WAIM 2015 newsletter - Windham Area Interfaith Ministry
WAIM 2015 newsletter - Windham Area Interfaith Ministry
S U M M E R / FA L L 2 0 1 5 Windham Area Interfaith Ministry WAIMnews Getting Docked By Bob Weiss Among the dozens of cars and trucks that deliver donations at WAIM is a truck that once a week delivers bags of clothes while also picking up other parcels of unusable clothes. One day Randy Rydzowski, the dock supervisor, arrived to find a sight that left him in disbelief. Workers were taking bags off the truck and pushing bags down a chute off of the dock. Meanwhile, a dock volunteer, thinking he was picking up the unneeded bags of clothes, was carting them to the truck. But he was mistaken. Instead, he was moving the same bags the truck workers had just pushed through the chute. Randy’s amazement evaporated. “I was laughing so hard I couldn’t stop,” he said. “They were just missing each other, and not realizing what the other was doing.” With 40 tons of furniture and other donations arriving each year, the dock can be very busy. Those figures do not even count the clothing, which averages 80 to 100 bags each day. As the dock supervisor for three years and a volunteer since 2008, Randy has seen a little bit of everything including a lamp that was made with parts from an old still. Other exotics can range an art deco kitchen set, a television in a 1960s lowflung cabinet, or a disco lamp with multiple, colored flashing lights. “Its things from another era that you may have grown up with but forgotten,” said Randy. While WAIM is grateful for donations, there are times when Randy has to decline a gift. Baby equipment from cribs, car seats and booster seats have to meet the latest standards. Other donations, such as old paint, oil and other hazardous materials, should be obvious but they still sometimes show up at the dock. And sometimes a couch or old chair arrives that is broken, or is marred by pet hair or stains. Randy tries to be diplomatic but firm. “Our position is that if we would not take it to our home, then the client is not going to take it,” he said. Dock Manager, Rancy Rydzowski (center) with volunteers Leo (left) & Orest But anything in good condition is welcome, especially beds, air conditioners and smaller items. “If you see all of the stuff on the dock you wonder where is all of this going,” said Randy. “It’s amazing because as much as comes in, as much goes out again.” Randy also asks that donors use the chute for small items and only drop off larger items when the dock is open from 9 to 12 Tuesday through Saturday. Otherwise people will sift through the material, especially on weekends, leaving debris and litter that needs to be cleaned up. Randy may be the supervisor but he says the heart of the dock operation is everyone that assists, especially the half dozen reg- ulars. “They are the backbone of the dock, they are like family,” he said. “We are a team.” Randy, who lives in Willimantic and plays in a four-person rock and roll band, says he feels blessed by what he does at WAIM. Clients come in with virtually nothing and leave with dignity and the start of a better life, thanks to the donations that flow in from the dock. “What better job can you have where you are seeing what a difference this can make in a person’s life,” he said. “I did not expect to find myself doing this, but God has got me in the right place.” WAIM executive director Victoria Nimirowski agrees. “We are so lucky to have him and all of the volunteers on the dock,” she said. PAGE 2 No Freeze Project Joins STEEPLECHASE A Harvest of Hope A Cafemantic-Catered Wine Tasting Event to benefit WAIM Sample select wines and perfectly prepared appetizers showcasing local fare and what the NY Times described as “Jonathan Hudak’s inventive and delicious cooking.” Cafemantic owner, Andrew Gutt, and award-winning Chef Hudak guarantee you a very special evening as we... Harvest Hope in Our Community Saturday,September 26th, 2015 Steeple Chase Bike Tour organizers, Perception Programs and the Windham Area Interfaith Ministry (WAIM) announce our new partner, The Windham Region No Freeze Project, for the August 15 event. Additionally, for the first time, the Steeple Chase will offer a 5 mile walking route. Route master, Ron Manizza, has selected a quiet 5 mile section in Mansfield for walkers to enjoy in response to requests organizers have received over the years. These changes are the latest enhancements to what is already one of the most scenic and well organized tours in Connecticut. Steeple Chase gets its name from the fact that each rest stop is either located at a church, or staffed by a local congregation. Volunteers at the stops offer tasty homemade treats to fuel riders for the 20, 35, 50, 62.5 (Metric Century), or 100 mile routes