) using the Aztec calendar. However, ancient calendars would have counted forward from the asteroid impact on 5 February 2287 BC - according to the Gregorian calendar, which is 4,293 years before 2006. 3 See the table on the end of this chapter. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 155 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries The Aztec calendar system goes back to Noah’s days via Japheth’s descendants. The western world got it through a Hebrew-Egypt connection from Noah’s son Shem. Its traces are also found in the Bible. Specifically, Matthew’s gospel records the ancestors of Jesus back to Adam. Note that this genealogy is grouped by fourteens, which is the Aztec calendar cycle used by Moses. The Hebrews preserved the Old Testament with extraordinary accuracy. We would never have known about the first human civilization of Adam and his children without it. The pre-Flood age exhibits significant scientific information that correlates with what we find in geology and the fossil records. They probably used more of the human brain capacity than we do today. The cleaned-up faceplate of the bronze Antikythera mechanism reveals interesting dates, like 1904, 1934, 1974 and 2006. The Aztec-ChineseHebrew calendar prophesies that our modern civilization will end in an Apocalypse in 2012. I noticed supplementary calendar alignments from other cultures that hit the same target date exactly on the dot. The Aztec fourth-quadrant cycle also ends on 21 December 2012. Their legend predicts a fifth cycle of abundant life following our present age that will be totally different from previous cycles, but this 4th cycle will end in total destruction. The Hebrew fifth cycle (according to Daniel’s and John’s prophecies) coincides with that story and will start what is known as the Kingdom of God cycle (the Hebrew-Christian God, who is the Creator of the universe). This can be confirmed in the Aztecs’ culture by pictures about future prophetic cycles painted on their palace walls. (See my report on the Teotihuacan Palace of Tepantitla in my later discourse.) If you want to know about another discovery of ancient quadrant cycles, read my chapter of the Himmelsscheibe,4 which is an ancient bronze plate over two feet in diameter imbedded with gold symbols found sev4 Page 156 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 eral years ago (2002) in Germany near my hometown. I interpreted it two years after its discovery. Scholars date it to the Bronze Age but do not understand it so it remains a mystery for them. Again, none of the secular scientists have any idea of its meaning, which is typical because they reject the historical perspective of the biblical sources that record a great part of our knowledge about oldest antiquity. Being educated in both science and the Bible, I put the Himmelsscheibe alongside the other mystery clocks. My hypotheses provide a framework where both perspectives [science-Bible] logically fit together in a unifying picture of the past and future. You should test its validity yourself. A world calendar based on three changing spin-axes requires three sets of gears driving clock dials to determine the month of any given year. Ancient pendulum movements of our earth put a changing wobble in its axis that required complex clocks with two or three dials to be accurate. For the average reader to understand that principle, I must use analogies since nothing exists that we can compare it with today. We have simple, one dial clocks today because the earth’s axis rests almost stable at 23½˚. But the ancient design features still appear in multi-dial clocks like an astronomical German cuckoo clock in the city of Prague described later. We think of these ancient features as only serving decorative purposes and not because they were once needed to track the irregular movement of the sun, moon and stars. Cuckoo clocks feature a beautiful bird to connect with our daily life announcing the passing hours. They remind us when to go for lunch or to go to bed. It is fun to wake up with the sound of a cuckoo’s chirping and count them to see whether I can stay in bed a little longer. We cannot get away from clock cycles it was no different in ancient times. Previous ancient timekeepers like pyramids or sundials have no gears and created many jobs for the ancient priests, some armed with tables of collected data that needed to be figured out to match the cycles of our earth. Hourglass Analogy to Explain Three Dials The bronze clock of Antikythera was built around a three-spin-axis concept similar to an expensive cuckoo clock. Inside, you find three clock faces that connect with one another through the gearing. The bronze clock was built before Julius Caesar’s time; therefore, to understand its fundamental design, we must go back before him to see how it fits in respect to an X-axis change and learn a little about how clock gears work. If we find evidence within the structure to substantiate its theory, then we can solve its mystery scientifically. My problem is to relate unknown science and theory even though I am not gifted in writing. So I use analogies as useful tools to convey how this clock may have worked. Let’s modify a simple hourglass everybody has seen one and convert it in a clock so that we can understand the next step of a mystery clock and its underlying theory. To understand how this clock design works, take an hourglass with two round-based glass pyramids connected by a small neck. The sand Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 157 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries inside represents a fixed amount of time that will not change as the sand passes from one side to the other. We should keep that principle in mind as we apply it to ancient clocks. Now divide the hourglass by breaking it into two separate round-based pyramid cylinders. Imagine we will nail one pyramid cylinder on a little board through the tiny hole so it would work like a wheel turning around the nail. Then nail the other pyramid cylinder upside down on the same board close to each other. Now connect the two tapered wheels with a rubber band. If you turn one side of the tapered wheel, the other will turn too. Since we want to make the other wheel go in the opposite direction, we twist the rubber band into a figure eight. A left, counterclockwise turn on one side would therefore turn the other dial clockwise in the opposite direction. You can now see that if one side of the cylinder pyramid diameter gets smaller, the other gets bigger depending on which way you move the rubber band up or down along the nail axis. The inverted cylinder wheels each represent a spin axis. The wobbling X-axis will get smaller (upside down cylinder facing the board) and turning the rubber band will we see the rotation tilt Y-axis getting larger (big diameter base facing the board). The rubber band is analogous to the middle small dial in the back of the Antikythera clock. The height of each cylinder represents the range from 2287 BC to 518 BC to phase out in BC/AD crossover. The back wheel of the Antikythera clock has two circles of 12 sections. It functions like a kitchen clock for those living at that time. The earth wobble defies anything we can compare it with, as physical laws measuring time are no longer applicable in our modern age. Therefore, clocks with two or three dials were the only option to track when to plant seed in spring and when to harvest crops before the winter snows. Teeter-totter Principle The Antikythera clock is designed to work like a teeter-totter. The center of the teeter-totter is the middle dial with 48 windows as shown in the 48-Gear Teeter-Totter Diagram. If we have a heavy adult on one side on the teeter-totter board and a skinny child on the other end, it will not be horizontal and will not work properly. We must therefore shift the board sideways so that the heavy side is in balance with the lighter side. To find the neutral point we must move the board a little back and forth until we find the pivot point where things balance out. Similarly, this Greek clock must be cranked from both ends with pointers moving either way to adjust the center back dial to what we see in the sky in order to determine the real time in a given century. The central backside of the clock is like our Kitchen clock and has two separate circles with 12 windows. At the 10 o’clock position, we find a double marker of a small notch window that could mean a 12 o’clock calibration position to start counting the 12 months or 12 zodiac signs. Why do we have two zodiac dials? When you look at my spin-axis graph [Figure A] in Chapter 3, you will notice an exponential curve Page 158 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 from 2.8 to 0.54 representing the X-axis teeter-totter relationship to the Y-axis. If we use a point, for example 2.0 on the graph, that would mean Christmas (the winter solstice) comes two times in one 365-day year (Zaxis), or about two 180-day cycles. A simple diagram will show the teeter-totter relationship of the 48 gears. On one side we have two x 12 cycle = a 24-month zodiac dial placed on the back of the clock. The other has the big 59 front dial which is really [59x4 = 236+4] = 240 windows. So the ratio from one dial to the other is 1:10, or 24 monthly cycles to 240 windows with each one being 26 cycles long. Notice that the four, slanting from left to right crossover lines are getting stretched unequally. They look like the exponentially spaced points of my graph [Figure A] 2.0, 1.31, 0.83, and 0.457. The range of the 59-gear dial is 1,687.4 years (4x59x7.13 = 1,687.4), which makes each window 7.15 years long - the same as an Aztec stone skull (1,716/120 = 2x7.15). But the Antikythera clock is two skulls short (1,716-1,687.4 = 28.6). [28.6/7.15 = 2] The number 2.0 on the graph signifies two solstices in one year (Z-axis), hence we can say 24 months as the Chinese calendar shows. The other end of the diagonal lines intersects with the 12 zodiac months of our present calendar clock at the 23½˚ tilt angle, which is 4 x 48 windows Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 159 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries cranked at the [48-gear dial] left side. Since they are black and white, we really only have 4x24 windows. One window equals 6½ on the back dial of the Antikythera clock or 6 months. Therefore, the wobble between 24-month to the 12-month orientation in one year is distributed over a range of 1,716 years as indicated on the 48-gear dial. Every 7.15 years, one window is moved just as the Aztecs removed one stone skull from the pile. To see it from another perspective, one solstice at 2.0 has 6 months in a year because the opposite spin eats up the other six months. Each month would therefore appear to last longer than 30 days. The 2.0 point is Abraham’s lifetime, but Julius Caesar (.457) moved the calendar system from 6 to 10 months, which was later corrected to 12 months in a year. Another common feature with the Aztec calendar’s X-axis is the Greek mechanism’s use of 52-day cycles divided into two observable solsticeto-solstice cycles, each 26 days overlaid. In one cycle, the sun goes up from the east to set in the west, and in the following cycle of 26 days the sun goes up from the west to set in the east. Like an invisible gyroscope, that east-west and west-east information from before the Flood about the 3-axes movement is carried forward and converted in a wobble of the earth after the asteroid impact that set off the Flood. That new relationship I call a pendulum wobble, as the X-axis will sometimes change to be counterclockwise, like my rubber band hourglass clock model, and must be tracked during each century as the earth’s axis moved towards stability. How? By looking in the sky and establishing where the sun goes up and where it sets. West east East west West east East West West east East west 2172 BC 1897 1622 1347 1072 797-BC/AD For example, we usually take it for granted that the sun goes up in the east because we have now a fixed axis, which allegedly is no longer moving, hence stationary or dead. Therefore, we would only use the outer circle of 12 windows of that backside, Antikythera kitchen clock. However, there is another possibility when the sun rose in the west. That means when a person lived during a period when the sun goes up from the west, he needed to use the inner circle of windows in our kitchen clock to count the 12 months of that phase of the earth wobble. Based on this principle, I made a simple table to track sunrise to sunset positions until the X-axis comes to rest after about 1,716 Aztec/Hebrew years or 518 BC. Counting from the beginning, the X-axis had two complete sun cycles plus a partial cycle. My graph starts with it rising in the west 2.81 turns to end at the third reversal to rise in the east as the wobble slowed down to the present tilt of 23.5˚ (2.81 to 0.457). The big 59-window dial is theoretically divided into 26 window increments. To affect one of the 48 windows on the dial for one dark cycle, you must crank 26-windows on the 59 dial to align with what direction of sunrise-sunset cycle we observe in a particular century - east to west or west to east. We will explain it better later. The Internet has a graphic Page 160 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 simulation clock that should match my theory with X-ray pictures of the two thousand year-old Antikythera mechanism. To understand that west-east and east-west cycle in the sky drove me crazy too – just as it drove the Aztec astrologers to build five pyramids one on top of the other. My story had to be written five times, and it is still convoluted I wish that some computer geek comes to my aid to create a graphic visualization of this complex earth wobble. That keyword, pendulum “wobble” became the spark of understanding for a 59-window dial connecting the Aztec 26-day cycles with the sun’s movement across the sky. It really works. To see what I mean, take a yellow marker and hold it vertically. Then spin the pen while moving it right and left, imitating a pendulum motion. Keep spinning and notice how the direction changes while you tilt the pen right to left and then reverse it while still turning. Notice that on one side, the spin will turn toward you the other tilt away from you. This observation would explain how the sunrise changes during the centuries when the earth axis behaved like a pendulum still affected by the asteroid impact. As the pendulum’s cyclical motion became smaller and smaller, it eventually stopped and froze. Just hold your pen marker tilted at 23½˚. Now I hope that you understand the Greek clock better. If the pendulum is on the left side, then we say dark window. If on the right side, it is the light window of the 48-window dial. Each manipulates the other 59-window dial, which has 26-window range build in on the 59-dial clock, we will learn about next. The 26 Aztec cycles indicate the sunrise cycles of the original Aztec spin still embedded but declining. Let’s go on and we come back to explain it a little better at a later point, as there many overlapping concepts to lay on the table to make any sense at all. Now I understand the Chinese bronze clock dial with 8 cycles a day. When the pendulum wobble is going in the direction with the earth’s velocity it will end up having 12 hours a day or a 24-hour cycle. When the pendulum’s wobble reverses direction, then the hours per day incrementally become smaller and stop at an 8 or 16-hour one day count like the midnight sun in Norway. The days are shorter like we experience in Aztec cycles of 260 days in one year per century on the Aztec clock to coincide with pyramid changes in Mexico City. At 2.6666 on my Figure A, we have an 8-hour day matching the Chinese bronze dials (.6666 x 24 = 16). The Y-axis Dial (Backside) Let’s look at the back dial of this mystery clock and figure out its meaning. Scientists reading my report should try to prove my hypothesis, and then try to disprove it like they do any new theory. This all reminded me of where I compare the chronological cycles to the gears of a cuckoo clock in my book, Mystery of Tammuz 17, which discusses the 7,000-year Hebrew cycle of human history. You can read Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 161 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries about that clock on the Internet. In the text I explain gears that repeat and mesh very precisely in a system, which allows us to predict a future dates the apocalypse 2008 to 2012 just like the projection path of a stone thrown into the pond can be calculated with physical laws. Projecting the trajectory of the stone or a sales forecast based on past cycles in business does not make one a prophet but just an application of the laws of nature. Like clock cycles, the Bible marks time the same way. Each cycle of history-prophecy overlays the other in a logical pattern like the gears in a clock. Checking out our mystery clock from the Greek sea, scientists have identified gears in the Antikythera clock that seem to indicate an astronomical ratio, but why are there three dials? I noticed that it starts the ratio with a 64-tooth gear. My book dealing with future dates from the Hebrew calendar mentions a number of special transfer gears of 64 teeth that connect one cycle with another on a dual-faced Hebrew cuckoo clock you find in the appendix, which works exactly like an Aztec clock. Page 162 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 Notice that the backside dial of the Antikythera clock has two circles with twelve-month cycles sections. The outer periphery of dial is half offset with the inner twelve circles. So why do we have identical gears in the Antikythera clock and matching different calendars cycles from other cultures? A 64-Tooth Gear I am not surprised to see a connecting gear with sixty-four teeth in our unknown clock. That fact alone links it to the other clock gears on the adjacent wall. The Chinese bronze dial clock has 64 gears of 8x8 Yin-Yang cycles, and the 7,000-year Hebrew clock has three 64-tooth gears imbedded.5 Thus, we see what the equation in our Antikythera clock looks like: 64 38 X 48 24 X 127 32 X 257 19 = 13.368421 This is an astronomical ratio we will talk about at the end of this book. Our calculated ratio today is 13,368267, a very small amount difference: .0000115. That could translate to our 23½-degree tilt axis (Y), which is not at rest, as science assumes. If you turn the graphic crank to make the pointer go around, you will notice on this dial that the two pointers cross each other over seven times. At that point, we should see a marker in a circle dividing the seven cycles. Since I do not have any picture available from the clock, we should look for them because they represent the X-axis in the pre-Flood Aztec calendar. The big pointer points to the inner second twelve-section divide, which is offset to the outer twelve-cycle divide. Notice that they indicate six turns plus a one-quarter space when they cross over as the next increments to two quarters on the sixth turn, followed by three quarters on the next sixth turn. That could reveal an inner relationship connecting concepts that could decipher its secrets. I just wrote it down as I cranked the dial and watching past the 6th turn connected to the 48-window clock dial: 6+¼, 6+¾, 6+½, 6+¼, 6+¾, 6+½, 6+¼, 6+¾, 6+½, 6+¼, 6+¾, 6+½, 6+¼, 6+¾, 13 12¾ 13¼ 13 12¾ 13¼ 13 Analyzing my cranking steps of incremental quarters and adding them together reveals a familiar Aztec calendar cycle-pattern below the horizontal line. Here is a summary: 1. It seems that the back dial has a built in ratio of 6½ mean averages to one window on the 48-dial [left side]. This indicates to me 13 crossover moon cycles within 12 zodiac signs. To understand that, make a horizontal line on a piece of paper and divide it into 12 sections. Than draw with a pencil a +/- sine curve crossing over at each division continuously each 5 4068 to 4004 BC, 518 to 454 BC, and prophetically the twelfth period of the apocalypse, May 22, 2015, to the 9th of Av, the second Hebrew fast (July 25, 2015 = 64 days). Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 163 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries cycle which would indicate a moon crossover 13 times in a 12 cycle system. You should show six plus alternating with six minus a half-circle along a horizontal line and notice the number 13 crossover from the moon’s perspective. To define 12 equal cycles we need 13 dots that I call crossover. Look past the 12th cycle connecting with a 13th cycle it should look the same as the first. So we must count the crossover of our horizontal line and compare it with this clock. Since the dial is too corroded to see perhaps numbers, we use the Aztec system of crossover. When two clock hands cross over, combined with the big pointer crossing over the small pointer it equals thirteen fields on the outer-inner periphery spaces of twelve monthly cycles just like your kitchen clock would indicate. 2. When we count seven crossover points around the periphery (not seen in the picture), it indicates the horizontal X-axis of my tilt-axis hypothesis explained in chapter 2. So turning seven crossovers, we indicate a number 8 on the clock dial. Look at an ordinary clock and move the big hand one time. Notice that the small hand moves to the one o’clock position at the same time. The next crossover from the one o’clock position is one o’clock plus one equal two. Seven times a portion equals one full extra turn: 7 + 1 = 8. That will play out like the Chinese bronze dial calendar, which also starts with eight. It takes a 2x7-crossover spin to turn on this clock dial because we have winter and solstice points to consider in the pre-flood double-axis spin. So Christmas before the flood would have come around seven times in one year, or a Fourth of July celebration would have occurred seven times in one Gregorian year each with a 26-day cycle of the old spin-axis to indicate sunrise in a future calendar. That system was then carried forward as expressed in a clock with gears. The Aztec year, like the circle of 360˚, is equal to 360 days (Z-axis). If you go back and read again my theory of the spin axis, the pre-flood Aztec calendar has seven spins on the horizontal X-axis divided into four seasons (quadrants) of thirteen days each. Twenty-six days the sun goes from east to west and twenty-six days it reverses and goes from west to east in two equal solstices in one spin. Notice on the ten o’clock position there is a little empty space on the outer twelve-cycle dial. That point is your reference point to start setting the clock and counting. When we crank from here we will find the corresponding calendar on the other two dials related to the flood or the earth axis coming to rest, which is the Y-axis. Remember, this is setting the clock from a pre-flood reference point to find a particular reference in the calendar sequence. The asteroid hit on February 4, 2287 and would be a good point to start. We should look in the x-ray picture for a mechanism to connect one clock with another, as it is really two clocks (one before and one after the flood) to indicate X-Y axis positions in a descending/ Page 164 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 ascending calendar sequence. This is summed up in a Z-axis calendar, formerly 360 days, but now 365¼ days at a tilt-axis position of 23½˚. I do find some calibration dial markers in the photograph like a scale on an outer rim mounted on a gear to align with present solstice and zodiac dates. Different centuries require different settings for calibration over thousand years time span and must somehow be connected to a beginning to measure time. My first prognosis is that this clock calculator dial incorporates one Aztec year (4 x 13 = 52) times 7.02 turn on the X-axis. This data is transfers to the Z-axis 365.04 days, indicating twelve Zodiac cycles on the Y axis, to establish a particular month of a particular year for the X-axis declining as measured from 2287 BC. A 127-Tooth Gear When I was in a German trade school sixty years ago, I trained to become an instrument maker. We had lathe machines brought from England. This cutting machine had a lead screw two inches in diameter and six feet long. From this English Zoll lead screw, we could cut any metric screw thread, but we had to convert its ratio by means of a gearbox for the metric system used in Germany. We always had to figure out and exchange the gears to end up with a metric thread of the part we wanted to machine. One of the most important gears was the 127-tooth gear, without which you could not cut any thread used in Germany. That was before Europe changed from the inch system to the metric system. The basic inch, I am told, was the same as the ancient Great Pyramid in the Giza dimension. Here we have a connection to our mystery clock. So why, I asked myself, do we have a gear of 127 teeth in this clock? The ancient calendar shows a 360-day count on the Z-axis, which comes from a 360˚ circle. The metric system, therefore, should have a 400˚ circle. In the Hebrew alphabet, the last letter, Taw, has the meaning 400, and it connotes the end of a circle system, called the Daleth dimension. However, for some strange reason, the Europeans stayed with the ancient 360˚ system from the Chinese-Sumerian culture, which is the PreFlood calendar structure. Our mystery clock maker was confronted with a calendar change from a 360˚ BC dating system to permanently change it to a 365.24-day AD count system, as the earth’s rotational tilt axis is now a stable 23½˚. The clock system needed to change to something larger than the lead screw of 360˚ would allow. Why, you ask? Just like I had to change the gearbox ratio on my lathe, we cannot change from an inch system unless we use a 127-tooth gear. So the clock must have been built before Christ, with a dating system that had to have a 127-tooth gear introduced afterward for an axis which became fixed at 365 days in a year. The earth is going around the sun not in even numbers. Fraction computed over thousands of years will make a difference and shift a calendar as we can see it in the Hebrew and Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 165 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Islamic calendars. The gears of a clock must compute fractions, which could become very complex the larger the range covered. I think it was a clock before Julius Caesar’s time that was later recalibrated with a provision marked on the base plate for future final calibration centuries later. We should look for increments of 5 x 400 = 2,000 years, as the Gregorian calendar is corrected one day every four hundred years. We recognize on the base plate markings of recent dates like 1904, 1934, 1974,6 and 2006. These are important calibration dates to fine-tune the 2012 date, when the cuckoo-clock bird will announce twelve o’clock, time for the world system cycle to end. The Apocalypse in 2012 idea is not new: it adjusts accurately from an Aztec 52,000 precession cycle that is imbedded in other calendars like the Hebrew, Sumerian and Chinese calendars. I have given you a great deal of information. You must decide for yourself if they are valid and connect. The X-axis and Y-axis Dial Let’s find out when the clock was designed to tell time, from the starting point to the future. A world clock must have a starting point, when we consider zodiac positions and when our spin-axis wobble is extremely large, like a rubber-band calendar that changes from year to year. This drove the Aztecs crazy, as they built five pyramids on top of one another to have, once and for all, a stake in the ground to measure a calendar from. To no avail, as we can see today in the Mexico City outdoor museum five exposed pyramids. When we consider a spin-axis correlation, we must also consider that the X-axis is getting smaller and the other Y-axis larger. The first dials of our Antikythera clock are similar to the Chinese three-dial clock, which reveals an X-Y axis relationship. Crank the first back-faced dial one section of 12 and notice that one crossover turns the second 48-tooth dial two squares (left dial). We previously determined that two turns equals thirteen on the X-axis clock. Half of that is 6½ turns, just as one crossover equals one window of twenty-four teeth (48/2=24) on the 48-tooth dial face. Since these two dials represent X-Y axes, we can figure out when this clock design will start to track the wobble of our earth. Mankind measured the earth’s wobble, which will decline at some future date. Judging from the Mexican-Aztec attempts, they did not understand a declining earth movement at first, since it had never been experienced before and never entered their minds. Spending millions of Aztec pesos to build five always-changing pyramids on top of each other to save some money, they concluded that the gods must be very angry with them because the sun kept changing its direction with stars moving through the sky. That caused a horrible reaction by the priests due to misunderstanding was happening so they sacrificed thousands of victims of their own or from raiding neighboring tribes. 6 That date shows up again in the calculation of precessions of equinoxes in chapter 2. Page 166 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 Mystery of the 59-Tooth Gear (Right Dial) On the right side of the Antikythera clock, we have a dial that has 59 fields around its periphery. It is offset four times with four identical circles. The ratio from this clock dial to the one on the left side (48 windows) is 7.5:1. Twenty-six spaces on the right dial equal one space on the left side of the 48-window dial. Accordingly, twenty-six windows are half of an Aztec solstice-to-solstice cycle. Translating our observation of the sun rising in the east to move west would be read on the outside or outer 12-zodiac dial on the back of the clock. To differentiate between the sun’s reversal in movement to go from west to east or vice versa, the inside circle of 12 windows was used. The corroded 59 window dial is wrong as schematically diagrammed. Instead of four concentric circles, it should have been designed with windows wound up like a spiral watch spring where the inside gets larger as it snakes four times around. Therefore, the 59 gears can be hand-cranked around and around continuously depending observation of sunrise in a particular century. It was probably color-coded alternately to indicate sunrise positions for every 26 window-increments. To discover its operational design, crank it continuously passing many centuries seen on the 48-tooth dial until we get to the point where we see certain cycles repeated. Let’s see how it plays out. We can construct a table if we add (26) twenty-six windows side-by-side to make the total of windows always equal 59. Any overrun is followed on the next line in a continued motion around like a clock. We have 4 window circles to turn over to cover 59 cycles 4 times with 26 Aztec-year cycles. Remember, each counting of 26 cycles across must have a sum of 59. Let me explain it again. Look at the table. The sum of the numbers in every set of three windows across equals 59. Increments of 26 windows run over to the next line. The last square ends with 7+26+26=59. After that it repeats, going back to the first square: 26+26+7. There is a leftover count of 2-4-6-1-3-5, which fills up the last square. That means we have 7 turns x 4 windows = 28 turns (7 x 4 = 28) to make Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 167 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries up 59 cycles of 26. Remember, in a previous X-axis we have 7 spins of 2 double 26-day windows discovered from the Aztec clock. After the last numbers, the cycle is repeated as when we started, meaning that the complete set of 59 cycles repeats itself. In the Aztecs’ second pyramid, as a reference, we have (4 x 5 = 20) x 13 = 260 days. In this 59-gear dial, we have (4 x 7 = 28) x 13 = 364 days. I bolded the 5 and 7 numbers to indicate the calendar change. This tells us that the right dial will correct spin-axis sunrise cycles transferred to the next dial on the left, which connects with the back dial showing 12 zodiac positions. First, observe where the sun rises – in the east or the west, then turn the 59 window dial accordingly, either clockwise or counterclockwise, up to 26 windows in any given century and so connect with the 48-window dial. Also notice another relationship 7:5 which is embedded into the Hebrew Rosetta Stone you should learn about. 59-Gear Dial 26 26 7 18 26 15 19 26 14 11 26 22 12 26 21 4 26 22 5 26 26 23 26 10 24 26 9 16 26 17 17 26 16 9 26 24 10 26 23 2 26 26 3 26 26 21 26 12 22 26 11 14 26 19 15 26 18 7 26 26 8 26 25 2 4 6 1 26 26 1 3 5 20 26 13 13 26 20 6 26 26 25 26 8 2 4 6 1 3 5 26 WINDOW cycles In a flexible calendar, the X-axis was unknown to the people before 518 BC so they had to track them with a calendar table like this example. The Page 168 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 48-window dial is the year calendar for a given century and that is the clock design with years that could be numbered like 2008-2012-2015. The priest could observe the solstice-to-solstice position once every year and crank one of the 48-window dial to the year he happened to live in and then adjust sunset observations on the 59-window dial, which moved the 48-window dial on either a black or white field. That gave him the relative shorter month cycles or longer days of an X-Y axis relationship in a 365day/year calendar read out on the back dial, outer or inner 12-section dial. When the solstice year was short, the Aztecs measured it by adding so many skull heads in the Aztec clock to where our X-axis is. This can only be determined by observation of the zodiac constellations’ movement within a year. An interesting situation would occur if the sky did not move when the pendulum wobble was at the 12 o’clock or zero position (the sunrise switching); therefore, no zodiac signs could be observed being stationary. That was when the 12-window back dial became handy and must take over to tell them what will happen during the next hundred-year cycle and foretell when the sun would reverse its direction of movement again. However, to calibrate the calendar clock always had to be measured either from 2287 BC forward, or backwards from AD 2012 for the total range of that clock. The Aztec priest, knowing how many stone skulls were left over in the pile of 120, could figure it out another way as the 364-day cycles is connected to the 120 skulls for a total range with the axis coming to rest. Another thought going back to my spinning yellow marker. At the time when the three vertical axis pendulum movements became stationary at crossover, we would expect a mini ice age in the southern hemisphere for over hundred years time duration. This would have piled up the ice a hundred times more on the South Pole than the North Pole, thus people could not have lived in Australia, South Africa and southern South America without sunshine during the years of 2287-1148 BC. Almost all people migrations and settlements would take place spreading out from the equator in the northern hemisphere, which is warmer throughout those pendulum cycles. In fact, that is where scholars find the great ancient civilizations of human history. The Mystery of the 48-Tooth Gear (Left Dial) The left dial of the 48x4 windows represents the diminishing pile of skulls7 of the Aztec calendar system that measured what century they were in: each window represented a fifteen-year (about), one-day axis change (14.3). So two windows paired represents an Aztec year cycle in our Gregorian calendar, which the people in that time did not know. So paired windows transfer the equivalent of the Aztec skull-date dimensions to the first gear. Two paired windows equal movement through 12 zodiac signs/windows on the back dial of the clock. The left 59-tooth dial adjusted to sunrise positions and was read either on the outside or inside of the clock’s 12-window back dial. 7 The use of symbolic sacrificial skulls for counters is explained in Chapter 10, History Trail of the Aztec Culture. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 169 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Thus, the ratio of the 59-gear clock (left center) to the 48-window clock is 7.5:1 (360/48 = 7.5). The ratio of the left clock (the first clock on the other side) is 4:1 (48/12=4), meaning a total gear reduction ratio of 7.5 x 4 = 30, or two Aztec skulls. As a result, Aztec cycles are converted into our 2x12 zodiac system. In any given century, we can crank this clock on the right from a starting point, if we know the leftover 14.3-year skull time cycles. The range of Aztec years is 59x288, which turns to start over the dial of this clock. Antikythera’s Two Axes, Two Dial System The Antikythera clock measures time like two hands on a conventional clock. The two hands are the two dials 48 and 59 and works like a dayyear calendar. The 48-dial indicates the slowing down of the residual X-axis velocity measured in turns from an embedded axis spin since the asteroid changed the axis of our earth. It can be compared to Gregorian solstice year cycles after 2287 BC and is tracked on the exponential curve [Figure A] which will change the monthly progressions. The other 59-dial indicates a declining tilt-axis wobble angle measured in degree from 72° to 47° becoming 23½° fixed from the precession of five constellations Polaris-Alderabim-Tau Herculis-Vega-Thuban as that changed the length of hours in a given day. Sometimes this axis of wobble would even make the sun rise in the west and set in the east. The three Antikythera clock dials with 32 embedded gears work like a calculator. In short, they balance out the interactions of the changing 8 The 59-window dial cranks one cycle of 7x4 squares = 28. Page 170 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 axes to provide accurate data read outs simultaneously to both dials. Notice the 48-dial has 4 concentric circles but each circle has smaller window height indicating some thing is getting smaller switching over to the next circle. The 59-dial is different. Its windows are offset in a way that the windows get smaller. That tells me that the internal clock is designed to measure two declining factors whose intersect reveals a position on the calendar. Let’s investigate the 59-dial that marks the declining tilt axis wobble. As its windows get smaller on the clock dial, we can think of the 59-dial as a spiral unwinding 360°. The window segments become narrower by π (pi) times a diameter getting smaller. The 59-dial marks the wobble of our earth unwinding from a 72° precession through an intermediate stage of 47° and then continued unwinding until becoming relatively fixed at 23½° angle of rotational tilt. The unwinding process began after the asteroid strike and continued unwinding so many turns declining into smaller circles exponentially in a way conforming to Figure A. Stretching out the total wobble so many turns, we get a range from 2287 BC to 572 BC and that could prove the clock system. Notice that the 59-dial has 4 spiral circles connected to the 48-dial with 4 concentric circles which is different. We have found out previously that one window is 7.15 years and multiply 59-window dial times 4 circles = 1,687 (7.15x59x4 = 1,687), which are the degrees of so many X-axis turns left over (1,687/360 = 4.7 turns). The 4.7 Aztec turns of the 59-window dial has embedded 26 window cycles turning one window on the 48-dial. Now 4.7 turns moves the wobble from 72° to 47° tilt angle over a timeframe of 1,716 years of the spiral tilt-axis measured by the 59-dial gradually getting smaller. The 48-dial is divided internally into 26 windows cycles and has embedded 7 turns for one Gregorian year, so we multiply it by 4.7 (7x4.7 = 33) to get 33 Aztec years. Multiplying 33 by 52 yields 1,716 years (33x52= 1,716) for the total range from 2287 BC to 572 BC, which is equal to 4.7 Aztec wobble turns left over as graphed on Figure A. Or, there are 236.6 windows (59x4 = 236) times 7.15 years = 1,716 years for the total wobble range also equal to 120 stone skulls over the total range. [Forget the fractions accumulating to two stones for 1,715 years.] Therefore, 4.7 wobble turns converted in increments of small exponential changes of a declining spiral axis starting from 72° to 47° calculates a difference of 5.3° tilt change per one wobble turn (25°/4.7=5.3° @360°) to end with a fixed 47° degree wobble. For example, picking a particular window on the 48-window dial represents a specific year identified on a table and tracked from 2287 BC. It converts a portion of 4.7 wobble circles going around and around 360° but counting windows on the 59-dial from the beginning. Each window on that dial equals a mean average of 0.1°degrees9. [72°-47° = 25°] (25°/236 = 0.10°), or 26 windows equals a 2.7° decline. 9 I am not that good in mathematics; therefore I only average each increment. Computer nerds can use an exponential window size getting smaller and matching the velocity of 4.7 Aztec turns as in a smaller circle. The π (pi) factor influences how big the circumference is. Measuring a decreasing diameter on one particular dial position gives us the circumference on the other dial automatically because it is calculated by the ratios built into the 32 gears. Fantastic engineering! Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 171 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Once more again if you cranked the 48-window dial to a particular year it will show the correct position on the 59-window dial of the axis orientation along the 72° precession path through 5 constellations. These constellations are found on the outer circumference of many gold-bronze clocks seen in museums. Just deduct and count so many windows from the beginning of that 59-dial and multiply that number by 0.1° and subtract it from 72° to arrive at the remaining tilt-axis angle in degrees. Even with the east-west or west-east sunrise looking at the grouped 26 windows position changes as they must be colored or indicated on a small quarter dial hand I noticed located on top of the 48 dial. That would explain the purpose of the little mini-clock dials. Go back and check out the Persian Astrolabe gold clock of 72° on its circumference with each window measuring 1 degree - 10 times more then the Antikythera clock. The Greek geared mechanism is 10 times more sensitive because it appears later in time – towards the end of the last Aztec tilt X-axis wobble when the changes per increment of time were much smaller. If one counts 99 windows and multiplied it by 0.1°, it gives 9.9° [99x0.1 = 9.9]; therefore, the remaining wobble is [72-9.9 =] 62.1°. Knowing the size of the counter wobble tells how many days/month are missing on the Xaxis as measured from solstice to solstice in a 360° circle as converted to the monthly calendar periods indicated on the back of the clock. There is no sunrise when the pole points directly at the sun. During such an event the earth axis wobble is vertical. Switching over, the 59dial can tell us how many years would be left until the next cycle starts. This is done by counting the leftover 59-dial windows within the 26 window range. The next projected sunrise is measured on the 48-dial with dark/white windows as my table shows comparing it with the 59window dial. (Observe the sunrise position.) Connect it with the back 12x2 dial to determine the zodiac month position on one or the other of the 12 sections on the dial. The Antikythera Mechanism calculates the speed (velocity) of the declining X-axis converted to the rotational (tilt) axis’ angular position in degrees on the 59-dial and should therefore be able to project when the wobble will stop. That would mean that the X-axis is still ever so little moving until 21 December 2012. All of the other ancient clocks also end on that date. In fact, that last one turn of the X-axis is exponentially very large and slow. It is taking over 2,000 years to arrive at the final stop as projected in Figure A. It has been drawn out much longer than I had expected as it approached the horizontal line that was corrected 500 years ago by the Pope Gregory, who added 14 days to it. In this final characteristic, the spin-axis hypothesis also connects with my global warming theory described in the last Babushka book, Genetic Modification Exposed! That small book describes how global warming is substantiated by using data coming from the Bible, a 5,000-year old history book. Since the universities have mostly thrown the Bible out the window, only wild speculations by confused scientists remain because they cannot figure out accurate answers using research methods based upon the unproved theory of evolution. Evolution is a religion lacking accurate scientific data. Page 172 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 Eyewitness data collected in the Bible can be trusted. When taken together with mystery calendar clocks in museums, we can learn a lot about what our climate was like in the past and will be in the future. Do not ignore my warning of the coming asteroid prophesied by the Aztecs and John in Revelation. Everything is going to change again. This book about the rubber band calendar of the Antikythera Mechanism fits the dual spin-axis hypothesis and will be obsolete after 21 December 2012. I realize that it takes a little time to put it all together in order to understand it fully. Estimating the Clock’s Age The left dial of 48 windows could determine a range of years for when the clock was built. The second dial has 24 double windows (total = 48). Each window reflects one Aztec skull, which equals 14.3 years. So 24 x 4 x 14.3 gives 1,372 years for the total range. We can apply this range to the start date of 2287 BC - 1,372 = 915 BC, which closely coincides with the story of Hezekiah. The Bible records that the sun moved ten hours backward [not on the same day]. This took place when both spin-axes crossed over each other, but one was a little faster. My logic of dating that clock could therefore be off a little and need more time to think it over. Another marker is the cult of sun worship, which had become well established by then. That is another broad indicator of historical periods to use in evaluating calendars and clocks from a dual-rail perspective. A Closer Look at 48-Window Dial I made a Greek clock correlation table and compare it with the Aztec stone skull counting method and found them to be identical. That means the Aztecs’ knowledge expressed in stone skull time cycles is replicated in the bronze gears of the much more recent Greek Antikythera clock. It is an incredible fit within a day’s accuracy. The Antikythera mechanism indicates fractions beyond Pope Gregory XIII’s AD 1582 calendar and totals equal to one negative stone skull correction date, inscribed like 2006, which means that the residual wobble of the axis is still moving ever so slightly effecting climate changes as described previously. Notice minus skulls after BC/AD: From 2287 BC to AD 2012 = 4,300 years. 4,300/400 = 10.75 days. This is a .75 skull fraction. [10.75/14.3 = 0.75 skull] Pope Gregory XIII corrected the Julian calendar by 14 days. Add Gregory’s 14 days to Julius Caesar’s 62 and you get 76 days. Divide that by 14.3, and we get 5.3 skulls difference, since Julius Caesar (14 + 62 = 76/14.3 = 5.3). These five skulls divide between BC/AD, four before BC and one after as the table shows in AD 1582 about the time of Pope Gregory XIII. It is extraordinary that Aztec priests’ stone skull cycles10 match the gears of the Antikythera clock to a day but were invented on the other side of the globe over a thousand years earlier. I independently figured out that the Aztecs invented the pile of stone skulls after the failure of the fifth pyramid to measure an unstable calendar that needed correction about every 15 years. 10 (4x48 = 192/2 = 96) Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 173 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Antikythera Clock 48-Window Dial 96 Windows (Aztec Stone Skulls) 120 105 93 90 80 78 Spin-axis X-axis positions Dark West-East Light East-West Peleg 2.82 Abraham 1.31 Abraham 70 60 60 50 40 45 .998 Moses .83 1072 Hezekiah 20 792 10 0 (-1) (-3.2) .457 0 .457 Add 1 day 2287 - 588 BC 0 - AD 2012 2287 BC 2072 BC 1897 BC 1858 BC 1715 BC 1685 BC 1572 BC 30 (-1) skull (14.3 days ) Date Range 1429 BC 1284 BC 1286 BC 1143 BC 1071 BC 1000 BC 857 BC 714 BC Julius Caesar 588 BC 571 BC 56 BC Jesus BC/AD Gregorian calendar 400 yr/day correction 1582 on cross for 3 hours 2012 14.3 = Stone skull range = 1,716 years The Greek clock was made after Hezekiah’s time with bronze gears measuring the variance of fractional (14.3) years, which is a little more precise. But over the total range of time, they come together when the Aztec 52,000 cycle crosses over at the 21 December 2012 date to start the 5th quadrant cycle, which is a new one. It needs to be converted to Gregorian years in order to make sense. The 4th Aztec quadrant chronicle tells of ending in an apocalypse prophesied. You can’t miss it if you read about what they painted on palace walls in Mexico City or about many tourist books written about the Mayan culture. From a calendar perspective that is proof that the X-axis to Y-axis relationship hypothesis is valid. Prophetically matching the Bible and Hebrew Alphabet Number System code is extraordinary and a matter monorail scientists or theologians to sort out for themselves. I only state gears relating the way I found them and put them side-by-side like a dual rail track for a train. It is a more balPage 174 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 anced system to check out theories and facts. Mathematics is a good tool to verify a theory. Using analogies helps to compare and analyze the data with geology and archeology as cross-referenced in the Bible. If you go back to the first clock dial, we identified a conversion ratio from Aztec cycles to Gregorian cycles in one-month increments of zodiac cycles. Consequently, two of 6½ turns [equals 12 zodiac fields] of the back dial equal two squares of the second (48-tooth) dial that equals 52 squares (2x26) on the 59 dial. Alternatively, a 6½-field window to one window [48] to 26 windows [59]. So the 48-window dial is the fulcrum in the teeter-totter analogy. The clock still requires some collected data from ancient times, like knowing how many Aztec equivalent skull cycles measured from Jerusalem, which the other side of the world would be recorded on tables11 corresponding to the beginnings of the spin axis on 5 February 2287 BC. Changing solstice-zodiac relationships needed to be tracked, just like we do in science today, adding years from one to the next. One builds on the foundation of another with the help of various kinds of calculators. Some final adjustment points were engraved on the base plate, indicating a calendar beyond BC, now continued into AD times, which is the zero point for that clock. The clock still connects with precessions of the fixed axis’s exponential time curve, shown in the second chapter of my book. AD is therefore a zero date from the clock perspective. It is where the axis stopped moving. We named it to coincide with “the year of the Lord” AD, so I am not surprised to see dates like 1904, 1934, 1974, and 2006, which are negative points for that exponential time curve we call AD. Dark Hours at Jesus’ Crucifixion Have another look at the Antikythera Clock Table. Notice the position of Jesus’ life on that table – BC/AD. There we see another calendar correction shaded dark for three hours long. The clock cycles embedded in the Bible-Hebrew cycles and ancient bronze-gold clocks, are reflected in the four Gospel eyewitness accounts of Jesus’ death. Remember, the sun stood still for an extra day during in Joshua’s battle with the Philistines. If the sun prolonged its stay in the skies on one side of the globe, then that would mean an extra long night on the other side of the globe. This “miracle” was really an accentuated correction of the earth’s unbalanced spinning. The internal shifting of the earth’s heavy core elements is a bit like how the ballast in a boat out of kilter might shift and move toward the original center of gravity. Such shifts within the earth’s “ballast” core are followed by earthquakes. In Jesus’ lifetime, we see another earth-spin correction with perfect timing. As the Creator who invented the system, God picked the exact day to die according to many Hebrew prophecies on a day that was also significant in the Aztec and Greek calendars. Notice the table indicates dark cycles that get progressively smaller until the last cycle is only three hours long. Remember the story in Matthew 27:19 where Pilate’s wife warned her Roman Governor husband that Jesus was innocent and to leave him 11 One of the tables may have looked like the three-dial Chinese clock explained in chapter 6. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 175 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries alone. Of course, when business and politics conflicted with a wife’s opinion in Roman culture, they always won, and Jesus was crucified. Then it is reported that there was darkness like a black night in the middle of the execution day with a gigantic earthquake following. Dead people visited relatives in the midst of a citywide destruction. Even Pilate’s palace was not spared. Imagine his furniture in disarray as parts of the building collapsed all around him and his wife shouting hysterically, “I told you so stay away from this Jewish god-man!” In the Temple, the high priest was shocked to see the half-inch thick, embroidered carpet-curtain split into two parts to expose the Holy of Holies. Holiest an ancient curtain rented from top to bottom which could get you killed seeing what was hidden. To top off the confusion after the earthquake, rumors spread around like wildfire that the Roman guards slept while guarding Jesus’ grave when his body disappeared. They feared execution but could not explain why the body had disappeared. Others were saying, “I talked and ate with Jesus. He is alive, resurrected from the dead and able to walk through walls to surprise his friends.” From the spin-axis perspective, the earthquake is connected with a longer-than-normal lasting sun eclipse reported in India. Taken together, we have a sure sign for an axis correction. This evidence tells me that the axis was still moving ever so slightly. In fact, it continues to do so even right up to our time with a major event to take place in AD 2012 that will also release tectonic stress. Our modern astrological priesthood is curious about the sun now passing through a new 12th sign every year between November 30 and December 17. The new zodiacal constellation of Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer/Holder, has suddenly appeared messing up their standardized tabloid magazine articles. Sagittarius is now the thirteenth sign of the secular year. The appearance of snake wielding Ophiuchus is considered auspicious. The interpretations vary considerably. Some see it as an omen of healing and enlightenment. Some think it might represent the prophesied return of Christ. You can read more about what the Mayan-Aztecs believed about this date and how it correlates with the Bible in Chapter 2 of Mystery of Tammuz 17. At the 2012 winter solstice the earth-sun orientation aligns with the center of our galaxy as Ophiuchus leads into Sagittarius, a constellation which points toward the galactic center through a dark area of the Milky Way. As I have discussed in many places, 21 December 2012 connects with 21 December 2288 BC, which is the date the Flood began that destroyed the ancient world often referred to as Atlantis. Reviewing Highpoints of a Difficult Concept If the spin-axis wobble stopped in the first equinox X-axis spin cycle before the Flood of 2288 BC, then we would not have a counter wobble as the sun would be going from east to west. But estimating the asteroid’s angle of impact at 35˚ calculated a date of 5 February 2287 BC. Converted to an X-axis date, it becomes the second equinox of the first of Page 176 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 seven spins. At that position, the sun’s movement in the sky happened to be reversed, going backwards from west to east. Like a dependable gyroscope, the momentum from that impact was transferred to continue after the Flood with a counter pendulum wobble of the sun going up from the west to east. The 48-window (4x48) dial on the Antikythera clock could calculate those sun positions as alternating dark to light windows next to each other, the paired 24 windows in one circle four times around. The paired windows were perhaps colorcoded, one dark and one light. There is no way to tell now because of corrosion. If we examine my exponential graph [Figure A in Chapter 3] at 2.0, which was when the Christmas solstice cycle was observed twice in one year of 365 days, then each of the 12 zodiac constellations would rotate 2 times in a year, and each solstice to solstice cycle lasted 180 days. That would mean the days in general appear to be shorter within a half-year cycle. It is analogous to climbing a steep mountain gaining height while sliding backwards half the distance. The phenomena of shorter days eventually becoming longer according to a declining X-axis is indicated on other clocks like the Chinese bronze plates with 8-hour cycles displayed. This enables their dating by comparing it with the exponential curve in Figure A. At the 2.0 X-axis cycles position the sunrise reversal cycles must be continued to be divided into four quadrant with counting west-east; east-west; west-east; east-west measured from December to December until the X-axis stops at 518 BC. In some centuries, the earth pendulum wobble would be in the direction of earth’s rotation half the time and in opposition to it the other half of the time, gradually declining like a pendulum naturally does. That would screw up any calendar in ancient times, and I feel sorry for the Aztecs trying to measure it. They failed five times in Mexico City eventually came up with a simpler version and fashioned stone skulls, which was a hi-tech idea of a portable calendar that changed every 15 years [14.3] with a one day correction. To set the Antikythera clock to a proper sunrise position, we must correct and crank the 59-window dial up to only 26 windows to right or left, depending on your astronomical observations of sunrise-sunset. That transfers a correction to the 48-window dial with one window dark or the other light, depending on whether we moved right or left up to 26 windows on the 59-window dial. When one of the paired windows was moved, it transferred that information to the back dial to be either read out on the inner or outer circle indicating sunrise–zodiac positions when the sky was not moving (the center of pendulum wobble) in the yearly fashion. These cyclic changes of the zodiac increasing and decreasing with no change in the middle for 93 years required a genius in clock design in order for it to be accurate over the centuries. How would we invent a clock today to track a declining pendulum wobble caused by an asteroid? Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 177 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries After Moses’ life, the spin-axis sunrise is west-east, and at Hezekiah’s time the last sunrise reversal takes place in an east-to-west direction, which has been frozen until our present time. Another important consideration is that the ancients predominantly used “prime numbers” in their calendars. The Hebrew Rosetta Stone has prime numbers 7:5 that helped me to date the Apocalypse 2008-2015 converted to Gregorian calendar. All my calendar dates over a 7,000-year range end with a year number of 8, and I asked the question “why”? The answer lies in clock design of eight as expressed12 in crossover 7+1 = 8. Hebrew Alphabet Number System prime numbers are difficult in mathematics especially calendars. Think of our 7-day week 52 times in a year. The Aztec had 7 spins times 52 days in a year which looks to me reversed from our 52 weeks of 7-day cycles. A preFlood 7-spin North Pole projection needs two 7-cycles to point to the sun with a North Pole as one 7-cycle points the sun to the South Pole as measured solstice to solstice. Looking at other pyramids and counting 99 steps up the accenting steps on all four sides to the top. Why are they short one step to make it a round number 100 on each side? Counting seven crossovers on clocks, we must add one maybe the answer of their accounting system. Transferring that idea, maybe the Antikythera clock gear ratio reflects that, too. Look at my Figure A exponential curve again in Chapter 3. You will find that the ratio points on the graph behave like 1 : ½ : ¼, and when we look at the next gear ratio, we see the same numbers if we add one to the prime numbers: (257+1), (127+1), (64), reverse the ratio that is: 64 + 64 (double) = 128 128 + 128 (double) = 256 Like, 1 : ½ : ¼. When we examine the gear ratios and splice out the 48/24 gear, we can readily see the other gear ratios behaving like the numbers on my exponential graph [Figure A] for Abraham’s–Moses’-Jesus’ time frame with the X-axis spin exponentially declining. The Antikythera clock gear system is not like our clock, which marks time equally in hour per hour increments. Monthly progressions in this ancient Greek clock are exponentially becoming smaller in time as the earth wobble slows to a stop. It is an amazing clock system to adjust exponentially. 1 : ½ : ¼ 2.0 : 1.0 : .457 [Figure A] (257/19 - 127/32 - 64/38). Totaled by multiplying and dividing, we get a number 180.82. That means a range of 180 days or half a year cycle of 360 days plus fraction for a double spin in one Gregorian year. 12 Mystery of Tammuz 17, Page 178 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 That 180-day X-axis wobble is shown on the 48-window dial which has four dial circles but must be divided into two (48/24 = 2) [dark or light window related to +/- 26] as it will disappear eventually as the Y-axis grows. The clock’s 48-gears show the analogy of the teeter-totter. (See previous 48-Gear Teeter-Totter diagram.) Let’s recap. On the 59-tooth dial, we only move +/- 26 windows at any given time right or left during any century, which moves the 48-tooth dial one window right or left to indicate where the sun goes up. That connects directly with the 12 double dial. The outer 12-zodiac circle is used when you crank the 26 windows left. If cranked to the right side, it becomes the inner circle of 12 zodiac positions to differentiate the direction of monthly progression. When you connect the 59 dial to the 12 dial moving up to 26 windows, it is like changing the center of the teeter-totter. The range (59x4 = 236) windows equals ½ a stone skull (7.15 years) is 1,687.4 years (236x7.15 = 1,687.4) which is two stone skulls short (1,7161,687.4 = 28.6/14.3 = 2). Or we can say the 240 windows (4x59+4) are really only 120 windows in parallel as we chose one or the other depending sun-rise in a clock system and that makes the one Antikythera window equal 14.3 years like the Aztec skull 14.3 years. What a coincidence! The teeter-totter (48-dial) range has 96 incremental positions within the 48 window dial (48 x 4 = 192/2 = 96), which has 96 left over X-axis wobble days spread over 1,373 years (96x14.3 = 1,373) as the 96 days overlay with the Aztec stone skulls, too. From 2287 BC to 588 BC we have 120 skulls in increments of 14.3 years for one day of X-axis change (2288 BC - 588 BC = 1,716/120 = 14.3). But the 96 windows of X-axis changes represent 1,373 years or (equal to 24 stone skulls [120 – 24 = 96). [X = 1,716 x 96/120 = 1,373] If we divide 96 into 1,373, we get 14.3, which is the same as the Aztec skull count that proves that the Antikythera clock works like an Aztec clock but on the other side of the globe. Added to the time scale ending in 588 BC, we have an Antikythera clock range from 1961 BC to 588 BC (588 BC + 1,373 = 1961 BC), which aligns with Tera - the ninth after Noah. He had his first son at 70, who was Abraham 1897 BC as recorded in Genesis. The Aztec clock description in previous chapter we figured out a 14.3-year average, which is the same for the Antikythera clock system, which proves that they are related. The Greek bronze gears are more accurate than the stone skull system and only make a few years difference (2 skulls = 28.6 years) after several thousand years. Both systems prove the spin-axis hypothesis. How did the ancient’s measure changing monthly cycles caused by a backwards pendulum wobble? Having an Antikythera clock is not enough. Other tools are required. The changing sky must still be tracked from a certain point on earth. I imagine they used the tops of pyramids, obelisks or totem poles connected with tables where records were kept to track reference points on the horizon during certain centuries. Eventually the horizon was divided into 12 zodiac constellations to indicate monthly progressions of yearly shift observed across a totem pole while cranking the 26 window (59 dial) for alignment correction. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 179 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries As the X-axis was getting smaller one day for every 15 years, the priests had to observe where the sun came up and adjust the 26 window either right or left. The sun eventually reversed in a certain century, and then the 26 window on the 59 dial changed directions, too. A simple table with 96 windows would show when the 26-window crank (59 dial) needs to be moved ½ Aztec cycle (26-windows) corresponding to the X-axis change. The original Aztec quadrant theory is carried forward in time and that may be the reason we find Jesus’ genealogy divided up according to Aztec calendar cycles as reported in Matthew’s gospel, probably collected from temple records before its destruction in AD 70. I am not surprised to find it in ancient clocks. The spin-axis is the only hypothesis which makes sense to describe ancient calculators. How Does the Antikythera Clock Work? 1. From 2286 BC - 518 BC notice on earth where the sun will rise. East-west; or west-east which will determine the outside or inside zodiac circle on the back dial of the Antikythera clock? 2. Adjust up to 26 windows on the dial 59 right or left to the 10 o’clock markings of the back dial to determine the outer or inner clock face of the back dial analogue to the teeter-totter principle. 