Holy Family Church - Holy Family Nutley
Holy Family Church - Holy Family Nutley
Holy Family Church Nutley-Belleville May 31, 2015 SERVED BY: Pastor Rev. Joseph Ferraro Parochial Vicars Rev. John Gordon Rev. Mauro Primavera In Residence Rev. Matthew Kunnath Director of Religious Education Sr. Diana Yodris, MPF Convent Superior Sr. Gloria Doria, MPF Good Shepherd Academy Sr. Jane Feltz, MPF, Principal Pastoral Associate Sr. Eileen Hubbert, SSJ Director of Music Ministry Ms. Susan Loricchio Ministers of Hospitality John Caruso, Captain Youth Ministry Team Mrs. Amy DiCristo & Mr. John O’Reilly Parish Secretary Ms. Lynn S. Falduto ([email protected]) Nursery School Supervisor Sr. Jycinth Valenciana, FSSE Development Committee Chairperson Mr. Paul Grillo Parish Trustees Mrs. Gina Tamburri Mr. Robert Collmier Stewardship Committee Chairperson Mr. Philip Hui MASSES Saturday evening: ANOINTING OF THE SICK: This is a 5:30 PM (English), 7:00 PM (Italian) Neo-Catechumenate Liturgy: 8:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 Noon & 7:00 PM Filipino Mass: 2nd Sunday of month, 5:00 PM Daily: 7:00, 8:45 AM; Saturday 8:45 AM OFFICE HOURS: Daily: 8:30 AM - 12:00 Noon 1:00 - 4:00 PM 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM The Rectory is closed 12:00 - 1:00 PM and 4:00 - 6:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM The office is closed on Sunday. RECONCILIATION: Saturday, 1:00 PM BAPTISM: Baptisms are scheduled once a month on Sunday afternoons except during Lent. Expectant parents are asked to contact the rectory to schedule an appointment at least three months before the desired date of Baptism. Parents must attend a special catechetical session prior to the Baptism. MARRIAGE: Couples should contact the rectory one year in advance of the proposed wedding date in order to allow for the proper pre-marital preparation. At least one person must be a registered parishioner of Holy Family. Rectory: 973-667-0026/Fax: 973-661-1714 Convent: 973-667-2050 28 Brookline Avenue 60 Harrison Street www.holyfamilynutley.org sacrament not only for those who are at the point of death. As soon as anyone begins to be in danger of death from sickness or old age, we encourage you to call for a priest in the rectory. MINISTRY OF THE SICK: The Eucharist will be brought to the homebound. Please contact the Rectory with the names and addresses of parishioners who are ill or homebound. VOCATION: Women and men who feel called to the religious life, and men called to Holy Orders, should contact the Vocations Office at 973-497-4365. EMERGENCY CALLS: In case of an accident or sudden illness, call the rectory at any hour or reach us on the emergency phone, 973-715-3108. The priest on duty will return your call. SOCIAL SERVICE HOTLINE: The Catholic Community Services is an office that serves all people in need. Please call 1-800-CCS-7413. PARISH PAY: Have your weekly donation sent directly to the Church! Visit www.parishpay.com or call 1-866-PARISH1 Rel. Education Office: 973-667-6018 Nursery: 973-235-1170 Good Shepherd Academy: 973-667-2049 174 Franklin Avenue 24 Brookline Avenue; www.gsanutley.org Page Two MISSION STATEMENT Holy Family Catholic Church is a spiritually and socially active parish. Rooted in the Word of God and nourished by the Eucharist, we celebrate the life of our Lord Jesus Christ by proclaiming the Good News and providing spiritual growth, support and service with love. Founded by Italian immigrants a century ago, today our parish continues the tradition of extending a loving, caring and affirming welcome to all who join us as we Continue Our Journey of Faith. La Chiesa Cattolica Santa Famiglia e’ una parrocchia socialmente e spiritualmente attiva. Radicata nella Parola di Dio e nutrite dall’eucarestia, celebriamo la vita del nostro Signore Gesu’Cristo proclamando la buona novella e provvedendo crescita spirituale, supporto e servizio con amore. Fondata un secolo fa’ da immigranti italiani, oggi, la nostra parrocchia continua la tradizione di estendere un