25 - The Unger Memorial Library
25 - The Unger Memorial Library
THE ABERNATHY r WEEKLY REVIEW VOLUME 81, NUMBER 42 ©2002 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2002, ABERNATHY, TEXAS 50 CENTS EIGHT PAGES, ONE SECTION Constitutional Amendment Election Nov. 5, 2002 Background Soon-to-be human beehive It's quiet now as Starlite Amusements began setting up their carnival for the second annual Octoberfest Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The main events are Saturday, b e ginning with a parade at 9:30 a.m. The In th e 2001 regula r sess ion, th e 77th Texas Legislature passed 20 joint resolutions propos ing constitutiona l amendments. Nineteen of those proposed amendments were offered for ra tification on the Nov. 6, 2001 , election ballot, an d the fin al proposed am endment is being offered for ratification on the Nov. 5, 2002, election ballot. Section 18, Article V, Texas Constitut ion , req uires each county , excluding Mills Coun ty, "Reagan County a nd Roberts County, to elect fro m one to eight constables, depending on the popul ation of the co un ty, for a fo ur-year term. The office of constable was abo li shed in t he coun ties of Mills, Reaga n and Robe rts by constitutiona l amendment in 1995. Section 17 , Articl e XVI, Texas Constitu tion, requires all officers, includi ng constables, to contin ue to pe rform their officia l duties until their successor is qua lifi ed. Al th ough commissioners courts are delegated the responsibility of' appoin ting a co nstable when a vacancy occurs, Texas Atto rney Genera l J ohn Cornyn in Op. Tex. Atty Gen. No. J C-0140 (1999) concluded that a commissioners court h as no enforceable du ty to fill a vacancy funhouse will be swarming with activity Thursday in t he offi ce of constable. and Friday after school and all day Saturda y. It is in the 700 block of Ave. E. (Photo by Judy Luce ) Arguments For: Kindergarten----------------------- 1. The proposed amendment would permi t each cou nty, actin g through its comm iss ioners court, to determine the need for a n ofli ce of constable on a local basis. Allowing the commissione rs court of the county to decla re an offi ce of constable in a precinct dormant would elimi nate the need for t he state legislatu re to address, in individua l counties, an iss ue th at is primarily a ma tter of local co ncern . Summer Durham & Ryan Lacy, Teacher Donna Pitcock Pitcock 2. The proposed a mendment is ca reful to prov ide for the eli mi nation of a constable's ofli ce only when the offi ce is clearly not needed. Counties tha t have found the oflice of constable unnecessary in certa in precincts would be permi tted to save money by declaring an offi ce of constable in a preci nct dormant only ifthe offi ce has not been fill ed by election or a ppointm ent for a t least seven consecutive years. Safeguards a re provided to ensure that the offi ce of co nstable is eli minated with due .discretion a nd to ensure that the offi ce may be re instated. The seven-yea r period allows for at least two election cycles to pass before the offi ce may be decla red dormant. In a ddition, the office may be reinstated by action of t he commissioners court or by the qu alified voters in the precinct . Octoberfest King & Queen Contestants Jace Powell & Mary Goble, Teacher Kathy Sanderson Logan Ke lly & Sarah Murphey, Teacher Connie Dipprcy Elijah Villegas & Alyssa Roys, Te ache r R e Gina Wi se Arguments Against: 1. The offi ce of constable is an elective offi ce. By permitting the elimination of the office, the proposed amendment removes from the voters of the coun ty a meas ure of contro l over certa in a ffa irs of coun ty government . Zachary Tovar & Me agan Palacios, Teache r Sam· mie Stephenson Ty Pugh & Callie Mendenhall, Teacher Gail Stanton Eric Lopez & Savannah Trevino, Teacher Tricia Pace Dru Lus t & M a dison Riley, Te ache r Jan Woodul 2nd Grade-------------------------------------------- 2. The proposed amendm ent is not broad enough because it does not address the issue of' a bolishing the ofli ce of constable in othe r approp riate ci rcumstances. Fo r exa mple, there may be cases in wh ich a precin ct has an elected constable, but there is not a su tl'icient workload to justi fy the otlice. Local voters and coun ty commissioners should be prov ided t he a uthority to eli mi nate the offi ce of an incumbent constable in a precinctifthe com mi ss ionerscourt determines that the most cost-efficient and effec ti ve mann er of address in g the needs of the county would be to e li minate the offi ce. Source: Texas Legislative Council Kade Grimsley & Taylor Grisham, Teacher Laura Ke lley John Hernandez & Marissa Cisneros, Ter.cher Martha Stark Zack Davis & Ashley Lopez, T~acher Denise. Christopher Secretary of State Explanatory Brief for HJR 2 Ty Lust & Caroline Owen, Teachet· Margaret Hamilton Photos by Alissa Oswalt Octoberfest Schedule of .Events 5 p.m. Zachary Grimsley & Brittany Braddock · Teachet• Kerri Bounds Rayce Savage & Taryn Ponce, Teacher Christy Nelson J'Dereck Cornelius & Haley Murphy, Teacher Pam Gibson Noon 5 p.m. Thursd a y Pancake S upper, Abern athy EMS building F1·iday Viewi ng of antiques, 8th St. & Ave. D Ham bu rger Cookout Abe rn athy EMS building HJR 2 would amend the co notitution to a ll ow the commiss ioners court of' a cou nty to declare t he offi ce of' constable dormant if that office has been vaca nt fo r at least seven consecutive years . The records of a constable offi ce that is declared dorma nt will be trans ferred to the co un ty clerk. Iftheoffice is dec lared dorma nt , t he previous officeholder does not co ntinue to hold the office. The office may not be fill ed by election or appoin tmen t unless the commi ssioners cou rt votes to reinstate t he offi ce or a majority of votes cast in an election neld on t he issue favor rei nsta tement. The rein statement election may be held if th e co mm issioners court on its own motion orders such an el~cti o n , or the reinstate ment election must be he ld if the co mmi ss i o n ~ rs court rece ives a petition signed by 10 percen t of the registered voters of the constable precinct. The proposition will appear on the ballot as follows: "The co nsti tut ional a mendment authoriz ing th e commi ss ioners court of a county to decla re the offi ce of consta ble in a precin ct to be dormant if the office has not been fill ed by election or a ppoin tment for a lengthy period and providing a proced ure for the rei nstatement of the offi ce." Saturday Line up for parade 1st St. & Ave. D 9:30 a.m. Parade, n orth on Ave. D 10 a .m. Flag ceremony at Abern athy ISD nag pole 10 a. m. Antique a uction, 8th S t . & Ave. D 9 a .m . Dillon Moats & Mariah Lope z, Tl!acher Vicki Teakell Austin Mendehall & Whitney Ford, Teacher Lea Ann Lust Jeremiah Trevino & Alyssa Rodriquez, Teacher LaRita Myatt 5th grade Dylan Lewis & Kristin Miller, Teacher Heather Smith Griffin Prater & Dezirey Cantu, Teacher Bambi Lutrick Gilbert Macias & Marina Montez, Teacher Rosi Montoya StarliteCarn iva l, Thursday & Friday after sch oo l; all day Saturday Vendor booths, a ll day Saturday Pumpkin paint ing contest, Saturday King-Queen contest, 5 p.m. Sa turday Ar 2 A.M •• , RoLL CLOCKS BACK ONE HOUR THE ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2002 PAGE 3 Depot Dispatch Obituaries The senior citizens center 'had 57 people come for games (bridge, dominos, pool) Wednesday. There were 8 carry-out trays. Bro. Gary Martin gave the invocation. The seniors remembered those listed as ill- Billy Skipper, home; Felicia Johnson, Covenant Lakeside. They express their sympathy to the family ofDouglas Barrett of Cotton Center, father ofHeilda Cannon. Monday is pot luck supper and game night. Blood pressure is taken every second Tuesday of the month. Caprock Community Action will return Nov. 12. The menu for Wednesday is stew, corn bread, pickle tray, dessert, tea and coffee. ' R.D. 