13 - The Unger Memorial Library
13 - The Unger Memorial Library
Teachers receive raise ~onstruction company approved for science labs ByJudyLuce dipprey voted for renewal. DeAnda Abernathy achool board trIlit- and Marez voted against. _ faced Mveral members of the , Allotherteachercontractswere faculty and ataft' Monday night. renewed with 7-0 votes from the On the meeting'a agenda wers board. t.e.clier contracts and rumors had Teinert Construction of Lubcireulated that the aalary incre- bock was approved by the board a8 ment might be decreaeed. the construction firm on the proThe oppoaite happened. The posed science labe. They will work board voted to add $1,000 to the with Jones Roundtree Architects. teachers' aalariea whoae increA committee made up of Hill, menta are currently at $2,000. This Rieken, DeAnda, Oran Hamilton and Robert Prieet will repreeent includea all teachere. Members of the ataJJ"whoee in- the board while negotiating a concrementa are already more than tract with the two firms. $2,000 did not get the additional Seniore may be able to obtain college credit while they are tak· money. All teachere' contracts were re- ing English at Abernathy High School next year. newed, but not all unanimously. CounMlor T.J. Etchison was Principal Ken Cole addressed rehind with a 4 to 8 vote. Larry the board about a program where Bryant, Tyke Dipprsy, John Hill students receive dual credit - coland Thereaa Marez voted in favor lege and high school - while takof the renewal. Craig Schaap, Roy ing a class locally. The class will be ·college style DeAnda and Gary Rieken voted against. in a le88 aggressive environment: Teacher Lou Houee received one said Cole. vota from Marez against her conCollege credit will come from South Plains College and will be tract renewal. Coach and teacher Wayne transferable to any college or uni· Riley's contract received a 5-2 vots veraity which receives transfen concerning ita renewal. Hill, from South Plains. Rieken, Schaap, Bryant and Enrolled students will have to pay a tuition fee, expected to be set at $80 per semester. It will be possible for them tb obtain lix houre of coUege credit within the school year. For next year, Cole only expects to offer English at this level. He is considering biology, govern· ment and economics for future yean. In order to instruct the clus, the teacher must have a mastare degree in the subject areal Malena Gough is qualified to teach the English class. The new program wu approved unanimously be the board. Schaap made the motion and Marez seconded it. The 1997·98 budget for the HONDA program was amended by the board. Additional federal funding has been made available for salaries, contracted servicee, supplies and travel. Minutes of the Feb. 9 board meeting were amended. Trustee Rieken questioned whether the salary of busineas manager Floyd Galloway was a part of the original motion. It was decided it was not and the figure wu removed from the minutes. Beginning with the next school year, Galloway will be considered a half-time employee. Other bueinellll Judy Shannon, nuree for the school district, ahowed the board a video tape of a speaker who ad· dreSBed the sixth through twelfth grades this week about teenage sexuality. The administration and PTO sponsored Ed Ainsworth's pro· gram. A portion of his fee was paid with federal grant funds. Secret ballots were cast for board of db'ecton for Region 17 Education Service Center. On the ballot Mary Linda Neal is running unopposed for one place and Priscilla Sims and Russell Klinkenberg are running for Place 6. Overall enrollment for the dis· trict is 866, the same as the total in February. Some numben in individual buildings changed but the overall total remained unchanged. All board members were present at Monday's meeting, The next meeting is scheduled for Apr. 6. Abernathy mayoral hopefuls must file for the one·year term by the ballot. Places on the ballot will be drawn Apr. 3. There will also be a write·in line for mayor on the ballot. Write· in candidates do not have to file an application as a write·in can· didate. In the council election, three places are up for election. To be a write·in candidate in that race a candidate must file a declaration Local FFA team third • In state tractor meet Abernathy improved by one Shelton and Augustine alao place over last year's ftniah in the won toola u memben ofone of the .tate tractor mec:banica. The Abtop three te8llll. ernathy FFA team woo aecond Individually they evaluated 20 but again had the top individual tractor components and took a in the state. written test. Phillip Shelton wu the tint -That's where the top individuplace individual and earned a . ala come from: Abernathy adviIChol....hip to UTI in HOUlton. sorGeraldKelly.aid. ~erewere He also won tools worth about nine pointa that18parated tbe top $8,000. ftve individuala.Drew Augustine wu the third There were 10 teams from high individual in the atate and around the state. Brazos wu firet brought home $6,000 in tools. . and North Lamar waa aecond. Neil Elliott was a member of This waa the ninth trip to the the third place Abemathy team .tate meet for KeDy'. teama. It and won tool. valued at about wu held during the Houston live$1,600. stock Show. Abernathy hu won Ab~mathy s~nds five to regional lifters meet The Abemathy