15 - The Unger Memorial Library
15 - The Unger Memorial Library
Chief applicants trimmed to four pos~ible finalists .The Abernathy Hlp School band performed at Lubbock contest were ttvailable by deadUne .J ones Stadium last Saturday ~ preparation for Wednesday. (Photo by Rene Fikes, Idalou Bea· Wednesday's U1Lcompetltlon. No results from the con.) AISD hosts open house ADS wins Petersburg cross country girls meet Teams otT until District 7·AA meet in Lubbock Wednesday Abernathy won ite tirat croes country meet l ..t Saturday with th. lirla Cl'OI8 team aeoriftt 47 pointe to I8COndplace Olton at67. Peterabur. wu third at 76. . Oth.r Dietrict 7-AA teams at Peteraburg were 8. RaIle 206. 7. l'loydada 209, 10. New Deal 236 and 18. Lockney 292. . Rendi Royal wu three aeconds otrthe ftnt place tima with a 12:68 Ijood for third. LeaHe Stark was .venth ov.rall at 18:36. Jennifer 8rockftaiebecl.iPth at 13:88 and. ......dith Tume wa. ninth at .3:'1. Abernathy was represented in Ole boy" diviaion by Michael Les'on. FrecilCo Castanon .nd ifathan Lopez. Leseon'e 18:16 Umewupodfor ..venthoverall. ftftt place tUne wu 18:40. .: -W. I'IUl better than we h.ve .. ,Mr. The lOde we... eBited.,. 'the AB8 '- cro. coUntry coiach Kevin lUcharclionuid. -rh.counewu flat and our timea were futer. -rbe competition decent. Now we've lOtto follow with three mo... wina.The teams are ofT this week and district is Wedneaday, Oct. 20. at Mae Simmona Park. "W. beat Olton and Hale Center. They are good regional competiton. Our top three (sirl.) runnen are right where I need them. Thenext three are cominS along." Leeaon'e time wugood but he was oft' hia normal pace due to h.alth reasoDB. Ricbardaon said. In addition to Leeson, Ca8timon and Lopez, Richardson hu added Staphen Overstreet. Brandon Moore and Michael JohnlOn for the varsity boys division in the district meet. P.tersbur.lDvitattonaI ....uIte AIlS vanity lirla 3. Rendi Royal 12:66 7. Lesli. Stark 13:36 w.. 8. Jennifer Brock 9. Meredith Tullis 21. Monica P.rez 22. S. HarmonlOn 41. Kendra Myatt 13:88 13~;41 1 8. 14. 15:00 JVIlrIa Second plaoe tea. 3. T. Hannonson 14:14 10. Kinsey Riley 16:18 12. Frances Lopez 16:30 13. Lyua Lutrick 16:67 21. Carrie Henley 16:24 22. A1liaon Lambert 16:28 JBlirla Second place tea. 9. Gina Estrada 14:36 15. Laura Meiwea 15:14 18. Jessica Stone 16:18 16:07 28. Tuha Burger 16:11 29. Meshan Hill 31. Heather Bartley 18:15 39. KilPlna Blakes 18:20 AIlS vanity bo,. 7. Michael Leeson 18:16 18. FranciBClO Castanon 19:46 39. Nathan Lopez 21:31 Abernathy ISD will hold an open house from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 19. Theelementary will be open from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Junior hi.h and high echool will be &om 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The new aci.nce complex and compllter lab will be open &om 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. B,BoottLuoe a conditional WNI permit for a 1"eIiCityCoundlmen ...vi.wedthirdential care ..mea at 1812 A.ve. teen applicatioDl for Abemathy G. W . . allO approved 4-0. HiU·. poHc. chief dllJ'iq a closed seemotion included aCODtinpncy for sionMondaynicht. Th.....ultw.. . deed reatriction prioriti... a smaller Het otpoaaibl. ftnaliate. The city 88nt 20 notic:ea and Four wilJ be lCh.duled for innine of the 12 reapone.. had no terviewe poeeibly Monday if objections. Her care aervice will Mayor Carl Johnaon approvee. be for no more than th........iJohnaon w.. out of th. state thie dente in the three-bedroomatrueweek and not available for deterture. mining what type of meeting the Water reaerves wilJ soon be council.hould hold Monday. increased by half a million .alThe namll of the four possible Ions. tinaliste could be voted on if the Councilmen accepted the Mayor .0 rule.. At deadline $218,843 bid by Teju Partnera Wednesday, city hall w.. withCo. out of Denver City-Seagravee holding the four candidatea and for constructing the 6OO,000.,all'8IIerving the rilht ~ .eek mo ... Ion 8I'Ound stor. tank. The 180applicante. day conetruction period wilJ beIn other businesa, two of three gin .. BOOn . . all the paperwork ie zoning variance requeste were ' eigned by the city and T.u", granted. There were five bide entered Wendell HllIbea will have to and the next closeat to Teju wu look for another aite to place a $260,474. Parkhill, Smith and manufactured home he h .. purCooper, Lubbock engineering ch...d. HiI requlltfor placement firm, estimated the COlt at on lote four and five in block 69 on $330,000. 12th St. wu denied unanimously, Councilman Lynn Goble ab4-0. stained from voting on the lale of The city lint notices to nine tax property in eouth Abemathy. property ownera within 200 feet Hill, Councilman H.W. Grady of the requeated site. Seven were and Mayor Pro Tem Eli.. Vecreturned and only two had no obchio, sitting in for Mayor Carl jection. Johnson, unanimously accepted -Based on the replies reGoble's $6,000 bid for the 1.73 tumed ... ,· Councilman Tim Hill acres between Ave. D and the IHsaid, intimating that the council 27 west service road. had no choice but to deny the Monty Stephenson bid the request. minimum $6,190. Delinquent None of the nine ...aponsea obtaxes owed to the various taxin&' jected to Carol Conina' set-back entities totaled.