02 - The Unger Memorial Library
02 - The Unger Memorial Library
FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1m, ABERNATHY, TEXAS Dr. Kennith Gregory honored Hardin named chamber's as chamber~s Citizen of Year first Teacher of the Year The Abernathy Chamber of Commeree honored Dr. Kennith G.,.,ry u ita Citizen of the Year. Leat year's honoree Earl Carter made the presentation at the chamber's annual banquet Saturday. Dr. Gregory retired Feb. 26 after running a medical clinic for 43 yeara in Abernathy. He and his wife Charlsie married 47 years ago in Comanche. They had four children. They have three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. Dr. Gregory moved from Detroit, Mich., to Brownwood-Early at a young age. His family moved to Comanche where he graduated from high school. He attended Howard Payne Univenityin Brownwood. Hecontinued his education at Kansas City College of Osteopathic Medicine (Health Service Center of Kansas City). He served internships in Comanche, Big Sandy and Lubbock. The Gregorys moved to Abernathy in 1958 and opened the former medical clinic of Dr. Bob DeLaney. His first aasistant was Jo Carter accepts the Abernathy Chamber of Commerce Jo Carter at the clinic in the 900 Citizen of the Year award for Dr. Kennith Gregory who was block of Ave. D. In 1960 he designed and conunable to attend the annual banquet. She worked with Dr. structed the medical clinic on 8th Gregory for 26 years. Making the presentation was her St. It was large enough for two husband Earl, last year's recipient. medical teams and facilities for hobbies Dr. Gregory was very interobstetrics. In 1995 he entered into "Many of those were more dar· ested in school activities and athan affiliation with St. Mary Hosing than those of us with a chicken letic events . He administered pital in Lubbock. heart would attempt." physical examinations for student "Many residents of the AberHe new his own airplane to athletes in all programs. nathy vicinity were delivered by various places to enjoy hunting "At game time, he could be seen our citizen," Carter said. and fishing. He's been deep sea in the stands or on the sidelines In the early 1960's, Dr. Grefishing, hunted wildjavelinas and to give medical assistance if ready gory had several aasociates. successfully hunted bear in needed," Carter said. -During a time when area mediAlaska. Through the years various cal facilities were not as numerDr. Gregory also served as a school administrators, coaches ous aa today, our citizen and his reserve medical officer. While on and players presented Dr. Grestaft'worked long periods beyond active duty he was the commandgory with various mementos. the posted office hours," Carter Among those was a footba)) from ' ing officer of a medical unit at said. '"I'hey would often see more Reese Air Force Base in Lubbock. the 1958 season, during which patients in one day than some The Gregorys were not able to Carter was an Abernathy coach. current facilities wi)) _in a week. attend the banquet and asked Jo Many patients were registered , It was signed by all the players Carter (Earls' wife) to accept the and coaches. from Anton, Cotton Center, award on their behalf. She worked Carter enlightened the crowd Idalou, New Deal, Petersburg and with Dr. Gregory for 26 years. with descriptions of the doctor's surrounding areas.· Accepts award for Dr. Kennith Gregory Mayor Johnson makes special presentation to Dr. Gregory About 100 people were present when the Abernathy Chamber of Commerce honored Bettie Hardin with its first Teacher of the Year award. The chamber annually recognizes the Farm Family of the Year and the Citizen of the Year. This waa the first year that an Abernathy teacher was recognized. AISD superintendent Or an Hamilton made the presentation. Hardin has been an educator for 46 years. She also spends four hours a week as a homebound instructor. Hardin has also sent thousands of cards in an ongoing effort to relate various sentiments to area people. She recently received a personalized parking spot at the high school. The Citizen of the Yearwas Dr. Kennith Gregory. Earl Carter,laat year's Citizen of the Year, made the presentation. Wilson Neve made the presentation for Farm Family ofthe Year to the Freddy Harkey family . Neve's family received the same honor last year. Abernathy Mayor Carl Johnson made a special presentation to Dr. Gregory for 43 years ofmedical service to Abernathy. Johnson was representing the city and its elected officials. Johnson noted that Dr. Gregory had handled about 3,000 births during his tenure. Dr. Gregory retired Feb. 26. President Jeff Oswalt announced this year's scholarship recipients. The chamber's scholclrBhip committee interviewed 12 applicants. Nicholas Gonzales is attending West Texas,A&M and received Teacher of the Year A1SD superintendent Oran Hamilton (left) announced Bettie Hardin as the Abernathy Chamber of Commerce's first recipient of Teacher of the Year. one of the $500 scholarships. Jamie May will graduate from AHS this May and received the other scholarship. Oswalt reminded the audience that this year's scholarship golf tournament will be May 15 at Abernathy Country Club. Master of ceremonies Dave Menefee presented Oswalt with a plaque as a token of appreciation for serving as the chamber's presi· dent. Ricky Powell is the chamber's vice president. Menefee will be the new secretary · treasurer. Board directors are Jim Odom, Mike Wilcox, Todd Abell, Gerry Kleman, Menefee, Jeannie Johnson, Elizabeth Jenkins, Jay King and Powell. Something else new added this yeaT was the awarding of$50 to a member of the audience . Lori Fortenberry wall the recipient of the cash award because she held the program signed by former sec· retary·treasurer Mike Wilcox. AYLIGHT SAV NGS TIM Freddy Harkey family named chamber Farm Family of Year The Freddy Harkey family was named the Abernathy Chamber of Commeree's Farm Family of the Year. Lutyear's honoree was the Wilson Neve family. Neve made this yea.... presentation. '"I'he family that haa been chosen as our farm family this year is very devoted to the ideal that a family that works and plays together will be a strong family with strong ties to each other as well as others," Neve told those attending the annual awards banquet. '"I'he parents show strong leadership in the community and their personal lives. They have worked as a family in many areas in our community. They have been strong leaders in junior FFA livestock Harkeys Farm Family of the Year Willon Neve preeent8 Freddy Barkey with a plaque honoring hill family as the Abernathy Chamber of Commerce'l Farm Family of the Year. Neve wasiast year's recipient and made thepreeentation Saturday at the chamber'l8Dnual banquet. Fl'Omleftare Neve, Hariley and hie wife Mary and their chlldren Andrew, KeUyand Katy. ' and 4-H programs. The children learn how to do their work by being shown but they are expected to do their own work." Harkey grew up in a farm family that still operates southeast of Abernathy. "He has one sister, who could tell you many stories about his childhood, two brothers and a mother," Neve said. "His father and one brother are deceased now but he learned many things from them." Harkey attended New Deal schools. He attended college in BOutheasternNew Mexico on a football scholarship. He married Mary Lane in De- cember 1980. They have two daughters and a son. Mary came from New London, Iowa, in July 1964. Her father was an engineer