that wind around rivers, woods, pastures, and farmland in beautiful Northeastern Connecticut. Steeple Chase is a fundraiser for Perception Programs, WAIM and the No Freeze Project. The entire event is organized by staff and volunteers from the three agencies, so approximately 90% of funds raised go directly to the organizations. Rain or shine, Steeple Chase begins and ends at the ECSU Athletic Complex, 69 Mansfield City Rd., Mansfield, CT on August 15th. Pre-registration is $25 for individual riders and $75 for Tickets on sale in mid-August: www.waimct.org families or groups (day of registration $30 and $85) and riders are asked to raise additional sponsorships. Preregister at www.perceptionprograms.org, active.com, bikSAVE ereg.com or by calling Ruth Gordon at 860 450-7122. HE @ 750 Main Walk for Warmth News T DATES St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in downtown Willimantic, will be the host of this year’s Walk for Warmth on November 22. The church, which has just reopened it’s doors after two years of repair and restoration due to a May, 2013 fire, has hosted the interfaith service and walk in the past, but we anticipate a greater crowd this year as many will come to see the changes that have been made to the church. We at WAIM believe it is very important to educate young people about the challenges facing low-income people in our community, and what can be done to assist them. One of the ways we can accomplish this is through the Walk for Warmth. This year, we are forming a Youth Advisory Committee, made up of young people from area schools and churches, to help us organize the Walk and to provide us with ideas about how we can engage young people. If you know any youth who would like to get involved in planning this year’s Walk for Warmth, please have them call Victoria at 860 456-7270 ext. 11 or email her at [email protected]. THIS YEAR’S WALK FOR WARMTH IS NOVEMBER 22nd! The annual Storrs Congregational Church Carillon Festival will donate proceeds from their Thursday, August 6th concert to WAIM’s Back to School Program. Guest carillonneur Gerald Martindale is Carillonneur of Metropolitan United Church in Toronto. The opening act will be singer-songwriter Tony Memmel. Based in Nashville, Tennessee, he has made several appearances to enthusiastic audiences in Eastern Connecticut over the past year. The outdoor concerts in are free of charge, but goodwill contributions will go to support the Back to School fund. The concert begins at 6 pm and will be held rain or shine at 2 North Eagleville Road in Storrs. In the event of rain they will take place indoors. For more information, please call 860 429-9382. St. Mary’s Church, 46 Valley Street in Willimantic has reopened it's doors after two years of repairs and restoration due to the fire in May 2013. They invite and encourage all to join us in their wonderful, glorious place of worship. Weekend Masses are Saturday at 4:30pm & Sunday at 10:30am, and all are welcome! PAGE 3 Who does WAIM serve? People who struggle because they are… Unemployed or Underemployed Newcomers to the area Making a fresh start from a shelter, prison or rehabilitation program Victims of illness or disabilities WAIM’s free services include: Clothing – clean items, in season and in good condition. Household Goods and Furniture – kitchen items, linens, small and large appliances and furniture. Utility Assistance – low income families ineligible for other programs receive energy assistance. Transportation Assistance – funds are available to eligible individuals for car repair, insurance, license and registration fees, and gasoline for transportation to/from work or other essential appointments. Community Garden – participants grow their own vegetables, herbs and flowers. Back to School – children from eligible families receive new outfits. Unmet Needs Fund – emergency help when there is no other funding available for things like medicine, food, rental assistance, etc. Partners in Independence – matches client learning partners with trained mentors who support and guide clients in reaching their financial, educational, housing and employment goals. Winter Holiday Programs Adopt-a-Family – donors provide holiday gifts, food and trimmings. For Kids Only – young children choose a WAIM gift for their parents. Gifts for Teens – parents choose new gifts for their teens. WAIM serves the communities of… Andover, Ashford, Bolton, Chaplin, Columbia, Coventry, Hampton, Hebron, Lebanon, Mansfield/Storrs, Scotland, Willington and Windham/Willimantic. Community Partnership Helps Many “This looks yummy,” said a guest. “What is it, squash? I don’t like squash,” says another. Pam Rogers, Kitchen Manager, asks the guests to try it, and they both really enjoy the taste. Heather Clark, Executive