$7,888.49. Councilmen unanimously apvariance request for a.ar.... The city sent 16 noticea in Cogine' proved OUAlr Enlineering" th.ir c.... Th. eouilcil approv.d, 4-0. agent in .. coalition ofciU•• 11111· Drueann Shadden's request for in. street seal coating projecte. TTU meats team sweeps eastern national contest By M.U- PhlWJNI The 1999 Texu Tech University Meate Judging Team were named champione .after dominatin. the E..tem National Meate Judging Contest Oct. 8 in Wyalusing, Pa. Team membere consisted ofJoe David LehmbergofMaaon, Jarrod MiIlerofNew Deal, Greg Schilling of Slaton, and Wea Heddleston of $entana. Kan. Heddleston,MiUer and Lehmber. placed second, third and fourth overall individually• TTU dominated second place Oklahoma State University and third place Texas A&M Univer- sity by more than 80 pointe overall. The TTU meate team racked up many honon besidee winnin. first overall. Other awarde included first place in BeafGrading and Beef Judging, retirins tbe revolving trophy out ofth. handa of Kan... State University and TexasA&:M. Not only did the four team members dominate. other TTU judging team membere swept the Alternate Contest. having ei.ht of the top-ten high individuale. While in the northeut, jud,ing team membera also traveled to New York City. where they toured Times Square, the Statue ofLiberty , ESPN Zone, Radio City Music Han and Hard Rock Caf.. New York. TheTTU Meate JudgingT.am competes again on Oct. 17. in Plainview at the Excel Hish P1aiDl Meats Judgin. Competition, where the winning team i. awarded $4,000. Research for thie article by Texas Tech University etudent Melissa Phillips was made poIsible by a grsnt from the Reader'1 Digest Foundation. ¥\bernatby loses squeaker at Lockney; kicking game suffers ~ By Scott Luoe : The brilUance of ......t Aber_thy nlly ea_t the Lockne, lAnchol'Dl was clarbn8cl by lack was picked ofT. Lockneys good fortune wae short-lived when Oawalt recovered a fumble on second down. Abemathys good tield position at the LHS 28 suffe...d a setback after a 6-yard fumble on the same play that allowed Lockney's tint ecore. The Lopes maintained poese88ion but Pierce went out two plays later when he was blindsided on a pasa that fortunately fen incomplete. Marcus Gardner came in on a bigfourtb and 13 play. He threwin the nei.hborhood oftwo Lope receiven and Brown came down with the ball. He turned around and lumbered in for a 31-yard TO. Tryin. to gain ground from a mi188d PAT kick, Leeaon'e eecond throw of the night was good for a 2-point conversion to Wright. Both teams punted away their next p0188..ion8. .Lockney controlled the ballsoinginto the final thune where Abernathy h.roica nearly pulJed out the win. '"l'he thin&' that hurt UB the ftrat half W81 w. came out; we... all excited about . playing; and had IOmethins bad happen tAl UI rilht off the bat,· AIlS coach Dewayne Suton .aid. "We h.d a block below the wailt on the ldeko......turn that coat UI field poIiUon. "l'ben we miahandled the pitch doWn the... OIl the pal line. Made "tiopunL . ' . a miltaU not tryins to r.n OIl it • . • nI~thTs . .r.t drive wu and tried to mab IODIIthiM hapW-~~_"!fr,C~DIJ i aoppecl4l!lituPtly. WIl. Mfchael pen out of aometbilll that wun't ; .,_ ,I;l~r ,or poe. LeIeoa·s,haUbllck ..,... to W....t · there after th. f\unbIe. 'lb. lOt a on a third and 10 play. Cleve Riley made a shoeetring tackle that .topped another aeo.... Lambert roll.d out rlsht and ~ a_tion on atl'a point kicb was hemmed in by Lope defendera ~d a failed field pal with 15 and the eideline. At the Lut 18ClIeCOOde left. The LonPol'DI held ond, he toa.ed to. wid. open Tyler Bybee who tlimed around for an ~ for a 27-28 Diltrict 7-M win J..t Friday at Lockn.y. easy jaunt to the enclzone whe... : The Antelopel acorecl20 UDanhe appeared to be call1lht ehort but .w.nd I8COnd half pointe but Ituck the balJ in for a 26-yard TO saiIHd two PAT Idea hID clift'er· receptionwith:131eft.CollinBPAT iIIlt plaJe.... Mipal TorreI' Idck kick wu wide left but the Horne Wu wide left with 4:87 left in the had a formidable 18-0 advantage SOing into the aecond quarter. .....leavi.. Lockne'OQtinhot, Lockney adct.d 14 mo... pointe .8749.. - pi_totberiPt.Jord,nLambert .: . . ~ . '.. .....".... . Louo . . I'ICOv . erad. for Loc . ltD.ey in the. ' befo... Abem.thy finally Ft. on ~. No and '&he Horn. 114 8-0 the board. ~; . . :PleO. ,...t\Olithaviq to ran one, off.n· The Lo~ t.ook pole_on into ~" { . .' . .. . ~Yt play. Thtir lucceuf'ui PAT the IiIcond quarter. throwiDlthree ,I:&.. Mattl'l.ice 'fa (' ch.et I kick w.. pod ~r • 7-0 t.ad Wltla COlll8Clltivetncompletepauea. The 'J ohnlOn for • <l8-yard touchdown 11:831.ft in th. tirlt quarter. Horne uaed a pound same. driv.. .... 00 third and MY• • AJ,IerBemabeMendo.....turned the ins 81 yarde for a TO at 7:88. ~tb,ytniled. 2'1.28. PI....•• PAT nextldckotr24 yarde with no Oap . Lambert balled hie way up the ldek wu jut l.ft. ancl the Lo.,...tuted. at their 81. middl. ~r the ftnalll yudl. ; Tonu' ll...,ardldckotrw...... WiU.a44-yardpaufto.Plerceto Th.y .ufl'ered a eliPt eetback ~ ", .Yichlll . J.eHon.cI BII'ton. Abern.th7 wu quickly with a 5-yardillepl procedurecall. followinl an Abernathy timeout. .lApeIhadnew _with 1:04 to b.ck in Horn territory at the 18. .,;. . PrcIpeII became dUIlcalt and The extra a yarde paeecl no probp.... to DaDitI BIQWD. Bra4J Abernathy pound down to. third leta u Lambert hit ColBDI with I11III,' il9I1'lW' mo_ Aberand 5 at the 7. Pierce rolled, left the 2-poiQtconvenion pall and a Hom', 10. an4triecl totbn:e into Tor· lead. Henever80t the ball otrthe ground, u it feU oft'the tee. Lockn.yran thel..U2 eeconc18 oft', aecurin.the diatrict opener for both teams. AbemathyhelpedJivethelead to Lockney on the ftrat three playl ofthe same. Clint Oswalt's 4O-yard Idckoff return wu called back on a holdins call apinet AHS. The Lopes .tarted at th.ir own 12 but were pUlhed back 6mo... yudl on an m.P,l procedure call. The next play w. . a fumbled ell'" > . JMdi"\b; r.