January 31st, 2016
The Parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel 611 Knowles Avenue Southampton, Pennsylvania 18966 Phone: 215-357-1300 Website: www.olgc.org Fax: 215-357-4452 Office Email: [email protected] January 30th/31st, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil -- 5:15PM Sunday -- 7:00AM, 8:30AM, 10:00AM , 12:00 Noon Daily Mass - Mon thru Fri 9:00 AM; Sat. 8:00 AM First Friday (Sept thru June) - 10:00 AM All Masses are in the Upper Church Holy Day of Obligation 7:00PM Vigil 6:30AM, 9:00AM and 12:05PM (Please check the Parish Bulletin for hours if Holy Day falls on a Saturday or a Monday) Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation Saturdays -- 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM & 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Also by appointment Holy Rosary - All parishioners are welcome to join the OLGC Knights of Columbus every Monday evening at 6:30 pm in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament -- Each Monday following the 9:00AM Mass until 7:30PM with Miraculous Medal Novena and Benediction. Also, each First Friday when school is in session after the 10:00AM Mass until 2:00PM. Divine Mercy Chaplet -- Monday at 7:00PM. DIRECTORY Phone: 215-357-1300 Fax: 215-357-4452 Web Address: www.olgc.org Office Email: [email protected] Pastor Rev. Robert G. Suskey……………………..........108 Parochial Vicar Rev. John J. Kilgallon…………………………....112 Priest in Residence Rev. Laurence J. Gleason………..……...….…….114 Deacon Mark J. Kuhn…………….…………….…….……176 Parish Secretary Bernadette Clune……………..….……………...…150 Parish Finances Chuck Burgy……..…..……..…..102 Senior Care Partners…………....………………....160 School Frank Mokriski, Principal……………………...….104 Martha Matysik, Office Manager……………….…117 Parish Religious Education Program Mariana Rossi……………………………….……..107 Youth Ministry Vicki Francis, Coordinator………………..……....131 Music Ministry Joan Kozlowski…….……...……..206 Scrip Office Mary Riccaboni……………..…........132 Parish Bulletin Wendy Jones……....email: [email protected] Parish Website Mary Luberda………....email: [email protected] OLGC Alumni Lisa Sabatino Oriold…....email: [email protected] Sacraments of Initiation Adults or school aged children inquiring about the Faith, for the reception of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist, and for Reception into Full Communion of the Catholic Church, please call Marianna Rossi . Baptism of Children is celebrated on Sundays at 1:30 PM. All baptisms must be scheduled in advance. Please call the parish office to make the necessary arrangements. Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation: The Rite of Reconciliation is celebrated on Saturdays from 8:30 AM to 9:30 AM and from 4:00 PM to 5:00 pm, and by appointment. Sacrament of Marriage Couples are encouraged to contact the Parish Office soon after their engagement to meet with one of the Parish Priests. It is recommended that a date is set with the Church before a date is set with a reception hall. The Archdiocese of Philadelphia requires that couples make arrangements for the Wedding no less than six months prior to the planned date of marriage. Either the bride or the groom must be a registered member of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish for the Wedding to be scheduled. For PreCana information, please contact the Family Life Office at [email protected]. The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Communion of the Sick The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is available anytime upon request. Communion of the Sick for the homebound is arranged through the Parish Office and anytime upon request. The Sacrament of Holy Orders Any man interested in the Diaconate or Priesthood should contact one of the Parish Priests or the Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood at 610-667-5778. Also, anyone interested in the Religious Life should contact one of the Parish Priests for further direction. Trinity Center Office Hours Monday thru Thursday -- 10:00AM - 8:00PM Friday - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday -- 9:00AM - 4:00PM Sunday -- 9:00AM - 2:00PM Scrip Office Hours Monday thru Friday-- 9:00 AM- 3:00 PM Monday thru Thursday - 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Saturday -- 10:00AM - 3:30 PM Sunday - 