The flare-horned Markhor (Capra falconeri
The flare-horned Markhor (Capra falconeri
COMPETITION FOR FOOD RESOURCES BETWEEN MARKHOR (Capra falconeri) AND DOMESTIC UNGULATES IN CHITRAL AREA NASRA ASHRAF 06-arid-593 Department of Wildlife Management Faculty of Forestry, Range Management and Wildlife Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Pakistan 2010 ii COMPETITION FOR FOOD RESOURCES BETWEEN MARKHOR (Capra falconeri) AND DOMESTIC UNGULATES IN CHITRAL AREA By NASRA ASHRAF (06-arid-593) A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Wildlife Management Department of Wildlife Management Faculty of Forestry, Range Management and Wildlife Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi Pakistan 2010 ii iii CERTIFICATION I hereby undertake that this research is an original one and no part of this thesis falls under plagiarism. If found otherwise, at any stage, I will be responsible for the consequences. Name: Nasra Ashraf Signature: Registration No. : 06-arid-593 Date: 06-08-2010 Certified that the contents and form of the thesis entitled “Competition for Food Resources between Markhor (Capra falconeri) and Domestic Ungulates in Chitral Area” submitted by Nasra Ashraf have been found satisfactory for the requirement of the degree. Supervisor ________________________ (Dr. Maqsood Anwar) Co-Supervisor ________________________ (Dr. Muhammad Ali Nawaz) Member ________________________ (Prof. Dr. Iftikhar Hussain) Member ________________________ (Dr. Irshad A. Khan) Date of Viva Voce: Chairman: Director Advanced Studies: External Examiner: ____________________ iv ~Dedicated to My Caring and Encouraging Brothers~ iv v CONTENTS Page i List of Table vii ii List of Figures viii iii List of Abbreviations ix iv Acknowledgments x 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 11 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 18 STUDY AREA 18 3.1.1 Geographical Location 18 3.1.2 Climate 18 3.1.3 Topography 20 3.1.4 Flora 20 3.1.5 Fauna 22 3.1.6 Domestic Livestock 22 3.1. 3.2 3.3 SAMPLING 23 3.2.1 Sample size 23 3.2.2 Sample Collection Procedure 23 3.2.3 Storage and Handling of samples 23 3.2.4 Collection of Reference Materials 24 REFERENCE KEY 24 v vi 3.3.1 3.4 Microphotography 24 Microhistological analysis of faeces (faecal analysis) 27 3.4.1 Slide preparation 27 3.4.2 Slide reading 28 3.5 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE 28 3.6 DIET COMPOSITION 28 3.7 DIET SELECTION 29 3.8 DIET OVERLAP 29 3.9 STATISTICS ANALYSIS 30 RESULT AND DISCUSSION 31 4.1 DIET COMPOSITION 31 4.2 SEASONAL VARIATION 34 4.3 DIET COMPARISON 38 4.3.1 Spring diet comparison 38 4.3.2 Summer diet comparison 40 4 4.4 4.5 DIET SELECTION 42 4.4.1 Diet selection of markhor and goat during spring season 42 4.4.2 Diet selection of markhor and goat during summer season 42 DIET OVERLAP BETWEEN MARKHOR AND DOMESTIC GOAT 43 SUMMARY 53 LITERATURE CITED 57 vi vii LIST OF TABLES Table No. Page Table 3.1 h Plant species collected from the study area for reference 26 slides Table 4.1 Plant species identified in faecal samples of markhor during 32 spring and summer 2009 Table 4.2 Plant species identified in faecal samples of domestic goat 33 during spring and summer 2009 Table 4.3 Relative importance values (RIVs) of Plant species in the 36 diet of markhor and domestic goat during spring 2009 Table 4.4 Relative importance values (RIVs) of Plant species in the 37 diet of markhor and domestic goat during summer 2009 Table 4.5 Diet Selection Values (DSV) of markhor and domestic goat 44 during spring 2009 Table 4.6 Diet Selection Values (DSV) of markhor and domestic goat during summer 2009 vii 45 viii LIST OF FIGURES Fig. No. Page 3.1 Map of the Study Area 19 3.2 Temperatures in Chitral during 2009 (-11.8 to 19.85 Celcius) 21 3.3 Rainfall in Chitral during 2009 21 3.4 Feacal sample of markhor 25 3.5 Feacal sample of domestic goat 25 4.1 Proportions of plant species in the diets of markhor and 39 domestic goat during spring 2009 4.2 Proportions of plant species in the diets of markhor and 41 domestic goat during summer 2009 4.3 Microphotograph of various reference plants 51 4.4 Cells of plant parts found in the faeces of markhor 52 4.5 Cells of plant parts found in the faeces of goat 52 viii ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS °C Degree Centigrade CGNP Chitral Gol National Park CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora DSV Diet Selection Value DPX A mixture of Distyrene, a Plasticizer, and Xylene IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature Km Kilometer m Meter mm Millimeters NWFP North West Frontier Province NCCW National Council for Conservation of Wildlife NaOH Sodium Hydroxide PV Prominence Value % Percent RIV Relative Importance Value TGR Tushi Game Reserve VCC Village Conservation Committee ix x ACKNOWLEDGMENTS All praises to Almighty Allah alone, the compassionate and merciful, who blessed me the courage to get higher education and to complete this manuscript. Blessing of Allah on Holy Prophet, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) whose teachings have served as beam of light for humanity in the hours of despair and darkness. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest sense of gratitude to the dearest personality, my supervisor Dr. Maqsood Anwar, Associate Professor, Department of Wildlife Management, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, for his expertise, encouraging behavior and constructive guidance during the completion of this task. Very special thanks are due to Dr. Muhammad Ali Nawaz, Country Director, Snow Leopard Trust Pakistan, for his inspiring guidance, valuable suggestions, and generous help during the research and procurement of samples. Many thanks to staff of Snow Leopard Trust Pakistan, for their help in sample collection. I express countless and earnest thanks to Prof. Dr. Iftikhar Hussain, Chairman, Department of Wildlife Management, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, for his sincere efforts, and cooperation during this research work. x xi I am grateful to all the people in NARC for their support during the work. I also very thankful to Dr. Rehmatullah Qureshi and Dr. Irshad A. Khan for their assistance. I would also like to special thanks to my lovely friends, Sara Shabbir and Misbah Sarwar for their help, co-operation and encouragement through out the study period. Finally, I would like to express my greatest gratefulness to my parents and brothers for their affection, kindness and prayers that encouraged me to achieve success in every sphere of life. Nasra Ashraf xi 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION The name “Markhor” apparently was derived from Persian language meaning snake eater. However, it is mostly considered to be derived from Pashto language word “Mar Akhkar” in which “Mar” means snake and “Akhkar” means horn. The Markhor has horns twisting like a snake; therefore it got its name as “Mar Akhkar”. With the passage of time, it changed to Markhor (Ali, 2008). Two subspecies of Markhor (Capra falconeri) are recognized: flare-horned Markhor (Capra falconeri falconeri) which includes the Kashmir (Capra falconeri cashmiriensis) and Astore (Capra falconeri falconeri) forms, and straight-horned Markhor (Capra falconeri megaceros) which includes the Kabul (Capra falconeri megaceros) and Suleiman (Capra falconeri jerdoni) forms. Markhor are typically associated with steppic mountain conditions and regions of meagre erratic rainfall, occurring between altitudinal range of 600m to 3600m. They occur in Chitral, north and east of Quetta, Torghar Range, Suleiman Hills, Dir and Swat Kohistan. A small population also occurs in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The Astor Markhor (Capra falconeri falconeri) is confined to Gilgit region and occurs on both sides of the Astor River and up the Indus valley as far as the Haramosh range in southwestern Baltistan. Astor Markhor also occurs on both side of the River Indus in Baghicha area. The kashmir Markhor (Capra falconeri cashmiriensis), occurs in Chitral town, southwards into Dir and westwards into Swat kohistan. The kabul Markhor (Capra falconeri 1 2 megaceros) survive precariously in the Khanori hills of the Malakand