- :, ....'. . . . . . . .O. . . Col· ..Ilion, Quebe punched in a 1yardecoreonfourtbandsoal.CoIlinB' PAT kick fail.d and Lockney's aeoring was over. With 1:36 left in the half, Mendoza's 25-yard kickoffretuni' positioned AHS at ite 40. Abernathy returned to a 8I'Ound .ame and called on Oswalt after using Tyler Wil80n exdusively for 10 carries and 36 yards in the lirst quarter. Oswalt had runs of9, 10 and 8 yarde before an incomplete second and 2 p888 at the Hom 33. An AHS timeoutat:44eetupOswalt'slirst down run to the 80. Pierce'. tirat completiOD of the eecond quarter was good for as yarde to Brown and a tirlt down Ilt the 7. Another incomplete paae waa followed by Oswalt'. tifth and last runofthetinthalr.Hew.. marked down just inch.. shy of the SOal HneandAbernathycalledtimeout with :04 to p. Pierce kept it on a , quarterback an.ak and the rally began with :02 ...mainin•. To.,..z· PAT kick.u wide risht and LHS took a 27~ lead in at the break. AIlS maneaecl only 1 yard in the third quarter on sev.n carrt..; aufl'ered a halfback pals interceptlon; bat sUU maneaecl to lain 8 pointe. RitlylltQpped ~rt cold on . • tbirclact 6 down'in the Horn.' ...........0Ii anel Lockney had quick seven pointe. -It seemed to kind of panic us. Everybodywanteci to help out their neighbor. D~fensively, at half, there wasn't anything that changed. -All that coach (Kent) AIliaon reminded them was to take care of your job. When everybody started taking csre of their own instesd of helping out where they perceived the problem to be, we held them to three firet downs in the aecond haIr. "We played the aecond halfwith a senae of urgency but not panic. We uaed the clock well. Matt, th8 receiven and the ofTensive line went down the field. We took what they gave us. -rbey played oft' us, thinking w. were soing to throw three Hail Marye. We threw it short and sot out of bounde. We 88t up for the winning ReId SOal and the ball fell otrthe tee. It never sot kicked. "Our kickers, Matt and Miguel both. in practice, they don't ever miu an utra pOint. In pregame. they don'tever mill an extra point. They miued one the other niP&' Stuff'Hb that happeDi. They are aood kicken. I had every confldence in the world that we w.... aoiIII to make that lut(tiIiq) extrapoin&. . .'"l'be obviOUI thin&' to do wu tAl 10 for one and 10 into overtilM. They'daalymadethreeflntclownl in the I8COIld half and hadn't .... eIly Itoppeel 01. We didn't ....t a .... PLoYDADA. ....,. • 'UT ~ Buinr MfIo a~ .... ' • Col,. Admissions • FItwINI Aid and SdrOlarsltip Information Uon,violation: .,~ :=:::~!::! W01'Il na- and 4 v..... We &lie _ _ PIdIU,. · t.eamma&u wID .. the U.8., inelwlin8.uch cl8atlnati_ ..Paonay.....K.otuckyandNe- . brub. .....rtaI ..m- for Omiel T.1tallCb, 70,orNew Deal ware at Rauch OD ohme 1. 1117•• in N_ Deal He.retired rr- TuM In· after.,,.... .,..... 'l'uaMa.J,0eL 12,in~ ~tein oacbJOdcIItlJowa c.m.tel')' witll the Rev. TIm WIDD, retUecI Sa,. tW' 1Dini.ter, delatln,. HewuaoEpiIoop&1 . . . . aDd. member or the Veteraal 01 ForelpWan. SurvivoN include hi. wile; three .tap claa,hlera. Rutbal.. Rhode. of Hartebome. Okla .• Sandra BruceolNortb UWe Rock. Ark .• aDd Patricia ~b of Lubhock; a .tep DOn, RDnald GiUDaDd ofLubbock; IS.teplNDdchildren; aod 18 .tep lJ'Ht-traudchildren. Cremation wlllunclerdirection olAbeiI Flmer6l Hame orAberna· thy. Rauch died Monday, Oct. 11, 19'9, in Lubbock'a Covenant Madical Center Lakeeide. He w .. born ADi. " 11129, in Broa, N.Y. He ...ned Rutll E. 10116 Jewell Rowell Servtc. for JeweD RoweD. 90. ofL1Ibbock were.t 11a.m. Saturday. Oct. 9, in Abbey Ch.peI of Reltllavao FImeral Homewithtlle Rev. Jou DoDllflrbel'loflleiatinl. Burial wu in Reetllaven Memorial Park under direction of Relth.VeR Flmeral Home. Mra. RoBl died ThuNd.y. Oct•.,,19911,In Lubbock Hoapital· ityHo. . . 8ha w. . bona Jo. 28. 1909. ill Sb_ _.OIdL Bbemarried Loyd L. RDweUonJan. 2. 1980.iIIClovil. NJd. Shewu a homemaker aDd had been • relident or Lubbock Ii_ 1986. She wu a member orFint Nazarene Churcb and a Sunday lCbool teacher. Survivon illl:lude Mrhuaband; a .OD. GIlbert" of Lubbock; two lI'andchildren; and two ll'8at- 11'andc:hildreD. The family . . . .tI memori· all to Fint N ..arene Church. Hospice holds volunteer training . ViKaCare Family HOIpice will hoIdvolunt.eertnlDinlworbhopa from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. Oct. 18. 20. 22. 2llaod 2'1 .t 7808 Unlveraity Ave .• Suite C. Lubbock. Thil trainl.., Prop'8lD i. deIiped to provide comprebenlive information forprovidtnscolllfon, dIpItyandpeaceforpatieDtead thalr familiu dealin8 with a life. limItIn, illn.... There iI no cott lor attendiDI tllil proJI'DIIL There iI no obUp· tion to voluntear. VoIunteara are _dad and atteDdee. are 8Iloourapd to particlpateinthavoluntearpl'CllJ'UlL For more information contact KriItin Putoa.t .,"-10.1 or 1- 8OO-GII-UM. Christmas in October set Oct. 27 'l11li ..... ClIr¥...... in 0c1Dber IWVlIJ~.'Wbi.Cbriat· ow" IpolllOlCd by tile Lubbock CollI", &tclllion Savk:c and Fam· ily IIId CommunIty EdaadOll Alsodad08 will be beld Oct. 27 at die PIaIu Coopaative 011 MID. 2901 Ave. A. Lubboc:k. Early rusislnllion II a mutaod is due Oct. 23. Call tile Lqbboc:k Counly ExJen. aIoa 0f'fIce at 761-1190 f« addI1ionaI1nf1llDllllloo. Young homemakers host show 'l11li AImuaI Sandhill Art.a.t <Dna SlIoW_beeDlCIIe4u1edf«Nov.27 100ll0D. 