and her mother worked in the savings and loan business. Mary graduated fro!ll Abernathy High School. She has a brother and a sister. "I'm not going to tell you how old she is but she was four years old when her family came to Abernathy ," Neve said. '"I'heir children are involved in many things at home and st school," Neve said. "This family supports everything the children are in and will give 100 percent of themselves to see that things get done." Hale County faces whistleblower lawsuit Marcb24. It alleges that Cymberly Mara, formerly Cymberly Barrera, waa swrWrlter Hale County Judge BiD Hollan fired after reporting "the inapprohas declined comment on a priate handling of public funds by wbiltleblower euit filed against Beveral employees of the Hale the county by a former juvenile County Juvenile probation department. pI'Obetlon department employee. -She reported theBe di8Cl"8panDallae attorney Mary Alice McLarty filed the euitMarcb 19 in cies,misappropriation offunds and Travis County. It was mailed tampering with government docu- BFRicbudOrr PlaIa. . . . , . Benld . depart.Dent'1 probation fees and I'Mtitution account failed to determine if any money waa milsing because ofincomplete records. David Allenlon, department director at the time, resigned Dec. 81, 1996, He went to work aa the juvenile probation director in BeD and Lamp8888 counties and hu since left that position. The luit further alleges that ments (and) 88 a relult of her report and subeequent testimony before a Hale County grand jury, two employees of the department were indicted in April 1996. She later testified at the trial of one of these employees." Both employees were acquitted injury trials conducted by the ltate attorney pneral's omce. An extenlive audit of the SbaneCunniqbamMtJooriaI aw" lesl we receive more donatioDl before May 11: Kelley said. ': SchoJanIrlp qualUlcations: • .nUlt be a college junior or Benior ne# fall Th. ~anbip wiD :;:tl~ annual rr~,~t ?,;:uetbein<~acadelQicstand, ~ amount wiD ~'.lIO un· ' elD1llt haw been a fol'llHll' :Aber· She was treated like a pariah during and after the entire ordeal." According to the luit, Ihe was placed on administrative leave Dec. 11, 1998, and ~en terminated on Dec. 22, 1998, although she had only good job evaluations. "The stated reason was pretextual and the action was retaliation" for reporting the alleged financial improprieties. The suit seeks unspecified compensatory damages for "mental anguish, lost wages and benefits, l08t eaming capacity (and) adverse disciplinary action." A trial date is pending. ' Perez finishes seventh in state' FFA accepting scholarship applications Scbolanbip .ppH~tiona are DOW beiqlioceptedb) 4bernatby"~ acMaor Gerald Kelley. . ' after Mars' testimony, "she immediately came under the glare of a hostile environment in that office. Jon Perez finished Beventh at the .tate powel'lifting meet . . Saturday at Killeen. "lie W a perIOnai best of 8OOpoundiion the bench pre8l,. Alllnathy coecb Sonny Gon- oath)' FFA member • IDDIt b8 an agriculture auQor • mUit be • fbll·time .tucIent • _tbtofpodmoral~r . For . . in(ormatiOQ contact KeUejltAbemathyHigbScbool, .~ ~~; ' - -Jon narrowly mi8Ied a new ltate record of 620 pounds on the dead lift. He hitched it" The lift would have given him the fifth place medal. '"I'he competition W88 - tremely competitive. Our re- gion is still a little behind the . , others but we are gaining. -It il a great honor to compete among the elite of our state." Perez competed in the 276pound weight clus. ...... cl. ________________________________ __ L-~ ~ ------------~ Mar. 27. 1999,in Lubbock. She w .. born in Sweetwater , . aa4"'weI to AmariDo when an ; :; :~ :: :: :~~ aad Charlili in 1997. Survivori include a ,..and· dau,hter. Deborah FIIberof~ bock; three lI'andaone, Cbarlel McClureJr.ofAbematby.Cmrord McClure ofOeorgi, and Michael McClure of FIU'JIO. N.D.; 111 greatlJI'andcbildren; and three gteatgreat-grandchildren. ElD1tr McClure died infaiit. She married Elmer McClure in 1937 in Amarillo. He died in 197•• Sbe waa a home· maker. a Baptilt and had worked Apr.M . rolla, cake, milk TllUBSDAYI beef and cbeele nacboe. aalad, pinto beane, .pice Graveside services for A.T. He was a former resident of Mallow. 98. ofArlinglDn were at2 Abernathy. Lubbock and p.m. Monday. Mar. 29. in City of Weatherford. He moved to Arling. Lubbock Cemetery with the Rev. ton in 1996. He waB a retired Terry JoneB. paBtor of New Deal fanner and a Baptist. Firat BaptiBt Church. officiating. . Survivors include a BOn, Jake?f LuDCIaMeDa Burial waa under direction of ArlinglDn; a daughter. LaCella Frank1in·Bartley Funeral Home. Long of Fort Worth; a brother. MONDAYI No School TUESDAY; pilla, lalad ....... Mallow died Friday. Mar. 26, Floyd of Levelland; three lilten, 1999.inOsteopathicMedicalCen· Audrea M,cEJroy of Little Rock, beans. fruit freeze. milk ter of Texas in Fort Worth. Ark., Bertie Stout of Reno, Nev., He WaB bom in Blanket. He and June Wright of Wichita Falla; married Martha Bowlin. She died five grandchildren; and two greatJan. 9. 1989. grandchildren. Mar.al Oscar Lonnie Brownlow Services for Oscar Lon nie Brownlow, 611, were Feb. 11 in College Heighte Baptist Church in Alamosa, Colo. Brownlow died Feb. 7. 1999, at his residence. He waa born Aug. 30, 1933, in Eldorado. Okla. He lJI'aduated from New Deal High School and Texaa Tecb Univeraity. He moved to Alamo.. in 1966. He was a member of College Heights Bap· District 4-AA Idalou R.U, lo<kney Abem8lhy New Deal Floydada San. Pd. Dist. Pd. 7·3 5-3 5-4 5·6 3-6 2-8 2~ .700 \.00 ,500 .500 .500 .500 .000 I-I 0556 1.1 .455 I-I .333 1-1 .200 0-2 ,625 Abernathy Masonic Lodge *1142, + A.F.&tA.M. Stated Meeting AprilS, 7:30p.m. cab,milt FRlDAYllteaton a bun,lettuce, tomato. tater tots, cookiea. milk police officers Mr. 8t Mn. J _ Pope Abernathy Baseball Association Sign-ups Rev., Mrs. Harris conduct Assembly of God revival Apr.8 Apr.S Mr. "Mn. Julian Mendoza To add names for birthdaye, anniveraaries or memoriala, call 298·2033 by 4 p.m. Tueed8)'for the next week's edition. Correction OF ABERNATHY aSSN 089S-429I ) SCOTI & JUDY LUCE Publisbe~ JOAN WESLEY Office Manager. Classified, Circulation. Ag News Publisbed weekly 00 Friday of each week, except rmt Friday after ODe Friday during SUDUDer months, at the Abernathy Wcckly Review office at 916 Avenue D. Mailing address: P.O. Drawer 160. Abemalhy. Texas 79311·0160. Christmas and Donatio... are beiq .-Ived by Abemathy EMS for ren.....OItion eom of a city building, With $30,000 to $40,000 ill donatiODo, Abernathy EMSwm ....wordoel.lI5O.ooo_t APRIL 13,1999,7:30 P.M. THE COMMUNITY CENTER DINNER WILL BE SERVED ELECTION OF 2 DIRECTORS AUDIT REPORT DOOR PRIZES DIVIDEND CHECKS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED & Girls Contributor. John " Ava Faulkenberry Lavail Bishop Lacy Tommie Wages Mar7 Lambert in memory of HOll • lIudent like AUI r6. from ' Sweden. Scudents with interesuln the ,pons_ Es:::tes various other hobbies are lookilll for Host Families. For filrtherinfOl1lllll., please call1·SOO-SIBLING. - NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIAnON John H. Lambert Mra. Marvin Sterphenl Iva W. Rhodes MIM Darrell Stephens Mall donatio... to the Abernathy Emtlpncy Medical Service, do Dar· 8I.epheu, 1609 Avo . H. Abarnathy 79311 ordepoeit inepocial EMS _ t o at Security Bank anel Firat SlawBlUlk. ren Receive a FREE whole house humidilier wilh purchase ala hIgh 'fficlency h,atlng and air conditioning syst.m. (daylight ravings timt) emcleucy heat pump system O//e/5 Good While Supplies Last '~ 10,"" 7AM Ttl''''' boll""""" .................