Director of the Covenant Soup Kitchen says it’s so great that folks can try different kinds of fresh produce because of the abundant harvests from the WAIM Community Garden at Lauder Park. For many years , WAIM volunteers have harvested produce that is donated to the Covenant Soup Kitchen. Clark, who has been at the job exactly a year, says that sometimes there is so much, that the extra goes into the Food Pantry. Then, guests can bring home some of the squash that they realized they like and make it for their family. “It opens up different options to try different kinds of dishes that can be duplicated at home.” Clark says. About once a week in the summer, Andy Ames, who toils at the garden, brings the harvest to the Soup Kitchen. There, Rogers works her magic. “There are lots of greens, and the guests really like greens with bacon and onions,” she says. Gil, a guest at the Kitchen, said that “if someone leaves the Soup Kitchen hungry, it’s their own fault, because there’s always so much good, fresh food. “It’s an ideal situation to give fresh and not canned foods to our guests,” Clark says. “This community is good at helping out community members, and the produce really helps.” Volunteers Andy Ames and Linda Ferbache are always looking for volunteers to help them tend the garden and share in it’s bounty. If you can help, please contact Neenah Shafer at 860 456-7270 ext. 13 and she will get you started. Unless otherwise noted, WAIM News articles were written by Diane Sprague & Victoria Nimirowski. PAGE 4 Many thanks to the congregations, organizations and individuals who donate to WAIM on a regular basis and are the heart and soul of our mission. The following donors have made at least one financial contribution during the past fiscal year, July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2014. Hundreds more – too many to list – have donated clothing, furniture , household items or their time. We are grateful for every gift and truly appreciate your generosity. INDIVIDUALS Karl & Elizabeth Acimovic Kenneth & Cinnamon Adams Abigail Adams Grace Adams Edward & Ruth Affhauser David & Linda Ahern William & Sylvia Aho Donald & Jo Aitken Philip Yeagle & Arlene Albert Regina Alfieri George & Lynne Allen Jack B. Allen David & Jeanne Allie Michael Allison Edith Allison Theodore & Linda Almquist Sheila Amdur Jay & Andy Ames Paul Anderson Gregory & Mona Anderson Arthur Wood & Annamarie Andrews Bea Andrews Christopher & Sarah Anglin Anonymous Charles & Ethel Anthes Francis Anthony Estelle Armstrong Lawrence Armstrong Patricia Asher Janet Atkins Bernard & Anne Auger Warren & Laura Austin Ed & Faith Austin Austin Household Charles & Deborah Avila Raymond Ayala Marjorie Bachand Jane & Paul Bachand Theresa Bacon Kathleen Bai Ronald & Patricia Baker Michael & Beverly Ballard Erin Ballou John & Frances Barclay Priscilla & Donald Barnes Richard & Dori Barnett Philip & Lena Barry Philip & Geissler Barry Yaakov & Eva Bar-shalom Susan Bartholomew Richard & Sharon Bartlett John & Jeannette Bartok David & Cynthia Bass Robert & Susan Esty Bauer Edward & Judith Baxter Andy Baylock Stephanie Bayne Serge & Kathy Beaudoin J Beaulieu Marion Beausoleil Curt Beck William & Diane Becker William & Barbara Becker Kenneth & Beverly Bedini Ronald & Lexie Beebe Ron & Judy Belek Ellen J Bell Bonnie Bentley Granville & Ursula Beschler Stanley & Patricia Biggs Kenneth & Jeanine Billington Linda Bird Harry & Honey Birkenruth Thomas Birmingham Joseph & Adeline Bissonnette Thomas & Linda Blum James & Jane Bobbitt Edward & Diana Bogue Marcella Booth Carrie Boron Eileen Furey & Shirley Boron Helen Liz Bosco James Boster and Cornelia Dayton Gene & Francia Bowen Angela Bowen Charlene Bowen Larry Bowman Peter & Jennifer Bradshaw Katherine Brady John & Elaine Brand Curtis & Marina Demos Brand Jo-Ann Bray Gary & Gloria Brent John & Cynthia Brinkman Daniel & Goodwin Brodeur David & Ellen Faith Brodie Joseph & Susan Brosseau Rheo & Faith Brouillard Earl & Shirley Brown Cindy Brown Richard & Irene Brown Kevin & Cheryl Brown Lynn & Marjorie Brown Janice Brown Donald Brown Thomas & Gail Bruhn John & Mary Bruno David & Nancy Bull Hill & Andrea Bullard John & Karen Burnham Dennis & Diana Burns Morris & Arlene Burr Julia Burski Mark Busa and Mary Rose Meade Matthew & Suzette Butler Kerry & Kathleen Butler George & Colette Butterick Cornelius & Johanna Cahill Norman Caisse Carol Caisse Marjorie Caldwell Edward & Carolyn Calhoun John & Kathleen Callahan Marianne Callahan Elizabeth Cameron Bruce & Marsha Campbell Reid Campbell Jeffrey & Jane-Ann Campbell Jean Carboni Susan Carpenter Vincent Carrafiello Paul & Shannon Cartier Joseph & Edith Cary Vivian Castelli Deborah & Raechel Chabot-Weingart Celeste Champion Joyce Chandler Joseph & Elizabeth Charron Mark Christensen