'I1III~ilapoDIGRIdbydleOItlln Youna HOIIIeIIIIken. ~ CIIftas lie IovitecllD partido paIC. BOOIbI I'CIIlt r« $1S fm eadI S'dO' spKlC. For _ Infoanadon (II to Ie- ....,. boocb CClIIf8I:t PauJa Allcom • 28S-3067. Hereford sets date for festival Wealoy United Medlodiat Church will be 1IoIdD811119tb Allnual Peadval r6 Art.a IIId CIIfta froaI9 LUI. 10 Sp.m. Dec. 4at tile CcmmuDilyCea· .. 1oHend'cJnL Only a lIIIIited IIWIIbcr of booIbs are avallablo with app\laid_ b0loS ICIIICIIed. Boodl ree II $10. AppllclllOII8 may beolMaiDed by wrIdnS 10 EDen CoI1iDa, 801 MI1ea SL,HcrcfonS7904S«c:aII~74. THE ABERNATHY WEEKLY IlEVIEW (USPS 003-340) asSN 0895-4291) SCO'IT .t ruDY weE Publiaben JOANWESLHY Oflk:e MIna8«, Claaaifled, CImIIaIIoo. AI News el l . MIIIiD. Publiabcd wceldy 011 friday or eadI week, flnt friday after CbrIaImaa and one FdcIay duriDg IIIIIIIIIer DIOIItba, at tile AbenIadly Weekly Re¥lcw oftIce .916 Aveoue D. addaaa: P.O. Drawer IC5O, AbcmIIby.. Tcua 79311'()160. . MOVING? Send your maIIlDS libel 8IId conec:dOIIs 10 AbemIdIy Weeldy ReView, P.O. Drawer 160, AbemIIhy, TCUl79311'()I60or~ mall: [email protected]. ~the81lllllllDl'Pbil1Ipa~a wt1dIaod a..a,hter for tile B _ 01 Land ~t in Carlin, Nev.. where Ihe iI • part or an eqlne crew that travel. _ _ norlb!nNevada IIghtinawilclland ad foil.t llrea on BLY aod Fore.t Semcellllld. Phnu,. arew up on. ranch outaida ber hometAlwn with her pareDlland twoliblinp. andhubeen &div.in ..H and FFA, aerving u the 111118-97 Nev.de State FFA Free Estimates . ..... PIaoUp' · Treuurar. . to pare.... Pbilli,. ....... ca~ ~intlle tleIdolpublie ..1&U-. wor1iin8 lor ali qricultunl CIIID· pany that daalI intemationally. th.~artovoicetlle\ropln· ~ on qrleultural polic:y and na· ral development with their .tate leaial.tonod conlIN_men. laid Teua AIIrfcalture Commi••ioner Suaao Combe. '"l'hia I. the time tbr producen to Itaod up and . . heard. ill the ltete capitol and OD Capitol Hill,· laid Combe in her Sept. 16 key· note addre.. at uie Weat Teue Ag Chemical Conference ill L~ bock. "The T _ Letrislature iI DOW .tud,yln, optiOOl lor • 10111termatate .,policy and Conll'e.. illCI'IItInizing Freedom to Farm. ·Only 1.9 percent of.11 Texana , are involved in production 118riculture today. 10 it'a important th.t we make ounelvea heard amDDpt our growilll population. We allD lland to lose . . many sa elgbt rural legisl.tive repreeen· tativea when elate redi.triefuIcr oc:cureill 2oo't''''iiI.'d bf.tter1iave our lay in the nelle!;~ai'~ " I~ Agriculture did receive. fund· in, booet In the last Btate legisla·· tive .lIIion. Combe noted. · and that money will drive Tuu De· panmentofAgriculture Pl'OlP'lIIDII to improve rural Tell... "We received $1 million DYer the nut two yean to promote T.DI . , producte and agrIcul· ture. but th.t amount muet be matched to tile doDar before we caoBpendany ofitthrva,hourGo Tell.. promotioDal campallD: aaid Combe. "We wiD _D Mve PnDkM.HuntJr.aa4V...... .. 298 ·208 ~ Heltoo ·6 . . " K. Riteaman, PlaJDview Joaquia I. Molina aDd RachMl 8 . .. ...~ c. v.8alla_. Plldaview v:,) J.ma. S. Dominie III and RePma D. Allen, Plalnvilw , ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• " =l AYTE·BURY GRAIN, INC, =: ~_•.~ . . at lSOOE. 37th, Lubbock R.earehtbrtbilridebyTau Tech Univenity .tudent M,eUaaa Hunter wu made ~ by • tp'IUIt from the Re....r'. Dlpat FoundatioD. Combs encourages farmers, ranchers to voice opinions T _ fannen aDd rochen .honld eelze evel')' opportunity in Batandna PWD_ . • Th_M.OouUd8tiqL ~ C~."_oRs.' .• ~ '. . . Storm WInd4)ws " Doors _ • Repair '.IdIos.PaneI.na.G . .·... ...PlllnO... Aeollltic Cellln eompetIDJ in JtIII8IDI _peUtiona lIio....l the fund·m.tchiD, rule. and pideliDea 4rawa aplor thilcam· paIp. A panel ,vi1l tMn decide which COIIIIIIOclity..,..,ula promotiona we undertalr.e." Combe allD noted th.t the larial.ture .warded $200 million to th. Tau Agricultural FInance ·Authorlt)' to hooat new _ _ _ atert upe aDd to maintein emitill, on•. 8he ~ rural Teunl to .abmlt tlleir ideu on rural _nomic da....opmeDt .. part of tbia enda.vor - .dcIll11 th.t TDA bu hired three new lIeld staffen to hooat mral devel· opment. "We alao need to apeak out loudly ill water planninl.rta. There are 16 regional waterplao. nilllrroUPB atetewida odeach iI requlred to heve atleut one rural member, thant. to 1allfUa,. added to three different Aatelag· islative billa: abe .aid. '"l'hat, too. ia an opportunity. GetiolmOwthe rural rep of ths nter 1JI01IP ill your resion and make ilure they kIIow your concemlaod ideu OD water policy. "We alao need to reinatiD the importance of rural proaperit.y amongurban TeunJ. take a 10111. hard look .t our commocllty haD· cIlillS infrutructure (railroade) .nd reform .tete taxation that enr3uragel folD to aell out duro ing hard timea (drought. low prieel). It wiD take all oftllat ad more if we are to aucc:eed in hel,. ing T _ atay atrona·" Keeping an eye on Texas (form_I, Contln.~ Grain) :: ~.:' ~:'. For Delivery 8c Bus~ Hours Local Number 806-76S-7i23 Mcrch.ndi'ing & Contact Information \\ ., , Call Our Amarillo <>Rice ~ ~: . ;. ~ ~ ~~H Mll~EANS J . ~. .. .'