-....... Excludes Decaffein SELECT VARIETI REGULAR OR NO SALT DEL MONTE • '----7_7_~_b.----'Z COOK'S BONE·IN hank Half Ham Vegetables II to 15.2 oz. can RED RIPE Strawberries I(fITH ELLIS OWNER WHOLESALE & RETAIL SALES 2"-27'0 '77-'00-1.E 312S0UTHWEn IrRVlCE .OAD HO/nn Ttl W,/I A 1FT (IF MfIfIItIfI TIBfS Ttl ~IM' ,~ ., ",m IJff r"' up AIID DflMI' MItM 11111- ..",,, 1tIOO.1t ~ Coffee edals Good Mar. 31.Apr. 6, 1999 S Ii /( TIRE Ii SUPPL'I 10 Cal 'I'IIda"ll.eoo.sIBLING ASSORTED F.A.C. MAXWELL HOUSE 05 Ave. D - 298-2627 298·208 ~~ ~PlIL ~ISE ...... fIIaIIiII ..., - ~~ TElIASPRUS Garry's Summer Speclll 207 Main Street. Abernathy 298·2408 - 1-800-864-4580 GRAND OPENING American Interculrural Student Exchange- Establlsbed in November of 1921. Periodical Posfa8e paid at Uniled Slates Post Office. 801 Avenue D, Abemalby. Texas 79311·9998. I ASSOCI"nON 5 Tune-up $2 00 Storm Windows & Doors SUBSCRlJ7I10N RATES One year in Abernathy and Hale County· $17.00 One year in Lubbock County. m.oo ~I other one·year subsaiptiODS • 524.00 T~~ Ale HeatiDg at AIr Couclltloulng C & G Builders A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MOVING 7 Send your mailing label and COm:CtiOllS 10 Abernathy Weekly Review, P.O. Drawer 160. Abernathy, Texas 79311 ·0160 or e· mall: [email protected]. Summer 'check freon '[}II r.1II muLor 'dean tilter 'check electriC parts with purcbase of We Specialize IJ1 Home Repair A_ Co me Join ina Community Sunrise Service &- Breakfast at the Senior Citizens Parking Lot and Center April4, 7 a. m. Ross and Ginger SimoofLevellond announce theengagementoftheir daughter, Anna Leigh Sims, to Craig Michael Schaap, son of Craig and Nancy Schaap of Abernathy. The couple plans to marry June 19 at the Austin Street Church of Christ in Levelland. The bride-elect is a 1997 graduate of Levelland High School and i. attending Lubbock Christian University. . The future bridegroom is a 199~ graduate of Abernathy High School and of Texas Tech University. He is currently employed by Smyer ISO. Schaap is the grandson of Mr. lind Mrs. Louis Schaap and Mr, and Mrs. Ray Sanders, all of Abernathy, o~!~~ hi,.. rados, Paneline, Garage Convenions Acoustic Ceilings, Painting -'''''-'~ lIltS, outdoor aclivilies. tam Schaap, Sims schedule wedding in Levelland EMS grant donations To place your classified ad cal 298-2033, Dedne 4 p.m. Tuesday. THE ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Ponce of Abernathy announce the engagement oBheir daughter. Crystal Ann. to Charles Loyd Cortez, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Cortez of Lubbock, The couple will marry June 19 in Saint IBidore Catholic Church In· Abernathy. . The bride-elect is a 1993 graduate of Abernathy Hllh School and a graduate of Texas Tech University with a bachelor of arts i~ hiatory. The future bridegroom is a 1992 graduats of E.tacado High Scbool and a graduate of TTU with a bachelor of arts in mathematics. FREE Blow-Iu Attic IUlulatlou Rev. and Mrs. Charity Harris, miBaionary-evangeliata, will be· gin a aeries of revival services at Abernathy Aaaembly of God Apr. 4·7. Services will begin at 6 p.m. Sunday and at 7 p.m. during the week. The evangelists are originally from Weat Texas but have apent many years as miaaionaries in Atnca. aa well a8 pastoral.Rd evangellaticminiatryintheatates. The church is located at 14th St. and East Service Road. Evervone ia invited to attend. CONSUMERS FUEL . ASSOCIATION' In a Mar. 19 en~nt an· nouncement In the AbBn&IJ.A" Wee"'y Review infonnaUon . . plied s~..,...ntaofOilbln MontoyawereYaidroandYoIaada Montoya of Lubbock. It .bould' have stated Ysidro and Jackie Montoya of Lubbock. Fast-PUch Softball . Walter W. ·Speck· and Coralie Cox of Hale Center announce the engagement of their Bon, Cody J'Wallace, to Br",di Michelle Adams, daughter of Ronald and Deborah Adams of Abilene. . The couple will exchange wedding vows May 22 at Southern HIlls Church of Christ in Abilene. The bride-elect is a 1996 graduate of Coopar High School in Abilene and i. ajunier at Abilene Christian University ml\ioring in social work, where she is a member of Sigma Theta Chi social club. The IUture bridegroom i8 a 1996 graduate of Hale Center High School and is a drafting 1DI\i0r at Texas Stete Technical College. Adams is the IJI'BDddaughter of Lavada Spruiell of Dawson and Andrew and Annetta Adams of Ingleside_ Cox io the IJI'8ftdaon of Jake and Bea Fortenberry of Adrian and J.T. and Helen Cox of Junction. Apr•• l-. :~ -:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::==::==~ (USPS 003·340) Adams, Cox announce ceremony in Levelland Polillcallld paid by Todd Abell. P,O, 80x - . Abernethy. TX mil T·Ball. Baseball :,: I! Engagement announced ~1I""-._ Write-in Candidate for Abernathy City Council Enrich your family'S future... host an exchange student now • "__ Financial Ohio National SeMccs_ &.!lil!lilu~~n&ldal Mr. 8t Mrs. Todd Abell ~: 602 10th St. Abernathy. TX 79311 298-4143 Todd Abell Sawyer Knight Apr.1 Jeff Johnlon J8.mie CampbeD Apr•• Andy Grimale, Sarah Brittanie Fulton Steve Fortenberry Mary Harkey Apr. iii Shelbi Dunton Open meeting called to discuss have called on open meeting to "discuss local concerns of our law enforcement officers". The meetingwiil be at 7:30 p.rn.Apr. 7 at Rockin RSteokhouBe, 922 Ave. D. David Sanderson, CLUt ChFC Vote May 1st tist Church, where he was a dea· con and Sunday school teacher. He owned Brownlow Realty for more than 30 years. A oon, Richard, died in December 1993. Survivors include his wife, Patricia; three Bons, Robert of Mosca, Colo" and Roger and Rus· 8811, both of Alamoaa; hia mother, Apr.S Viola Coke Brownlow of Lubbock; Jan MontjJomery and 13 grandchildren. Some Abernathy residenta AnmIldel. LUe, Health, DiIabIUty WBDNBIIDA.YI cbiclren nlllPu, _bed potatoaa. blacbyed pa... B...aldut .....a MONDAYI No BcbooI TUJ:8DAYlhalbbrowna...- . , bilcuits, milk . WBDNIlSDAYljaice.cb8I!M . . . . milk THURSDAYi banana, ceNal. tout, milk FRIDAYljuice. w.m.,lYNPomllk A.T. Mallow lDsuranee since 1980! AISDMenu CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY is I l 10 LB. BAG Chicken Leg Quarters 19t BLUE BUNNY ASSORTED FROZEN YOGUR ALL TYPES Pepsi Cola DOUBLE COUPONS EVERYDAY UP T05(J¢ Rice Crea 1/2 lallon round 2 $5 "',.It, NIIMf. TIRfI- DII.", .ltlNfIrMI, IIICIIELIN, ~ 1t1J1MItI, MID JOltMfDlM . .r Nodce 10 tile Public: Any enoneous reRecdon upon tbe chanlcter, R!pI.iIllloo or Sllllding 0( any firm, 1Ddlvidu81 il( corporation will be aJadIy c:ocrecled upCII beiDa called 10 die 811eJ11ioo of die publlsber. _,.'111'- IUD"'" - IrA'" ." '11.",.- " .... (lIP TO , .ItTl.) ,.'. .tel"'MU.' -'''.50 l, ~. ';:.~"· .,IIqIIIJI_R~nlzilll·"'utm • J Pay Your '. EtliRGtS &t}, m:~..w::.~: Bills Here r.'_,....Pl¥fMlllII,..,..,......,,' " .... ... 1!I*w~bI ,..,I>"'P~- OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK omCEHoURS 8 a.m.-6 p.m.... Mon.-Sat. Closed Sunday ~,,'\.l~ 0 \ e.o e.hamP " 'Pac 1fo ,55 COMET RAINBOW CUPS OR OREO CHOCOLATE OR SUGAR For & ilUE 1:~:~'E11 nel Nabisco Conel .2.61 to 5.25 01. 