Info-ski - Atlantic West Division


Info-ski - Atlantic West Division
CSP Atlantic West Division - Division atlantique ouest PCS
Division President’s Message
Happy New Year!
Wow – what a start to the ski season! All
areas fully open, and with probably more
snow than we’ve seen at this time of year,
in a very long time. I know here on PEI, we have had
almost 3 feet of snow, and more is coming! I guess
patrollers were extra good this year, and Santa brought
what we all wanted – SNOW!!
As we hit the trails, I know that one of our tasks will
be to check our “on snow” equipment, and get it ready
for the season. Many are preparing physically for toboggan handling, deep powder skiing, and of course,
Atlantic Canadian “hard pack”... aka ICE! And of
course, don’t forget to check your uniform – is it still in
good condition? Even as we move to red, white and
black, we still have a professional image to maintain,
and one way is to keep the uniform clean, neat and
tidy. Remember, blue or black ski/snowboard pants, a
helmet that is not a “distracting” colour, and if wearing
a vest, a blue garment underneath is best.
Survey Results
Recently, a survey was sent to all members asking
about a variety of issues, most of them pertaining to the
Annual Division conference. We had 46 responses,
which, as surveys go, is a good return. As a result of the
survey, it has been decided to maintain the timing to be
in April, and as per the feedback, move it from place to
place again. A request for interest has been sent to all
Patrol Leaders, and we hope to get word to everybody
soon as to the location. As for our questions... here is
some of what you said…
Have you attended an ADC in the past?
Yes (Y) 65.91%
No (N) 34.09%
What prevents you from attending an Annual Division Conference
Family 10.87%
Work 8.70%
Travelling 4.35%
Other commitments 0.00%
Not interested 6.52%
At the recent National Operations meeting, the
issue of the supply of blue and yellow Avalanche
jackets was brought up. They are being sold at deeply
discounted rates, and if you are in need of a new
jacket, the price point is perfect – even if you are only
using it for a couple of years. Most jackets are going
for $150... and if you look at a 2 or 3 year time frame
until we move to the new colours, that is only $50/$75
per year – that’s a deal!
Don’t forget to look at the National website and
check out the many pro-deals that are available –
there is so much to choose from. Maybe a winter gift
to yourself is in order?
I hope that everybody had a great Christmas and
is looking forward to a great year ahead. I want to
wish all the very best for 2014 and I hope to see many
of you throughout the coming months. As always, if
you have questions, concerns, or comments, feel free
to get in touch – my inbox is always available, and my
phone is nearby!
Think Snow!
Craig Taggart, Division President
[email protected]
Would you like to see the conference....
Stationary in a central location
- no matter when it is held 19.57%
- only if it is in ski season 8.70%
- only if it is out of season 13.04%
Move from area to area
- no matter when it is held 43.48%
- only if it is in ski season 26.09%
- only if out of season 15.22%
When would you like to see the conference held?
In season - January 15.22%
In season - February 15.22%
In season - March 21.74%
Out of season - April 52.17%
Out of season - May 15.22%
Out of season - June 6.52%
Out of season - September 10.87%
Out of season – October 8.70%
We will continue to review the comments and bring a
few comments to you in each newsletter.
Inside this issue /
Dans ce numéro :
Division President's Message
Survey Results
Editor’s touch / Mot de l’éditrice
Mont-Farlagne, nord-ouest du
Au parc Sugarloaf…
At Sugarloaf Park...
Labrador Zone News
Update from Fundy Zone
Division Education
Update from PEI
Editor’s touch /
Mot de l’éditrice
All my best wishes for 2014 to all
of you !
For your information, I have received
only a few ideas to rename the enewsletter. If you like the temporary
name that I have given to it, please let
us know however feel free to forward
your suggestions to Craig or me at enewsletter address
([email protected]).
For the next edition, please submit
your article by January 20th for our next
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Tous mes meilleurs voeux vous
accompagnent pour l’année 2014 !
Pour votre information, je n’ai reçu
que quelques idées pour le nom du ebulletin. Si vous aimez le nom temporaire que je lui ai donné, veuillez nous
en faire part et sentez-vous libre de
nous envoyer vos suggestions à Craig
ou à moi à l’adresse du e-bulletin
([email protected]).
Pour la prochaine édition, j’aimerais
recevoir vos textes le 20 janvier prochain.
Merci de votre coopération.
Maryse Bélanger
Thanks to all for your input!
