Hi-Plains administrator :pale County accepts housing authority stipend
Hi-Plains administrator :pale County accepts housing authority stipend
@1999 ~ew FRIDAY, MARCH 26,1999, ABERNATHY, TEXAS SO CENTS Deal First Responder vital part of local emergency medical care By BoUy Bunter 'The New Deal First Response system wu formed in 1991. With the ueietance of the Abernathy EMS they began responding to emeraency situations outside of Shallowater, Idalou and Lubbock. A: Ore truck was the first vehicle tiiIed for responding to emeraency calle, but the truck has since been replaced by a van, the First RespOnder. ' -As our certification has gone up so has our equipment and level ofcareweprovide,"RNparamedic Randy Teeter said. The First Responder now carries a complete advanced life support system. "The purpose of the First Responder is to provide medical coverilge quicker than Lubbock EMS can provide," Teetersaid. "We can be on the scene in four minutes or less in our immediate area." The First Responder is not deBiined to transport patients to the hciepital, therefore, the First Reliponse team and the Abernathy EMS work together very cloeely. : ' ''We have a great relationship With New Deal's First Respondere, it has worked out great for both communities," director of Abernathy's EMS Darrell Stephens said. Abernathy's EMS has recently added an advanced heart monitor to their equipment, the Life Pac 12. Abernathy and Shallowater are the only towns who have this remarkable monitor owned by UniversityMedical Center. Themonitor can be placed directly on a patient and can analyze the patient's heart condition. -It has the capabilities of determining if the patient has had a heart attack, and if so where it has occurred," Stephens said. MThis allows us to speed up the process by calling the ER staff and alerting them to be prepared." The First Responders are capable of performing routine medical tasks, including gathering patient information, stabilizing the patient, and starting·lV's. The Life Pac 12 stays with the Abernathy EMS but arrives on the scene when needed by the First Response team. The Abernathy EMS furnishes the New Deal First Responder with all of its supplies. "If they use something, we replace it, and it is at no charge to the city of Abernathy," Stephens said. "We try to help each other out as much as we can." CommunicaLion is very critical between the two emergency teams. "About 95 percent of the time we are able to respond and continue care with Abernathy," Teeter said. "Through their efforts they've made it aD possible." As Abernathy'a ·EMS improvea their technolollY, they're aleo trying to improve their facility. The AbernathyCityColincilhu voted to renovate an old building to provide a more efficient facility for the dedicated volunteer EMS team. The building will have a bay for each ambulance, a place for meetings to be held, a training room, a place for volunteers to sleep and other necessary specifications. Stephens said they are trying to raise at least$30,OOO'w ithin the community and in return a foundation in Midland would grant Abernathy's EMS $50,000 designated for this project. Community support is very critical for such a necessary cause, therefore, bank ' accounts have been set up at First State Bank and Security State Bank in Abernatliy for anyone willing to donate any amount of money to go directly to this project. The three First Responder members are RN paramedic Randy Teeter; a nationally registered paramedic for Lubbock EMS, Terry Martin; and Brad Murph, an Intermediate EMT. The First Re sponders are certified by the Texas Department of Health and also are members of the Abernathy EMS, New Deal's First Responder unit New Deal has added a new unit to its fleet of emergency vehicles. The bright red First Responder unit provides quick response to rural medical emergencies. Pictured with the van are (from left) Randy Teeter, Brad Murph and Darrell Stephens. Abernathy's EMS volunteers include director Darrell Stephens, assistant director Mike Wilcox, Norma Stephens, Amy Garcia, Cherylene Vandygriff, Kelly Vandygriff, DeAnn Lusk , Julie Johnson, Gilbert Blanco and Jenny Blanco. Two members , Daniel Rodriguez and Roy Gonzales, also volunteer from Abernathy's fire department. "They are always there to stand by until we know we are going to transport," Stephens said. Research for this article by Texas Tech University student Holly Hunter was made possible by a grant from the Reader's Digest Foundstion. Abernathy City Council Hi-Plains administrator has two file as write-ins confirms clinic lease NDISD considers holding trustee election Two more candidates tiled u _write-ins Monday for the Abernathy City Council. The deadline for candidates to have their names placed on the May 1 ballots was Mar. 17. Writein candidates had until 5 p.m. Monday. Todd Abell and'John Vandygrifffiled as write· '1ns for the Abernathy City Council. ". Incumbent Tim Hill and Ray Naron filed as candidates for the Abernathy City Council. Their names will appear on the ballot. Mayor Carl :: .Johnson also filed for re-election and has no "opposition, Incumbent Billy McClenney did not file for re-election. Daniel Perez,Jay King, Craig Schaap and Don Stone filed for places on the Abernathy school , . board ballot. There are two places available. . ' They are currently held by Schaap and Roy . ':<DeAnda. The two candidates receiving the most , votes wiD assume office. There were no write-ins. All three incumbents on the New Deal City Council have applied for re-election. Place 1 ill held by C.L. Phillips; Place 3, Glen McCullough ; and Place 5, Craig Graham. There were no writeins. The New Deal school district has incumbents Gary Flinn and Patty Freeman filed for re-election. There were no write-ins. NDiSD trustees have set a tentative meeting Apr. 13. An agenda item is to consider whether or not to hold an election. An alternate date is Apr. 15 if the board does not meet Apr. 13. Schools and cities do not have to hold an election if no candidates face opposition. Voters have until Apr. 1 to register to vote in the general elections. Apr. 14 is the first day to vote early in person. Early voting will be conducted at Abernathy City Hall, 811 Ave. D, for the Abernathy school and Abernathy city elections. By Scott Luce The Abernathy medical clinic will be managed by Hi-Plains Hospital in Hale Center, Gordon Russell, hospital administrator, said Tuesday . "We will be renting the building," Russell said. "Some of the stuff(equipment) has been taken. "Records will be returning. It makes it harder on us and more disappointing. Once a patient is gone, it's harder to do. Our main EMS grant donations project is to get it open." Hi-Plains' contract begins Apr. 1. Covenant Hospital assured Russell that the local clinic would remain open until Apr. 1. He was in Abernathy Tuesday to inspect the premises , taking stock ofwhat would be needed, but the clinic was closed. Hi-Plains will operate a doctor rotation in Abernathy. They will use their five resident doctors for periodic duty in Abernathy. Donations are being received by Abernathy EMS for renovation costs of a city building, Contributors MIM Leland Phillips MIM Ray Higginbotham L.J. West "Depending on the volume, they will be there for half a day. We'll have a mid-level practitionerthere five-days -a-week as a backup," Russell said. Abernathy Councilmen Lynn Goble and Elias Vecchio and Jim Odom toured the clinic with Russell late Tuesday afternoon. "It was closed Monday and Tuesday," Goble said. "It looked like there was enough equipment for two examining rooms." Hugh Pettit Harold & Isabell Davis Olan Anderson Mail donations to the Abernathy Emergency Medical Service, c/o Dar· rell Stephens. 