Covey Rise - Tulsa Bird Dog Association
Covey Rise - Tulsa Bird Dog Association
Covey Rise November 2011 A publication of the Tulsa Bird Dog Assn. President’s Corner With Doug Hardesty Why have so many men loved shooting and guns and dogs? Fascination with shooting has been a part of every generation of men since gunpowder. I suspect it stirred in me on those President Doug Hardesty early mornings when I was got out of my crib to watch my 918-289-5642 father leave for a day’s shooting, and in the evenings on his return, seeing and touching the quail he brought home. There was a setter named Ted whose dark, soft eyes peered into Secretary/Treas. mine and whose pink tongue washed my hands. Roy Marshall 918-835-5016 It is things like these that mark us as shooting men years before we are men. If I had grown to maturity without ever having killed a bird I probably could not have brought myself to do it. But how much poorer I would have been. Vice Presidents Keith Lindsey 918-251-0023 The non-shooter can’t know bobwhites or woodcock or Bob Dorn 918-352-8888 Jeff Jones 918-510-3904 Shane Bevel 918-409-0604 Dennis Drullinger 918-369-3195 Field Trial Chairman Keith Lindsay Webmaster Mike Hill 918-543-6357 pheasants like the man who shoots. And who can comprehend a grouse who knows it only as the “large red-brown or graybrown chicken-like bird” of field guides, who has never in recurrent dreams tried to swing a muzzle past a sailing grouse only to tug helplessly on a flabby trigger that won’t discharge the gun? Pursuit of game birds link us with the past. The lines of an old gun have character that can’t be approached by the automatic plumbing that passes for a gun today. Names like Parker and Fox and Ithaca evoke images of locks engraved with oldfashioned setters and pointers that look as dated as the birds. We cherish blood in our gun dogs going back beyond what many of us know of our own. And we cling to old-time hunters and what they can tell us of another age; it seems that to have hunted in those days would have been ecstasy. ----From “By An Evening’s Fire” By George Bird Evans Meetings every fourth Tuesday at 7pm. Next Meeting November 22, 2011 Zarrow Regional Library 2224 W. 51st Street, Tulsa Okla. 74107 Treasurer’s Report With Roy Marshall Cash balance at September 30, 2011 Income for October Expenses for September Balance at September, 2011 Net Gain for September $2206.38 2632.39 $1822.83 $3015.94 $808.56 Sale Barn Brittany pups for sale!! Call Chuck Leaver at 918 906-4709 2 - Classic Insulated weather resistant Kennel covers size large for Port a Kennel or Vari Kennel crates. Covers are new, have zippered windows and doors. List price $90, Sell for $50 each. Contact Mark Randell @ 918-633-9554 I have pointer pups for sale. 2 males 1 female $100, Contact Austin Graham at 918-791-5399 or [email protected] TBDA Membership Application Mail to: Roy Marshall - P.O. Box 2136 - Tulsa, OK, 74101-2136 Applicant’s Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City:_________________________State:__________________Zip:________________ Phone:__________________________ Cell:___________________________________ Email Address:__________________________________________________________ Tulsa Bird Dog Association Annual Dues : $40.00 Notifications PLEASE BE REMINDED THAT SMOKING IS NOT ALLOWED AT ANY TIME ON OUR FIELD TRIAL GROUNDS. With the current extremely dry weather conditions, it is very dangerous and a violation of our lease agreement. Membership dues are due and payable on August 1, 2011 Gun Dog Trial Results Place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Dog’s Name Pal Reba Gunny Snoop Brandy Max Place 1st 2nd 3rd Dog’s Name Bullet Jasper Gunner Place 