2 Fo,$3 ... _,,1_ diapat.cbed to the 8-iG: OfIlcenweredispatched 1800blOekofJerome ODthe report to til. of let on . to the GOO blockoflOtb at. 011 0.. report of criminal miechier. Un· ofjJlmdl. drlviDr a tractor in a the report of. prowler. OIIIcen ~.:tci~=~=i~ \mown actor or acton broke a ,. . . . . . . tileom_,. IQ.IPIII& . nc~ IIIIDIIW. omcen located ch.... the area and no one w. window ,lu.on a vehicle parked tha tractor ad 110 juvenil. _re located. looetIId. . at the curb. The cue ie under • 011.,. __ dilpatcbed to 1- foUnd to be operatm, the tractor. OIIcen were cliapatcbed to I· investiption. rt OD the repert of. pauible iII8-19: OfIleara were cliapetched 27 on the report of a speedinJ l.omcatecl driver. OfIlcen were ~able to loeatAI the vebicle. : OfIIcen were cliapatched to the ~~ block of Ave. DOD the report bf theft of gu. The cue ia under InveltiptioD. : 8-27: OffIcen were diapatched to the 400 block of 6th St. on the ~ of a 9·1·1 caD. Upon ollie· in'arri"aI,it was determiDed that the caD CIUlll! ' from a defective phone. : Ruben Natal, 19, and Gabriel J'erez, 21,bothofAbernathy were arrelted In the 1400 block of Ave. p. Natal and Perez were charged ~th publieintoJtication and transported to Hale County Jail. · omean were dispatched to l411 Ave. 0 on the report ofthelt of ,as. The eaee il under inveatitation. 3·26: Two juvenilea were Jiven Citationl and rel ••sed to pannte after olftcers diBCDvered the juvehilea to be in ~aion of an alcoholic bever.... The juveniles loVere charpd with minor in poseslllDn. · Ramiro Perez, 17, of Abernathy was arrested in the 800 block ofAve. D. PereZ WII charpd with dnvin, while under the influence byaminor. Thevehicl. Perezwal drivin, at the time wu also impounded. · 3-26: OfIIeara were lummoned to the 1400 block of Ave. M on the reportofa person receiving threat,nin, lettera throup the mail. The cue had been turned oYer to ibe poatmaater for investltation. : Officers and EMS were dis· "atched to the 1200 block of 14th St. on a medical. EMS made no transport. OfIicen were dispatched to the 800 block of 18th St. on the report of a person ettemptin, to commit .ulcide. Upon omeers' arrival, tverythin, checked okay. ; OfIicen were dilpatched to the 400 block of 10th St. on a welfare Concem. OfIieara found everyth!n, 10 be In order. Olftcera were dispatched to 1-27 lJy Hale County Sherift'solftce on a caD received from Call Box 2. Upon olftcen' arrival, there was no one cliacovered in the area. Olftcen and EMS were dil' patched to the 1400 block of Ave. M. EMS tranlported an elderly female to UMC for treatment. 3-23: OfIIcen were on routine patrol in the 1800 block of Ave. F when they obaerved an elderly fe· male layin, in the front yard. Of· fteen ltopped to lllilt. The female ret\ued any medical attention even thoup euffitrinr a po.. lible broken arm. 8-22: omcera and Ire department were di.patched by Hale County Sherlft's of'Ilce on the report of a ftre located three milea weat of 1-27 on FM-M. Upon arrival, there were esveral tree. bumilltwhichwerequicldyextin,wIlled by the ftre department. 8-21: Olfteara were d' patched to the 1100 block of Ave. E on the report of auspicious person. OIIieera checked the aree and no one wee located. Officera arreated Juaquln Rodriquez, 29, ofAnltin one-quarter mOe ealt of the city on FM· 2060. Rodriquez "II charted with drivin, wbile Intoxicated and no driven Been... OIIicen were diapatched to J-27 on the report of a one·vehicle acci· dent. Upon ofBcera' arrivel,lt w.. di.covered that a trailer belli, pulled by e pickup came 1_ and cauedthe pickap to leave the road· to 1-27 011 the report ora poaIible intoJdcaW driver. omcen located the ~e and the drIver"lI detAlrmined 1I0t to be intoxicated. OfIicera _ted · Corblll Lee Cloud,32,ofAbemathyinthe17oo block or Ave. C. Cloud WBB charpcl with driving while Iiceo.. 8uspended. OIIicera were dispatched to the 600 block of 10th St. on the report of a burglary to a motor vehicle. The case is under inyesti,ation. Officers were dispatched to the 1100 block of 2nd St. on the re- vehicle entAlring the city. OIIIeera did IIOt locate the vehicle. OfIlcen _re dispatched to [27 on the report of a reckl_ driver. OIIieara were not able to locate the vehicle. 8·17: OfIIcera were dispatched to the 1600 block of Ave. F on the report of a burglary of a motor vehicle. The cue is under investiption. OIIicers weredispetched to the 1000 block of 13th St. on the report ofbur,lary to a motor vehicle. The case is under inyestigation. OIIieara and EMS were di.. patched to the 500 block ofAve. 0 on the report of a female with severe abdominal pain. The female WII transported to a Lubbock hospital for treatment. 3-15: omeara were dispatched to a two-vehicle accident in the 1100 block of Aye. C. A vehicle failed to yield rI,ht of way. There were no reported injuries. Ofticera were dispatched to the 300 block of Ave. H on the report of barking do,.. Officers contacted the owner. ~ YowAr& In.vLtPJL ! t Plains conon lrowers, Inc. Por __ 2bedroo1D, 1beth,.m,Ie . . ., fenced yard, 1512 2nd St., *24,000. Cell Shipman Real EePor .... lib new lleeper tor., clureble fabric in e_lIant colldi· tion, *200. Cal) 767·2166. (2-ltp) You've worked bard to make your farm thrive. Protect it and yourself from the unforeseen events that could literally wipe out your investment. Let us tailor an insllrance package for )'ou with the kinds of protection you need. We're the insurance professionals. working for you. Por .... nop ear bwmIee for EMler. CaD 745-1314or298-2980. 298-2529 ~ natby. 8-month-old yellow Labraclorpuppy, named RollClOe,heeblue andJreln coUar. Call 298-4718 or 828-5261. (2-1tf) By Ace Reid Services II pines of Ruidoso. SeclUded 2 bedroom/I bath, fireplace, fully equipped, linens. bouse deancr. Upper Canyon. deck with a beautiful view. 298-4050 II Ro_ -'tIiDI1 Cracb in brick or walle? Doora won't clo..? Call Childers Brothers StabiHldn, " Foundation IAvellin, at 1-800299-9563. (8-50tp-81) Couatry home: 3/1/2 with outbuildinga,JOOd well,l.t acres and only 8 miIIutea from New neal schools, $78,500 . Call Frank Harmon at WestMark Realtors, 794~000. (26-3tb-9) c_ t ...... SIIow • All...... Lubllock _ _ CIYIc cent1Ir FIRST l\SSEMBLY OF GOD Abell Funeral Home Abernathy Consumers Fuel City Gin , First State Bank Kathy Hill Oswalt Insurance Clark Riley Insurance Sanders Auto Supply 66 Butane & Fertilizer Vecchio's Restaurant Abernathy Barber Shop Abernathy Custom Paint Clayla 1's Hi Plains Drilling. Inc. Mike Lambert Plains Grain Co., Inc. Rockin R Steak House Security Bank Joe Thompson Wolf Irrigation ACL Farmers Co-op City Cleaners Dairy Queen Hill Veterinary Service ·) King Pinson Pharmacy THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU Greateoadltlon, don't miss this one. For sale by owner, a 3 bedroom, 2 bath for under $50,000. Call 298-2392. (rta) Find aa4a1n IH THE C1ASSIFIEDS Church Directory StIlI ~~~~L IIICI. It takes the effort of many different people to make an organization successful. The Abernathy Junior Basketball Association would like to thank all of those that supported us this 1999 season. Investing in the future of our youth is something .that.~s well worth our while. AweBODle In Abemathy: 1998 double-wide mobile home on 20 acree. 1,988 oquare feet, 4rA, enel'lY efficient. Plush, loaded with extras. Priced for quick lal•. - $86,600. Home warranty included. call Jamie Serran, REALTOR-, 792-2338 or 787-6492, pager. CENTURY 21, John Walton Realtors-, 793-8111 ext. 235. (199-01298)-1. (2·2tb-16) Real Estate for Sale Weldin, _moe.. CaU Brad Shadden at 298-2473 or 778-1618, \eave mcesap. (26-3tp-9) e.a-CIIIIIIIw.......... ~ T.... cottan Ginn....' Annual ~eetI~. ~aera, for rent amoRg the cool MUI1ac from 13th St. ill Aber- HI FelltQred Spellkers: natby. Approx. 