Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville
Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville
Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville Tel.: 819-564-7444 Fax.: 819-564-8144 [email protected] YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS Borough Office Civic Address 1000, rue du Haut-Bois Nord Julien Lachance Borough President District of Saint-Élie [email protected] UPCOMING BOROUGH COUNCIL MEETINGS Diane Délisle Councillor District of Deauville [email protected] Borough council meetings will take place: • Mondays, April 22 and May 27, 7 p.m. • Tuesday, June 25, 7 p.m. • Wednesday, July 3, noon Confirm meetings in advance by calling the Borough office during regular hours. WOULD YOU LIKE TO RESERVE A PLAY AREA OR PARK? To reserve a playing area (ball field, soccer pitch, etc.) or a park for an activity, call the recreation manager at 819-564-7444. Serge Forest Councillor District of Rock Forest [email protected] BASE DE PLEIN AIR ANDRÉ-NADEAU HALL RENTAL Are you looking for a hall for a social or family gathering? Hall Capacity Fernand-Lambert pavilion, Parc Central, 6161, rue du Président-Kennedy Chalet in parc Jules-Richard 244, rue Jules-Richard 125 people 60 people Reservations: 819-564-7444 Hall Base de plein air André-Nadeau 5302, chemin Blanchette Centre communautaire Optimiste 6670, rue Émery-Fontaine Centre récréatif communautaire de Deauville, 200, rue Jules-Richard Reservations: 819-864-9508 Various rooms 20 to 225 people 20 to 40 people 125 people Centre communautaire Richard-Gingras 4503, chemin Saint-Roch N. Reception hall with or without bar service Hall Capacity Capacity Reservations: 819-864-1907 LOISIRS ACTI-FAMILLE Hall Bruno Vachon Councillor District of Châteaux-d’Eau [email protected] Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville Hours Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to noon, and 1 to 4:30 p.m. Your Elected Officials Postal Address P.O. Box 610, Sherbrooke, QC J1H 5H9 Capacity* Shefford-Orford 30 to 122 people Écho-Élan 30 to 166 people Gérald-Gosselin 113 to 327 people *Maximum occupancy varies depending on the type of activity. Reservations: 819-566-7110 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2013 171 Borough Services 2011, 2012, 2013 ISSUES IN OUR BOROUGH 2012 REPORT In November 2012, the Borough’s elected officials produced a report of the actions carried out since the adoption of the Borough’s action plan in May 2011. Check it out (available in French only) by visiting, or requesting the document at the Borough office. Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville Borough Services CHEMIN DE SAINT-ÉLIE DEVELOPMENT PROJECT Preparing for summer activities Watch for the second edition of “J’embellis Saint-Élie,” which will be held on Chemin de Saint-Élie in May. Also, keep an eye out for the second edition of the Grande vente-débarras, the community-wide garage sale, to be held on Saturday, June 8, as a part of the city’s Grande Tournée des ventes-débarras. To follow these activities and other events, visit CANADA SUMMER GAMES–SHERBROOKE 2013 From August 2 to 7, the Ville de Sherbrooke will be hosting the Canada Games, which play a leading role in the promotion of sport and physical activity. This sporting event promotes healthy living among young people and leaves behind an important infrastructure, sport, and social legacy for the host region. Sailing The sailing competitions will take place on Lac Magog. The athletes will leave from the Club nautique de Deauville going towards Parc de la Plage-Municipale in the Deauville sector. Parc de la Plage-Municipale will be the venue for spectators interested in this discipline. In August, 4200 athletes from 20 disciplines will vie for top honours at 18 different venues during 15 days of competitions. Our Borough has the honour of hosting competitions in three of these disciplines, namely: Tennis The tennis competitions will be held at the Centre récréatif de Rock Forest on the eight new outdoor courts opened in September 2012. Rowing The rowing competitions will take place on Lac Magog. The rowing lanes will be next to Parc de la Plage-Municipale in the Deauville sector, between Rue Albert-Dion and the mouth of the river. Parc de la Plage-Municipale will be the venue for spectators interested in this discipline. For everything on the Canada Summer Games–Sherbrooke 2013, go to Community Garage Sale The Borough’s garage sale weekend takes place June 8 and 9. Dates to keep in mind: May 24: Deadline for advertising the addresses of participating families on the Ville Web site. June 7: Deadline to purchase a permit at the reduced rate. This permit is available from your Borough office for $10. Improving our Parks Borough council wishes to inform you of upcoming improvements to our parks: Parc Jules-Richard •Improvements to the parking area and the planting of a hedge in front of the service building. Base de plein air André-Nadeau • Support for the Base de plein air’s development plan. Parc Beaulieu •Addition of an electrical panel that can be used for small-scale neighbourhood events. 