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Mont-Farlagne, nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick
C’est officiel, nous avons six nouveaux patrouilleurs
cette saison. Félicitations à Frank, Héloïse, Gabriel,
Erik, Cédric et Paul et à tous les anciens membres pour
leurs résultats. La formation «théorique» est terminée,
les examens étant faits. Il reste le «on-hill» et la Patrouille canadienne de ski du Mont-Farlagne comptera officiellement 26 membres.
Après trois weekends intensifs, nous pouvons affirmer que la nouvelle façon d’aborder la formation a été
bien appréciée des membres. En effet, l’équipe d’instructeurs, sous la poigne de fer d’Éric Marquis, a réussi à
renouveler la façon d’enseigner les premiers soins en
abordant la théorie à travers la pratique. Les principaux
concepts ont été vécus dans l’action par les Patrouilleurs
à l’aide de scénarios, une façon efficace de rendre l’enseignement réel, vivant et concret. De plus, les instructeurs ont tenu à ce que les évaluations soient au cœur
des enseignements. Gageons que ces changements
dans la façon d’enseigner sont là pour rester. Beau travail!
Nous voyons, ci-dessus, Doug Couture, Guillaume Caron
et Marc Nadeau qui mettent la touche finale à une
«backboard» (patient : Jean Léger)
Ci-contre, Mélanie Gallant s’apprête à traiter une
éviscération sous les yeux attentifs de l’instructeur
Renée Rioux-Marquis (Patient : Troy Parent)
Une bonne nouvelle en entrainant une autre, la
patrouille de ski du Mont-Farlagne a préparé une demande au ministère du Développement régional
(provincial) en octobre pour une subvention. Celle-ci
nous devait nous permettre d’acheter de l’équipement
pour renouveler du matériel en fin de vie. Notre demande ayant été approuvée, nous allons donc pouvoir aller
de l’avant et nous procurer de nouveaux toboggans,
radios, mannequins Preston et «DEA trainer», matériel
qui servira à la formation et aux opérations sur la montagne.
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Notons, en terminant, que le Centre de glisse du MontFarlagne doit ouvrir ses portes le 13 décembre et que
notre traditionnel Souper du patrouilleur aura lieu le 11
janvier 2014.
Yvan Morin
Patrouilleur en chef/Patrol Leader
Centre de glisse Mont-Farlagne Ski Hill
[email protected]
January 2014 Janvier
Au parc Sugarloaf...
At Sugarloaf Park...
Le 23 novembre 2013 dernier, notre entraînement
s'est terminé avec succès avec l'examen annuel écrit, les
tests pratiques d'habileté et de diagnostic. Les tests
pratiques sur neige seront faits dès que le parc Sugarloaf
sera ouvert. Nous sommes 15 patrouilleurs cette année
incluant une nouvelle recrue, Andrew Veysey.
Le 1er décembre dernier, nous avons réalisé notre
premier souper levée de fond. Nous avons vendu 170
billets et ce fût une belle réussite. Les invités ont déjà
hâte à notre prochain souper qui se tiendra au printemps
2014. Le 14 décembre nous avons débuté notre entraînement sur piste au chalet des patrouilleurs, il nous
manque que la pratique sur neige qui se fera dans la
première semaine d’ouverture du parc.
Chez nous, nous sommes prêts pour la saison de
ski, il ne nous manque que la neige !
Bonne saison à tous !
Gilbert Bélanger,
Patrouilleur en Chef
Cake from Sobeys - unveiling our new logo and colors
After having completed our First Aid Training, December 1st rolled in and with a snow-covered
ground we were thrilled to jump into our first fund
raising event Ski patrol Dinner.
We were completely sold out, and a few last
tickets brought our final count to 170 for a full house!
We thank all our sponsors: Sugarloaf Park, T-Bar
Restaurant, Rich Art, Europa Cafe, Remi's Barber Shop,
Dalhousie, Nathalie Perron, Massage Therapist, Pro
Nature, Lounsbury, Dalhousie, Val d'Irene, Amqui,
Mann's Flower Shop, Workman's Centre, Pastali Restaurant, Pte-à-la-Croix, Pro X Sport, Music Pro Restigouche, Dalhousie and the Campbellton Curling Club.
Sobeys also donated a beautiful cake which gave us the
opportunity to unveil our new logo and colors.
The Sugarloaf Ski Patrol, a team of 15 patrollers,
including a new rookie, Andrew Veysey is now ready for
a great season. All there is left to tackle is the on-hill
and if we judge by the last few days, we could be in for a
good winter. Wishing all returnees and new patrollers a
fantastic ski season! Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year to all!