amorevole, caro e reconoscente benvenuto a tutti coloro che con noi continuano e condividono il nostro cammino di fede. Ang simbahang katoliko ng banal na pamilya ay isang masiglang parokya sa espirituwal at ugnayang panlipunan. Nakaugat sa salita ng diyos at pinalusog ng eukaristiya, ipanagdiriwant namin ang buhay ng ating panginoong hesukristo sa pagpapahayag ng mabuting balita at paguudulot ng paglago sa kabanalan, paggabay, at mapagmahal na paglilingkod. Itinatag ng mga dayuhang italiano may isang-daan taon na ang nakakalipas, ngayon ang aming parokya ay patuloy sa pag-ugit ng tradisyon ng mapag-aruga, mapagkalinga, at mapagkilang pagtanggap sa mga sumapi saamin habang patuloy sa paglalakbay sa panaampalataya. Trinity Sunday B-2015 My brothers and sisters in the Lord! Each one of us was brought into the Church, which Jesus Himself founded, by the beautiful ceremony called Baptism in which the very words of Jesus in today’s Gospel are used: “I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” We know there is a Trinity because Jesus has told us several times. Yes, it is the deepest mystery of our religion. Some day we hope to have a greater understanding of this truth. As we gather this day in prayer, we need to concentrate on thanking the Holy Trinity for what they have done for us. We thank God the Father who, out of great love, created us as intelligent human beings and even made us His sons and daughters. We thank God the Son who became Man and lived and labored, taught and died, then rose, that we might be restored to the friendship of His Father who set up a Church to bring all these blessings from His day to our day. We thank the Holy Spirit who dwells in that Church and in the soul of every one of us, to help us truly love all three Members of the Trinity, to lead us to unending happiness. We honor the three Divine Persons in every Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by beginning and ending it with the sign of the Cross. We offer the Body and Blood of Jesus in and with and through the Holy Trinity. We pray to them again and again. Each time we pray the Creed we will proclaim our faith together, loud and strong, in the ALL HOLY THREE. The Trinity surely takes us on and has made us one with them and we, in turn, have taken on the Trinity in our faith and in our lives, most especially, when we open our hearts to that great love given to us. Peace, Fr. Joe FIRST FRIDAY ADORATION Everyone is invited to participate again in the First Friday Adoration. It will take place in the Chapel on Friday and Saturday, June 5th & 6th. The hours are: Friday: 7-8-9-10-11 P.M Saturday: 12-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 AM If you wish to choose a special personal hour to adore Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, please call either Val Frattaroli at 973-759-4811, or Sal Bongiovanni at 973-751-4366. Thank you! Soap Drive SOAP DRIVE - JUNE 6/7 The Social Concerns Committee is sponsoring a Soap Drive for the Missionary Sisters of Charity from St. Augustine Church, Newark. The Sisters are so grateful for anything you can contribute as they work with the homeless in our area. Bleach, detergent, dish liquid and bar soap are especially needed. Thanks for your assistance. UPDATE ON 2016 MASS BOOK OPENING We are sorry for the delay in the 2016 Mass Book opening. We will announce in the bulletin exactly when it will be. We are trying to get the book ready by the middle of June. It will be announced in the bulletin when the date is set. Do you have questions about the Catholic Faith? RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA is the formation process which guides people inquiring about our faith as well as Catholics seeking full initiation. The formation process includes doctrinal formation (believing with the Church community), experience of community (sharing faith stories), Liturgical formation (praying with the Church community) and apostolic formation (serving with the Church community). People are helped in