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM TRINITY CENTER OFFICE HOURS Rite of Christian Initiation Effective February 1, 2016 the Trinity Center office hours will change. Currently, the office opens at 9:00 AM Monday through Friday. However, there is a one -hour gap in the late afternoon when the office is closed. In order to close the gap, the office will now open at 10:00 AM on weekdays. The new schedule is as follows: The next RCIA session will take place on Wednesday, February 3rd at 6:30 PM in the Trinity Center. The topic will be: Penance & Anointing of the Sick. Mon through Thurs: 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM Friday: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Please note that the SCRIP office hours will not change. SCRIP will continue to be available at 9:00 AM Monday through Friday. Please also note that priests are available at any time for the Last Rites in cases of emergency by calling the Trinity Center. If the office is closed, you will be given the number of an after-hours emergency phone number. Please contact Deacon Mark Kuhn at (215) 357-1300 ext. 176 or email [email protected] for further information. Mass & Exposition Schedule Friday, February 5th Please note that there will be NO 10:00 AM School Mass on Friday, February 5th. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will take place from 10:00 AM to 2:30 PM. ASH WEDNESDAY CONTACT INFORMATION NEEDED We would like to update our computer records with current telephone and e-mail addresses for our parishioners. We have the ability to add the phone number and e-mail address for individual family members, which will be helpful to the many households with parents and children involved in different ministries. Would you take a few minutes to send us the preferred phone number and e-mail address for all people in your family who should be contacted for OLGC school, PREP, CYO or any of the dozens of parish ministries? Simply give us each person's name, phone number (identifying whether it is a cell phone, work or home land line) and e-mail address, and send the information to us in an e-mail via [email protected]. We would appreciate having the information in hand by the end of February, and will gladly accept updates afterwards if there are any subsequent changes. Rest assured that the parish records are not divulged to any outside organizations and that the phone numbers and e-mail addresses will only be made available to the authorized heads of parish ministries. God Bless You, Fr. Suskey Wednesday, February 10, 2016, is Ash Wednesday. Ashes will be distributed within the following services: Morning Masses: 6:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM Communion Service: 12:05 PM Evening Mass: 7:00 PM LENT 2016 Please note the following schedule for Lent: Mass Sunday: 7:00 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM Monday through Friday: 9:00 AM Saturday: 8:00 AM and 5:15 PM Confessions Wednesdays: 7:00 PM until 7:30 PM (February: 17 and 24 March: 2, 9, 16, and 23) Saturdays: 8:30 AM & 4:00 PM (No Confessions on Holy Saturday, March 26) Stations of the Cross & Benedicton Every Friday during Lent at 7:00 PM As we start a NEW YEAR we invite you to our OLGC Red Cross Blood Drive The next OLGC Red Cross Blood Drive will be held on Monday February 15th from 1PM until 7PM in the Trinity Center. Please sign up in the back of church after Mass or contact Peg Junod at (215)-364-1719 or send email to [email protected]. Thanks!” COFFEE AND REFRESHMENTS At the Trinity Center February 7th after the 10:00 AM Mass WE ALL HAVE A LOT TO BE THANKFUL FOR!! Hospitality Committee Florence Hearn Aid for Friends Thanks CYO Catholic Charities Night at the 76ers The Archdiocese of Philadelphia Catholic Charities Appeal will once again partner with the Philadelphia 76ers for “Catholic Charities Night” on Saturday, February 6th, at 7:30 p.m. at the Wells Fargo Center. A portion of the proceeds from tickets purchased through a dedicated link will go directly to the appeal. To purchase tickets to this game against the Brooklyn Nets and support the Catholic Charities Appeal, please visit www.nba.com/sixers/promocode and enter the promo code: CCA. To reserve seats or get more information, please Caroline Kasper at 215-558-2758 or [email protected]. Many thanks