172 Parc du Mi-Vallon •Repair of the concrete slab in the shelter. •Addition of an electrical panel that can be used for small-scale neighbourhood events. Parc de Notre-Dame-du-Laus •Addition of a bench at each end of the shuffleboard courts (four benches). Funding will also be provided for the playground at the Alfred-DesRochers school. INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2013 Borough Services NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH COMMITTEE A safety reminder… When we leave our properties, we should take precautions to avoid making it easy for perpetrators. Leaving a window open – to air out the house, for example, or forgetting to put the tools in a safe place, thinking that we’ll get back to those jobs the next day are scenarios that are very inviting for perpetrators. Luc Lauzon, Coordinator for the Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville [email protected] TWO NEW NEIGHBOURHOOD PARKS This year there will be two new neighbourhood parks in the Borough. Last November, the residents in these sectors were consulted in for their opinions on the future development of these two parks. Here are the results of this effort. Parc Arthur-Tardif will feature the following elements: •Four entrances to the park, the two main ones from Rue Saint-Benoit; •A network of trails in a loop to encourage walking in the park and travel from one street to another; •Installation of chain link fencing and green barriers to protect the privacy of adjacent neighbours; •Preservation of the existing wooded area; •Construction of a sliding area for kids; •Installation of a play structure for children ages 2 to 5, as well as a second play structure and a swing for those 5 to 12 (chosen by public consultation); •Installation of a bike rack; •Installation of street furnishings such as benches, picnic tables, and garbage cans; •Planting of hedges and mounds of earth as natural protection near the roads; •Planting of trees at suitable locations. Parc Lionel-Lord will feature the following elements: •Four entrances to the park: the main entrance will be via Rue Marcel-Marcotte, two other entrances will be from Rue Magritte, and the last from Rue Mondor; •A trail network to encourage walking in the park and travel from one street to another; •Preservation of the existing wooded area (with cleanup) to maintain a buffer zone; •Installation of chain link fencing and green barriers to protect the privacy of adjacent neighbours; •Installation of a play structure for children ages 2 to 5, as well as a second play structure and a swing for those 5 to 12 (chosen by public consultation); •Creation of an open play area near Rue Magritte; •Construction of a sliding area for the kids; •Installation of a bike rack; •Installation of street furnishings such as benches, picnic tables, and garbage cans; •Planting of trees at suitable locations; •Installation of a culvert for crossing the waterway; •Installation of three solar-powered lights. INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2013 Borough Services As the saying goes “There’s strength in numbers!” We’d be very happy to have you join our neighbourhood watch team. For details, visit Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville We can protect ourselves from wrongful acts by taking a few simple precautions that will make all the difference: •provide neighbours with a clear view of our property so that they may detect the presence of prowlers •keep driveways well lit •lock all doors and windows •have valuable items engraved to make them less attractive to thieves, etc. 173 Borough Services DISCOVER YOUR BOROUGH Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville Borough Services ROCK FOREST’S WATER GIANTS As was the case all over Quebec around 1960, the town of Rock Forest underwent a demographic boom that had an impact on its housing situation. The number of dwellings increased considerably: from 85 to 2005 dwellings between 1960 and 1980. Housing construction created a worrisome impact on municipal services. New questions were raised concerning urban planning, most notably when it came to drinking water. After several years of discussions, the municipality of Rock Forest was finally equipped, in 1966, with a water supply system at the leading edge of technology. At the same time, the first water reservoir was built to ensure sufficient water pressure for the water distribution system. Water from the tower could reach as far as Deauville. The reservoir also served to store a substantial water reserve. In the event of a breakage or power failure, residents of Rock Forest would still have drinking water for 14 to 16 hours. The tower was about 42 metres high, the equivalent of a 14-storey building, topped by an imposing reservoir that was 16 metres in diameter, capable of holding 1 514 164 litres of water. The water reservoir, visible from afar, quickly became the symbol of Rock Forest. It was integrated into the municipal coat of arms, representing “the very essence of life”. Ten years later, due to a rapidly expanding community, municipal officials feared the existing reservoir was