the discerning process of where God is calling them. This gradual development aims to help one live a full Christian life. Page Three Saturday, May 30 5:30 PM Father Antonio Sarento’s First Mass Patrick J. Ritacco...Gigi Ritacco Federico Gencarelli...Daughter, Rosaria Sunday, May 31 8:00 AM Jacqueline Nicolaro...Lois Gaglione 10:00 AM Deceased of the Biondi Family...Jim & Donna 12:00 PM Pasquale Iuele...Filomena Juliano 4:30 PM Confirmation (People of the Parish) NO 7:00 PM MASS THIS EVENING—NOVENA TO ST. ANTHONY BEGINS TONIGHT, 7:30 P.M. - MCC Monday, June 1—St. Justin 7:00 AM Joseph Hui...Family & Friends 8:45 AM Mario A. DiMaggio...Bill Hollis Tuesday, June 2 7:00 AM Edward Gerard Waldmann...Son & Family 8:45 AM Rae Longo...JoAnn & Mike Trezza Wednesday, June 3 7:00 AM Marie M. Ferdinando...Debora Kenny 8:45 AM Angelo & Elisabetta DiNillo...Family Thursday, June 4 7:00 AM Anthony Bissell...Daughter, Debbie 8:45 AM Carmella Echo...Liz & Arnold Liloia First Friday, June 5—St. Boniface 7:00 AM Filomena Bianco...Angela DiMaggio 8:45 AM Anthony Testa...Mom & Dad 3:00 PM WEDDING: James Soltis & Courtney Borgo 7:00 PM All night adoration begins—MCC First Saturday, June 6 8:45 AM Special Remembrance Mass Carmela Armenti Anna Licameli John & Eleanor Arthur Olga Zecca Revoile Leonard & Helen Cirillo Henry Tamburri Rosaria Faragasso Elmer & Hattie Walsh Living & Deceased Members of All Parish Societies Deceased Sisters, Relatives & Friends Of the Religious Teachers Filippini 2:00 PM WEDDING: Joshua Cabrera & Jennifer DelPolito The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ Saturday, June 6 5:30 PM Julia Vangierri & George Gavilhusky...E. Strollo 7:00 PM Maddalena Silvestri...Family Sunday, June 7 8:00 AM Hugo & Eileen Poiani...Daughter, Eileen 10:00 AM Giuseppina Gencarelli...Gemma Gencarelli 12:00 PM People of the Parish 7:00 PM Philip Moscariello...Sister, Erminia STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE “The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ…” - Romans 8:16-17 If we are heirs to the kingdom of God, shouldn’t we work to build up His kingdom? Shouldn’t we be good stewards of our inheritance, using our time, talent and treasure to care for the Church that God has left to us? Our Church is a treasured heirloom from God. Do we treat it that way? For Sunday, May 24, 2014: The actual collection was $9,147.00; $1,656.00 of which came from Parish Pay. The 2nd Collection for Property Upkeep was $1,555.00. Mass Attendance was 1,457 God Bless You For Your Continued Generosity! For Sunday, May 25, 2014 The actual collection was $8,566.00; $1,273.00 of which came from Parish Pay. The 2nd Collection for Property Upkeep was $1,112.00. Mass Attendance was 1,305. Memorials for the Week of May 31 Church Sanctuary Lamp Federico Gencarelli...Rosaria Altar Bread & Altar Wine Rocco & Lena Nisivoccia...Daughter, Nancy Please Pray for Those Who Are Sick... Raymond & Mary Bresko, Sr. Marie Ciamillo, MPF, Anthony D’Agostino, Jennifer Caramucci DeJesus, Daniel DePaul, Janet Ferrugia, Fr. Peter Funesti, Toni Logiudice, Josephine Loricchio, Kenneth Matthews, Philip Napoli, Laurie Palumbo, Kayla San Filippo, Charles Trupia, Richard Tyrpak - the entire sick list is posted on the bulletin board in the vestibule. Please Pray for Those Who Have Died… Delfim Pavoa, Anthony Russo, Marie DeRogatis SUNDAY, MAY 31 - SATURDAY, JUNE 13 Except for First Friday, June 5th, and Saturdays, June 6 and June 13, a Novena to St. Anthony will be prayed every evening until June 13th in the Mother Cabrini Chapel, 7:30 P.M. On First Friday, it will be in Church and on the 2 Saturdays it will be in Church, on the 6th following the 7:00 Mass and on the 13th, following the combined 5:30 & 7:00 Masses. On the Feast of St. Anthony, there will be a procession following the Mass. Page Four Congratulations to Our Confirmation Candidates 2015 Marco Califano Eugene Casuple Joseph Catena Michael Catena Devin Colaiacovo Vada Complitano Arianna Coniglione Christa Cordeiro Steven Custodio Sean