powerliNnl in to run by Mar. 23. To have. name placed on the ballot (or Abernathy councilman, candidates must file by 5 p.m. Wednesday. If someone ia writtsn in on the council ballot and the name is not someone who has filed aa a write· in candidate, that portion of the ballot will not be counted. Councilmen Lynn Goble, Carl Johnson and Elias Vecchio are eligible for re-illection if they file applications. . Current councilmen are eligible to run for mayor. In the cue or Goble, Johnson and Vecchio, they can not have their name on the ballot twice. Two vacant places on the council will require a special election that will have to be held in August. If their is one vacaney, lb. council can appoint aomeone to flU the vacancy. No one had filled for any poeition in Abernathy by I) p.m. Wednesday. Dog law targets pit bulls Third in the state Abemathy's tractOr mechanic's team placed third this year and had the top ranked Individual and the third best In the state. From left, team memben and alternates are Trey Thompson, Phillip Shelton, Sky Bradley, Drew Augustine, Neal Elliott and JeftTurner. .thIete tomorrow. Michael E.trada h .. been in· eluded in the 128·pound clau. 'lbe top.10 theretion cIet,er. mined by ltanclinp in meetI cIurm, the IHIOn .dVance to • nlioilalmeettodetermiDewhowDl ao to ltate. The reti_ . . .t II ~ at Colorado Cit)" HIP Enough GTE telepbone c:uat.oa.n in Ahematby voted for toO· treeing calUng to Anton, Idalou and Petenburi. The city waa notifted thi. week that over 70 percent of tbOl8 cutiq votel wanted the long dilltance charges canceled. The change will affect GTE telephone customen with a "298" prefix on their telephone number. The three new cities win be .clded to • liet that inc1udee Plainview and Lubbock. Abernathy now bu ftve uchanges that it can call toll-free for the maximum charges allowed. Residential numben are charged $3.50 and commercial lines are charged $7. Any other exchanges, that are within 22 miles along a direct path from Abernathy, would cost an additional fee per month. Spade and Hale Center have .UCC8IefWly petitioned for tonfree calling to Abernathy. Thoee bave been granted and ..:tivated. Shallowater had alao petitioned for Abernathy and toU-free calling is now in place between the two citiea. The Public Utility Commission ofTexu will notilY GTE to have them file a schedule of implementation. A protest period will begin after Apr. 20. Implementation could be held up until May. Below are results of the Abernathy voting. , Exchange TotalYee Total No "'Y.. Anton 275 80 77.46 Idalou 290 90 76.82 76.08 Petersburg 283 89 Of the numben that returned ballots, at leut 70 percent had to vote for toll·fTee service to each exchange. This notice was sent to the city of Abernathy with Littlefield listed fnstead of Idalou. City Manager Frank RusseD confirmed that it was a typographical error. He also had reports that not every Abernathy GTE telephone customer received a ballot but these results will be used. Abernathy filing deadline Wednesday for council, Apr. 2 for mayor hopefuls 5 p.m. Apr. 2 to file for a place on tum will compete with one extra Local GTE voters get free service to Anton~ Petersburg, Idalou School, Abernathy will compete in echool c1..... ]A to SA. Squats belin 'at 9 ••m. Bench and deadHft competition wiD be after lunch. Abem.thy coach Sonny Oon· ut. will al.o take LaIT)' Paea in the ~2-pound clau. Jonathan Pentz in 2'16; Jered Dunn in 148; and PbUHpShelton in the 198pound di"rilion. placed six times. -They won just about $30,000 in awards,- Kelly said. The Abernathy team wu secondbehind Brazos Jan. 17 in the area contest at Huntsville. Au· gustine wu the second high individual. At area the team worked on a Masaey Ferguson 281 tractor. Western Implement in Lubbock loaned Abernathy FFA a tractor for practice. Alternates were Jeff Turner, TreyTbompeon and Sky Bradley. No specific pit bull dog insurance is available By Scott Luce Abernathy's City Council amended the animal control law Monday to include pit bull dogs. The definition of pit bull dogs included the breeds of Bull Ter· rier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier. Pit bull dog owners now have to muzzle the animal if the dog is outside its kennel or pen. They can not be bpt in a pen or house from which they can get out by themselves. Ownen have to post a sign on the premises and on the kennel or pen that states ·Beware of Dog Pit Bull-. Another expense will be insurance pit bull dog owners must have on their animals. The liability insurance policy must be at leut $50,000. Homeownere' policies provide su~ coverage and even renters' AII~District 4-AA basketball team listed Idalou's Matt Bozeman (Jr.) w.. the Most Valuable PlaJer in Diltrict 4-AA boy. buketball tbieyear. Abemathy play.... on the A· D liet included junior Sammy Camacho;lOphomoreBra~Bar ton and hahman Cleve Riley. ftenior Trey Thompson w •• nlllrled Honorable Mention. RUey and New Deal lenior Jerry Crawford tied in and w.... both included. Other Ne. Deal playen were ..nior Spencer ' FreeIDaD .nd IOphomore Gerald Jobuon. w_ Idalou playen on the list were aenior Heath Bozeman andjunior Anthony DeLeon. RaIl. H.ted HniOI'l Patrick Dove and Jfmm.y Cortez. Post had junior CleD Kntpt. AB8 Academlo AIl·m.trIo& Abem.thy h.d threeplayen onthe.AcademicAU·Dietrictliet. 