Diane Christensen & Robert Stone Warren & Marguerite Church Susan Chvirko Michael & Lisa Ciarrocchi Boguslaw & Beverly Ciurylo Rachel Clark Rebecca & Long Clark Roland & Lorraine Cloutier Walter & Carol Cochran Robert & Helen Coffey Lois Coleman Coley Household Thomas & Elizabeth Collins Jack & Jane Collins Judith Conland Michael & Wanda Connor Doug & Nan Cooper Georgianne & Lee Copley Adelade & Teresa Corcoran Shirley & Gredg Corcoran Alex & Jane Corl Patricia Cornell David Corsini and Delia Berlin Doris Cottrell Laura Craig Cass Crewdson Dean & Stacy Cruess Theresa Cruse Robert & Florence Cruse Eva & Wallace Csejtey Dawn Csiki James & Anita Cunningham John & Carmel Cuyler Craig & Jean Cyr Peter & Cynthia Czarnecki Antonio D'Ambrosio Gloria Danzi Andrew & Dexene D'Appollonio Mary David and Manton Ridgway & Margaret Davis J & P Dawson Richard & Jeanette Day Ronald & Janet De Carolis Andrew & Theresa Deane Peter & Gloria Murray-Debiasi Michael Della Fera Jeffrey & Lucy DeLuca Roger & Margaret Demers Steven & Lois DeMurjian Diane Denunzio Salvatore & Jo-Ann Desciscio Joseph & Elaine DeSilva Suzanne Desjarlais Robert Hackemack & Jean DeSmet Timothy & KerryAnn Devivo Pamela Dewey John & Susan DeWolf Zoila Diaz Richard & Karen Dibala Bruce & Nancy Dickerman Marie Dickinson Alex & Susan Dickinson Peter & Nora Ann Dickinson Wayne & Jeri Diederich Dorria Dimanno Arthur & Christine Dimock William & Helen Dittrich Paul Dmytrasz Kenneth Doeg David & Joan Doiron Kathleen Donahue James & Judith Donnelly Maryellen Donnelly Peter & Beatrice Donohue Arthur & Michele Dougherty Paul Doyle Robert & Lynne Druge Kathleen Duchesne Linda Duckstein Gwen & Lloyd Duff Leigh Duffy Diane Duhamel Christopher & Patricia Dustin Joseph & Lynn Duval Charles Dyson Thomas & Annie Easow Crawford & Carol Shinto Elder Walter & Mary Ellen Elwell Kristin Emmons Keith & Paula Enderle Gregory & Heidie Endrelunas David Enggas Susan England Robert & Joy Erickson Derek & Katherine Erismann Harry & Susan Evageliou Michael Coyne & Susannah Everett Mary Falotico Kirstie & William Farrar Janis & Cary Fausey Kenneth & Mary Feathers Kirk & Mary Ferentz Andrea & Michele Fesenmeyer Joslyn & Josephine Field Stephen & Marlyn Fiori Calvin & Carole Fish Tammy Fitch Frank & Anne Fitzpatrick Mildred Flaucher Nicole Lintereur & Mark Flinn Millicent Flynn Lawrence & Nancy Flynn Amy Flynn Bertrand & Marguerite Flynn Judith Foehrenbach Brian & Kathryn Folkes Deniz & Carol Fonseca John Fortunato & Elizabeth Aschenbrenner Rick & Betty Forzano Sharon Foster-Chalecki David & Susan Fowler George & Josephine Fox Margaret Fox Karla Fox Ivan & Barbara Franson Hedley & huebner Freake Todd & Mona Friedland Charles & Frances Funk Eleanor I. Furlong Robert & Kathe Gable Patricia Gaenzler Allen Gager Timothy & Danielle Galligan Lorraine B. Gallup Richard Gallup Louise Garabedian David & Janet Garson Joelen Gates Harry & Ann Gaucher Harry & Camille Gaucher Susan Gavitt Ted & Mary Gawlicki C. Gaylor Danny & Judy Gebben Linda R Geer P. A. Geissler Susan Gerald Valerie Botta & Bruce Gerber George Giannioses Joan Gibson Richard & Diane Giggey Mr. Jean & Mrs. Mary Gilbert George & Joan Gilbransen Timothy & Stephanie Gill Ellen Marie Gillette Otis & Dorothy Gilliam Patricia Gilligan Thomas & Marilyn Giolas Jessica Giordano Randy & Janice Godaire Claire Goineau Robert & Alyce Goldberg Eric Goldberg and Katherine Bohr Ronald & Carol Goldstein Juan & Carla Gomez Paul & Merrilyn Goodwin Sam Gordon Barry & Tedford Gorfain Mark & Denise Gorka Cate Grabarek Lawrence & Cathy Gramling C. Granger Karen Grava Rene & Evelyn Grenier Paul & Robin Grenier Robert & Rebecca Grillo Peter Grose and Margaret Ruth Nye Brian Grosjean & Ann Cavanaugh Ann Gruenberg Hank Gruner and Julie Victoria Jon & Sanetrik Guarino Thomas Guerra Oscar & Marguerite Guilbault Teresa Gutowski Robert A. J. Guttay Leigh Gwara Jeanne Haas Ruth & Judy Haddad Betty Haddad Wayne & Loretta Haeger David & Janet Haines Spenser & Lori Hall Roswell & Gretchen Hall Nusie Halpine William & Susan Hamilton Wayne & Lisa Handfield PAGE 5 John & Hudson Hankins Ceceile & Marian Hanyckyj Lois Happe Martha Hardisty Keltz & Carol Harris Matthew & Kara Hart Roger & Jolene Hart Sandra Hastings J.M. & M.A. Hatt Peggy B Hawkins Chris Hawthorne Christine Hayer-Repasy Stephen & Linda Hayes Evan Haynes James & Karyn Hearn Patrick & Charlotte Hebert Paul & Ruth Heller Georgina Hendrick Joseph & Cynthia Henry Jeri Hepworth Maryann Hickelton Delbert & Rubi Hickson Ann Higginbotham Carol Higgins Charles & Maria Higgins Carol & Dainton Higgins Lawrence & Gayle Hightower Theodore & Lucy Hill William & Karen Hocking Leonard & Laurelie Hodgson Charles & Anne Holbert Rob & Sharon Kennedy Hollay Ronald & Carol Holman Katherine Holt Carole Hopkins Elisabeth Houle G & L