. ~ ~ at 1-800-748-1162 ~ ~.' ; AT § I ..,/' we represent insure all types of vehicles. ~IruBBARD M INSURANCE AGENCY 921 Ave. D Abernathy 298·2529 PIa,irfloit,f1l ~ 01111( Runninl water Draw Arts " Crafts Festival Ju.tln B. W.thl.,t.on, NaDNtb. and Kandal K. Derrick, C..,on Jill')' DlBTRICT CLERK . Ouadalupe Manuel Medellin: Civil C.... FiI.d 11-18-911 probatioD violation; fine ad two 'Ibrourh 9-17-99: yean in county JaD Baldemar CeDiceI'Ol va. Pauline .J.auRamon Mendoza; welfare Coleman; penonal !JVury. motor fraud; rutitution and two years vehicle probation BobFlbyr.tDNMc.tI((j0nal La••tlnal, v.. Rafaela Mendoza; welf.re . nne)'. e ; U· fraud; reatitution and two years countl. CODtracta. notea probation The Stete of. T _ n. LanOi Stephen Craig Mitchell: probaEadel,Juu FanM andKavin DIlle tion violation: extended probation Suches; bail-bond forfWQanl to three yean DISTRICT ATTORNEY HaDe)' Moralez; burglary of a FelonyDlapoaiU-FarAqu&: babltetion; fine and IIve),ean proLeon.rd M.rtine. Amay.; balion felcmyDWI;lIne.interlocltandlive Elleeo Pena; work release violayean probation tion; fine and two yean probation Chri.topher Avile.; probation Martin Eliu Portillo; felony violation; fine. 110 claye injaD. clay. DWl; fiOl and five yean probation reporting and continued on probe. MaliI.. Botelo RamOI; forgery: tion line and two yean probation BI')'DD Buckalew; work rel,l_ Ruben Ramo.: forgery and violaUon;ftneandthreeyearepro- bodily illiuryto acbild; fine, reBtibation tuUon and three years probation Grepl')' Deao Carroll; WODin Daniel Rendon; probation vio· ~n or. ftrearm; line and lation; 90 day_ in jail. dey-reportintend_tended probation b), one ftve yean probation TbomaI Joe Cartmell; felony year DWI;ftneandliveyeanprobation Robert RioJJr:probation violaRaymond Cianel'Ol "r.j . . . . tion. two counte; leven years in vatecl_ult.with.c1eadl)'weapon prilOn -.clfelonyDWI;ftneadllveyean .Anna Mari. Rodriquez; work :in priaon • Nle_violatlon;ftveyearsprobaReJnaldo Cnu; probation vio- tion lation; 110 daya in jail. clay.repon. Eoy J.vier S.linu; probation in, aDd continued OD probaUoD violation; 10 yean ill priBon ~ Lon Davil; welf.... l'railll; Rooald· Kent Springer; aarareetitntlon and five yean probe. v.ted robbel')' with a deadly tion w.apoD; dilmls.ed; defendant Priaclna Eatrada; forpry. two ..mn, lira aentence in Bame case COUDte; reetitution ad one year Carl Clint 8torey; dalivery of probatioa--_ . .~. and th","",unla delivOlear Flores; bodily iJVury to a 81')' of cocaine; two years in state child; reatitutioD and four yean jaD probation .James Toney; probation viola· Larry Garcia; felony DWl; line and~:=:::!::~_; fbie, drurI treatment, additiOllal houre _tin· of community ..moe and ued on probation St.eft Gerh~t; bnrgIary or. habitetion. thnIIi counlIj reatitu· tion and 80 yeare in priaon Nival Luna acm.a; probation violation; fine ad live yean in prison Brenda Moralea; poI8IIIion of cocaiDe with illtant to cWiver; . . milMd; daflDclant tumid atete'. evidence Al".ndro •Ala" HemaDclali probation violation; cIrua treatment and extended probation 111 .. AD adler one-,arIUblcripllOol.$7A.OO •. ... .. Robert Dalton Hndeon; UIDIIlt on a public ..nant; line aDd five yean probation MitcheD Huarte; probation vi0lation; two yeare In a&ate JaD Shaunoa JeUIna; cIa1iYel')' of Annual Allsup's ·race tomorrow The ADaup'a/BNMU 2ItII An· nual Portelea ~tPounder wi1I .. beId Oet. 18 with tbar . . . ataJtiD8..d.....atOre,. bomdAreaaoa. . . . . .niN_ campna. All lbar_wi1I ......U am. lIT. ·Rnnnen !'bnId _ . . . .... · tbroilack-iDbJ.7:1Oam. "..awnt .......... lad· marathaD, 10'..... 1&_... ~ ... " .~ " • Students • Parents/Guardians • High School Counselon • Any pHSOII interested in obtaini"1l information about col/tie admissions in general or UTPB in particular Lubbock title office moves The Texa. Dspartment of Tran.portation·. Vehicle Titles and Regiatratlon offtcea in Lubbock will open at a new location Oct. 26. Title and 1'8g\ltration information will be available at 136 Sla· ton HighWay. The new oflices are loc.ted on TllDOT'. dielrict grounde. '11Ie title office wu 10000ted on 82nd st. at University Ave. '11Ie new offieel. sa in the past, will not handle title tranBfera and vebicle registrations. The count)' tax OfficeB provide tboae serviceB. For Admissions Inionnation, call or e-mail: admissionsDulplJ.edu 91 S·SS2·260S 1-10)(13 "C D.poslt $12,00 Due .. Pick up IWali Photol 1· 8)(10 2 · 5)(7 2· 3)(5 16· King Size Wallets 8· Regular Size Wallets (plus lax) ~299 Oct. 16 . AD!anda Hill v· I S ph 10 a te e~ 18 Len. Martin Oat. 17 Stephanie Oawalt Jo Wri,bt Hunter Dewbre Cullen Johnson Oct. 18 Joyce Kleman Joan Wesley Oct. 18 Q9,bby ThoIll88OD . Rhetta Riley To .dd name. for birtbdaya. annlvenarie. or memorials. call 298-2088 by 4 p.m. Tuelday for the nut week's edition. Group charge per person 99~ . pairing this proiMtion . Flat Repair' 011 Chlllges 'Interstate Batteries • , New • Used nres' VIeHOur Web Page www••hugartatucloa.com tion ... --..... wOIba . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... ; Some of the local Cub Scoula .ttended the Mackenzie Gold Rum thi. put weekend. We pannad lor 101d, roped an iron ealI, competed in athletic evenla and learned about the nag raising ceremony. We were cbased by robbers, wbo wanted the SOld. which we earned b)' fini8hing the activities. The only way to ..cape. wsa to anawer the queetion they uked UI about the history signs or the Scout motto. Lalar we listened to etoriee while we Bat around tbe chuck wagon and waited for IUpper. IJppeodJeanne Soria. Sound enrineer. are Steve Trowbridp and R_ Byard. The.howwill be video teped lor dlltributioJi at a later date. Ref\oealunenla wiD be avail· able. Admiaeion ia free but do· natio.. are .ppreciated. For more information caD 298-2681. Dould Howard Hi1Uarcl;nnauthorized ... of • IIIDtiOr valdcIe; dar, lito 1', IIDto ».1010 ... 