1,120 aquare feet on 3 lote (21,000 oq. ft.). LB1'119 living room, ..parate dining. Perfect family home. Priced to esll. $89,800. Call Jamie Setren, REALTOR-, 792-2336 or 787-6492, pa,er. CENTURY 21, John Walton Realton-, 793-8111 ext. 235. (199-01229)-2. (2-2tb-18) '9t eeae ttt.rel'tu 42nd Annual •••Ung Blllllu.".lr. ApucbofapIace:3IV1inAber- illformation, 298-4110 or 2984164. (rta) INSURANCE AGENCY COWPOKES I MobOa home for rent. 8 bedroom, 2 fuD bathl. Call tor more (26-2tp-2) r:n:l IruBBARD ' M 921 Ave. D For Rent a=_~======~~ April 9, 1999 • 8:30 a.m. Registration Lubbock Mem. Civic Center Theater • Lubbock, Texas .. I tate at 298-22611, ollll!e, or 298· 2897 , residence. (2·2tb-9) FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1404 AYenue B SII Avenue E 298-2060 Suaday SdIooI9:45 AM "What ao you mean a financial statement? I ain't tryin' to buy the bank - jist want a little feed!" Wol'lblp 10:30 AM Bvening 6:00 PM Wedneaday Bveninl 7:30 PM Rev. '" Mr•. H.C. Lon;'. pOi1m' . ~r1ng your loan requeif tou·':.:.we like to 8ay yalll First State Bank serving Abernathy for 90 years. ~~J:~=I'~JST~pi 298-2497 <# p_. mtST BAPTIST CHURCH 411 71b S ...... I 298-2587 FIRSTABERNATHY SfATE BANK 402 NmIh Street Sunday ScbooI9:30 AM Wonbip 10:40 AM Bible Sludy 5:00 PM Evening Wonblp 6:00 PM Wednesday Bvenlng 7:30 PM MIke WIl<lO", posIOr MemberFDIC CHURCH OF CHRIST ABERNATHY 916 Avenue I! 298-2718 Bible SIudy 9:30 AM Wonblp 10:30 AM BVenin, 6:00 PM Wedneaclay Jlvenina 7:30 PM DaYidBellllllll mtST BAPTIST CHURCH NEW DEAL Sanda)' ScbooIIO:OO AM Wonhip 11:00 AM l!yenJnc Wonbip 6:00 PM Wednesday Service 7:30 PM Dr. TonyW. JOIIIII,,,,tor BETHEL BAPI1ST CHURCH 101 8. IItS_ Sunday Scbool 9:45 AM MomiD& Wonblp 11:00 AM By..... Service (]I.T.U.) 6:00 PM the accidellt. OIIicen were cIIapatched to the DaIry Qoesn 011 the report of a penoll thnatAlDm, an employee. Both.ubject8_re I_Wand the FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 704 Avenue D 298·2581 Sunday Scbool 10:00 AM CO., INC. . Abernathy 1I .c-~ • Allis a.1I..... M 100 Rood Gnder • c-JlH 71102M. 198B. 5.4001.-..11.4-42 rubber. w,,,,,u. 3 remot .. G""'- S,- . • Onhman 611·145 • Onh ..... 611·146 Eqal,.... • CucsIIH 8R 40" 900 planler w/monilor 'M.lW JO· ""IfY ..... • 2- ID 400 30' roolf)' hoe • paw 8R 40" kniti .. rig 00 4.. 4 double b..- w/'lugc wheels • Bisham Bros 21 shank crusel. severe service bar, BlUgt: 'Wheels • Nobl. 32' SpnnSlooth w_ 1jRi._ .. _Ill .... BW'luod)' Inlerior with U'etJck p&CUall F.,;iI.... T....... • 1990 Lo-RII M"DWIlIII. COOler !tid.C.... ptb DT 466, 4 ipd A1luo. Mlto tr......./199J Au Max Dry SY"rn, 60' boom • 1974111 t..i. screw truck. 290 Cummi ... I] ..,... w 2 bOD 9 tOD Icoder box Ini&olIoa ·2· 292 Chevrolet ~ • I· 250 Chevrolet motor • 32· 20',6- 40" AL pipe .46- 30'11.6" At llich lock flow line • 2· pipe trail,.. • I· luselot <i miscolll........ AL pipe • 3- 1216 water muter hydrants • I· 1217 waler muter hyclraot • 1-, 1112", 2'. AI. rubes • MJ AL.... 1".,_ L·,._ caps ....... 858 grinder miur • 2· 300.11 froot mou.t .... k • Wyli. SR hooded sprayer • P&:W 16R pulllypc sandr,chler ·2- JO 14 disc ODe way • 8R Bow Bar • 8· • 2· ,2· • I· bed roll... Ace "0 pumps Riven DireCior Vallie! Lar,e k>I JQ'"ap molal • Portable canle 10adins chute • Filson Callie OlUte • 1,000 ,II metal tau • Z· T JDharrow, • /0 weisht brockel and ..eishu • RACSR muk... • 2· RAC stabilirers • Lara' lot tire.o and wh..Lt • 1MB' lot dampa and _1<.0 • Large 101 SWClCp' ud <hIC • 4· JD ......1 woishu • RAe sause whoel. • 47 pI bu.... ta.k .~. JD liSler .... nu ,8· <if disc • Stf'Vice S' 3p1 sluedder ·6' hydrluli< blad. • High Boy shredder deck ~ JD 90 13 shank ripper wlharrowl • wtti1e S48 5·)8" semi nklunt • JD 340 IS' off.el Aue. Lie. TX 11859 Stri_ lad hu .... roel ·1D .... Slril'Per. 4R .....h h..... Ilia _ . AC ••• 701 • AC 160 Xl1I DieMI hoIII« • 4- Bil 1232' taadem QOQoD tRile... Aa_.......... T .....n ·19B' Katy. 16' ...... oeck, laDdemduol. 1.1odric o..r hydnuU. hois! • Bowie 20'1Iot bed ,00001lCCk lIDdem uIo tniIoi ........ tail. 1635 ,II pol y WIlt ud Hoada 5.S hp pump • 1,000 ,alloD water miler • Ho1o 2 hone lRilw ·1961 C20Ch"""'Iet. .... motor ud ll'Ulltlliuioo • 1961 C60 Ch.vrol....lDowllt bod ·1971C20ChevrolOl ..... • 19793000101_ B••• • IT Mun.. (Rive,,) BOIl. 4 cyl ellery ioboonl out - . . merauilCf wJtaodem ole trailer ·1993 Pet.rbilt 3n. 350Cat, 10 speed...u •• llnidoIIIIJIODlioo. 63"n .. tOP .... per.24.5IJ>rubbor .. 10Ilumi ...m'•• 2.1]0 Silio. fuel IIDb. Iir .Iido 5th wt-I. Whit. i. Col.... - . _Of • Sar,n Slevcns 19K boA fold s&Ddfishler • Sun Stevens 17R J1IlIlype sllDdfighter • 2· IH 1555 bOOtom brukiDS pi"", and pack'" • WyUe 8R 3.. 'P"Y ris • JD 8R 40" ""'ter pluler. preas .... heeh and drags • 60' :!pi 'pray boom • Laod !'tide nr hydrautic blade • Hamby double 414 sweep rig wf&lucc wheels • II shank V·ripper with IMice wheels • Sun SlevCtlS 12' onion blade • JO 900 II shank V·ripper wlrnlling tedders ·4 hallom plow packer • JD hydrlulic hay mover • P&W 24R ... 1I type .atld/ishter • Bingham Oms hydraulic rod weeder • 8R 3pl Wheel packer • Frool mount rope wick • Welmore _ot • M .... y 1'«.... MOCombi ....... _ • MF 64 6R 40" omt hood • MF 24' pisiform ....... lOy boon • ro 1100 MPWD. 1995. IB.4-42 reor. 14.9·30 ft .... iSh... J r.mow • M..y FefJ\llO. 165 diOlOl • 0Ii_ B8 .uoIi .. ..I Dowoll Eoliload.. Worsbip 11:00 AM Evening 6:00 PM Plus many other Items Wed. Cboir Prlll:lice 7:00 PM Rev. lim Currie METHODIST CHURCH NEW DEAL Sunday ScbooIIO:OO AM Sunday Service 9:00 AM Rev. lim Cuny AoomON CENTER COMMUNITY CHURCH 5 mile. easl on PM 597 dlen 2 mile. soulb un FM 2902 Sunday Scbool 10:00 AM Wonblp \1:00 AM Wed. Prayer Meeting 1:00 PM 81 Marvin Looney" 146-6641 lional No": I, u ill'tal'Q be paidJor dn)'lhUell bt'Y0nd ""diad (W/ ",uf 'Xf'!fU~ in TuwaJoptiflA. GIVE YOUR CmLD 10Yine pIlOn... a hoppy home and strole churcb ties. We WaDI to help make your dram (or your cbild come UUe. Call Joel and Becky" 1·888·592·n79. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ST.1'iIDORECA'nIOLiC CHURCH Soutb Avenue D 298-4218 Sunday 9:00 AM Wednesday 1:00 PM IGLESIA BAtmsTA NUEVA CREACION 412 14th Slreel 298-2900 Sunday ScboollO:OO AM Wonbip Service \1:00 AM Sunday Byenlo, 5:00 PM Wednesday Service 7:00 PM Joel Pora. pOSlor ATfENTION: DIRECT SELLERS. A unique and new caminp opponuni1y is Ivailable for independent entrepcneun. A top (asbion house, Pierre Ba1main of Paris, is launcbing an uclu· sive range oflullurycosmetics and 5kincue prod· ucts. Ali an independent usociale, be OTIC of the first to join this rewarding pound floor \lenturc . a breakthrough iystem called Selcel Selling. Call loll free 1·817·589·3553 or visit our website www.pbcosmelics.com to leam more. Minimum in..-estmeDI $125 . AVON PRODUCTS· START ),our own busi· FLEETWOOD TRANSrORTATION HIR· ING lon, haul flatbed driliers. PetCfbuilt equip· ment GuaranIetd timt home and complete pack· lie o( bcnefiU. Also aeed lonl haul owner op· entors. P1.... cllll·1IOO-458-4279. Bvenin, Service (B.T.U.) 6:00 PM Wed. PraiJe Service '" Bible Study 7:00 PM Pnak B..denz, PIIIOr + I Sunda)' Maa 10:45 AM IGLI!SIA DEL NAZARENO Av_ A It Sib S _ 298-2140 Palber Micbaol O'CuroU Sunday Servil:e& 10:00 AM Sunday I!yen'" 6:00 PM '(Ueoday Prlyer Meeting 7:00 PM lbunday Services 7:00 PM Putor o.c.r Pie, Sponsors Act 'farmers Co-op 88 Butane" Fertilizer , Low~s Pay.N-8ave Consumers Fuel'Association ,; Joe TboDlpson Implement St. Mary Family Health \Ab~~thy WM.JdJ Review Center .KemdthG...,,,, no. Car, ...... .. .. .lIIIIIII!!I!