1609 Ave. H. Abernathy 79311 , :pale County accepts housing authority stipend .Gommissioners approve hirings for sheriffs department, free use of Ollie Liner Center By Richard Orr . : ·Plalavlew Dally Herald , StalfWriter Hale County commissioners ~nday accepted a $2,500 gift on behalf of the tax-exempt P1ainmw Housing Authority by PHA Chairman Dwain Dodson. ' , . ' Dodson said the gift was "a token of gratitude" for the work the sheriff's department does in helping keep crime and drugs down on )musing authority property. , : The money will go into the county's ..neral fund and came hm rents at the Barrington Apts., which PHA oWDI and operates. .Jut prior to the lOte accepting the: money, County Judse Bill Hollan drew Jaqhter when he quipped that Dodson should -give . the money to the city." He wu referring to ~he city council's rejection of a similar $5,000 gift from PHA two weeks ago on various grounds -inciuding political differences between Dodson and some council membere who said if there was excess PHA money, it should go into providing more rental units for the indigent. . lnotherbusinessMonday,commissioners authorized Sheriff David Mull to hire three replacement jailers and a replacement dispatcher. They aleo approved the purchue of two oaed asphalt storage tanka &om the Teus Department of Transportation at a cost of$600 each. They'll be ulI;8d in seal~t- ingwork. The montblymusicaljamborees at OUie Liner Center may resume later this spring after commissioners authorized use of the center free of the $100 charge. Proponents said any proceeds will be donated to the Meals on Wheels program, with concession proceeds going to various civic groups who operate the conceesion stand. Commissioners adopted a resolutiou allowing Prairie House Living Center to use the proceeds of about $4.5 million in proposedbond sales to buy the center it's now leasing from a private entity in Galveston. Since some of the bonde are tax4umpt, county authorization was required for the transaction. Based on a recommendation by Special Projects Director Marvin Sistrunk, commissioners approved the expenditure of $5,150 to extend the courthouse security alarm syatem to the juvenile · probation office and the new county attorney's office. The money is to come from a special courthouse security fund. Bee Equipment Co. of Lubbock wu the sole bidder ($102,350) for a surplus Caterpillar road grader from Precinct 2 Commissioner Mario Martinez. The guaranteed buy-back price from Cat was $97,500. No bide were received on a surplUl John Deere grader, so it will revert to Yellowhouse.Machinery of Lubbock for the buy-back price of $93,500. Named as replacement members of the Hospital Authority Board for one and two-year terms were J.B. Roberts, Mary Virginia Kirchhoff, Jeff Noble, Dr. Carl P. Weidenbach, Daniel Rascon and George Meriwether. Re-appointed for two-year terms were David Wilder and Dr. Ruth Rector Wright. Leaving the board are Ridley Gibson, John C. Anderson, Max Gabriel, Bill Cagle and Rollie Hyde. Board member Bobby James died lutfall. The authority is responsible for dealing with the entity leasing the hoepital, currently Covenant H08- pital Plainview. Commissioners watched a demonstration by Willis Winters on a special $385 oil filter he said reduces contaminante down to one micron. ~here's nothing len to wear out an engine," said Willis. "It eliminates the need to change oil ." Willis said the Cummins Diesel Co. recommends the filter and that Agri-Plex Inc. is saving 2,400 galIons of oil a year by using it. Precinc1-3 Commissioner Roy Borchardt noted that equipment companies require periodic oil changes to maintain the warranty and Judge Hollars suggested that Winters discuss the matter with commissioners individually. New Deal applies for new grants, will buy PD vehicle Grants will help improve city sewer system, provide money for planning maps ..,. KIUtI Blelrea , TbeNewDealCityCouncilgave QrantWorka,lnc., the go-ahead to puraue federal grant money for two ssparate city projects on Montlay. : The company, working on the ~ty'a behalf, will try for a Ont~ aewer-use grant u well as a then the $26,000 will go to pay the 10 percent fee ofGrantWorb, Inc. The grant money ia to be used for project aclminiatration, engineering and w..atewater improvements .i n New Deal. Applications for theae grants are due Apr. 20 and a reeponae ahould come in October. PlanniOC ~t. , PriortoMonclaYsre,warmeet, " The ......... ~PfO!idid bf th.. ~ p~1ici hearing for ~De~n~OtHouiqalid th. purpo.. .of dilCuaBing the ~~., ~. .. .. ~;.. .....tp.~whattheywill be used u..'• .,. . .. ~~~:-tr..~r. Ji£-:'L f. ia-:. a:s.ci'6:" ,;ant . . ,a...... Q..i..... ,Ibt . ofO.raD,tWorb, propoaal and tnc.~~u\H.:r-the ,!., •. - answered any questiona council memben and citizen posed. The planning grant being applied forisin the amountof$26,SOO with the city's portion 88t &$1,285. Ifawarded, tbiagrantmoneywouJd beuaed to purchaee digitized maps ofstreet conditions, .aterayatema, wutewaterliyBtema,drainegesyateme and IIVera! other areas. -.\ planning gralit i. IOrt of a pidebook for the city:OrimH ~d. -It .. IOmethm, that every ftanl cit1iD ·T uu .s hould have. It IhOwawhfre you:..... 0,. yean ..." whe... you .... now andwhe... you want to be in five years." Citycouncil member Gary Scott said be wu in favor of pursuing this grant because the ci~ needed eome new maps and with the grant the city could .ave money and get several different maps. If the city ie approved for funding thia year, they should receive the money by 2000. These grante are only available every two years. I-. other .mon, Council mema.. voted to take money from a ~C.D to use ·t.o ~y the new C~Taboethatwillbeusedua poUce vehicle. The eatimated cOat ofthe vehicle is $27,OOOplus $5,000 for it to be equipped with lights, sirens, radar, etc. The council tabled the issue of voting on the water project proposal from Parkhill, Smith and Cooper. Several council members lOiced concern with some wording in the proposal and wished to call a special meeting to discuss theee concerns with the city attorney befoN voting on the issue. tn other business, the council agreed to pay the set-up fee and firetinetalImentforbillboarde that will be put upin Taho~a and Plain- view, advertising the new Texaco truck stop. The station will pay all costs of another billboard located near the airport. The ' city has agreed to pay no more than $5,000 for their part in these billbOards. I~ return the company has agreed to promote the city in their billboards. They will change three times in the coming montha with the tirstone to say "Opening Soonfollowed by -Now Open- and finally,-Open 2~ Houra.