3. Identify the year on the table and expect less than 12 month in a year between solstice and solstice, like 10 month before Julius Caesar. When solstice (21 December) to solstice is short by 2 month or two zodiacs for example, crank the 59 dials and count the windows. This will indicate the X-axis left over time to count the difference of 365.24 days and stop at the calibration mark to start the next year. Every 15 (14.3) years, one day was added to the Y-axis calendar. If you still have difficulties with understanding my proposal, read again my ball-resolver instrument of three axes. It is a perfect model to explain the Antikythera clock. Moon-Cycle Hypothesis The clock from Antikythera reveals a gear ratio that can be identified as an astronomical ratio of 13.368267. If you want to find out more about recent opinions, go to the Internet and search for that number. Some scientists examining this ratio today have stated that they were surprised that the ancients knew about that and that they were only off by .000015. This remark from an educated person of today is typical of our modern biases. Scholars too readily look down on ancient cultures as inferior and primitive, meaning less educated. This arrogance is expressed everywhere from denying the importance of the Bible as a reliable historical and scientific source of information to the irrational embrace of the evolution fairy tale. There are always hidden facts that could result in a different outlook, but as a successful inventor of many products, I have concluded that it is relatively easy to be smart today. We have many tools for data gathering available to us that the ancients did not have. I marvel at how they fixed a problem with so little hi-tech information available. Page 180 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 To design a clock that can project forward and backwards in time despite a unwinding system of three spin-axes changing from year to year required genius level thinking. 64 38 X 48 24 X 127 32 X 257 19 = 13.368421 For me, the slight variance of the 13.368267 ratio is a scientific opportunity to reason out why that ratio is different. Could it be connected with the asteroid impact, which could change the relationship between the earth and moon that is associated with gravitational forces on the earth? Using data from historical events, we can discover mathematical facts to make an equation. This can tell us if the moon was affected by an asteroid impact or if the moon had a different orbital path as well as whether some of the asteroid fragments reached the moon. Since the moon faces the earth, the earth partly shields it from incoming asteroids, but it has many craters. The other side also shows many impact craters, as photographed by NASA. That makes me conclude there was an historical interference on the moon cycle. If we now have a different ratio and if the ancient designer of a clock system purposely calculated another ratio that would indicate to me that the earth-moon orbital relationship was different in antiquity instead of thinking that the ratio variance is not due to their inferior information. We can estimate when the clock was built; therefore, we can project it on a dating axis from AD 2012 back in time to end in 2287 BC, which is 4,300 years. Creating a graphic table revealed to me a bigger ratio in Noah’s time, which indicates that the moon’s orbit must have changed or been influenced by the asteroid impact on earth. If we do see a change from 2012 to about 100 BC, which is 2,112 years, then 4,300 years is about twice the years. This shows twice a changing ratio. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 181 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries I wish NASA scientists would help me out with this. I need a spin-axis wobble video that portrays the change in relationship to the moon’s gravitational influence. I am not educated in astrophysics. I only mention this to provide another look at what goes on. I will sum it up. With changing spin-axis phenomena, the moon would react to it as it does today, as seen in tidal cycles. If NASA engineers could make a computer model, it would be interesting to observe the physical laws acting to change an earth-moon relationship. That would add to man’s knowledge and give us a better understanding of the Bible and what ancient people produced with limited tools available to them. Closing Thoughts After the Flood, God judged mortals and confused a common human language into many languages, which slowed down humanity’s technological and political advancement. Worldwide judgment is coming in our lifetime just as it did to Noah’s generation. Just as the pre-Flood scientists misused their advance technology to pervert the genetic make-up of the creation, so have too many of our modern corporate scientists greedily modified nature’s genetic library without realizing, or perhaps caring, the full impact of their work. We already see the spreading consequences in our environment. I observe vast destruction in the genetic modification of our food supply. It may even make the natural foods extinct for the next generation by inserting terminator genes in original seed. Our ignorant scientists will soon learn that God’s wrath is kindled to destroy their work of polluting his earth. He originally put us in charge to nurture and take care of our home. Instead, we use our knowledge to destroy humankind and our natural environment. As guest on his earth, we make it uninhabitable by chemical and radioactive pollution and by genetically modifying plants and animals. Therefore, this generation is the most evil one this planet has experienced since Noah’s time. Just as God had to destroy that pre-Flood civilization to save his creation, so He will do it again. I hope God will soon intervene to save his creation for a second time and not give Satan the opportunity to rejoice that he managed to permanently destroy this planet and prevent the prophesied 1,000 years of peace and prosperity predicted by many prophets to arrive after 2015. I believe the dating of the Apocalypse is certain. God is big enough to preserve His earth. He will terminate our civilization’s destructive behavior again as He did to the Atlantis civilization that totally disappeared without a trace. This time God will not use water but another method, yet one that includes another asteroid strike that will set off the greatest chain reaction of earthquakes the world has ever seen. Many ancient oracles, such as Aztec-Mayan legends, predict a firestorm similar to what Bible prophecy predicts. If you have never heard anything like this, then you had better get busy and do some important reading. I mean the Bible most of all, but my books are available to read free on the Internet. (You can order printed editions online or through your local bookstore.) Revelation clearly announces another asteroid impact that will hit the earth at the seventh trumpet blast, ending the apocalypse. Page 182 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 I have read science magazines about a 52 km diameter asteroid already on its way to earth impact. It is in 825-day orbit around the sun to rendezvous with earth before 2020. As a scientist, I give you warnings, anticipating the climax of the apocalypse in 2012, which I discovered in the Aztec-Chinese-Hebrew clock cycles. It is God’s final solution for an evil generation gone amok in the totally wrong direction. Watching daily News coverage, I conclude that our political and environmental problems have mushroomed beyond human governments’ capacity to fix it.13 In closing this chapter of the Antikythera clock, I am overwhelmed by continually finding more evidence for the spin-axis hypothesis and for the coming apocalypse. The mystery clocks I selected are just a few of the many stored in museums. The need for more investigation and research is great. I don’t care if my books get thrown into the waste basket to be replaced by better ones that explain these topics more professionally. I remember as an inventor the first disk drive I designed. It needed a forklift to move it. Now look at your handheld and laptop computers. I marvel how well they work being so small. If you could have seen the first disk drive I built, it was a big and heavy dinosaur. I still laugh at that attempt. So my hope is that some bright young person would design a computer generated scenario of the spin-axis wobble pendulum. Even if the future date is wrong, it could start somebody’s thinking machine, and then we could have a new breakthrough like Galileo needed another scientist to come to his rescue. Let’s continue on this trail of discovery about the Bible and the mysteries of antiquity. In coming chapters, I describe early man from Noah’s time from Iraq/Iran formally Babylon to end up eventually in Mexico. A much different story not found in books stores. Along that journey we will find a number of mysteries Bible events theologian have no answers to explain it which are in conflict with their dogma they invented. Now you have heard an unusual perspective, tied together with a spinaxis hypothesis. You be the judge and prove this clockmaker wrong. I think this is a better story than what we can read on the Internet because scientists are no longer familiar with the Bible, which comes from ancient times. Rejecting Bible data makes you an unbalanced monorail authority. That goes for most religious people too. I learned from life that we must look at the cosmos from two perspectives: material-spiritual, historical-prophetic, Old Testament-New Testament, Hebrew–Christianity, mortal-eternal life. We exist in this NorthSouth polarity, like a DNA strand is dual. Our lives are analogous to a butterfly created in two stages: caterpillar and butterfly. The caterpillar is our present cycle of time dimension. It ends, according to the Bible, in a cocoon. The butterfly stage, after death, is designed for a totally different dimension, like flying thousands of galaxies light years away with a resurrected spiritual body. It is impossible for a caterpillar to imagine what the Bible defines as eternal life. How did I learn of the butterfly cycle for mortals when no one has come back from the dead? Because there is “One” who came back from the dead, Jesus. He proclaimed that only through Him we will know the 13 Does Genetic Engineering Have God’s Endorsements? By Greg Ciola, March 28,2007, Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 183 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries other side, which is eternal life acquired without cost. Repenting, accepting in obedience a road map to attain eternal life, makes you eligible in the next life cycle as a butterfly. Jesus is well worth knowing. Through Him, you will discover another 7,000-year cycle of human history. It can answer your questions about why we are here on this planet and what your future will be, questions you may have had since childhood. We must all live through our caterpillar life, which is followed by the second stage, like gears mesh in a clock. Everything has purpose. Providence gave us an intelligent mind14 to understand available information. It would be a shame to end your life ignorant, with no hope of being born with beautiful butterfly wings. Some scientists said recently that the earth is on the edge of the Milky Way, being tugged underneath a huge galaxy. It is the absolutely best place to be positioned to observe the universe. Any other place would obstruct our view. This position has made clocks possible. Life without clocks is unthinkable. Similarly, the universe without a Designer is like Yin without the Yang. It is impossible. Humanity is moving toward extinction in this generation. We change the genetics of every food-bearing seed. We fish the oceans until no more life can flourish. We genetically modify our domestic animals, and build bigger weapons of mass destruction with deadlier chemical-biological poison. Everywhere I look, we face terrible evils perpetrated by godless scientists, corrupt politicians, and spineless theologians who should know better. I am glad God has announced, “Time’s Up.” He comes to save his planet. I just discovered the twelve-o’clock position on God’s clock: 2008-2015 Daniel’s Calendar & the Aztec-Antikythera Clock Previously I stated that the Aztec skull counting method matches the Antikythera clock window size of 14.3 years for one skull or 2 windows on the 48-window middle dial. This can be verified from Daniel’s prophetic perspective. In the first Babushka book of Apocalypse Prophesied, I describe a newly discovered calendar system from the Hebrew Bible. I refer to it as a 7,000-year cuckoo clock because it has dates imbedded in it like 21 December 2012, which correlates to the cuckoo clock’s 12 o’clock position. As a curious inventor who was always in the habit of turning over stones since my youth, I asked the question why light coming from space in the visible spectrum of seven rainbow colors has imbedded hidden spectral lines. Then it occurred to me (as a Bible student) that human history also has spectral lines hidden in it in the form of biblical cycles where the Heh (Spiritual) dimension intersects the visible Daleth (this world, in this time) dimension. Like in physics, these historical spectral lines may be graphically expressed in a clock calendar. My 7,000-year cuckoo clock diagram reflects a biblical Rosetta Stone mathematical ratio of 7:5. The 7,000 “year-cycles” of human history are divided into 12 Hebrew clock cycles of 490 years each. This approach 14 Sorry, we use only 5% in our lifetime, which is not God’s fault. Page 184 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 is similar to what is shown on two dials of the Aztec clock that I discovered four years later. One Aztec dial expresses a prophetic calendar system for Satan’s experience while the other depicts the human experience or history. Visiting Mexico various times brought more information to light from the Aztec rail in which the history of a Great Serpent in the Aztec religion matches that of the biblical Satan as explained in my previous books. Applying the Hebrew Alphabet Number System to Bible prophecies of Daniel and the Apostle John (the book of Revelation), I established a 7,000-year timetable corrected to our Gregorian calendar. The Bible and Aztec temple pictures clearly state two polarities: one is God and the other the Great Serpent, or Satan, who was originally positioned right under God in the hierarchy of the divine kingdom/dimension. Satan rebelled and lost his job, an event that can now be dated to 4488 BC with the Aztec calendar-clock. Such unheard of dating can be checked if we consider the parallel Bible and Aztec religious history calendars like the parallel Fahrenheit and Centigrade temperature scales come together at minus 40˚. The linking match point of the Hebrew and Aztec prophetichistoric calendar systems is 21 December 2012. Satan’s rebellion against God mentioned in the Bible caused humanity great loss just 6 cycles of 70 years later in 4068 BC as recorded in the ancient literature and calendar clocks of several other cultures. To shed some more light of different clocks merging with identical dates, we should get informed about the reasons and principles that underlie God’s plan for humankind as built into the various ages of material time and space as marked and measured by the universal clockcalendar determined by the movements of the earth, planets and stars through space-time. At the dawn of history, an emergency occurred in the universe that led God to reprogram an alternative agenda in order to restore orderly function to the heavenly government after Satan’s rebellion. He purged his government and removed the archangel of light - Lucifer, now renamed Satan, together with his rebellions legions of angels now referred to as fallen angels or demons. Afterwards, God introduced a replacement plan centered on the creation and redemption of human beings called Saints. To accomplish his reengineered program, God created the dimension of time and space into which he placed Adam and Eve. Human beings experience a two-stage system of existence. Having experienced the rebellion in the highest administration by trusted angels of light, God decided to replace them with a future administration that would never rebel against him. He devised a plan similar to a butterfly’s lifecycle, which goes through a two-stage system of biological form. The present material reality of human life is like a butterfly’s caterpillar stage. In the present age, humans are tested and immunized with evil from our exposure to that expert of rebellion, Satan, which was introduced and identified to man in the Garden of Eden. Looking at the world today, we must conclude that Satan has succeeded in teaching people all of the tricks of evil lying and cheating. But this process is balanced like a two-rail railroad track concept that introduced contrasting examples and principles of goodness, which is able to hold a society or government together like glue. God reveals in his oracles that he is Love. Ultimately, he defined what love is to man Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 185 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries with the AD 33 crucifixion of himself as the Son. Faith in this proof would thereafter provide an example to the Saints so that they could weather out potential troubles when time dimension no longer would exist. At the end of time, a commencement date was announced. The Apocalypse will come to test humanity, and the Saints will graduate from the Good-Evil school in the resurrection to a butterfly stage. This will also result in a final judgment for Satan, the teacher of evil, and his helpers. They will no longer be needed to test humanity and so will lose their jobs and be punished for their crimes against the Creator and humanity. Those mortals who reject God and rebel against his ways (divine laws of how to live) will also be judged and punished by fire. Subsequently, God reveals the dates of the coming Apocalypse judgment for a world gone out of control with war and destruction. The Apocalypse is followed by the birthday of the Saints. The early calendar-clocks of humanity were thrown off by an asteroid strike in 2287 BC. The mysteries of those calendars strange structure have now been explained by the discoveries and hypotheses presented in my five Babushka books. That took some time to figure out as the comparisons between the pyramids and sand, water or metal computer clocks should prove. Now we have a corrected Gregorian calendar calibrated by computers to the microsecond that can project when school time will be over for the Saints at the hour of their birth into God’s Kingdom. Let’s do the math from Daniel’s time to discover how his clock cycle calendar was intended for modern peoples living in the last days. These discoveries permit us to check out future dates accurately for the first time in history. The Bible records that an angel came to Daniel and announced a set of prophecies that mentioned 69 weeks embedded in 70 weeks. Later, Daniel writes of a “time, times, and half a time” to reach the very end. The question is how to connect week cycles to the “times” scale that can be divided into weeks. Four years ago while I was writing the second Babushka book, Mystery of Tammuz 17, I discovered the Hebrew Alphabet Number System and came up with AD 3018 for the end of time as we know it in the 7,000Year Table of Human History. Daniel’s mystery dating should relate to the clock gears from other cultures and identify what kind of calendar the angel in Daniel’s time must have used. According to the angel’s prophesied 69 weeks, it is connected with an “anointed” one who will be “cut off.” Looking back in history, we can identify this prophesied person with Jesus, who was crucified in AD 33. But there is another “anointed” one, which could be overlaid in a second, mirror-image prophecy applying to Satan to take place about AD 3018. Duality in prophecy appears again and again due to the parallel material-spiritual dimensions (Daleth-Heh), which is also seen in the telescoping of Bible prophecies with near and far visions of fulfillment. The angel connected the 69 weeks with another period “time+times+1/2 time” a different calendar cycle with a second date for the total scale, which correlates with the human race ending with the Second Resurrection to the White Throne Judgment for the people who did not qualify as Saints. Page 186 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 Now let’s do the math on how it works out as I believe that Daniel was familiar with the angel’s calendar system. Looking back historically at various clock cycles like the 52 weeks found in Aztec and our present annual cycles, we could assume that “time” could mean “one time” around the sun or 52 weeks (52x7 = 364 days); therefore, [time]+[2 times]+[½ time] is 182 weeks (52+104+26 = 182). Now we add the 69 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 187 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries weeks from the first period and we get 251 weeks (182+69 = 251) for the total range the angel prophesied. But these are Daniel’s calendar weeks from his clock not ours. When we take AD 3018, which is 3017 ending the total range of time for mankind found in the 7,000-Year Table of Human History, we can calculate from the Hebrew cycles and go back to Daniel’s method of counting. He lived near the time of the destruction of the Temple [588 BC to 572 BC], which coincides with the end of the 120 Aztec skulls (2287-1715 = 572). We get 3,589.3 years difference (3017+572.3 BC = 3,589.3). If we divide 3,589.3 into 251 weeks we get the size of one Daniel calendar week converted into Gregorian calendar (3,589.3/251 = 14.3). The result is 14.3 years, which is identical to the Aztec-Antikythera clock cycle needed to correct an earth axis wobble still applicable in Daniel’s time. Remember, it had nearly stopped it’s wobble in 518 BC. You can check out the clock system by comparing the information presented in the various chapters of this book. This new set of discoveries about how Daniel’s prophecy calendar is converted to the Gregorian calendar by using the 14.3 Aztec skull cycles once again confirms my previous Hebrew Calendar predictions, which therefore make my dating the Apocalypse correct. Chapter 9 of Mystery of Tammuz 17 gives 12 other proofs or “coincidences” of precise correlation of independently determined calculations. From 2287 BC to AD 3017 inclusive, there are 371 Aztec skulls or Antikythera windows of 14.3-week cycles (120+251 = 371). Going back 70 weeks of 14.3-year cycles (70x14.3 = 1,001) from 3017 according Daniel mentioning 70 weeks we get to AD 2016 (3017-1,001 = 2016) for a prophesied event to be cutoff, as nine days further ends in the Apocalypse 21-22 December 2015 matching Daniel’s prophecy since the Gregorian calendar corrects by one day in every 400 years (3589.3/400 = 9 days) using the Gregorian calendar. Fractions measured over thousands of Page 188 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 7 years may make some days of difference. So deducting from 1 January 2016 minus 9 days get us to the 22 December 2015 solstice smack in the center of the projected end of the Apocalypse with Satan chained as lone inmate imprisoned to be executed next day. In God’s presence, one day is as a thousand years for mortals, so we will see Satan executed right on time according to our sense of clock cycles. From 70 to 69 is one week left over, as one week is (14.3) cycles and measured from AD 3017 would come to the execution day being “cut off” for Satan, which is AD 3002 being judged at the White Throne like mankind with a black hole galaxies nearby, which correspond to a lake of burning fire (3017-14.3 = 3002.7). Compare the date 4488 BC when Satan lost his job in heaven’s administration and is now executed for his crime 7.07 days later using God’s thousandyear-for-a-day cycle. If you want to compare it with our previous 7,000-year calendar, you will notice that an extra 490-year Hebrew clock cycle is added for Satan to the human cycle, which is expanded from 12 to 13 Hebrew 490year cycles to exactly within one day. What a calendar coincidence! I am no longer perplexed to witness such “coincidences” repeatedly (AD 3002 + 4488 BC = 7,490 years = 7,000+490). Furthermore, this scenario matches the ancient Aztec clock calendar mention of a serpent coming from heaven found at the bottom of the Mexico City pyramid. There are 13 cycles for the base of the now deciphered 20-ton Aztec stone clock. One more philosophical point came up. What the 14.3 cycle has imbedded in it seems to grow. It developed from the Aztec clock connected to the serpent. It is his clock and like a cuckoo clock has cycles imbedded of God’s planning. I often wondered why Satan is in heaven and messes around on earth on two dimensions – both Heh-Daleth. In heaven, the Bible tells us he accuses the saints when they sin, being misled by his wiles. He brags to God about how successful he is. I explained earlier that a person is both spiritual and physical. In my books, I use the analogy of standing in front of a mirror and seeing only a reflection of the true, absolute reality in heaven. This is a difficult concept to understand because it is the reverse that appears true to us. But we have God’s breath in us - an invisible counterpart in us that belongs to the Heh dimension and is already there. Eternal life in us comes on dual rails as a system, and Satan reflect that reality just reverse from us. It is like sitting in a Pullman wagon looking out the window of a California train. Both as created beings are seated in the same train (time dimension) as Satan sees the ocean and knows what is beyond as we look out the other window more interesting for us – mountains, farms and communities. Satan’s rebellion and his removal date were revealed in the Aztec clock. The embedded cycles 14.3 mapped out his purpose to be a teacher for six days in God’s school to teach the consequences of his rebellion to people. He can only influence us through his place in heaven because the control room for our behavior is in heaven, the spiritual side or other rail of our existence. When we sin, the consequences happen first on the Heh side of existence where our deeds are recorded in spiritual books that will be opened on the last judgment day. After that, the physical side is then affected and the consequences show up on the Daleth side. The Bible shows Satan in Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 189 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries heaven because that is where the control room of our being is. He is there to tempt us. When his job of six days work is terminated, the next day he is executed for his crime of rebelling against the Creator. Rebellious mankind will follow the same way only with shorter cycles. God lets Satan see for one day (a thousand human years) how well people can live under God’s laws and administration even though they possess a nature inclined to sin. So Satan’s clock will only show five (Heh) dates on the Daleth Aztec clock: 1. His rebellion 4488 BC, 2. His removal from the control room for mortals, 3. Cast to earth 21 December 2012, 4. Sentenced to die 17 September 2015 and thrown in the under-world prison for one day (2018-3018) of the Kingdom of God he desperately tried to prevent. 5. Executed and tossed into the black hole of a galaxy in AD 3002 according to the Aztec clock. Check out the cup of coffee analogy in Apocalypse Prophesied, the first Babushka book, chapter 7 where Daniel’s week was overlaid with a seven-year Hebrew base perspective. Or, you can view it like a thermometer with a dual scale division that comes together at minus 40˚, which corresponds to AD 2012 in the clock systems. Checking out ancient clocks establishes a corrected Gregorian calendar that makes dating the Apocalypse possible. The weeks in a spinaxis wobble will change and come eventually to rest at 23½˚ tilt axis and reflect an exponential mathematical relationship that is not linear; therefore, we must look at ancient calendar clocks to be accurate. If you attempt to project a future date, you must understand the worldwide calendar system. How else can God prove that he loves you even giving us understanding about clocks in the time dimension that mortals wrestle with? Page 190 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Observatory Clocks in India Jantar Mantar in Jaipur When I searched the Internet for other clocks, I came up with the biggest clock in India, which took me by surprise. There are six major observatories around Jantar Mantar in Jaipur1, India. Although no telescopic instruments were found nearby, the huge observatory buildings such as Jantar Mantar facilitated precise observation of the stars greatly. Ancient India linked astronomy with astrology as did all early civilizations. They concerned themselves with the calculation of solstices, eclipses and other natural observations. They also determined the Earth’s circumference and theorized about gravitation between the sun and planets of our solar system. Ancient manuscripts include many astronomical references. Although many documents are dated to the first millennium BC, their contents appear to be much older. Ancient India’s contributions in the field of astronomy are well known. The earliest astronomical references are found in the Rig Veda, which is dated 2000 BC. Reading the story about the observatory, I noticed that the next text on Vedic astronomy has been dated to be 1350 BC and was written by Lagadha. So in-between those ancient times, the story mentioned Yajnavalkya (perhaps 1800 BC), who advanced a 95-year cycle to synchronize the motions of the sun and the moon. To me this is an indication of spin-axis phenomena. Let’ examine the math and see if it conforms to the Aztec spin-axis conversion chart [Figure A in Chapter 3]. First, 365 days minus 95 (year/ cycle) days = 270 (365-95 = 270). That means the Y-axis has 270 days and 1 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 191 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries the X-axis has 95 days left over in a year. To find the X-axis ratio of these two axes we divide 95 by 365 = .260 (95/365 = .260). To relate it to a diminishing X-axis, we multiply it by 7 spin-axis turns in one year, which is 1.82 ratio. To find the crossover point on the chart, we can use the nearest reference point. Abraham’s death in 1722 BC to Moses’ death in 1240 BC is mean averaged to 1482 (1722 + 1240)/2 = 1481. Next set up an equation to relate the 1481 BC to 1.31 and 1.82 (1481 x 1.82/1.31 = 2057). The result 2057 BC is startling. Riga Veda is dated to 2000 BC and Yajnavalkya at 1800 BC is an acceptable match. The ancient scholars from India were right, and I am impressed. Did the ancient priests use the spin-axis principles to figure out the system and check their computations? It would be some fun to find out. Once again, ancient records independently support the spin-axis hypothesis. The early ideas in Riga Veda and of Yajnavalkya eventually developed into a heliocentric model of the solar system in which the Earth was taken to be spinning on a single Y-axis. The periods of the planets were given with respect to the sun in a book about AD 500 mentioned by Aryabhata. Remember that before Julius Caesar the calendar had not been changed since 518 BC when the X-axis disappeared and people observed that the calendar cycles had become predictable. Pyramids were no longer built, and a new technology of making bronze clocks arrived. Another reference is the Vedanga Jyotisha, a text on Vedic astrology written by Lagadha that is dated to 1350 BC, which is close to Moses’ time. This document gives rules for tracking the motions of the Sun and the Moon. It also develops the use of geometry and trigonometry for astronomical observation. Similar to the Aztec palace wall pictures, early India’s cultures identified celestial objects with gods and spirits. We have millions of deities Page 192 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 8 in India, and many religions practiced by various ethnic groups that were constantly at odds with each other. As in other cultures, India’s earliest astronomers were priests or Magi. Their understanding of the “heavens” was seen as “divine”, which explains astronomy’s ancient correlation to what is now called astrology. The Vedas make a number of important references about astronomical events of chronological significance. India began their year at the vernal equinox in Orion since 4500 BC. Some texts (Yajnavalkya perhaps 1800 BC) describe the motions of the sun and the moon. The book, Shatapatha Brahmana, advances a 95-year cycle to synchronize the motions of the sun and the moon with the same X-axis / Y-axis data. Two witnesses establish facts in a court of law, and here are two independent references that tell the same story. Looking at the pictures, I want to visit India to find out more about these observatories in order to see if there are more connections with the spin-axis hypothesis. I am sure I will find it. There is not enough information on the Internet, and I need to have a closer look of all those interesting structures. In chapters 10-12, we will find more support for the spin-axis hypothesis when we visit Mexico City’s outdoor museum. In Mexico, I visited seven pyramids where I also found the 95 cycles mentioned in the ancient Indian sources. Many thanks to for the beautiful pictures about some amazing clocks that I never knew existed. I recommend their web site. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 193 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries The Prague Orloj clock tower photo taken by James Grimmelmann on 2005-05-16 19:55:37, Tower.jpg, by permission. Page 194 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 9 Chapter 9 The Prague Astronomical Clock Image: Prazsky orloj sochy apostolove.jpg by Ludek, 16:01, 31 August 2006, http://, by permission. The Prague Orloj Thousands of visitors to the Czech Republic daily watch the clock figures on each side of the dials and hear the bells in Prague’s public square. It is an impressive clock tower mounted on the south wall of the City Hall on Old Town Square opposite a big cathedral. Over 660 years old, this complex clock was built in 1346 taking over 18 years to construct. The citizens were astonished when they saw it the first time. Travel brochures say that the design of this clock was adopted from ancient Babylon. Due to their belief that each hour was governed by its own planet, this clock kept what was also called “planet time.” The hours are graphically shown as curved half-moon circles coming from the center similar to a sun-clock indicating 12 hours. The Bible also uses Babylonian hours. The clock tower was completed in 1364 during the reign of Charles IV. His son Wenceslas added a striking mechanism in 1380. Later, four figures were added to the astronomical clock, which are the oldest moving statues on its side of the dial and one has become famous portraying a Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 195 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries famous death-the-clapper because his jawbones are chattering a tourist attraction. In the second half of the sixteen century, a clockmaker figured out this strange calendar contraption and converted it into our modern, recognizable German clock. He added a 24-hour dial and religious holy days dating from Jan Hus. The 24-hour dial was divided into 12 hours. The day officially began at 6 o’clock, which is when the Hebrew calendar starts the day. My tourist guide then related that the clock was not working for 100 years, but the city finally found a clock master who made adjustments to moon cycles and converted some of the features to a usable form for our present chronological cycles. As I look at the clock and read about its history, it becomes obvious to me that this clock is perhaps the latest representation of a three spinaxis mechanism. There is a smaller dial like a gear engaged on the inside rim of the 24 hour clock-gear. It is similar to the Aztec clock, or as I mentioned before, looks like a Stonehenge kind of arrangement with a smaller circle within a bigger indicating an X-Y axis. The smaller gear or circle represents the diminishing X-axis and would therefore contain the zodiac information with 12 animal signs. After they modified the clock, it would only show a fixed zodiac axis position of a normal 12month clock by disengaging the X-axis and leaving the zodiac clock mechanism functioning separately. Page 196 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 9 Hours measured by sun observation are not always 60 minutes by our modern atomic clocks. The original length of an hour over the course of history has changed from the Babylonian hour, which has only 60 minutes at the vernal equinox or autumnal equinox. In December, the Babylonian hour is the shortest - just like a sundial would indicate. We must think of technological development from one stage to another as we have modernized from an ancient calendar system. Then came the Middle Ages in Italy when the Italians adopted clocks used by other countries. The 24-hour dial was called Bohemian hours, which was finalized in the German clock of 12 equal hours in Western Culture. Both systems are still used simultaneously. The US military and the railroads in Europe both use the 24-hour system for marking time. In antiquity, astronomical clocks tracked the movements of stars rather the movement of the sun to figure out which month it was, so their clocks would be very different. Why? It can only be explained with a spin-axis change that would make any calendar impossible to pass from one generation to another by tracking an earth’s gradual slowing of its spin-axis to the present relative stability at a 23½˚ rotational tilt. The changeover from the zodiac position to 12-month position was demonstrated on the second dial below the astronomical clock. It eventually became a separate clock dial because the other probably was designed from the functional perspective of a three spin-axis mechanism and was too complex with its additional gears. Also note that the inner dial of 24 hours points to the 24th hour window number aligning with the 2 o’clock position, which indicates a hidden 14-cycle Aztec clock pattern of a two-crossover counting method. I was dumbfounded to notice that this clock has the date 2012 indirectly imbedded also. Just notice the construction time of this clock of AD 1346. Add 666, and we get 2012! The mystery number 666 is found in Revelation and represents the climax of Antichrist’s power at the middle of the Apocalypse. The other mystery clocks all have 2012 embedded in their structure in some manner. This Prague Orloj was the last clock I came across before publication of this book. I wanted to present my thoughts to a scheduled conference in Athens on 30 November - 1 December, 2006 on the Antikythera bronze mechanism. The scholars shared new discoveries in an effort to crack the mystery of the Antikythera clock. During my last visit to Germany, my sixth sense urged me to take the train and go to Prague for no particular reason. I did not know much about Prague, but that city is located near Erfurt-Dresden where I was born. Why I ventured to a backwards, former communist country with less comfort for an old man can only be explained by concluding that God wanted me to have a look at this ancient clock. It meant, of course, that I would be too late to attend the Antikythera conference scheduled for Athens. During my visit, I discovered the reason why I came to Prague. It was not to learn about another clock but to connect with the history that bonds with the prophecies researched in my former books. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 197 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Starting with when the clock was designed, I was reminded of Galileo’s attempt (1564-1642) to educate and expose his contemporaries to a theory that the earth was not flat as declared by the religious establishment who knew better. Somewhere I read and lost the reference which stated; Copernicus and Galileo did not “conclusively prove” the heliocentric theory. Copernicus merely stated it, and Galileo found one suggestive piece of evidence (the moons of Jupiter). It was proved by Kepler (who corrected their mistaken notion, held over from Aristotle, that everything moved in perfect circles) and by Newton (whose laws of motion and law of gravity provided an explanation that made sense). My answer is that both the Catholic Church mixed up with heathen cults they adapted under Constantine no longer really understood the Bible, and emerging science could therefore not delineate between cult religion and scientific observation in conflict. The fundamental divide in that time frame conflicted within the Catholic Church some still holding on to a traditional foundational concept that Jesus Christ born in the time dimension and that the invisible God became visible in human form in BC/AD timeframe. Therefore, it was reasoned the earth is the very center of the universe as it brings about according to Gods plan dealing with mankind on this earth. Galileo recognized as the founder of experimental physics and astronomy in Italy connected to a clockmaker in Prague living a hundred years earlier and building a clock under Imperial supervision and financed by it? That clock demonstrated that the earth was not flat as preached in church but a round globe circling the sun contrary to the popes lies perpetrated, which got you burned alive on a stake in the market place if you opposed it? We must remember that Europe was ruled by imperial dynasties in Prague and Rome, the Vatican both vying for supreme power. Around 1300 to 1400 the world seems to fall apart as many historic belief systems, formation of empires and concentration of civil powers clashed with Rome in a power struggle, but it was nature that conspired to change time forever. It was an age when cities emerged with their guilds that forced kings to share the taxation power with a burgomaster elected by a towns people which where free of taxation to divert some tax money from the overindulgence elite which needed armies to keep the Islam dominated countries at bay, along with funds considered necessary for personal gaining influence in the hierarchy of the ruling imperial families. Towns like Augsburg 1368, Cologne 1369, and Konstanz 1371 became free towns forced the ruling king to become co-regent and share the civil power even with the Roman religious dominance like an unholy trinity coming from the devil. Religion always played a major role so that what ultimately emerged was that Charles the IV moved to Rome with his stately military staff of knights for protection, surrounded with royal pomp to be crowned over the former Roman Empire by the pope, who may not have had a choice to be confronted by a peaceful battle trained army in his backyard and conceded to share power celebrated on Easter 1355. Since two Page 198 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 9 peas in a pot, sharing power makes a poor soup in the same town, the Emperor over Europe later returned to his city Prague. There he started the first University 1348 across the Alps and later Wien AD 1365. But nature too caused catastrophic upheaval resulting of massive starvation for having a mini-ice time across Europe, which caused outbreaks of the black plagues in many cities (1348-1352). One third of the population was soon decimated in various interrupted cycles of the plague or Black Death as many asked why? Unfortunately, ignorance looked for a villain, and reinforced by greed, many enriched themselves at the expense of their neighbors causing murders and many persecutions of 400 Jewish settlements. Thousands died, and this cycle of death and destruction was repeated every 100 years in various areas to enrich the powerful. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 199 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Exposed to Vatican splendor and knowledge, Charles IV must have been impressed by the huge churches and the Vatican’s thousand-year old library. Returning to his homeland, he immediately put into practice to educate its citizen and start building projects. Funding a clockmaker must have been on his priority list as it would raise his esteem and project a benefactor image needed to gain the support of his huge empire in the making. He traveled extensively during his lifetime all by horse-carriage an impossible feat in our standard. The Black Death’s spread throughout Europe delayed progress by 100 years. Europe’s recovery from political unrest and starvation was slow throughout Europe when Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz printing press was invented in 1455 and spanned again a crop of universities like Freiburg 1457, Basel 1459, Ingolstadt 1472, Trier 1473, Tubingen and Mainz 1477. Printing gave a new momentum to the reformation, and fires began to burn everywhere again in search of villains to blame, The pope’s bull proclaimed in 1484 to legitimatize church power by burning mostly women on the stake who were allegedly connected with the devil, started the infamous inquisition championed by the Dominican priest Heinrich, known as the “Hexenhammer.” This wave of death and torture plundered those who stood in the way of religious control with Jews in the middle. Eliminating loyalties to either secular or religious power was rewarded by being purged the cruelest way possible. Both sides excelled in inventing horrible torture tools to enforce compliance. Martin Luther, an Augustine monk and theologian professor, now comes at the right time (1507) with the printing press helping his popularity not to divert money to Rome to force both parties to accept either the pope’s Holy Empire at Rome or the new formation of Holy Reich of German nations. The printing press ultimately decided which encouraged science, universities and school to sprout everywhere and voices are now permitted like Voltaire, Marx without being burned on the market place crying for revolution against imperial powers and religion. From Galileo’s time, it marked the last clockmaker who changed an astronomical clock connected with ancient Babylonian astronomical cycles similar to the Antikythera clock with three dials. The Prague Orloj therefore represents the beginning of Western civilization disarming an oppressive Papal control in Italy over Europe to stay in power allied with the help of universities to allow man’s spirit the freedom to express new ideas that turned the tide. Conclusion of Mystery Clocks When we examining other clocks around the globe we will always find the use of zodiac signs adopted from the ancient Greece according to the Prague pamphlet but older zodiac positions was the only way to identify a specific month when you consider a flexible X-Y axis. To learn more of this astronomical clock and how it was designed is very complicated and beyond the scope of this book. Please go on the internet and learn more of its detail. But consider that I do not just want to generate another book rather only show of another viewpoint missed by Page 200 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 9 most historians, who have not understood that there existed X-Y axis phenomena. Writing about ancient clocks, I am finding more of them around the world and many have buried in them remnants of the X-Y axis event. My purpose was not to write another book but to present a dual railroad thinking path when we read other peoples books. It is a big obstacle for monorail-educated scientist believing in long ages of evolution theory. Most people I talked too cannot fathom that the earth was geologically changed so recently showing only 4,000 years ago on a grand scale upheaval with evidence all around us. The recent polar ice plate receding and separating allows ships now a passage straight through the North Pole. This unparalleled historic event since Noah’s time is a delayed reaction of a recent asteroid impact that caused a mini ice time and changed forever the ancient climate conditions of our earth. Applying my theoretical scientific temperature scale taken from biological events recorded by eyewitnesses in the Bible and examining many geological rock formations together with the X-Y spin-axis theory convinced me of the validity of what I am postulating outside scientific opinions. The Prague clock has a golden rooster on top of the clock. The Schwarz Wald cuckoo clock in Germany we all are familiar with has a wooden bird on top announcing the hour. Television tells me the global destruction time is 5 minutes before 12 o’clock to get our audible attention, which was recently adjusted to 2 minutes before doom time. Clocks tell times and ancient clocks in museums all have a range preset in their design structure pointing to a future time 2012. Why? So why do the ancient Hebrew, Chinese and Aztec and many Prophets in the Bible warn us about another asteroid impact of our earth, which was the reason clocks were invented. The City of my last visit to conclude my clock book was Prague with a huge double clock dial mounted on a city square tower watched daily by thousand tourists reaffirmed to me historically God’s plan for humanity. In Middle Ages, Prague was the third largest city in Europe. Constantinople was first, and then came Rome as the second largest city. Rome was the center of western religious power, and imperial civil power was concentrated in Prague. In these last days of our civilization, these historical cities again represent the political division between Islam in Constantinople and Roman Catholic Christian religion in Rome. Modern western civilization educated without religion is represented by Prague. Constantinople was originally where the Bible was canonized. Today, it represents the Islamic religion with its millions of uneducated masses pitted against modern Western Europe symbolized as Rome. The invisible secret club of Rome most never heard about (ask former President Clinton and Bush) still dominates the financial and religious power today. So prophecy points to Europe for the climatic end of our civilization according to Revelation in the Bible. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 201 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries The history of Prague, where Protestantism and the enlightenment of secular science and the new knowledge was birthed, has today become totally ignorant rejecting God. There are no more schools to teach the next generation of Biblical truth where the first generation reformers were burned on a stake and paid with their lives what they believed for expressing new ideas, therefore society will be judged the same way and come to an end like Noah’s days Jesus prophesied. The tourist cannot avoid seeing in Prague’s town squares a huge bronze statue erected to commemorate Jan Hus, a highly educated catholic scholar who was ultimately executed and burned alive for heresy. Consider in the absence of newspaper, radio, TV he shocked people by walking totally barefoot and naked across the market place in full view of crowded onlookers going into church and preached a sermon on the excesses and corruption of the Catholic Church and state. It made headline nevertheless as his demonstration got the attention of its time but did not fare well with the establishment. Soon followed others like Martin Luther, Germany, whose live was spared being kidnapped by a noble man tired of paying taxes to Rome, ending in a cold stone tower castle-like house arrested away from the public eyes foiling an assassination attempt paid by the Vatican. By God’s will, he translated the German Bible which spawned unheard technology in science to follow liberated through his writing of 95 theses 1517, was excommunicated and declared as an enemy of the empire. Instead, English King Henry VIII receives the title “Defender of the Faith” in persecuting people not fitting the mold. Many came after him, like Zwingli expounded his faith in formal disputes 1523; Calvin publishes Institution of the Christian Religion 1536; Elizabeth I enacted the 39 Articles which restored Protestantism to England in 1563. From then on, the spirit of enlightenment spread from the elites throughout all social ranks, improving social welfare, health, education fuelled by the rapid growth of the bourgeoisie, the middle class which transformed values of the most basic institutions of society and improved the life of many. Knowledge exponential increased and the curve is now vertical on the graph. Historically, many laboratories and observatories were developed independently of universities. New science was practiced and considered magical. There were no separations between religion and science as it stressed experimentations and empirical observation that developed only gradually and was not in conflict with religion. A greater spirit of openness and cooperation prevailed to understand and control mankind’s environment. It was a time where man believed that the architect of the universe possessed the spirit of geometrician and that the perfect discipline were music and mathematics created new science. Those Neo-Platonism created an impetus for mathematically based studies of new science and were especially important to astronomers who used both calculations and geometry exploring the heavens. They bolstered the sciences of alchemy and astrology. Alchemy was connected with fire and metals to find their essence in purification. In an attempt to manufacture gold and silver, they discovered many other metals. Page 202 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 9 Kepler’s science in understanding planetary motion was influenced by Hermetic thinking, a second century mystical Egyptian, Hermes Trismegistus who believed in a universal spirit present in all objects that spontaneously revealed itself. So science marches on in an unbroken path of new discoveries like Sir Isaac Newton a devoted Christian demonstrated. Unfortunately, only his contribution to science is remembered as the other 50% dealing with Christian principles and a future apocalypse is looked away in the Hebrew University library in Jerusalem. He prophesied that the Apocalypse would appear early in our century and made an analogy explaining it with gravity to support his findings. Unfortunately, only his analogy is remembered and not why it was stated. In our century most universities still suppresses science and repressing Biblical truth and are hostile to the Christian faith without any reason, typical to a one-sided railroad, which is not a very balanced system. We will see who is right after 2012. Why must the world experience a prophesied Apocalypse 2008-2015? Today there is announced a future Apocalypse date identified through an ancient Hebrew Alphabet Number System. Checking out Aztec and Chinese data connected with unexplainable ancient mystery clocks around the globe, for unknown reason end with a range at the same time 2012. This discovery of how clocks work and why it reveals a pattern I could not lay aside. The Bible states that our civilization will be destroyed by an asteroid again accompanied with gigantic earthquakes and tsunamis on coastal areas. Mountains again will be lifted or sink into valleys. Why would a loving God do that? Mankind has again violated the everlasting covenant by genetically screwing up Gods original creation trough Genetic Modified Organism recognized in science with capital letters GMO you can read about at the end of this book. Just like the generation before Noah’s days incurring Gods judgment in the destruction of the First civilization, which reached the same developing stage. That idea is not known to scientist and theologians ignorant what the Bible clearly states. It is for you the reader to come to a conclusion as I am only one out of millions who discovered clock gears schooled in science and the Bible to analyze prophecy from a clockmaker’s perspective. Seeing gears, which fit into a historic pattern, opened up further understanding of biblical mysteries like two rails in parallel. The Bible in our times has been discarded and this generation does not even know anymore that it contains thousand verses of wisdom accumulated over thousands of years. Our world leaders will not be able to control the world anymore as they have lost a reference point like a compass in a turbulent sea. The Golden Rooster in the Prague clock tells the Hour, witnessed by the 12 Apostles representing various guilds holding their scientific tools in their hands circling around behind the window curtain. Our next journey will track ancient and future history on an exponential time scale never printed in a book. I hope that your knowledge horizon has been Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 203 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries widened as there is still some time before we all see the rooster appear with bells ringing at the last time: 12 o’clock, AD 2012. A Spin-Axis Clock Capsule Genesis reveals that the earth got struck by an asteroid 5 February 2287 BC and its center core ballast shifted causing a permanent tilt 23½ degree. The asteroid can be traced to the northern earth hemisphere close to the equator Mexican Gulf as geology and inner core magnetism indicated. Science has discovered magnetic abnormalities around that area and postulating about a magnetic black hole within the Bermuda Triangle signifying a magnetic vortex, which created dozens of TV programs ships, and airplane disappearing. The asteroid created an imbalance of the inner magnetic core resulting in a lopsided tilt axis of 23½˚ like a skewed boat coming out from a storm with its ballast disturbed. The earth wobbled like a pendulum about 3½ times with a former X-axis spin declining from 2.81 to .546 expressed in a spin axis table, implying reversals of sunrise 2 times westeast and ending east-west over a range of 1716 years. Daytime hours oscillated from 16 to 28 hours as many mystery bronzegold clocks in museums indicate sun cycles switching depending on the pendulum direction still being 365.24/year Z-axis around the sun. But the greatest discovery for me was the Aztec precession of the equinoxes in the starry sky. The Aztec shows a frozen precession (5,125 cycles) after the impact, and the Hebrew calendar describes the cycles before (6,500 shanah cycles), which was an even bigger Tau-Hercules-ThubanPolaris-Alderabim-Vega circle. That bigger precessions circle before the flood and getting smaller caused calendar changes in the sky from 24 zodiac constellations to 12. It was measured with three dial clocks calculating the three axes declining into one. Ancient mystery clocks estimate the pendulum wobble ending 2012 with time not being constant but expressed in a parabola by a small change in the speed of light. If light does change according the entropy second law of thermodynamics that can only point out creation ending with a Creator. You decide what you want to believe but use a more balanced, two-rail (Bible-science) perspective. +∞ BC/AD −∞ Page 204 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 10 Chapter 10 History Trail of the Aztec Culture A Proposed Migration Trail from Babylon In this chapter I will gather further proof of spin-axis phenomena as I discovered more facts supporting its tenets. We will take a journey through geology, ancient cultures and postulate a trail from a historic beginning of mankind starting in Iraq and ending in Mexico City. We will visit various places and gather new information along the way to conclude that the spin-axis theory is based on authentic discoveries. The Aztec culture existed thousands of years before the Spanish conquered Mexico in the 1500 and not in the AD range many scholars postulated. Going on a mystery clock trail we will discover that my interpretation of historic events will be different what is written in tourist books as I observed ancient records from a two-rail perspective contrary to popular evolution theory opinions. I challenge the assumption of uniformitarianism, the doctrine that the earth’s present observable geological forces operate uniformly from the origin of the earth to the present requiring millions of years, which will severely biases any observable facts lined up in antiquity. In other words, what we can see taking place within and upon the earth and in space are the only acceptable explanations for the evidence of great geologic events in antiquity. However lately, some accommodations for a potential of asteroid impacts to alter the earth’s biosphere have been explained, but usually the events identified by secular scholars are placed in great antiquity. What I proposed will be controversial to secular scientific opinions because it describes a recent radical axis change in the earth’s orbit around the sun caused by a major asteroid impact in 2288 BC. It is also cross-referenced and supported a biblical worldview from a 7,000-year chronological calendar system. I am not trained as an astrophysicist, a geologist an archaeologist or theologian, but I am an applied scientist who takes a rational look at evidence exposed for all to see for themselves. I hope that the new ideas I share in this paper will be evaluated by professionals in these fields and tested as a new theory. From the ancient Hebrew religion and the Hebrew Alphabet Number System overlay (HANS), I discovered a Rosetta Stone in the Bible as described in my books Apocalypse Prophesied and Mystery of Tammuz 17. I encourage you to read that book because it describes an ancient calendar clock system revealing many future dates. Before researching my books, I never had any notion that the Hebrew oracles and calendar transmitted to us within the Bible would also find many parallels in the Aztec calendar. I thought that after I published my books I could relax and take a vacation in Mexico. But God kept revealing new concepts to tell me that my two books needed a second witness to testify to its truthfulness. As I Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 205 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries walked around museums and visited various pyramids, He just kept on illuminating new ideas never thought about before or mentioned in tourist books. In fact, when I see some strange Aztec rendering of embossed artifacts on ancient palace walls, and even walking around pyramids itself, new insights appeared which made a lot of sense to me. Oddly, I can interpret wall pictures of ancient palaces of what it means by applying the Rosetta Stone of my Bible studies. By borrowing from the ancient Hebrew culture, it seemed that I have cracked the Aztec calendar code. I was never involved in archaeology, so I knew nothing about the Aztecs, yet I can now logically point out relationships that make a lot of sense. So if you have become familiar with the Hebrew Alphabet Number System by reading my two books, this commentary will give you much more to ponder on as you go about your own research. I am still puzzled about how the Aztecs connect with the ancient Hebrew culture before the Flood? Remember, they are cultural separated by a big ocean, spaced thousands of years apart and have significant language differences! The Key of Noah’s Flood Before Noah’s Flood, all of humanity shared a common language and culture as all cultures originated from the same family tree. They were all descendants of the same parents – Adam and Eve. Therefore, it should be no surprise that we find remnants from their common antiquity and share construction technology especially the knowledge about movements of heavenly bodies to invent clock calendars separated across different continents. Three ancient calendars I have researched, the Hebrew, Chinese and Aztec, all began counting the years from before Noah’s Flood. They are more than 5,000 years old. Our schools frequently teach that prehistoric people were primitive cave ape-men with no knowledge. The image presented is that they were stupid, being below our lowest intelligence, but in our ignorance we fail to ask a few questions. Let’s not assume that ancient people where not educated enough to notice a few days difference in how their calculated calendars failed to keep in synch with the movements of the sun and moon when they spend millions of Dollars in their currency to build immense structures to measure time on a changing spin axes. The fact is that history reveals that humanity’s first civilization before the Flood was more advanced than ours is today. I find evidence for this in folklore mythology and imbedded in ancient artifacts from around the world exhibited in museums. If you could produce for me a mermaid creature – or any half-man-half-animal creature pictured in the art of ancient cultures and Egyptian tombs, then I would believe that we are on par with that first civilization. We are dealing here with physical laws, which have not changed since the beginning of creation. The only way those creatures could have existed back then was if the first civilization knew more about genetic manipulation than modern science does today. Learning about modern techniques of genetic manipulation, we can contrast our method and comparing it with theirs and will find many similarities which cannot be ignored if you are educated in that science. It has nothing to do with being religious or assume that these temple wall pictures expressing only unknown cult religion of Page 206 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 10 antiquity. Being biased in an evolutionary fairy tale theory prevents us to dig deeper to encipher the past of humanity. Later on in the 11th chapter, I will include some GMO science many of our readers may not be familiar with. Let me point out again and check the Bronze Chinese calendar 2000 BC that has modern binary computer language imbedded. If you are familiar with our binary computer code, then you will understand its significance, which cannot be denied. We know Atlantis civilization totally disappeared and have not found cultural remnants of its existence. As a scientist, I plainly see the evidence of a binary code from modern time embedded in a 4000-year-old bronze plate. This analysis should not be carelessly discarded if you are a serious researcher. We have not drilled in the Antarctic continent either for explorations and somewhere in the US, I forgot there is a river coming out from a mountain and asked why is ice deep buried in the mountain. Going inside as far as possible to find its source, we see immense cavern of ice. How did the ice get miles deep inside the mountain? To answer questions we must ask how natural law works on a basis of “cause and effect,” I believe that there were scientific reasons why ancient calendars were structured as they were and why do different cultures show genetic aberrations now done in our time? With the Hebrew, Chinese and Aztec calendars, we have three independent witnesses from different continents and cultures with totally different languages and histories. Consequently, when they agree on something, we should believe their testimony regarding the cosmic relationships between our earth and the sun in antiquity. To deny their testimony is arrogance of the highest level. The Bible puts all three cultures together and reveals a number of interesting facts about human civilization from before the Flood. It even mentions briefly that aliens (fallen angels or demons) from another energy spectrum of outer space came to the earth and reproduced offspring by having children by mortal women. These creatures were called “Nephalim” or giants. These giants were bigger than normal people inspiring fear and awe. Coinciding with these extra terrestrial beings appearing we have evidence of genetic aberrations of half animal half man features we can now compare it with modern gene technology. Read it in the Bible to get educated if that is new to you. Even in the Mayan-Aztec and Toltec religion mentioned an age of giants we can read about in tourist books. To think that we are the only life forms on such a little planet and are superior of all the others from outer space can only come from smallminded people who think of themselves as the center of the universe but unfortunately they are mortal. Giant human bones 3m tall have been collected in museums you do not hear much about because it is stated in the ancient records of the Bible. The older generation still educated in the Bible will remember the story of an encounter with Goliath and his two brother’s twice the size and David about 1000 BC. Checking our recessive genes technology teaches that aberrations will reemerge hundreds of generation later, which makes this story very plausible. Other Bible references tell of more people as one had a 4m large bed. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 207 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries God was offended by man’s genetic messing around which caused the flood and ordered Israel to kill those giants to stop the recessive genetic trail. This also opens up the possibility that one of the wives of Noah’s sons must not have been genetically pure from Adam’s line. To follow logical that line of thought would give me the reason why God was so severe to destroy mankind and domestic animals that had become genetically corrupted and caused a great flood to save his creation. Think about it from a dual rail perspective. I believe that the aliens/fallen angels before the Food brought to the earth genetic knowledge and a very accurate calendar with sun relationship projected from space. The pre-Flood ancients copied it and passed it down in time to us with modifications recorded by the Mesoamericans and Aztecs. The Mesoamericans thus became famous for having the most accurate cosmic calendars – one that even surpasses our Gregorian calendar today. Because of this angelic connection, the ancient Aztecs attribute their religious teachings and calendar with the serpent from heaven, which was prophesied to descend to the earth at the end of this age on 21 December 2012. The serpent was once the highest administrator of the universe known as Satan according to Hebrew oracles. Now back to the law of cause and effect. When I noted how these ancient calendars differ from today’s annual cycle of four seasons of 13 weeks within a solar year of about 365.24 days, I asked why. There must be a good reason. On my trip to Mexico and visiting its local outdoor museums, it convinced me as a scientist that the earth experienced a major catastrophic event that changed its orbit around the sun. This major change was so great that it took many centuries for the earth to settle down in its present orbital pattern to a 23½˚ angle of rotational axis. This “wobbling” effect would account for variations in the ancient calendars, changing pyramid features, as well as explaining some particular events mentioned in the Bible. Only the Bible gives us the answer what caused a major change in the earth’s orbit. It speaks plainly about a worldwide cataclysm that took place in 2288 BC many scientist agree that it was the Flood playing back the planetarium sky. My study of science outlined a spin-axis hypothesis connected with a huge asteroid hitting the earth that at the same time broke up that the fountains of the deep and shifted mountains. The impacts of this asteroid (the cause) resulted in horrendous effects on earth and are well documented in geology. I will mention a few of them out of thousands. If our University professors were not blinded by their devotion to the theory of evolution, they would recognize most of them. Since the ark had no windows and was half submerged in water, we must look for other witnesses of that event as we only can find it in geology. Seeing the result of gigantic craters, we can imagine the powerful force at the impact on the earth. The following scenario is quite possible for the earth’s crust to be severely damaged resulting in the shifting of tectonic plates as we all can see tilt-up embedded in rock strata observed in many place around the globe, and the familiar separation of the continents on global maps. Page 208 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 10 There is evidence of mountains lifted up everywhere we can identify many areas disappeared below sea level in geology. The dinosaurs were not roasted, they died in water and their bones are mostly found in silt former sea deposits. The previous atmosphere of high pressured 30% oxygen (check out the air bubbles found in amber and measure the oxygen content.) collapsed, igniting with residual hydrogen left over from the creation of oceans to make it rain 40 days. The Bible narrates truly along scientific investigations that it rained on the earth for the first time which produced for the very first time a rainbow. Understanding an Aztec clock makes it obvious that before the flood Genesis reports of a gentle mist to water the ground with a different climatic pattern. Whereas people previously lived centuries of years, they lived only 75 to 120 years in the post-Flood civilization. Why? Some scholars have suggested that the change in the earth’s surface atmosphere can account for this difference because the post-Flood world not only experienced reduced air pressure and oxygen content but also was exposed to increased amounts of radiation from the sun. Based on some of the fossil evidence from the past, I had sort of accepted this explanation, but the huge difference of counting the age between 900 years before the flood 2288 BC to change in one year 2287 BC to about 200 years recorded was still uncomfortable for me to accept. It was a latent scientific problem to be solved even though it did not threaten my faith in the Creator or the Bible. Under the former atmospheric conditions plants grew stems and trunks with big cells, and animals had big cells in their bone structures verified in sediments. This profusion of big animals and tropical plants found all over the world under the old atmospheric canopy was gone as oil and coal deposits testify. The previous atmospheric air pressure at sea level was also reduced, and two thirds of the globe was frozen under thousands of feet of ice, which had condensed at the poles and spread towards the equator. The resulting temperate zone around the equator birthed the second human civilization in areas now buried in sand around Iraq-Iran. The Aztec religion and Bible predicts that another apocalypse is coming our way because mankind has again genetically corrupted God’s creation and its agents of God’s wrath already is coming from space. Science verifies that information and informs us now that another asteroid already in orbit will strike the earth with devastating consequences. To me as a scientist it is a message from God to let mankind know that violating his covenant again has consequences. God will not allow modern Frankenstein scientists and global corporations to continue in their destructive path of genetically changing every food seed with terminator genes imbedded, modifying indiscriminately every fruit and domestic animals like it was done before the flood. He will not allow technology to go further like seeing mermaid developed, half fish half man as we already embed fish genes into tomatoes. Aztec and other cultures predicted another asteroid that has been on its way for thousands of years as God knew that mankind will eventually develop again gene technology to destroy what he created. He allowed Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 209 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries us to deny him and believe in foolish atheistic fairy tales, but to destroy what he created for future generations welfare will cause his prophesied wrath pored out on all of mankind when they overstepped His boundary. That is the discovery I wrote about in my two books and is also reported in the magazine 2006 I read. This future coming asteroid is smaller like the first one; about 52km across as measured by scientist and already has been given a scientific name but will not cause a flood. That rock probably will break up into smaller pieces during the earth entry face and end up in a firestorm as Revelation in the Bible prophesied. God made a covenant with man after the flood and said that he would never again judge the world with a total flood of water. But this next time his judgment will be with fire you will find it even mentioned in an Aztec-Mayan culture if you read the Mexican tourist books. This gives us hope that some will survive the coming catastrophe of the apocalypse because God said so. Reflections on the First Generation after 4004 BC To properly date history, like the Bronze Age and Iron Age we should look at all data available and not reject the Bible or other ancient books and brand it as religious, meaning it has no validity and is forbidden in the realm of science controlled by few powerful but uneducated ignorant secular scholars who will never understand it. So consequently when we close our mind and are affright to find out that our concept of life philosophy could be in conflict and challenged, most revert and hide behind a curtain of a government controlled education system shielding them from dissonance. The ancient book in Genesis reports that in 4004 BC and thereafter the very first generation during Adam’s time the Bible mentioned iron and bronze on the very first pages of Genesis. This statement of course raises a storm of protest when one is brainwashed to think of an obsolete evolution theory concocted by somebody 100 years ago. That we have learned in the meantime about intelligent design in conflict with this theory, but these facts are quickly put under rug so that the next generation will not find out and learn about it in our public schools. Nevertheless as a practical working engineer I learned that iron is needed to shape stones as the great Egyptian Pyramid in Giza structures built before the Flood testify. It is well known that the Bronze time started after that pyramid. I had to laugh at so-called scientist who produces TV programs to prove that primitive man using ordinary stones as tools to cut precision square stone blocks we see in antiquity. It is funny to watch them struggling since they have never left their desk of their protected University enclave which is the only chance left for them to be employed. Comparing Aztec cultures after the Flood, it is obvious that the knowledge of iron production is not seen hence must have been lost for a thousand years. This I call the real Bronze Age. Than in Roman times iron appears again in a big way to manufacture tools of shaping precision stones for large building projects. This became the fuel to advance civilization Page 210 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 10 in Romans time right to our modern age with iron swords; iron weapons like guns and canon to iron tanks to modern skyscrapers. We know that the oldest Pyramid in Egypt has quarried stones made from iron tools, as even iron was found in the pyramid connecting stones. But the Aztec pyramids on the Western side of Mexico which came later are made of river stones. So the inventing of metal after the flood took some time to re-engineer what was known before. In Daniel’s vision of a statue the head of gold, than silver, bronze and feet of iron and clay indicated the developing cycles how metals was reinvented after the Flood time 2288 BC again about 1288 BC where iron generally was only sparingly known. Iron was mentioned once more during Israel’s time 1000 BC which can be dated when farmers had to sharpen their sickles and travel to their coastal neighbors to visit Philistines their enemy who where ironsmith. Here again I differ with the expert who deny that the Philistines1 ever lived. Some may wonder where does the iron came from during the bronze time when Egyptian tombs where build deep below mountains? A recent TV program gave me the answer as a collector of asteroid fragments showed me a room full of metal remains from space of various sizes we can see in most museums exhibited. These iron-nickel metal rocks can be shaped to tools and sold to kings and merchants for a high price. Nevertheless, the Bible gives us a true account as biased scientists again face reality that the Bible is right. My own guess of where the Philistines came from is that they probably where originally boat people coming from Scandinavian countries where iron ore was found and manufactured the finest swords and conquering Scotland and coastal territory toward France. Samson’s story too accounts for iron gates, which he lifted of its hinges to the surprise of his enemies. So precision cut stones made from iron tools or the absence will determine what age you should assign to archeology. Environmental Changes after the Flood 2287 BC Supporting a spin-axis theory lets make a journey back in ancient history most people have only slim ideas about it. Shem, Ham and Japheth the sons of Noah, transferred knowledge of a different ancient world we only know through the Bible, so that thousands of years later preserved by Hebrew scribes we can look through that window and learn about prehistoric time of mankind. While focusing on the other two sons of Noah, additional perspective can be gained expressed in the Aztec and Chinese calendars. The Bible records mankind’s history which where collected in five books by Moses, and its contents came directly from Shem, one of Noah’s son who survived the Flood. Studying those Genesis accounts, it is obvious that the earth’s orbital cycles at the dawn of ancient history was upset. According to cause and effect laws, we can easily theorize about it to find the missing facts in archeology knowing now where to look for. What comes in the forefront comparing the Flood report it appears 1 Of Philistines and Sea People, Ralphs Pacini. Technical Journal Vol. 13 #1 (1990) [Bringing into question all existing literature on the subject of the Philistines] Published by: Creation Science Foundation, E-mail: [email protected]. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 211 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries that the tectonic plates of the earth, the mountains and oceans must have recently been terrible disturbed and relocated; resulting perhaps in continental separation we recognize in archaeology today and as the Bible in Genesis clearly identifies. An evolution theory rules out this argument and ignores geological witnesses of a recent Flood to declare that these facts require millions of years to happen. So my opinion is good as theirs since the past cannot be measured. I concluded while flying in a small airplane over the Grand Canyon and examining the physical evidence of a rendered landscape below, that the Arizona Colorado River basin was torn apart from a horizontal plain and not just washed out with billion years of rainwater. I cannot help it but to compare it with the biblical report that they connect with the timeframe of 2288 BC after Noah’s Flood. I may ask why newly formed strata layers are found on the bottom of the Grand Canyon much older layers on top. My educated guess for the Flood in Noah’s time is that a larger than 50 km asteroid hit the earth. Jesus prophesied that the future Apocalypse will be like in Noah’s days as we study Revelation according to John who prophetically describes similar events of a number of asteroids hitting the earth to end our present civilization. Science tells me that there is a huge 52 km asteroid already waiting in an 820 days orbit around the sun, which was projected to hit the earth about after 2020. Only one turn less would intersect with my 2015 date another possibility. The shortening of a few years could be attained applying satellite physics when we consider that one side of an asteroid is warmed up facing the sun as the other side is cold. This temperature difference could cause a slight deviation in a projected orbital path according to a Russian physicist. Even the stories of a sunken continent Atlantis does now make sense to me. If we accept a tilt axis theory we should be drilling in the Antarctic to find evidence of a preFlood civilization which might be buried there. A fact is that the earth continent believe it or not, and if you are not enamored with an evolution theory, may have been different what you see today and was changed after 2287 BC. The Aztecs tell us about it, the Chinese do, the Hebrews do and last the crown of world literature - the Bible all of them tell the same story. Even imbedded in many cultures we recognize the echoes of a great turbulent destructive time still buried in the collective memories of many cultures and only a very ignorant scientist will deny it. Looking now from a different perspective as our school books tell, I can understand why magnetic polar shifts embedded in silt exist which still has not been explained adequately. The violent shaking of the earth during the 2287 BC time causing extensively unbalanced quiver and a mater of fact the earth like a drunken sailor wobbled like an exponential X-axis curve would show; or like my toy gyroscope when it loses its speed wobbles and flips sideways until it settles down to a constant speed merging with the adjacent axis. You can find plenty of proof examining the fine silt around the world and measure its magnetic direction. We find many overlaying deposits crisscrossing giving us a magnetic footprints on top of each other. Page 212 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 10 When the silt settled down and froze, the magnetic particles aligned themselves into the magnetic North and South Poles can only happen when you have a changing tilt angle like the one caused by the Flood. Overlaying strata show different magnetic directions that indicate polar shifts as much as 90˚, which would give my theory some credibility. This is consistent with physical laws when you study my toy gyroscope. Even the Bible continues to tell eyewitness accounts when the sun stood still in the sky (Joshua 10:12) and there is another one where the shadow cast by the sun all of a sudden moves backwards witnessed by a Jewish king Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:8) The scribes would not dare to make up such a story and only very ignorant people will judge the Bible as inconsequential fairy tales. Only my theory gives those accounts in the Bible a logical scientific explanation. If we seriously consider my spin-axis bicycle explanation, one will discover that snow is not possible on earth before the Flood time on earth. The Polar Regions gets the same equal sun exposure as the equator. That would account for a very even temperature climate around the globe with butterfly flowers found in a frozen mammoth animals mouth as Saint Petersburg exhibition records it. The different X-spinaxis had another affect exactly as Genesis in the Bible reports. Rummaging through my old German school books, I came across one that describes the creation of continents and oceans2. There is much information that will underline scientifically how the earth and its relatively thin crust were formed. A scenario picture was described which I made a copy for you to check out. The first picture is very much a description I find in Genesis portrait. Geological strata and fossil bones support my theory when you follow the tectonic plates left over from that ancient time. The land above the ocean is only 29% and most was located together. Comparing how very thin the lighter earth crust strata really is in comparison to the very hard underlying glass hard foundation, I have no problem that it could slide when it is disturbed. When we scale the highest mountain and the deepest ocean, it is only a very thin layer over the whole of the earth ball. As the earth originally cooled, lighter material floated on top forming lighter rocks, liquids and gasses and the heavier compacted on the bottom to form extremely hard glassy rocks. Consequently, we have two layers with different consistency and an impact of an asteroid will only affect the loose and lighter settlement layers on top that will float easily on a hard surface in the directing of spinning and counter force of large asteroid impact. If the asteroid penetrates the hard surface, the earth would destroy itself and life would have vanished. Originally the floating surface layers formed into tectonic plates. They shrank, cracked and tore apart from each other like we see mud on a dried lake bottom. To imagine billions of years to form tectonic plates can be modeled in a laboratory within days. So why only think of long ages when we have evidence that formation can happen in a very short time? 2 Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Meere, by Kurd v. Bulow. -Die Kosmos-Biblothek, Band 239 Stuttgart, Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde, Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung, 1963. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 213 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Have a closer look in the first picture were we see a star marking the asteroid impact with my label for identification. Study that second picture and notice the sequential geological consequence. The first picture shows a long lake with a deep north-south crack that became our continental divide. Imagine if you stopped the rotation of the earth a little at the round hole in the second picture. Any loose dirt sliding on a very hard foundation would pile up in front of the impact and the dirt after that location would keep sliding with the earth spin direction. Check out your paper globe, and I do not have to tell you where the mountains piled up, just like the picture shows. The black round hole has been replaced by the Gulf of Mexico not seen in the first picture. Why a round open area in the second picture? Think of cause and effect laws. Experiencing a different axial spin of the earth after the Flood I am not surprised that the second emerging civilization (Bronze time) started out being motivated with building programs erecting various tall towers or pyramids with bricks or river stones to look through the clouds to observe the stars and sun constellation positions to check out a changing calendar. That was the time where zodiac fixed constellations was the only means to make some sense in a changing calendar. Page 214 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 10 Before the Flood, they build large structures with iron tools which are now missing after the Flood time. When I visited Peru I checked out the remnant of an ancient Inca culture which seems to be dated before the Flood time. High in the Andes Mountain I noticed a 200-ton red granite block perfectly polished with absolutely straight sides probably used for solstice calendar measurements. As an engineer I am still puzzled how they moved this stone 500 miles from a quarry and lifted on top of the highest mountain range and can only think of Iron and diamond tools to shape such a colossal. Perhaps originally that stone may have been in the valley on sea level but now lifted to the highest mountain range caused by an asteroid impact raising mountains. Later man discovering this huge lone block of red rock on top of the mountain created a religious center around it3. They know that it came from pre-Flood time as and therefore attached religious significance to it. They used now irregular stones for buildings in the surrounding area indicating a Bronze time. Iron and bronze was mentioned in Genesis around Adam’s age as the first metal used in building ancient cities and music instruments. Iron is on top of useful metals and very complicated process to manufacture. Noah’s sons where not educated to be a metallurgist and so the knowledge how to make iron was lost to future generations after the Flood. It took another 1,000 years to reinvent iron again and so the next hard metal on the list is an alloy like bronze that is why we call it the Bronze Age. Consequently, the repopulating survivors of the Flood even had to use primitive stone arrows for hunting for a while and live in sheltered caves until softer metals were reinvented again. For lack of stones in some regions, we find that they manufactured clay bricks very consistent with the surrounding geological strata as can be seen in observation platforms ruins like a tower of Babel described in Genesis. Notice the different material used in building pyramids in other areas. On the other hand the Egyptian Giza pyramid used large finished stones smoothly squared out which would require iron tools, hence should be dated to be before Flood time 2288 BC. The Mexican City pyramid used irregular stones with mortar in-between joining the stones not requiring iron tools. We just do not find any tools near those ancient sites except made of bronze. This indicates to me a bronze age after the Flood environment where iron was not known. The Bible therefore is right on giving us a true account what man is confronted with to overcome a changing spin-axis of the planet that continued for many centuries. We simply cannot argue the point that the earth existed unchanged for millions of years when we have eyewitness of history to testify of a world upheaval on a grand scale. The Hebrew scribes of Bible seems to record a diminishing spin-axis of our globe so that we can compare it to our present time. It gives us more proof that my theory has a solid basis. In the Biblical narrative, I noticed especially right after the first century Flood period that the Aztec had the most difficult time to measure a vanishing fast changing exponential X-axis that would screw up any calendar attempt. As hundreds of years passed since the Flood, many 3 Mitsubishi, Peru Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 215 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries efforts where made to establish what was the proper sun position which was precisely measured on a continued basis. The post-Flood environment experienced many climate variations, and I am not surprised that next the story the Bible reports a building project of a high tower to enable the priest to make an updated calendar. Observations where made from time to time to look through the blanket of consistent overlaying dense fog or cloud covering the earth with snow borders so close to the equator4. To make proper cosmic surveillance which was essential in farming when to plant seed to get a harvest before snow settles down. Thus the only solution left was to build tall observation platforms like the Mexican pyramids to see the sun and figure out the changing earth orbit through dense clouds. We usually see more blue sky today in the southern part, but in ancient time when polar ice caps caused by a merging spin (Y) axis extended further toward the equator causing a lot more fog and cloud coverings stretched over the equator belt forming rainforest of the earth. Our redwoods’ thousand-year-old tree rings tell the same weather story of the past and we should seriously compare it to our evolution theory and accept its faulty assumption when confronted with scientific facts. In Bible account of the tower of Babel, God is angry with mankind for having screwed up his creation by genetic manipulations. He knows the human drive to live independently by technology without a godly guidance, which eventually will end up again in a Frankenstein genetic destruction of His world by changing the original design of seeds and animals. A thought comes in my mind that Noah’s ark only contained domesticated genetically pure animals and seeds which where not manipulated by pre-Flood scientist. The ark-submarine designed to withstand immense tsunami waves could not have contained all the animals of the earth onboard as many species survived around the globe we can check out in obscure areas around the globe. Only genetically unchanged original pure animals useful for mankind’s food were selected by God to be preserved for us. Today we again discovered the technology of genes splicing and can mix and match at will so that pork tastes like turkey meat and onions no longer bite your eyes. Evil American corporation go even so far to put terminator genes in food seeds, meaning that seed will become extinct if for reason that company goes bankrupt and out of business like Enron Corporation. Think about it that you my friend are that last generation on earth witnessing extinction on a massive scale – unless God’s intervenes according to clock cycles 2008-2015. Previously after the Flood, God put the brakes on to slow down mans ingenuity restricting technology by confusing their language and that is the reason why I speak German today. Luckily, some taught me English and so I can tell you my theory not found in local schoolbooks. It took again 4,000 years to get at same juncture for God to intervene to save His creation. 4 A 30° longitude corridor of temperate climate. Page 216 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 10 Geological Changes after the Asteroid Impact of 2287 BC Going back by reexamining the ancient Aztecs, I discovered that their age coincides with Moses time frame by comparing it with Bible chronology. Tracking climatic changes as a result of a great Flood, the Bible records an emerging second civilization and tells about a Babylonian tower built somewhere in modern Iraq. The tower of Babel Today, this country is full of sand. This was not so after the Flood as this area abounded with thousands of lakes, thick forests and rich agriculture. From the satellite photos, we can still see traces of elaborate, straight water channels in the desert sand that the first settlers after the Flood built to crisscross the countryside for hundreds of miles. The ancient Babylonians erected mighty cities with brick walls hundred of feet wide and tall not requiring iron tools. The famous hanging Gardens of Babylon indicate that there was a cool temperate perfect climate for the cradle of beginning world population. The polar icecaps with miles deep snow and ice piled up during the turbulent time until our globe became stabilized again to a nice and easy orbit around the sun. Examining the spin-axis hypothesis, or my bicycle illustration, we will notice after 2287 BC two periods of a mini-ice ages with seasonal winter snow reaching as far South to the Cancer of Tropic and the other side Cancer of Capricorn covering one third of earth on each pole covered with snow close to the equator. That leaves a bandwidth corridor around the equator to cooler sunshine to have a pleasant temperature range within a narrow corridor for a new emerging civilization to expand. Why do we see a narrow pyramid bandwidth build around the globe? Forests are Good Indicators of Spin-axis Climate Changes As the earth balanced out to a normal recognizable calendar, we will notice gradual temperature-climatic changes emerging from a mini icetime. Learning something about a changing calendar has many added concepts imbedded which mesh like gears in a clock. If you passed the 8th grade school in German than you are familiar with trigonometry and their associated tables of sinus-cosine. Armed with this knowledge we will be able to figure out a global exponential temperature changes from 2287 BC by simply just reading a little about what is written in the oldest book of mankind, the Bible. It is really a very interesting accurate history book once you a weaned away from what you have learned in school. I do not know why the Bible is no longer allowed to be read in school after 200 years in the USA and why reading it will offend science priesthood. So if you are not affright to read the Bible and start with Genesis Flood, you can find out what happened 1000 years later in the time like the kings of Israel around 1000 BC. The Bible records a thick forest before king David’s time in parts of Israel around Jerusalem. It is stated that King David having 20,000 soldiers combating against 40,000 Philistines obvious not a good fight to start. Hence, he hid his whole army in a thick forest not to be detected. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 217 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Notice it said forest. A thousand years later in the same area around Jerusalem Jesus was born BC/AD and thirty years old as a young man asked 7,000 people to sit down in the high grass to feed them with fish and bread. Notice what is said now high grass in the countryside, no more forest. Later in around 2000 AD we only see rocks not even enough to feed sheep. If you buy yourself an airplane ticked and takes a vacation in Israel than imagine how beautiful this country must have been looking from the sky in David’s time. So now you have some points to start your world temperature scale by starting with 50º Fahrenheit a good forest temperature beginning point and could be used to forecast what the temperature will be in the next future 20 years in your neighborhood by using trigonometric functions. It can make you very rich to know where to buy real estate or get a good job with the UN global warming committee. My journey to connect with a spin-axis theory is expanding as more historical facts connect with other mysteries not solved by scientists. Previously we looked at five unsolved ancient calendar clocks and found out some design features they have in common. Our story will continue as we take an imaginary historic trip where the Aztec came from connecting with the Chinese. This way we unite the design of the five mystery clocks, as they must be put in a proper historical perspective to understand their internal mechanism and why they where invented. I hope you will benefit from my journey and discern fact from fiction by using logic applied to history. From Iran to Mexico Coming back from my trip of Mexico City I bought an Aztec museum book which shows many important pyramids across Mexico. Puzzling over the old ages in Genesis I discovered the Aztec calendar which solved unexplainable events in the Bible theologians have no answers. Now seating at home I checkout the book once more and noticed a number of biblical overlays in parallel. The Hebrew scribes of our Bible gave us accurate historic accounts in antiquity that helped me to understand strange Mexican architecture and pictures painted on palace walls reflecting a culture in a time capsule. As an inventor, I think a little differently than most people and that includes the experts of archeology, which I differ with those who deny the biblical historic accounts. Therefore, they lose credibility for me because I believe that the ancient eyewitnesses in the Bible are more believable or reliable than what scientist dream about today. But since my scientific education is influenced by extraterrestrial knowledge like prophecy which our scientist have no idea they exist, it is therefore sometimes not too hard to figure out ancient symbols contrary to current opinions and put a theoretical scenario in place like adding pearls to a bracelet. Here is my line of thinking which cracked the Aztec calendar for me and explains many wall pictures that could date its architecture across the bandwidth of Mexico. So if you visit Mexico you will have another unofficial perspective of what you see. Page 218 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 10 A Migration Route of Noah’s People after 2287 BC After the event of Babel language confusion, Noah and his children spread out to four different continents as the world was divided when Shem’s younger brother Japheth became the ancestor of Eber. The name Eber means “from the other side” which developed into the word (Heber) - “Hebrew.” Eber then had two sons and one was named Peleg. And Peleg ancient scripture said that the world was divided. (Genesis 10:21-32) It means the grandchildren got together with their great grandfathers and decided move to another territory and obey God’s command to settle the earth. Reading ancient stories I propose that the trail of the Aztecs started out with Noah and Japheth together, which the Bible indicates as being Babylon – Iraq. The traveled east by following the edge of the northern ice border, which at that time (2200 BC) pretty much follows the “Tropic of Cancer” from Iran-Afghanistan over a huge mountain range to China. Looking at my model globe and knowing that they are expert boat builders I can imagine that they mostly traveled along major rivers to more easily transport food, family and belongings by boat. Remember that both grandparents were skilled carpenters and had made the biggest boat in ancient times. Checking out on my paper model globe where big rivers are located going all the way through China. I discover that indeed one can travel mostly by boat on rivers to cross a huge continent to end up in China at Shanghai harbor. My globe shows a route going east across Iran – Afghanistan, up the river Helmand, and crossing over to Kabul. From there I imagine going up the river Kashmir across the mountains toward the Indus to go down that river to Lhasa, which is on the right side of the great mountain range of the Himalayas. When the Lhasa River makes a 180 degree bend, we then jump over another mountain pass to the Salween River. With one more river crossing, they arrived at the Mekong River. Now passing the last mountain range all the way down the Yangtze River across China to Shanghai about 1500 air miles measured on my globe, which probably means that it was at least twice as long a journey. Then I discovered in a technical magazine that the ancient Chinese culture connects with the Hebrew religion from before the Flood. I will cherry pick some highlights from that technical paper just to give you some insights from another scientist’s viewpoint on ancients Chinese history. Please read all of their technical papers as they align perfectly with my thesis. History Matches a Chinese Mystery Clock I am not formally educated in world history but the mystery clocks found around the world let me looking into obscure places of literature. Only toward the very end of my journey did I realize how mystery clocks connect with various cultures going back to Genesis. So ancient clocks for me opened my Bible, which I thought I knew the most about. The Biblical account connects with the Hebrew culture, Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 219 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries but ancient clocks now add up to a new picture more complete than I was previously aware. I first started with the astrological Aztec clock because it has a future date of 2012 embedded many are familiar with through TV programs. That date matched my newly discovered world Hebrew clock the 7,000year history of humanity from God’s perspective. I wrote two books about it you can access on the Internet. Then the journey logically led me to look at China where we find two mystery clocks not explained by science yet. In the Mexican schools they teach their children’s that the Aztecs came from China, so I am not surprised to find a clock in China similar to the Aztecs. Then our journey crosses the Pacific Ocean to Mexico to learn about different ancient cultures like the Mayan to end up our journey in Greece where the bronze calculator clock was found at the bottom of the Aegean Sea that I think really belongs to the Hebrew nation, having been stolen from the priests in Israel by some Roman general on way to Egypt. There we come full circle back to Genesis via the Egyptian pyramids – during the lives of Seth, Eber and Moses. In the process of this story-journey, we will learn about science culture and religion from the perspective of God’s railroad track with two-rails. You can get additional information on my web site. Two rails give us a bird’s eye view from space where God can be found. From there it is easier to recognize the total integrated system. If one is educated from a one-sided perspective, it makes him, or her, a monorail theologian or scientist. This is not a good system to base one’s entire being on only one rail of a two-railed track. Now back to our story ending up in prehistoric China as I reproduce something from a technical magazine you should get a copy. This magazine is worth gold as it has other very interested ancient discoveries mentioned that shine light on our path of discovery. Quoting5 from a technical journal: Long before Moses time (1500 BC) in the “Legendary Period” (preceding 2205 BC) the Chinese where already offering sacrifices to ShangDi at the Mount Tai in Shandong Province at the eastern border of China (Shang Shu). HuangDi, the emperor during the Legendary Period, as recorded in the Shi Ji, built an altar so that sacrifice could be made periodically to ShangDi. It was a tradition that only the worthy emperors, who also function as high priests to ShangDi, where allowed to perform the most magnificent sacrifice. ShangDi is frequently referred to as “Heaven” in the book of Shang Shu and Shi, and less frequently in Shi Zing. The name “Tien” was introduced by the Zhou people who overthrew the Shang dynasty in 1122 BC. It was during the reign of the HuangDi that inventions such as currency, music, clothing, boats, wagons, political system, and Chinese characters where all attributed directly or indirectly to HuangDi. 5 The Lamb of God Hidden in the Ancient Chinese Characters, by Kui Shin Voo & Larry Hovee. Technical Journal Volume 13 (No.1) 1990, Published by: Creation Science Foundation, email: [email protected]. Page 220 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 10 ...The Chinese honored ShangDi so much that the Temple of Heaven in the forbidden City in Beijing, was constructed in the most magnificent architectural design. The Heaven Worshipping Altar was a great, three-tiered, white marble altar of “heaven,” 75 meters in diameter, surrounded on each level white marble railings. At each level the marble slabs were arranged in concentric circles, in ever increasing multiple of nine. In the very center of the top tier was placed one circular stone called the heavenly Heart Stone. ...ShangDi is the supreme god of the Chinese he is the creator of the universe and earth, and the emperors where to obey the mandates of heaven in order to rule the Chinese people with love, compassion and justice. Only the emperor that had done good deeds, acquired prestige, and had moral character were worthy to offer at the heaven-Worshipping Altar (Shi Ji). The Classics such as the ShangShu, Shi, Y Zing (These classics were written in BC; at least a thousand years before Christianity came to China in about 620) revealed attributes of ShangDi that are consistent with that of Yahweh, the only true God of the Hebrews. 1. ShangDi is the creator of the universe, including mankind (Y Zing and Shi Zing). 2. The Zing gave the order of creation starting from heaven, then earth and all living things, and finally man and women. This order of creation is the same as that of the book of Genesis. 3. ShanDi is just and demands the highest moral standard from the emperors and His people (Shi Ji and Shang Shu). 4. He is a personal God that seeks to communicate to his people through the high priest, the emperor. The emperors were to inquire from ShangDi about blessings to the Chinese people. No personal benefit was asked by the emperors during the offering to ShangDi at the Border Sacrifice. 5. ShangDi is a spirit and the making of statures was strictly forbidden (Shang Shu). 6. ShanDi desires animal sacrifices, especially the bull and the lamb (Si Ji and Shi Zing). ...The supreme God of the Chinese is the same God as of the Hebrews, who revealed Himself in the Bible. In fact the idea of a Savior (a Saint has been predicted by a Chinese philosopher Lao Zi, slightly older than Confucius, who lived around 500 BC. According to Lao Zi, the Saint was Dao which had the same characteristics as ShangDi. The Saint became human, and his purpose was to rescue human beings from their sins. Lao Zi claimed that he received the revelation from Dao. Thus, it is no surprise that the Chinese shared the same sacrificial system and that of ancient Hebrews. It s also possible that the ancient Chinese once shared the same sacrificial system as the postCopyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 221 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries diluvian descendants of Noah before their ancestors went to China following the dispersion at the tower of Babel. ...China was separated from the ancient world by mountains and different languages, therefore making it highly unlikely that the Chinese borrowed the understanding of sacrificial sheep from the Hebrew people. Furthermore, the first books of the Old Testament were written at about 1000 years (1500 BC) after the ancient Chinese characters were invented. And Christianity did not come to China until the Tang dynasty (AD 618-905). Two thousand years had passed since the characters were invented. The use of the knowledge of God in the invention of ancient writings is not surprising because the ancient Egyptians used the same mythology. The Egyptian writings are called Hieroglyphs, meaning “sacred writings”. Built right into their script, were their particular religious concepts. We believe that the Chinese too, might have created a hieroglyphic writings to preserve their sacred concepts. In fact the character meaning “Law and documents” consisted of the radical for “God” and “Book”. [End of quote] Please excuse when I quoted some of the text and omitted many Chinese symbols for clarifications which are not on my computer. This report is quite extensive and will inform us wonderfully about the Chinese culture I knew so little about. This latest technological report proves that the Chinese religion was brought into China through the Hebrew-Japheth connection as my trail identifies where the Aztec came from. The present theories of Aztec or Chinese origin believed in many Universities are so illogical, impractical and farfetched that reading such an article is like a breath of fresh air. I recommend reading all of it if you really want to understand my Aztec trail and Chinese history. We can visit today the Temple of Heaven and a huge marble altar that was moved in the 15th century to Beijing a very nice tourist attraction worth the money. Now let’s continue on the Aztec trail when Noah’s descendants having crossed China eventually reaches the juncture where Japheth clan said goodbye to Noah’s clan after floating down together the biggest river Yangtze-Kiang in China reaching Shanghai to continue on to another continent along the axis’s of Tropical Cancer. Comparing what the Hebrew scribe’s recorded and Chinese ancient history tell about and filling in the gaps of our archeological findings, it convinced me that the trail would ultimately end in Mexico with the Aztec culture. Japhet and his grandchildren still remembering old boat building technology from Grandpa’s time and again began building bigger seaworthy boats to survive big waves and wind. The boat experience I am sure was told from generation to generation never to be forgotten remembering the roughest turbulent seas of the biggest storm ever recorded for mankind. From there they sailed from China with an armada of sailboats across the ocean and stopped over in Hawaii to end in Mexico known as the Aztec people. Check out your paper model globe, which shows ocean currents. Coming from China it seems you don’t even need wind as the current will drift you right to the coastal areas of Mexico. Page 222 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 10 It was relative easy to traveling straight east along the line of “Tropical Cancer” which was a natural barrier alongside the edge of the ice border after Noah’s time. So the Western side of Mexico showed much older cultures than the Easter side. This can readily be seen in pyramid buildings as you can follow the book I bought from the museum in Mexico City and considering iron tools as a deciding factor. It is obvious that the eastern pyramids which came later in time changed it’s architectural style as they resemble more observation platform towers similar to European culture and the pyramids and kings residences reflected from Egyptian-Greek-Roman influences as we can observe round columns, long stone pillars and crossover precision cut stones only possible with quarry technology shaped by iron. Before the iron age, we have irregular river stones assembled with mortar for pyramids indicating a Bronze period. Then going across Mexico we see the change in precision-cut stones made with iron tools imported from Europe before BC. That idea would make a Columbus discovery obsolete as I believe it was a lie to cover-up a crime of having an Aztec culture destroyed to rob them of their gold, looking at history from a different angle. For example, the Soothsayer Pyramid in Oxmal reflects the most recent construction techniques dated to years AD. Their representation is rather religious and no longer connected to measure time. It still has some remnants of a calendar counting which are represented in the steps of Aztec origin and also reflect the new tilt axis-Y of 23½˚ coinciding with our modern calendar. Notice the much steeper angle going up the stairs equal to the tilt axis of our earth. Than count the stairs going up ascending with 52 steps indicating an Aztec origins but continue with another set of 14 stairs. If you multiply 52X14 you get 728 Solstice summer and winter cycles. Divide it into two (2) and you get one turn around the sun, which is one year = 364 days. The last day of the year is represented by the building on top with one window seeing the sun at solstice position one time in a year. Look around from this vantage point and notice the Greek and Roman architecture influence. A Spanish friar recorded that he spoke to some Indians which said that this pyramid was build during their grandfather’s lives. It matches my theory and not what university professors printed in the book I read. There are many example of how the Aztec spin-axis theory can reveal concepts the secular scientist cannot even guess. Many colorful wall pictures found in a Teotihuacan palace I will describe later can now be better interpreted. What I see with the lenses of my spin-axis hypothesis will then appear to be different from and superior to what most modern scholars postulate. The Mayan Culture Looking at the Map below, we will easily recognize that Noah’s descendants were settling first in the West of Mexico indicated with the red area considered to be Aztec. I have no difficulty developing a theory contrary to established evolution-educated scholars. I see a migration of the Aztec culture ending up in the Yucatan Peninsula going from Tulum to Honduras and merging into a Mayan culture. The Mayan were Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 223 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries accomplished astronomers as most cities where located south of latitude to observe perhaps the sun directly overhead twice a year. Their calendar allegedly is said to be in tune with the Milky Way and all kinds of stories are told which probably is as good an opinion is as another. The city, Chichen Itza, became the capital city for the Mayans. The Mayan stretched from the eastern sea boarders all the way to Honduras. Cuello is the oldest excavated Mayan settlement and some scholars say as far back 2500 BC quite in line with my spin-axis theory. Modern scientists6 in universities postulates that the Aztec migrated over the frozen Bering Strait 20,000 years ago with primitive stone tools. They where portrayed as hunter-gatherer only having stone tipped arrows for survival. Evolution biased people must have a lot of imaginations and adding tons of years to be happy especially those who never camped out on a frozen tundra thousands of miles away from a shopping center to get some food. To assume survival for women and children and find enough animals for food only reflects a false reality and should not be postulated by an educated person who probably never camped out in an Alaskan winter to learn about nature. My recommendation before we teach our students opinions and write historic impossibilities in schoolbooks as facts, we should first study California history. Most are familiar with the historic Donner party near Lake Tahoe that became stranded in snow for only three months without provisions. There we find that they ate their own dead even having guns for hunting. This should be compared to a theory with people–families and kids crossing a frozen Bering Strait to show up in the Americans over a ice-covered continent thousands of miles from a farm. Again, we have wild estimates fabricated without any proof, whereas as my biblical perspective sounds so much better since it has eyewitnesses recorded even with their names and ages when they died. Honduras is next to El Salvador indicates that is was one of the oldest civilizations with Copan as the largest Mayan city. We find longest stone inscription which requires iron tools to manufacture and is the best material for encoding the hieroglyphic language in the western hemisphere. 6 Page 224 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 10 So let’s than keep an open mind to observe a neighboring cultural influence coming from outside Mexico across the oceans from China or Europe. Let’s not assume that Christopher Columbus was the only sailor to discover the new continent of the Americas to bring gifts of trade from another continent. Ask some Chinese scholars about a Chinese expedition two hundred years before Columbus that I saw on a TV program. You will not find this history printed in public schoolbooks for understandable reasons. That would uncover a lie and horrible criminal act committed by the Vatican to suppress a crime of ethnic genocide perpetrated against an Aztec nation living still in the Bronze time culture, killing 100 million people to rob them of thousand years accumulated gold. They were no match against the gunpowder, muskets and iron armor of the church’s Spanish soldiers riding horses, which had never seen by any living Native Americans. Examining buildings and dressed stones with an architectural mindset, we could recognize the influence of Roman–Hellenistic culture with the introduction of iron. Therefore, I make a division between where Aztec Bronze Age ends and the Mayan Iron Age culture starts. We can easily find parallels on the African-European side when we compare their calendars. People on one side of the globe are just as smart as the other side when it comes to observation of solstice calendar dates. Scholars are academically biased blind when they build theories on wrong assumptions. One should consider that a different climate may have prevailed before 2288 BC. After the impact of the asteroid geological strata indicates that the polar ice and snow moved toward the equator to about the border of Tropic of Cancer-Capricorn which can be verified from eyewitness accounts in the Bible. Than there is much confusion to align a strange Aztec calendar with a system of 260 day cycles. To explain it, I am not surprised to find on the internet that someone came up with a theory that the Mayan calendar is tracking Venus. Venus is closer to the sun and travels 584 days around the sun for one cycle. Let’s forget solstice cycles needed for planting seed and harvest on earth and consider Venus cycles which make no logical sense to me. What got this theory started is that when we allegedly can observe Venus and compare them with the earthly cycles. The planet Venus appears visible on the horizon for 260 days and therefore it was reasoned must be connected to the Aztec-Mayan calendar. So after 260 days we will notice a 50 days disappearance behind the sun. That is followed by being visible again for 260 days only to disappear again for an average of 8 days. Just seeing 260 days seems to me a convoluted theory without a logical purpose. Maybe in an earthly calendar axis change man looked for other planets to get a stable reference point to measure seasons. Many stories are told and all may contain some truth, but for me I going along a trail much more logical connection with an ancient Hebrew culture coming from one source the Bible which can be dated. This is a much better project to spend some time. It resulted in unexpected discovery never heard or seen in any books and for some reason even connects with the prophesied Apocalypse in the Bible as I am not Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 225 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries surprised. So let’s stay on a logical path to investigate with an open mind to look at some interesting mystery never taught in church or university. Different Dating of Mexican Pyramids When I bought a book in English from the Mexican museum, I checked it out at home and noticed that it was in conflict with many dates archeologists had assigned to various pyramids, which did not seem logical. I am not an expert; just an inventor–engineer and can recognize a pattern, which in my lifetime made me a pile of money making useful products. So I am not paid by a university to lose my job if I voice a contradictory opinion of current dogma against a university establishment. I believe that after 2009 we will see the last nail put in the coffin of evolution theory and I am either very rich selling books or forgotten for awhile since I exposed many concepts from the Bible scientist and theologian are ignorant about. Therefore, I see the Mexican world with different eyes. I divide the history of Mexico in three major groups and a matter of fact there exist three groups for the rest of the world. The Bible records the history of intelligent mankind contrary to primitive ape-man theories taught in our atheistic secular institution to mislead our schoolchildren. Adam was 100 times more brilliant than Albert Einstein coming directly from God’s presence. The proof we have is that our brain capacity seems infinite big as we reduced it to 5% in a lifetime in our present time frame, leaving plenty of data brain storage empty no longer utilized. I could deduct from this a scientific fact that Adam talking to God required more brain intelligence to have some fun. God enjoyed man He created in His image and coming daily in the garden as reported, He needed a creature that can play chess on a level with God on somewhat equal basis. A monkey would not do I am sure. It didn’t take long for Adam and his children invented tools of Iron and bronze metal right in the first century being kicked out from the Garden in 4004 BC, to build big cities, entertained themselves with music instruments you can read about in Genesis. They also knew how to make iron tools Realize that iron metal is the most difficult process to manufacture and requires a minimum twostage procedure. Most people have never seen a process how to make iron. First, you must convert our coal deposits and change it into coke, which looks like black bubbled lava rocks by heating in an oven and doused with water to stop the coal conversion to cock. It is than reheated gain in a furnace to 3,000˚ to become the base for melting iron ore. To melt iron ore requires a strong cock foundation to hold the weight of the iron ore and still have enough open airspace for the oxygen to penetrate to reduce it to metal. After that, you get only rough iron rich in carbon not very strong and brittle. It must be reheated again to burn off the carbon and it becomes than steel a very hard metal. Again reheating and pounding it with a hammer will change the iron to steel to become hardened for tools and weapons. Our secular institutions postulating long ages for the development of mankind required millions of years. But the facts prove otherwise to Page 226 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 10 notice it only took 100 years in our timeframe to invent electricity, steam trains, automobile, radio, TV and complex computers or build spaceships for man to live. To assume that the intelligence of man evolved over millions of years contrary to entropy laws is not very logical. Accordingly, I ask why do we have 95% of our brain capacity unused? How can unused brain cells evolve from nothing not need in a lifetime? Thinking logically is not taught in school today. I advise children to just go to shopping centers and find what did not exist fifty years ago, which is only a second in history. Reasoning with a fairy tale mindset leads nowhere. One does not need to be a rocket scientist to figure out who is right in setting dates. Iron tools are needed to shape stones even today, and I come to a very simple classification which divided the world in those cultures one uses iron tools and others who have to deal with softer metals like bronze and that can be classified as the Bronze Age. The cultures before the Flood 2288 BC therefore have iron and we can see their product applied on big building projects left over from that time, like some pyramids in Egypt, some in Mexico and some in Peru. They show very big smooth blocks of stone and in the Peruvian stone masonry they used diamonds to grind the hardest stone into very precise flat or interlocking round contours. Then came the Flood in 2288 BC, and mankind lost the knowledge of how to make iron. The Flood was followed by the Bronze Age until iron was reinvented. So when we recognize an Iron Age once more, we can distinguish its dating by looking at square stone blocks of many great buildings still visible today. Just seeing finished stones from two different culture ages we must first apply some logic and use or collective history knowledge to follow a pattern which we can rationally date periods as we compare one culture to the other. Every culture borrowed concept from each other because we do live on the same planet. According to these three groups, I divide the Mexican history as follows: 1. Inca, Peru excavations – preFlood; 2. Aztec- both sides; 3. Toltec, Olmec could be pre-Flood or both? 4. Teotihuacan after Flood; 5. Mayan society, which I date after the Aztec culture. When you look through the museum picture books, we see very clearly the distinction in masonry. For instance, the Yucatan Peninsula, like Sayil or Milta, shows a mix of Greek and Roman architecture and, of course, the big square stones. Believing a Columbus discovery of the Americas myth fooled many scientists dating Mexican cultures. Also, Mayan calendars reveal a modern calendar from Caesar Julius times. It was more accessible by boat from Africa and Europe and therefore could transferred Greek-Roman culture with iron tools as bargaining money and could even be instrumental to have a calendar corrected. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 227 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries As an example, a Spanish Franciscan friar visited the pyramid in Uxmal (Soothsayer) in 1588. He left a detailed description of Indian who knew who build the last one. So notice the masonry nice finished stones made with iron tools if you are in the dating business. The Spanish story told is believable as my axis theory bears out. And I am not an archaeologist to figure this out but just probing around. Another example is found in Palenque where there are ruins and structures of palaces with a temple of the sun. They found a monolithic richly carved sarcophagus covered with a limestone slab weighing 8 tons. Inside was a skeleton of an important Lord with jade jewels. The crypt surrounded is constructed with very big flat finished limestone like you see in Egypt. Only iron tools could manufacture them. But the rest looks like a Bronze Age stone masonry. This tells me a transitional post flood Bronze to Iron Age and counting the steps bears out my theory. I will conclude our history journey with a visit to Mexico City in the next chapter, reflecting again on a spin-axis theory. The copied picture next shows a comparison of a very complex Mayan Tzolkin Dial Count7 calendar theory, which could be much better explained with a three spin-axis hypothesis of the earth. Scientists who do not know about a spin-axis theory nor heard about mystery clocks from around the globe, attempted to interpret Aztec calendar artifacts as told by a Spanish friar 500 years ago. They tried to fit a 260-day calendar schedule into a normal calendar of our time and came up with a convoluted theory difficult to understand like fitting square into a round hole. Notice the small circle within a circle also appears in the modernized astronomical Prague clock, or in the Persian Astrolabe found in the previous chapters. They still show remnants of Aztec clock design features. In the next chapter I explain five pyramids on top of each other discovered in Mexico City. Check out yet another proof of an X-Y axis spin. I will point out something about the pyramids unlike any other explanation in print - guaranteed. 