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Place 1st 2nd 3rd October 22, 2011 Field Trial Results Open Category Breed Sex Owner\Handler E Setter M Tom Krause Brittany F Vernon Seaman GSP M Doug Hardesty Pointer M Austin Graham Brittany F Vernon Seaman Brittany M Tom Alexander Puppy Category Breed Sex Owner\Handler Brittany M Doug Hardesty Pointer M Tom Krause Pointer M Bill Whitley NOVEMBER 5, 2011 Trial Results Open Category Dog’s Name Breed Sex Alice GSP F Brandy Brittany F Reba Brittany F Schlitz GSP M Ms Chili Palmer GSP F Smoke Pointer M Puppy Category Dog’s Name Kota Joe Bullett Breed Sex Brittany M Brittany M Brittany M Owner\Handler Keith Lindsay Vernon Seaman Vernon Seaman Roy Marshall Curtis Hinex Tom Alexander Owner\Handler Vernon Seaman Zac Henderson Doug Hardesty Rattlesnake Vaccine Available A Point in the Bog By Shane Bevel T he trail descends steeply through the popples winding its way down through the forest to damper climes. The setter rushes ahead, quartering left, then right. Searching desperately for the scent of the grouse flushed just minutes earlier at the crest of the hill. Behind, the hunter struggles to keep up, the barrels of his double gun still warm. The ring of the bell guides him, crashing and tearing through the brambles, hoping for yet another shot at the elusive grouse. As he arrives at the edge of the bog, the setter seems confused by the new terrain. Labrador tea and delicate late season flowers burst up through the bottomless peat bog. The temperature is slightly warmer. Tall evergreens cast a dark shade on the world. The air falls strangely silent as his boots seem to float across the giant sponge of vegetation and rot, a drastic difference from the crunch and crack of the newly fallen leaves of the autumn forest. Moving slower now, the setter crosses the bog, no larger than a small pond, from edge to edge. The peat still silent below the pads of his feet. Suddenly the perpetual motion of the dog stops staunch, a small evergreen at the tip of his flared nose. A moment passes and as the hunter approaches, the grouse flushes with the sound of distant thunder, a brownish blur through the forest. The gun ascends to the shoulder, the finger pulls the front trigger, and with a cloud of feathers, the bird folds and falls, landing softly in the peat. The hunter and the dog retrieve the soft feathered bird and with a word of praise, move on. The small bog is silent again. Tulsa Bird Dog Club’s 2011 Dog of the Year and Team Championship Standings DOGS NAME MAR 5,11 MAR 26,119-Apr-11 OCT 8,11 OCT 22,11 NOV 5,11 TULSA BIRD DOG CLUB 2011 GUN DOG OF THE YEAR & STANDING REBA 4 5 5 4 ALICE 6 6 BRANDY 4 2 5 SNOOP 2 5 3 JOHN COFFEE 6 3 SHELLY 2 6 SMOKE 5 2 1 HOSS 4 3 SCHLITZ 4 3 JILL 6 MAGIC 3 3 PAL 6 BART 5 GUNNY 1 4 SONJA 1 1 RED 2 CHILLI PALMER 2 AVIS 1 MAX 1 TULSA BIRD DOG CLUB 2011 PUPPY GUN DOG OF THE YEAR & STANDING BULLET 2 3 3 3 3 1 MARLEY 3 2 2 KOTA 3 JASPER/TA 2 2 JASPER/TK 2 2 JOE 2 MAGGY 1 WILLY 1 GUNNER 1 TULSA BIRD DOG CLUB’S 2011 HANDLER OF THE YEAR & STANDING VERNON SEAMAN 3 7 5 4 7 12 DOUG HARDESTY 2 4 3 3 7 1 CURTIS HINEX 5 6 3 2 TOM ALEXANDER 3 7 2 2 1 1 AUSTIN GRAHAM 1 2 3 5 3 KEITH LINDSAY 7 1 6 TOM KRAUSE 6 8 BEN FAULKNER 2 6 LARRY MOORE 4 3 ROY MARSHALL 4 3 7 BILL LACK 2 MIKE HILL 1 TOTAL 18 12 11 10 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 2 2 2 1 1 15 7 3 2 1 1 1 38 20 16 16 14 14 14 8 7 2 1 Tulsa Bird Dog Club’s 2010 Dog of the Year Snoop, Austin Graham Owner/Handler Tulsa Bird Dog Assn. P.O. Box 2136 Tulsa, OK 74101-2136
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Covey Rise - Tulsa Bird Dog Association
clubhouse. If you have space in your truck at the trial and would
volunteer to help, please talk to an officer at the fun hunt.