'Douglas' Barrett as an M.P. in Japan. He was a membe r of First Baptist Church in Cotton Center and served on the school board there. He also served on the board of Cotton Center's Co-op Gin for many years. Survivors incl ude his wife; four daughters, Heilda Cannon ofAbernathy,Jody Rogers a nd Nancy Pope, both of Hale · Center, and Charlette Sageser of Possum Kingdom Lake; a brother, C.W. of Co tton Center; six sisters, Virginia Easley of Dumas, Josephine Shultz and Trudy Downe, bothofLubbock, Wand a Horsford of Hale Center, Faye Bartlett of Petersburg and Darlene Ashby of Cotton Center; 11 grandchildren; a nd 22 great-grandchildren. The family suggests memorials to the American Heart Association or the American Cancer Society . . Services for R.D. "Douglas" Barrett, 81, of Cotton Center were at 2 p.m. S aturday, Oct. 19, 2002, at First Baptist Church with the Rev. J.D. Te mpl eto n, pastor, officiating. Burial was in Parklawn Memorial Gardens in Plainview under the direction of Lemons Funeral Home ofPlainview. He died Thursday, Oct. 17, 7002. He was born Jan. 18, 1921, in Montague. He married Claudi ne Ragsdale on Jan. 7, 1940, in Muleshoe. He grew up in Earth and attended schools there. He moved to Cotton Center in 1936. He farmed for 40 years in the Cotton Ceo ter area before retiring in 1994. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, serving Charlie Sylvestor Pickard Abernathy EMS is sponsoring a blood drive from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday in the EMS building. , Before the holiday dash begins, Connie Hollinshead Community Relations Representative ofUnited Blood Ser~ vices, urged area residents to make time to save lives by donating blood. Locally it takes 155 blood donations each day to keep up with hospital patients' needs. Potential blood donors must be in good health, weigh at least 110 pounds and be at least 17 years old. To hopefully save on "waiting time", appointments are appreciated, but not necessary. Norma Stephens of the Abernathy EMS will take your appointment. Call her at 298-2376. All donors will receive a T;llhirt. P arents Billy and Brenda Hemandez (left) listen as LaManna Klafka, elem entary computer lab teacher, explains the Lexia Reading Program their daughter, Devan Garc ia, d e mon strates Monday during open ~;==~~============~;;:~ house. The la b has 23 computers purchased last sum- r mer with federa l funds. The program helps students with comp•·ehension, eye coordina tion, etc. Klafka has 160 students from fi r st through third grade and one fourth grade class. The program is individually s uited to eac h stud ent. Devan's brother, Noah, peeks Abernathy, Texas a round fii·st g.·ader Eric Lopes who is checking out his Abernathy Lubbock personal program. ! or All Your Farming Plains Grain Co., Inc. . report Ab erna th y po1ICe - - - - - -- --=--=:.________;:::.____ 10-6: Office r David Hegister . volved visible injuries . made seve ral I'CJlO l'tS for an Disordel'iy conduct charges early morningfracas inthe500 WCI'e levied Oct. 1 by two fe- ~\~~~f~s~1~ha~:~~~:~~~/Ji~~:~ Charlie Sylvestor Pickard Bagley ofLubbock, Vicki Smith of Austin a nd Shirley Britton of Atlanta, Ga.; seven nephews, Lenzi! Britton of Amarillo, Danny BrittonofDenton, J ames Scott Jr. of Oklahoma City, Okla., Eddie Scott and Charles Ray Scott both ofHouston , Kenneth Scott of Dallas, Larry Scott of Bloomington, Ill. , and numerous great-nieces and nephews. For obituary notices, please log on to www.abellfuneralhome.com dedy con duct(fightingl chai-ges (four in a11) between 1 a.m . and 1:30 a. m. All four reports were forward ed to Abern athy municipal Judge Hugh Hil l's court for di spositions. No arrests were made. 10-4: Register ,·es pondcd to a call in the 900 block of' 4th St. on the repo1·t of' a bu1·gla ry of a v~hi d e. A Sony brand CD player va lued at $200; 12" speakers va lu ed at $250; and speaker box va lu ed at $200 we re taken from a Ford pickup between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m. Entry was ga ined Lhrough a rear window tha t di splayed signs of forced entry. 9-24/10-1: Chi ei'Luis Vi ll a rreal a nd Officer Bi ll Burgess have been investigatin g alai ms of assaul t a nd disorderly co nduct for ove r a mont h. No a rrests ha ve bee n made. One repartee claimed class C assau lt by two you ng males at the Abern a thy school. Tha t case wen t to Judge Hill. A class A assa ult went to the Hale County District Attom ey' office. Th at case in This is the place RUBBER STAMPS 1\bcrnathy Weekly Review Check with us for fax and special print jobs males. Each woman filed com· ;~~:~!~;sg:i;st~:h:~~~z;: f~~ charges will be rev iewed by Judge Hil l. 298-2521 763-4868 FAX Service now available at the Abernathy Weekly Review 916 Ave. D 298-2033 BUSINESS REVIEW ¥ .,.. · . ,- ·'·~~l'Nen·f.'W' (USPS 003-340) All of the approximately 114,000 teachers being honored were selected by their former students who them- October is Clergy Appreciation month The members of First wise counseling. Thank you for your faithful Cynthia Christine Rogers and Joshua Cloud Skipper United Methodist Chruch would like to publicly honor all service and your tremendous clergy in the Abernathy com- contribution throughout our munity for their tireless com- comm unity. Let us all continue mitments, sacrificial dedica- to pray for our spiritual leadtion, spiritual teaching and e rs the year round. Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Neill announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Ruth, to Jeremy Shane Lawrence, son of ~ Mike and Renarda Harrell of Greensburg, Kan., and Brian and Joni Lawrence of Lawrence, Kan. Bill and Lianne Rogers of Azle announce t he engagement of The wedding is planned for Nov. 23, 2002, at the First Baptist th eir daughter, Cynthia Christine , to Joshua Cloud Skipper of Church in Abernathy. The bride is a graduate of Abernathy High School and Abernathy, son of David and Marilou Skipper of Abernathy. PRESENTS They plan to marry at 6:30p.m. Dec. 21, 2002, at Fellowship received her LVN from South Plains College. She is attending Amarillo College. She is employed by Prairie House Living Baptist Church, Saginaw. She is a 1999 graduate of Azle High School. She is a se nior Facility in Plainview. The bridegroom is a graduate of Greensburg High School in early childhood, elementary education major at Wayland Bap2002 Greensburg and Baker University in Baldwin City; Kan. , with tist University in Plainview. He is 1999 graduate of Abernathy High School an also a senior a BS in Biology. He is employed by Excel Corporation in at WBU. His major is music education, instrumental. Plainview. plan Saginaw wedding AHS twirlers qualify for state, AHS band receives first divisions The Abernathy High School band r eceived straight first divisions from the three-judge panel in the UIL Marching Contest last Saturday in Plainview. This year's show had a Texas theme. Selections included ''The Alamo", "How the West Was Won", "Green Leaves of Summer" and '~exas, Our Texas,. . "2002" Alma Gomez - Owner Outstanding breakfasts, satisfying lunches and man-sized meals are what they serve at THE OWL'S CAFE. This cheerful cafe is one of the local res idents' favorites when it comes to great eating and down-to-earth prices! Located at 601 South Main Street in Hale center, this is one cafe in the area which strives to make everyone, who comes in, feel welcome! You 'll always notice a smile and a friendly greeting M!hen you •·top In for coffee, a sandwich or a real meaL It's become the people's favorite for coffee break.• and greallunche.fl Families, too, like the courteous service and outstanding food that THE OWL'S CAFE specializes in. The management ins ists on a clean establishment and it shows! You'll always~ your meal more when you dine here! In writing this 2002 Fall Business Review we, the editors, would like to make special note of the high standards and the qual ity of the food offered by this well-known cafe. They tire both, in a word, the greatest! Rete,lane~ ***RE-ELECT*** ]UDGE BILL HOLLARS HALE COUNTY JUDGE Expe•·ienced and qualified to continue doing·tlte Job for You. A Voice for Us, aSpeaket · ·to, Texas 'Si' EARLY VOTING DATES: Oct. 21 -Nov. I GENERAL ELECTION: Nov. 5, 2002 Publishers A Leader we can be Proud of 2 1 TEXAS PRESS ~ASSOCIATION I Come Gy a.na taste our new Cine of syecia(ty fooaitems, ana el}joy a unique siloy_pina ex_penence liere at rTfie tMarket 1312 Qtve. 'D ?tbernath\t, tfx. 79311 J 806-298 -2020 ~~~;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;:::;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;:;:;;~A~ THE OWL'S CAFE Published weekly on Friday of each week, except first Friday after Christmas and one Friday during summer months, at the Abernathy Weekly Review office at 9 16 Avenue D. Mailing address: P.O. Drawer 160, Abernathy, Texas 793 11 -0160, MOVING? Send yo ur mailing label and correc tions to Abernathy Weekly Review, P.O. Drawer 160, Abernathy Texas 793 11 -0 160 ore-mail : awr@odsy. net. ·' SUBSCR IPTION RATES One-year Abernathy, all addresses . $20.00 All other one-year subsc riptions - $24.00 · Established in Nov~mbe r of 1921. Periodical postage paid ut ~;~\c ~.;>~~~~s Post Office, 80 1 Avenue D, Abernathy, Texas :y-.4"";~~ In addition to the first division received by the band , the AHS twirling line qualified for state with a first division on their twirling ensemble. Each solo also qualified for state competition in May. Members of the twirling line are KelliJohnson (head twirler), Camille McGuire, Kianna Blakes, and Carina Gonzalez. Memorial donations were recently received by Abernathy EMS. Contributors Darrell and Norma Stephens in memory of Clayton Enger, Me rle Enger & Family in memory of Clayton Enger Mail donations t o the AbernathyEmergencyMedica!Ser· vice, c/o Darrell Stephens, 1609 Ave. H, Abernathy 79311 or depositin special EMSaccounts at Secu rity Bank a nd First State Bank. Priday, October 25 10 a.m.