February 2012newsletter.pub - Gethsemane Church of Christ
February 2012newsletter.pub - Gethsemane Church of Christ
Volume 7, Issue 2 February 2012 Sharing God’s Love By… Loving God, Loving Others, Serving In Love The Gethsemane Gospel Light: Jesus Loves the Little Children Bill’s Corner Martha’s Reflections Announcements Children’s Ministry Student Ministry News Additional Announcements Upcoming Sermons Vision Statement: A community… ...of compassion for the lost, the broken, and the hopeless. ...where everyone experiences the transforming love of God. ...where everyone is discovering their God-given abilities and gifts. ...where everyone is being equipped for significant ministry opportunities. ...of missionaries who are taking the transforming love of God to Mechanicsville, surrounding areas and the world through service and personal relationships. ...of individuals and families who are nourished through prayer, empowered by the Spirit and directed by the Word of God. ...where everyone is anticipating and preparing for the appearing of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus Loves the Little Children ….. At Gethsemane, we have designated February as the “Love” month. We want to share our love with children all over our community, including the unborn. We will be collecting diapers and wipes for the Pregnancy Resource Center in Richmond. Donations may be dropped off at the appropriately marked areas in the church vestibule and fellowship hall. “For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; wonderful are Your works, and my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139: 13-14 Jesus loves the little children, all thc children of the world, , red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world Bill’s Corner Brief History of Dave Lucas and the Watchmen The original Watchmen began at Gateway Christian Church in St. Albans, West Virgin , ool sch ia. Young men, still in high ing began to sing at the church dur programs and later traveled with their preacher for gospel sings, revivals, reunions and special pro in e cam men grams. Several young and out, but the originals that stayed with it were Gary Templeton and Rick Ranson. When these young men went to Kentucky Christian College in the fall of 1969, they met up with Dave Lucas. age an ting put of 15. He had dreamed for r evangelistic team togethe C many years before arriving at KC and had held 31 revivals before enrolling at KCC at the age of 17. Dave had been preaching since h The original group that started wit : Operation Evangelize was a trio Gary Templeton, Rick Ranson, Paul Williams (Paul writes for The Christian Standard), and Steve Clark on the piano. They traveled that way for many years after launching in January of 1971 at Peebles Church of Christ in Peebles, Ohio. The team was always an evangelistic team, not a stand alone music group. For a couple of years the team contracted with KCC to recruit students and in one year re4 cruited over 250 students. In 197 io they moved to Chesapeake, Oh to set up their base of operations. I am excited to announce to you a very big event that is coming to Gethsemane Church of Christ. We will be having a late winter revival, March 4-5, featuring Dave Lucas and the Watchmen. During this meeting special music will be provided by the Watchmen Quartet with preaching by Dave Lucas at both Sunday morning worships, Sunday evening at 6:30 PM, and Monday evening at 7:00 PM. For more than 20 years Dave Lucas and the Watchmen, of Operation Evangelize Ministries, crisscrossed the country leading in camps, retreats, revivals, conventions, and various meetings, for the purpose of preaching Christ. Literally thousands gave their lives to Christ, thousands recommitted their lives to Christ, and countless others committed to full-time vocational ministry as a result of this work. In high school I became a fan of Dave Lucas and the Watchmen. Any time they were within a couple of hours from my home, I would go see them. They were my heroes and a huge influence in my decision to go into ministry. I was able to fulfill a dream when I spent four years singing full-time with the Watchmen from 1988-1991. In the last four years there has been a reunion of the Watchmen with three different mixes of guys who were with the group (actually four mixes if you count a couple of guys stepping in for one song last September). Now, after more than 20 years, there will be a reunion of Dave Lucas and the Watchmen as they are teaming up once again for a revival meeting. I am so excited about this. Dave is my all-time favorite preacher. So, I’m encouraging you now to mark your calendars because you won’t want to miss it! Dave Lucas Refresh The Watchmen from Restoration Destination, November 2011. Area Wide Ladies Retreat Camp Rudolph “Under Construction” April 19-21, 2012 Souper Bowl $3,325.2 $3000 $2500 $2000 $1500 $1000 $500 S t O P h U n g E R Isn’t this exciting!? We have exceeded our goal and will be able to pack over 13,000 meals, and I Souperexpect that more donations bowl will continue to come in up to the last week before the 29th. Thank you for your generosity! Meet in the pavilion on January 29 at 6 p.m. We will pack the meals and then enjoy a soup supper. Don’t forget to