Agency as well as the Sakra range just north east of Mardan. The Suleiman Markhor (Capra falconeri jerdoni) occurs in scattered isolated populations on all the major mountain ranges immediately to the north and east of Quetta (Roberts, 1997). Body length of Markhor varies from 132 to 186cm. Weights have been estimated as varying from 100 to 109kg for an adult male and 32 to 50kg for an adult female. Horn length is 135 to 143cm in male and 25 to 30cm in female. Gestation period varies from 135 to 170 days. One or two young per birth is usual, rarely three. Life span is 12 to 13 years. Males rarely survive beyond 7th or 8th year (Ranjitsinh et al., 2007). Markhor are gregarious in habit forming large groups when there is a concentration of the population in an area they inhabit (Schaller, 1977). Markhor have polygynous mating systems; the populations’ overall reproductive rate would be little affected by the loss of a small number of adult males (Caughley, 1977). Markhor are diurnal animals with greatest activity in early morning and late evening but in mid winter they have been observed in Chitral feeding intermittently during the day (Roberts, 1997). Markhor are found at altitudes where they eat grass, leaves, and whatever other vegetative matter they can find, often standing on their hind legs to reach the top leaves of trees (Stahl, 2007). An intermediate forager, it consumes 3 primarily grasses and forbs during spring and summer months, while in the winter it turns primarily to browse for nourishment (Ranjitsinh et al., 2007). Chitral Gol National Park (CGNP) in Chitral and Palas valley in Kohistan support the largest surviving populations of Kashmir Markhor (Capra falconeri cashmiriensis). Temperate coniferous forests and adjoining alpine meadows provide habitat for this sub-species (Ali, 2008). Malik (2002) estimated 800-1000 Markhor in Chitral Division. Survey reports indicated 1400 Markhor in Chitral, Dir Kohistan, and Swat Divisions (GoNWFP, 2005). In Chitral area Pir Panjal or Kashmir subspecies occurs from about forty miles north of Chitral town, southwards into Dir and westwards into Swat Kohistan (Roberts, 1997). Research studies concluded that Markhor population in Chitral is the largest single concentration of this species in the world and has been effectively protected by the NWFP Wildlife Department (IUCN, 2001). Chitral Gol was declared as a National Park by the NWFP Government in 1984. The park is composed of an alpine river catchment in the Hindu Kush mountains (Aleem, 1978). The main trees and shrubs are Quercus ilex, Pinus gerardiana, Juniperus macropoda, Salix spp., Abies pindrow, Pistacia khinjuk, Rosa spp. and Viburnum (GoNWFP, 2006). Chitral Gol National Park, encompass several valleys, and an intact vegetation cover which obstructs observation of the animals, it is likely 4 that the annual counts in Chitral Gol have underestimated the population present in the park (Aleem, 1977). Wild goats are distributed in the arid rocky mountainous regions of North Africa, the Middle East and south-west Asia (Shafique and Barkati, 2002). In Pakistan, Markhor (Capra falconeri) and Ibex (Capra ibex) are the two main wild relatives of domestic goats (Capra hircus) (Roberts, 1997). The basic body pattern of all wild and domestic goats is similar, and moreover, they can freely interbreed in captivity (Manceau et al., 1999). The close gene pool relationships among diverse taxa within the genus Capra and the possibility of (repeated) introgressive hybridization of ancestral or modern populations render the whole group difficult taxonomically (Hammer et al., 2008). The wild goat (Capra aegagrus) is a common species of goat, with a distribution ranging from Europe and Asia Minor to central Asia and the Middle East (Stahl, 2007). Levels of differentiation between some Capra falconeri lineages and modern domestic goats were similar to levels between other wild goat species (i.e., Capra aegagrus, Capra ibex) and domestic goats. Among pure Markhor lineages, paraphyly was observed for C. f. heptneri, suggesting occurrence of shared ancestral polymorphism among Markhor subspecies and/or ancient or recent gene exchange between subspecies (Hammer et al., 2008). 5 Goats are the fastest growing ruminants in Pakistan. Pakistan is rich in goat genetic resources and is the third largest goat producing country in the world after China and India. Preference for goat meat is the major reason for its increased demand. There are 25 goat breeds in the country and two wild relatives such as Markhor and Ibex (Khan et al., 2008). At present, there are 53.8 million domestic goats in Pakistan and their population is increasing at the rate of more than 3% per annum (GOP, 2006). Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and NWFP have 37, 23, 22 and 18 percent goat population, respectively. The combined livestock population of Chitral in 1996 was estimated at 173,262 head of cattle, 188,822 sheep and 335,782 goats. As goat population is dominant over other ungulates in Chitral area so Markhor is likely to have close competition with domestic goats for food resources in this area (GoNWFP and IUCN, 2004). Domestic goats are ruminants; that is, they have a four-compartment stomach designed to digest large quantities of forages. Ruminants eat quickly and swallow their food at first without much chewing. Later, they regurgitate their food and thoroughly chew it and swallow. This regurgitated food is called the cud, and healthy ruminants will spend as much time chewing their cud as they do grazing or eating hay. This is thought to be a predator avoidance adaptation, as the ruminant can find a sheltered place to peacefully chew its cud and be less vulnerable to predator attack than while grazing (Coffey et al., 2004). Contrary to the popular image of goats thriving on tin cans, goats actually require a more nutritious diet than do other ruminants. Their shorter digestive system 6 does not retain food for the longer period, and thus does not digest nutrients fully. This quicker digestion allows them to eat larger quantities of food to make up for their reduced absorption of nutrients, but it is goats’ unique grazing behavior that really enables them to thrive on pasture. With their small mouths and flexible lips, grazing goats are able to select the highly nutritious parts of plants and leave parts that are less nutritious (Coffey et al., 2004). The hunting of Markhor remained banned because of it being listed on Appendix-I of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of wild fauna and flora). The situation only changed in 1997 when CITES eventually granted Pakistan with six permits for sport hunting Markhor trophies. Federal government granted these permits to Balochistan, North West Frontier Province (NWFP) and Northern Areas. CITES increased Pakistan’s quota from 6 to 12 Markhor hunting permits in 2003. The trophy fees have increased, between 1988 and 2006, from USD 15,000 to USD 40,000 for Markhor. The rates are agreed upon by NCCW. Out of the fee, 20% is paid to the Provincial Government, while 80% is used to fund the community conservation programmes (Bellon, 2008). The hunting season for Markhor starts in November and goes on until March. The animals sought by hunter are exclusively older males with the largest end of horns. It is the responsibility of the game guards to identify the appropriate animals. However, the hunter is free to select the animal to be hunted. The sustainability of Trophy hunting is dependent on the allocations quotas for each subspecies and 7 ensuring rigorous enforcement of these quotas. Hence, the first requirement to initiate such projects is to survey the animal population and assess the maximum number of specimens that can be harvested without disrupting the reproduction cycle (Lightner, 2006). The Government of NWFP strongly discourages poaching and illegal trade of Markhor and other wildlife species through enforcement of the NWFP Wildlife Act of 1975 by the field staff in major markets and potential areas of wildlife importance. Legal action has been taken against offenders (Ali, 2008). Markhors are today struggling for survival in semiarid, cliff side mountain areas (at an elevation of 600–3,600 m) of Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, in the southern border region of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, as well as in northern India. The majority of their total world population is found in Pakistan and is estimated to encompass about 3,200–3,700 animals, with numbers generally decreasing (Weinberg et al., 1997). However, certain conservation measures, such as community-based conservation or ex-situ breeding, have been implemented in recent years and appear to have a positive effect on at least some Markhor populations (Virk, 2000). Most Caprinae species face threats of extinction due to genetic isolation, specialized habitat requirements, and low reproductive rates, in addition to human causes. Humans are the primary predators on Markhor. Because Markhor inhabit very steep and inaccessible mountainous habitat, several strongholds of Markhor 8 populations have been rarely approached by man. Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) have been reported preying upon young Markhor. Among the wild carnivores, Himalayan lynx (Felis lynx), leopard cats (Felis bengalensis), snow leopards (Uncia uncia), wolves (Canis lupus), and black bears (Ursus thibetanus) are the main predators of Markhor (Ali, 2008). Habitat loss played a lead role in bringing Markhor to the verge of extinction. Wild lands are rapidly shrinking due to the ever increasing human population and subsequent increase in demand for timber and fuel wood (Schackleton 2001). Conditions outside of Village Conservation Committee (VCC) were exacerbated by an increased livestock density, overgrazing, lack of alternate livelihood for rural populations, a decrease in natural dominant plant species, and invasion of alien plant species. All these factors progressively contribute to depletion of biodiversity and decrease in productivity of fodder resources (Kleinn, 2005). Markhors are among the most endangered mammal species and several conservation measures including ex-situ breeding, are implemented to prevent their extinction (Hammer et al., 2008). Markhor is classifieded as Endangered globally as per IUCN Red List of 2005. The Flare-horned Markhor (Capra falconeri falconeri) which includes Kashmir and Astore form is listed “endangered” in Pakistan (Sheikh and Molur, 2005). As a conservation strategy in areas where Markhor are found, Government of NWFP launched a comprehensive extension program to create awareness among 9 people about wildlife importance in general and conservation of Markhor in particular. The purpose of the program is dissemination of information about wildlife of the province, its importance and role in the environment, benefits of sustainable use, problems in conservation, and the need for protection to ensure the support of the people and mitigate problems in conservation and management of the resource through a number of conservation and awareness tools (Ali, 2008). Local communities living in and around Markhor habitat have limited opportunities to earn their livelihoods. They are mostly dependent on natural resources. The unsustainable use of these resources has resulted in degradation of wildlife habitat and depletion of Markhor populations in many areas. One of the best strategies to save Markhor from extinction is the involvement of local communities in its conservation and protection (Ali, 2008). Habitat degradation also caused the migration of Markhor to remote and unsuitable habitats due to the loss of cover, which further accelerated the process of population decline (Malik, 1993). Markhor occurs mainly in highly fragmented populations of relatively small size (100 individuals) that are threatened by habitat loss, uncontrolled poaching, illegal trophy hunting, and forage competition from domestic livestock (Weinberg et al., 1997). Central Asia’s wild ungulates are already heavily under pressure from poaching, habitat competition with livestock, and degradation of vegetation. Under 10 these circumstances the promotion of their utilization may bear the risk of intensifying the exploitation and thus giving them the final blow for extinction (Michel, 2008). There are possible future threats to the populations of wild ungulates, including competition for grazing by uncontrolled numbers of domestic livestock, and the possibility of disease transmission from livestock, particularly those of the nomads from Afghanistan, to the wild Caprines (Woodford et al., 2004). The present study was, therefore, designed to collect data on feeding aspects of Markhor and domestic goat in Chitral area, in order to examine the extent of resource competition between two species. The objectives of study were; ¾ To analyze the food composition of Markhor and domestic goat. ¾ To determine the degree of competition between Markhor and domestic goat in terms of forage consumption. ¾ To provide recommendation for managing Markhor habitat and reducing competition with domestic livestock. 11 Chapter 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE The principal food of Markhor in Chitral during winter is leaves or acorns of the Holly Oak (Quercus ilex). During spring and summer months they graze principally on tussocks of grass and in Gilgit the principal species which is grazed appear to be Pennisetum orientale. When the grasses are dried up they will also browse on the leaves and twigs of bushes (Roberts, 1997). Markhors forage up to 12 or 14 hours per day, including a resting period to chew cud. As is true of other large, mountain-dwelling ungulates, C. falconeri maintains a strictly herbivorous diet composed of a variety of grasses in the spring and summer months. During the autumn and winter months, it switches over to leaves, twigs, and shrubs. Markhor diets include, but are not limited to, Pennisetum orientale, Enneapogon persicum, Hippophae rhamnoides, and Quercus ilex (Nowak, 1999). Common plant species found in its habitat of Markhor include Oak (Quercus ilex), Sagebrush (Artemisia sp.), Indigofera sp., and Ephedra sp. as dominant species below 2600 m with a few scattered wild Almond (Amygdalus sp.), Pistachio (Pistacio sp.), Spruce (Picea smithiana), and Fir (Abies pindrow) at higher elevations. The grasses Cymbopogon, Stipa, and Chrysopogon provide ground cover (Schaller, 1977). 11 12 Flora of Chitral, Kohistan, Swat, and Dir habitat consists of Pinus wallichiana, Cedrus deodara, Pinus gerardiana, Picea smithiana, Indigofera gerardiana, Viberburnum cotinifolium, Polygonum alpinum, Chenopodium foliosum, and Sambucus ebulus (Ali, 2008). Markhor occasionally climb into Oak trees (Quercus spp.) to consume the foliage. Food preferences change with the season and availability. The Markhor is a goat of low elevations as compared to other Caprinae (Schaller, 1977). Domestic goats may sometimes need supplemental feeding, especially during the winter. Goats need a proper balance of energy in the form of roughage or grain, as well as protein, vitamins, minerals, and clean water. Protein and energy requirements vary, depending on the type of goat and its stage of production (Coffey et al., 2004). In Indian Trans-Himalaya, domestic goats were recorded feeding on 26 species in summer and 14 species in winter. Their diet was similar to sheep in that they fed on both graminoids and herbs in summer (55% graminoids, 42% herbs and 3% shrubs), with no single species forming the bulk of the diet. They fed mostly on graminoids in winter (75% graminoids, 20% herbs and 5% shrubs), with E. longe-aristatus forming the bulk of the diet (Mishra et al., 2004). Goats prefer browsing (eating woody plants) but will also graze on grasses and weeds. Goats are known to stand on their hind legs to reach leaves and brush. Since 13 goats, cattle, and sheep prefer different forages, in many pasture situations these species do not compete for the same food. Therefore, they can be managed quite successfully in a multispecies grazing system, allowing the land to be used more fully and generate more income. Land grazed by both goats and cattle returns 25% more than land grazed only by cattle (Coffey et al., 2004). Goats are efficient browsers and prefer eating brushy plants along with some other woody and weedy plants found on the ranges. Goats are