- 5 y.m. Ret·iell' Seiviat'~IY1otally reSpofuib?'e]or tlte-cdiitints Of iliiS' i'&iion-:- SCOTT & JUDY LUCE PPA w ~bernatfiy tf'{ora{ 'Market P a(( :Extravanaa O_pen t]-{ouse (ISSN 0895-429 1) Notice to the Public: Any erroneous reOection upon the character, reputation or standing of any firm, indi vidual or corporation will be glad ly corrected upon being ca lled to the attention of the publisher. · ADVERTISING DEADLINE 4 PM TUESDAY POSTMASTER: Send address changes to the Abernathy Weekly Review, P.O. Drawer 160, Abernathy, Texas 793110160. . WTPA . .. . I selves are currently listed in Who's Who Among American High School Students or The National Dean's List@, publications which recognize five percent of the nation's high school and college students respectively. The stud ents were requested to nominate the one teacher from their entire academic career who "made a difference in their lives" by helping to shape their values, inspiring interest in a particular s ubj ect and/or challenging them to strive for excellence. Many of the students commented about the enth usiasm and knowledge their teachers demonstrated in the classroom and many praised their teache rs for the ability to relate to youngsters o'n a personal as well as a professional level. O'Neill, Lawrence set Abernathy ·ceremony Wayland Baptist seniors EMS donations *** THE ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW A select group of America's teachers are being honored by their toughest critics ... their former students, in the seventh edition of Who's Who Among America's Teachers, 2002. Local educators honored in Who's Who Among American Teachers, 2002 include: Abernathy lSD Janna K. Cunningham Bettie Shipma n Hardin Vicki Tcakell New Deal lSD Jimmie L. Exline Cynthia Jean Henderson Texas Tech Univ. Andy D. Herring Deborah Elizabet h House Holidays increase need for blood; local drive Monday at EMS office Jose Salomon Prayer se rvices for J ose Texan a nd had lived in Leve lSalomon, 85, ofLevelland were land since the 1950s. He was a Tuesday at Priemeda Igl esia farmer and worked for Hodges Bautista. Farms for many years. He was Services were Wednesday a Baptist min ister. at Pricmeda Iglesia Bautista with Frank Balderaz officiatSurvivors include five sons, ing. J oe Jr. of Levelland, Epefiano Burial was in the City of ofMichigan, Monico ofBi shop, Levelland Cemetery under the Salamon ofLubbock and Billie direction of Head Family Fu- Joe of Corpus Christi; three neral Home. daughters, Cicilia Balderaz of He died Oct. 19, 2002. New Deal, Mary Salomon of He was born Feb. 9, 1917, in Levell and and Isabel Lynn George town. He married MooreofBridgeCity;abrother, Fidela Martinez in 1938 in Vredhido of Bridge City; 32 Georgetown. She preceded him grandchildren; and 80 greatin death. He was a lifelong grandchildren. Services for Charlie Sylvester Pickard , 79, of Knox City, and form erly of Abernathy, were held Oct. 24, 2002, in the Bethel Baptist Church, Abernathy, with the Rev . Willie R. Bolton, pastor, officiating. Burial followed in the Abernathy Oddfellows Cemetery under the direction of Abell Funeral Home. , He.. was born on May 31, 1923, to Willie and Elvessis Pickard. He was raised in Calvert and lived in Houston before moving to Aberna thy in 1959, where he remained until 1982. He was living in Knox City at the time of his death. He was a Baptist. He was preceded in death by his parents a nd two sisters, Maude Pickard Britton a nd Velzora Picka rd Scott. He is survived by an aunt , Amanda Ea lleam of Port Arthur; three nieces, Gwen Best students name their best teachers Halloween Week parade 9 a.m.,AISD Abernathy at Hale Center 7:30 p.m. Region 1-AA Cross Country Meet, Lubbock 317 Main St. Abernathy, TX 79311 298-2551 Member FDIC · --~Pete ~~!!!Y 'CD -.... In the Texas House of Representatives, members have unanimously elected Pete Laney to be their presiding officer. As Speaker of the House, Pete Laney puts partisan politics aside in order to move Texas forward. For him, it's about doing what's best for Texas. He's created an atmosphere or cooperation in the State. Capitol that has inspired tru st and confidence in state government. When he became Speaker, the values that Pete Laney learned growing up on a farm near Hale Center - hard work, fairness and integrity - were his guiding principles. That's why for Pete Laney, representing the people or Texas means being the voice of the people. Having our State Representative as Speaker of the House gives our area a strong voice in Austin. Pete Laney is the right man at the right time doing his job the right way. Let's re-elect Pete Laney as State Representative. He 's a leader we can be proud of. Early Voting II OcL 21-NoiL 1; Election Day Ia TUesday, NolL 6. Pald Pot MY. .-n.eE. "P.te"LaneyCimpilfn,Rollle2,Boa115.HIItCenler,TX78G41 My name is judy Strickland and I'm You told me you are sick and tired of talk from ,liber;ils the Republican about the. need for a State Income Tax in order ·to· solv~ . ,, candidate for State the "so-called" budget. sh~rtfall. Representative here We won 't have a budget shortfall unless the legislatu~ in th e newly drawn convenes and passes. a budget that spends more than the state takes in. When elected,. I'll, never1vote for an House District 85. income tax, and I'll make sure we cut state spending . I've traveled all rather than raise your taxes. We can't spend, tax; or : across this district regulate our way to J)rOSperity. . .· and listened to the concerns of the ~roteding the Backbone of hardworking folks who live, work, and West Texas ··· raise their families You told '!'e that you want a Legislator who will fight to, here. You've told me bring jobs and oppo rtunities to West Te~as,'and .w~to will what you want from protect our precious private property and water rights. your next State Farming, ranching, and oil and gas ~~e lhe backbone of Representative and our West Texas economy; We ml.!st·p,rotecf.'ou! agriculture economy, strengthen the oil and gas , I've listened, and when I get to Austin industry, protect 'our private,'property.rig'hts,,and defe.nd our water. Water is the lifeblood of West Texas and we I'll continue to must protect it from the big cities seJfish deyelopers listen, because I'll who would deplete i ~. work 'for you-not the SPt!:.dallinllert!:sts. Strengthe'n ing . , ,·. ' Pu~lic Education ' > ,. . You told me you are sick and tired of unfunded mandates on our schools, mandates that force local districts to ' raise your property.taxes.. . , . school As an elected Member of the State Board.of Education, j have worked hard to ensure a quality education for all of our children, but that doesn't mean simply spending . more state mo!Jey or mandating lo~ districts to'~o so. i It does mean cutting red tape, restoring discipline and parental involvement, and letting teachers do what they· do best, and that is teach. · A proven conservative leader for West Texas. A new Representative for our new District. Campaign Hotline (806) 293-0726 www.judystrickland.com [email protected] Ct~mpaig n, TX 7'!072 PAGE 4 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25 , 2002 THE ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW TH E AB ERNATHY WEEKLY REVI EW, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2002 PAGE 5 AISD menu Oct. 2B·Nov. 1 Breakfast Menu MONDAY: juice, cereal, toast, milk TUESDAY: hash browns, sausage, biscuits, mil k WEDNESDAY: juice, pancak es, sy rup, milk THURSDAY: juice, cereal , roll, milk FRIDAY:j uice, peanut butter, toast, milk Lunch Menu MONDAY: BBQ on a bun , pickles, onions, French fries, cake, milk ' TUESDAY: chicken nugget s, mashed potatoes, green bea ns, rolls, fruit, milk WEDNESDAY: fi sh, mac ar oni a nd ch eese, blackeyed peas, cornbread, a pplesauce cup , milk THURSDAY: char burgers: sal ad, French