FINE ART + ANTIqUES - Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner
FINE ART + ANTIqUES - Bruun Rasmussen Kunstauktioner
bruun rasmussen fine art + antiques fine art + antiques international auction 845 auction 845 • n o v e m b e r 2 01 3 845_antik_omslag.indd 1 31/10/13 17.08 FINE ART + ANTIQUES International auction 845 AUCTION 26 November - 5 December 2013 PREVIEW Thursday 21 November 3 pm - 6 pm Friday 22 November 11 am - 5 pm Saturday 23 November 11 am - 4 pm Sunday 24 November 11 am - 4 pm Monday 25 November 11 am - 5 pm or by special appointment Bredgade 33 · DK-1260 Copenhagen K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 [email protected] · Lot 80 DAYS OF SALE ________________________________________________________ FINE ART + ANTIQUES Tuesday 26 November 4 pm Paintings and sculptures Wednesday 27 November 2 pm Russian sale Silver Ceramics Furniture, clocks and bronzes Thursday Monday 1 - 175 176 235 292 316 - 234 291 315 439 28 November 1 pm Weapons and sporting guns Oriental sale Oriental carpets 440 - 502 503 - 592 593 - 660 2 December 4 pm Jewellery Wristwatches 661 - 857 858 - 905 ________________________________________________________ MODERN ART Tuesday 3 December 4 pm Modern paintings and sculptures Wednesday 4 December 2 pm Modern paintings and sculptures Prints ________________________________________________________ NORDIC DESIGN Wednesday 4 December 5 pm Silver Thursday 5 December 4 pm Furniture and ceramics ________________________________________________________ DEADLINE FOR CLAIMING ITEMS: 18 DECEMBER Items bought at Auction 845 must be paid no later than eight days from the date of the invoice and claimed on Bredgade 33 by Wednesday 18 December at the latest. Otherwise, they will be moved to Bruun Rasmussen’s storage facility at Baltikavej 10 in Copenhagen at the buyer’s expense and risk. This transportation will cost DKK 100 per item VAT included, and storage will cost DKK 100 per item per week VAT included. Lot 537 MALERIER + ANTIKVITETER International auction 845 AUKTION 26. november - 5. december 2013 EFTERSYN Torsdag 21. november kl. 15 - 18 Fredag 22. november kl. 11 - 17 Lørdag 23. november kl. 11 - 16 Søndag 24. november kl. 11 - 16 Mandag 25. november kl. 11 - 17 Danske katalogtekster kan ses på Bredgade 33 · 1260 København K · Tel +45 8818 1111 · Fax +45 8818 1112 [email protected] · Lot 379 AUKTIONSKALENDER ________________________________________________________ KUNST + ANTIKVITETER Tirsdag Onsdag Torsdag Mandag 26. november kl. 16 Malerier og skulpturer 1 - 175 27. november kl. 14 Russisk auktion Sølv Keramik Møbler, ure og bronzer 176 235 292 316 28. november kl. 13 Våben Orientalsk auktion Orientalske tæpper 440 - 502 503 - 592 593 - 660 2. december kl. 16 Smykker Armbåndsure 661 - 857 858 - 905 - 234 291 315 439 ________________________________________________________ MODERNE KUNST Tirsdag 3. december kl. 16 Moderne malerier og skulpturer Onsdag 4. december kl. 14 Moderne malerier og skulpturer Grafik ________________________________________________________ NORDIC DESIGN Onsdag 4. december kl. 17 Sølv Torsdag 5. december kl. 16 Møbler og keramik ________________________________________________________ SIDSTE FRIST FOR AFHENTNING: ONSDAG DEN 18. DECEMBER Effekter købt på auktion 845 skal være betalt senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen og afhentet i Bredgade 33 senest onsdag den 18. december. I modsat fald bliver de transporteret til Bruun Rasmussens lager på Baltikavej 10 i Københavns Nordhavn for købers regning og risiko. Transporten koster 100 kr. pr. effekt inkl. moms, og opbevaringen koster 100 kr. pr. effekt pr. påbegyndt uge inkl. moms. Julen nærmer sig, og vi åbner dørene til årets sidste og mest omfangsrige auktion i Bredgade. Vanen tro indleder vi med ældre malerier, og et af de mest stemningsfulde værker er Otto Baches kendte optrin med heste og folkeliv foran Lindenborg Kro ved Roskilde fra 1881. En større version af værket blev udstillet på Charlottenborg i 1878 og samme år erhvervet af kongehuset. I anledning af frimærkeudstillingen Hafnia i 1976 kom skildringen til at udgøre motivet på et frimærkeark, hvilket gjorde det kendt i brede kredse ( 74). Det er en stor ære denne gang at kunne præsentere en af landets fineste private samlinger af dansk barok- og rokokosølv samlet gennem en lang årrække af Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller ( 235-272). I anledning af 400-året for Romanov-dynastiet, der regerede Rusland frem til revolutionen i 1917, er en del af auktionen dedikeret til russisk kunst. Et af synonymerne med landet er uden tvivl Fabergé, der blev grundlagt i Skt. Petersborg i 1842 og siden har fremstillet overdådige juvelerarbejder – heriblandt den udbudte bordklokke og seks skjorteknapper, der blev givet i gave af kejserinde Dagmar til medlemmer af det danske kongehus ( 233 og 232). Vi byder sågar på hemmelige militære oplysninger fra 1697 skrevet med usynligt blæk i et brev signeret af den russiske zar, Peter den Store ( 206). Blandt de europæiske antikviteter finder man et par rokokokommoder fra den nordtyske by Altona, hvis snedkerværksteder var blandt de førende inden for møbelproduktion i 1700-tallet ( 340). Auktionens store Louis XVI prismekrone stammer fra samme periode, hvor den blev til på det legendariske værksted Werner og Mieth i Berlin, der gennem tiden var leverandører til alverdens prominente residenser ( 379). Vi tager også turen til Østen med 90 effekter fra primært Kina, heriblandt et udvalg af silkescrolls med fortællende motiver, hvor mennesker, dyr og natur optræder i skøn forening. De æstetiske scrolls er en kombination af kunst og kalligrafiske inskriptioner, og gennem tiden har deres ejere anvendt dem ved særlige lejligheder til beundring og diskussion af de skildrede legender – en tradition, der går helt tilbage til Han-dynastiet ( 568-583). Der er også rig mulighed for at komme på forkant med julegaverne, når vi svinger hammeren over smykker og armbåndsure. Et af højdepunkterne her er en sjælden pink safir fra Burma, der er eksponent for nogle af verdens fineste ædelsten af denne type ( 719). De fleste herrer vil med garanti blive glade for at finde et af de udbudte ure fra hæderkronede brands som Rolex, Audemars Piguet eller Patek Philippe under juletræet ( 887, 896, 895). Jesper Bruun Rasmussen Christmas is fast approaching and we’re opening the doors to the last and most extensive auction of the year at Bredgade. True to form, we’ll be starting with fine art. One of the most evocative works featured is Otto Bache’s famous scene depicting horses and street life in front of Lindenborg Kro near Roskilde from 1881. A larger version of the work was exhibited at Charlottenborg in 1878 and acquired by the court that same year. On the occasion of the Hafnia stamp exhibition in 1976, the painting was used as the motif on a sheet of postage stamps, making it widely known (cat. no. 74). It is a great honour this time to be able to present one of Denmark’s finest private collections of Danish Baroque and Rococo silver, collected over a great many years by Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller (cat. no. 235-272). To mark the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, which ruled Russia until the revolution in 1917, part of the auction is dedicated to Russian art. A name synonymous with Russia is without a doubt Fabergé, which was founded in St. Petersburg in 1842, and which has produced opulent jeweller’s work ever since – including the bell push and six shirt buttons up for auction, given as a gift by Empress Dagmar to members of the Danish royal family (Cat. No. 233 and 232). We are even offering military secrets written in invisible ink in a letter signed by the Russian Tsar Peter the Great! (cat. no. 206) Among the European antiques is a pair of Rococo commodes from the north German town of Altona, whose joinery workshops were among the leaders in 18th century furniture production (cat. no. 340). The auction’s large Louis XVI chandelier dates from the same period, and was made at the legendary Werner and Mieth workshop in Berlin, supplier to eminent residences the world over (cat. no. 379). We also take a trip to the Orient with 90 items, primarily from China, including a selection of silk scrolls with narrative motifs, beautifully depicting people, animals and nature. The aesthetic scrolls are a combination of art and calligraphic inscriptions, and over the years, their owners have used them on special occasions for admiration and discussion of the legends depicted – a tradition dating right back to the Han Dynasty (cat. no. 568-583). There is also ample opportunity to get started on your Christmas shopping when we swing the hammer over jewellery and wristwatches. One of the highlights here is a rare pink sapphire from Burma, which is an exponent of some of the world’s finest gems of this type (cat. no. 719). Most men would undoubtedly be delighted to find one of the watches up for auction from distinguished brands such as Rolex, Audemars Piguet or Patek Philippe under the Christmas tree (cat. no. 887, 896, 895). Jesper Bruun Rasmussen Lot 733 Lot 734 Lot 735 SPECIALISTS IN FINE ART AND ANTIQUES Director of sales Kasper Nielsen +45 8818 1121 [email protected] Paintings Birte Stokholm +45 8818 1122 [email protected] Ceramics and Oriental art Ralph Lexner +45 8818 1161 [email protected] Paintings and russian art Martin Hans Borg +45 8818 1128 [email protected] Ceramics, glass and Oriental art Charlotte Hviid +45 8818 1162 [email protected] Professor Elena Nesterova Silver and ceramics Line Langkjær +45 8818 1166 [email protected] [email protected] Paintings Julie Arendse Voss +45 8818 1123 [email protected] Ceramics and Oriental art Alexandra Nilsson +45 8818 1164 [email protected] Jewellery Katrin Mikkelsen Sørensen +45 8818 1174 [email protected] Chinese representative Li Guan +45 8818 1111 [email protected] Jewellery Lise Jacobsen +45 8818 1175 [email protected] Furniture and carpets Henrik Schleppegrel +45 8818 1145 [email protected] Wristwatches Kristian Haagen +45 8818 1168 [email protected] Furniture, bronzes and clocks Anders Fredsted +45 8818 1142 [email protected] Weapons David Utzon-Frank +45 8818 1221 [email protected] Paintings and furniture Frederik Bruun Rasmussen +45 8818 1003 [email protected] Weapons Jesper Godvin Hansen +45 8818 1222 [email protected] Silver and public relations Alexa Bruun Rasmussen +45 8818 1091 [email protected] Jeudan parkering Dr. Tværgade offers Bruun Rasmussen clients a 50% parking discount. Further information available at the front desk during the preview and auction. Bruun Rasmussen LIVE – byd, hvor end du er Nu har du mulighed for at overvære Bruun Rasmussens traditionelle auktioner i Bredgade og byde direkte via hjemmesiden Mærk stemningen i auktionssalen Hvis du ikke selv har mulighed for at være til stede under de traditionelle auktioner i Bredgade, kan du nu følge en igangværende auktion og via direkte transmission af video og lyd opleve stemningen i auktionssalen – ganske som om du selv var der. Det er gratis at følge auktionerne via Bruun Rasmussen Live, og alt hvad du behøver, er at være registreret som kunde. Byd via Bruun Rasmussen Live Når auktionen starter, vil du kunne se linket ”Live: Følg auktionen” i auktionskalenderen på, hvorfra du kan følge auktionarius under auktionen. Hvis du ønsker at byde, skal du blot logge ind som kunde på hjemmesiden. 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Now you have the opportunity to “attend” Bruun Rasmussen’s traditional auctions at Bredgade, and bid directly via the website at Feel the atmosphere in the auction room If you are unable to attend the traditional auctions at Bredgade in person, you can now follow an auction in progress and experience the atmosphere in the auction room via a live transmission – just as if you were there. It is free to follow the auctions via Bruun Rasmussen Live, and all you need is to be registered as a customer. Bid via Bruun Rasmussen Live When the auction starts, you will be able to see the link “Live: Follow the auction” in the auction calendar at, from where you can follow the auctioneer during the auction. If you wish to submit a bid, simply log in as a customer on the website. This is what you do: • Click on the “Live: Follow the auction” link in the auction calendar • Log in as a customer at “Bruun Rasmussen Live” • Submit your bid directly on the website The bidding process Your bid will be treated in the same way as the bids submitted in the room by those present. If your bid is successful, you will be required to pay the standard costs which apply to all purchases from Bruun Rasmussen according to the conditions of purchase. Bruun Rasmussen accepts no liability for bids lost as a result of technical problems. Technical assistance We recommend that you check whether your computer, smartphone or tablet can receive the transmission. Read more at If you require technical assistance, please contact Bruun Rasmussen’s IT support team on tel. +45 8818 1114 or e-mail: [email protected]. Please note that we are also on hand during the auctions to deal with any technical issues. Important information regarding the weapon auction Vigtig information om våbenauktionen PREVIEW EFTERSYN The preview of the weapons will take place at Sundkrogsgade 30 in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn: Eftersynet over våben foregår i Sundkrogsgade 30 i Københavns Nordhavn: Thursday 21 November 10 am-5 pm torsdag den 21. november kl. 10-17 Friday 22 November 10 am-3:30 pm fredag den 22. november kl. 10-15.30 Saturday 23 November 10 am-2 pm. lørdag den 23. november kl. 10-14 The preview will also be open on the day of the auction: Thursday 28 November 10 am-12 noon – or by special appointment. Eftersynet er også åbent på auktionsdagen: torsdag den 28. november kl. 10-12 – eller efter aftale. AUCTION AUKTION The auction takes place in Bredgade 33. Auktionen finder sted i Bredgade 33. Collection Afhentning Weapons purchased can be collected at Sundkrogs gade 30 in Copenhagen’s Nordhavn until 5 pm on the day of the auction and on the following days during our opening hours. Købte våben kan afhentes i Sundkrogsgade 30 i Københavns Nordhavn frem til kl. 17 på auktions dagen samt de efterfølgende dage i vores sædvanlige åbningstid. Permit requirements on items marked , or Påkrævede tilladelser The Danish authorities demand an import licence from the police of the buyer’s country of residence, or documentation that the buyer does not require a licence to possess the item. For further information, please contact David Utzon-Frank on tel. +45 8818 1221 or email: [email protected] Emner mærket med kræver gyldig blankvåben tilladelse for at kunne udleveres. Emner mærket med kræver gyldigt jagttegn eller samlertilladelse for at kunne udleveres. Emner mærket med kræver gyldig våbentilladelse for at kunne udleveres. For yderligere information, kontakt venligst David Utzon-Frank på tlf.: 8818 1221 eller e-mail duf@ WEAPONS AND SPORTING GUNS Thursday 28 November 1 pm Lot 440 - 502 Lot 483 440 440 A Japanese wakizashi in its scabbard with menuki and fuchi inlaid with flowers in shakudo. The Mary Gata Tsuba in iron is carved on both sides with a dragon. The unsigned blade with two holes in the tang is c. 48,5 cm. long. In the red-brown scabbard a signed kozuka decorated with a carp and gilded water plants. With the wakizashi is a silk bag. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 441 441 A fine signed Japanese katana blade in shirasaya. The blade is c. 69 cm. long with a clear hamon line. Both sides of the tang is signed and a Japanese certificat number 260089 comes with the blade. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 442 442 A fine signed Japanese katana blade in shirasaya. The blade is c. 64 cm. long with a clear hamon line. Both sides of the tang is signed and on the shirasaya is Japanese script in black ink. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 301 443 444 445 443 445 An indian tulwar in its wooden scabbard covered in green velvet. The iron hilt is covered in silver and decorated with golden flowers. The curved c. 76 cm. long single edged blade is in damask steel. DKK 6,000-8,000 / € 805-1,050 A Caucasian silver mounted shaska in its scabbard. The hilt of typical form is in niello inlaid silver and cast with foliate. The single edged blade with three fullers on each side is c. 76 cm. long and marked crowned L on one side on the ricasso. The wooden scabbard is covered in black leather with four silver mounts. The three upper mounts are original and finely inlaid with niello while the later chape is engraved with a simple design. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 444 A Fine silver Shaska from Dagestan c. 1890 in its scabbard. The blade with fullers is c. 87,5 cm. long and deeply marked on both sides with a masters mark. The mounts and the grip are in niello inlaid silver decorated en suite with foliate and flowers. DKK 40,000-60,000 / € 5,350-8,050 446 447 448 449 446 448 A very fine Georgien Kilidj mounted in gilded silver and with a fine curved damascene blade c. 71 long with yelman. On one side of the blade is a thugra in gold. The classical cruciform blade with a bended pommel is cast with foliate and carries the master mark NA. The scabbard with two large and one small mount is decorated in the same manner and all carries the same mark. On each side of the throat a rocaille. With the sabre follows a belt and sword knot in red and silver. DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500 A Polish sword Karabela c. 1700 in its scabbard with a wooden hilt, cross guard in iron carved with flowers and langets in gilded brass? The slightly curved blade is c. 78 cm. long held to the grip by three rivets. The wooden scabbard is covered in black leather with four mounts decorated like the langets. The blade is probobly of Tyrkish early 17th century make. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 447 A fine Ottoman Kilidj with a rhinoceros grip in its scabbard with punched silver mounts. The guard is in silver and the solid T-backed damascene blade is c. 65 cm. long with a silver inlaid inscription on one side. The wooden scabbard is covered in green velvet and has four silver mounts two of with are punched with extravagant rococo decorations. The upper mounts has an inscription and the date 1253 in arabic numbers which corresponds to 1837-38. DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 449 A fine Shaska from Dagestan c.1890 with impressive niello inlaid mounts and grip in gilded silver. The c. 83 cm. long slightly curved blade has three fullers and is deeply marked on one side with a maskers mark. The wooden scabbard is covered in black leather and has 4 mounts. Both mounts and grip is in gilded silver finely carved with flowers and with contrasting niello inlays. The throat is signed Amel Dawud Daghestani and 1307 in arabic numbers which corresponds to 1889-90. DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500 303 450 451 452 453 454 450 453 A Maori Taiaha war club c. 119.5 cm. long with a finely carved tongued head by the handle. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 451 A fine Totakia club from the Fiji Islands c. 79 cm. long with a round shaft ending in a pineapple. From the pineapple a c. 8,5 cm. long point is protruding. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 Fiji Islands war club made from root stock ca. 116 cm. long carved for c. 29 cm. on the handle with zig-zag lines. DKK 6,000-8,000 / € 805-1,050 454 452 A fine round Bovai club from Tonga c. 116 cm. long carved on the upper ca. 50 cm. with zigzag patterns in bands. DKK 6,000-8,000 / € 805-1,050 304 A Qauata war club from the Solomon Islands c. 110 cm. long with an ancestor figure carved towards the base of the handle and a c. 40 cm. long thin curved blade with a central rib. The back of the blade forms a point. DKK 6,000-8,000 / € 805-1,050 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 455 A Good Scottish iron mounted 18th century claymore with a complicated basket hilt and a c. 84 cm. long blade with two small fullers on each side. The blade is c. 47 mm. broad by the ricasso. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 455 456 A Pappenheimer rapier c. 1610-20 with a complicated hilt and a c. 114.5 cm. long double edged blade with two short fullers on each side marked PEDRO HARNAND? DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 456 457 A Danish iron mounted broadsword pattern 1734 with a c. 87,5 cm. long blade marked on the upper oval part with the crowned monogram of Christian VI of Denmark as well as the year 1734. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 457 458 A fine extravagant steel carved 17th century small sword with a blade by Francisco Ruiz. The blackened hilt is carved with flowers and one side of the guard is in iron bars ending in flower buds. The other is in pierced iron decorated with mythical monsters. The c. 82 long double edged blade is decorated with an orb and is marked FRANCISCO RUIZ on both sides. Two sword smiths with the name Francisco Ruiz, worked in Toledo in the 17th century. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 458 305 459 459 A German sporting crossbow around 1600 with an unmarked steel bow retained by cords. The stock is inlaid with bone in the shape of foliate, dogs, trees and mythical beasts. Set trigger and iron trigger guard. On the top a piece of bone for holding the bolt. With the bow an iron bolt with a reconstructed shaft. Provenance: Carl U. Buch's collection. See the Danish Arms and Armour Society's yearbook 1, 1936. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 460 306 460 A fine carved Norwegian knife most probably by Ole Olsen Moene 1839-1908 with the grip and scabbard in wood carved with foliate. Few Ole Olsen knives are signed but this is in his typical style. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 461 461 A small German wheel lock hunting rifle c. 1660 with the entire stock inlaid with foliate, fruits, game and mythical beasts. The lock is marked H and a sun? C. 67 cm. long octagonal barrel in calibre c. 15 mm. rifled with 7 deep grooves. Provenance: Carl U. Buch's collection. See the Danish Arms and Armour Society's yearbook 1, 1936. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 307 462 462 A Fine German iron mounted fully stocked target percussion rifle by F. Mundt in Neuwedell c. 1860. Butt plate, patch pox, trigger guard and lock plates finely carved with foliate and gold inlaid with game and hunters. The trigger guard has a horn back part and the stock with cheek piece is carved game scenes. The c. 75,5 cm. long octagonal damask barrel is in calibre c. 8 mm. The rifle is unusual in having two back action lock plates and double nipples enabling it to be fitted for a left hand shooter. The top of the barrel is inlaid with F. MUNDT IN NEYWEDELL in gold. F. Mundt is not in Støckel and the town is today a part of Poland. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 463 A Spanish brass mounted miquelet carbine with a folding stock by Rovira in Ripoll. The butt plate inlaid with silver, the stock inlaid with carved bone plates and mother of pearl on the top. On the neck a push button which enables the stock to fold downwards. The lock with external spring is marked crowned ROVIRA, the side plate is engraved brass and the trigger guard ends in a vase, c. 59 cm. long two-stage blunderbuss barrel in calibre c. 40 mm. 308 inlaid with silver and brass on the octagonal part. The fore stock ends in bone and is inlaid with engraved bone plates and mother of pearl. The ramrod ends in bone. Rovira is not in Støckel. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 464 A Danish iron mounted flintlock hunting gun by Hans Hansen in Viborg around 1750 with a large butt plates which ends in a vase, stock with cheek piece carved with foliate, on the right side a silver plaque with the inscription in Danish DIANE ER MIT NAFN/ MIN MAD ER LOD OG KRUD/ MIT KYS OG TAG I FAUFN/ ER HALS OG BEENE BRUD/ Ao 1770 MJ. The trigger guard is fluted and ends in a vase, the lock plate of rounded form is steel carved behind the cock and marked H. HANSEN VIBORG. The side plate is pierced and has a rocaille, the two-stage barrel is c. 86 cm. long in calibre c. 20 mm. fluted at the back and with a silver fore sight. According to Støckel Hans Hansen worked as a gunmaker to the garrison in Viborg c. 1770, but this musket must be older. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 463 464 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 309 465 465 A boxed double barreled iron mounted hunting gun by W. R. Pape in Newcastle on Tyne c. 1860 with an English stock with chequered neck and fore stock, trigger guard which ends in a pineapple marked with the number 1090, flat finely engraved locks marked W. R. PAPE, ca. 76 cm. long damascene barrels in calibre c. 17,5 m. marked W. R. PAPE. NEWCASTLE - ON - TYNE. WINNER OF THE LONDON GUN TRIALS IN 1858 & 1859. The c. 89 X 22 cm. case is lined with green velvet with W. R. Pape trade label on the lock. In the box a powder horn in copper and brass by G. & J. W. Hawksley, bullet pouch in leather, ramrod, cleaning rod and powder measure. William Rochester Pape worked according to Støckel in Newcastle on Tyne c. 1830 - 1876. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 466 A boxed double barrelled iron mounted half stocked hunting gun by Westley Richards c. 1840 with an English stock with chequered neck, flat engraved locks marked WESTLEY RICHARDS, the trigger guard ends in an pineapple and has a safety on the back. C. 70,5 cm. long barrels in calibre c. 18 mm. with Birmingham proofs. The c. 81,5 X 24,5 cm. oak case is lined with green velvet and carries a Westley 310 Richards trade label. In the box a ramrod, a cleaning rod, a bullet flask in leather and a nipple wrench. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 467 A boxed cape gun by John Blissett ca. 1860 with an English stock with chequered neck and forestock, the trigger guard ends in a pineapple and is marked with the number 2710, flat locks engraved with animals marked JOHN BLISSETT LONDON, c. 74 cm. long round barrels with London proofs - the right barrel smooth bored in calibre c. 18 mm. and the left barrel in calibre c. 17 mm. is rifled with two groves. The strap between the barrels is marked JOHN BLISSETT, 322 HIGH HOLBORN LONDON. The c. 89 X 27 cm. oak and brass box is lined with green velvet and has John Blissetts trade label on the lock. In the case a brass hunter and dog powder horn, a bullet pouch in leather, bullet mould for a pointed bullet, a double powder measure and a nipple wrench. John Blissett worked according to Støckel in London 1831 - 1885 - between 1851 and 1866 from 322 High Holborn. Provenance: Formerly at Aalholm Castle in Denmark. Sold as lot 698 by Sotheby's on the 21st of May 1996. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 466 467 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 311 469 468 A Needham's Patent breech loading double barrelled needle fire sporting gun by W & J Rigby, Dublin c. 1860 with english stock with a compartment beneath the butt covered in a spring operated iron cover. C. 81 cm. long barrels in twist damascus, marked Wm & Jn RIGBY DUBLIN. The trigger guard is marked N 11062. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 312 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 468 469 A double barrelled iron mounted half stocked hunting gun with Manton tube locks by John Blanch c. 1820 with finely carved butt plate and trigger guard, stock with cheek piece and chequered neck, flat engraved Manton paten tube locks marked J: BLANCH, c. 74,5 cm. long barrels in calibre c. 17 mm. marked J. BLANCJH. LONDON on the strap between the barrels. The ramrod with bullet screw is brass tipped. John Blanch * 1784 - c. 1841 is not in Støckel. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 313 470 470 Danish pistol for the Holstein Gendarmes pattern 1852 with its detachable stock. The pistol is marked H.H. 39 on the barrel and on the detachable stock. Beneath the c. 29 cm. long octagonal barrel is the mark L. Sauerb. for L. Sauerbrey in Zella who made c. 125 pieces of this pistol. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 314 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 471 471 A Rare Danish carbine for the Schleswig Gendarmes pattern 1851. The marking S.G. 15 can be found on the butt plate, trigger guard and lock plate. The lock plate is also marked FRANCOTTE LIEGE. The the 50,5 cm. long round barrel in calibre c. 15 mm. is marked 15 on the left hand side. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 315 472 472 A fine silver mounted fully stocked English pistol by Griffin & Tow hall marked 1773. The butt cap has a fine grotesque mask surrounded by shells, the lock plate is flat and marked GRIFFIN & TOW, the side plate is in pierced silver work, the trigger guard ends in a vase and has London Hallmarks for 1773 and the mark of Luke Kendall, the three-stage barrel is c. 22,5 cm. long in calibre c. 15,5 with London proofs and IG for Joseph Griffin c. 1750-1787 who around 1770 joined with John Tow. Joseph Griffen was recognised as one of the best gunmakers of his generation which this pistol bears testimony to. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 473 473 A small Ottoman silver inlaid blunderbuss of fine quality. The butt plate, trigger guard and side plate is finely inlaid with silver. The flat lock plate is decorated with military trophies and a makers mark? The two-stage barrel is c. 28 cm. long in calibre c. 31 mm. inlaid with silver above the powder chamber and by the muzzle. Beneath the barrel is a loose fake ramrod. Provenance: Carl U. Buch's collection. See the Danish Arms and Armour Society's yearbook 1, 1936. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 316 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 474 474 A fine Dutch iron mounted flintlock pistol by H. Renier c. 1660-70 with pierced steel carved mounts. The butt plate is in fine pierced work decorated with florals and female bodies, the lock plate is steel carved with a bird and monsters, the cock is carved with a female body, S-formed dragon decorated side plate, the trigger guard pierced at the front and carved with a female bust, c. 28 cm. long three-stage barrel in calibre c. 14 mm. wooden ramrod held by two fluted pipes. H. Reiner is not in Støckel. Provenance: Carl U. Buch's collection. See the Danish Arms and Armour Society's yearbook 1, 1936. Mentioned in Torsten Lenk, Steinschloss Feuerwaffen, Verlag Paul Parey 1973 p. 86 samt plate 53:3. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 475 475 A fine German flintlock pistol c. 1730 with a barrel by Lazarinno Cominazzo mounted in gilded bronze with a large round butt-plate decorated with foliate, lock-plate in gilded bronze, trigger-guard with a pierced fore-end, metal inlays around the trigger, pierced side-plate with foliate and monsters, ca. 39,5 cm. long three stage barrel in calibre c. 13 mm. marked LAZARINO COMINAZZO. Provenance: Carl U. Buch's collection. See the Danish Arms and Armour Society's yearbook 1, 1936. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 317 476 476 A cased pair of Belgian percussion pistols of exhibition quality by F. Lassence-Ronge in Liege c. 1850. The pistols with gothic stocks and carved locks laid flute with the stocks. The octagonal barrels is c. 26 cm. long rifled with 10 groves and marked F. LASSENRE-RONGE A LIEGE in silver. In the case all accessories: hammer, bullet mould, cleaning rod, powderhorn by Dixon & Son etc. The case is c. 50 X 29 lined with green velvet and marked C. I. Nordstrøm on the lock. Lassence-Ronge worked according to Støckel c. 1842-59 in Liege. Provenance: Bruun Ramussens auction 416 catalogue number 459 - 1980. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 318 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 477 477 A pair of cased exhibition quality Belgium pistol by J. B. Ronge Fils c. 1850 with gothic stocks, butts carved with foliate, engraved locks with set triggers laid flute to the stocks and marked I. B. RONGE FILS a LIEGE in gold around the hammers. The octagonal barrels are c. 26 cm. long in calibre c. 12 mm. rifled with 6 shallow grooves and marked ACIER FONDU above the powder hammer. In the box a full set of accessories such as a bullet mould, bullet hammer, powder-flask etc. The brass cornered box is c. 48 X 29 cm. lined with red velvet and marked J B RONGE FILS FABRICANT D'ARME A LIEGE in gold. The firm worked under this name c. 1832 to 1929. Provenenance: Bruun Rasmussen auction 416 catalogue number 430 - 1980. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 319 478 478 A large unsigned pistol c. 1730 mounted in gilded brass with a root wood stock. The butt plate is decorated with foliate, the escutcheon is a fine grotesque mask, the trigger guard ends in a vase, the brass lock plate is carved with a reclining Pallas Athena or Roma, the side plate is pierced with a grotesque mask and foliate, the two-stage barrel is c. 34,5 cm. long in calibre c. 14 mm. The ramrod ends in horn and is held by two fluted pipes. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 479 320 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 480 479 480 A pair of brass mounted pistols c. 1790 by Johan Christoph Kuchenreiter with small butt plates, plain locks marked I. CHRI. KUCHENREITER, c. 26 cm. long two stage barrels in calibre c. 12 mm. marked I. CHRISTOPH KUCHENREITER in silver and with the Kuchenreiters round makers mark. On the tangs leaf sights. A flower is cut in the stock in front of the trigger guard. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 A pair of flintlock pistol c. 1730 with barrels by Diego Esquibel in Madrid and with gilded mounts. Butt plates with foliate, crowned escutcheons with a mans bust, flat unsigned locks, pierced side plates decorated with military trophies, naked men and a lion, ca. 31 cm. long two-stage barrels in calibre c. 14,5 mm. marked with a full spanish group for Diego Esquibel and marked ESQUIBEL EN MADRID ANNO 1719. Esquibel worked in Madrid c. 1694 - 1732. Provenance: Carl U. Buch's collection. See the Danish Arms and Armour Society's yearbook 1, 1936. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 321 481 481 An pair of iron mounted flintlock pistols by Hans Jacob Barth in Colmar c. 1750. The butts have unsigned escutcheons in silver, the small locks of rounded form are marked BARTH A COLMAR and the side plates are in iron. The fake damascene barrels are in calibre c. 13 mm. with flat backs and the trigger guards ends in small vases. The stocks are carved around the metal parts with among others a fine flower by the tangs. Hans Jacob Barth c. 1721 - ca. 1765 became a citizen in Colmar in 1744. Provenance: Carl U. Buch's collection. See the Danish Arms and Armour Society's yearbook 1, 1936. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 482 322 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 483 482 483 A pair of silver mounted flintlock pistols by Johan Christorph Kuchenreiter c. 1790. The silver mounts are smooth and the stock finely carved with flowers, the lock plates with safeties and set triggers are marked JOH. CHRISTOPH KUCHENREITER, the c. 23 cm. long two-stage barrels in calibre c. 12 mm. is marked I. CHRISTOPH KUCHENRIETER and his masters mark Støckel 640. Johan Christorph Kuchenreiter 1755 - 1818 worked as gunmaker to the von Thurn and Taxis family in Steinweg. Provenance: Carl U. Buch's collection. See the Danish Arms and Armour Society's yearbook 1, 1936. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 A pair of silver mounted brass barrelled English flintlock pistol by Edwards c. 1792. The butte are inlaid with silver wire and the butt plates are marked with Birmingham proof marks for 1792, the escutcheons is in the shape of trophies as are the side plates and trigger guards, the brass lock plates are marked W. EDWARDS and the c. 22 cm. long two stage brass barrels in calibre c. 14 mm. are marked LONDON. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 323 484 484 485 Blaser Model 97 7X65R O/U double rifle. No 4/74776. 22 inch nitro barrels with open sights. Action with game scenes. 14 1/2 inch figured pistolgrip stock. In a Blaser case. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 W. J. Jeffery. A fine .240 Magnum Rimless boxlock ejector double rifle. No. 28845. 24 inch nitro barrels with open sights, mounted with a telescopic sight in a claw mount. Action engraved with game scenes, retaining some original case colour hardening. 37 inch pistol grip stock incl a rubber pad. In a canvas case with a W. J. Jeffery trade label, some accessories and 16 Kynock cartridges. DKK 40,000-60,000 / € 5,350-8,050 324 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 485 485 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 325 486 486 F.W. Kessler. A fine cal. 7,62X53R top-lever hammer double rifle. No. 13367. 26 inch barrels with open sights signed with makers name. The action with light scroll work retaining traces of original case colour hardening. Horn-tipped for-end. 13 3/4 inch well figured pistol grip stock with engraved stock magazine with room for five cartridges. The rifle is regulated with a 14.2 grams bullets with a reduced load of smokeless powder and shoots well. Comes with 129 cartridges. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 326 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 487 487 Holland & Holland. A fine 6X70R boxlock ejector rook rifle. No. 18207. 24 3/4 inch octagonal barrel with "Holland & Holland, 98 New Bond St. London" engraved. Mounted with a Leopold telescopic sight. Action engraved with fine scroll and makers name. 14 1/4 inch well figured pistol-grip stock. DKK 25,000-30,000 / € 3,350-4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 327 488 489 328 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 490 488 490 Army & Navy. A 12-bore top-lever hammergun (no 2 of a pair). No. 1112. 30 inch nitro proofed damascus barrels. Action engraved with fine scroll. Some original case colour hardening. 14 1/4 inch highly figured stock incl a Silvers pad. In its makers canvas case. DKK 18,000-20,000 / € 2,400-2,700 James Purdey & Sons. A 12-bore hammergun. No. 7945. 29 inch nitro proofed damascus barrels. Action incorporating J. Purdey thumb-hole underlever patent no. 1104 of 2nd May 1863. Island backlocks with best scroll engraving. 14 1/2 inch well figured stock. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 489 Boss & Co. A 12-bore hammergun. No. 3981. 30 inch blackpowder proofed damascus barrels. Action incorporating Jones Rotary Underlever. Backlocks with best scroll engraving. 14 inch well figured stock. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 329 491 491 492 Browning. A 12-bore B25 B2G O/U boxlock ejector gun. No. 863RNO1835. 27 1/2 inch barrels with 2 3/4 inch chambers. The action with scroll and game scene engravings. Selective single trigger. 14 inch highly figured straight hand stock. In it’s maker’s leather and canvas case. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 Perazzi. A fine pair of 12-bore single trigger ejector O/U sideplated guns model MX8 SCO nos. 117293/4. 29 1/2 inch barrels with 2 3/4 inch chambers, ventilated ribs and about 1/2 and 3/4 choke borings in both sets of barrels. The side-plated actions with selective single-triggers. Actions, top levers and trigger-guards are profusely engraved with scroll, flowers and shooting scenes. The sideplates are engraved by Galeatti with scenes of equestrian sports. 14 1/4 inch highly figured stocks with rounded pistol grips. The rim, top lever and forend have the "1" resp. "2" inlaid in gold. Wt. 3500 g. The maker's leather-covered lightweight case and a set of leather gunslips. Bøsserne kommer i en original Perazzi dobbeltkuffert af skind. DKK 150,000-200,000 / € 20,000-27,000 330 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 492 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 331 493 493 494 William Powel and Son. A 12-bore sidelock ejector gun. No 10156. 28 inch nitro barrels. 2 1/2 inch chambers. Action with a border ingraving. 14 3/4 inch figured stock incl a 1 inch silvers pad. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 Westley Richards "Gold Name" 12-bore boxlock ejector gun. No GN132. 25 inch nitro barrels. Non engraved action with makers name in gold. 15 inch figured stock incl a 1 1/4 inch wooden pad. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 494 332 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 495 495 Simson & Co A.G. Awtowelo Suhl. A fine 12-bore sidelock ejector gun. No. 100088. 29 1/2 inch nitro barrels. The fences carved with oak leaves and the action engraved with game scenes and scroll. 14 1/2 inch well figured straight hand stock. The gun appears very little used. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 496 Simson & Co A.G. Awtowelo Suhl. A fine 12-bore sidelock ejector gun. No. 1205879 with 29 1/2 inch nitro barrels. The fences carved with oak leaves and the action engraved with game scenes and scroll. 14 1/2 inch well figured straight hand stock. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 496 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 333 497 497 Boss & Co. A 12-bore assisted opening sidelock ejector gun with an extra set of barrels. No. 6649. Two 29 inch barrels with 2 1/2 inch chambers, game rib. The action, top lever, sidelocks and trigger guard with fine rose and scroll engravings. 15 inch well figured straight hand stock. (3) In a Boss & Co VC double motering leather case. DKK 80,000-120,000 / € 10,500-16,000 497 334 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 498 498 Boss & Co. A 12-bore assisted opening sidelock ejector gun no. 6690. 28 inch barrels with 2 1/2 inch chambers, game rib. The action, top lever, sidelocks and trigger guard with fine rose and scroll engravings and some original case colours. 15 inch highly figured straight hand stock incl a 1 1/2 inch wooden pad. In its brass corned oak and leather case. DKK 80,000-120,000 / € 10,500-16,000 498 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 335 499 499 500 Charles Lancaster. A composed pair of 12 bore sidelock ejector guns. No 6238/8403. 30 inch damascus barrels. Actions engraved with scroll and makers name in a banner, traces of original case colour hardening. 14 1/2 inch well figured stocks. In an oak and leather double guncase. DKK 40,000-60,000 / € 5,350-8,050 James Purdey & Sons. A 12 bore self-opening sidelock ejector gun (no 2 of a pair). No. 18398. 29 inch chopper lump barrels with 2 1/2 inch chambers. The frame and locks with fine bouquet and scroll engravings. Arrow cocking indicators. Traces of original case colour hardening. 15 1/2 inch highly figured stock includning 1 1/2 inch Silvers pad. In a leather guncase with a James Purdey trade label. The gun was finished as no 2 of a pair in 1905 for a Mr John Craig. Comes with photos of James Purdeys records on this gun. DKK 80,000-120,000 / € 10,500-16,000 336 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 500 500 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 337 501 501 A Holland & Holland first model "Royal" 20-bore best sidelock ejector gun. Serial no. 14520. 25 inch blackend damascus barrels, 2 1/2 inch chambers. Lock plates and action engraved with best rose and scroll. 15 inch highly figured stock incl. a 1 1/2 inch wooden pad. In a canvas case with Holland & Holland trade label. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 501 338 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 502 502 A fine Holland & Holland 12-bore model "Royal" best sidelock, easy-opening ejector gun. Serial no. 33286. 28 inch nitro chopperlump barrels, 2 1/2 inch chambers. Hand detachable lock-plates and action engraved with best bold foliate scroll retaining some original case colour hardening. 15 1/2 inch well figured stock incl. a 1 1/2 inch wooden pad. In its original leather motering case. DKK 80,000-100,000 / € 10,500-13,500 502 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 339 Important information regarding the Oriental sale Regarding submission of bids on lots 503 to 592 The submission of bids on the above mentioned lot numbers requires the prior registration of a valid debit/credit card as well as the presentation of photo ID. Please contact Bruun Rasmussen’s bidding department regarding this the latest by Thursday 28 November 2013 at 10 am CET by e-mail [email protected] or telephone +45 8818 1013. Vigtig information om den orientalske auktion Vedr. budgivning på 503 til 592 Budgivning på ovenstående katalognumre kræver forudgående registrering af gyldigt betalings-/kreditkort samt fremvisning af billedlegitimation. Kontakt venligst Bruun Rasmussens budgivningsafdeling herom senest torsdag den 28. november 2013 kl. 10.00 CET på e-mail [email protected] eller telefon +45 8818 1013. 340 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 ORIENTAL SALE 东方艺术品拍卖 Thursday 28 November Lot 503 - 592 Lot 551 503 Chinese cloisonne censer, tripod, decorated in colours with flowers and foliage on dark blue ground. Ming 1368-1644. H. 23.5 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 中国景泰蓝三足香炉, 通体蓝色并饰彩色缠枝 花卉纹图, 明代1368-1644, 高23.5 cm. 估价: 20,000丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 503 504 504 Chinese gilt bronze votive Bodhisattva, possibly Guanyin, on foursided base. Tang 618-907, first half of 8th century. H. 20 cm. Provenance: Private collection. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 中国唐代铜镀金菩萨像, 或观音像, 立于四方台 座上. 唐代618-907年, 第8世纪初叶。高约20 cm. 出处: 私家收藏 估价: 15,000丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) 505 342 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 505 Ming patinated bronze Guanyin seated on a fable animal with remains of gilding. China 1368-1644. H. 28 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 古色古香的明代骑兽观音铜像, 部分仍有金 彩, 中国1368-1644, 高28 cm. 估价: 30,000-40,000丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) 506 506 Round fragment of gilt bronze and enamel in colours with three carps in yellow, green and blue. Presumably Ming 1368-1644. Diam. 8 cm. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 圆形铜胎珐琅, 上有三条鲤鱼分别为黄、绿、 蓝色。明代1368-1644, 直径8 cm. 出处: 原电报局经理及艺术收藏家Sophus Black (1882-1960). 估价: 10,000丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 507 Skanda, Wei Tuo of patinated bronze, dressed in armoured robes with billowing scarf and ornate headdress, holding in his hands a lance (missing), on a bronze stand. Ming 1368-1644. H. 43 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 507 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 铜韦驮菩萨立像, 立于长方形台座. 身着盔甲, 帔 帛飘逸, 双手于胸前托一宝杵(缺失)。明代13681644, 高43 cm. 估价: 30,000丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) 343 508 Large Chinese lobed porcelain vase, with apple green glaze, sides decorated with relief in cartouche in the shape of a dragon and a fish in the waves. Handles in the shape of an modelled animal head. Marked Qianlong, 19th century. H. 50.5 cm. Wooden stand incl. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 中国苹果绿瓜棱大瓷瓶, 瓶有两处开光, 内绘鱼 龙变化纹图, 瓶身两侧有衔环兽首附耳, 款识为 乾隆, 19世纪, 高50.5 cm. 带木座. 估价: 30,000-40,000丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) 508 509 Chinese baluster edge emaille sur biscuit vase with turquoise running glaze with poems in cartouches. Kangxi 1662-1722. H. 20 cm. The vase is purchased in Stockholm in 1986. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 中国孔雀蓝釉双耳瓶, 瓶身扁形带棱, 贯耳, 双面 开光处有文字纹图。康熙1662-1722, 高20 cm. 此瓶1986年购于斯德哥尔摩. 估价: 20,000丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 344 509 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 510 510 Colossal Chinese porcelain dish, centre decorated in strong colours su san cai with flowers and incised dragon, edged with incised peonies and lotus border. Reverse marked "Chu Xiu Gong Zhi", which was the palace of the Dowager Ci Xi, 1835-1908 in the Forbidden City. Ci Xi was the mother of emperor Tong Zhi and Guang Xu. Late Qing, c. 1900. Diam. 63.5 cm. DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 晚清轧道素三彩大瓷盘, 盘子周边为轧道牡丹 及莲花图纹, 盘子中央为素三彩绘制的花卉奇 石图案。盘子外壁折沿绘有素三彩的花卉纹 图, 有贯穿整个盘子内外的轧道龙纹, 盘底有款 识: 储秀宫制。年代为晚清 约1900年, 大盘的 直径为63.5 cm. 估价: 100,000-150,000丹麦克朗 (13,500-20,000欧元) 345 511 Ming bronze "civil official" with remains of gilding, with official hat on the head and holding the court sceptre, on square plinth. China 1368-1644. H. 36.5 cm. Provenance: Bishop Clemens August Graf von Galen's (1878-1946) collection, and cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 明代铜镀金文官立像, 仍有金彩遗痕, 人物头戴 冠冕, 手捧玉圭, 站在四方台基上。中国13681644年代, 高36.5 cm. 出处: 主教Clemens August Graf von Galen收 (1878-1946). 估价: 30,000-40,000丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) 511 512 Gilt bronze figure of Buddha seated on a double lotus throne in dhyanasana with his hands in bhumisparsamudra. Nepal, 16th century. H. 9.5 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 铜鎏金佛座像, 佛结跏趺坐于双层莲台之上, 持触 地印。尼泊尔16世纪, 高9.5 cm. 估价: 15,000丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) 512 346 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 513 513 Ming Xuan Wu - Northern Emperor of gilt and red painted bronze, seated on a throne wearing wide sleeve mantle secured with a broad belt, his face with moustache, combed wavy hair combed over shoulders and back. China 1368-1644. H. 41 cm. Stand of carved wood. H. 12 cm. DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 铜镀金玄武大帝造像, 有红彩, 披发过肩, 身着宽 袍玉带, 面带胡须。中国明代1368-1644, 高41 cm. 木座高度为12 cm. 估价: 75,000-100,000丹麦克朗 (10,000-13,500欧元) 347 348 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 514 514 Chinese cinnabar lacquer panel, circular carved in relief through layers of red and black with wooden inlayes depicting the Immortals on the way to celebrate the birthday of Xi Wang Mu in the Western Paradise, decorated with à la grecque and floral borders. Qing, 18th-19th century. Diam. 87 cm. DKK 80,000-120,000 / € 10,500-16,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 中国剔红大圆屏, 清18-19世纪。挂屏层次分明雕 刻出群仙祝寿图, 体现出西天王母瑶池仙境, 周边 纹饰精美。直径为87 cm. 估价: 80,000-120,000丹麦克朗 (10,500-16,000欧元) 349 515 Pair of ivory figures of an emperor and an empress, carved and tinted with hats, elaborated robes and mandarin pearls. China, 20th century. H. 25/26 cm. (2) Carved wooden base. Cites enclosed. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 一对牙雕古装人物立像, 分别为帝后人物像, 头戴冠, 着华丽服饰佩戴珠宝。中国20世纪, 高各25/26 cm. (2), 雕刻木座。 含Cites文件 估价: 30,000丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) 515 516 Canton ivory tower carved and turned with contrefait finial, roof held by spiral columns, interior with flower bouquet and mounted on ball feet. 19th century. H. 45 cm. Incl. glass shade. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 广东牙雕, 圆亭式的雕塑分层均有精美的旋转立 柱, 亭心有花篮饰物, 底部有球状足, 顶端高立一 个雕刻套球. 19世纪, 高45 cm. 估价: 20,000-30,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 516 350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 517 A longquan celadon garden seat with gently curved sides, carved panels enclosing flowering peony sprays between horizontal rows of raised florettes, top with lozenge pattern. Ming 1368-1644. H. 38 cm. Stand of gilt metal incl. DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700 龙泉窑鼓墩, 周身有两圈凸起的鼓钉纹饰, 通 体暗刻花卉纹图, 墩面有规则的棱形纹。明 代1368-1644, 高38 cm. 带镀金的金属座。 估价: 30,000-50,000丹麦克朗 (4,000-6,700欧元) 517 518 Oriental porcelain baluster vase, Ming presusmably Wanli, decorated in underglaze blue with lungzhi and open lozenges in fields between bow strings, trumpet shaped neck with palm leaves. Presumably Ming, 16th century. H. 34 cm. Oxford test incl. P299e72. Provenance: Adam Malik's Collection, Jakarta. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 中国青花瓷瓶, 应为万历时期, 瓶身有楞, 分别有 花卉等纹图, 喇形细瓶颈, 瓶颈有蕉叶纹图。约明 代16世纪, 高34 cm. 含Oxford检验证书P299e72. 出处:Adam Malik的收藏. 估价: 20,000-30,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 518 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 351 519 A gilt Ming lacquered medicine bronze Buddha, at the reverse red colour. Seated in meditation and holding a myrobalan-fruit in his right hand, wearing a loose-fitting robe and the breast with a swastika. China 1368-1644. H. 76 cm ex throne. Carved wooden lotus throne. Provenance: From a Danish private collection. DKK 500,000-800,000 / € 67,000-105,000 明代铜鎏金药师佛座像, 背面有红色, 佛结跏趺而 坐, 身披广袖袈裟, 右手持诃果, 胸前有卍字。中 国明代1368-1644, 高76 cm. 含木刻莲花宝座. 出处:丹麦私人收藏. 估价: 500,000-800,000丹麦克朗 (67,000-105,000欧元) 352 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 519 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 353 520 521 UNKNOWN CHINESE PAINTERS, 19TH CENTURY 520 Pair of Chinese hinterglass paintings depicting views of the factories, and view of the front of the hongs. 19th century. 36 x 51 cm. (2) DKK 40,000-60,000 / € 5,350-8,050 一对中国玻璃画, 画面为港口的工厂景色。19世 纪, 尺寸36 x 51 cm. (2) 估价: 40,000-60,000丹麦克朗 (5,350-8,050欧元) 354 A pair of paintings depicting the Hongs of Canton and Whampoa Anchorage both seen from the waterfront with several ships, French, American and Red Ensign flags. Oil on canvas. 45 x 79 cm. (2) DKK 150,000-200,000 / € 20,000-27,000 佚名中国画, 一幅是广东风景, 佚名无题款, 帆布 上的油画, 45 x 79 cm. 另外一幅为香港风景, 佚名 无题款, 帆布上的油画, 45 x 79 cm. (2) 估价: 150,000-200,000丹麦克朗 (20,000-27,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 521 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 355 522 522 Chinese porcelain bowl, decorated in enamel colours with rice cultivating and poems, lobed toprim. Marked Daoguang 1821-1850. Diam. 17 cm. Carved stand incl. Provenance: Henry V. Jacobsen (1887-1955) director of the East Asiatic Company's collection. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 522 中国瓷碗, 绘有五彩的农家乐及诗文纹图, 款 识为道光 (1821-1850)。直径17 cm. 包括雕刻 木座. 出处: 来自Henry V. Jacobsen的收藏, 此人曾为 East Asiatic Company公司的总经理. 估价: 30,000丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) 356 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 523 523 523 Chinese porcelain bowl, decorated in enamel colours with silk weaving and corn threshing and poems. Marked Daoguang 1821-1850. Diam. 16.5 cm. Carved stand incl. Provenance: Henry V. Jacobsen (1887-1955) director of the East Asiatic Company's collection DKK 50,000-75,000 / € 6,700-10,000 中国瓷碗, 绘有五彩的人物纺织劳动情景并诗文 纹图。款识为道光 (1821-1850), 直径16.5 cm, 包 括雕刻木座. 出处: 来自Henry V. Jacobsen的收藏, 此人曾为 East Asiatic Company公司的总经理. 估价: 50,000-75,000丹麦克朗 (6,700-10,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 357 524 A bronze group depicting the legend of Wu Zi Deng Ke. China, late Qing, c. 1900. H. 25 cm. Provenance: Bought by owners family in Shanghai in the beginning of 20th century. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 一组青铜人物塑像, 寓意五子登科。 中国晚清时期约1900年, 高25 cm. 出处: 20世纪初卖主购于上海. 估价: 15,000丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) 524 525 A pair of Chinese Hungmu armchairs, each carved with openwork backs and armrests with geometric and floral design, later drop-in seats, square legs joined by stretchers. Qing, c. 1900. (2) Provenance: These chairs were brought to Denmark by the merchant Mr. Egil Schrøder from Odense who lived in Java from 1880 to 1909. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 一对中国红木椅, 椅背镂空雕刻, 扶手有雕花设 计, 后配椅垫, 四腿间有管脚枨。清代1900年前 后. (2) 出处:商人Egil Schrøder先生购买了此物并带回 丹麦, 从1880-1909年期间一直居住在奥登塞。 估价: 20,000-30,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 523 525 358 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 526 Chinese incense burner, tripod - patinated and gilt bronze, with flower and design, leg cast with animal head, later cover of carved wood, finial in the shape of jade fruit. C. 1775 - 1825. H. 33 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 中国铜香炉, 镀金, 三足, 炉身绘有花卉, 足为兽 首, 炉盖是后配的雕刻木盖, 玉雕盖钮。约17751825年左右, 高 33 cm. 估价: 20,000-30,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 526 527 A Chinese huang huali and hardwood sideboard with openwork ornaments, front with three drawers each with brass mounting, square legs joined by openwork stretcher. Qing dynasty, probably late 19th century or later. H. 83 cm. W. 133 cm. D. 50 cm. Proveniens: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 中国黄花梨三联柜, 前面有雕花饰物, 三个带铜柄 抽屉, 底部有一圈脚枨固定。约为 19世纪或以后, 高 83 cm, 宽 133 cm, 深50 cm 估价: 30,000丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) 527 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 359 528 Pair of famille rose vase, octagonal with slender neck, decorated in enamel colours and gold with chrysanthemums and longlivity marks surrounded by bats. Handles in the form of cloud formations. Marked Jiang Xi Ci Ye Gong Si. Means porcelain company of Jiangxi. 20th century. H. 47 cm. (2) Provenance: Laurits Andersen's foundation DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 一对粉彩瓶, 瓶身有楞, 细颈, 带贯耳, 每个开 光处都绘有粉彩饰金的花卉纹图, 瓶上有 蝙蝠。款识为江西瓷业公司。约20世纪, 高47 cm. (2) 出处:Laurits Andersen基金会 估价: 20,000-30,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 528 529 Pair of large famille rose "Peach vases", bottle vases, decorated in colours with peaches and leafy bran-ches in blossom. China. Marked Qianlong, 20. årh. H. 39 cm. (2) DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 一对中国九桃天球瓶, 瓶身贯穿枝繁叶茂的 桃树果实, 瓶颈有蝙蝠, 乾隆款识。中国20世 纪, 高39cm. (2) 估价: 20,000-25,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-3,350欧元) 529 360 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 530 Chinese porcelain baluster vase, moulded with dimpled ground to the sides, Ruyi heads to the shoulder and leaves to the neck, decorated in colours with panels depicting the rice harvest, winnowing, threshing, the granary, between the panels butterflies. Qianlong mark to the bottom. Republic 191249. H. 38 cm. Provenance: Private collection. DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 中国粉彩开光人物花卉纹瓶, 肩部有如意云头和 蕉叶通瓶颈, 开光处绘农家耕作劳动情景及田园 画面, 瓶身还饰有彩蝶。款识为大清乾隆年制。 民国时期1911-49, 高38 cm. 估价: 50,000丹麦克朗 (6,700欧元) 531 Chinese export porcelain tureen and dish, decorated in colours and gold with trimmings and topographical design in round cartouches in grisaille, U shaped handles and finial in the shape of a cone. Qianlong, c. 1790. L. 33 and 38 cm. Literature: David Howard & John Ayers: China for the West. 1978. Vol. I. P. 267. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 530 中国出口瓷, 分别为罐、盘, 周边饰金彩, 罐有几 处开光。带U形双耳。乾隆1790, 长33、 38 cm. 估价: 10,000丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 531 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 361 532 532 Circular cinnabar lacquer box and cover, carved with a noble lady and attendants in a garden among rocks, the sides with flowers in cartouches on diamond and floret ground. The interior lacquered black. Qing, c. 1800. Diam. 26 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 剔红圆形漆盒, 盒盖上精工细雕宫廷仕女纹图, 盒 身开光处雕刻花卉纹图, 盒内壁为黑漆。中国清 代, 约18世纪, 高26 cm. 估价: 20,000-30,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 533 Ming Water Moon bronze guanyin, with traces of gilding and red colour, seated with bird and dragon. China 1368-1644. H. 28 cm. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 明代水月观音铜像, 有金彩和红彩痕迹。中国明 代1368-1644. 高28 cm. 估价: 10,000-15,000丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 362 533 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 534 534 Chinese lobed cinnabar lacquer box, cover carved in relief through layers of red and black with figures in mountainous landscape and à la grecque border, sides of cover and base with panels of stylised lotus flowers. Qing, 18th century. Diam. 48 cm. Auction: Purchased at Winkel & Magnussen DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 中国剔红大漆盒, 清代, 18世纪。盒盖有漆雕山水 高士图纹, 盒身上下均有莲纹图。直径为48 cm. 纪录: 在Winkel & Magnussen购得. 估价: 60,000-80,000丹麦克朗 (8,050-10,500欧元) 363 535 Chinese wooden frame in huali and hung mu with silvered hanger, mounted with plaque, decorated with three Immortals on black dusted ground. 19th century. H. 104 cm. W. 68 cm. Plaque H. 65 cm. W. 42 cm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 中国挂屏, 木框为花梨和红木, 银制挂钩, 画面为 三个仙人, 黑色砂面背景。19世纪, 木框高104 cm, 宽68 cm。屏面高65 cm, 宽42 cm. 估价: 25,000丹麦克朗 (3,350欧元) 535 536 WANG QI Porcelain panel decorated in colours with old man and child with flowers and poetry, artist seal mark. China, Republic. Mahogany frame. Panel 39 x 25 cm. Provenance: Given to architect Paul Gröning on his 50th birthday 1970. DKK 100,000-150,000 / € 13,500-20,000 瓷板画, 画面有一童一叟并配有诗文。款识: 王 琦 。 中国民国时期, 镜框为红木, 尺寸39 x 25 cm. 出处:此拍品于1970年被赠给建筑师Paul Groning 作为他50岁的生日礼物. 估价: 100,000-150,000丹麦克朗 (13,500-20,000欧元) 536 364 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 536 detail BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 365 537 Porcelain panel decorated in colours with figures and boats in mountainous scenery with a lake and architecture. Mounted in carved hardwood frame. China, 20th century. Panel 44 x 25 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 中国瓷板插屏, 绘山水、风景、高士图, 插屏为硬 木雕刻。中国20世纪, 尺寸44 x 25 cm. 估价: 10,000丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 537 538 Chinese carved duan stone panel, one side with orchid and fungus and the other with poetry by Yang Shiqi, mounted in a wooden stand. Republic 19121949. Panel 15.5 cm. x 22 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 中国端砚石插屏, 一面刻有兰花灵芝纹图, 一面 刻有诗文纹图, 款识: 杨士奇。带台式木座。民 国1911-1949, 屏 15.5 cm x 22 cm. 估价: 15,000丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) 366 538 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 539 539 Chinese porcelain table screen of black painted wood, with porcelain plaque decorated in colours with poems signed by Lu Sui Cai and Wang Feng Chi and a portrait of a wise man, looking at a horse while it is groomed. Guangxu 1874-1908. Panel 31 x 41.5 cm. H. Incl. stand 65 cm. DKK 30,000-50,000 / € 4,000-6,700 中国瓷板插屏, 绘有人物诗文图, 款识: 卢璲采、 王凤池。光绪1874-1908, 瓷板画尺寸31 x 41.5 cm, 高度包括插屏65 cm. 估价: 30,000-50,000丹麦克朗 (4,000-6,700欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 367 540 540 540 Chinese porcelain "Green and Gold" bowl, decorated in colours and gold with sceneries in fields. Mounted with gilt bronze base with feet in the shape of four elephant heads. 19th century. Diam. 40 cm. H. 28 cm. DKK 15,000-25,000 / € 2,000-3,350 368 中国广彩瓷盆, 开光处描金彩绘人物故事纹图, 盆架足部为青铜镀金的象首。中国19世纪, 直径 40 cm. 高28 cm. 估价: 15,000-20,000丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 541 541 Pair of Canton famille rose square baluster vases and covers, decorated in colours and gold with court sceneries in panels. Moulded handles and finials with seated ladies, all within borders of butterflies amongst flowers and fruits. 19th century. H. 54 cm. (2) DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 一对广彩双耳大瓷瓶, 开光处绘丰富的人物故事 纹图, 描金, 边沿绘有彩蝶, 盖钮及双耳均为女子 坐像。19世纪, 高54 cm. (2) 估价: 75,000-100,000丹麦克朗 (10,000-13,500欧元) 369 542 542 543 Chinese export silver covered butter bowl finial and handles in the shape of dragons, on dish, with matching butter knife. Maker Luen Wo, Shanghai c. 1900. Weight 426 g. H. 11 cm. L. 15 cm. (3) DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 Chinese export silver bowl, decorated with flowering prunus and shaped rim. Marked SF for Sing Fat. Early 20th century. Weight 432 g. H. 10.5 cm. Diam. 17.5 cm. Carved wooden stand. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 中国出口银器, 一个带盖有龙形双柄的盖碗为黄 油罐, 另外一个是罐下托盘, 一把黄油刀。款识: Luen Wo, 上海, 约1900年代, 重量为426克, 高11 cm. 长15 cm. (3) 估价: 10,000-12,000丹麦克朗 (1,350-1,600欧元) 中国出口银碗, 碗身及碗口刻有精美雕花纹图, 有 SF款识, 20世纪初叶。重量为432克, 高10.5 cm. 直径17.5 cm. 带雕刻木座. 估价: 10,000丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 543 370 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 544 544 545 Chinese export silver coffee and tea set, engraved and applied with birds and prunus in blossom, bamboo shaped handles, comprising coffee pot, tea pot, kettle on stand, creamer and sugar bowl. Maker Zee Wo, Shanghai c. 1900. Weight 3088 g. H. 8-33 cm. (6) DKK 50,000 / € 6,700 Chinese export silver bowl, gilt interior, punched body with prunus in blossom and birds in relief. Wang Hing & Co, Hong Kong, c. 1900. Weight 872 g. H. 14.5 cm. Diam. 24 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 中国出口银咖啡茶具, 纹刻花鸟图案, 把柄为竹节 形。银器包括了咖啡壶、茶壶、壶架、奶壶、 糖罐。款识为Zee Wo, 约1900年代制作于上海。 重量3088克, 高 8-33 cm. (6) 估价: 50,000丹麦克朗 (6,700欧元) 中国出口银碗, 敲刻出“喜上眉梢”的喜鹊梅花 图案, 款识Wang Hing & Co, 香港, 约1900年, 重量 为872克, 高14.5cm. 直径 24 cm. 估价: 20,000丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 545 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 371 546 Chinese export silver fish and fruit cutlery, respectively engraved with fish and fruits. Maker Tuck Chang & Co, Shanghai c. 1900. Weight 3231 gr. In fitted boxes. (50) Comprising: 12 fish forks, 12 fish knives, 12 dessert forks, 12 dessert knives, fish serving set. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 546 中国出口银餐具, 餐具是用于鱼和水果的 刀叉, 上面分别刻有鱼和水果图纹, 款识 为Tuck Chang & Co. 上海, 约1900年, 重量 3231克, 带配套的盒子。(50) 共包括: 12个鱼叉, 12个鱼刀, 12个水果叉, 12个水 果刀, 一套分餐用的刀叉. 估价: 20,000-25,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-3,350欧元) 547 Chinese silk robe, embroidered with dragons, clouds and Buddhist symbols on blue ground with lishui border, collar band and cuffs with brocade. Guangxu 1874-1908. L. 130 cm. Provenance: Family of Christian Frederik Mathiesen who was working in China with Store Nordiske in 1930ies. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 中国蓝色云龙袍, 绸缎上布满云龙海水纹并 佛教纹图刺绣, 领口及袖口有金镶边。清光 绪时期1874-1908. 长约130 cm. 出处:Christian Frederik Mathiesen一家曾经 于30年代在中国与Store Nordisken一起工作. 估价: 10,000-15,000丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 547 372 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 548 548 A large Chinese carved and pierced hardwood screen on stand with a glass framed silk embroidery, showing various birds in natural surroundings. Qing dynasty, the last part of the 19th century. H. 183 cm. W. 116 cm. D. 50 cm at the base with the Fo-dogs. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 中国硬木镶框大绣屏, 带玻璃, 绣品为百鸟朝凤 图。清代19世纪末, 高183 cm,宽116 cm, 深 50 cm. 估价: 30,000丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 373 549 549 550 Chinese porcelain altar set, decorated in underglaze blue with Buddhist symbols comprising of a He Hu ewer and a tripod censer with cover, finial and handles in shape of Fo-dogs. Qianlong marks to the bottom. 19th century. H. 22 and 27 cm. (2) Provenance: Henry V. Jacobsen (1887-1955) director of the East Asiatic Company. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 Eight Chinese snuff bottles made of porcelain, glass and agate, including a moon-shaped, decorated in underglaze blue with fallow deer in landscape, Qianlong mark, 19th century, cylindrical bottle, decorated in underglaze blue and iron red with figures. Marked "Wen Mei Zhai" and other glass snuff bottles with interior decoration with camel, bird and landscape. China, 19th-20th century. H. 5.5 cm 9.5 cm. (8) DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 一个中国青花瓷炉, 一个大口水壶, 上绘佛家吉祥 纹图; 带盖香炉为三足, 有双兽首耳。底款为乾 隆。19世纪, 高22/27 cm. (2) 出处: 来自Henry V. Jacobsen, 此人曾为East Asiatic Company总经理. 估价: 10,000-15,000丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 八件鼻烟壶, 分别为玻璃、玛瑙、瓷器制成。其 中一个青花瓷烟壶, 上面绘有风景图和鹿, 带乾隆 款识。另外一件青花带红釉的烟壶有闻美斋款 识。其它烟壶分别绘有花鸟、骆驼、及风景纹 图。中国19-20世纪, 高5.5 cm - 9.5 cm. (8) 估价: 15,000丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) 550 374 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 551 Small porcelain moon flask, decorated in colours with winter dressed children, building a snow man in the form of Budai. Marked Hong Xian, 19151916. H. 10 cm. Fitted box and wooden stand incl. Provenance: Telegraph Manager and Art Collector Sophus Black, 1882-1960. Yuan Shikai (1859-1916) became Hongxian and self-proclaimed Emperor 1915-1916. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 小抱月瓶, 绘身着冬装堆雪人的婴戏纹图, 款识为 洪宪(1915-1916), 高10 cm. 带精美木座和盒子. 袁世凯 (1859-1916)曾于1915-1916年期间称帝, 帝 号洪宪。 出处:来自原电报局经理、艺术收藏家Sophus Black (1882-1960). 估价: 20,000丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 551 552 Chinese porcelain brush pot, decorated in colours, foursided with cartouches with respectively poem marked Tong Zhi and signed Fang Jia Zhen and figures in the garden. Late Qing. Early 20th century. H. 11 cm. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 中国晚清时期瓷笔筒, 开光处绘园景仕女纹图及 诗文纹图, 有方家珍的款识。笔筒底款为同治。 20世纪初叶, 高 11 cm 估价: 8,000-10,000丹麦克朗 (1,050-1,350欧元) 552 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 375 551 553 553 Gilt bronze monk with remains of red colour, seated on triple throne in meditative position. Thailand, 19th century. H. 66 cm. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 铜镀金泰僧像, 有红彩痕迹, 坐于三层台座禅定。泰国19世 纪, 高 66 cm. 估价: 10,000-15,000丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 554 Buddha head of partly gilt bronze. Laos, 18th century. H 27 cm. Incl. wooden stand 38 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 老挝铜佛头, 部分鎏金, 18世纪, 高27 cm. 含木座 38 cm. 