able to digest a large variety of fibre and roughage. The daily feed intake of goats ranges from 3 to 4% of body weight as expressed in pounds (dry matter/head/day). The daily feed intake is influenced by body weight, % of dry matter in the feeds eaten (12 to 35% in forages, 86 to 92% in hays and concetrates), palatability, and physiological stage of the goats (growth, pregnancy, and lactation) (Rashid, 2008). Each goat is able to consume up to 3 to 5% of its body weight in dry matter daily (perhaps more if the forage is highly digestible). To consume that amount, however, goats must be pastured in an area with a large quantity of available vegetative forage. Goats will eat less when they are moved to poor pastures (Coffey et al., 2004). A review of information available on the food plants and feeding habits of Himalayan ungulates revealed that of the 12 alpine ungulate species only four have been studied in detail. Analyses of the compiled data on food plants show that a total 14 of 140 wild plant species are palatable to different ungulate species. However, information on palatability of many other plant species is lacking. The information on the food plants of domestic ungulates is also scarce. Based on whatever information is available it was found that out of 140 plant species, 13 are common in the diet of wild and domestic ungulates. Some of the recent studies have given some indications of a competition existing between wild and domestic Himalayan ungulates for food, hence it becomes imperative to study their feeding habits and document their food plants (Awasthi et al., 2003). Northern Areas of Pakistan comprise large number of livestock populations, including native cattle, sheep and goats. In the cold winter the animals are kept in the houses in the valley where they are fed maize stover, wheat straw and hay. In the summer months the animals are taken up into the mountains to graze on the subalpine and finally the alpine pastures. Late April or early May animals start trekking through the mountains. First they move to the edge of the conifer forests and then they move to the alpine pastures high up in the mountains. Maize stover and some hay and grasses collected are the main feed of the stall fed large animals (Hashmi and Shafiullah, 2003). Livestock grazing impacts on native wildlife are an important conservation concern globally (Fleischner, 1994). There have been few attempts to evaluate livestock grazing impacts on native wildlife. Consequently, the debate on what kind of impacts local human resource use has on native wildlife remains ill-informed. The 15 debate on whether local human use of wildlife reserves should be modified, curtailed or encouraged continues to be fuelled by activism rather than by ecology (Mishra and Rawat, 1998). In India (Spiti Valley), the issue of competition between livestock and wild herbivores has remained contentious. Livestock grazing occurs in pastures during most of the year except in the extreme winter. The livestock diet is supplemented by stall feeding in winter. Livestock populations are maintained beyond points of natural resource limitation through supplemental feeding (Mishra, 2001). Diet overlap or competition for food between wild herbivores and livestock and forage availability is known to affect reproductive performance in ungulates (Clutton, et al., 1982). Forage availability influences the body condition of females and consequently their fecundity (Leader, 1988). Further, there is evidence for densitydependent mortality in neonates and calves (Saether, 1997). The role of competition in structuring large-herbivore assemblages remains especially unclear owing to the logistic difficulty in manipulating populations and measuring competition at the population level (Forsyth, 2000). Indeed, impacts of livestock grazing on wildlife have been a subject of much debate in South Asia (Mishra and Rawat, 1998). Long histories of livestock grazing can further make the evaluation of grazing impacts on native wildlife and landscape difficult, since the impacts are often pervasive and therefore can go unnoticed (Fleischner, 1994). 16 Almost a century ago, it has been recorded that the presence or absence of a species in a given area could be determined by interspecific competition. Subsequently, other studies demonstrated that the joint placement of pairs of similar species that compete for the same resource could cause extinctions as a result of resource competition. Competition has since been a subject of debate regarding its role in structuring species composition in ecological communities (Mishra et al., 2002). In a study on patterns in species richness of grazer assemblages in Africa as a function of resource competition and facilitation, Dayan and Simberloff (1998) predicted an ‘optimum’ difference in body mass between co-existing members of any natural grazer assemblage, a pattern expected to be influenced by the long-term effects of competition and facilitation. Empirical data corroborated this prediction; species in ‘intact’ African grazer assemblages indeed show a constant weight ratio, with each grazer species on average being a constant proportion larger than the nearest smaller one. Such morphological relationships (a constant weight ratio in the case of grazers) between the members of a guild are believed to be brought about by character displacement (a co-evolutionary response) and species sorting (an ecological response), both being consequences of competition (Dayan and Simberloff, 1998). Large herbivores with similar ecological requirements are expected to partition resources to coexist, especially in areas where the resources are in short supply (Wiens, 1977). Resource partitioning is accomplished through evolutionary divergence of resource use by co-occurring species apparently in response to competition (Walter, 17 1991). The issue of forage competition between livestock and wild herbivores, although long acknowledged as being important for conservation management (Kie et al., 1991), has remained a contentious one and reviews suggest a worldwide scarcity of studies aimed at understanding it (Putman, 1996). Even though conclusive information on habitat degradation, and direct competition between domestic and wild herbivores from the region has just started coming, it is evident from some preliminary studies that the present livestock grazing levels in areas such as eastern Ladakh and Spiti may already be unsustainable. The potential impacts of excessive grazing by livestock include depletion of the scarce forage for wildlife, habitat degradation, disease transfer, and reduction in the breeding performance of both wildlife and domestic stock (Bhatnagar and Mathur, 2001). In areas, where large and increasing numbers of people put pressure on small and shrinking ungulate populations and their habitats, these species are at risk being exterminated within few years (Michel, 2008). Competition for forage between wild and domestic herbivores and human-wildlife conflicts need to be addressed in a participatory manner (Bhatnagar and Mathur, 2001). 18 Chapter 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 3.1 STUDY AREA 3.1.1 Geographical Location The study was conducted in Chitral Gol National Park (CGNP) and Tushi Game Reserve (TGR). Chitral Gol National Park is situated in the beautiful valley of Chitral, northwest in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan at 35o 56'N latitude to 71'40oE longitude (Fig 3.1). Total area of the Chitral Gol National Park is 7750 hectares. It is accessible through a dirt road from Chitral town; the Park is bordered by Rombor Valley to the southwest. Tushi Game Reserve has an area of 1545 hectares. The Tushi Game Reserve lies in the foothills of the Hindukush Mountain Range, at a distance of about a half an hour drive from the Chitral town. The important buffer zones of the area are Kuju Gol and Gohtan Gol. 3.1.2 Climate The climate of Chitral Gol National Park and Tushi Game Reserve is dry temperate, characterized by hot summers in the lower areas and cold summers in the upper elevations. Precipitation ranges from 200 mm to 800 mm annually and is mostly received in winter and spring, largely in the form of snow (Rasheed 2007). While mean annual precipitation is 445 mm, principally in winter and spring (Ali, 2008). Frost and snow start from September on high peaks and in November in the valley. Snow stays till March in valleys and June on mountains. Summer and autumn are dry, receiving barely 10–25 mm of rain per month (GoNWFP and IUCN Pakistan, 2004). 