- The council will meet apin April 26. "';~ft'~i'oIA~IIar.I,Ulliited M8thodIIt ofIIeiadq. Burialw. iD Reltba... Memortal Putt UDder cUnctioD 01 Reltbaven hDeral Home. Mn. EiJenberpr dleclMar. 22, 1999, in LakMicle RebabiHtaUon C .... c.nter. She wu bom Jan. SO, 1914, in Ooree. Sbe married Jamea Samvan tncIadl a cIa• •r, Burial wu ander diNcttou·iit Fran II80n or Labbock; _ .... Madcl6a I'Imeral Service. , .n, MbmIe Vee ,....,. or AllerMr.. Murray died S.turday, nat!ayandCbNtineDa,yorClO9la, Mar. 20,1999, iD Aabdown. N.M:.; . , brotben, Joe Gamble She "II born No.. 21, 1910, in end Georp GIIIIbIe, both of Bla· ton; loarsrandchildren; end three Privette put-grandcbi1dreu. degree muon and a former mem· F. Bhipleyon Alii. 17, 1948, iD rial Ch.pal with the Rev. Cleve day, Mar. 20, in ·8anden Memo- bel' of the Kiva Temple In Ama· rOlo. He wu owner and opel"tor Haley, plltorofOakwood Baptilt Churcb,and tbe Rev. S.W. Keeton, putDrolMaeKenzieTerrace Baptist Church, offici.ting. Burial wu in Peaceful Gar· dens Memorial Park under direc· tion or Sanden Funeral Home. PrIvette diedWedneeday, Mar. 17,1999, at his reBidence. He wu born May I, 1921, In ehesterfteld, S.C., and moved to Lubbock in 1960 from Charlotte, N.C. He married Sybil Sikae on Sept. 3, 1947, in Chesterfield. He '1111 a U.S. N.vy veteran ofWorld War II . He was a member of Oakwood Baptist Church, a 32nd of Central Body Workl until his retiremenL He wea preceded in de.th by a daughter, Arlene Privette Burger, on June 11,1996; alP'lDdaon,Stoney Thraaher, In 1983: and • ,...at.. lP'andlon, ChriltopherOvertDn, in 1989. Survivors include his wife; four daulJhtel'l, BarbaI" Becknal of Tahoka, Teresa Payne and Brenda Wood, both of Lubbock, and Karen Crabtree of Abernathy; a brother, Smith Privette of Lubbock; nine grandchildren; and 11 great·lP'andchildren. The family suggeata memorials to Hospice of Lubbock. Cul.bad,N.M. Shew. . . _mber of the B,pUlt ChIU'Cb. She worked for the city of LabbocII: from 1946 to 1978 and wu • uIea uaoc:i.tefor DlIIard'ldepartmentatore. Survlvonincladeherhubancl; • IOn, J _ ofLubbocll:; • daUlh· tel', Janice O'Connell of Lubbock; four JRDdchildren; and m ,....tlP'andchildren. The lamtlyaugwte memorial. to. r.vorite charity. Helen K1afka Roeary for Helen Klafka, 81, of Abernathyw.. recited at 7:30p.m. Tueaday, Mar. 28, in St. Ialdore Catholic Church with the Kev. Glen Roaend.le, p•• tor of St. Michael'. Catholic Church of RaIla, officiating. Maes "aa celebrated at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Mar. 24, in the aame church with the ..me offici.nt. Burial followed in Abernathy Oddfellowa Cemetery under di· rection of Abell Funeral Home of Abernathy. MI'I.KlaCkadiedMonday,Mar. 22, 1999,In Lu'lbock Health Care Center. She waa bom Mar. 6, 1918, in Fredericksburg. She marriedA.H. "Shorty" KlalkaonNov. 27,1934, in Fredericksburg. He preceded herln de.th on Feb. 14,1994. She moved to Shallowater in 1949 moving from Fredericksburg. In 1964 Ihe moved to the County Line ud Abem'thY area. She waa inatrumental in ea· tablishing the Abernathy Senior Citizenl Centar. She wu a mem· berofSt.laidoreCatholicChurch, where she was a founding memtier ortlli! Altel'l Society. She wu also a member of sever.1 bridp mUIr1!11u~~1~ Mar. lie Stacey Wright EmmeTeakell M .... 1'7 Artie Oewalt M ..... Will McDowell Baseball group announces sign-ups Helen K1afka clube. She wu preceded In death by a d.ughter, LaVeme,ln 1962. Survivon include two lona. JamelofW.co and Larry of Level· land; four daUlhtel'l, Carole Avery of Electra, Jo.nne Allen of FradericbbUl'l, PenY Watel'land Melin. L.nd, both of Lubbock; a Iilter, Nola Sagebiel of Fradericbburr, 16 grandchndren; • nd 13 ,...at-grandchildren. The family 11lIJI8Ite memoriall to Abem.thy SeniorCitizena Cen· tel'. 717 Ave. C Abernathy or St. 1.ldo... · Oathollc Church, 17819 North 1·27, Abernathy. Apr. 1 Evaughn Hackler Cecile Fortenberry M..... The Abernathy Bueball AslOCiation will hold a pneral meati... and algo-ups .t 6:30 p.m. Mar. 29 at city hall. For more information con· tact Johnny Pace .t 298·2240 or Stanley Horaford at 7672421. To place your classified ad call 298·2033. Deadlire 4 p.m. Tuesday. :.~ to_*\" potato chips, fruit, TUBSDAY: lieu ftngen, salad, Frencb rrtae, Te... toalt, ice _cup,milk WBDNBSDAY: baked ham, ma.bed polatoN; green beana, rolle, cherry pie, milk THURSDAY: char-cheeee burgan, lal.d, Franch liies, cook· iea, milk FRIDAY: No School Come/o;n ina Community Sunrise Service & Bre4kfast at the Senior Citizens Park;ngLot anJCenter April 4, 7 a. m. (daylight ravings timt) Host Annil SIud L!nI like Anna 16. from U Sweden. S1udents with interests in the arts. o utdoor aCli vities, leam sports and various nthcr hohhics are \noking for Hosl Famiiies. For funher informatio n, MOVING1 Send your mailing label and COIreCtions 10 Aberoalby Weekly Review, P.O. Drawer 160, Abcrnllhy, Texas 79311-0160 or e· mall: [email protected]. Se V We Specialize In Home Repair Patios, Paneling, Garage Conversions . ~~ ice MethodISt Church Acoustic Ceilings, Painting Storm Windows & Doors Free Estimates V"", t)UI ... ~h 'lie ~I http ll... ..... ,.hhn" "1 ,..~a;r I·TEXA. ,..... 1 AI.OC,.,ON ~~ 298-208~ Plainview - Hale County . ~ :.: • { .... ' CRIMESTOPPERS Day (Inlonnan'. 1-800-2H-8477 or Nigh. ldentily Kepi Con~dent;"l) "At flEE HOT DHS _l'lCfllII'LlJOf FlATI mID - leALLI "" INlllIr - ""SO (UP Ttl. OITI.) ItITATI 8 .AU"" - '''.50 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Watermelons "Hey Jake, you'd never catch that hat if this wuzn't such a mild day!" The wIDda 01 chaa.e are blowing strong, but we reDUIlD committed to local. cOlllllla- baakJDJ! Happy birthday Abernathy and First State Bank, 1909-19991 ~.: !:: FIRST SfATE BANK ABERNATHY Terry Ray Legett and Amle ElIzabeth Rogers 8 8~. I.~ · Rogers, Leggett slate ~: t:: f.: .:, ~ Grapes OFFICE HOURS 8 a.m.-6 p,m. - Mon.-Sat. Closed Sunday ;t: alty flEE PltK UP AP D""fI' MRM TIRES - KEUr, f H(}DrEAR 'USEIIQER TIRES - DUIlLOp, IRIIHIEnOIlr, MICHELIN, GENERA" KUMHO, GH'RAI. ANt 'ffJi(AHDMA 89t RED GLOBE SWEET AND JUICY ~ '77-'00-TIRI f pIIIIG RIM "AM TI(I. ZPM Split Fryer Breast Specials Good Mar. 24·30, 1999 §~ 1§ § § § § § § S &/( TIRE & SUP1't, REQllTfB TO WIN A mOFNSSfNffl TIRES TO IE QI'IEII AWAY 'VALUE PACK BONE·IN 405 Ave. D -- 298-2627 ~: ;t:. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ it1 t. ~ S;' Amarillo marriage WEET YELLOW ellpl8JMnt ofthtdr daUllhter, Amle Elizabeth, to Terry Key Leggett, ann 01 Monte and Darl. . . . .tt of FrItch. Th. couple will Izcbanga wedding VOWI Apr. 24 in Southwelt Baptist ChIU'Cb in Amarillo. The brlde-.lact attended Hale Center achoole and Ie a 1996 graduate of Plainview HIP School. Sbe ia panuiq • delP'88 in elementary education at Wea' Taxaa Aa.M University. Sbe ia currently employed .t iD Amarillo. Th. futon bridepoom ill .ttendina w••t Texu Aa.M University -Idntr a detree in boaln....dminiatration. He la employed at Chili. III AmarIllo. The brIde..lact ia the IP'8Dddaughter of N.dine and the l.te Bob Roien of Abern.thy. ~ . . Cereal ean88' Chin. I PMB to 'host KELLOGG'S Corn Bobby Rogal'l and Renee Ro,.1'1 of Hale Center announce the ~ EslBblisbed in November 011921. PaIocIiI:aI (IOI188e paid at Uuited States Post Office. BOI Aven. D. AbenIaIby. TeuI 79311-999fl. ~'f!fjjJ , " . 1:::'.) -~ . v: $50 REWARD Plainview - Hale County Crimestoppers will pay a reward of SSO (Filly Dollars) for information leadIng 10 Ihe arrest of parson or persons littering or illegal dumping anywh9re in Hal9 County Lowe's~ '0 CIIII TodIlY! .l·goo..SIBLlNG ~ SUBSCRIPIlON RA'IES One year In Abemalhyand HIIe County - $17.00 One year In Lubboc:lt CouQty • $20.00 All OIlIer ooe-year sablcripdona. $24.00 Mr. and MI'I. I.alea Paniagua of Abernathy announce the engage· ment oftheir daUlhter, Eliza Villegu. to Anaelmo Hemandez Jr., IOn of Mr. and MI'I. Anaelmo Hernandez Sr. of Abemathy. The couple will marry June 5 in Fil'lt United Methodiet Church in Abernathy. The bride-elect I, a graduate of Abernathy High School and South P1aina College. She is employed by Charlie Brown's Learning Center in Abernathy. The future bridelP'OOm ia a graduate of Abemathy High School and i. employed by Novarti. Seeda in New Deal. A•• "'~""<I"""'''''.''W''''''' '''_ 312 SDUTHWfnSflVlCE ROAD PIIbtisbed weekly 00 Friday 01 eadI week, except ftnt FrIday IfIcr Cbriscmas ancl ODe Friday during summer moodla, at tile Abema!by Weekly RevIew offk:e at 916 Avenue D. MailIng 811d1as: P.O. Drawer 160, Abematby, Texas 79311-0160. Katherine Troyer and Damon Loper announce their engagement and .pproaching marriage. The couple will exchange vows Apr. 30 in New Memorie. HietorieRound Grove Church in Lewi.ville. Troyer is the daughter of the late James and Nonna Troyer. She i. a math teacher at Irving High School. Loper is the son of Tony and Dallans Loper of Abemathy. He i•• 1992 graduate of Abernathy High School and is employed .s a fire alarm engineer in the Fort WorthlDal\as metroplex. C & G Builders ~~tr S~b=~by '(YI V, F;rst .Un;ted I(EITH ELLIS DWNfI WHDLESALE Ii RETAIL IALES lOAN WESLEY Offic:e Maaager. CIaasIBcd. CImdIdoa. AI News Villegas, Hernandez to wed June 5 ,:: .:: AIs,t: Is .ln8 r~milles lIIIe yours hose ..change s.u....... APRIL 10,"" 1AM TO SCOTf &: ruDY WCE Publisbers Troyer, Loper plan Lewisville ceremony American Intercultural Student Exchange ~ To add namea for birthdaya, annivenariel or memorial., call 298·2088 by 4 p.m. Tueeday for the nut week'a edition. TIlE ABERNATHY WEEKLY REVIEW (USPS 003·340) OSSN 08954291) Jennifer MlcheDe Farr and Kyle Wealey H.yea announce their engagement. The couple will marry Jane 12 at the 11th .nd Amarillo St. Chureh of Chrilt in Plainview. The bride..lect ia the daughter of Ken and Brenda Farr of Lubbock .nd IP'IUlddaughter of Helen Francia T.ylor and Arthur and Louise Chevea. all of PlaInview. The future bridel!l'oom I. the BOn of M.rk and Vicki Hayes of the Kre. ·....a and grandeon of Melvin and Marthe Jenninga of Tulia. The bride..lect will be a lP'aduate of Abernathy High School and is employed by United Supermarketa. The future groom il • 1997 lP'aduate of Krell High School and la .. : employed by the Texae Department of Criminal JUlItice. please <all I·SOO·SIDLING. GRAND OPENING 2'.·27.0 Anselmo Hernandez Jr. and Eliza VllIegai Everyone is ~lcome New arrival KiJk and Lisa Watson of Abema· tby anDOllnee the birtb or !belT son. Josepb Kirk. He was born a! 6: 18 p.m. Mar. 18 in MelbodiSl Hospital In Lubbock. He weigbed 6 pounds and 11 ounces . MaIernaI8flllldparents are Ray aDd Angle Goodman of Abemalby. PaIemaI grandparents are Mack and SbeIry Watson of Canyon. M.-r.lt-Apr. J 1Ireaktut ..... MONDAY, juice, cereal, toad, milll: TUBSDAYI juice, pancak.. , Iyrup,milk WBDNBBDAY: Juice, ua..,., biacuita, milk THURSDAY, juiea, pauut butter tout, milk FRIDAY: No School LWlehMenu MONDAY: turkey .andwich,let. Enrich your family's future ... host an exchange student now A llilllil dV It ll' ;UUfY M.... 1I7 Mr .... MI'I. Jerry o.w.lt Kitty McDowell R.M. Same. for R.M. Privette, 77, or Labbock were .t 8 p.m. s.tur- Irene Shipley Servicea for Irene Shipley, 74, of'Lubbockwerut4p.m. Wednea· d.y, Mar. 24, iD W.W. Rill Chapel with the Rev. Wayne R. WilHum, pastor emerltul or Parll: DrIve B.ptilt Church, ofBci.tt.... BuriaI WII iD City ofLubbocIl: Cemetery under direction of Rill Funeral Directol'l. . Mrl. Shipley died Mond.y, Mar. 22, 1999, in Covenut Medi· cal Center in Lubbock. She wu bom Sept. 10, 1924, in County Line. She married J _ AISD Menu ASSORTED RUFFLES® ALL 'VARIETIES LOWE'S HOMOGENIZED, SHURFINE OR SHURSAVING LOW FAT PREMIUM QUALITY Potato Chi 98' Reve Zapata , ,: Milk ~ .~ DOUBLE COUPONs EVERYDAY NATIONAL NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION . Uproso, • packa••• Pay Your Suh ,e I JI)(. l oci;1y' t ( I It ~ II • )\IV j ~I'\.. It BIII8 Here ,..,....c... TD .... ,...,.",..~",.".ny_ ". All, 'I Il,.tIIV . .'t'~ ENERGfS &ll ::::r.,,;·.~':M ~J -:\ « ~'~ J ,~t ~/,,~ lIO)Iomr,...III...,...... For88' Texas Lone Star & WIC Cards Accepted iii· • • IDdlWIaaII aboat 1'IUl. DiDllbr tbI board witb • bettar aacllntandlnrotwbatlllo'lOlved in baiq e l ' " and ......... a trutee. ElqJIriI~1Cboo1 board III8DIberI wiUaplaiDboardmem· ben'uy n.poulbilitiel and outtiDe th. qualitill _ ...., for Easter Sunday worship slated Basketball players named to A-J AII-SP WbuaIe PbWI,. held at,7 a.m. Apr. 4 in the plllirlnllot of Abernathy Flret United Methodilt Church. Breakfast will be eerved at the Seni\lr Citizens CeDter fol· lowing the service. Everyone is welcome to eD· joy the felloW'lhlp of wonhip lind breakfast. Students named Tandy scholars Cole and McKee were allo awarded certiflcatel for being in the acadamlc Top Two Percent of graduating .. niore in 1999. RadloShackfl'andy Tecllnology Scholars program will honor 30,669 meritorioul eeruora this year. I CHECK YOUR LOCAL MERCHANTS FIRST :':1 ,': I Plains Grain Co., Abernathy, Texas 298-2521 - 763-4868 Abernathy Power Lifting Regional Qualifiers Annuities, Life, Health, Disability David SanderSon, CLU, ChFC 602 10th St, Abernathy, TX 79311 298-4143 W.Ubn/",..• S Garry', Summer Spacial ·011 1.111 1II0! 01 .. -CIl'dU fIltt ' J 2 500 ... ~R b (26-1tb) Support your local bu.ln••••• J on Perez - State Qualif'aer Two steel buildings, engineer II Garage Sale Gar.,. aale: Friday, Mar. 26, 10 a.m.,1OO14thSt. TV,bed, wuher and dryer, tirea and much more. (26-11b) . atlllS Good While Supplies l4st When we see land "" a commWl/Ly 10 which we belong, we ""'II begin 10 use II with lour: and respect - J\ldo Leopold .....wasllng and desbudJon arc. in U,elr pa:h.s ,'· - I.alah 59:7 ftRST ASSEMBLV or GOD 1404 Avenue B 298-2060 Sunday Scboo19:4S AM Wonhip 10:30 AM 1l"...... 