Major Programs Guide


Major Programs Guide
Yoga Life Center
Major Programs
The Roots of Yoga
Cultivating Peace &
A Revolution in
Yoga Life Center
2016 Major Programs Guide
The Roots of Yoga
Cultivating Peace and A Revolution in Consciousness
Hari OM and Welcome
We all want to live healthy, happy, and useful
lives. In a world which sometimes seems hopelessly
divided by religion, politics, economics, nationality,
and race, Yoga provides a powerful counterforce,
always emphasizing our essential unity.
In this guide we’ve introduced programs and
community opportunities that aim to keep this
essential unity in the foreground. We will explore a landscape of
Yoga that is both intellectually comprehensive and spiritually
fulfilling. In line with our past programming, we will continue to go
beyond the surface layer of Yogic philosophy to reach the roots of
our own practices which grow much like the roots of other faith
Want to learn to steady the mind? Wish you could deepen your
practices or even study in our small groups with our leading
instructors? We have several noteworthy options to choose from,
including our new “By Request” offerings — instruction when it’s
convenient for you. For those that prefer or require more flexible
learning options, many of our classes will be available via WEBINAR.
Please keep in mind that this guide only covers our major
programs for the upcoming year. To receive the most up-to-date
information on our monthly offerings please join our email list, view
the Yoga Life Center website, and follow us on social media.
The teachers and staff of the Yoga Life Center wish you all Peace
and Joy; Love and Light, and a year filled with the benefits of
Reverend Jaganath Carrera
Table of Contents
2016 Major Programs Guide
Major Programs
• Raja Yoga Teacher Training Certification
• Exploring the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
• Breakthrough: Diverse Paths on the Road
to Enlightenment
• The Guru Gita: A Manual for Yoga Apprenticeship ..
Health and Wellness
• Meditation: The Journey to the Tranquil Self
• Healing Through Yoga
• Yoga for Hormonal Balance and Stress Relief
• Yoga Mudras, Yoga and Your Hands
New Offerings
• Yoga Life Café
• “By Request” Instruction
• Senior Yoga Life Instructors
Ongoing Programs
• Satsang
• Eka Jyothi Interfaith Pujas
• Special Services and Holiday Celebrations
• Sacred Wisdom Series
• Triaxial Hatha
. ..
• Yoga for EveryONE
• Yoga Life Society 200 & 300 Hour Teacher Training...
Special Events
• Annual One-Day Mini Retreat
• The Yoga Life Ministry
Hatha Classes and Training Programs
• Yoga Life Sister Centers
• Mirabai Moon
• Yoga Life Center One Year Anniversary
• Yoga Life Society 10 year Anniversary
Back Cover
Page 4 Major Programs
Raja Yoga Teacher Training Certification
Taught by Reverend Jaganath Carrera
There is no peace greater than a tranquil mind, no
power greater than a mind in Yoga, no joy greater than
sharing these pearls of wisdom.
This training program will
Exploring the
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Taught by Senior YLS Teachers
Reverend Narani Lorelli, Reverend Shanti Lemaire,
Madhuri DeJesus , Amba Wallace
Deepen and clarify your understanding of Yoga’s
most powerful teachings.
provide you with the information,
understanding, teaching and
planning skills needed to
successfully share the timeless
wisdom of Patanjali’s Yoga
Sutras .
Even if you are not sure about teaching Raja Yoga
This series is great for beginners and pros alike. The Yoga
Sutras of Patanjali are commonly referred to as Raja Yoga,
the Royal Yoga. The Yoga Sutras represents a revolution
in consciousness; they speak with clarity and authority on
the inner workings of consciousness, the purpose of
creation, and on suffering and the means to transcend it.
yourself, this course is a powerful way to deepen your
The Yoga Sutras is a step-by-step manual for uncovering
knowledge of these teachings - teachings that are meant to
the unshakable peace that is your True Nature. The
bring about a revolution in the individual’s consciousness.
Sutras are a deep well, full of knowledge on so many levels,
You will grow as a practitioner of Yoga and will be well
and the more you study them the more they reveal the sacred
equipped to share these teachings with others, whether they
are family and friends or a class of your own!
