Weekly Review - The Unger Memorial Library
Weekly Review - The Unger Memorial Library
The Abernath SC _,,", u. :::...:5,...,_.""IN:,r ';:'LAIN' :IF'"" Weekly Review "A NEWSPAPER CAN VOLUME 85, NUMBER 46 To Begin © 2006 BE FORGIVEN FOR TH E LACK Of' KNOWLEDGE, B UT NEVER FOR TIlE LACK Of' COURAGE" .... G ENIl H FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2006, ABERNATHY, TEXAS 50 CENTS OWE TWELVE PAGES, TWO SECTIONS Junior Farm Skills Team Wins Area Meet With by Eugene Bonds I was reading the big city news last weekend and came across a column about cussin as opposed to cursing. This star ted me to remembering the guys in the old blacksmith shop in Happy, Texas The proprietor was a family friend na med Gus McDonald. Every .'entence out of old Gus was peppered with cuss words. We used to hang aroundjust as a way to further our voca bulary. If one of the new words ever slipped out around our mothers th e common reply was," Now boys you don't want to grow up to cuss like old Gus." I s uppose it was a phase a nd we lived through it. With age we cleaned up our act, 01' maybe I s hould say our mo ut hs . It appea r s th a t people a re a tad more courte· ous 0 1' civili zed with their Ia n· guage. Once not to long ago I called upon a ca ual acquain ta nce to ex press my sympa thy at the dea th of her husba nd . I had lived next door to the couple for a li ttle more t ha n a yea r. J di dn't know then we ll, but remembered him as the cussinges t ma n I ever kn ew, a nd the most diversilied. And now, ca llingon his widow, that was the on ly trait ofhj s cha rac ter 01' callin g I could think of. Whi ch, of CO UI" e, I ilidn't men Lion to her. 0 1' need to , actu a lly, because I hadn't a ny more tha n gotton through my co ndol ences and a hal f a cup ofcofTee before the widow, who was nea rly eighty, I'd guess said to me: " You know how bad he wa s to swea r? Well , he quit it. And I never thought he wo ul d 0 1' co uld ." She took a sip of coffee a nd I gave her my best please cont inu e lift of my eyebrow. "It was a str a nge thing the way t hat ha ppened. He had this pension co ming that assured he would be able to go to a home for old men someday, a nd he decid ed to go a nd stay fo r a short visit. Maybe he was tired of me, 0 1' just wa nted to be with men his own age 01' something. Anyway he just packed up a nd left. I kind of thought it wo uld be kind of a s hort vaca tion for both of us. A man does get under foot when he's not workjng. You know how long we were married-- lifty-six yea rs. His vacation was short lived, two days and he was back. I was glad to ee him come home, eve n a messy ma n is missed when he's go ne. I guess I will rea lly mi ss him now. "I as ked why he was back so soon . He s wore an oa th a nd sa id hejust couldn't stay there with s uch people. And you know wha t he said was wrong with t hose men? They s wore too much, he said!They'd come to the ta ble a nd all he hea rd was one oath after another. He enve r co uld stand people that took the Lord's name in vain, a nd he certainly wasn't go ing to stay there. I thought to myself t ha t he really ilidn't know tha t he swore every breath he took. I s tarted la ug hing a nd he s t a rted s wea ring and I laughed some more a nd told him how he'd been calling the kettl e black when he objected to those men and their profanity. 'Did you evor li st e n to yourself?' I asked. [ to ld him that whole gang of men could not be worse than he was. He broke hlmself, it was n't easy but he did it." In a way I hated to hear it. The world is far too short of' artist of thi s stripe. But then I fi gured he had made his singul ar contribution to our time. -30- Abemathy FFA Junior Farm Skills team membe r s fr om left to right include; Jake Reid, Ryan Piel'ce, Bryce Teal, Garrett R e nfro a nd An(h'e w H a rkey. Advis ors 1'01' the team are Ge rald Ke ll ey and Brian Cox Th e Abernathy FFA Junio r a nd Senior Fa rm Ski ll. tea ms compe ted in the Area 1 FFA Lea de rs hip Deve lop ment events. IFha compet iti on took place in Canyo n, Texas on Novembe r 18. Area 1 consists 01'91 choo ls in th e Panha ndle a nd So uth Plfl ins reg ion. Th ey ra nge in size from the sma ll 1-A schools tv th bigger 4-A schoo ls. Th e Se ni or Fa rm Skills tea m placed third in t he contest. Members pa rt ici pa ting we re; J us t in Sh aw, J os h Peterson, Markus Miller, Kyle Owen a nd J aryn Ba rc heers. The J unio r tea m consisted of Bryce Teal, J a ke Re id , Garrett Ren fro, Andrew Ha rkey and Rya n Pierce. This team pl,)ced first and will be advan cing to the State FFA Lea ders hip De ve lopme n t Events in Hunts vil le December l & 2. 'l'he yo ung stude nts have worked very hard to eam the opportunit) to adva nce to the s tate fintlls. The AbeJ'l1othy Academic All District Students Named at AHS Abe rn a thy Hi gh Sc hoo l Princi pal, Ga ry Pugh, has a nnou.nced the st udent ath letes t hat have been na med to the Academic All Distr ict list in Football an d Cross COlln t ry. Cri teria for being selected for this honor req uire that a ny athl ete/stud en t, tra iner! ma nage r, meetin g the individua l member schoo ls cri terion For ,lettering a t t he va rsity leve l a nd t hat mai ntai nti a 90 cumul a tive num erica l ave rage or a bove through the sports computation peri od is eligibl e. All grades will be used to a rrive at a cum ul ative numerica l ave rage. All cou rses will be used in the co mputation with t he exception ofP .E. or Athl etics St ud e nts earn in g t hi s honor for 2006 incl ude: Footba ll ; Jo s h P e terso n, Tate Horsford , Mar kus Mill er, J ustin Wesley, J a ke Voigt, Jo hn Lopez, Jo natha n Mendoza, Kelby Forte nbe rry, Wes ley Hill , Chase Mun oz, Reese Myatt, Chauncey Pa rsons a nd Ja ke Truelove. Student Trainers include; Lindsey Skipper, Kascidee Kemp, Tey ler Abell , Ke nd all Dunn , Kay ley Cu.nningham a nd Kori Vecchio. Students ea rning thi s honor for Cross Country include; Bri t· tany Ca nnon, Ha ley Ha vens, Sa nd i Kin ast, Co urtney Ma nn , Ka ri Wilson and K'Lea Mills. Recipes Needed for Review The Abernathy Weekly reo view is in need of' your special Holid ay Recipes to be published and shared wi th the readers in a special Chl'istmas Edition to be pu blished December 22. Please dl'op of'f'yo ur favor· ites at the Review ofli ce or mail them to PO Box 160 in Abernathy. Breakfast With Santa at FUMC Several Units from the Abernathy fire depal'tment responded to a fire at Farmers TUCO Gin about lAM Thursday morning. The fil'emen had to try to bring the fire under control during extreme cold and blowing snow, A truck and the burr shack are barely visible through the blowing snow in this photo The widely read Abernathy People column sponsored by First State Bank will resume in it's normal space again next week. The weather and scheduling conflicts caused the skip this week. Thanks for your patience. Abernathy Weekly Review Staff. Ma ke s ure to ma rk yo ur calenda rs a nd don't forget that th e First United Methodis t Church will be hosting it's Annual Breakfast With Santa, Saturday, December 9th. Breakfast will be served a t 9:00 AM a nd Sa n ta is expected to a rri ve at 9:15 AM. Cost {or brea