fries, ice cream, milk FRIDAY: turke y and cheese sandwiches, lettuce, tomatoes, potato chips , peach cup, milk Oct. 28 Rachel Wilson Landon Lutrick Darren Engle Oct. 29 Lynn Neis Oct. 30 Erika Simpson Oct. 31 J erry Oswa lt Nov.l Jeff Oswalt Cory Sinklier Nancy Schaap . To add names for birthdays, anniversaries· or memorials, call 298-2033 by 4 p.m. Tuesday for that week's edition . Boy Scouts sell popcorn The Abernathy Jr. Basketball Association would like to thank the following spons ors for a successful s e a· son: Abell Flower Shop, Abernathy Consumers Fue l Assn., Abernathy Custom Paint, Abe rnathy Floral Market, ACL Farmers Coop, City Cleaners, First State Bank, Frontier Hybrids, Hi Plai~s Drilling, Inc., Hill Veterinary Service, King Pharmacy, Jerome Legreid II, M.D., Plains Grain Co., Inc., Clark Riley Insurance, Security Bank, Joe Thompson Implement, Vecchio's Restaurant and Wolflrrigation. Karen Davis Attention 1s t time buyers or investors - Cute 2 bdrm., 1 bath on nice street in Abcrnuthy. Cou ld be 3 bdnn. or office. Neat, well-kept property. Great landscaping & patio area. 611 5th St. Reduced $39,500 Justice Of Peace Pet. #~, Hale County Extension agent presents local ·Save Lowe's receipts; program; new officers elected help elementary school Abernathy Extension Edu· H a ppeni ngs; field trip to a wincation Associa tion Club met in ery; and the County Christthe home of Kay Taylor on m a s Event. Sept. 19 for a business meet· The report to Hale Co unty ing and program by Hale Co. EEA was 1,000 volunteer hours Exten s ion a g ent Deana from 1994 to 2002 for Ruth Sagesar on Crock Pot Meals. Naron and 427 vo lunteer hou rs New officers elected were from 2001 to 2002 lor Kay TayFaye Pope, president; Mona lor . Toler , vice- president; Ruth [f anyone has a n interest in Naron, secretary; Celia Miller , treasure r; Mae J ohn st on ; j oining this gro up of women, council representa t ive; a nd please contact any offi cer. Kay Taylor, reporter . The mission of the Texas A committee meeting will Extension Education Associabe announced on the feasi bil- tio n is to work with Texas Agity of the clu b presenting a r icult ura l Extension Service to Heroes program to the local s trengthen and enrich famielementary sch ool. Upcoming li es t hrough educa tion proactivities this yea r fo r the club g ra ms, leadershi p d eve lopwill be the Hal e Co. Holiday ment and community service. Fire forces Make-A-Wish to find new venue for event Each yea r , t he Lu bbock Mak e-A-Wi s h Fo undat ion bra nch holds its a nnual Fajita Fest to raise funds to grant wishes fo r children with lifeillnesses. This year's event, sponso red by Covenant Health System was sch ed ule d Sund ay at Kershn er's facility . The event was to feature celebrity waite rs includin g Mayor Marc McDougal ofLubbock and Lubbock Co tton Kin g players. Guests wo uld be able to eat fajitas; listen to live entertai nment; shop a sil ent a ucti on; a nd purchase a raffie ticket to win a Harley Dav idson Fat Boy motorcycle. An early morning fi re at the 4 BarK faci lity brought plans to a halt as Make A Wish staff sc rambled to fi nd a venue for t he weekend. Chuck Kershner had prov ided the fac ility to the Foundation as in-kind donat io n t o s upp ort the Fo u nda ti on's efforts in the South Plains Area. The 6th Ann ual F aj ita Fest wi ll be from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sun day Frazier Alumni Pavilion on the campus of Texas Tech University. Tickets lor the even t may be reserved in advance by calling t he Make-A-Wish F oundation office at 784-9474. Tickets can also be purchased at the P la ins Nat iona l B'ank Branc h a t Cove n ant's Medical Center Camp us or at the door . Tickets are $12 fo r adults and $5 fo r children 10 and under . Rock in R Steak Ho use fr om Abernathy will be cate ring the eve nt . buy educational items Abernathy E lementa ry School is proud to announce that they are saving register tapes for educa t ion a l equipment. Register tapes can be collect ed from any of the sponso ring Lowe's Mark etplace stores and redeemed toward valu able educationa l equipment such as com puters , sc ience, band or s ports equipmen t and more. . The progra m kicked off Sept. 1 and register tapes can be collected until Mar. 31, 2003. The students a nd facu lty of Abern athy E lementary School would appreciat e you r sup port by saving your register tapes from parti cipating Lowe's Marketplace stores in order to h elp them receive their needed equipment. Agent Phone: 239-7256 Office Phone: 793-0677 li:'' i!Km·~' Children have more need of of critics Joubert lliSoc<iiio"iii~·~T"i""i'mi.ii'i1i"illi5ti"i""i""i•i'' Tix'ii"l"•••·······models than -Joseph •=== - . -· .--._.,.... ;#-'- TEXAS STATEWIDE CLASSIFIED ADVElUISl:'OG :\'ETWORK riii=W ~ ~~ • - - y:'"' !!. === '=- .... ~. ----:.. ......'= --- ! _, _-~Jill'-.--... ,.,. - - , ~ ~! .....-.~ ~·-:.-----~~-~~='~~~-~,...~-~-~~--~-~~..,~~~~-~~ll~~,~~~~-~!ll.~~ TexSCANWeekof October 20,2002 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY DRIVER·TRUCKLOADDRJV- HELP WANTED LIQUIDATION SALE - s E RS." S IOOO _Sign-on bonus. For SALES. SA LES MA NAGERS ac u :s - $24 ,9 0_0 . Top of hi l l expen; nced dri~ers: Up~~ 42 cents_ One o r the highest pai d jobs co un try. Secu ut y fence d an d ~eal~~;;~r;ut~v~~:: in ~ m~rica. Hi gh~- ~~ucc_ess~l ~~je0~~ 5 p:;~: tla~~~ ;;;~~~- ~L~ ~c!:;':.~~~u:!-a'!'!. :~~~:i~~ :;;a':~:~e~t~. g::,noo:, r:8"'i;!n~i5~ ~Z s~~~~cs~ ri;~- Abernathy 'vide receiv e r Nick Bowc stretch es his 6-7 frame to the limit for a fourt h lnbulor 7am·'7~~- ev~ryday. Studeots I -SOO-JZZ- 4103 • v~nc,mm Corp . do w n . Ow ner must se ll ! C:rd l 41/2 YEARS NONE Judge Self was U(lpointed Judge by then Gov. W. Bush in Feb. 1998 and ·~ Tex.as. $16K m~esunen1. mwaltingroryou!A"mge SI.OO+ sale now! G al. $ 249 _ SL. N~W MEXI CO MOUNby ca.~. ger. free TAINS . 140 Acre s - 0JIIy age restnc uon on tractors. Fl atDed uppli cato r, free delivery. 1-800 -$49 ,900 . Go rg eou s g rass la nds , ~~~~~~~~5 •; IO days.Gift Trunk, per mile .. T~Icrs/tng s availabl e. No $299. OnJer 8 OSEN PLAINVIEW'S BEST JUDGE 1998, 1999, 2000 w~:;,tnJ~~~i;,~~=a : s~:. FJr:~<JtsL ;;w:,~~·GasUpUSA.com $$CASH$$. IMMEDIATE CASH CHOSEN PLAINVIEW'S BEST LAWYER MILITARY SERVICE The Abernathy office of Dr. David O'Hara CRIMINAL RECORD REAL ESTATE ~~n::;:~;.a l ~:~~s~~ia;~e ~~~:~ DRIVE RS WANTED for structured x ttk:mcnts, annu ities, COLORADO RANCH SAL E. 35 w on ' t l ast. SW Pro pe rt ies o f ::-:":::.=:,:-::::.=::=::..:_:=--, realeslatenotes. pi\'alemo-tgagenop, acres- $!5 9,000 . Ma&nilicent moun- N M , Inc. , 1-866-3.50 -.5263 . ~~~;~!=~ ~~~~~p~c~:·~~;. ~~~~~~ =~:~;J~~p cot- :~p:~~~~:sp7~~-s~~:g~~: ~en!:: :o~;;;~i~il~; :;~rd~i;:i;~-A~ruc~- NEVER A JUDGE smal BI cpm Owoc:rKl~~- 1 - 800 · 45 4- 2887 • lecti on call s. Cu t fin ance charges. vmu a ll y surroun d~d hy •fe dc ra l dam tu rkey, quail, game. Amold Tr.msponauon. Cut payrnents up to SO%. Deb t con- lands. Nearby Tel Iunde. Must see! Good access. More acreage DRIVER· COVENANT TRANS- soli dation. Fast approval. No credit Good ternu . Ca ll Colorado Land & av ail able . E -Z te rm s. Ca ll PORT · Leader in miles 9 )'Cars in a ched:. Avoi d bankru ptcy. National Ranches, 1-86 6 -J!i3 ·48 09. 1-866-899 -.5263, Tcxu Land & LAKE LOT SACRIFlCE · S Ranches. row. Now hiri ng ex perience d teams, Consolidators, 1-800· 270..9894. TEXAS LEGAL EXPERIENCE :~~nel suppli es - Vaccines- Wonn- [~~1n:0 ;~a0~~ea:~v:~:.c ~~j~!~~~- DRIV ER_- COMPANY & Owner/ occidcm ~,andinsW"IlD:CJXIYO.IIs. J. tain ranch at 8,000' e levati on. Mlx 100 AC RES • $39,900. Trophy 1998 ~~~:s~~a:n:;s·c~~;:e~?~~~~~~;: 34 YEARS .Judge S ell' wus licensed by the SUitt! or Texas on Scpl. 16, 1968 1993 6 YEARS Eric Will ord wus lice nsed in Tcxns on AprJ\ 30, 1996 NEVER CHOSEN FOR SALE ~;:::rt~ $~~~~~~;~ !e~:~i~~~ela:r~- '='zo:::AC::CC:'R::CEs:-:.R:-::E::::T::: W::-: E~:::::N""M-:-.'-'"-" MORB PAY (1- 888-667-3729) SAWMILL $3895 . NEW S uper vale Jake. Perfec t geta way, retireDRIV ER S-NO ~ Xl' E RIENCE? Lurnbermntc 2000. Large r ca pac i· mcn t. horse p roperty. Wor ld class Low or no cos t CDLTminlng avai l· ti es, more options . Man ufu.cturer tishing. G ated e nlrance. Surveyed. able . Mea ls, lodging and lr.tnsporta· o f saw mills, edg~ n and skJ ddcr_s. Low $ down. Won'tlasti .Caii Texas lion provided . Tuition rei mbune· No_r wood Sawmil ls, 252 Son wr! Land & Ranc hes, 1-&88-676-.52.53. mc nl $ 1000 bonus . O"fR, Regiona l, Onvc, Buffa lo, NY 14'225. I-SUO - LAND BARG AIN: BEAUTIFUL Dcdicatcdfrcight. SwiftTnuuporta· 578 · 1363 · Ex l. J OO- N. N.E. Texas pi ney wood ac reage. and ~u .n c iL o n . G r~at vJc w s, e lect u c aty, sa nd y so1 1. shal lo w we ll wa ter, goo d tree cove r. $210 6 d ow n, $ 2S 1/ mo_nth . TX V ET . Ra nc h E111e rpr1 ses . I -800-876-9720 . , RESORTSNACATJONS 2 ~;~::-. ~~~~~-AMERJCAN ~~~~ ~~ ~;~:.s~2~~0~ ...