bring your favorite soup to share and some cookies or brownies. Martha’s Reflections Is It Really a New Year Already? Christmas was upon me before I knew what was happening, and at this writing, we’re half way through January 2012. Can we please slow this ride down? I know what they say about the years racing by when you get older, but I refuse to believe that I’m that old! Does anybody else think that someone has sped up time? Really, though, I usually hit the ground running once January comes, but this year I’ve had a hard time getting back in the swing of my routine. Actually, I don’t think I have a routine any more, and I think it’s a good thing because there is no “down time” in ministry for our Lord. Every season brings its own new challenges and opportunities. We’ve already begun a new semester of Wednesday night classes. I think there is at least one class that will interest any adult. Whether you’ve been married one year or 50+ years, Balanced & Blessed, led by Bill Wines, will have some great information and insights on how to make your marriage even better. If you’ve decided that 2012 is going to be the year that you are going to get your parenting act together, then Kenny Dunn will be happy to help you as he leads Dr. Kevin Leman’s ValuePacked Parenting. This parenting series will be followed by another session of Dr. Leman’s instruction specifically for parents of adolescents called Running the Rapids. Maybe you can identify. Bob Russell’s excellent study on some of the major characters of Genesis is being taught by George Bayer. The more I study Genesis, the more I think that most of our questions can be answered in that one book of the Bible. Then, I am happy to be leading another women’s Bible study that features women of the Bible. So far, we have looked at the lives of Eve and Sarah, and I have gained new insights into the way that these women fit into God’s plan. Who would have thought that there was anything new to learn about these most familiar women? But since God’s Word is living and active, there is always something that we have missed or a new comprehension to be gained, depending on our season of life or circumstances. So, if you haven’t been participating in the Wednesday night classes, it’s definitely not too late to join us. I know that you will be blessed by the teaching, discussion, and the fellowship. Also, this is a wonderful time to try Sunday School if you’re not already part of one of the adult classes. New studies are just beginning, and I might be a little biased, but I think we have some of the best and most dedicated Sunday School teachers you’ll find anywhere. And what a bonus—there are classes, including nursery, for your children of any age. Last, but not least, there is always room in the Worship Choir for more singers who love praising the Lord through music and helping to enhance the Sunday worship services. Our line-up of winter and spring music is some of the best music we’ve ever had, and the choir is a fun environment. Most of you will only hear the songs that the choir presents one time, and we work really hard to make sure that we get the message across to stir your heart, make you contemplate our Lord, and just bless you. But, I’ll let you in on a little secret—the choir members are blessed far beyond all that because those songs actually become a part of us, etched on our hearts and minds. If the Lord has gifted you with a voice to sing, why not use that gift in the Worship Choir. If you have any questions, contact me, and I’ll be happy to talk with you. Well, whether time has sped up or not, 2012 is here—let’s do our best to be God’s hands and feet in our world this year. --Martha Winter Wednesday Nights Women from Bible times can teach us a lot about life. Depression, brokenness, joy, marriage, body issues, being single, hospitality. Author Gien Karssen helps make 24 women of the Bible come alive by asking, “What place did God have in her life?” Each answer will motivate you to live your life wholeheartedly for God. Women today will find at least one biblical woman to be surprisingly like themselves. Teacher: Martha Wilkerson Welcome New Member: Betty Rae Johnson 29147 Sunshine Road Ruther Glen, VA 22546 Betty Rae’s Birthday: June 9 Betty Rae placed her membership on Jan. 8 WEEKLY AVERAGES FOR DECEMBER: Average December Attendance: 8:30 a.m.: 178 11:00 a.m.: 213 Total: 391 * Christmas Day Attendance was 285 and is not included in the average attendance figures. December Average Weekly Giving: $11,200.00 December Required Weekly Giving: $11,630.00 Fiscal Year-to-Date Average Weekly Giving $10,859.00 As this new year begins, let’s continue to remember our college students who are away from home. Let’s be faithful to encourage and pray for them. Tyler Wines CCU 2700 Glenway Avenue P.O. Box 274 Cincinnati, OH 45204 Heather Colbert J. Sargeant Reynolds Richmond, VA Michael Crumpler Longwood University P.O. Box 487 Farmville, VA 23909 Lindsay Rauguth 212 W.Little Creek Rd, Apt. 9 Norfolk, VA 23505 (Lindsay attends ODU) Mary (Rachel)Grimesey P.O. Box 2633 George Mason University 4450 Rivanna River Way Fairfax, VA 22030 Ron & Jeri Furr’s Florida Address 19333 Summerlin Road Lot 172 Siesta Bay Fort Myers, Florida 33908 If you would like to send a card to Dan Griffin his address is: HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Virginia 5700 Fitzhugh Ave. Richmond, VA 23226 Home Address: 2550 Mountain Rd. Glen Allen, VA 23060 New Address for Matt Barfels: Matthew A. Barfels 7 Sturgis Street Ft. Bragg, NC 28307 Ph.