Howard Michael & Jane Howard Davis & Donna Howell Don & Jan Hoyle Michael & Maria Hramiak Janet Huber William & Carol Huber Jonathan Hufstader Harry & Barbara Hunter James & Cecile Hurley Carol H. Hurley Huber & Cynthia Hurlock Thomas Hyde Stephanie & Tabor Iazzetta David & Tish Ignatowicz Richard & Carol Ingraham Mark & Karen Ireland Benjamin & Lucia Irizarry Nathan & Mary Ives John & Mary Jackman Betty Lou Jackson Patti-Ann Jajliardo Kathy & Jim James-Stebbins Norman & Jacqueline Janes Alice Bertha Jansen Mary & Dawn Jarvis Paul & Jeanne Jatkowski Robert & Amanda Jellen Donald & Marsha Jendrewski Richard & Patricia Jenkins Robert Jennette Mary-Ann Jodaitis Raymond & Jane Joesten Keith & Marietta Johnson Scott & Kaye Johnson Harry & Lynn Johnson Lee & Ann Johnson Edwin & Irene Johnston George & Janet Jones Richard & Leigh JonesBamman David & Carol Jordan Daniel & Melissa Jordan Raymond & Theresa Kalber Martin & Stella Kalkok Ellen W Kamm Shirley Kassman Leonard & Barbara Katz Lewis & Shirley Katz Mary Lou Keables Denise Keane Walter Keenan Andrew & Sarah Keleher Andrea Kelley Thomas & Heather Kelly Martin & Karen Kelly Ronald & Martha Kelly Elizabeth Kennard John & Kerttu Kersen Quentin & Margaret Kessel Jay & Dana Kessler Lamia deceased Khairallah Judy Kiday Timothy & Carol Killeen Amber Lea Kincaid Anne King Brian & Lisa King Susan S. Klare Waldo & Linda Klein Nancy Kline Charles & Charleen Knapp Jim & Jane Knox Kyle & Erin Kohman Kohn Household Carolyn Kokoska Christian & Ann Kollegger Milton & Dorothy Kozelka Henry & June Krisch Michael & Miriam Kurland K. Narayan Kutty James & Barbara Lacey Robert & Beatrice LaCombe Dennis & Marilyn Lacoss Timothy & Phyllis LaFlamme Gregg & Linda LaFontaine Robert & Mary Lake Doris Williams Lake John & Diane Lally Wally & Christine Lamb Stephen & Tracy Lambert Bette Lambert Shakti Lane Steven & Menard Lane Wesley & Jamie Lang-Rodean Roger & Phyllis LaPierre Katherine LaRiviere Bryce Larson Mark & Janet Laukaitis Richard & Jean Lavecchia Richard & Carol Lavigne Laura Lawrence Robert & Carol Leary Leo & Barbara Leary Scott & Rebecca Lehmann Lloyd & Jane Leighton Parise LeMaire David & Mary Jane Lenihan Alfred & Lynda Leonardi Don & Stearns Lepore Sara & O'Brien Lesage Robin Lessard Brian & Margarita Lessard Eugene & Linda Lewis Michael & Gail Libertine Michael & Rebecca Limberg Carl & Julia Lindquist John & Ava Little Norman & Pamela Livingston Jean Lonergan William & Patricia Long Richard & Mary Elizabeth Long Leanna Loomer Thomas & Hollace Lorch Thomas & Kathi Loto James Loughead Robin Lubatkin Robert & Lorraine Luond Michael Lynch Catherine Lynch Geraldine B. Lyon Gordon & Bette MacDonald Benedict & Grazina Maciuika Michaerl Magliocco Charles Mahoney Bob & Stacy Malecki Millard & Madeleine Manning Thomas & Marilee Manning Paul & Adrienne Manzone Norman & Mary Marchand Wayne Marcotte Alexander Markons Daniel & Lyn Marra Jerry & Adell Martin John & Lisa Martin Harvey & Ellen Martineau Matthew & Margarethe Mashikian Ugo & Mary Masi James & Janine Masso Loris Masterton Sandra Mastromarino Ruth Mathieu Nancy Mathis Kirk & Lisa Matson Frank & Shirley Mauro J. & S. May Howard Mayer Harry & Janice Mazadoorian Andrew & Karol Mcallister Olive McCabe Margaret McCarrick Margaret Mccarthy Mary McCarthy David & Judith McChesney William & Lisa McCooey Genevieve McGann John & Charleen McGill James & Patricia McGill Michael & Patricia McHugh Mary McIvor Richard & Marcella McKay Richard & Kathleen McKee John & Monica McKerracher Anna McLain Cheryl McLain Charles & Ruth McLaughlin Joe & Donna McLaughlin Robert & Cathy Mcmahon Carol McMillan James & Judith Meacham Kathy Medbery Susan Meisler Mahmoud & Catharina Melehy Judith Melichar Elizabeth Melvin Albert & Carol Menditto Garrick & Elizabeth Menditto Dorothea Mercier Richard & Betty Merritt Gen Micali David & Gerda WalzMichaels Michael & Dorothy Mickiewicz Ronald & Adelle Milavsky Raymond & Joanne Miles Marty Milkovic and Beth Bauer Alan & Katherine Miller Nancy Millerd Robert & Sandra Millholen Laurie F Millix Peter Millman & Marie Cantino Gregory & Laura Mills Richard & Kathleen Mindek Martin & Michele Mlyniec Sandra Mohammed Marie Montag Philip & Jeanne Monty Peter & Mary Moon Douglas & Elizabeth Moore Anthony & Jeanne Morascini John Morey William & Susan Morgan William Reese Morgan Charles & Noreen Morgan Kathleen Moriarty Jean Moriarty David Morse Stanley & Cynthia Morytko Linda Kaminski & Carol Moulton William & Ruth Moynihan Gordon & Sally Muir John & Helen Mulkern Shelby Muraski Andrea Murphy Elizabeth Murphy Sue Murphy John & Barbara Murray Mark & Letitia Naigles Jeffrey & Lorraine Nalewajk Joseph Narkawicz Paula J Newman & Joseph Narowski Saul Nesselroth & Carol Lewis Jane Neu Chris & Annelle Newcomb Donna Nicolino Karl & Joan Nieforth