-iii.II ". . ..." ........ .' . . . ............... . . ..............._ DIlIVERS- Mll...ES...MONEY ... homelime ... SlilI1 up to 34c/mile -More hometi.me ·Medical, den· taI,life I:: 401k. ·Midwestl48 Stalei ·3 years orR yr flalbed . ·Combined Tran5port l·lIO().29().2127. ......._ _ _. . .. I·K8S-4CALARK (KH8 ·422-1271) DRIVERS: NEW TRUCK 1'IIrt:1we I'rticram. Own a 1999 FRia:htlincf in 30 months. No mone), down. DriYeI" and 0/0 po5itions also a..-.ilable. Home most weekends! ~all 1·800-UB.()2()J. RAPID FREIGHT OF Texas is seeking am. drilicrs. Minimum I year experience, Class A COL with HazMD.t required. Call recruiting II 1·800·72H174. EnE. 1·800-69I~._ DRiVER/UTR - A NEW approach'lo 010 pro· gram! $100 sian-on. Paid: lolls. p:nn.i1s, cIlgo &: liabilit)'. WOfUrs' Comp.• payroll laxes. holi· days, liacalion! Health insufance available. SML. 1·800·5JJ-4761. EMPLOYMENT GRINDERS· EXI't:RIENCED ONLY. Prec, sion arinder . OD/ID precision grinder, surface. lUKe day. AC sOOp. benefits. Wililisist with reo location C1i.pense. (u resume. 1·912·221·5432 or clll 1·972-221·2211. EDUCATlONAUfRAINING DRIVERS - START AT 34c1mi .. ! 2.1OO·J.OOO milealweck. -I~ COllYentionaJ Sleepers. 'Ben · eftll & bonus Prolrun. ·Mostly no louch/Drop " Hook. ColI OI'RX todor! 1·1IOO-423·69J9. LEARN OVER ZOO computer courses onliDe from your home or business. Basic to ad\llllCed To relister call 1011 free 1·8n·871·2259. Visit our website at www.n<waecolle.e.com. DRIVER - DON'T JUST molie Over, Move up. AIR FORCE. Great can:er opportunilies avail· able for higb scbool arad5, lacS 17-27. Plus up to $9.000 ealiSlmenl boaus if you qualif)'! For an infonnation packet, call 1·800-423·USAF 01 visit www.aitforte.com. ColI-Way Truc:k1oId Services is more than just a MONTE DE LOS OLIY AS 110 1lu14lb Streel 75c pet" loaded mile with greal le.e oplions! Trainees· compan y. paid Irainin,! CalArk, ~~~i:::it~RorCF,-;=::;,,-t~-,,~=~:-:S-'OTR:=--:-" 1112 lerome SlreOl 1'nIck.ina Company. CWT drilitrl rece.ilie paid healdt insurance for lhemselves and their (ami· He.. Paid hoUdlys and YlCaDons. Company paid Iif. insurancellld 4OI(K). funily rider Prt?Bntn. uliped new and late model c;onlientionais. frequent borne &ime. dim:t deposit and competitilie Ply. CWT driven lverage 542,156.25 per ye• . LeI us teU you. more Ibout CWT and lIow you Cln be more than .. JU$I a Driyer", cln 1-8(X).5S5-CWT, cwts.jobs(ilcoD-way.com. Con· Way l'hdJ0id Services. CWT is an E.O.E. DRIVERS - A1'J'N: PROFESSIONAL owner operators I Nocan.Ja. NYC &. NE, MiAimum 23 yean witb I yearOl'R CDL wi Humll. Paschall 1Nck Unet 1·8O().84S.()405. DRIVERS • BERE'S 11IE relief yaa'we been WUllna for.. ,Low deadhead, vcry liale Ilyolicr. !lOW pay par:ltqe. ",.fits after 90 day •. Owner! Opcraton " driYen with (j months experience welcome. Toll lreo 1-100·800·1440. Se Habl. EspinO!' DRIVERS • OJO'S: SMrrHWAY Motor Es· prell. New ply par:1tq•• weekly pay. O...t home w.. Your choice nRbed or van. New com-en· Rightawl), Financial Group. 1-888-266-7066 (24 houn). A ';:\TI'O~:=;W~A~N;;;-S. A:-:L:-:L- ~C-:-:redit:::·:-occ... -:-.-:-.-::No:--"" .. plication (eel. MoS! approvals I hour. 2A hour regional driven. Voted amon, ~e top 10 lmall carriers. Paid benefiL~ , 90·95% no-touch freight DRIVERS - NOW lURING! orR dnvm., company and 0/0. Super leams earn up 10· 4Oc·Complny. S4c·0I0. 1·800·CFl·DRIVE. obWn aldtlement (or your policy. ~ Ute Benefi15 1·lIO().SS7.2849. NEED CASH7 PAYDAY a d _. No trOdll. Same day approval. No IpplicadoD ree. 5eNir<. I-lIOO-96H313. WoridRlndillOlOup.\Jtc. ~~dp~~..:sve;:t :~I~~;:~~~e:e~~t~~: DRIVERS WANTED Sund.y ScbooI9:4.5 AM Sunday Wonblp 11:00 AM OUR LADY QUEEN OF THE APOSTLES CATHOLIC CHURCH New Deal uperienced driliC'fS and owner operalors ~j~~~1-4394. for gfadul1e stlldents 1·800· ness. Wort fJeAible hours. Enjo)' unlimited earn· inS" CIII toU free I·S88·942-4053. $20 stan·up I'IlIMERA MISSION BAUJ'ISTA 298-4733 or 298-42S2 equipmenl Charles Maione, 1·800.912~0'll_ _ _ __ DaIVER· COVENANT TRANSPORT ·Coast 10cO&$( runs· TelUTlssIAl't 35c·J7c. -SI,(XX)sign· on bonus ror ellperienced company driliers. For DRIVER· COMrANY DRIVERS· GUAlan· WWW.didriYe.arn. Moaday Minion. ~. BIIICbedIood MeetIq 7:00 PM Wednelday PraiN Service. Bible S1IIlIy 7:00 PM Choir He....... 8:00 PM Rey. W.R. BollDn Jr .• Postor Sunday Sc:booIIO:OO AM WonIdp 11:00 AM BvenIn.6:00 PM Weclnelday Service 7:00 PM PLAINSu.....~ .. ·ro~MFWD.I994. PoworSltift. 3.041 00. 18.446 .../oIu.... 14.9 30 II, -!ahu. 3 remotea. quick hitch ••D8649 • Coso/IH 7220 MFWD. 1995. Po...r Shill. 4.14300. 11.442 w/dulLt. 16.9-21 II, .. cishu. 3 "'0101011. quick hitell ••• 38249 • Coso/IH 7110 MFWD. 1990. Power Shill. 2.295 hra. 11.4-42 wid ..... \6.9-21 ft . ...iahu.3--.. quick hitch ••• 201 IS 'IH SOIII. 6,620 00. IB.4-]1 ../d ..... ...i"".3re'-'• .,u.:k hitell • ~D.=..MFWD.I996,5.2rooo.14.9-46d..... 14.93O~.w.ishu. • EversmaD 3p1 V ·dilcher 2!l8-2118 way hltt\nr a hltbway lip. 0fIlc· en contacted D~ to inftatipte For a ccnftdmtlal. no ob"Uon consultatlon emlaet Culkn Jo....... EquIpment and Audlon. your AucUon Team. Tncton ......... G....s... c-w... ..... Ruden • 3p1 dilch filler • ID manure spread« • ID 727 .I.odder ·ID 14· ...dem • K.in, 3p: djlch filler • Service 6' 3pr shredder COUNTY LINE BAPl'IST CHVRCH 737-2134 suaday ScbooIIO:OO AM Wonblp 11:00 AM Evening 6:00 PM Inhlrm Putor. Wa)'lle R. WIlliama o.n.. 298·2832 Mid-Woe!; Service 7:00 PM Youth Tune 7:00 PM David L. Mener... paslor Sunday Scbool 9:45 AM Worsbip \1:00 AM Evening Training 5:00 PM Evening Wonblp 6:00 PM Wedneaclay Service 7:30 PM Billy Interim plltor ,.4m1",,,nl8Utllta"" . Sund.y Scbool 11:1 S AM Morning Wonbip \0:00 AM Evenina Colebrotion 6:00 PM "1:'1 Saturday - .AprO 1L.-tlan:mmAilernathr. TX,atthe'nte~"4!fI.27I1111fMS97. . . I·W. Shadd•• Eltate, W1......n Fanne II1II .....110.. Due to the death of Mr. Shadden the .tatAI wi. ,offer their equipment at .cd.... WI........n ,.,.. II dowuIIInl the'r fannI ... .,...tlan end wHloIhr t"lIItraInaIJ .Iea lit af .......ent at . ...... . Ie", SIIatlelen ~Z·2043 Matt WI..............Z,..2723 Cullen Johnson EquIpment & Auction - 806·298004607 office, 806-298-2811 fax S~l1Ing An Assortment or AgrIcultural & Industrial EqUipment Now Booking Auctions ror 1999 'Working our best. In your best Interest" COMPANY SPONSORED TRAINING 8< First year income 535 K . Sleyens Transpor1 . OTR drivers wlDted' Non-Clperienced or e,;pe· rienced. 1·8O().J3J·8l95. roE. FINANCIAL SERVICES FOR SALE WAREHOUSE AUTO PARTS. Oreal pric:u, hUie inventory, (oreiin and domestic. Shipped dtrect to you. 1·800·611·4492. lACK PAIN! VISIT www.contowpredic.cOlllfor news regarding our pain and prel.ure relievial swedish maUress O'Veriay and pillOW's. Or call Contour Pedk II 1-800-29.5·3747. • PURPLE MARTIN BIRD Ho ..". 12·funily S29.9.5 Ii: sm.Telescopic poles! accCliOr1es avail· able. Mattins ell 2<XXJ: f1yin& insect per day! frft ca.alo,. Order today! CaU 1-800-164-8688 www.purplemartin.ftel SATELLITE SYSTEM IS" direct dillies. Buic $59. Dull box .y...... $174. A.k Ibout!roe pro. I'unming. 1·8O().l2.\·7SJ6 Opea doily. SAWMILL Sl795. SAWS 10" inlo boordl, pI&nks. beams. Larae capacilY. Resl sawmill val· ues anywheR!. Free iaformation. Norwood SIW· mills, 90 Cunwrilht Drilie '3. Amhenl. NY 14221. 1·800·57S·1363. WOLFF TANNING BIIDS. Tan " home. Buy direct Ind .aye! Commen::ill/Home uni .. from S199.00. Low monthly payments. Free color cmlog. c.l1 .....1. 