to all who participated in or contributed to the Martin Luther King Day service project making breakfast bags for Aid for Friends on Monday, January 18th. In less than two hours, 40 young CYO athletes and their parents assembled over 400 breakfast bags from donations that poured in from parishioners! These breakfast bags go a long way toward alleviating hunger among the food-insecure fragile elderly clients served by Aid for Friends throughout the Philadelphia area. May God bless you for your generosity! OLGC ADULT FAITH FORMATION The Church calls us to “position adult faith formation at the heart of our catechetical vision.” Take some time for your own faith journey. Please plan to join us on Wednesday, February 24th in the McNelis Room of the Trinity Center for a session called “Mary: A Scriptural Walk with the Blessed Mother”. All parishioners are welcome! Please fill out the form below and return to the PREP Office. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE CHOOSE A TIME: 4:15pm – 5:30pm ____ 6:15pm – 7:30pm ____ Name: __________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________________________________________________________ (Please print CLEARLY) OLGC CYO SPORTS Youth Ministry Events Jan 31st Afternoon Super Bowl Bingo at the Trinity Center 12:30 set-up. SPRING 2016 REGISTRATION* * (open to all children who attend OLGC School or attend OLGC Prep and registered in the parish) SPORT & FEE (checks payable to: “OLGC CYO”) Family Max. $100: Baseball: Boys 5th - 8th Grade ($50) Softball: Girls 4th – 8th Grade ($50) Track: Boys & Girls 4th – 8th Grd ($40) Boys & Girls K-3rd Grade ($20) Co-Ed HS Volleyball: 9th – 12th Grd ($50) DATES: TUES, FEB 2 (7:00 – 8:00 PM) THURS, FEB 4 (7:00 – 8:00 PM) LOCATION: OLGC GYM HALLWAY YOUTH MINISTRY RILLINGS BAKERY FUNDRAISER Support our Youth Ministry group with a delicious fundraiser on the weekend of February 6th and 7th. The following selections will be available after Masses (while supplies last): Iced vanilla pound cake loaves Chocolate chip pound cake loaves Chocolate chip cinnamon streusel Chocolate Danish Ring 1/2 doz tea biscuits 1/2 doz Raspberry crumb linzer tart cookies Prices range from $11-$15. Thank you for supporting Youth Ministry! REGISTRATION FORMS CAN BE FOUND ON CYO’s NEW WEBSITE: www.cyo.olgc.org LOOKING for VOLUNTEER HEAD & ASSISTANT COACHES: We are always looking for new coaches. Before coaching any CYO team, all head and assistant coaches must attend the Coaches Orientation Seminar in person during the first year prior to the start of the sport. If you are a FIRST YEAR COACH and cannot personally attend a Coaches Orientation Seminar prior to the beginning of the sport season you will be coaching, you must complete the Online Catholic Coaching Essentials (before coaching at all) AND also attend the next available Coaches Orientation within the next 3 months. You must also attend a Safe Environment session and a Mandated Reporter Training session prior to any coaching; as well as supply the Parish Office with a) completed PA Criminal Background Check and 2) PA Child Abuse Clearance. For information on these requirements/sessions, go to www.region11cyo.org or discuss with any Board Member. PLEASE REGISTER YOUR CHILDREN ON ONE OF THE ABOVE DATES. DUE TO INCREASING NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS, LATE REGISTRANTS ARE NOT GUARANTEED A ROSTER SPOT! **WHEN REGISTERING, PLEASE TURN IN ANY UNIFORMS** Join the Fun - Be a Scout Open Registrations Our Lady of Good Counsel Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts has open registrations for boys 6 years to 17 years old. Our Troop & Pack provide great environments for both parents and children to share exciting times together, enjoy new experiences, and develop memories. Fishing - Cook over an open campfire - Build a birdhouse – Hike / Climb a mountain - set up a tent – sleep under the stars - shoot a bow and arrow – Canoe down the Delaware River – Whitewater Rafting – Snow Tubing – Civil War Reenactments. Whatever the activity we provide you perfect opportunities to spend that quality time together that you have been looking for. Strengthen your relationship with your child through the opportunities that abound with the Scouts of OLGC. Visit our web site www.Scouts144.com, email [email protected] or Call 