40 to _,10 toU·. . . . . . . .. ' .. B, .JoaIlua Kendall x-tweekdurlngtbedenmeetInf. we made puppela for the Ikit tobapreMntedOeL26attbepack -*'III. The WebelOl will be perron.m, .10111 about Halloween. • Meet with Uni~,,;ty faculty to discuss your career choices or discuss degree infonnatioo BoOana and theCciuntry Laoe TrtoofBettyChilium, Donn.tta reetitutiOD and ftft yean ,roba- 1...0._1Iae..........both _ aD. . . . . . .' ... U aacI aa- . .: ~ What's up with the Boy Scouts? Kelth eh.m,lon ftddler. ,!ilI.ay Jel'eoat, Billy Don Hampton. 0"',.. ~ Unlvereif¥ SUBSCRIPI10N RA11!S ODe , . in AberaIdIy IIId HIJe CouMy • $17.00 0IIe year in Lublloct CcIuDty.• $20.00' aDd bur• habitation; reatitution aDd.'ft yean probation Jee LuiJ Martin..; probation violation; continued on probation olnUa Martinez; aaravated _ ..alt with ..rioua bodil)' il\iury; ...UtutioDaodleYenyeareprobaUOD Marlon Thoma McHenry: in· dec8111:Y with a cbild; acquitted b)' tion by two,.are ,,_ Earl Woo1ay;·pl'Obation ftolatioa; extenMd probation by two yean Maria Rachel Ybarra; retaliation; fine ad ..ven yean probation Debra Zachiuche; theft; reedtution and five yean probation Public Recorda HaleCount),JUSTlCE OF THE PEACE Civil CaB88 Filed 11-18-99 through 9-24-99: Plaine Mobile Homea ft. Serena Rupe; and Daniel E,trad. Central Village Apte. va. MergareLGomez Ronnie Wood vs. Gilbert LaFuente, et .1 . Colfax Loan VB. Daniel Zavala: and Oralia Chavez M&M Welding vs. David Riley, dba D&L Construction JP Dispositions Recorded 9-1899 througb 9-24-99: JudgmentB for plaintiff in: Plains Mobile Homes VI. Serena Rupe; and Daniel Eatrade COUNTY ATl'ORNEY Marriage Licenses IB8ued 9-2099 througb 9-24·99: Jason H. Cardy and Kayna L. Yarbrougb, Plainview Emory P. Gilly, Hart, and Dorothy M. Haatey. Plainview Ramon Hernandez Jr. and Rachel C. Ordonez, Plainview Edgar R. A. Zamarippa and Elizabeth E. Gareia, Plainview Kelly J. HayeB. Edmonson. and Cannen R. Senter. Plainview DISTRICT CLERK Civil Cues Filed 9-20-99 through 9-24-99: LilieuB Scott, et ai, VB. Walter Smith: damag_, iJ\jury. vehicle DC Di.pOlitionBRecorded9-1899 through 9-26-99: First National LeaBing VB. Bobby D. McKinney, et ali die· miaaed Helen Mc:QlJ\en VI. Rubby H. mloa, et all default judgment for plaintiff . r ..,.J.'IG Qjllorcee IYwrMd 8r18-119 througb •.9.:w.99l . '. I Rick D. and Dona L. CriBwell Elizabeth H . and Chris Lopez 1IdIIIIn.................... .... and eaeb .......,. All ' _ _ will ............ ..., ., . . _.11-=--... 6 PACK CANS & 3 LITER $1 79 .- ..... ranDill. ._...• · TIle iIdaI7 nport wiD bepNtaro TmIDO (Q.DT) out or AI ......... ' .". . IhnwlclIea bacl_ pod ball .... far .. lut . . . . He _ i l l ad pla,edleft ....... ucI eliela ...-JIypoclJob.lt will .. 0101 to ... ~bacltbat, iryou can't P .. you can't "" . H.·•. lOt _ knee bVury ~r, ...... to CODtin.. for • t leut lMdler week anel maybe two." Defeoeift .tandou&l lut week Include CleYII Biley with 20 tacklie that iDcJwled liven 10101. Clillt OtrwaIth.d Uwith two IIDaaiet.ecl anel. fllmb\e ..-ve.,.. Me" Henley ucI Man:u Gardner each hacl 1I_ _ eted mel two unueilted DISTRICT '·2A DISTRICT 8-2A OUt. Football standings Tum 1'() . Social Security benetits based onB7highest 35-year earnings IIarF oJ_ _ ................... IDPWaYie. It'. DOt your hIP 11ft ,.an or IIUIliDaI orJOUl' biah tbree,.... that .........lbI--.tol,.,ur -w" Sod. Benrit1 retin_ t ....ltI... II the _with - * aovenuMat ucI printe iIldutl7peulou. Yoar.....fltewlll .. buecl 011 your lift*'- earnlap. ADd bepm, tnct 01 the ......tap potted on your 80aIaI Becarlty ..-I'd i. Uout to be_mach_tlr. On Oct. 1. Sodal Security will ..pa maiHIlI Social 8eewity . . . . . .tI to t.lIe approJdmet.elJ 1215 IidDioa woran or Hlt..mplo,. ..... wbo. .... 215,.... orol_ and notalre.tb'.-f'rina 80dal Security benellte. You can . . , . to " ' f t your atat.Den& eech ,.....bout th .... _&h8 heCoreyourbirtbday.Poruampie. U'yva . . . bom ill Pebr:aar:F you .bould ....ve your .tate_nt ill November. Your ata*-nt will clilplay • )'IU'-bJ-)'IU' ..-I'd of eaminaa yoar empJoJer(.) hu ..ported to Sodal Security md 1Id_. . 01 the beDllltl you md yvar family may be eliliblellr _ _ ill IbI ru.... IrJOll ......If_plo,,", .bo. theeamlnp JOIl Nportecl to the In....... "'nUl will a110 up on your .tI&emla&. Unfortu- naWy. _ people plm their .........t&.a-_el.benellt that" baed 011 u..tr bltl-t live, or _ oIeamtap. IrthU 1.1bI_. if.libly that your caIaulati8n wiD not be three.,.... oarreaL When 80cIal 8eartty calcula" JOUI' bendt _ t it'. buacl on your ....... 1HDiDp owr _ t 01 JIIIU' wortiq lite- u... U~.&ba&".tM8I,... ill ."bleb you ........ &h. _ t DlDIIIY. Tum New Deal I.cJckney Floydacle ldaloa 0-1 a.8;1 '-. '-. 8-1 11-8 AJlamathy 0-1 RaIle 0-1 2-4 .......Ju AbematbJ 28, Loek...y 27; New DeaJ 39. Iclalou 0; I1O)'clacla ~, RaU. 0 Hamlin JimNecl 1'() StamIII'd 1'() Albany Hawley 0-1 0-1 0-1 AaIOn DWrWI-AA.....tllui _ _ Stamford21. Hawley 20; JimNeel IIIIlIt ... . WBDNBSDAY, juioe. . . . . . . . ' ~.mlJk TllUB8DAYI ban. .a. ClNal. tout,mUk PBlDAyIjuiOl. . . . . tout,ndJIt L1UICIb ..... IIONDAY, conadoll.1IIMII'CIIII and cbaeae. INID beau. fruit, If you ba.e quee&iolll .bout 8ocIal8ec:urit, belllflU,ceD. write or vIIIt your local Social 8ecarity 08l0l0rcan tbiI toll-he nlUllher. l.aoD-'1'12-1218. If you.... cI.r or bard oIbeari.... caD 1TY 1-«108215-0778. You aIIO can NICh S0cial Security at tJal. Intll'llet. .eWtI: www........". I GRAIN COe,INCe Abernathy 'For All Farming Needs lnael. InDt here. milk 'l'llURSDAy, chicken nuae&l. I'RIDAY, charburt.......lacI. .....nch ftoie •• cake.,millt . Abernathy - 298·2521 Lubbock - 763-4868 $50 REWARD PubUo AuoU_ IpoDlONel bJ ADtoD Firet United Methoeli.t Cbarch Saturday. Oct. 18. 