kfas t a nd a picture with Sa nta is $6.00, or breakfast only is $3,00. Serving hours a r e (i'om 9:00 to 11:00 AM Abernathy Beautifica tion Association membel's,Mrs. Hugh Hill left a nd H e ilda Cannon r ight, busily I'eplace the downtown flo wet' pots with Chdstmas Trees a s th e holid ays a pproach. Chamber of Commerce Christmas Plans Continue For City Abel'l1a thy Chamber of Commerce co ntin ues with pl ans for first lig hted Chri stmas par ade. The paradew ill be staged Wednes· day evening December 13, at 6:30 PM. All inte rested in entering a fl oat 0 1' other par ade entr)' should co ntact J effRogers, Cha mber P resident, Securi ty Ba nk 2982551. The Chamber will also spon 0 1' a home decora t ing contest. All homes inside the city limi ts will automatica lly be judged on the evening of Decemberl2. Res identsout ide the city limjts wishing to participate need to ca ll Sharon KesteJ'!'air at the Abel'l1 athy Weekly Review, 298·2033, to be placed on t.h e judges route. Prizes of Antelope Buck will be awarded to the winn ers. Co nte t winners wi ll be announ ced after the parade at a social ga thering fi nd visit with Santa Clause to be held atthc Abel'l1 athy Jamboree Hall . ................................ Winter al'l'ived a s this edition of t h e A bernathy Weehly Review was going t o press. Temp e l'a tUJ'es plummeted by neady twe n t y d e grees as w inds began to blow s now f1url'i es into t own . Some accumulation of s now was b eginning to occur at 5:00 AM Thursday. Weathet· fore cas t predict more of the same fOI' th e nex t two days. Time to bundle up and try to s tay warm a nd dry. Texas DIR Awards IBM Contract for State Data Center Services That Offers Significant Benefits to the State AUSTIN -A newly signed ag reemen t between th e Texas Department oflnformation Resources and IBM (NYSE: IBM) delivers expanded services and lower costs for data center services. The seven-year contract is valued at $863 million with three optional one-year extensions. After taking all new and retained costs into account this will save Texas $25 million in 2008-2009 and $159 million over the base contract period. The contract leverages the buying power of the state to modernize the technology infrastructure, enhance information security and disaster recovery capabilities, and provide flexibility to meet changing business requirements. "I'm committed to making Texas the leader in technology advances while ensuring our citizens receive the best value for their tax dollars. Data center consolidation accomplishes both and is just good business," said Texas Governor Rick Perry. "This contract replaces and expands an existing contract for data center services that has been in effect since 1996. It is an important ingredient in our commitment to the shared technology infrastructure envisioned in House Bill 1516 that I authored last session," said State Representative Carl Isett. "This agreement leverages our existing assets at the state data center in San Angelo and ensures continued physical a nd technical upgrades will be made to that facility," said State Senator Robert Duncan , HB 1516 sponsor. The con tract incl udes over 20 percent historically underutiliz ed business (HUB) participation, performance metrics, extensive reporting, and collaborative governance with participation by a1l27 agencies. With the new agreement come increased security levels for assets and information not currently seen in state government. As part of the agreement, IBM, working through s ub-con trac tor Unisys, will estab lish a new data center in Austin. The contract a lso addresses career opportuni ties for state employees who currently perform data center sel·vices. Specifically, each affected employee will receive a job offer from IBM 01' one of three subcontractors - Unisys, Xerox or Pitney Bowes - with at least a 5 percent increase over their current salaries. No relocation will be required. "Eighteen months ago we established specific milesto nes to complete by this year-end. I am proud that we met all the milestones and now have a solid contract in place with mea ningful performance requirements," said Willi a m Transier, DIR Board Chair. ''We designed this process to be highly inclusive . Hundredsofemployees at all levels of government worked together on the scope , the request for offer, and the evaluation on this contract to ensure it meets the needs of each agency," said Larry Olson, Chief Technology Officer for the State of Texas. "1 want to publicly acknowledge the hard work a nd the deep commitment to th is project that we received from stafT in a ll 27 agencies." "This initiati ve demonstrates the State of Texas' commitment to the strategic use ofInformation Technology across its government agencies," said David Liederbach, General Manager, IBM Global Technology Services, Public Sector. "Ultimately, the taxpayer benefits from more effective technology spendin g. IBM will help the state deliver the latest technology capabilitiesto .. -broader group bf Texas agencies to ens ure consistent access to information, improved disaster recovery and data security, and most importantly, better overall service to its citizens." This contract follows industry best practices and was developed with support from Technology Partners International, Inc. (TP!) and Mayer, Brown, Rowe&Maw LLP, two premier ou tsourcing adviso ry firm s. care in the early 90s. And when they do, voters will rebel a nd break out the pitchforks. * House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a critical mistake in publicly backing Rep. Jack Murtha over Rep. Steny Hoyer for the party's #2 slot. She made an existing rift in her caucus even worse, hardening already hard feelings. But she also committed the unpardonable political sin of not vanquishing her opponent and leaving him to fight another day. Her candidate, Murtha, lost. The rule is: If you're gonna kill the king, kill the king. Hoyer remains alive and kicking. • The Hill reported last week that "Five female members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) refused to back incoming Caucus Chairman Joe Baca (D-Calif. ) in a vote Wednesday, citing concerns ranging from poor management of the group's political arm to a lack ofrespectfor female lawmakers." The paper noted the meeting devolved into a "nasty closed-door debate" and some believe the group will break up over gender lines. • One ofthe reasons Demo- THE ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW (US PS 003-340) (lSSN 0895-429 1) The only newspaper in the WORLD that cares about Abernathy! Eugene Bonds Publisher e- mail: [email protected] Published weekly on Friday of each week, except fir st Friday after Chri stmas and one Friday during summer months, at the Abernathy Weekly Review office m 9 16 Avenue D. Mai ling address: P.O. Drawer 160, Abernathy, Texas 79311 -0160, MOVING? Send your mailing label and correcti ons to Abernalhy Week ly Rev iew, P.O. Drawer 160. Abernathy. Texas 79311 -0160 or e-mail: [email protected] SU BSCRIPTION RATES One-year Abemalhy, all addresses - $2 1.00 All olher one-year subscriplions - $25.00 Established in November of 192 1. Periodical postage paid at United