7 The Aztec Calendar Handbook, Randall C. Jimenez/Richard B. Graeber, Historical Science Publishing Saratoga, Ca. 95070. Page 228 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 Chapter 11 Pyramids Found Around the World Pyramids play an important role in ancient history. They are only found in a narrow corridor around the globe and were built during two distinct historical periods, one before the Flood in 2288 BC and the other after the Flood. I am writing about why these two historical periods are so different. It will become very apparent that a change in how the earth spun on its axis provides the most rational reason explaining why such diverse cultures around the world built pyramids. The flood of Noah is not mythology. It was a real event that divided two civilizations: one before and the other emerged after. To understand the history of mankind, we cannot get away what the Bible proclaims and many wall pictures of ancient palaces around the world testify. To have a balanced viewpoint like a dual-rail railroad, we should not ignore what the Bible reports just because it does not fit a personal belief system. Modern scientists converted the true origin of a humanity believing in one Creator to a fabricated story of religious evolution to match their atheistic bias towards biological evolution theories. They must use the coercion of by a public opinion police force to enforce their secularist religion in schools and forbid public discussion if you want to graduate. To me such tactics lie outside true science. Evolution is unable to explain many evidences in geology and countless discoveries, the origin myth got stuck in controversies. It never went further then a 150-year old philosophy that feels good for those who deny a Creator but not much more1. 1 If you are interested to learn about science, then find a DVD disk one-hour presentation documentation by Lee Stroble, A Case for the Creator, 2006. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 229 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Since I do not think like the main mainstream stories and since I had previously mentioned a little about pyramids in my two books, I asked another question, “Why are there so many pyramids built in a particular age all within 30° longitude, a narrow corridor around the globe? I have read nothing from scholars that makes sense of this observation. I believe that my hypothesis of a different spin-axis of the earth does provide a sensible answer. I connect it with a changing spin-axis calendar, and ancient clock discoveries seem to prove it. True science and the ancient records of Christian-Hebrew religion represent two parallel rails spanning 6,000 years of written eyewitness accounts on earth. Both viewpoints give us balanced perspectives in order to properly understand our natural physical world bathed in moral and spiritual matters. The two-rail principle is a more balanced approach if you are allowed to think logically which is better then the usual onesided opinions published in schoolbooks. I am not surprised that the Bible tells a lot about pyramids too if you know were to look. Pyramids are the most massive structures built in antiquity. They were carefully planned and I am sure very expensive, the oldest incorporated the fundamental laws of nature and mathematics into their structural details. Most people believe that Pyramids served as astronomical observation platforms for the priests of advanced civilizations. Why? Now the ancients did not spend all that time and money to design pyramids just so they could get a clear view of the night’s sky. The pyramids were necessary for marking accurately the passage of solstices and equinoxes, the phases of the moon and the rise of particular stars that provided the key markers for building a dependable shifting calendar and pinpoint fixed positions within a number of zodiac constellation. Generally, we could argue that the ancient calendars marked religious festivals that were linked to important shifts in the agricultural work year. However looking from an irregular changing earth axis perspective with altering weather patterns that can no longer be trusted, it is no wonder that ancient societies were dependant on experts like priests and magi to make predictions for the next 10 years for their food/survival. The official calendar had to be accurate as the well-being of a nation could be in jeopardy. The pyramids fulfilled that function as well as sometimes serving as a three-dimensional library of the ancients’ accumulated wisdom laid out in observable zodiac constellation which where fixed points in the sky and would not change. Some reference points were needed as the earth wobble seemed to have gone crazy. Many books have been written with a wealth of information presented in pyramids tourist stores located around the world but nobody ever mention its absolute necessity to spend millions of dollars and employ thousands of worker, just to please a ruler? Do we spend our money in space on shuttles, telescope and rockets just to please a politician? Or exist there a higher purpose paying taxes rather fixing the potholes on my street? The Great Pyramid in Egypt was built before the Flood. It is much more than a mere platform to measure time cycles or the tomb of a mighty Page 230 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 and famous ruler. The earth axis did not wobble before the Flood and must therefore have another purpose. In 1800 Sir John Herschel (the son of Sir William Herschel, who discovered the planet Uranus) wrote that the Great Pyramid pointed to the star Alpha Draconis (Dragon Star)2. Based on that hypothesis, Sir John calculated that the Great Pyramid was built in 3440 BC. It was also built at the very center of the globe’s landmass. Earlier in this book, we learned that the first Aztec pyramid in Mexico City was built about 2200 BC in the center of a lake in contrast to the landmass, which we discovered at that time to be the magnetic North Pole. (Chapter 5) The scientific community rejected Hershel’s analysis for reason that they found a piece of iron imbedded in the in the king’s chamber. That iron artifact’s antiquity and place of discovery were eventually verified so that it is now stored in the British museum. But at first, the scientists did not want to believe Mr. J. R. Hill’s testimony of authenticity even though he was Col. Howard Vyse’s assistant for the excavation in 1837. They just could not accept that the Egyptians were using iron at such an early date when civilizations were only supposed to know how to make copper and bronze. Genesis 4:22 records that iron and bronze were forged in the first generation from Adam, which is before the Flood. Scholars persuaded in an evolution theory have been mostly wrong so many times, that I lost count. My spin-axis theory supports Herschel’s date for the construction of the Great Pyramid. Its timeframe of 500 years after Adam seems very possible and would agree with Genesis 4:22. But controversies rage over whether the Great Pyramid’s dimensions were divinely inspired as was noted that they contained complex mathematical ratios imbedded in its architecture so early in mans history. Not knowing these mathematical relationships, we could not have ventured in space and land on the moon in our time. Is the Ezekiel 40s Temple a Pyramid? What will the Millennial Temple of Ezekiel look like? Most Christian scholars believe that Jerusalem’s future fourth Temple as described in Ezekiel 40-48 will be similar to Israel’s historical temples. The First Temple built by Solomon and the Second Temple, begun by Zerubbabel and renovated by Herod the Great, are often pictured in Bibles or discussed in popular TV documentaries. If you have read some of my previous books, you should already be alerted to my alternate perspective. Analyzing the biblical text with the keys provided by the Hebrew Alphabet Number System reveals a prophetic picture that differs from most Christian theologians. When I read the Bible’s book of Revelation, I understand it to describe a huge satellite in the shape of a pyramid floating above the earth. John gives us many details about this pyramid that I discuss in my earlier Babushka books. He describes the heavenly satellite-city as being built with a square wall foundation like a square donut with 12 gates. This design is similar to Hilton hotel structures built the size of city square. The hotel 2 The Teotihuacan Palace wall picture in Tepantitla Mexico has a star on the upper extreme right side in the third heaven, which I believe is similar to the Egyptian use. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 231 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries rooms rise up all around the square with an open courtyard roof in the center, which functions as a lobby and landscaped restaurant area. Imagine that there is a pyramid in the center of the hotel. It would look something like what I saw in Las Vegas City, where the main entrance to a large hotel imitates an Egyptian pyramid similar to the lobby of the Louvre Museum in Paris. The Temple described at the end of the book of Ezekiel looks incredible to me as read with the eyes of Ayin (Hebrew Alphabet Number System) that monorail theologians are not familiar with. I believe that Israel’s last and future temple must be a mirror image [Daleth-Heh] of that heavenly, pyramid-shaped satellite-city. Notice that the outside facade in Ezekiel 41:3 is three stories high square circumference and lined with 30 chambers on the north and south side like a three story hotel with 90 big window doors with walls 5 cubits (10 feet) thick. A pyramid rises from within the inside square at the center of that building. It says in verse 41:7 that the inside chamber walls do not touch the freestanding 100-cubit wide square structure. (Ezekiel 40:47) Then it is stated that the next 30 chambers sit on top for each ascending floor, being inclined toward the center like steps but not touching the building walls. In the Mexican City outdoor museum, we see five pyramids built on top of each other and not touching walls either. What is the significance of and why is there a hand’s breadth of airspace between walls? This makes for a difficult building to construct. God tells us that the inside structure is separated from the outside structure, like the holy Heh dimension is separated from the Daleth dimension belonging to our natural world. If an ascending wall is inclining toward its center then the walls are not vertical but tilted. A tilted wall could end up in a pyramid shape if it is square all around. Later it mentions that the 100-cubit base dimension has a reduced width on the third floor, measured by the angel at 70 cubits. (41:12) This means that from the center we have a reduction in tilt of fifteen 15 cubits on one side going up a total of 36 cubits or 3 rods high. If we calculate the incline from the edge of the base where the diagonal line comes together on top of the pyramid we get an angle of 22.62 or a total 45˚ angle with a height of 120 cubits still with the airspace of an handbreadth (4½ inches) in between the square donut building following the inclined wall of the emerging pyramid on the inside of 240 feet having a 45˚ for the top apex. The 36-cubit height is measured from below the ground surface level at the bottom of the concrete-stone pyramid foundation basement, which is 150 cubits squared above to the 100-cubit wide section at ground floor. The heavy three-story high, solid block basement line above the inside 100-cubit wide floor line is necessary to hold the weight of the pyramid since it is placed over several springs that produce a new river of healing waters. The temple ground lies outside the present Jerusalem. It will be lifted up to a high mountain plateau by the asteroid strikes and massive series of earthquakes of 10-17 September 2015. I believe that the whole area will probably be a slightly unstable geologic formation for several centuries. Page 232 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 So from an architectural perspective, I understand the air space separation functionally as an accommodation for small stress shifts of the outer three-story donut building as the new geological formation settles. These tectonic plate adjustments could continue for several centuries, and the Temple structure is prophesied to last a 1,000 years. What is extraordinary is that the ratio of 15 cubits (width difference) to 36 cubits heights difference is a ratio of .416666. That is identical to the Hebrew Rosetta Stone 7:5 ratio or 7/12 = .41666 the same. This tells me that I am right on in tracking down the structure of the mystery temple described 500 years before Christ. The 45˚ angle is factored as 9x5, which in Hebrew thinking is the other Heh side (5) now in the Teth (9) age of new life during the 1,000 years of Jesus’ reign of justice and peace. Many other descriptions of Ezekiel’s dimension now make more sense, but it would take another book to describe it all. If you want to write that book, take it from here. An aerial view of the Most Holy place calculated from a corrected cubic measurement perspective gives us the dimensions of 25,000 x 25,000 cubits or about 9.4 miles square. It is divided into three oblong sections. The Most Holy section is 10,000 x 25,000 cubits about 9.4 miles long times 3.8 miles wide. The priestly section is the same with the remaining 5,000 x 25,000 wide cubits equaling 1.9 miles wide x 9.4 miles long, belonging to the public domain. This structure divides the 826-acre parcel on either side into two major parcels with a nearly two mile wide roadway in the middle. The Temple section is surrounded by an arched chambered fence and on the corner kitchen (bathrooms for the thousand visitors, about 1.13 miles squared (500 rods). There is no furniture on the inside of this pyramid as God’s Spirit, the Shekinah Glory, will enter and light the inside brilliantly like the sun. The brilliant light to last for a thousand years will be seen through the 90 windows on either sides and front door as visitors from the top of surrounding wall will then recognize God’s visible presence among mortals. Any mortals entering the front door to be in God’s presence without an personal invitation would instantly die. God’s Holiness will be as bright as the sun and visible to visitors from the top of the walls surrounding the Temple. Only the priests administering the daily sacrifices will be allowed to get close to the altar located in front of the entrance. Only the resurrected Saints will have access to the interior because they are no longer mortal. It would be instant death for mortals. The resurrected Saints will be impervious to God’s burning glory like the angel sent to Daniel’s friends in King Nebuchadnezzar’s famous fiery furnace. They belong to the Jod dimension, which supersedes the natural laws of physics in the same way that the resurrected Jesus walked through solid walls. I think Ezekiel’s pyramid Temple may be a meeting place for the Saints and function like an invisible Heh-elevator to transport them to the upper levels of the heavenly city. Like Jacob’s ladder of ascending and descending angels, the Saints will no longer be subject to the material time and space laws of the Daleth dimension (this time in this age). They will enjoy intimate fellowship with God in the Jod dimension. If you want to learn more about eternal matters, read all the Babushka books. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 233 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries How Long was a Cubit in Ancient Times? (Ezekiel 40:5) Bible scholars say one cubit equals 18 English inches; however, if we calculate it from Egyptian pyramid cubits, then one cubit equals 24 English inches. Israel was always been buffered between two mighty empires: Egypt on the south and Babylon-Persia on the north. They adapted cultural features from both areas. Egyptians were more advanced in architectural mathematics; therefore, I favor the Egyptian side for determining the cubit used by the Hebrews. I believe the Hebrew reed or rod in Ezekiel’s time is 1/5th of the Giza Great pyramid base. The Great Giza Pyramid build before Noah is not exactly square being 759.45 x 751.35 English feet. The ratio between the width and breath is (759.45/551.35 = 1.0178) meaning the Egyptian inch is a little larger than the English inch 12x1.0178 = 12.213 inches, or nearly a quarter inch longer than one foot. The future Ezekiel Temple dimensions are mostly in order of multiple of five (5) indicating the Heh dimension given from Heaven. We must convert it in our Daleth dimension now measured in the American Bible in “inches.” Therefore, one Hebrew cubit-reed equals is 1/5th of the pyramid dimension in foot plus correction factor measure with one hand width of the ratio added. If: • The mean average of the Giza pyramid = 755.5 English feet • 755.5/5 = 151.1 Egyptian inches = so many cubits • Converted to English inches 151.1:1.0178 ratio = 148.45 English inches And Ezekiel’s angelic measuring rod or reed is 6 cubits + one hand width, then 148.45-144 = 4.45 inches left to equal to one hand width if we assume 12x12 = 144 inches, which checks out with my hand. Deduct a 4.45 inch hand width from 148.45, and we have one cubit / English = 12x12, or 6 cubits. Therefore, one cubit is 24 English inches (6x24 = 144) converted from the Egyptian pyramid base. This result conflicts with scholarly estimation of 18 inches using the elbow to finger tip mean average human body size, which is perhaps not a very good standard. Egyptian mathematics embedded in pyramids is more accurate. The same measurements are also found in the Aztec pyramids in Mexico City. The great Teotihuacan pyramid outside Mexico City has a very close base dimension within inches then the one in Egypt with identical ration (.08% variation that would be the same if we cleared a few inches of dirt on the base). This approach gives me more a creditable assumption based on imbedded mathematics like “The Seven Royal Numbers” and the “Five Master Equations” of the Giza” pyramid . All of these calculations conform to the Hebrew Alphabet Number System, too. Therefore, all dimensions for the future dimensions of Ezekiel’s Temple Page 234 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 given in the Nelson Study Bible should be corrected because the actual size is a little larger. Pyramids and Prophecy Two mathematical examples are embedded in the great pyramid in Giza like the “Seven Royal Numbers” and the “Five Master Equations” that I described it in my other books. Interestingly, the use of 7 and 5 in the Great Pyramid correlate well with the Bible’s Rosetta Stone ratio of 7:5 found I discovered in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. Besides mathematical cycles used by many to try to predict the future, the Great Pyramid connotes the idea of the City of God now in heaven. (Revelation 21:9-21) On the other hand, the Mexican pyramid, which is flatter on top, can be construed to point to Satan the serpent. The Aztec religion tells of a great serpent coming to earth in 2012 AD. I did not make up that story, but it does correlate with Bible prophecy. The building of pyramids abruptly stopped in many cultures when they outlived their purpose. My new spin-axis hypothesis makes perfect sense and gives you the reasons why. After all, they were very expensive to build! Primarily, I find a correlation with the common appearance of writing on stone monuments or disposable materials such as papyrus, clay tablets and ceramic pots or shards. Many archeologists differ among themselves in dating Egyptian pyramids as they are poor chronological aids. The ancient Egyptians never gave the total duration of dynasties or identified clearly when contemporary dynasties existed. Also, Egyptian Pharaohs did not distinguish between years of sole reign and those of joint reign, such as of a father and his appointed heir. An X-Y axis hypothesis gives us the answer. At a crucial time in ancient history, no accurate calendar existed and none seemed to be able to count time. Thus, you find that the length of Egyptian dynasties vary by 250 years, and Biblical scholars rarely go beyond Abraham or 1500 BC. To sum it up, there must be reasons when pyramids are poor time markers. I think that theGod’s building of pyramids stopped when the spinaxis stopped moving. Since old habits never die, the use was changed and recent pyramids became statements for the rich and mighty. There are many excellent books3 describing pyramids in the bookstores, and I only want to add what they usually fail to mention. Millions of tourists visiting the pyramids wonder where the idea of such a structure would have come from since we see them around the world. Who was the first architect who designed it to be copied everywhere? The Bible again give us the answer as it describes the biggest pyramid ever seen on earth which we will be seen again in the future because it is a spaceship. I refer to what John saw 2,000 years ago and describes in his prophetic book of Revelation. In his vision, John saw the biggest pyramid ever at 1,500 miles square coming through space to earth. 3 Pyramid Prophecies, by Max Toth, The timeless message of sacred stones reveals our future. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 235 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries It was descending at a future time frame from heaven to hover over the Jerusalem during the coming millennial reign of Jesus Christ, king over Israel and the nations to rule over the earth. He prophesied that human governments on earth will come to an end and replaced by the Kingdom of God on earth that will rule the nations in righteousness under the Ten Commandments, which will be the global law worldwide. These laws from space of a new world concept is imbedded in a heavenly pyramid and in that structure may have been copied by the pre-Flood ancient including its embedded mathematics which is so foreign to many of us. Myself included as I only in the last 4 years discovered it. Therefore, I feel the urged to briefly quote a portion of the book Apocalypse Prophesied Chapter 9, to convey to you the concept of a heavenly pyramid not taught in schools or churches that nobody seems to know about. Just test anybody at random on a street and ask the question. For scientists who do not read the Bible, please bear with me that John 2,000 years ago lived a little closer to a spin-axis phenomenon and saw the star of Bethlehem even visitors from far country came to see. A 1,500-mile journey on camel back going through hostile robber-infested territories did not prevent them to investigate that phenomenon a little closer. It was the reason later that the king killed hundreds of babies to make sure astronomical signs in the sky would not interfere during his reign as king. The foreign astrologers of their time searching to find answers of their prediction went straight to the king’s palace in Jerusalem for more information to find the connection about that unusual object in the sky and check it out from ancient Hebrew records. We have it much easier now investigating historical events I did not invent but could lead to a better understanding of the world we live in. “The City of God is the Heavenly Jerusalem.” (Revelation 21:9-21) It will be suspended like a satellite over the earth during Jesus’ thousand-year reign of peace and justice on earth. This city was in orbit over the earth once before. At that time we referred to it as the Star of Bethlehem. It appeared 2,000 years ago when the GodSon, Jesus Christ, stepped into the time dimension and was born as a human baby. This same city will appear again in 2018 and remain there in orbit. This time the city will be connected with the Second Coming of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” A detailed description of this fabulous city is given in Revelation 21. It is the traveling spaceship of God Himself and His entourage. Since God knows how curious men are, he has blessed us with a brief look into this strange structure through John’s eyes in the last pages of Revelation. The New heavenly Jerusalem is described as a pyramid approximately 1,500 miles square. It has five sides indicating that it is from Heh, “the other side” and does not belong to our world. The pyramidal City of God has a capstone and four cornerstones constructed out of five massive diamonds miles long. Similar to our modern rockets, this satellite city is designed to travel at high speed through the universe in spite of floating rocks and debris as our rockets are pointed too. Notice to control our rockets we have 4 engines on each corner, which is akin like a square of the pyramid base. Page 236 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 I have a suspicion that ancient civilizations around the world saw this city in the sky and copied its pyramid shape as it floated motionless in the sky. We made movies of encounters of other worlds and I wonder where that idea came from? Duplicating this design would reflect an invitation for the city-satellite to appear again. Men wanted to connect with it because they knew a supernatural being resided therein. Most pyramids are connected with astrological importance and convey mathematical theories not yet fully understood. Diamonds are cut into pyramid shapes to reflect light, but the Star of Bethlehem is luminous from within. It does not need the sun because God residing in it is its light. Seeing movie land fantasies and being an inventor I come to conclude that educated man can never create any new ideas unless it already existed and Hollywood is no exception. Somewhere, somehow realty exists and is buried in nature as we only can copy it. For those around the world who have no access to a Bible I will quote from John (AD 96) where this story comes from. He wrote elegantly the last book of the Bible called Revelation with details only a two-rail educated person can understand. Monorail theologians distorted much what was written, interpreted it wrongly and confusing scientist to reject it. My book, Mystery of Tammuz 17, put some order in the Revelation Bible text. The published book is free on the Internet and in it you will find a different picture painted as your church may teach or perhaps you learned in Sunday school: Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” And in the spirit he carried me away to a great, high mountain and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from God. It has the glory of God and radiance like a very rare jewel, like jasper, clear as crystal. It has a great, high wall with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and on the gates are inscribed the names of the twelve tribes of the Israelites; on the east three gates, on the north three gates, on the south three gates, and on the west three gates. And the wall of the city has twelve foundations, and on them are the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. The angel who talked to me had a measuring rod of gold to measure the city and its gates and walls. The city lies foursquare, its length the same as its width; and he measured the city with his rod, fifteen hundred miles; its length and width and height are equal. He also measured its wall, one hundred forty-four cubits by human measurement, which the angel was using. The wall is built of jasper, while the city is pure gold, clear as glass. The foundations of the wall of the city are adorned with every jewel; the first was jasper, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysoCopyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 237 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries lite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth amethyst. And the twelve gates are twelve pearls, each of the gates is a single pearl, and the street of the city is pure gold, transparent as glass. I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God is its light, and its lamp is the Lamb. The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it. Its gates will never be shut by day—and there will be no night there. People will bring into it the glory and the honor of the nations. But nothing unclean will enter it, nor anyone who practices abomination or falsehood, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life. (Revelation 21:9-27 NRSV) As an inventor, my mind is always looking for what might not be obvious to others. The city of God or Heavenly Jerusalem pyramid is occupied by redeemed resurrected people who are no longer subject to the physical laws of our present material dimension of time and space. A butterfly is a perfect example emerging after the cocoon stage a totally new creature in design and purpose. The saints therefore have been born into an eternal dimension of the metaphysical world so that they can visit burning galaxies, traveling faster than light, or even visit the interior of a fiery furnace like the fourth person who appeared with Daniel’s friends in the fiery furnace heated up seven times hotter than usual. (Daniel 3:19-27) This story shows us that even being close to an angel suspends the natural laws of our physical universe as Jesus demonstrated after his resurrection walking through walls and become visible and invisible at will. Mankind’s two stage butterfly creation story compared scientifically you should really become familiar with because it is reality to explain what will happen after you died and can be checkout on the internet4. This is an anecdote that reveals God’s plan for us mortals as we too must enter a cocoon stage to emerge as a totally different creature with wings like angels have. Wings expresses in many art paintings demonstrate another dimension of eternal life science is not familiar with. Being someone who earned his living as a scientist, I look usually for a cause and effect principals to expand on an idea to gain more knowledge. It says in the Bible that the City of God pyramid will be as bright as the sun with streets of transparent gold not found on earth. I believe because of its immense size that it must also radiate heat being brighter then the sun. Therefore, its distance from earth as it hovers over the earth would definitely change the weather pattern for either good or bad if it would be suspended above you. For example, a change in the satellite city’s location overhead could cause droughts over areas that are in need of punishment. In fact Zechariah describes such an scenario and states (Zachariah 14:16-19) that nations who fail to come yearly to Jerusalem to worship the King of Kings and keep the Feast of Tabernacles maybe punished in this manner. 4, Apocalypse Prophesied, Chapter 6, The Butterfly Story. Page 238 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 The Bible prophesies that another asteroid already on its way will end the Apocalypse in 2015 with massive earthquakes lasting 7 days that will shift again tectonic plates. The Bible prophesies the raising the center of the earthly Jerusalem to a high mountain which reveals the source of a mighty underground river then exposed coming from the deepest geological fault line of our globe and filling up the Dead Sea with sweet water. On this mountain a future (4) Fourth Temple will be built and be covered with the mysterious Shekinah cloud of glory, which demonstrates daily God’s presence on a material earth called the Daleth dimension. Why does God choose to represent his presence with a Shekinah cloud? I can answer that question as it provides a covering so that the radiant nuclear heat bright as the sun of the suspended pyramid above is canceled out. It is also a witness to all nations visiting the Glorious Land that God now controls the politics of nations with an iron road, a warning in the sky of a brilliant ever present cosmic light with consequences of heat changing a weather pattern if it should hover over your city? A message is then given; do not mess with the eternal God and his Saints. That will prevent future wars to get started and keeps nation to live 1000 years in peace together. There are many more unusual Bible references to think about and is fun to applying it to science which leads into more exiting discoveries rather rejecting its tenants and remain dull never getting stimulated seeing a beautiful Bible sunset. The Bible lets us look into a future time dimension where the resurrected Saint will live in this gravity suspended 1,500-mile large satellite pyramid city of the heavenly Jerusalem just like our astronauts live now in a spaceship. From there the Saints will govern the world after the second asteroid impact 2015 to be trained to inherit and govern the heavens. It is stated that nothing “unclean” can enter its gate. Unclean means mortal as anybody must be shrouded in protective space suit (Immortal Body) to enter that burning bright city. Clean means we are forgiven and received eternal life at the First Resurrection. On earth an emerging new civilization will rise again to implement God’s New World Order which will have peace for a thousand years. Jesus, the eternal creator God, will also reside in that traveling residence from space with his people who were born again and received eternal life perfectly suited to live in bright light like the sun. The heavenly pyramid is accessed by 12 gates as there will be much traffic back and forth from earth during a fantastic time connected with God’s Kingdom and to restore the earth to its former splendor. The Daleth time dimension must end after a thousand years as God’s plan for mankind has been finalized and will not go on forever. Then the pyramid city will move again and be placed on a new earth after 3015 as the time dimension will have ended. It will permanently rest on the new earth and no longer be a satellite floating from one place to another as the Bible declares it. It again will stand like the first pyramid in Egypt a witness before the flood times signaling a new civilization surrounded by redeemed mankind void of sin, no longer needed to be inoculated with evil, which will start the stage of perfected mankind designed for eternity analogue to the second butterfly stage having Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 239 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries beautiful wings to fly and enjoy the cosmos prepared now for immortals with an immortal body. Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “See, the home of God is among mortals. He will dwell with them as their God; they will be his peoples, and God himself will be with them; he will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.” And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Then he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life. Those who conquer will inherit these things, and I will be their God and they will be my children. But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the polluted, the murderers, the fornicators, the sorcerers, the idolaters, and all liars, their place will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:1-8 NRSV) Now we have learned something from the Bible not found in secular literature. Hopefully, it added to your knowledge and understanding about pyramids around the globe. Previously, I asked the question of who was the first architect of pyramids. Was it the Heavenly Jerusalem originally hovering over the Garden of Eden? Did it remain there until the Flood? Or did it travel around the globe to be seen by pre-Flood people? It can now be put in another perspective as in either case; it must have put fear and awe in those living before the Flood so that its image became universally associated with God or space aliens imbedding mathematics and the desire to contact them to learn more about science and space. No wonder the zodiac constellations became a pivotal point of interest to mankind being connected with aliens (fallen angels) from space. As mentioned before in antiquity after the flood advanced civilizations built hundreds of pyramids with various particular features around the globe between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn - 30° north and south of the equator. The pre-Flood pyramid was built using iron tools. The first pyramid reflected imbedded scientific knowledge required for space travel as many discovered math equations prove that. Ultimately, they all confront us with the existence of the Creator because they imitated His spaceship, as mentioned above, God’s gigantic spaceship as described in Revelation. Then after the flood more pyramid Page 240 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 were built which reflect an attempt to copy the Great Pyramid in Egypt without knowing its embedded fundamental laws. Evidence shows in later attempts to imitate the first design shows flaws seen when first tried again that simple square step pyramid structures collapsing. Different angles where tried again with various building materials. Only when they copied the big Giza Pyramid design next which became the two smaller ones and having iron tools they became successful. Dating various pyramids biased with evolution theory makes it impossible to come to an agreement in establishing chronological sequence. The skill and pre-Flood technology was lost and took some time to reinvent the wheel. Pictures on burial walls show that. Using sleds to move heavy stones makes it obvious that they had no longer the mathematical knowledge of (pi) π needed to calculate a circle which would lead into discovery of wheels if you read something about “Seven Royal numbers.” That knowledge of mathematics was eventually recognized as embedded in the first pyramid, built 500 years before the others. So why did they forget how to properly build pyramids? Satan’s PreFlood GMOs Another thought comes to my mind in connection with pyramids. The Bible teaches that Satan is always looking for the opportunity to screw up God’s plan through deception and appearing to be the true light. He is the master imitator, and I believe that Satan immediately mobilized some fallen angels to take advantage of humanity’s desire to live forever becoming as God, which he had falsely promised to Eve. I put the stories about extraterrestrial beings (fallen angels) coming to earth in huge spaceships from the sky to meet with priests and priestesses at the top of pyramids in the biblical context of the Great Deceiver busy in his destructive dirty work. Visiting Mexican pyramids, the tourist guide tells of a serpent coming from heaven, which is a classic copy of imitating God’s pyramid in the sky and its occupants the Saints residing. The Bible narrates before the flood times that Satan introduced fallen angels (“sons of god”) from another energy spectrum who met sexually some how with mortal women. Perhaps these women’s bodies were offered as “living, spiritual sacrifices” at the temple platforms often placed at the tops of the pyramids. Some may have been priestesses as other cultures indicate. All were performing roles in religious rituals related to fertility worship, which included the guarantee of agricultural bounty. Here we have the ancient use of pyramids in connection with religious rites; agricultural seasons and the construction of a calendar based on heavenly “signs” to organize it all that was carried forward to the after Flood times. What became of these forbidden unions between demons and women? The Bible states that giants were born of them called Nephalim, those who fell or smite others. They were mighty warriors as they combined mortal bodies with extraterrestrial energy spectrum spirits from another world the Hebrew defines it with the Heh dimension. (Genesis 6:1-6) Many ancient pictures and statues depict genetically mixed creatures a fusion of half human and half animal. Satan, of course knew about Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 241 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries genes, the building blocks of life before Adam were created. He witnessed how God initially fashioned the world. Recently, humanity is again experimenting in genetic manipulation for profit. The consequences for messing again genetically with God’s Creation will activate God’s Wrath all over again expressed in various forms of judgment. Some are automatic curses that we bring upon ourselves, and some come about due to divine intervention as God seeks to preserve His creation’s basic integrity. It happened to humanity’s First Civilization, and it will happen again to ours as we again violate God’s genetic laws, watch therefore a date 2008-2018. The Flood was God’s judgment in 2288 BC to save his world in the original genetic make-up. Without the ark submarine boat it would have terminated all animal life on earth. If God had not stopped Satan and caused the Flood, all of humanity would have been genetically corrupted to the point of self-destruction. Genetic aberration grossly distorted the original creation. We would not be here on this globe, and you would not be reading my story either. Examine my description of the Hebrew cuckoo clock cycles in chapter 10 of Apocalypse Prophesied, or go back at the end of this presentation to the last chapter - GMOs exposed. There you will find the reasons why God must intervene again to save his world He created from genetic destructive misapplication of a Frankenstein science gone out of control. The Bible records that Noah and his genetically healthy sons and their wives were the only survivors of the Flood. Together with the chosen animals and pure seeds saved with them on the ark, God brought a genetically sound remnant to the “other side” of the surging waters to start a world populated by genetically healthy biological life over again. Pyramids built after the Flood are poor imitations of the pre-Flood monuments. Without iron tools, the post-Flood pyramids were constructed of rough rocks or bricks. They function mostly as burial places for the rich and mighty. These pyramids reflect the survivors’ memories of stories about how it was before the Flood. Sometimes the post-Flood pyramids also document historical events. Pyramids are connected with a spin-axis change, which if viewed separately, would not make sense. They belong together like a two-rail system for balance. Let’s visit Mexico City and discover more mysteries never published, guaranteed. Mexican City’s 7 Pyramids in an Outdoor Museum If you are a tourist in Mexico City, a visit to the main plaza should be included where they excavated ancient pyramids. The city’s central plaza has been converted into an outdoor museum of natural history, and its main features are the five (5) pyramids built one on top of each other. At their exposed excavated peak you can see two huge stone blocks with a V-groove were the Aztec priests marked the sun solstice time to calibrate their calendar. Then I learned that the Aztecs build a new pyramid every 214 years on top of the other in order to keep their calendar on target to “site” the rising sun. Page 242 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 But why five times? Was it that their calendar did not conform to the sky constellations of an old calendar system and needed to readjust it to a new celestial environment they did not understand? Was it changes in the sun’s rising that kept the priests building one corrected pyramid another? Building a pyramid of this size is very expensive for any reason. Then to build a new pyramid always on top of the previous one? Two hours away by car another location reveals the same bigger pyramid with another one on the inside? Maybe there are five too, as only one entrance was found for another pyramid on the inside. These facts, along with the repetitive 214-year period, strongly support my hypothesis that there was a real, astronomical need to re-calibrate the calendar rather than priestly mathematical errors. The changes to their calendar must have been significant each time, and it must have reflected some change in at least the sun’s movement. Even the largest pyramid located only two hour by car from Mexico City demonstrates calendar changes with one pyramid built within another one, and I asked again, “Why?” Examining the west side slope of the Teotihuacan pyramid, I noticed protrusions or outcropped bars with multiple steps, which indicated two different calendars on one pyramid, which I will explain later. Also, if you go to the library or buy books about other pyramid excavations, please look at the pictures and notice that many pyramids have two stairways going up. To me this feature indicates the existence of two different spin-axes, where each had its own special markers for proper dating. More on what I mean by this comment a little later. At the time, I wondered why in the world the ancient people would spend all that money rebuilding pyramids simply to correct their calendar five times. Like several other great civilizations, they were no less intelligent when it came to observing the basics of the movements of the sun, moon, planets and principal stars throughout the year. It cost the equivalent of millions to build even one pyramid. What could have possibly happened to require five significant changes in their structures? I mean that a small correction could have been made without requiring a total rebuild! How could they make such major errors five times? The answer is that they did not. It was what they saw happening in the sky that changed! The sun and zodiac sign in the heavenly sky did not behave predictably, so they sacrificed hundreds of human beings every year to appease these ill-tempered Aztec gods and rebuilt the pyramids. The ancient Mesoamericans built pyramids in Mexico and the Yucatan peninsula and reflect functioning calendars in their design. The pyramids served the purpose of being observation platforms used to precisely measure the solstice-equinox positions of their present time and align them with fixed constellation as a reference. Archaeologists call the Mesoamericans different names at different times in their historical eras. Traveling across Mexico, I saw a change in masonry quality. There are two types of pyramids, one were constructed from precision cut stones requiring iron tools the other use river stones. The western side of Mexico evidences much older cultures than the eastern side which used river stones. They did not have iron available for cutting Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 243 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries stones therefore they resemble the true Bronze Age. This can readily be seen in artifacts and objects of daily life in the pictures pyramid book I bought from the museum in Mexico City. The later Mesoamerican pyramids on the eastern side of Mexico were built solely for religious purposes. There is no indication that they were used to measure time as the spin axis stopped and observation towers where no longer needed for reason of climate changes. Thick overlaying clouds opened up to more blue skies as the snow line receded farther away from the 30° longitude toward the Polar Regions. Therefore tracking habits of an unknown religion shaped some remnants of the pyramid outline used previously in calendar counting. Primarily, I noticed the angle of the steps. The later pyramids’ stairs reflect the modern tilt of the earth’s axis (the “Y” axis of my coming explanation) of about two times 23½°. Skulls? In Mexico City outdoor museum, I bet that no visitor would guess why the ancient Aztec lined up 15 horizontal stone heads with seven layers on top on a wall. The picture photograph I copied from the tourist book should have shown the skulls tilted against the background of the horizontal building roofline. That would be more accurate what I saw on my visit. Details like that reveal much like one side was sinking more than the other side reflecting that the top of the pyramid represents lose dirt piled up for thousands of years. Here we learn that mathematically each stone head represents one Gregorian day change for every 15 years in a spin axis change for a full year of 365 days. By adding skulls and multiply it with 15, we get so many days difference in one solstice year. So 14.3 years times 120 skulls would equal a period of 1,716 years (14.3x120 = 1,716) from 2287 BC to 571 BC (2,287-1,716 = 571). For example in a case of 105 stones leftover on the Page 244 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 wall, we can simply calculate the date of the new after flood calendar with the X-Y position on the Z-axis. With 120 original skulls piled on a wall, minus 15 skulls gives remainder of 105. For a 365 Z-axis days perspective, we have minus 15 missing skulls = (105+260 = 365). That means 15 skulls times 14.3 year for each skulls axis change diminishing on the X-axis represents 214 years (15x14.3 = 214). Since the skulls are missing we deduct it from 2287 BC which is 2073 BC (2287-214 = 2,073). The 260-day count on the Y-axis is the Aztec clock explained by the Spanish friar recorded in the 1500s becomes the equivalent of the second pyramid built on top in the outdoor museum Mexico City. In other words, the scholars’ 260-day Aztec cycles are totally misleading because they do not understand the Aztec calendar-clock and are ignorant of the earth’s past changes of spin-axis. The Aztecs then counted from the new emerging Y-axis in particular year and added a counterclockwise wobble old Aztec X-axis spin difference (X-axis spin calculation [1.8] expressed on my Figure A) and included the leftover 105 stone heads we get 365 days for a full solstice cycles around the sun Z-axis spin (260+105 = 365). So counting skulls can give us a X-Y spin-axis differential date between 2288 BC to 588 BC. Once you know that, a table or later bronze clock will give you zodiac positions for knowing when to plant your seed so that you get a harvest even though you are close to the glacial snowline. Do not forget that living so close to a 30° longitude during this ice age also made it vitally necessary to keep track of all calendar changes. I asked the question did the Aztec understand why and what happening to the earth spin axis? Maybe they did after the 5th building project as they stopped building pyramids after that and placed a wall of skulls on top replaced by a cheaper more advanced technology you can see visiting the outdoor museum in Mexico City. The spin-axis came to rest therefore no more calendar changes where needed. Also, notice that Chinese and Egyptian calendars use 360 days in a year and correct the shortage of days by celebrating five holidays around New Year where those missing days where not counted as being part of the calendar cycles. Adjacent to the excavation site of the Archeological Museum Mexico City we find an inside museum where I bought some archeological books. Leaving through it, one picture shows something like a Chinese abacus calculator showing three separate bars that has three balls next to each other with 11 vertical layers. Calculating 3x11=33 and three bars makes 99 balls again. Subsequently here is my own interpretation no archeologist ever to my knowledge would guess its meaning, but if you follow my thesis it’s not too difficult. The old Aztec counting system of 13-day cycles x 4 quadrant with 5 remaining spin multiplied we get 260-day cycle for one solstice-to-solstice year that was still used about Moses’ time. At that point, you will notice on my graph [Figure A] a spin ratio a little less of 2.8 (1897 BC) if you understand my bicycle spin theory, and I would date that pyramid with a 260-day count as #2. After the Aztecs built another pyramid, they noticed that old counting calendar intervals were getting worse with the X-axis still getting smallCopyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 245 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries er required an indoor technology costing less and more handy then measuring outdoor skulls next to building huge pyramid structures miles away from the community. The Chinese abacus-looking instrument is more portable and functions the same as an outdoor stone skull pile. Notice 3 balls lined up in vertical rows of 11, three (3) times, which I think would fit near the second pyramid correction for a calendar problem that seems impossible to rectify. To decipher the secrets of this instrument, we should realize that the X-axis would merge into the Y-axis over a period from 2288 BC to 588 BC. The picture calculator has 99 balls and therefore my prognosis is that each ball measures approximately 15 years of a declining X-axis just like stone heads in a pile of 120 in the center of the outdoor museum in Mexico City. Every 15 years they could simply remove one ball, and when all balls were gone, the X-axis would no longer exist. This calculator was built 90 years after Pyramid #1 because it has 21 balls missing from the pile of 120-skull calendar system. The first Pyramid range is 120-15 = 105 one layer of skulls (2287-214 = 2673 BC). The 99-ball instrument would be in a timeframe of the second pyramid built (120-21 = 99) equivalent to starting with the second layer of skulls. That means 21 missing skulls from the pile indicates that 300 years later (21x14.3 = 300) from 2287 BC they built another pyramid on top in 1987 BC (2287-300 = 1987). When we check out the exponential curve we are in a timeframe before the 2.8 (Peleg-Tera) on my chart, which means the velocity of a spin reduction is very fast for every century and therefore we see in very short times pyramids built over the previous one. Only after 1.8 we have somewhat a straight line toward 588 BC. As the Aztec constructed the first pyramid, it became obsolete and had to be correct five times. When the Aztec corrected the last pyramid they found out that after the 5th calendar change it is still getting worse counting with the old pre-Flood calendar system. During that time new technology arrived supplementing the old system by removing 15 skulls5 from the pile every 214 years to make the old calendar system work again. Building another pyramid on top of each other to correct for a 12.5% Xaxis change could be measured another way. To repeat it again and keep track in their calendar system, they remove one stone skull every fifteen (15) years from a pile of 120 lined up horizontal with 15 skulls. When the ball reduction became a whole level of 15 skulls, they probably build another pyramid on top of the other to save the cost of getting more building material to last another cycle. That would keep the priesthood happy and keep on worshiping their 20 sun gods for another 214 years. In time even the simple stone skull counting method was getting worse as they stopped building pyramids altogether. Other methods like calcu5 The Aztecs’ use of stone skulls is explained in chapter 4. Page 246 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 lators a forerunner to clocks were invented to keep track of a changing calendar cycle. The mechanical calculator picture in the museum is just a cheaper way to measure an X-Y axis relationship. It is an indoor version of the outdoor skull calendar system. As the X-axis changes, balls could be removed correlating with a table for easy calculation of dates. Two Pyramids in Teotihuacan Outside Mexico City, I noticed a pyramid layout on a grand scale. In the north, we have a so-called Moon Pyramid. Pointing a north and south axis, you will see a very broad avenue and in the middle stands than the big one, with another pyramid discovered on the inside. The big structure is 746 feet square and 213 feet high, which is half the height of the Egyptian Pyramid and more flattened out twice the angle of 47°. The base dimension of this pyramid is identical to the Giza Egyptian pyramid and I ask how did they know that dimension? The Teotihuacan Aztec pyramid showed building changes too of another pyramid on the inside. The wider angle toward the top could indicate a wider tilt axis angle consistent with my tilt axis theory. One of Noah’s sons became descendant ended as Aztecs tribes. They remembered carpenters tools like a straight edges, a plumb weight hanging on a string to measure vertical positions, which is simple enough to build any houses or pyramids. Since they know from before the flood time the inch dimension of the great pyramid build in Egypt they duplicated its base dimension but could not built it as high because they had only river stone material available. Not having iron tools to fashion solid stone blocks perhaps limited construction as river stones are not strong enough to carry the weight. This is typical of a Bronze Age pyramids; therefore, they only went half as high. Looking at my photographs, I notice four horizontal layers on most pyramids on top of each other. The bottom angle appears to coincide with the third level and the second level coincides with the first top level aligning with the same angle looking edgewise. Each step is offset but wide enough for someone to lay there and look up in the sky. I think I found the key how the ancient might have used to measure weekly calendar position in a flexible sky with a pyramid structure. Understanding that methods could open up understanding why there are 5 pyramids on top of each other in Mexico City. You will not find this idea printed in any book. To measure calendar readings during a week in a particular season like winter or summer when the night sky is clear you need two helpers or four to compute what is in the sky. You also need a table to write with either a clay tablet or suitable goatskin with charcoal pen. I imagine each person during the night will lie down on either ledge on the corner of the pyramid, let’s say south side of the pyramids with the ascending edge facing north and notice the stars at the apex. To pick the nearest star visible which align with the angle at the apex analogous to a gun sight. We need two merging alignment points looking up along the edges of the pyramid pinpointing a star. Another person doing the same on the other edge would give us an intersecting star. If we do that every week, we will notice the changes from week-to-week as you looked at the same familiar star and track is Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 247 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries movement. In the morning, the helper astrologer would go into the temple and plot the night star position, which was very simple. On the wall was a map of painted dots, which would represent the sky with important star positions that were previously identified, something like a duplicate of the nightly sky. The left side pyramid observation helper now uses the plumb and straight edges and marks the previous night’s measurement from the left corner of the pyramid nearest to the star with a dot on a wall. The right helper does the same, from the right corner crossing over like an X the left helper to mark those pointing to the nearest dot. All they have to do find the approximate point next to a known star dot on the wall. They now have two readings at different angles on different levels of the pyramid looking up as each which will project on the wall one X on top and one X on the bottom. Then the two X marks–the upper and lower are connected vertical with a plumb line connecting the two X marks. On the horizontal like I am sure are marked increments of inches representing days, week and month where the plumb line intersected. That same method would work with an Eskimo totem pole in the northern regions with longer shadows. At mid-noon sun, a shadow is projected from the pole and is marked with a stake. That same night you place your head at the stake position and look up to the top over the pole end tip and spot the nearest star. Tracking that star from week to week gives you data to establish a table to measure time. As the zodiac sky became fixed, the pyramid design was exchanged for a cheaper arrangement - an obelisk, like the one in Washington, DC next to the White House. Obelisks were usually constructed from one solid stone. The pointed mini-pyramid at its tip performs the same job as a full-sized pyramid. Traveling boards were used to mark a particular constellation, and I discovered another mystery bronze gold plated disk not yet deciphered by scholars because they refuse to read the Bible. That close-mindedness misses a lot of exiting discoveries. For some strange reason a farmer in Germany recently found a bronze plate with gold dots called the Himmelsscheibe as scientist have not figured it out what it represents. Could it be a portable wall map to measure obelisk or totem pole measurements? Later you can read my first interpretation of “Die Himmelsscheibe” translated from the German, which you find included in this book as an appendix. I can now consider two possible interpretations: one from the Hebrew side and the other from the Aztec side. The Hebrew interpretation looks at the stars from the heavenly or Heh dimension perspective while the scientific or material, Daleth viewpoint, is presented in the Aztec data. That is why science is so much fun for me as it overlays from a two-rail perspective. Using a portable bronze disk from the Daleth perspective could save a long walk to a temple wall to figure out the calendar position for a particular week. In the meantime, Beate Staufenbiel has written about the Himmelsscheibe, an ancient bronze disc I wrote about on my Internet site6. Her 6 Page 248 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 article coincides with my second, Aztec-influenced, interpretation of the Himmelsscheibe. Ms. Staufenbiel was puzzled why the sky arrangement shows zodiac star positions for only 180 days in a year. I look at the Himmelsscheibe’s 6 big objects and 30 stars like clock cycle numbers. The equation points out [6x30 = 180+2] a half-year relationship. The author was perplexed that the bronze plate indicates 26 weeks for winter-spring, summer-autumn quarter division and felt that is “was unlikely though” because we experience those quarterly seasons in one year and not in half-years. However, she is right, and I am impressed. As with a pendulum wobble, we must also place the bronze sky disk in its proper chronological context. Check it out on my [Figure A] diagram. Remember that my study of the Aztec calendar reveals the precession cycles of five star constellations moving in 12 zodiac cycles, two times in one year, which is 180 days for a full cycle. She is right on track but still confused because she is unaware of the diminishing X-axis hypothesis I have described in this book. With these few notes, her interpretation will have a correct closure.7 Figure A indicates that the earth was then wobbling at about 2.0, which means that it traveled two precession cycles of Polaris, Alderabin, Vega, Tau-Herculis, Thuban within one Gregorian, 365-day year. Ancient calendars with a backspin wobble are different from our present earth axis now fixed at 23½̊. The bronze Nebra Sky disk was dated 1600 BC, which dates before Moses [1400 BC]. It should be connected with the Aztec 7 Beate Staufenbiel, The Nebra Sky Disc: An Interpretation of the Himmelsscheibe von Nebra. ([email protected]) Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 249 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries calendar pattern of 40 holes around the periphery and divided into four quadrants. The spin-axis, wobble hypothesis provides a better answer to this mystery. Walking around the open pyramid grounds takes hours. I noticed further along the north–south axis street on the other end of the Moon Pyramid what I believe to be the most ancient temple. Built on a square bigger than a football field and on its periphery block structures indicating the #13. On the very center, there was a raised square platform foundation the size of a house, demonstrating an axis center. It was easy for me to recognize my model calendar when I saw the pattern and thinking about my Totem pole or obelisk illustration. It would work perfectly looking long distance over the apex of the Great Pyramid always from a fixed position. The square tower formation on the corners of the football field size open area were its base dimension is known from tower to tower, would give various angles from each tower for the same star constellation a different position for tracking, which now make a lot of sense why they built it in the first place. I often wondered why some pyramids are just pointed as others have two stones on top? The two-stone model would only measure solstice cycles and was the very first style of pyramids built. After they realized that there was a changing X-Y axis, they needed to measure axis changes, which became pyramids later built without two stones but pointed on top. Descendents from the Aztec moving in time north and became the North America Indians who used totem poles the same way. It was a much cheaper method and more advanced technique to measure the same thing just as the obelisks appearing in Egypt made using pyramids obsolete to get the same reference point in the sky to line up like a rifle visor indicating a near star. Page 250 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 To conclude my line of reasoning is that the Mexico City is the first and oldest pyramid built in the Bronze Age. The Aztecs before the Flood measured only solstice-to-solstice cycles. After the Flood, they built high platforms to do the same because now you have a high point on lowland to see the stars more clearly and frequently due to the rain clouds and fog caused by a climate influenced by nearby snow and ice. When they realized that the movement of the sun through the zodiac order of constellations was not consistent with the repetitious annual cycles of the old system, they changed to a point on top axis measurement to track the two X-Y axis changes. I deduct from this when the Spaniards came they met the King at his resident pyramid complex, which was the Teotihuacan site and not Mexico City. The walls going up are very smooth and have four (4) horizontal layers like a 4 step pyramid. Then examining on my way walking along the middle of the large pyramid I noticed on the South side protrusions sticking out against the background of a large smooth surface all the way up the pyramids. They look like massive bars carved out with three feet high steps on them. That would support my X-Y axis hypothesis several ways. Remember in dating ancient sites, we must notice details like the Mexico City pyramids have two stones on top and therefore are older. The pyramid in Teotihuacan with a pointed top indicates a later technology development needed as they realized an axis change not just solstice counting years. The walls going up are very smooth and have four horizontal layers like a four step pyramid. South Side of the Great Pyramid Teotihuacan The designer of these bars protrusions wanted to represent an X-axis merging with Y-axis and embossed a time frame when the second pyramid was built. So starting out on the second layer of the pyramid I counted 6 vertical bars protrusions with steps on them maybe 3 feet wide and 21 feet up the walls sticking out three feet. On the bottom base layer there are (4) four vertical bars. When I counted the vertical bars with the steps, they revealed numbers I reckoned to be the Aztec calendar before the Flood. On the second tear layer higher up the pyramid, notice two groupings of 2 vertical bars with 13 steps and 4 bars with 13 steps. On the bottom layer left side groupings of one bar with 7 steps and on the right side 3 bars 11 steps. These grouped stone bars together overlay with symbolic pictures I saw in the museum. This bar arrangement than reflects a spin axis relationships considering the pyramids in Mexico City built in earlier time frame of the 2nd of five pyramids on top of each other. The outcropping is similar to how architectural design drawings note a date at the bottom and usually have a scale to make you understand the proportion of the design features. The ancients did it with stone protrusions. You do not have to be an expert archeologist to notice that they represent a two spin-axis system. Even the pattern on he top left is crossed over with the bottom right reflect like our letter X meaning crossing over an axis’s relationship. So if you reversed the groupings of the top from right to left bars you will easily see the overlay from a western Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 251 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries educated mindset and read the information embedded like a book from top down we are familiar with. The bottom layer represents the Aztec time before the Flood of Noah, which shows a one bar protrusion on the left side with 7 steps, indicating the 7 spin-axis cycles in one solar orbit of 365 days. The top layer above crossed over shows 4 bars with 13 steps. As a result, we can easily recognize a 7 and (4x13=) 52 relationship for the X-axis. Then guessing about 30 feet away where the handsome man is standing there are three (3) bars with 11 steps together is 33 and another grouping crossed over with 2 bars 13 steps = 26 steps. When you looked again at the stone wall picture seen in the outdoor Museum of Mexico City with 15 human stone skulls horizontal lined up on the base with 7 levels laid on top, counting 105 stone skulls (15x7) on top of each other, we will recognize a method for calendar correction. The bottom single bar left side protrusion on the South side of the great pyramid shows the X-axis of seven spin alternating cycles. And on top are two bars with 13 steps. Remember half a cycle going from east to west for the sun to rise and than reversing west to east for one year/ month 52 day Aztec calendar around an X-axis, which is indicated as the first bar with seven steps seven cycles. But if we crossed over and relate 4 bars with 13 steps, than we have a pattern of (4x13) 52 days grouped together in relation to 7. This is a perfect X-axis theory representation. The next group of 3 bars on the bottom have imbedded a number 11 (3x11) = 33 and is connected with the group of 2 bars on top layer of a latter time frame with 13 = 26 steps. These outcroppings represent an architectural signature from the designer at what point they designed this structure. In a flexible calendar, it is important that you tell people further down in time why was this building designed with what parameters on a sliding calendar scale. Let’s do the math we are familiar with from the Aztec clock chapter. The lower level to the higher level indicates a ratio. So 33 steps is in relation to 26 steps which gives us a spin-axis ratio of the X-axis to Y-axis. (33/26 = 1.26) Check it out on my spin axis graph [Figure A] where 1.26 is a little after 1.31. Page 252 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 The previously calculated 2nd Pyramid Mexico City outdoor museum was built in 1986 BC (21 Skulls times 14.3 from 2287 BC = 1986) calculated from the Chinese ball picture of 99 balls (3x11x3 = 99) which is 300 years different. It could be dated in line with the second Mexico City pyramid which interprets to me that the Teotihuacan pyramid complex was at the heights of the Aztec culture around 1300 BC (Moses’ time) building the last pyramid on top of an old one in Mexico City. When the Spaniard came to Mexico City next door, I think it was abandoned as a major town no longer important, heaping up dirt around five obsolete pyramids used for periphery fortification of the Kings palace–templePyramid complex in Teotihuacan against neighboring warring tribes. Ancient Toltec records go back to 4004 BC when Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden, which is 1716 years to the 2287 BC. This is 33x52 = 1,716 Aztec cycles as we notice that number with three (3) bars of 11 = 33 on the south side of this pyramid and above 4 bars x 13 = 52. Many tourists will pass by and never give it one thought why the south side of this big pyramid would indicate a time dimension and be a marker of prehistoric events embedded in stone with two scales preserved forever. The Toltec information relate to pyramids build before 2287 BC using the Aztec calendar system from pre-Flood time. But the Aztecs who came after wanted to connect with 4004 BC and therefore we see on the lower layer 3 bars with 11 steps meaning 33 cycles connected with 52 steps above indicating a time frame where the human history started (33 x 52 = 1,716). There are other pyramids built before 2287 BC in Egypt, but here we see that they copied the exact Egyptian foundation dimension to be identical but half the height because the axis wobble is 4 (pyramid) layers x 23½°. Why did they build another pyramid one on top rather changing some steps to adjust the system? I could only think of one reason to reflect a changing spin axis wobble becoming smaller therefore steeper angle on the top and needed to build higher up the second time around to indicate that but were restricted by river stones not carrying the weight over higher structure. On the picture above, we see four levels. The top stairway indicates the 360-day calendar Z-axis. Then the next level down is dual stairways Xaxis and Y-axis, one is twice wider than the right one and could indicate a ratio, which makes a dual spin axis obvious. Then the third layer is a very wide stairways and I would guess 99 steps indicating the X-axis leftover. I have not been up to the top but intend to do so in my next visit to verify the steps. If so it could represent the leftover, 99 skulls of the declining X-axis that is also expressed on the south side’s protrusion previously discussed. The 99 balls Chinese calendar looking instrument dates the same time. Go back to the Indian Clock where we find equivalent 95 skulls references by Shatapatha Brahmana and Lagadha very close to this time range in Mexico separated by continents. That proves the spin axis theory as it can be observed around the globe. The last stairway has 13 steps indicating one quadrant like one season. The first pyramid underneath would have had 105 steps (120-15 = 105) and ends about (2287-214) = 2072 BC. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 253 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Another question was answered for me, “Why is the wall of skulls on top of five pyramids?” The skulls represent high technology in comparison of five failures having spent five times million of pesos for nothing. The skulls are made of individual stones made with iron tools and therefore portable. They could be lined up anywhere. They represent the latest technology, which is superior measuring an X-Y axis spin relationship that came later. Now they represent a tombstone placed over a dead technology buried beneath but still sacred place. It is like the first disk drive built by Borough Corporation 60 years ago weighing tons. Now we have a disk drive in your laptop. As the early citizens of Mexico City no longer needed the pyramid to tell time being outdated, they built fortifications around it as the town grew in size. Established towns do get bigger and needed fortification of walls and enlarge its circumference. The old wall stones became building material for the next layer to build houses and temples for the elite. Along filling up uneven pockets of previous wall constructions filled up with dirt brought from the outside of the city. That process got repeated a thousand times and the town center of a forgotten pyramid became smaller with a small pyramid sticking out indicating a graveyard. Eventually walls surrounding the town became unnecessary and the pyramid altogether where forgotten except for the tombstone pile of skulls, which where portable and had to be placed on top of the sacred grave as the level of the surrounding building sides grew higher. Another reason why are the five pyramid covered with dirt may have been volcanic activity of neighboring volcanoes. Recent down town building projects to erect a sky scraper while excavating for the basement revealed the five buried pyramid beneath and was therefore turned into an outdoor museum. Maybe the priest were so embarrassed to have screwed up five times on a million peso project, they piled up 200 feet of dirt to cover up their assumed idiocy to question their priestly power. Now you have a story with dates that sound so different what you read in tourist books. Calculating the Age of Mexico City, 2000 BC The next pyramids #3, #4, #5 in Mexico City no longer reflect solstice time markers but rather religious cycles to serve a system of 20 gods the priesthood invented. Just like in our American culture, we exchanged 200 years of Bible teaching of a monotheistic Christian Hebrew God to exchange it with many atheistic science gods of our imagination controlling our life from birth to the grave. I mean opinions as in my lifetime most school text books where discarded for new teaching dumping ancient historic events which the university priesthood disagreed with because it comes from the Bible, just like my inventions lay now in an Italian museum I recently discovered, no longer useful and outdated. The full spin-axis theory of the Aztec discovery matching the Bible in Genesis should be another book especially enhanced with computer graphics to show the earth spin in various time cycles. This will conPage 254 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 tinue until the serpent according to Aztec religion and Satan from Revelation in the Bible is thrown out of heaven on 2012 AD. We see five unfinished pyramids in Mexico City with the two massive head stones on top, and we know that it measures sun cycles. Consequently, we can deduct from that we are on top of the last pyramid built. Pyramids built after BC/AD no longer measure calendars as the reason disappeared. This fact should have been noticed by scholars trying to date pyramids around the world. Dating Mexican pyramids in the AD window especially does not make sense to me; therefore, it must have other purposes. All pyramids made with river stones are typical of the Bronze Age in Mexico City and are over 200 feet high. I deduce that these 5 unfinished pyramids lie buried in 200 feet of debris dating back centuries. All government and church buildings on the plaza built by the Spanish surround this outdoor museum. They sit higher and their basements seem to be in line with the top of pyramids excavated. Buried civilizations in other places teach us that people build new structures on top of each other over leveled out older structures. In time, the surrounding ground floor is raised. So digging down we can see layers of previous civilizations and measure therefore time. Estimating 200 feet high debris which is the heights of neighboring pyramids around Mexico City accumulated within a 30 miles periphery is a lot of dirt and had to be hand carried from somewhere else perhaps 100 miles away considering that this location was on the bottom of a lake and was originally called Mud Village. That massive amount of accumulated dirt had to come from someplace to build up a modern city now 200 feet higher and flat for miles. Just calculating a historical periods between the 5 pyramids would have a minimum 600 year range between them and than adding one inch dirt mean average per year raising the ground layer over such big city would be 2,400 (200 feet x 12 = 2,400 inches). Assuming one-inch mean average raising the ground equals one year, which is reasonable estimate that means 2,400 years. And than add 214 years five times for each pyramid built = 1070 years and we get 3,470 years (2,400+1,070 = 3470) If we deduct from 1521 AD when the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan fell in the hands of Cortes, we come to a long established Mexico City estimated to be 2058 BC, which is 16 skulls from the pile of 120. That would start the date perfectly for the second pyramid with the next row of 15 on top of the other. Raising the surroundings of a city 200 feet high could be calculated by comparing it to 10,000 truck loads full of building materials or dirt brought into down town to Mexico City every year for three thousand years which equals about only 400 truck loads of building material per acre per year raising the ground level ½ inch higher which seems reasonable to me. I have ordered garden soil many times, and when it is spread out, it never seemed too much dirt to cover my vegetable plot. Writing books with authority to date ancient burials sites requires logical thinking which is now missing in our public schools or tourist books printed by monorail scientist. A date given by scientist to be AD 1325 for the Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 255 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries founding of a Aztec capital city is in stark contrast to just simple logic covering five pyramids with dirt. There is still a nagging question in my mind. Why did the Aztec in Mexico City heap up so much dirt around five pyramids? I date the first pyramid to 2000 BC being buried in 200 feet of debris that had to be carted from far away. It was erected in the center of a large lake. What could have possibly motivated them to employ ten thousand laborers to carry 50 lb on their back and walk 40 miles to deposit it on a sacred place? Why was this place more sacred than other places? I saw a picture of the first town in the middle of a lake with a temple complex and pyramid. I do not know its origin, which was to have been the beginning of Mexico City. It clearly showed a raised earthen causeway to reach the island. My answer to that question can only be found in our timeframe. From 1947-2006 Canadian and French scientist yearly measured the changing magnetic North Pole and discovered that it moves 40 km every year in the direction towards Siberia across the Polar Regions. As previously mentioned in my clock chapter, I discovered that the internal iron core of the earth functions like a gyroscope fixed in a way to indicate an ancient spin of the outer shell of the earth as we can measure its magnetism. Then we can calculate the 40 km drift where the original Magnetic North Pole was located in 2000 BC on the globe. Using simple math points to the location of the Magnetic North Pole at the site and at the time when the first pyramid was built in Mexico City. Projecting myself back into that time, anyone who found a magnetic iron rock from space and putting it on a hollow bamboo boat functioning like a compass needle would see a mystery force pointing in the direction to the magnetic polar pole to the middle of that ancient lake. The Aztecs discovered that magnetic pole circle happened to be the center of a lake, and then going around on the edge of that lake with your compass contraption will always point to the center if the magnetic pole was there. Magnetic forces are still mystery to scientists today doing the same method now on ice in the polar region, as we have no explanation why they exist. I am not surprised that it could motivate a society to honor a God of their liking sacrificing their time or money like Christians putting money on the plate to pay for the establishment projects they think is important. Just take a trip to Europe and stand in the middle of a large cathedral and try to think why anyone would build it so high not having iron for reinforcement. If you have another reason, I would like to hear about it. The Truth About Mexico Expensive calendar books printed by academic publishing8 companies are grossly underestimating Mexico City’s antiquity since they do not connect ancient Mexican culture with other cultures that have identical building styles of either bronze or iron tools around the globe. Surrounding Aztec Palace walls showing Hebrew Genesis accounts pictures dating prior to AD 1500 should raise a question, “Where did that come from?” 8 Calendar Handbook, Historical Science Publishing, Saratoga, CA 95070, www.Aztec Page 256 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 It comes from schoolbooks still falsifying history to cover up lies perpetrated by the pope in Italy, who was responsible for monumental crimes committed against 100,000,000 people and for destroying a flourishing civilization of a thousand cities just to melt down their accumulated gold. False stories were spread to explain the sudden influx of massive gold into Spain and Italy with lies spread that the Americas were just discovered in 1492. They depicted the inhabitants of these continents as isolated, primitive, uncivilized people appearing to be subhuman on the evolutionary scale practicing evil religions and in need of being Christianized. That myth perpetrated under the order of the pope and spread by an influential wealthy Italian merchant to cover up their crimes was very successful as we still print it in our schoolbooks and teach it to our children that the original Americans were primitive tribes coming from the arctic, and Christopher Columbus discovered a new continent. That they totally erased a flourishing ancient society existing for thousands of years to plunder them of years accumulated gold deposited in thousand of ancient temples and pyramids was not mention in that discovery. That falsehood recorded in European is still around with us and clouds our judgment in science as our school books still teach that lie with a discovery of the Americans by Christophoro Columbo Anno Domini 1492/1499. Sailboats traveled the earth for thousand of years before 1500 and visited other countries around the world. Iron tools from Europe in Roman times were traded before the discovery of the Americas as stone buildings and Hellenistic and Roman style architecture in Mexico–Mayan culture predating the 1500 friar’s account witness. The popes in Europe knew that and had ancient maps in their possession that you can check out in the Vatican. I have a map copy from Kenr. Honlius, 1630, which shows thousands of cities marked in Russia and Norwegian in Greenland and along the coastal towns of North and South America. So were does this map come from? The Vatican and royal court in Spain paid for the excursion to invade other countries to finance their bankrupt state motivated them to look beyond their borders and financed boats and an army to find valuables like gold to pay off their debt. Their greed was boundless as many boats sunk overloaded with gold, like an overloaded airplane will not fly stretched to the physical limit. Many overloaded sunken boats filled with gold are continually found in our time. The early scouts, like Columbus, told them that they did not have guns, gunpowder, horses and that a conflict to conquer a country beyond the sea would therefore be very easy and profitable once they saw the gold in their temples. The Spanish soldiers where protected with iron armor, longer swords and canons, which could subdue any society rich in gold based on Bronze Age technology. Also, horses would be very advantageous used as there seems to be non around locally. The discovery myth of the Americas is still taught as fact in every school books I find in my neighborhood, but the truth is found somewhere else and no wonder our scientist are stuck in outmoded theories and distorted historic lies and their judgment is clouded. Watching a recent TV series9 telling about a Chinese boat invasion to the Americas hundreds of years before Co9 National Geographic Magazine TV channel (11-16-06) Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 257 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries lumbus days, which reinforces my opinion. Boats dug up in China imbedded in ancient dry-dock showed boats about four times the size of European Colombo’s ships. A Chinese map 200 years before that time held in custody in Portuguese museums shown on TV indicates shipping routes around the world including South America. I am sure the pope had copies you should ask the Vatican. It is interesting for me to notice that the Aztec who lived before the asteroid impact of 2288 BC had 52,000 cycles which is 26,000 half cycle. After the asteroid impact, the Mayans recorded 25,625 years, 375 years less, why? (26,000-25625 = 375) If we do the math and compare our correction factor of the Gregorian calendar (365.24/360 =1.0145) meaning the 1.0145 is the fraction of change for the new spin-axis movement we can measure. Then we compare the Aztec information against later dated Mayan information and to the math (26,000/25,625 = 1.014610) we can see that is complies with my spin axis theory as recorded by ancient people. We will later be surprised to find that very fact that the oldest book I know of is the Bible, which is recording a great civilization’s end. Interpretation of a Wall Picture in Teotihuacan Palace of Tepantitla Near Mexico City The Hebrew Alphabet Number System reveals Bible prophecy in a new way. It alerted me to details I would never have noticed otherwise. The wall picture of the palace reveals the earliest religion of the Aztec civilization during Noah’s time 2288 BC as it matches other cultures I learned about. It has the same roots and communicates the same religious concept discovered recently in China, and predates the Genesis account of Moses by minimum 500 years. They show a common origin, like the Hebrew civilization before the Flood, and strangely connect to Genesis events. Archaeologists dated a Great Calendar Stone discovered, assumed to have been built by Axayacatl, an Aztec chief in AD 1479, is grossly misplaced in history. I previously expressed the reason why the university dating method is false, is disgustingly illogical, and does not match with the Julius Caesar’s calendar of 54 BC, which can be observed on both sides of the globe in various cultures. Therefore, if one could count a solstice-to-solstice, 365-day calendar at any location around the world, it would be reflected in observatories built for that purpose like pyramids. To measure solstice movement of the earth spin-axis in ancient times and compare it today around the world what other cultures left for us recorded in their buildings made from stone, should give us a dating method to place any culture in a proper historical context. Some scholars dream up a cultural sequence not documented with facts. Therefore, I maybe a lone swimmer against popular believe system but strongly believe that the Aztecs are descendents from Noah via the Chinese emigration route which gives my theoretical axis perspective a much higher credence of possibilities as other facts align to a consistent logical concept which is missing mostly in our history books. 10 The scientists say 25,625.862 years for 5 cycles, but I calculate it with the spin-axis hypothesis, which is more accurate, to be 25,626.98 - a 1.118 year difference using the 1.0145555 ratio (365.24:360 = 1.0145555) - a one year difference in a clock even over a 26,000 years will not work, as we will discover a little later. Page 258 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 According to the Mexican scholar Alfonso Caso, we can identify three categories of images, signs, or symbols like iconographic, ideographic, and phonetic writings. Iconographic shows images of people, of things, places and activities represented symbolically. Ideographic can be linked to icons like many orthodox Christian picture reveal thoughts and ideas of their faith. Phonetic writings are expressed in hieroglyph symbols found in the Chinese language or Egyptian tombs. Consequently, on the painted wall picture we could find all three of these art forms which than could reveal a proper place in history. Examining a picture found in the Teotihuacan Palace has all the earmarks of religious transformation of the very first Aztec religion of a monotheistic God that was destroyed or exchanged to multiple gods ending with 20 names found in later pictures. Let’s check out what a wall picture reveals from ancient times. It would give us information where to date it to be in conformance with other data of its surroundings. We will notice on the next page picture three horizontal levels or three separate pictures across the wall but are connected with obvious symbols by a vertical axis. That means they are connected religiously in parallel and look like one of the ideographic characteristic Mr. Alfonso Caso mentioned. They indicate to me three levels of dimension like the Bible defines it as three (3) heaven dimension. 1. 3rd Heaven in the Bible = Hebrew-Jod, 2. 2nd Heaven = Hebrew-Heh dimension 3. 1st Heaven the earth-air = Hebrew Daleth dimension (Hell or Hades considered being Heh dimension.) Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 259 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries My 3rd Heaven Observations: (Top layer of the picture) The main feature is a throne on the left side with seven light bulbs or long necked fruit hanging over it and on either side, 10 symbols arranged as follows from left to right. A throne left from the middle with jaguars facing. 1. Two Jaguars facing throne left side + plant leaves. 2. Five Jaguars facing throne right side + plant leaves. 3. One big Star on far right side. 4. Throne, 7 long necked fruit hanging. 5. Left and right from throne two little stars. 6. On either side of the throne unidentified objects. Interpretation: A. The throne is the main feature in the outermost cosmos (analogous to Revelation 4:1-11 and expressed in the Hebrew letter Jod). It has 10 levels of Dimensions in the 3rd Heaven hierarchy to approach God of the Universe. The levels are dual in nature. Five + two (7) Jaguars are wrapped in a blanket around its belly indicating purpose and proper position in connection with a throne in the universe. Five means Heh in Hebrew, meaning the “other side” spiritual world and two (2) means Beth [house], connotes “this world in this time” our existence. The two little stars are like the four strange looking creatures John in heaven could not describe surrounding the throne. On the far right side corner is one big star representing a resurrected Godhead-human being perhaps in the personhood Jesus Christ who is eternal. In the Christian tradition, the saints are called stars like Jesus is the firstborn of many stars. Stars indicate extraterrestrial beings like angels from another energy spectrum mentioned in Revelation of Jesus Christ. The star also matches the star description of Bethlehem prophecy pointing to a Hebrew Messiah. So the center is the invisible God of the universe but now became visible represented as one star - the Messiah (in a body of Jod dimension). The Hebrews express it as Alpha 1= God dimension with the next higher level starting with God=10 or Jod. B. Notice the Hebrew Rosetta Stone relation ship 7:5 =12 as it highlights the 7 Jaguars - 5 stars position typical symbolic expressing two dimensions Daleth-Heh which is central to God’s plan for mankind. C. The Bible reports that four living creature seen by John next to the throne which could correspond to 4 stars next to the throne position. D. Also, notice the Hebrew hand rule11 again 1+4 = 5 expressed in one big star and 4 smaller stars around the throne. 11 Hebrew Letters are explained in my first book, Apocalypse Prophesied. Page 260 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 2nd Heaven = Hebrew Heh Dimension: The following observation can be made: 1. Center axis is God with 12 featherhead covering (left side). Notice the crown has three squares, indicating like the Triune God of the Christian tradition. 2. Serpent (right side) 3. Two rivers like a dual DNA structure intertwined. 4. Notice one river has stars in it floating, (16 stars but could be more) 5. The other has 7 animals facing the Serpent, (4) four on the left side, (3) three on the right side. All are spiting out something. 6. The dual rivers show different cycles. Two (2) cycles total 4. The first upper cycles with stars wrap around on top of God and the other on the bottom cycle with spiting head. The rivers are framed on both sides with curved symbols indicating the after life. We will see that same symbol on the bottom picture indicating the spirit within man which is the other side Heh. 7. The dual cycles are open ended on both sides and both rivers are fenced by a border inside like a tunnel with two rails. Interpretation: A. There are two polarities expressed one is a triune God (3 Squares on the top feathered head dress) and the other is Satan the serpent – eagle headdress. Most religion in the world retained this classification coming from Noah’s time; The God of light and the God of darkness (see 1, 2). B. The two rivers (see 3, 4.) expresses life’s journey of each person born under the heavens. It is either God centered (stars) or evil centered (animal) In Hebrew expressed the other side-heaven Heh dimension or Daleth dimension- the natural world meaning “this world in this time”, the natural dimension destined to end. The Christian refer to the Heh side being born again as others are lost, which is the Heh-heaven versus Daleth side of an unregenerate spirit remains on this level and dies according to a program. The butterfly is a very good illustration of the two cycle life mankind must past. The caterpillar ends in a cocoon and is reborn on the other side totally different-a butterfly. Only the place makes the difference not the cycles. My book explains the Hebrew Alphabet Number system with two railroads and summaries everything you see in this picture. They are people who belong to God and there are people belong to Satan. People belonging to God are transformed into stars meaning they are receiving a body belonging to the universe, eternal and infinite without the time element. People on the other river only have what is inside their bodies, what they will spit out with life ending. Food once in the stomach from the Daleth dimension becomes rotten which are evil deeds that canCopyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 261 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries not transform itself into star life as they belong to the Daleth dimension. Satan will one day end and his people too as the bottom right picture indicate. C. The tunnel explains our mortality and since it is open-ended, we have a choice which river we want to be in. One ends in God’s presence, the other Satan’s. 3. Heaven, the Earth-air = Hebrew Daleth Dimension 1. The very bottom left shows strata of nine (9) cycles. On the left side there are two (2) horizontal levels than followed by (2) two vertical, continued to the right with (5) five horizontal cycle’s again. 2. The vertical strata cycles show a mountain under God’s presence in the second heaven. On top of the mountain, a person holds a hand upright, palm up like a blessing gesture and left hand pointing to the heart. 3. Looking at the whole picture on the left side there is a mountain and to the right it ends in a serpent crowned with a symbol of an eagle head surrounded with a circle with a river flowing around it. 4. Across the vertical mountain strata cycles, I notice a river of death and a smaller river of life. 5. The strata show a break on the right side slightly curved at the end of the mountain. It is raised again to a little hill to end in a ball. 6. There are two types of people floating around in the picture. One shows a curved bar connected with the mouth, others do not have them. 7. Peoples activity in work and play. Interpretation: A. The bottom shows time cycle (1,2,3,) of the Hebrew Daleth dimension from creation to a Flood period to the top of the left mountain site and continues on the other mountain side with 6 bars to end in a fireball of the Apocalypse. Each cycle happened to be 490 Hebrew year cycles, which will come to 7,000 Hebrew years of history for the human race. It is obvious that the third and fourth strata cycle shows a vertical uplift like a mountain as the Genesis reports a Flood, accompanied with the foundation rendered and strata being uplifted too. The Aztec history mentioned a pre-Flood time of 1,716 years, which is 33x52 year cycles or 3½x490 years Hebrew cycles or 1,715 years noted in Daniel’s prophecy with one year’s difference as the Aztec count from 4004 BC to one year after the Flood 2287 BC. The Bible reports that mountains shifting indicating a major global disturbance verified in science. This mountain picture reflects an enormous destruction under the supervision of God above. The mountain is connected with God in heaven clearly seen in the picture to reveal intend and purpose. The man on top must represents a special person like Jesus Christ the invisible God in mortal body of mankind. It is the only face with a frontal view as all the others only Page 262 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 have a side profile. This therefore must be a divine person as the Chinese history told too has a God-man person to redeem mankind hidden in their character writings as recently revealed. The Hebrew and Christian’s religion tell an identical story and therefore have one common origin. It is obvious contrasting people on the left side of the flood mountain with the other side as the people on the left side hold huge plant branches in their hands that are missing on the other side. This indicated a profusion of plant vegetable life before the flood. Above, we see two horizontal bars and in its center a curved bar indicating a Life symbol. It is like a covered bridge connecting one side with the other. It is framed with two people either side the left one pointing his outstretched arm across the bridge to the right like commanding and the other timid seating down to test with his feed in the water. He is then carried on the shoulder by an elder looking guy again with a curved bar connected to his mouth indicating to be a saint, like we show on our painting in our churches saints with circle around the head indicating a saintly life. Above that bridge is a man laying down like Noah seems to do in Genesis quite old and again with the symbol of life curved bar but also coming from his mouth a scroll with 5 division ending with a tussle indication it must have been a woven cloth to pass on what shows next. There we see a table with legs and on top a box like the Ark of the Covenant at Moses time. To preserve a covenant made with God identified next with a butterfly. If you read my butterfly story of my first book, it mentioned twostage development for mankind like the covered bridge. The first is the caterpillar stage ending in a cocoon the other emerging as a butterfly in the afterlife here expressed with a curved bar with four dots. The number four means Daleth dimension in Hebrew –‘this world in this time’. Just like the flood story reborn to repeat another cycle but with number five in the tasseled cloth, which means Heh, dimension the other side. B. The history of mankind as explained in my First Book “The Plan for Mankind - ” pretty much outlines what we see here in this picture starting with the creation story in Genesis, the Flood and ending in Revelation with the Apocalypse from a Hebrew two dimension perspective which is the ball painted on the right end of the picture. It is a fantastic overlay considering that the Aztec live on the other side of the globe separated by language and predating Moses writing at least by 490 years. This fact therefore can date the five pyramids buried in Mexico City. The Aztec religion and calendar was prophesied to end in a fire ball 2012 in the forth quadrant of their 52000 cycles shown on the right bottom picture circle ball centered with a snake ending the 9 cycle bars pictures with three bars and each having a plus and minus curved cycles. From the mountain I count 4 bars but on top are 5 trees. The last tree seems not to be connected to the bars but with roots ending in the mouth of the serpent. The Hebrew in Daniel’s prophecy announces a fifth quadrant a stone coming from heaven to follow Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 263 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries with thousand years. In the Aztec tradition, a serpent will come from heaven, which is also found in the Hebrew and Christian religion in the person of Satan kicked out of heaven to coincide with the same date in one more earth asteroid occurrences. But here the serpent is encased in a wall of fire like the center of our earth and is surrounded like a prison walls still connected with a tree in his mouth. The tree in the Garden of Eden prophesied a crashed head of the serpent ending as a lone survivor void of demons and fallen angels sealed by an angel in the pit of hell. Check out the resurrection of the demons and fallen angels into the Daleth dimension recorded in Revelation chapter 9:1-12 which makes hell empty now. C. The dual river crossing over a mountain Flood period again represents the two aspects after death for mortals. The smaller river shows leaves interwoven like Revelation shows palm leaves connected with joyful encounters in heaven, or Jesus entrance into Jerusalem accompanied with palm leaves express blissful hope for a future coming as a king on earth. The broader river, like Jesus said the broad gate leads into condemnation as we can see dead bodies floating in the river. The Bible tells that the million of people of the first civilization perished in the Flood except eight (8) souls and are named with their age when they died. The Aztec artist painted people in the surrounding areas filling out the picture at random to impress the after effect of reconstruction to normal life cycles. There still are two types of people. One who believes in a monotheistic God and are saved expressed with a curved bar coming from a mouth similar in Christian paintings showing a halo around the head of saints, and there are people without the mouth addition that are void of eternal live. The Christians tenets states that when we confess with our mouth we are sinners and ask for forgiveness we are saved. The Aztec symbolized it in the picture with a curved bar from the mouth. D. Many activities of normal life work and play can be observed we all familiar with, expressing a new civilization to continue. That only 8 men survived still shows the hope for a future as it is centered on a creator God who will provide life while continue the earth even after the Second Asteroid. E. The picture ultimately shows the end of time as we can be informed now having received a complete Revelation from God in the Bible. There is an Apocalypse dealing with Satan either in 2012 as the Aztec calendar ends on the right side of the picture encircled with a serpent, or as revealed in Christianity with the Daniel Rosetta stone ending with a judgment of the Apocalypse 2008-2015, or Hebrew cycles reaching to the very closing stages 3018, ending with a white throne and Satan destroyed in a fiery lake probably by the Third Asteroid to end the time dimension Daleth. That will conclude the seven thousand years of human history and the stage play of good and evil in the Daleth dimension. Page 264 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 This interpretation of course maybe for some the first time heard about, but came to be accidental discovered by examining historical events related to three great religion all having a common origin. They happen to logical fit together presenting numerous witnesses to testify their facts and are not wild speculation we read in our history books based on opinions of mentally blinded atheists who are ignorant about the Bible. Since I mention 20 gods in the Aztec culture, here is just a sample of what some scientist interpreted it to be: 1. Grant feast of Lords = sun god Hueytecuitontli 2. Little feast of Lords = sun god Teccuihuitotli 3. Dark God (like Satan) = sun god Cumhu 4. Resurrection = sun god Izcalli 5. Empty days = sun god Nemontemi (Calendar correction in skulls) 6. Departure of waters = sun god Atlcahualco 7. Lowering of waters = sun god Atemoztli Just like the Aztec priesthood seized control from the government we too have now science telling us what to do, be it educating, law or religion. They created a state religion called evolution science, which therefore will answer all pertinent questions which society will raise. We too give our different God’s names and I will only mention a few as you will be a much better judge to identify them. 1. Great Feast of Lords = Sun God Hueytecuitontli He controls the money supply. If there is not enough he just prints more money. If the printed money for personal use is still short of buying monster houses around the globe and expensive private airplanes, why not embezzle it. For example Enron, the Stock market and Savings and Loan Banks is a good case in point to become successful in stealing money without any consequences. The beneficiaries fly the corporate jets; you find them in $2,000 dollars a night expensive hotel sweets and vacation spots, and rarely pay taxes or going to prison for their crimes; the perks are unlimited than prehistoric the old-fashioned Pharaohs never dreamed off. The CEOs leaving the establishment are rewarded with $100 million golden parachute benefits stolen from the ignorant stockholders who never complain. 2. Little Feast of Lords = Sun God Teccuihuitotli They belong to the cast of privilege, like senators, congressman, Friars of Special Interest and other government employees known as bureaucrats. They are entitled for unlimited pension plans and need only work half time with carefully tailored medical befit unheard around the world as mandated by the priesthood. They are (public) privileged servants of the highest esteem and therefore must be treated with curtsey always paying any outlandish stipend (license fees) which raises their salaries for every paper they generate. This grants the system of Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 265 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries privileged to continue and covers expenses for previous early retirees from the priesthood. 3. The Aztec Sun God Cumhu: He is the Grandest of all and must be consulted in all public meetings. He is represented in all of our university halls of education according to a picking order to rule supreme. All previous notions that there could exist a monotheist God is scientifically called grossly in error. Only the Cumhu religion is accepted, which postulates the universe started with a big bang. That caused disturbance ending after millions of years in a massive computer controlling all world commerce, banking visa cards and machines going in space. It is a lucky mystery force for mankind coming from nowhere mostly believed to have come from a first worm, even before Intelligent Design evolved, which must be avoided which only the priesthood can understand requiring a PhD or ThD in Theology to qualify. Any problems arising are the fault of the other inferior gods and therefore we must pass the buck if you want to play the game. 4. Resurrection = Sun God Izcalli These folk are most powerful and not even the Government of the entire USA can stop their magic trade. Working with the FDA and secretly working in foreign laboratories alter every food we eat not believing in the First Law of Entropy which they want to change as others think does not exist for them. They mix natural genes in vegetables and match them with animal’s wise versa to create different species believing to change the law of nature to produce above the 100% by a process they invented. The resulting outbreak of death and deceases like bird viruses, mad cow, SARC and many others is spread among man and animals are cleverly covered up just like their terminator genes in seeds is hidden. 5. Empty Days = Sun God Nemontemi (calendar correction expressed in dead [stone] skulls) Than we have a special group most powerful and is called the military. It is a special club rubbing noses with the mighty. They enforce business contract around the world, which befits the priesthood and therefore become the executive branch next to God Hueytecuitontli to decide who lives or dies. They are taken care off generously for life unless sacrificed for a good cause in a limited war around the globe to expand the empire. Now I gave you just a few 21st Century Aztec gods to become very unpopular to mention it to your friends and I am sure that others can be identified by you if you want to take the risk. Having lived in Western culture, I now understand the pictures on many wall paintings showing gruel slaughtering of human sacrifices of thousands of young men performed each year. Lets not think we are more civilized; how many wars in America did we have in the last century sacrificing our young men to serve our American God’s? As the Aztec had to correct the calendar over and over again caused by a diminishing X-axis they had to build over and over again very expenPage 266 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 11 sive corrections as they perceived that their various Sun-God’s must be very angry and could only be appeased or paid off with more sacrifices. Its culture ended when they killed and scarified an entire generation. Later the Mayan culture would appear and today we find a mixture of many ancient people who survived the deceases of the European /Spanish immigrants brought along to build up a common immune system as we see their descendents today in Mexico to continue on earth with a European calendar. The Aztec culture ultimately ended, as history teaches and only a Bible documents its reason. History teaches that a number of nation in ancient times were going down the same path of ethnic cleansing, being totally destroyed by God for gross violation sacrificing human beings. Their perversion of human sacrifice turned into a horrible lifestyle of fear and death and paid the ultimate price of extinction. The Bible recorded similar events of other nations in ancient times that became extinct for reason of human scarifies. If it was not for the Spanish invasion none would have survived, although it could be argued the other way. I am not going to be the judge not having lived 500 years ago and our universities do not have a good track record to trust their opinions. From the Biblical perspective, God wanted to preserve people from ancient times regardless of evil they committed, which are now the descendants in Mexico reflecting a mosaic of cultural diversity and redirected their worship again to a monotheistic God. He used a cruel pitiless Catholic political church system of greed and murder to burn the remnants of a corrupt satanic religious society as we can see in an erased historic Aztec culture and will not even allow having their hieroglyph interpreted for all the evil it perpetrated. Checking out various pyramids in my picture book I count the steps of various pyramids which tells me approximately when they where build by just looking at stone and architecture to indicate iron tools, and comparing them with a 7 to 5 dial system of my Aztec clock. It works for me and I am not bothered that some have different opinions. It is not the first time that scholars had to revise their opinions especially when they conflicted with the Bible. I am only explaining a theory and need to be verified by others. This ends the Spin-Axis Journey. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 267 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Page 268 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 Chapter 12 Hebrew Concepts & Aztec Cycles I would like to end my booklet with some ideas worth mentioning not preached in church. They are like pearls found in the ocean here and there. It is for those people who enjoy reading from a dual railroad perspective that connects science with the Christian religion, which gives us a much broader perspective of the world we live in. Studying the various mysteries clocks of the Hebrew, Chinese, Aztec and German Himmelsscheibe exhibited in museums around the world, I noticed some interesting parallels with the Hebrew Rosetta Stone correlation and the Christian perspective. In this section we will review some amazing resemblance of three cultures which are continents apart, do not share languages, predating 1,000 years to each other but connecting with the records of Genesis and Bible prophecy. Please you be the judge if these coincidences are valid or credible as they logically align themselves. These unexplainable associations seen from different angles show to me a cosmic design structure and prove that the prophesied Apocalypse 2008-2015 will arrive on schedule because they behave like gears in a clock that mesh. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 269 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries To date historic events imbedded in an ancient calendar cycles either exist by chance or were imbedded by an extra terrestrial intelligence as no human could have invented to relate each to other so precisely. If you are a serious thinker, it would be very helpful to acquainted yourself with the Hebrew Alphabet Number System as published in my books1, if not, much presented may be difficult to make sense to you in this chapter. It is like Dr. Albert Einstein explaining mathematics of unknown laws to those who would rather go fishing: one has to be interested to attend some of his lectures and learn new things. I can understand the position of secular scientist being willfully ignorant, but such excuse should not exist for Christians who confess to have the Holy Spirit to guide them. Jesus said watch for signs. Each person must check it out for himself. You do not want to be misled and make wrong decisions for your family. Therefore, evaluate what is presented here with a 12 o’clock cuckoo clock date of 2008-2015, which could mean that we already may have run out time. Most are not prepared for survival because they discount the Bible or trust upset theologians teaching an old time religion escape doctrine. Those who do so will perish with him, which will be globally seen on TV. The biggest obstacle in understanding prophecy comes from two major doctrines taught in many churches. If we want to understand pearls buried in the Bible ocean, it would help to investigate where so many church leaders went wrong in understanding the Bible. Because the clock cycles of an apocalypse date are too close, there is no time to find another church. Rapture Theory Debunked Historically, we see much misuse of the Bible. Many wars were fought over religious interpretations of the Bible, which even in our modern times remains confusing. Just checkout how many denominations are in the yellow pages of the telephone directory. No wonder that monorail theologians have started so many churches. We can only blame ourselves for that confusion. The average person is too busy making money to study the Bible and has left it up to theologians to tell him what it says. Through a series of five interrelated books, I put a lot of facts on the table for you to review using your own common sense as led by the Holy Spirit. I call them my Babushka books because they represent concepts found in the Bible that are also found in science and physics, which is the basis for my dual-rail track railroad analogy. Russian Babushka dolls go from large to small with the littler ones nested inside the bigger ones. They look alike, but their scaled size makes them different. Truth in the Bible is similarly laid out in scaled proportions like the egg-shaped Babushka dolls. When we study the unfolding of God’s plan in history and apply it to prophecy, we find identical concepts embedded in Scripture in which the patterns of chronological events are replicated like a smaller egg shows the same design of the bigger egg - only on a smaller scale of size. Applying this principle is one of the most important tools of Bible research. It gives us assurance in an interpretation of Bible prophecy. 1 ( Page 270 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 A smaller Babushka doll/egg must conform to the larger one in its pattern. Thus, we need to know how each prophetic section of the Bible relates to the overall plan of God for humanity because all aspects of prophecy need to work together within the purposes for God’s creation and how He sustains it through the laws of science. Otherwise, it is easy to come to false interpretations. The Hebrew Alphabet Number System is also very helpful in identifying questionable dogmas preached in many churches, but unfortunately most theologians know little about Jewish culture. Jews wrote the Bible, and Bible teachers should learn about their culture to understand how they think. My books also go from larger to smaller or different scope. I use the same principles in my Bible analysis that I learned from my years as an inventor solving technical problems with new approaches in applied science. I started out just to write one book with a little different approach for those living in cultures where the Bible is forbidden or access is limited. My one little book has grown to a series of five. Like the Russian Babushka eggs, they go from large to small. The first two books of my Babushka series reconstructed God’s plan for humanity through history and prophecy. They created a stir among monorail theologians. This third book confronts them with yet another Babushka look at the clock gear cycles embedded in the Bible. It presents a totally new approach to understanding what the past was like by asking and answering some direct cause and effect questions about time, calendars and ancient clocks that mystify scholars. This book contests the foolishness that has come to dominate monorail science found on university campuses as well as once again raising a lot of dust with monorail theologian’s established doctrines. Sensing their conflict when seeing a date for the apocalypse, I discovered that ancient time was measured differently from today’s Gregorian calendar, which would make any historical or prophetic projection faulty if not converted to our present calendar system. Scientists are perplexed by the many clocks exhibited in museums. With this third Babushka book, they have an opportunity to discover how they work and why they were made. For those Christians who do not believe that the apocalypse can be dated, now they can check out my third Babushka book from the perspective of ancient clock gear cycles embedded in the Bible.2 Two fundamental blockages to understanding the Bible rose to a mountain too big for many pastors to get over or around. I do not understand why theologians rely so heavily on only one quote from the Bible that they misplace in the context of God’s plan. “No one knows the time,” they say and forget the hundreds of other Bible verses in conflict with their dogma. Their seminars are so one-sided that we should teach them some courses in science - especially how clocks work. It would help them to understand better God’s plan for humanity. Then the issue of trying to date prophecy would not be a problem. They would recognized that the Bible also says that “the wise will know” the timing of the last days instead of reacting like the Middle Age’s inquisition that suppressed knowledge and distorted the Bible. 2 Some common beliefs need to be recalibrated. For example, Methuselah’s age marked by 969 solstices of the Aztec-Hebrew cycles in Genesis are converted to a more genetically possible age of 138 Gregorian years. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 271 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Church pastors’ opinions are usually connected with financial reasons: they sell messages of comfort to be successful in meeting the inflated budgets of another building project. To give assurance to the faithful, they tell church members that the coming apocalypse is meant for others, and that they will escape these prophesied hard times on earth by being taken away, or “raptured,” by Jesus at a secret appearance only for the church. Playing church will end soon. The years of 2008-2015 are advertised on the Internet as a modern-day Jonah announces God’s coming judgment of a rebellious human civilization. Others misuse Bible prophecy to gain followers who don’t check out the Bible for themselves. For instance, let us look back in history at “Toronto Laughing Spirit” phenomenon in the mid-1800s when the rapture gospel got started. Then we will follow the trail to see terrible examples of misled pastors like Jim Jones church or David Koresh assembly expounded prophecy to many followers to end in death with families and children. These few examples of how the average person has suffered due to biblical ignorance should tell us that pastors can mislead us grossly in the wrong direction; therefore, we need to study the Bible for ourselves, which is not too difficult if you can read. Today, many gullible Christians still adhere to a pre-tribulation rapture concept invented 150 years ago by a little girl in England that was later elevated to the highest dogma by a British scholar John Nelson Darby. The pre-tribulation rapture dogma was really finalized by a brilliant engineer Clarence Larkin who was talented in making drawings of dispensational charts published in the 1920s. You can check it out on the Internet. These chronological charts based on the Bible were designed like clock cycles to depict God’s plan for mankind. It was the first attempt to graphically express what the Bible teaches, and they became very popular with preachers, teachers and the many church members. So my clock gear ideas are not original but rather build on top of existing ideas. As an inventor of many products, I do the same with technology. One man’s knowledge is based on the foundation from others. But it is important to check out the underlying foundation if you want to have a house to last a long time. Clarence Larkin’s Bible charts became the foundational doctrines still taught today in many American churches, but they do not compare well with the Hebrew perspective. For hundreds of years to the present, being Jewish has been a problem. Many in Western nations avoid Jews. But Jews wrote the Bible, and because of that basic fact, we should pay a little more attention to their culture when reading it. When we study writings from a Jewish author, like Revelation in the Bible, we should become accustomed to reading it with a historic Jewish mindset and not with modern Western thinking. Originally, I believed in Larkin’s cycle interpretations, but during those years, I was not educated in Hebrew thinking. I only recently discovered that his and my belief system was in error when I compared it with the Jewish festival and fast days as well as the Hebrew Alphabet Number System. When I discovered the Hebrew Alphabet Number System, I noticed that the pages of Revelation were mixed up chronologically. That big Page 272 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 surprise caused me now to re-look at the whole Bible, especially prophecy, from a dual rail perspective of the Hebrew and Christian traditions. So I investigated Clarence Larkin’s charts more closely, and the dualrail track Hebrew perspective revealed his many errors. The pre-rapture theory error comes from dispensational charts adopted by mainline fundamental churches has lulled a majority of Christians with an escapist dream poorly documented by Bible verses; nevertheless, its plausible story became very popular because it promises a getaway from prophesied troubles meant for others. In time, the rapture theory lulled many Christians into a comatose state lacking the urgency similar to what moved Noah and his family to build the ark. Most Christians are not prepared for the apocalypse spiritually or physically and therefore may not survive it. It is like the person who refuses to rouse himself and get out of the burning house when a fireman shouts “fire.” Christians ignore the present warning call about the apocalypse coming in 2008-2015 because their pastors teach the comforting opinion of being raptured before the fire reaches them. Because of that, many will just keep on comfortably sleeping in church rather than listen to an unpopular Jonah-like message. Sadly, history is going to repeat itself with another, much larger event like “Toronto Laughing Spirit,” Jim Jones’ cool aid or the burning fires that consumed David Koresh’s followers – all events reported on TV. For another analogy, it is as if these millions of misled Christians believe in the theory of an unsinkable boat. Instead of proving what is true by researching the Bible for themselves, they feel better trusting in the majority’s popular big boat of a theory, and just like the Titanic, they will likewise will sink in the ocean being mislead by an old-fashioned tribulation dogma and perish. Many pastors and theologians will not even look beyond the cover of my books with their seemingly strange Hebrew customs and holidays discussed in Scripture. If they did, they would discover Bible cycles corrected to our Gregorian calendar, which explain future dates accurately revealed. The Jewish customs, language and teachings about their holy and fast days became the keys to decipher prophecy in the proper sequence. Of course, many have previously announced dates for the Second Coming of Jesus and missed their dates because they did not understand the evidence from the ancient historical bronze-gold clocks that prove how calendars found around the world have changed from ancient times due to changes in the earth’s rotational axis. Thus, the past prophetic predictions were way off for understandable reasons and disappointed many. So why reject new discoveries from science about the Bible without even reading what is stated? Especially when those past errors were addressed with new information of multiple, independently parallel historic and scientific proofs? It is difficult to convince pastors to change what they think for many reasons. I recommend that each of us investigate the Bible for ourselves and establish a faith anchored in the solid rock of Christ instead of unsupported opinions – even if taught by respected preachers. We should not stick ours heads in the sand like an ostrich when danger approaches, and the apocalypse is approaching soon whether my specific dates are correct or not. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 273 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Origin of the Secret Rapture Theory To many it is both amazing and shocking to discover that neither the word “rapture” nor the doctrine/teaching of a “secret rapture” is found in any Bible translation. Moreover, most theologians agree that it is not even mentioned in any Christian literature prior to the year 1830.3 Dave MacPherson, author of The Unbelievable Pre-Trib Origin, reveals that the “rapture” teaching was born in England during the mid-1800s. Macpherson’s research found that a Church of Scotland minister named Edward Irving was the first to preach the “rapture gospel.” Just how the rapture theory occurred to Irving is an intriguing facet of modern churchianity’s history. Irving held some eccentric positions on the use of spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues and prophesying. He contended that these gifts were for the present day church and had quite a few followers of his radical notions. However, when chaotic disturbances arose in Irving’s services during the manifestations of these “gifts,” the Church of Scotland took action, dismissing Irving from his position as a minister in 1832. The ultimate result of Irving’s dismissal was the formation of the Catholic Apostolic Church, which still exists. Irving’s movement grew and became the basis of modern day Pentecostalism. The natural evolution of this movement has resulted in the recent emergence of the rapture theory, which has seduced and mislead more than a few well-intentioned people. During one of Irving’s sessions in 1830, a young Scottish girl named Margaret MacDonald fell into a trance. After several hours of visions and prophesying, she revealed that Christ’s return would occur in two phases, not just one. Christ would first come secretly, being visible only to the righteous, then He would come a second time visible to all in order to execute God’s wrath on the unrighteous nations. This secret rapture was promoted by Irving. He also claimed to have heard a voice from heaven commanding him to teach it. Some modern researchers submit that Irving’s speculations on the rapture were influenced by writings of the Spanish Jesuit, Lacunza. He had translated Lacunza’s book into English under the title, The Coming of the Messiah in Glory and Majesty, in 1827. John Darby, an Englishman and pioneer of the Plymouth Brethren movement became caught up in the rapture teaching of Irving. When Darby heard about Irving’s activities, he traveled to Scotland to talk with him and his followers about it. It was Darby who developed the scriptural arguments to support the theory/doctrine that evolved. Darby’s depiction of the rapture theory became widely popularized in Britain and U.S. largely because of Cyrus Scofield’s Reference Bible. Belief in the secret rapture doctrine has become so widespread among today’s evangelicals and fundamentalists that many sitting in the pews assume that the teaching dates back to the apostles themselves and Jesus. Regardless of whom one regards as the originator of the teaching — whether Irving, Darby, Margaret MacDonald or a Jesuit priest - one thing is obvious: the secret rapture theory is of relatively recent origin. 