Dates, Times & Course Fees
Tuesdays, 6:30 to 9:30pm
Weekend hours:
5 January - 23 February 2016 Sun. Jan. 10 - 9:00 to 5:00pm
Sat. Jan. 30 - 1:00 to 8:00pm
Total Training Hours: 80
Sat. Feb. 27 - 1:00 to 8:00pm
Including reading and
Sun. Feb. 28 - 9:00 to 5:00pm
Course Fee: $795
Early bird discount: $695
(save $100) by 1/4/2016
Register Now at
Yoga Life Society ¤ 10th Anniversary ¤ 2006 –2016
Dates, Times & Course Fees
Tuesdays, 6:30 -8pm*
2 February – 23 February 2016
$100 – 4 Week Series
$30 – Drop–in
*This series is part of the Raja Yoga Teacher Training but
is also open to those not taking the entire training. If you
are registered for the Teacher Training, the price of this
class is included in your training fees.
Dedicated TO Peace ¤ Individual ¤ Global ¤ Universal
Major Programs
Page 5
Diverse Paths on the Road to Enlightenment
This unique six-week course is perfect for any student or
practitioner of Yoga, from beginner to advanced. Following
the experiences of three great individuals of faith, this
course is a practical exploration of the different paths each
took to a direct experience with the Absolute.
We will explore the stories of the following individuals as
well as become familiar with the sacred texts they appear
in. These are wonderful, engaging stories filled with drama,
wonder, and wisdom:
Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita — the role of doubt, fear,
and love in spiritual growth;
Nachiketas in the Katha Upanishad – how awareness of the
transitory nature of life and courage develop insight and
spiritual liberation;
Job in the Bible – what suffering, feelings of helplessness,
Taught by Reverend Jaganath Carrera
If you’ve ever wondered
what your own path to
peace and knowledge
should be, or what a
direct encounter with the
Eternal is like, this course
is for you.
Dates, Times & Course Fee
and resistance reveal about ourselves and the Divine.
Tuesday, 7:00pm – 9:00pm
22 March - 26 April 2016
All three were tested, all three went through periods of
confusion . . . and all three had direct encounters with
the Eternal, the Absolute.
$150 – 6 week series
$30 – Drop-in
What can we learn from them?
Inspiring, informative, and at times, even startling, these
stories and the texts in which they appear, are full of
insights that will inform and inspire your own search for
peace, happiness, and knowledge.
Register Now at
Register now at
Page 6
Major Programs
The Guru Gita
A Manual for Yoga Apprenticeship
Taught by Reverend Jaganath Carrera
Just as an unlit candle can only receive light from one
that is lit, spiritual wisdom is awakened through a
relationship with one who is spiritually
The above quote comes from the revered classic of
sacred wisdom in the East, the Guru Gita or Song of the
Guru. Dating from between the 6th and 8th centuries,
CE, the Guru Gita presents a message that is both
practical and pertinent to today’s world.
The Guru Gita reveals the inner workings of spiritual
apprenticeship and presents the guru/disciple
relationship as a dynamic path that leads to a fulfilling
life as well as Self-realization. As such, the Guru Gita
pays homage to the spiritual potential in us all.
Its vision of human beings as channels of Divine
Compassion reveals the transforming power of spiritual
apprenticeship, a path that leads to the end of suffering
and to Self-realization.
Through powerful meditations, heart-opening
visualizations, and soaring imagery, the Guru Gita
transports us to a world overflowing with sacred
significance, a world where our spiritual awakening
is a reality within our reach.
Yoga Life Society ¤ 10th Anniversary ¤ 2006 –2016
This course is for anyone
interested in knowing more about
the vital role that apprenticing has
played in yoga for over 3,000 years.
You need not have a guru to attend
or even be looking for one. This
program is about the beauty,
power, and effectiveness of
wisdom being passed on, not by
books, but from one human being
to another.
Dates, Times & Course Fee
Tuesdays, - 7:00 - 9:00pm
14, 21, 28 June 2016
$75 — 3 week series
$30 – Drop-in
Register Now at
Health & Wellness Page 7
Taught by Reverend Shanti Lemaire
Of all the places we can go, by far, the most wondrous,
mysterious, and beneficial to us is the journey into the
innermost depths of our minds.
The practice of meditation is our ticket to
experiencing the unbounded peace and joy that is
in us as our True Nature. Discover for yourself the
tranquility, joy, and clarity of meditation. You will
learn all you need to know to develop and maintain
a successful meditation practice.
Perfect for beginners, this workshop offers insights into the nature
of the mind and step-by-step guidance in the fundamentals of
theory and technique.
Some of the topics explored in this course will be:
• the tangible and subtle benefits of maintaining a tranquil mind
• simple yet powerful techniques for stilling the mind
• the three essential keys for success in meditation
• how to stay on the path when obstacles arise
This course offers you the opportunity to learn and practice the
fundamental techniques of meditation.