1-800-842-1JIO. HEALTH DIABETES? ARE YOU lIiII Plyia. for supplies? ,Why? For information on bow you c_ reo ceive sufPics _lillie or nocoa. tIlll-8tX).678-S133 LEGAL SERVICES NUIIS~G HOME ABUSE· Nellee •. bedIoreI. bums, &ssauJlS. malnUlti1ion, falb, deadu. Call . (or (ree confidenrial cOnSUl1a.1lon. David P WtlUs, Board Cenlficd Personal Injury Trial Lawyer HouSlon. TL Prin<ipaI oIIlce. l·lIO().lI&J-983S. PET SUPPLIES FOR PENNIIiS MORE. •• t I"... IO<baoIol) in liqa.id WormeR. Happ)' Jack Uqui-VlCldtUv· ers 1C1ives bener lhaa older (onnulas. Feed and harwart scores. (www.bappYjackinc.cc:a.). REAL ESTATE A DEBT·FREE LlFEI ConfidentW help. CUI NO DOWN PAYMENT7 .......... Oodit1 Ow. monthl)' paymenlJi. Reduce inlerest. ·SIOp collec- the home you need now wicbout a bia dawn pay. tion calls. Avoid bankruptcy. Nalion's IUles1 ment. Comp .... financlnl if qualified. DeOcorae nonprofit: Genu. Credit Manaaemenl (24 hours) Home Alliance. 1·8O().25().3820. SOUTHERN cowhoo RANCH Salel87 1·800·]17·9971. OVER YOUR HEAD in debt1 Da you need """" acres - S52,900. Enjo)' se..llioRal'lunsetI emr III. Ror:kl.. and ,lew. 01 Pika ...... on JUIIy bfeathinl mom? Debt consolidation. No qu"i- roI\jn& t.min. Year rotmd _ telepllon< IUd fying! -Free ConSUltltiO. 1-800·556-IS48 . www.anewhorizon.OfJ, LicenJed, bonded. non· eloctri<ity. Ideal lor ....... Eacelleot ftttInclttl c.l1 toll IRe l-8n-676-6J67. HlICbet Rln<h. profit/national company. TRAVEL STOP! ••AVOID BANKRUnCY·· Oebt consolidation. Slop coUecliOl. CIIls. CUI monthly TIME SHARE UNITS .... COIIIpI_ 1\IOfI\. payments to 50%. EJimin.ue financeclwaes. FISI benhips. Disuas ales - cheap!· Worldwide •• 1!>IIftI\'!I! NIIirJ1III~. 1-800-:00.9894. loedon•. c.l1 VKlllon Network U.S. and CanIda FINANCIAL REUEF • IF y..... livln, willi l·lIO().S4]-6173. Free renllllDlonnalion 1·9S4lerminal iUneu and have I life insurance poliCY, 56]·5516. NanCE: While most advenisers Ire reputable. we cannOI IUIr&lltee. their producU or service. idveniled. We urae our relde ... to IIH elutioa Ind. wh i do bt l ct u I I Beu t Bus 'nen Burelu for i.rormlUon about Ibe com 1ft before leDdiD mone . ( Jilt/II'- ,\\..1\\)1, I \,.'1 . [ll \l[\l')(l"l' \( (l\\ I I II I\l'~ {Ill I hIli ( ,II ~l~. (1 .... ~ • ".I' U .........IU.' .... older in the front Th.1iceuecbecbwIDcoDtinue to..conduct.eduoundAbemathy at random times, JohD8Oll Hid. $~O At left Officer Corey Kernen po8itionsa tratric cone dieplay; inl. silD advi8ing motorists otthe police department8 new driven license checkpoint. Police Chief Wayne JohD80n (right) and OffIcer Ron Hodges win man the checkpoints which will be conducted at random times in the city. al.:o REWARD Plainview· Hale County Crlmestoppera will pay ~ . a reward of $SO (Fifty Dollars) for information . ..' •• leading to the arrest 01 parson or parsons littering or illegal dumping anywhere in Hale County .;~j . , Plainview Hale Coul!tY 0 ~~ PR{)FESSI();\ ,\ L RFY I E\" HOSPICE HANDS OF WEST TEXAS ~ ~ care, it is very important to know the reputation of the vision care We are pleased to feature one of this areas' leading vision care practices, DR. STEWART . WEBB. Dr. Webb and his professional staff offer services that In.elude ~ut are not lzmlled to: complete comprehensive exams. ' using state-of the-art diagnostic eqUipment • cataract and glaucoma screening • children vision services • treatment and management of ocular disease • refractive laser surgery consultation • vision plans for Hale County employees as well as a full service optical dispensary featuring contact lens~s of all types. including rigid gas-permeable. disposable soft lenses and several designs of bifocal. soft contact le~ses. spe~tacle lenses and frames. Office hours are by appointment. with Medicare and a variety of visIOn plans accepted. The e~itorsofthi~ Medicaf & ProJessional Review are pleased to feature Dr. Webb among the ~eadlng professIOnals serving our Hale County readers and we commend him for the service he brmgs to our communitv. . . 103 S. MAIN T 293-1376 W.H. LANDERS, JR. M.D., P.A. ~'3trfft'~;gJ Specializing in orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine. DR. W.H. LANDERS, JR. has enjoyed an excellent reputation in West Texas. This Board Certifie¢ physician and his profesSIOnal staff are dedicated to providing comprehensive orthopaedic care and are welcoming : new patients from throughout Hale county. You may consult this esteemed practice for any of the following areas of specialization including, but not limited to: Sports Injuries. Artbro- 4102 24TH ST., SUITE 507 Mt t @ill. Dedicated 10 providing the finest in FULL FAMILY CARE with OBSTETRICS and gynecology. WRI(jUT FAMILY PRACTICE ASSOCIA TES is welcoming new patients from Hale County and surrounding communities. This esteemed practice is staffed hy {/ team of highlv qualified medical II profeSSionals who are concerned ahout the con,tinued health and well heing of our families. and they will take the time to answer your questions and meet vour needs. Business and industry can rely on WRIGHT FAMILY PRACTICE ASSOCIATES. Thl'\' are equipped to treat minor emergencies and have the c{/pahilitl' ofper(orming lIIl/n.\' {I 'PCS o( diagnostic tests on the premises. Office hours are Monday through FrICla.\' II - 5 (Jnd the\' arl' participants in most managed care plans including Medicllid. In compiling this Medical and Professional Review of leading cOlllmunit\' memhers. we are pleased to be able to list and recommend WRIGHT FAMILY PRACTICE ASSOCIATES to all of our readers. and we commend them for the services they hring to our communities. 296-2088 AN AFFILIATE OF UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER . AMBULANCE SERVICE ~ With years of experience. EMS has set the standard for service in West Texas. As par.t of the best equipped Level I trauma center • I (' ~ in our area. they radio dispatch ambulances to the surrounding . communities and provide Paramedic. Intermediate and Basic Medical Transportation Service. Often a patient in need of specialized health care has difficulty traveling by conventional means. A service like EMS. extends personal. expert care to each of their patients and offers ambulances that are completely equipped with advanced life services. They' are Medicare/Medicaid approved and accept most private insurance. with proper information. The editors of this Medical & Professional Review of the best of Lubbock are pleased to feature EMERCENCY MEDICAL SERVICES and we commend them for the service they bring to our Hale county communities. ' . I. 0' 2606 YONKERS, SUITt I .-" 602 INDIANA IN LUBBOCK ' • ~~ If a member ofyour fam"i1y has been stricken with an illness or injury that requires specific treatment toget them back on their feet again.. we suggest ' . . I you call HOMESTEAD HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES'frst. This . ~ '. reputable firm prOVides skilled nurses. home care aides. physica. occupa'.' ~ tional ami speech therapists as well as medical social services. Their consid~. . erate service has won them the respect ofphysicians throughout our area as well as the patients they have helped recover. ' The)' accept Medicare. Medicaid, private insurance and private pay. HOMESTEAD HOME HEALTH CARE SERVICES is expanding their staJJ. If you are a prof~ssional in the above fields and desire a new and rewarding career opportunity. please call/or a confidential interview. The editors of this Medical & Professional Review of the best companies serving Hale county are pleased to feature HOMES"TEAD HOME H~ALTH CARE SERVICES and we commend them for the services they bri~o our communities. PLAINVIEW 293-5283 LUBBOCK INN . 