101 MainS&. View\na.tarteanOLDL. Ibo_ ouU. We can liD )'Our bidclin. at 11 •.ID. Lawn equip- print order rlPt heN in IUlemathy. Printed on poet carde. Call -to toola, clecoratift itama ucI . uriy for wiele eelectioa of colore. _h DlDre. (16-1th) Other prlntjobe ancl fa..mOl aIIO _.ailable. CaD Abern.thy Weekly ReYiew.298-2031. (r&el Plainview· Hale Co':{nty Crimllloppera will pay ~ a rew.rdtoofIlia ~Oermt (Filly of DoIIIIr81 for or Informallon IIacIIng pelIOn peIIOllI . '. ~~ . _ .' laertng or Hiegel dumping anywhere In Hale ,. . County , ,~ cRiMesToPPERS 1.aoo-211-8477 Alr4lOllllltl. . . . N_ JII'IIII'IID a.ulaltle ill AlIem.u., ...... PInlDllina for nfHawated. central headaa. air conelitioniq equipment. Creclit, problema? W.'ll ft· BIIDCI you. Voted be.t air condi· tioniq company ill Lubbock. A. 1o• • $39D1DDth.CaDAirAmerica .t '7tl-1083. (r&el bHcAuctio Your WEDNBSDAY,enchiladac:ueeroI., aa1acl. pinto be.... com JIouM ..W.meat? Cracks in brick or walll? Doore wOD't cIOl.? CaD Childere Brothere Stabilizing " FOllDclalion Levelliog .t 1-800· 299-9583 or 806-796·0068. Lubbock. (8-60tp-311 Rubber ....,. mecle &0 order. Alcott Rubber Stamper 298-2083 or 298-2809 after 8 p.m. md weekeDcle. (r&e) ;;r~,. 22. Albeny 8; Hamlin 27. AaIOn 12 We all have times when either things go wrong or else we're afraid they will, and these real and potential calamities seem to come all at once. We worry about our health, our job security, bills, taxes, and so on, This can throw us into a real fit of depression, and we orten wonder if it's all worth il. But take heart; there are some constructive things you can do while you're waiting for the answers. First, lIP out and help someone who . needs you. This will give you a good feel,,,,,,,..,~q~~l9.~ mi~»,f.fY9~,2~~ " .. David Sanderson, CLU, CbFC 602 10th St.. Abernathy. TX 79311 298-4143 217 ..... 8beet 298-2408 Ohio National __ Financial Services. 1-800-884-&580 ' TlQlDlt.. ... , GrItt tot "... (Jf sr.b BONELESS BEEF TRIMMED nn.... LII::I 405 Ave. 0 ow 29&-2627 Spec/als GoodOct.' 13·19. 1999 REGULAR NO BEANS ~Lr- BRAND _ ••• Chili Top Sirloins EVERYDA UP TO so, SUAVE ASSORTED MIX OR MATCH - Shampoo or Conditioner FALL PRODUCE SALE 15 oz. bonIe -ASSORTED VARIETIES Crisco on 5For$1 pound $1 69 ANGEL SOFT 8ath Tissue , 4 roll packIgI 79¢ "In the day at my trouble I " Isa/ways t1t1*sr just IIeIiR the dtJy dtwJntlh, - Thomas Fulle' SOUfIhI rM Lotd,.. - Psalm 7T:J . es. .,~.ttel1l1. wru(,.no,lle IilII 298·2060 Suday ScbooI9:4$ AM Wonblp 10:30 AM I!veaiDg 6:00 pt,l B..m17:3O PM Judy WOOlen, putIII' mtST BAPI1ST CllVJtat 411 71b SIIeet , 298-2$87 s..day Sc:bool 9:30 AM Wonlllp 10:40 AM Bible Sludy 5:00 PM BvealDi Wonbip 6:00 PM Wednelday I!vcmIag 7:30 PM MIP WIkloa, .,....,. NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CIIlIItat 420161115_ 298·2497 Sunday ScIlooI 9:45 AM Wonblp 11:00'AM BvenIDl TninIII& 5:00 PM EveoIII. Wonbip 6:00 PM Wedoeoday Service 7:30 PM Bmy P_,1D1IIIm Pam mtST BAPTIST NEW DBAL SIIIIday Sc:boollO:OO AM Wonbip 11:00 AM I!vealns Wonbip 6:00 PM CEN'I"£R COMMtlNlTY atURCH S mi1II .... 00 PM 597 dIeD 2 mIJea ilium oa PM 2902 Suoday Sc:bool10:00 AM WonbIp 11:00 AM Wed.1'nIytr MeetiDa 7:00 PM III ~ 1.ocIHy•• 746-d641 1404A_B W.,.., s.mc. Wedoeldly 7:30 PM Dr. Ttny W. JoIIII.l'IIIIIr CHtJIlat or CJIIU8T 916A_B IGLBSIA BAtmSTA NVlVA.a taACION 41214111 SIIeet 298-2900 Suoday Sc:bool10:00 AM Wanlllp Ser¥Ice 11:00 AM Suoday B....... 5:00 PM WecIIIeIday Service 7:00 PM ~2718 Bible Sludy 9:30 AM Wonbip 10:30 AM BVIIdaa'5:OO PM W......,B...... 7:3OPM DmdBeolllll JoeII'eIN. JIUUIr HTIIBL IAft'IST CIl1JRCB 101l!:1. SInIt . a9a-2118 SI!DdIY MQ,oI 9:4S ~ "'.I8IDOU ClRJRat SoutbA_ueo- 2H-mB Sunday 9:00 AM WecIIIeIday 7:00 PM ..... WCllllllP .U:OO~ s-m, a.viaI'(U'·U.) 6:00 PM MaIIIay MiIIIDD, ...... A BIOIIIIdIaod OUR JADYQIJIIN OPTBI -'7:011"", ,.' . .uosn.IICA.1'IIDUC anJ&CB ' . .... CIIoIr ItIIIIanII L-GOPM NewDMl Suoday ..... 10:4$ AM . ....... MIcIMII . Sponsors I Legal Notice II Legal Notice The Ahemathy Independent School Dietrict will accept ~led bids &0 purchase one (l) new 1999 dielBl poweredechool bus. Th. bids shall be in the Abem.thy I.S.D.·. Superintendent's Ofliee at 606 7th Street, Abernathy, TX'7931l, no later than 4:00 p.m , on November 8, 1999. Envelopes muat be merked in lower left h.nd corner 'school bus bid'. SpecificatioDlIllll)' be obtained.t the .chool administration ofl\ce or call 8061298-2688. Ahemathy Independ.nt School Diltrict reserves the right &0 acceptor reject any or all proposals in the be.t interest of the Abernathy I.S,D, NOTICE FOR BIDS One two·.&ory house with larage-Iocatedat 1111 Ave. FinAbemathy. Legal description being lots 4 8t II. Block 84 of the Original Town of Abernathy, Texas. The lucce..1U1 bidder will be required &0 agree, in writing, that within ninety (90) days of purchase they will either have the property brought up to meet city codes or to remove .uch sb-ucture., founda· tiona and debris from the premises, Bide will be opened and considered during the council meeting echeduled for Monday, 1"0v, 8, 1999, The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to accept such bid that council deems most advantageous &0 the city. Bids should be addressed 8S follows: Property Bid. Mayor and Council. P,O , Box 310. Abernathy. Texas 79311 FrankRllSI!Iell. a', City Manager s,~~~~ and!