There will be ample time for individual questions.
Dates, Times & Course Fees
Tuesday, 7:00pm – 9:00pm | 17 & 24 May 2016
$50 – 2 week series | $30 – Drop-in
Taught by Reverend Jaganath Carrera “Principle
Instructor”, Reverend Shanti Lemaire,
Madhuri DeJesus & Nitya Martino
“For those wounded by civilization, Yoga is the
most healing salve.” -- Master Sivananda
This four-week program is a great opportunity to delve into the
time-tested, powerful practices of health and healing that yoga
offers. Guided by master practitioners with years of experience,
discover the health benefits of:
• the subtle asana: unlocking energetic pathways
through bodily postures
• the healing power of pranayama: the subtlest
practice of Hatha Yoga for healing and energizing the
body and clearing the mind
• yoga nidra: yogic deep relaxation done with an
emphasis on healing body, mind, and emotions
• yogic diet, fasting, and cleansing practices
The last class will conclude with a powerful, meditative Healing
Circle during which the use of healing mantras, sounds,
visualizations, and holy water combine with our collective
intentions to bring health and well being to everyone present, to
those we care for, and for all creation.
Special Healing Circle during the last class!
Dates, Times & Course Fee
Tuesdays, 7:00 – 9:00pm | 18 October – 8 November 2016
$100 – 4 week series
| $30 – Drop in
Page 8 Health & Wellness
Yoga Mudras,
Yoga and Your Hands
Taught by Dawn Usha DeMarco,
Ayurvedic Practitioner
Learn how these simple hand gestures
can have a profound effect on the
physical body, mind and spirit. We will
learn the history and origin of mudras,
the benefit of using them and learn and
practice several specific mudras that
can create harmony, health and balance.
Sunday 21 February 1pm-3pm
$45 | Pre-Registration Required
Yoga for Hormonal Balance
and Stress Relief
Taught by Dawn Usha DeMarco,
Ayurvedic Practitioner
These ancient sciences offer many time
tested tools to aid you in living a life in
balance and ease. We will focus on diet,
lifestyle and yoga practices that will
benefit you in reducing stress and
balancing your hormones.
Sunday 20 March 1pm-3pm
$45 | Pre-Registration Required
Yoga Life Café
Thursday Evenings at 7pm
Beginning Thursday, March 3, 2016
1st Thursday: Discussion Group:
Practical Applications for Living the Yoga Life
2nd Thursday: Spiritually-based Reading Club
3rd Thursday: Group Meditation & Discussion:
Practical Applications for a Successful
Meditation Practice
4th Thursday: Spiritually Inspired
Movie Night
For more information,
please visit
Page 9
Page 10
Instruction When & Where You Want It
Are you interested in going deeper
with your Yogic Practices but you
haven’t found the time?
With Programs By Request you can submit an
online form to let us know of your interests and
availability. We will then match you with
one of our trained instructors who can give you
a personalized learning experience in one of the
following topics:
Meditation & Relaxation, Hatha Yoga,
Raja Yoga: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali,
Bhagavad Gita
Instruction is not limited to beginners, and those
with more experience are welcome to receive extra
guidance or to have specific questions answered. If
you should want instruction for a small group of
friends or colleagues, this is also encouraged.
Yoga Life Society ¤ 10th Anniversary ¤ 2006 –2016
Dedicated TO Peace ¤ Individual ¤ Global ¤ Universal
Page 11
Yoga Life Center is delighted to
introduce our esteemed senior
Instructors, now available for
Programs By Request
Reverend Krishna Boscardin
Reverend Krishna, RYT 500, has been
intensely and devotedly teaching Hatha
Yoga and Yoga philosophy since 2001. He
blends insight and intuition to provide learning
experiences that are suitable for a wide range of
students. As a devoted student and teacher in
Yoga, his highest purpose is to promote health in
the body, peace in the mind, and a deeper
happiness from within.
Reverend Abhaya Cordova
Reverend Abhaya is a Master Energy
Therapist, Massage therapist, Yoga
instructor and Theta Healing Teacher. She
offers a spiritual perspective to bodywork with an
extensive understanding of the human energy field.
Abhaya's philosophy is to support the healing
process by clearing old thoughts and patterns so the
spirit can reveal its true nature, which is peace. The
body has the innate ability and wisdom to heal
itself; we must clear the way to allow that healing to
take place.