估价: 15,000-20,000丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) 376 554 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 555 Bronze figure of Buddha seated in dhyanasana with his hands in bhumisparsa mudra. North Thailand. H. 80 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 铜佛座像, 佛结跏趺禅定, 持降魔印。泰国北部, 高 80 cm. 估价: 40,000丹麦克朗 (5,350欧元) 555 556 Large piece of amber. L. c. 27 cm. Weight app. 2.470 g. Exhibited at the Amber Museum, Oksbøl Denmark 1994-2012. Found 1978 by local fisherman 30 nautic miles West-Northwest of Hvide Sande, Jutland in the North Sea. DKK 200,000 / € 27,000 556 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 罕见的蜜蜡原石, 长约27 cm, 重量为 2,470克。 曾经在琥珀博物馆展出 (Oksbøl Denmark 1994-2012), 于1978年被一渔民在大岛 北海的白沙滩处发现。 估价: 200,000丹麦克朗 (27,000欧元) 377 557 A rectangular Cantonese ivory sewing box with hinged cover, each side carved in relief with flowers and foliage and undecorated cartouche fields, on four short legs carved with dragon heads. Qing, 19th Century. L. 29 cm. H. 12.5 cm and W. 13.5 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 广东牙雕针线盒, 长方形, 四足为龙头, 盒盖及 周边刻满了精美的菊花和玫瑰, 盒身有开光。 清19世纪, 长29 cm, 高12.5 cm, 宽 13.5 cm. 估价: 15,000丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) 557 558 Chinese leather trunk decorated in colours with figures in scenery. C. 1900. H. 34 cm. L. 79 cm. W. 51.5 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 中国彩色皮箱, 绘有精细的山水人物故事纹图。 约1900年代, 高34 cm, 长79 cm, 宽 51.5 cm. 估价: 10,000丹麦克朗 (1,350欧元) 558 378 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 559 559 Pair of large famille rose porcelain covered vases, decorated in enamel colours with flower arrangements and borders in Qianlong manner. Republic 1911-49. H. 63 cm. (2) DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 一对粉彩大将军罐, 饰粉彩绘菊花牡丹花篮图 案, 肩部及沿口均有多层规则纹图, 具有典型乾 隆风格。民国1911-1949, 宽 63 cm. (2) 估价: 100,000丹麦克朗 (13,500欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 379 560 Chinese bronze bell, bianzhong with the temple name Kai Sheng Si (Kaisheng Temple, in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province, the temple was built during the South Dynasty 420-589 AD) The other text is a poem, that decscribes the temple. Qing, 18th century. H. 35 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 中国铜钟, 编钟形状, 上面刻有颂文, 其中提及 开圣寺。(开圣寺, 浙江江苏一带, 建于南朝420589年) 清18世纪, 宽 35 cm. 估价: 20,000-30,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 560 561 Ming patinated and gilt bronze Buddha seated in meditation in dhayanasana, the arms held before the waist in dhyanamudra, wearing a loose robe with floral borders. The chest with a central Swastica symbol, the face with a gentle expression. China 1368-1644. H. 25 cm. DKK 100,000 / € 13,500 明代铜镀金佛座像, 佛结跏趺持禅定印, 身着广袖僧衣, 胸前袒露有卍字, 双目 微阖。中国明代1368-1644, 宽 25 cm. 估价: 100,000丹麦克朗 (13,500欧元) 561 380 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 562 Yellow Hat lama of gilded bronze, dressed in a robe with a cloudscroll border and wearing a high pointed hat of the Gelugpa tradition. Seated on a squared throne clad with carpets. Tibet 17th-18th century. H. 17 cm. DKK 50,000-75,000 / € 6,700-10,000 铜鎏金黄教喇嘛座像, 身着僧衣, 头戴格鲁派通 人冠, 禅坐在四方形宝座上。西藏17-18世纪, 宽 17 cm. 估价: 50,000-75,000丹麦克朗 (6,700-10,000欧元) 562 563 Dizang bodhisattva ceramic figurine, decorated in bronze and other colours, standing with crowned head and a ball in his hand. Late Qing. C. 1900. H. 45 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 地藏菩萨陶立像, 全身饰铜色, 部分有彩, 头戴冠, 手持如意珠。晚清时期约1900年左右, 高45 cm. 563 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 估价: 20,000丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 381 564 565 565 564 Gilt bronze figure of Shakyamuni Buddha seated in dhyanasana on double lotus throne with kalash. Tibet, 18th century. H. 19 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 铜镀金释迦牟尼佛像, 佛结跏趺坐于双层莲台, 持净瓶。西藏, 18世纪, 高19 cm. 估价: 20,000-30,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 382 Chinese Buddha of copper repoussé, seated on a lotus throne in bhumisparsha mudra in elaborated robe on a hollow lotus - filled with prayer rolls "consecrated entrails". C. 1800. H. 42 cm. Carved wooden lotus stand h. 8 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 中国铜佛像, 身着袒右式袈裟, 结跏趺坐于莲台, 持降魔印, 约1800年, 高42 cm. 雕刻的莲花木座 高度为8 cm. 估价: 30,000-40,000丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 566 566 Qi Baishi folding fan, decorated with peaches. Ink and watercolour on paper. Signed San Bai Shi Yin Fu Weng Bai Shi Lao Ren Yi Hui and seal Mu Ren. H. 18.5 cm. Provenance: Bought by present owners family in 1960ies. DKK 60,000-80,000 / € 8,050-10,500 齐白石(1864-1957), 设色纸本成扇, 画面为寿 桃, 款识: 三百石印富翁白石老人。钤印: 木 人。扇长18.5 cm. 出处: 卖方家庭于60年代购得. 估价: 60,000-80,000丹麦克朗 (8,050-10,500欧元) 567 Calligraphy. Ink and gold on paper. Signed in characters and seal Zhao Pu Chu. Sheet size 39 x 73 cm. Provenance: Given by the artist to owners family in 1970ies. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 赵朴初(1907-2000)书法, 纸本镜心“福缘善度” 四字, 款识钤印:赵朴初。尺寸:39 x 73 cm. 出处:70年代末由赵朴初本人亲自赠送. 估价: 20,000丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 567 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 383 568 568 Chinese hanging scroll in colours depicting mother with five children and dog in a garden. Painted on silk. Republic 1911-1949. Image 115 x 40 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 中国设色绢本立轴, 图中绘园中的女子怀抱婴儿, 静 观幼童与犬嬉戏的情景。民国时期1911-1949, 尺寸 115 x 40 cm. 估价: 20,000-30,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-4,000欧元) 384 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 569 570 570 569 Chinese hanging scroll in colours depicting two females gathering mulberry leaves under a tree. Signed Xiao Fei Lou Danxu (1802-1850). Painted on silk. Daoguang 1820-1850. Image 89 x 38 cm. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 中国设色绢本仕女立轴, 绘有仕女及诗文録文。款 识: 晓楼费丹旭 (1802-1850)。钤印: 晓楼书画。约 道光时期1820-1850, 尺寸 89 x 38 cm. 估价: 20,000-25,000丹麦克朗 (2,700-3,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 A man watering his horse, calligraphy ascribed to Zhang Daqian and Pu Xinyu, signed with artist seal. Ink and watercolour on paper mounted on a silk hanging scroll. Republic 1912-1949. 84 x 43 cm. Bought by the owners family in Beijing c. 1980. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 张大千 (1899-1983) 溥心畬 (1896-1963) 设色纸本 立轴。款识: 蜀人张爰。钤印: 大风堂、张大千。録 文款识:心畬题。钤印:溥儒。 约民国1911-1949, 尺寸 84 x 43 cm. 估价: 20,000丹麦克朗 (2,700欧元) 385 571 Chinese hanging scroll - silk weaving "ling" painted with scenery groups with figures and 8 Immortals travelling to a birthday. Late Qing, c. 1900. Image 165 x 84 cm. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 中国设色绫本立轴, 画面为道教八仙等众神图。无 款识, 约晚清时期 1900年, 尺寸 165 x 84 cm. 估价: 10,000-15,000丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 571 572 Chinese painting with noble man in colours, dressed in winter clothes with fur trim on the hat, standing facing left with a quiver on his back, front with bow and sword in green sheath. Painted on silk. C. 1800. 133 x 71 cm. Mounted in frame, on a screen. According to the seller's information, the picture was purchased in Hamburg around 1902 from a German officer who had been in Peking during the Boxer Rebellion. The picture was taken from the Imperial Palace. The image has been folded eight times and brought home on the chest under his jacket. Boxer Rebellion was a rebellion against western political and commercial influence in China which started in 1898. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 572 386 中国古代人物画像, 绢本, 画中人物身着冬装, 头戴 皮帽, 挎箭囊, 持弓, 腰前佩绿鞘宝刀。约为1800年, 133 x 71 cm. 装裱成屏式立像。 据卖方提供的信息, 画像是在1902年左右在汉堡 从一名德国官员手中购得。此人曾在义和团运 动期间到过北京, 或许是他本人或许是他人获取 了画像。此人将画像折叠了8折后揣在胸内上衣 带回国。画像应是在故宫里绘制的。义和团运 动始于1898年, 为了反对西方的政治商业在中国 不断的扩张。 估价: 25,000丹麦克朗 (3,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 573 573 Chinese hanging scroll Palace scenery in the countryside. Signed Qian Li Bo Ju. Painted on silk. Late Qing, c. 1900. Image 62 x 33.5 cm. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 中国设色绢本立轴, 画面为山水高士, 诗文描述“浩 渺蒼江数千里”的景色, 款识: 伯驹赵千里画, 钤印: 千里。约晚清年代 1900年, 尺寸 62 x 33.5 cm. 估价: 8,000-10,000丹麦克朗 (1,050-1,350欧元) 574 Chinese hanging scroll in colours depicting Mongolian horse and figures. With compliments by famous artists written around the edge. Signed Zhao Zi Ang. Calligraphy from Sung - Xian Yushu (1226-1302). Painted on silk. Late Qing. Image 92 x 40 cm, text 27 x 40 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 574 中国设色绢本立轴, 绘人物骏马故事图, 画面周围 多题跋及録文、并题诗及钤印等等。右方款识为: 大德二年秋七月画于松雪斋子昂 (赵子昂, 12541322), 左边録文及款识为鲜于枢 (1246-1302)。约 清末时期所绘, 画面尺寸92 x 40 cm. 估价: 30,000-40,000丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 387 576 575 Two Chinese hanging scrolls depicting palace in mountainous landscape with blooming trees and figures with cranes and scenery with flowering trees with two figures respectively. Seal mark: "old and rare". The text is Zi Chen Yong Rong Gong Hui (son and servant Yong Rong painted with respect). Marked at the top (minister, courtier, sixth son of Emperor Qianlong (1744-1790) and marked under Rong (his name). Late Qing. Both images 85 x 40 cm. Text field 32 x 40 cm. With floral textile edge. Included Imperial yellow silk cover. (2) DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 中国设彩绢本立轴, 画面有众多人物及众神, 包括文官武将仕女神 仙等故事背景, 无款识。约晚清时期, 尺寸158 x 92 cm. 估价: 30,000-40,000丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) 两幅中国设色绢本山水风景立轴, 画 的上方中央有钤印: 古而又希。款识: 子臣永瑢恭绘。钤印为: 臣、瑢 。 (永瑢为乾隆皇帝之第六子) 每副画 的尺寸为85 x 40 cm. 画的上部有题 诗, 32 x 40 cm. 装裱精美, 四周有彩 色绫子镶边, 画轴外有皇家御用明黄 绸缎包裹, 上写御赏及古香斋等文 字。 晚清时期 (2) 估价: 30,000-40,000丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) 388 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 575 Chinese hanging scroll with The Immortals of various ages from ancient China, with known scholars, warriors, officials etc. Painted on silk. Not signed. Late Qing. Image 158 x 92 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 576 576 576 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 389 577 Chinese hanging scroll depicting sleeping monkey at the foot of the crow-tree, in brown black colour. With comments. Gauangxu after a Song painting, artist Zhao Yongnian. Painted on silk. Image 76 x 40 cm. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 中国设色绢本立轴, 仿宋朝赵永年鸟兽神品 图, 图中有老树、鸟雀及树下的睡猴。光绪 庚子仲东。晚清时期, 尺寸 76 x 40 cm. 估价: 10,000-15,000 丹麦克朗 (1,350-2,000欧元) 577 390 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 578 detail 578 Chinese hand scroll decorated in colours with scenery and figures in mountainous landscape. Seal marks. Painted on silk. Late Qing. Image 30 x 290 cm. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050 中国设色绢本长卷, 细致描绘了一幅山水风景和人 物建筑图, 有钤印, 无款识。尺寸 290 x 30 cm. 估价: 50,000-60,000 丹麦克朗 (6,700-8,050欧元) 578 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 391 579 Chinese hanging scroll in colours, decorated with landscape and figures standing on a rock shelf, looking at flying cranes. Many collectors have written their compliments, marked with their seal. The text is Guo Zhong Shu's Collection (north Song). Seal mark Ji Xi Dian Bao (Treasure of the Ji Xi Palaces. 11271279). Painted on silk. Late Qing. Image 155 x 46 cm. With floral fabric edge. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 中国设色绢本立轴, 绘人物及山水风景, 画 面周边诸多题跋, 款识: 郭忠恕海屋添筹神 品, 下方款识为: 太师鲁国公蔡京题。钤印 中有: 辑熙殿宝等等。 晚清时期。 尺寸 155 x 46 cm. 估价: 40,000-50,000 丹麦克朗 (5,350-6,700欧元) 580 579 Chinese hanging scroll depicting pine trees and rocks with figures and architecture. Signed Rui Tu, after Sung with two seal marks. Comments by famous artists and ministers around the edge, including Zuo Zongtang and Zeng Guofan with signature and seal mark. Painted on silk. Late Qing. Image 163 x 71 cm. DKK 50,000-60,000 / € 6,700-8,050 中国水墨立轴, 绘苍松、山岩、楼阁、高 士, 四周均有名人题跋钤印, 包括曾国藩、 左宗棠等人; 画中款识: 瑞图临宋人意, 钤印: 张长谷、张氏瑞图。约晚清1900年左右。 尺寸 163 x 71 cm. 估价: 50,000-60,000 丹麦克朗 (6,700-8,050欧元) 392 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 580 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 393 581 Chinese hanging scroll in colours depicting mountainous landscape with architecture and people on the bridge and written poem. Painted on silk. Signed Bo Ju Zhao Qian Li. (1127-1162). Dated Chinese year 1873 +60 or -60. C. 1900. Seal mark Qian Li. Painted on silk. Image 103 x 48 cm. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 中国设色绢本立轴, 画面为山水、楼阁、风景、高 士, 有诗文録文, 款识: 葵酉六月伯驹赵千里画。钤 印: 千里。 约1900年代 , 尺寸103 x 48 cm. 赵千里 (1127-1162). 估价: 8,000-10,000丹麦克朗 (1,050-1,350欧元) 582 Chinese hanging scroll in colours depicting Meng Zi's mother moving, in a Chinese scenery. Signed Gu Jianlong (1606-1687). Late Qing, c 1900. Image 92 x 39.5 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 中国绢本立轴孟母三迁图, 画面有山水、人物, 款识 为: 云臣顾见龙写, 有钤印。约晚清1900年, 尺寸92 x 39.5 cm. 顾见龙 (1606-1687). 估价: 20,000-30,000丹麦克朗 (2,400-4,000欧元) 581 583 Chinese hanging scroll in colours depicting Emperor's summer palace with figures and Shou Lao riding his fallow deer. Not signed. Republic 1911-1949. Image 151 x 51 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 中国设色绢本立轴, 画面有夏宫般的亭台楼宇、 人物和骑鹿寿佬等。无款识钤印, 民国时期19111949, 尺寸 151 x 51 cm. 估价: 30,000-40,000丹麦克朗 (4,000-5,350欧元) 394 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 583 582 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 395 584 584 Six panel folding screen, decorated in colours with streams, flowers and birds. Signed Kano Tanjo. Kano school. Japan, Edo, c. 1840-1850. Each H. 111 cm. Each W. 50/51 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 六扇折叠画屏, 各绘溪水花鸟, 款识: Kano Tanjo。 日本, 约1840-1850时期。高111 cm, 每屏宽50/51 cm. 估价: 15,000丹麦克朗 (2,000欧元) 585 Satsuma porcelain vase decorated in gold and colours with maple tree branches and a sparrow. Signed on a seal Yabu Meizan. Japan, Meiji 1868-1912. H. 16 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 日本明治时期瓷瓶, 有款识。明治1868-1912年代, 高16 cm. 估价: 15,000-20,000丹麦克朗 (2,000-2,700欧元) 585 396 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 586 586 Tang horse of fired clay, with remains of colours, standing on a plateau with harness, bells and saddle. China 618-906. H. 49 cm. L. 52 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 唐代陶马俑, 部分仍有彩, 马身备有响铃和马鞍。 中国618-906年代, 高49 cm. 长52 cm. 估价: 30,000丹麦克朗 (4,000欧元) BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 397 587 Ushabti of Egyptian greenish faience with hieroglyphs in sunk relief in front "Royal treasurer Horudja born of Ast-en-mehit". Standing holding pick, hoe and seed-sack, and wearing a braided beard and striated tripartite wig, carefully modelled face with long eyebrows. 26th Dynasty. 664-525 BC. H. 13.5 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 588 A collection of ten Egyptian faience scarabs and a wing with turquoise glaze, mounted on a stone. 21st-30th Dynasty. C. 1100-350 BC. L. 4-6.5 cm. Wing L. 3 cm. (11) Provenance: Sculptor Helen Schou Scarabs have been sewn onto the bandages on the chest of mummies. On each side, there has been sewed a wing so they appeared to be flying beetles. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 589 Male figure of white marble clad in toga, standing with hand on the back. Roman Imperial period, 2nd century. From the area of Ephesos. H. 57 cm. Exhibited: Antik kunst i dansk privateje, 1974. no 146. From the catalogue text: "Left arm is bent with clinched fist behind the back. The back is more schematic. There is a puntello top of the right hip and another right at the knee. There are heavy drill tracks to the left and in front of the casing fold." DKK 200,000-300,000 / € 27,000-40,000 587 588 398 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 589 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 399 591 400 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 590 590 Kashan fragment presumably from prayer niche of fired clay, border with lustre and blue painted mihrab, and a border with a band of inscription. Iran, 13th-14th century. 40.5 x 82 cm. (5) Provenance: Purchased at Holger Ferlov, Art dealer in Copenhagen in 1960ies by the current owner’s family DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500 591 A Kashan pottery starshaped tile with lustre glaze over white glaze, decorated with foliage and the border with a band of inscription. Iran, c. 1260. W. 30.5 cm. Provenance: Purchased at Holger Ferlov, Art dealer in Copenhagen in 1960ies by the current owner's family. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 401 592 592 Two almost identical Ottoman silver flasks with stopper, richly chased with floral design. Both marked with French import mark ET for the period 1864-1893. Weight 1345 gr. H. 30.5 and 31 cm. (2) DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 402 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 ORIENTAL CARPETS Thursday 28 November Lot 593 - 660 Lot 617 596 595 594 593 593 596 A Chi-chi rug, Caucasus. All over design of stylised flowers on a blue field. Early 20th century. 183 x 122 cm. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 Shirvan prayer rug, Caucasus. Rare and unusual design of stylised bird head motifs(Syrga Nagisch) on an ivory field. Early 20th century. 127 x 99 cm. DKK 18,000 / € 2,400 594 A Chi-chi rug, Caucasus. Centre design with Memling guls. Early 20th century. 167 x 119 cm. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 595 An antique Talish prayer rug, Caucasus. Prayer design with botehs on a red field surrounded by unusual green main border. Dated 1271(?). C. 1900. 152 x 94 cm. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 404 597 An Oriental Ushak design carpet, all over arabesque design on a red field. C. 2000. 634 x 355 cm. DKK 30,000-40,000 / € 4,000-5,350 598 An Oriental Ushak design carpet, medallion design in beige colors. C. 2000. 473 x 301 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 597 598 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 405 599 600 601 599 601 An antique Perepedil rug, Caucasus. Classical design of stylised bird motifs and buck horns on a red field. Knotted on wool warps. Early 20th century. 188 x 134 cm. DKK 12,000 / € 1,600 A Tabriz rug, Persia. Centre with young couple, above inscription "The Young Hafez"(a famous Persian poet), surrounded by border of Persian poems. 1940-1950. 181 x 143 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 600 602 An antique Chi-chi rug, Caucasus. Centre design of stylised rosettes surrounded by the characteristic main border. C. 1900. 187 x 109 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 A Flemish Verdure tapestry, depicting classical castle garden scenery. 18th century. 364 x 204 cm. Reduced DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 602 406 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 603 603 An Oriental carpet in Tabriz design with vases, entwined branches and wines on a beige field. 21st century. 414 x 300 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 407 604 605 604 605 A dated Yomut main carpet, Turkmenia. All over design of "Kepse" guls on a redbrown field. Dated 1914. 454 x 254 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 An antique Shirvan runner, Caucasus. Geometrical ornaments on a blue field. 19th century. 363 x 112 cm. DKK 12,000-15,000 / € 1,600-2,000 408 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 606 607 606 607 An antique Bordjalou prayer rug, Caucasus. Rare prayer design, centre with stylised rosettes surrounded by classical reciprocal border. Dated 1284=1867. 195 x 123 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 An antique Caucasian rug in classical Daghestan design of linked stylised flowers and foliage on a yellow field. Early 20th century. 212 x 100 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 409 608 609 610 608 609 A full silk Tabriz rug, Persia. Centre design of animal motifs surrounded by main border of Persian poems. Early 20th century. 165 x 124 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 An antique Kashan Mothashem rug, Persia. Medallion design on a beige field of flowers and foliage. Knotted with kork wool. Partly with original and characteristic cochenille colored silk edges. 18901910. 190 x 131 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 611 410 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 612 610 A pair of Nain rugs, Persia. Medallion design on an ivory field. Outlines with silk pile. C. 700.000 kn. pr. sqm. C. 1960. Both C. 160 x 110 cm.(2) DKK 8,000 / € 1,050 611 * A Heriz carpet, northwest Persia. Stylised medallion design. C. 1960. 415 x 308 cm. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 612 A highly decorative Oriental room size carpet, classical Sultanabad design in the form of large palmettes, entwined branches and foliage on a rust-red colored field. 20th/21st century. 580 x 400 cm. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 411 613 614 412 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 615 616 613 615 A Mashad carpet, Persia. Design of hunting sceneries on a blue field. Early 20th century. 324 x 254 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 An antique Kirman Lavar figural rug, Persia. Early 20th century. 218 x 145 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 614 616 An antique fine weave nine gul Tekke Torba, Turkmenia. Centre design of Chuval guls and Chemche minor guls, rare detail with minor casette ornaments in between the minor guls. Highlights with silk pile. 19th century. 108 x 45 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 A signed Seirafian figural rug, Persia. Classical hunting scenery. Signed: Seirafian Isfahan Iran. Knotted with kork wool on silk warps, C. 1 mio. kn. pr. sqm. C. 1960. 220 x 147 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 413 617 618 617 An antique Kashan Mohtashem pictural rug, Persia. A historical scenery depicting the battle between Rostam and Khaghan(the strongest man of India). Rostam beats Khaghan and wins the famous diamond known as "Koh-I-Noor". 1890-1910. 195 x 135 cm. Rostam is a Khurasaan in Iran, hero and one of the favorites of King Kaykavous. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 414 618 An antique partly silk Fereghan rug, west Persia. A fine weave all over design of flowers and bird motifs on an ivory field. Highlights with silk pile. C. 1900. 210 x 140 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 620 619 619 A signed Kashan rug, Persia. A classical niche design on a blue field of flowers and foliage. Knotted with kork wool. Signed: Hassan Zadeh. Mid-20th century. 210 x 134 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 620 A Nain Toodesh rug, Persia. Niche design with flowers and foliage. Knotted with kork wool(the finest wool from the neck of the sheep). First half of the 20th century. 211 x 127 cm. The Toodesh rugs are considered to be the finest craftsmanship from the Nain area. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 415 622 621 621 623 A Kashan full silk souf, Persia. Centre design of flowers and foliage in relief technic. A fine quality piece, C. 700.000 kn. pr. sqm. Early 20th century. 209 x 131 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 A fine full silk Kashan atributed to the master weaver and royal workshop Tafazoli, Persia. In all aspects an excellent example and among the finest types from the Persian looms, an extremely rare type to find in the market. The use of dyed saffron-yellow warps can be found on another silk Kashan rug attributed to the master weaver Tafazoli. A true collectors piece. C. 1.21 mio. kn. pr. sqm. First half of the 20th century. 157 x 108 cm. Provenance: The private collection of the Danish rug dealer Mr. Holger Jensen. Mr. Holger Jensen was the founder(mid-20th century) of the oriental carpet family dynasty, which later lead to the establishment of the prestigious and legendary carpet company "Orienttæpper i Nærum A/S". DKK 150,000 / € 20,000 622 A Kashan Mothashem rug, Persia. Classical medallion design, original edges with characteristic cochenille colored silk. Early 20th century. 185 x 139 cm. DKK 40,000 / € 5,350 416 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 623 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 417 624 625 626 627 624 627 * A Kashan rug, Persia. Unusual tree design. Mid-20th century. 205 x 135 cm. DKK 6,000-8,000 / € 805-1,050 A Isfahan rug, Persia. Medallion design on a red field, knotted on silk warps. C. 640.000 kn. pr. sqm. C. 1960. 233 x 151 cm. DKK 8,000 / € 1,050 625 628 * A Kashan rug, Persia. Niche design, columns and flowervase on a red field. C. 1960. 205 x 130 cm. DKK 12,000 / € 1,600 A Isfahan carpet, Persia. Medallion design on a blue field. Mid-20th century. 428 x 320 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 626 * 629 A Isfahan rug, Persia. Medallion design on e red field, knotted on silk warps. C. 1960. 230 x 150 cm. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 A Kashan carpet, Persia. Medallion design on a blue field. Knotted with kork wool. Mid-20th century. 372 x 278 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 418 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 628 629 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 419 630 630 A rare pair of fine Kashan rugs, Persia. Design of palmettes, rosettes, flowers and foliage on an ivory field. Ivory centre field of kork wool otherwise silk. Early 20th century. Both C. 205 x 126 cm.(2) DKK 75,000 / € 10,000 420 631 An antique full silk Tabriz carpet, Persia. All over rosette pattern on a red field. C. 1900. 411 x 260 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 631 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 421 632 633 634 632 633 A Isfahan rug, Persia. Medallion design on a blue field. Mid-20th century. 221 x 153 cm. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 A signed Isfahan rug, Persia. Medallion on an open ivory field. Signed: Iran Isfahan Khordazad. Knotted with kork wool on silk warps. C. 850.000 kn. pr. sqm. C. 1960. 228 x 150 cm. DKK 10,000-15,000 / € 1,350-2,000 636 635 422 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 637 634 636 A fine Seirafian Isfahan rug, Persia. Medallion design surrounded by mainborder of cherubs. Signed: Iran Isfahan Seirafian. C. 1.3 mio kn. pr. sqm. Knotted with kork wool on silk warps. Mid-20th century. 225 x 148 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 A Qum full silk rug, Persia. Unusual shield medallion design on a blue field. C. 1960. 214 x 137 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 635 * 637 A signed Nain carpet, Persia. Design of trees and several animal motifs on a blue field. Signed: Iran Nain Safaiee. C. 900.000 kn. pr. sqm. Second half of the 20th century. 272 x 173 cm. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 A Flemish "Feuilles de Choux" Verdure Tapestry. Depicting a field of densely scrolled foliage with various exotic animal. Woven in wools. 16/17th century. 170 x 165 cm. Reduced/borders folded over. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 423 640 639 638 638 639 A signed full silk Hereke rug, Turkey. A classical niche design on an ivory field surrounded by entwined branches, flowers and arabesques, main border of Turkish poems. Highlights in relief with metal threads. Second half of the 20th century. 148 x 104 cm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 A signed full silk Hereke rug, Turkey. Niche design on an ivory field with vase, entwined branches and several bird motifs. C. 1.65 mio. kn. pr. sqm. Second half of the 20th century. 135 x 122 cm. DKK 25,000 / € 3,350 640 A signed full silk Hereke rug, Turkey. All over design of flowers and foliage on an ivory field. Mid-20th century. 116 x 81 cm. DKK 12,000 / € 1,600 641 424 642 643 644 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 645 641 643 A Tabriz rug, Persia. Medallion design on a blue field. Mid-20th century. 213 x 137 cm. DKK 6,000-8,000 / € 805-1,050 An antique Tabriz rug, Persia. Medallion design. C. 1900. 212 x 141 cm. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 644 A fine Moud rug, Persia. Medallion design on a red field. C. 640.000 kn. pr. sqm. C. 1940. 217 x 141 cm. DKK 15,000 / € 2,000 642 A Isfahan rug, Persia. Design of vertical bands of flowers. Knotted with kork wool, highlights with silk pile, knotted on silk warps. C. 800.000 kn. pr. sqm. Late 20th century. 203 x 135 cm. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 645 An Amritsar design carpet, all over design of entwined branches and foliage on an ivory field. C. 2000. 543 x 350 cm. DKK 40,000-50,000 / € 5,350-6,700 425 646 647 648 649 646 * A Teheran rug, Persia. Medallion design on a red field of flowers and foliage. Mid-20th century. 220 x 145 cm. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 647 * A Kashan rug, Persia. Design of stylised ornaments on an ivory field. C. 1960. 205 x 130 cm. DKK 8,000 / € 1,050 648 * A Isfahan rug, Persia. Medallion design on a light brown field. First half of the 20th century. 227 x 143 cm. DKK 8,000 / € 1,050 649 * A Sarough rug, Persia. All over design of Herati pattern on a blue field. C. 1960. 201 x 127 cm. DKK 8,000 / € 1,050 650 A Kashan carpet, Persia. Medallion design on a red field. Mid-20th century. 539 x 318 cm. DKK 20,000-25,000 / € 2,700-3,350 426 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 650 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 427 651 651 * A round Bidjar carpet, Persia. All over design of flowers and foliage on a red field, outlines with silk pile. 21st century. Diam. 300 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 428 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 652 652 An Oriental Sultanabad design carpet of palmettes, arabesques and entwined branches on a red field. 21st century. 413 x 302 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 429 653 An antique Kuba rug, Caucasus. A classical stylised "Blossom" design, rare prayer rug example. Late 19th century. 160 x 103 cm. DKK 10,000-12,000 / € 1,350-1,600 654 * A Veramin carpet, Persia. All over palmette design on an ivory field. C. 1940. 324 x 200 cm. DKK 10,000 / € 1,350 655 A Nain carpet, Persia. All over design of trees and animal motifs. C. 800.000 kn. pr. sqm. C. 1960. 311 x 216 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 653 654 430 655 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 656 656 * A signed Kashan carpet, Persia. Classical medallion design on a red field. Mid-20th century. 413 x 313 cm. DKK 15,000-20,000 / € 2,000-2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 431 657 658 657 A Chinese carpet, design of rosettes on an ivory field. First half of the 20th century. 388 x 314 cm. DKK 30,000 / € 4,000 658 * A Chinese Tianjin carpet, simple design of flower vases. Early 20th century. 355 x 278 cm. DKK 8,000-10,000 / € 1,050-1,350 432 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 659 659 A Chinese Baotou-Suiyuan carpet, design of royal dragons with five claws on a light blue field. Early 20th century. 440 x 375 cm. DKK 20,000 / € 2,700 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 433 660 660 * A fine quality Tabriz carpet, Persia. Classical medallion design, knotted with kork wool, highlights and outlines with silk pile. 21st century. 395 x 305 cm. DKK 20,000-30,000 / € 2,700-4,000 434 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREDGADE AUCTION 845 Online auctions – every week of the year! M O n d ay • Olde r PAINT INGS • f urNIT ure ANd c ArPeT S • ruSSIAN ArT ANd ANT IqueS (t w ice a year) • w e APONS (three t imes a year) T u e s d ay • mOde rN PAINT INGS • mOde rN f urNIT ure ANd deSIGN • bOOk S ANd mANuScrIP T S (f i ve t imes a year) W e d n e s d ay • je w elle ry ANd w rIST wATc heS T h u r s d ay • SIlv e r ANd POrcel AIN • OrIe NTAl wOrk S Of ArT • mIScell ANeOuS s u n d ay • STAmPS ( e ver y second week) • cOINS ( e ver y second week) • w INe ( e ver y second week) for valuation and further information, please contact us at Tel.: +45 8818 1111. for technical support, please contact +45 8818 1114 or email [email protected] BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 525 525 31/10/13 16.51 index a d Abildgaard, N. A. 165 Aereboe, Albert 196 Aladjalov, manuel khristoforovich 181 Ancher, Anna 49, 51, 52 55, 60, 62, 70 Ancher, michael 50, 57 58, 66, 67, 68, 99 103, 104, 107, 108 Andemars Piguet 896, 897 Archenti 720 Arnesen, vilhelm 112, 113 d’Agar, jacob, ascribed to damiani daniel roth dixon, charles drachmann, holger dragsted, A. dreyer, dankvart dutton, william B baagøe, carl 131 bache, Otto 74 barth, johan wilhelm G., ascribed to 187 bendz, wilhelm 7 bille, carl 81 bille, vilhelm 119 bissen, vilhelm 31 blache, christian 84, 156 bogolubov, Aleksei Petrovich 184 bogolubov, boris melitonovich 177 178, 183, 197 bonegor, A. m. 198 breitling 873, 891, 902, 903 brendekilde, h. A. 75, 118, 127, 128 broge, Alfred 90 brolin, carl-henric 400 bvlgari 665, 687, 738 767, 839, 874 bøgh, carl 17, 148 C carmiencke, hermann 91 cartier 715, 865 chanel 722 chinard, joseph, attributed 406 chirkov, Alexander Innokentevich 194 chopard 858, 859, 868 christensen, Godfred 48 christofle & cie 436 crola, heinrich Georg 140 currado 805 526 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 526 J 171 721 879 166 105 723 11 327 e ebel 889,890 egornov, Sergej Semenovic 180 F farbergé 221, 226, 227 229, 232, 233 fearnley, Thomas 9 fischer, Paul 76, 77, 78, 79 80, 115, 117, 123 152, 153, 154, 155 franck, muller 900 G Gabrielsen, bent 714 Georg jensen & wendel 671 Gofman (hoffmann), Oskar Adolfovich 179 Grachev, vasily yakovlevich 186, 191 Graf, Paul 53 Gritsenko, Nikolai Nikolaievich 176 Gruzinsky, Petr Nikolaevich 188 h halberstadt, A. 770 hansen, I. T. 94 hansen, Niels christian 162 hasselriis, louis 159 henningsen, erik 61 hermés 854, 855 hertz, P. 672 holm, Niels emil 96 holsøe, carl 151 hutchison, robert Gemmell 144 huysmans, jan baptist, ascribed to 142 i Ilsted, Peter 56, 89, 93 116, 130, 161 jaeger-lecoultre 880 jensen, c. A. 14, 15, 20, 37, 38 jensen, Georg 674, 694, 791 809, 856, 857 jensen, I. l. 18, 21 jensen, karl 150 jerichau baumann, elisabeth 23 jerichau, holger h. 97 johansen, viggo 59 juel, jens 12, 27, 28 K kiærschou, f. c. 147 kipling, william & john 332 kloss, frederik Theodor 25, 138 koppel, henning 790 kornbeck, Peter 44 koulkoff, Alexander 185 krohg, christian 109 krøyer, P. S. 54, 63, 69, 110, 111 kyhn, vilhelm 125, 126 købke, christen 172, 175 L larsen, johannes lemania locher, carl 64, 65 901 26, 82, 100, 101 102, 106, 136, 157 lund, f. c. 86 lundbye, johan Thomas 16 lynggaard, Ole 661, 662, 663 664, 666, 668, 669 688, 690, 691, 713 717, 729, 731, 746 747, 766, 768, 773 774, 775, 787, 789, 804 818, 821, 845, 847, 850 M makovsky, Alexander vladimirovich 190 makovsky, Nikolai egorovich 193 maliutin, Sergej vasilevic 192 markó I, carlo (károly) 141 marstrand, wilhelm 39, 85 melbye, Anton 24, 35, 158 melbye, fritz 33, 34, 36 melbye, vilhelm 121 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 31/10/13 16.51 index milano, Piero 810 millé 776 moltke, julia Georgine Sophie 22 monnoyer I, jean baptiste, ascribed to 174 mudge, Thomas 327 møller, Andreas, style of 173 mønsted, Peder 46, 47, 98, 124 132, 133, 134, 135 O Olsen, carl 83 Omega 860, 863, 881, 884, 886 P Parton, ernest Patek Philippe 92 866, 872, 882 883, 894, 895 Pauelsen, erik 1, 3 Pedersen, vilhelm 41 Petersen, edvard 42 Philipsen, Theodor 149 Piaget 796 Pilny, Otto, ascribed to 164 Precht, burchard 326 T Taurel, jean jacques francois Thomsen, G. d. Thorvaldsen, bertel Tuxen, laurits 167 168 30 87 V vacheron constantin 898 vernet, horace, after 29 vernet, horace, style of 32 vinogradoff, Sergei Arsenievich 182 voisin, charles 325 W Q qi, wang queen louise of denmark Shamballa 693, 788, 792 Simonsen, Simon 72, 73 Skovgaard, P. c. 4, 5, 6, 10 Smith, l. A. 8 Solovykh, Gennady Ivanovich 195 Sormani, Paul 435 Steinhausen, wilhelm August Theodor 146 Steinway & Sons 439 Svertchkoff, Nicolai egorovich 201 Syberg, fritz 160 Sørensen, c. f. 114, 137, 139 536 19 wacklin, Isaac werner & mieth manufacture 2 379 Z r raadsig, Peter 95 rare 709, 710 rasmussen, chr. 678 rasmussen, I. e. c. 120 ring, l. A. 71 ring, Ole 129 rolex 861, 862, 864, 867 869, 870, 871, 875 876, 877, 878, 885 887, 888, 892, 893, 899 roy, charles le 324 rørbye, martinus 13, 43, 45 Zampighi, eugenio edouardo Zwiener jansen Successeur 88 438 s Schaeffer, diederich Schendel, Petrus van Schiøttz-jensen, N. f. Schwartz, frans 339 145 40 163 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 527 527 31/10/13 16.51 MOdERN ART 3 November 2013 Walasse Ting: “I love you”, 1979. Signed, titled and dated on the reverse. Acrylic on canvas. 