~~~~eJ. ~;:~;: !;~~ 9a;, ~~~~e;et:~!e~~~ P~NAMA C ITY BEAC H . Sand 24 h ours • ~PW. and Lakes, 1-800-707-8988. ~j9e~-~~~ll~::sons~~~~~e ;:~~~-~ ~ao ~ n.es has openings in Logistics, 374 -08.5_3. 4 1/2 YEARS US ARMY, CAPTAIN, JUDG E ADVOCATE GENERAL'S CORPS (LEGAL BRANCH) 11/2 YEARS AIR FORCE ARMY COMM ENDATION MEDAL, NATIONAL DEFENSE SERVICE MEDAL, HONORABL E DISCHARGE PRESIDENT, HALE COUN TY BAR ASSOCfATIO N, PRESIDENT, I'LAINVI EW ROTARY CLUB DISTRICT GOVERNOR, ROTARY INTERNATIONAL, UNITED WAY, WAYLAND LIBRARY FUND DRIV E, CHAMBER OF COMM ERCE, INDUSTRIAL FOUNDATION, DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION NONE VOTE NOVEMBER 5 Early Voting Ends Nov. 1 ??'! ???????? Spectil hz:cd Truckload.' ~nd llouse - WOLFF T~NING D ED S ·A fford- MUI,E DEER: 513-t- acrts east llf hoid Goods fleets. M1n1mum o f 6 able , Convenr~nt- Tan :u home. Pay. Sandcrson. Not f<J" thc tendetfoot.L..arge monlhs O l 'R experience re~u i red. mcnts from S2S/month . Free color canyons. $4.500 down. $882l001Xhly. Tracto r l ~ase/p urchase availabl e. catalog.Call today, l -800-842-1 30.5, Ranch Entcrprites, 1·866-286-01 99, 1-8 00-348-2 147, Dept. TXS . w ww.np.etstan.com www. wes tt x. lan d.com Cafeteria - 242 Elementa ry Library - 243 High School Library - 234 Band Hall - 244 Field House - 250 Boys Basketball Office -252 Girls Basketball Office - 225 Practi ce Facility - 257 Eric Wi llard admiucd that he hud used and possessed marihuana o n mo re than one occasion, hud been ubsc rll wi tho ut leave H.S. Lounge - 229 H.S. Science Lab - 340 H.S. Workroom - 224 J.H. Lounge - 335 KIDS Bldg . - 245 from th e A ir Force 011 more tha n one occasion. am.l hud been co nviciCd o f sho plifting in an article wri tte n by him in Hale Cou niy", dated WE MUST PRESERVE OUR TUSTICE SYSTEMJudge Self believes in our system of justice and juries. Eric Willard does not, calling our system of justice "d ecay :~g". "The Obser~e r of Hale County". F~b 8, 2002. Eric Willard does not believe in our jury system, saymg By and Iarge ...Junes ... find defendants guilty regardless ofthe quantity or qualitv ofthe evidence." The Observer of Hale County. June l , 200 1. EA21 ~!.!f!!BEBSi Administration: 298-2400 High School: 29B-4653 Registrar: 298-4181 Jr. High: 29B-4775 HONDA: 298-4216 CHOOSE A PROVEN JUDGE l•d . Po l. Ad . Ca mpaign t«;» Re -el ecl Judg e Se lf, J>on Di ckson , 'freas. , ISO I W . Sth St., J•J alnvl ew, TX 79072 (19) Floyd ada a t. Lock ney 6-AA West Tcxm; at Cnnm.lin n (2) Amarillo Hi ghl and P a r k at Doys Ra nch nt Spearman {43) Sa nfo rd -F' ri tdi Ope n 7-AA Nocon a at Electra (30) Seymour at Henrietta (16) Wichilt~ Fal ls C ity View at Holliday (1 2) (49) Qu anah at Ol ney 'l'J;~o at Fort Hancock (1 ) Anthony at Marfa (36) Alpine at Van Horn Haskell at Anso n (26) Stam (ord at Cisco (8 ) (6) Eastland nl Haw ley (37) 2-AA (51) Ozona at Grape Cre ek E ldorado at Hcngnn County (32) (7) Wall at Sonora 3-AA Seagraves at Colorado City ( 13) Sta n tun a L Crane (39) ( 16) Coahoma a t F'ors nn (30) Sha llowater a t New Dea l www.s ande iperbeacon.co m (6) Idalou at Post 4-AA ~~~enc":n~:~~~;~~~~\30) B lu e Rid ge at Tom Bea n ( t O) 14-AA Pa nhandle (23) www.collicr-s ho rp.com of Coll icr·Sharp Football report, 0 4 ) \Vhit.ew ri g ht at. Annn S&S Consol id ated at Howe (16) (21) Bells at Leonard 8- AA (33) Cole man at Gol dthw aite Bangs at Jim Ned (22) W inters nt Sa n Sabn 10-AA Dub lin at Clilton (18) De Leon at Hami lton ( 15) Crawford at Hico ( ll) 11-AA (1 4) Jacksboro at Lloyd (29) Paradise Scu rry ~ Ro sser (16) . nt. Grand S;lline (2) Rd gewum.l ~~t L one Oak Caddo Mills at Qu itman (1 1) 15-AA (35) Grandview at Bloo ming Grove May pearl at Ita ly (G) (20} Rio Vis ta at Pa lmer 16-AA Cayuga at Frankston (36) Corsica na Mildred at l<erC!ns 9·AA (J 2) Alb a-Go ld en at Como· Pickton (53) at Chi co Alvord at Mi llsap (20) 12-AA (S) Ga ines \•i ll c Ca llis burg nt Ar gyle . <a6) Gu nte r nl. Aubrey (5) Valley View aL Prosper 13-AA (41) (2) 1\>lalnko\T'Cross Roods at Mnlako \T 17-A/\ (3) P a ris Chisu m at Cla rk sville Cooper at Honey G!'ove (5) P rair il n n d Open 18-AA (7) Lin den·Ki ld a rc at H ughes Sp ri ngs Hooks at Paul Pew itt (3) (60) De Kalb at Hedwnter 19-AA Haw ki ns at Bi g: Srmdy ( l3) Ore City nt Gilmer Harm o ny (2 4) (17) New Diana at Winom1 2002 - 200:3 Voic!e. Ma.i.l.b~ Nwnbets ami. ~K.tensiMis POSSESSION AND USE OF MARIHUANA, AWOL FROM AIR FORCE, SHOPLIFTING RE-ELECT JUDGE ,ED SELF 242nd Judicial District Games are arranged by home tcnm whenever known . The team w it h the pare n theses is the favorite. (E) indica tes the teams arc even, no favo rite. (NP ) meo n s the ga me is not p ic ked . {NL) mean s t h e fnvor·itc is picked by more than 60 points. Preseason rankings apply to th esu picks . Picks are furni s hed courtesy WID. ' ootb a )) report ---------- .C 1 To contact employees of Abernathy lSD, use these extension numbers Elementary - 240 Jr. High - 230 High School - 222 Dec. 2 1, 2001 c 0 ))•Ier- Sharp Tahoka at Lubbock Hoosevolt NanCE: While mosl advertisers are repulable, we cannot guarantee products or serviru advertised. We urge readers !o use caution and when in doubt, conlacl the Texas At!omey General atl-800-621-0508 or the Federnl Trude Commission atl-877-FfC-HELP. (22) 5-AA MAIN N MBERS: Administration - 270 Business Office - 274 ''The Observer of Floydada h e ld off the Ante lop e I ally for a 28-21 D1str1ct 5·AA M o n .• FR E E nig h t. Re s tricti ons). Pooh, river ride . p a r asailing , Jacuz:zi, su iteS , b ar. 1-80 0 -488-8828 . Call this Newspaper to Advertise Statewide or Regionally, or Call512·477-6755. FAin THEATER BOARD PRESIDENT, WRITER'S GUILD qua rter Rya n Bufe p a ss . This attempt grazed his fin gertips incomple te. Two plays ~~~~;:;~:~"'::~~~e~!'':::~-:';;';~:;";;:;~';;,';:'~~DS IVE~~~~~~N -On ~-';8';_;6•;_~ 5~tanches now, la ter, Bowe snagged a 19-yard~r, se tting up Ja~·ed.Brock's l~yard TD at 1:05. INDEPENDENT IU:l'SNEEDEI)! cxperieoce n:quhed. CRST, Slaeey 344-6337. L.ambriarAnimal Hcallh. ".''' ""tree cov.er, 6,300' elev a· Exce ll ent benefit.s nx:ludmg med1cal or Randy: 1-800-6 11-3763. www.Lambri nrVetSupply.co m, t•on . Moun tai n vsews, yea r- EASJUDGE High rise 111 WHO IS YOUR CHOICE FOR ruDGE? COMPARE- ANNOUNCEMENT moved to our · other location at 4415 66th St., Suite 110 Lubbock 806-795-4443 Nan Riley Pol. M Pd. ~ Committoa to Ra-oiool Judge Karen Davis. Justi::e d the Poace Pel. 3, Hale Co.mty, Karen Davis, 009 OWN YOUR OWN Retail Store. ilblc CIVIC INVOLVEMENT All records will be I would appreciate your continued support in the Nov. 5 General Election. ******* Nice tozy home with fircJJiace & beautiful built-Ins in ramUy ronm. New wute r hea ter & exterior paint. Corner Jot on nice street close to sc hools. l'rcll)' fr ont ya rd with big shade tree & large backyard with storage building. Gre at for 1st time buyer or so meone wa nting to downsize. 3bedroo m, l .S buth, 2-c:nr gnragc. $69,900 RE-'E LECT JUDGE ED SELF AWARDS AND DISCHARGE located at 410 lOth St., Abernathy Will be closing as of Oct. 31, 2002. Abernathy Boy Scou ts are conducting a fundraiser from now until Nov. 12. The scouts are taking orders for popcorn. Deliveries wi II be made between Nov. 23 and Nov. 30. In li eu of contacting a scout, call Diana Grim sley at 298-2918. *Judge* I I EXTENSIONS Knight,Sanders- 244 Bartley, Nelda - 25B Loper, D. - 270 Berry, N. - 342 Lopez, L. - 221 Bradley, C. - 336 Bufe, H. - 231 McBee, D. - 274 Mills, F.- 240 Bufe, L. - 275 Milner, B. - 233 Butcher, J. - 235 Moreno, R. - 227 Carter, C. - 234 Oliver, N. - 337 Cecil, C. - 242 Cunningham, A. - 246 0swalt, s. - 253 Parrish, J_- 256 Cunningham, A. - 249 Pugh, G. - 223 Dixon, J. - 262 Revilla, Riddles - 236 Dunn, C. - 247 Robertson, K. - 272 Ellis, S. - 222 Sexton, D. - 250 Engle, s. - ;!39 Sexton, K. - 265 Etchison, G. - 263 Shannon, J. - 264 Etchison, T. J.- 341 Skipper, c. - 243 Fair, 5. · 259 Skipper, M. -232 Flynn, K. - 254 Stillwell, W. - 260 Garcia, A. - 266 Walker, J. - 248 Gardenhire, S. - 261 Webb, B. - 230 Holt, J.