Reverend Narani Lorelli
Reverend Narani, RYT 500, is Reverend
Jaganath’s personal assistant. She
received her Yoga Teacher Certification from
Starseed Yoga Montclair in 2006, and went on to
study extensively the Integral Yoga of Swami
Satchidananda and the teachings of His disciple
Guruji Reverend Jaganath Carrera. She was certified
in Yoga Life Society’s Raja Yoga Teacher Training in
2012 and is now serving as a Yoga Life Minister.
Reverend Shanti LeMaire
Reverend Shanti, RYT 500, holds certifications in Hatha
Yoga, Meditation, Raja Yoga, Yoga Therapeutics,
Triaxial Yoga and Yoga for Everyone. As a child, she
felt a deep yearning for peace and union with the Divine.
Eventually she found her hOMe with Yoga and her Guru,
Reverend Jaganath Carrera, and is an ordained Yoga Life Minister.
Her Hatha classes are focused on the energetics of the body,
bringing healing and harmony to the body, mind and soul. Rev.
Shanti’s previous career as a medical assistant has helped her
gain knowledge of the physical body, while her experience
with Yoga has led to a deeper understanding of the more subtle
inner layers of Yoga. She continues to study under the guidance
of Reverend Jaganath Carrera and Margabandhu Martarano,
Director of Fairlawn IYI. She firmly believes that “The study and
practices of Yoga have helped me to realize that when we serve
others it brings peace to our own hearts as well.”
Amba Wallace
Amba, E-RYT 500. Turning 40 was what inspired Amba
to try Yoga and she took to it like a fish to water. She
is co-founder of JaiPure Yoga in Montclair, NJ, and
currently in Yoga Life Society’s Acharya Training. She credits Yoga
with helping her become a better, more aware person and she
recognizes that juggling all the responsibilities of daily living has
become a bit easier. Her primary focus has been twofold:
devotion to her Guru, Reverend Jaganath Carrera, and His
Teachings (especially on the Yoga Sutras), and a commitment to
teaching alignment in the yoga postures allowing more depth,
ease and steadiness in the body and subsequently, the mind.
One of her favorite scriptural verses is from the Bhagavad Gita,
Sloka 9:26 — Whatever is offered to me with true devotion - if
only a leaf, a flower, a fruit or a sip of water - I accept it because
it is given with love.
Madhuri DeJesus
Madhuri, RYT 500, is a Hatha Yoga & Meditation
instructor. She is forever grateful to Jennifer Kohl
who opened the door to the beautiful world of
Yoga where Madhuri found her Guru and Yoga Life
Society Sangha. She is deeply grateful to continue her
yoga practice and studies with so many amazing teachers,
as she deepens her studies and continually expands her
meditation practice. Yoga continues to be an ever
increasing source of inspiration.
Page 12
The Yoga Life Ministry
The Yoga Life Ministry is a universal
ministry that reveres all faith traditions
as leading to the same Absolute
Reality, or God. Our four ministers
Truth and Loving Kindness express as
loving selfless service to All.
have fulfilled a thorough training with
Sri Guruji Reverend Jaganath Carrera
that began with Mantra Initiation,
continued with three years of Acharya
Training, and is completed with two
years as Seminarians. As ministers
they have made a formal commitment
to living a life dedicated to the service
others through
tradition of Sri Guruji and His lineage.
Our Ministers are Available for:
• Spiritual Counseling
• Officiating Weddings
• Newborn Blessings
• Naming Ceremonies
• Memorial Services
• House and Car Blessings
• And are experienced in
teaching all facets of yoga.
Yoga Life Society ¤ Dedicated TO Peace ¤ Individual ¤ Global ¤ Universal
Please contact [email protected]
to request their services or to have your
questions answered.
Keeping Company with The Truth
For spiritual seekers, satsangs are not-to-be-missed
times of coming together to discuss the practical
application of Yoga’s sublime teachings as presented
by Reverend Jaganath Carrera and Yoga Life Senior
It’s a way to enjoy fellowship,
laughter, and knowledge.
Satsangs are held monthly at
Yoga Life Center, Woodland Park,
3rd Friday of every month, 7:00pm –
Some satsangs include guest speakers, call-andresponse chanting called Kirtan or other uplifting
activities and entertainment.