215901-4472 INVITATION TO ALL SENIOR CITIZENS OLGC Senior Club News OLGC Youth Ministry Group is hosting a SUPERBOWL Sunday Afternoon Bingo! We have some awesome prizes and football themed snacks will be served. Preview – Sat. May 21st to Fri. May 27th, 2016. – MACKINAC ISLAND, MICHGAN and more! A fabulous trip for the inclusive cost of $889 pp, double and triple occupancy. WHEN: Sunday, January 31st WHERE: Trinity Center TIME: 1:30 PM THEME: Wear your favorite team colors! COST: IT'S FREE! Call for brochure/reservation form. We have just 26 openings on this so send in deposit and reservation form as soon as possible. For further information call Ronnie at 215-357-8596.. Shared Treasures Thrift Shop SHARED TREASURES Thrift Shop will be open on Wednesdays from 10AM - 3PM and the first and third Saturday of each month from 9AM 12Noon during the school year. Come browse our large selection of men's, women's & children's clothing, furniture, decorative items, ladies accessories & jewelry. Your tax deductible donations are gratefully accepted during shop hours. The shop is located at Dunleavy Center, 8799 Cheltenham Ave. Wyndmoor, PA (intersects Delphine Rd) and is Sponsored by the La Salle Mothers' Club Alumnae Committee. All proceeds benefit La Salle students in financial need. FRIENDS OF FERTILITYCARE MOTHER-DAUGHTER TEA The Friends of FertilityCare- Philadelphia - a non-profit organization that promotes authentic pro life Catholic health care for women- is sponsoring a motherdaughter program. The Mother-Daughter Tea is a special program for mothers and daughters to interact in a facilitated group setting while they learn about the gift of fertility and how to care for it. Talks will focus on the sacredness of human life, the physical changes in a girl's body, the importance of modesty and the development of healthy parent and peer relationships. This year’s tea will be held Saturday, Feb. 6th from 1PM to 4 PM at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa, 654 Ferry Rd, Doylestown, PA. Registration is required for this event. Please visit our website at www.fertilitycarefriends.org St. Francis Seniors March 8, Tuesday – Doolan’s Shore Club presents a St. Patrick’s Fest — Featuring Irish Tenor Mike Byrne and the Famous green Derby Band, plus a comedian and Bagpiper. There will be a one hour open bar and a delicious lunch with choice of entre. Cost is $88.00 per person and includes : Transportation, lunch, show and gratuities. For reservations contact: Helen Scavilla 327 Maple Avenue Southampton , PA 18966 215-357-8712 Celebrate the Life and Ministry Of Saint John Neumann Visit the Shrine Visit the final resting place of this saint, the fourth bishop of Philadelphia. Come learn about his life and ministry, pray at the Shrine, and tour our museum. For information or to schedule a tour, call the Shrine at 215-627-2386. Sunday Retreat No time for a weekend retreat? Spend a quiet morning at the Shrine of St. John Neumann in Philadelphia. Retreats are held on the first Saturday of each month and include Mass. Each month’s talk will focus on an aspect of St. John Neumann’s life and spirituality. For more information call 877-876-7662 or visit the website at redemptorists.net/neumann. Parish Meetings Knights of Columbus Council No.15658 - Meets every fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM in the Trinity Center. Rosary every Monday at 6:30 PM in the Church. For information, please contact 215-357-1300 Ext. 106 or [email protected]. Also visit www.olgckofc.org and facebook.com/olgckofc. The next meeting will be on February 25th. Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary: Meets once a month on Tuesdays at 7:00 PM in the Trinity Center. The next meeting will be on February 16th. For more information, please call 215-357-1300, ext. 234 or email [email protected]. Widow/Widower Support Group Regular meetings are held on the third Monday of each month from 1-2:30PM in the Trinity Center. The next meeting will be held on February 15th. St. Monica’s Circle – Meets monthly in the Trinity Center from September to May alternating between Tuesday evenings and Wednesday mornings. For information, contact Suzanne Kuhn at 215-355-5846, [email protected]. Due to a scheduling conflict, there will be no meeting for February. Outreach Ministry - Meetings are