18 19 Fig. 3.1: Map of the Study Area 20 0 The mean annual temperature is 16.8C (Ali, 2008). Figures 3.2 and 3.3 show the temperature and rainfall, respectively of Chitral district during 2009. 3.1.3 Topography The Chitral Gol National Park consists of mostly high, rugged, and steep mountains with slope varying from 450 to 1200. High mountain topography is the characteristic feature of the study area. Therefore the entry into Chitral is limited to only few passes i.e., Lowari Pass and Shandoor Pass, which are at an altitude of 3300m and 3800m, respectively. These passes are closed due to heavy snowfall for almost six months in winter and the area is totally inaccessible (Ali & Qaiser, 2005). The topography varies consisting of alpine meadows leading to the permanent glaciers. High mountain and rough topography of the area have given rise to lot of narrow side valleys. Erosion and glacial drift have contributed to fan-deposits along both the main and side valleys, which are the main areas of habitation by humans, hence villages and cultivated fields are found on these alluvial deposits (Ali & Qaiser, 2006). 3.1.4 Flora The main trees and shrubs growing in Chitral Gol National Park and Tushi Game Reserve include Quercus ilex, Pinus gerardiana, Juniperus macropoda, Salix spp., Abies pindrow, Pistacia khinjuk, Viburnum and Rosa spp. (GoNWFP, 2006). At elevation up to 2,400 metres the vegetation type is dry oak forest (Quercus ilex). At 21 Fig. 3.2: Temperatures in Chitral during 2009 (-11.8 to 19.85 Celcius) Fig. 3.3: Rainfall in Chitral during 2009 22 higher elevations the type grades into the dry temperate coniferous forest with the inclusion of Cedrus deodara and Pinus gerardiana (Aleem, N. D). 3.1.5 Fauna Fauna of Chitral Gol National Park and Tushi Game Reserve has affinities to Palearctic Faunal Region with only a slight oriental mix from the south. Dry and arid temperate climate has been compensated for its species richness by great altitudinal variation. Major wildlife includes; Snow leopard (Uncia uncia), Himalayan lynx (Lynx lynx), Wolf (Canus lupus), Jackal (Canus aureus), Common red fox (Vulpes vulpes), Himalayan ibex (Capra ibex sibirica), Hare (Lepus capensis), Long-tailed or Kashmir marmot (Marmota caudata), snow cock (Tetraogallous himalayensis) and Chukar partridge (Alectoris chukar) (Din and Nawaz, 2010). Markhor (Capra falconeri) and black bear (Ursus thibetanus) are also found in the Chitral area (GoNWFP, 2006). 3.1.6 Domestic Livestock The combined livestock population of Chitral was estimated at 173,262 head of cattle, 188,822 sheep and 335,782 goats. In addition, an unknown number of animals belonging to Afghan refugees is also found in the area. Households keep livestock in small herds of 4 to 10, depending on their capacity to store crop residues, fodder and hay to feed animals during the winter and spring months. Chitrali cattle are not robust, weighing only 150 to 200 kg, and generally frail owing to poor nutrition. Cows are kept for milk, calves for milk let-down and oxen for draught purposes. Goats are kept 23 for meat, milk and hides. Sheep are kept primarily for wool (GoNWFP and IUCN Pakistan, 2004). 3.2 SAMPLING 3.2.1 Sample size A total of 120 pellet groups, 30 each of Markhor and domestic goat were collected from Chitral Gol National Park and Tushi Game Reserve during the spring and summer seasons. 3.2.2 Sample Collection Procedure Pellet groups of Markhor and domestic goat were collected between April 2009 and December 2009 which were identified on the basis of pellet dimensions, shape and structure Fig (3.4, 3.5). All pellet groups were double-bagged, labeled with information on collector, collecting time, place and conditions. Information of samples was recorded by using a waterproof pen to minimize the chances of error. The pellet groups were placed in a paper bag so that it can dry out as quickly as possible. Then it was taped such that the contents cannot fall out, yet leaving a gap to aid in the air drying. 3.2.3 Storage and Handling of samples The pellet groups were placed in a warm, dry place before laboratory analysis so that they can get dry as soon as possible. 24 3.2.4 Collection of Reference Materials The collection of potential plant foods of Markhor and goat were made from the study area i.e Chitral Gol National Park and Tushi Game Reserve. This collection of reference plants was based on information collected from people living around Chitral Gol National Park and Tushi Game Reserve. Two specimens of each plant were collected; one for the reference record and the other for preparation of reference materials. The plants were dried between the folds of newspaper. The plants were identified with the help of plant taxonomist. Detail of specimens collected is given in table 3.1. 3.3 REFERENCE KEY A herbarium and a photomicrograph key of reference plants were prepared by collecting plant species from Chitral Gol National Park and Tushi Game Reserve. Herbarium contains 22 plant species. Diet of Markhor and domestic goat in study area was identified by developing a reference photographic key of plant species Fig (4.5). 3.3.1 Microphotography: The diagnostic features of the plant cells such as shape, size, fibres, trichomes, pores, stomata, from each reference slide were photographed using a camera fitted to an microscope. Thus, a reference slide library was made of 26 images. This was done in order to facilitate the screening of photomicrographs for the identification of faecal fragments during later analysis. 25 Fig. 3.4: Feacal sample of markhor Fig. 3.5: Feacal sample of domestic goat 26 Table 3.1: Plant species collected from the study area for reference slides S. No. Scientific name Local name Trees 1 Quercus baloot Banj 2 Juniperus excelsa Saroz 3 Pistacia integerrima Thoak 4 Salix iliensis Theli Shrubs 5 Rubus anatolicus Atchu 6 Origanum vulgare Ishpain 7 Linum perenne Shahtili Grasses and Forbs 8 Astragalus psilocentros Garmenzu 9 Marsilea minuta Isqar Basho 10 Capparis spinosa Kaveer 11 Typha latifolia Manzhor 12 Prangos pabularia Moshain 13 Convolvulus arvensis Polini jusho 14 Rumex lastatus Shot shakho 15 Bergenia stracheyi Bisapur 16 Bergenia ciliata Zakhme Hayat 17 Rumex alpinus Sirkonzu 18 Hypsicum perforatum Matali 19 Rheum emodi Ishpar 20 Berberis calliobotrys Chowenj 21 Grewia populifolia Bhovi 22 Artemisia maritime Dron 27 3.4 MICROHISTOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF FAECES (FAECAL ANALYSIS) Examining faecal samples by a microhistological technique (Baumgarther and Martin, 1939; Sparks and Malechek, 1968) is the most commonly used method for determining the botanical composition of herbivore diets (Holechek et al., 1982; Alipayo et al., 1992). Different digestibility among plants, however, may produce biased estimates (Sanders et al., 1980). The diet of Markhor and domestic goats was determined through microhistological analysis of their faeces and compared for resource overlap. 3.4.1 Slide preparation: In the laboratory the faecal samples were ground with mortar and pestle. The ground material was sieved through cotton cloth to remove large unidentifiable particles and dust. Faecal Samples were washed in flowing water and soaked in a soaking solution (1 part distilled water, 1 part Ethyl alcohol, 1 part glycerine) for over night. Then the samples were again ground in Virtis Homogenizer at National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad. Fifty percent of the samples was transferred to a labeled test tube and five percent warm sodium hydroxide solution was added to it. The test tube was heated in a boiling water bath for 4 to 6 minutes. The particles were allowed to settle before removing the supernatant dark fluid and this treatment was repeated 3 to 7 times until a relatively clear solution was produced. Then the material was washed four times with warm distilled water. It was dehydrated through a series of 25%. 