'lbeywere Sky Bradley, Michael IAelOn and M8I'CUI Gardner. ADdemic' A·D ltudenta had to Qlainlain a 90 or above grade point .ve..... dlll'inl the entire bMketbaD 1881On. policies can have liability coverage. Getting coverage for a pit bull dog or any vicious dog may be difficult if not impoasible. Jeania Grimsley at Hubbard Insurance Co. aaid homeowners insurance and rentel'l' policies with liability provisions normally provide the coverage the city is now requiring. A problem occ:ura if a policy owner has a claim from a vicious animal attack. It is not restricted to pit bun doge. -A company mayor may not choose to renew a policy if it'a found out that a customer hu a vicious animal," Grimsley said. "We can't write a policy for someone with an animal that hu a history of biting," Jeff Oawalt, at Oswalt Insurance, said. At both local companies no specificpitbull dog insurance ie available. In most instances they say they don't know if a customer hu any vicious animals. Owners must give city hall two color photographa of each of their animals. The photos mUlt ahow the dog in different po.... Owners mUlt notifY city hall within 10 daya if the dog ie removed or dies, lives birth or is moved to another address within the city. Even thoUib lbe council haa been dilCU88ing the law for IIVeral montha, Section 3 declares a state of emergency and the law becomes effective today (friday, Mar. IS). All councilmen voted for the amendment. The annual registration fee for all doge in Abernathy is $2 per year. AU dogs must also have cur· rent vaccination documentation. These requirements are included in the city's main animal control law. It and the new pitbull amendment are available for inapection at Abernathy City Han duriq normal bUline.s houre. Bigham district MVP; A-D, academic picks announced New Dealaophomore Carl Bigham was the Di.trlct 4-AA Moat Valuable Player. Teammates 11nior Christy Bigham and junior Mendi Martin were both named to the A11-Di.trict squad. Abernathy'. Lady Lopes h.d three playen picked A-D. They were MmOI'l ShaunaMenefeeand juniors Eilene Graham and Gin· prArmacoat. Idalou aeniol'l Kendra FOIter and Kara Heinrich were named A11-Distri,c t .long with junior Kaien Smith. Croabyton'l aenior Mary Cavazos and junior Jamie Shock were ·choeeQ. Natalie Pollard, • llnior from Post, rounded out the squad. AberDatb Aaad....o AU-DWrIot To be n8Dll8d to the academic all-diltrict list .tudent.-.We_ mUit maintain • eo poade paint . f t..... or abow dariq the baa- IretballeeaaoD. AcademicA·DLacVIA,... . . Kacy Thiel, Tahin. Mitchek, Sh.un. Menefee, Jennifer Oglesby, Erin Bryant, Kendra ~att, AI.... Pettit, GfDav Jw. macost, IAri Bure, EileM Ora· ham, Marla NellOn and KriIUD Cole. . wi&b Rev. BeDDJ putor. oIIIciatiD,. BurIal .M iD Liw.tleld Me_rial Put lID_ dIrecUoD or Hammmll'uDerll Home. Ray ell.. at a LID. Thanclay. The _u for Mar. 18 Ia ..at lOaf, potatoee......a beau, deaaert, tea and caffee. . The _niore will have an ·88· touraamant Mar. 201. S.rvlv_ IDcl.d. II.. wif•• . Joyce; thne 1OIIII.l.urJ. K.mwth and Van, all orUtdefteld; a "ter. GretcheD BroWDorLiWefteld; two brothen, Greaory or Bedford and Odell ofDellu; lift jp'&IIdchildrea; twoatep.granclchilclren; and a ,tepgreat-grandchild. March II. 1998. ID Lamb Healthcare C.Dter after aleJll&hy lltae.l. He .u bora Oct. 22. 1910, ID Abernathy. He Ie"ed with the U.S.Armydurin.WorldWarlliD the PhilippiD• • He Hved in Little- Plainview hosts tractor meet The TeUII Plat.. Two CylIDderClubwillbolditasixthannual tractor show Mar. 21-22 at the ODie LiDer CeDter in PlaiDview. Show times are 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. ExhibitorefromAbemathywill be Mike Wataon with his John. Deere 840 iDdustrial and Jimmie The famBy suaeete memorials to a favorite charity. Madrine Glenn was eecretary for the Cieco Cbamber of ColDID,8rCB. She aleo bad a catering service. She was an active member of the First Baptiat Church in Colorado City. Servicea for Madrine Glena, 79, of Colorado City were at 10:80 a.m. Tueeday, Mar. 8, iD the KikerSeale Funeral Home Chapel with Dr. Ted Spear officiatiD, and aslilted by the Rev. Oaear FanDiDg. BUrial foDowed at 8 p.m . iD the Cieco Cemetery UDder direction of Kiker-Seale Funeral Home. Mre. GlenD died Sunday, Mar. 1, 1998, iD a Lubbock hoepital. She wu bom Dec. 24,1918, in Colorado City. She married Ralph GleDD in Colorado City iD 1940. She had worked iD the registrars office at Cisco Junior Coli. and (SPECIAL)-- A drug that is exciting researchers in the treatment of pain has been formulatedintoa new product known as .. Arthur Ills." and is being called a "Medical Miracle "by some, in the treatment of debi litating conditions such as arthritis, bursitis. rheumatism. painful muscle aches. joint aches. simple backache. bruises. and more. A Ithough the mechanism of action is unclear. experiments indicatethat Arthurltls, relieves pain by first selectively attracting. and thendestroyingthemessengerchemical which carries pain sensations to the brain. thus eliminating pain in tile affected area. Arthur Itil. is aV'al!ableimmediatelywithoutaprescription in an odorless. grease less. non-staining cream or new roll-on lotion form . Arthllr Itis. is guaranteed to work or your money back. (all!lli I i tli c adverti.. the Jamboree aDd ofTset regular Bllpeneea. If I make