6:00PM Wednesday Evening 7:30 PM Rev. H.C. Lonl.. puIOI'. FIELD MAY BE INVISIBLE, BUT WHAT IT PROTECTS IS CLEAR. FORCE' insecticide creates a FORCE Field of protection around your com that Insects can't penetrate. UniYerslty studies show that FORCE provides htter contrOl than other Insecticides over rootworms, cutwonns a broad spectrum of other Insects. As a result, you'll get Improved stand quality . from this soli-applied, lranular insecticide. ~ a FORCE Field of protectio" around your com. ContaCt your local Zilneca As Products dealer for details. and A .11 • • • • • • • Yo. ............. • I.... _ . . . , _ ....,.-,"-'.-..~"- .... - ~~ ~,-~ -~ ~~ c •• ~~.'( •• ~,,.~~ - ~. "' Frontier Hybrids Inc. Consumers Fuel Farmers Thco Gin ACL Farmers Co-op Rockin R Steak House Plains Grain Co. Hill Veterinary Service Riley Agri-Services Security Bank Lowe's Marketplace 66 Butane & Fertilizer Wolf Irrigation Vecchio's Restaurant Hi Plains Drilling Abernathy Custom Paint AbernathyFlorai & Gifts Billy, Tammy, Andy & ~ Grimsley Lopez Tamales - Oscar & Mary Lopez Bobby, Jeania & Jody Grimsley Daniel, JoAnn .& Albley Perez Miguel &·E$ter.TQItu & family' Urban, Er.ma~Meagan :&Gbla Estl'ad8 S8ll~~s& ~ngie Ma~ez' ',A tih\lr · Do~tby. Ho_ aetw...? Creeka iD briek or wall.? Doon won't c1oee? Call ChOdere Brothen StabiHzing '" Foundation Levelling at 1-800· 299-9563. (8-601p-31) ~~«"(e4 ~«ftJ&'I CablD for n:nl among the cool pines of Ruidoso. Secluded 2 bed· room/I bath. fireplace. fully equipped. linens. bouse cleaner. Upper Csnyon. deck with a beautiful view. FOIST BAPTIST CHURCH 4117IbS_t 19&-2S87 Sunday Scbool 9:30 AM Wonbip 10:40 AM Bible SWdy S:QO PM IlvenlnB Wonbip 6:00 PM WedaNday IlvenlnB 7:30 PM MlbWlIco.. .,...... SubSCribe today! to the Abernathy Weekly Review 298-2033. (rta) The word "conservation" should become increaSingly a part of our everyday vocabulary; not just as an expression but as a mandate to preserve our environment and ultimately, life itself. When God gave us this planet for our home, He'did so as a sacred trust, expecting us to take care of it as conditions warrant. For example, in a normally dry area or during a periodic drought, it is only common sense not to waste water. And with our landfill disposal sites growing into towering mountains, it behooves us to recycle containers or re·use them as best we can, to at least slow down the process. Learn at your House of Worship that the earth is ours to inhabit and enjoy, but also to maintain; so let us assume our share of the responsibility for it. It's the only home we'll ever have. ftRST UNITED METHODIST . 704 Av.nue D 298·2581 Sunday School 10:00 AM Wonhip 11:00 AM Ev.nina 6:00 PM Wed. Cboir Practice 7:00 PM Rev. Jim Cuny PRIMERA MISSION BAlITISTA 1112 Jerome Street 298-4733 or 298-4252 Sunday School 9:45 AM Sunday Wonbip 11:00 AM Evening Service (B.T.U.) 6:00 PM Wed. Praii. Service &: Bible Sludy 7:00 PM Frank BakI.11Z, Paslor NORTHSIDE IIAPl1ST CHURCH 420 161b Street FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE SII Avenue E 298-2832 Sullday School 11:1 5 AM Mommg Worship 10:00 AM Evening Celebralion 6:00 PM Mld·Week Service 7:00 PM Youlb Tim. 7:00 PM David L M.ner.... Pastor 298·2497 Sunday Scboo19:4S AM Wonhip 11:00 AM Ev.nina Training S:OO PM Ev.ning Wonbip 6:00 PM Wedn.sday Service 7:30 PM 8Wy Parmer, 1II1erim Pulor FOIST BAPTIST NEW QEAL Sunday ScIlOoIIO:OO AM Wonlllp 11:00 AM EvenIDJ Wonldp 6:00 PM WedDNday Service 7:30 PM Dr. Tmy W. Jonao, pailiii' CENTER COMMVNITY CHURCH S mil......1 on PM S97 !ben 2 mile. lOulb on PM 2902 Sunday ScboollO:OO AM Worsblp 11:00 AM Wed. Prayer Meelina 7:00 PM al Marvin Loon.y·, 746-6641 CHURCH or CHRIST 916A_E 298-2718 Bible Sludy 9:30 AM Wonbip 10:30 AM S_iDa 5:00 PM Wednuda, Svenlna7:30 PM David Bennett BE'I1IBL BAFI'IST CHURCH lOIS. ilIS_ ME'11IODIST CHURCH NEW DEAL Sunday School 10:00 AM SlIIIday Service 9:00 AM RIOY. JiaJCW1)' COUNTY LINE BAPTIST 757-2134 Sunday School 10:00 AM Wonhip 11:00 AM Ilvenlna 6:00 PM 1IItenn PUIor Wayne R. WWiamJ IGLaIA BAUDSTA NUEVA CREACION 41214111 SIrMt 298·2900 Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship Scrvk:e 11:00 AM Sunday Evonlne 5:00 PM Wednesday Scrvk:e 7:00 PM Joel Perez. puICI' A _ A &: Sib Slnel Sunday ScboollO:OO AM ST. ISmoRE CHURCH SouIbA_lIIID WonIIIp 11:00 AM EvenlDa 6:00 PM WeclnNday Service 7:00 PM 198-:1118 298-4278 Sunday ScIJooI9:45 AM Marninl Wonbip U:OO AM IlvenIDJ Scrvk:e (B.T.U.) 6:00 PM MaDay Million, ~ A BroIIIadIood M_1inI7:OO PM W.......y PNiN Service, Bible SIIIdy 7:00 PM Cbolr RobeanaII.-OO PM Rev. W.It. BollDa Jr~ I'InIr Sunday 9:00 AM Wednesday 7:00 PM OUR LADY QUEEN OFTHB APOSTLES CA11I0LIC CHURCH Now Deal Sunday Mua 10:45 AM father MicbMI O'CIftDIl c-ab7 la_e: 91111 with outbulldlnga,good weU, 1.1 acre. and oDIy 8 mlnatea tom New Deal school., $78,500. Call FraRk Harmon at WIIWark Realtors, 794-6000. (26-3tb-9) Great ooodidoD, don't mia. thi. ODe. For lal. by owner, a 3 bed· room, 2 bath for under $60,000. Call 298-2392. (Tta) 298-4050 Shower card.. We can fill your print order right here in Aberna. thy. PriDted on POlt carda. Call early for wide selectioD of colore. Other priDt JOM also available. Call Abernathy Weekly Review, IGLESIA DEL NAZARENO Motn'E DE LOS OLIVAS 110 I!ut 4111 S_I 298-2140 Sunday Servicea 10:00 AM Sunday IlveniDa 6:00 PM 1'lIeaday Prayer Meoli1ll7:OO PM 'I1Iunday 7:00 PM Pullll' 0sc:1I' paez Sponsors Joe Thompson Implement 88 Butane & FeriiHzer Consumers Fuel Association ACL Farme~ Co-op .. Pt.,-N-Save St. Mary Family Health IHtJI"'1p¥.·,1J.~'ldy;~vi,w _C~e Center.K. .thG....,..,ry,D.O. ~ . A"eCty .......'11 . Lubbock County $20 All otheracldresses $24 Many happy returns. am GOD APPOINTED US CUSTODIANS OF THE WORLD HE GAVE US UMIIU__ A FORCE Can't -rir. can't ao to achool becaaee chOd care I. too upen. live? Call _, mqba I can help. CCMS vendor. Sa". bi.... Call 7«-M41. (19-2tb-26) Let early education be a 80rt of amusement; you will tben be bet. ter able to determine the natural bent. -Plato .Ir conditioning .y.tam FREE Blow-Ill Attic luu1atloll 207 Main Street. Abernathy Moone ho..e for rent. 3 bed· room, 2 fa1I bathe. Call ~r more iDformatlon, 298-4110 or 298- Church Directory 298-2408 - 1-800-864·4580 ZENllCAi. ....... II certified. 4Oz66 w.. $11,488 now $6,962. 4Ox40 was '7,«0 now ",170. Must sell, ean deliver. 1· 800-292-0111 . (l9·2tp·26) high afflcl.ncy ha.tlng and ~~ ro Buy I Building Material For . .Ie: dining table with 4 cbaira and matching hutch, $360. Antique piano, $160. Can 2982142. (26·1tb) wtth purchase of ~bl,b emct~~tr1 .. HeatiD,. AIr CoIldltloDlD, L-:;;b:i:e-=,at~p7.UID~P-;;.=":; · =t-;:elll:;--"1 V Want WlDt to buy fWIlize battery op· erated Barbi. car. Call 298-2909 or 198·2033. (Tta) Receive a FREE whole house humidilier with purchase 01 a ·check e1l·,tr" P,lIts ",""'P-Pl--_....... ~ For .... 