no longer sufficient. As a result, in September 1977, the Rock Forest town council adopted a borrowing by-law for $525 000 for the construction of a second water tower. The new reservoir would have a capacity of 3 785 411 litres of water, a 2.5-fold increase in the existing water supply. Slowly, in the spring of 1978, the new reservoir took shape. This imposing 41-metre high cylinder was solidly secured to a two-metre thick concrete base with the help of 52 anchors. Empty, it is capable of withstanding winds of up to 161 km/h. This new water tower provided residents with a minimum three-day water reserve. On March 30, 1990, municipal workers discovered a significant leak at the base of the reservoir. It caused quite a scare, as authorities feared the tower’s collapse: nearly 4 million litres of water! As a preventative measure, area residents were evacuated, including 25 elderly people living in a retirement residence on rue Gaspé. Less than five hours after the water leak alert, everyone was allowed to return home, the engineers having ruled out the possibility of the reservoir’s collapse. A few months after the incident, the gigantic structure was back in service. The two water towers have been periodically freshened up and repainted. In 2010, the huge “ball of Rock Forest” was freshly painted. It took no less than 1060 litres of paint to restore the tank’s original lustre. However, Borough residents saw the former town’s signature disappear, as it was now merged with Sherbrooke. The giant letters forming the words “Rock Forest” had been erased. Despite everything, the two immense water towers still constitute a distinctive image of this borough. The two Rock Forest water reservoirs (2002). From the Sherbrooke Historical Society’s collection. 174 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2013 Borough Services Borough Events A neighbourhood party: If you are a community organization! Do you want to organize activities among neighbours so you get to know one another? Want to establish links to expand your relationships and protect your environment, all while having fun? This is the perfect opportunity! Examples of street party activities Community meal, corn roast, méchoui, volleyball, treasure hunt, handicrafts, music, and dance. Examples of activities for a neighbourhood party Theme-based celebration, recreational tournament, picnic, talent show, music, dance, children’s celebration, fair, and tombola. Your Borough office can provide support in organizing this event! Saturday, June 8 Go to for more information. Saturday, April 27 and Sunday, April 28 Annual Craft Exhibition and Cercle de Fermières Saint-Élie-d’Orford Exhibit and Sale Location: Centre Richard-Gingras, 4503, chemin Saint-Roch Nord Time: Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Cost: Free Information: Joscelyne Morin, 819-346-4347 Saturday, May 11 Annual Review – Corps de Cadets 2449 Rock Forest– Saint-Élie–Deauville Location: Centre communautaire Optimiste Time: To be determined Cost: Free Information Captain Claude Binette, Commander, 819-346-6120 Richard Mercier, Chair of the support committee, 819-574-4459 Serge LeBlanc, Respondent, 819-574-5927 and Saturday, June 8 Happening jeunesse Location: Parc du Mi-Vallon Time: 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Information: Robert Bouthillier, 819-822-0369 The Centre regroupement jeunesse, Maison des jeunes invites you to take part in its Happening, with a free, healthy supper. June 7, 8, and 9 Fête de la pêche – Special activity organized by the Association de la rivière Magog Inc. (ARMI) Location: Halte du passant, located on Boulevard de l’Université near rue Nick This activity is offered to adults and children ages 6 to 16. Borough Services A street party: If you are a group of residents! Sunday, April 21 Volunteer Reception Location: Hôtellerie Le Boulevard Time: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Organized by the Borough of Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville. Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville A good way to get to know one another! Cercle de Fermières Fête de la pêche Corps de Cadets 2449 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2013 175 Rock Forest–Saint-Élie–Deauville Borough Services Borough Services f tion o on i d e ond s de Sav c e s The Boîte rby) e d de ses Cour soap box ( , visit Free issio n! etails .com d t n e e For ev sacfamill r i lois www. Snack bar Family celebration When: Saturday, May 25 Time: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Where: Parc Beaulieu *Postponed to May 26 in the event of rain Contests s w o Sh e games l b a t a l f In Activities Door pri zes Informaon: 819-864-9508 or 176 adm INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2013 Summer Sports Camps 2013 Football June 23-28 Ages 10-17 Basketball June 30 - July 5 & July 7-12 Ages 10-17 Soccer July 14-19 Ages 8-15* *Ages 10-15 for residential camp Bilingual Day Camp: $275 ~ Residential Camp: $550 Registration deadline: June 1, 2013 178 INFOSHERBROOKOIS | Spring - Summer 2013
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