Marilyn MacDonald,
VP Administration/Operations
[email protected]
Sugarloaf Park Ski Patrol Team: Marilyn MacDonald, Éric Chouinard, Rémi Ouellette, Alex MacDonald, Andrew Veysey, Étienne Maltais, Justin Aubie, Noëlla Dancause, Jamie Bernatchez, Marc Ouellette, Pierre-Luc Vibert, Rino Martin, Gilbert Bélanger, Luc Gagnon
Page 3
We’re on the
Labrador Zone News
Update from Fundy Zone
Labrador Zone has its greatest number of patrollers
it has had in awhile with 21 registered patrollers. Ski
season started at Smokey Mountain on December 1st
and has been running only on Sundays so far but once
Christmas break comes in, the hill should be pretty
much on a regular schedule.
This year the Smokey Mountain Executive has
come forward with a proposal for patrollers: if a patroller
can put in 50 hours of patrolling at the hill during the
year, at the year end banquet he/she will receive $100
from Smokey Mountain Ski Club.
It was announced this month that as of the end of
this season, Peter Clements will be stepping down as
president, and Jane Anthony will be stepping down as
Zone Education Officer. We have already started looking for patrollers to take on the open positions once the
season is over.
Peter Clements
It has been a great season so far with. 30-40 cm of
fresh snow falling by Mid-December at Crabbe Mountain.
Our zone numbers are at 121, which is pretty good.
There are 18 new patrollers this year so welcome to
them. I was able to attend Brookvale's training day a few
weeks ago. It was a great scenario and in the end I was
able to be part of it. The group works very well together.
Great job gang!
I will be visiting Poley in the new year to make a few
turns on the mountain and I am looking for to meeting the
old and new patrollers there. Merry Xmas to everyone in
Fundy Zone and Atlantic West Division
Eric Coffin,
Fundy Zone President
Division Education
Welcome, welcome, welcome. I wanted to take
this opportunity to welcome and congratulate all the
new recruits from across the division. Having been
involved in education for 15 years with the patrol I
have seen many people join the patrol and they all
deserve a big pat on the back for completing a top
notch program. As a paramedic I have seen many
first aiders at many events and I am the first to brag
about the patrol for the level of training, professionalism, and commitment that they bring. Keep in mind we
are recognized across the country and this is something you should all be proud of. So, job well done and
enjoy the season. With this early snow, you will all be
able to put your skills to the test.
I also want to let everyone know that I am always
available for anyone who wants or needs to talk about
anything. If you have a concern, or if you simply need
or want to talk to someone about a call you had or if
you just want to share your idea or thoughts, simply
send me an email or call me. I will make the time to do
what I can. I will tell you all to enjoy your time on the
patrol as it is an organization like none other.
Page 4
On a final note, I have been able to acquire some new
equipment that I will be sharing will all the other hills in
the division. I was able to get a number of Kendrick's
Extrication Devices (KEDs) that I will be sending along to
each area. So please look them up in the manual and
start talking with your instructing teams about their use at
your hills.
Have a great season, stay safe but above all, do
your best, learn, and have fun. I guarantee you will have
a positive effect in someone's life this season.
Think snow.
Mat LeBlanc
Division VP Education
January 2014 Janvier
Update from PEI
Welcome to another season and what an early start to winter we have had here on PEI! It is even
looking like we will be open for the Christmas holidays for the first time in many years!
It has been a busy fall of training starting with our returnee course in late September and our full
course that finished up on November 23 with our field day. I want to welcome all our returning members back for a new season and a special welcome to our new recruits - Wanda, Gordon, Gary,
Meghan and Andrew -- welcome to our patrol! I want to thank them for joining our wonderful group
and I look forward to working with them and all our members in the coming season!
There have been some changes for us here at Brookvale, our Nordic an Alpine rental shops have
combined this year, which will be a bit of a learning curve for us and the patrons, but we will figure it out.
We also are breaking in a new toboggan thanks to our hill - I am sure there will be competition to see who
gets to make the first run with it!
We would love to invite patrollers from across the Division to pay us a visit on PEI this season- our doors
are open to you! May everyone have a wonderful start to their season and happy holidays!
Kara Campbell, PL Brookvale
This photo was snapped of our Division President, Craig Taggart, on the first day of skiing at Brookvale in PEI. We want to hear your suggestions for a caption
for this photo - send along your suggestions to [email protected], and we'll publish some of them in the next edition.
We're looking for another photo to use next edition, so send along your creative shots to [email protected], and we'll use one of them!
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