50%, 75% and 100% alcohol treatments, each for 10 minutes. Then alcohol was removed through a 28 series of xylene and alcohol mixtures (25%. 50%, 75% and 100% xylene) each for 10 minutes, except 100% for overnight. The next day the material was transferred to a clean glass slide and was evenly spread and mounted in DPX mounting medium under a cover slip. The same procedure was followed for preparation of slides of reference plant collection, except for using 10 % NaOH solution. 3.4.2 Slide reading The slides were studied in detail by recording the specific cell characteristics of plants. These characteristics were used as key features for comparison and identification of the materials found in faeces. The images of faecal fragments were compared with the plant reference photomicrographs at the similar level of magnification, exposure, brightness, and colour conditions. 3.5 ANALYTICAL PROCEDURE Each faecal sample was analysed to identify plant species composition by the Microhistological analysis. The faecal samples were examined by microhistological technique. The fragments were identified on the basis of shape and relationships of the short cells, shape of the wall of the long cells, stomatal cells, cell wall shape, pattern and distribution of epidermal cells adjacent to guard cells, nature and arrangement of epidermal hairs. 3.6 DIET COMPOSITION Plant species found in faecal sample were ascertained after a detailed analysis of all cell characteristics and compared with reference photographic key. The relative 29 frequency of a plant species in the faeces was calculated and expressed as the Relative Importance Value (RIV), which is the total number of fragments identified for a given food species divided by the total number of all counts made in the sample, multiplied by 100 (Jnawali, 1995). 3.7 DIET SELECTION Diet Selection Value (DSV) was calculated using the following equation, reflecting the consumption (Relative Importance Value) in relation to the availability (Prominence Value) of food plants (Jnawali, 1995): Where is the Prominence Value (PV) for species x. Prominence value reflects the relative availability of plant species in Markhor habitat. is the Relative Importance Value (RIV) for species x. Relative importance value reflects the relative frequency of a plant species in the faeces. 3.8 DIET OVERLAP The modified Morisita index of overlap (Horn, 1966) was calculated to estimate the diet overlap between the ungulates and thus to measure their overall diet similarity. The index varies from 0.0 for completely distinct pairs (no food species in common) to 1.0 for complete overlap: 30 Where x and y are the proportion of plant group in the total diet of Markhor and domestic goat respectively. 3.9 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Paired chi-square test was applied to determine the significance of any differences in consumption found within each plant. 31 Chapter 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 DIET COMPOSITION The collection of faecal samples of Markhor and domestic goat were carried out from the study area during two seasons of the year i.e. spring and summer. Therefore, the analyses were made separately for each collection with respect to the season and animal species. A total of 14 plant species were recorded in the diet of Markhor out of which leaves of 13 species and stem parts of one species were consumed (Table 4.1). Similarly domestic goat consumed 13 plants species. Of these, the leaves of 11 species and stem parts of two species were consumed (Table 4.2). Thus the leaves were the most common food item found in faeces regardless of the season. The results of present study support the earlier investigations by Coffey et al. (2004) who reported that both wild and domestic goat prefer browsing. Goats are known to stand on their hind legs to reach leaves. Plant species such as Prangos pabularia and Linum perenne were found in the diet of Markhor and domestic goat in both the spring and summer seasons. In the spring seasons Rumex lastatus was dominant while in the summer seasons Hypsicum perforatum was dominant in Markhor food. In the spring seasons Salix iliensis was dominant while in the summer seasons Linum perenne was dominant in domestic goat food. 31 32 Table 4.1: Plant species identified in faecal samples of markhor during spring and summer 2009 S. No. Plant Species Part Eaten No. (%) of faeces containing plant parts Spring-2009 Summer-2009 1 Salix iliensis leaves 8 (26.6) - 2 Origanum vulgare leaves 8 (26.6) 6 (20.0) 3 Rumex lastatus leaves 9 (30.0) - 4 Astragalus psilocentros leaves 8 (26.6) - 5 Juniperus excelsa leaves 7 (23.3) - 6 Prangos pabularia leaves 8 (26.6) 6 (20.0) 7 Linum perenne leaves 8 (26.6) 7 (23.3) 8 Rubus anatolicus leaves 4 (13.3) - 9 Artemisia maritime leaves - 6 (20.0) 10 Pistacia integerrima leaves - 6 (20.0) 11 Rheum emodi leaves - 8 (26.6) 12 Hypsicum perforatum stem - 8 (26.6) 13 Quercus baloot leaves - 7 (23.3) 14 Bergenia ciliate leaves - 5 (16.6) 33 Table 4.2: Plant species identified in faecal samples of domestic goat during spring and summer 2009 S. No. Plant Species Part Eaten No. (%) of faeces containing plant parts Spring-2009 Summer-2009 1 Salix iliensis leaves 8 (26.6) - 2 Juniperus excelsa leaves 6 (20.0) - 3 Prangos pabularia leaves 7 (23.3) 7 (23.3) 4 Linum perenne leaves 8 (26.6) 7 (23.3) 5 Capparis spinosa stem 3 (10.0) - 6 Artemisia maritime leaves - 6 (20.0) 7 Pistacia integerrima leaves - 6 (20.0) 8 Origanum vulgare leaves - 7 (23.3) 9 Rheum emodi leaves - 8 (26.6) 10 Hypsicum perforatum stem - 7 (23.3) 11 Quercus baloot leaves - 6 (20.0) 12 Prangos pabularia leaves 7 (23.3) 7 (23.3) 13 Bergenia ciliate leaves - 6 (20.0) 34 4.2 SEASONAL VARIATION Eight plant species were recorded in the faeces of Markhor and five in the faeces of domestic goat from spring season samples (Table 4.3). Among those, four plant species were found common in the diet of both Markhor and domestic goat, including Salix iliensis, Juniperus excelsa, Prangos pabularia, Linum perenne. Hence, there was a considerable diet overlap among the both animal species. Due to more or less complete digestion of some plant species unidentified material consisted of 6.4% and 17.1% in the diet of Markhor and domestic goat respectively (Table 4.3). In summer samples, nine plant species were identified in the faeces of both the Markhor and domestic goat (Table 4.4). In summer, the overlap of diet of Markhor with domestic goat was higher than spring season. As in summer, all nine plant species were found common in the diet of both Markhor and domestic goat. Unidentified material consisted of 6.29 % and 6.31% in the diet of Markhor and domestic goat, respectively. Current study indicated that the extent of overlap between Markhor and domestic goat for summer forage was high than in spring, thus competition was likely to occur during this season. The results of earlier study conducted in the Indian TransHimalayas by Mishra et al. (2004) are in line with the results of present study, who reported that there was considerable diet overlap among the herbivore species in summer and livestock grazing caused a significant reduction in the standing crop of forage. Similarly, Bagchi et al. (2003) found that wild and domestic goats utilize the same habitat types and do not differentiate in their diets. Wild and domestic goats are intermediate feeders with associated opportunistic feeding behaviour, diet overlap 35 seems to be inevitable. Hence, they are expected to compete for the same forage when feeding on the same range (Mishra et al., 2004). Paired chi-square tests showed that during spring season, consumption of all plants (Salix iliensis, Origanum vulgare, Rumex lastatus, Astragalus psilocentros, Juniperus excelsa, Linum perenne, Capparis spinosa, Rubus anatolicus) except Prangos pabularia was significantly different (P <0.05, χ² =4.09-15.89, df =1) among the two species. While consumption of Prangos pabularia was equal both in Markhor and domestic goat (P > 0.05, χ² =3.35, df =1). Paired chi-square tests showed that during summer season, consumption of all plants (Artemisia maritime, Pistacia integerrima, Origanum vulgare, Rheum emodi, Hypsicum perforatum, Quercus baloot, Prangos pabularia, Linum perenne, Bergenia ciliate) were equal both in Markhor and domestic goat (P > 0.05, χ² = 0.02-0.47, df =1), having non-significant difference in their diets. 