Satsangs are open to anyone with or without
experience in yoga. Feel free to bring family and
2016 Satsang Topics
This year’s satsangs will be dedicated to
practical and universal themes derived from
the Yoga Sutras. Themes like:
• Nurturing the Light Within
• Overcoming Fear, Anger and Depression
• How to Radiate Peace To The World
• Finding Your Clear Path
• How To Keep the Mind Out of Mischief
• How to Know God
Broadcast via Google Hangouts
Page 13
Eka Jyoti Interfaith Pujas
Weekly Worship Services – Sundays, 8:00am - 8:45am
Eka Jyoti means One Light. Light represents the
universal truth that lies within our heart of hearts. It is
our True Nature, the ground of all peace, joy, wisdom,
harmony, and love. Experiencing this is the highest goal
of Yoga and of life.
Our Sunday morning worship services are an
opportunity to gather and participate in an offering that
upholds the interfaith perspective of the Yoga Life
Society. We believe that "Truth is One, Paths are Many."
This timeless quote reminds us that wisdom and peace
are not limited to any one spiritual tradition.
During these weekly services, called pujas, Light is taken
as the universal symbol of the Divine. Pujas
include chanting, waving of incense and lights, and the
offering of flower petals at the altar. Every object used
in a puja generates and holds healing energy. Because of
this, many who attend look forward to receiving the
holy ash, blessed water, and food (usually fruit or nuts)
offered during the puja. These services are open to anyone, regardless of their faith tradition or experience
with Yoga. Please feel free to bring children, family, and
The offering of mantras and prayerful intentions for
those on the Yoga Life Society prayer list and others in
need is an integral part of the Eka Jyoti service.
If you would like to add a name to our prayer list, please
send an email to: [email protected].
If you like, we will send a card or email notifying the
person that we are praying for them.
There is no charge for this service and
preregistration is not required.
Suggested Donation: $15
Yoga Life Society ¤ 10th Anniversary ¤ 2006 –2016
Dedicated TO Peace ¤ Individual ¤ Global ¤ Universal
Join us as we kick off our 10th Anniversary
year with stories about the founding of
YLS from Sri Guruji and others, a special
kirtan performance by Catherine Mirabai
Page 14
ɝ Gifts and Gratitude
Friday, 15 January 2016, 7pm - 9pm
ɝ Sri Guruji’s 66th Jayanthi (Birthday)
Sunday, 24 January 2016,
9:30am – 2 :30pm
ɝ Maha Sivaratri
Friday, 19 February 2016, 7pm
Satsang and Overnight Celebration
ɝ Spring Equinox Celebration
Sunday, 20 March 2016
ɝ Easter Morning Puja
Sunday, 27 March 2016, 10am - 11am
ɝ Passover Seder TBD 7pm - 9pm
ɝ Divine Mother Day Satsang
Friday, 20 May 2016, 7pm - 9pm
ɝ Annual Shohola Retreat
Sunday, 5 June 2016, 10am - 4pm
ɝ Guru Poornima All Faiths Celebration
& Yoga Life Society 10th Anniversary
Sunday, 10 July 2016, 9am - 2:30pm
ɝ Living Shanti Mandala
A powerful Healing and Interfaith Ceremony
Friday, 16 September 2016 – 7pm to 9pm
ɝ Annual Pet Blessing
Sunday, 2 October 2016 – 11am - 12pm
ɝ Annual Winter Holiday Celebration TBD
ɝ Christmas Eve Puja
Saturday, 24 December 2016, 10am - 11am
The Yoga Life Center will continue
to devote many Tuesday evenings
to our ongoing Sacred Wisdom
Series, taught by Reverend
Jaganath Carrera and Senior Yoga
Life Society instructors. Sacred
Wisdom programs aim to cover a breadth of
compelling Yoga sacred studies as well as diverse
interfaith studies explored through a Yogic lens.
In the past year we have included exciting
programs based on sacred texts like the
Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita, Lao Tzu's Tao
Te Ching – a classic Taoist text on the art of living,
and investigating Old and New Testament texts
through Reverend Carrera's talks Yoga of Christ
and Story of Job
The Sacred Wisdom Series has been a staple of
the YLS community offering weekly and monthly
courses that explore the relationships between
timeless philosophies and practices and how they
can be integrated in our current daily lives.
All Are Welcome.
ɝ New Year's Day Brunch
Would you like to:
• Have self healing methods right at your fingertips?
• Build subtle connections between your body's
systems and the natural world outside of it?
• Tap into the Heart of Yoga in a highly integrated
way, connecting mind, body, and spirit?
Triaxial Hatha Yoga was developed by
Reverend Jaganath Carrera after years of intensive
acupuncturist Kiiko Matsumoto. It integrates all of
the benefits of Traditional Hatha Yoga while
unlocking the subtle healing energies of the meridian system.