Joseph & Kathryn Niemasik Maria Niles Victoria Nimirowski & Brian Anderson Paul & Dawn Noheimer Judith Noheimer Patrick Small & Lori Nolin Rosemary Noonan Edward & Margaret Norris Carol North Craig Nowak Elsa Nunez Eric & Amie O'brien Dennis O'Brien & Susan Johnson Richard & Evelyn O'connor William & Caryl Okeefe Paul Ashton & Susan Oldershaw Etienne & Kathleen Olivier Marjorie O'Loughlin Christopher & Debra Olson Eleanor O'neill Nelson & Stephanie Orringer John & Florence O'Sullivan Kathleen Otter Robert & Frances Owens Rosemary Pachesa Shannon Page Jane Paine Janice Palmer Michael & Michele Palmer Anne Palmer Doris Palmer David & Natalie Palmer Elaine Wilmes Pandolfo Joseph Pandolfo Evelyne Parizek Nancy Parker Gene & Diane Parker Gail Parks David & Stephanie Partyka Robert & Karen Paruolo Kenneth & Kathleen Patenude Leonard & Kathy Patera Nancy Paulhus James & Kristine Payant Francis & Marjorie Pearson Edward Peavy and Rebecca Reno Paul & Christine Pelletier Marie Pellizari Ellen Peloquin Thomas & Nancy Perkins Michael & Maureen Pernal James & Margaret Perry Alan & Gail Perry Sam & Fisher Pescetello Joseph & Marsha Peters Benjamin Peters & Lori Arpin Peters Household Peter & Florence Petruchik Nancy Pettitt & Micahel Callahan Richard & Christine Philps Jeannette Picard Robert & Diane Pisker Edward & Clara Pitkin Francis Archambault & Barbara Pivarnik George Plesko Emil Pocock Elyse & Gerald Dunne Poller Carol Polsky John & Karen Porter Rav Jeremy Schwartz & Merle Potchinsky Kurt & Jill Potter Karen Potter William & Candace Powers Michael & Anita Powers Kara Price Steven Knauf & Judith Prill Thomas & Patricia Proctor Joan Quarto Ann Quinn Richard Quirion Robert & Linda Rainwater Anita & Christopher Ramm Richard & Marjorie Ranger Howard & Alice Raphaelson Mildred Rapp Theodore & Jo-Ann Rappahahn Barbara Rascona & Bruce Sheridan PAGE 6 Anthony & Anne Rash Khurshed Rastomji & Della Hennelly Karen Ravenelle-Bloom James & Patricia Raynor James & Karen Renfro Carl & Marian Rettenmeyer Charles & Virginia Reviczky Michael Rice Ginette & Camille Richard John & Grace Riesen Peter Rimkus Daniel & Linda Riquier Donald & Karen Roberts Carol Roberts Stephen & Rebecca Robichaud Belle Robinson John & Paula Robinson Leonard & Linda Romeo James & Kelly Rondeau William & Karen Rood William & Melissa Rood Sandra Rosado Mark & Helen Ross Sandra Roth Jean Rotter Donald & Yolande Rubb Chauncy & Nancy Rucker Marcia Rudge Richard & Sally Ruef Ted & Cindy Rummel Alexander & Sarah Rusell James & Deborah Russel Jim & Debra Russell James & Gisele Russo David Ryan William & Bonnie Ryan Mark & Maureen Ryan George & Joyce Sabo Richard & Louise Sage Valerie Sakowski Vicente & Omaira Sanchez Paul & Joann Sandshaw Bob & Marie Santa Diane Sauer & Kenneth Noll Ed & Jean Sawicki Barbara Sayers Gerald Sazama William Scanlon David & Deborah Scanlon Jacobus & Mary Schaab Irene Schein Edward & Linda Schernau Howard & Bonnie Schiller Richard Schimmelpfeng Jonathan & Elena Schreiber Paul & Susan Schur Steven & Roberta Schwane Doris Angel Sciremammano George & Mary Jo Scott Louis & Karen Scotti Thomas & Michelle Seery Kathleen Segerson & Anthony Grosso Jacqueline Seide Florence Selleck Murphy Sewall & Virginia Fulton Cheyenne Shafer Patricia Shannon Paul & Annette Shapiro Rita Sheetz Shirley May Shepard Todd & Paula Shepard Samuel & Virginia Shepardson Susan Shewes James & Mary-Grace Shifrin Philip & Jo-Ann Shine Benjamin & Catherine Shires John & Nancy Shovak Stuart Jay & Joan Seliger Sidney Paul Siege John & Nancy Silander Marc & Valarie Silva Carol Silva Barbara Simmons Ruth Simons Joan Simpson Kimberly A Simpson Beverly Sims Nicholas & Dorothy Sinchuk David Skeels & Patricia Regan George & Madeline Skinner Randy & Denise BergeronSkoly Elinor Skoog Nancy Smagacz Kirk Smallidge Robert & Virginia Smanick Jerome & Myriam Smith Carl & Doorothy Smith Thomas & Eileen Smith Marjorie Smith Mary Bray Smith Mark & Deborah Smith Michael & Sarah Smith Jennifer Smith Deborah Turner Smith Henry & Dorothy Snider Crystal Snow Edward & Carolyn Soboleski Janelle Soleau David Sonstroem William & Sherri Sowik Elizabeth Sparks Brian Speciowski Cheryl Spillane E Spitia Mark & Eileen St. James Carl & Carolyn Stanich Ashley Starr Jeffrey & Janet Starr Kenneth & Alexinia Baldwin Start Catherine Stebinger Lynda & Berger Stein Ken Dardick & Judy Stein Andrea & Peter Stelma Carl & Phyllis Stensland Carl Sternat Norman & Nora Stevens David & Sandra Stevens Deborah Stewart Douglas & Susan Stewart Gregory & Elizabeth Stillman Donald & Barbara Stitts David & Deborah Stoloff Bill Stover and Leslie Poulos William L & William K Strand Lucas & Kathleen Strunk Robert & Patricia Stukel Ligita Stukuls Peter & Elizabeth Sturrock Sherry Su Mary-jeanne Sullivan Richard Sullivan Edward & Shirley