held on the fourth Monday each month, at 7PM in the Trinity Center. The next meeting will be held on February 22nd. Third Order Carmelites—meet on the third Saturday each month from Sept through June for ongoing spiritual formation. For information call 215-766-7513. The next meeting will be on February 20th. Mothers of Young Children - Meets on the third Tuesday each month from 10-11:30 AM (babysitting provided). Our next meeting will be on February 16th. St. Francis Senior Club - Meets on the first and third Friday of the month at 10:00 AM in the Trinity Center. Our next meeting will be on February 5th. OLGC Senior Club - Meets on the second and fourth Fridays each month at 10AM in the Trinity Center. Please join us for our meeting on February 12th. Health & Wellness Ministry - Meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7PM in the Trinity Center. For info, call 215 -357-1300 ext. 273. Boy Scout Troop 144 - Monday nights 7:00–8:30PM @ OLGC. For Boys 10-17 years old. For info contact Gus Fiocca at 215-901-4472 or www.scouts144.com. Bucks County Al-Anon ACAFG: meets on Thursdays in the Lower Church from 7:30 to 8:30 PM. For information please contact Patty at 267-992-6687 or visit www.aisdv.org. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to men 18 years of age or older who are practical (that is, practicing) Catholics in union with the Holy See. This means that an applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church. OLGC Council also welcomes fellow knights who wish to transfer from another Council. LADIES AUXILIARY MEMBERSHIP Membership in the Ladies Auxiliary to the Knight of Columbus Council 15658. is open to women 18 years of age or older within and outside the Parish who are practicing Catholics in union with the Holy See. Any Catholic woman registered in another parish is also welcomed to join. Applicant or member accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on matters of faith and morals, aspires to live in accord with the precepts of the Catholic Church, and is in good standing in the Catholic Church. PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS Please pray for the protection of our men and women serving in the Armed Forces, especially: Stephen Bednarik, Anthony Brothman, Vincent Brothman Jr., Joseph Cymerman, Col. Troy D’Agostino, Andy Daily, Dana Daily, Daniel Dalton, John Doerffel, Patrick James Doherty, Joseph Dooley, Brady C. Fagans, George Froggatt, Robert Gallagher, Scott Ginger, James Gormley, Jim Hacker, Sean Hartman, Capt. John Herbert, Paul Hesser, Zachary Hill, Robert Jankowski, Lt. Col. David Jones, Sean Kehoe, Jimmy Ketler, Stephen Kraus, Major Joseph Krill, Brian Lackman, Sallie Lackman, Andrew Layman, Michael Maricle, Jude Martin, Brian McDermott, John McDermott, Daniel MacDonald, William G. McCloskey, Grant Miller, Steven Neithold, Eric Nescio, John & Dawn O’Hara, Greg Palush, Lcpl. Matthew Pellegrini, Lt. Michael H. Poekert, Gordon Pulford, SSgt. John Ramsey, Richard Raubenstine Jr., Capt. Chaplain Tony Michael Repic, Kevin Roberts, Patrick Rooney, Jack Ryan, Nolan Ryan, Eric Sanderlin, Hali Sanderlin, Adam C. Schmidt, Bryan Schwartz, John C. Sparks IV, Ryan Speed, Bill Stanert, Lt. Col. Frederick D. Straka, Tim Studler, Col. Douglas Swift USAF, Justin Urban, Shawn Veach, Kevin Vizzari, David Weatherington, David Webb, and Alex Williams. Mass Intentions for the Week Sunday 7:00 8:30 10:00 12:00 Arthur & Gertrude Smith And Family Joseph Fahy Robert C. Sica Daryl Adams Monday 9:00 Maria T. Zielinski Tuesday 9:00 Bobby Prietl Wednesday 9:00 Michael Shipkowski Thursday 9:00 Anthony Piekarski Friday 9:00 Theresa & Frank Snyder Saturday 8:00 5:15pm John Murphy Louise Garson Sunday 7:00 8:30 10:00 12:00 People of the Parish Michael Naccarato Joseph & Gloria Stamato Maria Luis, Francisco Valentina & Arthur Costa Any Parishioner present at any Mass being said for family members and relatives who wishes to take up the gifts, please notify the ushers prior to the start of Mass. Family members and relatives will be given first consideration Please pray for our Holy Father REMEMBER OUR SICK Please pray for the sick, those in hospitals, nursing homes, and in particular: Leah Arnold Eileen Balch Jim Balch Regina Byrne Pete Capozzi Stella Coyle Helen DeAngelis Edward Di Enno Lisa Haffner Dorantes Nancy