It is a powerful way of deepening the
understanding and experience of the traditional
practices of Yoga. The practice of Triaxial Yoga
brings powerful healing benefits to your Yoga
Hatha Yoga can be intimidating for most of us
who have never been to a class or have not taken
a class for some time.
Yoga for EveryONE was created to provide a
compassionate, supportive, and comfortable
environment for those who have been hesitating
to try Hatha Yoga or who are anxious about
coming back to it.
Yoga for Everyone is just that: for EVERYONE. No
matter your age, body size, health condition, or
level of experience, it is a perfect way to dip your
feet into the wonderful world of Yoga and get a
taste of the peace and joy that lie within your own
Every step of the way, our Yoga teachers are there
to support and guide you in embracing and
accepting where you are right now.
In addition to the physical practices, the class will
also provide breathing/relaxation techniques and
a short meditation.
200 & 300 Hour
Teacher Training
Certification Programs
The Yoga Life Society is approved by
Yoga Alliance to offer 200 & 300 hour
teacher training certification programs.
Many of our programs and teachers are
approved for YA Continuing Education
Units (CEUs). In addition, we offer
various teacher trainings that cover all
major aspects of Yoga.
If you are a 200 RYT
and are seeking to
complete a 300 hour
study program to
become a 500 RYT
then YLS trainings
might work for you.
Our programs, classes, workshops, and
certification programs, in addition to Raja
Yoga, Meditation, Yoga for EveryONE,
and Triaxial Yoga Teacher Trainings,
might just be the way you can achieve
this goal comfortably at your own pace
and schedule. Many of our programs are
available via WEBINAR.
If you are interested in any of the
trainings listed, even if they are not
currently on our schedule, please inquire
with: [email protected]
Page 16
Annual Mini Retreat in Shohola
Sunday, June 5th from 10:00am - 4:00pm
344 Neil Thompson Road , Shohola, PA
• Spend the day with Reverend Jaganath Carrera and
Yoga Life Society Family and Friends
• Enjoy Hatha Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation
• Hike the trails on the property’s 57 beautiful acres
• Relax by the spring fed lake
• Stroll through the Meditation and perennial gardens
• Eat delicious, “traditional” vegetarian BBQ & healthy food
Yoga Life Sister Centers
Located in Montclair, NJ
Located in Mountain Lakes, NJ
Located in Freehold, NJ
Our sangha sister, singer/songwriter Mirabai
Moon, is known in the Northeast, USA, for her
immensely versatile and powerfully expressive
voice which veers from ethereal dreaminess to soulful blues & jazz. She honed her craft studying vocal
improvisation with Jazz legend Bobby McFerrin and Rhiannon of Voicestra.
... and Mirabai
After nearly 2 decades of songwriting and 3 original albums, Mirabai devoted herself as a Bhakta,
singing sacred chants in Sanskrit, sharing her love of Spirit through her music.
Breathe and Heal
Healing for the body,
mind and heart
Located in Staten Island, NY
In 2012, Mirabai released a kirtan EP featuring legendary tabla player Badal Roy of the Miles Davis
group, and the exceptional Amit Chatterjee on guitar, sitar, and vocals. This EP has just been
completely re-mixed and re-mastered and is being re-released with the addition of a new track of the
epicmantra"Hanuman Chalisa."
"The Bridge To Where You Are" is Mirabai's first full length kirtan album.
Purchase Now
On sale NOW at the Yoga Life Center or online at
We’d like to extend our utmost gratitude to:
Thank You for a Great First Year!
• Guruji Reverend Jaganath Carrera, Spiritual Head of Yoga Life Society
• Madhuri Kathy DeJesus, former Yoga Life Center Director
• Our program’s guide contributors and editors:
Saraswati Lee, Manjula Chell, Reverend Narani Lorelli & Nischala Haytas
• Lorelli Associates for our beautiful Anniversary Logo
• Our dedicated teachers and instructors
• All of our patrons who give us a reason to serve every day!
This past September, 2015,
Yoga Life Center celebrated its
first year anniversary. We’ve
long had hopes of creating a
center that celebrates
connection and encourages
compassion. We’ve welcomed
many new people into our
family, some of whom had
their first experiences with
Yoga through our Hatha
Yoga classes and
many programs.
We had a terrific year!
Celebrating Our 10th Anniversary!
Thank You, for Helping Us Reach and Celebrate 10 Years of Loving Service