Fitzpatrick Natasha Fontanez Natasha German Walter Gimenez Alexis Kordas Elise Luague Brianna McGee Nicole Mustacchio Anthony Nardone Diana Nguyen David Nunez Alfonso Perez Benjamin Perez Alexandra Perrello Danielle Perrello Gabriellla Perrello Tania Piccolella Nicholas Russoniello Matthew Schettino Joshua Silva Jamie Thomas Chelsea Zebaze TEACHING THE GOOD NEWS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM (CCD) 973-667-6018 Catechists are needed for 2015-16 school year. Sunday needs teachers for the 2nd & 5th Grades; Tuesday needs a catechist for the 4th Grade & Thursday needs teachers for the 1st & 3rd Grades. Please consider volunteering your Stewardship of Time and Talent ! It is a fulfilling service! John Giacometti wishes to apologize to those who attended the Padre Pio Mass and Procession and were disappointed that Padre Pio could not fit under the archway and leave the Church. John has since realized that the carello had a space which had to be removed in order to fit Padre Pio perfectly into the stand and he had failed to do so. He promises it will be better next year! John, your apology is accepted! READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Tb 1:3; 2:1b-8; Ps 112:1b-2, 3b-6; Mk 12:1-12 Tuesday: Tb 2:9-14; Ps 112:1-2, 7-9; Mk 12:13-17 Wednesday: Tb 3:1-11a, 16-17a; Ps 25:2-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mk 12:18-27 Thursday: Tb 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a; Ps 128:1-5; Mk 12:28-34 Friday: Tb 11:5-17; Ps 146:1b-2, 6c-10; Mk 12:35-37 Saturday: Tb 12:1, 5-15, 20; Tb 13:2, 6efgh-8; Mk 12:38-44 Sunday: Ex 24:3-8; Ps 116:12-13, 15-18; Heb 9:11-15; Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 Stewardship of Time Saturday, May 30 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC All Weekend Masses: 2nd Collection - Church Property Upkeep Sunday, May 31 10:00 AM Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Church 1:00 PM May 50/50 Raffle Drawing 2:45 PM Fatima Prayer Group - MCC 3:45 PM Adult Confirmation Candidates - SJC 4:30 PM Confirmation - Church 6:00 PM Youth Group - SJC NO 7:00 MASS TONIGHT 7:30 PM Tredicina to St. Anthony Begins - MCC From the desk of Sr. Eileen… Sassy Senior’s next meeting is Thursday, June 18, 12:15 P.M., in the St. Joseph Center. ALL PARISH ORGANIZATION LEADERS In preparation of the 2015-16 Parish Calendar, I am now accepting calendar reservation dates for your group’s activities. Please email them to me: [email protected] or you may drop the list off at the rectory. I would like to have them no later than June 30th so I can begin my calendar. Any group that needs to use Good Shepherd Academy gym, must contact Sr. Jane Felta, the school principal. She would like to have your dates no later than Monday, June 15. MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA The Miraculous Medal Novena is every Monday at 7:00 PM, in the Mother Cabrini Chapel. Novena consists of devotional prayers to the Miraculous Medal and St. Jude, and the Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. On national holidays, Novena prayers are offered at 8:45 AM, just prior to the 9:00 AM Mass. NOTE CHANGE OF DATE! One of our own - FR. SCOTT ATTANASIO - celebrated his 20th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination on May 27th! He will celebrate his anniversary Mass on Sunday, June 14, 12:00 Noon, at Queen of Peace Church, North Arlington, his assigned parish. A reception will follow in their gym. If you wish to attend, please know that you are most welcomed! Holy Family Spring Classic Golf Outing Page Five RAISE THE ROOF Proceeds will benefit the repairs of the roof at Holy Family Church. Taking Care of God’s Things PRIZES Date: June 15, 2015 • Longest Drive Time: 8:00 Shotgun Start • Closest to the Pin • Pink Ball 50/50 Register by: May 31, 2015 • Best Score for Straight Golf Players. Entry fees: •$100 per golfer •$400 per foursome First Golfer •$20 optional entry per qualified golfers for Straight Golf Best Score Challenge(50/50 Prize) •$5 optional