36 Table 4.3: Relative importance values (RIVs) of plant species in the diet of markhor and domestic goat during spring 2009 S. No. Markhor Plants RIV Domestic goat SD RIV SD 1 Salix iliensis 13 11.46 22.69 9.92 2 Origanum vulgare 13.32 10.45 0.0 - 3 Rumex lastatus 15.89 11.29 0.0 - 4 Astragalus psilocentros 12.08 12.29 0.0 - 5 Juniperus excelsa 10.94 16.84 17.63 12.76 6 Prangos pabularia 12.89 7.78 18.4 7.90 7 Linum perenne 12.32 10.09 19.64 6.48 8 Rubus anatolicus 3.1 8.95 0.0 - 9 Capparis spinosa 0.0 - 4.49 1.0 10 Unidentified plants 6.4 2.84 17.11 4.40 37 Table 4.4: Relative importance values (RIVs) of plant species in the diet of markhor and domestic goat during summer 2009 S. No. Markhor Plants RIV Domestic goat SD RIV SD 1 Artemisia maritime 9.29 7.62 9.82 7.63 2 Pistacia integerrima 8.94 6.86 9.41 6.67 3 Origanum vulgare 10.68 3.88 8.7 7.11 4 Rheum emodi 12.65 7.11 13.22 6.08 5 Hypsicum perforatum 13.1 7.80 11.9 7.91 6 Quercus baloot 10.28 9.44 9.51 6.71 7 Prangos pabularia 9.16 6.73 11.24 9.53 8 Linum perenne 12.52 4.33 13.37 4.46 9 Bergenia ciliate 7.03 9.62 6.47 12.34 10 Unidentified plants 6.29 2.44 6.31 2.61 38 4.3 DIET COMPARISON 4.3.1 Spring diet comparison Rumex lastatus was the dominant plant species in the spring diet of Markhor with 15.89% composition, followed by Origanum vulgare (13.32%), Salix iliensis (13%), Prangos pabularia (12.89%), Linum perenne (12.32%), Astragalus psilocentros (12.08%), Juniperus excels (10.94%,) and Rubus anatolicus (3.1%), and unidentified plants 6.4% (Fig 4.1). The dominant plant in the diet of domestic goat was Salix iliensis (22.69%), followed by Linum perenne (19.64%), Prangos pabularia (18.4%), Juniperus excelsa (17.63%), and Capparis spinosa (4.49%). All these plant species were common with Markhor diet except Capparis spinosa (4.49%). Capparis spinosa was present only in the diet of domestic goat. Unidentified plant material was 17.11% in goat’s diet. Four plant species i.e. Origanum vulgare, Rumex lastatus, Astragalus psilocentros and Rubus anatolicus were present only in the diet of Markhor. The dominant plant in the diet of Markhor was Rumex lastatus during spring. This finding is supported by earlier investigations by Aleem (1976), who reported that during spring season, Markhor preferentially utilize Rumex lastatus. During the present investigation it was noted that Capparis spinosa was present only in the diet of goat. Field observations of PAMP (2008) have supported that the frequency of occurrence of Capparis spinosa is very low in Chitral Gol National Park because local population collect this plant for fuel wood and herding livestock. domestic goat during spring 2009 Fig. 4.1: Proportions of plant species in the diets of markhor and 39 40 4.3.2 Summer diet comparison Hypsicum perforatum was the dominant plant species in the summer diet of Markhor with 13.1% composition, followed by Rheum emodi (12.65%), Linum perenne (12.52%), Origanum vulgare (10.68%), Quercus baloot (10.28%), Artemisia maritime (9.29%), Prangos pabularia (9.16%), Pistacia integerrima (8.94%), Bergenia ciliate (7.03%) and unidentified plants 6.29% (Fig 4.2). The dominant plant in the diet of domestic goat was Linum perenne (13.37%), followed by Rheum emodi (13.22%), Prangos pabularia (11.24%), Artemisia maritime (9.82%), Quercus baloot (9.51%), Pistacia integerrima (9.41%), Origanum vulgare (8.7%) and Bergenia ciliate (6.47%). All these plant species were common with Markhor diet. Unidentified plant matters were 6.31% in domestic goat’s diet. The present study revealed that during summer, Markhor and domestic goat share their diets. This information is supported by field observations of PAMP (2008), who reported that the households of Chitral send their livestock to different zones of Chitral Gol National Park that are also utilized by Markhor during summer. The herders of Thingshen, Jang Bazaar, Mughlandeh utilize Utras and Dooni areas for livestock grazing and which share it with Markhor during summer. Therefore, the competition for forage between Markhor and domestic goat is high in Chitral Gol National Park because both species mainly occupy the steeper slopes with more browsing potentials. goat during summer 2009 Fig. 4.2: Proportions of plant species in the diets of markhor and domestic 41 42 4.4 DIET SELECTION 4.4.1 Diet selection of Markhor and domestic goat during spring season During the spring season, Markhor strongly preferred Linum perenne (DSV= 2.64) and had a neutral preference for Salix iliensis (DSV= 1.39), Rumex lastatus (DSV=1.25), Origanum vulgare, (DSV= 1.18) and Juniperus excelsa (DSV=1.03). While Astragalus psilocentros (DSV=0.62), Rubus anatolicus (DSV=0.55) and Prangos pabularia (DSV=0.30) was least preferred forage of Markhor. Similarly, domestic goat strongly preferred Linum perenne (DSV= 4.22) and Salix iliensis (DSV= 2.42) and had a neutral preference for Juniperus excelsa (DSV= 1.66) and Capparis spinosa (DSV= 1.56). While Prangos pabularia (DSV= 0.43) was the least preferred forage of domestic goat. During spring season, both Markhor and domestic goat showed strong preference for Linum perenne (Table 4.5). 4.4.2 Diet selection of Markhor and domestic goat during summer season During summer season, Markhor strongly preferred Linum perenne (DSV= 2.69), and had a neutral preference for Pistacia integerrima (DSV=1.19). While Origanum vulgare (DSV=0.95), Rheum emodi (DSV= 0.81), Bergenia ciliate (DSV=0.64 ), Hypsicum perforatum (DSV=0.60), Quercus baloot (DSV=0.23), Artemisia maritime (DSV=0.22) and Prangos pabularia (DSV=0.21) were the least preferred forage of Markhor. Similarly, domestic goat strongly preferred Linum perenne (DSV =2.87) and had a neutral preference for Pistacia integerrima (DSV =1.25). While Rheum emodi (DSV=0.85), Origanum vulgare (DSV= 0.77), Bergenia ciliate (DSV= 0.59), Hypsicum perforatum (DSV= 0.55), Prangos pabularia (DSV= 43 0.26), Artemisia maritime (DSV=0.24) and Quercus baloot (DSV=0.21) were the non preferred plants by domestic goat (Table 4.6). The present study revealed that Linum perenne was the most important forage species and preferred food both for Markhor and domestic goat in Chitral area during both the spring and summer seasons. The results of this study are in agreement with a study conducted under PAMP (2008), which stated that both Markhor and domestic goat preferentially utilize Linum perenne. 4.5 DIET OVERLAP BETWEEN MARKHOR AND DOMESTIC GOAT During summer season, diet overlap factor was 0.99 ( =0.99), almost equal to 1.0, which indicates very high diet overlap between Markhor and domestic goat. During the spring season, the value of diet overlap factor was 0.69 ( =0.69), indicating that the diets of Markhor and domestic goat were not completely overlap. During summer season, a very high diet overlap between Markhor and domestic goat in the study area revealed by the present investigation indicates a substantial degree of niche overlap between Markhor and domestic goat. Because in early summer, goat population move to high elevation for grazing and browsing. Where they remains from August till the beginning of snowfall in early December. This high elevation area is also utilized by Markhor during summer. 