~.II~~1 41,lOO Mile AvtraF LaJstb ofHml * 9596 No TOIIIh Asaigncd Frc:ightIincn *Safi:ty BoauecI *Medical in 30 Daya 1-800-729-9770 Oft....... PIlIMEJtA MJSSION BAU11STA ll1U_..,..S_t 298-4733 or 198-42S1 SUDday School 9:45 AM Suoday WonIIip 11:00 AM Bvening ServIce (B,T,U,) 6:00 PM Wed. Pnioe Service '" Bible SlUdy 7:00 PM .fIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 511 Av.-E 298·2832 Sunday School 11:15 AM Momln8 Wonbip 10:00 AM Evenina Celebration 6:00 PM Mid-Weet s.vice 7:00 PM Yoatb Tille 7:00 PM David L M_toe. Putor OFFSHORE DRILUNG JTransocean Transocean's growlh will require new employee s. If you orc think.ing job change. con,ider .h< !'REMIER DEEI'WATER CONTRACTOR in .he Gulf of Mexico. SUB-SEA ENGINEER r - n'sIs ",rrenIIy buI1dIng 11,._ dIIIldIvfty\ttlllhlpl ,T1IIIt_riglwllopnItllill hl~~ .dvanced drilling lechnology and wllllqlllrw pe!IOI1ne1 willi ' HIGH TECH' qualliclllonL Transocean Offshore Inc. p,o, Do> 2765 • H..... on. To. 171M-17M . Altenllon: StBmnl F.. : 71~·2Jl-7750 E·Mall: hllp:/loww.d..pw.ltr..... Nophone •• II.pl ..... ...,.,.., OItItIoI'lInt.islM tqulloppotUItf """" VENDS-.M METHODIST CllVJtCH NEW DEAL Sunday ScboollO:OO AM Sunday ServIce 9:00 AM Rev. Jim Currie • Local eendy route SiJOVNTY LINE BAPTIST ~7.2134 Sunday School 10:00 AM WonIIip 11:00 AM BvtnJas 6:00 PM 1D_~W.yneR , WiIliamJ IGLI!8IA DEL NAZARENO A _ A A 5tb SlNet Sunday ScboollO:00 AM WonbIp ll:OO AM BvtDiDs 6:00 PM W......y Service 7:00 PM MOHI1I DB LOS OLIVAS 110 But 4111 SlNet ~2140 ,' w...-, PrIIIe servtoe. BIble" 7:00 JIM '· . Worship and pray for God·s guidance: Talk to your dergyman, who will also pray for you. Remember that he is there to help you whenever you need him, so just let him do it. IUtST UNlTItD ME11IODIST 704 AvenueD 298-2581 Suoday Scbool 10:00 AM WonIIip 11:00 AM BvtoiDa 6:00 PM Wed. Choir PnaIIoe 7:00 PM ReY, 11m Currie mtST ASSBMBLY 0' GOO depoalt"l1 '.. paid mel lawn ..moe . ded. No petl.ler.... . _ andcredlthl.&o.,. requirecl. CaJl828-&317. (1-4tll-22) The City of Abernathy will receive bids through II p.ID. Thursday. Nov, 4, 1999, for the property deBCribed below: FAITH AND SERVICE CAN HELP US FORGET ALL OUR WOES AnIIIdtitl. Ufo. Hta.lth. Dl.robility ~ Say not you know .nother entirely. till yOll ha•• divided an iDberitaace wit.h him. ~oIuum Lav.ter Church Directory Day or NigIII Clnformantaldllntlly Kept ConIkIantiaI) .way. your Ur.u.III'IIiqI. PLAINS milk TUI!lIDAy, I. . . . . AI .... COl'll• .....nch breacl. fruit. milk lIIIIhecl potltoee. broccoli, roill. cooIde•• mWt Co_try b ....onp.YllDllntfor 1 becll.Oam. 1 bath....t of Aberne~!i ' 7lpermonth.ta71 ren&. Insurance siDee 1980! Tlaat I. not, lIowe~, &he _ with - * l'OftI'IlIII8at mel pri- vate ill_try PIIIIiou. Beaefttl .... often bu8cI 011 tile empIo,.e'. hIP 11ft or hith three yean. Ie.el your 80ctal Security 8..._ t earetaIly mel be . _ to abaolI JOIIr .......... hieto.,. .. It .ppean on the .tI&emlnL If ,.,..tbIDk&heN'•• miIteb. piMM let III laao. rilbt Th.t', Important beca_ your Social 8ecarity belllltl will be buecl on DIll&. 1'() 1'() 1'() . ' ~ 'l'UBlDAYI jule.. eerul, tout. SWIday SinIcR UtOO AM, Sunday B. . . . 6:00 PM 1'IIIIday lira,. MMIiDc 7:00 PM 'I1IumdaJ 7:00 PM PularOar p.z , 30 peI8nIed mieN.... • S'i,ll5lnwstment • Hamo·.blsed,buslnass S 'co'"nte ·". .. . . I ' . _, ' 1«' ~" ·.·,·.' ·' · 5 .·.·",·.' & ', ' • , " " , ~ " "J': ' '" • I. Circle tile ..... , . tbIak wDl wID. Z. PIck. toW ICIOft for tile ........... pme. 3. Select. Secret SpoIIIGI'. ' • Abemathy va. New O.al I I Idalou v.. Floydada S«tmtIplll&" $15; ThiwJ plll&" $10 Sundown va. Bovina Stanton va. Coahoma w."nwgns"" Poet va. Plalna IIIlJitio1llll $10 ifyou pelS Ib, S«rd Sponsor! Oswalt Insurance South Plains Auctioneers • I' 923 Ave. D / 298-2576 • Hale Center va. Olton Morton va. Farwell • I I Lockney v.. Raila First plll&l umu $20; HigginbothamBartlett Co. 1002 Ave. D / 298-2010 TIEBREAKER Te... Tech va. Baylor (Oct 23) Abernathy Custom Paints . Totalaco,. _ _ _ __ Choose the name 01 one of these page sponsors aacl write it in the designated space. One spoDSOr each week wiQ be nndomly dnwn as the Secret Sponsor lor the contesL First State Bank Member F.D.l C 4029th St. / 298~2556 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• WEEK #8 (Oct. 22 piJies) I aan~ ______________ 1103Ave. C / 298-2103 y-~------------------ T.p..... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ •........• .•...........• ClIp out '" """ to abe AMrIllllll, Wukl,Iln,." II,. p... TIIunda, ~ , Come out ana support the Lopes as they play the Wl!irlwin4l, fRrfigb~ ~t 7:~Pp.·~· i~ flPYdatJtf Joe Thompson Implement 105Ave. D / 298-2541 W-illie Dunn Insurance Lowe's Marketplace 1205Ave. D 298-2077 405Ave. D Hi Plains Drilling Lindsey ManUfacturing Cullen Johnson ,;Equipment &: Auction · 298-2571 RI. 2 Box 116C / 298-4607 298-2627 Cotton Center Farmers Co-op Gin Plains Grain Co. 7,01 Texas Ave. / 298-2521 Glen" Ivins, manager 879-2150 Rockin R Steak House 924Ave.D Southwest Textiles 2'84~02 298-2548 Wolf Irrigation Fariners Tuco Gin 301,E. StrVke RJ. S. 298-2514 298-2467 Abemathy Floral &: Gifts Hill Veterinary Service 1312Ave. D / 298-2334 298-2123 ConsUmers Fuel AbernathY'Body Works 829 W. Strvife RJ. 298-2584 10216thSt. 417S.Ave. D 298;.2084