entry for longest drive challenge •$5 optional entry for closest to the pin challenge •$20 optional entry per foursome for Pink Ball challenge for 50/50 drawing. (Foursome gets one sleeve of 4 pink balls.) Name: Address: Email/Phone: Second Golfer Name: Address: Email/Phone: Hybrid Option of Straight Golf for Experienced players or Best Ball for new and amateurs. Name: Address: Email/Phone: Location: Hendricks Field Golf Course 220 Franklin Avenue For more information or to register call: Contact Philip Hui at: 646-431-8487 Mail form and entry fee to: Holy Family Church 28 Brookline Avenue Nutley, NJ 07110 Phone: 646-431-8487 E-mail: [email protected] Third Golfer Fourth Golfer Name: Address: Email/Phone: Pick one for each golfer for Lunch Box: PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO HOLY FAMILY CHURCH 2 Hot Dogs x _____ per golfer Tuna Sandwich x _____ per golfer Turkey Sandwich x _____ per golfer Signature Date Signature of parent or guardian if under 18 years of age. Date Page Six MARIA SS. ADDOLORATA CHAPEL MEMORIAL CANDLES The Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows is a beautiful way to memorialize a loved one. If you are interested in memorializing someone with a candle in the Maria SS Addolorata Chapel, please fill out this form and return it with a check, made payable to HOLY FAMILY, in the amount of $100 to the rectory. You may request a beautiful card featuring the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows taken in our Maria SS. Addolorata Chapel. Inscription on the candle: (Limit 20 characters per line; limit 2 lines) Name(s) on Memorial Candle: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ □ This is a new candle □ Please renew this candle Your Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________Apt. # _______________________ Town: ___________________________________________Telephone: ___________________________ Email: __________________________________________________ MEN’S PRAYER GROUP MPG would like to pray for your intentions. The prayers will be offered on Friday of that week at our gathering. Kindly place this intention request in the Sunday Collection or return it to the rectory. Please list your intentions: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ If you would like a prayer card sent as an acknowledgment of your prayer intentions, please include your name and address. A New Understanding of Mourning Each individual has a unique experience of grief that needs to be respected and supported rather than a series of steps or stages that must been endured. While mourning is a very private experience, it does not occur in a social vacuum. The bereaved needs the witness and engagement of others. Mourning is an active process, not a passive one. The bereaved need to find meaning in their loss and understand the impact of this significant death on their lives. The mourner balances the complicated tasks of “letting go” and “holding on” to the lost significant other. There is a gradual acceptance that the loss is real, yet there is often the need to maintain a sense of connection. Mourning often involves a lifelong process, rather than a time-limited period with a definite “closure” end point. While there is an acute period of mourning that is more circumscribed, the loss often continues to be revisited at crucial periods and integrated over a lifetime. Certified Bereavement Facilitator, Patricia Little, will host a bereavement group on Wednesday evenings in the St. Anthony Room of the Parish Center. Please call Patricia to register if you plan to attend: 973-985-5303 SOCIETA’ FRAINESE di MUTUO SOCCORSO Presents Their Annual Festa In honor of SANTA MARIA MATER DOMINI SUNDAY, JUNE 14 HOLY FACE MONASTERY, CLIFTON (between Broad & Grove Streets on Rt. 3 East) 12:30 PM Bilingual Mass in Church 2:00 PM Italian Food in our picnic area 4:30 PM Procession with statue of our own Mater Domini Music—Fun—Food—Friendship—Family On Sunday, May 31, 5:00 PM,. A Rosary Rally in Honor of Santa Maria