Dunn Chloe Frank Mary Giansanti Thomas Gilmore Georgie Hartley George Hess Catherine Hevener Nancy Horner Mary Johnson Helen Kelly Kaelah Kennedy Samuel Kilgallon Cindy Kuhn Charles Lehman Gianna Grace Masciantonio Ginny McIntyre Joan McMahon Ashley Meall Jeanette Menna Liam Mooney Carl Neri John Neri Christopher Ortenby Ann Orth Chuck Paradis Howard Peak Blair Ray Kate Rhul Christine Smith Maddy Swenson Maryanne Tate Joseph & Sanita Tettis Marie Varano Chris Whartenby Cindy Williams Nicole Williams Names added to the sick list remain for 4 weeks of publication. To renew a name to the sick list, please call the Parish Secretary at 215-357-1300 ext. 150. Please pray for those who have died, members of our family and friends, and in particular: Anne Donnelly Nick Esposito Nicholas Hyduck POPE FRANCIS I And his special intentions for January Universal: That sincere dialogue among men and women of different faiths may produce the fruits of peace and justice. Evangelization: That by means of dialogue and fraternal charity and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, Christians may overcome divisions. Also please remember those who have no one to pray for them and all the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord And may perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, Through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. CHURCHVILLE AUTO BODY Foreign & Domestic Collision Specialist Barbara Pellegrino, Parishioner THE REVERSE MORTGAGE Pro Trusted For Our Lady of Good Council Families Mike Fanelli President T: 215.355.1777 F: 215.355.3033 ATLANTIC PACIFIC MORTGAGE 215-245-8971 NMLS #140996 24 HR. Towing Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, an Official Travel Agency Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 of AOS-USA 481 Second St. Pike, Southampton, PA 18966 • [email protected] Family Dentistry: Preventive, Cosmetic, Implants New Patient Exam, X-rays, Cleaning Dental Group Cosmetic and General Dentistry ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers ($400 Value) With A New Patient Exam, Necessary X-Rays & Adult Cleaning. New Patients Only. Coupons Cannot Be Combined With Any Other Offer. 283 2nd Street Pike, Suite 140 • Southampton 215.357.2224 • 215.357.9199 20 Years in the Community • www.brennerdentalgroup.com Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! 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WE MAY HAVE AN IDEAL POSITION FOR YOU. 1060 Industrial Boulevard Southampton 322-9135 VISA FULL & PART-TIME AVAILABLE MASTERCARD $55K TO $60K EARNING POTENTIAL BECOME AN ADVERTISING SALESPERSON FOR J.S. PALUCH COMPANY, NATIONAL PUBLISHER OF CHURCH BULLETINS. • Excellent Commission Compensation Program • Medical Benefits, 401K, Life & Disability Insurance Available If interested, call Kirk Durham 1.800.524.0263 x209 or email resume to [email protected] www.jspaluch.com 660 Knowles Ave. 215-357-2806 Your ad could be in this space! OPTICAL BENEFITS CARD for Our Lady of Good Counsel Parishioners glasses • Free Complete Eye Exam with eye glass purchase galore • 15% Off All-Rx Eyewear “you get more at” • 10% Off All Non Rx Sunglasses FAIRLESS HILLS www.jspaluch.com Village at Newtown Shop. Ctr. 2842 S. Eagle Rd. • 215.579.1155 SOUTHAMPTON Southampton Shop. Ctr. 482 Second Street Pk. • 215.355.7733 CALL 671100 Our Lady of Good Counsel (C) NEWTOWN Fairless Hills Towne Sq. 451 S. Oxford Valley Rd. • 215.547.5470 STORE FOR D E TA I L S For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 DEL-VAL Holtz and Powell Marriage and Family Services LLC Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists www.cateringrobinhood.com 215.355.1522 538 SECOND ST. PIKE Insurance Group Inc. ERICA HOLTZ , M.A., LMFT GENEVIEVE POWELL, M.A., LMFT Top Rated Carriers Friendly, Knowledgeable Staff Personal & Commercial Serving OLGC for Over 25 Years 967-A Street Rd. • Southampton 111 BUCK ROAD, UNIT 500, SUITE 4 • HUNTINGDON VALLEY, PA 19006 215.680.1128 or 267.269.0487 • www.HoltzPowell.wix.com/HoltzPowellTherapy 215-354-0122 • www.dvigi.com Erica LMFTs specialize in resolving problems in relationships and Genevieve help families positively change the way they communicate and interact with each other. The change is often powerful and lasting because all members involved in the problem are included in treatment. Evenings, Weekends, Some Mornings Luther Woods Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing Center “Where caring is more than a word.” 215-675-5005 • www.lutherwoods.org Saint Margaret Sunday Missal al nion Persoyner Compa r u o through 2030 Y Pra Designed to be Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com $39.95 Home Maintenance and Handyman Service Michael Schelkun, MD, DDS Mark P. 