44 Table 4.5: Diet selection values (DSV) of markhor and domestic goat during spring 2009 Plant species Availability of plants (%) Markhor Domestic goat DSV DSV Salix iliensis 9.35 1.39 2.42 Origanum vulgare 11.21 1.18 - Rumex lastatus 12.68 1.25 - Astragalus psilocentros 19.41 0.62 - Juniperus excelsa 10.57 1.03 1.66 Prangos pabularia 42.58 0.30 0.43 Linum perenne 4.65 2.64 4.22 Rubus anatolicus 5.56 0.55 - Capparis spinosa 2.86 - 1.56 45 Table 4.6: Diet selection values (DSV) of markhor and domestic goat during summer 2009 Markhor Domestic goat Availability of plants (%) DSV DSV Artemisia maritime 40.59 0.22 0.24 Pistacia integerrima 7.5 1.19 1.25 Origanum vulgare 11.21 0.95 0.77 Rheum emodi 15.52 0.81 0.85 Hypsicum perforatum 21.55 0.60 0.55 Quercus baloot 43.77 0.23 0.21 Prangos pabularia 42.58 0.21 0.26 Linum perenne 4.65 2.69 2.87 Bergenia ciliate 10.89 0.64 0.59 Plant species 46 The results of present study are similar as of earlier investigations by Aleem (N.D) reporting that wild animal come in direct competition with livestock. The food taken by domestic goats is almost the same which is relished by Markhor in Chitral area. In a study conducted in eastern Ladakh by Bhatnagar and Mathur (2001), it was indicated that the potential impact of excessive grazing by livestock include depletion of the scarce forage for wild animals. Food habits studies of animals by microscopic analysis of faecal material rank the forage species according to their importance in the diet. The quantification of diets from faecal analysis rests on the assumption that species composition of epidermal fragments identified in the faeces corresponds closely to the proportion of each species ingested. Although faecal analysis has been reported to under-estimate the proportion of some species, especially herbs, in the diet, Alipayo et al. (1992) suggested that this is in line with the poor methodology, and good correspondence can be obtained if appropriate attention is given to the preparation and identification of epidermal material. The microphotographs of reference plants are given in Fig. 4.3 and plants found in the faeces of Markhor and domestic goat are given in Fig. 4.4 and 4.5, respectively. 47 1 2 3 5 4 6 Continued 48 Fig. ‘page 2’ 11 7 8 9 10 12 Continued 49 Fig. ‘page 3’ 13 15 17 14 16 18 18 Continued 50 Fig. ‘page 4’ 19 21 20 22 22 23 24 Continued 51 Fig. ‘page 5’ 25 26 Fig. 4.3: Microphotograph of reference plants 1. Leaves cells of Rumex alpines 2. Stem cells of Artemisia maritime 3. Leaves cells of Artemisia maritime 4. Stem cells of Convolvulus arvensis 5. Leaves cells of Convolvulus arvensis 6. Leaves cells of Origanum vulgare 7. Leaves cells of Capparis spinosa 8. stem cells of Capparis spinosa 9. Leaves cells of Typha latifolia 10. Leaves cells of Rumex lastatus 11. Leaves cells of Rubus anatolicus 12. Leaves cells of Quercus baloot 13. Leaves cells of Prangos pabularia 14. Leaves cells of Pistacia integerrima 15. Leaves cells of Rheum emodi 16. Leaves cells of Astragalus psilocentros 17. Leaves cells of Linum perenne 18. Leaves cells of Hypsicum perforatum 19. Stem cells of Hypsicum perforatum 20. Leaves cells of Berberis calliobotrys 21. Leaves cells of Bergenia stracheyi 22. Leaves cells of Salix iliensis 23. Leaves cells of Juniperus excelsa 24. Leaves cells of Grewia populifolia 25. Leaves cells of Marsilea minuta 26. Leaves cells Bergenia ciliata 52 Fig. 4.4: Cells of Origanum vulgare and Astragalus psilocentros found in the faeces of markhor Fig. 4.5: Cells of Origanum vulgare found in the faeces of domestic goat 53 SUMMARY Markhor is typically associated with steppic mountain conditions and regions of meagre rainfall, occurring between altitudinal range of 600m to 3600m. Chitral Gol National Park (CGNP) supports the largest surviving populations of Kashmir Markhor (Capra falconeri cashmiriensis) in Pakistan. Markhor is classifieded as Endangered globally as per IUCN Red List of 2005. The present study was designed to determine the extent of food overlap between Markhor and domestic goat in Chitral area. For this purpose, microscopic analysis of faecal material of both the species was done. A total of 120 pellet groups, 30 each of Markhor and domestic goat were collected from Chitral Gol National Park and Tushi Game Reserve during the spring and summer seasons. Different characteristics of plant cells were used to determine the plant species consumed by Markhor and domestic goat. An herbarium containing 22 plant species and a photomicrograph key of reference plants were prepared by collecting plant species from the study area. Diets of Markhor and domestic goat were identified by matching the slides of faecal sample with the reference photographic key of plant species. During spring season eight plant species were recorded in the faeces of Markhor and five in the faeces of domestic goat. Among those, four plant species were found common in the diet of both Markhor and domestic goat, including Salix iliensis, Juniperus excelsa, Prangos pabularia and Linum perenne. Rumex lastatus was the dominant plant species in the spring diet of Markhor. While the dominant plant in the diet of domestic goat was Salix iliensis. In summer samples, nine plant species were identified in the faeces of both the Markhor and domestic goat. Among those, all nine 53 54 plant species (Artemisia maritime, Pistacia integerrima, Origanum vulgare, Rheum emodi, Hypsicum perforatum, Quercus baloot, Prangos pabularia, Linum perenne, Bergenia ciliate) were found common in the diet of both Markhor and domestic goat. Hypsicum perforatum was the dominant plant species in the summer diet of Markhor while the dominant plant in the summer diet of domestic goat was Linum perenne. This study revealed that the competition between Markhor and domestic goat for food resources was very high in the study area during the summer season. As the diets of Markhor and domestic goat were almost same during summer. Conclusions The microhistological technique based on the frequency of occurrence of plant fragments on a microscope field (presence or absence) has become one of the most popular methods of determining food habits, although it faces several limitations as reported by the researchers evaluating its accuracy (Sparks and Malechek, 1968). One of the limitations refers to the fact that the relation between identifiable epidermal tissue and unidentifiable tissue is not similar for all species, which could result in overestimation or under-estimation some items/species (Santosh et al., 2005). Markhor consumed eight plant species during the spring season including; Salix iliensis, Origanum vulgare, Rumex lastatus, Astragalus psilocentros, Juniperus excelsa, Prangos pabularia, Linum perenne and Rubus anatolicus while five plant species were recorded in the faeces of domestic goat (Salix iliensis, Juniperus excelsa, Prangos pabularia, Linum perenne. Capparis spinosa). In summer samples, nine plant 55 species were identified in the faeces of both Markhor and domestic goat which were common in their diet. These included; Artemisia maritime, Pistacia integerrima, Origanum vulgare, Rheum emodi, Hypsicum perforatum, Quercus baloot, Prangos pabularia, Linum perenne and Bergenia ciliate. During the spring season, Markhor strongly preferred Linum perenne while domestic goat strongly preferred Linum perenne and Salix iliensis. During summer season, both Markhor and domestic goat strongly preferred Linum perenne. Diet overlap factor was 0.99 ( =0.99) during summer season which indicates very high diet overlap between Markhor and domestic goat. During the spring season, the value of diet overlap factor was 0.69 ( =0.69), indicating that the diets of Markhor and domestic goat were not completely overlapped. Tree species utilized both by Markhor and domestic goat included; Theli (Salix iliensis), Saroz (Juniperus excelsa), Thoak (Pistacia integerrima) and Banj (Quercus baloot ). Among shrubs, Ishpain (Origanum vulgare) and Shahtili (Linum perenne) and among grasses and forbs, Moshain (Prangos pabularia), Dron (Artemisia maritime), Ishpar (Rheum emodi), Matali (Hypsicum perforatum) and Zakhme Hayat (Bergenia ciliate) were the species utilized both by Markhor and domestic goats. Shahtili (Linum perenne) was the key preferred species by Markhor and domestic goat in both summer and spring seasons. 56 During the summer season, Markhor and domestic goat showed high overlapping in habitat use as indicated by their diet composition in this season. The diet preferences of Markhor and domestic goat were found to be quite similar during summer which lead to competition for food between them. Recommendations ¾ Livestock grazing in the core habitat of Markhor in Chitral Gol National Park should be completely banned. ¾ Livestock grazing should be regulated in the way that Markhor habitats outside of the national park are least affected or not depleted. ¾ Habitat areas of Markhor, especially the preferred plant species for forage in these areas should be protected. 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