'j CONTACT: DAVID ARD, REGIONAL DIRECTOR • Incontinence. Hormone Imbalance • Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery 2404 YONKERS • Welcoming Hale Coun~ Customers To TbeInformation Super-Higbway As a woman you 're unique! You have your own special health needs lIlId personal concerns. That's why we think you will appreciate the confidential. personal and affordable care offered at this esteemed practice. Dr. Dorman an.d his professional staff provide women with comprehcnsive gynecological services - in a modern facility that offers you quality health care. As a /IIember of the American Urogynecology Society, you may consult them for any of the follOWing areas of specialization: Gynecology. Gynecological Surgery ' (Prolapse) • Women's Healtb Issues. Office hours are hy appointment. Monday through Friday and most insurance plans are accepted. The editors of this Medical & Professional Review of the hest of Plainview are pleased to feature and recommend DR. JOHN W. DORMAN to all of our f1ale coun~y readers and we commend him for the services he brings to our communities. Locally Owned And Operated By Brenda Thomas, RN, Administrator and Valeri Carr, RN, Director Of Nurses ARNet, Inc. THE INTERNET TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 296-7888 GYNECOLOGIST 743-9911 3004 50TH ST., SUITE D LUBBOCK 785-4540 PLAINVIEW JOHNW. DORMAN, M.D., F.A.C.O.G. Homestead Home Health Care Services . ':; . ' 797-4596 . EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES • _ LUBBOCK RUTH RECTOR-WRIGHT, D.O., FAAFP. DAVID L. WRIGHT, D.O., FAAFP Diplomates, American Board Of Family Practice ance plans are accepted. The editors of this Medical & Professional Review of leading profeSSionals serving Hale county are pleased to fe.,ature and recommend DR. W.H. LANDERS, JR. to our readers and we commend him for the services he brings to our community. . . BO~~,r.~N Ms'i~~~JJ~'~NT WRIGHT FAMILY PRACTICE ASSOCIATES s4:oplc Sboulder & Knee Surgery. Arthroscopic Laser Surgery. Total Joint Replacement • Carpal Tunnel Surgery. tatest Technique For Artbroscopic lOJee 'Ugamellt Reconstruction. Office hours are Monday through Friday ·by appointment, and most insur- . LOCKNEY 652-30QO In 1984 the World. lIealth O~ganization Identified pain as a major hellith prohlem, but now we don t have to Izve wllh paUl lInr longer. Dr. Menard specializes in understanding and managing your pain lind 'IS recognized in the area of Pain Management. Through an m-depth evaluatIOn followed hy a variety of therapies lind techniques hiS patients are able to reduce or eliminate their pain. From pain related to cancer to arthritis and osteoporosIs; from shmgles pam to muscle or nen'e inflammation. Dr. Menard treats people whose lives are being devastated and dominllted hy pain. . Dr~ Menard sees patients through your physicians ' referral. So. ifvou are read)' to do more than Just ~alk about :your pam. have your physician refer you to this esteemed practice todav. The edllors of thiS Medical & Professional Review or the hest of Luhhock are pleased to feature and recommend Dr. Menard and we commend him for the services he brings to our community. A CONVENIENT DRIVE - AND LESS TRAFFIC TOO! 2222 W. 24TH ST., SUITE 3 PLAINVIEW ROSIE RENDON, ADMINISTRATOR rr-r-n OPTOMETRIST PLAINVIEW CONTACT: This reputable firm began servin!? our area in 1997 and must he commended Jor the service they bring our communitv. ProViding services to individuals with life limitinlJ. iJlnesses. HOSPICE HANDS OF WEST TEXAS offers patient and Jami(l' support with nursing care. chaplaincy ; _~ and socl.arworkasslstance. They will relzeve y.ou ormost of the worry' and l~- responslbllzty ". 'lIh theIr sympathetiC cooper.atlOn tlurUlg ho. urs of distress. .... '7" Their service IS available throughout Hale and surrounding counties and . ifyoll are avatlllhle to volunteer 1'0llr services to help thiS commendahle organization. plellse call 1-888-795-1212. They are state licensed and Medicare certified and lire on call ::4 hours a dav (or their clients. .. The editors of this Medical & Professional Review of West TexlIs are proud {o feature HOSPICE HANDS OF WEST TEXAS among the leadUlg professionals serVIng our /lale county readers. STEWART WEBB 601 W. 7tH ST. OPENING SOON!! (lnlorman" Identity Kept Confidential) S\\F 1'1 liS SEC 1'10\ ~en it comes to vision prov/~er that you choose. Now accepting applications for convenience store or restaurant employee positions. Applications are available at the New Deal City Hall Office. Advancement opportunities. CRIMESTOPPERS 1-800-299-8477 Dar Nig/IJ or 1999 \ I EDIC /\L Employment Opgortunities SPECIAL MEDICAL CORPORATE RATES The best in lodging accommodations! That's what people say who have experienced the delightful atmosphere. amenities and outstanding hospitality that's prOVided at LUBBOCK INN. Featuring The Windows Restaurant. Recovery Room Lounge. VIP Facilities. Meeting And Banquet Rooms For Up To 140 People • Swimming Pool • Cable TV And HBO • Complimentary Transportation. Near Texas Tecb And LCU Universities. This is one lodging . facility where the best in quality. hospitality and atmosphere is more than just a saying... it·s a pleasant reality. LUBBOCK INN demands that you be completely satisfied with your stay and their care and dedication shows it. We are pleased to feature and recommend LUBBOCK INN among the medicalp,rofessionals serving our area. 390119TH STREET LUBBOCK 792-5181 OR 1-800-545-8226 M 3 H CONSULTING MICHAEL mCKEY Being found on the Internet is essential to the success of any ' ENVIRONMENTAL AND MATERIAL RESOURCE CONSULTANT business and since ARNet has been serving the business comIt has been the opinion 0/ many people in the agricultural and business communities muniI}' of West Texas, they have demonstrated themselves as . throughout Hale County and su"ounding areas. that there is no more qualified environmental .. one of tne foremost internet providers in our area. ARNet deconsultant in the region. Mr. Hickey specializes in Soil. Water. Site Assessments. 0 . signs. sells and installs high-speed Internet and Intranet servMr. Hickey brings 15 years experience in his field and has the ability to get the job done ices. ARNet ~ffers: 24 X 7 Teeb Support. Multi-Homed T-3 Inte.-.et Backbone Connecand done right. Noted for fair rrices and a business-like policy. anyone in need of his services tion • 56KMOdem Support. ISDN Multi-Hnk • 56K To T-l Dedicated Co..neetlons • may contact him/or a re/e"a list of clients. because his work has always been his best rec~ Web Site Development. E-C9mmerce Development ARNet haS""n excellent reputation and we are happy to f~~ture and endorse them as our ommendaticm. The editors ofthis Medical & Professional Review %utstanding profeSSionals serving our in/ernet sertlice Drovider of choice. Call ~etfirst, Jor the best all~around value in commuarea are pleased to feature Michtlef Hickey ofM 3 H CONSULTING and we commend him n;c~lions ~odayr ,: . . . ' " for th.'e services he . ~.rin;.'S to our communities .. . ~~~~$;' ~;.::~, ::".> "~:911AgJl.t\~,NUJ;,,$UI1I! B l.UBBOCK 25u3 74TH ST•. LUBBOCK 748-7S92 . r,M:f~*; :·:j'f'-:' 7'r : i:i~<\; 'rl>' ·UfJ'. ,e mm;p"st ' ." Aiiikt) .' et . .