1I0p ear bunnill for Eater. CaD 745-1314or298-2980. II Regional Medalists " Ohio National _ . FUlancial Services_ Summer Ale Tunc·up I_ulcllike to thank each on. 01 JOutbr your vllita, cardI and caU.. Special thanka to WIlma Newton lOr taJdng me to tbI d0ctor and to th. hOlpital and bring· in, 1118 hOlll8 tom the boepital, "here I.tayed tbr two weeka be· in, treated for pneumonia. Spadal thanka to Jan Welley tbr the beautifUl lIoweraand WitmaNe,,· ton lOr the pretty robe. Thanka to David Bennett and Mika Wilcox for tbelr vllite and prayers and Y.F. md M.., Jo SDodgr... for their vialt and pray.... And a .pa. elal thanka to each ODa of1OU who I'IIOIIDbered me in prayer. Mllohlo.., Season meet results: 1. Abernathy 1. Shallowater 6. Petersburg 3. Floydada Region I Top 10 For All Your Farming Needs ., hCl' k f"' on ,val.., Mnl_ Call Bnd Shaddenat2118-lU78or778-1618, leaYe _age. (26-atp-9) 4164. (rte) For. . . .."hitedrelMrandcheat, 8YlIpontiveairoonditionen,Iarp andu.larIl'1C1otrbouae•. CaD7465180 or 746-6401. (26-11p) Neva Lee Calvert .Insurance since 1980! Abernathy's Ginger Ar· macoat h.. been named Player of the Year by the LubbockAualoncMJourraal. ID naming ita annual All· South Plains team, New Deal'a Carl Bigham was namedtothefrontcourtteam where Eilene Graham (Ahemathy) received an honor· able mentioD. New Deal's MeDdi MartiD received honorable mention for backcourt. On the boys' .ide, New Deal's Gerald Johnson was placed on the trontcourt Jist of tbe 2A AII·SP Iiat. Ahematlly's Brady Barton "as named honorable men· tion iD the backcourt Iiat. FoaadI wid.. puppy Mar. 18 near North8lde Bapdlt Church, CaD 298-lU78. (26-UI) Loft, A ColDlllunitY Ellter Sun· riM Wonhip Semce wOl be eft'ective ..mea. KriatiD Cole of Abernathy and Brandon McKaeorN_ Deal have beeo recognized by the RadioShackfl'andy TechDOlogy Sebolen program .. outatanding math/acleDce/computer .dence atuclenta. Thla is the tenth year that the proll'8Dl h.. made awarda to teac:bera and graduating eeniora at American high achool•. ForbeingoutataDdingln mathematica, science or computer acience, Cole and McKee are eligible to compete for the one hundred U,OOO echolarahlps awarded anDUally. 'lIIIaak )'OU to evW7V_ who. CIIIIIII, aa1Ied, broaabt lood or lint carda clurinllII,J i11neu. I appreelate It aU 10 mach: Give the gift thai gives hUL"k more than you've given. For as little <IS S:!5. yuu l'an give a pia"e of America 10 someone )'ou ,'are ahoul. Ask your hanker for .. girl cenificate upon purcha!<oe sT~~~ TTSSAVJM;S A !nA~~j .BONDS.~ i"f*"i,i\jifl··'f,i','8I.!hiHI,·iriFiNd"iiiit' Nilit. It u dl,xal III '" f'l1u.J/O' dllyrhillg hqond ciL;0if~~m;~~OM1~'bNiTv couple - If. home mom. "biggeSl-~id-oD-block" dad. We WMe 10 adope your newbont into a lov - ing sec Uft homc= 1-800 . ~_IO·6612, eJ:1. BUSINESS 1001 OPPORTUNITlF~~ AVON PRODUCTS· START your own busi· ness Work flexible.- houn . Enjo)' unhmited eam· ings. Call toll rrt.e 1-888-942 -40Sl S20 StAn ·up: BEST HOME:'BASED business . Chents pro· vided, no inw!mory. Hmnds-on ulUning, on 'ao - ing suppon. 8«ome a men::handisc broker, sur· plus wholesalt, domc=sticlimportlexport. Flu information packag~ _ Investmt:nl S 5 , 9~O. United Traders Association 1-8Sfi\ ·38S-S048 COMPANY SPONSORED TRAINING & First yell' Incomt SJ5 K Stevens Transpon . wasll("d~ Nun ·c:\pericflCcd or e.\pc· OTR drivers r1crll:('d. I - KOO-H .1-8W~ . EVE I)RIVERS • INEXPERIENCED! LEARN 10 be: lin aTR profeSSIOnal from a lOp camel. Oreat pay. exccutive-style benefits and conventiOflal equipmena. Min imum Investment required. CaU ~~r!._ ~~~:._ ~~ :800-87~:.?2'!:~ _ _ __ .~ EMPLOYMENT HVACR JOBS - CHECK out www.hvlK"job.com or cull 1·88K· HVAC-JOB for COnlractor, whole- saler, huild ing manageme nt lUld manufactu rer _ __ ~~~~NMh~_~ ~ FINANCIAL SERV~ _~_ERSW~ED _ _ OVER YOUR HEAD In debr.' Do you netd • ACME TRANSPORTATION NOW ,,",ins apmore breathing room? Deb. consolidation. No plications fex owner-operators to llanspon mo qualif)'ulg! ·Free consultation 1·800-556-1548 bile homes. Must have II least one yeu e~peri· , www.anewhorizon.org. Licensed , bonded. nonence wilh mobile home cransporting. Phont: profi&lRa~nal company. ___ _ _ _ ~'-O;::~::..·;::~~.::..6~;::32",1~"-L"'t:'XC-: - PRE$$ N-U--O-S-m-R-& rtgionll drivers Voted aRlong the top 10 small carriers. Paid benelits . 90-95~ no -touch (reighl. 1·800-727-4374. EOE. 1·8()()'695·447J DRIVER COVENANT TRANSPORT 'CO"I 10 coast runs· Teams stlltl ."\x-37e. ·SI ,(XXhian on tJoous for apenenco:i c~)' dnvcn Ftt CJ.. perienced drivers and owner opcrnlOr.i. 1-800-441 · 4394. Fu 1JlId- _ 1-800-3Js.642l1. DRIVERS· SOLOS START up 10 36c/mil< Teams up 10 38c/mile. SIO.OOO lonaevi1y boou$! Minamum 23 with six montJu (JfR e~periencC' Vernon Sawyer. 1-S88-8Z9-9565. DRIVER: WE ONLY succeed when you IUCcttd! Gilbert Express i~ seeking onl), the besl of the beSI OTR professional dri ...m; and team drivers. ·Fabul0l15 pay and bcnefils packaae·New 1999 Volvoconventionallractors -Frequcnl halllt time·1 yw-eltperit:nceCDL· AlHAZMal. Recr'UiIers mnding by 7 days a week. 1-800-8'9-0426. DRIVERlOTR A GREAT pay plan ... Up 10 36cpm! Greal home time. Singl~5. teams, students &; 010'5. Careo Carrier, 1·888·462·2726 (loll free) WWW.carcotrans.com DRIVERS· ATTN: PROFESSIONAL own.. operllon! No Canada. NYC &: NE. Minimum 23 )'ean ..... ith I year orR COL wI HwnII. Paschall Tru<k Lin.. 1·8(J().848-0405 DRIVERS - co.olO. It doesn'l gee any better! Belter opport\lnities! Betle. benefits! Belkroom· pensation! Call for inronnltion. Class A COL required. Amold Transportation 1-800-4S4·2887. DltlVERS· MJLES...MONEY... homctime ...slan up lO 34cImile ·More homelime ·Medical. dentaI,UfeA 401t ·Midwest/48 slates·3 yearsOT'R + I yr flalbed . Combined Transport 1·8()().290·2327. DRIVER: NEW TRUCK PURCHASE Prolflii\. Own • 1999 Frei,htliner ia 30 moqlhi, No moneydowa. DriveraadOJOposilionsaboa... aiIable. Home most weekend,! Can 1·8()().888-l1203. DRIVERS: OWNER OPERATORS and !em· penry eompany drivers needed for ~Ior trailer 48 stile hauling. 3+ monlbs expenence. North American Vln Lines: 1_800_348·2147. Dept. TXS. DRIVERS. START AT 34dmilt:' 2,5()().3.000 miJes/week. ·1 ~ conventional sleepen. -Ben• " bel.... ·MO!Ily no louclv1lrop "Hook. CaD 0I1!X lod.y! 1-80Q.42J06939. QlJALiTY DRIVE-AWAY: Deliver """,.Iionll vebi<!CI. Must bave JI4 IOn 0< Iloopick...ptntcl<. Traftltl1e USA and .. Ipaid. Homeof'"!t. I~ 695·9743, Diek or Lany. RAPID FREIGHT Of' T.... b ...tUn. orR driven. Minimum I year experience, au. A COL wilh HozMII r<quit<d. CaD _lUn, II 1~299.7274. ex.. 21 0' eo.. 41. _nm. EDUCATION ~ --AVOID BANKRlIPTCY-· Deb 000soladlJlion. Stop co11cction calls. CUi ITKI'Lthly pall mera 10 50%. EI.i.rRnale finance dwgC&. FISI ap- ...,.,.J ! Nation&IComolidaioo.I ·8()().2JO.9l!'I4 S$ WE BUY 5S ·SEI.LER linam;ed notes ·InsurlnCe 5Cttlements ·Land note portfolios. ·8usi · ness noles . Colonia.! Financial. 1·800-969- 1200. ell. 42. FINANCIAL RELIEF · IF you're living With terminal IUness and have a life insurance polic y. obtairl a HIltIemenl for your policy. Enhance Life Benefits 1-8QO..887-2849. NEED CASH? PAYDAY wViUlCes . No credit Same day approval . No application rec Righlaway Financial Group. ,·8&8-266 · 7066 (24 houn) FOR SALE KISS YOUR CABLE aoodb)'e . Only $69 In eludes 18" Linle Dish System. Qver 40 channels for SI9 .99/mollth. 