Slates Post Office, 80 1 Avenue D, Abemathy, Texas 79311-9998. Notice to the Public: Any erroneous reflection upon the character. repul ati on or standing of any fi rm , indiv idua l or corporation wi ll be gladly correcled upon being called 10 Ihe attention of the publisher. ADVERTISING DEADLI NE 4 PM TUESDA Y POSTMASTER : Send address cha nges 10 the Abernalhy Weekly Rev iew, P.O. Drawer 160, Abernalhy, Texas 793 11 0160. T:.42006 ~lM!EM.ER TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION WTPA, TPA, PPA Award Winner district, holding on is going to be tough for a lot of these freshman Democrats. To give you a better idea of this political landscape and how it works against Democrats, consider this: According to Ryan Ellis, Federal Affairs Manager over at Americans for Tax Reform, there are now 60 Democrats in the House who represent districts President Bush won in 2004. But there are now only 9 Republicans in the House representing districts that John Kerry won. These Democrats are strangers in a strange land. So here's the bottom line: Republicans will have an excellent opportunity to retake control of the House in two years. However, if they fail to do so in 2008, it could be a LONG time before they ever get control of the gavel again. And while Democrats may have the majority for now, it's anything but solid. Perhaps the best thing they have going for them is that Republicans never seem to blow an opportunity to blow and opportunity. I don't know whether to pop a Prozacordrink the KoolAid. -- While the overwhelming majority of senior citizens are happy with t heir prescription drug coverage under Medicare Part D, some have realized that the plan they picked was not what they wanted or needed. But se niors who fall into this category hav e good news: From now until Dec. 31, Medicare Part D will offer an "o pen-enrollment" period, mean in g thatrecipients ca n cha nge their prescription drug coverage to pick a new plan that better meets their needs. Unhappy seniors should jump at this opportunity to switch. Many will di scover that insUl'ance providers listened to theil' complaints and a,'e now offering even better plans than before. For example, sever al plans now cover the much talked about "doughnut hole," meaning tha t ou t-of-pocket cos ts ha ve dropped significantly. Ma ny othe,'s have lowered the copay for drugs. Finally, more pl ans have added many new medicines that were approved by the FDA as recent ly as last month. All told, seniors will have more opportunity to lower their out ofpocket drug costs and tailor their drug plans to their medical needs. So even seniors who are pleased with their drug coverage ~~ould examine their ophons. Whether they want to sign up for the first time or change plans, seniors shouldn't delay. This openenrollment period happens only once per year, from Nov. 15 through Dec. 31. This enrollment period makes Part D different from traditional one-size-fits-all government health plans, where there are no options. Just Ip.ok,at the prescrip- ., tion drug plan offered by the Department ofVeteransAffair s, which lowers drug prices and reduces costs in three ways. First, by law, the VA can command below-market prices. Second, to reduce prices further, the VA limits the choice of drugs through a national formulary, which offers only 30 percent of the drugs available under Medicare. Finally, the VA delays and limits access to new medicines. Every drug given "prior- organize rs of a downtow n Christmas festival to reconsider using a certain movie studio as an event sponso r. The reason, you ask? It turns out that officials arc upset that the movie studio , New Line Cinema, might offend non-Ch ristians with ads fo r its movie "The Nativity Story." Now, let's ta ke a step back for j ust a minute. As mentioned earli er , we have already seen dramatic changes in "etai l a nd co rpor ate America regarding their "definition" of Christmas. Santa is larger than life, but Jesus is now here to be found . The company Christmas party is now the "holiday" party, even though there is a Christmas tree in the lobby. We have come to expect that a "holiday" party will contain references to multiple religions or no religions at all. However, this rece nt action in Chicago goes a step further - a very troubling step. In this case, we are not talking about a "holiday" celebration but, rather,a bona fid e Christmas festiva l. Mo re specifically, the event is the German Christkindlmarket. How can you possibly take Christ out of a Christmas festiva l? Tsn't the nativity scene an integral part of the Christmas story? "The last time I checked, the first six letters of Christmas still spell out Christ," said Paul Braoudakis,spokesman for the Barrington, 111.based Willow Creek Association, a group of more than 11,000 churches of various denominations. "It's tantamount to celebrating Lincoln's birthday without talking about Abraham Lincoln."City officials noted that they did not order the festival organizers not to use the New Line Cinema as a sponsor, but suggested that they don't. "Our guidance was that this very prominently placed advertisement would not only be insensitive to the many people of different faiths who come to enjoy the market for its food and unique gifts, but also it would be contrary to acceptable advertising standards suggested to the many festivals holding events on Daley Plaza," Jim Law, executive director ofthe office, said in a statement. We must draw the line regarding the on-going efforts to redefine Christmas. No matter what the religious beliefs of a person may be, if that person attends a Christmas festival, shouldn't the person be expected to see depictions of what the holiday is all about? People have a choice whether to go to a Christmas festival or not, and to guard against people being "offended" because they go to a Christmas festival and actually see a reenactment of Christ's birth is simply crazy. If we do not stand up against the PC crowd who want to take the Christian religion out of Christian holidays, then Easter will come to bejust a rabbit and Christmas will be a man in a red suit. ity" status by the FDA since 1995isavaiiableunderMedicare Part D, but not on the VA formulary . For instance, there's a drug called Gleevec that is now first-line therapy against stomach cancer, one of the world's most painful diseases. But before the VA will dispense GJeevec to veterans, they first must try an older drug known for its harsh side effects. Only if patients fail on that medication can they use Gleevec. The VAalso automatically delays access to new drugs for a year, regardless of whether affected veterans wilJ even live that long. 