enough mon6y on this ahow, 1'1 put cushions iD the cbain. "Thil Ia the kind of ahow for everybody. They do lome Sona of the PioDeers, Elvira pluB the gospel and patriotic showa. They atarted out aa a ROspel quartet and have reliDed it to a variety Ihow," Toler aaid. The .how ia OD Friday, Mar. 27. It waa moved from Saturday to evoid any competition from other area jamborees. The Jamboree hall i, at 806 Main St. and infonnation can be obtained by calling 298·2531. Da"s with hie ice cream hazer. There is no entry fee and DO admieBioD charge. Donationa will be accepted. All makes oftractors aDdequipment win be on display. There win be a parade of tracton each day at 2 p.m. The Hale County Farm Musewn will have conce88iona. $50 REWARD. Plainview · Hale Counly Crime.toppers will pay a Reward 01 $50 (Fifty Dollars) for information leading to the arrest of person or persons IiHering or Illegal dumping or destruc· tlon 01 Municipal faollities in the eihes of Plainview. Petersburg, Hale Center. Abernathy or Edmonson . Plainview-Hale County CRIMESTOPPERS 1-800-299-8477 Day or Night (Informants Identity Kept Confidential) C & G Builders We Specialize In Home Repair Patios, Paneling, Garage Conversions Acoustic Ceilings, Painting Storm Windows & Doors ~tf:7 A, Free Estimates pi.,. ID other buain_. the aow.r eli... were the CODw.ct &lr pUUlD,. metal roof OD a city becI-curb ..... oathe BOrth eDclor the city ball parldn.lot and the buildiD, at 8th 8t. and Ava. D. The buildiJll .M c10Datecl to the ldBltIuIa in betweeD the city hall and poIIt otBce wiD both be recity by Joe Thompaon. moved. The coat ofremovin.and Tbeirbldolt31,228 ror the roof beatCover All Home Proa'$81,867 IUHng in the Oower bed ..... 81 • driveway ia eetimated at $1,800. bid. The curfew law • • nvlewed. CouDcilmeD aIeo ameDded the city budget $11,000 to bavea uew State law mandatee a .....ew eyery three years. ell8ine and other repaire done to -We've had pod luck with it: the city'••treat Iweeper. Abernathy Chamber of Com- police Chief Chris Lopez aeid. merce preeident }{Slley Hill asked ....hey (miDora) know we have it and they obey it. • the council if the cbamber could In the first year, Lopez said the buy a tree aDd place it OD city han police force had 67 CODtaeta for property. The requeet was apcurfew violations. They had 21 proved and it will be dedicated a10Drwith an appropriate marker last year and most reaultsd iD warninp. . to the late Mayor Shane CunningLopez alao introduced Dew ham. In another commemoration, part-time Ofticer Craig Wise. He Council maD Billy McClenney replacea Jim Cleckley who remade a motion that was paased to silllled In mid.January. Lopez is allo a member of the encue tbe U.S. and Texas nap that Oew at half-mast at city han Abernathy VoIWlt&er Fire Department. In that venue he aaid the tbe day after CunniDgham's death. One of the nap will be Texaa Forest Service will be havgiven to his parents and the other blg the annual state·wide meet.. to hia wife and children . Suitably inac:ribed plaques will aleo be giveD with each Oag. The city received one bid of South Plains Telephone Coop$7.52 per acre from Barry Royal erative will awerd e $1,000 scholfor leasing about 30 acres of city arsbip to 15 1998 graduating seland for flve yeare. The land was niore. origiDally thought to be not eliSouth Plains Telephone Coopgible for the Conservation Reaerve erative encouragea any 80D or Program. daughter of. South P1aina TeleCity Manager Frank Russell phoDe Cooperative member reported Monday that the land graduating in 1998 to complete TeluawilllbeiD town witlileaum. meot and demoDltrationa. After a pubHcbearilll, 8an Juanita Baacla .u lI'antecl a .... queet to pl_ a Dew mobile home at 610 Ava. L The city ,eDt 12 letten to nearby property ownere and eeveD were retumed. One objected. Socorro Lopez' offer of $2.660.68 was a_pted by the council for Lot 1 Block 4 in the Nystel Addition. It ia at the eDd of eaat 5th St. on the.lOuth aide of the street. The back taxes are owed to the city ,echool and county. The traDaferofownershipis wait.. ingon scbool aDd county approva\. Engineering feel from Oller Engineerinlrwere accepted unanimously. TheconditioDaI use permit was clarified to mean that when a mobile home ie removed from the city the owner· must requeat a new permitbefore moving another aimilar type home iDto the same location . The mosquito control fee was increued to $1.25 per month per SPTC to award scholarships v:.> an application. Some are available at the Abemathy Weekly Review, 916 Ave. D, Abernathy. Contact the South Plains TelephoDe Cooperative busiDesa office at 763·2801 or 800-692-4472 for an application. All inquiriea and application a muat be received before 5 p.m. Apr. 15. . ceot) hM the $218;694.09 acQueted tax roll. At the .ame time lut year $182,880.81 (87.47 perceDt) hacl been collected. All councilmea were present. All votes were uDanimous ucept the vote for colore OD the metal roofiaeue. COuncilmeD Eli.. Vecchio, who presldad over the_t.iD, ea M.yor Pro-Tem, aDd MeClenDey voted apinet having greeD trim. The roofwlU be white. Martin aDd VandygrifT indicated they would attempt to acquire sOIDe metal in a maroon color if the coat waa not prohibitive. Special meatiD, The council eet Mar. 23 for a opedal meetiDgtoconaidera bond i.sue that could coat between $640,000 aDd $792,000.The meeting will begi n at 7 p.m. Brenda's BarberShop ~pening Open Wednesday-Friday 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. AHS golf teams play twice before district When it comes to insurance, our service is really worth tracking down. Abernathy ROlf coach Bryan Legan has two golfmeeta planned for his varsity girl. and boye team before the District 4-AA meet. Varsity girlowill playin Idalou Mar. 24 and the boya will play Mar. 26. The girls travel to Olton Mar. 31 and the boys play in Olton Apr. OUf team or insurance professionals !;an help you find the right insu rance for your necds - -l installation & tax included Race/.. '500 cllh wtth pun:1!... of high eHlclency helting "yll1lm het k I.!.t<o,; de( mq..H \ t When you need insu rance. you 'll rind the exi ra service we provide is reall y worth Hacking do wn . Give us • caD ... plt: ...... lllt tTlt I I ~ l\)IIIIOI .. HUBBARD Vc"llt plpt: G~~!ar'& T~'_ Heating Air Conditioning !Joretfwuglit'J . fwural pfanning' busincSi - almost anything. The girl. and boya begin the diatrict meet Apr. 8 in Idalou and ftnioh Apr. 13 in Post. -11l"PC"t I -I aUlo, homeowners, ~chidcs. recreational 1. $25 00 ? March 25 1001 Ave. D,.., 298-4633 \VilUl" Furrl(j('(> Tun/' up Replace your old. wom aul heater with an -IllY eIIicient un~ -,hr,k pilol -oil motor Check oul our . -lletlll ftlter Special FiliI Pr/cet on 2, 3, U 5100 SEER to m~ - .. arbon tllOnOAld( lc ... t ~I\IC{fi'('{li{( & INSURANCE AGENCY 921 Ave. D u",. Abernathy 298-2529 207 Main Street - 298-2408 - 1-800-864-4580 _ APPLIANCES: GE frost free upright deep freeze, Maytag washer/dryer, GE double door refrigerator, small elec. appliances. BEDROOM FURNITURE: Most hard rock maple and Ethan Allen, twin beds, Ethan Allan bedroom suit, 2 twin & t full size mat· tress. bOK springs, Waterfall design cedar chest. mapfe rocker. maple quilt holder, 3 pes .. 1950, book· case. bed. chest. shadow box mirror dresser. roll· a-way. DEN/DINING & LIVING ROOM: Most is hard rock mapfe. Rocker, gliders, coHee & end tables. maple chairs, love seat. fern stand, lamp tables. reCliner, Queen Anne divan, rocker, maple table w!tamp. several unused living & bedroom tables. inlaid. DINING ROOM: Dining room table & 6 chairs & china cabinet (dark wood) GLA8SWAREICOLLECTIBLES: Mouse cookie jar. 12 pI. community flatware, Coca Cola mirror, Poppy Trail dishes, pretty heavy glassware pressed and other. dome clock, kerosene lamps, BpI. Yamako dinnerware, larga collection of cups & saucers, targe collection of knick knacks, bird stamp postage collection, glass bedroom lamps w/prisms, handwork tablecloths, spreads, roosters & hens (ceramics) , turkey (ceramic), Mum tea set. birds, pitcher, candle horsehead, cast iron pieces, Coming, crock, Pyrex, MCCoy vase, excellent merchants covered wagon & horse clock, porcelain. pots & plns. UT cart, bedmaker. jug canister set, paintings, tupperware YARD: Plant holder, wheel barrow, Cosco step slool, dining table, garden hose. garden tools, of'ice chair, lots miscellaneous not mentioned. Betty Guerrant at U.. only • • alrectltd 298-1331 AVAILABLE AT: PiDson Pharmacy ill Main Street 298-2222 Plains Grain Co., Inc~~ Aber~athy, Texas . 298-2521 - 763-4868 .' . : , n For All Your Farming Needs THE ABEIlNATBY WEEKLY REVIEW (lISPS 003-340) (lSSN 089S-4291) srorr I; ruDY LUeE Publl&ben JOAN WESLEY 0IDce ~et, CIasaifIed. CIrclIIatIon, AI News friday or each week. excqll first friday tIfta' Cbriatmu .... OlIO Fdday durin. SUIIIIDet IDCllIba, at tile Abemadly Weekly RevIew office at 916 Avenue D. MaIlIn.1IIIdn:&a: P.O. Drawer 160. AbematJIy, Te1lll193l1-0160. Association prepares for summer Abemathy Bueball AuGciatioD will have a meetiD, next Wedneeday to orpnlze for the comiD, se8l0D. A board of directore will be elected. The meeting begiDa at 8 p.m. .t city hall. First Baptist Focus AberDathy Fiut Baptilt ChlU'Ch youth will.., OD a Hi &rip 'to WoIfCnek. Colo•• Mar. 14-17. DeacoDi OD call, Mar. 16-31, lUll Bobby Cunoinlham and lUchard Howard. (II maIlIn. label aad COI'l'eCdons ID Abcmadly WeetlyRevlew, P.O. Drawer 160, AbemIdIy. Tellll79311.o160ar~ mall: awr.door.net. MOVING' Send The Teuna are (ftom ~ft) Cecil Strlnpr, Paul Acreate. Sam Ray, Boy Howdy and Rick Barr. 'nle gultari8t 18 8.J, JohnlOD and Jim Clark 18 on plano. Survivore IDclude her husband; two daughtere, Doris Wagner of Corrales,N.M., and Marsha Glenn of Albuquerque, N.M.; two brothers, Romaine Hammond aDd Ed Warren Hammond, both of Colorado City; three aiaten, Doria Hill There are stili a few rood seata of Abernathy, Mary ElleD Kennedy of Colorado City and Marjorie available for the Texsna Mulic Show at the Abernathy Jamboree Dykstra of Arlington. Hall, Hoppy Toler, show orgaDizer, Baid. National Agriculture Week "The TexaDI have been at Branson, Missouri, for 17 yeare at March 15-21 the Dogwood Theater," he said. "Cindy Barr ia their soloist. Boy National Ag Day Howdy works the audience durMarch 20 iD.intarmialion and betweeD _ta. "They changeclothea four times while perfOrmiD' gospel, country aDd patriotic seta.· This is quite an accomplish· ment for Toler , bringiDg a show of thia stature to Abernathy. This ia If the ofT-aeaaon in Branson and the group has been in McAllen. "They are working their way back to Branson. The c\oseatshow to Abemathy will be in Stephen("'OlljllSioll ville. They11 do another in Waco.