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ALBERT THE Guaranteed Leak Repair #PA009390 GREAT New Roofs & Gutters • Roof & Gutter Repairs Siding and Windows www.abrooksconstruction.com (215) 464-9273 Tom Harkins Realtor “Conscientious Support” 585 Street Road • Southampton, PA 18966 215.322.7222 215.682.0202 215.593.9316 565 E County Line Road • Hatboro, PA 19040 [email protected] Check out our website for more savings & coupons www.autorepairsouthamptonpa.com www.MrSouthamptonRealEstate.com Carpentry & Repairs Kitchens, Baths, & Basements Tom Paparo 215-443-5056 One Day Bath Tub to Shower Conversions Fully Insured • License #PA016906 Acrylic Tub Liners • Walk-In Tubs • Showers & Wall Surrounds Stanley J. Prajzner Agency 401 Lakeside Drive, Southampton, PA 18966 215-364-9440 Member of Diocese Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215-2220 Robert H. Sattler, DMD Registered Master Plumber • Family Owned & Operated 215-249-1180 www.bathmaxpa.com Parishioner 635 Street Road (215)357-0476 WM. ROWEN GRANT 1/2 block West of 2nd Street Funeral Home, Inc. Street Road & Second Street Pike • Southampton, PA 18966 (215) 355-6050 www.SattlerFamilyDentistry.com Scott K. Nulty, Supervisor Serving NJ, PA & DE 215.639.8500 Heating & Air Conditioning Sales & Service Stephen Puglisi - Parishioner 10% OFF w/bulletin 215-659-1060 671100 Our Lady of Good Counsel (B) The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes CHECK IT OUT TODAY! www.jspaluch.com SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS • FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS • LICENSED & INSURED CHECK OUT OUR REVIEWS ON: Follow us on: www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263 BOB LATINI DR. ERIC A. MEIHOFER 962 Street Road Southampton HOME IMPROVEMENTS ADDITIONS, ALTERATIONS, SIDING, ROOFING, WINDOWS, DOORS, DECKS, KITCHENS, ETC. FREE ESTIMATES 674-0696 355-1224 www.SouthamptonVetPA.com YOUR LEFT HAND MAN Nail Glamour Nail Care, Facial, Waxing, Eye Lash Extensions Eyebrow Tint, Gel Tips, Mani/Pedi Home Improvements & Repairs Chris Stefanowski, Diocese Member 364 2nd Street Pike Joe’s Lawn Care TUESDAY-FRIDAY 10AM-5PM SATURDAY 10AM-3PM OR BY APPOINTMENT 267-231-6560 215.659.6400 ~ www.metrofsi.com Paul Crane, Supervisor Viewing and Mass at your church, metal casket, and procession to cemetery, from $3900 Cremation from $1000 BOWEN & BURNS ATTORNEYS AT LAW 530 Street Rd., Southampton, PA 18966 215-322-9030 Wills • Estates • Business • Real Estate Accidents • Elder Law Planning 215-355-0800 10% Discount Seniors Mon. & Tues. 9:30-3pm Gift Cards Available 267-446-0372 Landscaping & Tree Removal Spring & Fall Clean Ups Mulching & Shrub Trimming Hardscaping Patios & Retaining Walls FRANK’S SERVICENTER Family and Cosmetic DENTISTRY Domestic & Foreign Car Repairs 645 Knowles Ave. Southampton 204 Lakeside Office Park Southampton,PA18966 215-355-8877 (215) 355-0112 Frank E. Dischinger, Jr., Proprietor www.FranksServicenter.com www.YourBucksCountyDentist.com PHILADELPHIA TOP RATED DOCTORS ROGERS TREE SERVICE INC. Removal • Trimming • Pruning • Stump Removal Crane Service • Bucket Truck Service Storm Damage • Free Estimates OFFICE: 215-322-2020 x 105 215-378-7422 [email protected] Prompt & Courteous Service Fully Insured Lic. #PA039509 www.rogerstreeserviceinc.com CELL: 215.441.5240 J. SUZANNE KENT, GRI Long Time Parishioner Bill Rogers, Owner 347 Second Street Pike • 322-7230 267-858-0722 PA State Certified ELECTRICAL JOURNEYMAN PA HIC# 117537 Licensed and Insured Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. Electric & Plumbing Murray727.com Master Electrician Parishioner $125.00 Water Heaters • Drain Cleaning Central Air Conditioning • Scrip Accepted Licensed 671100 Our Lady of Good Counsel (A) www.jspaluch.com 267-988-4052 Insured For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263
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