Mater Domini’s Feast Day to be held at Holy Face Monastery. Call Nick: 973-778-9328 Immaculate Conception Seminary’s 35th Annual Cornerstone Golf Outing and Dinner will be held on Thursday, June 18, 2015, at Essex Fells Country Club. Golfer registration at 11:00 AM. Honorees are Monsignor Robert F. Coleman, J.C.D., and Monsignor Thomas P. Nydegger, V.G., Ed. D. Single golfers are $450; foursomes are $1,800. Following the round of golf, there will be a reception, dinner, a prize raffle and a cash raffle. Non-golfers are invited to cocktails & dinner at 5:30 PM for $200. Proceeds support the men preparing for priesthood in the Newark Archdiocese. For more details visit us online at www.shu.edu/go/breslin or contact Michael Burt at 973-275-2479, email [email protected]. ALLIANCE OF THE TWO HEARTS To Jesus through Mary Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church 94 Pine St., Montclair June 5 & 6, 2015 Communion of Reparation Vigil Beginning with Confession at 7:30 PM on First Friday and concludes at 1:00 AM with Benediction / Reposition, Mass, Office of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy. Call Gerri Strumph at 973-743-7514 for more information. Page Seven Monday, June 1 12:30 PM Adult Ed - SJC 7:00 PM Novena - Church 7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal - Church 7:30 PM Novena to St. Anthony - MCC Tuesday, June 2 ELECTION DAY - SJC IN USE ALL DAY 7:30 PM Novena to St. Anthony - MCC Wednesday, June 3 12:30 PM Adult Education - SJC 7:30 PM Bereavement - SA 7:30 PM Novena to St. Anthony - MCC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MSA 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2 - SJC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #3 - SLR Thursday, June 4 10:00 AM Adult Italian Class - SA 4:30 PM Children Italian Class - SA 7:30 PM Bible Study - SJC 7:30 PM Novena to St. Anthony - MCC First Friday, June 5 6:00 AM Men's Prayer Group - SJC 7:00 PM All night Adoration, ending tomorrow at 8:00 AM - MCC 7:30 PM Filipino Community - SJC 7:30 PM Novena to St. Anthony - Church Saturday, June 6 1:00 PM Confessions - Church Following 7:00 PM Mass: Novena to St. Anthony - Church 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC All Weekend Masses: 2nd Collection: Monthly Archdiocesan Assessment; Soap Drive Sunday, June 7 -The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ 10:00 AM Baccalaureate Mass - Church Immediately Following 12:00 Mass: “The 4 Altars” 2:00 PM Baptism Instruction Class - MCC 3:00 PM Fatima Prayer Group - MCC 6:00 PM Youth Group - SJC 7:30 PM Novena to St. Anthony - MCC Monday, June 8 8:45 AM 8th Grade Retreat / Yearbook Signing - SJC 7:00 PM Novena - MCC 7:30 PM Novena to St. Anthony - MCC 8:00 PM K of C - SA Tuesday, June 9 10:00 AM GSA Kindergarten Graduation - Gym 12:30 PM Adult Education - SJC 7:30 PM Novena to St. Anthony - MCC Wednesday, June 10 7:30 PM Bereavement - SA 8:45 AM GSA Baccalaureate Mass - Church 7:00 PM GSA Graduation - St. Mary’s 7:30 PM Novena to St. Anthony - MCC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MSA 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2 - SJC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #3 - SLR Thursday, June 11 10:00 AM Adult Italian Class - SA 4:30 PM Children Italian Class -SA 7:00 PM Padre Pio Prayer Group - MCC 7:30 PM Bible Study - SJC 7:30 PM Novena to St. Anthony - MCC Friday, June 12 - The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus 6:00 AM Men's Prayer Group - SJC 7:00 PM Italian Memorial Mass - MCC Immediately following this Mass: Novena to St. Anthony - MCC Saturday, June 13 - The Immaculate Heart of Mary & St. Anthony of Padua 1:00 PM Confessions - Church Following 5:30/7:00 PM Combined Mass: Novena to St. Anthony - MCC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - TBA All Weekend Masses: 2nd Collection: Church Steps Sunday, June 14 10:00 AM Children's Liturgy of the Word - Church 2:00 PM Baptisms - Church 2:45 PM Fatima Prayer Group - MCC 5:00 PM Filipino Community Mass - Church; Fellowship SJC 6:00 PM Youth Group - SA Monday, June 15 7:00 PM Novena - MCC 7:30 PM Compassionate Friends - SJC Tuesday, June 16 12:30 PM Adult Education - SJC 7:30 PM Social Concerns SA 8:00 PM K of C - SJC Wednesday, June 17 7:30 PM Bereavement - SA 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MSA 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2 - SJC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #3 - SLR Page Eight Thursday, June 18 10:00 AM Adult Italian Class - SA 12:15 PM Sassy Seniors - SJC 4:30 PM Children Italian Class - SA 7:30 PM Bible Study - SJC Friday, June 19 6:00 AM Men's Prayer Group - SJC 7:00 PM Charismatic Renewal Leaders - SJC Saturday, June 20 9:00 AM Filipino Community - SJC 1:00 PM Confessions - Church 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC All Weekend Masses: 2nd Collection: Priest Retirement Sunday, June 21 - Happy Father’s Day! 10:00 AM Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Church 2:45 PM Fatima Prayer Group - MCC 6:00 PM Youth Group - SJC Monday, June 22 7:00 PM Novena - MCC Tuesday, June 23 12:30 PM Adult Education - SJC Wednesday, June 24 - The Nativity of St. John the Baptist 7:30 PM Bereavement - SA 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MSA 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2 - SJC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #3 - SLR Thursday, June 25 10:00 PM Adult Italian Class - SA 4:30 PM Children Italian Class - SA 7:30 PM Bible Study - SJC Friday, June 26 6:00 AM Men's Prayer Group - SJC Saturday, June 27 Tour of the Holy Family Giving Garden by Liz Liloia - Time TBA 1:00 PM Confessions - Church 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #1 - MCC 8:30 PM Neo-Catechumenate #2/3 - SJC All Weekend Masses: 2nd Collection: Church Roof Sunday, June 28 10:00 AM Children’s Liturgy of the Word - Church June 50/50 Raffle Drawing follows 12:00 Mass - Church 2:45 PM Fatima Prayer Group - MCC 6:00 PM Youth Group - SJC Monday, June 29 7:00 PM Novena - MCC Tuesday, June 30 12:30 PM Adult Education - SJC MCC MSA PP SA SJC KEY Mother Cabrini Chapel Maria SS. Addolorata Room - Parish Center Padre Pio Room - Parish Center St. Anthony Room - Parish Center St. Joseph Center SUMMER FUN AT GSA Registration available at www.gsanutley.org June 22 - July 31, 2015 Program conducted by certified teachers and assisted by college and high school counselors for grades Pre K - 8. PROGRAM Daily: Religion, Math, Reading, Arts & Crafts, and Physical Education Weekly: Culinary, Science, Computer Activities Other activities will be offered as determined. EXTENDED CARE PROVIDED Morning: 7:00 - 9:00 A.M. - $3.50 per hour Afternoon 3:00 - 6:00 PM Up to 4:00 PM - $37 per week Up to 5:00 PM - $55 per week Up to 6:00 PM - $72 per week Registration Fee $70 per child Pre-K Summer Buddies Morning (9:00 - 11:30) OR Afternoon Session (12:30 - 3:00 PM) $85 per week Morning and Afternoon Sessions (9:00 - 3:00) $150.00 per week Brown Bag Lunch Academics in Morning Session ONLY Extended Care as listed above 15% discount for 2 or more campers. GRADES K - 7 Morning (9:00-11:30) OR Afternoon Session (12:30-3:00) $85.00 per week Morning and Afternoon Sessions (9:00-3:00) - $150.00 per week Brown Bag Lunch Academics offered in Morning Session ONLY Extended Care as listed above 15% discount for 2 or more campers INFORMATION SHEET BULLETIN I.D. 286300 CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Holy Family 28 Brookline Avenue Nutley, NJ 07110 PHONE 973-667-0026 CONTACT PERSON Lynn Falduto SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher® 2007 Adobe Acrobat 9.0® Standard Windows Vista Business SvcPack 1 PRINTER HP® Laserjet 1012 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Cover + 7 text pages + this page = 9 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION May 31, 2015 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday afternoon SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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