1·888·292-4836. call loll fret C.O.D.orcredilcard _ __ . _. __ SAWMILL $3795, SAWS logs into boards, planks. beams. tarae capacit)'. Besc sawnull vaJ· ues In)'\l/here. Fret infonnation. Norwood Saw mills, 90 Cunwriabl Drive '3, Amhers\, NY 14221. l-8oo·S78·1l6J. STEEL BUILDINGS SALE: 5.000+ ,il<> 4OxWd4, SS.349; 5Ox75,14. $10,883; 5Ox100d6. 514.627; Wa100x16. 516.9311 Mini·_e I>IiId· iogs. 4Ox160, 32 wUlS, SI~,914 . Free brochures. www.sentinelbuiklinIS.com Sentinel Buildings. 1-8(X).327.Q'790. Ell\. 79. WAREHOUSE AVTO PARTS. Ore., prim. hUle inventory, (oreiaR and dOOlestic. Shipped direcl to you. 1-8OO-6S54492 WOLFF TANNING BEDS. Tan al home. Bu)' ditccl and save! Comnv:rcialn-lom(' units from S 199.00. Low monthly payments. Free color cato· log. Clillod.y. 1·8(J().842·iJ10. LEGAL SERVICES NURSING HOME ABUSE - Neglect. bedsore •. bums. assaults, malnutrition. falls, deaths . Call for free confN1efttial cOftSullation, David P. Willis. Board Cenified Personal Injury Trill Lawyer HOUSIOR, Tlil. principal o(facc, 1-800-883-98S8. PET SUPPLIES FOR PENNIES MORE. lei 1.les' IcchnoloBY in .,quid wormers, Happy Jack Uqw- VtCI delivefJ _ _ ..... oIdeI fonnrlas. TSC TlvlOI SlIppIi<s" County Coops. (www.~.oom.) . REAL ESTATE NO DOWN PAYMENT! Problem Ctedk? aw. .... borne you need now widto... down Ply· menl. Complete fIQanciR8 if qualified. DeOeorae Home AlUanee.I·8(J().34J·2884. bi. SOtrrHERN COLORADO RANCH Salel 80 ICres - 149,900. Enjoy panoramic mountain views _ -' sensational SUlUCtI oyer 1M Rockies from this ,eady rollin, acreaae. Year round accClS. leleph_ ad elt:clrieily. Ideal for ........ I!JtceUenl ... AlII FORCE. 0 .... ea'''' oppnmanidea avail· rUWICI... Call loll In:e l.an0676-6J67. Hao:bcI able hilb ..,hoGl amb. _ 17-27. PI...p ... _ _ _ 10 _ _ _ l0iii _ _ ... _ .. _ _ ..... _ · HOIDIWMI_ ........_ ........... _ . . . . - . . .~ . .............. Wt ........... . ror ... . to .. =~~.dthi:'''~1i.;'''~\=~ mil.' acbDin:!It4lred every 80 minutes, 24 ho.,. a day. Tlda h.. to be do... to eav. the eye 80 she can Bb., of Abemathy. 'l'hepmblematartecl aometime ....... the two weeb from Feb. ·have a comea tranaplant. Play... dana beHeve that the trouble be· po durtn, adUlt atorm where a particle of IUd from the lamb bama blew into her eye, acratcb· in, the com... The apecialiat explained that the teenapr'a white blood cella were melting down the comea to fight the bacteria. He then began treatment with additional eye drops that are very radical and experimental proceduree with ateroids to atop her body from melt- 18 thronp Mar. 15, when ahe ahowed lamba at the HOUlton Li...tock Show. Her left eye bepn to hart. She fa very pain toler· ut ud only brietJy mentioned the paiD in her eye. After the family left HOUlton ud retamed to Brownwood, they took NIkki to a local optometriat who determined that ahe had a very aerloaa problem. He referred her to u ophthalmolotriat in San ahewollldlll88d to have 8UJ'III1 to NIIl. . How.ver, even it the dropa wort and the eye beala, NikId WQald attll need a com.. traIlIplant, bat Dr. Kirkland coald Wait lonpr until h. ftnela a matchiq eomea. Th. droll' .Iowed down th. meltin, of the com.. and the eye appean to have bepD the heal· in, proce... The family returned home to Brownwood and return. to San Angelo twice weeldy to I I I Dr. Kirkland. Nikki iI currently on a home bound program for herlCbool work and can no longer participate in ., up .. travel, vi.it omc. t-. ch...... away fIom home eootinn•. The eornea trana- plant i. imminent and .7,000 or more wiD be needed. MeclicatioDl .... alDlOl~ $8& a day. '!bey uk for prayen and any financial help that can be pro· vided. A benefit fund in Nikki Shuey'. name ha. been eatabU.hed at Citizen. National Bank in Brownwood. Information can be provided to anyone whomey be intere.ted by contactin, Vicki GrI.ham at Fint State Bank in Ahemathy. . DAVID K. HAGSTROM, M.D. ANESTHESIOLOGIST e PAIN MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST t 0t) In 1984 the World Health Organization identified pain as a major health problem. Now we don 't have to live with pain any longer. Dr. David Hagstrom is a recognized specialist in the area af Pain Management and 'peeializ.. i. the diagno,i, and treatment of pain syndromes. Through an in-depth evaluation followed by a variety of therapies and techniques his patients are able to reduce or eliminate their pain. From arthritis and osteoporosis to post-operative pain and muscle or nerve inflammation. Dr. David Hagstrom treats people whose lives are being devastated and dominated by pain. Dr. David Hagstrom must be commended for his caring and gentle treatment of acute and chronic pain and for bringing grater relief and more freedom into his patients' lives. If you are ready to do more than just talk about your pain. call this esteemed practice today and learn how to manage it. . The editors of this 1999 Medical & Business Review of the best of Lubbock are pleased to . . feature and recommend Dr. David Hagstrom . 410114TH ST•• SUITE 108 A LUBBOCK . 791-7888 ,•• \o"~. Hospital & Patient Aid Equipment SALES • RENTALS • SERVICE • t ..·~.~.."'· a.,a' • -- Ill '" ~ Since OXY CARE PLUS has been oing business with the people of West Texas. they have established themselves as one of the leading firms in their field. They are dedicated to delivering quality products and service. and their high standard of business practices continues to win them the respect and admiration of people throughout our area. They will bill Medicare, Medicaid and private insur· ance for you and have a respiratory therapist on staff, The editors of this Medical & Professional Review of coml'anies serving Hale county and surrounding communities are pleased to feature and commend OXY CARE PLUS for their invaluable service to our communities. JCAHO ACCREDITED 3626-B 50TH ST. LUBBOCK 796-2227 OR 1-800-374-4579 1 NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY DIEGO RIVERAf M.D. Dedicated to prOViding the finest in FULL FAMILY CARE and OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE. the UNIVERSITY CLINIC is staffed by a team of qualified profeSSionals who will take the time to answer our questions and meet our needs. /Jusiness and industry can rely 01/ (/Iis ':s(cclIl.:d pr.lctict: for pre-placement physical examinations, drug screens, injuries and workers compensation cases. They are equipped to do X-rays and lab work. on the premises. and are re n Iy to serve our Hale county readers. Special interests at this practice are in Diabetes. Arthritis and Hypertension. They are Medicare and Medicaid approved and most insurance plans are accepted. . The editors of this Medical and Professional Review are pleased to feature the UNIVERSITY CLINIC and we commend them for the services they bring to our communiMonday - Friday 8 AM - 6 PM • Saturday 9 AM - 1 PM ties. 111 NORTH UNIVERSITY LUBBOCK 747-4415 SE HABLA ESPANOL CI~!9~~.