3 Page 274 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 Moreover, it has no basis in fact, nor was it ever a teaching of the Jesus, the Apostles or the early church movement begun by the Messiah. Read the verses for yourself. Please go to the study called, The Rapture Pre or Post, located in the Studies section of this web site In examining previous failed predictions, one can see that they were based on wrong assumptions typical of monorail theologians. Being unaware of historic calendar changes like mystery bronze clocks in museums not deciphered would make any prophetic prediction difficult to forecast unless corrected to our Gregorian calendar. So it is no wonder that we have dogmas preached in church with little and unconvincing “support” from the Bible. I would like to mention one more doctrinal error. Cults believe whatever they want to postulate, which always started from a leader, rather than study and check out the Bible for themselves. It stands alone if we want to make it rule supremely in our lives. To shed some light on what lies ahead that is NOT preached in many churches, let us look at science and the Bible. Consider the evidence of those ancient clocks exhibited in museums as you try to delineate theological facts from fiction on this issue of “no one knows the time.” Now we have another headline to upset one’s inner peace. Like Jonah from ancient times, my books have walked into New York City to announce its nuclear destruction. They even quote future dates. This approach indeed conflicts with Larkin’s theory of “no one knows the time.” I have heard, “You must be nuts!” cried out loud against me for entertaining the idea that New York might disappear in a nuclear cloud so soon as my date. Therefore, read the Bible from the perspective of another rail to set in order the chronologically mixed up pages of Revelation. As straightened out, Revelation correlates well with corrected ancient clocks and calendars not yet deciphered by museum researchers. That could change our Clarence Larkin dispensational opinions cycle faith. These new discoveries can be dated if we accept our Gregorian calendar overlaid it with a discovered Hebrew Alphabet Number System, which is a lot better than any popular De Vinci code or Kabbalah computer calculated Bible Code as seen on TV. Or, you can keep on believing the vision invented by a little girl in England, redrawn by an engineer in the 1920s, and expanded upon by hundreds if not thousands of not very smart but moneymaking books found in thousands of bookstores. The crux is that in all those thousands of controversial voices to be heard, God is left out. Only a few are interested in knowing what God’s plan for humanity has to say. Just wait a while and see the smoke arising on TV, and then, my friend, we may look for my five Babushka books to discover an apocalypse announcement, a wake up call from sleep that God has proclaimed for all to hear. I hope that these Babushka books on the Internet will last a little into the beginning years of the apocalypse. Our electronic data systems are heavily dependant on satellites that will ultimately be destroyed. The Chinese blew up their own satellite with a guided missile in 2007. Future fallout from other satellite debris will at some point paralyze the most advanced military space technology and make modern warfare useless. This is not mentioned specifically in the Bible, but the Bible Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 275 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries does end the apocalypse with a projected asteroid strike. That asteroid is already in orbit and will plunge to the earth’s surface on 17 September 2015, probably into the Mediterranean Sea near the site of the last great battle of Armageddon. “No one knows the hour...” False doctrines usually come in pairs to imitate the witness requirement of needing two to establish truth. Satan cleverly camouflages his intensions to be successful in his deception, like with Eve in the Garden of Eden. He repeated what God had said and twisted it. He uses the same method with gullible Christians. Future prediction’s biggest obstacle to being heard is tradition and doubtful church doctrines deeply ingrained; therefore, let’s look a little closer what Jesus really meant when He said, “No one knows the hour.” I take time for it here because the misplaced emphasis placed on this one verse has shut down the brains of so many Christians so that they will not even consider that predicting a future date from a scientific viewpoint could be possible. Place yourself in Jesus’ lifetime and do not be misled by some Bible teacher’s opinion. Many times the verse breaks and punctuation added hundreds of years after the text was written also adds a different spin to its understood meaning. Proceeding where that controversial verse was stated (Matthew 24:36) Jesus emphasizes “Watch” the signs which will announce his coming back to this world after the tribulation. Luke 13:40 clearly states that the son of man is coming “at an hour” you do not expect. It connects with the second and third watch called out from the tower. It communicates with being ready and expects his arrival when the owner of the house appears. It is like expecting a friend stuck in traffic from a long distant trip and asked when does he arrive as the party is getting late and you answer –any hour from now. That answer is not meant to be connected to your kitchen clock or your education. Apply a cultural Jewish thinking mindset when you read scripture. First, a calendar as we know it did not exist in Jesus’ day. Watches and clocks were not invented yet. Our Gregorian calendar lay still 1,400 years in the future, so how do you tell a city population when to go for lunch or when you work in nearby fields. Today a remnant of a system to tell time still exists. When you go in an Islamic country, you will hear a call for prayer five times a day from a tower. Christians used to pray before lunch or dinner, too. It is an old custom to divide a daily schedule connecting at midday or someone on top of a church tower calling out the hour with bells like we still have in Germany. Every society is regulated by time even in the absence of calendars. Some people were employed on top of the ancient city wall to call out some kind of a clock time. You had to trust the expert priesthood to tell everybody the time shouted from a tower. Since no one controlled the priesthood, in Jesus’ day it could be understood that “know one knows the hour” since no clocks or calendar existed. That leaves open a second possibility to understand that verse as Jesus’ reference “no one knows the hour” that was meant for the end of the time or the Daleth dimension (after 3018). The Daleth dimension can only end Page 276 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 when the last sinner in hell has paid his or her debt after the White Throne Judgment explained in my other books. The Hebrew Alphabet Number System denotes the end of the Daleth dimension of time and space with Taw, which connotes the very end expressed in a number 400. Looking closer at the original text and applying a Jewish thinking method that some western thinking Bible publisher missed, we can now logically understand a dogmatic misconception. We should not connect a later apocalypse event of Jesus’ sayings with the previous verse and should start a different paragraph with just a little more space on the paper. That would give us a total different perspective according to the Hebrew thinking that is in alignment and overlays with God’s plan for humanity. Not knowing that plan for humanity connected to Jewish thinking, many theologians cannot delineate ancient text used in the setting of common language spoken in that time. The authors of the gospel account were Jewish and we must think Jewish or get a little educated in their Jewish thinking. The English publisher should have made at least a separate paragraph that now created a false doctrine for many churches in the west. When God created man, He did have a plan and is able to see the future. It is like railroad schedule announcing when the train for the culmination of the birth of the kingdom of God would arrive to an exact year, day and hour imbedded like Hebrew clock cycles now discovered. Any train system I ever used is run by the minute and cannot functions otherwise. To distinguish that Jesus did not know the hour fails to understand the relationship of the Daleth-Heh dimension differentiated as father-son relationship to make it understood to uneducated people in the Torah. Jesus said to Philip that he and the father are one and therefore only the father knows must have a different meaning. The father therefore indicates the Heh dimension in which time does not exist. Any normal baby is born to an exact cycle, and even seeds we can see in nature from the scientific viewpoint show exact time cycles. Christian scholars think of Jesus as a limited and separate person who does not know the time. Jesus is the eternal Creator God shrouded in human form - one person and not two, and we should expect theologians to be more educated about the Bible. To blow up a questionable translation of the English Bible and make it the only reference inventing an escape judgment doctrine and ignoring dozens of other verses contrary to that belief system is usually only practiced in cults. Rejecting an announced apocalypse with a date is like the story of a historic boat captain of the Titanic disaster. Everybody believed in an unsinkable boat when boarding that new hi-tech ship understood to be the fastest in the world, but it did break apart with a hole torn in its bottom from a submerged iceberg. Icebergs are no problem if you listen to people’s warnings and do not believe in a religious unsinkable rapture boat theory. It would have been better to focus how much time was left for the boat to sink as signs of an upcoming disaster were announced by one who discovered the break. To reject a messenger’s warning and not even read his important apocalypse announcement with a date is reminiscent of the professional leadership on a Titanic ocean liner who should have been responsible to the passengers who trusted them with Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 277 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries their lives when they were warned about the existence of icebergs in the water by other nearby ships. When experts trust more in a mistaken belief system not matching the facts, it causes them to be negligent resulting in many deaths. Even warning given by other boats nearby were ignored as everybody from the captain’s bridge to boat engineers believed in an unsinkable boat religion. They learned of their mistake too late and perished. Jesus said many times in conjunction with the apocalypse “watch the signs” for the next civilization sinking as the Christian church will only talk about it, but rejects the watchman telling the time and burry their heads in a false escape dogma. Many Christian churches teaching faulty doctrines are therefore prone to misdiagnose the biggest cosmic event, the coming birthing process of the saints and will not be prepared to survive the apocalypse either. They will perish like ancient people not believing Noah. Following their blind pastors on an assumption that God is not allowed to announce a date for the world system to end and miss out of the greatest privileged Daleth-Heh transformation ever to occur on earth God offers. Scripture is very clear as testified by many prophecies. Even Jesus made it understandable that many must go through horrible death experience during the apocalypse time like the first Christians had to endure in the beginning of the church period and will not be raptured away from trouble, like gold is purified to burn off the dross. This pre-rapture cult idea will disappoint many Christians who will be mislead and fall short of the desired goal only to experience death with the world around them, but still be saved depending on God’s grace. We can learn from history that many righteous people died before the Flood not listening to Noah’s warning either, and therefore perished. Only eight survived according to the Bible. Most Christian are blindsided and have no idea who controls the air domain which makes a massive pre-rapture Resurrection before the apocalypse impossible with Satan still in the heavenly dimension messing around and certainly will sabotage crossing over his territory the domain of the air and spoil the resurrection party. Even a mighty angel sent to Daniel had to go back and get Michael the highest officer in the heavenly army for help just to get one message delivered from God. Daniel records that it took 21 solar days for that message from God to get to him through Satan’s realm. Pre-rapture believing Christians should check out the prophetic timing that there will be a war in heaven and not a wedding before the war. It is so illogical to think that God-Jesus could be that ignorant like theologians in His planning of the greatest birthday party of the universe announced, the resurrection of all the saints ever in the history of humanity to occur during a war in heaven. It is contrary to the analogy of clock or pregnancy cycles and is unthinkable that God would subject the resurrected saints on the way to meet the Lord with more trouble of an unknown frightening experience to be harassed by millions of demons waiting, while passing through the biggest war zone Satan battling with God’s angels in the Heh dimension to be saved? It would be safer to stay on earth and watch the Seventh Trumpet to be blown as the earth is cleansed from corruption together with the Page 278 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 air space dimension [Heh dimension] controlled by Satan. Satan must first be bound in chains and thrown into the pit following the Seventh Trumpet before Christ can return and guarantee the saints safe transfer into Eternal Life. Therefore, all remaining demons must first be executed on and under the earth as they represent the placenta of the new birth and must be discarded to make way for a cleaned up universe. This necessary preparation will get the resurrection party and God’s kingdom started like a wedding in heaven with joy as Satan’s power over humanity on earth has finally ended. Evil must first be removed in the heavenlies and the house cleaned up before a joyous feast or the wedding reception can commence. The horses must be in front of the wagon if you want to use it in a wedding. Read what I write about the “Seven Thunders.” Since Adam, the schoolmaster Satan was ordered to teach and inoculate the saints throughout the Zayin Age with a good dose of evil during their mortal stay on earth. God’s plan for humanity was to imbed a painful immunization program of soul-intelligence genes to permanently guard against future evil corruption and rebellion like virus software protects against the corruption of your computer’s programs and data storage. After 6,000 years of the Zayin Age, Satan will be fired from that job on 2012, and his evil demonic helpers will be executed for their crimes against God and humanity. They will no longer be needed. Their end as well as the end of an evil generation of rebellious humanity will take place on 21 December 2015. This scenario is from the Bible - not from a little uneducated girl in England massaged by a theologian. Notice the embedded cycles of the 7,000year Hebrew cuckoo clock: the First Temple was destroyed in 588 BC, which is just 70 years from the center of human history at 518 BC. Then we see an identical second rail where the X-Y curves from 518 BC, years counting in the other direction to equal 588 years to end in the Second Temple destruction in AD 70. Counting back 70 years like we did previously [588-518] now matches Jesus’ birth date at 0 = (BC-AD), which is .457 on the exponential time chart and becomes the center of our time dimension from the perspective of the universe. But appearing on the negative parabola curve, check it out page 21 and notice two times 70 years from a fulcrum. The First Temple destruction reflects and overlays with the Heh dimension because 588 years the time curve ends in zero, But 588 years from the center of human history (518 BC) it ends again with a destruction of the second Temple in AD 70, again 70 years the second time around to signify the Daleth dimension from a dual rail perspective. So the fulcrum of the time dimension like Einstein’s theorem where time is squared meaning it has two polarities one from the universe perspective the other from science our earth physics plane now differentiated in a elliptical universe circle having two radius centers combined give us an accurate calendar to measure prophecy which match like gears. Therefore, time can be known as it can be projected using physics like a stone falling in a pond accurately measure if you learned about physics, or business using past cycles to project future profits, or a cuckoo clock bird appearing exactly 12 o’clock. God design a plan that is 7,000 Hebrew year cycles long, and in it is a system to measure time. Discovering HANS imbedded in the Bible helped to decipher many mystery Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 279 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries gold-bronze clocks in museums that has provided another witness to skeptical scientists and theologians. I hope we settled “no one knows the time” from another rail perspective. Noah’s Flood “Apocalypse” and the Second Apocalypse I never realized when Jesus said the Second Apocalypse shall be like Noah’s days that He meant it literally to a day by foretelling events of another asteroid, which was summarized by the last Apostle John in Revelation. I was surprised to discover that the Y-axis exposed a date, 21 December 2288 BC, that 46 days later is connected to an asteroid strike on 5 February 2287, which caused the worldwide Flood. However, this date recalculated on the ancient Aztec X-axis becomes a future projected asteroid strike on 17 September 2015. Comparing the two dates is like the two rails of the railroad that tie together the Aztec data with Hebrew clock cycles, married together like the Chinese Yin-Yang calendar. It reveals the beginning and the ending date of the Apocalypse by using an Aztec spin X-axis data. 1. As seen from heaven the Heh dimension side, Satan, the Dragon (Revelation 12:9), is thrown out of heaven. This event also ends the Mayan-Aztec Calendar (long count) on 21 December 2012, which is collaborated in the Chinese zodiac. 2. Satan, now mortal bound, will become a Serpent residing on earth in the Daleth Dimension for a short time. Then Satan the Serpent will be thrown down and bound in hell (the short Aztec count and lower Heh dimension) on 17 September 2015, which also follows the Chinese and Hebrew calendar. What a coincidence! Recap of the 2.8 X-Axis Correlations If we remember our bicycle wheel lessons and follow the time path of a tilt axis change of our earth to end with the horizontal “Y” axis merging with the Y-axis to achieve finally calendar stability. Overlaying the Y-axis from 2288 BC with the Jewish cycles all the way to our future time 2008 starting the Apocalypse, we notice 9 Hebrew 490-year cycles. It is like a hammock needing two supporting nails, equivalent two civilization ending within a timeframe measured between them of various calendars. You must read my book Mystery of Tammuz 17 to really understand this parallel overlay from the Hebrew viewpoint. The initial tilt axis change from the Flood 2288 BC was 59% changed and the remaining tilt of the earth expressed in the Rosetta Stone equation 7:5 in which 5/12 = 41%. Eyewitnesses gave us the years when the people in Genesis died before and after the flood of Noah and I use it to calculate and mark it as our first point 2.8 on the exponential curve of the Y-axis. [Figure A] 1.3 X-Axis When I found the 1.3 position on the X-axis (Abraham-Moses time) I noticed that it is a Tammuz position in the spectrum of nine (9) Hebrew periods of 490 years (2288 BC - AD 2018) see my [Figure A] in Chapter Page 280 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 2 of the spin axis theory. We get this number when we calculate from Abraham-Moses mean average life cycle of how many diminishing Xaxis spin cycles of the earth remains or what is the change of merging in the Y-axis around in Ezekiel time (1071 BC) Notice the 2:1:½:¼ spin-axis relationship on my graph [Figure A] why? All I did was calculating the death ages of people in the Genesis account in the Bible to get those points on the graph and two incidences of unusual sun positions in Joshua and Hezekiah’s time. Tammuz in the Hebrew cycles always alerts us of a special relationship of a Hebrew clock system. The last of the five pyramids and palaces of Teotihuacan of Tepantitla build in Mexico City date from that time. Checking out the Teotihuacan palaces paintings with the Hebrew Rosetta Stone system unlocks the secrets of the palace painting that matches both the Chinese genesis story and the Hebrew Genesis account in the Bible as explained in previous chapters. Therefore, they seemed to connect with three cultures to have one common origin as explained earlier. The palace painting in Teotihuacan of Tepantitla is a visual proof of the earliest religion of the Aztec predating the Moses record of the Hebrew Genesis account by a thousand years. There was no possibility to have copied its information. Seeing that Mexican schools teach that the Aztec came from China and an Australian scientist discovered traces from the Genesis account in the earliest Chinese history recorded we can than conclude that all three cultures seemed to have a one common origin along the Genesis account of the Bible. This of course is unknown to secular scholars typical of a monorail education system misled by evolutionary thinking. The beginning of the Chinese history with 12 zodiac animal constellations of five animals aligned in a rang order of importance making a total 60 cycles correlate with the dates embedded in the Aztec calendar of 52 cycles like two different Fahrenheit-Celsius temperature scales which connect with the Hebrew Genesis account of 13 moon cycles which matches the three ancient cultures to have one common origin. They all come together in a common future date 2012. Our journey was a number game connecting each gear cycle meshing precisely like a clock. This becomes the Hebrew World Cuckoo clock of 7,0004 years range as the last chapter you should become familiar with, because it reflects your existence on earth the purpose of your birth and death like analogue to a butterfly cycle. Aztec Long and Short Cycles Overlay It is well known that Aztec calendar cycle ends at 2012 and inherent there are long and short period cycles. I view them like a dual railroad, which aligns in parallel. One rail can be a civil calendar and the other is the religious cycles that must be synchronized. This was the job of the priest to find the crossover dates to appease the 20 sun goods in the Aztec religion. The Aztec cycles are similar to the Jewish calendar, which also has civil period cycles and in parallel religious festivals that float according to ancient moon-cycles. Both must be brought in alignment by a chief rabbi. In addition, the different calendars (Jewish-Aztec) behave like our two temperatures Fahrenheit-Celsius scales we are familiar with. 4 www.apocalypse Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 281 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries This analogy of two-scale system of an outdoor thermometer comes together on one specific point minus 40 degree. The minus 40 point is zero for the Aztec clock that will end 2012. Subsequently comparing dissimilar timescales could question sometimes prophetic prediction of their accuracy but understanding clock gears would help to sort out confusions. For example: Recently, someone reading my book, Mystery of Tammuz 17, asked me whether the schedule of the Apocalypse 2008-2015 would change if the newly discovered Aztec spin-axis cycles before the Flood result in shorter “years” than the overlaying longer Hebrew cycles. Is the original dating wrong because your book uses corrected Gregorian years, which came into existence later? Does it make your predictions inaccurate and your two books published two years ago obsolete? My answer: when we are looking at cycles that behave like gears in a clock, then either they mesh, or they do not. If they do not fit, we have a wrong prognosis or missed prophecy projection and you can throw away the future dating scheme in my books. It would just be a waste of time, and I would be forced to join the club of the ignorant monorail theologians. Hebrew cycles projected before the Flood are analogous to pregnancy cycles starting with Waw and connect with Heh dimensions and therefore have no time elements to measure. So past calendar cycles are only projections to understand a clock design from God’s perspective. But they do connect with the Daleth dimension and there we have clocks. My two-temperature scale example come together on one reference point minus 40˚ and therefore can make a model of a perfect calendar that is applicable for every century of a future calendar clock. Knowing the heavenly Heh caused cycles we can see the other scale as reflections in a mirror that is our Daleth side. Understanding that principle can give us confidence that our future calendar prognosis is correct. Look at Daniel’s prophecy, where I discovered the Rosetta Stone ratio 7:5 meaning there is a mathematical relationship that God repeats cycles over and over, and they can come from different directions. The system was invented by God and is not my brain who conceived it, I only collected 12 mathematical proofs in my book as I stumped over them and realized that they where authentic as we only need two witnessed in a court of law to establish truth but here we have 12. In my books, I describe a Hebrew pattern and through it appeared a date like gears of a clock must mesh. The overlay conformed to the Hebrew Alphabet Number System and viewing it from Daniel’s perspective, I considered it seven dimensions. The Apocalypse is better described in Revelation and therefore becomes the fifth dimension of the Rosetta Stone relationship. The main feature or the Grant Apocalypse of 7 years follows along the Aztec calendar 2012 matching the Hebrew cycles and the Chinese. This late report discovered on my vacation in Mexico City overlays perfectly with Revelation and is not in conflict with Aztec preFlood cycles. Page 282 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 My book does not go into detail why the Aztec calendar is ending in 2012 as I did not previously understand the scientist describing it. The theory is very convoluting to me but used some of their statements earlier on faith and connecting it in my previous published books. This report however is what I discovered never reported in any science literature I know of. But incredible it supports my book dating the Apocalypse from a totally different perspective. The Biblical Rosetta Stone discovery jumps off the page to tell me that my discovery fits like gears in a clock even if it looks like a paradox. Daniel as the seventh dimension gives me the beginning date 21 December 2008 for the Grand Apocalypse. The secular scholars tell me that date 21 December 2012, which will end the Aztec calendar that falls exactly on the seventh cycle of the dated Apocalypse, the seventh period month in the Hebrew overlay – flawlessly matching with the Chinese calendar. But incredible the short spin Aztec axis theory pinpoints the 3½ year Mini Apocalypse, which is the hammer of God’s wrath, poured out. Like two different temperature scales come together in one point so we have here a shortened timescale before the Noah’s timeframe come together later with another calendar longer future time scale counting and merging at one point in the upcoming Second Asteroid impact prophesied. It starts analogous to when Noah went into the boat and God closed the door and Noah’s family had to wait inside the boat and waited (Genesis 7:11) for awhile until the impact of the First Asteroid came on the second month 17th day and than it rained 40 days as hell broke lose. Accordingly referring to Jesus sayings that the second Apocalypse will be like Noah’s days, meaning if the 21 December 2012 Aztec date coincides with the very first day of the seventh Hebrew period with the removal of Satan from heaven to appear on earth [long count Aztec cycles] and also coming from the Hebrew source, than counting from the second month period like in Noah’s days (30+17) 47 days later overlays with the Mini-Apocalypse of 3½ years coming from the short Aztec source. It starts the big hammer of God’s wrath and becomes the [short count] we questioned earlier, coinciding with the Chinese Dragon 2012 year becoming the Serpent year 2013 calculated from existing clock cycles to be the 5 February 2013. To explain it again applying Daniel’s prophesy with the short count cycles of Aztec spin-axis cycle years I found out the following: In the Hebrew cycles analysis we arrived at the future Apocalypse date by adding two times the 1,715 (Aztec 33x52) year cycle and over the detour 17 Tammuz 2018 (30 June Gregorian date) to arrive at the beginning date of the Apocalypse 21 December 20085. Now if we calculated it the same method but use the paradoxical shortened version of Aztec spin axis consideration, than we exchange the previous first cycle of 1,715 years before the flood which gets shorter to 245 years (1,715/7 = 245) through a spin axes conversion. Now we recalculate the same way like my book explains, we add 245 years from before the Flood and add together the 1,715 years after the Flood we get (1,715+245) = 1,960 years which according to scripture can be convert to days, which therefore becomes 1960 days. Counting back the same way previously from 17 Tammuz 2018 to arrive at 2008, now with the short spin Aztec version we hit a date February 2013 correspond5 Reading my book, Mystery of Tammuz 17 would really help to understand my concept. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 283 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries ing to the eight cycle of the Apocalypse which analogue coincides with the second month 17th day Noah’s ark date counting similar a few weeks away from the Hebrew seventh period first day 21 December 2012. The eighth cycle of the Apocalypse indicated on the cuckoo clock overlay Cheth means a new beginning of intensity analogue like rain in Noah’s days or in the 7-year diagram falling on the number 8 Cheth Hebrew cycles. The Hebrew letter Chet (8) signifies a new beginning in a fenced in environment; whereas from Daniel’s prophesied perspective the Mini-Apocalypse also starts out with (8) identical different Bible verses all with the same date validating 8 times the exact day periods like 1,260, 42 month, time, times and half a time, all meaning the same clock cycles. Check it out in my books on the Internet. The Flood came on the 17th day of the second month mentioned two times (Genesis 8:4) and here we have in the short count Aztec spin theory (second railroad analogy like two temperature scales) an exact overlay verification of the Apocalypse as a second witness. What seems like a paradox 1,715 years counting gets us to 2008 and shorter 1,470 cycle years (1,715-245 = 1,470) gets us further down in history from 2008 to the beginning of 2013 the Chinese year of the Serpent? Sounds illogically like a paradox, shorter cycles give us longer dates? Clock cycles which match can be checked out backwards or forwards, it does not mater from which viewpoints we are looking, but our perception in another matter when confronted with a paradox. Only mathematics can explain paradoxes as gears in a clock must fit to tell time. Can’t have it any better to make sure that those predictions of a future Apocalypse dated 2008-2015 will happen; just as second witness from the Aztec calendar establishes truth. Theologian, atheistic scholars and politicians will be very surprised when that date arrives because they have forgotten to think logical blinded by an education system which has thrown out an ancient book telling them that they are sinners with moral choices to make in need of a savior. There is no other way to survive the Apocalypse but receive eternal Life Jesus promised which therefore does not matter which way we die. 9 Cycles of Jesus’ Genealogy Numbers in the Hebrew Alphabet Number system have imbedded special meanings. If you checkout the Hebrew Alphabet table of the other Babushka books, the number nine (9) means “New Life.” Most calendar references connect the number nine with Jesus. Perhaps this correlation demonstrates the hope of the resurrection to eternal life. Even during the apocalypse our view is directed Jesus standing beside a throne in heaven in the ninth cycle. Remember that Revelation must first be aligned with the HANS to rearrange the mixed-up chronological order. Overlaying the Hebrew number meanings with Bible verses or scripture stories reveals another layer of meaning like mathematics revealing relationships from spectral lines in the seven rainbow colors of light. Invisible cycles appear like clock cycles conforming to historic calendar sequences exposing false doctrines or revelation out of order. So when numbers appear I usually check it out and see if they are rePage 284 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 lated. It is fun for me like a desert after a good meal not necessary but leads to a better overall respect for God’s word to humanity. This book primarily talks about an Aztec axis overlaying and starting with the flood time 2288 BC having (9) nine Hebrew cycles to the end of the Second Civilization 2015. Then I noticed another (9) nine cycles in the genealogy of Jesus connected with the same date. But here it is connected with the prophesied resurrection of Jesus Christ coinciding with the resurrection of the saint? Why are 9 Hebrew cycles imbedded and connect to an Aztec cycles in two totally different counting systems? Why does the Aztec religion say that the world ends AD 2012 with a serpent (Satan) coming down from heaven to earth and is combined with Johns Hebrew Revelation to connect with another asteroid destruction. And “Why” is the Aztec calendar X-axis terminated 518 BC, which became my 7,000-year center of a Hebrew calendar of the plan for humanity from God’s perspective with dates, and the Y-axis terminated like a short count in 2012 in the Aztec tradition? Both Hebrew and Aztec calendar dates tell that Satan is thrown out of heaven to earth in the middle of the Apocalypse 21 December 2012. Three years later after the Second Asteroid impact, Satan is again cast out but this time from earth into the abyss with chains of iron [before 17 September 2015]. Reading my 2nd book already published will answer these question more clearly documented. In my books, I use an analogy of a railroad with two rails 14 stations similar to an Aztec calendar of vertical 2x7 = 14 stone skulls that I had no idea it existed. Why does it overlay with a preexisting dual X-Y axes of our earth as my theory explains and connect like railroad station numbers analogue seeing pictures of 14 stone skulls lined up to 120 in a pile in the outdoor museum in Mexico City? So in parallel I noticed that the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1:17 is given in 3 groups of 14 generation of an Aztec counting system? If we divide them into 7 like a previous spin axis, we have a number 6x7 = 42. Added from Abraham to the flood asteroid impact 2287 BC we have 10 more generation that makes a total 52 generation, a full Aztec year cycle equal to 9 Hebrew cycles of 490 years ending with an asteroid? Why do we find Aztec cycles in the temple records Matthew copied? If we add another 2x7 = 14 generation from Abraham, we get to Enoch the 7th generation6 from Adam and Eve who did not die but was resurrected direct into heaven forecasting a resurrection, and one more 7 generation to total 63 generations coinciding with 4004 BC [3x14+2x14+7 = 63] which is divisible by 7 to become again another “9” equal generations cycles of “7” from God [Father] 4068 BC to God [Son] BC/AD (0) in Bethlehem? God visiting Adam represents the first generation in the genealogy of Jesus Christ, and God born in the flesh in Bethlehem the last, but one generation is missing to be recognized as a timing gear 64 in prophecy? 6 Enoch, the 7th generation cycle from Adam symbolically expresses the resurrection for all mankind at the end of 7,000-year age. Representatively, the 7 days creation = 7,000 years - long count. But the 7th generation of Enoch here literally equals the generation short count? We will reach about 7 billion in population at the second Apocalypse 2012. At the end of the 1,000 years of God’s kingdom in 3018, the total population could be 70 billion for the total of all people who ever lived. Check out the number meaning for the Hebrew letter, Ayin. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 285 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Since we have here the genealogy of Jesus Christ we are missing one generation to make 63+1 = 64 a prophetic gear. Genealogy always ends with “he begat” and than the child born is the next generation. But Jesus had children and begat too? The eternal invisible God now visible in human form as expressed in Jesus Christ, visiting the Garden of Eden in the fleshly Daleth dimension of our natural world, than introduces the redeemed “saints” as the last generation to make complete the clock cycle of 64, which are the resurrected sons of the God-Jesus as the next missing generation because they are not born yet. They will be born in partial First Resurrection after 17 September 2015 or thereafter according to Daniel’s 1,335 days’ prophecy and imbedded in Hebrew Alphabet Number System and is verified by an Aztec calendar to be the second witness. These are the son[s] (generation) Jesus begat overlaid with clocks gears like the Antikythera clock starts with a 64 gear and we have the same 64 gears in the Chinese and Hebrew calendar cycles. The saints [generation] represent the golden Apex of a pyramid which gives purpose to the Plan for Humanity I describe in my first book as they are markers for our time dimension; check it out on the Internet or bookstores. Jesus resurrected son(s) equals one plus 63 generations = 64 which is a familiar connecting gear of many clocks like the 7,000-year world cuckoo clock and also found in the Greek mystery Antikythera clock gear cycles and Chinese clock dials described in the chapter and Daniel’s 7,000-year cycle! Even to understand the biblical concept “saints” is expressed in the oldest Bible oracles most people on this globe have heard about. It is articulated with the shortest sentence that will include everything what was written and condensed from ten thousand words of text in the Bible. All we have to do just open any Bible and look up two verses. The very first three words in Genesis is stated! “In the beginning created God,” which starts with the letter “Beth” both for “beginning” and “create.” Then the very last two words of the Bible in Revelation are “the saints.” Put them together, and the result is: “In the beginning God created the saints,” which is the golden pyramid apex of God’s purpose for the creation. To uncover who the saints are - the 64th generation with nine (Teth) cycles Hebrew overlay - was my greatest discovery, and it took 1,000 Bible verses to explain it in my first book, Apocalypse Prophesied, God’s Plan for Humanity. The letter “Beth” means “God’s house” on our earth and ends with His people in the “Jod” dimension to live in love and righteousness forever in a newly announced future heavenearth house universe as revealed in Revelation! To sum it up what we did as we are looking on the Hebrew (7,000-year) table7 we will notice that previously God the Creator shrouded in Jesus Christ appeared on earth [BC/AD] on the 9th cycle, which connects with Adam in 4068 BC What an unimaginable architectural plan is presented in the Bible and only a few are chosen will know about it. Reading my story “you” may have been chosen out of billions of other people surrounding you, what a privilege God gave us for those who have an ear to hear and eyes like Ayin to see. 7 – Mystery of Tammuz 17. Page 286 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 The 9th Cycle - an Aztec Overlay When we count from the First Asteroid impact (5 February 2287 BC) which destroyed the First Civilization and continue toward the end of the prophesied Apocalypse 21 December 2008-2015 the end of the Second Civilization as announced by John in Revelation, I noticed nine (9) Hebrew cycle [490 years] overlays (Figure A, Chapter 3). I want to emphasis one more observation. In my published books, I developed a 7,000-Year Table of Human History with 12 Hebrew cycles imbedded in 14 stations like the Aztec also have 14 in their calendar system. Jesus birth was God’s first coming in flesh to earth located on the 9th cycle (BC/AD = 0) in a series of the 12 cycles of 490 years [7,000Year Table of Human History]. The number 9 means in Hebrew Teth = New Life. From Noah’s Flood 2288 BC to the end of the Apocalypse 2015 projected it also ends in the ninth (9th) of 490 year Hebrew cycles and Revelation the last book of the Bible clearly says that Jesus will coming again in His resurrected Jod-Spirit body our mind cannot comprehend but will appear on earth again at that time as we have recorded a second resurrection the saints? Why 9 cycles again but now coming from a very different perspective from the Aztec calendar? And why does the same Rosetta Stone ratio 7:5 apply to both the Hebrew and Aztec calendar system too with the 9th cycle system, like parallel railroads? Looking closer another point can be made when we observe the coming apocalypse has announced with fixed dates to an exact day, which gets a lot of ignorant Christians upset as they rather accept popular false doctrines postulated from a little girl 150 years ago. But overlaying 9 cycles coming from Noah-Aztec direction is not fixed exactly by a day, a little open ended forecasting a resurrection of the saints date, but still the 9th period reaching into the 1,000-year period? We must see it from a dual rail perspective as we deal with the Heh dimension [heaven/spirit] and the Daleth dimension [this world in this time] the one is infinite no time units the other is finite and has days, years and clock cycles very definable. Christians are not familiar with that system and take a rigid position “nobody knows the time’ their famous escape. But understanding the Hebrew Alphabet Number System teaches us that one-rail highlights a mystery and emphasis that nobody could foretell the coming of the Lord of lords to an exact hour which is connected with the First Resurrection of the saints starting in the Heh dimension not having clocks there, but on the other rail it is quite clear there exist clock gears which lets the cuckoo appear exactly at 12 o’clock in our time dimension–Daleth where clocks exist. Looking at both rails, we can understand a paradox. On one hand we have the sole prerogative of the King of King to announce His own hour to come to earth in a clockless-timeless dimension; however, it gives information about clock cycles for the wise in Daniel 12. The apocalypse is analogous to the pregnancy cycle prophesying the immortal birth of the saints following with the discarding of the placenta that represents Satan and evil in this world. Jesus tells us to watch the signs. He did so knowing that very few will understand God’s clock and prophetic indiCopyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 287 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries cators indicating when the Heh dimension will cross over to the Daleth dimension announcing the birth of the Kingdom of God. I refer to the Heh and Daleth dimension, which are in a paradoxical relationship that science cannot define. The coming of the Lord in cosmic splendor cannot be predicted by looking at only one rail of a two-rail system, as the other rail extends into the time dimension for another thousand years as the 9th cycle connects with the Second Resurrection gear cycle. The Second Resurrection will include all remaining human beings ever lived on earth appointed to stand before a White Throne on the Last Day of the Time Daleth Dimension, Daleth meaning in Hebrew “this world in this time” [AD 3018] following the trail of a clock system. I hope you understood the Heh-Daleth analogy. Overlaying my mathematical dating deciphering ancient mystery clocks collecting dust in museums as no one knows its purpose but now match with ancient calendars explaining a different X-Y spin-axis of the earth, therefore it is a trustworthy theory and not in conflict with any Bible verses. Many ignorant Christians are upset when they notice a date 2008-2012 announced as it conflicts with their opinions but must come to terms what the Bibles says as quoted by thousand Bible verses which reveals a “Plan of God for Humanity” never preached in church. The Aztec prophesied that their calendar would end 21 December 2012 is one more proof that God imbedded in these Aztec calendars knowledge which cannot be somebody’s imagination to convince gullible Christians of their shaky escape belief. The overlay of Hebrew Alphabet ideas based on the Bible and connecting with Aztec and Chinese culture is absolutely astounding since the country of origin are separated by a wide ocean divided by thousands of years belonging to the bronze time8 as the greatest book ever written “The Bible” confronts us all to find answers applicable to our life. Let’s review some more numbers and look into mathematical relationships to understand the invisible Heh dimension and connect it with our Daleth dimension mind for an expanded Bible vision. A 69-Week Daniel Parallel There is another parallel in Daniel’s prophecy of 69 weeks announcing the Messiah knowledgeable Christians will appreciate; the Aztec calendar too has a 69 week-day’s cycle imbedded in their calendar where the “Anointed 0ne” is cut off after the 69th week cycle Christian scholars are familiar with. Genesis says that Noah’s Apocalypse started on the 17th day of the second month. One month Gregorian calendar, we assume to be 30 days long, but could be interpreted to overlay with an Aztec monthly cycles too. One-month cycle in the Aztec calendar is 52 Gregorian days. When we add literally 17 Gregorian days to 52 days we get 69 week/day Aztec cycles which coincide with the Hebrew revelation according to Daniel. This correlation is confirmed in Bible records that an Anointed one will be cut off. In the Hebrew one rail version it applies to Jesus Christ, but 8 Check out the recent geological excavation in Germany “Die Himmelsscheibe” (Sky disk) on Page 288 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 the other rail applies to the Aztec overlay were we notice and deal with a serpent calendar and must apply it to Satan who is also an anointed one from the predawn history of the Heh dimension. Consequently, two rails again apply and give us information about the plan for humanity from a two-rail perspective. If we look at one rail only, it becomes the opinion of a monorail theologian or monorail scientist, meaning a monorail is not good balanced system to judge future events to come. To understand extraterrestrial information we must apply both rails or remain ignorant on many controversial subjects leaving it to chance, causing many false doctrines. Like in business if we understand and use future projections we are in a much better shape to become successful. Knowing about a coming Apocalypse, I would leave New York and not depend on flipping a coin 50:50 over my projection in evaluating what is my chance of survival. Or if I had a lot of money in a New York bank, I might consider that the Bible’s history and prophecy cycles might be right. Being prepared is much better rather argue about finding fault with a theory if ones life is at stake. Unconventional truth presented could be right, but an uncertain element exist since nobody lived in Noah’s time to checkout the exact calendar and must therefore depend what little was written for us from eyewitnesses of the Bible and must consequently lean on mathematical comparing gears with logic and common sense. A Chinese Correlation The beginning of the Chinese history and the Chinese zodiac of 60 cycles are based on a different counting system. But they correlate with the dates embedded in the Aztec calendar and connect with the Hebrew Genesis account and furthermore match with other ancient different calendar clocks we have found out, to have one common origin. When I came across ancient Chinese discovery as written in a Technical Journal9 I was immensely impressed. When you understand the Hebrew Alphabet Number System and now the Aztec calendar theories together with the wall pictures on the Mexican palaces from Aztec times we can only come to conclude a common origin which the Bible very clearly records for us. It is so obviously written that I am dumfounded why so many called intelligent scientist reject it. And why are they bent on throwing out a Bible used for 200 years in American schools and government and expunge it now from our schools and public consciousness. This unrealistic hatred for the Bible must have another reason not connected with science and is a sure indicator of a coming Apocalypse where an evil, rebellious godless generation now living on this earth must be discarded like a placenta is destroyed as useless and dead. 9 Technical Journal Volume 13 (no.1) 1999 E-mail: [email protected] 1-800-3503232. The Lamb of God Hidden in the Chinese Characters, by Kui Shin & Larry Hovee. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 289 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Becoming familiar with genetic science, gave me the reason why the Apocalypse must come in the next few years to save God’s original creation of our earth from total biological destruction, as Frankenstein scientists are presently laying the groundwork for a future human and animal extinction on a massive scale surpassing the destructive power of hundred atomic bombs. If God would for some reason delay his timetable even 10 years, Satan could announce that He won the conflict against God. He managed to screw up God’s creation by a colossal genetic mixing and matching genes to make most food harmful. That would lead to the future extinction of humanity with God unable to prevent it and so become inferior to Satan. Check the news, and ask yourself why the honeybees are inexplicably dying off in huge numbers. This is an early sign of the palegreen rider’s appearance mentioned in Revelation 6. That would prove God is no longer in absolute control and can degenerate into failure like His creatures and the earth He designed. It would indicate defeat. A debased humanity will therefore become a perverted Frankenstein victim of His own technologies, which is analogous to a computer taking over control of the world as some horror movies already made prepare us psychologically for Satan’s victory march. That scenario will be played out in the dates I discovered in the clock cycles of the five mystery clocks presented in this book. There are many more waiting to be deciphered. In examining the 5,000-year old Chinese calendar, which came from the same ancient source as the Aztec calendar, we can become educated in another aspect of measuring time by using star constellations. Constellations seem to be fixed and appear to move in cycles as the earth rotates and goes around the sun. They have 5 times 12 cycles, which reflect our Gregorian cycles. In the Chinese calendar, there are five versions for each of the 12 zodiac constellations. For example, I write about some of the five dragons with different characteristics in my books. The water dragon dominates 2012. Water in the Hebrew is the #40 - Mem and indicates or time dimension with purpose. So when we cross-reference it with the other rail of the Hebrew number system then all the Chinese symbolism makes a lot sense. That they align with the Hebrew prophetic time table and other clocks around the world in museums as now discovered in an Aztec spin axis calendar theory, is a coincidence I cannot just discard as inconsequential. Any serious minded individual has an opportunity to evaluate and apply it to life and check its validity. After the Chinese dragon year 2012, comes the serpent year 2013 as the Aztec calendar indicates and the Hebrew describes the event. Put together reveals a dual rail concept for the history of humanity enfolding. Spin-Axes’ Relationship to the Hebrew Rosetta Stone I noticed that the Hebrew Rosetta Stone ratio 7 + 5 = 12; (5/12) =.41666% is the same as the Aztec calendar spin axis of the 2nd pyramid in Mexico City outdoor museum approximately build (1409 BC). When I discovered a spin-axis relationship, it immediately recalled for me the Hebrew System I just learned about three years ago. This disPage 290 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 covery trail seems to reveal more and more interrelated events crosscultural without boarders, truly encompassing what all of the human race was once united. This common origin comes together in one unifying concept that seems to align history more accurately as it is portrait in our evolution theory biased society. Mysteries exposed in many TV programs seems to come together when we apply common sense, a little math and have an open mindset to learn new things. The five unfinished Aztec pyramids on top of each other in the heart of Mexico city teaches me that calendar changes were very expensive to the ancient people as they degenerated from a monotheism believe system to end up serving 20 gods, which must be served by human sacrifices to be alleged beneficial to mortals. If we connect it with the Hebrew-Chinese religion then we get a good picture of what man was like 4,000 years ago. Going any further back in time only the Bible ultimately ends with mans beginning. This story is more sensible than the pipe dream of scientist came up with like a recent questionable De Vince code lacking any scientific or biblical foundation as they are only built on speculation which cannot be proven but makes a lot of money therefore it must be right. Fulfilled prophecy on the other hand is factual as we can evaluate it throughout history. Prophecy is another science dimension our scientists are not familiar with. Mathematics can make invisible laws to be demonstrated not conforming to our five natural senses. The Bible was written by 40 people, and they mostly write about foretelling future time to warn Israel why God is angered at them and sends calamities to wake them up as they have a contract with God in violation. So historically we look back and notice that they where always 100 percent right. So the Bible becomes a much more trusted piece of literature and only spiritual dead people will never understand its basis. When we apply logic, a rare commodity in our time, we can deduct from invisible prophetic laws that the 5% of outstanding prophecy not yet been fulfilled could also be fulfilled as God remains absolute and will not let Satan rejoice and announce victory. Therefore Prophecy is as concrete as 1+4 = 5 a neat Hebrew hand rule to understand prophecy. So my theory will either be received as possible conforming to clock cycles discovered, as others will reject it because they concluded that a higher intelligence being does not exist as man-mortals are the “God” now appearing on the evolution scale. Since everything must have a beginning like a big bang, this Humanoid God evolved accidentally combining with some preexisting nuclear acid prototype, something indefinably amalgamated into life we cannot explain with the tables of nature and its laws. To accept that notion of a God as a Creator of all things outside our closed environment would require a total rewire of once self and a total rewrite of all what we teach in our universities. That is precisely what the Bible proclaims as Jesus said he is the one coming from the other side and the only door one must enter to receive eternal life with purpose knowledge not found in the world bibliotheca. Historically many libraries were burned down like a Roman general in Alexandria that lost a million of hand written ancient manuscripts and much proof what the Bible claims. I made my choice to believe what God since then Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 291 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries revealed in the collected writings of the Bible, rather believe blind man leading the blind and never regretted my choice. When did God Start Life on Earth? 4488 BC Understanding a little more about an Aztec calendar, I realized that 52,000-year long cycles published and assumed by secular science postulating actual year cycles is mistranslated by evolution scientist always looking for long ages. The newly discovered tilt axis theory makes these cycles seven times shorter, which come into range of recorded human history. Cross checking my statement from another rail perspective we have proof from science. When we take six and a half billion human population and program a computer with the growth curve humanity expanding [2.3 times mean average] abnormal war and decease cycles included we can calculate it backwards to Adam and Eve timeframe. The computer calculator stopped at about 8,000 Gregorian years. That is very close to my 7,000year table of human history, printed three years ago in my books. The Bible clock cycles come up with 6,000 years and we can now calculate it much closer having more facts brought into the equation. Evolution science on the other hand is very speculative as carbon dating no longer works since 1940s atomic bomb radiation makes that method totally useless and others isotopes are on the same line grossly inaccurate. No wonder when we start from a false database the conclusion arrived will be in error and we are stuck in a theory that does not make sense. Using facts available from a two-rail perspective, which make more sense logically we can now postulate some dates when creation of our world started. Biblical events in history connected with facts from geology that mathematically projects a date to be 4488 BC. Then clock gears mesh with beginning of humanity 4068 BC and a date of the first Apocalypse 21 December 2288 BC. Reading the Genesis account, we arrive at Noah’s asteroid event hitting the earth in 2287 BC, which is coinciding with a future soon coming second asteroid Apocalypse 17 September 2015 prophesied in ancient records. And on top is announced a third prophesied asteroid in 3018 terminating our solar system. Coming up with clock gears sequence which mesh to a day will not make me very popular in scientific and Christian circles and probably would deliver me speedily to the inquisition like Galileo experienced to recant as it upsets some monorail theologian, scientist and politician alike, entrenched in less controversial believe system mostly based on opinions. Pleading that I am a clockmaker and clock gears do project a cuckoo bird at 12 o’clock and that gears work to tell time, to no avail. The controlling priesthood of the 21st century tolerates only an atheistic religion in a public forum equally alongside countless mainstream theologians only accepting a little girls dream popularized in England story summarized in the “Left Behind” series books. Both sides are entrenched in rejecting new Biblical revelations announcing a coming apocalypse pointed out by embedded clock calendar dates from ancient times. It is difficult to accept for educated scientist believing in a frog could turn into a prince evolution theory, which must be recited many Page 292 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 times, like a beat-prayer chain repeatedly to brainwashing ones mind by repetition. It still does not work yet as American schools even now must use police power to enforce an evolution theory. It is hoped that eventually by now everyone would have forgotten that it was only a theory and will like so many cults accept what the scientific atheistic priesthood is printing in schoolbooks. Now in the middle of controversies, a new spin-axis hypothesis shows up deciphering ancient clocks raising more questions. Most people will not read my previous books because it has a date on the front cover people and are scared to hear about, announcing the Apocalypse that is too confrontational upsetting ones lifestyle. Other religious books are best sellers like Left Behind series promising a deCopyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 293 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries parture for the saints before the destructive event, which does not upset ones inner peace with the assurance that judgment was meant for the other people left behind. However writing about calendar dating information as a former scientist presenting an XYZ theory with logic based on ancient Bible prophecy and overlaying it with the Aztec calendar clock cycles may be difficult to accept for some monorail theologian or scientists believing in obsolete theories that could channel present opinions into another viewpoint. To me both religious concepts and unproven science is pure speculations if we not considered the other rail for balance to prove any unknown thesis. A new spin axis theory postulated and tells of our civilization sudden demise should therefore be examined from two perspectives, one from science and the other from the extraterrestrial–spiritual side of our being. The newly discovered spin axis theory does connect with unknown mystery calculator clocks as science have found no answers yet and relating it with Bible prophecies the other rail will stretch anybodies imagination. I hope it will not create resentments shutting down once own mind because some data is referenced from the Bible or views expressed counter a university believe system. The X-spin axis tells us that 52 days is one Aztec year cycle, which can be connected to 52,000 Aztec cycles for one cosmic cycle. To express it in our familiar calendar years we must divide it into preFlood X-spin conversion factor of 7.02384461 axis cycles that is equivalent 7,406 Gregorian years long (52,000x1.0145/7.028 = 7,50610). From the Biblical-Hebrew perspective, we must realize and the Aztec culture verifies it, that the Aztec clock looks at creation from the serpent viewpoint. The serpent is identified as Satan who was formally an anointed one who rebelled against the established order. The other anointed person in the Hebrew/Christian religion is the Messiah recognized as Jesus Christ. Both are written about in Daniel’s prophecy as “Anointed One cut off” in connection with a 69-week time cycle, which happened in AD 33 when Jesus was crucified. Daniel’s second overlay of another 69 weeks cycle also prophesies another “Anointed One” to end in AD 3018 (time x times and ½ time = 3,500 years) at the end of this world which therefore becomes Satan who will be thrown in the fiery lake after thousand years, to dissolve with all the elements which cannot exist when the Daleth dimensions ends expressed with Taw=400 like a black hole even science tells about. When visiting the Pyramid in Mexico the tourist leader pointed out on the bottom of the pyramid a huge stone head with an image of a serpent head with his explanation that once a year the sun projects a shadow of zigzag line from the top down to the stone head shining through the edges of descending steps symbolizing a serpent coming from heaven 21 December 2012 according to Aztec religion. This means that the 52,000 Aztec cycles either comes to an end in AD 2012 or in 3018 according to Daniel and Aztec calendar overlaid. Let’s find out what the mystery clocks tell? From the Hebrew perspective, I have established that the plan of God for Humanity was to be 7,000 Hebrew year clock 10 In the conversion to Gregorian years like the Hebrew calendar, we must first multiply with 365.24/360 = 1.0145). Page 294 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 cycles, which is corrected to 7,086 Gregorian years as noted in my previous book on the Internet, Mystery of Tammuz 17. The Hebrew clock must be adjusted to Gregorian calendar because of the original preFlood 360-day to our 365.24-day count by a 1.0145 correction factor. This preFlood adjustment calculates when Adam and Eve were created in the Garden of Eden 4068 BC, which previously was called the Hebrew Waw age’s cycle (meaning “connect”). The Bible states that the rebellion of Satan was before the creation of humanity and therefore we can place that date now 4488 BC. This can be simply calculated by 52,000 Aztec cycles converted into 7,506 Gregorian years subtracted from the total Hebrew Gregorian years 7,086year cycle for humanity we get 420 years difference (7,506-7,086 = 420). When we add 420 years (4068+420 = 4488 BC) to 4068 BC, we get 4488 BC the beginning of Genesis from the Aztec calendar, the oldest clock system known. After Satan’s fall from grace, Genesis records seven creation cycle days (Christians please note.) coming from the Aztec calendar cycles now converted to Gregorian calendar years. Consequently, following the creation six (6) day cycles mentioned in the Bible, which stretch over 420 Gregorian years, it now connects and ends with a 52,000 Aztec cycle system along with the Hebrew story in Genesis even ancient Chinese tell of early humanity, when God decided to create the saints after the fall of Satan. This new calculated time would explain the fall of Satan in 4488 BC and God rectifying a problem He had by creating new beings in a twophase system analogue like my butterfly story. In the first caterpillar stage, man must be tested to learn about evil to hate it, making a future rebellion impossible for those who learned the lessons and belong to God. Any mistakes made can be corrected in the Daleth dimension that is the caterpillar cycle and that evil experience adds to an immune system used after the resurrection. After the cocoon stage a butterfly emerges totally different with wings to fly unending light miles in the universe analogue a total remake, to wholly emerge as a new creation called the resurrected saints who can recognize evil as humanity was previously inoculated with a good doses of evil during his caterpillar life cycle (the new cycle called Jod), so that there will never be a future rebellion in God’s presence. The saints having experienced evil and learned the lessons from the best teacher to teach evil God assigned for that purpose, which is Satan and his demonic bunch will then prevent future rebellion and imbedded in us the horrible consequence of sin, provided you chose and have received eternal life from Jesus. In that future