'l'hat's why those who are dependent on the VA system lead shorter lives and have access to few of the newest drugs. The Medicare drug benefit takes the opposite approach. Rather than offing seniors a single price-controlled government plan, it leverages market forces to create competition, which leads to lower prices, better service and more choices. In fact, both Medicare and the Congressional Budget Office found that private competi- tion offers the same savings as a government-run system with more choice and less bureaucracy. Under Part D, private companies compete for the business of seniors. That's why three out of four seniors enrolled in the Medicare drug program are satisfied, and nearly threefourths expect their drug costs to stay the same or decrease thanks to the plan. More than four in five seniors say they've had no problems getting their drugs. And because of the program, 20 milJion se niors who had no previous drug coverage are now insured. In the coming weeks, seniors should take advantage of the open enrollment period and sign up, or switch to a new plan that better meets their needs. And they should pay attention to any effort Congress makes to ta ke those choices away. Choice is what the new Medicare program -- and better health -- is all about. Robert Goldberg is Vice President of The Center for Medicine in the Public Interest. First Whenever possible, support the businesses that support the community. for moralnformaUon, call 800-333-8595 FARM AUCTIONS CONTACT BOBBY FLETCHER AUCTIONEERS LlC-7131 806-866-4201 OR . FRED OWEN 806-632-8355 YOUR lOClll cMA CARY M ORM INO B I\SSOCIATES "lnlUfanCe P,#u/onal/' P. O. BOX 219 ~i3l »»))~)Iol~III~E«EEEE« $~ -.Abernalk';j Jiorat markel open JJovse Saturday, ':December 2 298-2020 FAX B06-298·2536 Late Breaking News An Abernathy home and a school building were vandalized with BB guns this past week. Attempts to get the information early in the week was slow while I, tfie Ab ernathy Police bepartment investigatea the incident. As of press time it was reported that four juveniles and one adult that allegedly caused the damage had been identified and the investigation was completed. In matters concerning juveniles, information is much more limited for release to the local media. Abernathy Police Chief, Luis Villarreal, and his officers completed a thorough investigation that occurred in Hale and Lubbock counties. The appropriate county authorities have taken over the case at this time. St/~ Monday Special! All Dinners $5.99 lfe/re:J hment:J ~ WATS 800-687·2120 Lubbock, Texas, November 29, 2006 - The Better Busin ess Bureau of the South Plains(BBBi iswarning consumers, especially senior citizens , of a postcard come-on from ANNUITY SERVICE CENTER of Medina, Ohio also known as INVESTORS UNION. The postcard has been mailed to millions who meet the "profile" of an annuity policyholder and the BBB has received severalinquiry calls in the last day or so from South Plains seniors who have received the card. This postcard is intended to generate leads which are targeting longtime holders of annuities offering to review their contracts with an agent located in the recipients' area. One caller, a widow of a military man, stated she had received a card and couldn't imagine why the "government" was sending out such cards and she began to question it. According to the BBB Akron, Ohio, Investors Union currently has an unsatisfactory record with the BBB due to a pattern of complaints. Although the company resolves the complaints, the company ha s failed to correct the underlying reason for the com- (806) 298-2!569 10:00 a_m.-2:00 p.m. 5:00PM 'til Close ~ ~0~)))3911.eE<EEEEEEE$~ No other discounts apply on specials 14nAve. D . · De.potD!~' patch· , plaints. TheBBB also notes a pattern of complaints from consumers around the country concerning advertising issues which allege the postcard is misleading and deceptive. There are also a number of government actions filed against the company, including several states' Insurance Departments and Attorney General's offices. To view the complete report, visit the BBB Akron's website at: http :// www.akronbbb.org/ codbrep.html?id=14003033 BBB South Plains advises seniors to exercisecaution if they receive such a card. Ifthey have any questions about their annuities they should contact their agents which can tell them if it is about to reach its surrender period and what they should or should not do. The BBB also encourages family and friends of seniors to warn them ofthis mailing. ! Birthdays & Anniversaries Dec_7 Johnny Ponce Jeremy Oswalt Dec_l Mari a Elaine Fulton Dee. 6 Jennifer Wright To have a birthday or anniversary included on this calendar free of charge, please call 298-2033 LAKEVIEW APARTMENTS - 911 Avenue H G) 2 bedroom, unfurnished, includes range, refrigerator, dish washer, water and sewer paid. Laundry facility, clean and neat! Rental Assistance Available for Qualified Applicants _ Call 298-4141 Open to Eligible 6~~'llAH?J~:~~ Hours: Monday-Friday, 4 p_m.-7 p.m, Applicants A Dlnny Nivln, loca~on Manager Phone: (806) 298·5863 Cell: (806) 178-6490 Fax: 18061298·5865 AGRILIANCE· dc nivens@agrili8nce,com 127 & FM 597, Abernathy. Texas 79311 Bo. 118. Abernathy. Texas 79311 16 c.. - W &faII- ....... - e ' The Senior Citizens: CllnJ; News. , Menu for IDee. 6 at the center will be SpaggattilMeat Sauce, Salad, Garlic Bread, Dessert, Tea and Coffee. III this week: Sue Attebury Exercise classes are each Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. The center has some medical equipment. Please check with us before purchasing. Please check with us before you purchase. Contributions will be accepted. C0 ME 0 N C=c::..-F~ ~ 2006 Wilt Be Serlled. -.-Allenue 'J) OFFICE B06-298·2529 \~\,,~ Wel'come9 you Jo 1312 ,"" i . . . . I nSURllnCE HGEnT ABERNATHY. TEXAS 793 11 e·mall: caryOcma lns.com _ r By Robert Goldbe By Bobby Eberle become "holiday" parties, and images of J es us a,'e replaced with cardboard cut-outs of snowmen. Now, even with a festival th at is specifica ll y about Christmas, officials in Chicago are warning about offe nding non-Christians. As is being reported by FOX News in an Associated Press news story, city officials in Chicago have asked crats picked up a number of seats is that they ran nontraditional Democrat candidates; candidates who were pro-gun, pro-life, and in some cases ... anti-tax! Free-thinking, ifnotconservative, Democrats on these key issues are gonna cause a lot of problems for the majority down the road - just as RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) such as soonto-be ex-Sen. Lincoln Chafee did for Republicans. And re-election in the House for Democrats is gonna be no Sunday picnic either. A number of Democrats won seats they'd never have won were it not for major scandals - such as the Mark "Happy Pants" Foley seat in Florida. Those first-time D's are gonna have a whale ofa time getting re-elected if the GOP puts up strong candidates in 2008. Also, there's the little mattel' of gerrymandering. Again, a number of seats the Democrats picked up on November 7 were drawn by GOPfriendly legislatures to be GOP friendly. Or at least competitive. Yes, incumbency is a big advantage. But an incumbent is most vulnerable the first time he or she runs for re-election. And in a "swing" ABERNATHY Unhappy With Your Medicare Plan? ThenSwitch Christmas Bashing Starts Early The Than ksgivi ng holiday is barely in our rearview mirror, and already the anti-Christmas PC police are working to turn Christmas from a Christian holiday to simply another reason to have a few days off from work. In stores and corporate America, we have seen the changes: Christmas parties