Sullivan Patricia Suprenant Timothy & Virginia Swanson Tim & Ginger Swanson Lesley Sweeney John & Gail Switchenko Patricia & Gregory Padick Swords Richard & Violet Szegda Sophie Tabor J. Tanaka Russel & Lisa Taylor Stephen & Alana Tartsinis Melissa Telford Donald & Susan Tepas Alexander Teplyaev & Maria Gordina Tom & Lee Terry Joan Terry Marie Tetreault Susanna Thomas Judith Thompson Philip & Paula Thulen William & Christine Thurston Lillie Tierney George & Valerie Timmins Adam Todd Robert & Patricia Todd Leonard & Virginia Todd Daniel & Lauren Tofolowsky Rudolf & Mary Tokes Audrey & Burr Tomlinson Michael & Melissa Tubbs Jeanne Tucker Gregory & Jan Turansky Anne & George Turcotte Audrey & Kathleen Tuttle Ruth Phelan Twomey Susana Ulloa Brian & Kathy Usher Christine Vagell Samuel Martinez & Monica Vanbeusekom Erichard Vengroff Judith Vezina Donald & Rita Vigneau Marc Vranes Allen Wadsworth Donna Waldron David & Jodi Walencewicz Johanna & Cathy Walter Susan Wandell Clifford & Vera Ward Jeff & Lisa Ward Elizabeth Wardwell Susan Wasstrom Paul & Patricia Watson Ed & Mary Wehrle Robin Weiner Mary & Tim Weinland Jeffrey & Nancy Weisenburger Alicia Welch Arthur & Adele Welles Ronald & Janet Weston Janet Weston Donald & Diana Wetherell James & Brenda Whalen John & Christina Wheaton Kenneth & Mary White Howard & Tammy White Mary White Patricia White John & Marjorie Wieczorek Ronald & Joan Wikholm Dana & Aliza Wilder Robyn & Kalen Wilgis Michael & Anne Willenborg Ronald & Linda Williams Jean Williams Hershall & Maureen Willis Marilyn Wilson Charles & Barbara Wilt Jeffrey & Mary Withey James & Joyce Wojnar Andrew & Lynne Ide Matthew & Susanne Woods Eileen Woodward Charles & Frances Woody Diane Wright Trenton Wright Richard & Adrienne Wright Loretta Wrobel Bob & Dianne Sprague Wyss Lisa Yarmis Seth Yarmis David & Suzanne Yeo Peter & Dorothy Yeomans Lyle & Joanne Yorks David & Martha Yutzey Ellen Zahl Nathan & Sara Zaientz Richard Zawalich Kathleen Ryan & William Zenko Karen Zimmer Joseph & Susan Ziobrowski Douglas & Deborah Zlatin FAITH COMMUNITIES Church Of The Holy Family Columbia Congregational C hurch Congregational Church of Scotland Ebenezer Lutheran Church First Baptist Church of Mansfield First Church Of Christ Congregational UCC First Congregational Church Andover First Congregational Church of Coventry First Congregational Church of Willimantic First United Methodist Church of Willimantic Hampton Congregational Church Holy Trinity Orthodox Church Roman Catholic Church of St. Mary Second Congregational Church of Coventry St. Joseph's Catholic Congregation St. Mark's Chapel St. Maurice Church St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel Storrs Community Church Storrs Congregational Church Storrs Friends Meeting The Federated Church of Willington Unitarian Fellowship of Storrs FOUNDATIONS, UNITED WAY & PUBLIC SUPPORT Aetna Foundation AT&T United Way Bank Of America Bearingstar Insurance Charitable Fund Cigna Foundation Community Foundation Of Eastern Connecticut Dominion Employee Giving Program Hall Foundation Jeffrey P Ossen Family Foundation Leo & Rose Pageau Trust Liberty Bank Foundation Liberty Mutual Foundation Middlesex United Way Pfizer Foundation United Way Campaign Savings Institute Foundation SBM Charitable Foundation The Benevity Community Impact Fund Town Of Mansfield Travelers Community Connections United Way Of Central & Northeastern Connecticut United Way Of Massachusetts Bay and Merrimack Valley United Way Of Pioneer Valley I United Way Of Webster & Dudley United Way Of West Central Connecticut Voya Foundation ORGANIZATIONS Altrusa International American Truck Historical Society Chaplin Elementary School E. O. Smith Student Activity Fund School Eastern Connecticut State University First Mile Franco American Civic & Social Club, Inc Knights Of Columbus St.Thomas Aquinas Council Lebanon Leos Mansfield Democratic Town Committee Mansfield Lions Club Mansfield Middle School Soroptimist InternationalWillimantic University Of Connecticut League Willimantic Lions Club Charities Windham Center School Windham Community Memorial Hospital Windham County Bar Association Windham High School Students Windham Public Schools After School Program PAGE 7 Windham Technical High School BUSINESSES Anixer OEM Solutions Architectural Artisan Avalon Hair Color & Design Civil Engineering Services Computer Tech Curriculum Research & Evaluation, Inc. General Cable Hampton Remodeling Co. Hosmer Mountain Howard Oven Image Ink Public Relations John's Scrap Metal Landon Tire Inc. Lavigne, Mark & Rogers Liferaft Leasing Mansfielf Pediatrics On Target Marketing & Communications P & J Sprinkler P W Power Systems Personnel Concepts Potters Oil Service, Inc Raynor & Cano Renaissance Alliance Insurance Services The National