life meant for the saints, God will never be dishonored again. The plan called out a preparation cycle for our world to be analogue a caterpillar cycle which the Hebrew call Daleth dimension, to have it filled with billions of life forms, oceans and mountains, and I postulate it took 484 Gregorian equivalent year cycle (4488-4004 = 484) to do the job for creation and have enough time elapsed to cover the earth with vegetation and animals. When we count from the newly Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 295 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries found creation date of our earth 4488 BC to the expulsion of man from the Garden of Eden 4004 BC, it will start the school lessons for Adam’s race to learn about good and evil. The Hebrew clock calls it the Zayin Age as explained in another chapter. School time will be over for a final test as some of the saints will have to go through the Apocalypse to separate the dross from the pure gold to end with our civilization in 2015, when the saints are born in the Jod-Heh dimension as stated in Revelation the last book of the Bible. All calendar clocks indicate 2012 the fulcrum of the Apocalypse, which aligns with the Revelation stating that there is war in heaven, and Satan is ejected to earth, just like the Aztec calendar indicates an end of their serpent calendar 21 December 2012 also coming from heaven. This major discovery will take time to digest against the grain of popular religious interpretation either in Christian Biblical interpretation, and I am sure it will upset the science priesthood, which controls the universities. Nevertheless, God, who created me and you, does not need billion years to build his house (Beth) in the Daleth dimension and I suggest that you should become familiar with God’s plan for humanity reading just a simple book telling about clock cycles which must mesh exactly to one day as I wrote about it free on the Internet. The Strange Aztec 52,000 “Year” Cycle Do 52,000 Aztec cycles connect with the Hebrew calendar for humanity of 7,000 cycles? I hope you followed my math without having first read my Hebrew Alphabet Number System explained in my second book, Mystery of Tammuz 17 you can read on the Internet at Hebrew clock cycle gears must fit to a day. They cannot have even a fraction of one tooth left over or being short. The clock system does not work and should be rejected if it does not fit to one day in thousand years. There is no room for rubber dates to make someone’s pet theory fit. When we overlay clock cycles from other cultures, we expect to find transfer gears, as every clockmaker knows, to connect from one clock to another. Our kitchen clock has two pointers with a 12-hour dial; therefore, it is really two clocks connected - one for the big hand and one for the small hand. Previously we examined the Antikythera clock mechanism from Greece. It showed a 64-tooth transfer gear among the 32 gears identified. Scientists have not yet figured out its purpose of connecting one internal clock with another. Seeing the same 64-tooth gear in other cultural clock systems found elsewhere in the world gives me confidence in my hypothesis because they all function according to the same 365.24 days in a Z-axis. Therefore, when we see cycles fitting to a day over a range of many thousands of years, we can trust that they are valid. The architectural plan for humanity described in the Bible can be expressed in mathematical gear cycles that apply to all cultures. The correlations are aided by the Biblical Rosetta Stone discovered in Daniel’s prophecies. This gives us a way to decipher and crosscheck other clocks Page 296 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 for accuracy. As a young man, I learned the clock making trade in Germany that has become in so handy in understanding Hebrew clock cycles, which looked like embedded number gears. Mathematics is a wonderful tool to express a theory such as my spin-axis hypothesis outlined in Chapter 2. Understanding something about cycles let us look with a different perspective to find parallels in geology, history and science such as analyzing how the sky’s zodiac constellations looked at different times over thousands of years. Coming back from Mexico where I studied the Aztec culture, I discovered the same, familiar clock gears, which actually made a lot of sense. God is the greatest architect, and he planned something to satisfy our intellectual curiosity about how it all began. The Aztecs painted the creation story on palace walls that you can check out for yourself. You do not need a scholar to tell you what you see - just a little Bible reading in Genesis helps. So comparing clocks from around the world is no different, provided we do not violate and assume a rubber calendar, as theologians are famous for doing with the Bible. There are so many parallels from other cultures that I must insert somewhere in my text without a chronological trail. Therefore, if you do not understand what I am trying to convey in some place, then just keep reading, as understanding will come a little later when you have covered some more information on other clocks. The scientist tells me that the Aztec calendar has 52,000-year cycles. I do not know where they got that information. Checking it out on the Internet, I can only find a reference from a Spanish friar in the 1500s, but if I use it in connection with a spin-axis theory, it becomes very interesting. I hope you can follow my trail, as it will cross over into the history and beliefs of the Christian religion. If we divide the Aztec seven-spin axis into 52,000 cycles, we get 7,506 Gregorian years as measured by our modern calendar system. To express it in terms familiar to us, we must divide a pre-Flood X-spin conversion factor of 7.02384461 axis cycles to yield the equivalent 7,506 Gregorian years. (52,000x1.0145/7.028 = 7,506). The Hebrew Plan for Humanity cycle of history and prophecy is 7,000 cycles, which translates into 7,086 Gregorian Years. When we deduct those cycles from the Aztec calendar, we get a difference of 420 years (7,5067,086 = 420). If you check out the 7,000 Hebrew cycles, you will find a 4004 BC date, which is when Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. From 4004 BC, go back another 64 gear years (Remember, I just wrote to watch for 64-tooth gears from other cultures that would validate different calendars.) to arrive at 4068 BC, which could be construed as the year that Adam was formed. Now we get another date, which is further down in history by 420 years and coming from the Aztec culture clock. Added together with the fraction rounded off is 4488 BC. By applying the Hebrew Alphabet Number System, we see it with Hebrew eyes (aynayim) and notice ending calendar dates with a number 8 that tells me I got it correct. That date 4488 BC could be thought of as the beginning of our earthly history as it coincides with the rebellion of Satan. Before the birth of Adam, God removed Satan from high office Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 297 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries and immediately set his plan in motion for a new creature, humans, to replace the angelic government of the universe with the perfected human saints. You can learn about the saints and how to qualify to be one in the Bible. It is also summarized in my first book. God needs to fill the vacancies made when Satan and his demon companions were expelled from the divine government. Now we need to tie in the historical missing link as it must match the Hebrew clock cycles revealed in the Bible that came from God. Genesis reports that God created and prepared this earth with seven (7) cycles. Christian theologians concluded that God created the world in exactly seven 24-hour days, which upsets the evolutionists. The Bible does say “days” in the original Hebrew text, but the Hebrew “yom” means evening-morning or dark-light cycles. Both theologians and evolutionists expound wrong theologies built on wild speculation, one with a “gap” fairy tale as taught in many churches, and the other a humanistic fairy tale to fit an evolutionary hypothesis with huge rubber bands in a “billions of years” theory. Neither one fits historic clock cycles. God gave us the Bible. In it is buried information we can dig out if one knows where to look. We now have a starting date that must fit the 4004 BC garden expulsion date, or we must otherwise reject the clock cycle if it does not match to a day. Let’s find out how the Aztec clock cycles could fit from a clockmaker’s perspective within a Hebrew calendar. You will be the judge whether it makes sense. Do not forget to check out witnesses to collaborate truth found in other areas. From 4488 BC to 4004 BC we find 484 years difference or 4488-4004 = 484. This to me is a Taw or last Hebrew letter. Its meaning encompasses an entire time dimension I call Daleth. The Hebrew Alphabet Number System expresses with first letter of Adam-Eve=humanity formula as 1-4-40-400, beginning with God as number (1) one [Aleph] and ending with [Taw] 400 the very end of time as expressed in Revelation the last book in the Bible. Genesis reveals (7) seven creation cycles in which there are (6) six cycles where God said “evening and morning” and concluded “It was good” six times, but on the seventh day it is open ended just stating that God rested. There is no mention that it was good. So God’s rest will be disturbed, which is not so good. He already knows that the humans he creates will fall because of his 7,000-year plan during Zayin Age commencing in 4004 BC. Remember before that date, Adam and Eve lived in the Garden, and the earth’s clock was still in the Waw age of a sinless human environment. God, who is Holy, visited them every evening in the Garden. It was like an invisible greenhouse Heh (heavenly) dimension surrounded by the Daleth (material) dimension where life and death coexisted inside and outside the greenhouse. God visited them everyday for the enjoyment of Adam and Eve’s fellowship. They also eagerly look forward to when they heard God’s presence moving in the garden. During these visits, God would check out how the humans’ education about nature and the world was progressing. The Garden was surrounded with an invisible sphere of the Heh dimension on earth like we have greenhouses to separate the environPage 298 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 ment from the outside. The outside is called the Daleth dimension where rebirth and death already existed created on the third day with shrub and tree seeds dying, procreating and multiply itself at a fast pace according to universal laws of genetics. Christian theologians are confused. They mostly believe that death in all nature was the cause of Adam’s sin based on Romans 5:12 and concluded that all living organisms before the fall did not experience death and that the lion must have eaten grass and changed his diet when Adam ate the wrong fruit. This is a very convoluted false idea believed by many Christians that is not biblical or scientific. Unfortunately, not many theologians are educated to understand genetics or science. Just looking into an electronic microscope, we see a world of bacteria and viruses we cannot see with our bare eyes. Using the aid of that instrument, we can observe billions of living cells at war, killing each other a million times a minute. That is the process for fertile soil to be created and for seeds to germinate into a forest of ancient vegetation that we can still recognize in coal deposits and shoal rocks. To connect scientific death and life cycles of creation with the fall of humanity sinful behavior is dumb to say the least. The train system was built on two rails with station planed from the beginning to the end. That the passenger messed up is not the systems problem when the train experience is no longer pleasant. It has nothing to do what you see outside observing death and life cycles we as mortals are subjected too. This monorail, old-fashioned, sin-causing-death idea applied to nature from past centuries should no longer be preached in church as we have become more educated in science since then. There was death replicated everywhere in the Garden of Eden and to say that creation did not have death and man’s sin caused it is utter nonsense. If seeds do not die, no shrubs, trees, flowers can grow on earth, and the third day would be a total failure. Therefore, death existed as part of the Daleth dimension before the fall of Adam and Eve, and I hope opinionated preachers will change their outlook to reflect what the Bible really teaches, which is totally scientific if you are not brainwashed in atheistic evolutionary theory as applied to the Christian faith. Check out the new science of Intelligent Design not allowed in our schools by an atheistic “priesthood.” It could give us a better perspective to understand God’s wonderfully designed creation functioning with imbedded intelligence. Getting exposed to controversial opinions never hurts the advancement of science or improvement in theological understanding. Think of it. God’s breath gave life to Adam and Eve. It also gave life to every biological cell, like bacteria, which are complex living creatures that must eat something. Bigger fish eat smaller ones to exist. This is a total system put in place on the first day of creation to maintain it. It cannot be naturally altered or corrupted, and I believe that is what I see demonstrated in science and reflected in my theology. The Garden of Eden experience was surrounded by the Daleth dimension, meaning in the Hebrew context “in this world in this time.” During that time dimension, seeds were planted that sprouted to multiply; therefore, death coexisted with a sinless Adam and Eve. Why does the Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 299 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Bible describe a tree to give eternal life if it was not surrounded with death to be compared with the tree of death? We learn from concepts in nature we call science. Unfortunately, Eve was only interested in sex and procreation and ate from the tree of the Daleth dimension ending in death. Satan lied, “You surely will not die!” Therefore, Eve was deceived and should have been educated in science as explained by the Creator, or she should have asked her husband, Adam. He seems to have been more scientifically inclined as he already catalogued animals and plants. God used that fateful decision of Eve to start a school program for everyone to learn about good and evil. It is the only way to reach that second time around in our butterfly cycle as a member of the saints who will no longer be mislead by that evil Deceiver lurking in the dark camouflaged as a beautiful, enticing serpent. We do not know the outer limits of Waw before Adam and Eve, except the Aztec system give us a new date of 4488 BC. So let’s summarize, The Bible gives us six defined cycles and one open ended cycle to fit the 4004 BC clock gear. When I looked at 420 Gregorian years, I can easily see 7 cycles of 70 years with the exception that the last cycle is short hence open ended (7x70 = 490). So we can define 7 creation cycles counting from 4488 BC as 70 x (7 times) starting from: 1. [4488-4418] = 70 years 2. [4418-4348] = 70 years 3. [4348-4278] = 70 years 4. [4278-4208] = 70 years 5. [4208-4138] = 70 years 6. [4138-4068] = 70 years 7. [4068-4004] = 64 years, a gear of many mystery clocks We count 6 standard creation periods plus one cycle for the Lord to rest, which must be a shorter time interrupted when Adam and Eve sinned. So the seventh cycle is 6 years short (4068-70 = 3998-4004 = 6). The seventh creation day is open ended because it now continues from the missing (6) six days start the Zayin Age expanding to a 6,000-year Hebrew cycle until the Apocalypse (Chet Age) 2008-2015. One day is before the Lord as 1,000 years, so 6 days short become now 6,000 years as God cannot rest until He has all the saints gathered at the First Resurrection according to the New Testament prophecy and His plan. When Adam sinned, it took 6,000 years of clock cycles for the restitution of converting many of his descendants to saints. God’s resting period will happen after 2018 AD when the resurrected saints will enter the graduate school of 1,000 years of peace on earth under Jesus’ direct rule of many peoples in various nations. The experience gained will be applied to a future government of a new universe using redeemed, resurrected former mortals who have been reborn like a butterfly with eternal life wings. When in a future time some saints or Angels will be tempted with the evil, the immunization system will be activated. The saints, which were formally inoculated with lessons learned from the teacher of evil, Satan. Page 300 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 They will know what evil is like with all of its very unpleasant consequences. With Satan, the unholy teacher of evil, no longer useful he will be stripped completely of his demonic helpers and chained in the abyss until after graduate school is over. He will wait for final judgment day. Only after that day may God rest in the midst of His creation and no longer worry about another rebellion. That is the plan for humanity for you and me, if we are both children of God. Two years ago, my books showed a 4068 BC date as the birth date for Adam and Eve. It must be in the 6th cycle of 70 Gregorian years (41384068) because the next seventh cycle is when God rested and had fellowship with man He created but cut short. God’s rest was interrupted and disturbed when man sinned and was removed from the Garden of Eden, losing fellowship with God. A greenhouse Hebrew Heh sphere “from the other side” was returned to the Heh dimension-heaven, as man thereafter had to live and adjust to the outside-the-greenhouse environments of the Daleth dimension. Read more about the Garden of Eden in Chapter 4 of Apocalypse Prophesied. Learn all about the plan for humanity in that wonderful book written for those who never realized why we are born on this earth or where one goes after death. God has forgiven the mistakes we made in the caterpillar school, and we can be sure about that. How can I graduate to become a saint? Check out the Bible as the ultimate authority on that. Previously, I described five clocks exhibited in museums. Most have some features similar to each other. I am not a writer in theology but just a plain Christian forgiven who learned a clock making trade. As a Christian, I have been forgiven a great debt before a Holy God, which has created a desire to share and tell everybody about it. Investigating an X-Y spin-axis hypothesis and mystery clocks has been fun for me. I hope you have learned enough clues about mystery clocks and my unifying solution that explains why they are the way they are. At the same time, I hope that you learned something about the Bible plan for humanity. The Aztec calendar clock is structured similar to the Hebrew calendar clock. We can find clock cycles imbedded in the other mystery clocks, too. They connect with ideas I could not resist to highlight. These many “coincidences” give us a lot of confidence in the plan engineered by God for us to discover. I hope you would tell your friends and share your discovery. A consistent correlation of various calendars from other cultures fit to an exact day in thousand-year range like clock gears. Such precision can never be invented by any human no matter how brilliant he or she might be. The underlying logic and mathematical probabilities are outside the bounds of any university-trained mathematician. Keep riding on the two-railed train for better balance and understanding! I am only a messenger finding buried treasure, which I want to share it with my friends. I hope that you do not construe my opinions as an attack on your belief system. Rather, I invite you to reexamine your faith and adjust your thinking a bit, which perhaps could lead into receiving Eternal Life, a cosmic Noble Prize well deserved. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 301 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Mystery of 2012 Revealed Why would an Aztec calendar match with a Hebrew Cuckoo clock calendar and even have many biblical historic events in common when they are thousand miles apart and developed into a different language? Why would a 7,000-year plan for humanity explained in the previous chapters describing the historic events from the biblical Hebrew perspective align with a strange Aztec calendar cycle concept and come around full circle to tie it together. The 2012 date is the fulcrum of the Apocalypse outlined in my previous book and focuses on the removal Satan from heaven. It connects with two asteroids in which civilizations are ending on a precise date as both share a common date 21 December and reveal common calendar cycles. It is absolutely amazing that a concept imbedded in the Aztec religion would connect with many prophecies in the Bible announced by Daniel’s and John and some other prophets of the Old Testament. The Aztec religion I found out visiting Mexico deals with a serpent also expressed in a Babylonian cult half moon religion we hear about in the west recorded in the Koran. I have been told by Islamic scholars that the Koran teaches every Moslem to kill the infidels and openly identified infidels as Jews and Christians and others which will not submit to an backwards medieval religion of hate and destruction as demonstrated in 9/11 in New York. They openly say today we kill the Saturday people first and then the Sunday people next. If the pope or Billy Graham as a leader of the protestant Bible faith would make such an announcement would our liberal media or UN General Assembly take notice? To worship an Allah by bringing death even to their own family members, like little boys strapped with bombs on a suicide mission or teenagers experiencing a little freedom from oppression being knifed to death by her own father we hear on the news in France, America and Germany. Can we accept again in our 21st civilization a medieval brainwashing like I have experienced under Hitler and Stalin what we now see daily on TV mass killing across ocean borders thwarting 9/11, accelerating in religious killing of ethnic cleansing in many places around the world controlled by Islam. It does not take to be educated as a rocket scientist to identify a satanic system who was a murderer from day one that God will judge in an apocalypse prophesied. Satan the greatest imitator has been and always will be in opposition to the God of love. In Christianity, we see expressed that a God became man and died for his followers but in Islam their God demands his followers to die for Allah to be acceptable. Eternal life is not given in return as that god comes from an ancient Babylonian cult. Prophetic future events are unmistakPage 302 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 ably linked together in a cosmic cataclysm of the total removal of Satan, still having access in heaven, but will be removed with all of his evil demonic forces of destruction from the Heh universe dimension. At that time it will end wars and religious terrorism around the globe terminating our civilization with another asteroid projected by the Hebrew clock [17 September 2015]. According to Revelation of the Bible our godless civilization crystallizing in a 200,000,000 demon possessed Islamic and Russian-Chinese army meeting jointly at Armageddon, together with the UN world political system assembled to destroy Israel, will be in turn totally destroyed by a future asteroid from space. It will end the worldwide persecution of Christians and Jews and will end the conflict of the Third World War. The coming kingdom of God is like analogue a child announced with incubated pregnant cycles of 6,000 years on the dark side of creation cycles Zayin. It will than be born together with the placenta representing Satan’s religious to be discarded after the birth. A godless evil society with lies and deception will then be removed forever. Atheistic humanity and Satan’s rebellion will end and with it the Frankenstein scientists who perverted by greed driven technology embroiled in misapplying God given genetic laws to the detriment of future generation polluting nature and bringing about total extinction on a massive scale. The evil application of Genetic Modified Organisms nearly forced most original food seeds to become extinct and poison permanently the water on earth worldwide and the air and ground to raise future food within nuclear contaminations of cities destroyed in conflict. The Apocalypse is God’s answer to save his earth as God’s kingdom with justice and peace will follow and correct what Satan and the world political atheistic system corrupted and established in this last generation of our civilization. God’s plan for humanity will be finalized with a new government system announced from heaven. Our civilization will be ending in 2015 with the same destruction like in Noah’s days according to clock cycles, to be reborn in a new civilization peace cycle. Even the Aztec tells about it in their culture. The new World Order was designed for the further development of the resurrected saints for the benefit of future generation experiencing for the first time a wonderful civilization without evil and at the same time to be trained in a future cosmic government outside our globe. Dual Rail Bonbons Here are some more bonbons for the dual railroad educated individuals who love to view our world from two perspectives: History scholars date the Aztec-Mayan calendar 13 August 3114 and ends 5,125 years later on a winter solstice 21 December 2012 with an earth axis tilt of 23½˚ at Polaris (North Star) position also named the Mayan Tzolkin long count. Then we adjusted the long count to Hebrew dates which where converted to Gregorian years. Applying the new found grant Aztec cycle of a 72˚ precession into Hebrew Gregorian adjusted calendar cycles, we found the very beginning of the earth creation cycle (4488 BC), which verified the birthdates’ of Adam and Eve Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 303 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries (4068 BC) and their expulsion from the Garden date (4004 BC) coming from the Hebrew calendar overlay. Applying clock gear knowledge from other clocks a special 64 gear common to others clocks as a connecting gear between different clocks, it became a unit of measurement where God rested after he created our world with vegetation, animals and finally man. The adjusted Aztec count revealed that each creation day was 70 Hebrew Gregorian years times seven or 490 years, but the 64 gear from other clock cycles revealed that the last 70-year cycle of God resting was interrupted by man sinning, which caused the removal of the greenhouse Garden of Eden enclosure from the Heh dimension, which makes the last 70-year creation cycle 6 years short. God’s plan for humanity was now put in action and typical to Hebrew design features extended its cycles another 7,000 Hebrew years. The 7,000 years were divided into 6 periods (6 days missing after creation) plus one day that is multiplied by 1,000 according to two Bible verses stating: that to God one day is like a 1,000 years. So the now expanded 6 days becomes 6,000 years divided into 12 major 490-year cycles, which makes it now a total 13 cycles of 490 years that you will find in the second book’s 7,000Year Table of Human History. Then, you add one more creation cycle which matches 13th Aztec calendar cycle. To understand Hebrew letters converted into numbers is a separate study as outlined in the Hebrew Alphabet Number System revealed in the Rosetta Stone in Daniel’s prophecy and there you will find what a number 13 means as this chapter for reason only God knows becomes the final 13th chapter if you add the story of the Himmelsscheibe accessible on the Internet and in Apocalypse Prophesied, chapter 6, Beyond the Experience of Death, The Number 666. This would round up the plan for humanity for a total concept. At the end of 6,000 years we arrived at a date 2012 from all three cultures Chinese, Aztec, Hebrew and (7) seven mystery clocks enciphered by an X-Y axis theory. The Hebrew calendar cycles are married to the Aztec cycles. They truly complement each other as good and evil is battled out on earth, which comes together in a 7-year period known as the Apocalypse 2008-2015. This third book of a spin-axis theory of different Aztec calendar complements with facts of historic events of the Bible and brings it together into one unifying concept. This integrated concept is foreign to theologian’s and secular scientist alike as they where brainwashed with Satan’s lies and therefore come to a juncture to either accept what is presented or reject it. That will determine if they will live forever, accepting God’s free gift of salvation or end in the lake of fire to be dissolved after they have paid their debt owned. It will not change imbedded cycles as the last stretch of prophecy will be fulfilled like gears in a clock. Only clock cycles can give us the key to understand fulfilled prophecy in connection with the overall plan for humanity’s existence. Let me repeat my previous rationalization because it is so difficult to communicate foreign ideas to evolution-based mindset or dogmatic Christians brainwashed in false doctrines both invented 150 years ago. Studying Page 304 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 the Bible prophecy facts establishes that 98% have come historically to pass and therefore unexplainable using common communication laws of science can accept future projection dates of prophecy as 100% true. Applying logic forgotten in our universities, we find forty writers in the Bible across different civilization time periods prophesying future events now past and I bet that the last 2% will bring closure to God’s Plan for Humanity as written in ancient oracles and found in a newly discovered clock calendar cycles we can accept. The Dates of Satan’s Expulsion and Execution While developing the spin-axis hypothesis to explain the structure of the Aztec calendar, another camouflaged date appeared that amazed me. I discovered that Satan was fired from his Heh dimension government job in 4488 BC. Also, the cycles project his execution year to be AD 3002.7. Read about it again in 7th chapter on the Antikythera clock (page 183). It was extraordinary to discover that Daniel’s 70 Weeks Prophecy simultaneously represents two different but aligned prophetic timelines. The base-5 and base-7 timelines are analogous to the Fahrenheit and Centigrade temperature scales, which measure the same heat but match at only one point - minus 40˚. Bridging from an ancient Hebrew calendar system with a base-7 system to the Aztec calendar of 52,000 cycles with a precise match like clock gears over 7,000 years revealed a missing 6-day creation cycle at the end of the seventh day around 4004 BC. This missing cycle was inserted into the grand plan, which had been expanded for mortals because we live shorter lives. So for humans, there are 6,000 years in the Daleth dimension of time and space, which follows the “thousand years for a day scenario.” Satan from the Heh, or spiritual, dimension will one day be executed. His execution falls 6 days after his rebellion committed on the seventh day. He will be terminated at the end of the final 7th creation week/day not yet finalized from our mortal perspective; however, it can be projected through an overlay of the modern Gregorian calendar to take place on AD 3002.7, using the same mechanism built into the ancient mystery clocks. The final plan for correcting what has gone wrong at the beginning of the universe caused an ancient adjustment to correct a creation week now measured on the Gregorian-Daleth dimension calendar, which was expanded to 6,000 years for mortals. This correction came from the Waw dimension over the detour of Zayin-Chet-Teth to be completed on the next higher level Jod Age as the ultimate Sabbath when God can finally rest. Thus, God’s rest from creation is fulfilled in a two-stage system. As we can learn from the Hebrew alphabet, after 10 comes 11, 12 and 13, but it is counted ten+one, ten+two and ten+three. The method of counting tells us that what we experience in the Daleth dimension of creation, with its trees-mountains-houses-etc. of the natural world and universe is duplicated on a higher level where death no longer exists. It is the butterfly stage of my analogy concerning human life, where the saints live forever being totally different creatures like the former caterpillar now butterfly has beautiful wings. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 305 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries This tells me when God started the billion galaxies in the universe. He was interrupted by Satan’s fall and had to correct what went wrong. He modified His plan and inserted a new creation week (7 Heh dimension days), picked an earth among many and planted it with life. In it, He designed another creature with a two-stage system like a butterfly to replace Satan’s angelic government now forever corrupted. That insect story with a worm caterpillar stage and a winged butterfly stage is a perfect model to explain why God changed the design parameters and provided for the future replacement of fallen angels. His plan guarantees that there will never again be a rebellion to upset the neighborhood of the universe. I described it in Chapter 4 of Apocalypse Prophesied, my first Babushka book. The Garden of Eden experience revealed God’s new two-stage creation that is witnessed in every seed a million times. Since it is purpose-driven that new earth announced at the end of Revelation is programmed with new management identified as Saints to rule over an emerging, evil-free kingdom. Since God’s plan is purpose-driven, imagine a bit along the historic Genesis story line. What we see in nature reflects God’s plan like a mirror. Analyzing from a dual-rail perspective, the internal construction of a seed taught by physics connects it with the moon for illustration now enlarged on TV with samples of dirt collected from the surface. That planet is void of life but has all the minerals necessary to plant a garden, which could spread out with vegetation. Space scientists are already dreaming about this scenario, but the moon needs to be modified by adding water and atmosphere. That is no problem for God. In the Bible, Jesus said to the woman at the water-well that His water from the Jod dimension prevents one from ever thirsting again. Therefore, the saints in the butterfly stage can be transferred to another planet in the universe belonging to the Jod dimension. That new butterfly stage no longer dies, having no pain or tears, and able to live somewhere else – even on a formally void, naked moon like the first day of earth’s creation in Genesis. This process will be replicated again with a new earth as prophesied in Revelation. That unheard idea postulates that God’s plan for humankind could include populating millions planets existing in the universe with a billion possibilities to plant another Garden of Eden like God did with earth. Only this time He will place another saintly Adam on it with an immune system inoculated against evil to live like a king and rule over his own descendents being born emerging into a civilization of another planet in space just like Adam. Only a saint from a two-stage creation system can match the job description to be part of God’s final plan for human expansion as the kingdom of God in the universe. The intelligence imbedded in one mustard seed now germinates into the second stage. We have no idea what it will become thereafter and must trust God to surprise us greatly. God uses a picture book of natural science of telling future events like the mirror reflecting the future. As a grown mustard seed resurrected from the earth growing up to a big plant again reproduces seeds, maybe procreation continues some way on a higher level without sin. Created Jod-children could populate a space planet according to genetic kind Page 306 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 with all sharing the inoculation of evil recognition by memory intelligence genes passed from one generation to the next. As seeds pass on intelligence embedded for the next generation as we learned from the GMO babushka books about how genetics operates. But now, everything is modified to keep a watchful eye never to disappoint a Creator again. The planets in the universe could become populated with children from the many saints. God will no longer need to manufacture angels made after pre-designed models like a full set of dinnerware. A plate can break, becoming corrupted. Once broken, it is not possible to mend it, but God desires a universe populated with creatures who love, honor and respect him forever. All saints will be born with an imbedded immune system able to recognize evil and snuff it out before it reemerges unauthorized in a free will society. After reading my books never heard in church, many theologians will quote Luke 20:34, in which Jesus states that in heaven no one is given in marriage as the resurrected people are sexless like angels. But we do have in nature pictures that are exceptions like ants and honeybees. There we have one royal bee procreating 100,000 bees the whole hive community coming only from one sperm donor and one royal queen. We must therefore delineate what is royal and what is common. The people resurrected in the Second Resurrection connected with the White Throne are resurrected from the Daleth dimension and therefore common. But the saints are different. They have been born again while they lived in the Daleth dimension into a higher, Heh dimension level. Later, at Jesus’ coming, they will be resurrected from the spirit Heh dimension into the saintly stage of the Jod dimension. Jesus coming back to earth causes the First Resurrection, one notch higher to be like him from the Jod dimension hence royal not common. In nature we have a picture that the human male has million sperms equal could theoretically fertilize 100,000 eggs embedded coming from one human female. Then we can check out the story of Mary becoming pregnant from the Heh dimension seed. Since the saints are seed from Jesus like his royal genetic children connected to the eternal God becoming human in the caterpillar stage, they can pass on his divine life like a royal honeybee imbedded sperm from the Heh dimension elevated now in the Jod dimension to produce offspring the same way a Mary did 2,000 years ago. So future creatures like the saints implanted with royal eternal life seed could be born into the Jod dimension having the very nature coming from Jesus, who is God. They could populate the infinite universe duplicating royal God’s sons not through the Daleth dimension method getting married, but something like Mary experienced on a higher level. Think that through from a dual rail perspective with science, following the principle that what is found in nature teaches heavenly things. Please give me some more scripture verses which can than be elevated to a doctrine, which expands the plan for the saints to another level. I feel so sorry for monorail scientists and theologians who are missing out on great discoveries that I will not even mention as I do not want Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 307 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries to write another book. God gave the blueprint of His plan and creation to some people who became wise like Daniel mentioned now collected in 7 babushka books free on the Internet. What a blessing. There is enough material to end theological confusion to become educated of ideas belonging to the Heh and Jod dimension. More information than ever preached in church. So much that even I must reread my books over again several times to absorb it all. I enjoy them every time anew as new, buried discoveries still pop up. GMOs and Noah’s Flood When I examined traces of a vanished Atlantis civilization connected with a worldwide flood about Noah’s time in 2288 BC, it became the reason to investigate mystery clocks exhibited around the globe in museums not deciphered for a hundred years by science, which link up with an unknown X-Y tilt axis. The most ancient 4,000-year old book, the Bible, reveals that there was a reason for a flood event that can be verified by examining geological history records. Ancient records like the Aztec calendar and magnetic particles embedded in silt indicated a pendulum wobble caused by an asteroid that triggered a change in our earth spin axis. Some details of that occurrence are recorded in the Bible and ancient pyramids, temple tombs and palace wall pictures around the world. Checking it with eyes trained in science and comparing it with records in geology would fill many books. Most published books are very specialized lacking a panoramic overview of humanity’s history postulating questionable scenario ending in misleading conclusions. The reason is very plain to see as our universities are teaching unscientific evolution theory as facts, preventing even highly educated people to be deceived. Summing up various data not allowed in open forum it became apparent for me to discover the real reason of the flood most people will miss reading ancient records like the Bible. Consequently, I asked the question why God the creator would go overboard to destroy the whole preAdamic Atlantis civilization of humanity and caused 75% of what he created to become extinct. Looking for answers can only be understood what modern science failed to comprehend and must therefore look a little deeper and bypass the evolution theory club, which will get in the way to examining facts imbedded in many places. I discovered a foremost reason that will shock many of my contemporary scientists that the humanity living before the Flood 2288 BC time was scientifically more advanced as our modern world today. This statement will break the camel’s back for evolution-educated scientist. I am sure. However from the Biblical perspective and other records as evidenced embossed in buildings, painted on ancient temple walls and mystery clock not enciphered by science, I conclude to agree with ancient scripture embossed in stones and can now understand God’s intention of why he placed domestic animals on a submarine boat and caused a flood you can read about recorded in Genesis the oldest book in the world. Here we read mentioned that God said and felt sorry to have given man too much intelligence brain we scientifically have now Page 308 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 proven11 and warned humanity not to trespass the sacred laws again since the day of creation by modifying genes (GMOs) now messed with worldwide. Jesus warned of a similar time seeing mans development in the future and said that again God would intervene with another asteroid12 and punish humanity for the same reason. Scientists are totally unaware of an ancient contract they are violating because they do not read ancient records, Hebrew prophetic oracles explained in more detail in Daniel, the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ and John’s Revelation the last book of the Bible summed up in two books recently written free on the Internet. As many unexplainable prophecies have now moved to our timeframe and humanity again has gone wild in a Frankenstein gene modification program previously done in ancient times before the flood. It motivated me to write about God’s 7,000-year plan for humanity and answer the question, “Why?” I attempted to give a paramount viewpoint of the history of humanity and the final showdown again violating the covenant made with Adam that is still binding with his children of future generation. There exist a legal contract from God and violating has terrible consequences for humanity. It is so sensitive with God that it is like touching forcefully his eyeball you can read about it in the Bible and notice his reaction. Genetic science in our 21st century civilization is illegally trying very hard to deny and ignore that a contract exist and in rebellion again do the very thing the ancient Atlantis civilization was destroyed for. The Bible recorded for us that genetic pure animals were saved in a submarine boat ark build by Noah with plenty of room to store genetic unadulterated pure food seeds for survival and became a linkage connecting the First Civilization with ours with unbroken genetic clean rootstock from the beginning of creation. God by a special selective process before 2288 BC assembled genetic uncontaminated pure domestic animals and food seeds which where not hereditarily screwed up by Frankenstein scientist then living and gone out of control embedded human genes in animals from the preFlood technology. Just look around what the stones cry out with features like half human–half animal creatures in ruins of every large building walls and tombs. These images embossed in stone are not mythologies as our modern pseudo scientist want you to believe, but were realities as we ponder the thought and cannot phantom that these ancient people where as smart as our present gene technology scientist. Check out in my previous chapter describing a Chinese bronze plate calendars dated more than 4,000-year old, which definitely shows a modern binary computer language symbols engraved which cannot be denied. Ancient pictures on stonewalls embossed reveal genetically changed people like mermaids half human half fish as we too seem to be able to transfer fish genes imbedded tomatoes today not too farfetched by comparison repeating ancient science. Do not read Genesis with your colored evolution theory biased eyeglasses. Get informed of other possibilities. God declared it evil be11 We only use 5% of our brain in a lifetime. 12 This previously mentioned 52 km large asteroid is already in an 820-day orbit around the sun and projected to hit the earth. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 309 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries cause it violated a covenant He made with Adam and reminded him of a pledge to be a caretaker of this earth to honor God’s original creation to keep species separate and distinct. This blue earth is the only unique place in the universe, as none equally are found in billions of other planets plainly visible within the Milky Way. If you want to be more informed about where bioscience is heading, read the last babushka egg book, Genetic Modification Exposed!, free on the Internet. My five books are like five Babushka eggs - Bible books that describe to understand Gods Plan for Humanity as seen through the eyes of scientist journals where I get my information. To get educated, read magazine articles or information free on the Internet. It is more beneficial than to be confused with the opinions of what is taught in the universities controlled by the government. That way you have a balanced perspective like a dual railroad is better to roll along in life or like on a shaky monorail controlled by special interests. Just for this reason, God must intervene in man’s destructive activity to save what He original created. The announced Apocalypse 2008-2015 is my only hope as a former scientist and must conclude that only God can save our environment from extinction or total nuclear destruction looms on the horizon, when the oil has finally run out and became scarce as China now emerges competing with oil energy no mater the cost heading toward Armageddon. Getting back to the cause of judgment to come examining the mess scientists are creating, pointing to extinctions on a massive scale and God’s intervention, I discovered that God gave us a schedule imbedded in ancient mystery clocks described in five Babushka egg books now deciphered in this book from the Bible, a programmed prophesied appointment for this evil world system to end in 2008-2015. Knowing God and having discovered a dual railroad plan for humanity, I am assured He will keep his train on his time schedule to save our world from further evil peril perpetrated. If you come late to the station when the train has left is not the fault of the system. So my friend take heed what was written thousands of years ago as a warning for the next few years surely to come. Watch the date on the clock and New York that will start the seven-year apocalypse ending our civilization. As a scientist, I cannot accept that a frog became a prince kissed by a maiden we tell in a children story or that a monkey became man, which is contrary to what the Bible proclaims. To delineate truth from fiction lets examining facts we can check out with the laws of physics. I only see the extinction of species buried in rocks and muck and not the other way around, as imaginary cross species only exist in an evolution religion that cannot be proven. Scientists cannot delineate children stories nor find me one example to convince me, since I have never seen a cross-specie exhibited in any museum I ever visited. I only notice creative artist paintings on walls to represent outmoded opinions we never found in geology. Should a fairy tale conform to the laws of entropy, then maybe there is a possibility to raise it to the level of analogy to explain scientific principals? The First Law of Thermodynamics tells me that energy converPage 310 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 sion in nature can never be more than 100%. The Second Law defines it that energy conversions only moves down hill less than 100%. Now in the frog story becoming a handsome prince told to children is an example of science not possible. But scientist put a spin on it proving it otherwise to uneducated gullible people. Wall pictures in science museums show only artistically painted evolved animals and cannot find one lone bone in the pile of bones of extinct animals displayed in a thousand of museum drawers to prove the evolution theory. Usually the painting starts out with a one cell wormlike creature but are not educated enough to realize that a one cell worm will replicate itself with intelligence imbedded and reproduce 100% according to the First Law of Thermodynamics into another likeness of one cell biological something. Our own body cells are faithfully replicated every 7 years unless other influences make them stupid and cause aging or cancer according to the second law of thermodynamics. The next picture shows a worm with legs and some other cross specie picture imaginations to end in a monkey. Not believing that it is against physical laws violating the First Law of Thermodynamics they rather believe in fairy tale to the point of elevating a theory to a religious dogma that must be enforced with a police force in our schools for lack of being authentic. Extinction clearly conforms to the Second Law as genetic aberration disappear over time as climatic changes or intelligence information embedded became weird or gone amuck reproduces an inferior biological replica which cannot survive in nature, therefore becomes the reason for extinction. Scientist messing with GMO not convinced mix and match genes now imbedded in vegetable and fruit to prove that they can produce a superior product over 100% on the market shelf. But the Second Law is proven again as the product is now tasteless and odorless even chemicals added will not make it overcome its deficiencies. People dying from such products prove the Second Law of Thermodynamics, but this is not allowed in university evolution discussions or investigated by the government as they also believe in fairy tales rather than true science. When we see God’s finger in the sky then remember what I told you in this booklet, or read all five of these Babushka eggs of understanding. God is angered with humanity screwing up his creation diabolically poisoning the environment and destroying most original seeds with terminator genes while all along denying that God exists against the background of scientific proof. It is willful rebellion against the Creator and will make an end to man’s destructive behavior like Atlantis, the First Civilization in Noah’s days perished; except this time around He will save more of humanity for a better future as He announced that the Kingdom of God on earth is ready to come and rule the world with an iron fist. God no longer will be invisible but becomes visible in the person of Jesus Christ everybody around the globe Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 311 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries has heard His name not to get confused with other cult religions or the irrationally godless opinions taught by most universities. My last question I like to ask coming from a Christian and now science magazine educated and former successful inventor and happened to have a clock apprentice background discovering an ancient Aztec calendar. That led to accidentally finding out mystery clocks exhibited in many museums connected with a spin-axis theory never heard about. Relating these mysteries unknown to science I conclude that my Apocalypse projection date clock cycles 2008-2015 is now witnessed from science, ancient mystery clocks embedded in history plus applied archeology-geology and will therefore establishes truth as a second witness. What you do with that controversial information is your problem as I hope they will not kill the messenger Jonah II. If you live in New York, watch for something dramatic, and not good, to happen on 9 February 2009 - and, please, do not hate the messengers of bad news. Which is it? Evolved monkey science, Or Extraterrestrial Knowledge from God? You be the judge! Page 312 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 Chapter 13 The X-666 Clock and Endnotes 666 Connected with Hell-Paradise. The Sumerian accounting system mentioned on page 5 is based on a mathematical system of 60 still used in science today. Revelation 13:18 mentions the famous number 666 as the number of the prophetic “beast” and “a man.” Theologians have written many books, mostly written from a monorail perspective without the insights of the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS). The number connects with the last days of Satan, humanity’s schoolteacher of evil, as he appears in the Daleth dimension incorporated in the body of Antichrist in a lying imitation of Jesus’ resurrection over two thousand years ago. Satan’s expulsion from heaven links the human spirit to the other side in a system that demonstrates the laws of entropy beginning with the First Law of Thermodynamics and moving to the Second Law, which is always less than 100%. If you remember the analogy of a mirror where a person can only see his reflection, the material reality creating the reflection in the mirror stands in front of it, but he cannot see the spiritual reality being formed inside the mirror – only the reflection. That new spiritual reality is a resurrection body by the Creator commencing with a new creation (Jod) that will have different laws described as a new heaven and new earth (not conforming to our present laws) by Jesus and the Apostle John in the book of Revelation. Anyone not resurrected in the new Jod dimension will remain in the Daleth dimension to end consciousness like Satan, who fell twice - as expressed by the Hebrew with Taw (400). So what is the end station, and how will each person pay the debt owed? Either we have our debt cancelled by the creditor, or we must pay it ourselves. If forgiven, then we have access to the after life if we choose it. That is the system. Even the underworld is governed by rules. When you swim in the ocean of time, only one from a boat can give you a lift to be saved. If you refuse, you remain in the ocean according to the laws of cause and effect. Believing in the rules or not makes no difference. What you or I believe as the Daleth nature is firmly embedded in us. We cannot change it ourselves, but we can recognize it in the clock cycles of human history. You be the judge. God’s Wrath Against Man’s Godlessness “The only certain things about life are death and taxes.” That’s the commonly accepted wisdom of this age. Only knowledge of a very complicated reality can take away all of the doubt and confusion that entangle our lives. Find out the rules from God’s perspective and act wisely according to the wisdom of eternity while there is still time. God has a standard by which he will judge unrepentant sinners. In our modern world we have lost sight of the guidelines that should be used to determine right and wrong. We even have laws that protect evildoers. God will bless us if we follow the rules he has laid down. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 313 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (Romans 1:18-20) The educational system today teaches evolutionary theories that are proclaimed as science. These theories attempt to explain the beginning of the world and mankind while denying the Creator. The proponents of evolution willfully choose to ignore the thousands of scientific facts that are contradictory to their beliefs. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. (Romans 1:21-23) The people who promote the theory of evolution have one thing in common: they are all mortal. Many of the scientists I used to work with on hitech projects in the advanced research laboratories of major corporations are gone. They are dead and departed. Their textbooks are obsolete as are most of their inventions. As an example, God said in above verse that our scientifically educated fools exchanged a historical belief in a living God for a theory of dead apes as distant relatives. How low can you sink? Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion. Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossipers, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. (Romans 1:24-31) In my forty years of working in upper management, I had a great deal of exposure to corporate greed, corruption, lying and deceit. The attiPage 314 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 tude of political correctness that accepts gay marriage in America and elsewhere in the world will only be short lived. It will end in judgment full of eternal curses and regret for those who mouthed it. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. (Romans 1:32) Outer Darkness, Purgatory, Fegefeuer Different degrees of sinfulness must be addressed. How, for example, will God judge people who murdered innocent children? Jesus told stories that indicate the existence of an in-between state of consciousness called outer darkness. This is where wicked servants are placed until they have paid their debt in full. The Roman Catholic Church calls this place “purgatory.” The Germans call it Fegefeuer. The Greek word for this dimensionless space is Hades. It is basically a waiting room where people wait to be called to their final destination. This is the place we call hell or the “fiery furnace.” (This should not be confused with the lake of fire, which is a final destination where every substance of existence is eliminated.) But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 8:12) They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 13:42) This is how it will be at the end of the age. The angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 13:4950) [My book, The Mystery of Tammuz 17, describes those four death angels in detail explaining how they will separate the righteous from the evil people.] God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to hell, putting them into gloomy dungeons to be held for judgment. (2Peter 2:4) God created man in his image. Although tempered in a finite, earthly environment and tainted with sin, we should reflect something of his nature. He is light in the darkness. He is righteous, forgiving and merciful. As he is, so should we be also. This raises the question, “What about people like Hitler or Stalin and the other mass murders or war mongers of history? People are born with free will. Each person has the choice to become saved or to be defiant and hateful toward God. In order to be saved, man must acknowledge that he has done evil, confess his sins, and ask God for mercy. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 315 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Jesus taught that Hades has an upper side and a lower side, with a huge canyon or gulf between them that cannot be bridged. He told the story of a poor beggar named Lazarus and a rich man. (Luke 16:19-31) Both woke up and found themselves on “the other side.” One was comforted, enjoying good fellowship; the other experienced panic, fear and the recognition that he was doomed. The one in darkness was waiting for his final judgment, and he knew that the burning lake was his destiny. The Lord punishes those who are rebellious and evil, and he will not let those people inherit heaven. They will not fit there. They would not enjoy being there and would only cause trouble because of their unrepentant opposition to God. Therefore, he must send these people to hell, which is a place where condemned sinners will recognize their shortcomings in light of God’s standard. But our loving God will not torture his created beings forever. He is merciful and does not take pleasure in the sinner’s doom. The second death, therefore, is a complete cessation of life, where the soul-spirit is annihilated. Man is given two choices: 1. Mercy unto death. 2. Mercy unto life. Rewards for the Righteous The Bible speaks of five different crowns given to express special honors as rewards for righteous deeds accomplished on earth. These heavenly crowns follow the pattern of the Hebrew numbering system and the comparison to the hand (the one being over the other four). They will all be given on “the other side.” The first belongs to Jesus Christ (the thumb of the hand). He exchanged his crown of thorns for a golden one when he ascended to heaven after his death. The other four crowns (the four fingers on the hand) are given to the saints who honored Christ in “this world in this time.” 1. Crown of the King of Kings (Revelation 14:14; 19:12) 2. Crown of Righteousness (2Timothy 4:8) 3. Crown of Life (Revelation 2:10; 3:10) 4. Crown of Glory (1Peter 5:4) 5. Crown of Salvation (1Corinthians 9:25). John describes a meeting in heaven at which the saints will remove their crowns and place them before the throne, signifying that they understand they do not merit such honor. They give God praise, thanking him for his love and mercy. In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back . . . Day and night they never stop saying: Page 316 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives forever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.” (Revelation 4:6, 8-11) At the end of Apostle Paul’s journey shortly before he was executed, he wrote one last letter to his friends - the book of 2Timothy: The time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for His appearing. (2Timothy 4:6-8) For each good deed man does in God’s name he will receive a reward in Heaven that I call “mercy chips” from God. Good deeds will not save us; Jesus’ atoning blood did that. However, the souls who enter the new heaven with their rewards (their “mercy chips”) will receive recognition for the good things they have done on earth. When the saints begin their lives in heaven, they will have to come to terms with their past and the pains inflicted upon them by people who caused them harm on earth. These redeemed souls, reflecting the merciful nature of God, will forgive those who have hurt them. They will give “mercy chips” to those who are doomed being condemned to outer darkness. These acts of mercy express their desire to forgive the debts owed them by their earthly enemies. The mercy chips given to the doomed souls will be placed at the feet of the guardian angel standing at the edge of the lake of fire. That gift from the saints given to lost mortals will shorten their stay in hell. How Do Condemned Souls Pay for their Deeds? The condemned souls in hell must repent and acknowledge that they have done wrong and seek forgiveness from those they have transgressed. They must go through the process of collecting “mercy chips” from everyone they have sinned against. They will remain in hell until every debt is paid and every individual they have harmed has given them a “mercy chip.” The longer they wait to confess their sins and ask for forgiveness, the longer they will remain in hell. When they have collected “mercy chips” for all their transgressions and received forgiveness for all their misdeeds, they will go to the angel of death who stands guard at the entrance of the fiery lake. Since during their earthly lives they refused to acknowledge Christ’s death for their salvation, they have no chance to enter heaven. They can only request Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 317 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries “mercy unto death.” This will be their final opportunity to escape eternal torture, loneliness, darkness, life without purpose and total depravity. When the unbeliever finally acknowledges that he was sinful and concedes to forgive his fellow man, he will make the journey to the death angel. God’s mercy will grant him his request. He will be thrown into the lake of fire, which is the second death. Collecting mercy chips to escape hell sounds too simplistic and may not be an easy task. The mortals in Hades share the same place with evil angels. These demons and unclean spirits from before the time of Noah’s Flood are horrible creatures. Previously in history, they united with rebellious and evil people to form an invisible alliance in opposition to God‘s plan, but in the underworld they are deadly enemies. Many lost mortals will be shocked to find out that the conflict between good and evil continues unabated with no end in sight. Most people’s wishful thinking assumes that death stops everything. No one prepared them for what they must face in Hades. The demons know they will finish last in the order of God’s plan. Their existence will continue until all mortals have disappeared in judgment, so they will do anything to prevent mortals from forgiving one another and collecting mercy chips. Interrupting the process of reconciliation gives them extensions on their lives. So they will intercept every transaction to prevent any mortal from escaping out of that cursed, evil, foul smelling, and totally repulsive place. The principal of good versus evil applies even in hell because every lost mortal must demonstrate mercy to get out from his place of torment. Each created soul is under the law of nature with embedded characteristics of a divine potential. Received at birth, the spirit of mortal life connects every person with the divine breath of God similar to what was received by Adam. Every human being has been created with the imprint of the image of God. One of God’s character traits is mercy. That is a potential trait that indwells all mortals - redeemed and unredeemed alike. It is what makes us human as opposed to diabolic demons and evil spirits. As the willingness of the lost mortals comes to the point of exchanging mercy chips, this battle will intensify and continue until even Hitler and Stalin have collected all their mercy chips and the last human soul has departed to the lake of fire. This hellish battle of good and evil will take a long, long time. Jesus warned His generation many times about this place of torment where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Most people refuse to accept the pardon that Jesus Christ offers for free, but God’s grace requires that unregenerate sinner to pay all they own, including their very souls. After all the lost mortals escape from hell and are mercifully thrown into the lake of fire, all the evil angels will be cast into the lake as well until the last one, the chief of all angels - Satan, remains. He will be the last one in hell. God will ask him, “Where are your people, the multitudes who followed you, then left you willingly? Where are the angels who from prehistoric times were subservient to you? Why are you alone? This place is empty. Where is the promise of your accomplishments?” Page 318 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 You had the seal of perfection, created with wisdom and perfect beauty. Every precious stone adorned your body. I positioned you in the highest honored place, an anointed cherub who covered and you walked in the midst of fiery stones exalted above the stars -until you corrupted your heart and were filled with violence so that you sinned. I cast you to the ground, and I put you before kings that they may see your end. (Ezekiel 28:12-19) “You have slain your own people. Where are they now to comfort you? You destroyed what I created. In your hatred toward me you perverted everything that was good. Where are the results of your big plans for the universe? Can you present to me anything that will endure forever?” This final confrontation with Satan will be broadcast to every place in heaven for all to see how the mighty one has fallen and come to his end. The angel of death will grasp the devil and throw him into the fiery lake. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death. (Revelation 20:14-15) Hades (hell) will then be empty and no longer exist. The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing. The Lord is righteous in all his ways and loving toward all he has made. The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. The Lord watches over all who love him, but all the wicked He will destroy. My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever. (Psalm 145:13-21) Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 319 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries The Number 666 For generations Christians have wondered about the number 666. There have been many interpretations in the past. I will add another one for your consideration. The apostle John saw a “beast coming out of the earth,” which we identified as the Antichrist, “the man of lawlessness” who will appear during the last half of the Apocalypse: Then I saw another beast that rose out of the earth; it had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. (Revelation 13:11 NRSV) In Revelation 13:16-18 this beast is personified with the number 666 and is identified with Satan residing in an incarnated human body. This strange coexistence of a heavenly being within a human person has only one other similar correlation in history: the Lord Jesus. This passage states that the number must be calculated in order to become a reality: Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let anyone with understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a person. Its number is six hundred sixty-six. (Revelation 13:16-18 NRSV) The number 666 contains three digits, which represent three domains. The first domain is outside our world somewhere in the universe where God lives. God is surrounded by angels, which are on a higher level than man. Peter, inspired by the Holy Spirit, said they are greater in power and might than we are. (2Peter 2:11) The Antichrist of the last half of the Apocalypse will become an in-between creature - an angel-man, who operates on a separate level than either angels or humans. God did not create this deviant state of both Daleth and Heh dimensions merged as one, and He condemns it. As a matter of fact the angel-men that existed before the Flood are presently chained in the underworld waiting the final judgment day. They will all be destroyed without mercy. They cannot ever be redeemed. They are outside of God’s permissible will, being the spiritual cancers of creation. And the angels who did not keep their own position, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains in deepest darkness for the judgment of the great Day. (Jude 6 NRSV) Let me sum up the statements made in the book of Revelation regarding the Antichrist who bears this mysterious number: 1. A future world government system will come out of the earth. (“The earth” represents a specific number of people who can be numbered.) 2. A king (a human body indwelled by Satan, identified with two horns, symbolizing divine attributes), identified as the Antichrist, will govern that system. Page 320 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 3. The whole world will be astonished. Since they have never witnessed a resurrection, they will follow this leader blindly. 4. The world’s educational system will still teach that heaven does not exist, nor do angels. Consequently, it is ludicrous to believe in Satan (a mythical figure). The so-called war in Heaven, where he is supposed to be cast out, is seen as just a fable. 5. The people within this world religious and political system will blaspheme God and slander His name. The Hebrew numbering system writes the number 666 as (100 x 6) + 60 + 6. The three domains represented could be compared graphically using three circles: an outer circle, a middle one and a center. If we pull the circles apart, the three domains could be displayed as follows: The First Circle The first and biggest circle is the Aleph domain. It contains the number one hundred (100), which can be expressed as 102. The little two (2) means “squared.” Property is recorded in square feet. When you purchase property, your name is added to the deed, which identifies you as the owner of that domain. The Hebrew numbering systems identifies the number one (1) with Aleph, meaning “the eternal, infinite God.” The three digits in the number 100 indicate that it belongs to the third domain, which is the highest. This is the domain where God lives. The Hebrew numbering system identifies the number two (2) with Beth, which means “house.” The two (2) in this formula (102) expresses that God, who is infinite unapproachable light, reveals Himself in the Beth dimension: the physical universe, which is our home. The First Bridge The number six (6) between the first two circles is like a bridge connecting the two domains. The number six represents waw, which means “connect” but can also mean “manifestation of sin” or “weakness of men.” This illustrates the idea of God crossing a bridge to enter the time dimension in order to be linked with the domain of Satan. This reveals His purpose for this fallen world of sin and corruption. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 321 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries The Middle Circle The middle circle contains the number sixty (60), which means Samech, the serpent. This circle represents Satan’s domain, which is on earth where we live and die. In the Garden of Eden, Satan walked upright before the highest throne in heaven. After the fall of man his domain (the earth) became cursed, and he had to walk on his belly and eat dust. (Genesis 3:14) He is now invisible on earth, but his influence is everywhere. According to the first prophecy of the Bible, a foot (Jesus Christ) will crush his head. The Second Bridge The second number six (6) connects Satan’s domain with humanity. The Last Circle Notice that the last circle is empty. There is no number there because it is still being created. The structure of the number 666 cannot be fully calculated yet because it is missing something. Let’s find the missing link. 666 or 888? If your name is recorded in the Book of Life, you have been given a special name by God Himself. (Revelation 20:11-15) Each letter of your name has a corresponding number value attached to it. If you have a special God-given name, the empty circle at the end of the above diagram can be filled in with the numerical value for that name. Adding this number to 666 will change it to 888, a number beyond the dominion of Satan and outside the judgment of that domain. Jesus’ name in Greek is spelled IESOUS. The numerical equivalents of the letters are as follows: I = 10 E = 8 S = 200 O = 70 U = 400 S = 200 888 The number eight (8) means “a new beginning.” The number 888 represents a new beginning on three levels, a coming together of all God has planned for the world. This number means “the first resurrection saints.” Jesus said that He is the resurrection and the life. No one can come to the GodFather but by Him. Then I saw a great white throne and the one who sat on it; the earth and the heaven fled from his presence, and no place was found for them. Page 322 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Also another book was opened, the book of life. And the dead were judged according to their works, as recorded in the books. And the sea gave up the dead that were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them, and all were judged according to what they had done. Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire; and anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:11-15 NRSV) The last pages of the Bible speak of books being opened. If your name is recorded in the Book of Life, your corresponding number (888) will be the same number as Jesus’ name and a coming together of all He has planned. This special number will qualify you to enter the great blessings of the future world. You will become one with God, just as Jesus said, “I am in the Father and the Father is in me.” (John 14:10 NRSV) Since all true believers are children of God, we will be materially transformed into an eternal substance becoming unified with God, the Creator of all. Picture taken from a church window in Basel Cathedral. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 323 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Is Your Name in the Book? If your name is not recorded in the Book of Life, you will not have a new name. You will be nameless in the spiritual dimension. Your last circle remains empty. Therefore your number is 666, the beast’s number, and you will join him in the second death. Understanding the number 666 is a matter of life and death for each person on earth. The Bible proclaims with urgency that men need to respond to God and receive mercy before it is too late. No one will have an excuse. Every knee shall bow and acknowledge Him. I gladly bow now before my Creator, of my own free will and thank Him for His indescribable gift: Eternal Life! Magazine References: Incoming, (an asteroid prediction) by Gregory Mone, Popular Science, September 2003. Killer Asteroid, Its coming our way, Popular Mechanics, December 2006. “Top 100 science Stories of 2006” # 81, Geology, Tut Jewel Formed by Asteroid Impact, By Michael Abrams, Discover Magazine, 2006 Email: [email protected] Shine on you crazy Internet, Jebediah Reed, Popular Science, March 2007. The Aztec Calendar Handbook, by Randall C. Jimenez, Richard Graeber, Historic Science Publishing Saratoga, CA. 95070 Fossilized Customs –The Pagan Source of Popular Customs, Lew White,; Strawberry Island Publishers, 2303 Watterson Trail PMB 26, Louisville, KY 40299 USA. The Nelson Study Bible NKJV, 1982. Science Speaks, by Peter W. Stoner Chicago Moody Press.pp100-107 Pictures taken from 2005 Museum of the History of Science Astrolabe-Persian-18C.jpg#filehistory Magnetic North Pole Natural Resources Canada, Earth Science Sector, geological survey Canada. Chinese calendar, Greek Clock,, Chinese Bronze Clock Architectural Digest, August 2004, page 153, Picture from Page 324 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 Prague Clock Tourist pamphlet by Civilization in the West, Fifth Edition Volume B, copyright @2003 by Addison-Wesley Education Publishers Inc. Of Philistines and Sea People, by Ralphs Pacini. Technical Journal Vol. 13 #1 (1990) [Bringing into question all existing literature on the subject of the Philistines] Published by: Creation Science Foundation, E mail: [email protected] Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Meere; by Kurd v. Bulow, Die Kosmos-Biblothek, Band 239 Stuttgart, Gesellschaft der Naturfreunde, Franckh’sche Verlagshandlung, 1963. The Lamb of God Hidden in the Ancient Chinese Characters, by Kui Shin Voo & Larry Hovee. Technical Journal Volume 13 (No.1) 1990, Published by: Creation Science Foundation, E-mail: [email protected] If you are really seriously interested to learn about science, a DVD disk one hour presentation documentation by Lee Stroble, A Case for the Creator, 2006. Pyramid Prophecies, by Max Toth, The timeless message of sacred stones reveals our future, “Die Himmelsscheibe” (Sky Disk) German/English on (Prologue) Historically, we see much misuse of the Bible. Wars were fought between religions claiming the Bible. In our modern time, there are hundreds of competing churches, which is confusing. You need a yellow telephone book to get directions. No wonder that monorail theologians, who don’t consider Hebrew context or science, have started so many churches. We can only blame ourselves for that confusion: the average person has not studied the Bible. Through a series of five interrelated books, I put the facts on the table for you to review using your own common sense as led by the Holy Spirit. I call them my Babushka books because the concepts they present overlay one another similar to how those little Russian dolls go from large to small with the littler ones nested inside the bigger ones. They look alike, but the scale is different. Truth is like that, and so is the unfolding of God’s plan in history and prophecy. My books go from larger to smaller or different scope using the same principles of Bible analysis that I learned from my years as an inventor who solved problems using applied science. The first two books of my Babushka series reconstructed God’s plan for humanity through history and prophecy. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 325 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Apocalypse Prophesied Where? From Eden to New Jerusalem: God’s Plan for Humanity Book One Table of Contents: 7,000 Years of Bible History & Prophecy Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, terrorism and endless wars… What is going on in this world? What will happen next? Is there a purpose in all of this human suffering? Don’t expect a theological treatise, rapturous escapism or a lot of footnotes. • What does the Bible and science tell us about God? Why did He create humans? • Why will a loving God judge all nations with seven years of severe trials and tribulation leaving only about 10-20% alive at the end? • What is the purpose for the Apocalypse? Why does it begin in heaven? What are angels? Can angels die? • How does Noah’s Flood help to date the Apocalypse? • How might society’s greedy exploitation of nature through genetic manipulation cause the Apocalypse to start even sooner? • What makes Antichrist so different from all the previous world conquerors? Why is he so evil? What does number 666 mean? • How will Jesus’ coming 1,000 year government be structured so that true peace and justice finally becomes reality for all peoples? • What happens when people die? What will hell be like? • What will happen to Israel and the church during the Apocalypse? Why? • What will the New Jerusalem be like? What does the rainbow really signify? Page 326 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 Mystery of Tammuz 17 Who? Ancient Hebrew Keys to Dating the Apocalypse Book Two Table of Contents: The 7 Years of Great Tribulation The Bible predicts the future, but scholars widely disagree on what the Bible says! How can the average person sort out fact from fiction? Daniel 12:10 boldly states that the wise will understand prophetic chronology in the last days. Have those days already begun? • How do you know that the Apocalypse will begin on December 21, 2008? Why are you so sure? • How does 12 December 2012 link the Aztec, Chinese and Hebrew calendars? • Can God change his schedule to make it start sooner or later? • What has the jubilee (50) year gear between 1968 and 2018 got to do with the Bible’s Rosetta stone and Daniel’s 70 Weeks prophecy? • How and when is the spirit world revealed to mortals? What are Antichrist’s “Shock Troops”? Will mortal believers go through these trials? • How does the Hebrew Alphabet Number System unlock and confirm God’s ancient schedule for history and prophecy? • Why is it important to read both testaments of the Bible? • How do Jewish festivals reveal the dates of the Apocalypse? Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries - When? This book is the third Babushka book on why the ancients built so many pyramids, observatories and complex clocks. It discusses an Extra Spin Axis of our Earth and Seven Mystery clocks deciphered. These pages present support from geology, from bronze-gold clocks exhibited in museums, from pictures on ancient temple walls and from the Bible’s 7,000-year, historic-prophetic calendar system structured in the time cycles that define the gears turning the hands on the dials of the Bible’s prophecy clock. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 327 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Genetic Modification Exposed! - Why? The Fourth Babushka Mini-Egg Book Four Table of Contents: Revelation’s fourth rider [pale or green horse] is GMO technology in our food that will soon kill one third of the human population. Genetically Modified Organisms - GMOs are now face the world with a bigger threat than terrorists or nuclear bombs from the Middle East. The public is asleep to this great danger that is destroying the nutritional value of all food on earth. The result will be human extinction if God does not intervene. The fourth book of my Babushka series exposes how the threats to human survival and the environment posed by the greedy application of the scientific technology used to create Genetically Modified Organisms will force God to intervene soon in order to save humanity from its self-inflicted plagues of false spiritual teaching, war, pestilence and famine. It reveals that the Pale Green, Fourth Horseman of apocalyptic death mentioned in Revelation 6, is our modern GMO scientific technology. Our genetically polluted foods will soon cause the death of 1/3 of the world’s population. Reflections of Global Warming - Witness The Fifth Babushka Mini-Egg Book Five: God’s plan for humanity, the coming Apocalypse and a new perspective on global warming. One day survivors of the Apocalypse population will look back and wonder how the previous generation could have missed Jesus warning to watch. Modern consumers are too wrapped up in high-technology gadgets and entertaining diversions to connect the dots of what is going on in our world. While the Genetically Modified and cloned food issues capture news headlines along with repeated expert discussions on global warming, the public continues its habitual thought patterns of too busy to worry about world affairs. Despite the availability of instant news on TVs and access to unlimited knowledge on the Internet, most will not wake up to the seriousness of the hour until it is too late. I believe the reason for modern societies’ cluelessness comes from an education system that leaves its graduates totally ignorant of a human being’s inner spiritual life. How is it that thousands of colleges and uniPage 328 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Chapter 12 versities graduate millions who are so uninformed of the spirit dimension? Why has our enlightened society come to close to completely destroying our environment when ecological science is over 50 years old? Because modern civilization has been more completely blinded by greed and self indulgence than any other in the history of humanity - except perhaps the age of Atlantis, known in the Bible as the years before the Flood of Noah. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 329 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Page 330 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Appendix Ist das Geheimnis der Himmelsscheibe gelüftet? The “Himmelsscheibe” as an Early Christian “Lehrscheibe” an alternate interpretation for the bronze sky disk by Herbert R. Stollorz California, October 2004 The Internet community is a marvelous phenomenon of the 21st century civilization. It brings together humanity from across many disciples and from on every level around this globe. Even the smallest member can have voice in expressing an opinion - be it on a scientific endeavor, culture, religion or politics. On my last visit to Germany, I came across something very interesting. I would like to share this discovery with my friends. With some extra time on my hands while waiting in the airport, I read the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitug, 10th October 2004 #71.” In it I read a two page story by Ulf von Rauchhaupt about a strange bronze metal plate Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 331 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries found in Germany, Mittlelberg bei Nebra (Erfurt) called Die Himmelsscheibe. I was born nearby and, of course, the story got my immediate attention. Die Himmelsscheibe created a sensation by its discovery since it was dated by some experts to be about 3600 years old. Scholars from around Europe speculated that this disk overlaid with gold symbols represented a calendar or perhaps was used for religious ceremonies. Many have noted that the placement of the stars on the Himmelsscheibe somehow do not resemble the heavenly patterns of stars and constellations found in our night sky. This remarkable artifact is now exhibited at the Landesmuseum fuer Vorgeschichte in the Halle, Germany until 24 April 2005. Tinkering with my computer I found an Internet path which will give you a picture and the story from the professional perspective: www. Just enter, click, and pick your language. I am sure there are other web sites where you get information about it, too. The article in the paper mentions that other items were also found with the disk. Of particular note is a two-edged bronze sword. To me, the picture of this sword looked like a Roman short sword; however, this one seemed to be for ornamental or ceremonial purposes only - like a replica for a show-and-tell time. The composition of the sword’s bronze metal was the same alloy as that of the bronze metal disk. Combined with being found together, this fact indicates that the sword and the Himmelsscheibe were made from the same melt and belong together. The newspaper article mentions that some other items where found, too. I would be very interested to know what they are. I believe that the make-up of this collection will help to more accurately determine their purpose(s). My story interprets Himmelsscheibe and the sword from another angle that suggests these items belonged together for an ancient reason. Bronze Age Date Various experts of antiquity placed the date of these objects in the time of the Bronze Age at about 1600 BC, but their various interpretations for the disk struck me as being stretched to make them fit within the proposed historical context. If the scientists’ evaluation of the Himmelsscheibe’s age at approximately 3,600 years old is correct, then its manufacture would place it in Bible times about when Joseph and the Israelites sojourned in Egypt. Could the ancient Hebrew connecting with the Egyptian civilizations have provided the calendar and interpretive science expressed in the artwork? Joseph, you remember, was promoted from a slave to become the second ruler in Egypt. His forefathers Jacob, Isaac and Abraham were also the historic patriarchs of three great religions with 70 family members. Many believe that Abraham received ancient documents from before Noah’s Flood from Seth. Down through the centuries, many scholars have believed that the epochs and ages of God’s plan for humanity were written in the stars of the sky from the beginning. (Genesis 1:14) Page 332 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Appendix We know these three (Hebrew-Aztec-Chinese) calendars survived the flood. From that time they have been culturally distinct and geographically separate from each other. The Aztec calendar is still more accurate than our modern computerized calendar indicates. As we study these calendars, we must never forget to compensate for the historic change that took place after those calendars had already begun. When they were initially calculated, the earth took only 360 days to journey around the sun. However, the Bible’s account of Noah’s Flood indicates that the earth was hit with an asteroid that caused the collapse of the protective atmospheric canopy that had existed around our planet from Creation. After this impact the orbit of the earth around the sun was slowed by 5.24 days so that our present secular, solar calendar is based on a 365.24day journey around the sun. The impact of this asteroid broke up the very foundations of the oceans shifting the earth ninety degrees on its axis. This shift wrenched the crust’s tectonic plates uplifting mountains that were previously below sea level and triggering massive volcanic eruptions. The combination of these cataclysmic events resulted in a great devastation including the extinction of many life forms like the dinosaurs. It not only reworked the earth’s surface creating the present continents, but also created the necessary conditions for a sudden freezing followed by a sustained period of time commonly referred to geologically as the ice ages. These ice ages still remain over the earth’s poles, which is why tropical vegetation is found at the bottom of Antarctica’s frozen plains of thick glacial sheets. By examining this trail of the Hebrew-Aztec calendar, I could establish an interpretation for that bronze disc. I believe that the 40 holes on the periphery of the bronze disk are definitely linked to the 40 square fields of the inner circle of the Aztec calendar. This observation then follows that we must find the mystery of the strange symbols that are used by looking into the possible religious purposed represented in the calendars because measuring time and religion can not be separated in ancient times. In particular, I am suggesting the over 5,000 year-old Aztec calendar might be able to give us some clues. We do have more scientific information about the Aztec calendar than we have about the earliest Hebrew calendars, but I believe that there would be significant parallel historical observations in both that they both had their origin in a pre-Flood civilization. This ancient knowledge (in calendar form – Hebrew and/or Aztec) could have been transferred to Abraham through Melchizedek who was a king and priest of the Most High God. The story of Abraham’s meeting with Melchizedek is the earliest record of the Jewish or Hebrew religion. I believe that it directly connects with the last of eight survivors of the Flood: the Egyptian (god) Set, “the ancient Hebrew” Seth. This name is translated to mean “the one from the other side.” In this case, the name carries two levels of meaning: Set(h) was a person from the “other side” of the Flood and represented God, who is the “other side” or the “spiritual side” of reality. Priests of antiquity were always in charge of a calendar. That was their job, and Melchizedek the priest, was no different. Although I have only studied the bronze and gold Himmelsscheibe disk from the pictures in Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 333 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries the Frankfurter Newspaper, I would still like to suggest another explanation of this rare artifact and its companions. It only took me about five minute to recognize several patterns in the orientation and composition of the disks elements to find parallels with some of the central principles developed in my two published books Apocalypse Prophesied and Mystery of Tammuz 17. Both books are available for you to read and download without charge on the Internet at my web site, I have visually condensed the core principles of my books in a diagram/chart that I term the World Cuckoo Clock. My illustration of a clock face graphically represents 7000 years of human history as overlaid and interpreted from the biblical record and the Hebrew Alphabet Number System. My books focus on the next 1000 years of human history yet to come according to many prophecies in the Bible. The bronze-gold Himmelsscheibe plate bears many similarities to my graphic representation of the World Page 334 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Appendix Cuckoo Clock, and in my opinion can be clearly understood by placing it within the context of the Judeo-Christian religious tradition. The Clock marks the origin, progression and destination of our civilization as expressed in Hebrew letters. The letter “Daleth” refers to the dimension of “in this world – in this time”) and connects this material dimension with the heavenly or spiritual “Heh” (the other side) dimension. Since central teaching of the Bible on Jesus focuses on how people can transcend the material to be born in the spiritual – in other words moving from “Daleth” to “Heh,” I must conclude that a demonstrable communication of these principles should be dated after the beginnings of the early church. Since I find a great deal of allegorical similarity between the results of my biblical research and the Himmelsscheibe, these remarkable bronzes should be dated after the beginning of Christianity. Thus, I propose a much more recent date of about 200-300 AD instead of during the European Bronze Age. Overview Here are my observations as I compare Himmelsscheibe with some of what I present in my two books. I will try to be very short in my analytical presentation; therefore, without having read my books, you might not be able to fully grasp the thorough basis of my thinking as expressed here. I do guarantee that it is very different from the experts in archeology! Maybe this proposed explanation will lead to your further study. In any case it is another opinion in addition to the more academically accepted ones. I hope that it will broaden our views about these artifacts and add something to the scholarly discussion on the Nebra Sky Disk. Before I introduce you to the World Cuckoo Clock theory of my book, let us take note of the main features of the Himmelsscheibe. The central features of the disk are overlaid in gold. You notice them right away. These primary objects give us a roadmap of where we are going in our analysis. I believe that the bronze plate is really a teaching tool (Lehrscheibe) that can be reasonably compared to a clock, which is at the same time a calendar. Recognizing the damage done to some holes at the top of the disk indicates that the plate was hung up on a wall by means of a thin cord inserted in two holes and suspended from a projection much as we would hang our pictures. The bronze sheet metal is relatively thin, and the holes have stressed over time. Metal fatigue caused the disk to fracture at the edge here due to holding all of the weight of the plate. The gold disk at the very center is a sun, placed like the center of a clock face to which the two hands are fastened to tell time. Please notice that the picture photograph of the sun center has something like a north pole and the crosshair lines should be drawn from that center and not on the so-called equinox axis points. As we later will see, these crosshair lines will be the clock hands that will point out the quadrants of the disk. Each quadrant presents a grouping of various items on the clock face that explain and teach part of the chronological story. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 335 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries From the picture I count 40 holes around the periphery of the Himmelsscheibe, which reminds me of the clock hour positions on the Aztec calendar. The Hebrew meaning of numbers and letters immediately is recognized once you become educated in that system. My published books attempt to do that. Until them, please be patient with this unfamiliar treatment of ancient knowledge as expressed in the Hebrew Alphabet Number System. As you begin to become familiar with it, you will hopefully recognize on your own the applicable associations of the significant insights gained from the graphic content of this disk by applying this methodology. The gold center is the sun, and in the metaphysical Hebrew Alphabet Number System the sun translates into a number #1 representing the God of the universe. The Himmelsscheibe in the picture of the newspaper rightfully divided the bronze plate into four quadrants and so the whole of the disk’s content becomes a number #4 in the Hebrew Number System, which I will later interpret as representing four time cycles or ages. Lastly, there are forty holes on the outside periphery representing the number 40. Together, these numbers 1-4-40 in the Hebrew Alphabet Number System is spelled “Aleph-Daleth-Mem” and as a grouping, its meaning is “man” or as spelled out in German, “Mensch.” Hence, the bronze plate will tell the history of man in the time dimension. The letter Aleph (1) means the Creator God of the universe. He is the center of the universe, and all that is can be found around Him, existing for His own reasons and purposes. The next letter Daleth (4 quadrants) indicates “this world - in this time.” Thus, the Himmelsscheibe becomes the Lehrscheibe of human history on earth, a tiny little globe on the edge of the Galaxy below the Milky Way as the Aztec calendar indicates. Then lastly, the letter “Mem” (40) is a metaphysical expression meaning an infinite water expanse (Ausdehnung) like in the middle of the ocean but with an added ingredient-purpose. Mem aligns with our life struggles, pain and death while we live in this material Daleth dimension of time and space, but there is an added ingredient - the purpose for our existence. I am not an expert in antiquities, and I want to give credit to the scholar who placed cross hairs over the picture of the bronze plate for his interpretation. It was these cross hairs that gave me the ability to quickly see the Himmelsscheibe from my own perspective. They also caused me to make an almost immediate connection with the Aztec calendar as well. The Hebrew and Aztec calendars both came from before the Flood of Noah in 2288 BC1. They are over 5,000 years old and share a number of things in common. Recently, an Aztec calendar was found embossed into a stone, with a diameter of 13 feet and weighing 20 tons. It graphically showed various sections of 10, 20 and 40 periods or divisions. We will later recognize some of the periods that overlay, or parallel chronologically, with the Hebrew calendar and our calendar. All this relationships are better explained in my books on the Internet, which you can either read or download at no cost. 1 The Wall Chart of World History, by Professor Edward Hull MA, LLD, FRS, 1995. Barnes & Noble Publishing Inc., England. Page 336 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Appendix Very important. I first noticed that the disk is not positioned properly in the newspaper picture. It should be rotated so that the half-moon position is on the bottom and so the missing sun circle sickle on top. I have done so in my picture of the disk found at the beginning of this article. On the left, we have what looks like an open bowl or sickle, and on the right we see a cluster of seven stars like a wheel. When I quickly summarized Himmelsscheibe’s content, I tried to think why someone would make such an object and spend quite a bit of money on it. Gold has always been expensive, and at that time, I estimate that it could have cost a fortune for the labor plus the materials - a sum only a rich person could afford. Then it became obvious to me. The disk was meant to be a teaching tool, a traveling blackboard. In German we would call it “eine Lehrscheibe.” I tried to imagine why anyone would spend so much money for such a teaching tool. Then a thought came to me. The cost and format could only be justified during a special time period when obscurity was a necessity. Such a time presented itself to me almost immediately: the beginning of Christian era when Christians were severely persecuted by the Roman government. If someone was found in the possession of any biblical books at that time, they would have been immediately accused of being an enemy of state who spread a forbidden religion. The early Christians were seen as corrupting or subverting the Roman Empire and its culture – a crime that demanded execution. Therefore, the propagating of Christianity came with a heavy price. There might be other explanations, but this one made sense to me. From history we know that the Christian faith was spread by missionaries sent from Jerusalem to various places as mentioned in the book of Acts. They reached northern Germany, England and even to the very ends of the world – India and China. I believe that an early traveling missionary took this bronze plate along together with the other items discovered with it. He used them to graphically present the Christian faith within the context of the story of humanity. But the new truths were presented using a secret symbolism that the Roman authorities could only identify as a calendar, a sky chart of some type, or something else unknown not necessarily forbidden. However, for the Christian missionary the Himmelsscheibe was a ready-made blackboard to explain God’s plan for humankind along with other biblical Truths. It would have been hung on a tree in a forest, outside spying eyes, and used as a tool to tell a story. The general population of that time did not have many if any books. They were not educated to read, and they lived in a heathen culture without biblical insight. Such a tool in the hands of a trained teacher could be very effective. The various symbols would serve as reminders of the faith to an audience, who might make their own copies of the “plate.” In the cultural setting of its day, the Himmelsscheibe was an impressive demonstration of new knowledge. I am sure its bearer was held in high esteem by that ancient society. Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 337 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Cornerstone Interpretations of the Bronze Plate There are 40 holes drilled around the periphery. I believe they where drilled with an iron drill typical of Roman times. I recognize its pattern when a drill punches through thin sheet metal. At that time period, the 40 holes represented the 40 books of the Old Testament of the Bible. Added together with the 30 free ranging golden stars, which represent the New Testament books, we get a number 70. Two other stars are imbedded in the gold crescent or sickle at the bottom of the disk. Together with the top missing sickle, they represent the number two, which is Beth – “the house or our home world” contrasted with the universe. We need the help of the Hebrew Alphabet Number System to identify the meaning of the various numbers used in the design of the Himmelsscheibe, and I will quote from my book2: 70 = Ayin Ayin means “eyes” or “spring.” This letter, like Aleph, is silent and can only be verbalized with vowels. The number seventy (70) is an expression of “the sum total of this world.” Ancient Hebrew tradition says that the earth has seventy nations, seventy languages, seventy words of wisdom, and seventy elders to guide people. This does not refer to a literal number, but a connotation of something complete. The inner eye sees the world in its proper place. When we understand a problem, we often say “I see,” meaning our inner eye sees what is hidden. The blueprint of God’s plan for this earth can only be understood with the eyes of Ayin.2 We notice some corrections to the Bronze plate were probably made at a later time period. I noticed that some gold stars seem to be altered to rectify something from another time. I venture that it would represent the removal of some books originally considered part of the missionary’s canon that were later excluded from the Bible. It might coincide with the Christian Council of Nicaea under Emperor Constantine’s watchful eye in 325 BC. It was then that the Bible canon was finalized with only 39 books of the Old Testament (40 holes minus 1, but holes cannot disappear) and 27 New Testament books (30 stars minus 3). So, the 70 original books of the Bible now became a total of 66 books of which the 39 of the original Old Testament are shown by the 40 drilled holes (now 39) and the newly established New Testament ended up with only 27 books (gold stars). The number 66 will become 666 in just a few years, playing an important role during the Apocalypse. With that reasoning I date the bronze Himmelsscheibe to about 100-200 AD. Going back to the meaning of four quadrants, each quadrant has ten holes, which then represents 10 parts of the 90 degrees per quadrant of a 360 degree circular world clock. The number ten (10) is “Jod” in the Hebrew Alphabet Number System. It conveys the meaning of a next or higher level of historic development for mankind coinciding with Aztec version of four time periods. 2 The Mystery of Tammuz 17, © 2005 by Herbert R Stollorz, Page 338 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Appendix The Aztec calendar can also be expressed in the layout structure of the Pyramid in Mexico City, which has four stairways (again four= Daleth), one on each side, each with 100 steps going up to the top indicating the Hebrew letter “Taw” or 400 steps altogether. (Some scholars count 99 steps. It depends where you start counting). After more than 5125 years the Aztec calendar comes to an end. Aztec world history is divided into four ages, and the last one ends on that day with a fire ball of destruction. The Aztecs did not continue their calendar after that time because they believed that nothing would exist beyond that day. In addition the Aztec calendar reveals that on 21 December 2012 a serpent will descend to the earth from heaven, and from that day mortals will be able to climb into the heavens by means of a mythical ladder. The Hebrew and Christian cultural belief systems more or less tell the same story. My two books tell the story of the coming collapse of our present civilization and the one thousand year age of blessings that will follow. Incredibly, the bronze Himmelsscheibe plate tells the same story. That fascinates me. Some scholars wrote that the analyses of the overlaid gold symbols could indicate a different ages because of the dissimilar impurities present. As an inventor working in many high-tech laboratories, I had to melt many alloys of precious metal, like gold, silver, so I am familiar with metal alloys. I can well imagine that the early silver smiths of antiquity used very small crucibles or ceramic pots to melt these very expensive metals in small batches. These crucibles were used repeatedly - just like we still do it today. So, it is quite possible that different melts transferred impurities from one gold symbol to the next, which means that different ages should not be postulated based on the variations of impurities. First Quadrant Bible Story The four quadrants, like the center four blocks of the Aztec calendar represent the story of humanity from the beginning of time to its end. The golden bowl or sickle on the left side of the Bronze Wheel represents the beginning of eternity before mankind was on this planet. The open bowel explodes outward into space with seven stars toward the center of the universe occupied by the golden sun. Learning something from the Hebrew Alphabet Number System will make us understand why seven stars on the First Quadrant on the left side are exploding, while seven stars on the Third Quadrant seemed squeezed together like a wheel. My book The Mystery of Tammuz 17 will highlight the incredible meaning of this bronze metal disk. Before mankind lived on earth, the Bible reveals that millions of angelic beings revolted against the cosmic world order. This rebellion was headed by Lucifer who became Satan the Enemy of God. Embedded within the photograph of the bowl-gold curved sickle, you will notice two curved lines from end to end through its axis. These two lines define three sections – one thick, one smaller and a thin section. These three sections or slices could indicate three future eternity time periods of different duration or three executive orders from God to restore orCopyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 339 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries der. Hence, we can expect three more quadrants to explain its future history. Around the periphery of the left crescent, we count about 130 feather markings on the outside and 120 markings on the inside. The number 12 and 13 comes into play on a higher level “Jod” (10), which equals (10x12 or 10x13). “Twelve” (12) means perfect government in the Hebrew Alphabet Number System indicating the perfect nation of the universe’s former status and thirteen (13) means depravity, disorder, or rebellion3 that came about as a result of the prehistoric angelic rebellion that took place before man appeared on earth. That predawn rebellion spread throughout the universe. God’s plan to restore order to the cosmos will be told in the next quadrant. He will succeed in restoring harmony and throughout His cosmic empire; therefore, the inside of the crescent is decorated with 120 markings to reflect the future restoration of God’s perfect government. Second Quadrant Bible Story This second period refers to our present time of human history as viewed from a heavenly perspective with past and future predetermined. We will notice four (4) stars, a half moon, and again an open bowl like a dinner plate or platter, with nine (9) holes (cross hair lineleft side), starting with one hole outside the gold leaf that divides the quadrant into ten sections. The pyramid apex of this quadrant is still connected with the sun, which represents God at the center of His creation. There are two main features present, each stretching across the entire quadrant cycle. The number of stars three above and one on the side below the half moon, indicates the stage or dimension where this play will be acted out which is four stars - the “Daleth” dimension, meaning “this world in this time.” This quadrant is positioned on the dark side of this universe. In my books I use the analogy of pregnancy, where within the womb there is both a placenta and a fetus – both of which will be born. The fetus develops into the desired baby – the fruit of God’s plan of restoration. The placenta is the evil in this world that comes about because of the acts of the devil or his influence on our society. Evil is symbolized in this quadrant by a half moon to indicate a night period growing toward a full moon in a graphic depiction of the continuum of time. Thus, the half moon represents the placenta within the womb, which is connected to the developing baby. Just as the placenta is cast aside at birth, evil will be terminated when the baby is born. When the new day of God’s restored government has arrived, the moon will fade from sight. The other main feature in this quadrant is a flattish but open bowl or dinner plate located below the half moon. Again, it is connected to the periphery of the disk rather than floating in the space of the disk’s interior. This bowl is the main reason for creation, whereas the floating items are only contributing to its development. This bowl is the primary foundation of the Himmelsscheibe being connected to the rim with nine (9) holes. The other elements of the disk’s composition are secondary modifiers to give it “Gestalt.” This open bowl represents the develPage 340 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Appendix oping child soon to be manifested in its forthcoming birth at a specific time in the future. It represents humankind, our present civilization and every human being that has ever lived or will live. From our perspective in time the child is not yet fully developed. It has not been born and that is why a half moon is used. To paraphrase it again because of its great importance: these gold overlays represent all of mankind from one end of the time dimension to the other as expressed by Daleth across the whole Second Quadrant. The baby’s birth will be realized at the future resurrection of righteous human beings in the Kingdom of God. This event of cosmic significance is symbolically developed in the Third Quadrant. This hope of the resurrection or transformation represents the royal hope and climax of the Christian faith, as many Bible verses state. The placenta (moon sickle) is Satan’s domain. It is the evil combined with the good that we experience on a daily basis, and it will build to a climax of pain preceding the birth of the child during world’s darkest hour of Great Tribulation, also known as the Apocalypse. If you want to learn more about how human history and its future appear from the biblical perspective, I advise you to read my two books. It would really help you to better understand this short article on my interpretation of the bronze Himmelsscheibe disk. I am sure my books will intellectually expand anyone’s horizon. At any case, there is much more to discover than I can deal with in this limited format. To summarize the Second Quadrant, the four (4) stars representing the “Daleth” dimension in the Hebrew Alphabet Number System which also means “door” and connotes a meaning of “this world in this time.” Therefore, this quadrant reveals the human story right up to our present age. The nine (9) holes inside the lower golden leaf dinner plate represent a time dimension of how long humanity will be on this earth. The use of the number nine equates to the Hebrew letter “Teth” and means new “life” or “eternal life.” This earth was created for this purpose and will ultimately end like the progression of our seasons. After spring, summer and harvest time comes winter. The human life cycle too is repeated as the Bible teaches, but in a different dimension, on a different level we call the “other side – Heh” or heaven. This becomes the subject of the next quadrant. The Hebrew Alphabet Number System explains the Bible so beautifully especially the prophecies of the book of Revelation, the Bible’s great mystery book. The nine gold leave holes divide history and prophecy into three ages: Zayin (7) 6,000 years, Cheth (8) seven years which is the Apocalypse of seven years, and Teth (9) of 1,000 future years of total peace on earth. So the (9) nine holes (7+1+1= 9) represent a total of 7,000 years of human history for this world in this time - Daleth. Many secular professors in our universities trained in humanism will probably object to this line of exposition because our world system is intimately connected with the placenta – Satan’s domain. This is the plain teaching of the Bible. I see it here also in the symbolism of the bronze disk. Many people will rather believe Satan’s deception of sciCopyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 341 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries entific materialism, which clouds our modern academic perceptions of world history and limits how we interpret these relics from the past. If our scientific dating system is based on false premises, it can only lead to false conclusions. The false conclusions of modern materialism have caused many to reject the Bible altogether. Ancient writings are far ahead of our modern times in understanding our world in this regard spiritually. Moral choices have to be made and should be our priority before scientific knowledge is applied to our complex world. Increasingly this is not case. The motives of science and the search for knowledge are being driven by the profits of material gain. Science without a Godly spiritual dimension will end in a global Apocalypse, and this is what is prophesied to happen by the Bible. We should heed its warning before it is too late. When that time comes, perhaps our institution of higher learning will then realize that they ignored the obvious, like the iceberg in front of the Titanic. However, by then it may be too late for too many. Third Quadrant of Bible Story - Prophecy The main feature is a wheel with six stars together around a center with an axis of one star, seven stars altogether. It is located right above the crosshair line that passes where the ninth hole ends. The wheel of seven stars is circled by five (5) stars floating singly in the surrounding space or sky. These five stars represent the “Heh” (5) dimension, the “other side” or spirit dimension. During this age evil is no longer mixed with the good. Satan has been eliminated like the placenta is discarded after birth. His influence on this world is finally terminated. The Bible story continues at this point with a description of such a blessed time as never experience by humanity since Eden. We cannot imagine a time of no wars, no corrupt governments, and no more mistaken humanistic, political, atheistic institutions proclaiming false theories to deceive mankind. The seven stars represent a New World Order without Satan and his unholy angels. The disk symbolizes their previous termination on the edge of the half moon’s right side. They are no longer are needed. The six-one star clusters indicate a well-organized godly system of future human history like a wheel on its axis lasting literary thousand years. Previously humanity was immersed for about 6,000 years of evil suffering under Satan’s domain. It is like being surrounded with deadly bacteria or viruses. In this case the disease is spiritual causing eternal damnation and death for many. (Analogue the placenta connected with the fetus.) The Christian faith is based on Eternal Life. Jesus said to the religious leader of his days, “You must be born again,” and “Who so ever believes in me has everlasting life.” Those who will listen to God’s word will be saved from the Daleth dimension and receive eternal life (Heh-five stars floating) from Jesus Christ by faith in His atoning work done on the cross that enables the forgiveness of all our trespasses against a holy God. Page 342 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Appendix Incredible as it may sound, the saved believers will take something from this world with them and transfer it to the other future world. They have been immunized against evil as a result of living with and overcoming evil during their lives on earth, as presented in the Second Quadrant. We all have been intimately exposed to evil, pain, tears, sickness, corruption, wars, and untold sufferings to one degree or another. God’s servants have been persecuted and perhaps executed for their beliefs. However, when the present Zayin age ends, they will experience the resurrection in which they will receive an immortal body that can travel faster than light throughout the universe. These born children of God will carry along spiritually genetic information about evil that performs like successful immunization against disease. Thus, evil will never again break out in a future of eternity on the other side (Heh). God will not have to deal with a rebellion such as Satan and his evil rebellious angels pulled off in the dim mists of antiquity. In fact God turned the tables on them and has used these agents of evil as an inoculation serum in the human race (the Second Quadrant), but once people are inoculated, the fallen angels are no longer needed, so they are terminated. The plan of God for the universe is for the resurrected saints of the human race to rule with Jesus Christ forever. They will replace the rebellious angels and occupy the highest positions of God’s government. The immunization system embedded within the saints will than prevent future possible outbreak of another potential rebellion3. Liberated and pardoned from sin, mortals from our earth who have experienced the most dastardly evil in their lives in this Daleth dimension, will then be elevated during the Third Quadrant because their spiritual inoculation has prepared the resurrected saint to identify and immediately snuff out the beginning of any future germ of potential evil. They will become the guarantors that there will be no possibility of any emerging evil in the New World Order. Thus the seven star wheel in the Third Quadrant symbolizes the “Born again Sons of God” who will replace the formally known “Sons of God” or angels. The latter being fully disqualified by their rebellion (represented by the exploding seven stars of the First Quadrant) and can no longer be trusted in government. The Third Quadrant ends with a new heaven and new earth as recorded in Revelation 21:1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. Fourth Quadrant Bible Story Notice again the five (5) stars below the periphery holes, meaning the Heh dimension, “the other side.” I believe that there may have been a missing dinner plate of gold leaf across the top outer edge of the Fourth Quadrant. Nonetheless, it is clear that the periphery of this quadrant contained 10 holes. Ten means Jod, the symbol for “law and responsi3 Biblical Mathematics, © 1998 by Dr. Ed F. Vallowe, The Olive Press, PO Box 280008, Columbia, SC 29228 USA Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 343 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries bility1” or a “higher level of existence” in the Hebrew Alphabet Number System. Positioned below the missing golden sickle is one star and below it are 4 stars all positioned horizontally. This arrangement of stars represents a math formula of the universe: 1 + 4 = 5, or Alpha + Daleth = Heh. My book describes the significance of this formula in some detail. I call it the Bible’s Rosetta Stone to the mathematical structure of the universe. Two years ago I did not know that it existed. Although I am over 70, I am still amazed at what there is still to learn about God’s creation. I continually discover treasured pearls of understanding that fascinate me. In contrast the bottom of the bronze plate shows one hole less, being only nine (9) holes, representing Teth or “New Life.” The sun corresponds to God’s presence; He resides over all His creation. Nothing is there to share his Supreme Holiness. However, from it comes life which is all sustaining for millions of creatures, either being angels or redeemed humanity. The Bible reveals what kind of life it will be and many more factors, which will play out their assignment roles. The bronze plate as you have now been introduced, really tells your story 1-4-40. The symbolism on the plate tells the history of a person, such as you or me, as well as encompassing all of humanity. The name for man, a created being (Adam), overlays with the ancient Hebrew alphabet number system and is spelled Aleph-Daleth-Mem. According to the Hebrew Alphabet Number System, this can be numerically translated as 1-4-40. Eve’s attributes, as the feminine side of creation, expressing the capacity for fleshly procreation, can be expressed with DalethMem-Taw (4-40-400). The Hebrew concept for Adam and Eve combines the two for Aleph-Daleth-Mem-Taw, which is numerically expressed as 1-4-40-400. This numeric sentence could be translated into words as: “the first couple was created by God (1) to live in “this world in this time” (4), and to die (40); all human life is terminated at the end of this world (Taw = 400).” This mystery is explained further in my books on the Internet. The early Christians were much closer to Hebrew thinking and philosophy because the Bible was written by Hebrews, but Bibles or any other kind of book were rare in antiquity. Their cost was high, and a Bible or copies of any of its books would be obvious evidence against anyone who carried it. Early Christians suffered severe persecution at the hands of the Romans, and the bronze Himmelsscheibe was an invention of genius to propagate the gospels discreetly. Perhaps this bronze plate was the unique creation of a Gothic-Germanic metal smith who had converted to Christianity. It would have been natural for him to transform the oral teachings he heard into a metallic Lehrscheibe to help him to remember it and teach it to other. Or perhaps the Himmelsscheibe represents a strategy that was duplicated many times. If the latter is true, then we can expect to find more of them somewhere. Proposed Purpose for the Sword To teach Christianity has been dangerous to differing degrees at different times and in different cultures. It is still today for many Christians Page 344 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Appendix living in Islamic countries, for example. Such conditions inspire ingenious methods to tell the story of the Bible. We cannot imagine what early Christians faced around 200-300 AD. On fire by the Love of God to convert a hostile heathen world steeped in depravity, they risked their lives to spread the Good News – but not heedlessly. Life in the Roman Empire was cheap, not respected or protected. Living conditions were often harsh for most of the population who were slaves without legal rights. People were often treated worse than animals. Only the privileged elite could read. That the Bible survived and flourished is one of the greatest miracles of history. To teach the biblical truth to an uneducated audience, object lessons where given similar to the way we teach Sunday school children today. Teachers often use cloth boards or other visual aids to drive a point home. I believe that the decorative bronze sword served such a purpose. During his three years as a country preacher, Jesus quoted endlessly from scripture using familiar objects and circumstances to illustrate His lessons. Later Bible teachers would naturally attempt to imitate Jesus’ teaching style by referring to familiar objects as teaching tools. Since Roman soldiers walked around the streets with weapons, a sword could double as the conversion of life savings to something portable that could also be used to teach the Christian story. A new convert of some means who came under persecution might have had to leave town quickly after selling what he owned. Rather than carry a bag of coins, his savings could have been converted to a useful teaching tool that could be sold or melted down if need later demanded. Again, only the privileged elite could read. Books were extremely expensive, since they were all painstakingly written by hand. The letters of Paul and the other apostles were probably written by professional scribes. Later some copies would be made but most of the teaching was done orally where the scriptural letters were memorized and recited. Later, these gospels, letters, and treatises were collected into one book becoming the New Testament, which I believe are represented in total by the 30 stars on the bronze disk. Here are a couple of examples of some Bible verses that use Roman armor and a sword to make spiritual points: The Whole Armor of God (4) Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on that evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness. As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace. With all of these,take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 345 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (Ephesians 6:10-18, NRSV) Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And before him no creature is hidden, but all are naked and laid bare to the eyes of the one to whom we must render an account. (Hebrews 4:12-13) I hope my story created some interest to study further, to find the answer of the most important questions: Why are we here on this earth and where do we go after death? Secular humanistic society promises only death at the end of life, but the Bible promises eternal life. The story telling continues today, only the methods have changed. Instead a bronze teaching disk, we use a variety of media such as the TV, radio, the Internet and movies; however, the choice before us remains the same today as it was for those early believers suffering persecutions and martyrdom. I believe that the days of God patiently waiting in heaven to see how we will respond to His gracious love are coming to an end. The evils of our modern civilization are multiplying exponentially, and He will soon intervene before the greed of our times has so corrupted that natural environment that there is nothing left to restore in the fulfillment of His promises. The God of the Bible has promised an end to evil and evil doers – both angelic and human. He will establish His direct government over the earth to rule a thousand year age of justice, peace, love and material blessings for all nations beginning at Jerusalem with the Jewish people. This was the story of God’s plan presented on the Himmelsscheibe and presented on my web site at www. California, November 1, 2004 Page 346 Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Appendix Copyright © 2007 Faith in the Future Foundation Page 347 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Check these books out online at: 7,000 Years of God’s Plan for Humanity A mini-Bible 7 Years of the Apocalypse The First Resurrection Birth of the Saints On the Web! GMO Mysteries Exposed, The Fourth Babushka Mini-Egg, by Herbert R. Stollorz. This short book establishes the second witness of spectral lines from a genetic system perspective and answers why there must be an Apocalypse. All books may be ordered from through our web site. 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