~I~TS Howard P. Hurd II, M.D•• MouDir Y. BorDO, M.D. Gerry L. Maddoux, M.D•• Robert J. Wey, M.D• • James G. GrattaD, M.D. CONSULTANTS IN CARDIAC & VASCULAR DISEASES DOD aid L. Heine, M.D. will be joining CARDIOLOGISTS OF LUBBOCK iD Ma)' of 1999 aDd will opeD a full service omce in PlaJavlew Dedicated to providln~ c.urrent. comprehensive health care in the diagnosis ·and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. CARDIOLOGISTS OF LUBBOCK welcomes new and established patients. Medical services provided by CARDIOLOGISTS OF LUBBOCK include. but are not limited to: Cardiac Evaluation. Ec:boc:ardlography • Stress Testing • Stent Placement. Coronary Anglograp!. Coronary Angloplasty • Permanent Pacemaker Placement And Evaluation. ce hours are Monday through Friday by appointment. Most insurances are accep!ed. lriving to provide their patients with the most comprehensive medical care in CARDIOLOGY. this esteemedJ!ractice p,.ovides services in a cost-effective. courteous manner. We would like to commend CARDIOLOGISTS OF LUBBOCK for·the service they bring./o our Hale county communities. . 3506 21st STREET, SUITE!07 LUBBOCK 806--'88-0040 OR 1-800-915-0040 . CardlDlogist Avllllable U Ho"rs A DtIf ANSON FINANe PERFECT CREDIT NQT ~"a;\N«)FFiCI!:R CONTACT: DIANA GRAY - L4 With interest rates now so ready to offer the people of Hale tial Mortgage Loans inclUding I ftJt;j /~. ~;, .' .. "'... . &.. . ,~io~~. . ;. . . . .•.•. . ' . . l frt, . ". ,...' " . "1' I' ' • . ,!' " ' .' . flU!P9C~IrlIJ[e . s.olidations. Home . [",pro.vem. ent experience, these l.ro/essionalsknow ratetowhile you still aoJJenng service a~~~~1=~~?~~~~~ try course ~ood In finance, but in plain easy to.understand Now accepting 'applications for convenience store or restaurant employee PQsltlons. Applications are available at the New Deal City Hall OffIce. Advancement opportunities. OPENIN(~ S(J(JN!! You don't need to pay for information about aovemment or postal jobs. A public eerviea me..ap from the Federal Trade Commission. LM.D., ~\~~1t,~~gJ Specializing in orthopaedic surgery (bones and joints). DR. G.S. GILL has enjoyed an excellent reputation in West Texas. This Board Certified and Fellowship trained physician and his profeSSional staff are dedicated to prOViding comprehensive orthopaedic care and are welcoming new patients from Hale county. Dr. Gill hasyerformed over 6.000 joint replacements in over 22 years of practice. You may consult his ojjice for any of the follOWing areas of specialization including. but not limited to: Joint Replacement • Artbritis Surgery • Hand Surauv • Fractures. Ojjice hours are Monday through Friday by appointment. and most insurance plans are accepted. The editors of the Medical Review of leading profeSSionals serving our area are pleased to feature and recommend DR. G.S. GILL to all oj our readers. 360111ND PLACE LUBBOCK 797-9119 LLERGY & ASTHMA CLINIC OF WEST TEXAS .. I'.~ SUZANNE ADAMS BECK, M.D. CERTIFIED BY THE AMERICAN BOARD OF ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY , Dedicated to meeting the health care needs offamilies in this part of West Texas. Dr. Beck and her professional staff are welcoming new patients this al/ergy season. You may consult them for the follOWing health care services. including but not limited to: Allergies. Astbma • Immune Diseases. Sinus Problems. Food Allergy. Insect Allergy. Hives. Hay Fever. Allergic Skin Disorders. Most insurance plans are accepted and office hours are Monday through Friday by appointment. The editors of this 1999 Lubbock Medical and ProfeSSional Review are pleased to feature ALLERGY & ASTHMA CLINIC OF WEST TEXAS among the leading medical practices serving Hale county and we commend them for the services they bring to our community. 4005 24TH Sg SUITE 2 LUBBOCK 806-799-4192 CAPROCK PORTS REHAB CENTER ._-,.. _-. -... .- ........- BECKY-WOODWARD; P~T. CAPROCK' S'PORTS ltEltAB CENtER is an outpatient orthopedic and sports physical therapy center that has earned an excellent reputation in the diagnosis. testing and rehabilitation of injured athletes and workers. They offer the latest technology in physical therapy and equipment ~~ specialize in : Pool Tberapy • Hand Tberapy • Functional Ca, , . and pacities • Evaluations. Foot Orthotics. Work Hardening. Im" I , , pairment Ratings. Their staff is also available for in home physical therapy as well as public education an.d awareness programs for schools and the work place. The editors of this Medical and Professional Review of Lubbock practices serving Hale county are pleased to feature CAPROCK SPORTS RERAD CENTER and we commend them for the service they bring to our communities. . 3601 SLIDE RO, SUITE 8-18 (Security Sbo~ping Center) LUBBOCK ' 785-1737 ' y- / Medicare - All Blue CrosS/Blue Shield Plans - HMO Blue - Health Smart CALVERT HOME HEALTH CARE, INC. Locally Owned And Operated By RODDie MadlsoD • DaDa MadlsoD • Kim Porter . OPENING AN OmCE SOON IN PETERSBURG If a member ofyour family has been stricken with an illness or injury that requires specific treatment to get them back on their feet again. we suggest )Iou call CALVERT HOME HEALTH CARE, INC. first. This reputable firm provides skilled nurses. home care aides. physical. occupational and speech therapists as well as medical social services. Their considerate service has won them the respect of physicians throughout our area as well as the patients they have helped recover. They accept Medicare. Medicaid. private insurance and private pay. CALVERT HOME HEALTH CARE, INC. is expanding their staff. If you are a professional in the above fields and desire a new and rewardin., career opportunity. please call for a confidential interview. The editors of this Medica & Professional Review 01 the best companies serving Hale count)! are pleased to feature CALVER.T HOME HEALTH C.ARE, INC. and we commend them for the services iheJI. bring to our communities. 1718 AVE. N LUBBOCK 747-8972 P. GREGORY JOHNSON, D.D.S. ~ 11" 1't . " WELCOMING NEW PATIENTS Everyone smiles in the same language and with proper dental care our smiles can feel and look their ¥Teatest. DR. JOHNSON and his professional ~ staff have an excellent reputatlo1f and offer quality. cost effective dental care \1 for the entire family. . Dental health lias improved enormously among Americans in the last 50 ~ . )!ears thanlcs to better oral hygiene, the use offluoride qnd advances in professional care. This esteemed practice is dedicated to serving all of our general dentistry needs. in offices. that are comfortable and relaxing. They are open Monday through Thursday. 8:00 am - 5:00 pm and 8:0(/ am - J2 noon Friday. Most insurance is accepted. Preventing dental disease and improving the appearance of our teeth are priorities at Dr. Johnson's office. and we. the editors of this Medical & PrOfessional Review 0/ the best oj Lubbock are proud to feature and commend this practice for the service they bring to our c:ommunity. . 1116 50TH STREET LUBBOCK 744-1490 WINDMILL INFO SERVICES, INC. WeleOIDllllll ~a1e County Customers To Tbe