- 343 Woods, J. - 333 Hoover, M. - 241 Youngblood, H. - 271 Horsford, L. - 267 Younqblood R. -226 Kelley,' G. -255 I:IQI!It!A'IiD!l~ llln!Jm.llnn: 298-5223 298-5232 29B-5233 298-5236 llV & Fax: 29B-2317 Bus Barn: 298-27B8 *To Transfer Calls: Press Feature 986 and then mailbox number. • To leave a message: Press Feature 980 and then mailbox number. *Revised 10-09-2002 Ambrose, A. - 517 Aragon, F. - 490 Aragon, J. - 491 Attebury, M. - 483 !larton, D. - 402 Benton, E. - 492 Benton, R. - 436 Bernstein, S. - 422 Betancur, P. - 493 Blanco, S. - 403 Bounds, K. - 438 Brightbill, P. - 439 Bryant, D. - 404 Buckley, B. - 441 Burns, D. - 506 Burns, J. - 405 Cagle, B. - 407 Chambers, S. - 440 Christopher, D. - 465 Crisler, K. - 421 Davis, J. - 423 Davis, T. - 408 DeAnda, J. - 442 Dipprey, C. - 443 Dominguez, C. - 500 Dunn, S. - 424 Elam, J.- 501 Farr, B. - 409 Fenton, J. - 410 Garcia, E. - 445 Garcia, R. - 515 Gardner, B. - 482 Gen.Delivery -100 Gibson , P. - 446 Gon2ales, L. - 516 Gonzales, S. - 411 Grady, L- 484 Grimsley, B. - 494 MAILBOXES Guerrant, B. - 425 Hamilton, M. - 447 Hand, K. - 502 Hardin, B. - 412 Harkey, B.- 514 Harkey, L. - 426 Harkey, M. - 448 Ha rrison, A. - 413 Hefl ey, H. - 427 Hood, J. 485 Houston, L. - 51 1 John, s. - 414 Johnso n, J. - 449 Johnso n, S. - 450 Kelley, L. · 468 Kelley, R. - 415 Kemp, K. - 416 Klafka, L. - 512 Knight, A. - 417 Knight, M. - 520 Lambert, L. - 513 Lopez, F. - 4B6 Luce, J. - 418 Lust, L. - 453 Lutrick, B. - 454 Martinez, D. - 495 Matthews, L. - 505 McKinney, R. - 419 Middleton, S. - 455 Minor, R. - 496 Montoya, R. - 420 Myatt, L.- 456 Navarro, R. - 457 Nelson, C. - 458 Norri s, F. - 459 Olivas, M. - 487 Oswalt, A. • 460 Pace, T. - 461 Pearson, L. - 401 Pena, A. - 519 Perez, L. - 463 Perez, M. - 428 Pitcock, D. - 464 Quinn, B. - 462 Revilla , J. - 507 Riddles, L. - 508 Rieken, M. - 43 1 Ril ey, T. - 432 Ril ey, w.- 509 Russell, G. - 466 Sand er, Keith - 521 Sand erso n, K. - 467 Saucedo, J. - 497 Sexton, D. - 518 Smith, H. - 469 Sta nton, G.- 471 Stark, M. - 472 Stephens, D. - 488 Stephenson, S. - 473 Tarin, M.- 498 Teakell, V. - 474 Thomas, T. - 437 Thompson, L. • 433 Todd, s. - 475 Torrez, H. - 489 Turner, D. - 429 Uribe, M. - 499 Vandygriff, C. - 476 Villegas, A. - 477 Voigt, M. - 47B Waits, L. - 434 White, M. - 435 Williamson, H. -427 Wise, R. - 480 Woodu\, J. - 481 Solutions For Rll Your Insuranl:e Deeds Not satisfied by your current coveraue? Paying too much for ytnll' present pollcy? Lei our experts SU!llJest a battar plan! Trusl us wtth all yDur insurance naeda • Cars/Boals/RVs • Homecwners!Henter~ondos/ Co-ops • Universal & Term Life Insurance • Buslness & Property • Workman's Compensation & Dlsabtlliy • Package Policies Call us today for a free, no-cbl!gatlon consultation. CARY MOKMlNO li! ASSOCIATES 298-2529 PAGE 6 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2002 THE ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW Abernathy Antelope Seniors HAVE YOU· COMPARED LATELY? FOR GREAT RATES AND PROTECTION IN THE ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25. 2002 PAGE 7 Weekly Review Classifieds Deadline For News & Ads Thesday-4 P.M. 298-2033 LIFE INSURANCE Teacher needed at The Learning Tree. 298-2151 or come by 801 Ave. F . (25-ltb) Thrnovers blow Whirlwinds by AHS Need motivated individual with mechanical aptitude. Con t\lctCullen Johnson Equipment & Auction at 298-4607. (rts ). Antelopes look to move up to tie Olton's record with win tonight By Scott Luce Rack up a nothe r bas h ed oppo n e n t that escapes with a Dis trict 5 -AA win. Floydada , by some es ti mates , w as a 25-point favor ite over v is iting Aberna thy last Friday. The Whirlwinds took a dv antage of a n An t elope fumble early in the fourth. They drove 52 yards for a touchdown a!'d 28-21 win . Abe rn athy ser ved notice early tha t it had come to play. The Lopes scored on a six-pl ay series to open the game. Jared Brock covered the last 12 yards of the 5 8-ya rd drive a t 9:52. Hugo Martinez' extra point was good for a 7-0 lead . Broc k led a ll rushers with 211 yards on 32 car ries. The Lope defense rose to the o ccasion, st opping Floydada on a fourth a nd 6 a t th e AHS26. Abe rn athy's offense did not kick into gear on its second pos s e ss ion of the g am e . S te phe n La r a cam e in for his only punt of the nigh t. His 11yard boo t gave the Winds good .field p osition a t their 39. S even r ush ing plays la te r , Floyd a d a s howed why it mig ht be con s ide red a heavy favorite with a n 18 -yard to uchdown by Andrew A rvizu on fourth and 2. Quarte rback Tyler Helm's PAT kick easily cleared the uprig hts, tiei ng the score a t 7 with 1:2 3 left in the fi rst. Abe rna thy m a inta ined posses s ion in to the second qua rte r , driv ing to Floydada's 20 . Coach D e way ne Sexton opted for a M a rtinez fi eld goal a tte mpt on fourth and 6 . It was high e nough but fell short. Floydada used up three m inu tes, cov e ring 80 yards for the go-ah ead s core. Helms wa rmed up the Winds' passing threat, hitting Brady Rai n water for pass completions of 3 a nd 3 5 yards . The 35-yard r ece ption set up Du s tin Covington 's 4ya rd TD a t 4:04. Helms aga in was p e rfect on the PAT kick. Abe rna thy had two m or e dr iv es. Th e fi r s t wen t to Floydada's 22 where Brock h ad the ball knock ed into the a ir on a thir d a n d 1 pl ay. The Whirlwind s returned nath y used 6: 22 to cover 91 the fa vor, fumblin g back to yards . Bufe completed 6-8 passes for 56 yard s a nd Brock AHS two p la ys la t e r. Ryan Bufe hit Brock for a 5- ru s h ed for 38 ya rd s . T hat yard scr ee n pass to Floyda da 's equa ls mor e th a n 91 yards be26 . Protection broke down on cause Abe rn a thy h ad too m a ny the n ext pla y a nd Bufe wa s me n on the fi e ld for th e first sa ck ed for a 6-ya rd loss. The play. The driveactuallystarted Lop es we nt for it on fourth and from the 4. Ma rtinez tri ed a n onside 6 bu t Bufe's p a ss to Chris kick off bu t Floyda d a cove red Shor te r was inte rcepted. It was r e turned 45 yards it a t its 43. H el m s ran ou t the a nd followed by a n 18-yard run clock with knee l-d owns. "It would h a ve bee n a great by Gerald H e nderson . Time expired before H e lms could try ga m e if we h ad won," Sexton a s h ot into th e end zone from said . "It was a goo d hi gh sch ool footba ll game. It was two pre tty Abe rnathy's 27 . Roma n Ramirez h ad a big eve nly m a tch ed tea m s. "W e knew we n eed ed to win quarter for the Lopes, catching four passes for 52 y ards. tha t game. We h a d a couple of tur novers that hurt us . We H e finished with 81 yards on we r e n 't rea l effi cie nt in the red fiv e rece ptions . The Lop es s toppe d the zone. Winds' second h a lf-opening "They h a d some rea lly ta ldrive h ear midfield , forcing e n ted r unning back s a n d tha t Floydada's only punt of the bigphysicallin e. Wegaveaway game. H elms' kick was downed a lot of size but o ur guys did a good job a ga in st t h e m ." at the AHS 7 a t 9:18. Over t h e next 11 p lays, Ab- Abernathy Floydada e rna thy did not face a third 21 First Downs 15 down. Brock carried a ll but 44-223 Rushing 38-212 two runs . H a rkey ha d rus h es 158 Passing 95 of 3 and 8 yards. The Lop es 381 Total Yards 307 had a first a nd goa l on the FHS 14-22-1Passes Comp/AtVInt 4-6-0 2 wh e n the Whir lwinds earned 3-1 Fumbles/Lost 2-1 t he ir only fl a gofthe ga me. The 1-11 Punts/Avg. 1-40 offs ides penalty could on ly go 3-15 Penalties 1-1 h alf th e dis t a nce (1 yard). Bufe 1 2 3 T k e p t it for the score a nd Ma r- Aber 7 7 0 21 tinez' PAT kick tied the game Flydn 7 7 7 28 a t 14 w ith 3:34l eft in the third Olton at Abet·nathy period. Looking a t the Di strict 5Floyd a d a s cored quickly from its 3 0. On third and 5 , AA standings fin ds Abern ath y H elm s found Rainwa ter be- looki ng up at this week's ch a lhind the Lope secondary for a le nge. By vi r t u e of a 20- 14 w in 50-yard comple tion. It was his la s t but en ough yarda ge to over H a le Ce nte r on the Owls' push him p ast Ramire z with h ome field , the Olton Mustan gs a n 8 8-ya rd t ot a l. I t a lso s et up a r e 1-1 a n d looking d own a t Hend e r s on 's 15-yard TD . the 0-2 An te lopes. "T h ey a r e playing with a lot H elms' PATkick putFHS back up 2 1-14 a t 1:43. of confiden ce rig h t n ow," SexShorte r 's 16-ya rd kickoff ton s aid. "T h ey a re the mos t r eturn gave the Lopes 62ya rds improved tea m in the di strict. to cover for the tieing score. I t A lot of people a re sayi ng tha t ." And tha t 's w ithout the se rdied on the s econd play of the fourth a nd Brock's second lost vicesof5 -11, 160-pound senior fumble of the ga m e. The fumble S a wyer Perry . An a ll-dist rict led to Fl oydada's last TD a nd playe r s ince h e w as a soph o14 p oi nts of breathing roo m . more , P err y h as been ou t wi th H e lm's boot ed a 60-yard a le g injury s uffe red showi ng kickoff that was retu rned 9 livestock last summer . yards by De r e k Brown. Abe rCoach Sexton s till h as some p layers k ey ed t o w a tch . Most promintmt would be sophomore qua rterback Dus tin Synatschk (6-0, 160). "H e does a r e ally good job · for them . H e's g ot a good a r m a n d throws t h e lo n g ba ll well. They use (D a vid ) Pha res (so., 5-10, 160) in a lot of different w ays. He's th eir primary outsid e threat. Tra y Johnson (sr ., 160) is t a ll , 6 -2 . H e has good s peed . "(Mich ael) Vill a nueva Ur., 5-7 , 170) is the ir middle lineback e r and fullback. H e's a h a nd f\111 ; W e saw h im on film. H e dragged t a ckle r s 12 ya rds. T hey t ry to prot ect him on d efe nse to ge t him free to m a k e t ackles. On offe n se, they get hi m the ba ll a lot of d itfere nt w a ys. "Th ey ar e n ot a whole lot bigger tha n we a re. We 'll match u p d ece nt with the m. The y don't h a ve a ny m or e s peed than we do except in a couple of ~ELF ~TORACE, RV'g, 80ATg, ETf! ... oe;gMJIJMJGJ ••~ JJ 1400 at,QJ(/8 M, S5eB~¥1J¢~. 