have Shop Republicans have the bigger problem. by Chuck Muth They're back in the minority after a dozen years running the show on Capitol Hill. And they've compounded the problem by making what appears to be an Hispanic affirmative action pick fo r the new boss of the Rep ublican National Committee (Sen. Mel "quest Worker" Martinez), bringing world-class pork-barreler TrentLott back into the leadership ranks of t he United States Senate, and keeping the sa me top two leaders in the House (Rep. John Boehnerand Rep. Roy Blunt) who oversaw the November 7th debacle which gave the natio n "Speaker" Pelosi. If inside-the-beltway Republicans ever learn lessons, it see ms th ey learn the wrong ones. But it's not all cookiesand-cream ove r on the Democratside of the aisle by any stretch. • The top bananas in their party, starting with Howweird Dean and San Fran Nan, are FAR more liberal than the nation as a whole. They likely won't be able to r esis t the urge to overreach ... like Hill ary did with nationa lized health ,)"\[) ,." SENIOR-S------. -OF; t WrARNED ANNUl_TY A:fl.BRNATHYWEEKLY ·REYIEW, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2006, PAGE 3 PAGE 2, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2006, ABERNATHY WEEKL Y REVlEW ~ AUCTION e II..... Saturday, December 9,2006 - Sale Time: 10:00 a.m. LOCATED: Abemalhy. Texas (Lubbock Counly), From Intersection 1-27 & FM Highway 597 (exit 20). Go One Block South On Wesl Service Road. Abemalhy Is Approximately 13 Miles North Of The Lubbock Inlemational Airport On 1-27. H & H FARMS - Owners For InIoTlltpllone:WIdI~:7~~~~I:=~f~lOrFIv,sllrAuc:tlontn: *****No Consignments Please - No Buyers PremiumBe Sure To Log On To Our Website For Plctum' www Sdarauctiopeers com Lunch \\111 Be Serve<! By PlaInview Catering Ordor 01 Auction: 10:00 I.m .. K'lJ"..."iCl~"~ =~2~::.~~: ~!: =.- Appro•. 11:00 a.m. Corvlttu, Th.F~IowingWlH 8eSoklAlPut;IcAuclion: CORVETIES,VEHICLES, MOTORHOME, TRAVEL TRAILER, GATOR, GOLF CART - GUNS, KNIVES, CASH REGISTERS, l:5~+:'~=T~SMr f~g.tl«lAdull "") . """'" 1-1111Ccwwt1t - ComdIiI,2:;'~:**' .J!OEngN.",*",* ** Real Estate 1ST STREET & AVE D, ABERNATHY, TEXAS WEST SIDE OF 1-27 (TRACT I) 1- 24 Uni' Meal S,..ag. Building 1-2 Bdm., t Blth, Very Nice All Meal House wlAl1a<hed 2 Car Garag. & Nice Storag•. - Total Square Foolag. 7.000 3--Single Wide Mobile Homes 1- 1998 Fleetwood Doublewide Mobile Home Chain Link Fencc 00 3 Sides, ~ wIT_ GJUS& Gravel. City Water &. Sewer· Nice [nvestment Property (fRActl) Brick Office Building wl2440 Sqwue Fcot Of Office Area. KilChm, lWo S'omge Rooms & Two Re!1roOm', 3 Cenlnl Heat & A~ Uni ... Open ShoplBay Area: Full Meal Building. wIC.nem, FI""" Co..i~i ng.f 2 Open Ba)'1. 2 Bays w/Overhead Doon, Insulaled wlH.... Fans, Drains. Chain Link FenceAroWldl'ropeny. (TRAct 3) All Metal Building wlConcrete Floors, IlIJUllled wlOveri1ead Door. S,lf Contained lnaid, This Buildinl b. WooohoplGamge Area ,,/Slomg' Room & Shel, .. & An E._ely Nice LiYinl Quanm wlApprox. 2400 Sq.... FI. 3 Bedroom •• I Bath, Ollice. TIl, Floon In Wet ARas. Real Wood Paneling 8< Beall!iful Trim Througholll. C..1nI H..l 11: A~. (TRAct 4) ** Over 1900 SqUIll: FI. Meal Buildiog Tha, Hasl B8YS wlOvert>eod Doors, One Being AWash B,y w/Drains '" Hea'" & Air Hydraulic Lift. Chain Link Fence On WeSl End Of Property. (TRAct!) Eight 8'" 40' Stora~e Containcn On A 2.06 Acre Tract Of Lutd. (l'ERMS" CONDmONS OF REAL ESTATE SALE) 10% Eames, Money Duc Ony Of S~e. CIOIing Will Be In 30 On)'1 Or By J,,,,,,y IS. 2007 Clo.inl Will No' Be Contingent Upon Buyer Oburininl A Loan. Property To Be Sold "AS tS· - Buy"" Molt. Your Own trupeetion. Buyer & Seller Wilt Sign A Slandanl TAR Conlt8cl On Sale Day. Seller Hu 30 Minu... To AcoepI Or R.ject Any And All Bids. All Leueo 1leIw... s.n" & r....u Me Yerl>al. Succession Of Said Leoses Will Be Between Buyer & Tenanl. Every Intention Hu Beer! Made That Alllnform&tion Is CDrred . Stteet Real EmIC & Five Star Auctioneers Sb~1 No' Be H.ld Uable For An)' Mirinfonnation, Misprint, T)'pogTBphical Error, Etc. Which May Appear. For More Info: Con.... Johnny Or KimS...., A,29J·9944 Local Menus ELBERT HARP INSURANCE Abernathy School District HAS MOVED TO 1304 GREENSBORO DRIVE WYLIE, TEXAS PLEASE CALL TOLL FREE 1-866-814-2597 I, AFTER DECEMBER 1 ST OR CELL PHONE (806) 878-4499 THANKS, ELBERT HARP I. www.security-bank.com 317 Main St. Abernathy, TX 79311 298-2551 Member FDIC Dec. 4 - Dec. 8 Breakfast Menu MONDAY: juice, cereal, toast, milk TUESDAY: juice, warnes, syrup, milk WEDNESDAY: juice , sausage,biscuit,milk THURSDAY: juice, cereal, roll , milk FRIDAY: juice, cheese toast, milk Lunch Menu MONDAY :Charburger ,sa lad , tat er tots,apple 0 1' orange, milk TUESDAY: fi sh, macaroni & cheese, peas,corn bread, fruit, milk WEDNESDAY: vegetable beef soup ,grilled ch eese sandwich, fruit, milk THURSDAY: chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes, green bea ns, roll s,fruit, milk FRIDAY: pizza, salad, carrots, fruit, milk Abernathy Senior Citizens Center MENU FOR 12106/06: SpaggattilMeat Sa uce, Salad, Garlic Bread, Dessert, Tea and Coffee ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2006, PAGE 5 PAGE 4, ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVTEW, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2006 Freshman Boys Defeat Floydad~ 67-4C Remain Unqefeated The Abernathy Fres hman boys baske tb a ll s quad cia imed the only Abernathy victory on Monday night defeating the Floydada Freshmen 67-40. 'flus gives the Yelu'lingsa 2-0 staj·t thi s season . Coach Bum s sRid ," We playe d really good defense the fi rst half'of'the ba llgame. [ thought OUI- press was ex- . ceptioual throughout the ballgame, We rebounded the ball and got it to our guard quickly and ran the floor. One of the great things abouthaviug 15 kids on the bench is everyone stays fairly fresh throughout. We were very aggressive offensively." Da kota Neis had a breakout game scoring 22 points with Stephen Barbee putting in 12. Bryce Teal scored 11 points followed by Jacob Wilson with 9. Jake Reid scored 6 points, Ryan Pierce claimed 5 points and Braden SnUth scored 2 points. The next game will be at the Roosevelt Tournament Thursday against Lorenzo. Middle School Roundballers Fall Short Against Floydada Whirlwinds ... girls results Th e Middl e School 7th gl'3d e and the 8th grade girls traveled to Floydada last Monday njght. All th..ee tea ms came up a little short, butcame hom e with some good experience. 