· Toler has redeailllled the Jamboree Han and added over another 50 aeats. "We have a glasa wall bebind the ceDter section. It helps with the souDd and with the food serving area." CiltJ'/jdp~ The ahowure Wlua\ly free i)u,l tickets are $10~Cfr thie eho,:",: T? :Tinaout more 6y caUing... ler ia tryinrtIJ accommodate some requests he'a had on more than ODe oeealion. "The admiaaion price helps .1 'M,S.~ItRlIIIIPn.>lb. I.I". Publlalled weekly The Texans set Abemathydate Featured Branson show scheduled for Abernathy Pain maybe eliminated for millions ron., . yog' :/r Watson, Burger place first in studio competition Courtney W.tson and Tasha BUl'Irer competed iD BethaDY Tolleys ·ID Studio· competition Mar.l. Wateon placed lirst iD her bracket aDd age division iD 8010 and ...trut routines. She placed third iD her modeli., event. Burrer placed firet in her age andbracketdiviaioDiDbasicatrut, solo,ll ..~t .nd ahow twirl. She WPOKES placed third in her modelin•. Watson ia the dau.hter of Randy and ConDie Watson of Abernathy. She is an Abernathy Hi.h School twirler and ajunior at ARS. Burger is the daughter of Roy and PellllY Burger of Abernathy. She is a airth grader at Abernathy Middle School aDd will compete at the State NBTA competition in Sen Antonio in JUDe. By Ace Reid BONE-IN Pork Butt Roast .R8uiau. Turner i. a ftftb pdlr at libemathy ElemeDtary 8ehooL ~tma-. , Cabbage c~~~~~ 6 pack 12 oz. canl .... ~ ..,~ ~ .... ...,.dh!ftOl~.-.aeol...,.lIerrojUCt'la3ed CI<Mt NM t506I783-7311 I.alIVogasNM 1505)464_ 'OUR KNOWlEDGE IS YOUR seCURITY' AUCTIONEERS: James PI1e.t, Butch PrIest. GI~ Priesl 4205 South PIi\ce CIoIIIs. New MexJco 3 liter bottles CALIFORNIA Avocados Top Sirloin Steaks "Yeah, I'm all wrapped up in my work!" We're ' wrapped up in Abernathyl There 1s no substitute for a locally owned independent bankl Ezperience the difference herel U~~~ NATIONAL IlEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION ~. 811 Ave. D Abemath,.. TX 79311 298-2511 $1 77 WASHINGTON EXTRA FANCY Granny Smith . Apples TXUC. ' 11077 & 947' 1-8()().822·1243 iK'riri\n 5JI '. ;~j -1IftQMCBIEM. ~BYAOOlDHR~:=::';rida~:;;= to~~oo James Priest&: Asaociatea W &: J Auction Esllbllabed Ia November or 1921. PerlodIcal poII...e paid 81 Unital SIIIa Post 0fIlce, SOl Aveline D, Abematby. Teut,79311-9998, ~ SOlId",,,,, toelle~· Weekly ,._. Sunny Delight S\\ll;Citrus Punch ~ . , ..... Jug Coca-Cola or Dr Pepper .,.I'IIIIs_ ... $1~b! SMALL PACK $1.39 lb. FLORIDA OR CALIFORNIA 17~ Family Pack USDA SELECT BEEF ADVER1'ISiNo DEADuNB4 PM 11JESDAY 97f. ALL Hp.ftNOIG~be _ toronOl'fOlr.alB. VMe~"OBIIr.:IooncI ,"' AuclOnaIr.:orOM1Br"ll !1\1ll800~Of~"'IIfMJki lO ttegll"U"...a!iS . aAhllnlcllwrJ.OflMl9cl n ..".t:iI M"el . ..-dIId Io ~W:iBr8uy8raccept; ~ ~fIo b ... ~ rnDlarv:ltD:bIhlllAldcr'l ·fti ......... twId~ b ~~ or t~ . Catfish Nuggets FRESH GREEN 0' Samanth. Turner . . . iDcorrectly idanUlied on the fcnuth 11K weeka boDor roD iD 188& _k'a tI.ue of the AbemalAy W..W, Corned Beef Brisket Specials Good Mar. 11-17, 1998 87f. hllp'lIwww.cowpokc s.cOnl SUBSCRJPl10N RA11!S One ,.,arlo AbematIIy tIIId Hale County - SI1.00 ODe yr.' Ia Lubbodt Counly - $20.00 All odIet onc-yar subsalpdona - 524.00 f. _ _. 'P.O; · ""'160.~.~7?311,o!.~. Lowe's~ 405 Ave. D - 298-2627 BARS Value Pack RAW ,"vP I. ABERNATHY, 402Nin1h SIreet Pay VQur To ens.... YOUi paymenl is propeIly credifed••lways bring )IOU' bill wilh you ill. Paymell/ Cell/e,. FIRST STATE BANK MemberFDIC 4 For$1 $1 9.,? ENER&JS & II ;~::~,w:,'::.~~ Bills Here Texas Lone Star & WIC Cards Accepted ,i iiiII. alB 8 For$1 TANGY FRESH Lemons ·8 $ For . OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK OFFICE HOURS 8 a.m.-6 p.m. - Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m.·S p.m. Sun. DOUBLE COUPONS EVERY DAY UP TO 501 .........·......... *_001 8oottTnoeoril now a UPS Ship. tbbi ..... haft ,bowa tID oar ..... cbaID an. bracelet. pft • • .01 tab t2OO. Cal) 298-M68. (6cera an. the pief JOU each felt .18) have bel,.. ubear the barcIeD of ........ after,p.... (8-4tb-2'I) JOu at I'M 56 an. 1-2'1•• ad1ee Dorth of Abemathy. 298-21507. the lou ofoor precioua haa_.. clad4,y.IGD.P'aDclIOD. bro&heran. I . . . . . . . . CIaD . . . . . . . . . . 0 ... d.c.-. Bou 81II'eka vacaam antItacie ... tile CMItpoarIq ........ .a,.....tIO.Bran. Plto .......... I-JlaHI. piq StatioD. 'Dle7 wID be .... to &bat tbII eommaatfiJ ... .... BrlPtoa ...tcbIDi.......u, ID ........ tIdI 1IIIIIIDIf. c.u wrap ... ebip JO'" ,...... for ot~ 117. The mapltu.. of JOur CIOD- M.,..... We .... to thank 10 IIWl7 but we CIUlDOt Dame eft170111. PIeue aDowu to ....DUOD ahwbobad a cWIlcult talk at a dUIlcalt hour: KareD Davia. CbrII Lopez. Clyde VaDdypift'. To•• Abell. Ru.. Byard an. Mike WDcoz. Youeacb pve of youreelf aD. WI appnetate the dipityofbow you handlecl the aituatiOD. ThaDk you all for lovllll and auppol't;iqShaDe u he loved each of you. With OUl' love, "'ODD"~Cooper. Bobby • ...,.. 800tt • family, AGe. Naomi Brld_U Lup oll taDk to IPveaway free. CoDtId Southwut Tutil.. at 298-2&48. (8..tb-27) Job Needed ..... _01, Comforter.""'" CHECK YOUR LOCA.L MERCHANTS FIRST I or chil. caNIbouIe c:leaaIq? Ezperieocecl in haDdicapped care. Cal) 298-4120or2982810. uk for Heather. (18-2tp20) offer. Call 298-2121. (6-2tp-18) KeDlDor. wuh.r and dryer, white. Good runnin, condition. $400 for Mt. Call 298·2880, after 15-p;tb. (l8·2tb-20) Services I I 8bo_r card.. We can fill your print order right here in Aherna· thy. Printed on poet cards. Call early for wide Mlection of colon. Other print jobs al80 available. Call Abernathy Weekly Review. 