8-D. •5x5•10x10•10x20• 6 p.m., Tuesday Abernathy High School Gym Public is invited The fa?'lil_y ofT. J . .. Red" Attebury would like to express their sincere a~pre c 1a.hon to a ll of the fami ly a nd friends who offe red their prayers, friendship and support during this difficult time. Specia l thanks to all of those who brough t food, flowe rs a nd other items to the house 1 church a nd funeral home. We a ppreciate all who made charitable d onations in m em~ ry of Red. A special thanks to Joel Perez, Jimmy McGuire, John Lowne and the Community Choir for their help with the service. Than ks to a ll ofthe ladies who helped with the meal before the service Todd Abell was a great comfort and did a won derful job with the service. The escort by the Abernathy Police Department was also appreciated. May the Lord bless each of you. Need some extra cash? 25 po- Sue Att~bury, John, Sandi, Megan and Kyle Attebury, Bryan, Amy, Br•ttany and Jacob Attebury sitions available, 15 full-t ime, '-;~~~~;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;::~r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 117 i::'.::'!!::':,~i'"- "~ f Redbud Boutique Personal Ill Lot for Sale I ========-.1..1- I.!. Clothing Clearance 49 cents, 99 cents, $1.99 October 28th November 2nd Open 10 am-5:30pm. :Redbud Center 1102 Slide Rd . Ste. 40 Lubbock All proceeds benefit Hospice of Lubbcck, the region's only non-profit hospice. Lonely man, still looking for lonely woman to stay with him .' 879-4 760. (25-5tp-22) Want To Buy House Houses F.or Sale 70912th St. Abernathy 'P~V'vS.Oii\, PLC!ce Atiti!.t~Oii\,, 1..00X. 1..20, 2-1-J , Central Heat/Air $18,500 Cc.tLL :2._3!!-:2.41..1.. Olton 's league r ecord equals Frion a, a 19-9 w in n e r ov er the M ustangs last w eek. Lockney a nd Floyd a d a a re b oth 2-0 a nd on top, en ter ing t onight's F loyd Coun ty Bowl , the two teams' a nnua l m ee ting. · "They h a ve a lot of guys back . They h a ve a m odified offe nse . They are m or e so und . T he d efe nse is playing really we ll ." With the league comprised of six tea m s t hi s year, eve ry gam e is cri t ical , n ow , mo re so for Abe rna thy, th a n t wo wee ks ago. "It's a s udde n d e a th pl ayo tt They've got to b eat us to kee p their h opes a live . W e need this w in to give ourselves a ch a nce. "Th e key for both of us w ill be t h e lack of t urnover s ; take care of opport uni t ies ; a nd play fi e ld pos it ion ." Players of the Week Offen siv e P OW: Ryan Bufe Defe ns ive POW: Eli Revill a ( 11 sol os , 9 ass ists) Special tea m s P OW: Hugo M a rtine z Line m a n : J a red W illi a ms Smash Mou t h : J a r ed Brock (Jace H ark ey 7 so lo tackl es, 6 assis ts) Call Carolyn Wcstmark Realtors 794-6000 GOD ENABLED PEOPLE TO WRITE THE BOOKS THAT WE ENJOY - .vl\1\iams A~<>tl 6~~,.~ J1iit._ (806) 652-2209 ,,~ Cl ay Golden 0 ""<>~MattWilliams (806) 296-5174 1X 133J I www.GoldenAg.comfauctions loa KINKAID Republ#can for. · · wr~~~oL.tb'ook.S. -history Is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, .. .and speculation at a standstill. - Barbara W. 7Uclunan ";1; uppose that ... the world Itself could not contain the books that should be w ritten ." -Jahn21:25 Have you ever thought about how empty our lives would be if it weren't for books? We have them in our homes and yet seldomappreciate the wealth of learning and enjoyment they have brought to us. They are relatively inexpensive, particularly the paperbacks, compared to what they offer us, and they may be borrowed free of charge from our loc<~;l library. Books cover virtually every s~bject in the world; including science , history, astronomy, adventure, romance, westerns, mysteries, children's stories, advice on everything from cooking to gardening to home repair, etc.. and religion, which includes the greatest book of all, the Bible. At your House of Worship, thank God for the ability He has granted to the authors of all those books, which have done so much to enrich our lives. FIRST ASSEMBLY OF GOD East Service Rd .. 1-27 & 14th Street 298-2060 Bible Study 9:45 AM Worship 11 :00 AM Prayer 5:00PM Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wed. Missioneues 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:00PM Judy Wooten, pastor FIRST UNITED METHODIST 704 Ave nue D 298 -258 1 Sunday Schoo l 9:30 AM Worshi p 10:50 AM Evening 6:00 PM Wed. Choi r Pract ice 7:00PM Sun . & Wed. Youth 5:30PM- junior high 7:00PM - senior high Ron Kelley, pastor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 41 I 7th Street 298:2587 Sunday School 9:30 AM Worship 10:40 AM Bible Study 5:00PM Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:00PM NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 420 16th Stree t 29R-2497 Sunday School 9:45AM Worship 11 :00 AM Even ing Traini ng 5: 00PM Evening Worship 6:00 PM Wednesday Service 7:00 PM John Lowrie , pas tor FIRST BAI'TIST NEW DEAL Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship 11 :00 AM Evening Worship 6:00PM Wednesday Service 7: 30 PM Dr. Terry W. Jones , pastor CHURCH OF CHRIST 916 Avenue E 298-2718 Bible Study 9:30 AM Worship 10:30 AM Evening 5:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:30PM Steve Gaunu BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH 101 E. 1st Street 298 -2118 Sunday School 9:45AM Morning Worship 11 :00 AM Eve ning Service (B.T.U.) 6:00PM Monday Mission. Matrons & Brotherhood Meeting 7:00 PM Wednesday Pmise Service, Bible Study 7:00PM Choir Rehearsal 8:00PM Rev . W.R. Bohon Jr., pastor Joe l Perez, pus to r CENTER COMMUNITY CHURCH 5 miles east on FM 597 then 2 miles south on FM 2902 Sunda y School I0:00 AM Worship I I :00 AM Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:00PM at Marvin Looney 's 746-664 1 IGLESIA IIAUTISTA NUEVA CREACION 41 2 14th Street 298 -2900 Sunday School I0:00 AM Worship Service II :00 AM Sunday Evening 5:00PM Wcdnes~ay Service 7:00PM Guadalupe Salinas , pastor ST. ISIDORE CHURCH Sou th Avenue D 298-4278 Sunday 9:00 AM Rev. Arnold Bravo OUR LADY QUEEN OF THE APOSTLES CATHOLIC CHURCH New Deal Sunday Mass 10: 15 AM Father Vic Wanjura Fat her Bill Anton Deacon Dann y Castro FIRST BAPTIST MISSION II 12 Jerome Street 298-4733 Sunday Sc hoo l 9:45 AM Sunday Worship II :00 AM Even ing Service (B. T.V.) 6:00PM Wed. l'rn isc Service & ll ible Study 7:00PM Gilbert Go nzales, pastor FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 511 AvenueE 298-2832 Su nday Schoo l 9:45 AM Morn ing Worshi p 10:45 AM Evening Ce lebration 6:00PM Mid-Week Service 7:00PM Youth Time 7: 00 PM Wee Worship 6-7 p.m.. Wed. Arlen Ankle METHODIST CHURCH NEW DEAL Sunday School 10:00 AM Sunday Service 9:00AM Rev. Bruce Parks Near Lubbock Call298-2033 Printing n eeds? W e ca n fi ll your prin t orde r r i g h t h e r e in Ab e r na t h y . Showe r ca rds prin ted on post ca r d s. Ca ll early for wid e se lect ion of colors . Oth e r print jobs a n d fax service avai la ble. Also, Need houses to clean . Ca ll 298- r ubbe r sta mps made to order. 23 15 a fte r 5 p .m. (25 -ltp) Call Abernathy W ee kly Revi ew, 298 -2033. (rts) Job Wanted · LAKEVIEW APARTMENTS- 911 Avenue H 2 bedroo m, un furni shed, includes ra ng e, refr igerator, d ish washer, wate r a nd sewer pai d. L1undry facili ty, clea n and ne.at !~ Rental Assistance Available for Qualified Applicants - Call 298-4141 Open to Eli gible Hours: Monday- Friday, 4 Il.m .-7 11-111. Applicants b~~1WlY~:;~ Publisher's Liability for Er.