75 x 100 cm. Estimate: DKK 300,000 / € 40,000 528 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 528 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 31/10/13 16.51 NORdIc dESIgN 5 November 2013 Viggo Boesen: “The Little Petra”. Easy chair with stained beech frame. Estimate: DKK 75,000-100,000 / € 10,000-13,500 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 529 529 31/10/13 16.51 KøBsKOndiTiOner § 1. BudGiVninG køber er den byder, der får hammerslag. den, der byder for andre, hæfter som selvskyldnerkautionist for berigtigelsen af købet. På opfordring fra bruun rasmussen kunstauktioner (herefter benævnt bruun rasmussen), skal alle bydere, hvadenten de ønsker at afgive et bud ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller afgive en kommission pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside eller byde direkte pr. telefon eller hjemmeside, kunne dokumentere deres betalingsdygtighed samt til enhver tid identificere sig. bruun rasmussen er altid berettiget til at nægte at acceptere et bud, hvis på forlangende ikke tilstrækkelig sikkerhed er stillet eller en passende à conto betaling har fundet sted. bud afgives af byderen ved personligt fremmøde på auktionsstedet eller ved skriftlig kommission enten pr. brev, fax eller hjemmeside. På online-auktioner afgives bud direkte fra hjemmesiden. Afgivelse af bud pr. telefon er muligt under visse forudsætninger, der afgøres af bruun rasmussen. bruun rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejl eller fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service. Auktionarius bestemmer overbuddets størrelse og træffer ligeledes afgørelse i alle tvivlstilfælde om budgivningen. for at kunne byde på bruun rasmussens auktioner kræves forudgående registrering af byders betalingskort-/kreditkortoplysninger. på auktion hos bruun rasmussen uden at være bundet af en af den misligholdende køber fastsat mindstepris. den misligholdende køber er ikke berettiget til at kræve udlevering af effekter indleveret til salg, så længe forfalden gæld til bruun rasmussen ikke er betalt, uanset om værdien af sådanne effekter må anses at overstige forfalden gæld. bruun rasmussen er berettiget til at afvise bud afgivet af en køber, der er i misligholdelse med sine betalingsforpligtelser over for bruun rasmussen eller et bud afgivet af en anden på den pågældendes vegne, ligesom bruun rasmussen er berettiget til at kræve et depositum som betingelse for accept af fremtidige bud. § 3. FOrTrydeLsesreT for privatkøb af emner på en online-auktion gælder loven om fjernsalg, herunder også 14 dages fortrydelsesret. eventuelle omkostninger forbundet med transport af købte emner retur fra køber, betales af køber selv. Såfremt køber benytter sig af sin fortrydelsesret, refunderer bruun rasmussen betalingen umiddelbart efter, at varen er sendt retur og modtaget af bruun rasmussen. bruun rasmussen gør opmærksom på, at det herefter er op til bankerne/kreditkortselskaberne, hvornår refusionen indgår på købers konto. § 2. BeTaLinG § 4. aFGiFTsFriTaGeLse ved køb på alle net-auktioner tillægges hammerslagsprisen 25%, der dækker salær på 20% samt moms af salæret. ved køb på alle traditionelle auktioner tillægges hammerslagsprisen 30% (for vin, mønter og frimærker 25%), der dækker salær på 24% samt moms af salæret. visse numre handles efter særlige regler til fuldmoms, så udover auktionsomkostninger på 24% (for net-auktioner, vin, mønter og frimærker dog 20%), beregnes moms på 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. disse numre er mærket med en stjerne (*). danske momsregistrerede købere skal overfor bruun rasmussen oplyse deres Se-/cvr-nr. (moms-nr.), da dette skal anføres på de fakturaer, hvor varen købes i fuld moms. for visse udenlandske købere gælder der særlige regler for afgiftsfritagelse jvf. § 4. Afgiftsfritagelse omfatter ikke eu private købere, som ligestilles med danske købere jvf. gældende dansk lovgivning om handel med brugte varer, kunstgenstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter. købesummen forfalder til betaling ved tilslaget. der kan betales kontant op til dkk 50.000 eller med dankort, banknoteret check, rejsechecks, visa-, master-, diners club- eller eurocard. Personlige udenlandske checks kan kun anvendes efter forudgående aftale. betaling kan finde sted under eller umiddelbart efter auktionen og under alle omstændigheder skal betaling finde sted senest 8 dage efter fakturadatoen. På online auktioner trækkes købesummen på de af byderen oplyste kort- og kontooplysninger i forbindelse med at det købte emne udtages til transport (ca. 12 timer efter dagens salg). Samtidig tilsendes køber faktura og transportoplysninger. betales købesummen ikke rettidigt, skal der svares rente heraf med 1,5% pr. påbegyndt måned. betales købesum og renter ikke inden 8 dage efter at bruun rasmussen har afsendt påkrav herom til køber, er bruun rasmussen berettiget til at annullere købet og bortsælge det købte på ny auktion hos bruun rasmussen eller underhånden og afkræve køber ethvert herved opstået tab. et eventuelt overskud tilfalder den, der har indleveret det købte til auktion. har den misligholdende køber tilgodehavender fra salg af effekter hos bruun rasmussen, er bruun rasmussen berettiget til at berigtige ethvert tilgodehavende hos køber ved modregning. har den misligholdende køber indleveret andre effekter til salg, er bruun rasmussen berettiget til at bortsælge sådanne effekter udenlandske købere, der opfylder nedennævnte betingelser, betaler henholdsvis 24% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget på traditional auktion og 20% i auktionsomkostninger af hammerslaget på net-auktion, og bliver ikke belastet af danske afgifter. A. købere med bopæl i et andet eu-land: købere, som er momsregistreret i et andet eu-land, fritages for at betale dansk moms, når momsregistreringen dokumenteres over for bruun rasmussen, som skal påføre momsnummeret på fakturaen. b. købere med bopæl uden for eu: 1. forsendelse gennem speditør: effekter, der eksporteres gennem en af bruun rasmussen godkendt speditør, fritages for afgift. 2. udførsel som rejsegods: der kan ske fritagelse for dansk afgift, når køberen selv medtager det købte under forudsætning af, at følgende betingelser er opfyldt: fakturaen skal være betalt, og den danske afgift på 25% af fakturabeløbet skal være deponeret hos bruun rasmussen. a. købere med fast bopæl i Norge vil få den danske moms refunderet, så snart bruun rasmussen har modtaget købsfakturaen retur med påtegning om officiel indførsel fra det endelige lands toldmyndighed eller anden på omsætnings-afgiftsområdet kompetent myndighed, hvis købet overstiger dkk 1.200. b. købere med fast bopæl andre steder uden for eu vil få den danske moms refunderet, efter at effekterne har været forevist til toldbehandling i forbindelse med køberens udrejse fra eu. eksportørblanketten returneres til bruun rasmussen efter at være forsynet med et toldvæsens attest for udførslen, hvis købet overstiger dkk 300. dette gælder også for færøerne og Grønland. 530 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 530 § 5. aFGiFTsBeTaLinG A. momsregistrerede i andre eu-lande, der ikke ønsker at gøre brug af § 4, kan i stedet vælge at handle til brugtmoms/fuldmoms på lige fod med private købere. dette skal meddeles bruun rasmussen inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. b. momsregistrerede i danmark kan vælge at købe til fuldmoms med 25% af både hammerslag og auktionsomkostninger. dette skal meddeles inden kl. 10 den følgende auktionsdag. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 31/10/13 16.51 § 6. udLeVerinG købesummen skal være betalt, inden det købte kan udleveres til køberen. det købte henligger fra hammerslaget for købers regning og risiko. for varer, der ikke afhentes ifølge aftale efter hammerslaget, vil blive kørt på fjernlager på købers regning og risiko. købte varer, der er betalt, men ikke afhentet, vil efter 1 år blive videresolgt for købers regning ved auktion eller underhånden. § 7. FOrsendeLse Såfremt bruun rasmussen påtager sig at emballere og fremsende købte varer, sker dette på købers regning og risiko. bruun rasmussen kan således ikke drages til ansvar for skader forvoldt på købte varer under forsendelse eller for forsvundne forsendelser. § 8. KunsTneraFGiFT TiL COPy-da n cd Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret skal der opkræves følgeretsvederlag for værker af nyere danske og visse udenlandske kunstnere, som enten er nulevende eller ikke har været døde i mere end 70 år. følgeretsvederlaget opkræves af bruun rasmussen på vegne af kunstnernes organisation copydan. disse værker er mærket (cd) for copydan ud for katalognummeret. den såkaldte copydan-afgift tillægges hammerslagsprisen inkl. salær, når beløbet overstiger €300. copydan-afgiften er: • 5% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl. moms), der udgør indtil €50.000. • 3% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl. moms), der ligger mellem €50.000 og €200.000. • 1% af den del af hammerslagsprisen og salæret (ekskl. moms), der ligger mellem €200.000 og €350.000. • 0,5% af den del af hammerslagsslagsprisen (ekskl. moms), der ligger mellem €350.000 og €500.000. • 0,25% af den del af hammerslagsprisen (ekskl. moms), der ligger over €500.000. copydan-afgiften kan ikke overstige €12.500 for det enkelte kunstværk. euro-kursen er fastsat af copydan i 2013 til kurs 746,02 pr. €100. Såfremt det må erkendes, at det købte er en forfalskning, eller såfremt beskrivelsen har været behæftet med væsentlige fejl, der har medført en væsentlig højere hammerslagspris, end en korrekt beskrivelse må antages at ville have resulteret i, er køber berettiget til at annullere købet, hvorefter den samlede erlagte købesum tillagt auktionsomkostninger og evt. moms, vil blive refunderet køber. væsentlige fejl i beskrivelsen relateret til mål eller vægt erstattes kun procentuelt i forhold til differencen. retten til under de her anførte betingelser at annullere et køb kan kun udøves af den, der købte den pågældende effekt hos bruun rasmussen og er betinget af, at krav om annullering fremsættes skriftligt over for bruun rasmussen inden 2 år efter købsdagen, og af at det købte inden samme frist returneres til bruun rasmussen i den samme stand i enhver henseende, som det købte var i på hammerslagstidspunktet. køber kan i tilfælde af annullering ikke gøre krav på betaling af renter af købesummen og er ej heller berettiget til at kræve anden udgift eller tab, herunder eventuel mistet videresalgsfortjeneste, dækket. et køb kan ikke kræves annulleret efter ovenstående bestemmelser, såfremt: a. beskrivelsen i katalog eller på hjemmesiden på hammerslagsdagen var i overensstemmelse med den på dette tidspunkt gældende opfattelse blandt lærde og eksperter. b. den eneste måde til på salgstidspunktet at få fastslået et falskneri var iværksættelsen af videnskabelige processer, hvis gyldighed først blev anerkendt efter salgstidspunktet, eller som ville have været uforholdsmæssigt omkostningskrævende eller uigennemførlige uden beskadigelse af den pågældende effekt. I tillæg til ovenstående frist gælder de almindelige forældelsesregler i forældelsesloven, efter hvilke køber ikke under nogen omstændigheder kan gøre noget krav gældende over for bruun rasmussen, når der er forløbet mere end 5 år fra købsdagen. bruun rasmussen kunstauktioner Jesper Bruun Rasmussen, Auktionsholder Jørgen Byriel, Auktionsleder § 9. eKsPOrTTiLLadeLse kulturværdiudvalget er blevet ansøgt om eksporttilladelse, hvor dette kræves iflg. gældende dansk lovgivning om sikring af kulturværdier i danmark. foreligger en sådan ikke, vil dette blive meddelt den udenlandske køber umiddelbart efter hammerslaget. derefter vil bruun rasmussen igen ansøge kulturværdiudvalget på købers vegne, nu hvor prisen kendes. Gives eksporttilladelse ikke, er kulturværdiudvalget forpligtet til at overtage det købte til den opnåede pris, hvilket betyder at købet bliver hævet for køber. § 10. BesKriVeLse aF eMner Alt sælges i den stand, hvori det ved hammerslaget er at forefinde og som beskrevet i katalog eller hjemmeside med senere offentliggjorte ændringer og modifikationer. beskrivelsen er foretaget efter bedste overbevisning og under anvendelse af de anførte katalogiseringsprincipper. de solgte effekter er ofte af en alder eller af en art, der bevirker, at de kan være behæftet med fejl, mangler, restaurering eller beskadigelser, der ikke nødvendigvis angives i katalog eller på hjemmesiden. Afbildninger i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er blot til identifikation og kan ikke anvendes til vurdering af effekternes stand. enhver der ønsker at byde på auktion, bør derfor ved selvsyn på de før auktionen afholdte eftersyn forvisse sig om de ønskede effekters stand. beskrivelsen er udtryk for den på salgstidspunktet blandt lærde og eksperter herskende opfattelse. Skulle der efter købet opstå tvivl om det købtes ægthed eller dettes overensstemmelse med beskrivelsen, skal dette straks meddeles til bruun rasmussen. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 531 KOMMissiOner bruun rasmussen påtager sig at byde i kommission for bydere, der ikke kan være til stede ved auktionen. det er en forudsætning, at kommissioner indleveret pr. brev eller fax er bruun rasmussen i hænde i 24 timer før auktionens start, så om nødvendigt bydernes kreditværdighed kan undersøges. via hjemmesiden er denne deadline 3 timer. bruun rasmussen påtager sig intet ansvar for eventuelle fejltagelser, der måtte opstå ved brug af denne service KOndiTiOnsraPPOrTer bruun rasmussen påtager sig, hvis det er muligt, at orientere nærmere om numrenes kondition og tilstand. dette er ment som en service for kunder, der ikke selv har mulighed for ved selvsyn at undersøge numrene på eftersynet. det understreges, at de givne oplysninger ikke kan gøres til genstand for reklamationer; her henvises til beskrivelsen. FriTaGeLse FOr dansK FuLdMOMs købere skal ifølge § 2 betale fuldmoms af de varer der i katalog eller på hjemmesiden er markeret med stjerne (*). Når virksomheder, der er momsregistrerede i andre eu-lande, køber hos bruun rasmussen og videresælger til private, skal der ikke betales dansk moms, men moms i henhold til de regler der gælder, hvor den udenlandske virksomhed er momsregistreret. det tilrådes at søge oplysning hos de lokale myndigheder. 