298-2088. (ns) QuaD&)' Ie". care. Free. utimat.. Cal) Bran.on at 298-2389. (8-8tp.21) HoUM _ttUq? CrecD in brick or walt.? Doon won't cIOM? Call Childere Brotben StabiliziD, I: FouadaUOD Levellm, at 1-800299-9668. (9-I5O&p-26) Scott Tractor. 1·27 I: FM-64. We make and fit hydraulic hOMa for all typea of machinery. We cuatombuild air conditioner hoaee for automotive and agricultural needs. Call 298-21507. (ns) WE WELCOME GOD'S MOST ENCHANTING SEASON OF SPRING When winter snows have left the earth And warm(r breezes start to blow. Behold the annual rebirth. When grass will soon begin to grow And tiny buds of leaves will sprout On limbs of trees in forest glades Then flowers soon will blossom out. Exquisite in their pastel shades. The air is filled with songs of birds. And humming insec.ts will abound. A sc.ene of beauty. where no words . Do justic.e to each sight and sound Incorporated in the plan. Or could describe eac.h living thing That signifies God's love for man. When nature c.omes alive in spring. .. .the magic o{ spring has touched every living thing. - Owen f'rostlc - Gloria Nowak FIRST UNITED METHODIST 704 Avenue D 298·2581 Sullday School 10:00 AM Wonbip 11:00 AM Eveninl6:OO PM Wed. Cboir I'nc:IiI:e 7:00 PM Rev. RuueII C. Byud SuDday School 9:45 AM Wonbip 10:30 AM Evenina 6:00 PM Wednelday Eveoina7:30 PM Rev. H.C. Loaii. putor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 411 7111 Slnel 298-2587 SuDday School 9:30 AM Wcnblp 10:40 AM Bible Study 5:00 PM . Bvenia, Wonblp 6:00 PM Wedaelday EVlllina7:3O PM Mib WiII:ox. putGr NORTHSIDE BAPnSf CHURCH 420 16dl Street 298·2497 Sunday Scboo19:45 AM Wonblp 11:00 AM Evenina Trainina 5:00 PM Bvenin, Wonbip 6:00 PM Wednelday"'Service 7:30 PM R_1Id OIlY MaItio FIRST BAPTIST NEW DEAL Wcnbip 11:00 AM BveniDa Wonblp 6:00 PM WeclDelday Service 7:30 PM Dr. TIllY W. JoneI, puIOr CENTER COMMUNITY CHURCH 5 mn_ out oa PM 597 \beD 2 mne. IOUth 00 PM 2902 Suoday ScboollO:00 AM . Wonblp 11:00 AM Wed. Playw: M-doa 7:00 PM at Marvin Looney" 746-6641 CIIVIlCH OF CHRIST 916A_B 298-2718 Bible Study 9:30 AM Wcnbip 10:30 AM Bwniq 5:00 PM WedDllday Bveoina 7:30 PM DaYid BeaaIu IGLESIA BAUl'lSTA NVEVA CREACION 41214111s... 298-2900 Sunday ScboollO:00 AM Wonbip Service 11:00 AM SuDday B...... 5:00 PM Wedoelday Service 7:00 PM Joel ,.., puIDr IBTR8L BAPrIST CHURCH 101 B. lit Slnel ST. ISIDORE CIIVIlCH Suoday ScbooI10:00 AM SouIllAwa.. D 298-2118 Sallday ScbooI9:45 AM MoraiD, WcnbIp 11:00 AM BvtlliDa Service CD.T.U.) 6:00 PM Moaday Million. MIIIVDI " BIOIbIIbood MIItID, 7:00 PM Wedoelday Pralle s.w., Bible Study 7:00 PM CIIDG' Rebeanal8:00 PM .... W.R. BoltooJr., . . . . EarD IDOD.y readio. books. $8O,OOOIyr income poteDtial. Detait..1-800-1518-4S4Sut. Y-l008. (274tp-20) 8 bedroom, 2 814 bath brick home with whirlpool tub and ahower in muter bath. 2.158 sq. ft.. sprinklerayatem and heat pump. 811 18th St. Call 298·20S8forappointment..(rta) 291-4278 SuDday 9:00 AM Wedaelday 7:00 PM OtJR LADY QUEEN OI'TIIE AJI0811.IS CA'IHOUC CHURCH NewDeal ' SuDday Mall 10:45 AM F.... Mlcllaal0·C...,n Por more informatioo and aaaialance regardin,the inveatiption of credit repair. work-at-home, pt-rich-quick and other financial or buaineel opportunitiu, Aber· nathy Weekly Review urpa it. readen to contact the Better BUBi· n_ Bureau~.120814th St., Suite 1901. Lubbock. TX 79401 or call (808) 763-0459. Do_foraale: 8 bedroom. 2batb, to be moved; $43.000. Call 972699-0846. (rta) Thanks To The Agricultural Industry National Agriculture Week March 15-21 National Ag Day March 20 Church Directory mIST ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1404 Avenue B 298·2060 Por .... by owner. 8 bedroom. 2 bath.larp patio in back. 702 let St., call 298-2416. (l8-Up) (rta) 01. . top kitcheD table. Make QueeD .... mattreu.bouprinp andtrame.'715. pillowc.... aDd matcbiqabeet., .76. Both for. 1215. CaU298-4878. (18-2&p-2'0) tnt_ PC Ul8ra aeedecL *",000 iocome potential. CaD 1· 800-61S-C34Sext.B-1008.(2'7-4tp20) Home PRIMERA MISSION BAUTISTA 1112 Jerome Streel Sunday Wonbip 10:00 AM Sunday Scbool 6:00 PM Evenins Wonhip 6:45 PM Wed. Bible Study 7:30 PM Friday Prayer Service 7:00 PM FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 511 Avenue E 298-2832 Sunday Scboolll:1S AM MominS Wonbip 10:00 AM Evenins Celebration 6:00 PM Mid-Week Service 7:00 PM Youth Tune 7:00 PM David L MODeree. Putor METHODIST CHURCH NEW DEAL Sunday ScboollO:OO AM Sunday ServiQO 9:00 AM Rev. RuueII C. Byud COVNTY LINE BAPl1ST 757-2134 Sunday ScboollO:00 AM Wonblp 11:00 AM Bvenial6:Od PM Intenn Putor Wayne R. WiUIamI IGLESIA DEL NAZARENO Awn.. A &\ 5th SIIMI Suoday School 10:00 AM Wonbip 11:00 AM 8wolo,6:OO PM Wedauday Service 7:00 PM MONTE DE LOS OLIVAS 110 But 4th Slnet 298·2230 Sunday Servlcea 10:00 AM Sunday Bvenina 6:00 PM Tueaday Play. Meedoa 7:00 PM lbunday 7:00 PM Pulllr Olear P..z ILegal Notice I ILegal Notice I AN ORDINANCE OP THE CITY OP ABERNATHY. TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. <&01 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ABERNATHY, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPl'ER 2 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF ABERNATHY. TEXAS, TO INCLUDE ARTICLE 2.200A. PROVIDING RESTRICTIONS ON PIT BULL DOGS WITHIN THE CITY; AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE ORDINANCE. Paseed and approved thia the 9th day of March. 