Institute For The Clinical Application Of Behavioral Medicine United Technologies Matching Gift Program Wilburs Way Smith-Keon Jewelers Willimantic Brewing Co. Willimantic Donuts, Inc. Willimantic Food Co-op Willimantic Waste Paper IN HONOR OF... "The great work WAIM does" Adrienne Marks Anna & Pete Crawford Anne Rash Betty & Jim Forrest's 50th Anniversary Birth of Ethan to Johnathan and Elena Schreiber Carol Higgins Cathy and Jack Mozzicato David and Martha Yutzey David W Yutzey & Lisa Pane Debby and Terry Hodge Dianne Sprague Dorothy R Morgan Georgina Hendrick Grace Adams Hanna Goba-Churchill Jessica Terbush Joan Allison Katherine Yutzey & Brian Keene Linda and Michael Gardner Liskom, Crawford & Patera Families Lucy DeLuca Birthday and Anniversary Marc Kroisch & Hillary Stern Marie & Gerrie Liskom Marilyn Giolas' 80th Birthday Jack Allen Nancy and Mark Dewald Rosh HaShonnah Shimenei Etzaret & Simchah Torah 8th great day and rejoice in Torah Succoth to remind us how temporary everything including the roof over our head is Temple Bnai Israel Willimantic Police Dept. IN MEMORY OF… Albert D. Hawkins Alfred Thomas Morgan Alfred Vezina Alice B. Fowler Ann Jerue Ann K. Gaucher Arthur F. Connor Barabara Baylock Baron and Elinor Bray Bette Cherrier Bill Lonergan, Jr. Blanche Brauneck Bonnie Sue Marcoux Caroline Mancini Dorr & Lydia Skeels Doug Morgan Dr. Catherine Wade Dr. Frank Bird & Dr. Ed Browne Elisabeth Millette Eric Kalber Ethan Kokoska Eugene Alassi Families of Joseph & Marsha Peters Francis W. Hayes Fred Dauser Frieda Friedland George & Lucianne Elmore Germaine Ayotte Germaine Hall Gertrude Morytko Grace F. Enggas Gwen Duff Hans and Jurgan Sell Harry Armstrong Helen & Marian Narkawicz Hilda Iris Negron J. Warren Higgins Jack McMeekin Janet Haines Jean C Manter Jean Manter Jennie Dunnack Jennie M Tabor Jessie Matthys Jo & Bill Griffin John "Bunky" DeVecchis John Devicchis John Sheetz John T. Devecchio Jonah D. Gilbert Joslyn P. Field Joyce Cale, beloved Mom and Friend to All Karl Rappold Kathryn L. Wagner Kermit Klingbail Kristine Della Fera Kurt Festmeir Lamia Khairallah Lynette Hagen Doeg Mahmoud Melehy Maisie Guttay Margaret Rascona Marian and Helen Narkawicz Marianne Morascini Marie Kowalsky Mark Hancock Adams Martin Dale Fox Mary Alassi Mary Ellen Strand Mary Jacobs Mary Jane Jacobs Mary Starkey Jefferson Mrs. Joseph St. King Muriel Narotsky Nadja Donnelly Nancy Murray Paul Maciuika Paul Waleniewicz Peg Zapulla Philippe A. Roy Priscilla Donovan Raymond F. Andrews III Raymond LeMaire Rev. Joseph Kzugler Rev. Ramon Luis Negron Richard Coolick Rita Lubatkin Robert Ryder Roy McLain Paul Heckler Sophie Gaunya Stacia Lucs Stanley & James Romanow Sue Graham Susie Gottesman T. Alan Miller Thomas Bull Tony Clark Walter and Helen Niemasik Wilma Visney WAIM 2014-2015 Revenue and Expenses Organizations $7,199 Volunteer $20,917 United Way $37,386 Fundraising & Administration $57,026 Grants $67,500 Congregations $23,322 Individuals $163,997 Businesses $12,145 Fundraisers $32,663 Truck & Rental Income $15,900 Community Garden $12,226 Human Needs $149,261 Material Good Redistribution $90,937 The mission of the Windham Area Interfaith Ministry is to uplift and unite our community by providing caring service and resources to meet our neighbors’ needs with dignity and respect. WAIM P.O. Box 221 (for all mail) 866 Main Street Willimantic, CT 06226-0221 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Willimantic, CT 06226 Permit No. 84 WAIM needs… (contact Victoria at 860 456-7270 if you can help) Volunteers for one hour… one day… one week… one year, or anything in between; disposa- ble diapers; towels, blankets and bed linens; small appliances in good condition; Steeple Chase walkers and cyclists; new member faith communities; & A Social Media Guru. This fiscal year (through May 30)…. 7,586 visits were made to WAIM for clothing. 10,031 units of material goods (clothing, furniture, appliances, etc.) were given to community members. 754 donation pick-ups were made using our truck. 244 households received energy assistance – heat or electricity. 72 households received case management or connection to other services. 91 families were adopted through our Adopt-A-Family program 121 children selected holiday gifts for their caregivers through For Kids Only. 52 teenagers received holiday vouchers through Gifts for Teens. 365 children received Back-to-School vouchers for new clothes. 131 low-income households received emergency help for unmet needs, rental or transportation assistance. 212 individuals Walked for Warmth. 9,619 volunteer hours have been donated - the equivalent of 5 full time employees. Please visit our website: www.waimct.org…. And don’t forget to “like us” on Facebook
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