'I'he 8th "B" team led ofTthe ru ght and lost by seven with a n 11-18 score. The leading scol.'erwas Lauren Burris with 4 points. Aubree Ellison, Tori Perez and Patricia F leeman all had 2 points. Claud ia Santellano made 1 point. The second game was played by the 7th grade. They were held scoreless by the Whirlwinds suffering a 0-49 loss. The 8th grade "AU team played the last game of the evening almost claiming the game, but came up short by four losing 30-34. The leading scorer for this team was Shelbey Havens with 11 points. Maecee McClenney had 9 points followed by Morgan Lutrick with 5. Kenzie Black and Kristen Richerson both had 2 points andMariah Lopezhad1point. ... boys results The Middle School 7th and 8th grad e boys basketball teams come up short as they took on the Floydad a Monday evening at home. The 7th graders made a solid effort, but were manhandled 22-46 by young Floydada tea m. The top scoring indi vidual for th e Lopes was Aust in Lewis with 8 points, followed by Payton Knight with 6. Issac Pierson,J acobAlvardo, Ty Wise and Garrett Rogers each scored 2 points. The 8th graders also came up short with a 29-43 loss. Coach Horne said," We got into foul trouble early and it really altered our game plan. The team played hard, but we didn't shoot the ball well. Brandon Runnels was the leading scorer in this game with 12 points. Nick Gary and Justin Shadden each swished the hoop for 5 points followed by Logan Turner with 4 points. Benji Dominguez claimed 3 points. Dynamic Duo to Cover , Antelope Bas~etball 'for Weekly Review With next week's issue of the Abernathy Weekly Review the sports department will have stories from two new reporters. Both are studentsatAbernathy High School; senior, Ashlee Ford and junior, Jacqueline Elias, will be covering Abernathy Basketball. Ford has been assigned to cover all boys and girls Varsity games. Elias will be reporting on the boys and girls JV games. The students were recommended by AlSD Superintendent, Herb Youngblood. Mr. Youngblood stated, " I know both of these gids are great students and very involved with the Antelope athletic program. They will do a fine job for the paper." The new reporters will begin this weekend with tournament action at Nazareth and Roosevelt. They appear to be highly motiva ted to take on the new challenge. This is but one of several new changes readers will be seeing over the next few weeks in the paper. Watch for a new basketball contest simiJarto the one that is played by readers during football season offering cash prizes to those that know how to pick the winners. FR0NTlER® Let us know about your celebrations! Call Abernathy Weekly Review at 298-2033 or email [email protected] We have engagement and wedding forms to help you write a story about your special event. Vecchio's Restaurant HYBRIDS 1402 FM 54 298-2595 Plan Now to Attend The .A bernathy Shootout Be There to Support The Antelopes 2001 ABERNATHY SHOOTOUT DECEMBER 7, 8, &. Vecchio's Restaurant 1203 Ave. D / 298-2874 Hi Plains Drilling G"", Wants to inform all their Friends and Customers of a change of operating hours 298·2571 I') Monday through Friday 6:00 AM until 9:00 PM Saturdays 6:00 AM until 8:00 PM Willie Dunn Insurance 511:. " :JO Gym' Gym, "I ( 12) "_ Vecchio's Restaurant 1203Ave. D. Abernathy High School Senior Parents to Meet 405 AV8. D / 290·2627 1205 AV8. D / 298-2077 Parents of members of the Class of 07 have scheduled a meeting for Thursday, December 14 at 8:30 PM. The meeting will be held in the Bettie Hardin Auditorium. At the meeting the parents will be discussing Drug-Free Night (graduation), finances and talk about other important information. All parents of Seniors are ~ncouraged to attend. 298-2874 Wolf Irrigation $ • . 10:30 G"". G"", (10) (11) 298·2514 1411 Ave. D/ 298-2569 A HotnI T• ...., on Top. WUlWhil. Dt""",,,RoomsAI~anS ••. CymA-B~Gym INSUIANC~ State Farm~ Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Offices: Bloomington, Illinois GymS · PrKlieeG)'ITI HigginbothamBartlett Co. Plains Grain Co. 2006 ABERNATHY SHOOTOUT DECEMBER 7, 8, & 9 1002 Ave. D / 290-2010 701 r,XBS Ave. /298·2521 Jane Phillips, Agent 5740 82nd Street Lubbock, TX 79424 Bus: 806-798-1395 FIRST ASSEM8L Y OF GOD FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE EaSi Service Rd ., 1-27 & 14th Street 298-2060 Bible Siudy 9:45 AM Worship 11:00 AM Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM Judy Wooten, pastor 511 Avenue E 298-2832 Sunday School 9:45 AM Monting Worship 10:45 AM Evening Celebration 6:00 PM Mid-Week Service 7:00 PM NORTHSIDE 8APTIST CHURCH 298-2497 Sunday School 9:45 AM Worship 11 :00 AM Even'ing Training 5:00 PM Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Service 7:00 PM FIRST IIAI'TIST CHURCH News Brief ... Booster Club Plans Annual Shootout The Abern athy Boost er Cl ub will be sponsoring the Abe rn athy Shootout aga in this yea r. The contest will bringseveralstuden tsas well as parents and specta tors to the Abernathy comm llnjty. It was anno unced th a t t here wi ll be 10 boys' and 8 girls' tea ms playing in the tournament. 'l'he Booster Club wOllld Jil<e to encou rage everyo ne to come out Dec. 7, 8 and 9 and watch some exciting basketball ga mes. To see bracket listing as of press time please tUI'll to page five of this paper. '1'he next Booster Club meeting will be held Decembel'4 at 7:00 PM in the Bettie Hard in Auditorium. After that, meetings will be the first Thursday of each month unti I school is ou t. BARGAIN BOB'S Now open every Friday & Saturday 10 a.m. 6 p.m. through Dec. 16 Corner of Hwy. 84 & FM 597 Anton, Texas Furniture, appliances, household and Christmas items A mission trip to Mexico has been planned for December 27 through 30, 2006.Anyone in the Abernathy area is invited to participate. Open to all people who wish to serve others unselfishly through Christ The local group will be staying in Mercedes, Texas. Cost is $8.00 per night plus food. Departure will be from the FUMC parking lot at 7:00 AM December 27. Mark Miller is le'adingthis group and said, "Please pray for God to bless the Abernathy mission team. Find a prayer team and have them cover us and our Abernathy mission trip." For more information, contact Miller at 806-438·4979 Abernathy Public Library Monday - 12 p.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday - 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Wednesday - 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday - closed Friday - 12 p.m.-5 p.m. 811 Ave. D 411 71h Sircet 298-2587 Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship 10:40 AM Biblc Siudy 5:00 PM Ev~ning Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:00 PM CHURCH OF CHRIST A8ERNATHY 916 Avenue E 298-271g Biple Study 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 AM Evening 5:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:30 PM Ste\'eGaunll COUNTY LINE "APTIST CHURCH Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Syl Moore, interim pastor BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 101 E. lSi Streer 298-2118 Sunday School 9:45 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Evening Service (B .T.U .) 