1998. EUu Veccblo Mayor Pro-T.m Atteated: Hellel. caDDoD Ctty Secretary ,osep"S',,,,,et''''''N'h';''h''M1''i'"t! ina 1-800-299-7274 ext. 21 'UAL41 . ADOPTION NtM: II Itfl~JOI /b'NpoiIlf/>'1IIfYIIdttI bIymttJ IfVJdiOlll _/~,tJJ Ufl'ruu 1ft TDAf tuIDpIio .... ADOmON: A WVlNG couple desires new· born. WiU provide &real home. good cdUCllion• ond much love. BApenou poicI. CaD ShaTy cl Jila 1-8Q0.6J3-5264. ThonIcII SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FAMILY 1CIIch· Ina for lJICCioJ binh mom commilled 10 lifckq _ _ wilbhcodilld. P'lIIII1CioJ\y - . wiD ..... vic\c Iovin••lable home. h.... kiuet ond ".. cduca&ion. CalIDonnaondLou.l-8O().2OS.0036. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SPHERECORfORATlONNEEDSdi~. Help people Kill Pire...,.. -.IIy ond help tho envirunnCd. W. will cduem: candidlla on how 10 kiD fir. IIIlI with diff..- p!l>duCII. ond how thoy worlc . Minimum inves .....nt 55 to. Call Sphere 0xp0nIi0n 512-st5-6031. EDUCI\TIQNI\L A BEKA TEXTBOOKS cl VidcoSchooi on di.. play no. you. Catcoct ull1 WWW.obdcLoom/nc: or 1-800-874·2353.1tt. 20 for information. EMPLOYMENT GREAT PAY•••GREAT Coreerl Aviation COllI· &""'_.cct ponies .... hirinc our ..ud.... monlha bef"",!hey 1Iaining...cct tho job. CaD H.um.Jc Inltiblle or Aeronauli. .. 1·888-656-9300. PHOTOGRAPHERSI MAKE-UP ARTIST. Needcd for GllDlor Phocoanphy. I!Apericnccd preferred. WiU crain. 1-80()..800-4948, CAL 5S6. LOOKING FOR CONTRACT . . . .,...u 10 tell flllll phaIoI drouahoul!he South II1II Midwt:IL $60.000 10 S100,000 P""'" eunin&" Call 1-8QO.332-00s5 CutI. Woodlond. Inc. M.... Thursday BAM - 4:30; Friday 8AM • II:OOAM. FINANCIAL SERVICES DEBT CONSOLIDATIONI MINIMUM $3SOO PROVIDE SAVINGS ON Buncllcd oervicel (E\ccIricity. 1C\ClCOIDII'IunicMi..... '-Ihop- plna. P'.......ioJ acrvices). I!mI Jarae inilioJ fee &: monthly lUi... oJ income. S1S minimum inv.... - . 1-888-609-2920. NuSlcin IrumaaionoJ. DRIVERS WANTED S$ 1.000 SS SlGN·ON Bon.. CXJRobcraon ii 1ouIlin& for von ..... i-drivcn. Up 10 .3Wmile to lIarl. Nee4 CIa.. A COL. 1 year OTR. 1-800-473-5581. BOI!Imf. S$ 500 SIGN ON BONUS I SS OTR driven · Cftabonelill ond banuI propaml. Orivin& IchaoI • raduale. welcome. ConlineDlll BApr.... 1.aQ0.69S·4473 or 1-800-727-4374. =:!~S~r:;,B=~!::!:':'m~~:: ricncc ° Oroda_ 5lUdatta we\come° CodiDoD· IIIII!l!peu 0 1.800-727-4374 °1·800-69S-4473° BARBOUR TRUCKING ANNOUNCES DeW pay .......eI DoD' miu 1Iti. opportunity 10 work for a pnmic:r o.dIcd -Jl"ftY. 1 ,.,.,ont wkh 6111C1111h11111bcd.1·1QO.15().2461 . DRIVER. ACCELERATE AT Mel"," lJneI II1II ... the nopeet you .-0 tooIdD& forI 18·36 cl up. Homeo_· Bu ...... • """-I. Noeq· uily or coIl.....heq.lrcd. NoupfnJoaf.... 9AM .9PMBaam..AppIYby!lhc>no: 1-800-~. HOMEOWNERS CALLCOIIIIIIIIIIPaiat Mart· .a.. lOday ond act tho cub ycoa .-d. Blim....... hiah-inla'ed crcdlt card deb!. repoir """'lIcd .credit or .ate home improyement•. 1-800-968-2221. PUTCASRlNyourhlnda1llolayIRc>ceMo.1ump. _ on y_ PI'C ond ORP ..-ymau ond bea;" meeli... yourcurrenl .-d•...lIOwl Seltlcmenl CapiIalI-888.PARM-ACf(327-6228). READY MONEY FOR your IInIC1U1e4 . . . mau. \oaay winnin&.. WIt incomo cl ......... fcrRd income. AIIO, lite "'--e viaIic:aIloR. Rady Money ?pilal. 1.888.RBADY-41 ____:..FO=R:..:S;::A;::L=:E::...._ __ MlCROSOFTOmCEt7Profeuionallldiliaft. _ _ uoed, iDcIuc1ea Won\. Powerpoinl.l!Acd, Accoa, Oudoat,lI1U "non. Mu • ..u SIlO. AIIo WiDdo.. 95 for.a 1·888·313·9086. POOLaTY'S KAYAK PoaI .. "-"'-'hoI ..... ... dItp1ay_tDoiIIaIIIIcolreopooLS8W ~.::t= ::'-tyl 100'10 fi· _ CPM(\luelon~).NowK<nWCJrlha,$40 PRESSURE CLEANERS FACTORY dl.!lip pay. PIIU bendiIa. Call .. lOday 1.JOO.Q5- liii01 1800 PSI $$99, ~SOO PSI $799. 4000 PSI M69Dert;mN.0391 S889. 4SOOPSI S1449. Lo_prica.....,.11 DRIVER. COMPANY DRIVERS Cllt earn Preec:alalolll·800-931·9274.24 boun. .. ='~=:::::= =~~:,C::J:.~to1;~'A application proeo.. I.... PST VOl . C-macIoJ appIicIIions Stni._ WoJl 1C).46 It 1-8O().'41-6064. EOI!. - . Newm-w..wllh..:rlf'tc:C. 188·561-4349. DRIVER .PLATBED. GLASS haulen WlIIIcd. WOIJlJl TANNING BEDS...... hame. Buy eo. RJ.. Waa 4 MicI-. SIaft up 10 $48IC. dlnc:llllll _01 c-meodal/Homc tudu r.CltaIIleDefiIl+Ptof"tlIlwiJta. 3 yeanont+ 1 $199'OOl.owlD!lllhlyp.ymauPnle ...... eau ,.-lIatbcdeApCrialt:e.....lredC-blncd-rr.. =today=..:.:I-8O().=::::I4::2-:.,:13::.:1::;G.,.....,.==-.."._ _ par! 1-8QO.Q7-4407/ KI!!!yn. DRJVD NOW RlRlNGn-. 410l0i1 New pay " , , 1 (ltd DIllOW' +~ pel' ..u. J. HEALTH! MEDICAL DlABmCS (1JSINGINSULIN). Modlc:ooe,.. ===-~:.=.~~ ~=~~=-m; 1·100-794·8118. No HMO Memben. MatIion AIIICliThtclr:.Wo'IC'1\I AHoMOI GOTPSORlASlS1GETthcproduc&thal ....... .. weJllhey root ilolftho m"",eII Now.letal ..... .cription. available. Pull informalioD Pree. Dam!aIoaIcal Saciely 1-IC)O..672.4247. LEGAL SERVICES Sponsors Consumers F,uel Association Low.:e's Pay-N-Save ACL Falmers .Co-op 88 Butane & Fe~iUzer .Joe Thompson Implement Ahe~atb,.We·eld)"~'BeVlew reel "M
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