531 31/10/13 16.51 COndiTiOns OF PurChase § 1. BiddinG The buyer shall be the highest bidder at the “hammer price”. Any person bidding on behalf of a third party shall be liable in surety for completion of the sale. At the request of bruun rasmussen kunstauktioner (hereinafter called bruun rasmussen), all bidders, whether they wish to make bids in person at the place of auction or commission bids by letter, fax or the homepage direct telephone bids or the homepage, should be able to document their ability to pay and be able to provide proof of identity at any time. bruun rasmussen is entitled to refuse to accept a bid if, when requested, adequate security or adequate payment on account has not been rendered. bids should be made by the bidder in person at the place of auction or by written commission by letter, fax or the homepage. for online auctions alle bids are submitted via the homepage. Telephone bidding is possible within certain conditions made out by bruun rasmussen. bruun rasmussen is not to be held responsible for any errors that may occur using this service. The auctioneer shall have absolute discretion as to the increment of the bids. The auctioneer will also make decisions in all cases of doubt regarding the bidding. credit/debit card information must be registered with bruun Rasmussen before bids can be submitted. § 2. PayMenT Purchases made at all bruun rasmussen online auctions are subject to a 25% fee, which covers 20% buyer’s premium and vAT of the premium. Purchases made at all bruun rasmussen traditional salesroom auctions are subject to a 30% fee (for wines, coins and stamps 25%), which covers 24% buyer’s premium plus vAT of the premium. certain lots are sold in accordance with specific rules on normal vAT arrangement (hereinafter called normal vAT), so that the purchase price is the hammer price plus an additional 24% (for online auctions, wines, coins and stamps 20%) in buyer’s premium and vAT of 25% levied on both the hammer price and the buyer’s premium. The lots subject to full vAT are indicated as such in the catalogue and on the homepage with an asterisk (*). danish vAT registered buyers shall provide bruun rasmussen with documentation of their Se-/cvr -number (vAT No.) as this has to be quoted on the invoice for goods bought at full vAT. for some foreign buyers, specific vAT-exemption rules apply (cf. Article 3). vAT-exemption does not apply to private buyers from the EU who are considered as danish buyers (cf. current danish legislation on Special vAT Scheme for Sales of works of Art, collectors’items and Antiques by Public Auction). The purchase price falls due for payment when the goods have been knocked down. Payment may be made in cash up to dkk 50,000, by dankort, banker’s cheque, traveller’s cheque, visa-, master-, diners club- or eurocard. Personal foreign cheques may only be used for payment by prior arrangement. 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No. BredGade AukTION Nr AUcTION NO: 538 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 538 845 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 31/10/13 16.51 MOMs OG KunsTneraFGiFT VaT a n d C O P y- da n i n F O r M aT i O n sTandard auKTiOnsOMKOsTninGer Buyer’s sTandard PreMiuM 30% - BruGT MOMs 30% auCTiOneers’ MarGin sCheMe 1. januar 1995 trådte nye love i kraft i eu vedrørende moms ved handel på auktion med brugte varer, kunstgenstande, samlerobjekter og antikviteter, der nu kan handles til brugt moms. As of 1 january 1995 new ec regulations came into effect regarding the sale of secondhand goods, works of art, collector’s items and antiques; these items may now be traded under the Auctioneers’ margin Scheme. efter de nye regler er det kun auktionsomkostninger, der skal tillægges moms, og ikke som tidligere varens fulde pris. I auktionsomkostninger er indregnet ikke fradragsberettiget moms. under the Auctioneers’ margin Scheme the premium only is subject to vAT, i.e. the hammer price is exempted from vAT. The buyer’s premium of 25% will thus henceforth include non-refundable vAT. FuLd MOMs * FuLL VaT * anvendes for visse varer som ikke kan handles i brugt moms. disse er mærket med en stjerne *. købere skal betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger, hvortil lægges 25% moms af hammerslaget og auktionsomkostningerne. will be charged on goods that cannot be traded under the Auctioneers’ margin Scheme. These lots are marked with an asterix *. The buyer pays the auction premium of 24% plus 25% vAT on the hammer price as well as the buyer’s premium. reduCerede auKTiOnsOMKOsTninGer 24% Buyer’s reduCed PreMiuM 24% betales af købere der opfylder følgende betingelser: is paid by buyers fulfilling the following terms/conditions: 1. danske momsregistrerede købere kan vælge at betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger + 25% moms af hele (fuldmoms). momsbeløbet kan køber modregne, og betaler derved 24% i auktionsomkostninger. 1. danish vAT registered buyers may choose to pay the 24% buyer’s premium + 25% vAT on the total amount (full vAT). The buyer may have the total vAT refunded and thus pays 24% in buyer’s premium only. 2. momsregistrerede købere i andre eu-lande kan, ved at anvende deres eu-momsnr., undgå den danske moms og derved betale 24% i auktionsomkostninger. 2. vAT registered buyers in other eu countries may avoid danish vAT by using their vAT registration number and thereby pay a buyer’s premium of 24% only. Grafik og dtp: jorge figueiredo & lene Søbo 3. Alle købere med bopæl i et land uden for eu, der opfylder de danske toldmyndigheders krav i forbindelse med eksport, betaler derved 24% i auktionsomkostninger (se købskonditioner, §4, Afgiftsfritagelse). KunsTneraFGiFT TiL COPy-dan cd 3. residents of countries outside the eu meeting the danish customs authorities’ requirements regarding the export of goods pay the buyer’s premium of 24% only (see conditions of Purchase §3, exemption from vAT). arTisTs’ rOyaLTies PayaBLe TO COPy-dan cd Ifølge gældende dansk lovgivning om ophavsret, skal der opkræves 5% i kunstnerafgift af hammerslagsprisen med tillæg af auktionsomkostninger på 24% excl. moms på værker af alle nyere danske og de fleste udenlandske kunstnere. disse værker er mærket cd for copy-dan ud for katalognummeret. Pursuant to current danish legislation on copyright an artists’ royalty of 5% of the total price exclusive of vAT (i.e. hammer price plus buyer’s premium 24%) shall be collected on works of modern art by all danish and most foreign artists. These works are marked cd for copy-dan next to the lot number. for nærmere information henvises til købskonditionerne. for further information please refer to the conditions of Purchase. BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 539 539 31/10/13 16.51 INfOrmATION 540 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 540 aFhenTninG disPaTCh Afhentning af effekter købt på traditionel auktion SkAl Ske senest 2 uger efter sidste auktionsdag. collection of purchases bought at traditional auctions must be no later than 2 weeks after the last auctionday. uafhentede effekter vil herefter uden yderligere varsel blive sendt til opbevaring for købers regning og risiko. uncollected items will without further notice be sent into storage at the expence and risk of the buyer. saLGsresuLTaTer saLes resuLTs hammerslagspriser fra de seneste auktioner kan ses på vores hjemmeside: Sales results from the latest auctions are available at our website: FOTO PhOTO fotos af alle effekter kan ses på vores hjemmeside: Photos of all items are available at our website: eurO eurO der bydes og faktureres i danske kroner. bids and invoicing are made in dkk. ved omregning fra dkk til euro er anvendt Nationalbankens officielle valutakurs på tidspunktet for udarbejdelse af kataloget. for the conversion from dkk into euro, bruun rasmussen has used the official rate of exchange from denmarks Nationalbank (the danish National bank) at the time of preparation of the catalogue. beløbet i euro er afrundet til et tal, der efter bruun rasmussens skøn fremtræder på en præsentabel måde i forhold til beløbet i dkk. The amount in euro is, in bruun rasmussen's judgment, roughly adjusted to presentable figures. BeVarinGsTiLsTand COndiTiOn bruun rasmussen henleder opmærksomheden på, at katalognumrene som udgangspunkt ikke er forsynet med oplysninger om tilstand (jvf. købskonditionernes § 10). vi henviser imidlertid til vores hjemmeside:, hvor der under det enkelte katalognummer ofte er oplysninger om bevaringstilstand, reparationer o. lign. er disse oplysninger ikke tilstrækkelige kan én af afdelingens sagkyndige kontaktes for yderligere informationer. Bruun Rasmussen draws attention to the fact that, as a rule, no information is provided regarding the condition of the lots (cf. conditions of purchase § 10). however, we refer to our website: where information regarding condition, repairs, etc. can usually be found for the individual lot. Should this information be insufficient, further details can be obtained by contacting one of the experts of the department. BanKFOrBindeLse BanKers danske bank: reg. nr: 4183 · konto: 4310970638 IbAN: dk4130004310970638 Swift-bIc dAbAdkkk danske bank: reg. no: 4183 · Account: 4310970638 IbAN: dk4130004310970638 Swift-bIc dAbAdkkk VirKsOMhedsreGisTrerinG Business reGisTraTiOn cvr-nr. dk25472020 cvr-nr. dk25472020 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 31/10/13 16.51 BRUUN RASMUSSEN ON THE FRENCH RIVIERA Overvejer du at købe eller sælge en eksklusiv bolig i Sydfrankrig? Bruun Rasmussens repræsentant, Peter Koch, står til rådighed for kyndig rådgivning. Køb af ejendomme Uanset om dine drømme går i retning af en penthouselejlighed i Cannes, eller du ønsker at sælge en villa i første række til vandet i St. Tropez, kan Peter Koch hjælpe. Siden 2003 har han boet i Sydfrankrig og har et indgående kendskab til boligmarkedet på Côte d’Azur. Han tilbyder råd og vejledning i forbindelse med køb og salg af indbo og fast ejendom i området, hvor han samarbejder med lokale ejendomsmæglere, advokater og finansieringsselskaber. Det en stor fordel at have sin egen agent på stedet, der kan afsøge og finde de bedst egnede boliger samt arrangere fremvisninger, inden du selv ankommer for at besigtige dem. Peter Koch tilbyder denne service og vejledning helt omkostningsfrit. Salg af ejendomme Ønsker du at sælge en ejendom i Sydfrankrig, tilbyder vi markedsføring på det franske boligmarked og bred international eksponering i Bruun Rasmussens auktionskataloger, der udsendes til et kvalitetsbevidst og købestærkt klientel verden over. På Bruun Rasmussens hjemmeside, som ugentligt besøges af ca. 120.000 kunder, finder du boligerne under ”Ejendomme i Sydfrankrig” Køb og sælg på auktion Peter Koch står også til rådighed, hvis du ønsker at købe eller sælge kunst, antikviteter, moderne design, smykker, vin og samlerobjekter på det internationale auktionsmarked. Ring eller skriv til Peter Koch med henblik på rådgivning eller uforpligtende vurdering – hvad enten det gælder boliger eller kunstgenstande. Alle henvendelser behandles med fuld diskretion. For yderligere information, kontakt venligst: Peter Koch: +33 6 2200 3722 - [email protected] • Peter Koch BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 541 541 31/10/13 16.51 LOVELy PROVENCAL VILLA WITH POOL, ExCELLENT CONdITION, qUIET LOCATION CLOSE TO CENTRE With a typical provence style architecture, this delightful villa is built on a lovely plot facing South/West with a swimming pool and several century old olive trees. It enjoys beautiful open view over the green countryside. The neighborhood is very quiet and residential. The interior of the house is in excellent condition and has a lot of charm. It includes: Entry level: spacious living room with fireplace, huge kitchen with table for 8 people, 1 bedroom with ensuite bathroom, a shower room. Garden level: 1 bedroom with direct access to garden, 1 bathroom, laundry room. 1st floor: 3 bedrooms. Garage Location: Vence Living area: 200 m² Land size: 1600 m² Price: 949,000 € Ref: VV-00487 542 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 542 • Peter Koch +33 6 2200 3722 • [email protected] • BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 31/10/13 16.51 UNIqUE ANd MOdERN VILLA IN THE PRESTIGIOUS VILLEFRANCHE SUR MER – dOMAINE CASTELET Superb contemporary villa located in the prestigious area of Castelet, overlooking the bay of Villefranche sur Mer and offering exceptional services. Built on three levels with lift and opening onto large terraces, this 470m² property enjoys sunshine all day long and a unique panorama view. The pool extends onto a beautiful landscaped garden. The set consists of a large living room of 70m², 5 bedrooms with bathrooms, a living room with kitchen, a wine cellar, a laundry, an independent studio, a small cellar, two large garages and 3 parking spaces. Location: Villefranche sur Mer Living area: 470 m² Land size: 1450 m² Price: 9,800,000 € Ref: VV-FR167886 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 543 • Peter Koch +33 6 2200 3722 • [email protected] • 543 31/10/13 16.51 COUNTRy HOUSE LOCATEd IN THE VILLAGE OF CALLAS - IdEAL FOR B&B OR FOR LARGE FAMILy Large traditional country house of 500 m², located 100 m from the Provencal village with restaurants, cafes, shops right nearby. The property enjoys a peaceful and idyllic setting, on a large plot facing South surrounded by olive trees and Mediterranean vegetation - several terraces, driveways, large lawn garden, swimming pool. It is ideal as a large family house, or for a professional project like Bed & Breakfast. The interior is built on 3 levels + attic, and includes: ground floor: entrance hall with staircase towards the upper floors, 2 living rooms with traditional wooden beams on the ceiling and fireplace, fully-equipped kitchen with exclusive De Tonge elements. 1st floor: lounge with fireplace and wooden beams on the ceiling, master bedroom with en-suite bathroom, bedroom / office and another little room. 2nd floor: 4 bedrooms, 2 shower rooms and a sauna. 3rd floor: attic of 20 m², where it is possible to make an extra bedroom, or a playroom for children. Location: Callas Living area: 460 m² Land size: 2208 m² Price: 1,250,000 € Ref: VV-00604 544 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 544 • Peter Koch +33 6 2200 3722 • [email protected] • BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 31/10/13 16.51 PROVENCAL VILLA WITH qUIET ANd GREEN LOCATION ONLy 900 METERS FROM LA COLLE SUR LOUP Beautiful provencal style villa, located within walking distance to the centre of La Colle sur Loup, with shops, restaurants, etc. The villa is located in a small secured estate, it includes a beautiful lush garden with a large swimming pool, several sunny terraces and a covered parking. The interior comprises of: large entrance with hallway, guest toilet, spacious dining room with fireplace and direct access to a covered terrace with barbecue, kitchen. Master bedroom with A/C and direct access to the garden. Two more bedrooms, each with en-suite bathroom and access to a terrace. Office, which can be used as an extra bedroom. Laundry room, basement and storage room. Location: La Colle sur Loup Living area: 170 m² Land size: 2000 m² Price: 895,000 € Ref: VV-00603 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 545 • Peter Koch +33 6 2200 3722 • [email protected] • 545 31/10/13 16.52 MAGNIFICENT VILLA SURROUNdEd By NATURE, CLOSE TO THE CHARMING PROVENCAL VILLAGE OF SEILLANS This exceptional villa was built recently with materials of high quality. Externally, the architecture integrates perfectly the Provence landscape, while the interior is of Scandinavian modern style. The villa is situated in a quiet area, on a large ground facing South/West, with breathtaking views of the surrounding greenery and the village of Seillans. It takes only 10 min. walk to the centre of Seillans, which is a delightful village with restaurants, cafes, shops and art galleries. The villa is very bright thanks to large windows, there is floor heating system and quality materials in every room. Outside, there is a large partly covered terrace, which offers a very pleasant place to relax while enjoying the view and quietness. A few steps lead down to a beautiful swimming pool. Location: Seillans Living area: 182 m² Land size: 2500 m² Price: 1,290,000 € Ref: VV-00482 546 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 546 • Peter Koch +33 6 2200 3722 • [email protected] • BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 31/10/13 16.52 stay updated by text message Receive a free text message if you have been outbid or to inform you about your bookmarked items and hammer prices achieved. Let your mobile phone remind you to bid ... receive a text message when you have bid at either the online or traditional auction. The message will for example notify you if you have been outbid at an online auction and remind you when the online auction ends. This minimises the risk that you will lose out on the items that most interest you. Previously, this service has been available only in e-mail form, but now you can have the same information sent by text message to the mobile number you have registered with us. As always, you choose what type of bid-related e-mails and text messages you would like to receive. Text message and e-mail notifications • Bid notification – sent to acknowledge bids submitted to our online and traditional auctions. • Outbid notification – sent in the event you are outbid at our online auctions. • reminder notification – sent by e-mail 6 hours before, and by text message 1 hour before, the start of the auction or bidding deadline when you have submitted a bid or bookmarked an item up for auction. • result notification – sent immediately after the hammer falls at the online auctions and within 24 hours of the traditional auctions. Subscribing to the service is easy! Simply log in and select the notifications you require on “your page” under the menu option “e-mail and text message notifications”. for further information, please contact: Teknisk support: +45 8818 1114 · [email protected] BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 547 547 31/10/13 16.52 ANTIqueS 548 845_antik_s525-xxx_slut.indd 548 BRUUN RASMUSSEN BREdgAdE AUcTION 842 31/10/13 16.52