6:00 PM Monday Mission. Matrons, Brotherhood Meeting 7:00 PM Wednesday Prai se Service. Blblc Study 7:00 PM Rev. W.R. Bailon Jr., pllSl0r IGLESIA DEL NAZARENO Avenue A & 5th Street Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Evening 6:00 PM Wednesday Service 7:00 PM Filling Station Cafe STAU 'AIM 420 161h Street Mission Trip Planned Lowe's Marketplace Winter hours in effect December, January and February Security Bank First State Bank 317MBinSt. /298-2551 Abe rnathy Librarian, Sandi Cheshire, City Secretary,Heilda Cannon and City Council Member, Elias Vecchio take part in the festivities honoring Earl the police dog dul"ing the dog's birthday party held last Monday at the Community Room in Abernathy City Hall 410 10th St. / 298·2845 Arl en Ank le . pastor FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURC H 704 Avenue D 298-2581 Sundny School 9:30 AM Worship 10:50 AM Evening 6:00 PM Wed. Choir Praclice 6:00 PM Sun . & Wed. You III 5 PM - junior high 6:30 PM - senior high Jerry Don Cheshire. pastor CENTE R COMMUNITY CHURCH 5 miles easl on FM 597 then 2 miles SQUill on FM 2902 Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship 11 :00 AM Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM It! Marvin Looney's ST_ ISIDORE CATHOLIC CHURCH South Avenue D 298-4278 Sunday 9:00 AM Re v. Rene Perez IGLESIA BAUTISTA NUEVA CREACION 412 141h Street 777-4542 Sunday School 10:00 AM WorShip Service It:oo AM Sunday Evening .I:O\l PM Wednesday Service 7:00 PM Gumlalupe Salinlls. pastor ONE CROSS THREE NAILS .-ELLOWSHIP CHURCH I I 12 Jerome Streel 298-4733 Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Worship 11:00 AM Evening Service (BTU.) 6:00 PM Wed. Praise Service & Bible SlUd)' 7:00 PM G ilbert Gonzales, pastor MONTE DE LOS OLIVAS 11 0 Eo" 41h Street 298-2140 Sunday Services 10:00 AM Sanday Evening 6:00 PM Tuesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Thursday Services 7:00 PM Basilio Mojica, pas lor Lowe's Pay·N·Save • Cary Mormino & Associates Abernathy Weekly Review 4029th St./290·2556 First United Methodist Church Jane Phillips State Farm Insurance 5740 02nd St., Lubbock 798-1395 704 Ave. D/ 298-2581 FourW Electric HH Farms Dean Wesley / 795-0012 829 W. Service Rd. 298-5140 Gym B • Practice Abell Funeral Home 41116thSt.,298-2331 AbellFuneralHome.com G~m Go Antelopes! Abell Flower 15t5 A~.~?eB.4567 AballFlowarShop.com Abernathy Weekly Review Convenience Store 916AvB. D / 290·2033 204 Msin St. /290·2003 Cullen Johnson Triple P King Pharmacy Cary Mormino & Associates 920 AVI. D / 298·2222 921-B Ave. D / 290-2529 The Learning Tree Farmers Tuco Gin 801 AVB. F/298-2151 Hurst Farm Supply 298·2467 105 AVB. D / 290·.2541 Hill Veterinary Service Abernathy Floral Market 102 16th St. / 298.2123 First Baptist Church 1312 AVB. D / 298-2020 411 7th $t./21B·2fll Equipment & Auction Rt. 2 Box 116e / 290-4607 Abernathy Body Works · 417 S. Avs. D/298·2084 PAGE 6, FRJ DAY, DE EMBER 1, 2006, ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW 298-2033 Abernathy Weekly Review Classified Ads Deadline: Tuesdays at 4 p.m. Wh e n ever poss ible, shop first with the busillesses who support the commullity and the sc h ool. SHOP ABERNATHY FIRST .. ~ II =se=rv=ice=s~i l Thank You ill!;;;;;;1 1 Tbank you fOl' all youI' acts of' thoughtfu lness during lhi s time of ou I' loss. Scott, Judy & AIexandl'a Luce VOLU~ . To Be: Wi To Stay Informed About What's Going On In and Around Abernathy, Subscribe to the Abernathy Weekly Review TODAY! JAN - N - TAN'S AGAPE HANDS Honest Christian Women will clean your home. Please call Tanya Sell it in the c1assifieds! Call 298·2033 -:-- Extra, Extra Read All About It 4 by Eugel at 745-1814. Abernathy Addresses--$21.00 All Other Addresses--$25.00 Name______________ Address _ _--'-_ _ ___ NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED! 250+ CHI\NNELS! $19i~1~~nth! P-d FREE 1-4 ROOMSVSTlM' FREE INS l ALLA I ION' FREE MOVI[ CIIANNElS' FREE DVR OR HD RECEIVERI . / 1103 Deer Court City___,State_Zip_ _ You ca n be the first owner of this wo nderful 3-2-2, oversized patio, special ceilings, 1659 sq. fL. , $120,000 • Call Now IIPJ ~ 1·800·574·1938 Connie Watson REALTOR' (8~(Z!l~~~~2 "All the news that's fit to print... plus a little extra!!" F.,.. (B06j794·5855 Gift Subscriptions make Thoughtful Stocking Stuffers n270uakorAvenue'Lubbock, Texas79424 E·Mnll: cwatson@WelchertCla!)(com wwwWelchertClal1<com , C9'MLS Need experienced a nd depend a bl e housekeeper for 1 to 2 days pel' week. Call 298-2996. (27-ltb) ' /tl(lllr/*nd.nUyO.l'nf!l/lIldOpIlIlIl"d" II @ ChrisllIlas girt s wrapped. same da.\' ser vice. Ca ll fur "ricing ).15-1917 Texas 2x2s II II Services Daniel Boone Log Home Auction Austin, TX • Sat, Dec. 9th 26 New log Home Packages to be auctioned. Take delivery up 10 one year. Package indudes sub-floor,!ogs, windows, doors, rafters, roofing, etc. Daniel Boone log Homes For More Info. Call 1-800-766-9474 I 806-298-2033 PO Box 160 Abernathy, Texas 79311 Publisher's Liability fOI· EI'ror: The publisher shall not be I iable for slight changes 01' typographical errOl'S that do not lesson the valu e of an a dvertisement. Th e publis he r 's liability for other errol's 01' omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly li mited to publication of the advertisement in a ny s ubsequent iss ue 01' the refund ofa nymonies paid for the advertisement. Indemnification: Th e adverti ser and/or advertising agency agrees to defend a nd ind emnify the publisher against any and all liabili ty, loss 01' expenses arising from claims oflibel, unfair competition, unfair trade practices, infringemen t oftrademarks , co py rights, trad e names, patents or proprietary rights 01' violation of rights 01' privacy resulting from th e pubI ication of th e adverti ser's advertise me nt. Dexter Gets Some Help FromFriends Mdlion Do:I", Pmdu«" (H06) 793 -11677 BUS (HOc;) 'I 3 fl-77 12 L (11 c;) 76H166 RESI f) FN( I en u e. l1g~r@C l) l d ·wl.: 1 1 b:l ll 1\ (' r r Otll 11.%lt@r;',1 RI CK CA\fUI' REALTOR S .I\C Eacn Ort oolslnacpcn(lcnH) C>~.neo And Dcs-aloc JI .0,24 <;OUTH lUOP <'N l. BBl'LK T\ 7941·1 w\\·w.do ll cngc r co m by Dexter U. Duephus Hello again kind readers. It appears that some of you find my little stories a little short on content. From the response and the sudden influx ofideas to print. Discussed BEFORE THEY STOP YOU. this with my momma and she said maybe I should consider Calcei's' triple calcium formula IS designed 0 help a little input to liven up the stop low calcium leg cramps. Just ask your phar macis t co lu mn. Now when your momma gives you this type of advice you know it needs improvement. I will include some of the latest stories e-mailed to me; however I will skip , the one TEXAS STATEWIDE CLASSIFIED ADVElUISING Nfo:l WORK from Susie Younger. Someone sent some Irish Humor: Father Murphywalked into a bar and said to the first man that he met, "Do you want to go to heaven?" The man replied, "I do, Father."The priest TexSCAN Week of ~I~~I-~f~e~~~::~~i~:~;~~~~ '!@#!Ii§I!.@'e',M ~~~~::.:,.~~~o~ said, "Stand over against the November 26, 2006 run s OUlS laodiog pay pa ck. A1TEND COLLEGE ONLINE mid·S300K.GulffronIIDl5$595K.on wall." Then the priest asked second man the same ques~~:' he:~~ltJi~~~,b~e::~I~~::I~::~ ~aOr~le~~IIT,l ec~~pd~~~1rl~, ~~~~~~::i ~r~~~~~:~~i~~:~=r;:~~ the tion and he quickly replied," Note: It is ilJegal lo be paid for o n '0 7 Pe t e rb ili li. Naliona l Jusuce, Jobplacemeot aSS lSlallce . 1·866-551 -0347. Certainly, Father ." "Then anything ~yond medic~1 and legal C arri e r s, 1. 888 - 707 . 7129 , ~o ,,?pule r. provided. Fi nancia l S;;-;;T;;::E-:CAL~M:::Y-::L-A:-::N-=D.-:2'-ac res stand over there against that expenses III Texas adopuon. www .orttiOnBlcarncrs co m _ ~~~6:11~/~~~1del~:~e~~eSc~;.!