-or: T h e pu bli she r s hall not be li a ble for sli gh t changes or ty p ogra phi ca l e rrors th at d o not lesson the valu e of an adve r ti sem e n t. '!'he publ isher's liab ili ty fOr other errors or omissions in co n nect ion with an adve rtiseme nt is strictly li mited to pu blica tio n of th e ad ve1-tise men t in a ny subseq ue nt issue or th e re fu nd of a ny monics .pa id for the adver ti semen t . Indemnification: The adve rt iser and/or advertising agency agrees t o de fend a nd indem nify t he pu blish er a ga ins t a ny an d all lia bil ity, loss or expe nses a l'isi ng fr om cl ai ms of libel, un fa ir com pe~itio n , u nfa ir tr ade practices , in fr inge ment oftra de ma rks, copy r1ghts, trade n ames, p a te n t s or proprieta ry righ ts or VIOla tion of righ ts or pri vacy resu lt ing from th e pub lication of the advertiser's advertisement . For All Your c.,. Printing {bJ Needs Call The Abernathy Weekly Review We have w o rking relat ion sh ip s w ith va ri9 us p rin te rs. This gives you a local so urce to do the leg and finger work fo r nil you r ~tLJ ti o nur y, en velope , bu siness card a n d sp ecia lty prin ting. G ive u s a chance to quo te your,job. \.. 'frr 298-2033 tr ~ BAYCOL - Muscle Pain Rhabdomyolysis • Liver/Kidney Failure In 2001 Bayer Corp. recalled nscholesterol lowering stalin drug , Baycol due to potential kidn ey & liver complicat ions, feve r, nausea, dark urine, muscle (weakness, pain & deterioration), myophathy and a rare, and o~e n fatal , disease called Rhabdomyolysis (severe muscle loss and muscle call damage). IF you took BAYCOL and are sullering from aoy of these symptoms, Iheo CALL NOW FOR A FREE CONFI DENTIAL CONSULTATION. D~~lPD ~EJfttfE~IS PERSONALINJURYTRIALLAWYER TOLL FREE 1·800-883·9858 713-654-4040 P P t H C•~>• t OJrtc~- H O~o~:>rort ,HX A. S Texas Boord of legal Spoclallzatlon 3.75 Billon DoUar Settlement Approved Diet drugs cause serious disease related to th e hear1 and lungs. You may not have symptoms now, but you may still have probklms nyou look either of th ese drugs. II you have taken either of lhasa drtJgs aod want to protect your legal rights, you MUST have an echocardlogram evaluated by a carniologisl by Jao. 3, 2003. Our office IS currently pa~ng lor aod arrang1ng PROCitASTJNATORS , Do NoT DEIAY ANY LoNGER! FINAl. DEADUNE IS jANl!ARY 3, 2003 echocardiograms for our clients. For information about yoor rights. coolact Krebs 8 Webre, LLC with offices in Austin. TX and l.alayette. lA. We have a~ lll!!<1Q[ on staff to answer your questions. TD(.O.SSOAAO Of IGLESIA DEL NAZARENO Ave nue A & 5th Street Sund ay School 10:00 AM Worship I I :00 AM Evening 6:00PM Wednesday Service 7:00PM MONTE DE LOS OLIVAS 110 East 4th Street 298-2140 Sunday Services I0:00AM Sunday Evening 6:00 PM Tuesday Prayer Meeting 7:00PM Thursday 7:00PM Oscar Paez. pastor A£co1ding to cli nkol study~esuhs, women who used esnogen ~us ~oges ~n (tho ornve in g1edieo~ ~ e ~~~~-lllllljW.W...... Prem[lo"'l ~ Honnone ie~ocemeollheiDPi expeli· South Plains Electric Cooperative, Inc. Lubbock • Spu r • Children n. ,_.<t/..__ __. Weekly Newspaper For Sale COUNTY LINE IJAI'TIST 757-2 134 Sunday School I 0:00 AM Worship II :00 AM Evening 6:00PM \\'ayn e R. Willia ms, interim pastor V FDs are pa rt of o u r electri c co-op . ~.-t.... ------YourToucluroneEn:'rgy· ~r-dtivc: ---- Business Opportunity Needs Work. Make offer. 788-9523 4t1..l!,OOO Want to buy house in Abern athy. 757-2330. (18-6tp -22) . WEST OF HALE CENTER -320 acres with two sprinklers and· nice brick home on pavement and 480 acres with one large sprinkler. PRICE REDUCED. Please go to our website lor this property and many other farms, ranches and leedyards. www.scottlandcompany.com Ben G. ScottS00/933-9698 day/ eve or Krystal M. Nelson areas." Meet the Lady Lopes Abernathy Lady Lope freshmen, junior varsity and varsity players demonstrate practice drills. Real Estate for Sale ' routh:aiMdvcriiNC!Ultnl 'paid ror by ltoh KlnkllitJ, 1'.0 . Hox llt1, Plainvit"', TetM!i 7~1172 Lowe's Pay-N-Save Consumers Fuel Association ACL Farmers Co-op Joe Thompson Implement Abernathy Weekly Review Golden Estates ented highe1 roles of serous s~e effects comp01etl to women to~ng o~ocebo. Senoussil,e effects i iK~de: •A 26 percenl icttretJSe in breortconc11 • A41 percenl increase in strokes • A29 penenl increme in heM onocks • A22 percenl increo10 ~ lot~ cordiovoscufor diseose • Adou~ing of role~ of venous rinombotmbollsm (blood clots) liyou oralovedooehossuffOied any oldiesenoussideeffemlirtedabove whi~ IOking esirogenplus p10geshn (~e octive ~g1edients in P~empro•), col now 1o find out obool youii81Jol nghl>. )IJilas L !ollho<5e ~ofus bw Oliy inMN, 001 OSI<Kiclles with expe1ien<ed lowyos liuooghrut tie U.S. tohel/poopooCiosstheccunhy. \tr James E . Rolshouse, Attorney PAGE 8 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2002 THE ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW ..._, ~gca~ .SPJRJt ~ / -·- THE ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW FOOTBALL CONTEST First place S Wins $20· ec~nd Place, S75· Th,d place, $7 0 , Choose the name of one of these page sponsors and it in the designated space. One sponsor each week will be randomly drawn as the Secret Sponsor for the contest. 'i'J\nnet gets an add\t\ona\ $10 ., \IOU guess t\ie ''Secret , Sponsor'. •••••••••••••••••••••• • WEEK #10 (Nov. 1 games) 1. Circle the team you think will win. 2. Pick a total score for the tic-breaker game. 3. Select a Secret Sponsor. Abernathy vs. Hale Center Olton vs. Floydada Lockney vs. Friona Tahoka vs. Post Idalou vs. Shallowater New Deal vs. Roosevelt Panhandle vs. West Texas Spearman vs. Sanford Fritch Petersburg vs. Crosbyton Anton vs. Lorenzo Texas' vs. Nebraska (Nov. 2) Dallas Cowboys vs. Detroit (Nov. 3) TIE BREAKER Texas Tech vs. Baylor (Nov. 2) Total score _ _ _ _ __ SEC RET SI'ONSOR _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Your Name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ Telephone# _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cli(> out & bring to the Abemathy Weekly Review by 4 (l.m . Thursday I I· I I I 1 a•••••••••••••••••••••••• Come out and support the Lopes as they play Olton tonight at 7:30p.m. in Abernathy WEEK #8 FOOTBALL CONTEST WINNERS 1st- Jessie L. Hood; 2nd- Gerry Kleman; 3rd- Rosalio Luera Secret Sponsor - Vecchio's Restaurant 26 entries; placlngs determined by tie breaker score, 1st & 2nd each missed one OFFICIAL CONTEST RULES l.Usingapenorpencil,circletheteamyoupick to win each game.Thenwritethetotalscoreforthegamedesignatedasthe tie·breaker. 2. Choose one sponsor's name from among the businesses listed and write it in the designated blank. Each week, the Abernathy Weekly Review will draw the name of a sponsor to determine the Secret Sponsor. 3. Mail or bring your entries to the Abernathy Weekly Review office at 916 Ave. 0, P.O. Box 160, Abernathy, TX 79311 · 0160. Mailed·in entries must be postmarked by Wednesday tobeeligibleandentriesbroughtintothenewspaperoffice must be received by 4 p.m. Thursday preceding the games listed on the ballot. Acceptable football contest entries are those that are actually clipped from the Abernathy Weekly 'Review. Copies of entry ballots will not be accepted. 4. Each week's winner will be determined by the number of winning teams correctly picked. Only one winning entry per person will be honored. If more than one person picks the largestnumberofwinners,thepersonwhopicksclosesttothe totalscorewithoutguessinghigherthanthetotalscoreonthe tie·breaker will be the winner. A tie at that point will 'be determined by a drawing. 5. Winners will receive $20 forfirst place, $15 for second and $10 for third from the Abernathy Weekly Review. II the winner has also chosen the correct Secret Sponsor, he/she will be awardedanadditional$10. 6. Winners will be announced ONLY through the Abernathy football advertisement. in this newspaper. Do not call the Abernathy Weekly Review to inquire about the outcome. Winners'nameswlllnotbegivenoutoverthetelephone. 7. Toreceiveyourprizemoney, the winner should personally come by the Abernathy Weekly Review. Do not send someone tocollectyourprizemoneyforyou. 8. Employees and immediate families of the Abernathy Weekly Review are not eligible to win. The newspaper reserves the righttodisqualify,forcause,anyorallentriesandmaintainsthe righttocancelthecontestatanytimewithoutpriornoticeor announcement.Judges'decisionsarefinal. NAMES OF CONTEST WINNERS WILL BE INCLUDED ON THIS PAGE EACH WEEK.
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