# (617) 306-9901 Email: [email protected] We would like to thank the wonderful Christian friends at Gethsemane for the prayers, cards, phone calls, visits and food. This is rather belated but it has been drawn out since September 1’s back surgery, broken ankle and knee replacement. God has been so good through you. Love, Stanley and Clara Dear Gethsemane family, Thank you so much for your powerful prayers, cards with such heartfelt sentiments, beautiful flowers and meals. It meant so much to have our church family to lean on during the long days after my mom’s passing. The blessings of love that we received from all of you were so abundant, they spilled over on to my dad and the rest of my family. God Bless. Love, Mike & Laurie Bowes Dear Church Family, We want to thank you so much for the flowers given in memory of Rumley C. (Buddy) Martin. They were lovely and meant so very much to us all. Donald & Teressa Pearson & Family To Our Christian Family at Gethsemane, Thank you all for the prayers, cards, calls, and visits during Mama’s recent illness and death. The flowers sent to the funeral were also appreciated and beautiful. We will miss her at church and at home. Sincerely, Gary, Jerry Martin, Landra Lynn & Families Dear Church Family, Thank you to everyone for the birthday cards and well wishes on my birthday. Sincerely, Daniel Talley The ZONE Children’s Ministry NEWS “Beloved, let us love one another…. 1 John 4:7-8 WINTER WEDNESDAY J.A.M. Children’s Programs on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm Fun games, surprises and service projects! 4th & 5th Graders! Ground Zero Preteen Convention It’s almost here! March 23rd & 24th $35 per person (early registration) (register by Feb. 6th!) It’s 24 hours of fun with AWESOME worship CONCERTS with Kids Rock Band, Crazy-Funny Main Speakers, Pizza! Cool Minute–To–Win-It GAMES! Bring your friends! They will love it too! See Lori to register and for more info., go to SMOV.net Elementary and Preschool Sunday worship series. Kids will see how they can worship God every day in their own lives! Children’s Eas ter Event Saturday, Marc h 31st 10:00am—Noo n Preschool through 5th grade Vacation Bible School June 24-28th 6:30pm-8:30pm Student Ministry News Oxygen is a worship service for Grades 6th thru 12th….come join us for music led by our own student band, Bible teaching, communion, games, prizes, skits and fellowship. Our Schedule (Sunday nights from 6:30 to 8:00 pm) is subject to change….here are some dates to remember.. Sunday, 1/29...Students will join in on the Souper Bowl in the Pavil- ion, packing meals for Stop Hunger Now. Sunday, 2/5….Students will enjoy a special Super Bowl party in the Pavilion. If you want to play flag football, join us @ 6 pm...or just come for the party @ 6:30 to half time. Sunday, 3/4….Students will attend Gethsemane’s revival to hear an exciting message from Dave Lucas (no relation to George:)) Sunday, 4/8….Easter Sunday, NO OXYGEN Student Christmas Party 2011 KICK KICK--OFF @ 6:30 —LEAVE @ HALFTIME Announcements Free Firewood If interested, please call Rita Sams at 966-5739 for more Information. NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDIES BEGINNING Bereans Class—studying the New Testament book of Acts—find out all about the beginnings of the first church. (Class located in Rm. L7, Lower Level of the Auditorium) Faithbuilders Class—study based on the book, Heaven Is for Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back (Class located in the Choir Cottage) Find Us Faithful Class—Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti: Understanding and Delighting in Your Differences (Class located in the Pavilion) Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction To Benefit Oak Hill Christian Service Camp Saturday, February 4 5 Gethsemane Church of Christ 5146 Mechanicsville Turnpike Mechanicsville, VA Dinner served from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Silent Auction closes at 7:30 p.m. Tickets $8 for adults (age 12+) $4 for children ages 5 to 11 (under age 5 free) See your camp director or contact Michelle Mende by e-mail ([email protected]) or phone (804-569-3991) for tickets If you have items that you would like to donate for the silent auction, please call Angie Gordon at (540) 872-1202 or e-mail her at [email protected] STAFF: Upcoming Sermons Senior Minister: Bill Wines February 5 “A Community of Anticipation” Children's Director: Lori Dunn February 12 “ What’s Love Got To Do With It?” February 19 “ Loving God and Loving Others” February 26 “ Serving In Love” Director of Education & Choir Director: Martha Wilkerson Secretary: Darlene Ferguson Office & Church Phone 804-779-2044 Sunday Worships 8:30 & 11:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM www.gethsemanechristians.org Gethsemane Church of Christ 5146 Mechanicsville Turnpike Mechanicsville, VA 23111 Address Correction Requested Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 5 Mechanicsville, VA