~~ ' wilh private boat dock on PREG NANn CONS IIJERING DRIV ER COL -A TRAINING 44.752 aore lake. Ceolral waler. wall with the other fellow." ADOPTION ? Talk willi ca ring with SOdown, financing by Cel111111 S22.000·LOVE PREGNANCY paved streets , electricity. Steal il The Father Murphy walked people spe cialiZ Ing in 11latcn· ~ e fri gc raled. Dri ve (or Ce nlral ? Beco me a Su rroga te ! Make loduy, $44,900. Call Texas Land over to O'Toole and said, "Do iog birlh molh ers wi th families and earu up (0 $40k plu s fir st drea ms come tru e, Carry some- & Lakes. 1- 888-773-5253 fr:t:o;4~;~eA;:::n~:Se ~a/ud~ ~~;: :t!:~.cl;l~l~;:r~:i-;~~~~.~:II: 4314, ~1;~hOeU\se ' ~elbp~bY Pr:~:ssf::~: Wil Y LEA.SE WHEN YOU can you want to go to heaven?" To this O'Toole responded rather Adopli oos. 1·866·413·6292. DRI VERSffiRIVING SCHOOL 10 support your journey. ~;9n; p~~~~;eg ~:~~y ~~~:~:~:: quickly, "No, I don't Father." .!lIiil"iP graduares wanted. Tu ilion reim tal. Good hwy access , rolling hills. The priest said, "I don't beDANIEL BOONE LOG HOME bursemeo t. No wa~lillg (or uain ~ good brush, rock outcroppings. EZ Auction. Au sti n, TX • Sa turd ay, ~~~~:~~~:g~~'~:I~I~~. ~~dic~;d ~e;~~~4~~~:~tand & Ranches, 1- lieve this. You mean to tell me that when you die you don't ~ae~~~~~r t~thbe2~u~~~nl:j, h;a~~ and reg ional available. USA ~a~~~:y :;I~l!_,:Mr:~~u~~c: 100 ACRES-$39,900. lsi time want to go to heaven?' O;Toole tu re d home . Call for details . oUe red . Perfeci fo r hUGting delivery up to one yea r. Package Truck. 1-866·483·J41 3. said, " Oh sure, when I die, includes : sub-fl oors, logs, win - DRIVERS· $$ HO LIDAY Ma ll Yextras. CalJ LUV Homes , retreal. Big buck area, plus dows , doors, rafters. roofi ng, etc. CASH $$ S5000Sign,oll bon us. 1. 800-93 4. 964 4 RB J# 03190 turkey, dove . quail aod more. yes. I thought you were getting a group together to go Call 1·800-766-9474. ~r~'6;~: ~~~~~hA~~~t~t~e~~~ ZERO DO\~N 'IF YOU ow~ ~t::DCrDr~:~~~la~~~~ex:~~eaSDsd right now." _j! •• an d co nd ition s apply . PFE , your .Iand. BUild your own horne! & Rancbes, 1. 866-899-5263. Another person sent me this DO~ATE YOUR C ~R 10 the 1·800·5 69· 9232 . . ::~s~~~~;t~D[J~d~YS~ ~~~:~~: - -original 1:800·Chanly C'." I DRIVERS - PAY INCREA SE I LUV Homes. 1.800-934.9644. little note: A fellow opened the ~ull rct ad ,v a lue dedu ctio n S}OOO sign on for experienced RB INOJI90. morning newspaper and was ~~r:geglr::vf~~i l;~~a~a~_~~o~ ~~~~b~e:I~~~I~~:e~do~:~!~onr~~ Miil§jiJANil.W dumbfounded to read in the CHARITY (1·800· 242-7489) Teams & CDL grad, welcome. CONTROL HOOK, ROUND, aDd obituary column that he had www.800Chari tyCars.org. USA Tru ck '·866· 483· 34 13. tapeworms. ROlate Happy Jack® died. He quickly phoned his II BUSINESS S~a:o rablclS wilh Liqui-Vicl® best friend and asked ifhe had .eli4~e~!I~IB-" POST OFFI CENOW HIRI NG. read the obituary column. his ALL CAS H C ANOY Ro ute . Average pay S2D/hour or S5 7K friend responded," Yes, I saw Do you e,rn SHOO in a day? annually including federal benit! Where are you calling Your own loca l c.nd y rou te. efit a ~ ove nime. Paid traini ng. DEACH FRONT LAND 30 machines and caDdy. All ;;';~IOo ~S\J~FT·RI .(~OpO~~~~ . $199.000. 0pp0rluoily of a life· from?" I must be careful and not ~~1~9v:!~: ~~~~8-625-5481, EXBm~Fee required. e . ~~~ein~~~lt~:e~~~~'r~~~:~ ~::~~~ In~I~~:~~~(~~'J let that office manager lady M:'§lwjtl',ii§• • Teus. 1-817-983-6600. I know that I am getting sugACT NOWI EARLY CHRIST. EXCITING OPPORTIINITY TO DEL RIO/BIG BEND AREA: gestions from you kind readMAS bonu s. $1000+ week.ly. WORKwilhinlt.TMlionalcompnnyin 169 acres of desert huntin, 36~. 4 3~ cpm/SI .20 pm . SO yoor homelOWn. Compeos",,,d voluo· laod. $235/6ere. $2000 dowo. ers or she might stop paying lease ne w tru cks CD L-A + 3 lecrsneedcdtoworkwiOJintemauonal S392 monthl yl 20 year note. me. That would be real bad as monlill OTR . 1.800-635 .8669. yootllinyoorcoommity,Trnvclincen' 1·830·885 ·4578 . www.raoch I need t he thirty-eight cents Melton Tru e lc Lines . Iives. CaU 1·8O()..344-3S66. e nterpflses ltd.c om. she gives me each week . Have NanCE: While most advC(tisers arereput.1ble, we cannot guarantee product. Of services advertised We urge readers lOuse caution and wheo in doubt, contact a great week and I will drop the TelWAuomey General at 1 · 8Q().621'()~8 Of the Pederal T"rIe Comnussion all·877·FTC-1iELP. The FTC web site I. www.ftc.govlbltop you a line later. Extend your advertising reach with TexSCAN, your Statewide ClaSSified Ad Network Good-bye D.U.D. STOP LEG CRAMPS DON ENGER .AllR (R:>,GJ-.' REALTOR' C 10508 W FM 597 - COMPLETEL Y REMODELED 3 bedroom 1.5 bath home on 4 acres! New everything - carpet. paint. HVAC, appliances, bath fixtures, hardwoods, windows &doors, septic & more! 20x30 metal barn. $125,000 ~ng. . === 1608 Ave. H - IMMACULATE & SPACIO US! 3 bedroom. 2 bath with 3 LV areas & 2 dining areas. Basement, sun room & office I Large isolated master s uite. Tons 01 storage & closet space. Tile roof. Beautiful landscaping. Greenhouse & storage/workshop. 3,448 sq ft. $178,000 ·'."'ii("IM 1405 Ave. H - Nice 3 bedroom 1 bath home recently updated with paint, carpet & vinyl. Featu res include a large livIng room and isolated master with separate Sitting area. $45,000 Nan Riley 239~7256 Coldwell Banker http://www.abern athynewso nlin e.com i.M'!§"#'. MUM'Pii§· '];")1;4 II Public Notice Mandatory Language for Public Noti ce Increased Monitoring Violation ('f3 / T4) CITY OF ABERNATHY 0950001 co ll ecled sa mpl e(s) fot' bacteriological a na lysis in October, 2006. Laboralory results indicated th e presence of coliform bacteri a. Co nsequently, the Texas Commiss ion on Environ mental Qua lity required our system to perform in creased monitorin g and submit five di stribution sa mpl es the follo wi ng month . Because we fail ed to collect the peci fi ed numberof'samp ies, we were cited (or a moni torin g violation and are required to inform you of thi s violation. If you have a ny qu estions rega rding thi s vio lation , yo u may contact Mike Grimsley at 806-298-2546. It waE ~he first ~ keeping" hauled tl boxes fro and went our hom, spirit. Iw a candy s inspected .gentIyren nativityfl carefully and tissu each pieCE toassemh had helor mother. AIthou tivity is r. expensive tion ofCh it is price member I .when my picked ou dime stor, ago. I gre fixture of home.Itl the handl generati( Manyhav sadly, I ar AI; a h( crouching ger scene ized by . Wrappedi glowahou pearedso I me. Smilin! oftheshep I steadied of the tin) wise men j We would three wise sister was -mymothel to go. She t he other year. That WI my little si the nativi following 1 we did not hian and I berd with hands has a' good sta II ManYYI used this J relate the Christmas Chad. He wise man t: in the fine and asked, him?" I eXI he underst> brother, to, '. Now fiv children hI the mangel or so new will be inc: tion. Each h,andledeal the true me from this 0 ration. . !tis botl that there connects ea a constant year there Christmas nativity stl grandchildl wind up al ynthit?Wh thiltitwill l inourfamil time to com " WithCh) or two away tl,lememori T/teyearspi years. It trl tl:rdayatthl if,Ithinkab ~yes I can, popcorn in t: door, and h joy from mJ ; In Ihe CI " much passes ~oney, chec C!lTs, deeds II friends well re half-forgoiteJ :-Bulnomal lllrough ourf I?se our grip .'.